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Name Date Size #Lines LOC







READMEH A D28-Jun-2021885 2216

binary-formats.canonical.jsonH A D28-Jun-20211.4 KiB3231

binary-formats.proftextH A D28-Jun-202115 54

branch-c-general.cH A D28-Jun-20213.6 KiB261186

branch-c-general.proftextH A D28-Jun-20211.2 KiB207194

branch-logical-mixed.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021279 8582

branch-macros.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021276 5046

branch-showBranchPercentage.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021119 2927

branch-templates.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021322 3934

combine_expansions.proftextH A D28-Jun-202159 97

dir-with-filtering.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021242 3328

dir-with-filtering1.cppH A D28-Jun-202161 97

dir-with-filtering2.cppH A D28-Jun-202152 96

double_dots.proftextH A D28-Jun-202159 97

hideUnexecutedSubviews.proftextH A D28-Jun-202159 1714

instrprof-comdat.hH A D28-Jun-20211.1 KiB2915

lineExecutionCounts.proftextH A D28-Jun-202144 98

multiple-files.proftextH A D28-Jun-202147 2016

name_whitelist.cppH A D28-Jun-2021180 1918

name_whitelist.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021443 5749

path_equivalence.proftextH A D28-Jun-202159 97

prefer_used_to_unused.cppH A D28-Jun-202191 64

prefer_used_to_unused.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021202 2622

prevent_false_instantiations.cppH A D28-Jun-2021164 1612

prevent_false_instantiations.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021191 2723

regionMarkers.proftextH A D28-Jun-202156 98

showExpansions.jsonH A D28-Jun-2021192 54

showProjectSummary.proftextH A D28-Jun-202166 119

showProjectSummary.testH A D28-Jun-2021516 1614

showTabsHTML.proftextH A D28-Jun-202159 97

universal-binary.proftextH A D28-Jun-202115 54

zeroFunctionFile.hH A D28-Jun-202172 41

zeroFunctionFile.proftextH A D28-Jun-2021119 1715


1These inputs were pre-generated to allow for easier testing of llvm-cov.
3The files used to test the gcov compatible code coverage tool were generated
4using the following method:
6  test.gcno and test.gcda were create by running clang:
7    clang++ -g -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs test.cpp
9  test.cpp.gcov was created by running gcov 4.2.1:
10    gcov test.cpp
12The 'covmapping' files that are used to test llvm-cov contain raw sections
13with the coverage mapping data generated by the compiler and linker. They are
14created by running clang and llvm-cov:
15  clang++ -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping -o test test.cpp
16  llvm-cov convert-for-testing -o test.covmapping test
18The 'profdata' files were generated by running an instrumented version of the
19program and merging the raw profile data using llvm-profdata.
20  ./test
21  llvm-profdata merge -o test.profdata default.profraw