1 (*
2 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6 Copyright (c) Alexey Torgashin
7 *)
8 unit formlexerstyle;
10 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
12 interface
14 uses
15   Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
16   ColorBox, StdCtrls, ButtonPanel, IniFiles,
17   ec_SyntAnal,
18   ec_syntax_format,
19   proc_colors,
20   proc_globdata,
21   proc_msg;
23 type
24   { TfmLexerStyle }
26   TfmLexerStyle = class(TForm)
27     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
28     cbBorderB: TComboBox;
29     cbBorderL: TComboBox;
30     cbBorderR: TComboBox;
31     cbBorderT: TComboBox;
32     chkBold: TCheckBox;
33     chkItalic: TCheckBox;
34     chkStrik: TCheckBox;
35     chkUnder: TCheckBox;
36     edColorBG: TColorBox;
37     edColorBorder: TColorBox;
38     edColorFont: TColorBox;
39     edStyleType: TComboBox;
40     LabelBorder: TLabel;
41     LabelBorderB: TLabel;
42     LabelBorderL: TLabel;
43     LabelBorderR: TLabel;
44     LabelBorderT: TLabel;
45     LabelColorBg: TLabel;
46     LabelColorBorder: TLabel;
47     LabelColorFont: TLabel;
48     LabelFontStyles: TLabel;
49     LabelStyleType: TLabel;
50     Panel1: TPanel;
51     procedure edStyleTypeChange(Sender: TObject);
52     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
53     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
54   private
55     procedure InitBorder(cb: TCombobox);
56     procedure Localize;
57     procedure UpdateStyleEn;
58     { private declarations }
59   public
60     { public declarations }
61   end;
63 var
64   fmLexerStyle: TfmLexerStyle;
66 implementation
68 {$R *.lfm}
70 var
71   msgBorderTypeNone: string = 'none';
72   msgBorderTypeSolid: string = 'solid';
73   msgBorderTypeDash: string = 'dash';
74   msgBorderTypeDot: string = 'dot';
75   msgBorderTypeDashDot: string = 'dash dot';
76   msgBorderTypeDashDotDot: string = 'dash dot dot';
77   msgBorderTypeSolid2: string = 'solid2';
78   msgBorderTypeSolid3: string = 'solid3';
79   msgBorderTypeWave: string = 'wave';
80   msgBorderTypeDouble: string = 'double';
82 procedure DoLocString(var AStr: string; ini: TIniFile; const ASection, AKey: string);
83 begin
84   AStr:= ini.ReadString(ASection, AKey, AStr);
85 end;
87 procedure TfmLexerStyle.Localize;
88 const
89   section = 'd_lex_prop';
90 var
91   ini: TIniFile;
92   fn: string;
93 begin
94   fn:= GetAppLangFilename;
95   if not FileExists(fn) then exit;
96   ini:= TIniFile.Create(fn);
97   try
98     Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, '_style', Caption);
99     with ButtonPanel1.OKButton do Caption:= msgButtonOk;
100     with ButtonPanel1.CancelButton do Caption:= msgButtonCancel;
102     with LabelColorBg do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'col_bg', Caption);
103     with LabelColorFont do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'col_fon', Caption);
104     with LabelColorBorder do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'col_bor', Caption);
106     with LabelBorder do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'bor', Caption);
107     with LabelBorderL do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'bor_l', Caption);
108     with LabelBorderR do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'bor_r', Caption);
109     with LabelBorderT do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'bor_t', Caption);
110     with LabelBorderB do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'bor_b', Caption);
112     with LabelFontStyles do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'fon_st', Caption);
113     with chkBold do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'fon_b', Caption);
114     with chkItalic do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'fon_i', Caption);
115     with chkUnder do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'fon_u', Caption);
116     with chkStrik do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'fon_s', Caption);
118     with LabelStyleType do Caption:= ini.ReadString(section, 'typ_', Caption);
119     with edStyleType do Items[0]:= ini.ReadString(section, 'typ_mi', Items[0]);
120     with edStyleType do Items[1]:= ini.ReadString(section, 'typ_col_st', Items[1]);
121     with edStyleType do Items[2]:= ini.ReadString(section, 'typ_col', Items[2]);
122     with edStyleType do Items[3]:= ini.ReadString(section, 'typ_col_bg', Items[3]);
124     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeNone, ini, section, 'bty_none');
125     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeSolid, ini, section, 'bty_solid');
126     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeDash, ini, section, 'bty_dash');
127     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeDot, ini, section, 'bty_dot');
128     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeDashDot, ini, section, 'bty_dashdot');
129     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeDashDotDot, ini, section, 'bty_dashdotdot');
130     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeSolid2, ini, section, 'bty_solid2');
131     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeSolid3, ini, section, 'bty_solid3');
132     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeWave, ini, section, 'bty_wave');
133     DoLocString(msgBorderTypeDouble, ini, section, 'bty_double');
134   finally
135     FreeAndNil(ini);
136   end;
137 end;
139 procedure TfmLexerStyle.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
140 begin
141   Localize;
142   InitBorder(cbBorderL);
143   InitBorder(cbBorderT);
144   InitBorder(cbBorderR);
145   InitBorder(cbBorderB);
146 end;
148 procedure TfmLexerStyle.edStyleTypeChange(Sender: TObject);
149 begin
150   UpdateStyleEn;
151 end;
153 procedure TfmLexerStyle.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
154 begin
155   UpdateFormOnTop(Self);
156   FormCreate(nil);
157   UpdateStyleEn;
158 end;
160 procedure TfmLexerStyle.InitBorder(cb: TCombobox);
161 var
162   n: integer;
163 begin
164   n:= cb.ItemIndex;
165   with cb.Items do
166   begin
167     Clear;
168     Add(msgBorderTypeNone);
169     Add(msgBorderTypeSolid);
170     Add(msgBorderTypeDash);
171     Add(msgBorderTypeDot);
172     Add(msgBorderTypeDashDot);
173     Add(msgBorderTypeDashDotDot);
174     Add(msgBorderTypeSolid2);
175     Add(msgBorderTypeSolid3);
176     Add(msgBorderTypeWave);
177     Add(msgBorderTypeDouble);
178   end;
179   cb.ItemIndex:= n;
180 end;
183 procedure TfmLexerStyle.UpdateStyleEn;
184 var
185   fmt: TecFormatType;
186 begin
187   fmt:= TecFormatType(edStyleType.ItemIndex);
188   edColorFont.Enabled:= fmt in [ftCustomFont, ftFontAttr, ftColor];
189   edColorBG.Enabled:= true;
191   chkBold.Enabled:= fmt in [ftCustomFont, ftFontAttr];
192   chkItalic.Enabled:= chkBold.Enabled;
193   chkUnder.Enabled:= chkBold.Enabled;
194   chkStrik.Enabled:= chkBold.Enabled;
195 end;
197 end.