1 //===- Transforms/IPO/SampleContextTracker.h --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 /// \file
10 /// This file provides the interface for context-sensitive profile tracker used
11 /// by CSSPGO.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
21 #include "llvm/Analysis/CallGraph.h"
22 #include "llvm/IR/DebugInfoMetadata.h"
23 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
24 #include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProf.h"
25 #include <list>
26 #include <map>
27 #include <vector>
29 using namespace llvm;
30 using namespace sampleprof;
32 namespace llvm {
34 // Internal trie tree representation used for tracking context tree and sample
35 // profiles. The path from root node to a given node represents the context of
36 // that nodes' profile.
37 class ContextTrieNode {
38 public:
39   ContextTrieNode(ContextTrieNode *Parent = nullptr,
40                   StringRef FName = StringRef(),
41                   FunctionSamples *FSamples = nullptr,
42                   LineLocation CallLoc = {0, 0})
ParentContext(Parent)43       : ParentContext(Parent), FuncName(FName), FuncSamples(FSamples),
44         CallSiteLoc(CallLoc){};
45   ContextTrieNode *getChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite,
46                                    StringRef CalleeName);
47   ContextTrieNode *getHottestChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite);
48   ContextTrieNode *getOrCreateChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite,
49                                            StringRef CalleeName,
50                                            bool AllowCreate = true);
52   ContextTrieNode &moveToChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite,
53                                       ContextTrieNode &&NodeToMove,
54                                       StringRef ContextStrToRemove,
55                                       bool DeleteNode = true);
56   void removeChildContext(const LineLocation &CallSite, StringRef CalleeName);
57   std::map<uint32_t, ContextTrieNode> &getAllChildContext();
58   const StringRef getFuncName() const;
59   FunctionSamples *getFunctionSamples() const;
60   void setFunctionSamples(FunctionSamples *FSamples);
61   LineLocation getCallSiteLoc() const;
62   ContextTrieNode *getParentContext() const;
63   void setParentContext(ContextTrieNode *Parent);
64   void dump();
66 private:
67   static uint32_t nodeHash(StringRef ChildName, const LineLocation &Callsite);
69   // Map line+discriminator location to child context
70   std::map<uint32_t, ContextTrieNode> AllChildContext;
72   // Link to parent context node
73   ContextTrieNode *ParentContext;
75   // Function name for current context
76   StringRef FuncName;
78   // Function Samples for current context
79   FunctionSamples *FuncSamples;
81   // Callsite location in parent context
82   LineLocation CallSiteLoc;
83 };
85 // Profile tracker that manages profiles and its associated context. It
86 // provides interfaces used by sample profile loader to query context profile or
87 // base profile for given function or location; it also manages context tree
88 // manipulation that is needed to accommodate inline decisions so we have
89 // accurate post-inline profile for functions. Internally context profiles
90 // are organized in a trie, with each node representing profile for specific
91 // calling context and the context is identified by path from root to the node.
92 class SampleContextTracker {
93 public:
94   using ContextSamplesTy = SmallSet<FunctionSamples *, 16>;
96   SampleContextTracker(StringMap<FunctionSamples> &Profiles);
97   // Query context profile for a specific callee with given name at a given
98   // call-site. The full context is identified by location of call instruction.
99   FunctionSamples *getCalleeContextSamplesFor(const CallBase &Inst,
100                                               StringRef CalleeName);
101   // Get samples for indirect call targets for call site at given location.
102   std::vector<const FunctionSamples *>
103   getIndirectCalleeContextSamplesFor(const DILocation *DIL);
104   // Query context profile for a given location. The full context
105   // is identified by input DILocation.
106   FunctionSamples *getContextSamplesFor(const DILocation *DIL);
107   // Query context profile for a given sample contxt of a function.
108   FunctionSamples *getContextSamplesFor(const SampleContext &Context);
109   // Get all context profile for given function.
110   ContextSamplesTy &getAllContextSamplesFor(const Function &Func);
111   ContextSamplesTy &getAllContextSamplesFor(StringRef Name);
112   // Query base profile for a given function. A base profile is a merged view
113   // of all context profiles for contexts that are not inlined.
114   FunctionSamples *getBaseSamplesFor(const Function &Func,
115                                      bool MergeContext = true);
116   // Query base profile for a given function by name.
117   FunctionSamples *getBaseSamplesFor(StringRef Name, bool MergeContext);
118   // Mark a context profile as inlined when function is inlined.
119   // This makes sure that inlined context profile will be excluded in
120   // function's base profile.
121   void markContextSamplesInlined(const FunctionSamples *InlinedSamples);
122   void promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(const Instruction &Inst,
123                                       StringRef CalleeName);
124   void addCallGraphEdges(CallGraph &CG, StringMap<Function *> &SymbolMap);
125   // Dump the internal context profile trie.
126   void dump();
128 private:
129   ContextTrieNode *getContextFor(const DILocation *DIL);
130   ContextTrieNode *getContextFor(const SampleContext &Context);
131   ContextTrieNode *getCalleeContextFor(const DILocation *DIL,
132                                        StringRef CalleeName);
133   ContextTrieNode *getOrCreateContextPath(const SampleContext &Context,
134                                           bool AllowCreate);
135   ContextTrieNode *getTopLevelContextNode(StringRef FName);
136   ContextTrieNode &addTopLevelContextNode(StringRef FName);
137   ContextTrieNode &promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(ContextTrieNode &NodeToPromo);
138   void mergeContextNode(ContextTrieNode &FromNode, ContextTrieNode &ToNode,
139                         StringRef ContextStrToRemove);
140   ContextTrieNode &promoteMergeContextSamplesTree(ContextTrieNode &FromNode,
141                                                   ContextTrieNode &ToNodeParent,
142                                                   StringRef ContextStrToRemove);
144   // Map from function name to context profiles (excluding base profile)
145   StringMap<ContextSamplesTy> FuncToCtxtProfileSet;
147   // Root node for context trie tree
148   ContextTrieNode RootContext;
149 };
151 } // end namespace llvm