1!===-- module/__fortran_type_info.f90 --------------------------------------===!
3! Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4! See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9! Fortran definitions of runtime type description schemata.
10! See flang/runtime/type-info.h for C++ perspective.
11! The Semantics phase of the compiler requires the module file of this module
12! in order to generate description tables for all other derived types.
14module __Fortran_type_info
16  private
18  integer, parameter :: int64 = selected_int_kind(18)
20  type, public :: __builtin_c_ptr
21    integer(kind=int64) :: __address
22  end type
24  type, public :: __builtin_c_funptr
25    integer(kind=int64) :: __address
26  end type
28  type :: DerivedType
29    ! "TBP" bindings appear first.  Inherited bindings, with overrides already
30    ! applied, appear in the initial entries in the same order as they
31    ! appear in the parent type's bindings, if any.  They are followed
32    ! by new local bindings in alphabetic order of theing binding names.
33    type(Binding), pointer :: binding(:)
34    character(len=:), pointer :: name
35    integer(kind=int64) :: sizeInBytes
36    type(DerivedType), pointer :: parent
37    ! Instances of parameterized derived types use the "uninstantiated"
38    ! component to point to the pristine original definition.
39    type(DerivedType), pointer :: uninstantiated
40    integer(kind=int64) :: typeHash
41    integer(kind=int64), pointer :: kindParameter(:) ! values of instance
42    integer(1), pointer :: lenParameterKind(:) ! INTEGER kinds of LEN types
43    ! Data components appear in alphabetic order.
44    ! The parent component, if any, appears explicitly.
45    type(Component), pointer :: component(:) ! data components
46    type(ProcPtrComponent), pointer :: procptr(:) ! procedure pointers
47    ! Special bindings of the ancestral types are not duplicated here.
48    type(SpecialBinding), pointer :: special(:)
49  end type
51  type :: Binding
52    type(__builtin_c_funptr) :: proc
53    character(len=:), pointer :: name
54  end type
56  ! Array bounds and type parameters of ocmponents are deferred
57  ! (for allocatables and pointers), explicit constants, or
58  ! taken from LEN type parameters for automatic components.
59  enum, bind(c) ! Value::Genre
60    enumerator :: Deferred = 1, Explicit = 2, LenParameter = 3
61  end enum
63  type, bind(c) :: Value
64    integer(1) :: genre ! Value::Genre
65    integer(1) :: __padding0(7)
66    integer(kind=int64) :: value
67  end type
69  enum, bind(c) ! Component::Genre
70    enumerator :: Data = 1, Pointer = 2, Allocatable = 3, Automatic = 4
71  end enum
73  enum, bind(c) ! common::TypeCategory
74    enumerator :: CategoryInteger = 0, CategoryReal = 1, &
75      CategoryComplex = 2, CategoryCharacter = 3, &
76      CategoryLogical = 4, CategoryDerived = 5
77  end enum
79  type :: Component ! data components, incl. object pointers
80    character(len=:), pointer :: name
81    integer(1) :: genre ! Component::Genre
82    integer(1) :: category
83    integer(1) :: kind
84    integer(1) :: rank
85    integer(1) :: __padding0(4)
86    integer(kind=int64) :: offset
87    type(Value) :: characterLen ! for category == Character
88    type(DerivedType), pointer :: derived ! for category == Derived
89    type(Value), pointer :: lenValue(:) ! (SIZE(derived%lenParameterKind))
90    type(Value), pointer :: bounds(:, :) ! (2, rank): lower, upper
91    class(*), pointer :: initialization
92  end type
94  type :: ProcPtrComponent ! procedure pointer components
95    character(len=:), pointer :: name
96    integer(kind=int64) :: offset
97    type(__builtin_c_funptr) :: initialization
98  end type
100  enum, bind(c) ! SpecialBinding::Which
101    enumerator :: Assignment = 4, ElementalAssignment = 5
102    enumerator :: Final = 8, ElementalFinal = 9, AssumedRankFinal = 10
103    enumerator :: ReadFormatted = 16, ReadUnformatted = 17
104    enumerator :: WriteFormatted = 18, WriteUnformatted = 19
105  end enum
107  type, bind(c) :: SpecialBinding
108    integer(1) :: which ! SpecialBinding::Which
109    integer(1) :: rank ! for which == SpecialBinding::Which::Final only
110    integer(1) :: isArgDescriptorSet
111    integer(1) :: __padding0(5)
112    type(__builtin_c_funptr) :: proc
113  end type
115end module