1 // RUN: %clangxx_tsan -O1 %s -o %t
2 // `handle_sigbus=0` is required because when the rdar://problem/58789439 bug was
3 // present TSan's runtime could derefence bad memory leading to SIGBUS being raised.
4 // If the signal was caught TSan would deadlock because it would try to run the
5 // symbolizer again.
6 // RUN: %env_tsan_opts=handle_sigbus=0,symbolize=1 %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
7 // RUN: %env_tsan_opts=handle_sigbus=0,symbolize=1 __check_mach_ports_lookup=some_value %run %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
8 #include <sanitizer/common_interface_defs.h>
9 #include <stdio.h>
10 #include <stdlib.h>
12 const char *kEnvName = "__UNLIKELY_ENV_VAR_NAME__";
main()14 int main() {
15   if (getenv(kEnvName)) {
16     fprintf(stderr, "Env var %s should not be set\n", kEnvName);
17     abort();
18   }
20   // This will set an environment variable that isn't already in
21   // the environment array. This will cause Darwin's Libc to
22   // malloc() a new array.
23   if (setenv(kEnvName, "some_value", /*overwrite=*/1)) {
24     fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set %s \n", kEnvName);
25     abort();
26   }
28   // rdar://problem/58789439
29   // Now trigger symbolization. If symbolization tries to call
30   // to `setenv` that adds a new environment variable, then Darwin
31   // Libc will call `realloc()` and TSan's runtime will hit
32   // an assertion failure because TSan's runtime uses a different
33   // allocator during symbolization which leads to `realloc()` being
34   // called on a pointer that the allocator didn't allocate.
35   //
36   // CHECK: #{{[0-9]}} main {{.*}}no_call_setenv_in_symbolize.cpp:[[@LINE+1]]
37   __sanitizer_print_stack_trace();
39   // CHECK: DONE
40   fprintf(stderr, "DONE\n");
42   return 0;
43 }