1 /*
2  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3  * Programmer(s): Allan Taylor, Alan Hindmarsh, Radu Serban, and
4  *                Aaron Collier @ LLNL
5  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
6  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
7  * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, Lawrence Livermore National Security
8  * and Southern Methodist University.
9  * All rights reserved.
10  *
11  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
12  *
13  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
14  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
15  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
16  * KINSOL solver module header file (private version)
17  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
18  */
20 #ifndef _KINSOL_IMPL_H
21 #define _KINSOL_IMPL_H
23 #include <stdarg.h>
25 #include <kinsol/kinsol.h>
27 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
31 /*
32  * =================================================================
33  *   M A I N    S O L V E R    M E M O R Y    B L O C K
34  * =================================================================
35  */
37 /* KINSOL default constants */
39 #define PRINTFL_DEFAULT    0
40 #define MXITER_DEFAULT     200
41 #define MXNBCF_DEFAULT     10
42 #define MSBSET_DEFAULT     10
45 #define OMEGA_MIN RCONST(0.00001)
46 #define OMEGA_MAX RCONST(0.9)
48 /*
49  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
50  * Types : struct KINMemRec and struct *KINMem
51  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
52  * A variable declaration of type struct *KINMem denotes a
53  * pointer to a data structure of type struct KINMemRec. The
54  * KINMemRec structure contains numerous fields that must be
55  * accessible by KINSOL solver module routines.
56  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
57  */
59 typedef struct KINMemRec {
61   realtype kin_uround;        /* machine epsilon (or unit roundoff error)
62                                  (defined in sundials_types.h)                */
64   /* problem specification data */
66   KINSysFn kin_func;           /* nonlinear system function implementation     */
67   void *kin_user_data;         /* work space available to func routine         */
68   realtype kin_fnormtol;       /* stopping tolerance on L2-norm of function
69                                   value                                        */
70   realtype kin_scsteptol;      /* scaled step length tolerance                 */
71   int kin_globalstrategy;      /* choices are KIN_NONE, KIN_LINESEARCH
72                                   KIN_PICARD and KIN_FP                        */
73   int kin_printfl;             /* level of verbosity of output                 */
74   long int kin_mxiter;         /* maximum number of nonlinear iterations       */
75   long int kin_msbset;         /* maximum number of nonlinear iterations that
76                                   may be performed between calls to the
77                                   linear solver setup routine (lsetup)         */
78   long int kin_msbset_sub;     /* subinterval length for residual monitoring   */
79   long int kin_mxnbcf;         /* maximum number of beta condition failures    */
80   int kin_etaflag;             /* choices are KIN_ETACONSTANT, KIN_ETACHOICE1
81                                   and KIN_ETACHOICE2                           */
82   booleantype kin_noMinEps;    /* flag controlling whether or not the value
83                                   of eps is bounded below                      */
84   booleantype kin_constraintsSet; /* flag indicating if constraints are being
85                                      used                                      */
86   booleantype kin_jacCurrent;     /* flag indicating if the Jacobian info.
87                                      used by the linear solver is current      */
88   booleantype kin_callForcingTerm; /* flag set if using either KIN_ETACHOICE1
89                                       or KIN_ETACHOICE2                        */
90   booleantype kin_noResMon;         /* flag indicating if the nonlinear
91                                        residual monitoring scheme should be
92                                        used                                    */
93   booleantype kin_retry_nni;        /* flag indicating if nonlinear iteration
94                                        should be retried (set by residual
95                                        monitoring algorithm)                   */
96   booleantype kin_update_fnorm_sub; /* flag indicating if the fnorm associated
97                                        with the subinterval needs to be
98                                        updated (set by residual monitoring
99                                        algorithm)                              */
101   realtype kin_mxnewtstep;     /* maximum allowable scaled step length         */
102   realtype kin_mxnstepin;      /* input (or preset) value for mxnewtstep       */
103   realtype kin_sqrt_relfunc;   /* relative error bound for func(u)             */
104   realtype kin_stepl;          /* scaled length of current step                */
105   realtype kin_stepmul;        /* step scaling factor                          */
106   realtype kin_eps;            /* current value of eps                         */
107   realtype kin_eta;            /* current value of eta                         */
108   realtype kin_eta_gamma;      /* gamma value used in eta calculation
109                                   (choice #2)                                  */
110   realtype kin_eta_alpha;      /* alpha value used in eta calculation
111                                   (choice #2)                                  */
112   booleantype kin_noInitSetup; /* flag controlling whether or not the KINSol
113                                   routine makes an initial call to the
114                                   linear solver setup routine (lsetup)         */
115   realtype kin_sthrsh;         /* threshold value for calling the linear
116                                   solver setup routine                         */
118   /* counters */
120   long int kin_nni;            /* number of nonlinear iterations               */
121   long int kin_nfe;            /* number of calls made to func routine         */
122   long int kin_nnilset;        /* value of nni counter when the linear solver
123                                   setup was last called                        */
124   long int kin_nnilset_sub;    /* value of nni counter when the linear solver
125                                   setup was last called (subinterval)          */
126   long int kin_nbcf;           /* number of times the beta-condition could not
127                                   be met in KINLineSearch                      */
128   long int kin_nbktrk;         /* number of backtracks performed by
129                                   KINLineSearch                                */
130   long int kin_ncscmx;         /* number of consecutive steps of size
131                                   mxnewtstep taken                             */
133   /* vectors */
135   N_Vector kin_uu;          /* solution vector/current iterate (initially
136                                contains initial guess, but holds approximate
137                                solution upon completion if no errors occurred) */
138   N_Vector kin_unew;        /* next iterate (unew = uu+pp)                     */
139   N_Vector kin_fval;        /* vector containing result of nonlinear system
140                                function evaluated at a given iterate
141                                (fval = func(uu))                               */
142   N_Vector kin_gval;        /* vector containing result of the fixed point
143                                function evaluated at a given iterate;
144                                used in KIN_PICARD strategy only.
145                                (gval = uu - L^{-1}fval(uu))                    */
146   N_Vector kin_uscale;      /* iterate scaling vector                          */
147   N_Vector kin_fscale;      /* fval scaling vector                             */
148   N_Vector kin_pp;          /* incremental change vector (pp = unew-uu)        */
149   N_Vector kin_constraints; /* constraints vector                              */
150   N_Vector kin_vtemp1;      /* scratch vector #1                               */
151   N_Vector kin_vtemp2;      /* scratch vector #2                               */
153   /* space requirements for AA, Broyden and NLEN */
154   N_Vector kin_fold_aa;     /* vector needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
155   N_Vector kin_gold_aa;     /* vector needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
156   N_Vector *kin_df_aa;      /* vector array needed for AA, Broyden, and NLEN */
157   N_Vector *kin_dg_aa;      /* vector array needed for AA, Broyden and NLEN */
158   N_Vector *kin_q_aa;       /* vector array needed for AA */
159   realtype kin_beta_aa;     /* beta damping parameter for AA */
160   realtype *kin_gamma_aa;   /* array of size maa used in AA */
161   realtype *kin_R_aa;       /* array of size maa*maa used in AA */
162   long int *kin_ipt_map;    /* array of size maa used in AA */
163   long int  kin_m_aa;       /* parameter for AA, Broyden or NLEN */
164   booleantype kin_aamem_aa; /* sets additional memory needed for Anderson Acc */
165   booleantype kin_setstop_aa; /* determines whether user will set stopping criterion */
166   booleantype kin_damping_aa; /* flag to apply damping in AA */
167   realtype *kin_cv;         /* scalar array for fused vector operations */
168   N_Vector *kin_Xv;         /* vector array for fused vector operations */
170   /* space requirements for vector storage */
172   sunindextype kin_lrw1;    /* number of realtype-sized memory blocks needed
173                                for a single N_Vector                           */
174   sunindextype kin_liw1;    /* number of int-sized memory blocks needed for
175                                a single N_Vecotr                               */
176   long int kin_lrw;         /* total number of realtype-sized memory blocks
177                                needed for all KINSOL work vectors              */
178   long int kin_liw;         /* total number of int-sized memory blocks needed
179                                for all KINSOL work vectors                     */
181   /* linear solver data */
183   /* function prototypes (pointers) */
185   int (*kin_linit)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem);
187   int (*kin_lsetup)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem);
189   int (*kin_lsolve)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem, N_Vector xx, N_Vector bb,
190                     realtype *sJpnorm, realtype *sFdotJp);
192   int (*kin_lfree)(struct KINMemRec *kin_mem);
194   booleantype kin_inexact_ls; /* flag set by the linear solver module
195                                  (in linit) indicating whether this is an
196                                  iterative linear solver (SUNTRUE), or a direct
197                                  linear solver (SUNFALSE)                       */
199   void *kin_lmem;         /* pointer to linear solver memory block             */
201   realtype kin_fnorm;     /* value of L2-norm of fscale*fval                   */
202   realtype kin_f1norm;    /* f1norm = 0.5*(fnorm)^2                            */
203   realtype kin_sFdotJp;   /* value of scaled F(u) vector (fscale*fval)
204                              dotted with scaled J(u)*pp vector (set by lsolve) */
205   realtype kin_sJpnorm;   /* value of L2-norm of fscale*(J(u)*pp)
206                              (set by lsolve)                                   */
208   realtype kin_fnorm_sub; /* value of L2-norm of fscale*fval (subinterval)     */
209   booleantype kin_eval_omega; /* flag indicating that omega must be evaluated. */
210   realtype kin_omega;     /* constant value for real scalar used in test to
211                              determine if reduction of norm of nonlinear
212                              residual is sufficient. Unless a valid constant
213                              value is specified by the user, omega is estimated
214                              from omega_min and omega_max at each iteration.    */
215   realtype kin_omega_min; /* lower bound on omega                               */
216   realtype kin_omega_max; /* upper bound on omega                               */
218   /*
219    * -----------------------------------------------------------------
220    * Note: The KINLineSearch subroutine scales the values of the
221    * variables sFdotJp and sJpnorm by a factor rl (lambda) that is
222    * chosen by the line search algorithm such that the sclaed Newton
223    * step satisfies the following conditions:
224    *
225    *  F(u_k+1) <= F(u_k) + alpha*(F(u_k)^T * J(u_k))*p*rl
226    *
227    *  F(u_k+1) >= F(u_k) + beta*(F(u_k)^T * J(u_k))*p*rl
228    *
229    * where alpha = 1.0e-4, beta = 0.9, u_k+1 = u_k + rl*p,
230    * 0 < rl <= 1, J denotes the system Jacobian, and F represents
231    * the nonliner system function.
232    * -----------------------------------------------------------------
233    */
235   booleantype kin_MallocDone; /* flag indicating if KINMalloc has been
236                                  called yet                                    */
238   /* message files */
239   /*-------------------------------------------
240     Error handler function and error ouput file
241     -------------------------------------------*/
243   KINErrHandlerFn kin_ehfun;   /* Error messages are handled by ehfun          */
244   void *kin_eh_data;           /* dats pointer passed to ehfun                 */
245   FILE *kin_errfp;             /* KINSOL error messages are sent to errfp      */
247   KINInfoHandlerFn kin_ihfun;  /* Info messages are handled by ihfun           */
248   void *kin_ih_data;           /* dats pointer passed to ihfun                 */
249   FILE *kin_infofp;            /* where KINSol info messages are sent          */
251 } *KINMem;
253 /*
254  * =================================================================
255  *   I N T E R F A C E   T O   L I N E A R   S O L V E R
256  * =================================================================
257  */
259 /*
260  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
261  * Function : int (*kin_linit)(KINMem kin_mem)
262  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
263  * kin_linit initializes solver-specific data structures (including
264  * variables used as counters or for storing statistical information),
265  * but system memory allocation should be done by the subroutine
266  * that actually initializes the environment for liner solver
267  * package. If the linear system is to be preconditioned, then the
268  * variable setupNonNull (type booleantype) should be set to SUNTRUE
269  * (predefined constant) and the kin_lsetup routine should be
270  * appropriately defined.
271  *
272  *  kinmem  pointer to an internal memory block allocated during
273  *          prior calls to KINCreate and KINMalloc
274  *
275  * If the necessary variables have been successfully initialized,
276  * then the kin_linit function should return 0 (zero). Otherwise,
277  * the subroutine should indicate a failure has occurred by
278  * returning a non-zero integer value.
279  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
280  */
282 /*
283  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
284  * Function : int (*kin_lsetup)(KINMem kin_mem)
285  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
286  * kin_lsetup interfaces with the user-supplied pset subroutine (the
287  * preconditioner setup routine), and updates relevant variable
288  * values (see KINSpgmrSetup/KINSpbcgSetup). Simply stated, the
289  * kin_lsetup routine prepares the linear solver for a subsequent
290  * call to the user-supplied kin_lsolve function.
291  *
292  *  kinmem  pointer to an internal memory block allocated during
293  *          prior calls to KINCreate and KINMalloc
294  *
295  * If successful, the kin_lsetup routine should return 0 (zero).
296  * Otherwise it should return a non-zero value.
297  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
298  */
300 /*
301  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
302  * Function : int (*kin_lsolve)(KINMem kin_mem, N_Vector xx,
303  *                N_Vector bb, realtype *sJpnorm, realtype *sFdotJp)
304  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
305  * kin_lsolve interfaces with the subroutine implementing the
306  * numerical method to be used to solve the linear system J*xx = bb,
307  * and must increment the relevant counter variable values in
308  * addition to computing certain values used by the global strategy
309  * and forcing term routines (see KINInexactNewton, KINLineSearch,
310  * KINForcingTerm, and KINSpgmrSolve/KINSpbcgSolve).
311  *
312  *  kinmem  pointer to an internal memory block allocated during
313  *          prior calls to KINCreate and KINMalloc
314  *
315  *  xx  vector (type N_Vector) set to initial guess by kin_lsolve
316  *      routine prior to calling the linear solver, but which upon
317  *      return contains an approximate solution of the linear
318  *      system J*xx = bb, where J denotes the system Jacobian
319  *
320  *  bb  vector (type N_Vector) set to -func(u) (negative of the
321  *      value of the system function evaluated at the current
322  *      iterate) by KINLinSolDrv before kin_lsolve is called
323  *
324  *  sJpnorm  holds the value of the L2-norm (Euclidean norm) of
325  *           fscale*(J(u)*pp) upon return
326  *
327  *  sFdotJp  holds the value of the scaled F(u) (fscale*F) dotted
328  *           with the scaled J(u)*pp vector upon return
329  *
330  * If successful, the kin_lsolve routine should return 0 (zero).
331  * Otherwise it should return a positive value if a re-evaluation
332  * of the lsetup function could recover, or a negative value if
333  * no such recovery is possible.
334  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
335  */
337 /*
338  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
339  * Function : int (*kin_lfree)(KINMem kin_mem)
340  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
341  * kin_lfree is called by KINFree and should free (deallocate) all
342  * system memory resources allocated for the linear solver module
343  * (see KINSpgmrFree/KINSpbcgFree).  It should return 0 upon
344  * success, nonzero on failure.
345  *
346  *  kinmem  pointer to an internal memory block allocated during
347  *          prior calls to KINCreate and KINMalloc
348  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
349  */
351 /*
352  * =================================================================
353  *   K I N S O L    I N T E R N A L   F U N C T I O N S
354  * =================================================================
355  */
358 /* High level error handler */
360 void KINProcessError(KINMem kin_mem,
361                      int error_code, const char *module, const char *fname,
362                      const char *msgfmt, ...);
364 /* Prototype of internal errHandler function */
366 void KINErrHandler(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function,
367                    char *msg, void *user_data);
370 /* High level info handler */
372 void KINPrintInfo(KINMem kin_mem,
373                   int info_code, const char *module, const char *fname,
374                   const char *msgfmt, ...);
376 /* Prototype of internal infoHandler function */
378 void KINInfoHandler(const char *module, const char *function,
379                     char *msg, void *user_data);
381 /*
382  * =================================================================
383  *   K I N S O L    E R R O R    M E S S A G E S
384  * =================================================================
385  */
387 #define MSG_MEM_FAIL           "A memory request failed."
388 #define MSG_NO_MEM             "kinsol_mem = NULL illegal."
389 #define MSG_BAD_NVECTOR        "A required vector operation is not implemented."
390 #define MSG_FUNC_NULL          "func = NULL illegal."
391 #define MSG_NO_MALLOC          "Attempt to call before KINMalloc illegal."
393 #define MSG_BAD_PRINTFL        "Illegal value for printfl."
394 #define MSG_BAD_MXITER         "Illegal value for mxiter."
395 #define MSG_BAD_MSBSET         "Illegal msbset < 0."
396 #define MSG_BAD_MSBSETSUB      "Illegal msbsetsub < 0."
397 #define MSG_BAD_ETACHOICE      "Illegal value for etachoice."
398 #define MSG_BAD_ETACONST       "eta out of range."
399 #define MSG_BAD_GAMMA          "gamma out of range."
400 #define MSG_BAD_ALPHA          "alpha out of range."
401 #define MSG_BAD_MXNEWTSTEP     "Illegal mxnewtstep < 0."
402 #define MSG_BAD_RELFUNC        "relfunc < 0 illegal."
403 #define MSG_BAD_FNORMTOL       "fnormtol < 0 illegal."
404 #define MSG_BAD_SCSTEPTOL      "scsteptol < 0 illegal."
405 #define MSG_BAD_MXNBCF         "mxbcf < 0 illegal."
406 #define MSG_BAD_CONSTRAINTS    "Illegal values in constraints vector."
407 #define MSG_BAD_OMEGA          "scalars < 0 illegal."
408 #define MSG_BAD_MAA            "maa < 0 illegal."
409 #define MSG_ZERO_MAA           "maa = 0 illegal."
411 #define MSG_LSOLV_NO_MEM       "The linear solver memory pointer is NULL."
412 #define MSG_UU_NULL            "uu = NULL illegal."
413 #define MSG_BAD_GLSTRAT        "Illegal value for global strategy."
414 #define MSG_BAD_USCALE         "uscale = NULL illegal."
415 #define MSG_USCALE_NONPOSITIVE "uscale has nonpositive elements."
416 #define MSG_BAD_FSCALE         "fscale = NULL illegal."
417 #define MSG_FSCALE_NONPOSITIVE "fscale has nonpositive elements."
418 #define MSG_CONSTRAINTS_NOTOK  "Constraints not allowed with fixed point or Picard iterations"
419 #define MSG_INITIAL_CNSTRNT    "Initial guess does NOT meet constraints."
420 #define MSG_LINIT_FAIL         "The linear solver's init routine failed."
422 #define MSG_SYSFUNC_FAILED      "The system function failed in an unrecoverable manner."
423 #define MSG_SYSFUNC_FIRST       "The system function failed at the first call."
424 #define MSG_LSETUP_FAILED       "The linear solver's setup function failed in an unrecoverable manner."
425 #define MSG_LSOLVE_FAILED       "The linear solver's solve function failed in an unrecoverable manner."
426 #define MSG_LINSOLV_NO_RECOVERY "The linear solver's solve function failed recoverably, but the Jacobian data is already current."
427 #define MSG_LINESEARCH_NONCONV  "The line search algorithm was unable to find an iterate sufficiently distinct from the current iterate."
428 #define MSG_LINESEARCH_BCFAIL   "The line search algorithm was unable to satisfy the beta-condition for nbcfails iterations."
429 #define MSG_MAXITER_REACHED     "The maximum number of iterations was reached before convergence."
430 #define MSG_MXNEWT_5X_EXCEEDED  "Five consecutive steps have been taken that satisfy a scaled step length test."
431 #define MSG_SYSFUNC_REPTD       "Unable to correct repeated recoverable system function errors."
432 #define MSG_NOL_FAIL            "Unable to find user's Linear Jacobian, which is required for the KIN_PICARD Strategy"
434 /*
435  * =================================================================
436  *   K I N S O L    I N F O    M E S S A G E S
437  * =================================================================
438  */
440 #define INFO_RETVAL    "Return value: %d"
441 #define INFO_ADJ       "no. of lambda adjustments = %ld"
445 #define INFO_NNI       "nni = %4ld   nfe = %6ld   fnorm = %26.16Lg"
446 #define INFO_TOL       "scsteptol = %12.3Lg  fnormtol = %12.3Lg"
447 #define INFO_FMAX      "scaled f norm (for stopping) = %12.3Lg"
448 #define INFO_PNORM     "pnorm = %12.4Le"
449 #define INFO_PNORM1    "(ivio=1) pnorm = %12.4Le"
450 #define INFO_FNORM     "fnorm(L2) = %20.8Le"
451 #define INFO_LAM       "min_lam = %11.4Le   f1norm = %11.4Le   pnorm = %11.4Le"
452 #define INFO_ALPHA     "fnorm = %15.8Le   f1norm = %15.8Le   alpha_cond = %15.8Le  lam = %15.8Le"
453 #define INFO_BETA      "f1norm = %15.8Le   beta_cond = %15.8Le   lam = %15.8Le"
454 #define INFO_ALPHABETA "f1norm = %15.8Le  alpha_cond = %15.8Le  beta_cond = %15.8Le  lam = %15.8Le"
458 #define INFO_NNI       "nni = %4ld   nfe = %6ld   fnorm = %26.16lg"
459 #define INFO_TOL       "scsteptol = %12.3lg  fnormtol = %12.3lg"
460 #define INFO_FMAX      "scaled f norm (for stopping) = %12.3lg"
461 #define INFO_PNORM     "pnorm = %12.4le"
462 #define INFO_PNORM1    "(ivio=1) pnorm = %12.4le"
463 #define INFO_FNORM     "fnorm(L2) = %20.8le"
464 #define INFO_LAM       "min_lam = %11.4le   f1norm = %11.4le   pnorm = %11.4le"
465 #define INFO_ALPHA     "fnorm = %15.8le   f1norm = %15.8le   alpha_cond = %15.8le  lam = %15.8le"
466 #define INFO_BETA      "f1norm = %15.8le   beta_cond = %15.8le   lam = %15.8le"
467 #define INFO_ALPHABETA "f1norm = %15.8le  alpha_cond = %15.8le  beta_cond = %15.8le  lam = %15.8le"
469 #else
471 #define INFO_NNI       "nni = %4ld   nfe = %6ld   fnorm = %26.16g"
472 #define INFO_TOL       "scsteptol = %12.3g  fnormtol = %12.3g"
473 #define INFO_FMAX      "scaled f norm (for stopping) = %12.3g"
474 #define INFO_PNORM     "pnorm = %12.4e"
475 #define INFO_PNORM1    "(ivio=1) pnorm = %12.4e"
476 #define INFO_FNORM     "fnorm(L2) = %20.8e"
477 #define INFO_LAM       "min_lam = %11.4e   f1norm = %11.4e   pnorm = %11.4e"
478 #define INFO_ALPHA     "fnorm = %15.8e   f1norm = %15.8e   alpha_cond = %15.8e  lam = %15.8e"
479 #define INFO_BETA      "f1norm = %15.8e   beta_cond = %15.8e   lam = %15.8e"
480 #define INFO_ALPHABETA "f1norm = %15.8e  alpha_cond = %15.8e  beta_cond = %15.8e  lam = %15.8e"
482 #endif
485 #ifdef __cplusplus
486 }
487 #endif
489 #endif