1 /*! A dynamically-allocated, fixed-size, buffer containing a `BitSlice` region.
3 You can read the standard library’s [`alloc::boxed` module documentation][std]
4 here.
6 This module defines the [`BitBox`] buffer, and all of its associated support
7 code.
9 `BitBox` is equivalent to `Box<[bool]>`, in its operation and in its
10 relationship to the `BitSlice` and [`BitVec`] types. Most of the interesting
11 work to be done on a bit-sequence is implemented in `BitSlice`, to which
12 `BitBox` dereferences, and the box container itself only exists to maintain
13 wonership and provide some specializations that cannot safely be done on
14 `BitSlice` alone.
16 There is almost never a reason to use this type, as it is a mixture of
17 [`BitArray`]’s fixed width and [`BitVec`]’s heap allocation. You should only use
18 it when you have a bit-sequence whose width is either unknowable at compile-time
19 or inexpressable in `BitArray`, and are constructing the sequence in a `BitVec`
20 before freezing it.
22 [`BitArray`]: ../array/struct.BitArray.html
23 [`BitBox`]: struct.BitBox.html
24 [`BitSlice`]: ../slice/struct.BitSlice.html
25 [`BitVec`]: ../vec/struct.BitVec.html
26 [std]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed
27 !*/
29 #![cfg(feature = "alloc")]
31 use crate::{
32 	index::BitIdx,
33 	mem::BitMemory,
34 	order::{
35 		BitOrder,
36 		Lsb0,
37 	},
38 	pointer::BitPtr,
39 	slice::BitSlice,
40 	store::BitStore,
41 };
43 use alloc::boxed::Box;
45 use core::{
46 	mem::ManuallyDrop,
47 	ptr::NonNull,
48 	slice,
49 };
51 use wyz::pipe::{
52 	Pipe,
53 	PipeRef,
54 };
56 /** A frozen heap-allocated buffer of individual bits.
58 This is essentially a [`BitVec`] that has frozen its allocation, and given up
59 the ability to change size. It is analagous to `Box<[bool]>`, and is written to
60 be as close as possible to drop-in replacable for it. This type contains almost
61 no interesting behavior in its own right; it dereferences to [`BitSlice`] to
62 manipulate its contents, and it converts to and from `BitVec` for allocation
63 control.
65 If you know the length of your bit sequence at compile-time, and it is
66 expressible within the limits of [`BitArray`], you should prefer that type
67 instead. Large `BitArray`s can be `Box`ed normally as desired.
69 # Documentation
71 All APIs that mirror something in the standard library will have an `Original`
72 section linking to the corresponding item. All APIs that have a different
73 signature or behavior than the original will have an `API Differences` section
74 explaining what has changed, and how to adapt your existing code to the change.
76 These sections look like this:
78 # Original
80 [`Box<[T]>`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html)
82 # API Differences
84 The buffer type `Box<[bool]>` has no type parameters. `BitBox<O, T>` has the
85 same two type parameters as `BitSlice<O, T>`. Otherwise, `BitBox` is able to
86 implement the full API surface of `Box<[bool]>`.
88 # Behavior
90 Because `BitBox` is a fully-owned buffer, it is able to operate on its memory
91 without concern for any other views that may alias. This enables it to
92 specialize some `BitSlice` behavior to be faster or more efficient.
94 # Type Parameters
96 This takes the same two type parameters, `O: BitOrder` and `T: BitStore`, as
97 `BitSlice`.
99 # Safety
101 Like `BitSlice`, `BitBox` is exactly equal in size to `Box<[bool]>`, and is also
102 absolutely representation-incompatible with it. You must never attempt to
103 type-cast between `Box<[bool]>` and `BitBox` in any way, nor attempt to modify
104 the memory value of a `BitBox` handle. Doing so will cause allocator and memory
105 errors in your program, likely inducing a panic.
107 Everything in the `BitBox` public API, even the `unsafe` parts, are guaranteed
108 to have no more unsafety than their equivalent items in the standard library.
109 All `unsafe` APIs will have documentation explicitly detailing what the API
110 requires you to uphold in order for it to function safely and correctly. All
111 safe APIs will do so themselves.
113 # Performance
115 Iteration over the buffer is governed by the `BitSlice` characteristics on the
116 type parameter. You are generally better off using larger types when your buffer
117 is a data collection rather than a specific I/O protocol buffer.
119 # Macro Construction
121 Heap allocation can only occur at runtime, but the [`bitbox!`] macro will
122 construct an appropriate `BitSlice` buffer at compile-time, and at run-time,
123 only copy the buffer into a heap allocation.
125 [`BitArray`]: ../array/struct.BitArray.html
126 [`BitSlice`]: ../slice/struct.BitSlice.html
127 [`BitVec`]: ../vec/struct.BitVec.html
128 [`bitbox!`]: ../macro.bitbox.html
129 **/
130 #[repr(transparent)]
131 pub struct BitBox<O = Lsb0, T = usize>
132 where
133 	O: BitOrder,
134 	T: BitStore,
135 {
136 	pointer: NonNull<BitSlice<O, T>>,
137 }
139 /// Methods specific to `BitBox<_, T>`, and not present on `Box<[T]>`.
140 impl<O, T> BitBox<O, T>
141 where
142 	O: BitOrder,
143 	T: BitStore,
144 {
145 	/// Clones a `&BitSlice` into a `BitVec`.
146 	///
147 	/// # Original
148 	///
149 	/// [`<Box<T: Clone> as Clone>::clone`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html#impl-Clone)
150 	///
151 	/// # Effects
152 	///
153 	/// This performs a direct element-wise copy from the source slice to the
154 	/// newly-allocated buffer, then sets the box to have the same starting bit
155 	/// as the slice did. This allows for faster behavior.
156 	///
157 	/// # Examples
158 	///
159 	/// ```rust
160 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
161 	///
162 	/// let bits = bits![0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1];
163 	/// let bb = BitBox::from_bitslice(&bits[2 ..]);
164 	/// assert_eq!(bb, bits[2 ..]);
165 	/// ```
166 	#[inline]
167 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
from_bitslice(slice: &BitSlice<O, T>) -> Self168 	pub fn from_bitslice(slice: &BitSlice<O, T>) -> Self {
169 		slice.to_bitvec().into_boxed_bitslice()
170 	}
172 	/// Converts a `Box<[T]>` into a `BitBox`<O, T>` without copying its buffer.
173 	///
174 	/// # Parameters
175 	///
176 	/// - `boxed`: A boxed slice to view as bits.
177 	///
178 	/// # Returns
179 	///
180 	/// A `BitBox` over the `boxed` buffer.
181 	///
182 	/// # Panics
183 	///
184 	/// This panics if `boxed` is too long to convert into a `BitBox`. See
185 	/// [`BitSlice::MAX_ELTS`].
186 	///
187 	/// # Examples
188 	///
189 	/// ```rust
190 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
191 	///
192 	/// let boxed: Box<[u8]> = Box::new([0; 4]);
193 	/// let bb = BitBox::<LocalBits, _>::from_boxed_slice(boxed);
194 	/// assert_eq!(bb, bits![0; 32]);
195 	/// ```
196 	///
197 	/// [`BitSlice::MAX_ELTS`]:
198 	/// ../slice/struct.BitSlice.html#associatedconstant.MAX_ELTS
199 	#[inline]
from_boxed_slice(boxed: Box<[T]>) -> Self200 	pub fn from_boxed_slice(boxed: Box<[T]>) -> Self {
201 		Self::try_from_boxed_slice(boxed)
202 			.expect("Slice was too long to be converted into a `BitBox`")
203 	}
205 	/// Converts a `Box<[T]>` into a `BitBox<O, T>` without copying its buffer.
206 	///
207 	/// This method takes ownership of a memory buffer and enables it to be used
208 	/// as a bit-box. Because `Box<[T]>` can be longer than `BitBox`es, this is
209 	/// a fallible method, and the original box will be returned if it cannot be
210 	/// converted.
211 	///
212 	/// # Parameters
213 	///
214 	/// - `boxed`: Some boxed slice of memory, to be viewed as bits.
215 	///
216 	/// # Returns
217 	///
218 	/// If `boxed` is short enough to be viewed as a `BitBox`, then this returns
219 	/// a `BitBox` over the `boxed` buffer. If `boxed` is too long, then this
220 	/// returns `boxed` unmodified.
221 	///
222 	/// # Examples
223 	///
224 	/// ```rust
225 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
226 	///
227 	/// let boxed: Box<[u8]> = Box::new([0; 4]);
228 	/// let bb = BitBox::<LocalBits, _>::try_from_boxed_slice(boxed).unwrap();
229 	/// assert_eq!(bb[..], bits![0; 32]);
230 	/// ```
231 	#[inline]
try_from_boxed_slice(boxed: Box<[T]>) -> Result<Self, Box<[T]>>232 	pub fn try_from_boxed_slice(boxed: Box<[T]>) -> Result<Self, Box<[T]>> {
233 		let len = boxed.len();
234 		if len > BitSlice::<O, T>::MAX_ELTS {
235 			return Err(boxed);
236 		}
238 		let boxed = ManuallyDrop::new(boxed);
239 		let base = boxed.as_ptr();
240 		Ok(Self {
241 			pointer: unsafe {
242 				BitPtr::new_unchecked(
243 					base,
244 					BitIdx::ZERO,
245 					len * T::Mem::BITS as usize,
246 				)
247 			}
248 			.to_nonnull(),
249 		})
250 	}
252 	/// Converts the slice back into an ordinary slice of memory elements.
253 	///
254 	/// This does not affect the slice’s buffer, only the handle used to control
255 	/// it.
256 	///
257 	/// # Parameters
258 	///
259 	/// - `self`
260 	///
261 	/// # Returns
262 	///
263 	/// An ordinary boxed slice containing all of the bit-slice’s memory buffer.
264 	///
265 	/// # Examples
266 	///
267 	/// ```rust
268 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
269 	///
270 	/// let bb = bitbox![0; 5];
271 	/// let boxed = bb.into_boxed_slice();
272 	/// assert_eq!(boxed[..], [0][..]);
273 	/// ```
274 	#[inline]
into_boxed_slice(self) -> Box<[T]>275 	pub fn into_boxed_slice(self) -> Box<[T]> {
276 		let mut this = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
277 		unsafe { Box::from_raw(this.as_mut_slice()) }
278 	}
280 	/// Views the buffer’s contents as a `BitSlice`.
281 	///
282 	/// This is equivalent to `&bb[..]`.
283 	///
284 	/// # Original
285 	///
286 	/// [`<Box<[T]> as AsRef<[T]>>::as_ref`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html#impl-AsRef%3CT%3E)
287 	///
288 	/// # Examples
289 	///
290 	/// ```rust
291 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
292 	///
293 	/// let bb = bitbox![0, 1, 1, 0];
294 	/// let bits = bb.as_bitslice();
295 	/// ```
296 	#[inline]
297 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_bitslice(&self) -> &BitSlice<O, T>298 	pub fn as_bitslice(&self) -> &BitSlice<O, T> {
299 		self.bitptr().to_bitslice_ref()
300 	}
302 	/// Extracts a mutable bit-slice of the entire vector.
303 	///
304 	/// Equivalent to `&mut bv[..]`.
305 	///
306 	/// # Original
307 	///
308 	/// [`<Box<[T]> as AsMut<[T]>>::as_mut`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html#impl-AsMut%3CT%3E)
309 	///
310 	/// # Examples
311 	///
312 	/// ```rust
313 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
314 	///
315 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![0, 1, 0, 1];
316 	/// let bits = bv.as_mut_bitslice();
317 	/// bits.set(0, true);
318 	/// ```
319 	#[inline]
320 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_mut_bitslice(&mut self) -> &mut BitSlice<O, T>321 	pub fn as_mut_bitslice(&mut self) -> &mut BitSlice<O, T> {
322 		self.bitptr().to_bitslice_mut()
323 	}
325 	/// Extracts an element slice containing the entire box.
326 	///
327 	/// # Original
328 	///
329 	/// [`<Box<[T]> as AsRef<[T]>>::as_ref`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html#impl-AsRef%3CT%3E)
330 	///
331 	/// # Analogue
332 	///
333 	/// See [`as_bitslice`] for a `&BitBox -> &BitSlice` transform.
334 	///
335 	/// # Examples
336 	///
337 	/// ```rust
338 	/// # #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
339 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
340 	/// use std::io::{self, Write};
341 	/// let buffer = bitbox![Msb0, u8; 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0];
342 	/// io::sink().write(buffer.as_slice()).unwrap();
343 	/// # }
344 	/// ```
345 	///
346 	/// [`as_bitslice`]: #method.as_bitslice
347 	#[inline]
as_slice(&self) -> &[T]348 	pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {
349 		let bitptr = self.bitptr();
350 		let (base, elts) = (bitptr.pointer().to_const(), bitptr.elements());
351 		unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(base, elts) }
352 	}
354 	/// Extracts a mutable slice of the entire box.
355 	///
356 	/// # Original
357 	///
358 	/// [`<Box<[T]> as AsMut<[T]>>::as_mut`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/boxed/struct.Box.html#impl-AsMut%3CT%3E)
359 	///
360 	/// # Analogue
361 	///
362 	/// See [`as_mut_bitslice`] for a `&mut BitBox -> &mut BitSlice` transform.
363 	///
364 	/// # Examples
365 	///
366 	/// ```rust
367 	/// # #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
368 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
369 	/// use std::io::{self, Read};
370 	/// let mut buffer = bitbox![Msb0, u8; 0; 24];
371 	/// io::repeat(0b101).read_exact(buffer.as_mut_slice()).unwrap();
372 	/// # }
373 	/// ```
374 	///
375 	/// [`as_mut_bitslice`]: #method.as_mut_bitslice
376 	#[inline]
as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T]377 	pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
378 		let bitptr = self.bitptr();
379 		let (base, elts) = (bitptr.pointer().to_mut(), bitptr.elements());
380 		unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(base, elts) }
381 	}
383 	/// Sets the uninitialized bits of the vector to a fixed value.
384 	///
385 	/// This method modifies all bits in the allocated buffer that are outside
386 	/// the `self.as_bitslice()` view so that they have a consistent value. This
387 	/// can be used to zero the uninitialized memory so that when viewed as a
388 	/// raw memory slice, bits outside the live region have a predictable value.
389 	///
390 	/// # Examples
391 	///
392 	/// ```rust
393 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
394 	///
395 	/// let mut bb = BitBox::new(&220u8.view_bits::<Lsb0>()[.. 4]);
396 	/// assert_eq!(bb.count_ones(), 2);
397 	/// assert_eq!(bb.as_slice(), &[220u8]);
398 	///
399 	/// bb.set_uninitialized(false);
400 	/// assert_eq!(bb.as_slice(), &[12u8]);
401 	///
402 	/// bb.set_uninitialized(true);
403 	/// assert_eq!(bb.as_slice(), &[!3u8]);
404 	/// ```
405 	#[inline]
set_uninitialized(&mut self, value: bool)406 	pub fn set_uninitialized(&mut self, value: bool) {
407 		let head = self.bitptr().head().value() as usize;
408 		let tail = head + self.len();
409 		let elts = self.bitptr().elements() * T::Mem::BITS as usize;
410 		let mut bp = self.bitptr();
411 		unsafe {
412 			bp.set_head(BitIdx::ZERO);
413 			bp.set_len(elts);
414 			let bits = bp.to_bitslice_mut::<O>();
415 			bits.get_unchecked_mut(.. head).set_all(value);
416 			bits.get_unchecked_mut(tail ..).set_all(value);
417 		}
418 	}
420 	#[inline]
bitptr(&self) -> BitPtr<T>421 	pub(crate) fn bitptr(&self) -> BitPtr<T> {
422 		self.pointer.as_ptr().pipe(BitPtr::from_bitslice_ptr_mut)
423 	}
425 	/// Permits a function to modify the `Box<[T]>` backing storage of a
426 	/// `BitBox<_, T>`.
427 	///
428 	/// This produces a temporary `Box<[T::Mem]>` structure governing the
429 	/// `BitBox`’s buffer and allows a function to view it mutably. After the
430 	/// callback returns, the `Box` is written back into `self` and forgotten.
431 	///
432 	/// # Type Parameters
433 	///
434 	/// - `F`: A function which operates on a mutable borrow of a
435 	///   `Box<[T::Mem]>` buffer controller.
436 	/// - `R`: The return type of the `F` function.
437 	///
438 	/// # Parameters
439 	///
440 	/// - `&mut self`
441 	/// - `func`: A function which receives a mutable borrow of a
442 	///   `Box<[T::Mem]>` controlling `self`’s buffer.
443 	///
444 	/// # Returns
445 	///
446 	/// The return value of `func`. `func` is forbidden from borrowing any part
447 	/// of the `Box<[T::Mem]>` temporary view.
with_box<F, R>(&mut self, func: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&mut ManuallyDrop<Box<[T::Mem]>>) -> R448 	fn with_box<F, R>(&mut self, func: F) -> R
449 	where F: FnOnce(&mut ManuallyDrop<Box<[T::Mem]>>) -> R {
450 		self.as_mut_slice()
451 			.pipe(|s| s as *mut [T] as *mut [T::Mem])
452 			.pipe(|raw| unsafe { Box::from_raw(raw) })
453 			.pipe(ManuallyDrop::new)
454 			.pipe_mut(func)
455 	}
456 }
458 mod api;
459 mod ops;
460 mod traits;
462 #[cfg(test)]
463 mod tests;