radns 8 "May 26, 2011" "" ""
radns - Resolving DNS Server Client for IPv6.
radns [ -v [ -v ] [ -v ] ] [ -f path to resolv file ] [ -l maximum number of domain suffixes in search list ] [ -m maximum number of resolver addresses ] [ -u user ] [ -s path to script ] [ -p path to pidfile ]
radns listens for IPv6 Router Advertisements with the Recursive DNS Server (RDNSS) option and stores the address(es) in a file in the same syntax as resolv.conf(5). It optionally starts a script when it receives a Router Advertisement.


-V prints version information and quits the program.

-v turns on verbose mode and gives more debug output. Also stops the process from becoming a daemon. Repeated -v increases verbosity.

-f path to resolv file specifies the filename to write the IPv6 addresses to. Default is "./resolv.conf".

Note that the radns user needs write access to the directory since it will create a temporary working file and rename it to whatever you specify as the resolv file. Typically you use something like /etc/radns/ra-resolv.conf as the resolv file with /etc/radns being writable by the radns user.

If radns is run on an IPv6-only machine, with no dual-stack, you may want to make /etc/resolv.conf a symbolic link to /etc/radns/ra-resolv.conf.

-l maximum number of domain suffixes in search list specifies the number of domain suffixes to store after the search keyword in the resolv.conf file. 0 is a special case meaning an unlimited number. The default is 6.

-m maximum number of resolver addresses specifies the number of resolver addresses to store in the resolv.conf file. 0 is a special case meaning an unlimited number. The default is 3.

-u username specifies the user to drop privileges to. Default is radns.

-s path to script specifies a program to run after receiving new addresses to DNS resolvers. Default is not to run a script.

-p path to pidfile specifies a path to a file to write the process ID into for process management purposes. Default is "/var/run/radns.pid".

Michael Cardell Widerkrantz <mc@hack.org>.
rtadvd(8), radvd(8)