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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


MakefileH A D24-Oct-20001.7 KiB5219

READMEH A D27-Jul-2000456 128

build.ccH A D16-Jul-200038 KiB981704

build.hH A D16-Jul-20002.4 KiB6121

font3d.ccH A D16-Jul-2000111.6 KiB2,7381,990

font3d.defH A D25-Jul-20002.6 KiB7261

font3d.hH A D16-Jul-20006.7 KiB207148

font3d.incH A D16-Jul-20001.7 MiB19,68119,680

geometry.ccH A D16-Jul-200026.9 KiB813486

geometry.hH A D16-Jul-20007.3 KiB252155

truetype.ccH A D16-Jul-200067 KiB1,604862

truetype.hH A D16-Jul-200024 KiB619405

vector.hH A D16-Jul-20008.9 KiB228117


1I have modified Todd Prater's work to handle Tcl/Tk output.
3The bad new is that this converts True Type fonts into a
4vectorized format for ImPress...not Type 1 fonts.
6Send Todd some money and let him know you got it from
7ImPress (feel free to encourage him to GPL it).
9Todd has given his permission to distribute this with ImPress and
10in whatever Linux distribution that ImPress gets included in as
11long as his original readme.txt and files are intact.