1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Andrew Johnson, Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10     This unit defines the property editors for graphic types.
11 }
12 unit GraphPropEdits;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 interface
18 uses
19   Classes, TypInfo, SysUtils, Math,
20   // LCL
21   LCLType, Forms, Graphics, Buttons, Menus, Dialogs, Grids, ImgList, EditBtn,
22   // LazUtils
23   GraphType, UITypes, LazFileUtils,
24   // IdeIntf
25   PropEdits, GraphicPropEdit; // defines TGraphicPropertyEditorForm
27 type
28 { TGraphicPropertyEditor
29   The default property editor for all TGraphic's and sub types (e.g. TBitmap,
30   TPixmap, TIcon, etc.). }
32   TGraphicPropertyEditor = class(TClassPropertyEditor)
33   public
34     procedure Edit; override;
GetAttributesnull35     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
36   end;
38 { TPicturePropertyEditor
39   The default property editor for TPicture}
41   TPicturePropertyEditor = class(TGraphicPropertyEditor)
42   public
43     procedure Edit; override;
44   end;
46 { TButtonGlyphPropEditor
47   The default property editor for the Glyphs of TSpeedButton and TBitBtn }
48   TButtonGlyphPropEditor = class(TGraphicPropertyEditor)
49   public
50     procedure Edit; override;
51   end;
53 { TColorPropertyEditor
54   PropertyEditor editor for the TColor type. Displays the color as a clXXX value
55   if one exists, otherwise displays the value as hex.  Also allows the
56   clXXX value to be picked from a list. }
58   TColorPropertyEditor = class(TIntegerPropertyEditor)
59   public
60     procedure Edit; override;
GetAttributesnull61     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
OrdValueToVisualValuenull62     function OrdValueToVisualValue(OrdValue: longint): string; override;
63     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
64     procedure SetValue(const NewValue: ansistring); override;
65     procedure ListMeasureWidth(const {%H-}CurValue: ansistring; {%H-}Index: integer;
66       ACanvas: TCanvas; var AWidth: Integer);  override;
67     procedure ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring; Index: integer;
68       ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect:TRect; AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
69     procedure PropDrawValue(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
70       AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
71   end;
73 { TBrushStylePropertyEditor
74   PropertyEditor editor for TBrush's Style. Provides custom render. }
76   TBrushStylePropertyEditor = class(TEnumPropertyEditor)
77   public
GetAttributesnull78     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
79     procedure ListMeasureWidth(const {%H-}CurValue: ansistring; {%H-}Index:integer;
80       {%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas;  var AWidth: Integer); override;
81     procedure ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring; Index:integer;
82       ACanvas: TCanvas;  const ARect: TRect; AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
83     procedure PropDrawValue(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
84       AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
85   end;
87 { TPenStylePropertyEditor
88   PropertyEditor editor for TPen's Style. Simply provides custom render. }
90   TPenStylePropertyEditor = class(TEnumPropertyEditor)
91   public
GetAttributesnull92     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
93     procedure ListMeasureWidth(const {%H-}CurValue: ansistring; {%H-}Index:integer;
94       {%H-}ACanvas: TCanvas;  var AWidth: Integer); override;
95     procedure ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring; {%H-}Index:integer;
96       ACanvas: TCanvas;  const ARect: TRect; AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
97     procedure PropDrawValue(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
98       AState:TPropEditDrawState); override;
99   end;
101 { TFontPropertyEditor
102   PropertyEditor editor for the Font property.
103   Brings up the font dialog as well as allowing the properties of the object to
104   be edited. }
106   TFontPropertyEditor = class(TClassPropertyEditor)
107   public
108     procedure Edit; override;
GetAttributesnull109     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
110   end;
112 { TFontNamePropertyEditor
113   PropertyEditor editor for TFont.Name. Simply provides listing font names. }
115   TFontNamePropertyEditor = class(TStringPropertyEditor)
116   public
GetAttributesnull117     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
118     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
119   end;
121 { TFontCharsetPropertyEditor
122   PropertyEditor editor for the TFontCharset properties.
123   Displays Charset as constant name if exists, otherwise an integer. }
125   TFontCharsetPropertyEditor = class(TIntegerPropertyEditor)
126   public
GetAttributesnull127     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
OrdValueToVisualValuenull128     function OrdValueToVisualValue(OrdValue: longint): string; override;
129     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
130     procedure SetValue(const NewValue: ansistring); override;
131   end;
133 { TImageIndexPropertyEditor
134   PropertyEditor editor for ImageIndex. Provides list of glyphs. }
136   TImageIndexPropertyEditor = class(TIntegerPropertyEditor)
137   protected
GetImageListnull138     function GetImageList: TCustomImageList; virtual;
139   public
GetAttributesnull140     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
141     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
142     procedure ListMeasureHeight(const {%H-}AValue: ansistring; {%H-}Index:integer;
143       ACanvas:TCanvas; var AHeight: Integer); override;
144     procedure ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring; Index:integer;
145       ACanvas: TCanvas;  const ARect: TRect; AState: TPropEditDrawState); override;
146   end;
148 { TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor
149   ImageIndex property editor specialized for a grid's title and sort images. }
151   TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor = class(TImageIndexPropertyEditor)
152   protected
GetImageListnull153     function GetImageList: TCustomImageList; override;
154   end;
156 //==============================================================================
157 // Delphi Compatible Property Editor Classnames
159 type
160   TFontNameProperty =       TFontNamePropertyEditor;
161   //TFontCharsetProperty =    TFontCharsetPropertyEditor;
162   TColorProperty =          TColorPropertyEditor;
163   TBrushStyleProperty =     TBrushStylePropertyEditor;
164   TPenStyleProperty =       TPenStylePropertyEditor;
165   TFontProperty =           TFontPropertyEditor;
167 implementation
169 { TGraphicPropertyEditor }
171 procedure TGraphicPropertyEditor.Edit;
172 var
173   TheDialog: TGraphicPropertyEditorForm;
174   AGraphic: TGraphic;
175   FreeGraphic: Boolean;
176 begin
177   AGraphic := TGraphic(GetObjectValue(TGraphic));
178   TheDialog := TGraphicPropertyEditorForm.Create(nil);
179   FreeGraphic:=false;
180   try
181     TheDialog.CaptionDetail := GetComponent(0).GetNamePath + '.' + GetName();
182     if (AGraphic <> nil) then
183       TheDialog.Graphic := AGraphic;
185     if (TheDialog.ShowModal = mrOK) and TheDialog.Modified then
186     begin
187       if (TheDialog.Graphic <> nil) and (not TheDialog.Graphic.Empty) then
188       begin
189         if AGraphic = nil then
190         begin
191           AGraphic := TGraphicClass(GetTypeData(GetPropType)^.ClassType).Create;
192           FreeGraphic := True;
193         end;
195         AGraphic.Assign(TheDialog.Graphic);
197         if (AGraphic.ClassType = TheDialog.Graphic.ClassType)
198           and not AGraphic.Equals(TheDialog.Graphic) then
199         begin
200           if (TheDialog.FileName <> '') and FileExistsUTF8(TheDialog.FileName) then
201           begin
202             AGraphic.LoadFromFile(TheDialog.FileName);
203             //MessageDlg('Differences detected, file reloaded', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
204           end
205           else
206             //MessageDlg('Image may be different', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
207         end;
209         SetPtrValue(AGraphic);
210       end
211       else
212       if AGraphic <> nil then
213         AGraphic.Clear;
214       Modified;
215     end;
216   finally
217     if FreeGraphic then
218       AGraphic.Free;
219     TheDialog.Free;
220   end;
221 end;
GetAttributesnull223 function TGraphicPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
224 begin
225   Result := [paDialog, paRevertable, paReadOnly];
226 end;
228 { TPicturePropertyEditor }
230 procedure TPicturePropertyEditor.Edit;
232   procedure AddPackage(Picture: TPicture);
233   begin
234     if (Picture.Graphic=nil) or (GlobalDesignHook=nil) then exit;
235     //DebugLn(['AddPackage ',dbgsname(Picture.Graphic)]);
236     GlobalDesignHook.AddDependency(Picture.Graphic.ClassType,'');
237   end;
239 var
240   TheDialog: TGraphicPropertyEditorForm;
241   Picture: TPicture;
242 begin
243   Picture := TPicture(GetObjectValue(TPicture));
244   TheDialog := TGraphicPropertyEditorForm.Create(nil);
245   try
246     TheDialog.CaptionDetail := GetComponent(0).GetNamePath + '.' + GetName();
247     if (Picture.Graphic <> nil) then
248       TheDialog.Graphic := Picture.Graphic;
249     if (TheDialog.ShowModal = mrOK) and TheDialog.Modified then
250     begin
251       if TheDialog.Graphic <> nil then
252       begin
253         Picture.Graphic := TheDialog.Graphic;
254         if not Picture.Graphic.Equals(TheDialog.Graphic) then
255         begin
256           if (TheDialog.FileName <> '') and FileExistsUTF8(TheDialog.FileName) then
257           begin
258             Picture.LoadFromFile(TheDialog.FileName);
259             //MessageDlg('Differences detected, file reloaded', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
260           end
261           else
262             //MessageDlg('Image may be different', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
263         end;
264         AddPackage(Picture);
265       end
266       else
267         Picture.Graphic := nil;
268       Modified;
269     end;
270   finally
271     TheDialog.Free;
272   end;
273 end;
275 { TButtonGlyphPropEditor }
277 procedure TButtonGlyphPropEditor.Edit;
278 var
279   TheDialog: TGraphicPropertyEditorForm;
280   ABitmap: TBitmap;
281 begin
282   ABitmap := TBitmap(GetObjectValue(TBitmap));
283   TheDialog := TGraphicPropertyEditorForm.Create(nil);
284   try
285     TheDialog.CaptionDetail := GetComponent(0).GetNamePath + '.' + GetName();
286     if not ABitmap.Empty then
287       TheDialog.Graphic := ABitmap;
288     if (TheDialog.ShowModal = mrOK) and TheDialog.Modified then
289     begin
290       ABitmap.Assign(TheDialog.Graphic);
291       Modified;
292     end;
293   finally
294     TheDialog.Free;
295   end;
296 end;
298 { TColorPropertyEditor }
300 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.Edit;
301 var
302   ColorDialog: TColorDialog;
303 begin
304   ColorDialog := TColorDialog.Create(nil);
305   try
306     ColorDialog.Color := GetOrdValue;
307     if ColorDialog.Execute then
308       SetOrdValue(ColorDialog.Color);
309   finally
310     ColorDialog.Free;
311   end;
312 end;
GetAttributesnull314 function TColorPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
315 begin
316   Result := [paMultiSelect,paDialog,paValueList,paCustomDrawn,paRevertable];
317 end;
OrdValueToVisualValuenull319 function TColorPropertyEditor.OrdValueToVisualValue(OrdValue: longint): string;
320 begin
321   Result := ColorToString(TColor(OrdValue));
322 end;
324 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
325 var
326   CValue: Longint;
327 begin
328   if not IdentToColor(GetVisualValue, CValue) then Proc(GetVisualValue);
329   GetColorValues(Proc);
330 end;
332 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.PropDrawValue(ACanvas:TCanvas; const ARect:TRect;
333   AState:TPropEditDrawState);
334 begin
335   if GetVisualValue <> '' then
336     ListDrawValue(GetVisualValue, -1, ACanvas, ARect, [pedsInEdit])
337   else
338     inherited PropDrawValue(ACanvas, ARect, AState);
339 end;
341 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.ListDrawValue(const CurValue:ansistring;
342   Index:integer; ACanvas:TCanvas;  const ARect:TRect;
343   AState: TPropEditDrawState);
ColorToBorderColornull345   function ColorToBorderColor(AColor: TColorRef): TColor;
346   type
347     TColorQuad = record
348       Red,
349       Green,
350       Blue,
351       Alpha: Byte;
352     end;
353   begin
354     if (TColorQuad(AColor).Red > 192) or
355        (TColorQuad(AColor).Green > 192) or
356        (TColorQuad(AColor).Blue > 192) then
357       Result := clBlack
358     else
359       if pedsInEdit in AState then
360       begin
361         if pedsSelected in AState then
362           Result := clWindow
363         else
364          Result := TColor(AColor);
365       end else
366       begin
367         if pedsSelected in AState then
368           Result := clHighlight
369         else
370          Result := clWindow;
371       end;
372   end;
373 var
374   vRight, vBottom: Integer;
375   vOldPenColor, vOldBrushColor: TColor;
376   vOldPenStyle: TPenStyle;
377   noFill: Boolean;
378 begin
379   vRight := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) + ARect.Left - 2;
380   vBottom:=ARect.Bottom-2;
381   with ACanvas do
382   begin
383     // save off things
384     vOldPenStyle := Pen.Style;
385     vOldPenColor := Pen.Color;
386     vOldBrushColor := Brush.Color;
388     // set things up and do the work
389     noFill := CurValue = 'clNone';
390     if noFill then
391       Brush.Color := clWindow
392     else
393       Brush.Color := StringToColorDef(CurValue,clNone);
394     Pen.Color := ColorToBorderColor(ColorToRGB(Brush.Color));
395     Rectangle(ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + 1, vRight - 1, vBottom - 1);
396     if noFill then
397     begin
398       Line(ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + 1, vRight - 2, vBottom - 2);
399       Line(ARect.Left + 1, vBottom - 2, vRight - 2, ARect.Top + 1);
400     end;
402     // restore the things we twiddled with
403     Brush.Color := vOldBrushColor;
404     Pen.Color := vOldPenColor;
405     Pen.Style := vOldPenStyle;
406   end;
407   inherited ListDrawValue(CurValue, Index, ACanvas,
408                           Rect(vRight, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom),
409                           AState);
410 end;
412 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.ListMeasureWidth(const CurValue:ansistring;
413   Index:integer; ACanvas:TCanvas;  var AWidth:Integer);
414 begin
415   AWidth := ACanvas.TextWidth('clGradientInactiveCaption')+25;
416 end;
418 procedure TColorPropertyEditor.SetValue(const NewValue: ansistring);
419 var
420   CValue: Longint;
421 begin
422   if IdentToColor(NewValue, CValue) then
423     SetOrdValue(CValue)
424   else
425     inherited SetValue(NewValue);
426 end;
GetAttributesnull428 function TFontNamePropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
429 begin
430   Result := [paMultiSelect, paValueList, paRevertable];
431 end;
433 procedure TFontNamePropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
434 var
435   I: Integer;
436 begin
437   Proc('default');
438   for I := 0 to Screen.Fonts.Count -1 do
439     Proc(Screen.Fonts[I]);
440 end;
442 { TFontCharsetPropertyEditor }
GetAttributesnull444 function TFontCharsetPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
445 begin
446   Result:=[paMultiSelect,paSortList,paValueList,paRevertable];
447 end;
OrdValueToVisualValuenull449 function TFontCharsetPropertyEditor.OrdValueToVisualValue(OrdValue: longint
450   ): string;
451 begin
452   Result := CharsetToString(OrdValue);
453 end;
455 procedure TFontCharsetPropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
456 begin
457   proc(CharsetToString(ANSI_CHARSET));
458   proc(CharsetToString(DEFAULT_CHARSET));
459   proc(CharsetToString(SYMBOL_CHARSET));
460   proc(CharsetToString(MAC_CHARSET));
461   proc(CharsetToString(SHIFTJIS_CHARSET));
462   proc(CharsetToString(HANGEUL_CHARSET));
463   proc(CharsetToString(JOHAB_CHARSET));
464   proc(CharsetToString(GB2312_CHARSET));
465   proc(CharsetToString(CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET));
466   proc(CharsetToString(GREEK_CHARSET));
467   proc(CharsetToString(TURKISH_CHARSET));
468   proc(CharsetToString(VIETNAMESE_CHARSET));
469   proc(CharsetToString(HEBREW_CHARSET));
470   proc(CharsetToString(ARABIC_CHARSET));
471   proc(CharsetToString(BALTIC_CHARSET));
472   proc(CharsetToString(RUSSIAN_CHARSET));
473   proc(CharsetToString(THAI_CHARSET));
474   proc(CharsetToString(EASTEUROPE_CHARSET));
475   proc(CharsetToString(OEM_CHARSET));
476   proc(CharsetToString(FCS_ISO_10646_1));
477 end;
479 procedure TFontCharsetPropertyEditor.SetValue(const NewValue: ansistring);
480 var
481   CValue: Longint;
482 begin
483   if not SameText(NewValue, 'DEFAULT_CHARSET') then
484   begin
485     CValue := StringToCharset(NewValue);
486     if CValue = DEFAULT_CHARSET then
487       inherited SetValue(NewValue)
488     else
489       SetOrdValue(CValue);
490   end
491   else
492     SetOrdValue(DEFAULT_CHARSET);
493 end;
495 { TBrushStylePropertyEditor }
497 procedure TBrushStylePropertyEditor.PropDrawValue(ACanvas: TCanvas;
498   const ARect: TRect;  AState:TPropEditDrawState);
499 begin
500   if GetVisualValue <> '' then
501     ListDrawValue(GetVisualValue, -1, ACanvas, ARect, [pedsInEdit])
502   else
503     inherited PropDrawValue(ACanvas, ARect, AState);
504 end;
506 procedure TBrushStylePropertyEditor.ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring;
507   Index:integer;  ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AState:TPropEditDrawState);
508 var
509   vRight, vBottom: Integer;
510   vOldPenColor, vOldBrushColor: TColor;
511   vOldBrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
512 begin
513   vRight := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) {* 2} + ARect.Left -2;
514   vBottom:= ARect.Bottom-2;
515   with ACanvas do
516   try
517     // save off things
518     vOldPenColor := Pen.Color;
519     vOldBrushColor := Brush.Color;
520     vOldBrushStyle := Brush.Style;
522     // frame things
523     Pen.Color := Brush.Color;
524     Brush.Color := clWindow;
525     Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, vRight, vBottom);
527     // set things up
528     Pen.Color := clWindowText;
529     Brush.Style := TBrushStyle(GetEnumValue(GetPropInfo^.PropType, CurValue));
531     // bsClear hack
532     if Brush.Style = bsClear then begin
533       Brush.Color := clWindow;
534       Brush.Style := bsSolid;
535     end
536     else
537       Brush.Color := clWindowText;
539     // ok on with the show
540     Rectangle(ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + 1, vRight - 1, vBottom - 1);
542     // restore the things we twiddled with
543     Brush.Color := vOldBrushColor;
544     Brush.Style := vOldBrushStyle;
545     Pen.Color := vOldPenColor;
546   finally
547     inherited ListDrawValue(CurValue, Index, ACanvas,
548                             Rect(vRight, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom),
549                             AState);
550   end;
551 end;
GetAttributesnull553 function TBrushStylePropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
554 begin
555   Result:=(inherited GetAttributes)+[paCustomDrawn];
556 end;
558 procedure TBrushStylePropertyEditor.ListMeasureWidth(const CurValue: ansistring;
559   Index:integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; var AWidth: Integer);
560 begin
561   AWidth := 130;
562 end;
564 { TPenStylePropertyEditor }
566 procedure TPenStylePropertyEditor.PropDrawValue(ACanvas: TCanvas;
567   const ARect: TRect;  AState:TPropEditDrawState);
568 begin
569   if GetVisualValue <> '' then
570     ListDrawValue(GetVisualValue, -1, ACanvas, ARect, [pedsInEdit])
571   else
572     inherited PropDrawValue(ACanvas, ARect, AState);
573 end;
575 procedure TPenStylePropertyEditor.ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring;
576   Index:integer;  ACanvas: TCanvas;
577   const ARect: TRect; AState:TPropEditDrawState);
578 var
579   vRight, vTop, vBottom: Integer;
580   vOldPenColor, vOldBrushColor: TColor;
581   vOldPenStyle: TPenStyle;
582   i: Integer;
583 begin
584   vRight := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) * 2 + ARect.Left;
585   vTop := (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) div 2 + ARect.Top;
586   vBottom := ARect.Bottom-2;
587   with ACanvas do
588   try
589     // save off things
590     vOldPenColor := Pen.Color;
591     vOldBrushColor := Brush.Color;
592     vOldPenStyle := Pen.Style;
594     // frame things
595     Pen.Color := Brush.Color;
596     Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, vRight, vBottom);
598     // white out the background
599     Pen.Color := clWindowText;
600     Brush.Color := clWindow;
601     Rectangle(ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + 1, vRight - 1, vBottom - 1);
603     // set thing up and do work
604     Pen.Color := clWindowText;
605     i:=GetEnumValue(GetPropInfo^.PropType, CurValue);
606     Pen.Style := TPenStyle(i);
607     MoveTo(ARect.Left + 1, vTop);
608     LineTo(vRight - 1, vTop);
609     MoveTo(ARect.Left + 1, vTop + 1);
610     LineTo(vRight - 1, vTop + 1);
612     // restore the things we twiddled with
613     Brush.Color := vOldBrushColor;
614     Pen.Style := vOldPenStyle;
615     Pen.Color := vOldPenColor;
616   finally
617     inherited ListDrawValue(CurValue, -1, ACanvas,
618                             Rect(vRight, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom),
619                             AState);
620   end;
621 end;
GetAttributesnull623 function TPenStylePropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
624 begin
625   Result:=(inherited GetAttributes)+[paCustomDrawn];
626 end;
628 procedure TPenStylePropertyEditor.ListMeasureWidth(const CurValue: ansistring;
629   Index:integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; var AWidth: Integer);
630 begin
631   AWidth := 130;
632 end;
634 { TFontPropertyEditor }
636 procedure TFontPropertyEditor.Edit;
637 var FontDialog: TFontDialog;
638 begin
639   FontDialog := TFontDialog.Create(nil);
640   try
641     FontDialog.Font := TFont(GetObjectValue(TFont));
642     FontDialog.Options := FontDialog.Options + [fdShowHelp, fdForceFontExist];
643     if FontDialog.Execute then
644       SetPtrValue(FontDialog.Font);
645   finally
646     FontDialog.Free;
647   end;
648 end;
GetAttributesnull650 function TFontPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
651 begin
652   Result := [paMultiSelect, paSubProperties, paDialog, paReadOnly];
653 end;
656 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658 { TImageIndexPropertyEditor }
660 type
661   TOwnedCollectionHelper = class(TOwnedCollection)
662   end;
TImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetImageListnull664 function TImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetImageList: TCustomImageList;
665 var
666   Persistent: TPersistent;
667   Component: TComponent absolute Persistent;
668   PropInfo: PPropInfo;
669   Obj: TObject;
670 begin
671   Result := nil;
672   Persistent := GetComponent(0);
674   if (Persistent is TCollectionItem) and
675     (TCollectionItem(Persistent).Collection <> nil) and
676     (TCollectionItem(Persistent).Collection is TOwnedCollection) and
677     (TOwnedCollectionHelper(TCollectionItem(Persistent).Collection).Owner <> nil) and
678     (TOwnedCollectionHelper(TCollectionItem(Persistent).Collection).Owner is TComponent) then
679   begin
680     Component := TComponent(TOwnedCollectionHelper(TCollectionItem(Persistent).Collection).Owner);
681     PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(Component, 'Images');
682     if PropInfo = nil then
683       Exit;
684     Obj := GetObjectProp(Component, PropInfo);
685     if Obj is TCustomImageList then
686       Exit(TCustomImageList(Obj));
687     Exit;
688   end
689   else
690     if not (Persistent is TComponent) then
691       Exit;
693   if Component is TMenuItem then
694   begin
695     Component := Component.GetParentComponent;
696     while (Component <> nil) do
697     begin
698       if (Component is TMenuItem) and (TMenuItem(Component).SubMenuImages <> nil) then
699         Exit(TMenuItem(Component).SubMenuImages);
700       if (Component is TMenu) then
701         Exit(TMenu(Component).Images);
702       Component := Component.GetParentComponent;
703     end;
704   end
705   else
706   begin
707     if not (
708          (Component is TCustomSpeedButton)
709       or (Component is TCustomBitBtn)
710       or (Component is TCustomEditButton))
711     then
712       Component := Component.GetParentComponent;
713     if Component = nil then
714       Exit;
715     PropInfo := TypInfo.GetPropInfo(Component, 'Images');
716     if PropInfo = nil then
717       Exit;
718     Obj := GetObjectProp(Component, PropInfo);
719     if Obj is TCustomImageList then
720       Exit(TCustomImageList(Obj));
721   end;
722 end;
GetAttributesnull724 function TImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
725 begin
726   Result := [paValueList, paCustomDrawn, paRevertable];
727 end;
729 procedure TImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
730 var
731   Images: TCustomImageList;
732   I, DefValue: Integer;
733 begin
734   Proc(IntToStr(-1));
735   DefValue := GetDefaultOrdValue;
736   if (DefValue <> NoDefaultValue) and (DefValue <> -1) then
737     Proc(IntToStr(DefValue));
738   Images := GetImageList;
739   if Assigned(Images) then
740     for I := 0 to Images.Count - 1 do
741       if (I <> DefValue) then
742         Proc(IntToStr(I));
743 end;
745 procedure TImageIndexPropertyEditor.ListMeasureHeight(const AValue: ansistring;
746   Index: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; var AHeight: Integer);
747 var
748   Images: TCustomImageList;
749 begin
750   AHeight := ACanvas.TextHeight('1');
751   Images := GetImageList;
752   if Assigned(Images) then
753     AHeight := Max(AHeight, Images.Height + 2);
754 end;
756 procedure TImageIndexPropertyEditor.ListDrawValue(const CurValue: ansistring;
757   Index: integer; ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect; AState: TPropEditDrawState);
758 var
759   Images: TCustomImageList;
760   R: TRect;
761   dh: Integer;
762 begin
763   if GetDefaultOrdValue <> NoDefaultValue then
764     Dec(Index);
765   Images := GetImageList;
766   R := ARect;
767   dh := R.Bottom - R.Top;  // Rect height.
768   if Assigned(Images) then
769   begin
770     if (pedsInComboList in AState) and not (pedsInEdit in AState) then
771     begin
772       if pedsSelected in AState then
773         ACanvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight
774       else
775         ACanvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
776       ACanvas.FillRect(R);
777     end;
778     Images.Draw(ACanvas, R.Left + 1, R.Top + 1, Index);
779     Inc(R.Left, Images.Width + 2);
780     // The numeric value in list goes too low without an adjustment. Why?
781     Dec(R.Top, (dh - ACanvas.TextHeight(CurValue)) div 2);
782   end;
783   inherited ListDrawValue(CurValue, Index, ACanvas, R, AState);
784 end;
786 { TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor }
788 type
789   TCustomGridOpener = class(TCustomGrid);
TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetImagelistnull791 function TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor.GetImagelist: TCustomImagelist;
792 var
793   p: TPersistent;
794 begin
795   Result := nil;
796   p := GetComponent(0);
797   if (p is TGridColumnTitle) then begin
798     p := TGridColumnTitle(p).Column;
799     if not (p is TGridColumn) then exit;
800     p := TGridColumn(p).Collection;
801     if not (p is TGridColumns) then exit;
802     p := TGridColumns(p).Grid;
803   end;
804   if p is TCustomGrid then
805     Result := TCustomGridOpener(p).TitleImageList
806 end;
808 initialization
809   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TGraphicsColor), nil, '', TColorPropertyEditor);
810   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TPenStyle), nil, '', TPenStylePropertyEditor);
811   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TBrushStyle), nil, '', TBrushStylePropertyEditor);
812   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(AnsiString), TFont, 'Name', TFontNamePropertyEditor);
813   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TFontCharset), nil, 'CharSet', TFontCharsetPropertyEditor);
814   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TPersistent, 'ImageIndex', TImageIndexPropertyEditor);
815   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TPersistent, 'OverlayImageIndex', TImageIndexPropertyEditor);
816   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TPersistent, 'SelectedImageIndex', TImageIndexPropertyEditor);
817   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TGridColumnTitle, 'ImageIndex', TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor);
818   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TCustomGrid, 'ImageIndexSortAsc', TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor);
819   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TImageIndex), TCustomGrid, 'ImageIndexSortDesc', TGridImageIndexPropertyEditor);
820   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TFont), nil,'',TFontPropertyEditor);
821   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TGraphic), nil,'',TGraphicPropertyEditor);
822   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TPicture), nil,'',TPicturePropertyEditor);
823   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TBitmap), TSpeedButton,'Glyph', TButtonGlyphPropEditor);
824   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TBitmap), TBitBtn,'Glyph', TButtonGlyphPropEditor);
826 end.