1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
2 {
3  /**************************************************************************\
4                              bgradefaultbitmap.pas
5                              ---------------------
6                  This unit defines basic operations on bitmaps.
7                  It should NOT be added to the 'uses' clause.
8                  Some operations may be slow, so there are
9                  accelerated versions for some routines.
10 }
12 unit BGRADefaultBitmap;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
15 {$i bgrabitmap.inc}
17 interface
19 { This unit contains TBGRADefaultBitmap class. This class contains basic drawing routines,
20   and call functions from other units to perform advanced drawing functions. }
22 uses
23   SysUtils, BGRAClasses, FPImage, BGRAGraphics, BGRABitmapTypes,
25   BGRACanvas, BGRACanvas2D, BGRATransform, BGRATextBidi,
26   UniversalDrawer, BGRAGrayscaleMask;
28 type
29   TBGRAPtrBitmap = class;
30   {=== TBGRABitmap reference ===}
31   { TBGRADefaultBitmap }
32   {* This class is the base for all ''TBGRABitmap'' classes. It implements most
33      function to the exception from implementations specific to the
34      widgetset }{ in the doc, it is presented as
35   TBGRABitmap = class(TBGRACustomBitmap)
36   }
37   TBGRADefaultBitmap = class(TBGRACustomBitmap)
38   private
39     { Bounds checking which are shared by drawing functions. These functions check
40       if the coordinates are visible and return true if it is the case, swap
41       coordinates if necessary and make them fit into the clipping rectangle }
CheckRectBoundsnull42     function CheckRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean; inline;
CheckAntialiasRectBoundsnull43     function CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x,y,x2,y2: single; w: single): boolean;
GetCanvasBGRAnull44     function GetCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
GetCanvas2Dnull45     function GetCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
46     procedure GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
47       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
48       gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False;
49       ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daFloydSteinberg); overload;
50     procedure GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
51       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
52       Sinus: Boolean=False;
53       ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daFloydSteinberg); overload;
55   protected
56     //Pixel data
57     FDataModified: boolean;              //if data image has changed so TBitmap should be updated
59     //GUI bitmap object
60     FBitmap:   TBitmap;
61     FBitmapModified: boolean;         //if TBitmap has changed so pixel data should be updated
62     FCanvasOpacity: byte;             //opacity used with standard canvas functions
63     FAlphaCorrectionNeeded: boolean;  //the alpha channel is not correct because standard functions do not
64                                       //take it into account
66     //FreePascal drawing routines
68     FCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode;
69     FCanvasPixelProcFP: procedure(x, y: int32or64; const col: TBGRAPixel) of object;
71     //canvas-like with antialiasing and texturing
72     FCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
73     FCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
75     //drawing options
76     FFontHeight: integer;
77     FFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
79     //Pixel data
LoadFromRawImagenull80     function LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage; DefaultOpacity: byte;
81       AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean = False; RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean = True): boolean; virtual; abstract;
83     //FreePascal drawing routines
GetCanvasFPnull84     {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}function GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas; override;{$ENDIF}
85     procedure SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode); override;
GetCanvasDrawModeFPnull86     function GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode; override;
88     //GUI bitmap object
GetBitmapnull89     function GetBitmap: TBitmap; override;
GetCanvasnull90     function GetCanvas: TCanvas; override;
GetCanvasOpacitynull91     function GetCanvasOpacity: byte; override;
92     procedure SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte); override;
GetCanvasAlphaCorrectionnull93     function GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean; override;
94     procedure SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean); override;
95     procedure DoAlphaCorrection;
96     procedure DiscardBitmapChange; inline;
97     procedure DoLoadFromBitmap; virtual;
CreatePtrBitmapnull99     function CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth,AHeight: integer; AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap; virtual;
101     procedure RebuildBitmap; virtual; abstract;
102     procedure FreeBitmap; virtual;
104     procedure Init; override;
106     {TFPCustomImage}
107     procedure SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor); override;
GetInternalColornull108     function GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
109     procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer); override;
GetInternalPixelnull110     function GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
112     {Image functions}
FineResamplenull113     function FineResample(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
SimpleStretchnull114     function SimpleStretch(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap;
CheckEmptynull115     function CheckEmpty: boolean; override;
GetHasTransparentPixelsnull116     function GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean; override;
GetHasSemiTransparentPixelsnull117     function GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean; override;
GetAverageColornull118     function GetAverageColor: TColor; override;
GetAveragePixelnull119     function GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
121   protected //pen style accesors
GetPenJoinStylenull122     function GetPenJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; override;
123     procedure SetPenJoinStyle(const AValue: TPenJoinStyle); override;
GetPenMiterLimitnull124     function GetPenMiterLimit: single; override;
125     procedure SetPenMiterLimit(const AValue: single); override;
GetCustomPenStylenull126     function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; override;
127     procedure SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); override;
128     procedure SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle); override;
GetPenStylenull129     function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; override;
GetArrowEndSizenull131     function GetArrowEndSize: TPointF; override;
GetArrowStartSizenull132     function GetArrowStartSize: TPointF; override;
133     procedure SetArrowEndSize(AValue: TPointF); override;
134     procedure SetArrowStartSize(AValue: TPointF); override;
GetArrowEndOffsetnull135     function GetArrowEndOffset: single; override;
GetArrowStartOffsetnull136     function GetArrowStartOffset: single; override;
137     procedure SetArrowEndOffset(AValue: single); override;
138     procedure SetArrowStartOffset(AValue: single); override;
GetArrowEndRepeatnull139     function GetArrowEndRepeat: integer; override;
GetArrowStartRepeatnull140     function GetArrowStartRepeat: integer; override;
141     procedure SetArrowEndRepeat(AValue: integer); override;
142     procedure SetArrowStartRepeat(AValue: integer); override;
144   protected //font accessors
GetFontHeightnull145     function GetFontHeight: integer; override;
146     procedure SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer); override;
GetFontFullHeightnull147     function GetFontFullHeight: integer; override;
148     procedure SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer); override;
GetFontPixelMetricnull149     function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; override;
CreateDefaultFontRenderernull150     function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; virtual; abstract;
GetFontVerticalAnchorOffsetnull151     function GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset: single; override;
GetFontAnchorRotatedOffsetnull152     function GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset: TPointF; overload;
GetFontAnchorRotatedOffsetnull153     function GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(ACustomOrientation: integer): TPointF; overload;
GetFontRenderernull154     function GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override;
155     procedure SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer); override;
InternalGetPixelCycle256null157     function InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64): TBGRAPixel;
InternalGetPixel256null158     function InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy: int32or64; iFactX,iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
159     procedure InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
160     procedure InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x,y: single; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
161     procedure InternalCrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePos: byte; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
163     procedure InternalArc(cx,cy,rx,ry: single; StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
164       AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions; ADrawChord: boolean = false; ATexture: IBGRAScanner = nil); override;
InternalNewnull165     function InternalNew: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
167   public
168     {** Provides a canvas with opacity and antialiasing }
169     property CanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas read GetCanvasBGRA;
170     {** Provides a canvas with 2d transformation and similar to HTML5. }
171     property Canvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D read GetCanvas2D;
172     {** For more properties, see parent class [[TBGRACustomBitmap and IBGRAScanner#TBGRACustomBitmap|TBGRACustomBitmap]] }
174     procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
176     {==== Constructors ====}
178     {------------------------- Constructors from TBGRACustomBitmap-------------}
180     {** Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
181     constructor Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage); overload; override;
182     {** Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TBitmap'' }
183     constructor Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean = true); overload; override;
185     {** Creates an image by loading its content from the file ''AFilename''.
186         The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
187         It is recommended to use the next constructor and UTF8 encoding }
188     constructor Create(AFilename: string); overload; override;
190     {** Creates an image by loading its content from the file ''AFilename''.
191         The boolean ''AIsUtf8Filename'' specifies if UTF8 encoding is assumed
192         for the filename }
193     constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean); overload; override;
194     constructor Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions); overload; override;
196     {** Creates an image by loading its content from the stream ''AStream'' }
197     constructor Create(AStream: TStream); overload; override;
198     {** Free the object and all its resources }
199     destructor Destroy; override;
201     {** Clear all channels of transparent pixels }
202     procedure ClearTransparentPixels; override;
204     {------------------------- Quasi-constructors -----------------------------}
206     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
207         Creates a new instance with dimensions 0 x 0. }
NewBitmapnull208     function NewBitmap: TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
210     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
211         Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'',
212         containing transparent pixels. }
NewBitmapnull213     function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
215     {* Example:
216        <syntaxhighlight>
217      * var bmp1, bmp2: TBGRABitmap;
218      * begin
219      *   bmp1 := TBGRABitmap.Create(100,100);
220      *   bmp2 := bmp1.NewBitmap(100,100);
221      *   ...
222      * end;</syntaxhighlight>
223        See tutorial 2 on [[BGRABitmap_tutorial_2|how to load and display an image]].
224      * See reference on [[TBGRACustomBitmap_and_IBGRAScanner#Load_and_save_files|loading and saving files]] }
226     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
227         Creates a new instance with dimensions ''AWidth'' and ''AHeight'',
228         and fills it with Color }
NewBitmapnull229     function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
NewBitmapnull230     function NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
232     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
233         Creates a new instance with by loading its content
234         from the file ''Filename''. The encoding of the string
235         is the default one for the operating system }
NewBitmapnull236     function NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
238     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
239         Creates a new instance with by loading its content
240         from the file ''Filename'' }
NewBitmapnull241     function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
NewBitmapnull242     function NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean; AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
244     {** Can only be called from an existing instance of ''TBGRABitmap''.
245         Creates an image by copying the content of a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
NewBitmapnull246     function NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
248     {** Assign the content of the specified ''Source''. It can be a ''TBGRACustomBitmap'' or
249         a ''TFPCustomImage'' }
250     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); overload; override;
251     procedure Assign(Source: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean); overload;
253     {** Stores the image in the stream without compression nor header }
254     procedure Serialize(AStream: TStream); override;
255     {** Reads the image in a stream that was previously serialized }
256     procedure Deserialize(AStream: TStream); override;
258     // universal brushes
259     procedure SolidBrushIndirect(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
260     class procedure SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
261     class procedure ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency;
262                                  AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
263     class procedure MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AScanner: IBGRAScanner;
264                               AOffsetX: integer = 0; AOffsetY: integer = 0); override;
265     class procedure EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
266     class procedure AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AAlpha: Word); override;
268     {==== Pixel functions ====}
269     {** Sets the pixel by replacing the content at (''x'',''y'') with the specified color.
270         Alpha value is set to 255 (opaque) }
271     procedure SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; c: TColor); overload; override;
272     {** Applies a logical '''xor''' to the content of the pixel with the specified value.
273         This includes the alpha channel, so if you want to preserve the opacity, provide
274         a color ''c'' with alpha channel equal to zero }
275     procedure XorPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); override;
276     {** Draws a pixel with gamma correction at (''x'',''y''). Pixel is supplied
277         in sRGB colorspace }
278     procedure DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
279     {** Draws a pixel without gamma correction at (''x'',''y''). Pixel is supplied
280         in sRGB colorspace }
281     procedure FastBlendPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel); override;
282     {** Erase the content of the pixel by reducing the value of the
283         alpha channel. ''alpha'' specifies how much to decrease.
284         If the resulting alpha reaches zero, the content
285         is replaced by ''BGRAPixelTransparent'' }
286     procedure ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
287     {** Sets the alpha value at (''x'',''y''). If ''alpha'' = 0, the
288         pixel is replaced by ''BGRAPixelTransparent'' }
289     procedure AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
290     {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
291         by interpolating the values of the pixels around it.
292       * There is a one pixel wide margin around the pixel where the pixels are
293         still considered inside. If ''smoothBorder'' is set to true, pixel fade
294         to transparent.
295       * If it is more out of the bounds, the result is ''BGRAPixelTransparent''.
296       * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
297         values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
GetPixelnull298     function GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
299     {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
300         the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
301         coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
GetPixel256null302     function GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel; override;
303     {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
304         by interpolating the values of the pixels around it. If the pixel
305         is out of bounds, the image is repeated.
306       * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
307         values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
GetPixelCyclenull308     function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
309     {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
310         the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
311         coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
GetPixelCycle256null312     function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
313     {** Computes the value of the pixel at a floating point coordiante
314         by interpolating the values of the pixels around it. ''repeatX'' and
315         ''repeatY'' specifies if the image is to be repeated or not.
316       * ''AResampleFilter'' specifies how pixels must be interpolated. Accepted
317         values are ''rfBox'', ''rfLinear'', ''rfHalfCosine'' and ''rfCosine'' }
GetPixelCyclenull318     function GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
319     {** Similar to previous ''GetPixel'' function, but the fractional part of
320         the coordinate is supplied with a number from 0 to 255. The actual
321         coordinate is (''x'' + ''fracX256''/256, ''y'' + ''fracY256''/256) }
GetPixelCycle256null322     function GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel; overload; override;
324     {==== Drawing lines and polylines (integer coordinates) ====}
325     {* These functions do not take into account current pen style/cap/join.
326        See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
328     {** Applies xor to the pixels at line ''y'' and
329         at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color.
330         This includes the alpha channel, so if you want to preserve the
331         opacity, provide a color ''c'' with alpha channel equal to zero }
332     procedure XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
333     {** Draws an horizontal line with gamma correction at line ''y'' and
334         at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color }
335     procedure DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ec: TExpandedPixel); override; overload;
336     {** Draws an horizontal line without gamma correction at line ''y'' and
337         at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color }
338     procedure FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
339     {** Replaces the alpha value of the pixels at line ''y'' and
340         at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included }
341     procedure AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
342     {** Draws an horizontal line with gamma correction at line ''y'' and
343         at columns ''x'' to ''x2'' included, using specified color,
344         and with a transparency that increases with the color difference
345         with ''compare''. If the difference is greater than ''maxDiff'',
346         pixels are not changed }
347     procedure DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; c, compare: TBGRAPixel;
348       maxDiff: byte); override;
349     procedure HorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64; const ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
350       ACompare: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiffW: word); override;
352     {** Xors a vertical line at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
353     procedure XorVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
354     {** Draws a vertical line with gamma correction at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
355     procedure DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
356     {** Draws a vertical line without gamma correction at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
357     procedure FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel); override;
358     {** Replace alpha values in a vertical line at column ''x'' and at row ''y'' to ''y2'' }
359     procedure AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte); override;
361     {** Fills completely a rectangle, without any border, with the specified ''texture'' and
362     with the specified ''mode'' }
363     procedure FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer; texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm); overload; override;
365     {==== Rectangles, ellipses and path (floating point coordinates) ====}
366     {* These functions use the current pen style/cap/join. The parameter ''w''
367        specifies the width of the line and the base unit for dashes
368      * The coordinates are pixel-centered, so that when filling a rectangle,
369        if the supplied values are integers, the border will be half transparent.
370        If you want the border to be completely filled, you can subtract/add
371        0.5 to the coordinates to include the remaining thin border.
372        See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 13|coordinate system]]. }
374     {==== Multi-shape fill ====}
376     {** Draws and fill a polyline using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
377         The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
378         ''fillcolor'' specifies a color to fill the polygon formed by the points }
379     procedure DrawPolyLineAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
380     {** Draws a filled polygon using current pen style/cap/join in one go.
381         The stroke is stricly over the fill even if partially transparent.
382         The polygon is always closed. You don't need to set the last point
383         to be the same as the first point. }
384     procedure DrawPolygonAntialias(const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
386     {** Draws and fills an ellipse }
387     procedure EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
388     procedure EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
390     {** Draws and fills a path }
391     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
392     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
393     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
394     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
396     {** Draws and fills a path with a matrix transform }
397     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
398     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
399     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
400     procedure DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
402     {** Draws a rectangle with antialiasing and fills it with color ''back''.
403         Note that the pixel (x2,y2) is included contrary to integer coordinates }
404     procedure RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
406     {** Draws a rounded rectangle border with antialiasing. The corners have an
407         elliptical radius of ''rx'' and ''ry''. ''options'' specifies how to
408         draw the corners. See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometry types]] }
409     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
410     {** Draws a rounded rectangle border with the specified texture.
411         The corners have an elliptical radius of ''rx'' and ''ry''.
412         ''options'' specifies how to draw the corners.
413         See [[BGRABitmap Geometry types|geometry types]] }
414     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
415     {** Draws and fills a round rectangle }
416     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
417     {** Draws and fills a round rectangle with textures }
418     procedure RoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner; options: TRoundRectangleOptions = []); overload; override;
420     {==== Gradient polygons ====}
422     procedure FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); override;
423     procedure FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; c1,c2,c3: TBGRAPixel); override;
424     procedure FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
425     procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,light2,light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
426     procedure FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF); override;
428     procedure FillQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); override;
429     procedure FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; c1,c2,c3,c4: TBGRAPixel); override;
430     procedure FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone; ACropToPolygon: boolean = true); override;
431     procedure FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,light2,light3,light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True); override;
432     procedure FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACulling: TFaceCulling = fcNone); override;
433     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
434     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); override;
435     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF); override;
436     procedure FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; ACleanBorders: TRect); override;
437     procedure FillQuadAffineMapping(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
438     procedure FillQuadAffineMappingAntialias(Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean = true; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
440     {** Fills an ellipse with a gradient of color. ''outercolor'' specifies
441         the end color of the gradient on the border of the ellipse and
442         ''innercolor'' the end color of the gradient at the center of the ellipse }
443     procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
444     procedure FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
446     procedure FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); override;
447     procedure FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean); override;
448     procedure FillPolyLinearColor(const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel); override;
449     procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); override;
450     procedure FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single; texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle = nil); override;
452     procedure ArrowStartAsNone; override;
453     procedure ArrowStartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
454     procedure ArrowStartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
455     procedure ArrowStartAsTail; override;
457     procedure ArrowEndAsNone; override;
458     procedure ArrowEndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); override;
459     procedure ArrowEndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); override;
460     procedure ArrowEndAsTail; override;
462     { Draws the UTF8 encoded string, with color c.
463       If align is taLeftJustify, (x,y) is the top-left corner.
464       If align is taCenter, (x,y) is at the top and middle of the text.
465       If align is taRightJustify, (x,y) is the top-right corner.
466       The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
467     procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
469     { Same as above functions, except that the text is filled using texture.
470       The value of FontOrientation is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated. }
471     procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
473     procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
474     procedure TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
476     { Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property FontOrientation. }
477     procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
478     procedure TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; override;
480     procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
481     procedure TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single); overload; override;
483     procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; override;
484     procedure TextMultiline(ALeft,ATop,AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment = btaNatural; AVertAlign: TTextLayout = tlTop; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0); overload; override;
486     { Draw the UTF8 encoded string at the coordinate (x,y), clipped inside the rectangle ARect.
487       Additional style information is provided by the style parameter.
488       The color c or texture is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
489     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; override;
490     procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; override;
492     { Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
493       Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text. End of lines are stripped from the string. }
TextSizenull494     function TextSize(const sUTF8: string): TSize; override;
TextSizeMultilinenull495     function TextSizeMultiline(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single = EmptySingle; AParagraphSpacing: single = 0): TSize; override;
497     { Returns the affine box of the string provided using the current font.
498       Orientation is taken into account. End of lines are stripped from the string. }
TextAffineBoxnull499     function TextAffineBox(const sUTF8: string): TAffineBox; override;
501     { Returns the total size of a paragraph i.e. with word break }
TextSizenull502     function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): TSize; override;
TextSizenull503     function TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; override;
TextFitInfonull504     function TextFitInfo(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; override;
506     {Spline}
ComputeClosedSplinenull507     function ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
ComputeOpenedSplinenull508     function ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
ComputeBezierCurvenull510     function ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeBezierCurvenull511     function ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeBezierSplinenull512     function ComputeBezierSpline(const ASpline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeBezierSplinenull513     function ComputeBezierSpline(const ASpline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeWidePolylinenull515     function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeWidePolylinenull516     function ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF; w: single; ClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeWidePolygonnull517     function ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF; w: single): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeEllipseContournull519     function ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF;  overload; override;
ComputeEllipseContournull520     function ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF;  overload; override;
ComputeEllipseBordernull521     function ComputeEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeEllipseBordernull522     function ComputeEllipseBorder(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF; w: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override; overload;
ComputeArc65536null523     function ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
ComputeArcRadnull524     function ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
ComputeRoundRectnull525     function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputeRoundRectnull526     function ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; override;
ComputePie65536null527     function ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry: single; start65536,end65536: word; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
ComputePieRadnull528     function ComputePieRad(x,y,rx,ry: single; startRad,endRad: single; quality: single = 1): ArrayOfTPointF; override;
530     {Filling}
531     procedure Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); overload; override;
532     procedure DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer); override;
533     procedure AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer); overload; override;
534     procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode); overload; override;
535     procedure FillMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte); overload; override;
536     procedure EraseMask(x,y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; alpha: byte=255); override;
537     procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); override;
538     procedure FillClearTypeMask(x,y: integer; xThird: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean = true); override;
539     procedure ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor); overload; override;
540     procedure ReplaceColor(ABounds: TRect; before, after: TColor); overload; override;
541     procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel;
542       mode: TFloodfillMode; Tolerance: byte = 0; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; override;
543     procedure ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer; Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const Brush: TUniversalBrush;
544       Progressive: boolean; ToleranceW: Word = $00ff; DestOfsX: integer = 0; DestOfsY: integer = 0); overload; override;
545     procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1, c2: TBGRAPixel;
546       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
547       gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False;
548       ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); override;
549     procedure GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer; gradient: TBGRACustomGradient;
550       gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
551       Sinus: Boolean=False; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm = daNearestNeighbor); override;
ScanAtIntegernull553     function ScanAtInteger(X,Y: integer): TBGRAPixel; override;
ScanNextPixelnull554     function ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel; override;
ScanAtnull555     function ScanAt(X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel; override;
IsScanPutPixelsDefinednull556     function IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean; override;
557     procedure ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer; mode: TDrawMode); override;
559     {Canvas drawing functions}
560     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; override;
561     procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean = True); overload; override;
562     procedure InvalidateBitmap; override;         //call if you modify with Scanline
563     procedure LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded; override;   //call to ensure that bitmap data is up to date
564     procedure NotifyBitmapChange; inline;
566     {BGRA bitmap functions}
567     procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePosition: byte; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; override;
568     procedure CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency); overload; override;
569     procedure PutImage(X, Y: integer; ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte); overload; override;
570     procedure PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte=255; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true); overload; override;
GetImageAffineBoundsnull571     function GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean = true; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean = true): TRect; overload; override;
IsAffineRoughlyTranslationnull572     class function IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect): boolean; override;
574     procedure StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect; Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte = 255); override;
575     procedure BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; override;
576     procedure BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean; AExcludeChannels: TChannels); overload; override;
577     procedure BlendImage(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; override;
578     procedure BlendImage(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation); overload; override;
579     procedure BlendImageOver(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; override;
580     procedure BlendImageOver(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte = 255; ALinearBlend: boolean = false); overload; override;
GetPtrBitmapnull582     function GetPtrBitmap(Top,Bottom: Integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; override;
MakeBitmapCopynull583     function MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap; override;
Resamplenull585     function Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
586       mode: TResampleMode = rmFineResample): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
587     procedure Negative; override;
588     procedure NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); override;
589     procedure LinearNegative; override;
590     procedure LinearNegativeRect(ABounds: TRect); override;
591     procedure InplaceGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; override;
592     procedure InplaceGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true); overload; override;
593     procedure InplaceNormalize(AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; override;
594     procedure InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect; AEachChannel: boolean = True); overload; override;
595     procedure SwapRedBlue; override;
596     procedure SwapRedBlue(ARect: TRect); override;
597     procedure GrayscaleToAlpha; override;
598     procedure AlphaToGrayscale; override;
GetMaskFromAlphanull599     function GetMaskFromAlpha: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlphanull600     function GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlpha: TGrayscaleMask;
601     procedure ConvertToLinearRGB; override;
602     procedure ConvertFromLinearRGB; override;
604     {Filters}
FilterSmartZoom3null605     function FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterMediannull606     function FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterSmoothnull607     function FilterSmooth: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterSharpennull608     function FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterSharpennull609     function FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterContournull610     function FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterPixelatenull611     function FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer; useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterEmbossnull612     function FilterEmboss(angle: single; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterEmbossnull613     function FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect; AStrength: integer= 64; AOptions: TEmbossOptions = []): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull614     function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull615     function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull616     function FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean; BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterGrayscalenull617     function FilterGrayscale: TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterGrayscalenull618     function FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterNormalizenull619     function FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterNormalizenull620     function FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean = True): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterRotatenull621     function FilterRotate(origin: TPointF; angle: single; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterAffinenull622     function FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; correctBlur: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterSpherenull623     function FilterSphere: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterTwirlnull624     function FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterTwirlnull625     function FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap; overload; override;
FilterCylindernull626     function FilterCylinder: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
FilterPlanenull627     function FilterPlane: TBGRADefaultBitmap; override;
628   end;
630   { TBGRAPtrBitmap }
632   TBGRAPtrBitmap = class(TBGRADefaultBitmap)
633   protected
GetLineOrdernull634     function GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; override;
635     procedure SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder); override;
636     procedure ReallocData; override;
637     procedure FreeData; override;
638     procedure CannotResize;
639     procedure NotImplemented;
640     procedure RebuildBitmap; override;
CreateDefaultFontRenderernull642     function CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer; override; //to override
LoadFromRawImagenull643     function LoadFromRawImage({%H-}ARawImage: TRawImage; {%H-}DefaultOpacity: byte;
644       {%H-}AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean=False; {%H-}RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean
645       =True): boolean; override; //to override
646   public
647     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: Pointer); overload;
648     procedure SetDataPtr(AData: Pointer);
649     property LineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder Read GetLineOrder Write SetLineOrder;
651     procedure DataDrawTransparent({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
652       {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override; //to override
653     procedure DataDrawOpaque({%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas; {%H-}Rect: TRect; {%H-}AData: Pointer;
654       {%H-}ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; {%H-}AWidth, {%H-}AHeight: integer); override; //to override
655     procedure GetImageFromCanvas({%H-}CanvasSource: TCanvas; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: integer); override; //to override
657     procedure Assign({%H-}Source: TPersistent); override;
658     procedure TakeScreenshot({%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
659     procedure TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor; override;
660     procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC); override;
661     procedure LoadFromDevice({%H-}DC: HDC; {%H-}ARect: TRect); override;
662   end;
664   { TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap }
666   TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap = class(TBGRAPtrBitmap)
667   private
GetOwnStreamnull668     function GetOwnStream: boolean;
669     procedure SetOwnStream(AValue: boolean);
670   protected
671     FStream: TMemoryStream;
672     FStreamOffset: IntPtr;
673     FOwnStream: boolean;
674   public
675     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AStream: TMemoryStream; AStreamOffset: IntPtr; AOwnStream: boolean);
676     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
677     constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: TBGRAPixel);
678     destructor Destroy; override;
679     property OwnStream: boolean read GetOwnStream write SetOwnStream;
680     property Stream: TMemoryStream read FStream;
681   end;
683 var
684   DefaultTextStyle: TTextStyle;
686 procedure BGRAGradientFill(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
687   c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
688   gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False);
690 implementation
692 uses Math, BGRAUTF8, BGRABlend, BGRAFilters, BGRAGradientScanner,
693   BGRAResample, BGRAPolygon, BGRAPolygonAliased,
694   BGRAPath, FPReadPcx, FPWritePcx, FPReadXPM, FPWriteXPM,
695   BGRAReadBMP, BGRAReadJpeg,
696   BGRADithering, BGRAFilterScanner;
698 { TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap }
GetOwnStreamnull700 function TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.GetOwnStream: boolean;
701 begin
702   result := FOwnStream;
703 end;
705 procedure TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.SetOwnStream(AValue: boolean);
706 begin
707   FOwnStream:= AValue;
708 end;
710 constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
711   AStream: TMemoryStream; AStreamOffset: IntPtr; AOwnStream: boolean);
712 begin
713   inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight, PByte(AStream.Memory) + AStreamOffset);
714   FStream := AStream;
715   FStreamOffset:= AStreamOffset;
716   FOwnStream := AOwnStream;
717 end;
719 constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
720 begin
721   Create(AWidth, AHeight, BGRAPixelTransparent);
722 end;
724 constructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
725   AColor: TBGRAPixel);
726 begin
727   inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
728   FStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
729   FStreamOffset:= 0;
730   FStream.Size := RowSize * Height;
731   FOwnStream := true;
732   SetDataPtr(PByte(FStream.Memory) + FStreamOffset);
733   Fill(AColor, dmSet);
734 end;
736 destructor TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap.Destroy;
737 begin
738   if FOwnStream then FStream.Free;
739   inherited Destroy;
740 end;
742 { TBGRADefaultBitmap }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckEmptynull744 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckEmpty: boolean;
745 const
746   alphaMask = $ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
747 var
748   i: integer;
749   p: PBGRAPixel;
750 begin
751   p := Data;
752   for i := (NbPixels shr 1) - 1 downto 0 do
753   begin
754     if PInt64(p)^ and (alphaMask or (alphaMask shl 32)) <> 0 then
755     begin
756       Result := False;
757       exit;
758     end;
759     Inc(p,2);
760   end;
761   if Odd(NbPixels) and (p^.alpha <> 0) then
762   begin
763     Result := false;
764     exit;
765   end;
766   Result := True;
767 end;
GetCanvasAlphaCorrectionnull769 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasAlphaCorrection: boolean;
770 begin
771   Result := (FCanvasOpacity <> 0);
772 end;
GetCustomPenStylenull774 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle;
775 begin
776   result := GetInternalPen.CustomPenStyle;
777 end;
779 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasAlphaCorrection(const AValue: boolean);
780 begin
781   if AValue then
782   begin
783     if FCanvasOpacity = 0 then
784       FCanvasOpacity := 255;
785   end
786   else
787     FCanvasOpacity := 0;
788 end;
790 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DoLoadFromBitmap;
791 begin
792   //nothing
793 end;
795 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCustomPenStyle(const AValue: TBGRAPenStyle);
796 begin
797   GetInternalPen.CustomPenStyle := AValue;
798 end;
800 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenStyle(const AValue: TPenStyle);
801 begin
802   GetInternalPen.Style := AValue;
803 end;
GetPenStylenull805 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenStyle: TPenStyle;
806 begin
807   Result:= GetInternalPen.Style;
808 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndSizenull810 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndSize: TPointF;
811 begin
812   result := GetArrow.EndSize;
813 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartSizenull815 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartSize: TPointF;
816 begin
817   result := GetArrow.StartSize;
818 end;
820 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndSize(AValue: TPointF);
821 begin
823   GetArrow.EndSize := AValue;
824   {$POP}
825 end;
827 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartSize(AValue: TPointF);
828 begin
830   GetArrow.StartSize := AValue;
831   {$POP}
832 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndOffsetnull834 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndOffset: single;
835 begin
836   result := GetArrow.EndOffsetX;
837 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartOffsetnull839 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartOffset: single;
840 begin
841   result := GetArrow.StartOffsetX;
842 end;
844 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndOffset(AValue: single);
845 begin
846   GetArrow.EndOffsetX := AValue;
847 end;
849 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartOffset(AValue: single);
850 begin
851   GetArrow.StartOffsetX := AValue;
852 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndRepeatnull854 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowEndRepeat: integer;
855 begin
856   result := GetArrow.EndRepeatCount;
857 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartRepeatnull859 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetArrowStartRepeat: integer;
860 begin
861   result := GetArrow.StartRepeatCount;
862 end;
864 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowEndRepeat(AValue: integer);
865 begin
866   GetArrow.EndRepeatCount := AValue;
867 end;
869 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetArrowStartRepeat(AValue: integer);
870 begin
871   GetArrow.StartRepeatCount := AValue;
872 end;
874 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontHeight(AHeight: integer);
875 begin
876   FFontHeight := AHeight;
877 end;
GetFontFullHeightnull879 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontFullHeight: integer;
880 begin
881   if FontHeight < 0 then
882     result := -FontHeight
883   else
884     result := TextSize('Hg').cy;
885 end;
887 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontFullHeight(AHeight: integer);
888 begin
889   if AHeight > 0 then
890     FontHeight := -AHeight
891   else
892     FontHeight := 1;
893 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontPixelMetricnull895 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric;
896 begin
897   result := FontRenderer.GetFontPixelMetric;
898 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontRenderernull900 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
901 begin
902   if FFontRenderer = nil then FFontRenderer := CreateDefaultFontRenderer;
903   if FFontRenderer = nil then raise exception.Create('No font renderer');
904   result := FFontRenderer;
905   result.FontName := FontName;
906   result.FontStyle := FontStyle;
907   result.FontQuality := FontQuality;
908   result.FontOrientation := FontOrientation;
909   result.FontEmHeight := FFontHeight;
910 end;
912 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetFontRenderer(AValue: TBGRACustomFontRenderer);
913 begin
914   if AValue = FFontRenderer then exit;
915   FFontRenderer.Free;
916   FFontRenderer := AValue
917 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontVerticalAnchorOffsetnull919 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset: single;
920 begin
921   case FontVerticalAnchor of
922   fvaTop: result := 0;
923   fvaCenter: result := FontFullHeight*0.5;
924   fvaCapLine: result := FontPixelMetric.CapLine;
925   fvaCapCenter: result := (FontPixelMetric.CapLine+FontPixelMetric.Baseline)*0.5;
926   fvaXLine: result := FontPixelMetric.xLine;
927   fvaXCenter: result := (FontPixelMetric.xLine+FontPixelMetric.Baseline)*0.5;
928   fvaBaseline: result := FontPixelMetric.Baseline;
929   fvaDescentLine: result := FontPixelMetric.DescentLine;
930   fvaBottom: result := FontFullHeight;
931   else
932     result := 0;
933   end;
934 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffsetnull936 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset: TPointF;
937 begin
938   result := GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(FontOrientation);
939 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffsetnull941 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(
942   ACustomOrientation: integer): TPointF;
943 begin
944   result := PointF(0, GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset);
945   if ACustomOrientation <> 0 then
946     result := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-ACustomOrientation*0.1)*result;
947 end;
949 { Creates a new bitmap with dimensions 0 x 0 }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull950 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
951 begin
952   Result := inherited NewBitmap as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
953 end;
955 { Creates a new bitmap with dimensions AWidth and AHeight and filled with
956   transparent pixels. Internally, it uses the same type so that if you
957   use an optimized version, you get a new bitmap with the same optimizations }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull958 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
959 begin
960   result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight)  as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
961 end;
963 { Can only be called from an existing instance of TBGRABitmap.
964   Creates a new instance with dimensions AWidth and AHeight,
965   and fills it with Color. }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull966 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
967   const Color: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
968 begin
969   result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, Color) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
970 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull972 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AColor: Pointer): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
973 begin
974   result := inherited NewBitmap(AWidth, AHeight, AColor) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
975 end;
977 { Creates a new bitmap and loads it contents from a file.
978   The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
979   It is recommended to use the next function and UTF8 encoding }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull980 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
981 var
982   BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
983 begin
984   BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
985   Result    := BGRAClass.Create(Filename) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
986 end;
988 { Creates a new bitmap and loads it contents from a file.
989   It is recommended to use UTF8 encoding }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull990 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
991 var
992   BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
993 begin
994   BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
995   Result    := BGRAClass.Create(Filename,AIsUtf8) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
996 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull998 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(Filename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
999   AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
1000 var
1001   BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
1002 begin
1003   BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
1004   Result    := BGRAClass.Create(Filename,AIsUtf8,AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
1005 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmapnull1007 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.NewBitmap(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
1008 var
1009   BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
1010 begin
1011   BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
1012   Result    := BGRAClass.Create(AFPImage) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
1013 end;
1015 {----------------------- TFPCustomImage override ------------------------------}
1017 { Set the size of the current bitmap. All data is lost during the process }
1018 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer);
1019 begin
1020   if (Width <> AWidth) or (Height <> AHeight) then
1021   begin
1022     inherited SetSize(AWidth, AHeight);
1023     FreeBitmap;
1024   end;
1025 end;
1027 {---------------------- Constructors ---------------------------------}
1029 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFPImage: TFPCustomImage);
1030 begin
1031   inherited Create;
1032   Assign(AFPImage);
1033 end;
1035 { Creates an image of dimensions AWidth and AHeight and filled with transparent pixels. }
1036 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(ABitmap: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean);
1037 begin
1038   inherited Create;
1039   Assign(ABitmap, AUseTransparent);
1040 end;
1042 { Creates an image by loading its content from the file AFilename.
1043   The encoding of the string is the default one for the operating system.
1044   It is recommended to use the next constructor and UTF8 encoding. }
1045 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string);
1046 begin
1047   inherited Create;
1048   LoadFromFile(Afilename);
1049 end;
1051 { Free the object and all its resources }
1052 destructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Destroy;
1053 begin
1054   DiscardXorMask;
1055   FFontRenderer.Free;
1057   FCanvasBGRA.Free;
1058   FCanvas2D.Free;
1059   FreeBitmap;
1060   inherited Destroy;
1061 end;
1063 {------------------------- Loading functions ----------------------------------}
1065 { Creates an image by loading its content from the file AFilename.
1066   The boolean AIsUtf8Filename specifies if UTF8 encoding is assumed for the filename. }
1067 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean);
1068 begin
1069   inherited Create;
1070   if AIsUtf8 then
1071     LoadFromFileUTF8(Afilename)
1072   else
1073     LoadFromFile(Afilename);
1074 end;
1076 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AFilename: string; AIsUtf8: boolean;
1077   AOptions: TBGRALoadingOptions);
1078 begin
1079   inherited Create;
1080   if AIsUtf8 then
1081     LoadFromFileUTF8(Afilename, AOptions)
1082   else
1083     LoadFromFile(Afilename, AOptions);
1084 end;
1086 { Creates an image by loading its content from the stream AStream. }
1087 constructor TBGRADefaultBitmap.Create(AStream: TStream);
1088 begin
1089   inherited Create;
1090   LoadFromStream(AStream);
1091 end;
1093 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Serialize(AStream: TStream);
1094 begin
1095   If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then
1096   begin
1097     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1098     TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
1099   end;
1100   inherited Serialize(AStream);
1101   If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
1102 end;
1104 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Deserialize(AStream: TStream);
1105 begin
1106   inherited Deserialize(AStream);
1107   If TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder then TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterAt(Data,Data,FNbPixels,False);
1108   InvalidateBitmap;
1109 end;
1111 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SolidBrushIndirect(out
1112   ABrush: TUniversalBrush; AColor: Pointer; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
1113 begin
1114   BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, AColor, ADrawMode);
1115 end;
1117 class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SolidBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
1118   const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
1119 begin
1120   BGRASolidBrushIndirect(ABrush, @AColor, ADrawMode);
1121 end;
1123 class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScannerBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
1124   AScanner: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode;
1125   AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
1126 begin
1127   BGRAScannerBrush(ABrush, AScanner, ADrawMode, AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
1128 end;
1130 class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.MaskBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
1131   AScanner: IBGRAScanner; AOffsetX: integer; AOffsetY: integer);
1132 begin
1133   BGRAMaskBrush(ABrush, AScanner, AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
1134 end;
1136 class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EraseBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
1137   AAlpha: Word);
1138 begin
1139   BGRAEraseBrush(ABrush, AAlpha);
1140 end;
1142 class procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaBrush(out ABrush: TUniversalBrush;
1143   AAlpha: Word);
1144 begin
1145   BGRAAlphaBrush(ABrush, AAlpha);
1146 end;
1148 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
1149 var pdest: PBGRAPixel;
1150   x,y: Int32or64;
1151 begin
1152   if Source is TBGRACustomBitmap then
1153   begin
1154     DiscardBitmapChange;
1155     SetSize(TBGRACustomBitmap(Source).Width, TBGRACustomBitmap(Source).Height);
1156     PutImage(0, 0, TBGRACustomBitmap(Source), dmSet);
1157     if Source is TBGRADefaultBitmap then
1158     begin
1159       HotSpot := TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).HotSpot;
1160       if XorMask <> TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask then
1161       begin
1162         DiscardXorMask;
1163         if TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask is TBGRADefaultBitmap then
1164           FXorMask := TBGRADefaultBitmap(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask).NewReference as TBGRADefaultBitmap
1165         else
1166           FXorMask := TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask.Duplicate;
1167       end;
1168     end;
1169   end else
1170   if Source is TFPCustomImage then
1171   begin
1172     DiscardBitmapChange;
1173     SetSize(TFPCustomImage(Source).Width, TFPCustomImage(Source).Height);
1174     for y := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Height-1 do
1175     begin
1176       pdest := ScanLine[y];
1177       for x := 0 to TFPCustomImage(Source).Width-1 do
1178       begin
1179         pdest^ := FPColorToBGRA(TFPCustomImage(Source).Colors[x,y]);
1180         inc(pdest);
1181       end;
1182     end;
1183   end else
1184     inherited Assign(Source);
1185 end;
1187 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Assign(Source: TBitmap; AUseTransparent: boolean);
1188 var
1189   transpColor: TBGRAPixel;
1190 begin
1191   Assign(Source);
1192   if AUseTransparent and TBitmap(Source).Transparent then
1193   begin
1194     if TBitmap(Source).TransparentMode = tmFixed then
1195       transpColor := ColorToBGRA(TBitmap(Source).TransparentColor)
1196     else
1197       transpColor := GetPixel(0,Height-1);
1198     ReplaceColor(transpColor, BGRAPixelTransparent);
1199   end;
1200 end;
1202 {------------------------- Clipping -------------------------------}
InternalGetPixelCycle256null1204 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
1205   iFactY: int32or64): TBGRAPixel;
1206 var
1207   ixMod2: int32or64;
1208   pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PBGRAPixel;
1209   scan: PBGRAPixel;
1210 begin
1211   scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
1213   pUpLeft := (scan + ix);
1214   ixMod2 := ix+1;
1215   if ixMod2=Width then ixMod2 := 0;
1216   pUpRight := (scan + ixMod2);
1218   Inc(iy);
1219   if iy = Height then iy := 0;
1220   scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
1221   pDownLeft := (scan + ix);
1222   pDownRight := (scan + ixMod2);
1224   InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
1225           pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
1226 end;
InternalGetPixel256null1228 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalGetPixel256(ix, iy: int32or64; iFactX,
1229   iFactY: int32or64; smoothBorder: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
1230 var
1231   pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft, pDownRight: PBGRAPixel;
1232   scan: PBGRAPixel;
1233 begin
1234   if (iy >= 0) and (iy < FHeight) then
1235   begin
1236     scan := GetScanlineFast(iy);
1238     if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
1239       pUpLeft := scan+ix
1240     else if smoothBorder then
1241       pUpLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent
1242     else
1243       pUpLeft := nil;
1245     if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
1246       pUpRight := scan+(ix+1)
1247     else if smoothBorder then
1248       pUpRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent
1249     else
1250       pUpRight := nil;
1251   end else
1252   if smoothBorder then
1253   begin
1254     pUpLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
1255     pUpRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
1256   end else
1257   begin
1258     pUpLeft := nil;
1259     pUpRight := nil;
1260   end;
1262   if (iy+1 >= 0) and (iy+1 < FHeight) then
1263   begin
1264     scan := GetScanlineFast(iy+1);
1266     if (ix >= 0) and (ix < FWidth) then
1267       pDownLeft := scan+ix
1268     else if smoothBorder then
1269       pDownLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent
1270     else
1271       pDownLeft := nil;
1273     if (ix+1 >= 0) and (ix+1 < FWidth) then
1274       pDownRight := scan+(ix+1)
1275     else if smoothBorder then
1276       pDownRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent
1277     else
1278       pDownRight := nil;
1279   end else
1280   if smoothBorder then
1281   begin
1282     pDownLeft := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
1283     pDownRight := @BGRAPixelTransparent;
1284   end else
1285   begin
1286     pDownLeft := nil;
1287     pDownRight := nil;
1288   end;
1290   InterpolateBilinear(pUpLeft, pUpRight, pDownLeft,
1291           pDownRight, iFactX, iFactY, @result);
1292 end;
1294 {-------------------------- Pixel functions -----------------------------------}
1296 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
1297 var
1298   p : PLongWord;
1299 begin
1300   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1301   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1302   p := PLongWord(GetScanlineFast(y) +x);
1303   p^ := p^ xor LongWord(c);
1304   InvalidateBitmap;
1305 end;
1307 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPixel(x, y: int32or64; c: TColor);
1308 var
1309   p: PBGRAPixel;
1310 begin
1311   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1312   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1313   p  := GetScanlineFast(y) + x;
1314   RedGreenBlue(c, p^.red,p^.green,p^.blue);
1315   p^.alpha := 255;
1316   InvalidateBitmap;
1317 end;
1319 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
1320 begin
1321   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1322   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1323   DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, c);
1324   InvalidateBitmap;
1325 end;
1327 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendPixel(x, y: int32or64; const c: TBGRAPixel);
1328 begin
1329   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1330   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1331   FastBlendPixelInline(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, c);
1332   InvalidateBitmap;
1333 end;
1335 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ErasePixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
1336 begin
1337   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1338   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1339   ErasePixelInline(GetScanlineFast(y) + x, alpha);
1340   InvalidateBitmap;
1341 end;
1343 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaPixel(x, y: int32or64; alpha: byte);
1344 begin
1345   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1346   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1347   if alpha = 0 then
1348     (GetScanlineFast(y) +x)^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
1349   else
1350     (GetScanlineFast(y) +x)^.alpha := alpha;
1351   InvalidateBitmap;
1352 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixel256null1354 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixel256(x, y, fracX256, fracY256: int32or64;
1355   AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
1356 begin
1357   if (fracX256 = 0) and (fracY256 = 0) then
1358     result := GetPixel(x,y)
1359   else if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
1360   begin
1361     if fracX256 >= 128 then inc(x);
1362     if fracY256 >= 128 then inc(y);
1363     result := GetPixel(x,y);
1364   end else
1365   begin
1366     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1367     result := InternalGetPixel256(x,y,FineInterpolation256(fracX256,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(fracY256,AResampleFilter),smoothBorder);
1368   end;
1369 end;
1371 {$hints off}
1372 { This function compute an interpolated pixel at floating point coordinates }
GetPixelnull1373 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixel(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear; smoothBorder: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
1374 var
1375   ix, iy: Int32or64;
1376   iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
1377 begin
1378   ix := round(x*256);
1379   if (ix<= -256) or (ix>=Width shl 8) then
1380   begin
1381     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1382     exit;
1383   end;
1384   iy := round(y*256);
1385   if (iy<= -256) or (iy>=Height shl 8) then
1386   begin
1387     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1388     exit;
1389   end;
1391   iFactX := ix and 255; //distance from integer coordinate
1392   iFactY := iy and 255;
1393   if ix<0 then ix := -1 else ix := ix shr 8;
1394   if iy<0 then iy := -1 else iy := iy shr 8;
1396   //if the coordinate is integer, then call standard GetPixel function
ifnull1397   if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
1398   begin
1399     Result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
1400     exit;
1401   end;
1403   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1404   result := InternalGetPixel256(ix,iy,FineInterpolation256(iFactX,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(iFactY,AResampleFilter),smoothBorder);
1405 end;
1407 { Same as GetPixel(single,single,TResampleFilter) but with coordinate cycle, supposing the image repeats itself in both directions }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCyclenull1408 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: single; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear): TBGRAPixel;
1409 var
1410   ix, iy: Int32or64;
1411   iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
1412 begin
1413   if FNbPixels = 0 then
1414   begin
1415     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1416     exit;
1417   end;
1418   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1419   ix := round(x*256);
1420   iy := round(y*256);
1421   iFactX := ix and 255;
1422   iFactY := iy and 255;
1423   ix := PositiveMod(ix, FWidth shl 8) shr 8;
1424   iy := PositiveMod(iy, FHeight shl 8) shr 8;
1425   if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
1426   begin
1427     result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
1428     exit;
1429   end;
1430   if ScanInterpolationFilter <> rfLinear then
1431   begin
1432     iFactX := FineInterpolation256( iFactX, ScanInterpolationFilter );
1433     iFactY := FineInterpolation256( iFactY, ScanInterpolationFilter );
1434   end;
1435   result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, iFactX,iFactY);
1436 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCyclenull1438 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle(x, y: single;
1439   AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean; repeatY: boolean
1440   ): TBGRAPixel;
1441 var
1442   ix, iy: Int32or64;
1443   iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
1444 begin
1445   if FNbPixels = 0 then
1446   begin
1447     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1448     exit;
1449   end;
1450   ix := round(x*256);
1451   iy := round(y*256);
1452   iFactX := ix and 255;
1453   iFactY := iy and 255;
1454   if ix < 0 then ix := -((iFactX-ix) shr 8)
1455   else ix := ix shr 8;
1456   if iy < 0 then iy := -((iFactY-iy) shr 8)
1457   else iy := iy shr 8;
1458   result := GetPixelCycle256(ix,iy,iFactX,iFactY,AResampleFilter,repeatX,repeatY);
1459 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256null1461 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,
1462   fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter): TBGRAPixel;
1463 begin
1464   if (fracX256 = 0) and (fracY256 = 0) then
1465     result := GetPixelCycle(x,y)
1466   else if AResampleFilter = rfBox then
1467   begin
1468     if fracX256 >= 128 then inc(x);
1469     if fracY256 >= 128 then inc(y);
1470     result := GetPixelCycle(x,y);
1471   end else
1472   begin
1473     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1474     result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(PositiveMod(x,FWidth),PositiveMod(y,FHeight),FineInterpolation256(fracX256,AResampleFilter),FineInterpolation256(fracY256,AResampleFilter));
1475   end;
1476 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256null1478 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPixelCycle256(x, y, fracX256,
1479   fracY256: int32or64; AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; repeatX: boolean;
1480   repeatY: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
1481 begin
1482   if not repeatX and not repeatY then
1483     result := GetPixel256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter)
1484   else if repeatX and repeatY then
1485     result := GetPixelCycle256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter)
1486   else
1487   begin
1488     if not repeatX then
1489     begin
1490       if x < 0 then
1491       begin
1492         if x < -1 then
1493         begin
1494           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1495           exit;
1496         end;
1497         result := GetPixelCycle256(0,y,0,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
1498         result.alpha:= result.alpha*fracX256 shr 8;
1499         if result.alpha = 0 then
1500           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1501         exit;
1502       end;
1503       if x >= FWidth-1 then
1504       begin
1505         if x >= FWidth then
1506         begin
1507           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1508           exit;
1509         end;
1510         result := GetPixelCycle256(FWidth-1,y,0,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
1511         result.alpha:= result.alpha*(256-fracX256) shr 8;
1512         if result.alpha = 0 then
1513           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1514         exit;
1515       end;
1516     end else
1517     begin
1518       if y < 0 then
1519       begin
1520         if y < -1 then
1521         begin
1522           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1523           exit;
1524         end;
1525         result := GetPixelCycle256(x,0,fracX256,0,AResampleFilter);
1526         result.alpha:= result.alpha*fracY256 shr 8;
1527         if result.alpha = 0 then
1528           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1529         exit;
1530       end;
1531       if y >= FHeight-1 then
1532       begin
1533         if y >= FHeight then
1534         begin
1535           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1536           exit;
1537         end;
1538         result := GetPixelCycle256(x,FHeight-1,fracX256,0,AResampleFilter);
1539         result.alpha:= result.alpha*(256-fracY256) shr 8;
1540         if result.alpha = 0 then
1541           result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
1542         exit;
1543       end;
1544     end;
1545     result := GetPixelCycle256(x,y,fracX256,fracY256,AResampleFilter);
1546   end;
1547 end;
1549 {$hints on}
1551 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InvalidateBitmap;
1552 begin
1553   FDataModified := True;
1554 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetBitmapnull1556 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
1557 begin
1558   if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then
1559   begin
1560     if CanvasAlphaCorrection then
1561       LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded
1562     else
1563       FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := false;
1564   end;
1565   if FDataModified or (FBitmap = nil) then
1566   begin
1567     RebuildBitmap;
1568     FBitmapModified := false;
1569     FAlphaCorrectionNeeded:= false;
1570     FDataModified := False;
1571   end;
1572   Result := FBitmap;
1573 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasnull1575 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
1576 begin
1577   if FDataModified or (FBitmap = nil) then
1578   begin
1579     RebuildBitmap;
1580     FBitmapModified := false;
1581     FAlphaCorrectionNeeded:= false;
1582     FDataModified := False;
1583   end;
1584   Result := FBitmap.Canvas;
1585 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasFPnull1587 {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPCANVAS}function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasFP: TFPImageCanvas;
1588 begin
1589   {$warnings off}
1590   if FCanvasFP = nil then
1591     FCanvasFP := TFPImageCanvas.Create(self);
1592   {$warnings on}
1593   result := FCanvasFP;
1594 end;{$ENDIF}
1596 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasDrawModeFP(const AValue: TDrawMode);
1597 begin
1598   FCanvasDrawModeFP := AValue;
1599   Case AValue of
1600   dmLinearBlend: FCanvasPixelProcFP := @FastBlendPixel;
1601   dmDrawWithTransparency: FCanvasPixelProcFP := @DrawPixel;
1602   dmXor: FCanvasPixelProcFP:= @XorPixel;
1603   else FCanvasPixelProcFP := @SetPixel;
1604   end;
1605 end;
GetCanvasDrawModeFPnull1607 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasDrawModeFP: TDrawMode;
1608 begin
1609   Result:= FCanvasDrawModeFP;
1610 end;
1612 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1613 begin
1614   if FBitmapModified then
1615   begin
1616     DoLoadFromBitmap;
1617     DiscardBitmapChange;
1618   end;
1619   if FAlphaCorrectionNeeded then
1620   begin
1621     DoAlphaCorrection;
1622   end;
1623 end;
1625 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePosition: byte; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
1626 begin
1627   if AFadePosition = 0 then
1628     FillRect(ARect, Source1, mode) else
1629   if AFadePosition = 255 then
1630     FillRect(ARect, Source2, mode) else
1631     InternalCrossFade(ARect, Source1,Source2, AFadePosition,nil, mode);
1632 end;
1634 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.CrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1, Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode = dmDrawWithTransparency);
1635 begin
1636   InternalCrossFade(ARect, Source1,Source2, 0,AFadeMask, mode);
1637 end;
1639 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DiscardBitmapChange; inline;
1640 begin
1641   FBitmapModified := False;
1642 end;
1644 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.NotifyBitmapChange;
1645 begin
1646   FBitmapModified := True;
1647   FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := true;
1648 end;
1650 { Initialize properties }
1651 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Init;
1652 begin
1653   inherited Init;
1654   FBitmap    := nil;
1656   FCanvasBGRA := nil;
1657   CanvasDrawModeFP := dmDrawWithTransparency;
1658   FCanvasOpacity := 255;
1659   FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := False;
1661   FontName  := 'Arial';
1662   FontStyle := [];
1663   FontAntialias := False;
1664   FontVerticalAnchor:= fvaTop;
1665   FFontHeight := 20;
1667   ResampleFilter := rfHalfCosine;
1668   ScanInterpolationFilter := rfLinear;
1669 end;
1671 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetInternalColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor);
1672 begin
1673   FCanvasPixelProcFP(x,y, FPColorToBGRA(Value));
1674 end;
GetInternalColornull1676 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetInternalColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor;
1677 begin
1678   if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Width) or (y >= Height) then
1679     result := colTransparent
1680   else
1681   begin
1682     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1683     result := BGRAToFPColor((Scanline[y] + x)^);
1684   end;
1685 end;
1687 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; Value: integer);
1688 var
1689   c: TFPColor;
1690 begin
1691   if not PtInClipRect(x,y) then exit;
1692   c  := Palette.Color[Value];
1693   (Scanline[y] + x)^ := FPColorToBGRA(c);
1694   InvalidateBitmap;
1695 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetInternalPixelnull1697 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer;
1698 var
1699   c: TFPColor;
1700 begin
1701   if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Width) or (y >= Height) then
1702     result := 0
1703   else
1704   begin
1705     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1706     c := BGRAToFPColor((Scanline[y] + x)^);
1707     Result := palette.IndexOf(c);
1708   end;
1709 end;
1711 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; x, y: integer; Opaque: boolean);
1712 begin
1713   if (self = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
1714   if Opaque then
1715     DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect(X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height), Data,
1716       FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
1717   else
1718   begin
1719     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1720     if Empty then
1721       exit;
1722     ACanvas.Draw(X, Y, Bitmap);
1723   end;
1724 end;
1726 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect; Opaque: boolean);
1727 begin
1728   if (self = nil) or (Width = 0) or (Height = 0) then exit;
1729   if Opaque then
1730     DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas, Rect, Data, FLineOrder, FWidth, FHeight)
1731   else
1732   begin
1733     LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1734     ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, Bitmap);
1735   end;
1736 end;
1738 {---------------------------- Line primitives ---------------------------------}
1740 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
1741 begin
1742   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1743   XorInline(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1);
1744   InvalidateBitmap;
1745 end;
1747 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; ec: TExpandedPixel
1748   );
1749 begin
1750   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1751   DrawExpandedPixelsInline(scanline[y] + x, ec, x2 - x + 1);
1752   InvalidateBitmap;
1753 end;
1755 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
1756 begin
1757   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1758   FastBlendPixelsInline(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1);
1759   InvalidateBitmap;
1760 end;
1762 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaHorizLine(x, y, x2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
1763 begin
1764   if alpha = 0 then
1765   begin
1766     SetHorizLine(x, y, x2, BGRAPixelTransparent);
1767     exit;
1768   end;
1769   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1770   AlphaFillInline(scanline[y] + x, alpha, x2 - x + 1);
1771   InvalidateBitmap;
1772 end;
1774 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.XorVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
1775 var
1776   n, delta: int32or64;
1777   p: PBGRAPixel;
1778 begin
1779   if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
1780   if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
1781   p    := scanline[y] + x;
1782   for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
1783   begin
1784     PLongWord(p)^ := PLongWord(p)^ xor LongWord(c);
1785     Inc(p, delta);
1786   end;
1787   InvalidateBitmap;
1788 end;
1790 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
1791 var
1792   n, delta: int32or64;
1793   p: PBGRAPixel;
1794 begin
1795   if c.alpha = 255 then
1796   begin
1797     SetVertLine(x,y,y2,c);
1798     exit;
1799   end;
1800   if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) or (c.alpha=0) then exit;
1801   p    := scanline[y] + x;
1802   if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
1803   for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
1804   begin
1805     DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck(p, c);
1806     Inc(p, delta);
1807   end;
1808   InvalidateBitmap;
1809 end;
1811 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; alpha: byte);
1812 var
1813   n, delta: int32or64;
1814   p: PBGRAPixel;
1815 begin
1816   if alpha = 0 then
1817   begin
1818     SetVertLine(x, y, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent);
1819     exit;
1820   end;
1821   if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
1822   p    := scanline[y] + x;
1823   if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
1824   for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
1825   begin
1826     p^.alpha := alpha;
1827     Inc(p, delta);
1828   end;
1829   InvalidateBitmap;
1830 end;
1832 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FastBlendVertLine(x, y, y2: int32or64; c: TBGRAPixel);
1833 var
1834   n, delta: int32or64;
1835   p: PBGRAPixel;
1836 begin
1837   if not CheckVertLineBounds(x,y,y2) then exit;
1838   p    := scanline[y] + x;
1839   if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then delta := Width else delta := -Width;
1840   for n := y2 - y downto 0 do
1841   begin
1842     FastBlendPixelInline(p, c);
1843     Inc(p, delta);
1844   end;
1845   InvalidateBitmap;
1846 end;
1848 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawHorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64;
1849   c, compare: TBGRAPixel; maxDiff: byte);
1850 begin
1851   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1852   DrawPixelsInlineDiff(scanline[y] + x, c, x2 - x + 1, compare, maxDiff);
1853   InvalidateBitmap;
1854 end;
1856 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.HorizLineDiff(x, y, x2: int32or64;
1857   const ABrush: TUniversalBrush; ACompare: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiffW: word);
1858 var
1859   pScan: PBGRAPixel;
1860   ctx: TUniBrushContext;
1861   sameCount, remain: Int32or64;
1862   startAlpha, nextAlpha: Word;
1863   compExpand: TExpandedPixel;
1864 begin
1865   if ABrush.Colorspace <> Colorspace then RaiseInvalidBrushColorspace;
1866   if not CheckHorizLineBounds(x,y,x2) then exit;
1867   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
1868   pScan := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(x,y));
1869   ABrush.MoveTo(@ctx, pScan,x,y);
1870   remain := x2-x+1;
1871   compExpand := ACompare.ToExpanded;
1872   if pScan^ = ACompare then nextAlpha := 65535
1873   else nextAlpha := (65535 * (AMaxDiffW + 1 - ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(pScan^), compExpand)) + (AMaxDiffW + 1) shr 1) div (AMaxDiffW + 1);
1874   inc(pScan);
1875   while remain > 0 do
1876   begin
1877     startAlpha := nextAlpha;
1878     sameCount := 1;
1879     dec(remain);
1880     while remain > 0 do
1881     begin
1882       if pScan^ = ACompare then nextAlpha := 65535
1883       else nextAlpha := (65535 * (AMaxDiffW + 1 - ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(pScan^), compExpand)) + (AMaxDiffW + 1) shr 1) div (AMaxDiffW + 1);
1884       inc(pScan);
1885       if nextAlpha = startAlpha then
1886       begin
1887         inc(sameCount);
1888         dec(remain);
1889       end else break;
1890     end;
1891     ABrush.PutNextPixels(@ctx, startAlpha, sameCount);
1892   end;
1893   InvalidateBitmap;
1894 end;
1896 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalTextOutCurved(
1897   ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
1898   ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
1899 var
1900   glyphCursor: TGlyphCursorUtf8;
1901   currentGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
1902   currentGlyphUtf8: string;
1903   currentGlyphWidth: single;
1904   angle, textLen: single;
1906   procedure NextGlyph;
1907   begin
1908     currentGlyph := glyphCursor.GetNextGlyph;
1909     if currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8 <> '' then
1910       currentGlyphUtf8:= currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8
1911       else currentGlyphUtf8 := currentGlyph.GlyphUtf8;
1912     currentGlyphWidth := TextSize(currentGlyphUtf8).cx;
1913   end;
1915 begin
1916   if (ATexture = nil) and (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
1917   sUTF8 := CleanTextOutString(sUTF8);
1918   if sUTF8 = '' then exit;
1919   glyphCursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(sUTF8, FontBidiMode);
1921   if AAlign<> taLeftJustify then
1922   begin
1923     textLen := -ALetterSpacing;
1924     while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
1925     begin
1926       NextGlyph;
1927       IncF(textLen, ALetterSpacing + currentGlyphWidth);
1928     end;
1929     case AAlign of
1930       taCenter: ACursor.MoveBackward(textLen*0.5);
1931       taRightJustify: ACursor.MoveBackward(textLen);
1932     end;
1933     glyphCursor.Rewind;
1934   end;
1936   while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
1937   begin
1938     NextGlyph;
1939     ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth);
1940     ACursor.MoveBackward(currentGlyphWidth, false);
1941     ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth*0.5);
1942     with ACursor.CurrentTangent do angle := arctan2(y,x);
1943     with ACursor.CurrentCoordinate do
1944     begin
1945       if ATexture = nil then
1946         TextOutAngle(x,y, system.round(-angle*1800/Pi), currentGlyphUtf8, AColor, taCenter)
1947       else
1948         TextOutAngle(x,y, system.round(-angle*1800/Pi), currentGlyphUtf8, ATexture, taCenter);
1949     end;
1950     ACursor.MoveForward(currentGlyphWidth*0.5 + ALetterSpacing);
1951   end;
1952 end;
1954 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y: single;
1955   sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; ATexture: IBGRAScanner;
1956   AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
1957 var
1958   glyphCursor: TGlyphCursorUtf8;
1959   currentGlyph: TGlyphUtf8;
1960   currentGlyphUtf8: string;
1961   currentGlyphWidth: single;
1962   angle, textLen: single;
1963   m: TAffineMatrix;
1964   ofs: TPointF;
1966   procedure NextGlyph;
1967   begin
1968     currentGlyph := glyphCursor.GetNextGlyph;
1969     if currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8 <> '' then
1970       currentGlyphUtf8:= currentGlyph.MirroredGlyphUtf8
1971       else currentGlyphUtf8 := currentGlyph.GlyphUtf8;
1972     currentGlyphWidth := TextSize(currentGlyphUtf8).cx;
1973   end;
1975 begin
1976   if (ATexture = nil) and (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
1977   sUTF8 := CleanTextOutString(sUTF8);
1978   if sUTF8 = '' then exit;
1979   glyphCursor := TGlyphCursorUtf8.New(sUTF8, FontBidiMode);
1981   ofs := PointF(0, 0);
1982   if AAlign<> taLeftJustify then
1983   begin
1984     textLen := -ALetterSpacing;
1985     while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
1986     begin
1987       NextGlyph;
1988       IncF(textLen, ALetterSpacing + currentGlyphWidth);
1989     end;
1990     case AAlign of
1991       taCenter: DecF(ofs.x, 0.5*textLen);
1992       taRightJustify: DecF(ofs.x, textLen);
1993     end;
1994     glyphCursor.Rewind;
1995   end;
1996   m := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-FontOrientation*0.1);
1997   ofs := m*ofs;
1998   incF(x, ofs.x);
1999   incF(y, ofs.y);
2001   while not glyphCursor.EndOfString do
2002   begin
2003     NextGlyph;
2004     if ATexture = nil then
2005       TextOut(x,y, currentGlyphUtf8, AColor, taLeftJustify, currentGlyph.RightToLeft)
2006     else
2007       TextOut(x,y, currentGlyphUtf8, ATexture, taLeftJustify, currentGlyph.RightToLeft);
2008     ofs := m*PointF(currentGlyphWidth + ALetterSpacing, 0);
2009     incF(x, ofs.x);
2010     incF(y, ofs.y);
2011   end;
2012 end;
2014 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalCrossFade(ARect: TRect; Source1,
2015   Source2: IBGRAScanner; AFadePos: byte; AFadeMask: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode);
2016 var xb,yb: Int32or64;
2017   pdest: PBGRAPixel;
2018   c: TBGRAPixel;
2019   buf1,buf2: ArrayOfTBGRAPixel;
2020 begin
2021   ARect.Intersect(ClipRect);
2022   if ARect.IsEmpty then exit;
2023   setlength(buf1, ARect.Width);
2024   setlength(buf2, ARect.Width);
2025   for yb := ARect.top to ARect.Bottom-1 do
2026   begin
2027     pdest := GetScanlineFast(yb)+ARect.Left;
2028     Source1.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
2029     Source1.ScanPutPixels(@buf1[0], length(buf1), dmSet);
2030     Source2.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
2031     Source2.ScanPutPixels(@buf2[0], length(buf2), dmSet);
2032     if AFadeMask<>nil then AFadeMask.ScanMoveTo(ARect.left, yb);
2033     for xb := 0 to ARect.Right-ARect.left-1 do
2034     begin
2035       if AFadeMask<>nil then AFadePos := AFadeMask.ScanNextPixel.green;
2036       c := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(buf1[xb],not AFadePos,buf2[xb],AFadePos);
2037       case mode of
2038       dmSet: pdest^ := c;
2039       dmDrawWithTransparency: DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, c);
2040       dmLinearBlend: FastBlendPixelInline(pdest,c);
2041       dmSetExceptTransparent: if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
2042       end;
2043       inc(pdest);
2044     end;
2045   end;
2046   InvalidateBitmap;
2047 end;
2049 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalArc(cx, cy, rx, ry: single; StartAngleRad,
2050   EndAngleRad: Single; ABorderColor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel; AOptions: TArcOptions;
2051   ADrawChord: boolean; ATexture: IBGRAScanner);
2052 var
2053   pts, ptsFill: array of TPointF;
2054   temp: single;
2055   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2056 begin
2057   if (rx = 0) or (ry = 0) then exit;
2058   if ADrawChord then AOptions := AOptions+[aoClosePath];
2059   if not (aoFillPath in AOptions) then
2060     AFillColor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
2062   if (ABorderColor.alpha = 0) and (AFillColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
2064   if (abs(StartAngleRad-EndAngleRad) >= 2*PI - 1e-6) or (StartAngleRad = EndAngleRad) then
2065   begin
2066     if (aoPie in AOptions) or ((PenStyle <> psSolid) and (PenStyle <> psClear)) then
2067       EndAngleRad:= StartAngleRad+2*PI
2068     else
2069     begin
2070       EllipseAntialias(cx,cy,rx,ry,ABorderColor,w,AFillColor);
2071       exit;
2072     end;
2073   end;
2075   if EndAngleRad < StartAngleRad then
2076   begin
2077     temp := StartAngleRad;
2078     StartAngleRad:= EndAngleRad;
2079     EndAngleRad:= temp;
2080   end;
2082   pts := ComputeArcRad(cx,cy,rx,ry,StartAngleRad,EndAngleRad);
2083   if aoPie in AOptions then pts := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([PointF(cx,cy)]),pts]);
2085   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2086   multi.FillMode := fmWinding;
2087   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2088   if AFillColor.alpha <> 0 then
2089   begin
2090     if not (aoPie in AOptions) and (length(pts)>=2) then ptsFill := ConcatPointsF([PointsF([(pts[0]+pts[high(pts)])*0.5]),pts])
2091      else ptsFill := pts;
2092     if ATexture <> nil then
2093       multi.AddPolygon(ptsFill, ATexture)
2094     else
2095       multi.AddPolygon(ptsFill, AFillColor);
2096   end;
2097   if ABorderColor.alpha <> 0 then
2098   begin
2099     if [aoPie,aoClosePath]*AOptions <> [] then
2100       multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(pts,w), ABorderColor)
2101     else
2102       multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolyline(pts,w), ABorderColor);
2103   end;
2104   multi.Antialiasing := true;
2105   multi.Draw(self);
2106   multi.Free;
2107 end;
InternalNewnull2109 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.InternalNew: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
2110 var
2111   BGRAClass: TBGRABitmapAny;
2112 begin
2113   BGRAClass := TBGRABitmapAny(self.ClassType);
2114   if BGRAClass = TBGRAPtrBitmap then
2115     BGRAClass := TBGRADefaultBitmap;
2116   Result      := BGRAClass.Create(0, 0) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
2117 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.IsAffineRoughlyTranslationnull2119 class function TBGRADefaultBitmap.IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ASourceBounds: TRect): boolean;
2120 const oneOver512 = 1/512;
2121 var Orig,HAxis,VAxis: TPointF;
2122 begin
2123   Orig := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left,ASourceBounds.Top);
2124   if (abs(Orig.x-round(Orig.x)) > oneOver512) or
2125      (abs(Orig.y-round(Orig.y)) > oneOver512) then
2126   begin
2127     result := false;
2128     exit;
2129   end;
2130   HAxis := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1,ASourceBounds.Top);
2131   if (abs(HAxis.x - (round(Orig.x)+ASourceBounds.Right-1 - ASourceBounds.Left)) > oneOver512) or
2132      (abs(HAxis.y - round(Orig.y)) > oneOver512) then
2133   begin
2134     result := false;
2135     exit;
2136   end;
2137   VAxis := AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1);
2138   if (abs(VAxis.y - (round(Orig.y)+ASourceBounds.Bottom-1 - ASourceBounds.Top)) > oneOver512) or
2139      (abs(VAxis.x - round(Orig.x)) > oneOver512) then
2140   begin
2141     result := false;
2142     exit;
2143   end;
2144   result := true;
2145 end;
2147 {---------------------------- Lines ---------------------------------}
2148 { Call appropriate functions }
2150 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPolyLineAntialias(
2151   const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
2152   fillcolor: TBGRAPixel);
2153 var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2154 begin
2155   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2156   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2157   multi.AddPolygon(points,fillcolor);
2158   multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolyline(points,w),c);
2159   if LinearAntialiasing then
2160     multi.Draw(self,dmLinearBlend)
2161   else
2162     multi.Draw(self,dmDrawWithTransparency);
2163   multi.Free;
2164 end;
2166 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPolygonAntialias(
2167   const points: array of TPointF; c: TBGRAPixel; w: single;
2168   fillcolor: TBGRAPixel);
2169 var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2170 begin
2171   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2172   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2173   multi.AddPolygon(points,fillcolor);
2174   multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(points,w),c);
2175   if LinearAntialiasing then
2176     multi.Draw(self,dmLinearBlend)
2177   else
2178     multi.Draw(self,dmDrawWithTransparency);
2179   multi.Free;
2180 end;
2182 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
2183   AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
2184 var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
2185   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2186 begin
2187   tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
2188   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2189   multi.FillMode := FillMode;
2190   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2191   multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillColor);
2192   multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeColor,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
2193   multi.Draw(self);
2194   multi.Free;
2195   tempPath.Free;
2196 end;
2198 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
2199   AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
2200 var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
2201   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2202 begin
2203   tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
2204   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2205   multi.FillMode := FillMode;
2206   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2207   multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillColor);
2208   multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
2209   multi.Draw(self);
2210   multi.Free;
2211   tempPath.Free;
2212 end;
2214 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
2215   AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
2216 var tempPath: TBGRAPath;
2217   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2218 begin
2219   tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
2220   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2221   multi.FillMode := FillMode;
2222   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2223   multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillTexture);
2224   multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeColor,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
2225   multi.Draw(self);
2226   multi.Free;
2227   tempPath.Free;
2228 end;
2230 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
2231   AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
2232 var
2233   tempPath: TBGRAPath;
2234   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2235 begin
2236   tempPath := TBGRAPath.Create(APath);
2237   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2238   multi.FillMode := FillMode;
2239   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2240   multi.AddPathFill(tempPath,AMatrix,AFillTexture);
2241   multi.AddPathStroke(tempPath,AMatrix,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,GetInternalPen);
2242   multi.Draw(self);
2243   multi.Free;
2244   tempPath.Free;
2245 end;
2247 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsNone;
2248 begin
2249   GetArrow.StartAsNone;
2250 end;
2252 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean;
2253   ACut: boolean; ARelativePenWidth: single);
2254 begin
2255   GetArrow.StartAsClassic(AFlipped,ACut,ARelativePenWidth);
2256 end;
2258 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single;
2259   ARounded: boolean; AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
2260 begin
2261   GetArrow.StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset,ARounded,AHollow,AHollowPenWidth);
2262 end;
2264 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowStartAsTail;
2265 begin
2266   GetArrow.StartAsTail;
2267 end;
2269 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsNone;
2270 begin
2271   GetArrow.EndAsNone;
2272 end;
2274 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean;
2275   ACut: boolean; ARelativePenWidth: single);
2276 begin
2277   GetArrow.EndAsClassic(AFlipped,ACut,ARelativePenWidth);
2278 end;
2280 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single;
2281   ARounded: boolean; AHollow: boolean; AHollowPenWidth: single);
2282 begin
2283   GetArrow.EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset,ARounded,AHollow,AHollowPenWidth);
2284 end;
2286 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ArrowEndAsTail;
2287 begin
2288   GetArrow.EndAsTail;
2289 end;
2291 {------------------------ Shapes ----------------------------------------------}
2292 { Call appropriate functions }
2294 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
2295   c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel);
2296 begin
2297   FillPolyLinearColor([pt1,pt2,pt3],[c1,c2,c3]);
2298 end;
2300 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearColorAntialias(pt1, pt2,
2301   pt3: TPointF; c1, c2, c3: TBGRAPixel);
2302 var
2303   grad: TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner;
2304 begin
2305   grad := TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner.Create(pt1,pt2,pt3, c1,c2,c3);
2306   FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3],grad);
2307   grad.Free;
2308 end;
2310 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3: TPointF;
2311   texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; TextureInterpolation: Boolean= True);
2312 begin
2313   FillPolyLinearMapping([pt1,pt2,pt3],texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3],TextureInterpolation);
2314 end;
2316 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1, pt2,
2317   pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF; light1,
2318   light2, light3: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
2319 begin
2320   FillPolyLinearMappingLightness([pt1,pt2,pt3],texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3],[light1,light2,light3],TextureInterpolation);
2321 end;
2323 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillTriangleLinearMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2,
2324   pt3: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3: TPointF);
2325 var
2326   mapping: TBGRATriangleLinearMapping;
2327 begin
2328   mapping := TBGRATriangleLinearMapping.Create(texture, pt1,pt2,pt3, tex1, tex2, tex3);
2329   FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3],mapping);
2330   mapping.Free;
2331 end;
2333 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF;
2334   c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
2335 var
2336   center: TPointF;
2337   centerColor: TBGRAPixel;
2338   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2339 begin
2340   if not IsConvex([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]) then //need to merge colors
2341   begin
2342     multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2343     multi.AddQuadLinearColor(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,c1,c2,c3,c4);
2344     multi.Antialiasing:= false;
2345     multi.Draw(self);
2346     multi.Free;
2347     exit;
2348   end;
2349   center := (pt1+pt2+pt3+pt4)*(1/4);
2350   centerColor := GammaCompression( MergeBGRA(MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)),
2351                     MergeBGRA(GammaExpansion(c3),GammaExpansion(c4))) );
2352   FillTriangleLinearColor(pt1,pt2,center, c1,c2,centerColor);
2353   FillTriangleLinearColor(pt2,pt3,center, c2,c3,centerColor);
2354   FillTriangleLinearColor(pt3,pt4,center, c3,c4,centerColor);
2355   FillTriangleLinearColor(pt4,pt1,center, c4,c1,centerColor);
2356 end;
2358 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearColorAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2359   pt4: TPointF; c1, c2, c3, c4: TBGRAPixel);
2360 var multi : TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2361 begin
2362   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2363   multi.AddQuadLinearColor(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, c1, c2, c3, c4);
2364   multi.Draw(self);
2365   multi.free;
2366 end;
2368 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4: TPointF;
2369   texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
2370   TextureInterpolation: Boolean; ACulling: TFaceCulling; ACropToPolygon: boolean);
2371 var
2372   scan: TBGRAQuadLinearScanner;
2373   r: TRect;
2374 begin
2375   if ((abs(pt1.y-pt2.y)<1e-6) and (abs(pt3.y-pt4.y)<1e-6)) or
2376      ((abs(pt3.y-pt2.y)<1e-6) and (abs(pt1.y-pt4.y)<1e-6)) then
2377      FillPolyLinearMapping([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4], texture,
2378             [tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4], TextureInterpolation)
2379   else
2380   begin
2381     scan := TBGRAQuadLinearScanner.Create(texture,
2382          [tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],
2383          [pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],TextureInterpolation);
2384     scan.Culling := ACulling;
2385     if ACropToPolygon then
2386     begin
2387       scan.Padding := true;
2388       FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
2389     end
2390     else
2391     begin
2392       r := RectWithSize(floor(pt1.x),floor(pt1.y),1,1);
2393       r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt2.x),floor(pt2.y),1,1) );
2394       r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt3.x),floor(pt3.y),1,1) );
2395       r.Union( RectWithSize(floor(pt4.x),floor(pt4.y),1,1) );
2396       FillRect(r,scan,dmDrawWithTransparency);
2397     end;
2398     scan.Free;
2399   end;
2400 end;
2402 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMappingLightness(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2403   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF; light1,
2404   light2, light3, light4: word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
2405 var
2406   center: TPointF;
2407   centerTex: TPointF;
2408   centerLight: word;
2409 begin
2410   center := (pt1+pt2+pt3+pt4)*(1/4);
2411   centerTex := (tex1+tex2+tex3+tex4)*(1/4);
2412   centerLight := (light1+light2+light3+light4) div 4;
2413   FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt1,pt2,center, texture,tex1,tex2,centerTex, light1,light2,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
2414   FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt2,pt3,center, texture,tex2,tex3,centerTex, light2,light3,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
2415   FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt3,pt4,center, texture,tex3,tex4,centerTex, light3,light4,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
2416   FillTriangleLinearMappingLightness(pt4,pt1,center, texture,tex4,tex1,centerTex, light4,light1,centerLight, TextureInterpolation);
2417 end;
2419 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadLinearMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2420   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
2421   ACulling: TFaceCulling);
2422 var multi : TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2423 begin
2424   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2425   multi.AddQuadLinearMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, texture, tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4, ACulling);
2426   multi.Draw(self);
2427   multi.free;
2428 end;
2430 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2431   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
2432   ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
2433 var
2434   persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
2435 begin
2436   persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
2437   FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp,ADrawMode);
2438   persp.Free;
2439 end;
2441 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMapping(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2442   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
2443   ACleanBorders: TRect; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
2444 var
2445   persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
2446   clean: TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner;
2447 begin
2448   clean := TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.Create(texture,ACleanBorders);
2449   persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(clean,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
2450   FillPoly([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp,ADrawMode);
2451   persp.Free;
2452   clean.Free;
2453 end;
2455 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2456   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF);
2457 var
2458   persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
2459 begin
2460   persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(texture,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
2461   FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp);
2462   persp.Free;
2463 end;
2465 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadPerspectiveMappingAntialias(pt1, pt2, pt3,
2466   pt4: TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner; tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4: TPointF;
2467   ACleanBorders: TRect);
2468 var
2469   persp: TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform;
2470   clean: TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner;
2471 begin
2472   clean := TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner.Create(texture,ACleanBorders);
2473   persp := TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform.Create(clean,[tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4],[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4]);
2474   FillPolyAntialias([pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4],persp);
2475   persp.Free;
2476   clean.Free;
2477 end;
2479 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadAffineMapping(Orig, HAxis, VAxis: TPointF;
2480   AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
2481 var pts3: TPointF;
2482   affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
2483 begin
2484   if not APixelCenteredCoordinates then
2485   begin
2486     Orig.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2487     HAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2488     VAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2489   end;
2490   pts3 := HAxis+(VAxis-Orig);
2491   affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(AImage,False,AImage.ScanInterpolationFilter,not APixelCenteredCoordinates);
2492   affine.GlobalOpacity:= AOpacity;
2493   affine.Fit(Orig,HAxis,VAxis);
2494   FillPoly([Orig,HAxis,pts3,VAxis],affine,ADrawMode);
2495   affine.Free;
2496 end;
2498 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillQuadAffineMappingAntialias(Orig, HAxis,
2499   VAxis: TPointF; AImage: TBGRACustomBitmap; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AOpacity: byte);
2500 var pts3: TPointF;
2501   affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
2502 begin
2503   if not APixelCenteredCoordinates then
2504   begin
2505     Orig.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2506     HAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2507     VAxis.Offset(-0.5,-0.5);
2508   end;
2509   pts3 := HAxis+(VAxis-Orig);
2510   affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(AImage,False,AImage.ScanInterpolationFilter,not APixelCenteredCoordinates);
2511   affine.GlobalOpacity:= AOpacity;
2512   affine.Fit(Orig,HAxis,VAxis);
2513   FillPolyAntialias([Orig,HAxis,pts3,VAxis],affine);
2514   affine.Free;
2515 end;
2517 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearMapping(const points: array of TPointF;
2518   texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
2519   TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
2520 begin
2521   PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased(self,points,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation, FillMode = fmWinding);
2522 end;
2524 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearMappingLightness(
2525   const points: array of TPointF; texture: IBGRAScanner;
2526   texCoords: array of TPointF; lightnesses: array of word;
2527   TextureInterpolation: Boolean);
2528 begin
2529   PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(self,points,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation,lightnesses,FillMode = fmWinding);
2530 end;
2532 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyLinearColor(
2533   const points: array of TPointF; AColors: array of TBGRAPixel);
2534 begin
2535   PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased(self,points,AColors, FillMode = fmWinding);
2536 end;
2538 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyPerspectiveMapping(
2539   const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
2540   texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
2541   TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
2542 begin
2543   PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased(self,points,pointsZ,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation, FillMode = fmWinding, zbuffer);
2544 end;
2546 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillPolyPerspectiveMappingLightness(
2547   const points: array of TPointF; const pointsZ: array of single;
2548   texture: IBGRAScanner; texCoords: array of TPointF;
2549   lightnesses: array of word; TextureInterpolation: Boolean; zbuffer: psingle);
2550 begin
2551   PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness(self,points,pointsZ,texture,texCoords,TextureInterpolation,lightnesses, FillMode = fmWinding, zbuffer);
2552 end;
2554 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
2555   AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
2556 begin
2557   DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeColor,AWidth,AFillColor);
2558 end;
2560 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
2561   AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillColor: TBGRAPixel);
2562 begin
2563   DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,AFillColor);
2564 end;
2566 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
2567   AStrokeColor: TBGRAPixel; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
2568 begin
2569   DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeColor,AWidth,AFillTexture);
2570 end;
2572 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPath(APath: IBGRAPath;
2573   AStrokeTexture: IBGRAScanner; AWidth: single; AFillTexture: IBGRAScanner);
2574 begin
2575   DrawPath(APath,AffineMatrixIdentity,AStrokeTexture,AWidth,AFillTexture);
2576 end;
2578 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry: single;
2579   c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
2580 var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2581     hw: single;
2582 begin
2583   if (w=0) or (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then
2584   begin
2585     FillEllipseAntialias(x, y, rx, ry, back);
2586     exit;
2587   end;
2588   rx := abs(rx);
2589   ry := abs(ry);
2590   hw := w/2;
2591   if (rx <= hw) or (ry <= hw) then
2592   begin
2593     FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx+hw,ry+hw,c);
2594     exit;
2595   end;
2596   { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
2597   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2598   if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2599   begin
2600     if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddEllipse(x,y,rx-hw,ry-hw,back);
2601     multi.AddEllipseBorder(x,y,rx,ry,w,c)
2602   end
2603   else
2604   begin
2605     if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddEllipse(x,y,rx,ry,back);
2606     multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry),w),c);
2607   end;
2608   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2609   multi.Draw(self);
2610   multi.Free;
2611 end;
2613 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis: TPointF;
2614   c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
2615 var multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2616     pts: ArrayOfTPointF;
2617 begin
2618   if (w=0) or (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then
2619   begin
2620     FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis, back);
2621     exit;
2622   end;
2623   { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
2624   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2625   pts := ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis, AYAxis);
2626   if back.alpha <> 0 then multi.AddPolygon(pts, back);
2627   pts := ComputeWidePolygon(pts,w);
2628   multi.AddPolygon(pts,c);
2629   multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2630   multi.Draw(self);
2631   multi.Free;
2632 end;
2634 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(x, y, rx,
2635   ry: single; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel);
2636 var
2637     grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
2638     affine: TBGRAAffineScannerTransform;
2639 begin
2640   if (rx=0) or (ry=0) then exit;
2641   if rx=ry then
2642   begin
2643     grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(x,y),PointF(x+rx,y),True);
2644     FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry,grad);
2645     grad.Free;
2646   end else
2647   begin
2648     grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),True);
2649     affine := TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(grad);
2650     affine.Scale(rx,ry);
2651     affine.Translate(x,y);
2652     FillEllipseAntialias(x,y,rx,ry,affine);
2653     affine.Free;
2654     grad.Free;
2655   end;
2656 end;
2658 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillEllipseLinearColorAntialias(AOrigin, AXAxis,
2659   AYAxis: TPointF; outercolor, innercolor: TBGRAPixel);
2660 var
2661   grad: TBGRAGradientScanner;
2662   affine: TBGRAAffineScannerTransform;
2663 begin
2664   grad := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(innercolor,outercolor,gtRadial,PointF(0,0),PointF(1,0),True);
2665   affine := TBGRAAffineScannerTransform.Create(grad);
2666   affine.Fit(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis);
2667   FillEllipseAntialias(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis,affine);
2668   affine.Free;
2669   grad.Free;
2670 end;
2672 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RectangleAntialias(x, y, x2, y2: single;
2673   c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; back: TBGRAPixel);
2674 var
2675   bevel: single;
2676   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2677   hw: single;
2678 begin
2679   if (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha=0) or (w=0) then
2680   begin
2681     if back <> BGRAPixelTransparent then
2682       FillRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,back);
2683     exit;
2684   end;
2686   hw := w/2;
2687   if not CheckAntialiasRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2,w) then
2688   begin
2689     if JoinStyle = pjsBevel then
2690     begin
2691       bevel := (2-sqrt(2))*hw;
2692       FillRoundRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, bevel,bevel, c, [rrTopLeftBevel, rrTopRightBevel, rrBottomLeftBevel, rrBottomRightBevel]);
2693     end else
2694     if JoinStyle = pjsRound then
2695      FillRoundRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, hw,hw, c)
2696     else
2697      FillRectAntialias(x - hw, y - hw, x2 + hw, y2 + hw, c);
2698     exit;
2699   end;
2701   { use multishape filler for fine junction between polygons }
2702   multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2703   multi.FillMode := FillMode;
2704   if (JoinStyle = pjsMiter) and (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2705     multi.AddRectangleBorder(x,y,x2,y2,w,c)
2706   else
2707     multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon([Pointf(x,y),Pointf(x2,y),Pointf(x2,y2),Pointf(x,y2)],w),c);
2709   if (frac(x + hw) = 0.5) and (frac(y + hw)=0.5) and (frac(x2 - hw)=0.5) and (frac(y2 - hw)=0.5) then
2710     FillRect(ceil(x + hw), ceil(y + hw), ceil(x2 - hw), ceil(y2 - hw), back, dmDrawWithTransparency)
2711   else
2712     multi.AddRectangle(x + hw, y + hw, x2 - hw, y2 - hw, back);
2713   multi.Draw(self);
2714   multi.Free;
2715 end;
2717 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
2718    c: TBGRAPixel; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
2719 begin
2720   if (PenStyle = psClear) or (c.alpha = 0) then exit;
2721   if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2722     BGRAPolygon.BorderRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,c,False, LinearAntialiasing)
2723   else
2724     DrawPolygonAntialias(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),c,w);
2725 end;
2727 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
2728   pencolor: TBGRAPixel; w: single; fillcolor: TBGRAPixel;
2729   options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
2730 var
2731   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2732 begin
2733   if (PenStyle = psClear) or (pencolor.alpha = 0) then
2734   begin
2735     FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillColor,options);
2736     exit;
2737   end;
2738   if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2739     BGRAPolygon.BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,pencolor,fillcolor,nil,nil,False)
2740   else
2741   begin
2742     multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2743     multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2744     multi.AddRoundRectangle(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillColor,options);
2745     multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),w),pencolor);
2746     multi.Draw(self);
2747     multi.Free;
2748   end;
2749 end;
2751 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
2752   penTexture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; fillTexture: IBGRAScanner;
2753   options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
2754 var
2755   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
2756 begin
2757   if (PenStyle = psClear) then
2758   begin
2759     FillRoundRectAntialias(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillTexture,options);
2760     exit;
2761   end else
2762   if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2763     BGRAPolygon.BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,BGRAPixelTransparent,BGRAPixelTransparent,pentexture,filltexture,False)
2764   else
2765   begin
2766     multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
2767     multi.PolygonOrder := poLastOnTop;
2768     multi.AddRoundRectangle(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,fillTexture,options);
2769     multi.AddPolygon(ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),w),penTexture);
2770     multi.Draw(self);
2771     multi.Free;
2772   end;
2773 end;
2775 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.RoundRectAntialias(x, y, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
2776   texture: IBGRAScanner; w: single; options: TRoundRectangleOptions);
2777 begin
2778   if (PenStyle = psClear) then exit;
2779   if (PenStyle = psSolid) then
2780     BGRAPolygon.BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture(self,x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,w,options,texture, LinearAntialiasing)
2781   else
2782     DrawPolygonAntialias(BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x,y,x2,y2,rx,ry,options),texture,w);
2783 end;
CheckRectBoundsnull2785 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: integer; minsize: integer): boolean; inline;
2786 var
2787   temp: integer;
2788 begin
2789   //swap coordinates if needed
2790   if (x > x2) then
2791   begin
2792     temp := x;
2793     x    := x2;
2794     x2   := temp;
2795   end;
2796   if (y > y2) then
2797   begin
2798     temp := y;
2799     y    := y2;
2800     y2   := temp;
2801   end;
2802   if (x2 - x <= minsize) or (y2 - y <= minsize) then
2803   begin
2804     result := false;
2805     exit;
2806   end else
2807     result := true;
2808 end;
2810 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
2811   texture: IBGRAScanner; mode: TDrawMode; AScanOffset: TPoint; ditheringAlgorithm: TDitheringAlgorithm);
2812 var dither: TDitheringTask;
2813 begin
2814   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2) then exit;
2815   dither := CreateDitheringTask(ditheringAlgorithm, texture, self, rect(x,y,x2,y2));
2816   dither.ScanOffset := AScanOffset;
2817   dither.DrawMode := mode;
2818   dither.Execute;
2819   dither.Free;
2820 end;
2822 {------------------------- Text functions ---------------------------------------}
2824 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
2825   const sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
2826 begin
2827   with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(orientationTenthDegCCW)) do
2828     FontRenderer.TextOutAngle(self,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),c,align,ARightToLeft);
2829 end;
2831 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutAngle(x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer;
2832   const sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
2833 begin
2834   with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(orientationTenthDegCCW)) do
2835     FontRenderer.TextOutAngle(self,x,y,orientationTenthDegCCW,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),texture,align,ARightToLeft);
2836 end;
2838 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
2839 begin
2840   InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor, sUTF8, AColor, nil, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
2841 end;
2843 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOutCurved(ACursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
2844 begin
2845   InternalTextOutCurved(ACursor, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent, ATexture, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
2846 end;
2848 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextMultiline(ALeft, ATop, AWidth: single; const sUTF8: string;
2849   c: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
2850 var
2851   layout: TBidiTextLayout;
2852   i: Integer;
2853 begin
2854   if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
2855     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
2856   else
2857     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
2858   for i := 0 to layout.ParagraphCount-1 do
2859     layout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := AAlign;
2860   layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
2861   layout.AvailableWidth := AWidth;
2862   case AVertAlign of
2863     tlBottom: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight);
2864     tlCenter: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight/2);
2865     else layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop);
2866   end;
2867   layout.DrawText(self, c);
2868   layout.Free;
2869 end;
2871 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextMultiline(ALeft, ATop, AWidth: single;
2872   const sUTF8: string; ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TBidiTextAlignment;
2873   AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AParagraphSpacing: single);
2874 var
2875   layout: TBidiTextLayout;
2876   i: Integer;
2877 begin
2878   if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
2879     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
2880   else
2881     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
2882   for i := 0 to layout.ParagraphCount-1 do
2883     layout.ParagraphAlignment[i] := AAlign;
2884   layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
2885   layout.AvailableWidth := AWidth;
2886   case AVertAlign of
2887     tlBottom: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight);
2888     tlCenter: layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop-layout.TotalTextHeight/2);
2889     else layout.TopLeft := PointF(ALeft,ATop);
2890   end;
2891   layout.DrawText(self, ATexture);
2892   layout.Free;
2893 end;
2895 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
2896   texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
2897 begin
2898   FontRenderer.TextOut(self,x,y,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),texture,align, ARightToLeft);
2899 end;
2901 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
2902   AColor: TBGRAPixel; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
2903 begin
2904   InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y, sUTF8, AColor, nil, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
2905 end;
2907 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
2908   ATexture: IBGRAScanner; AAlign: TAlignment; ALetterSpacing: single);
2909 begin
2910   InternalTextOutLetterSpacing(x, y, sUTF8, BGRAPixelTransparent, ATexture, AAlign, ALetterSpacing);
2911 end;
2913 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextOut(x, y: single; const sUTF8: string;
2914   c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean);
2915 begin
2916   with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset) do
2917     FontRenderer.TextOut(self,x,y,CleanTextOutString(sUTF8),c,align, ARightToLeft);
2918 end;
2920 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer;
2921   const sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel);
2922 begin
2923   with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(0)) do
2924     FontRenderer.TextRect(self,ARect,system.round(x),system.round(y),sUTF8,style,c);
2925 end;
2927 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextRect(ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; const sUTF8: string;
2928   style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner);
2929 begin
2930   with (PointF(x,y)-GetFontAnchorRotatedOffset(0)) do
2931     FontRenderer.TextRect(self,ARect,system.round(x),system.round(y),sUTF8,style,texture);
2932 end;
2934 { Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
2935   Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text.  }
TextSizenull2936 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string): TSize;
2937 begin
2938   result := FontRenderer.TextSize(CleanTextOutString(sUTF8));
2939 end;
TextSizeMultilinenull2941 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSizeMultiline(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: single;
2942   AParagraphSpacing: single): TSize;
2943 var
2944   layout: TBidiTextLayout;
2945 begin
2946   if FontBidiMode = fbmAuto then
2947     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8)
2948   else
2949     layout := TBidiTextLayout.Create(FontRenderer, sUTF8, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
2950   layout.ParagraphSpacingBelow:= AParagraphSpacing;
2951   layout.AvailableWidth := AMaxWidth;
2952   result := size(ceil(layout.UsedWidth), ceil(layout.TotalTextHeight));
2953   layout.Free;
2954 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextAffineBoxnull2956 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextAffineBox(const sUTF8: string): TAffineBox;
2957 var size: TSize;
2958   m: TAffineMatrix;
2959   dy: single;
2960 begin
2961   dy := GetFontVerticalAnchorOffset;
2962   size := FontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8, FontOrientation);
2963   m := AffineMatrixRotationDeg(-FontOrientation*0.1);
2964   result := TAffineBox.AffineBox(PointF(0,-dy), m*PointF(size.cx,-dy), m*PointF(0,size.cy-dy));
2965 end;
TextSizenull2967 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): TSize;
2968 begin
2969   result := FontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, GetFontRightToLeftFor(sUTF8));
2970 end;
TextSizenull2972 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextSize(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer;
2973   ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize;
2974 begin
2975   result := FontRenderer.TextSize(sUTF8, AMaxWidth, ARightToLeft);
2976 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextFitInfonull2978 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.TextFitInfo(const sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer
2979   ): integer;
2980 begin
2981   result := FontRenderer.TextFitInfo(sUTF8, AMaxWidth);
2982 end;
2984 {---------------------------- Curves ----------------------------------------}
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeClosedSplinenull2986 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeClosedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF;
2987 begin
2988   result := BGRAPath.ComputeClosedSpline(APoints, AStyle);
2989 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeOpenedSplinenull2991 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeOpenedSpline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AStyle: TSplineStyle): ArrayOfTPointF;
2992 begin
2993   result := BGRAPath.ComputeOpenedSpline(APoints, AStyle);
2994 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurvenull2996 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurve(const ACurve: TCubicBezierCurve
2997   ): ArrayOfTPointF;
2998 begin
2999   Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(ACurve);
3000 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurvenull3002 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierCurve(
3003   const ACurve: TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
3004 begin
3005   Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierCurve(ACurve);
3006 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSplinenull3008 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSpline(
3009   const ASpline: array of TCubicBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
3010 begin
3011   Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierSpline(ASpline);
3012 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSplinenull3014 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeBezierSpline(
3015   const ASpline: array of TQuadraticBezierCurve): ArrayOfTPointF;
3016 begin
3017   Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeBezierSpline(ASpline);
3018 end;
ComputeWidePolylinenull3020 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF;
3021   w: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3022 begin
3023   result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(points,w);
3024 end;
ComputeWidePolylinenull3026 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolyline(const points: array of TPointF;
3027   w: single; ClosedCap: boolean): ArrayOfTPointF;
3028 begin
3029   result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolyline(points,w,ClosedCap);
3030 end;
ComputeWidePolygonnull3032 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeWidePolygon(const points: array of TPointF;
3033   w: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3034 begin
3035   result := GetInternalPen.ComputePolygon(points,w);
3036 end;
ComputeEllipseContournull3038 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseContour(x, y, rx, ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3039 begin
3040   result := BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(x,y,rx,ry, quality);
3041 end;
ComputeEllipseContournull3043 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin, AXAxis,
3044   AYAxis: TPointF; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3045 begin
3046   result := BGRAPath.ComputeEllipse(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis, quality);
3047 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBordernull3049 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBorder(x, y, rx, ry, w: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3050 begin
3051   result := ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(x,y,rx,ry, quality),w);
3052 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBordernull3054 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeEllipseBorder(AOrigin, AXAxis,
3055   AYAxis: TPointF; w: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3056 begin
3057   result := ComputeWidePolygon(ComputeEllipseContour(AOrigin,AXAxis,AYAxis, quality),w);
3058 end;
ComputeArc65536null3060 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeArc65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,
3061   end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3062 begin
3063   result := BGRAPath.ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,start65536,end65536,quality);
3064 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeArcRadnull3066 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeArcRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRad,
3067   endRad: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3068 begin
3069   result := BGRAPath.ComputeArcRad(x,y,rx,ry,startRad,endRad,quality);
3070 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRectnull3072 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3073 begin
3074   result := BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,quality);
3075 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRectnull3077 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputeRoundRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: single;
3078   options: TRoundRectangleOptions; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3079 begin
3080   Result:= BGRAPath.ComputeRoundRect(x1,y1,x2,y2,rx,ry,options,quality);
3081 end;
ComputePie65536null3083 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputePie65536(x, y, rx, ry: single; start65536,
3084   end65536: word; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3085 begin
3086   result := BGRAPath.ComputeArc65536(x,y,rx,ry,start65536,end65536,quality);
3087   if (start65536 <> end65536) then
3088   begin
3089     setlength(result,length(result)+1);
3090     result[high(result)] := PointF(x,y);
3091   end;
3092 end;
ComputePieRadnull3094 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ComputePieRad(x, y, rx, ry: single; startRad,
3095   endRad: single; quality: single): ArrayOfTPointF;
3096 begin
3097   result := self.ComputePie65536(x,y,rx,ry,round(startRad*32768/Pi),round(endRad*32768/Pi),quality);
3098 end;
3100 {---------------------------------- Fill ---------------------------------}
3102 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Fill(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer);
3103 begin
3104   if start < 0 then
3105   begin
3106     inc(Count, start);
3107     start := 0;
3108   end;
3109   if start >= nbPixels then
3110     exit;
3111   if start + Count > nbPixels then
3112     Count := nbPixels - start;
3114   FillInline(Data + start, c, Count);
3115   InvalidateBitmap;
3116 end;
3118 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaFill(alpha: byte; start, Count: integer);
3119 begin
3120   if alpha = 0 then
3121     Fill(BGRAPixelTransparent, start, Count);
3122   if start < 0 then
3123   begin
3124     inc(Count, start);
3125     start := 0;
3126   end;
3127   if start >= nbPixels then
3128     exit;
3129   if start + Count > nbPixels then
3130     Count := nbPixels - start;
3132   AlphaFillInline(Data + start, alpha, Count);
3133   InvalidateBitmap;
3134 end;
3136 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
3137   const AColor: TBGRAPixel; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
3138 var
3139   scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
3140 begin
3141   if (AMask = nil) or (AColor.alpha = 0) then exit;
3142   scan := TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner.Create(AMask, Point(-X,-Y), AColor);
3143   self.FillRect(X,Y, X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height, scan, ADrawMode);
3144   scan.Free;
3145 end;
3147 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
3148   ATexture: IBGRAScanner; ADrawMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
3149 var
3150   scan: TBGRACustomScanner;
3151 begin
3152   if AMask = nil then exit;
3153   scan := TBGRATextureMaskScanner.Create(AMask, Point(-X,-Y), ATexture, AOpacity);
3154   self.FillRect(X,Y, X+AMask.Width,Y+AMask.Height, scan, ADrawMode);
3155   scan.Free;
3156 end;
3158 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.EraseMask(x, y: integer; AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap;
3159   alpha: byte);
3160 var
3161   x0,y0,x2, y2, yb,xb, tx, delta: integer;
3162   p, psrc: PBGRAPixel;
3163 begin
3164   if (AMask = nil) or (alpha = 0) then exit;
3165   x0 := x;
3166   y0 := y;
3167   x2 := x+AMask.Width;
3168   y2 := y+AMask.Height;
3169   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(x,y,x2,y2) then exit;
3170   tx := x2 - x;
3171   Dec(x2);
3172   Dec(y2);
3174   p := Scanline[y] + x;
3175   if FLineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
3176     delta := -Width
3177   else
3178     delta := Width;
3180   for yb := y to y2 do
3181   begin
3182     psrc := AMask.ScanLine[yb-y0]+(x-x0);
3183     if alpha = 255 then
3184     begin
3185       for xb := tx-1 downto 0 do
3186       begin
3187         ErasePixelInline(p, psrc^.green);
3188         inc(p);
3189         inc(psrc);
3190       end;
3191     end else
3192     begin
3193       for xb := tx-1 downto 0 do
3194       begin
3195         ErasePixelInline(p, ApplyOpacity(psrc^.green,alpha));
3196         inc(p);
3197         inc(psrc);
3198       end;
3199     end;
3200     dec(p, tx);
3201     Inc(p, delta);
3202   end;
3204   InvalidateBitmap;
3205 end;
3207 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillClearTypeMask(x, y: integer; xThird: integer;
3208   AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; color: TBGRAPixel; ARGBOrder: boolean);
3209 begin
3210   BGRAFillClearTypeMask(self,x, y, xThird, AMask, color, nil, ARGBOrder);
3211 end;
3213 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FillClearTypeMask(x, y: integer; xThird: integer;
3214   AMask: TBGRACustomBitmap; texture: IBGRAScanner; ARGBOrder: boolean);
3215 begin
3216   BGRAFillClearTypeMask(self,x, y, xThird, AMask, BGRAPixelTransparent, texture, ARGBOrder);
3217 end;
3219 { Replace color without taking alpha channel into account }
3220 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ReplaceColor(before, after: TColor);
3221 var
3222   p: PLongWord;
3223   n: integer;
3224   colorMask,beforeBGR, afterBGR: LongWord;
3225   rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,rBefore,gBefore,bBefore: byte;
3226 begin
3227   colorMask := LongWord(BGRA(255,255,255,0));
3228   RedGreenBlue(before, rBefore,gBefore,bBefore);
3229   RedGreenBlue(after, rAfter,gAfter,bAfter);
3230   beforeBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rBefore,gBefore,bBefore,0));
3231   afterBGR  := LongWord(BGRA(rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,0));
3233   p := PLongWord(Data);
3234   for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
3235   begin
3236     if p^ and colorMask = beforeBGR then
3237       p^ := (p^ and not ColorMask) or afterBGR;
3238     Inc(p);
3239   end;
3240   InvalidateBitmap;
3241 end;
3243 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ReplaceColor(ABounds: TRect; before, after: TColor);
3244 var p: PLongWord;
3245   xb,yb,xcount: integer;
3247   colorMask,beforeBGR, afterBGR: LongWord;
3248   rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,rBefore,gBefore,bBefore: byte;
3249 begin
3250   colorMask := LongWord(BGRA(255,255,255,0));
3251   RedGreenBlue(before, rBefore,gBefore,bBefore);
3252   RedGreenBlue(after, rAfter,gAfter,bAfter);
3253   beforeBGR := LongWord(BGRA(rBefore,gBefore,bBefore,0));
3254   afterBGR  := LongWord(BGRA(rAfter,gAfter,bAfter,0));
3256   ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
3257   if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
3258   xcount := ABounds.Right-ABounds.Left;
3259   for yb := ABounds.Top to ABounds.Bottom-1 do
3260   begin
3261     p := PLongWord(ScanLine[yb]+ABounds.Left);
3262     for xb := xcount-1 downto 0 do
3263     begin
3264       if p^ and colorMask = beforeBGR then
3265         p^ := (p^ and not ColorMask) or afterBGR;
3266       Inc(p);
3267     end;
3268   end;
3269   InvalidateBitmap;
3270 end;
3272 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer;
3273   Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; Color: TBGRAPixel; mode: TFloodfillMode;
3274   Tolerance: byte; DestOfsX: integer; DestOfsY: integer);
3275 var
3276   b: TUniversalBrush;
3277 begin
3278   case mode of
3279     fmSet: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmSet);
3280     fmDrawWithTransparency: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmDrawWithTransparency);
3281     fmLinearBlend: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmLinearBlend);
3282     fmXor: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmXor);
3283     fmProgressive: Dest.SolidBrushBGRA(b, Color, dmDrawWithTransparency);
3284   end;
3285   ParallelFloodFill(X,Y, Dest, b, mode=fmProgressive, (Tolerance shl 8)+$ff, DestOfsX, DestOfsY);
3286 end;
3288 { General purpose FloodFill. It can be used to fill inplace or to
3289   fill a destination bitmap according to the content of the current bitmap.
3291   The first pixel encountered is taken as a reference, further pixels
3292   are compared to this pixel. If the distance between next colors and
3293   the first color is lower than the tolerance, then the floodfill continues.
3295   It uses an array of bits to store visited places to avoid filling twice
3296   the same area. It also uses a stack of positions to remember where
3297   to continue after a place is completely filled.
3299   The first direction to be checked is horizontal, then
3300   it checks pixels on the line above and on the line below. }
3301 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ParallelFloodFill(X, Y: integer;
3302   Dest: TCustomUniversalBitmap; const Brush: TUniversalBrush; Progressive: boolean;
3303   ToleranceW: Word; DestOfsX: integer; DestOfsY: integer);
3304 var
3305   S: TBGRAPixel;
3306   SExpand: TExpandedPixel;
3307   SX, EX, I: integer;
3308   Added: boolean;
3310   Visited: array of LongWord;
3311   VisitedLineSize: integer;
3313   Stack:      array of integer;
3314   StackCount: integer;
3315   pScan: PBGRAPixel;
CheckPixelnull3317   function CheckPixel(AX, AY: integer): boolean; inline;
3318   begin
3319     if Visited[AX shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize] and (1 shl (AX and 31)) <> 0 then
3320       Result := False
3321     else
3322     begin
3323       if (pScan+AX)^ = S then result := true else
3324         Result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion((pScan+AX)^), SExpand) <= ToleranceW;
3325     end;
3326   end;
3328   procedure SetVisited(X1, AY, X2: integer);
3329   var
3330     StartMask, EndMask: LongWord;
3331     StartPos, EndPos:   integer;
3332   begin
3333     if X2 < X1 then
3334       exit;
3335     StartMask := $FFFFFFFF shl (X1 and 31);
3336     case X2 and 31 of
3337     31: EndMask := $FFFFFFFF;
3338     30: EndMask := $7FFFFFFF;
3339     else
3340       EndMask := 1 shl ((X2 and 31) + 1) - 1;
3341     end;
3342     StartPos := X1 shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize;
3343     EndPos := X2 shr 5 + AY * VisitedLineSize;
3344     if StartPos = EndPos then
3345       Visited[StartPos] := Visited[StartPos] or (StartMask and EndMask)
3346     else
3347     begin
3348       Visited[StartPos] := Visited[StartPos] or StartMask;
3349       Visited[EndPos]   := Visited[EndPos] or EndMask;
3350       if EndPos - StartPos > 1 then
3351         FillDWord(Visited[StartPos + 1], EndPos - StartPos - 1, $FFFFFFFF);
3352     end;
3353   end;
3355   procedure Push(AX, AY: integer); inline;
3356   begin
3357     if StackCount + 1 >= High(Stack) then
3358       SetLength(Stack, Length(Stack) shl 1);
3360     Stack[StackCount] := AX;
3361     Inc(StackCount);
3362     Stack[StackCount] := AY;
3363     Inc(StackCount);
3364   end;
3366   procedure Pop(var AX, AY: integer); inline;
3367   begin
3368     Dec(StackCount);
3369     AY := Stack[StackCount];
3370     Dec(StackCount);
3371     AX := Stack[StackCount];
3372   end;
3374 begin
3375   if Brush.DoesNothing then exit;
3376   if Progressive and not (dest is TBGRACustomBitmap) then
3377     raise exception.Create('Progressive mode only available on TBGRACustomBitmap and derived classes');
3378   if PtInClipRect(X,Y) then
3379   begin
3380     S := GetPixel(X, Y);
3381     SExpand := s.ToExpanded;
3383     VisitedLineSize := (Width + 31) shr 5;
3384     SetLength(Visited, VisitedLineSize * Height);
3385     FillDWord(Visited[0], Length(Visited), 0);
3387     SetLength(Stack, 2);
3388     StackCount := 0;
3390     Push(X, Y);
3391     repeat
3392       Pop(X, Y);
3393       pScan := GetScanlineFast(Y);
3394       if not CheckPixel(X, Y) then
3395         Continue;
3397       SX := X;
3398       while (SX > FClipRect.Left) and CheckPixel(Pred(SX), Y) do
3399         Dec(SX);
3400       EX := X;
3401       while (EX < Pred(FClipRect.Right)) and CheckPixel(Succ(EX), Y) do
3402         Inc(EX);
3404       SetVisited(SX, Y, EX);
3405       if Progressive then
3406         TBGRACustomBitmap(dest).HorizLineDiff(SX+DestOfsX, Y+DestOfsY, EX+DestOfsX, Brush, S, ToleranceW)
3407       else
3408         dest.HorizLine(SX+DestOfsX, Y+DestOfsY, EX+DestOfsX, Brush);
3410       Added := False;
3411       if Y > FClipRect.Top then
3412       begin
3413         pScan := GetScanlineFast(Pred(Y));
3414         for I := SX to EX do
3415           if CheckPixel(I, Pred(Y)) then
3416           begin
3417             if Added then //do not add twice the same segment
3418               Continue;
3419             Push(I, Pred(Y));
3420             Added := True;
3421           end
3422           else
3423             Added := False;
3424       end;
3426       Added := False;
3427       if Y < Pred(FClipRect.Bottom) then
3428       begin
3429         pScan := GetScanlineFast(Succ(Y));
3430         for I := SX to EX do
3431           if CheckPixel(I, Succ(Y)) then
3432           begin
3433             if Added then //do not add twice the same segment
3434               Continue;
3435             Push(I, Succ(Y));
3436             Added := True;
3437           end
3438           else
3439             Added := False;
3440       end;
3441     until StackCount <= 0;
3442   end;
3443 end;
3445 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
3446   c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
3447   gammaColorCorrection: boolean; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
3448 var
3449   scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
3450 begin
3451   if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
3452     FillRect(x, y, x2, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent, mode)
3453   else
3454   if ditherAlgo <> daNearestNeighbor then
3455     GradientFillDithered(x,y,x2,y2,c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,mode,gammaColorCorrection,sinus,ditherAlgo)
3456   else
3457   begin
3458     scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,gammaColorCorrection,Sinus);
3459     FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode);
3460     scanner.Free;
3461   end;
3462 end;
3464 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFill(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
3465   gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
3466   mode: TDrawMode; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
3467 var
3468   scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
3469 begin
3470   if ditherAlgo <> daNearestNeighbor then
3471     GradientFillDithered(x,y,x2,y2,gradient,gtype,o1,o2,mode,sinus,ditherAlgo)
3472   else
3473   begin
3474     scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient,gtype,o1,o2,sinus);
3475     FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode);
3476     scanner.Free;
3477   end;
3478 end;
3480 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer; c1,
3481   c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
3482   mode: TDrawMode; gammaColorCorrection: boolean; Sinus: Boolean;
3483   ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
3484 var
3485   scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
3486 begin
3487   if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
3488   begin
3489     if mode = dmSet then
3490       FillRect(x, y, x2, y2, BGRAPixelTransparent, dmSet);
3491   end
3492   else
3493   begin
3494     scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,gammaColorCorrection,Sinus);
3495     FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode,ditherAlgo);
3496     scanner.Free;
3497   end;
3498 end;
3500 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GradientFillDithered(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
3501   gradient: TBGRACustomGradient; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF;
3502   mode: TDrawMode; Sinus: Boolean; ditherAlgo: TDitheringAlgorithm);
3503 var
3504   scanner: TBGRAGradientScanner;
3505 begin
3506   scanner := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(gradient,gtype,o1,o2,sinus);
3507   FillRect(x,y,x2,y2,scanner,mode,ditherAlgo);
3508   scanner.Free;
3509 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanAtIntegernull3511 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanAtInteger(X, Y: integer): TBGRAPixel;
3512 begin
3513   if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
3514     result := (GetScanlineFast(PositiveMod(Y+ScanOffset.Y, FScanHeight))+PositiveMod(X+ScanOffset.X, FScanWidth))^
3515   else
3516     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
3517 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanNextPixelnull3519 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanNextPixel: TBGRAPixel;
3520 begin
3521   if (FScanWidth <> 0) and (FScanHeight <> 0) then
3522   begin
3523     result := PBGRAPixel(FScanPtr)^;
3524     inc(FScanCurX);
3525     inc(FScanPtr, sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
3526     if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then //cycle
3527     begin
3528       FScanCurX := 0;
3529       dec(FScanPtr, FRowSize);
3530     end;
3531   end
3532   else
3533     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
3534 end;
ScanAtnull3536 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanAt(X, Y: Single): TBGRAPixel;
3537 var
3538   ix, iy: Int32or64;
3539   iFactX,iFactY: Int32or64;
3540 begin
3541   if (FScanWidth = 0) or (FScanHeight = 0) then
3542   begin
3543     result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
3544     exit;
3545   end;
3546   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
3547   ix := round(x*256);
3548   iy := round(y*256);
3549   if ScanInterpolationFilter = rfBox then
3550   begin
3551     ix := PositiveMod((ix+128)+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
3552     iy := PositiveMod((iy+128)+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
3553     result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
3554     exit;
3555   end;
3556   iFactX := ix and 255;
3557   iFactY := iy and 255;
3558   ix := PositiveMod(ix+(ScanOffset.X shl 8), FScanWidth shl 8) shr 8;
3559   iy := PositiveMod(iy+(ScanOffset.Y shl 8), FScanHeight shl 8) shr 8;
3560   if (iFactX = 0) and (iFactY = 0) then
3561   begin
3562     result := (GetScanlineFast(iy)+ix)^;
3563     exit;
3564   end;
3565   if ScanInterpolationFilter <> rfLinear then
3566   begin
3567     iFactX := FineInterpolation256( iFactX, ScanInterpolationFilter );
3568     iFactY := FineInterpolation256( iFactY, ScanInterpolationFilter );
3569   end;
3570   result := InternalGetPixelCycle256(ix,iy, iFactX,iFactY);
3571 end;
IsScanPutPixelsDefinednull3573 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.IsScanPutPixelsDefined: boolean;
3574 begin
3575   Result:= true;
3576 end;
3578 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ScanPutPixels(pdest: PBGRAPixel; count: integer;
3579   mode: TDrawMode);
3580 var
3581   i,nbCopy: Integer;
3582   c: TBGRAPixel;
3583 begin
3584   if (FScanWidth <= 0) or (FScanHeight <= 0) then
3585   begin
3586     if mode = dmSet then
3587       FillDWord(pdest^, count, LongWord(BGRAPixelTransparent));
3588     exit;
3589   end;
3590   case mode of
3591     dmLinearBlend:
3592       for i := 0 to count-1 do
3593       begin
3594         FastBlendPixelInline(pdest, ScanNextPixel);
3595         inc(pdest);
3596       end;
3597     dmDrawWithTransparency:
3598       for i := 0 to count-1 do
3599       begin
3600         DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck(pdest, ScanNextPixel);
3601         inc(pdest);
3602       end;
3603     dmSet:
3604       while count > 0 do
3605       begin
3606         nbCopy := FScanWidth-FScanCurX;
3607         if count < nbCopy then nbCopy := count;
3608         move(FScanPtr^,pdest^,nbCopy*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
3609         inc(pdest,nbCopy);
3610         inc(FScanCurX,nbCopy);
3611         inc(FScanPtr,nbCopy*sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
3612         if FScanCurX = FScanWidth then
3613         begin
3614           FScanCurX := 0;
3615           dec(FScanPtr, RowSize);
3616         end;
3617         dec(count,nbCopy);
3618       end;
3619     dmSetExceptTransparent:
3620       for i := 0 to count-1 do
3621       begin
3622         c := ScanNextPixel;
3623         if c.alpha = 255 then pdest^ := c;
3624         inc(pdest);
3625       end;
3626     dmXor:
3627       for i := 0 to count-1 do
3628       begin
3629         PLongWord(pdest)^ := PLongWord(pdest)^ xor LongWord(ScanNextPixel);
3630         inc(pdest);
3631       end;
3632   end;
3633 end;
3635 { General purpose pixel drawing function }
3636 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DrawPixels(c: TBGRAPixel; start, Count: integer);
3637 var
3638   p: PBGRAPixel;
3639 begin
3640   if c.alpha = 0 then
3641     exit;
3642   if c.alpha = 255 then
3643   begin
3644     Fill(c,start,Count);
3645     exit;
3646   end;
3648   if start < 0 then
3649   begin
3650     inc(Count, start);
3651     start := 0;
3652   end;
3653   if start >= nbPixels then
3654     exit;
3655   if start + Count > nbPixels then
3656     Count := nbPixels - start;
3658   p := Data + start;
3659   DrawPixelsInline(p,c,Count);
3660   InvalidateBitmap;
3661 end;
3663 {------------------------- End fill ------------------------------}
3665 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.DoAlphaCorrection;
3666 var
3667   p: PBGRAPixel;
3668   n: integer;
3669   colormask: LongWord;
3670   changed: boolean;
3671 begin
3672   if CanvasAlphaCorrection then
3673   begin
3674     p := PBGRAPixel(FDataByte); // avoid Data to avoid reloading from bitmap and thus stack overflow
3675     colormask := $ffffffff - (255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
3676     changed := false;
3677     for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
3678     begin
3679       if (plongword(p)^ and colormask <> 0) and (p^.alpha = 0) then
3680       begin
3681         p^.alpha := FCanvasOpacity;
3682         changed := true;
3683       end;
3684       Inc(p);
3685     end;
3686     if changed then InvalidateBitmap;
3687   end;
3688   FAlphaCorrectionNeeded := False;
3689 end;
3691 { Ensure that transparent pixels have all channels to zero }
3692 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ClearTransparentPixels;
3693 var
3694   p: PBGRAPixel;
3695   n: integer;
3696 begin
3697   p := Data;
3698   for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
3699   begin
3700     if (p^.alpha = 0) then
3701       p^ := BGRAPixelTransparent;
3702     Inc(p);
3703   end;
3704   InvalidateBitmap;
3705 end;
CheckAntialiasRectBoundsnull3707 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CheckAntialiasRectBounds(var x, y, x2, y2: single;
3708   w: single): boolean;
3709 var
3710   temp: Single;
3711 begin
3712   if (x > x2) then
3713   begin
3714     temp := x;
3715     x    := x2;
3716     x2   := temp;
3717   end;
3718   if (y > y2) then
3719   begin
3720     temp := y;
3721     y    := y2;
3722     y2   := temp;
3723   end;
3725   result := (x2 - x > w) and (y2 - y > w);
3726 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasBGRAnull3728 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasBGRA: TBGRACanvas;
3729 begin
3730   if FCanvasBGRA = nil then
3731     FCanvasBGRA := TBGRACanvas.Create(self);
3732   result := FCanvasBGRA;
3733 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvas2Dnull3735 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D;
3736 begin
3737   if FCanvas2D = nil then
3738     FCanvas2D := TBGRACanvas2D.Create(self);
3739   result := FCanvas2D;
3740 end;
3742 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.PutImage(X, Y: integer; ASource: TCustomUniversalBitmap;
3743   AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
3744 begin
3745   inherited PutImage(X,Y, ASource, AMode, AOpacity);
3746   if (AMode in [dmSetExceptTransparent,dmDrawWithTransparency,dmLinearBlend]) and
3747      (ASource is TBGRACustomBitmap) and Assigned(TBGRACustomBitmap(ASource).XorMask) then
3748     PutImage(X,Y,TBGRACustomBitmap(ASource).XorMask,dmXor,AOpacity);
3749 end;
3751 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImage(x, y: integer; ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap;
3752   AOperation: TBlendOperation);
3753 begin
3754   BlendImage(RectWithSize(x,y,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), ASource, -x,-y,AOperation);
3755 end;
3757 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImage(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner;
3758   AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation);
3759 const BufSize = 8;
3760 var
3761   yb, remain, i, delta_dest: integer;
3762   psource, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
3763   sourceRect: TRect;
3764   sourceScanline, sourcePut: boolean;
3765   buf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
3766 begin
3767   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
3769   sourceRect := ADest;
3770   sourceRect.Offset(AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
3771   sourceScanline := ASource.ProvidesScanline(sourceRect);
3772   sourcePut := ASource.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
3774   pdest := Scanline[ADest.Top] + ADest.Left;
3775   if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
3776     delta_dest := -Width
3777     else delta_dest := Width;
3779   for yb := sourceRect.Top to sourceRect.Bottom-1 do
3780   begin
3781     if sourceScanline then
3782     begin
3783       psource := ASource.GetScanlineAt(sourceRect.Left, yb);
3784       BlendPixels(pdest, psource, AOperation, ADest.Width);
3785     end else
3786     begin
3787       ASource.ScanMoveTo(sourceRect.Left, yb);
3788       remain := ADest.Width;
3789       if sourcePut then
3790         while remain >= BufSize do
3791         begin
3792           ASource.ScanPutPixels(@buf, BufSize, dmSet);
3793           BlendPixels(pdest, @buf, AOperation, BufSize);
3794           inc(pdest, bufSize);
3795           dec(remain, bufSize);
3796         end;
3797       if remain > 0 then
3798       begin
3799         for i := 0 to remain-1 do
3800           buf[i] := ASource.ScanNextPixel;
3801         BlendPixels(pdest, @buf, AOperation, remain);
3802         inc(pdest, remain);
3803       end;
3804       dec(pdest, ADest.Width);
3805     end;
3806     Inc(pdest, delta_dest);
3807   end;
3808   InvalidateBitmap;
3809 end;
3811 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImageOver(x, y: integer;
3812   ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean);
3813 begin
3814   BlendImageOver(RectWithSize(x,y,ASource.Width,ASource.Height), ASource, -x,-y,
3815                  AOperation, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
3816 end;
3818 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendImageOver(ADest: TRect; ASource: IBGRAScanner;
3819   AOffsetX, AOffsetY: integer; AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean);
3820 const BufSize = 8;
3821 var
3822   yb, remain, i, delta_dest: integer;
3823   psource, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
3824   sourceRect: TRect;
3825   sourceScanline, sourcePut: boolean;
3826   buf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
3827 begin
3828   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
3830   sourceRect := ADest;
3831   sourceRect.Offset(AOffsetX, AOffsetY);
3832   sourceScanline := ASource.ProvidesScanline(sourceRect);
3833   sourcePut := ASource.IsScanPutPixelsDefined;
3835   pdest := Scanline[ADest.Top] + ADest.Left;
3836   if LineOrder = riloBottomToTop then
3837     delta_dest := -Width
3838     else delta_dest := Width;
3840   for yb := sourceRect.Top to sourceRect.Bottom-1 do
3841   begin
3842     if sourceScanline then
3843     begin
3844       psource := ASource.GetScanlineAt(sourceRect.Left, yb);
3845       BlendPixelsOver(pdest, psource, AOperation, ADest.Width, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
3846     end else
3847     begin
3848       ASource.ScanMoveTo(sourceRect.Left, yb);
3849       remain := ADest.Width;
3850       if sourcePut then
3851         while remain >= BufSize do
3852         begin
3853           ASource.ScanPutPixels(@buf, BufSize, dmSet);
3854           BlendPixelsOver(pdest, @buf, AOperation, BufSize, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
3855           inc(pdest, bufSize);
3856           dec(remain, bufSize);
3857         end;
3858       if remain > 0 then
3859       begin
3860         for i := 0 to remain-1 do
3861           buf[i] := ASource.ScanNextPixel;
3862         BlendPixelsOver(pdest, @buf, AOperation, remain, AOpacity, ALinearBlend);
3863         inc(pdest, remain);
3864       end;
3865       dec(pdest, ADest.Width);
3866     end;
3867     Inc(pdest, delta_dest);
3868   end;
3869   InvalidateBitmap;
3870 end;
3872 { Draw an image with an affine transformation (rotation, scale, translate).
3873   Parameters are the bitmap origin, the end of the horizontal axis and the end of the vertical axis.
3874   The output bounds correspond to the pixels that will be affected in the destination. }
3875 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.PutImageAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
3876   Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; AOutputBounds: TRect;
3877   AResampleFilter: TResampleFilter; AMode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: Byte; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean);
3878 var affine: TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform;
3879     sourceBounds: TRect;
3880 begin
3881   if (Source = nil) or (Source.Width = 0) or (Source.Height = 0) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
3882   AOutputBounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
3883   if AOutputBounds.IsEmpty then exit;
3885   if not APixelCenteredCoords then AMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
3886   if IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix, rect(0,0,Source.Width,Source.Height)) then
3887   begin
3888     sourceBounds := AOutputBounds;
3889     sourceBounds.Offset(-round(AMatrix[1,3]), -round(AMatrix[2,3]));
3890     sourceBounds.Intersect( rect(0,0,Source.Width,Source.Height) );
3891     PutImagePart(round(AMatrix[1,3])+sourceBounds.Left,round(AMatrix[2,3])+sourceBounds.Top,Source,sourceBounds,AMode,AOpacity);
3892   end else
3893   begin
3894     affine := TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform.Create(Source, false, AResampleFilter);
3895     affine.GlobalOpacity := AOpacity;
3896     affine.ViewMatrix := AMatrix;
3897     FillRect(AOutputBounds,affine,AMode);
3898     affine.Free;
3899   end;
3900 end;
GetImageAffineBoundsnull3902 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetImageAffineBounds(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
3903   ASourceBounds: TRect; AClipOutput: boolean; APixelCenteredCoords: boolean): TRect;
3904 const pointMargin = 0.5 - 1/512;
3906   procedure FirstPoint(pt: TPointF);
3907   begin
3908     result.Left := round(pt.X);
3909     result.Top := round(pt.Y);
3910     result.Right := round(pt.X)+1;
3911     result.Bottom := round(pt.Y)+1;
3912   end;
3914   //include specified point in the bounds
3915   procedure IncludePoint(pt: TPointF);
3916   begin
3917     if round(pt.X) < result.Left then result.Left := round(pt.X);
3918     if round(pt.Y) < result.Top then result.Top := round(pt.Y);
3919     if round(pt.X)+1 > result.Right then result.Right := round(pt.X)+1;
3920     if round(pt.Y)+1 > result.Bottom then result.Bottom := round(pt.Y)+1;
3921   end;
3923 begin
3924   result := EmptyRect;
3925   if ASourceBounds.IsEmpty then exit;
3927   if not APixelCenteredCoords then AMatrix := AffineMatrixTranslation(-0.5,-0.5)*AMatrix*AffineMatrixTranslation(0.5,0.5);
3928   if IsAffineRoughlyTranslation(AMatrix,ASourceBounds) then
3929   begin
3930     result := ASourceBounds;
3931     result.Offset(round(AMatrix[1,3]), round(AMatrix[2,3]));
3932   end else
3933   begin
3934     FirstPoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left-pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Top-pointMargin));
3935     IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1+pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Top-pointMargin));
3936     IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Left-pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1+pointMargin));
3937     IncludePoint(AMatrix*PointF(ASourceBounds.Right-1+pointMargin,ASourceBounds.Bottom-1+pointMargin));
3938   end;
3939   if AClipOutput then result.Intersect(ClipRect);
3940 end;
3942 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.StretchPutImage(ARect: TRect;
3943   Source: TBGRACustomBitmap; mode: TDrawMode; AOpacity: byte);
3944 var noTransition: boolean;
3945 begin
3946   If (Source = nil) or (AOpacity = 0) then exit;
3947   if (ARect.Right-ARect.Left = Source.Width) and (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top = Source.Height) then
3948      PutImage(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,Source,mode,AOpacity)
3949   else
3950   begin
3951      noTransition:= (mode = dmXor) or ((mode in [dmDrawWithTransparency,dmFastBlend,dmSetExceptTransparent]) and
3952                                        (Source is TBGRADefaultBitmap) and
3953                                        Assigned(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask));
3954      BGRAResample.StretchPutImage(Source, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, self, ARect.left,ARect.Top, mode, AOpacity, noTransition);
3955     if (mode in [dmDrawWithTransparency,dmFastBlend,dmSetExceptTransparent]) and Assigned(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask) then
3956       BGRAResample.StretchPutImage(TBGRADefaultBitmap(Source).XorMask, ARect.Right-ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, self, ARect.left,ARect.Top, dmXor, AOpacity, noTransition);
3957   end;
3958 end;
3960 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendRect(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
3961   AOperation: TBlendOperation; AExcludeChannels: TChannels);
3962 const BufSize = 8;
3963 var srcBuf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
3964   i, yb, remain: Integer;
3965   p: PBGRAPixel;
3966 begin
3967   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
3968   for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
3969     srcBuf[i] := AColor;
3970   for yb := ADest.Top to ADest.Bottom-1 do
3971   begin
3972     remain := ADest.Width;
3973     p := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(ADest.Left, yb));
3974     while remain >= BufSize do
3975     begin
3976       BlendPixels(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, BufSize, AExcludeChannels);
3977       inc(p, BufSize);
3978       dec(remain, BufSize);
3979     end;
3980     if remain > 0 then
3981       BlendPixels(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, remain, AExcludeChannels);
3982   end;
3983 end;
3985 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.BlendRectOver(ADest: TRect; AColor: TBGRAPixel;
3986   AOperation: TBlendOperation; AOpacity: byte; ALinearBlend: boolean;
3987   AExcludeChannels: TChannels);
3988 const BufSize = 8;
3989 var srcBuf: packed array[0..BufSize-1] of TBGRAPixel;
3990   i, yb, remain: Integer;
3991   p: PBGRAPixel;
3992 begin
3993   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ADest.Left, ADest.Top, ADest.Right, ADest.Bottom) then exit;
3994   for i := 0 to BufSize-1 do
3995     srcBuf[i] := AColor;
3996   for yb := ADest.Top to ADest.Bottom-1 do
3997   begin
3998     remain := ADest.Width;
3999     p := PBGRAPixel(GetPixelAddress(ADest.Left, yb));
4000     while remain >= BufSize do
4001     begin
4002       BlendPixelsOver(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, BufSize, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, AExcludeChannels);
4003       inc(p, BufSize);
4004       dec(remain, BufSize);
4005     end;
4006     if remain > 0 then
4007       BlendPixelsOver(p, @srcBuf, AOperation, remain, AOpacity, ALinearBlend, AExcludeChannels);
4008   end;
4009 end;
4011 {----------------------------- Filters -----------------------------------------}
4012 { Call the appropriate function }
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmartZoom3null4014 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmartZoom3(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4015 begin
4016   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSmartZoom3(self, Option) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4017 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterMediannull4019 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterMedian(Option: TMedianOption): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4020 begin
4021   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterMedian(self, option) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4022 end;
FilterSmoothnull4024 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSmooth: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4025 begin
4026   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterBlurRadial(self, 3, rbPrecise) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4027 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSpherenull4029 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSphere: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4030 begin
4031   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSphere(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4032 end;
FilterTwirlnull4034 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterTwirl(ACenter: TPoint; ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single=1; AExponent: Single=3): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4035 begin
4036   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterTwirl(self, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4037 end;
FilterTwirlnull4039 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterTwirl(ABounds: TRect; ACenter: TPoint;
4040   ARadius: Single; ATurn: Single; AExponent: Single): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4041 begin
4042   result := BGRAFilters.FilterTwirl(self, ABounds, ACenter, ARadius, ATurn, AExponent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4043 end;
FilterCylindernull4045 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterCylinder: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4046 begin
4047   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterCylinder(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4048 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPlanenull4050 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPlane: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4051 begin
4052   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterPlane(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4053 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpennull4055 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpen(Amount: single = 1): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4056 begin
4057   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSharpen(self,round(Amount*256)) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4058 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpennull4060 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterSharpen(ABounds: TRect; Amount: single
4061   ): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4062 begin
4063   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterSharpen(self,ABounds,round(Amount*256)) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4064 end;
FilterContournull4066 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterContour(AGammaCorrection: boolean = false): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4067 begin
4068   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterContour(self, AGammaCorrection) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4069 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPixelatenull4071 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterPixelate(pixelSize: integer;
4072   useResample: boolean; filter: TResampleFilter): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4073 begin
4074   Result:= BGRAFilters.FilterPixelate(self, pixelSize, useResample, filter) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4075 end;
FilterEmbossnull4077 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single;
4078   AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4079 begin
4080   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmboss(self, angle, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4081 end;
FilterEmbossnull4083 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmboss(angle: single; ABounds: TRect;
4084   AStrength: integer; AOptions: TEmbossOptions): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4085 begin
4086   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmboss(self, angle, ABounds, AStrength, AOptions) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4087 end;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull4089 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean):
4090 TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4091 begin
4092   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlight(self, FillSelection, BGRAPixelTransparent) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4093 end;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull4095 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
4096   BorderColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4097 begin
4098   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlight(self, FillSelection, BorderColor) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4099 end;
FilterEmbossHighlightnull4101 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterEmbossHighlight(FillSelection: boolean;
4102   BorderColor: TBGRAPixel; var Offset: TPoint): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4103 begin
4104   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterEmbossHighlightOffset(self, FillSelection, BorderColor, Offset) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4105 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscalenull4107 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscale: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4108 begin
4109   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterGrayscale(self) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4110 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscalenull4112 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterGrayscale(ABounds: TRect): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4113 begin
4114   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterGrayscale(self, ABounds) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4115 end;
FilterNormalizenull4117 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterNormalize(eachChannel: boolean = True):
4118 TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4119 begin
4120   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterNormalize(self, eachChannel) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4121 end;
FilterNormalizenull4123 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterNormalize(ABounds: TRect; eachChannel: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4124 begin
4125   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterNormalize(self, ABounds, eachChannel) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4126 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterRotatenull4128 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterRotate(origin: TPointF;
4129   angle: single; correctBlur: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4130 begin
4131   Result := BGRAFilters.FilterRotate(self, origin, angle, correctBlur) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4132 end;
FilterAffinenull4134 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FilterAffine(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
4135   correctBlur: boolean): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4136 begin
4137   Result := NewBitmap(Width,Height);
4138   Result.PutImageAffine(AMatrix,self,255,correctBlur);
4139 end;
GetHasTransparentPixelsnull4141 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetHasTransparentPixels: boolean;
4142 var
4143   p: PBGRAPixel;
4144   n: integer;
4145 begin
4146   p := Data;
4147   for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
4148   begin
4149     if p^.alpha <> 255 then
4150     begin
4151       Result := True;
4152       exit;
4153     end;
4154     Inc(p);
4155   end;
4156   Result := False;
4157 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetHasSemiTransparentPixelsnull4159 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetHasSemiTransparentPixels: boolean;
4160 var
4161   n: integer;
4162   p: PBGRAPixel;
4163 begin
4164   p := Data;
4165   for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
4166   begin
4167     if (p^.alpha > 0) and (p^.alpha < 255) then
4168     begin
4169       result := true;
4170       exit;
4171     end;
4172     inc(p);
4173   end;
4174   result := false;
4175 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAverageColornull4177 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAverageColor: TColor;
4178 var
4179   pix: TBGRAPixel;
4180 begin
4181   pix := GetAveragePixel;
4182   {$hints off}
4183   if pix.alpha = 0 then
4184     result := clNone else
4185      result := RGBToColor(pix.red,pix.green,pix.blue);
4186   {$hints on}
4187 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAveragePixelnull4189 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetAveragePixel: TBGRAPixel;
4190 var
4191   n:     integer;
4192   p:     PBGRAPixel;
4193   r, g, b, sum: double;
4194   alpha: double;
4195 begin
4196   sum := 0;
4197   r   := 0;
4198   g   := 0;
4199   b   := 0;
4200   p   := Data;
4201   for n := NbPixels - 1 downto 0 do
4202   begin
4203     alpha := p^.alpha / 255;
4204     incF(sum, alpha);
4205     incF(r, p^.red * alpha);
4206     incF(g, p^.green * alpha);
4207     incF(b, p^.blue * alpha);
4208     Inc(p);
4209   end;
4210   if sum = 0 then
4211     Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
4212   else
4213     Result := BGRA(round(r / sum),round(g / sum),round(b / sum),round(sum*255/NbPixels));
4214 end;
GetPenJoinStylenull4216 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
4217 begin
4218   result := GetInternalPen.JoinStyle;
4219 end;
4221 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenJoinStyle(const AValue: TPenJoinStyle);
4222 begin
4223   GetInternalPen.JoinStyle := AValue;
4224 end;
GetPenMiterLimitnull4226 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPenMiterLimit: single;
4227 begin
4228   result := GetInternalPen.MiterLimit;
4229 end;
4231 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetPenMiterLimit(const AValue: single);
4232 begin
4233   GetInternalPen.MiterLimit := AValue;
4234 end;
4236 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SetCanvasOpacity(AValue: byte);
4237 begin
4238   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
4239   FCanvasOpacity := AValue;
4240 end;
4242 {----------------------------- Resample ---------------------------------------}
TBGRADefaultBitmap.FineResamplenull4244 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.FineResample(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer):
4245 TBGRACustomBitmap;
4246 begin
4247   Result := BGRAResample.FineResample(self, NewWidth, NewHeight, ResampleFilter);
4248 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.SimpleStretchnull4250 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.SimpleStretch(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer):
4251 TBGRACustomBitmap;
4252 begin
4253   Result := BGRAResample.SimpleStretch(self, NewWidth, NewHeight);
4254 end;
Resamplenull4256 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.Resample(newWidth, newHeight: integer;
4257   mode: TResampleMode): TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4258 begin
4259   case mode of
4260     rmFineResample: Result  := FineResample(newWidth, newHeight) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4261     rmSimpleStretch: Result := SimpleStretch(newWidth, newHeight) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4262     else
4263       Result := nil;
4264   end;
4265 end;
4267 {-------------------------------- Data functions ------------------------}
4269 { Compute negative with gamma correction. A negative contains
4270   complentary colors (black becomes white etc.).
4272   It is NOT EXACTLY an involution, when applied twice, some color information is lost }
4273 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.Negative;
4274 begin
4275   TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), True);
4276 end;
4278 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.NegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
4279 begin
4280   ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
4281   if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
4282   TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, True);
4283 end;
4285 { Compute negative without gamma correction.
4287   It is an involution, i.e it does nothing when applied twice }
4288 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LinearNegative;
4289 begin
4290   TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), False);
4291 end;
4293 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.LinearNegativeRect(ABounds: TRect);
4294 begin
4295   ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
4296   if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
4297   TBGRAFilterScannerNegative.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, False);
4298 end;
4300 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true);
4301 begin
4302   TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), AGammaCorrection);
4303 end;
4305 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceGrayscale(ABounds: TRect; AGammaCorrection: boolean = true);
4306 begin
4307   ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
4308   if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
4309   TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ABounds, AGammaCorrection);
4310 end;
4312 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceNormalize(AEachChannel: boolean);
4313 begin
4314   InplaceNormalize(rect(0,0,Width,Height),AEachChannel);
4315 end;
4317 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.InplaceNormalize(ABounds: TRect;
4318   AEachChannel: boolean);
4319 var scanner: TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize;
4320 begin
4321   ABounds.Intersect(ClipRect);
4322   if ABounds.IsEmpty then exit;
4323   scanner := TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize.Create(self,Point(0,0),ABounds,AEachChannel);
4324   FillRect(ABounds,scanner,dmSet);
4325   scanner.Free;
4326 end;
4328 { Swap red and blue channels. Useful when RGB order is swapped.
4330   It is an involution, i.e it does nothing when applied twice }
4331 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SwapRedBlue;
4332 begin
4333   TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterInplace(self, rect(0,0,FWidth,FHeight), False);
4334 end;
4336 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.SwapRedBlue(ARect: TRect);
4337 begin
4338   if not CheckClippedRectBounds(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right,ARect.Bottom) then exit;
4339   TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue.ComputeFilterInplace(self, ARect, False);
4340 end;
4342 { Convert a grayscale image into a black image with alpha value }
4343 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.GrayscaleToAlpha;
4344 var
4345   n:    integer;
4346   p:    PLongword;
4347 begin
4348   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
4349   p := PLongword(Data);
4350   n := NbPixels;
4351   if n = 0 then
4352     exit;
4353   repeat
4354     p^   := (p^ shr TBGRAPixel_RedShift and $FF) shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift;
4355     Inc(p);
4356     Dec(n);
4357   until n = 0;
4358   InvalidateBitmap;
4359 end;
4361 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.AlphaToGrayscale;
4362 var
4363   n:    integer;
4364   temp: LongWord;
4365   p:    PLongword;
4366 begin
4367   LoadFromBitmapIfNeeded;
4368   p := PLongword(Data);
4369   n := NbPixels;
4370   if n = 0 then
4371     exit;
4372   repeat
4373     temp := (p^ shr TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift) and $ff;
4374     p^   := (temp shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or (temp shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift)
4375          or (temp shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or ($ff shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
4376     Inc(p);
4377     Dec(n);
4378   until n = 0;
4379   InvalidateBitmap;
4380 end;
GetMaskFromAlphanull4382 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetMaskFromAlpha: TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4383 var y,x: integer;
4384   psrc, pdest: PBGRAPixel;
4385 begin
4386   result := BGRABitmapFactory.Create(Width,Height) as TBGRADefaultBitmap;
4387   for y := 0 to self.Height-1 do
4388   begin
4389     psrc := self.ScanLine[y];
4390     pdest := result.ScanLine[y];
4391     for x := 0 to self.Width-1 do
4392     begin
4393       pdest^ := BGRA(psrc^.alpha,psrc^.alpha,psrc^.alpha);
4394       inc(psrc);
4395       inc(pdest);
4396     end;
4397   end;
4398 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlphanull4400 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetGrayscaleMaskFromAlpha: TGrayscaleMask;
4401 var
4402   psrc: PBGRAPixel;
4403   pdest: PByte;
4404   y, x: Integer;
4405 begin
4406   result := TGrayscaleMask.Create;
4407   result.SetSize(Width,Height);
4408   for y := 0 to self.Height-1 do
4409   begin
4410     psrc := self.ScanLine[y];
4411     pdest := result.ScanLine[y];
4412     for x := 0 to self.Width-1 do
4413     begin
4414       pdest^ := psrc^.alpha;
4415       inc(psrc);
4416       inc(pdest);
4417     end;
4418   end;
4419 end;
4421 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ConvertToLinearRGB;
4422 var p: PBGRAPixel;
4423     n: integer;
4424 begin
4425   p := Data;
4426   for n := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
4427   begin
4428     p^.red := GammaExpansionTab[p^.red] shr 8;
4429     p^.green := GammaExpansionTab[p^.green] shr 8;
4430     p^.blue := GammaExpansionTab[p^.blue] shr 8;
4431     inc(p);
4432   end;
4433 end;
4435 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.ConvertFromLinearRGB;
4436 var p: PBGRAPixel;
4437     n: integer;
4438 begin
4439   p := Data;
4440   for n := NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
4441   begin
4442     p^.red := GammaCompressionTab[p^.red shl 8 + p^.red];
4443     p^.green := GammaCompressionTab[p^.green shl 8 + p^.green];
4444     p^.blue := GammaCompressionTab[p^.blue shl 8 + p^.blue];
4445     inc(p);
4446   end;
4447 end;
4449 { Make a copy of the transparent bitmap to a TBitmap with a background color
4450   instead of transparency }
MakeBitmapCopynull4451 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.MakeBitmapCopy(BackgroundColor: TColor): TBitmap;
4452 var
4453   opaqueCopy: TBGRACustomBitmap;
4454 begin
4455   Result     := TBitmap.Create;
4456   Result.Width := Width;
4457   Result.Height := Height;
4458   opaqueCopy := NewBitmap(Width, Height);
4459   opaqueCopy.Fill(BackgroundColor);
4460   opaqueCopy.PutImage(0, 0, self, dmDrawWithTransparency);
4461   opaqueCopy.Draw(Result.canvas, 0, 0, True);
4462   opaqueCopy.Free;
4463 end;
GetPtrBitmapnull4465 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetPtrBitmap(Top, Bottom: Integer
4466   ): TBGRACustomBitmap;
4467 var temp: integer;
4468     ptrbmp: TBGRAPtrBitmap;
4469 begin
4470   if Top > Bottom then
4471   begin
4472     temp := Top;
4473     Top := Bottom;
4474     Bottom := Temp;
4475   end;
4476   if Top < 0 then Top := 0;
4477   if Bottom > Height then Bottom := Height;
4478   if Top >= Bottom then
4479     result := nil
4480   else
4481   begin
4482     if LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
4483       ptrbmp := CreatePtrBitmap(Width,Bottom-Top,ScanLine[Top]) else
4484       ptrbmp := CreatePtrBitmap(Width,Bottom-Top,ScanLine[Bottom-1]);
4485     ptrbmp.LineOrder := LineOrder;
4486     result := ptrbmp;
4487   end;
4488 end;
4490 {-------------------------- Allocation routines -------------------------------}
TBGRADefaultBitmap.CreatePtrBitmapnull4492 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.CreatePtrBitmap(AWidth, AHeight: integer;
4493   AData: PBGRAPixel): TBGRAPtrBitmap;
4494 begin
4495   result := TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth,AHeight,AData);
4496 end;
4498 procedure TBGRADefaultBitmap.FreeBitmap;
4499 begin
4500   FreeAndNil(FBitmap);
4501 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasOpacitynull4503 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetCanvasOpacity: byte;
4504 begin
4505   result:= FCanvasOpacity;
4506 end;
TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontHeightnull4508 function TBGRADefaultBitmap.GetFontHeight: integer;
4509 begin
4510   result := FFontHeight;
4511 end;
4513 { TBGRAPtrBitmap }
TBGRAPtrBitmap.GetLineOrdernull4515 function TBGRAPtrBitmap.GetLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
4516 begin
4517   result := inherited GetLineOrder;
4518 end;
4520 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.SetLineOrder(AValue: TRawImageLineOrder);
4521 begin
4522   inherited SetLineOrder(AValue);
4523 end;
4525 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.ReallocData;
4526 begin
4527   //nothing
4528 end;
4530 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.FreeData;
4531 begin
4532   FDataByte := nil;
4533 end;
4535 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.CannotResize;
4536 begin
4537   raise exception.Create('A pointer bitmap cannot be resized');
4538 end;
4540 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.NotImplemented;
4541 begin
4542   raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
4543 end;
4545 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.RebuildBitmap;
4546 begin
4547   NotImplemented;
4548 end;
CreateDefaultFontRenderernull4550 function TBGRAPtrBitmap.CreateDefaultFontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer;
4551 begin
4552   result := nil;
4553   NotImplemented;
4554 end;
TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromRawImagenull4556 function TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromRawImage(ARawImage: TRawImage;
4557   DefaultOpacity: byte; AlwaysReplaceAlpha: boolean;
4558   RaiseErrorOnInvalidPixelFormat: boolean): boolean;
4559 begin
4560   result := false;
4561   NotImplemented;
4562 end;
4564 constructor TBGRAPtrBitmap.Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer; AData: Pointer);
4565 begin
4566   inherited Create(AWidth, AHeight);
4567   SetDataPtr(AData);
4568 end;
4570 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.SetDataPtr(AData: Pointer);
4571 begin
4572   FDataByte := AData;
4573 end;
4575 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.DataDrawTransparent(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4576   AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
4577 begin
4578   NotImplemented;
4579 end;
4581 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.DataDrawOpaque(ACanvas: TCanvas; Rect: TRect;
4582   AData: Pointer; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; AWidth, AHeight: integer);
4583 begin
4584   NotImplemented;
4585 end;
4587 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.GetImageFromCanvas(CanvasSource: TCanvas; x, y: integer
4588   );
4589 begin
4590   NotImplemented;
4591 end;
4593 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
4594 begin
4595   CannotResize;
4596 end;
4598 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.TakeScreenshot(ARect: TRect);
4599 begin
4600   CannotResize;
4601 end;
4603 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.TakeScreenshotOfPrimaryMonitor;
4604 begin
4605   CannotResize;
4606 end;
4608 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC);
4609 begin
4610   NotImplemented;
4611 end;
4613 procedure TBGRAPtrBitmap.LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC; ARect: TRect);
4614 begin
4615   NotImplemented;
4616 end;
4618 procedure BGRAGradientFill(bmp: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y, x2, y2: integer;
4619   c1, c2: TBGRAPixel; gtype: TGradientType; o1, o2: TPointF; mode: TDrawMode;
4620   gammaColorCorrection: boolean = True; Sinus: Boolean=False);
4621 begin
4622   bmp.GradientFill(x,y,x2,y2,c1,c2,gtype,o1,o2,mode,gammaColorCorrection,sinus);
4623 end;
4625 initialization
4627   with DefaultTextStyle do
4628   begin
4629     Alignment  := taLeftJustify;
4630     Layout     := tlTop;
4631     WordBreak  := True;
4632     SingleLine := True;
4633     Clipping   := True;
4634     ShowPrefix := False;
4635     Opaque     := False;
4636   end;
4638 end.