1! 2! Asedit app-defaults file for asedit program (ver. 1.3.2) 3! Copyright (C) A. Stochniol, 1991 - 1994. 4! 5! Version details: 6! @(#) asedit application defaults file; Version 1.3.2; 01 November 1994 7! @(#) da - Danish version 8! @(#) Localization database: Ver. 1.3.2, 30 Sept 1994 9! 10! 11! Resources in this file are grouped according to the probability of 12! them being changed by the user. For a typical user probably only part 1 13! is all what is needed. So we recommend to construct the personal 14! customization file that consists mainly of part 1 (if needed). 15! 16! 17! 18! Resources - part 1 (the most likely to be customized by a user). 19! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 20! 21! COLOURS 22! 23! Colours for menuBar ( = all menus & most dialogs), help_dialog 24! and save_warning, and main text area (i.e. all the rest) 25! NOTE: colours are done in rgb just in case your colour database is 'weird' 26! (or simply you use the program in your 'locale' and the colour 27! names are completely different) 28! 29*menuBar*background: #bebebe 30*QAccess_Popup*background: #bebebe 31! 32*edit_text*background: #c1adad 33! 34*help_dialog*background: #c1c1c1 35*background: #c1c1c1 36*help_dialog*XmText*background: #c1c1c1 37*readOnlyBackground: #c1c1c1 38*bottom_row*background: #c1c1c1 39! 40*troughColor: #999999 41*menuBar*XmList.background: #999999 42*menuBar*VkList.background: #999999 43! 44*menuBar*XmText.background: #c7aaaa 45*menuBar*XmTextField.background: #c7aaaa 46! 47! colours for important warning/error messages 48! NOTE: colours are done in rgb ... (see above) 49! 50*save_warning*background: #f8b39b 51*menuBar*save_warning*background: #f8b39b 52*menuBar*error_message*background: #f8b39b 53! 54! 55! FONTS ..... 56! 57! Bold fonts (labels etc.) 58*menuBar*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 59*menuBar*XmText.fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 60*menuBar*XmTextField.fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 61*help_dialog*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 62*save_warning*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 63*QAccess_Popup*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 64! 65! Fixed width fonts: 66*XmText.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 67*menuBar*text_dialog*XmText.fontList: -*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 68! 69! Plain fixed width font: 70*bottom_row*fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 71! 72! 73! OTHER DEFAULTS 74! 75! 76! Start up sizes of main text widget and hypertext text widget 77! 78*edit_text.rows: 24 79*edit_text.columns: 80 80! 81*hypertext_text.rows: 20 82*hypertext_text.columns: 60 83! 84! 85! Setup for local printers/print queues ... 86! 87*print_dialog.listItems: lp \,lp -d hp \,lp -d nechp \,qprt -da -Pps 88! the following line should contain the count from the above line (number of printers)!!! 89*print_dialog.listItemCount: 4 90*print_dialog.listVisibleItemCount: 3 91! 92! Define the default printing command (if you want one) 93*print_dialog.textString: lp 94! 95! Define the default print range: 96! (Note: only _one_ of the two following should be set to True, i.e. uncommented:) 97*print_dialog*selection.set: True 98!!!*print_dialog*complete.set: True 99! 100! 101! default start-up Untitled file name ('NoName') 102*noname: UdenNavn- 103! 104! 105! Redefinition of the system temporary directory (usually /tmp) is done by 106! specifying tmpDir resource (uncomment and edit the following line) 107!*tmpDir: /tmp 108! 109! Redefinition of help directory (set during installation) is done by 110! specifying helpDir resource (uncomment and edit the following line) 111!*helpDir: /usr/lib/X11 112! 113! Redefinition of help file name is done by specifying helpName resource 114! (uncomment and edit the following line) 115!*helpName: asedit.hlp 116! 117! Redefinition of backupFileSuffix is done by 118! specifying backupFileSuffix resource (edit the following line) 119*backupFileSuffix: .kopi 120! 121! 122! USER DEFINABLE FILTERS and COMMANDS 123! 124! FILTERS 125! Number of user defined filters ( *important* to specify right) 126! 127*filterNum: 5 128! 129! User defined filters (items in Tools/Filters menu): 130! 131*Filters_PD.0.labelString: Ordt�lling 132*Filters_PD.0.mnemonic: O 133*filter0: echo ' linier ord bytes:' ; wc 134*filterExt0: TO_TEXT_DIALOG\, Ordt�lling\, \, \, \, NO_EXTEND 135! 136*Filters_PD.1.labelString: Komprimer tomme linier 137*Filters_PD.1.mnemonic: K 138*filter1: sed 's/^[ ]*$//' | sed '\n\ 139/^$/ {\n\ 140 N\n\ 141 /^\\n$/D\n\ 142 }' 143! 144*Filters_PD.2.labelString: Fjern tomme linier 145*Filters_PD.2.mnemonic: F 146*filter2: sed '/^[ ]*$/d' 147! 148*Filters_PD.3.labelString: Dobbelt linieafst 149*Filters_PD.3.mnemonic: D 150*filter3: sed G 151! 152*Filters_PD.4.labelString: Fjern ekstra blanktegn 153*Filters_PD.4.mnemonic: b 154*filter4: sed 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' 155! 156! 157! COMMANDS 158! Number of user defined commands ( *important* to specify right) 159! 160*cmdNum: 3 161! 162! 163! User defined commands (items in Tools/Commands menu): 164! 165! 166*Commands_PD.0.labelString: Aktuelle Katalog 167*Commands_PD.0.mnemonic: A 168*cmdDef0: pwd 169! 170*Commands_PD.1.labelString: Dato 171*Commands_PD.1.mnemonic: D 172*cmdDef1: date 173! 174*Commands_PD.2.labelString: Computers navn 175*Commands_PD.2.mnemonic: n 176*cmdDef2: hostname 177! 178! 179! 180! Select delimited text when found (when selectDelimitedText is True) 181*selectDelimitedText: True 182! 183! 184! 185! Part 2 - general & visual consistency resources. 186! ------------------------------------------------ 187! 188! general appearance and behaviour defaults 189! 190*allowShellResize: true 191*borderWidth: 0 192*highlightThickness: 2 193! 194! 195! make the text widgets in diallogs small (the size is dynamically calculated) 196*columns: 3 197*textColumns: 3 198! 199! display all the toggles even when they are not on 200! color all radio and toggle buttons when they are selected 201! (note: lampColor, checkColor and radioColor resources are specific to SGI) 202*visibleWhenOff: true 203*fillOnSelect: True 204*selectColor: #ffff00 205*checkColor: #ff0000 206*radioColor: #0000ff 207*lampColor: #ffff00 208! 209! specific defaults for asedit 210! 211! setting the same visual pleasing margin (8) for all buttons and labels 212! (for separators the default margin 0 is the appropriate one ) 213! 214*XmPushButton.marginWidth: 8 215*XmLabel.marginWidth: 8 216*XmCascadeButton.marginWidth: 8 217! 218! increase the standard label setting to align them with text widgets 219*XmRowColumn*XmLabel.marginHeight: 4 220! 221! setting margins in the status row (bottom_row): 222*bottom_row*XmLabel.marginWidth: 3 223! 224! setting offsets affecting the status row (form_frame_bottom) 225*form_frame_bottom*topOffset: 2 226*form_frame_bottom*bottomOffset: 2 227*form_frame_bottom*leftOffset: 2 228*form_frame_bottom*rightOffset: 2 229! 230! setting shadowType & shadowThickness for frame_bottom_row; 231! (to support SGI schemes mode) 232*frame_bottom_row.shadowType: SHADOW_IN 233*frame_bottom_row.shadowThickness: 2 234! 235! If you would like to have your personalized appl defaults file I recommend 236! to copy ONLY the above parts of this file (part 1 might be just enough). 237! 238! 239! 240! 241! 242! Part 3 - language dependent resources (to preserve consistency 243! any changes here *should* be reflected in the on-line help file !) 244! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 245! 246! Menu bar & all menus resources: 247! All necessary resources for an international application are specified 248! here. This includes labels, mnemonics, accelerators and accelerator text. 249! Note: you may safely add/remove/change accelerators and mnemonics, but 250! be sure that the acceleratorText changes with accelerator. You may also 251! change the labelString values (but do NOT remove them). 252! 253! Menu bar: 254! 255*menuBar.File.labelString: Fil 256*menuBar.File.mnemonic: F 257*menuBar.Edit.labelString: Rediger 258*menuBar.Edit.mnemonic: R 259*menuBar.Search.labelString: S�g 260*menuBar.Search.mnemonic: S 261*menuBar.Tools.labelString: Funktioner 262*menuBar.Tools.mnemonic: k 263*menuBar.Help.labelString: Hj�lp 264*menuBar.Help.mnemonic: H 265! 266! 267! General (standard) labels for buttons in the dialogs 268! 269*OK.labelString: OK 270*Apply.labelString: Anvend 271*Cancel.labelString: Annuller 272*Help.labelString: Hj�lp 273! 274! 275! 276! File PullDown menu: 277! 278*File_PD.Open.labelString: �bn... 279*File_PD.Open.mnemonic: b 280*File_PD.Open.acceleratorText: Ctrl+O 281*File_PD.Open.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>o 282! 283*File_PD.New.labelString: Ny 284*File_PD.New.mnemonic: N 285*File_PD.New.acceleratorText: Ctrl+N 286*File_PD.New.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>n 287! 288*File_PD.Close.labelString: Luk 289*File_PD.Close.mnemonic: L 290! 291*File_PD.Save.labelString: Gem 292*File_PD.Save.mnemonic: G 293*File_PD.Save.acceleratorText: Ctrl+S 294*File_PD.Save.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>s 295! 296*File_PD.Save_As.labelString: Gem som... 297*File_PD.Save_As.mnemonic: m 298! 299*File_PD.Insert.labelString: Inds�t... 300*File_PD.Insert.mnemonic: I 301! 302*File_PD.Print.labelString: Udskriv... 303*File_PD.Print.mnemonic: U 304*File_PD.Print.acceleratorText: Ctrl+P 305*File_PD.Print.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>p 306! 307*File_PD.Exit.labelString: Afslut 308*File_PD.Exit.mnemonic: A 309! 310! 311! 312! Edit PullDown menu: 313! 314*Edit_PD.Undo.labelString: Fortryd 315*Edit_PD.Undo.mnemonic: F 316*Edit_PD.Undo.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Z 317*Edit_PD.Undo.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>z 318! 319*Edit_PD.Redo.labelString: Gentag 320*Edit_PD.Redo.mnemonic: G 321*Edit_PD.Redo.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+Z 322*Edit_PD.Redo.accelerator: Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>z 323! 324*Edit_PD.Cut.labelString: Klip 325*Edit_PD.Cut.mnemonic: K 326*Edit_PD.Cut.acceleratorText: Ctrl+X 327*Edit_PD.Cut.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>x 328! 329*Edit_PD.Copy.labelString: Kopier 330*Edit_PD.Copy.mnemonic: o 331*Edit_PD.Copy.acceleratorText: Ctrl+C 332*Edit_PD.Copy.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>c 333! 334*Edit_PD.Paste.labelString: S�t ind 335*Edit_PD.Paste.mnemonic: n 336*Edit_PD.Paste.acceleratorText: Ctrl+V 337*Edit_PD.Paste.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>v 338! 339*Edit_PD.Clear.labelString: Ryd 340*Edit_PD.Clear.mnemonic: d 341*Edit_PD.Clear.acceleratorText: Del 342! the above is a text of pseudo accelerator (we don't need to define 343! accelerator because the text widget already handles that acttion properly) 344! 345! 346! 347! Search PullDown menu: 348! 349*Search_PD.Find.labelString: S�g... 350*Search_PD.Find.mnemonic: S 351*Search_PD.Find.acceleratorText: Ctrl+F 352*Search_PD.Find.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>f 353! 354*Search_PD.Repeat.labelString: Find n�ste 355*Search_PD.Repeat.mnemonic: n 356*Search_PD.Repeat.accelerator: Ctrl<Key>l 357*Search_PD.Repeat.acceleratorText: Ctrl+L 358! 359*Search_PD.Change.labelString: Erstat... 360*Search_PD.Change.mnemonic: E 361*Search_PD.Change.acceleratorText: Ctrl+H 362*Search_PD.Change.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>h 363! 364*Search_PD.Go_to.labelString: G� til linie... 365*Search_PD.Go_to.mnemonic: G 366*Search_PD.Go_to.acceleratorText: Ctrl+G 367*Search_PD.Go_to.accelerator: Ctrl <Key>g 368! 369*Search_PD.Mark.labelString: Bogm�rke 370*Search_PD.Mark.mnemonic: B 371! 372*Search_PD.Match.labelString: Match par 373*Search_PD.Match.mnemonic: M 374! 375! 376! Mark PullDown menu: 377! 378*Mark_PD.Set.labelString: S�t 379*Mark_PD.Set.mnemonic: S 380! 381*Mark_PD.Go_to.labelString: G� til 382*Mark_PD.Go_to.mnemonic: G 383! 384! 385! Set & Go_to PullDown menu: 386! (note that an alternate set of hotkeys is supported using asedit-mark-* 387! text translations; this is mainly for 1.2 compatibility) 388! 389! 390*Set_PD.0.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+0 391*Set_PD.1.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+1 392*Set_PD.2.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+2 393*Set_PD.3.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+3 394*Set_PD.4.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+4 395*Set_PD.5.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+5 396*Set_PD.6.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+6 397*Set_PD.7.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+7 398*Set_PD.8.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+8 399*Set_PD.9.acceleratorText: Skift+Ctrl+9 400! 401*Set_PD.0.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>0 402*Set_PD.1.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>1 403*Set_PD.2.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>2 404*Set_PD.3.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>3 405*Set_PD.4.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>4 406*Set_PD.5.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>5 407*Set_PD.6.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>6 408*Set_PD.7.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>7 409*Set_PD.8.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>8 410*Set_PD.9.accelerator: Shift Ctrl <Key>9 411! 412! 413*Go_to_PD.0.acceleratorText: Ctrl+0 414*Go_to_PD.1.acceleratorText: Ctrl+1 415*Go_to_PD.2.acceleratorText: Ctrl+2 416*Go_to_PD.3.acceleratorText: Ctrl+3 417*Go_to_PD.4.acceleratorText: Ctrl+4 418*Go_to_PD.5.acceleratorText: Ctrl+5 419*Go_to_PD.6.acceleratorText: Ctrl+6 420*Go_to_PD.7.acceleratorText: Ctrl+7 421*Go_to_PD.8.acceleratorText: Ctrl+8 422*Go_to_PD.9.acceleratorText: Ctrl+9 423! 424*Go_to_PD.0.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>0 425*Go_to_PD.1.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>1 426*Go_to_PD.2.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>2 427*Go_to_PD.3.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>3 428*Go_to_PD.4.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>4 429*Go_to_PD.5.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>5 430*Go_to_PD.6.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>6 431*Go_to_PD.7.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>7 432*Go_to_PD.8.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>8 433*Go_to_PD.9.accelerator: ~Shift Ctrl <Key>9 434! 435! 436! 437! Match PullDown menu: 438! 439! 440*Match_PD.Forward.labelString: Fremad 441*Match_PD.Forward.mnemonic: F 442*Match_PD.Forward.accelerator: Meta <Key>bracketleft 443*Match_PD.Forward.acceleratorText: Alt+[ 444! 445*Match_PD.Backward.labelString: Bagud 446*Match_PD.Backward.mnemonic: B 447*Match_PD.Backward.accelerator: Meta <Key>bracketright 448*Match_PD.Backward.acceleratorText: Alt+] 449! 450! 451! Tools PullDown menu: 452! 453*Tools_PD.Spell.labelString: Stavning 454*Tools_PD.Spell.mnemonic: S 455*Tools_PD.Spell.acceleratorText: F7 456*Tools_PD.Spell.accelerator: <Key>F7 457*spellCmd: (cat; echo) | spell 458*spellExt: TO_TEXT_DIALOG\,Fejlstavede ord:\, Stavning \, DIALOG_INFORMATION \,Korrekt stavet!\,USE_FILE_OR_SELECTION 459! 460*Tools_PD.Sort.labelString: Sorter 461*Tools_PD.Sort.mnemonic: t 462*sortCmd: sort 463*sortExt: TO_CURRENT 464! 465! 466*Tools_PD.Format.labelString: Formatter 467*Tools_PD.Format.mnemonic: F 468! 469! The default fmt command is as follows: 'fmt -%d' 470! If on your system this command is called differently uncomment and edit 471! the following line: 472!*fmtCmd: fmt -%d 473! 474! 475*Tools_PD.Case.labelString: �ndr bogstaver til 476*Tools_PD.Case.mnemonic: b 477! 478*Tools_PD.Filters.labelString: Filtre 479*Tools_PD.Filters.mnemonic: i 480! 481*Tools_PD.Commands.labelString: Kommandoer 482*Tools_PD.Commands.mnemonic: K 483! 484! 485! 486! Format PullDown menu: 487! 488*Format_PD.MoveLeft.labelString: Flyt til venstre... 489*Format_PD.MoveLeft.mnemonic: v 490! 491*Format_PD.MoveRight.labelString: Flyt til h�jre... 492*Format_PD.MoveRight.mnemonic: h 493! 494*Format_PD.IndentWith.labelString: Indryk med... 495*Format_PD.IndentWith.mnemonic: I 496! 497*Format_PD.Reformat.labelString: Omformatter... 498*Format_PD.Reformat.mnemonic: O 499! 500*Format_PD.Expand.labelString: Udvid tab 501*Format_PD.Expand.mnemonic: U 502! 503! The default expand command (expandCmd) is set during compilation on a system 504! basis; if you want to change the default then uncomment one of the following 505! lines and edit it (NOTE the tabstop value is written into the command so 506! the '%d' field must exist). Note that we use: 507! 'pr -t -e%d' on SGI computers (expand is not available there) 508!*expandCmd: expand -%d 509!*expandCmd: pr -t -e%d 510! 511! 512*Format_PD.Unexpand.labelString: Sammentr�k tab 513*Format_PD.Unexpand.mnemonic: S 514! 515! See the note about expand on different systems above. As default we use 516! unexpand with the tabstop equal to 8. The default definitions used 517! for unexpand are commented out just after this line. 518!*unexpandCmd: unexpand 519!*unexpandCmd: pr -t 520! 521! For systems that have 'pr' command you can use the following definition 522! to allow inserting tabs with the current tab interval: 523!*unexpandCmd: pr -t -i%d 524! 525! For standard 'unexpand' only the leading spaces are converted to 526! tabs. If you want to insert tabs whenever possible, use the following 527! definition (note the Unix 'unexpand' does not allow inserting tabs 528! with the tab interval different than 8, so we don't use '-%d' field): 529!*unexpandCmd: unexpand -a 530! 531! 532! 533! Case PullDown menu: 534! 535*Case_PD.Upper.labelString: VERSAL 536*Case_PD.Upper.mnemonic: A 537*Case_PD.Lower.labelString: sm� bogst 538*Case_PD.Lower.mnemonic: s 539*Case_PD.Title.labelString: Versal 540*Case_PD.Title.mnemonic: V 541*Case_PD.Toggle.labelString: Omvendt 542*Case_PD.Toggle.mnemonic: O 543! 544! 545! 546! Filters PullDown menu: 547! 548*Filters_PD.Extra.labelString: Eget filter... 549*Filters_PD.Extra.mnemonic: E 550! 551! 552! 553! Commands PullDown menu 554! 555*Commands_PD.Extra.labelString: Egen kommando... 556*Commands_PD.Extra.mnemonic: E 557! 558! Note that user definable entries in the Filters and Commands 559! menus are defined in part 1 (section USER DEFINABLE ...). 560! 561! 562! 563! 564! Help PullDown menu: 565! 566*Help_PD.On_Keys.labelString: Tastbindinger 567*Help_PD.On_Keys.mnemonic: T 568! 569*Help_PD.Index.labelString: Indeks 570*Help_PD.Index.mnemonic: I 571! 572*Help_PD.On_Help.labelString: Introduktion 573*Help_PD.On_Help.mnemonic: n 574! 575*Help_PD.About.labelString: Om Asedit... 576*Help_PD.About.mnemonic: O 577! 578! 579! 580! Quick access popup menu: 581! 582*QAccess_Popup.Undo.labelString: Fortryd 583*QAccess_Popup.Undo.mnemonic: F 584! 585*QAccess_Popup.Cut.labelString: Klip 586*QAccess_Popup.Cut.mnemonic: K 587! 588*QAccess_Popup.Copy.labelString: Kopier 589*QAccess_Popup.Copy.mnemonic: o 590! 591*QAccess_Popup.Paste.labelString: S�t ind 592*QAccess_Popup.Paste.mnemonic: n 593! 594*QAccess_Popup.Repeat.labelString: Find n�ste 595*QAccess_Popup.Repeat.mnemonic: n 596! 597*QAccess_Popup.Open.labelString: �bn... 598*QAccess_Popup.Open.mnemonic: b 599! 600*QAccess_Popup.Save.labelString: Gem 601*QAccess_Popup.Save.mnemonic: G 602! 603*QAccess_Popup.Exit.labelString: Afslut 604*QAccess_Popup.Exit.mnemonic: A 605! 606! 607! 608! DIALOG resources ...... 609! 610! 611! common resource for XmFileSelectionBox (to promote consistency) 612! (in asedit they apply to open_dialog, save_dialog, insert_dialog) 613! 614*menuBar*fileListLabelString: Filer 615*menuBar*filterLabelString: Filter 616*menuBar*dirListLabelString: Kataloger 617*menuBar*applyLabelString: Filter 618! 619! help dialog: 620*help_dialog.title: asedit - Hj�lp 621*help_dialog*Follow.labelString: F�lg 622*help_dialog*Back.labelString: Bagud 623*help_dialog*Index.labelString: Indeks 624*help_dialog*Close.labelString: Luk 625*help_dialog*Help.labelString: Hj�lp 626! 627! open dialog: 628*open_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - �bn en fil 629*open_dialog*Selection.labelString: Valg 630*open_dialog*open_view_only.labelString: �ben kun til l�sning 631! 632! replace dialog resources 633! 634*replace_dialog.okLabelString: S�g med Bekr�ft 635*menuBar*replace_dialog.applyLabelString: �ndr alt 636*replace_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 637*replace_dialog*text_to_find_title.labelString: S�g efter: 638*replace_dialog*new_text_title.labelString: Erstat med: 639! 640*replace_dialog*options_title.labelString: Indstillinger 641*replace_dialog*case_sensitive.labelString: Match store/sm� bogst 642*replace_dialog*whole_words.labelString: Kun hele ord 643! 644*replace_dialog*direction_title.labelString: Retning 645*replace_dialog*Forward.labelString: Fremad 646*replace_dialog*Backward.labelString: Bagud 647! 648! initial settings for the different replace/find options: 649*replace_dialog*case_sensitive.set: True 650*replace_dialog*whole_words.set: False 651! Note: only one of the following two should be set to True, i.e. uncommented: 652*replace_dialog*Forward.set: True 653!!*replace_dialog*Backward.set: True 654! 655! 656*change_prompt.dialogTitle: asedit - Erstat ? 657*change_prompt.okLabelString: Erstat 658*menuBar*change_prompt.applyLabelString: Spring over 659! 660*continue_search_question.dialogTitle: asedit - S�g 661*continue_search_question.okLabelString: Ja 662*continue_search_question.cancelLabelString: Nej 663! 664*search_end_message.dialogTitle: asedit - �ndr alt 665*search_end_message.cancelLabelString: Luk 666! 667*go_to_line.dialogTitle: asedit - G� til linie 668*go_to_line.selectionLabelString: Skriv nyt linienummer: 669*go_to_line.cancelLabelString: Luk 670! 671! 672! overwrite question dialog 673! 674*overwrite_question.dialogTitle: asedit - Overskriv ? 675*overwrite_question.okLabelString: Ja 676*overwrite_question.cancelLabelString: Annuller 677! 678! error message dialog resources (cancel button used to dismiss dialog) 679*error_message.dialogTitle: asedit - Fejl! 680*error_message.cancelLabelString: OK 681*error_message.messageString: Fejlmeddelelse 682! 683*save_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Gem som 684*save_dialog.selectionLabelString: Gem fil som 685! 686! 687*print_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Udskriv 688*print_dialog.listLabelString: Printere 689*print_dialog.selectionLabelString: Valgt udskrivning: 690*print_dialog.okLabelString: Udskriv 691*print_dialog*range_title.labelString: Omfang 692*print_dialog*selection.labelString: Den markerede tekst 693*print_dialog*complete.labelString: Hele dokumentet 694! NOTE: that part of the print_dialog was set up at the beginning of that file 695! 696*insert_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Inds�t en fil 697*insert_dialog*Selection.labelString: Valg 698! 699! 700*save_warning.dialogTitle: asedit - Filen er ikke gemt! 701*save_warning.okLabelString: Ja 702*save_warning.applyLabelString: Nej 703! 704*about.dialogTitle: asedit - Om Asedit 705*about.cancelLabelString: Luk 706! 707*bottom_row.line.labelString: Linie: 708*bottom_row.column.labelString: Kolonne: 709! 710! 711! 712! Dialogs from the Tools menu: 713! 714*filter_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Eget filter 715*filter_dialog.selectionLabelString: Filterets kommandoer: 716! 717*command_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Egen kommando 718*command_dialog.selectionLabelString: Kommando, der skal udf�res: 719! 720! Common resources for filter_dialog and command_dialog: 721! 722*depot_title.labelString: Uddata sendes til: 723*to_current.labelString: Aktivt vindue 724*to_new.labelString: Nyt vindie 725*to_dialog.labelString: Tekstvindue 726! 727*moveLeft_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Flyt til venstre 728*moveLeft_dialog.selectionLabelString: Antal tegn at flytte til venstre: 729*moveLeft_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 730*moveLeft_dialog.autoUnmanage: False 731! 732*moveRight_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Flyt til h�jre 733*moveRight_dialog.selectionLabelString: Antal tegn at flytte til h�jre: 734*moveRight_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 735*moveRight_dialog.autoUnmanage: False 736! 737*indentWith_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Indryk med 738*indentWith_dialog.selectionLabelString: Skriv tegnene, der skal indrykkes med: 739*indentWith_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 740*indentWith_dialog.textString: > 741*indentWith_dialog.autoUnmanage: False 742! 743*reformat_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Omformatter 744*reformat_dialog*left_margin_title.labelString: Ny venstremargen: 745*reformat_dialog*right_margin_title.labelString: H�jremargen: 746! 747*reformat_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 748*reformat_dialog.autoUnmanage: False 749! 750*errorChild.dialogTitle: Kommandofejl! 751*errorChild.messageString: Anormal afslutning.\nVill du forts�tte ? 752*errorChild.okLabelString: Forts�t alligevel 753*errorChild.cancelLabelString: Annuller 754! 755*messageChild.dialogTitle: Kommando meddelelse 756*messageChild.messageString: Vill du forts�tte ? 757*messageChild.okLabelString: Forts�t 758*messageChild.cancelLabelString: Annuller 759! 760*noOutDialog.dialogTitle: Ingen uddata 761*noOutDialog.messageString: Ingen uddata fra kommandoen. 762*noOutDialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 763! 764*progress.dialogTitle: Vent! 765*progress.messageString: Venter p� at kommandoen fuldf�res. 766! 767! 768! Text dialog used for output of the child process: 769! 770! (Note that we use, as default, the text_dialog in Spell and wc filters only; 771! in such configuration we don't expect long lines so scrollHorizontal is set 772! to False; you might like to change it to True or change wordWrap to True; 773! Note also that the deafult initial maximum size is 12 rows by 40 columns) 774*text_dialog*scrollHorizontal: False 775*text_dialog*wordWrap: False 776*text_dialog.dialogTitle: Kommando uddata 777*text_dialog.cancelLabelString: Luk 778! 779! reduce the default margins from 10 to 4 pixels 780*text_dialog.marginHeight: 4 781*text_dialog.marginWidth: 4 782! 783! 784! 785! Language specific messages/questions etc.... 786! 787! fm_... file messages ... 788! 789*fm_unable_to_open: Fejl - Kan ikke �bne filen:\n'%s' 790*fm_unable_to_save: Fejl - Kan ikke gemme filen:\n'%s' 791*fm_not_closed: \nFilen er ikke lukket! 792*fm_print_failed: Udskrift mislykkedes! 793*fm_exit_aborted: \nAfslutning afbrudt! 794*fm_not_printed: \nFilen blev ikke skrevet ud! 795*fm_not_regular: '%s'\n- ikke en almindelig fil! 796*fm_no_selection: Kan ikke skrive markeret tekst. Teksten er ikke markeret! 797*fm_no_printer: V�lg en udskrivningsmetode! 798*fm_no_filename: V�lg en fil! 799! 800! fq_... file questions ... 801*fq_overwrite: Overskriv den eksisterende fil:\n'%s' ? 802*fq_save_changes: Vil du gemme �ndringerne i:\n'%s' f�r den lukkes ? 803! 804! labels for find/change buttons (shared widget) 805*find_label: S�g 806*find_next_label: Find n�ste 807*change_label: Erstat 808*find_n_verify_label: S�g med Bekr�ft 809! 810! titles for find/change dialogs (shared widget) 811*find_dialogTitle: asedit - S�g 812*change_dialogTitle: asedit - Erstat 813! 814! sm_... search messages ... 815*sm_have_to_enter: Du er n�dt til at skrive en tekst! 816*sm_not_found: Teksten kunne ikke findes! 817*sm_change_all_completed: �ndr alt fuldf�rt!\n Det blev ialt %d �ndringer. 818*sm_line_range: Linienummeret er ikke gyldigt.\nFilen har kun %ld linier. 819*sm_have_to_select: For at s�ge efter den n�ste streng, marker den i vinduet\neller angiv den i S�g menuen. 820! 821! sq_... search questions ... 822*sq_change: Erstat den markerede tekst ? 823*sq_doc_end: N�ede bunden af dokumentet.\nS�g videre fra toppen ? 824*sq_doc_beg: N�ede toppen af dokumentet.\nS�g videre fra bunden ? 825! 826! string (character) to be shown for read-only files 827*read_only_marker: L 828! extra text (changeHint) to be shown in the title bar as a hint that file was changed 829*changeHint: (�ndret) 830! 831! flt_... filter related messages 832! 833*flt_no_selection: Marker f�rst teksten, der skal gennem filtret. 834*flt_no_filter: Angiv kommando! 835! 836*flt_no_value: Angiv en v�rdi! 837*flt_no_text: Skriv en tekst! 838! 839*flt_wrong_margins: Forkerte margener!\nH�jremargen skal v�re st�rre end venstremargen. 840*flt_missing_margins: Savner margener!\nSpecifer i det mindste h�jremargenen. 841! 842*cant_find_lf: Kan ikke finde linieskift! 843! 844! 845! text used in the ht_help.c (hypertext help) 846*help_err_fopen: HJ�LPEFEJL. Kan ikke �bne hj�lpefilen '%s'. 847*help_err_finc: HJ�LPEFEJL. Fejl i hj�lpefilen '%s'. 848*help_no_info: DESV�RRE, ingen hj�lp til dette. 849! 850! Other locale dependent messages: 851*load_font_err: Kan ikke �bne skrifttypen '%s'\n 852*open_tmp_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke �bne tempor�rfilen '%s', filen er ikke gemt.\n 853*close_tmp_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke lukke tempor�rfilen '%s'.\n 854*backup_file_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke lave kopi af '%s'.\nFilen '%s' er ikke gemt.\n 855*file_close_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke lukke filen '%s'.\n 856*file_move_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke flytte tempor�rfilen.\nFilen '%s' er ikke gemt.\n 857*open_tmp_print_err: Advarsel: Kan ikke �bne tempor�rfilen '%s'. Texten er ikke udskrevet.\n 858! 859! syntax error messages 860*wrong_syntax: Ukendt parameter '%s'\n 861*syntax: Brug: asedit [parametre] [filnavn]\nhvor de mulige parametre er:\n \n\ 862 -bg <FARVE> s�tter baggrundsfarven\n\ 863 -fg <FARVE> s�tter forgrundsfarven (teksten)\n\ 864 -fn <SKRIF> v�lger skrifttype for hele programmet\n\ 865 -fnm <SKRIFT> v�lger skriften til menuer og dialogbokse\n\ 866 -fnt <SKRIFT> v�lger redigeringsvinduets skrift\n\ 867 -helpdir <KATALOGER> angiver hvor hj�lpefilen (asedit.hlp) befinder sig\n\ 868 -tab <N> s�tter tab-stop interval til <N>\n\ 869 +<N> efter �bning af filen, g� til linie <N>\n\ 870 -emacs bruger Emacs tastaturbindinger\n\ 871 -/+status sl�r statuslinie til/fra\n\ 872 -/+wrap sl�r linieombrydning til/fra\n\ 873 -/+v sl�r 'Kun Til L�sning' til/fra\n\ 874 ..... og alle standard X-Window parametre, f.eks. \n\ 875 -display <DATAMAT:SK�RM> angiver p� hvilken sk�rm vinduet vil dukke op\n\ 876 -geometry <BREDDExH�JDE+X+Y> angiver vinduets st�rrelse og (X,Y) koordinater\n\ 877 -iconic starter programmer som en ikon\n\ 878 -xrm <SPEC> s�tter ekstra X specifikationer\n 879! 880! 881! 882! 883! 884! Part 4 - keyboard bindings. 885! ---------------------------- 886! 887!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 888! 889! Keyboard bindings (do NOT change unless you really have to do that; 890! if you change anything there might be inconsistency with the 891! help file! ) 892! 893! 894! special bindings for hypertext Help widget and Emacs bindings 895! 896*hypertext_text.translations: #override\n\ 897 <Btn1Down>: move-destination()\n\ 898 <Btn2Down>: move-destination()\n\ 899 <Btn1Up>(2): activate()\n\ 900 <Btn2Up>(2): activate()\n\ 901 <Key>Return: activate()\n\ 902 Ctrl <Key>osfPageDown: end-of-file()\n\ 903 Ctrl <Key>osfPageUp: beginning-of-file()\n 904! 905! 906! 907*edit_text.translations: #override\n\ 908 Ctrl <Key>Return: newline()\n\ 909 <Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\ 910 Shift ~Ctrl Meta <Key>osfBackSpace: asedit-redo()\n\ 911 Shift ~Ctrl Alt <Key>osfBackSpace: asedit-redo()\n\ 912 ~Shift ~Ctrl Meta <Key>osfBackSpace: asedit-undo()\n\ 913 ~Shift ~Ctrl Alt <Key>osfBackSpace: asedit-undo()\n\ 914 Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>[: asedit-forward-match()\n\ 915 Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>]: asedit-backward-match()\n\ 916 Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>f: asedit-find()\n\ 917 Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>a: asedit-change()\n 918! 919! 920! Some extra bindigs to enable Clipboard operations in all Text widgets 921! with the user defined cut/copy/paste key shortcuts 922! 923*XmText.translations: #override\n\ 924 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>x: cut-clipboard()\n\ 925 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>c: copy-clipboard()\n\ 926 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>v: paste-clipboard()\n 927! 928! 929! 930! Some consistency bindings for text widgets (or fields) inside selection 931! boxes 932! 933! 934*textTranslations: #override\n\ 935 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>x: cut-clipboard()\n\ 936 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>c: copy-clipboard()\n\ 937 ~Shift Ctrl ~Meta ~Alt <Key>v: paste-clipboard()\n 938! 939! 940! Workaround for the Motif 1.2.2 FSB cursor visibility bug 941*XmFileSelectionBox.XmTextField.width: 400 942! 943! 944! 945! 946! Part 5 - Version definitions. 947! ----------------------------- 948! 949!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 950! 951! appDefaultsVersion (Version number of ths file) should only be defined in the 952! site-wide file! Do NOT remove or alter this setting! 953*appDefaultsVersion: 1320 954! 955! 956*oldAppDefs: Advarsel: En gammel 'application defaults' fil er blevet indl�st!\n 957! 958!!!!!!!!!! End of Asedit application defaults file !!!!!!!!!! 959!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 960