1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include "grib2.h"
comunpack(unsigned char * cpack,g2int lensec,g2int idrsnum,g2int * idrstmpl,g2int ndpts,g2float * fld)6 int comunpack(unsigned char *cpack,g2int lensec,g2int idrsnum,g2int *idrstmpl,g2int ndpts,g2float *fld)
8 //                .      .    .                                       .
9 // SUBPROGRAM:    comunpack
10 //   PRGMMR: Gilbert          ORG: W/NP11    DATE: 2002-10-29
11 //
12 // ABSTRACT: This subroutine unpacks a data field that was packed using a
13 //   complex packing algorithm as defined in the GRIB2 documention,
14 //   using info from the GRIB2 Data Representation Template 5.2 or 5.3.
15 //   Supports GRIB2 complex packing templates with or without
16 //   spatial differences (i.e. DRTs 5.2 and 5.3).
17 //
19 // 2002-10-29  Gilbert
20 // 2004-12-16  Gilbert  -  Added test ( provided by Arthur Taylor/MDL )
21 //                         to verify that group widths and lengths are
22 //                         consistent with section length.
23 //
24 // USAGE:    int comunpack(unsigned char *cpack,g2int lensec,g2int idrsnum,
25 //                         g2int *idrstmpl, g2int ndpts,g2float *fld)
27 //     cpack    - pointer to the packed data field.
28 //     lensec   - length of section 7 (used for error checking).
29 //     idrsnum  - Data Representation Template number 5.N
30 //                Must equal 2 or 3.
31 //     idrstmpl - pointer to the array of values for Data Representation
32 //                Template 5.2 or 5.3
33 //     ndpts    - The number of data values to unpack
34 //
36 //     fld      - Contains the unpacked data values.  fld must be allocated
37 //                with at least ndpts*sizeof(g2float) bytes before
38 //                calling this routine.
39 //
40 // REMARKS: None
41 //
43 //   LANGUAGE: C
44 //   MACHINE:
45 //
46 //$$$//
47 {
49       g2int   nbitsd=0,isign;
50       g2int  j,iofst,ival1,ival2,minsd,itemp,l,k,n,non=0;
51       g2int  *ifld,*ifldmiss=0;
52       g2int  *gref,*gwidth,*glen;
53       g2int  itype,ngroups,nbitsgref,nbitsgwidth,nbitsglen;
54       g2int  msng1,msng2;
55       g2float ref,bscale,dscale,rmiss1,rmiss2;
56       g2int totBit, totLen;
58       //printf('IDRSTMPL: ',(idrstmpl(j),j=1,16)
59       rdieee(idrstmpl+0,&ref,1);
60 //      printf("SAGTref: %f\n",ref);
61       bscale = (g2float)int_power(2.0,idrstmpl[1]);
62       dscale = (g2float)int_power(10.0,-idrstmpl[2]);
63       nbitsgref = idrstmpl[3];
64       itype = idrstmpl[4];
65       ngroups = idrstmpl[9];
66       nbitsgwidth = idrstmpl[11];
67       nbitsglen = idrstmpl[15];
68       if (idrsnum == 3)
69          nbitsd=idrstmpl[17]*8;
71       //   Constant field
73       if (ngroups == 0) {
74          for (j=0;j<ndpts;j++) fld[j]=ref;
75          return(0);
76       }
78       iofst=0;
79       ifld=(g2int *)calloc(ndpts,sizeof(g2int));
80       //printf("ALLOC ifld: %d %x\n",(int)ndpts,ifld);
81       gref=(g2int *)calloc(ngroups,sizeof(g2int));
82       //printf("ALLOC gref: %d %x\n",(int)ngroups,gref);
83       gwidth=(g2int *)calloc(ngroups,sizeof(g2int));
84       //printf("ALLOC gwidth: %d %x\n",(int)ngroups,gwidth);
85 //
86 //  Get missing values, if supplied
87 //
88       if ( idrstmpl[6] == 1 ) {
89          if (itype == 0)
90             rdieee(idrstmpl+7,&rmiss1,1);
91          else
92             rmiss1=(g2float)idrstmpl[7];
93       }
94       if ( idrstmpl[6] == 2 ) {
95          if (itype == 0) {
96             rdieee(idrstmpl+7,&rmiss1,1);
97             rdieee(idrstmpl+8,&rmiss2,1);
98          }
99          else {
100             rmiss1=(g2float)idrstmpl[7];
101             rmiss2=(g2float)idrstmpl[8];
102          }
103       }
105       //printf("RMISSs: %f %f %f \n",rmiss1,rmiss2,ref);
106 //
107 //  Extract Spatial differencing values, if using DRS Template 5.3
108 //
109       if (idrsnum == 3) {
110          if (nbitsd != 0) {
111               gbit(cpack,&isign,iofst,1);
112               iofst=iofst+1;
113               gbit(cpack,&ival1,iofst,nbitsd-1);
114               iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1;
115               if (isign == 1) ival1=-ival1;
116               if (idrstmpl[16] == 2) {
117                  gbit(cpack,&isign,iofst,1);
118                  iofst=iofst+1;
119                  gbit(cpack,&ival2,iofst,nbitsd-1);
120                  iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1;
121                  if (isign == 1) ival2=-ival2;
122               }
123               gbit(cpack,&isign,iofst,1);
124               iofst=iofst+1;
125               gbit(cpack,&minsd,iofst,nbitsd-1);
126               iofst=iofst+nbitsd-1;
127               if (isign == 1) minsd=-minsd;
128          }
129          else {
130               ival1=0;
131               ival2=0;
132               minsd=0;
133          }
134        //printf("SDu %ld %ld %ld %ld \n",ival1,ival2,minsd,nbitsd);
135       }
136 //
137 //  Extract Each Group's reference value
138 //
139       //printf("SAG1: %ld %ld %ld \n",nbitsgref,ngroups,iofst);
140       if (nbitsgref != 0) {
141          gbits(cpack,gref+0,iofst,nbitsgref,0,ngroups);
142          itemp=nbitsgref*ngroups;
143          iofst=iofst+itemp;
144          if (itemp%8 != 0) iofst=iofst+(8-(itemp%8));
145       }
146       else {
147          for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++)
148               gref[j]=0;
149       }
150 //
151 //  Extract Each Group's bit width
152 //
153       //printf("SAG2: %ld %ld %ld %ld \n",nbitsgwidth,ngroups,iofst,idrstmpl[10]);
154       if (nbitsgwidth != 0) {
155          gbits(cpack,gwidth+0,iofst,nbitsgwidth,0,ngroups);
156          itemp=nbitsgwidth*ngroups;
157          iofst=iofst+itemp;
158          if (itemp%8 != 0) iofst=iofst+(8-(itemp%8));
159       }
160       else {
161          for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++)
162                 gwidth[j]=0;
163       }
165       for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++)
166           gwidth[j]=gwidth[j]+idrstmpl[10];
168 //
169 //  Extract Each Group's length (number of values in each group)
170 //
171       glen=(g2int *)calloc(ngroups,sizeof(g2int));
172       //printf("ALLOC glen: %d %x\n",(int)ngroups,glen);
173       //printf("SAG3: %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld \n",nbitsglen,ngroups,iofst,idrstmpl[13],idrstmpl[12]);
174       if (nbitsglen != 0) {
175          gbits(cpack,glen,iofst,nbitsglen,0,ngroups);
176          itemp=nbitsglen*ngroups;
177          iofst=iofst+itemp;
178          if (itemp%8 != 0) iofst=iofst+(8-(itemp%8));
179       }
180       else {
181          for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++)
182               glen[j]=0;
183       }
184       for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++)
185            glen[j]=(glen[j]*idrstmpl[13])+idrstmpl[12];
186       glen[ngroups-1]=idrstmpl[14];
187 //
188 //  Test to see if the group widths and lengths are consistent with number of
189 //  values, and length of section 7.
190 //
191       totBit = 0;
192       totLen = 0;
193       for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++) {
194         totBit += (gwidth[j]*glen[j]);
195         totLen += glen[j];
196       }
197       if (totLen != ndpts) {
198         return 1;
199       }
200       if (totBit / 8. > lensec) {
201         return 1;
202       }
203 //
204 //  For each group, unpack data values
205 //
206       if ( idrstmpl[6] == 0 ) {        // no missing values
207          n=0;
208          for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++) {
209            if (gwidth[j] != 0) {
210              gbits(cpack,ifld+n,iofst,gwidth[j],0,glen[j]);
211              for (k=0;k<glen[j];k++) {
212                ifld[n]=ifld[n]+gref[j];
213                n=n+1;
214              }
215            }
216            else {
217              for (l=n;l<n+glen[j];l++) ifld[l]=gref[j];
218              n=n+glen[j];
219            }
220            iofst=iofst+(gwidth[j]*glen[j]);
221          }
222       }
223       else if ( idrstmpl[6]==1 || idrstmpl[6]==2 ) {
224          // missing values included
225          ifldmiss=(g2int *)malloc(ndpts*sizeof(g2int));
226          //printf("ALLOC ifldmiss: %d %x\n",(int)ndpts,ifldmiss);
227          //for (j=0;j<ndpts;j++) ifldmiss[j]=0;
228          n=0;
229          non=0;
230          for (j=0;j<ngroups;j++) {
231            //printf(" SAGNGP %d %d %d %d\n",j,gwidth[j],glen[j],gref[j]);
232            if (gwidth[j] != 0) {
233              msng1=(g2int)int_power(2.0,gwidth[j])-1;
234              msng2=msng1-1;
235              gbits(cpack,ifld+n,iofst,gwidth[j],0,glen[j]);
236              iofst=iofst+(gwidth[j]*glen[j]);
237              for (k=0;k<glen[j];k++) {
238                if (ifld[n] == msng1) {
239                   ifldmiss[n]=1;
240                   //ifld[n]=0;
241                }
242                else if (idrstmpl[6]==2 && ifld[n]==msng2) {
243                   ifldmiss[n]=2;
244                   //ifld[n]=0;
245                }
246                else {
247                   ifldmiss[n]=0;
248                   ifld[non++]=ifld[n]+gref[j];
249                }
250                n++;
251              }
252            }
253            else {
254              msng1=(g2int)int_power(2.0,nbitsgref)-1;
255              msng2=msng1-1;
256              if (gref[j] == msng1) {
257                 for (l=n;l<n+glen[j];l++) ifldmiss[l]=1;
258              }
259              else if (idrstmpl[6]==2 && gref[j]==msng2) {
260                 for (l=n;l<n+glen[j];l++) ifldmiss[l]=2;
261              }
262              else {
263                 for (l=n;l<n+glen[j];l++) ifldmiss[l]=0;
264                 for (l=non;l<non+glen[j];l++) ifld[l]=gref[j];
265                 non += glen[j];
266              }
267              n=n+glen[j];
268            }
269          }
270       }
272       if ( gref != 0 ) free(gref);
273       if ( gwidth != 0 ) free(gwidth);
274       if ( glen != 0 ) free(glen);
275 //
276 //  If using spatial differences, add overall min value, and
277 //  sum up recursively
278 //
279       //printf("SAGod: %ld %ld\n",idrsnum,idrstmpl[16]);
280       if (idrsnum == 3) {         // spatial differencing
281          if (idrstmpl[16] == 1) {      // first order
282             ifld[0]=ival1;
283             if ( idrstmpl[6] == 0 ) itemp=ndpts;        // no missing values
284             else  itemp=non;
285             for (n=1;n<itemp;n++) {
286                ifld[n]=ifld[n]+minsd;
287                ifld[n]=ifld[n]+ifld[n-1];
288             }
289          }
290          else if (idrstmpl[16] == 2) {    // second order
291             ifld[0]=ival1;
292             ifld[1]=ival2;
293             if ( idrstmpl[6] == 0 ) itemp=ndpts;        // no missing values
294             else  itemp=non;
295             for (n=2;n<itemp;n++) {
296                ifld[n]=ifld[n]+minsd;
297                ifld[n]=ifld[n]+(2*ifld[n-1])-ifld[n-2];
298             }
299          }
300       }
301 //
302 //  Scale data back to original form
303 //
304       //printf("SAGT: %f %f %f\n",ref,bscale,dscale);
305       if ( idrstmpl[6] == 0 ) {        // no missing values
306          for (n=0;n<ndpts;n++) {
307             fld[n]=(((g2float)ifld[n]*bscale)+ref)*dscale;
308          }
309       }
310       else if ( idrstmpl[6]==1 || idrstmpl[6]==2 ) {
311          // missing values included
312          non=0;
313          for (n=0;n<ndpts;n++) {
314             if ( ifldmiss[n] == 0 ) {
315                fld[n]=(((g2float)ifld[non++]*bscale)+ref)*dscale;
316                //printf(" SAG %d %f %d %f %f %f\n",n,fld[n],ifld[non-1],bscale,ref,dscale);
317             }
318             else if ( ifldmiss[n] == 1 )
319                fld[n]=rmiss1;
320             else if ( ifldmiss[n] == 2 )
321                fld[n]=rmiss2;
322          }
323          if ( ifldmiss != 0 ) free(ifldmiss);
324       }
326       if ( ifld != 0 ) free(ifld);
328       return(0);
330 }