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Channels.cppH A D16-Oct-20207.5 KiB364326

Channels.hH A D16-Oct-20208.3 KiB189148

CopyingH A D16-Oct-20201.3 KiB2519

Core.cppH A D16-Oct-20203.1 KiB168137

Core.hH A D16-Oct-20203.5 KiB7562

Exec.cppH A D16-Oct-2020966 5042

Hosts.cppH A D16-Oct-20203 KiB147134

Hosts.hH A D16-Oct-20201.8 KiB4435

IssuesH A D16-Oct-2020136 53

Malloc.cppH A D16-Oct-20201.6 KiB5749

ReadMeH A D16-Oct-20202.1 KiB5044

SFtp.cppH A D16-Oct-202014.7 KiB673605

SFtp.hH A D16-Oct-202011.9 KiB248201

SFtpStream.cppH A D16-Oct-20201.3 KiB8067

SSH.hH A D16-Oct-2020925 5141

SSH.uppH A D16-Oct-2020830 5645

Scp.cppH A D16-Oct-20202.5 KiB118105

Session.cppH A D16-Oct-202013 KiB499447

Session.hH A D16-Oct-20204.6 KiB10688

Shell.cppH A D16-Oct-20208.7 KiB385331

TodoH A D16-Oct-2020270 87

Tunnel.cppH A D16-Oct-20202.3 KiB11093

libssh2upp.cH A D16-Oct-2020791 3027


1SSH package for U++
3SSH package is a flexible, easy-to-use, yet powerful libssh2 wrapper for Ultimate++.
4It supports both console and GUI-based applications on POSIX-compliant operating systems and
5MS Windows (tm).
10- Base (core) class  -> Ssh
11  - Ssh session        -----> SshSession
12  - Sftp subsystem     -----> SFtp
13     -  SFtp Stream interface       -----> SFtpStream
14     -  File system transparency    -----> SFtpFileSystemInfo
15  - Ssh channel        -----> SshChannel
16      - Scp channel                 -----> Scp
17      - Exec channel                -----> SshExec
18      - Real-time interactive shell -----> SshShell
19      - X11 forwarding              -----> SshShell (as operation mode)
20      - Tcp/IP and port forwarding  -----> SshTunnel
21- Known hosts manager -> SshHosts
23Features and Highlights:
26- Ssh-derived classes have pick semantics, based on RAII principle, support RTTI, and allow
27  polymorphism (i.e. different classes can be stored in the same array, etc.) through a common
28  interface.
29- Uses U++'s memory manager (Native manager (malloc) is also a compile-time option)
30- Uses OpenSSL by default.
31- Supports multithreading.
32- Supports 3rd-party network proxies.
33- Supports known hosts verification mechanism.
34- Supports password, public key, host-based, and keyboard-interactive authentication methods.
35- Supports ssh-agents.
36- Supports real-time interactive command line (shell) interface with both console and GUI integration
37  (SshShell works on both Windows and Posix-compliant OSes)
38- Supports X11 forwarding.
39  (A single SShShell instance is capable of handling multiple X11 requests simultaneously.)
40- Supports Tcp/IP and port forwarding.
41- Supports stream operations on SFTP objects.
42- Supports access to sftp folder hiearcy in a file-system-agnostic (transparent) way.
43- Supports detailed (full) debug logging.
45Reference examples:
48- SshBasics:    Demonstrates basic capabilities of SSH package.
49- SFtpFileSel:  Demonstrates FileSel integration of SFtp class, using FileSystemInfo interface.
50- SFtpBrowser:  Demonstrates a basic sftp browser with GUI.