2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <ctype.h>
6 #include <string>
7 #include <string.h>
8 #include "tlsh.h"
10 static void html_contents(std::string &htmls);
11 static void html_table(std::string &htmls, int *ntags);
13 struct tagdef {
14 	int relative_count;
15 	const char *s;
16 };
18 struct tagdef anchor_def[] = {
19 	{ 165,	"<a href= >" },
20 	{ 2,	"<ahref= >" },
21 	{ 323,	"<A href= >" },
22 	{ 1,	"<Ahref= >" },
23 	{ 8,	"<A HREF= >" },
24 	{ 2,	"<a href= code= target= >" },
25 	{ 6,	"<a href= id= >" },
26 	{ 8,	"<a href= Id= >" },
27 	{ 7,	"<A href= id= >" },
28 	{ 11,	"<A href= Id= >" },
29 	{ 1,	"<Ahref= Id= >" },
30 	{ 4,	"<A href= id= id= >" },
31 	{ 14,	"<a href= id= id= target= >" },
32 	{ 6,	"<a href= ID= id= target= >" },
33 	{ 2,	"<A href= id= id= target= >" },
34 	{ 19,	"<a href= id= target= >" },
35 	{ 5,	"<A href= Id= target= >" },
36 	{ 67,	"<a href= target= >" },
37 	{ 2,	"<ahref= target= >" },
38 	{ 7,	"<A href= target= >" },
39 	{ 7,	"<A href= target= rel= >" },
40 	{ 1,	"<a href= Type= Id= >" },
41 	{ 6,	"<a href= Type= Id= target= >" },
42 	{ 2,	"<a target= href= >" },
43 	{ 2,	"<A title= href= target= >" },
44 	{ 0, NULL }
45 };
random_tags(struct tagdef * tag_def)47 static int random_tags(struct tagdef *tag_def)
48 {
49 int count = 0;
50 int total = 0;
51 	while (tag_def[count].relative_count > 0) {
52 		total = total + tag_def[count].relative_count;
53 		count ++;
54 	}
55 // printf("total=%d count=%d\n", total, count);
56 	int x = abs((int) random()) % total;
57 	int idx = 0;
58 	for (int ti=0; ti<count; ti++) {
59 // printf("x=%d ti=%d\n", x, ti);
60 		x = x - tag_def[ti].relative_count;
61 		if (x <= 0) {
62 			idx = ti;
63 			break;
64 		}
65 	}
66 	return(idx);
67 }
endtag(std::string & htmls,char * tag)69 static void endtag(std::string &htmls, char *tag)
70 {
71 	htmls += "</";
72 	int ti = 1;
73 	while (tag[ti] != '\0') {
74 		if ((tag[ti] == ' ') || (tag[ti] == '\t') || (tag[ti] == '>')) {
75 			htmls += '>';
76 			return;
77 		}
78 		htmls += tag[ti];
79 		ti ++;
80 	}
81 	htmls += '>';
82 }
anchor(std::string & htmls)84 static void anchor(std::string &htmls)
85 {
86 	int anchor_tag = random_tags(anchor_def);
87 	char *anchor_tag_str = (char *) anchor_def[anchor_tag].s;
88 	htmls += anchor_tag_str;
89 	htmls += '\n';
90 	endtag(htmls, anchor_tag_str);
91 	htmls += '\n';
92 }
94 struct tagdef body_def[] = {
95 	{ 83,	"<body>" },
96 	{ 38,	"<BODY>" },
97 	{ 17,	"<BODY bgcolor= >" },
98 	{ 46,	"<BODY bgColor= >" },
99 	{ 24,	"<body class= >" },
100 	{ 1,	"<BODY lang= style= vLink= link= bgColor= >" },
101 	{ 1,	"<BODY style= >" },
102 	{ 5,	"<BODY style= bgColor= background= >" },
103 	{ 1,	"<BODY style= text= bgColor= background= COLOR= >" },
104 	{ 1,	"<BODY style= text= vLink= aLink= link= bgColor= background= COLOR= >" },
105 	{ 0, NULL }
106 };
108 struct tagdef meta_def[] = {
109 	{ 9,	"<meta content= charset= http-equiv= >" },
110 	{ 1,	"<META content= charset= http-equiv= >" },
111 	{ 90,	"<META content= name= >" },
112 	{ 9,	"<meta http-equiv= content= >" },
113 	{ 22,	"<META http-equiv= content= >" },
114 	{ 23,	"<meta http-equiv= content= charset= >" },
115 	{ 88,	"<META http-equiv= content= charset= >" },
116 	{ 2,	"<META HTTP-EQUIV= CONTENT= charset= >" },
117 	{ 27,	"<meta name= content= >" },
118 	{ 2,	"<META NAME= CONTENT= >" },
119 	{ 0, NULL }
120 };
122 struct tagdef head_def[] = {
123 	{ 64,	"<head>" },
124 	{ 10,	"<Head>" },
125 	{ 110,	"<HEAD>" },
126 	{ 0, NULL }
127 };
head_meta(std::string & htmls)129 static void head_meta(std::string &htmls)
130 {
131 	// <HEAD><META http-equiv= content= charset= ><META content= name= ><STYLE><TEXT></STYLE><style><TEXT></style><!-->--></HEAD>
132 	int head_tag = random_tags(head_def);
133 	char *head_tag_str = (char *) head_def[head_tag].s;
134 	htmls += head_tag_str;
135 	htmls += '\n';
137 	// meta #1
138 	int meta_tag = random_tags(meta_def);
139 	char *meta_tag_str = (char *) meta_def[meta_tag].s;
140 	htmls += meta_tag_str;
141 	htmls += '\n';
143 	// meta #2
144 	meta_tag = random_tags(meta_def);
145 	meta_tag_str = (char *) meta_def[meta_tag].s;
146 	htmls += meta_tag_str;
147 	htmls += '\n';
149 	endtag(htmls, head_tag_str);
150 	htmls += '\n';
151 }
154 struct tagdef html_def[] = {
155 	{ 111,	"<html>" },
156 	{ 111,	"<HTML>" },
157 	{ 1,	"<HTML >" },
158 	{ 0, NULL }
159 };
html_tags(std::string & htmls,bool verbose)161 static void html_tags(std::string &htmls, bool verbose)
162 {
163 	bool bodyFlag = true;
164 	if (random() % 6 == 1)
165 		bodyFlag = false;
167 	if (random() % 20 == 1) {
168 		if (random() % 10 == 1)
169 			htmls += "<!doctype >";
170 		else
171 			htmls += "<!DOCTYPE >";
172 	}
174 	int html_tag = random_tags(html_def);
175 	char *html_tag_str = (char *) html_def[html_tag].s;
176 	htmls += html_tag_str;
177 	htmls += '\n';
179 	if (random() % 10 == 1) {
180 		head_meta(htmls);
181 	}
183 	char *body_tag_str;
184 	if (bodyFlag) {
185 		int body_tag = random_tags(body_def);
186 		body_tag_str = (char *) body_def[body_tag].s;
187 		htmls += body_tag_str;
188 		htmls += '\n';
189 	}
190 	if (verbose)
191 		printf("BEFORE html_contents:	%s\n", htmls.c_str() );
192 	html_contents(htmls);
193 	if (verbose)
194 		printf("AFTER html_contents:	%s\n", htmls.c_str() );
195 	if (bodyFlag) {
196 		endtag(htmls, body_tag_str);
197 		htmls += '\n';
198 	}
199 	endtag(htmls, html_tag_str);
200 	htmls += '\n';
201 }
203 #define	MIN_TLSH_LEN	512
html(unsigned int seed,bool show_lsh,char * dir)205 static void html(unsigned int seed, bool show_lsh, char *dir)
206 {
207 std::string htmls;
208 Tlsh n;
209 bool verbose = false;
210 	int showvers = 0;
211 	srandom(seed);
212 	// if (seed == 4628)
213 	// verbose = true;
214 	html_tags(htmls, verbose);
215 // printf("seed=%d len=%d\n", seed, htmls.length());
216 	if (htmls.length() <= MIN_TLSH_LEN)
217 		return;
218 	n.final((unsigned char *)htmls.c_str(), htmls.length());
219 	const char *tlsh_str = n.getHash(showvers);
220 	if (tlsh_str == NULL)
221 		return;
222 	if (show_lsh) {
223 		printf("%s	%d\n", tlsh_str, seed);
224 	} else {
225 		if (dir == NULL) {
226 			printf("=== seed=%d ===\n", seed);
227 			printf("%s", htmls.c_str() );
228 		} else {
229 			char fname[1000];
230 			snprintf(fname, 1000, "%s/tags.%d", dir, seed);
231 			FILE *f;
232 			f = fopen(fname, "w");
233 			if (f == NULL) {
234 				printf("error: cannot open to write %s\n", fname);
235 				exit(1);
236 			}
237 			fprintf(f, "%s", htmls.c_str() );
238 			fclose(f);
239 		}
240 	}
241 }
243 struct tagdef random_def[] = {
244 	{ 13,	"<big>" },
245 	{ 10,	"<big style= >" },
246 	{ 1,	"<BLOCKQUOTE>" },
247 	{ 12,	"<blockquote class= style= >" },
248 	{ 2,	"<BLOCKQUOTE class= style= >" },
249 	{ 9,	"<blockquote style= >" },
250 	{ 4,	"<BLOCKQUOTE style= >" },
251 	{ 1,	"<blockquote type= class= cite= >" },
252 	{ 1,	"<center>" },
253 	{ 2,	"<cite>" },
254 	{ 1,	"<colgroup>" },
255 	{ 41,	"<div>" },
256 	{ 1863,	"<DIV>" },	// orig 18632
257 	{ 23,	"<div align= >" },
258 	{ 7,	"<DIV align= >" },
259 	{ 21,	"<div class= >" },
260 	{ 2,	"<DIV class= >" },
261 	{ 1,	"<DIV class= lang= dir= align= >" },
262 	{ 11,	"<DIV dir= align= >" },
263 	{ 28,	"<DIV dir= style= >" },
264 	{ 2,	"<div id= >" },
265 	{ 13,	"<DIV id= >" },
266 	{ 4,	"<div id= class= >" },
267 	{ 7,	"<DIV id= dir= >" },
268 	{ 2,	"<div id= style= >" },
269 	{ 25,	"<div style= >" },
270 	{ 11,	"<DIV style= >" },
271 	{ 7,	"<DL>" },
272 	{ 35,	"<DT>" },
273 	{ 4,	"<EM>" },
274 	{ 122,	"<font color= >" },
275 	{ 46,	"<FONT color= >" },
276 	{ 1,	"<FONT COLOR= >" },
277 	{ 2,	"<font color= face= >" },
278 	{ 36,	"<FONT color= size= >" },
279 	{ 40,	"<font color= size= face= >" },
280 	{ 2,	"<font color= target= >" },
281 	{ 11,	"<font face= >" },
282 	{ 1,	"<FONT face= >" },
283 	{ 12,	"<FONT FACE= >" },
284 	{ 2,	"<FONT face= color= >" },
285 	{ 11,	"<FONT face= color= size= >" },
286 	{ 1,	"<font face= size= >" },
287 	{ 52,	"<FONT face= size= >" },
288 	{ 47,	"<font size= >" },
289 	{ 93,	"<FONT size= >" },
290 	{ 5,	"<FONT SIZE= >" },
291 	{ 4,	"<font size= color= >" },
292 	{ 17,	"<font size= color= face= >" },
293 	{ 17,	"<FONT size= color= face= >" },
294 	{ 109,	"<font size= face= >" },
295 	{ 2,	"<FONT size= face= >" },
296 	{ 1,	"<FONT SIZE= SIZE= FACE= LANG= >" },
297 	{ 4,	"<FONT style= >" },
298 	{ 3,	"<h1>" },
299 	{ 8,	"<i>" },
300 	{ 40,	"<I>" },
301 	{ 205,	"<p>" },
302 	{ 1796,	"<P>" },
303 	{ 3,	"<p align= >" },
304 	{ 14,	"<P align= >" },
305 	{ 1,	"<P ALIGN= >" },
306 	{ 19,	"<pre>" },
307 	{ 1,	"<PRE>" },
308 	{ 2,	"<pre style= >" },
309 	{ 2,	"<p style= >" },
310 	{ 2,	"<P style= >" },
311 	{ 1,	"<small>" },
312 	{ 1,	"<span class= >" },
313 	{ 14,	"<SPAN class= >" },
314 	{ 10,	"<span dir= >" },
315 	{ 4,	"<SPAN id= >" },
316 	{ 4,	"<SPAN name= border= >" },
317 	{ 40,	"<span style= >" },
318 	{ 32,	"<SPAN style= >" },
319 	{ 11,	"<SPAN STYLE= >" },
320 	{ 1,	"<strong>" },
321 	{ 5,	"<STRONG>" },
322 	{ 32,	"<style>" },
323 	{ 55,	"<STYLE>" },
324 	{ 8,	"<style type= >" },
325 	{ 1,	"<STYLE type= >" },
326 	{ 25,	"<tt>" },
327 	{ 3,	"<u>" },
328 	{ 2,	"<U>" },
329 	{ 4,	"<ul>" },
330 	{ 0, NULL }
331 };
333 struct tagdef oneoff_def[] = {
334 	{ 2225,	"<br>" },	// originally 22256
335 	{ 17,	"<br >" },
336 	{ 494,	"<BR>" },	// originally 4941
337 	{ 6,	"<br clear= >" },
338 	{ 10,	"<br style= >" },
339 	{ 2,	"<hr>" },
340 	{ 17,	"<hr >" },
341 	{ 2,	"<HR>" },
342 	{ 1,	"<HR ALIGN= SIZE= WIDTH= >" },
343 	{ 1,	"<hr align= width= SIZE= >" },
344 	{ 2,	"<hr id= >" },
345 	{ 2,	"<HR id= >" },
346 	{ 2,	"<hr noshade>" },
347 	{ 10,	"<hr size= >" },
348 	{ 3,	"<HR SIZE= >" },
349 	{ 4,	"<HR style= >" },
350 	{ 1,	"<HR tabIndex= >" },
351 	{ 19,	"<IMG alt= hspace= src= align= border= >" },
352 	{ 1,	"<IMG alt= src= border= >" },
353 	{ 2,	"<IMG alt= src=\"cid:border= >" },
354 	{ 2,	"<IMG alt= src= id= border= >" },
355 	{ 2,	"<IMG alt= src= src=\"cid:border= >" },
356 	{ 2,	"<IMG src= >" },
357 	{ 1,	"<img src= alt= height= width= >" },
358 	{ 2,	"<img src= border= width= height= >" },
359 	{ 1,	"<IMG src=\"cid:border= >" },
360 	{ 1,	"<img src=\"cid:width= height= >" },
361 	{ 2,	"<IMG src= src=\"cid:border= >" },
362 	{ 8,	"<img width= height= src=\"cid:border= alt= >" },
363 	{ 1,	"<img width= height= src= src=\"cid:border= alt= >" },
364 	{ 4186,	"<TEXT>" },	// originally 41862
365 	{ 0, NULL }
366 };
rhtml_contents(std::string & htmls,int * ntags,int * ndistinct_tags)368 static void rhtml_contents(std::string &htmls, int *ntags, int *ndistinct_tags)
369 {
370 	// original code
371 	// ((*ntags <= 0) && ( ndistinct_tags <= 0))
372 	// bad - should not do comparison on pointer value
373 	//
374 	// intention
375 	// ((*ntags <= 0) && (*ndistinct_tags <= 0))
376 	//	have the == NULL test to be consistent - pass regression tests
377 	if ((*ntags <= 0) && (ndistinct_tags == NULL))
378 		return;
379 	if (random() % 10 == 1) {
380 		anchor(htmls);
381 		*ntags		= *ntags - 2;
382 		*ndistinct_tags = *ndistinct_tags - 1;
383 	} else if (random() % 20 == 1) {
384 		html_table(htmls, ntags);
385 		*ndistinct_tags = *ndistinct_tags - 1;
386 	} else if (random() % 3 == 1) {
387 		int oneoff_tag = random_tags(oneoff_def);
388 		char *oneoff_tag_str = (char *) oneoff_def[oneoff_tag].s;
389 		htmls += oneoff_tag_str;
390 		htmls += '\n';
391 		*ntags		= *ntags - 1;
392 		*ndistinct_tags = *ndistinct_tags - 1;
393 	} else if (random() % 3 == 1) {
394 		return;
395 	} else {
396 		int rtag = random_tags(random_def);
397 		char *rtag_str = (char *) random_def[rtag].s;
398 		htmls += rtag_str;
399 		htmls += '\n';
400 		*ntags		= *ntags - 2;
401 		*ndistinct_tags = *ndistinct_tags - 1;
402 		rhtml_contents(htmls, ntags, ndistinct_tags);
403 		endtag(htmls, rtag_str);
404 		htmls += '\n';
405 	}
406 }
html_contents(std::string & htmls)408 static void html_contents(std::string &htmls)
409 {
410 	int ntags = random() % 32;
411 	int loop;
412 	for (loop=0; loop<8; loop++) {
413 		if (random() % 2 == 1)
414 			break;
415 		ntags = ntags * 2;
416 	}
417 	ntags = ntags + 5;
418 // printf("ntags=%d loop=%d\n", ntags, loop);
420 	int ndistinct_tags = 3;
421 	while ((ntags > 0) || (ndistinct_tags > 0))
422 		rhtml_contents(htmls, &ntags, &ndistinct_tags);
423 }
425 struct tagdef table_def[] = {
426 	{ 7,	"<table>" },
427 	{ 4,	"<table >" },
428 	{ 1,	"<table align= border= cellspacing= width= >" },
429 	{ 1,	"<TABLE bgColor= border= Color= cellPadding= cellSpacing= height= width= >" },
430 	{ 1,	"<table border= cellspacing= cellpadding= >" },
431 	{ 2,	"<table cellpadding= cellspacing= border= style= >" },
432 	{ 11,	"<table cellspacing= cellpadding= border= >" },
433 	{ 3,	"<TABLE cellSpacing= cellPadding= border= >" },
434 	{ 7,	"<TABLE cellSpacing= cellPadding= width= >" },
435 	{ 2,	"<TABLE cellSpacing= width= align= border= >" },
436 	{ 1,	"<TABLE class= width= >" },
437 	{ 7,	"<TABLE Color= height= width= bgColor= border= >" },
438 	{ 7,	"<TABLE Color= height= width= border= >" },
439 	{ 7,	"<TABLE id= cellSpacing= cellPadding= width= border= >" },
440 	{ 1,	"<table style= cellspacing= cellpadding= width= border= >" },
441 	{ 14,	"<table width= >" },
442 	{ 1,	"<table width= border= >" },
443 	{ 4,	"<table width= border= cellspacing= cellpadding= >" },
444 	{ 0, NULL }
445 };
447 struct tagdef td_def[] = {
448 	{ 59,	"<td>" },
449 	{ 2,	"<TD align= bgColor= height= width= >" },
450 	{ 8,	"<td bgcolor= >" },
451 	{ 1,	"<td bgcolor= height= >" },
452 	{ 2,	"<TD bgColor= height= >" },
453 	{ 1,	"<td class= style= width= height= >" },
454 	{ 7,	"<TD Color= width= bgColor= height= >" },
455 	{ 1,	"<td height= >" },
456 	{ 2,	"<TD height= >" },
457 	{ 1,	"<TD id= dir= style= width= >" },
458 	{ 1,	"<TD id= style= vAlign= width= >" },
459 	{ 5,	"<TD id= style= width= >" },
460 	{ 9,	"<TD id= vAlign= align= >" },
461 	{ 7,	"<TD id= width= >" },
462 	{ 1,	"<td style= width= >" },
463 	{ 4,	"<td valign= >" },
464 	{ 6,	"<TD vAlign= >" },
465 	{ 1,	"<TD vAlign= align= >" },
466 	{ 1,	"<TD vAlign= colSpan= >" },
467 	{ 10,	"<td valign= style= >" },
468 	{ 25,	"<td width= >" },
469 	{ 7,	"<TD width= >" },
470 	{ 7,	"<TD width= bgColor= height= >" },
471 	{ 1,	"<td width= bgcolor= valign= >" },
472 	{ 14,	"<TD width= height= >" },
473 	{ 0, NULL }
474 };
476 struct tagdef tr_def[] = {
477 	{ 20,	"<tr>" },
478 	{ 58,	"<TR>" },
479 	{ 3,	"<TR class= >" },
480 	{ 1,	"<tr style= height= >" },
481 	{ 47,	"<tr valign= >" },
482 	{ 0, NULL }
483 };
485 #define MAX_COL	10
486 #define MAX_ROW	10
html_table(std::string & htmls,int * ntags)488 static void html_table(std::string &htmls, int *ntags)
489 {
490 char * col_tag_str[MAX_COL];
491 char * row_tag_str;
492 	int table_tag = random_tags(table_def);
493 	char *table_tag_str = (char *) table_def[table_tag].s;
494 	htmls += table_tag_str;
495 	htmls += '\n';
496 	*ntags = *ntags - 1;
498 	int nrow = random() % MAX_ROW;
499 	int ncol = random() % MAX_COL;
500 	if (random() % 2 == 1)
501 		nrow = nrow / 2;
502 	if (random() % 2 == 1)
503 		nrow = nrow / 2;
504 	if (random() % 2 == 1)
505 		ncol = ncol / 2;
506 	if (random() % 2 == 1)
507 		ncol = ncol / 2;
508 	if (nrow <= 0)
509 		nrow = 1;
510 	if (ncol <= 0)
511 		ncol = 1;
512 // printf("nrow = %d\n", nrow);
513 // printf("ncol = %d\n", ncol);
515 	int row_tag = random_tags( tr_def );
516 	row_tag_str = (char *) tr_def[row_tag].s;
517 	for (int ci=0; ci<ncol; ci++) {
518 		int col_tag = random_tags( td_def );
519 		col_tag_str[ci] = (char *) td_def[col_tag].s;
520 	}
522 	for (int ri=0; ri<nrow; ri++) {
523 		htmls += row_tag_str;
524 		for (int ci=0; ci<ncol; ci++) {
525 			htmls += col_tag_str[ci];
526 			endtag(htmls, col_tag_str[ci]);
527 		}
528 		endtag(htmls, row_tag_str);
529 		htmls += '\n';
531 		*ntags = *ntags - (ncol + 2);
532 		if (*ntags <= 0)
533 			break;
534 	}
536 	endtag(htmls, table_tag_str);
537 	htmls += '\n';
538 	*ntags = *ntags - 1;
539 }
541 // struct tagdef meta_def[] = {
542 // 	{ 0, NULL }
543 // };
545 #ifdef UNUSED
549 	{ 2,	"<tbody>" },
550 	{ 35,	"<TBODY>" },
552 	{ 31,	"</title>" },
553 	{ 31,	"<title>" },
554 	{ 43,	"</TITLE>" },
555 	{ 43,	"<TITLE>" },
558 #endif
560 static void usage()
561 {
562 	printf("rand_tags [-start start] [-end end] [-tlsh] [-v1|v2]\n");
563 	printf("	generate random tag structure\n");
564 	printf("	start = starting seed\n");
565 	printf("	end   = ending seed\n");
566 	printf("	-tlsh output tlsh value instead of HTML\n");
567 	printf("	-v1 output nilsimsa\n");
568 	printf("	-v2 output TLSH		* default value *\n");
569 	exit(1);
570 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])572 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
573 {
574 	int start_seed			= 1;
575 	int end_seed			= -1;
576 	bool show_lsh			= false;
577 	char *dir			= NULL;
579 	int argIdx		= 1;
580 	if (argc == 1)
581 		usage();
582 	while (argc > argIdx) {
583 		if (strcmp(argv[argIdx], "-start") == 0) {
584 			if (argIdx+1 <= argc && isdigit((unsigned char)argv[argIdx+1][0])) {
585 				start_seed = atoi(argv[argIdx+1]);
586 			}
587 			argIdx = argIdx+2;
588 		} else if (strcmp(argv[argIdx], "-end") == 0) {
589 			if (argIdx+1 <= argc && isdigit((unsigned char)argv[argIdx+1][0])) {
590 				end_seed = atoi(argv[argIdx+1]);
591 			}
592 			argIdx = argIdx+2;
593 		} else if (strcmp(argv[argIdx], "-d") == 0) {
594 			dir = argv[argIdx+1];
595 			argIdx = argIdx+2;
596 		} else if (strcmp(argv[argIdx], "-tlsh") == 0) {
597 			show_lsh = true;
598 			argIdx = argIdx+1;
599 		} else {
600 			usage();
601 		}
602 	}
603 	if (end_seed == -1) {
604 		html(start_seed, show_lsh, dir);
605 	} else {
606 		for (int seed=start_seed; seed<=end_seed; seed++) {
607 			html(seed, show_lsh, dir);
608 		}
609 	}
610 }