2 /* This is code generated by xlc -O3 for conversion of a double to an
3    unsigned 32-bit int, in a "floor" style.  It relies on doing an
4    fadd with a non-standard rounding mode and so checks that V handles
5    the rounding mode correctly.  r will be 1 if that is not so. */
7 #include <stdio.h>
9 extern unsigned int xlc_double_to_u32 ( double );
10 asm("\n"
11 ".text\n"
12 ".global xlc_double_to_u32\n"
13 ".type xlc_double_to_u32, @function\n"
14 "xlc_double_to_u32:\n"
15 "        stwu    %r1,-48(%r1)\n"
16 "        addis   %r4,%r0,.const_dr@ha\n"
17 "        addis   %r0,%r0,17376\n"
18 "        fabs    %f0,%f1\n"
19 "        addi    %r3,%r0,0\n"
20 "        mffs    %f3\n"
21 "        mtfsb1  4*cr7+so\n"
22 "        lfs     %f2,.const_dr@l(%r4)\n"
23 "        fcmpu   0,%f1,%f0\n"
24 "        fadd    %f0,%f0,%f2\n"
25 "        mtfsf   255,%f3\n"
26 "        stfd    %f0,24(%r1)\n"
27 "        bne-    $+0x1c\n"
28 "        lwz     %r3,24(%r1)\n"
29 "        subf    %r0,%r3,%r0\n"
30 "        srawi   %r0,%r0,31\n"
31 "        ori     %r0,%r0,0x0000\n"
32 "        lwz     %r4,28(%r1)\n"
33 "        or      %r3,%r4,%r0\n"
34 "        addi    %r1,%r1,48\n"
35 "        blr\n"
36 ".size xlc_double_to_u32, . - xlc_double_to_u32\n"
37 "        .long 0\n"
38 "        .long 0x00000000\n"
39 "        .long 0x00000000\n"
40 ".previous\n"
41 "\n"
42 "        .section        \".rodata\",\"a\"\n"
43 "        .align  3\n"
44 "        .type    .const_dr,@object\n"
45 "        .size    .const_dr,20\n"
46 ".const_dr:\n"
47 "        .long 0x59804000\n"
48 "        .long 0x49424d20\n"
49 "        .long 0x3fe66666\n"
50 "        .long 0x66666666\n"
51 "        .long 0x25640a00\n"
52 ".previous\n"
53 );
main(int argc,char ** argv)55 int main (int argc, char** argv)
56 {
57   unsigned int r = xlc_double_to_u32 ( 0.7 );
58   if (r == 0)
59     printf("pass\n");
60   else
61     printf("fail\n");
63   return 0;
64 }