1 /*
2  *	The UCW Library -- Miscellaneous Functions
3  *
4  *	(c) 1997--2014 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
5  *	(c) 2005--2014 Tomas Valla <tom@ucw.cz>
6  *	(c) 2006 Robert Spalek <robert@ucw.cz>
7  *	(c) 2007 Pavel Charvat <pchar@ucw.cz>
8  *
9  *	SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
10  *	Source: https://www.ucw.cz/libucw/
11  */
13 #ifndef _UCW_LIB_H
14 #define _UCW_LIB_H
16 #include <stdarg.h>
17 #include <stdbool.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #define assert_failed ucw_assert_failed
22 #define assert_failed_msg ucw_assert_failed_msg
23 #define assert_failed_noinfo ucw_assert_failed_noinfo
24 #define big_alloc ucw_big_alloc
25 #define big_alloc_zero ucw_big_alloc_zero
26 #define big_free ucw_big_free
27 #define die ucw_die
28 #define log_die_hook ucw_log_die_hook
29 #define log_file ucw_log_file
30 #define log_fork ucw_log_fork
31 #define log_init ucw_log_init
32 #define log_pid ucw_log_pid
33 #define log_title ucw_log_title
34 #define msg ucw_msg
35 #define page_alloc ucw_page_alloc
36 #define page_alloc_zero ucw_page_alloc_zero
37 #define page_free ucw_page_free
38 #define page_realloc ucw_page_realloc
39 #define random_max ucw_random_max
40 #define random_max_u64 ucw_random_max_u64
41 #define random_u32 ucw_random_u32
42 #define random_u64 ucw_random_u64
43 #define vdie ucw_vdie
44 #define vmsg ucw_vmsg
45 #define xfree ucw_xfree
46 #define xmalloc ucw_xmalloc
47 #define xmalloc_zero ucw_xmalloc_zero
48 #define xrealloc ucw_xrealloc
49 #define xstrdup ucw_xstrdup
50 #endif
52 /*** === Macros for handling structures, offsets and alignment ***/
54 #define CHECK_PTR_TYPE(x, type) ((x)-(type)(x) + (type)(x))		/** Check that a pointer @x is of type @type. Fail compilation if not. **/
55 #define PTR_TO(s, i) &((s*)0)->i					/** Return OFFSETOF() in form of a pointer. **/
56 #define OFFSETOF(s, i) ((uint)offsetof(s, i))				/** Offset of item @i from the start of structure @s **/
57 #define SKIP_BACK(s, i, p) ((s *)((char *)p - OFFSETOF(s, i)))		/** Given a pointer @p to item @i of structure @s, return a pointer to the start of the struct. **/
59 /** Align an integer @s to the nearest higher multiple of @a (which should be a power of two) **/
60 #define ALIGN_TO(s, a) (((s)+a-1)&~(a-1))
62 /** Align a pointer @p to the nearest higher multiple of @s. **/
63 #define ALIGN_PTR(p, s) ((uintptr_t)(p) % (s) ? (typeof(p))((uintptr_t)(p) + (s) - (uintptr_t)(p) % (s)) : (p))
65 #define UNALIGNED_PART(ptr, type) (((uintptr_t) (ptr)) % sizeof(type))
67 /*** === Other utility macros ***/
69 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))			/** Minimum of two numbers **/
70 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))			/** Maximum of two numbers **/
71 #define CLAMP(x,min,max) ({ typeof(x) _t=x; (_t < min) ? min : (_t > max) ? max : _t; })	/** Clip a number @x to interval [@min,@max] **/
72 #define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))			/** Absolute value **/
73 #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a)))		/** The number of elements of an array **/
74 #define STRINGIFY(x) #x					/** Convert macro parameter to a string **/
75 #define STRINGIFY_EXPANDED(x) STRINGIFY(x)		/** Convert an expanded macro parameter to a string **/
76 #define GLUE(x,y) x##y					/** Glue two tokens together **/
77 #define GLUE_(x,y) x##_##y				/** Glue two tokens together, separating them by an underscore **/
79 #define COMPARE(x,y) do { if ((x)<(y)) return -1; if ((x)>(y)) return 1; } while(0)		/** Numeric comparison function for qsort() **/
80 #define REV_COMPARE(x,y) COMPARE(y,x)								/** Reverse numeric comparison **/
81 #define COMPARE_LT(x,y) do { if ((x)<(y)) return 1; if ((x)>(y)) return 0; } while(0)
82 #define COMPARE_GT(x,y) COMPARE_LT(y,x)
84 #define	ROL(x, bits) (((x) << (bits)) | ((uint)(x) >> (sizeof(uint)*8 - (bits))))		/** Bitwise rotation of an unsigned int to the left **/
85 #define	ROR(x, bits) (((uint)(x) >> (bits)) | ((x) << (sizeof(uint)*8 - (bits))))		/** Bitwise rotation of an unsigned int to the right **/
87 /*** === Shortcuts for GCC Extensions ***/
89 #ifdef __GNUC__
91 #include "ccan/compiler/compiler.h"
92 #define FORMAT_CHECK(x,y,z) __attribute__((format(x,y,z)))		/** Checking of printf-like format strings **/
93 #define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)				/** Use `if (likely(@x))` if @x is almost always true **/
94 #define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)				/** Use `if (unlikely(@x))` to hint that @x is almost always false **/
96 #if __GNUC__ >= 4 || __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3
97 #define ALWAYS_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))		/** Forcibly inline **/
98 #define NO_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))				/** Forcibly uninline **/
99 #else
100 #define ALWAYS_INLINE inline
101 #endif
103 #if __GNUC__ >= 4
104 #define LIKE_MALLOC __attribute__((malloc))				/** Function returns a "new" pointer **/
105 #define SENTINEL_CHECK __attribute__((sentinel))			/** The last argument must be NULL **/
106 #else
107 #define LIKE_MALLOC
108 #define SENTINEL_CHECK
109 #endif
111 #else
112 #error This program requires the GNU C compiler.
113 #endif
115 /***
116  * [[logging]]
117  *
118  * === Basic logging functions (see <<log:,Logging>> and <ucw/log.h> for more)
119  ***/
121 #define DBG(x, ...) do { } while(0)
122 #define DBG_SPOT do { } while(0)
123 #define ASSERT(x)
125 #endif