1 {***********************************}
2 {                                   }
3 {  ATBinHex Component               }
4 {  Copyright (C) Alexey Torgashin   }
5 {  http://uvviewsoft.com            }
6 {                                   }
7 {***********************************}
8 unit ATBinHex_StringProc;
10 {$mode delphi}
12 interface
14 uses
15   Classes, SysUtils;
17 type
18   atString = UnicodeString;
19   atChar = WideChar;
21 const
22   cMaxTabPositionToExpand = 1024;
23   cCharScaleFullwidth = 180; //width of CJK chars
IsWordCharnull25 function IsWordChar(ch: atChar): boolean;
IsEolCodenull26 function IsEolCode(N: Word): boolean;
IsAccentCharnull27 function IsAccentChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
BoolToPlusMinusOnenull28 function BoolToPlusMinusOne(b: boolean): integer;
SSwapEndiannull30 function SSwapEndian(const S: UnicodeString): UnicodeString;
SGetIndentSizenull31 function SGetIndentSize(const S: atString; ATabSize: integer): integer;
33 procedure SCalcCharOffsets(const AStr: atString; var AList: array of integer; ATabSize: integer);
SExpandTabulationsnull34 function SExpandTabulations(const S: atString; ATabSize: integer): atString;
SFindWordWrapPositionnull35 function SFindWordWrapPosition(const S: atString; AColumns, ATabSize: integer): integer;
SFindClickedPositionnull36 function SFindClickedPosition(const Str: atString;
37   APixelsFromLeft, ACharSize, ATabSize: integer;
38   AAllowVirtualPos: boolean): integer;
41 implementation
43 uses
44   Dialogs, Math;
IsEolCodenull46 function IsEolCode(N: Word): boolean;
47 begin
48   Result:= (N=10) or (N=13);
49 end;
IsWordCharnull51 function IsWordChar(ch: atChar): boolean;
52 begin
53   Result:=
54     ((ch>='0') and (ch<='9')) or
55     ((ch>='a') and (ch<='z')) or
56     ((ch>='A') and (ch<='Z')) or
57     (ch='_');
58 end;
IsSpaceCharnull60 function IsSpaceChar(ch: atChar): boolean;
61 begin
62   Result:= (ch=' ') or (ch=#9);
63 end;
65 procedure DoDebugOffsets(const List: array of integer);
66 var
67   i: integer;
68   s: string;
69 begin
70   s:= '';
71   for i:= Low(List) to High(List) do
72     s:= s+IntToStr(List[i])+' ';
73   showmessage('Offsets'#13+s);
74 end;
SFindWordWrapPositionnull76 function SFindWordWrapPosition(const S: atString; AColumns, ATabSize: integer): integer;
77 var
78   N, NAvg: integer;
79   List: array of integer;
80 begin
81   if S='' then
82     begin Result:= 0; Exit end;
84   AColumns*= 100;
86   SetLength(List, Length(S));
87   SCalcCharOffsets(S, List, ATabSize);
89   if List[High(List)]<=AColumns then
90   begin
91     Result:= Length(S);
92     Exit
93   end;
95   N:= Length(S)-1;
96   while (N>1) and (List[N]>AColumns+100) do Dec(N);
97   NAvg:= N;
98   while (N>1) and IsWordChar(S[N]) and IsWordChar(S[N+1]) do Dec(N);
100   if N>1 then
101     Result:= N
102   else
103   if NAvg>1 then
104     Result:= NAvg
105   else
106     Result:= Length(S);
107 end;
SGetIndentSizenull109 function SGetIndentSize(const S: atString; ATabSize: integer): integer;
110 var
111   SIndent: atString;
112 begin
113   Result:= 0;
114   while (Result<Length(S)) and IsSpaceChar(S[Result+1]) do
115     Inc(Result);
116   SIndent:= Copy(S, 1, Result);
117   Result:= Length(SExpandTabulations(SIndent, ATabSize));
118 end;
SSwapEndiannull120 function SSwapEndian(const S: UnicodeString): UnicodeString;
121 var
122   i: integer;
123 begin
124   Result:= S;
125   for i:= 1 to Length(Result) do
126     Result[i]:= WideChar(SwapEndian(Ord(Result[i])));
127 end;
SCalcTabulationSizenull129 function SCalcTabulationSize(const ATabSize, APos: integer): integer;
130 begin
131   if APos>cMaxTabPositionToExpand then
132     Result:= 1
133   else
134   begin
135     Result:= 0;
136     repeat Inc(Result) until ((APos+Result-1) mod ATabSize)=0;
137   end;
138 end;
SExpandTabulationsnull140 function SExpandTabulations(const S: atString; ATabSize: integer): atString;
141 var
142   N, NSize: integer;
143 begin
144   Result:= S;
145   repeat
146     N:= Pos(#9, Result);
147     if N=0 then Break;
148     NSize:= SCalcTabulationSize(ATabSize, N);
149     if NSize<=1 then
150       Result[N]:= ' '
151     else
152     begin
153       Delete(Result, N, 1);
154       Insert(StringOfChar(' ', NSize), Result, N);
155     end;
156   until false;
157 end;
159 {
160   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combining_character
161   Combining Diacritical Marks (0300–036F), since version 1.0, with modifications in subsequent versions down to 4.1
162   Combining Diacritical Marks Extended (1AB0–1AFF), version 7.0
163   Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement (1DC0–1DFF), versions 4.1 to 5.2
164   Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols (20D0–20FF), since version 1.0, with modifications in subsequent versions down to 5.1
165   Combining Half Marks (FE20–FE2F), versions 1.0, updates in 5.2
166 }
IsAccentCharnull167 function IsAccentChar(ch: WideChar): boolean;
168 begin
169   case Ord(ch) of
170     $0300..$036F,
171     $1AB0..$1AFF,
172     $1DC0..$1DFF,
173     $20D0..$20FF,
174     $FE20..$FE2F:
175       Result:= true;
176     else
177       Result:= false;
178   end;
179 end;
181 {
182 Ranges that are FullWidth char
183  1100  e1 84 80  ..  115F  e1 85 9f
184  2329  e2 8c a9  ..  232A  e2 8c aa
185  2E80  e2 ba 80  ..  303E  e3 80 be
186  3041  e3 81 81  ..  33FF  e3 8f bf
187  3400  e3 90 80  ..  4DB5  e4 b6 b5
188  4E00  e4 b8 80  ..  9FC3  e9 bf 83
189  A000  ea 80 80  ..  A4C6  ea 93 86
190  AC00  ea b0 80  ..  D7A3  ed 9e a3
191  F900  ef a4 80  ..  FAD9  ef ab 99
192  FE10  ef b8 90  ..  FE19  ef b8 99
193  FE30  ef b8 b0  ..  FE6B  ef b9 ab
194  FF01  ef bc 81  ..  FF60  ef bd a0
195  FFE0  ef bf a0  ..  FFE6  ef bf a6
196 20000  f0 a0 80 80  .. 2FFFD f0 af bf bd
197 30000  f0 b0 80 80  .. 3FFFD f0 bf bf bd
198 }
IsCharFullWidthnull199 function IsCharFullWidth(ch: WideChar): boolean;
200 begin
201   case Ord(ch) of
202     $1100..$115F,
203     $2329..$232A,
204     $2E80..$303E,
205     $3041..$33FF,
206     $3400..$4DB5,
207     $4E00..$9FC3,
208     $A000..$A4C6,
209     $AC00..$D7A3,
210     $F900..$FAD9,
211     $FE10..$FE19,
212     $FE30..$FE6B,
213     $FF01..$FF60,
214     $FFE0..$FFE6:
215       Result:= true;
216     else
217       Result:= false;
218   end;
219 end;
222 procedure SCalcCharOffsets(const AStr: atString; var AList: array of integer;
223   ATabSize: integer);
224 const
225   cScaleTest = 190; //debug, for test code, commented
226 var
227   S: atString;
228   NOffset, NTabSize, NListIndex, i: integer;
229   Scale: integer;
230 begin
231   if Length(AList)<>Length(AStr) then
232     raise Exception.Create('bad list parameter in CalcCharOffsets');
233   if AStr='' then Exit;
235   S:= AStr;
236   i:= 0;
237   NListIndex:= 0;
239   repeat
240     Inc(i);
241     if i>Length(S) then Break;
243     if IsCharFullWidth(S[i]) then
244       Scale:= cCharScaleFullwidth
245     else
246       Scale:= 100;
248     ////debug
249     {
250     if IsSpaceChar(S[i]) then
251       Scale:= 100
252     else
253       Scale:= cTestScale;
254       }
256     if S[i]<>#9 then
257       NOffset:= 1
258     else
259     begin
260       NTabSize:= SCalcTabulationSize(ATabSize, i);
261       NOffset:= NTabSize;
262       S[i]:= ' ';
263       if NTabSize>1 then
264         Insert(StringOfChar(' ', NTabSize-1), S, i);
265       Inc(i, NTabSize-1);
266     end;
268     if (i<Length(S)) and IsAccentChar(S[i+1]) then
269     begin
270       NOffset:= 0;
271     end;
273     if NListIndex=0 then
274       AList[NListIndex]:= NOffset*Scale
275     else
276       AList[NListIndex]:= AList[NListIndex-1]+NOffset*Scale;
278     Inc(NListIndex);
279   until false;
280 end;
SFindClickedPositionnull283 function SFindClickedPosition(const Str: atString;
284   APixelsFromLeft, ACharSize, ATabSize: integer;
285   AAllowVirtualPos: boolean): integer;
286 var
287   ListReal: array of integer;
288   ListEnds, ListMid: array of integer;
289   i: integer;
290 begin
291   if Str='' then
292   begin
293     if AAllowVirtualPos then
294       Result:= 1+APixelsFromLeft div ACharSize
295     else
296       Result:= 1;
297     Exit;
298   end;
300   SetLength(ListReal, Length(Str));
301   SetLength(ListEnds, Length(Str));
302   SetLength(ListMid, Length(Str));
303   SCalcCharOffsets(Str, ListReal, ATabSize);
305   //positions of each char end
306   for i:= 0 to High(ListEnds) do
307     ListEnds[i]:= ListReal[i]*ACharSize div 100;
309   //positions of each char middle
310   for i:= 0 to High(ListEnds) do
311     if i=0 then
312       ListMid[i]:= ListEnds[i] div 2
313     else
314       ListMid[i]:= (ListEnds[i-1]+ListEnds[i]) div 2;
316   for i:= 0 to High(ListEnds) do
317     if APixelsFromLeft<ListMid[i] then
318     begin
319       Result:= i+1;
320       Exit
321     end;
323   if AAllowVirtualPos then
324     Result:= Length(Str)+1 + (APixelsFromLeft - ListEnds[High(ListEnds)]) div ACharSize
325   else
326     Result:= Length(Str)+1;
327 end;
BoolToPlusMinusOnenull330 function BoolToPlusMinusOne(b: boolean): integer;
331 begin
332   if b then Result:= 1 else Result:= -1;
333 end;
335 end.