2 * \mainpage
3 *
4 * KoText is a library for general use that extends the QText framework
5 * (codenamed scribe) with an enhanced text-layout which adds features
6 * required by ODF and general word-processing applications.
7 *
8 * You can use KoText at all places where you would normally use a
9 * QTextDocument as the main text layout class in scribe can be replaced
10 * on any QTextDocument instance using QTextDocument::setDocumentLayout().
11 * This means you can use the Qt API as normal, but you will be
12 * able to use extra features like the plugins, the variables and the
13 * ODF loading and saving for all the ODF text-layout features.
14 *
15 * TextShape Flake-Plugin
16 *
17 * Closely coupled with the kotext library is the text plugin that is
18 * build on flake technology.  All the user interaction dialogs and code
19 * will reside in that plugin, and the actual heavy lifting of the
20 * layout also is present only in that plugin.  In other words; this
21 * library will supply you with the APIs but without having the text
22 * shape plugin loaded you can't show or layout the text.  The goal is
23 * to keep it cheap to link to this library and only provide the bare
24 * minimum of functionality is the way to get there.  The feature-
25 * package will be completed by the optional text-plugin.
26 *
27 * QTextDocument compatibility
28 *
29 * The actual content is stored in the QTextDocument, as mentioned before.
30 * In KoText we support a lot more features than Qt does in its layout
31 * and this library will allow you to enrich your document with those
32 * features.  The core design goal is that you can use an externally
33 * created QTextDocument with KoText. This has the implication that all
34 * the extra content is stored inside the document.  We add QTextFormat
35 * based properties for that as can be seen in the styles (see
36 * KoParagraphStyle::Properities for instance), and we allow managers to
37 * be stored on the document too.  So for example a KoStyleManager will
38 * be stored as a property on the QTextDocument and you can access that
39 * using the KoTextDocument API.  Note that you can use the
40 * KoTextDocument class while using only a QTextDocument instance.
41 *
42 * Plugins
43 *
44 * There are various plugins for KoText that make it possible for 3rd
45 * parties to extend the KoText functionality, see the techbase page;
46 * http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Calligra_Overview#Text_Plugins
47 *
48 * ODF compatibility
49 *
50 * Loading and saving of documents can be done to and from ODF using the
51 * open document classes.
52 *
53 * Important classes;
54 *
55 * KoTextDocumentLayout the main layout class to be set on the QTextDocument.
56 *
57 * KoInlineTextObject plugin base for inline objects (and variables)
58 *
59 * KoTextEditingPlugin plugin base for text editing plugins.
60 *
61 * KoText namespace.
62 */