1 //===-- include/flang/Semantics/type.h --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
13 #include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
14 #include "flang/Evaluate/expression.h"
15 #include "flang/Parser/char-block.h"
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <iosfwd>
18 #include <map>
19 #include <optional>
20 #include <string>
21 #include <variant>
22 #include <vector>
24 namespace llvm {
25 class raw_ostream;
26 }
28 namespace Fortran::parser {
29 struct Keyword;
30 }
32 namespace Fortran::semantics {
34 class Scope;
35 class SemanticsContext;
36 class Symbol;
38 /// A SourceName is a name in the cooked character stream,
39 /// i.e. a range of lower-case characters with provenance.
40 using SourceName = parser::CharBlock;
41 using TypeCategory = common::TypeCategory;
42 using SomeExpr = evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType>;
43 using MaybeExpr = std::optional<SomeExpr>;
44 using SomeIntExpr = evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeInteger>;
45 using MaybeIntExpr = std::optional<SomeIntExpr>;
46 using SubscriptIntExpr = evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SubscriptInteger>;
47 using MaybeSubscriptIntExpr = std::optional<SubscriptIntExpr>;
48 using KindExpr = SubscriptIntExpr;
50 // An array spec bound: an explicit integer expression or ASSUMED or DEFERRED
51 class Bound {
52 public:
Assumed()53   static Bound Assumed() { return Bound(Category::Assumed); }
Deferred()54   static Bound Deferred() { return Bound(Category::Deferred); }
Bound(MaybeSubscriptIntExpr && expr)55   explicit Bound(MaybeSubscriptIntExpr &&expr) : expr_{std::move(expr)} {}
56   explicit Bound(common::ConstantSubscript bound);
57   Bound(const Bound &) = default;
58   Bound(Bound &&) = default;
59   Bound &operator=(const Bound &) = default;
60   Bound &operator=(Bound &&) = default;
isExplicit()61   bool isExplicit() const { return category_ == Category::Explicit; }
isAssumed()62   bool isAssumed() const { return category_ == Category::Assumed; }
isDeferred()63   bool isDeferred() const { return category_ == Category::Deferred; }
GetExplicit()64   MaybeSubscriptIntExpr &GetExplicit() { return expr_; }
GetExplicit()65   const MaybeSubscriptIntExpr &GetExplicit() const { return expr_; }
SetExplicit(MaybeSubscriptIntExpr && expr)66   void SetExplicit(MaybeSubscriptIntExpr &&expr) {
67     CHECK(isExplicit());
68     expr_ = std::move(expr);
69   }
71 private:
72   enum class Category { Explicit, Deferred, Assumed };
Bound(Category category)73   Bound(Category category) : category_{category} {}
Bound(Category category,MaybeSubscriptIntExpr && expr)74   Bound(Category category, MaybeSubscriptIntExpr &&expr)
75       : category_{category}, expr_{std::move(expr)} {}
76   Category category_{Category::Explicit};
77   MaybeSubscriptIntExpr expr_;
78   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const Bound &);
79 };
81 // A type parameter value: integer expression or assumed or deferred.
82 class ParamValue {
83 public:
Assumed(common::TypeParamAttr attr)84   static ParamValue Assumed(common::TypeParamAttr attr) {
85     return ParamValue{Category::Assumed, attr};
86   }
Deferred(common::TypeParamAttr attr)87   static ParamValue Deferred(common::TypeParamAttr attr) {
88     return ParamValue{Category::Deferred, attr};
89   }
90   ParamValue(const ParamValue &) = default;
91   explicit ParamValue(MaybeIntExpr &&, common::TypeParamAttr);
92   explicit ParamValue(SomeIntExpr &&, common::TypeParamAttr attr);
93   explicit ParamValue(common::ConstantSubscript, common::TypeParamAttr attr);
isExplicit()94   bool isExplicit() const { return category_ == Category::Explicit; }
isAssumed()95   bool isAssumed() const { return category_ == Category::Assumed; }
isDeferred()96   bool isDeferred() const { return category_ == Category::Deferred; }
GetExplicit()97   const MaybeIntExpr &GetExplicit() const { return expr_; }
98   void SetExplicit(SomeIntExpr &&);
isKind()99   bool isKind() const { return attr_ == common::TypeParamAttr::Kind; }
isLen()100   bool isLen() const { return attr_ == common::TypeParamAttr::Len; }
set_attr(common::TypeParamAttr attr)101   void set_attr(common::TypeParamAttr attr) { attr_ = attr; }
102   bool operator==(const ParamValue &that) const {
103     return category_ == that.category_ && expr_ == that.expr_;
104   }
105   std::string AsFortran() const;
107 private:
108   enum class Category { Explicit, Deferred, Assumed };
ParamValue(Category category,common::TypeParamAttr attr)109   ParamValue(Category category, common::TypeParamAttr attr)
110       : category_{category}, attr_{attr} {}
111   Category category_{Category::Explicit};
112   common::TypeParamAttr attr_{common::TypeParamAttr::Kind};
113   MaybeIntExpr expr_;
114   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const ParamValue &);
115 };
117 class IntrinsicTypeSpec {
118 public:
category()119   TypeCategory category() const { return category_; }
kind()120   const KindExpr &kind() const { return kind_; }
121   bool operator==(const IntrinsicTypeSpec &x) const {
122     return category_ == x.category_ && kind_ == x.kind_;
123   }
124   bool operator!=(const IntrinsicTypeSpec &x) const { return !operator==(x); }
125   std::string AsFortran() const;
127 protected:
128   IntrinsicTypeSpec(TypeCategory, KindExpr &&);
130 private:
131   TypeCategory category_;
132   KindExpr kind_;
133   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
134       llvm::raw_ostream &os, const IntrinsicTypeSpec &x);
135 };
137 class NumericTypeSpec : public IntrinsicTypeSpec {
138 public:
NumericTypeSpec(TypeCategory category,KindExpr && kind)139   NumericTypeSpec(TypeCategory category, KindExpr &&kind)
140       : IntrinsicTypeSpec(category, std::move(kind)) {
141     CHECK(common::IsNumericTypeCategory(category));
142   }
143 };
145 class LogicalTypeSpec : public IntrinsicTypeSpec {
146 public:
LogicalTypeSpec(KindExpr && kind)147   explicit LogicalTypeSpec(KindExpr &&kind)
148       : IntrinsicTypeSpec(TypeCategory::Logical, std::move(kind)) {}
149 };
151 class CharacterTypeSpec : public IntrinsicTypeSpec {
152 public:
CharacterTypeSpec(ParamValue && length,KindExpr && kind)153   CharacterTypeSpec(ParamValue &&length, KindExpr &&kind)
154       : IntrinsicTypeSpec(TypeCategory::Character, std::move(kind)),
155         length_{std::move(length)} {}
length()156   const ParamValue &length() const { return length_; }
157   bool operator==(const CharacterTypeSpec &that) const {
158     return kind() == that.kind() && length_ == that.length_;
159   }
160   std::string AsFortran() const;
162 private:
163   ParamValue length_;
164   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
165       llvm::raw_ostream &os, const CharacterTypeSpec &x);
166 };
168 class ShapeSpec {
169 public:
170   // lb:ub
MakeExplicit(Bound && lb,Bound && ub)171   static ShapeSpec MakeExplicit(Bound &&lb, Bound &&ub) {
172     return ShapeSpec(std::move(lb), std::move(ub));
173   }
174   // 1:ub
MakeExplicit(Bound && ub)175   static const ShapeSpec MakeExplicit(Bound &&ub) {
176     return MakeExplicit(Bound{1}, std::move(ub));
177   }
178   // 1:
MakeAssumed()179   static ShapeSpec MakeAssumed() {
180     return ShapeSpec(Bound{1}, Bound::Deferred());
181   }
182   // lb:
MakeAssumed(Bound && lb)183   static ShapeSpec MakeAssumed(Bound &&lb) {
184     return ShapeSpec(std::move(lb), Bound::Deferred());
185   }
186   // :
MakeDeferred()187   static ShapeSpec MakeDeferred() {
188     return ShapeSpec(Bound::Deferred(), Bound::Deferred());
189   }
190   // 1:*
MakeImplied()191   static ShapeSpec MakeImplied() {
192     return ShapeSpec(Bound{1}, Bound::Assumed());
193   }
194   // lb:*
MakeImplied(Bound && lb)195   static ShapeSpec MakeImplied(Bound &&lb) {
196     return ShapeSpec(std::move(lb), Bound::Assumed());
197   }
198   // ..
MakeAssumedRank()199   static ShapeSpec MakeAssumedRank() {
200     return ShapeSpec(Bound::Assumed(), Bound::Assumed());
201   }
203   ShapeSpec(const ShapeSpec &) = default;
204   ShapeSpec(ShapeSpec &&) = default;
205   ShapeSpec &operator=(const ShapeSpec &) = default;
206   ShapeSpec &operator=(ShapeSpec &&) = default;
lbound()208   Bound &lbound() { return lb_; }
lbound()209   const Bound &lbound() const { return lb_; }
ubound()210   Bound &ubound() { return ub_; }
ubound()211   const Bound &ubound() const { return ub_; }
213 private:
ShapeSpec(Bound && lb,Bound && ub)214   ShapeSpec(Bound &&lb, Bound &&ub) : lb_{std::move(lb)}, ub_{std::move(ub)} {}
215   Bound lb_;
216   Bound ub_;
217   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const ShapeSpec &);
218 };
220 struct ArraySpec : public std::vector<ShapeSpec> {
ArraySpecArraySpec221   ArraySpec() {}
RankArraySpec222   int Rank() const { return size(); }
223   inline bool IsExplicitShape() const;
224   inline bool IsAssumedShape() const;
225   inline bool IsDeferredShape() const;
226   inline bool IsImpliedShape() const;
227   inline bool IsAssumedSize() const;
228   inline bool IsAssumedRank() const;
230 private:
231   // Check non-empty and predicate is true for each element.
CheckAllArraySpec232   template <typename P> bool CheckAll(P predicate) const {
233     return !empty() && std::all_of(begin(), end(), predicate);
234   }
235 };
236 llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const ArraySpec &);
238 // Each DerivedTypeSpec has a typeSymbol that has DerivedTypeDetails.
239 // The name may not match the symbol's name in case of a USE rename.
240 class DerivedTypeSpec {
241 public:
242   using RawParameter = std::pair<const parser::Keyword *, ParamValue>;
243   using RawParameters = std::vector<RawParameter>;
244   using ParameterMapType = std::map<SourceName, ParamValue>;
245   DerivedTypeSpec(SourceName, const Symbol &);
246   DerivedTypeSpec(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
247   DerivedTypeSpec(DerivedTypeSpec &&);
name()249   const SourceName &name() const { return name_; }
typeSymbol()250   const Symbol &typeSymbol() const { return typeSymbol_; }
scope()251   const Scope *scope() const { return scope_; }
252   void set_scope(const Scope &);
253   void ReplaceScope(const Scope &);
rawParameters()254   RawParameters &rawParameters() { return rawParameters_; }
parameters()255   const ParameterMapType &parameters() const { return parameters_; }
257   bool MightBeParameterized() const;
258   bool IsForwardReferenced() const;
259   bool HasDefaultInitialization() const;
260   bool HasDestruction() const;
262   // The "raw" type parameter list is a simple transcription from the
263   // parameter list in the parse tree, built by calling AddRawParamValue().
264   // It can be used with forward-referenced derived types.
265   void AddRawParamValue(const std::optional<parser::Keyword> &, ParamValue &&);
266   // Checks the raw parameter list against the definition of a derived type.
267   // Converts the raw parameter list to a map, naming each actual parameter.
268   void CookParameters(evaluate::FoldingContext &);
269   // Evaluates type parameter expressions.
270   void EvaluateParameters(SemanticsContext &);
271   void AddParamValue(SourceName, ParamValue &&);
272   // Creates a Scope for the type and populates it with component
273   // instantiations that have been specialized with actual type parameter
274   // values, which are cooked &/or evaluated if necessary.
275   void Instantiate(Scope &containingScope);
277   ParamValue *FindParameter(SourceName);
FindParameter(SourceName target)278   const ParamValue *FindParameter(SourceName target) const {
279     auto iter{parameters_.find(target)};
280     if (iter != parameters_.end()) {
281       return &iter->second;
282     } else {
283       return nullptr;
284     }
285   }
286   bool MightBeAssignmentCompatibleWith(const DerivedTypeSpec &) const;
287   bool operator==(const DerivedTypeSpec &that) const {
288     return RawEquals(that) && parameters_ == that.parameters_;
289   }
290   std::string AsFortran() const;
292 private:
293   SourceName name_;
294   const Symbol &typeSymbol_;
295   const Scope *scope_{nullptr}; // same as typeSymbol_.scope() unless PDT
296   bool cooked_{false};
297   bool evaluated_{false};
298   bool instantiated_{false};
299   RawParameters rawParameters_;
300   ParameterMapType parameters_;
RawEquals(const DerivedTypeSpec & that)301   bool RawEquals(const DerivedTypeSpec &that) const {
302     return &typeSymbol_ == &that.typeSymbol_ && cooked_ == that.cooked_ &&
303         rawParameters_ == that.rawParameters_;
304   }
305   friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
306       llvm::raw_ostream &, const DerivedTypeSpec &);
307 };
309 class DeclTypeSpec {
310 public:
311   enum Category {
312     Numeric,
313     Logical,
314     Character,
315     TypeDerived,
316     ClassDerived,
317     TypeStar,
318     ClassStar
319   };
321   // intrinsic-type-spec or TYPE(intrinsic-type-spec), not character
322   DeclTypeSpec(NumericTypeSpec &&);
323   DeclTypeSpec(LogicalTypeSpec &&);
324   // character
325   DeclTypeSpec(const CharacterTypeSpec &);
326   DeclTypeSpec(CharacterTypeSpec &&);
327   // TYPE(derived-type-spec) or CLASS(derived-type-spec)
328   DeclTypeSpec(Category, const DerivedTypeSpec &);
329   DeclTypeSpec(Category, DerivedTypeSpec &&);
330   // TYPE(*) or CLASS(*)
331   DeclTypeSpec(Category);
333   bool operator==(const DeclTypeSpec &) const;
334   bool operator!=(const DeclTypeSpec &that) const { return !operator==(that); }
category()336   Category category() const { return category_; }
set_category(Category category)337   void set_category(Category category) { category_ = category; }
IsPolymorphic()338   bool IsPolymorphic() const {
339     return category_ == ClassDerived || IsUnlimitedPolymorphic();
340   }
IsUnlimitedPolymorphic()341   bool IsUnlimitedPolymorphic() const {
342     return category_ == TypeStar || category_ == ClassStar;
343   }
IsAssumedType()344   bool IsAssumedType() const { return category_ == TypeStar; }
345   bool IsNumeric(TypeCategory) const;
346   bool IsSequenceType() const;
347   const NumericTypeSpec &numericTypeSpec() const;
348   const LogicalTypeSpec &logicalTypeSpec() const;
characterTypeSpec()349   const CharacterTypeSpec &characterTypeSpec() const {
350     CHECK(category_ == Character);
351     return std::get<CharacterTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
352   }
derivedTypeSpec()353   const DerivedTypeSpec &derivedTypeSpec() const {
354     CHECK(category_ == TypeDerived || category_ == ClassDerived);
355     return std::get<DerivedTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
356   }
derivedTypeSpec()357   DerivedTypeSpec &derivedTypeSpec() {
358     CHECK(category_ == TypeDerived || category_ == ClassDerived);
359     return std::get<DerivedTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
360   }
362   inline IntrinsicTypeSpec *AsIntrinsic();
363   inline const IntrinsicTypeSpec *AsIntrinsic() const;
364   inline DerivedTypeSpec *AsDerived();
365   inline const DerivedTypeSpec *AsDerived() const;
367   std::string AsFortran() const;
369 private:
370   Category category_;
371   std::variant<std::monostate, NumericTypeSpec, LogicalTypeSpec,
372       CharacterTypeSpec, DerivedTypeSpec>
373       typeSpec_;
374 };
375 llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const DeclTypeSpec &);
377 // This represents a proc-interface in the declaration of a procedure or
378 // procedure component. It comprises a symbol that represents the specific
379 // interface or a decl-type-spec that represents the function return type.
380 class ProcInterface {
381 public:
symbol()382   const Symbol *symbol() const { return symbol_; }
type()383   const DeclTypeSpec *type() const { return type_; }
384   void set_symbol(const Symbol &symbol);
385   void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &type);
387 private:
388   const Symbol *symbol_{nullptr};
389   const DeclTypeSpec *type_{nullptr};
390 };
392 // Define some member functions here in the header so that they can be used by
393 // lib/Evaluate without link-time dependency on Semantics.
IsExplicitShape()395 inline bool ArraySpec::IsExplicitShape() const {
396   return CheckAll([](const ShapeSpec &x) { return x.ubound().isExplicit(); });
397 }
IsAssumedShape()398 inline bool ArraySpec::IsAssumedShape() const {
399   return CheckAll([](const ShapeSpec &x) { return x.ubound().isDeferred(); });
400 }
IsDeferredShape()401 inline bool ArraySpec::IsDeferredShape() const {
402   return CheckAll([](const ShapeSpec &x) {
403     return x.lbound().isDeferred() && x.ubound().isDeferred();
404   });
405 }
IsImpliedShape()406 inline bool ArraySpec::IsImpliedShape() const {
407   return !IsAssumedRank() &&
408       CheckAll([](const ShapeSpec &x) { return x.ubound().isAssumed(); });
409 }
IsAssumedSize()410 inline bool ArraySpec::IsAssumedSize() const {
411   return !empty() && !IsAssumedRank() && back().ubound().isAssumed() &&
412       std::all_of(begin(), end() - 1,
413           [](const ShapeSpec &x) { return x.ubound().isExplicit(); });
414 }
IsAssumedRank()415 inline bool ArraySpec::IsAssumedRank() const {
416   return Rank() == 1 && front().lbound().isAssumed();
417 }
AsIntrinsic()419 inline IntrinsicTypeSpec *DeclTypeSpec::AsIntrinsic() {
420   switch (category_) {
421   case Numeric:
422     return &std::get<NumericTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
423   case Logical:
424     return &std::get<LogicalTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
425   case Character:
426     return &std::get<CharacterTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
427   default:
428     return nullptr;
429   }
430 }
AsIntrinsic()431 inline const IntrinsicTypeSpec *DeclTypeSpec::AsIntrinsic() const {
432   return const_cast<DeclTypeSpec *>(this)->AsIntrinsic();
433 }
AsDerived()435 inline DerivedTypeSpec *DeclTypeSpec::AsDerived() {
436   switch (category_) {
437   case TypeDerived:
438   case ClassDerived:
439     return &std::get<DerivedTypeSpec>(typeSpec_);
440   default:
441     return nullptr;
442   }
443 }
AsDerived()444 inline const DerivedTypeSpec *DeclTypeSpec::AsDerived() const {
445   return const_cast<DeclTypeSpec *>(this)->AsDerived();
446 }
448 } // namespace Fortran::semantics