1 // Copyright 2017 NSONE, Inc
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <iterator>
5 #include <map>
6 #include <queue>
7 #include <sstream>
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "config.h"
12 #include "docopt.h"
13 #include "http.h"
14 #include "metrics.h"
15 #include "query.h"
16 #include "trafgen.h"
17 #include "utils.h"
19 #include <uvw.hpp>
21 #include "version.h"
23 static const char USAGE[] =
24     R"(Flamethrower.
25     Usage:
26       flame [-b BIND_IP] [-q QCOUNT] [-c TCOUNT] [-p PORT] [-d DELAY_MS] [-r RECORD] [-T QTYPE]
27             [-o FILE] [-l LIMIT_SECS] [-t TIMEOUT] [-F FAMILY] [-f FILE] [-n LOOP] [-P PROTOCOL] [-M HTTPMETHOD]
28             [-Q QPS] [-g GENERATOR] [-v VERBOSITY] [-R] [--class CLASS] [--qps-flow SPEC]
29             [--dnssec] [--targets FILE]
30             TARGET [GENOPTS]...
31       flame (-h | --help)
32       flame --version
34     TARGET may be a hostname, an IP address, or a comma separated list of either. If multiple targets are specified,
35     they will be sent queries in a strict round robin fashion across all concurrent generators. All targets must
36     share the same port, protocol, and internet family.
38     TARGET may also be the special value "file", in which case the --targets option needs to also be specified.
40     Options:
41       -h --help        Show this screen
42       --version        Show version
43       --class CLASS    Default query class, defaults to IN. May also be CH [default: IN]
44       -b BIND_IP       IP address to bind to [defaults: for inet, ::0 for inet6]
45       -c TCOUNT        Number of concurrent traffic generators per process [default: 10]
46       -d DELAY_MS      ms delay between each traffic generator's query [default: 1]
47       -q QCOUNT        Number of queries to send every DELAY ms [default: 10]
48       -l LIMIT_SECS    Limit traffic generation to N seconds, 0 is unlimited [default: 0]
49       -t TIMEOUT_SECS  Query timeout in seconds [default: 3]
50       -n LOOP          Loop LOOP times through record list, 0 is unlimited [default: 0]
51       -Q QPS           Rate limit to a maximum of QPS, 0 is no limit [default: 0]
52       --qps-flow SPEC  Change rate limit over time, format: QPS,MS;QPS,MS;...
53       -r RECORD        The base record to use as the DNS query for generators [default: test.com]
54       -T QTYPE         The query type to use for generators [default: A]
55       -f FILE          Read records from FILE, one per row, QNAME TYPE
56       -p PORT          Which port to flame [defaults: 53, 443 for DoH, 853 for DoT]
57       -F FAMILY        Internet family (inet/inet6) [default: inet]
58       -P PROTOCOL      Protocol to use (udp/tcp/dot/doh) [default: udp]
59       -M HTTPMETHOD    HTTP method to use (POST/GET) when DoH is used [default: GET]
60       -g GENERATOR     Generate queries with the given generator [default: static]
61       -o FILE          Metrics output file, JSON format
62       -v VERBOSITY     How verbose output should be, 0 is silent [default: 1]
63       -R               Randomize the query list before sending [default: false]
64       --targets FILE   Get the list of TARGETs from the given file, one line per host or IP
65       --dnssec         Set DO flag in EDNS
67      Generators:
69        Using generator modules you can craft the type of packet or query which is sent.
71        Specify generator arguments by passing in KEY=VAL pairs, where the KEY is a specific configuration
72        key interpreted by the generator as specified below in caps (although keys are not case sensitive).
74        static                  The basic static generator, used by default, has a single qname/qtype
75                                which you can set with -r and -T. There are no KEYs for this generator.
77        file                    The basic file generator, used with -f, reads in one qname/qtype pair
78                                per line in the file. There are no KEYs for this generator.
80        numberqname             Synthesize qnames with random numbers, between [LOW, HIGH], at zone specified with -r
82                     LOW        An integer representing the lowest number queried, default 0
83                     HIGH       An integer representing the highest number queried, default 100000
85        randompkt               Generate COUNT randomly generated packets, of random size [1,SIZE]
87                     COUNT      An integer representing the number of packets to generate, default 1000
88                     SIZE       An integer representing the maximum size of the random packet, default 600
90        randomqname             Generate COUNT queries of randomly generated QNAME's (including nulls) of random length
91                                [1,SIZE], at base zone specified with -r
93                     COUNT      An integer representing the number of queries to generate, default 1000
94                     SIZE       An integer representing the maximum length of the random qname, default 255
96        randomlabel             Generate COUNT queries in base zone, each with LBLCOUNT random labels of size [1,LBLSIZE]
97                                Use -r to set the base zone to create the labels in. Queries will have a random QTYPE
98                                from the most popular set.
100                     COUNT      An integer representing the number of queries to generate, default 1000
101                     LBLSIZE    An integer representing the maximum length of a single label, default 10
102                     LBLCOUNT   An integer representing the maximum number of labels in the qname, default 5
105      Generator Example:
106         flame target.test.com -T ANY -g randomlabel lblsize=10 lblcount=4 count=1000
108 )";
parse_flowspec(std::string spec,std::queue<std::pair<uint64_t,uint64_t>> & result,int verbosity,long c_count)110 void parse_flowspec(std::string spec, std::queue<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> &result, int verbosity, long c_count)
111 {
113     std::vector<std::string> groups = split(spec, ';');
114     for (unsigned i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
115         std::vector<std::string> nums = split(groups[i], ',');
116         if (verbosity > 1) {
117             std::cout << "adding QPS flow: " << nums[0] << "qps, " << nums[1] << "ms" << std::endl;
118         }
119         long want_r = std::stol(nums[0]);
120         if (want_r < c_count) {
121             std::cerr << "WARNING: QPS flow limit is less than concurrent senders, changing limit to " << c_count << std::endl;
122             want_r = c_count;
123         }
124         result.push(std::make_pair(want_r, std::stol(nums[1])));
125     }
126 }
flow_change(std::queue<std::pair<uint64_t,uint64_t>> qps_flow,std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TokenBucket>> rl_list,int verbosity,long c_count)128 void flow_change(std::queue<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> qps_flow,
129     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TokenBucket>> rl_list,
130     int verbosity,
131     long c_count)
132 {
133     auto flow = qps_flow.front();
134     qps_flow.pop();
135     if (verbosity) {
136         if (qps_flow.size()) {
137             std::cout << "QPS flow now " << flow.first << " for " << flow.second << "ms, flows left: "
138                       << qps_flow.size() << std::endl;
139         } else {
140             std::cout << "QPS flow now " << flow.first << " until completion" << std::endl;
141         }
142     }
143     for (auto &rl : rl_list) {
144         *rl = TokenBucket(flow.first / c_count);
145     }
146     if (qps_flow.size() == 0)
147         return;
148     auto loop = uvw::Loop::getDefault();
149     auto qps_timer = loop->resource<uvw::TimerHandle>();
150     qps_timer->on<uvw::TimerEvent>([qps_flow, rl_list, verbosity, c_count](const auto& event, auto& handle) {
151         handle.stop();
152         flow_change(qps_flow, rl_list, verbosity, c_count);
153     });
154     qps_timer->start(uvw::TimerHandle::Time{flow.second}, uvw::TimerHandle::Time{0});
155 }
arg_exists(const char * needle,int argc,char * argv[])157 bool arg_exists(const char *needle, int argc, char *argv[])
158 {
159     for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
160         if (std::string(needle) == std::string(argv[i])) {
161             return true;
162         }
163     }
164     return false;
165 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])167 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
168 {
170     std::map<std::string, docopt::value> args = docopt::docopt(USAGE,
171         {argv + 1, argv + argc},
172         true,           // show help if requested
173         FLAME_VERSION); // version string
175     if (args["-v"].asLong() > 3) {
176         for (auto const &arg : args) {
177             std::cout << arg.first << ": " << arg.second << std::endl;
178         }
179     }
181     auto loop = uvw::Loop::getDefault();
183     auto sigint = loop->resource<uvw::SignalHandle>();
184     auto sigterm = loop->resource<uvw::SignalHandle>();
185     std::shared_ptr<uvw::TimerHandle> run_timer;
186     std::shared_ptr<uvw::TimerHandle> qgen_loop_timer;
188     std::string output_file;
189     if (args["-o"]) {
190         output_file = args["-o"].asString();
191     }
193     // these defaults change based on protocol
194     long s_delay = args["-d"].asLong();
195     long b_count = args["-q"].asLong();
196     long c_count = args["-c"].asLong();
198     Protocol proto{Protocol::UDP};
199     // note: tcptls is available as a deprecated alternative to dot
200     if (args["-P"].asString() == "tcp" || args["-P"].asString() == "dot" || args["-P"].asString() == "tcptls" || args["-P"].asString() == "doh") {
201         if (args["-P"].asString() == "dot" || args["-P"].asString() == "tcptls") {
202             proto = Protocol::DOT;
203         } else if (args["-P"].asString() == "doh") {
204 #ifdef DOH_ENABLE
205             proto = Protocol::DOH;
206 #else
207 			std::cerr << "DNS over HTTPS (DoH) support is not enabled" << std::endl;
208 			return 1;
209 #endif
210         } else {
211             proto = Protocol::TCP;
212         }
213         if (!arg_exists("-d", argc, argv))
214             s_delay = 1000;
215         if (!arg_exists("-q", argc, argv))
216             b_count = 100;
217         if (!arg_exists("-c", argc, argv))
218             c_count = 30;
219     } else if (args["-P"].asString() == "udp") {
220         proto = Protocol::UDP;
221     } else {
222         std::cerr << "protocol must be 'udp', 'tcp', dot' or 'doh'" << std::endl;
223         return 1;
224     }
226     if (!args["-p"]) {
227         if (proto == Protocol::DOT)
228             args["-p"] = std::string("853");
229 #ifdef DOH_ENABLE
230         else if (proto == Protocol::DOH)
231             args["-p"] = std::string("443");
232 #endif
233         else
234             args["-p"] = std::string("53");
235     }
237 #ifdef DOH_ENABLE
238     HTTPMethod method{HTTPMethod::GET};
239     if(args["-M"].asString() == "POST") {
240         method = HTTPMethod::POST;
241     }
242 #endif
244     auto runtime_limit = args["-l"].asLong();
246     auto family_s = args["-F"].asString();
247     int family{0};
248     if (family_s == "inet") {
249         family = AF_INET;
250     } else if (family_s == "inet6") {
251         family = AF_INET6;
252     } else {
253         std::cerr << "internet family must be 'inet' or 'inet6'" << std::endl;
254         return 1;
255     }
257     if (!args["-b"]) {
258         if (family == AF_INET)
259             args["-b"] = std::string("");
260         else
261             args["-b"] = std::string("::0");
262     }
263     auto bind_ip = args["-b"].asString();
264     auto bind_ip_request = loop->resource<uvw::GetAddrInfoReq>();
265     auto bind_ip_resolved = bind_ip_request->addrInfoSync(bind_ip, "0");
266     if (!bind_ip_resolved.first) {
267         std::cerr << "unable to resolve bind ip address: " << bind_ip << std::endl;
268         return 1;
269     }
271     std::vector<std::string> raw_target_list;
272     if (args["TARGET"].asString() == "file" && args["--targets"]) {
273         std::ifstream inFile(args["--targets"].asString());
274         if (!inFile.is_open()) {
275             std::cerr << "couldn't open targets file: " << args["--targets"].asString() << std::endl;
276             return 1;
277         }
279         std::string line;
280         while (getline(inFile, line)) {
281             raw_target_list.push_back(line);
282         }
283         inFile.close();
284     } else {
285         raw_target_list = split(args["TARGET"].asString(), ',');
286     }
288     std::vector<Target> target_list;
289     auto request = loop->resource<uvw::GetAddrInfoReq>();
290     for (uint i = 0; i < raw_target_list.size(); i++) {
291         uvw::Addr addr;
292         struct http_parser_url parsed = {};
293         std::string url = raw_target_list[i];
294         if(url.rfind("https://", 0) != 0) {
295             url.insert(0, "https://");
296         }
297         int ret = http_parser_parse_url(url.c_str(), strlen(url.c_str()), 0, &parsed);
298         if(ret != 0) {
299             std::cerr << "could not parse url: " << url << std::endl;
300             return 1;
301         }
302         std::string authority(&url[parsed.field_data[UF_HOST].off], parsed.field_data[UF_HOST].len);
304         auto target_resolved = request->addrInfoSync(authority, args["-p"].asString());
305         if (!target_resolved.first) {
306             std::cerr << "unable to resolve target address: " << authority << std::endl;
307             if (raw_target_list[i] == "file") {
308                 std::cerr << "(did you mean to include --targets?)" << std::endl;
309             }
310             return 1;
311         }
312         addrinfo *node{target_resolved.second.get()};
313         while (node && node->ai_family != family) {
314             node = node->ai_next;
315         }
316         if (!node) {
317             std::cerr << "name did not resolve to valid IP address for this inet family: " << raw_target_list[i] << std::endl;
318             return 1;
319         }
321         if (family == AF_INET) {
322             addr = uvw::details::address<uvw::IPv4>((struct sockaddr_in *)node->ai_addr);
323         } else if (family == AF_INET6) {
324             addr = uvw::details::address<uvw::IPv6>((struct sockaddr_in6 *)node->ai_addr);
325         }
326         target_list.push_back({&parsed, addr.ip, url});
327     }
329     long want_r_limit = args["-Q"].asLong();
330     if (want_r_limit && want_r_limit < c_count) {
331         std::cerr << "WARNING: QPS limit is less than concurrent senders, changing limit to " << c_count << std::endl;
332         want_r_limit = c_count;
333     }
334     auto config = std::make_shared<Config>(
335         args["-v"].asLong(),
336         output_file,
337         want_r_limit);
339     std::shared_ptr<QueryGenerator> qgen;
340     try {
341         if (args["-f"]) {
342             qgen = std::make_shared<FileQueryGenerator>(config, args["-f"].asString());
343         } else if (args["-g"] && args["-g"].asString() == "numberqname") {
344             qgen = std::make_shared<NumberNameQueryGenerator>(config);
345         } else if (args["-g"] && args["-g"].asString() == "randompkt") {
346             qgen = std::make_shared<RandomPktQueryGenerator>(config);
347         } else if (args["-g"] && args["-g"].asString() == "randomqname") {
348             qgen = std::make_shared<RandomQNameQueryGenerator>(config);
349         } else if (args["-g"] && args["-g"].asString() == "randomlabel") {
350             qgen = std::make_shared<RandomLabelQueryGenerator>(config);
351         } else {
352             qgen = std::make_shared<StaticQueryGenerator>(config);
353         }
354         qgen->set_args(args["GENOPTS"].asStringList());
355         qgen->set_qclass(args["--class"].asString());
356         qgen->set_loops(args["-n"].asLong());
357         qgen->set_dnssec(args["--dnssec"].asBool());
358         qgen->set_qname(args["-r"].asString());
359         qgen->set_qtype(args["-T"].asString());
360         qgen->init();
361         if (!qgen->synthesizedQueries() && qgen->size() == 0) {
362             throw std::runtime_error("no queries were generated");
363         }
364     } catch (const std::exception &e) {
365         std::cerr << "generator error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
366         return 1;
367     }
369     if (args["-R"].asBool()) {
370         qgen->randomize();
371     }
373     std::string cmdline{};
374     for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
375         cmdline.append(argv[i]);
376         if (i != argc - 1) {
377             cmdline.push_back(' ');
378         }
379     }
380     auto metrics_mgr = std::make_shared<MetricsMgr>(loop, config, cmdline);
382     std::queue<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>> qps_flow;
383     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TokenBucket>> rl_list;
384     if (args["--qps-flow"]) {
385         parse_flowspec(args["--qps-flow"].asString(), qps_flow, config->verbosity(), c_count);
386     }
388     auto traf_config = std::make_shared<TrafGenConfig>();
389     traf_config->batch_count = b_count;
390     traf_config->family = family;
391     traf_config->bind_ip = bind_ip;
392     traf_config->target_list = target_list;
393     traf_config->port = static_cast<unsigned int>(args["-p"].asLong());
394     traf_config->s_delay = s_delay;
395     traf_config->protocol = proto;
396 #ifdef DOH_ENABLE
397     traf_config->method = method;
398 #endif
399     traf_config->r_timeout = args["-t"].asLong();
401     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TrafGen>> throwers;
402     for (auto i = 0; i < c_count; i++) {
403         std::shared_ptr<TokenBucket> rl;
404         if (config->rate_limit()) {
405             rl = std::make_shared<TokenBucket>(config->rate_limit() / static_cast<double>(c_count));
406         } else if (args["--qps-flow"]) {
407             rl = std::make_shared<TokenBucket>();
408             rl_list.push_back(rl);
409         }
410         throwers.push_back(std::make_shared<TrafGen>(loop,
411             metrics_mgr->create_trafgen_metrics(),
412             config,
413             traf_config,
414             qgen,
415             rl));
416         throwers[i]->start();
417     }
418     if (args["--qps-flow"]) {
419         flow_change(qps_flow, rl_list, config->verbosity(), c_count);
420     }
422     auto have_in_flight = [&throwers]() {
423         for (const auto &i : throwers) {
424             if (i->in_flight_cnt()) {
425                 return true;
426             }
427         }
428         return false;
429     };
431     auto shutdown = [&]() {
432         sigint->stop();
433         sigterm->stop();
434         if (run_timer.get())
435             run_timer->stop();
436         if (qgen_loop_timer.get())
437             qgen_loop_timer->stop();
438         for (auto &t : throwers) {
439             t->stop();
440         }
441         metrics_mgr->stop();
442         if (have_in_flight() && config->verbosity()) {
443             std::cout << "stopping, waiting up to " << traf_config->r_timeout << "s for in flight to finish..." << std::endl;
444         }
445     };
447     auto stop_traffic = [&](uvw::SignalEvent &, uvw::SignalHandle &) {
448         shutdown();
449     };
451     if (runtime_limit != 0) {
452         run_timer = loop->resource<uvw::TimerHandle>();
453         run_timer->on<uvw::TimerEvent>([&shutdown](const auto &, auto &) { shutdown(); });
454         run_timer->start(uvw::TimerHandle::Time{runtime_limit * 1000}, uvw::TimerHandle::Time{0});
455     }
457     if (qgen->loops()) {
458         qgen_loop_timer = loop->resource<uvw::TimerHandle>();
459         qgen_loop_timer->on<uvw::TimerEvent>([&qgen, &shutdown](const auto &, auto &) {
460             if (qgen->finished()) {
461                 shutdown();
462             } });
463         qgen_loop_timer->start(uvw::TimerHandle::Time{500}, uvw::TimerHandle::Time{500});
464     }
466     sigint->on<uvw::SignalEvent>(stop_traffic);
467     sigint->start(SIGINT);
469     sigterm->on<uvw::SignalEvent>(stop_traffic);
470     sigterm->start(SIGTERM);
472     if (config->verbosity()) {
473         std::cout << "binding to " << traf_config->bind_ip << std::endl;
474         std::cout << "flaming target(s) [";
475         for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
476             std::cout << traf_config->target_list[i].address;
477             if (i == traf_config->target_list.size()-1) {
478                 break;
479             }
480             else {
481                 std::cout << ", ";
482             }
483         }
484         if (traf_config->target_list.size() > 3) {
485             std::cout << "and " << traf_config->target_list.size()-3 << " more";
486         }
487         std::cout << "] on port "
488                   << args["-p"].asLong()
489                   << " with " << c_count << " concurrent generators, each sending " << b_count
490                   << " queries every " << s_delay << "ms on protocol " << args["-P"].asString()
491                   << std::endl;
492         std::cout << "query generator [" << qgen->name() << "] contains " << qgen->size() << " record(s)" << std::endl;
493         if (args["-R"].asBool()) {
494             std::cout << "query list randomized" << std::endl;
495         }
496         if (config->rate_limit()) {
497             std::cout << "rate limit @ " << config->rate_limit() << " QPS (" << config->rate_limit() / static_cast<double>(c_count) <<
498             " QPS per concurrent sender)" << std::endl;
499         }
500     }
502     metrics_mgr->start();
503     loop->run();
505     // break from loop with ^C or timer
506     loop = nullptr;
508     // when loop is complete, finalize metrics
509     metrics_mgr->finalize();
511     return 0;
512 }