1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10    Provides LCL controls that access properties of TPersistent objects via RTTI
11    - the FreePascal Run Time Type Information.
12    Every published property can be edited in the Object Inspector. There you
13    have a TOIPropertyGrid working with TEdit, TComboBox and TButton.
14    These controls extends the possibilities to edit single properties and the
15    developer can choose how to represent the property.
17   ToDo:
18     - ploReadOnly
19 }
20 unit RTTICtrls;
22 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
24 interface
26 uses
27   Classes, SysUtils, TypInfo, LResources, LCLProc, LCLType, LCLIntf, Forms,
28   Controls, Graphics, MaskEdit, Calendar, Spin, Dialogs, CheckLst, ComCtrls,
29   StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, GraphPropEdits, PropEdits;
31 type
32   { TAliasStrings }
33   { Maps strings to alias strings.
34     Some RTTI controls uses this to map RTTI values to shown values.
35     Eventually accelerate search for Names and Values }
37   TAliasStrings = class(TStringList)
38   public
IndexOfValuenull39     function IndexOfValue(const AValue: string): integer; virtual;
ValueAtnull40     function ValueAt(Index: integer): string; virtual;
ValueToAliasnull41     function ValueToAlias(const AValue: string): string; virtual;
AliasToValuenull42     function AliasToValue(const Alias: string): string; virtual;
43   end;
46   { TPropertyLinkNotifier }
48   TCustomPropertyLink = class;
50   TPropertyLinkNotifier = class(TComponent)
51   private
52     FLink: TCustomPropertyLink;
53   protected
54     procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
55                            Operation: TOperation); override;
56   public
57     constructor Create(TheLink: TCustomPropertyLink); reintroduce;
58     property Link: TCustomPropertyLink read FLink;
59   end;
62   { TCustomPropertyLink
63     The connection between an RTTI control and a property editor }
65   TPropertyLinkOption = (
66     ploReadOnIdle,
67     ploAutoSave // auto save on EditingDone
68     //ToDo: ploDisableOnNil // disable control, if link not connected
69     //ToDo: ploReadOnly
70     );
71   TPropertyLinkOptions = set of TPropertyLinkOption;
73 Const
74   DefaultLinkOptions = [ploReadOnIdle,ploAutoSave];
76 Type
endernull78   TTestEditing = function(Sender: TObject): boolean of object;
79   TBeforeWriteProperty = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AllowWrite: boolean) of object;
81   { TCustomPropertyLink }
83   TCustomPropertyLink = class(TPersistent)
84   private
85     FAliasValues: TAliasStrings;
86     FCollectedValues: TStrings;
87     FCollectValues: boolean;
88     FEditor: TPropertyEditor;
89     FFilter: TTypeKinds;
90     FHook: TPropertyEditorHook;
91     FIdleHandlerConnected: boolean;
92     FLinkNotifier: TPropertyLinkNotifier;
93     FOnAfterWrite: TNotifyEvent;
94     FOnBeforeWrite: TBeforeWriteProperty;
95     FOnEditorChanged: TNotifyEvent;
96     FOnLoadFromProperty: TNotifyEvent;
97     FOnSaveToProperty: TNotifyEvent;
98     FOnTestEditing: TTestEditing;
99     FOnTestEditor: TPropertyEditorFilterFunc;
100     FOptions: TPropertyLinkOptions;
101     FOwner: TComponent;
102     FPropertyLoaded: boolean;
103     FSaveEnabled: boolean;
104     FTIElementName: string;
105     FTIObject: TPersistent;
106     FTIPropertyName: string;
107     procedure SetCollectValues(const AValue: boolean);
108     procedure SetEditor(const AValue: TPropertyEditor);
109     procedure SetFilter(const AValue: TTypeKinds);
110     procedure SetOptions(const NewOptions: TPropertyLinkOptions);
111     procedure SetTIElementName(const AValue: string);
112     procedure SetTIObject(const AValue: TPersistent);
113     procedure SetTIPropertyName(const AValue: string);
114   protected
GetCanModifynull115     function GetCanModify: boolean; virtual;
116     procedure EditorChanged; virtual;
117     procedure SetPropertyEditor(APropertyEditor: TPropertyEditor); virtual;
CheckPropInfonull118     function CheckPropInfo(const APropInfo: PPropInfo): boolean; virtual;
119     procedure CreateHook; virtual;
120     procedure UpdateIdleHandler; virtual;
121     procedure OnApplicationIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean); virtual;
122     procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
123                            Operation: TOperation); virtual;
124     procedure GetEditorValues(const NewValue: string); virtual;
125   public
126     constructor Create;
127     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
128     destructor Destroy; override;
129     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
130     procedure SetObjectAndProperty(NewPersistent: TPersistent;
131                                    const NewPropertyName: string);
132     procedure SetObjectAndProperty(NewPersistent: TPersistent;
133                                  const NewPropertyName, NewElementName: string);
134     procedure InvalidateEditor; virtual;
135     procedure CreateEditor; virtual;
136     procedure FetchValues; virtual;
137     procedure LoadFromProperty; virtual;
138     procedure SaveToProperty; virtual;
139     procedure EditingDone; virtual;
140     procedure SetAsText(const NewText: string);
GetAsTextnull141     function GetAsText: string;
142     procedure SetAsInt(const NewInt: integer);
GetAsIntnull143     function GetAsInt: integer;
CheckBeforeWritenull144     function CheckBeforeWrite: boolean;
145     procedure CheckAfterWrite;
146     procedure DoError(Writing: boolean; E: Exception); virtual;
147   public
148     // alias values
149     procedure MapValues(Values, AliasStrings: TStrings;
150                         var MappedValues: TStrings;
151                         UseAllExistingAlias, AddValuesWithoutAlias,
152                         IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias: boolean);
153     procedure MapCollectedValues(AliasStrings: TStrings;
154                                  var MappedValues: TStrings;
155                                  UseAllExistingAlias, AddValuesWithoutAlias,
156                                  IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias: boolean);
157     procedure AssignCollectedAliasValuesTo(DestList: TStrings;
158                                            KeepIfNoneCollected: boolean = true);
HasAliasValuesnull159     function HasAliasValues: boolean;
160     procedure BuildEnumAliasValues(AStringArray: PString);
161   public
162     // for Set property editors
163     procedure AssignSetEnumsAliasTo(DestList: TStrings);
GetSetElementValuenull164     function GetSetElementValue(const AliasName: string): boolean;
165     procedure SetSetElementValue(const AliasName: string; NewValue: boolean);
GetIndexOfSetElementnull166     function GetIndexOfSetElement(const AliasName: string): integer;
GetSetTypeDatanull167     function GetSetTypeData(out CompData: PTypeInfo;
168                             out TypeData: PTypeData): boolean;
169   public
170     property AliasValues: TAliasStrings read FAliasValues;
171     property CanModify: boolean read GetCanModify;
172     property CollectedValues: TStrings read FCollectedValues write FCollectedValues;
173     property CollectValues: boolean read FCollectValues write SetCollectValues;
174     property Editor: TPropertyEditor read FEditor write SetEditor;
175     property Filter: TTypeKinds read FFilter write SetFilter default AllTypeKinds;
176     property Hook: TPropertyEditorHook read FHook;
177     property LinkNotifier: TPropertyLinkNotifier read FLinkNotifier;
178     property OnEditorChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditorChanged write FOnEditorChanged;
179     property OnLoadFromProperty: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoadFromProperty write FOnLoadFromProperty;// do not publish, it is used by the TTI controls
180     property OnSaveToProperty: TNotifyEvent read FOnSaveToProperty write FOnSaveToProperty;// do not publish, it is used by the TTI controls
181     property OnBeforeWrite: TBeforeWriteProperty read FOnBeforeWrite write FOnBeforeWrite;
182     property OnAfterWrite: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterWrite write FOnAfterWrite;
183     property OnTestEditing: TTestEditing read FOnTestEditing write FOnTestEditing;
184     property OnTestEditor: TPropertyEditorFilterFunc read FOnTestEditor write FOnTestEditor;
185     property Options: TPropertyLinkOptions read FOptions write SetOptions default DefaultLinkOptions;
186     property Owner: TComponent read FOwner;
187     property SaveEnabled: boolean read FSaveEnabled write FSaveEnabled;
188     property PropertyLoaded: boolean read FPropertyLoaded write FPropertyLoaded;
189     property TIObject: TPersistent read FTIObject write SetTIObject;
190     property TIPropertyName: string read FTIPropertyName write SetTIPropertyName;
191     property TIElementName: string read FTIElementName write SetTIElementName;
192   end;
195   { TPropertyLink }
197   TPropertyLink = class(TCustomPropertyLink)
198   private
199     procedure ReadAliasValuesData(Reader: TReader);
200     procedure WriteAliasValuesData(Writer: TWriter);
201   protected
202     procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
203   published
204     property AliasValues;
205     property OnBeforeWrite;
206     property OnAfterWrite;
207     property Options;
208     property TIObject;
209     property TIPropertyName;
210     property TIElementName;
211   end;
214   { TPropertyLinkPropertyEditor }
216   TPropertyLinkPropertyEditor = class(TClassPropertyEditor)
217   public
GetAttributesnull218     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
219   end;
222   { TTIObjectPropertyEditor }
224   TTIObjectPropertyEditor = class(TPersistentPropertyEditor)
225   end;
228   { TPropertyNamePropertyEditor
229     Property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.TIPropertyName, showing
230     all compatible properties. }
232   TPropertyNamePropertyEditor = class(TStringPropertyEditor)
233   protected
234     FPropEdits: TList; // list of TPropertyEditor
235     procedure GetCompatiblePropEdits(Prop: TPropertyEditor);
TestEditornull236     function TestEditor(const Prop: TPropertyEditor): boolean;
237   public
GetAttributesnull238     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
GetEditLimitnull239     function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
240     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStringProc); override;
241   end;
244   { TTIElementNamePropertyEditor
245     Property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.TIElementName, showing
246     all elements. }
248   TTIElementNamePropertyEditor = class(TStringPropertyEditor)
249   protected
250     FPropEdits: TList; // list of TPropertyEditor for TIPropertyName
251     FElementPropEdits: TList; // list of TPropertyEditor for TIElementName
252     procedure GetCompatiblePropEdits(Prop: TPropertyEditor);
253     procedure GetElementPropEdits(Prop: TPropertyEditor);
TestEditornull254     function TestEditor(const Prop: TPropertyEditor): boolean;
255   public
GetAttributesnull256     function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
GetEditLimitnull257     function GetEditLimit: Integer; override;
258     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStringProc); override;
259   end;
262   { TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg }
264   TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg = class(TStringsPropEditorDlg)
265     GetDefaultValuesButton: TButton;
266     procedure GetDefaultValuesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
267   protected
268     FCollectedValues: TAliasStrings;
269     procedure AddValue(const s: string); virtual;
270   public
271     procedure AddButtons; override;
272   end;
275   { TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor
276     Property Editor for TCustomPropertyLink.AliasValues, providing a dialog
277     to edit }
279   TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor = class(TStringsPropertyEditor)
280   public
CreateDlgnull281     function CreateDlg(s: TStrings): TStringsPropEditorDlg; override;
282   end;
285   { TMultiPropertyLink
286     A component to switch the TIObjects of multiple RTTI controls at once. }
288   TMultiPropertyLink = class(TComponent)
289   private
290     FTIObject: TPersistent;
291     FMaintainGrandChilds: boolean;
292     FMaintainSiblings: boolean;
293     FOnSetTIObject: TNotifyEvent;
294     FParentControl: TWinControl;
295     FRootComponent: TComponent;
296     procedure SetTIObject(const AValue: TPersistent);
297     procedure SetMaintainGrandChilds(const AValue: boolean);
298     procedure SetMaintainSiblings(const AValue: boolean);
299     procedure SetParentControl(const AValue: TWinControl);
300     procedure SetRootComponent(const AValue: TComponent);
301   public
302     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
303     procedure SetLinks;
304     procedure SetLinksForChildControls(AParent: TWinControl;
305                                        WithGrandChilds: boolean);
306     procedure SetLinksForChildComponents(AComponent: TComponent);
307     procedure Loaded; override;
308   published
309     property TIObject: TPersistent read FTIObject write SetTIObject;
310     property OnSetTIObject: TNotifyEvent Read FOnSetTIObject Write FOnSetTIObject;
311     property ParentControl: TWinControl read FParentControl write SetParentControl;
312     property RootComponent: TComponent read FRootComponent write SetRootComponent;
313     property MaintainGrandChilds: boolean read FMaintainGrandChilds
314                                           write SetMaintainGrandChilds;
315     property MaintainSiblings: boolean read FMaintainSiblings
316                                        write SetMaintainSiblings default true;
317   end;
320   { TTICustomEdit }
322   TTICustomEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
323   private
324     FLink: TPropertyLink;
325     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
326   protected
327     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
328     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
329   public
330     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
331     destructor Destroy; override;
332     procedure Loaded; override;
333     procedure EditingDone; override;
334     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
335   end;
338   { TTIEdit }
340   TTIEdit = class(TTICustomEdit)
341   published
342     property Action;
343     property Align;
344     property Anchors;
345     property AutoSize;
346     property BorderSpacing;
347     property Constraints;
348     property CharCase;
349     property DragMode;
350     property EchoMode;
351     property Enabled;
352     property Link;
353     property MaxLength;
354     property OnChange;
355     property OnChangeBounds;
356     property OnClick;
357     property OnEditingDone;
358     property OnEnter;
359     property OnExit;
360     Property OnKeyDown;
361     property OnKeyPress;
362     Property OnKeyUp;
363     Property OnMouseDown;
364     Property OnMouseMove;
365     property OnMouseUp;
366     property OnResize;
367     property ParentFont;
368     property ParentShowHint;
369     property PasswordChar;
370     property PopupMenu;
371     property ReadOnly;
372     property ShowHint;
373     property TabStop;
374     property TabOrder;
375     property Visible;
376   end;
379   { TTICustomMaskEdit }
381   TTICustomMaskEdit = class(TCustomMaskEdit)
382   private
383     FLink: TPropertyLink;
384     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
385   protected
386     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
387     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
388   public
389     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
390     destructor Destroy; override;
391     procedure Loaded; override;
392     procedure EditingDone; override;
393     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
394   end;
397   { TTIMaskEdit }
399   TTIMaskEdit = class(TTICustomMaskEdit)
400   published
401     property Align;
402     property Anchors;
403     property AutoSize;
404     property BorderSpacing;
405     property CharCase;
406     property Color;
407     property Constraints;
408     property DragCursor;
409     property DragKind;
410     property DragMode;
411     property Enabled;
412     property EditMask;
413     property Font;
414     property Link;
415     property MaxLength;
416     property ParentColor;
417     property ParentFont;
418     property ParentShowHint;
419     property PasswordChar;
420     property PopupMenu;
421     property ReadOnly;
422     property ShowHint;
423     property TabOrder;
424     property TabStop;
425     property Visible;
426     property OnChange;
427     property OnClick;
428     property OnDblClick;
429     property OnDragDrop;
430     property OnDragOver;
431     property OnEditingDone;
432     property OnEndDrag;
433     property OnEnter;
434     property OnExit;
435     property OnKeyDown;
436     property OnKeyPress;
437     property OnKeyUp;
438     property OnMouseDown;
439     property OnMouseMove;
440     property OnMouseUp;
441     property OnStartDrag;
442   end;
445   { TTICustomComboBox }
447   TTICustomComboBox = class(TCustomComboBox)
448   private
449     FHistoryCaseSensitive: boolean;
450     FLink: TPropertyLink;
451     FMaxHistoryCount: integer;
452     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
453     procedure SetMaxHistoryCount(const AValue: integer);
454   protected
455     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
456     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
457     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
LinkTestEditingnull458     function LinkTestEditing(Sender: TObject): boolean;
459     procedure GetItems; override;
460     procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
461   public
462     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
463     destructor Destroy; override;
464     procedure Loaded; override;
465     procedure EditingDone; override;
466     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
467     property MaxHistoryCount: integer read FMaxHistoryCount
468            write SetMaxHistoryCount;// set this to a value > 0 to enable history
469     property HistoryCaseSensitive: boolean read FHistoryCaseSensitive
470                                            write FHistoryCaseSensitive;
471   end;
474   { TTIComboBox }
476   TTIComboBox = class(TTICustomComboBox)
477   public
478     property ItemIndex;
479   published
480     property Align;
481     property Anchors;
482     property ArrowKeysTraverseList;
483     property AutoComplete;
484     property AutoCompleteText;
485     property AutoDropDown;
486     property BorderSpacing;
487     property DropDownCount;
488     property Enabled;
489     property Font;
490     property HistoryCaseSensitive;
491     property Link;
492     property MaxHistoryCount;
493     property MaxLength;
494     property OnChange;
495     property OnChangeBounds;
496     property OnClick;
497     property OnCloseUp;
498     property OnDrawItem;
499     property OnDropDown;
500     property OnEditingDone;
501     property OnEnter;
502     property OnExit;
503     property OnGetItems;
504     property OnKeyDown;
505     property OnKeyPress;
506     property OnKeyUp;
507     property OnMouseDown;
508     property OnMouseMove;
509     property OnMouseUp;
510     property OnSelect;
511     property ParentFont;
512     property ParentShowHint;
513     property ShowHint;
514     property Sorted;
515     property Style;
516     property TabOrder;
517     property TabStop;
518     property Visible;
519   end;
522   { TTICustomRadioGroup }
524   TTICustomRadioGroup = class(TCustomRadioGroup)
525   private
526     FLink: TPropertyLink;
527     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
528   protected
529     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
530     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
531     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
532   public
533     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
534     destructor Destroy; override;
535     procedure Loaded; override;
536     procedure EditingDone; override;
537     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
538   end;
541   { TTIRadioGroup }
543   TTIRadioGroup = class(TTICustomRadioGroup)
544   published
545     property Align;
546     property Anchors;
547     property BorderSpacing;
548     property Caption;
549     property ChildSizing;
550     property Color;
551     property ColumnLayout;
552     property Columns;
553     property Constraints;
554     property Enabled;
555     property ItemIndex;
556     property Link;
557     property OnChangeBounds;
558     property OnClick;
559     property OnDblClick;
560     property OnEditingDone;
561     property OnEnter;
562     property OnExit;
563     property OnKeyDown;
564     property OnKeyPress;
565     property OnKeyUp;
566     property OnMouseDown;
567     property OnMouseMove;
568     property OnMouseUp;
569     property OnResize;
570     property ParentColor;
571     property ParentShowHint;
572     property PopupMenu;
573     property ShowHint;
574     property Visible;
575   end;
578   { TTICustomCheckGroup }
580   TTICustomCheckGroup = class(TCustomCheckGroup)
581   private
582     FLink: TPropertyLink;
583     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
584   protected
585     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
586     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
587     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
588   public
589     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
590     destructor Destroy; override;
591     procedure Loaded; override;
592     procedure EditingDone; override;
593     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
594   end;
597   { TTICheckGroup }
599   TTICheckGroup = class(TTICustomCheckGroup)
600   published
601     property Align;
602     property Anchors;
603     property BorderSpacing;
604     property Caption;
605     property Color;
606     property ColumnLayout;
607     property Columns;
608     property Constraints;
609     property Enabled;
610     property Items;
611     property Link;
612     property OnChangeBounds;
613     property OnClick;
614     property OnDblClick;
615     property OnEditingDone;
616     property OnEnter;
617     property OnExit;
618     property OnItemClick;
619     property OnKeyDown;
620     property OnKeyPress;
621     property OnKeyUp;
622     property OnMouseDown;
623     property OnMouseMove;
624     property OnMouseUp;
625     property OnResize;
626     property ParentColor;
627     property ParentShowHint;
628     property PopupMenu;
629     property ShowHint;
630     property Visible;
631   end;
634   { TTICustomCheckListBox }
636   TTICustomCheckListBox = class(TCustomCheckListBox)
637   private
638     FLink: TPropertyLink;
639     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
640   protected
641     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
642     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
643     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
644   public
645     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
646     destructor Destroy; override;
647     procedure Loaded; override;
648     procedure EditingDone; override;
649     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
650   end;
653   { TTICheckListBox }
655   TTICheckListBox = class(TTICustomCheckListBox)
656   published
657     property Align;
658     property Anchors;
659     property BorderSpacing;
660     property BorderStyle;
661     property Constraints;
662     property ExtendedSelect;
663     property Items;
664     property ItemHeight;
665     property Link;
666     property MultiSelect;
667     property OnClick;
668     property OnDblClick;
669     property OnDrawItem;
670     property OnEditingDone;
671     property OnEnter;
672     property OnExit;
673     property OnKeyPress;
674     property OnKeyDown;
675     property OnKeyUp;
676     property OnMouseMove;
677     property OnMouseDown;
678     property OnMouseUp;
679     property OnResize;
680     property ParentShowHint;
681     property ShowHint;
682     property Sorted;
683     property Style;
684     property TabOrder;
685     property TabStop;
686     property TopIndex;
687     property Visible;
688   end;
691   { TTICustomListBox }
693   TTICustomListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
694   private
695     FLink: TPropertyLink;
696     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
697   protected
698     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
699     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
700     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
701     procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
702   public
703     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
704     destructor Destroy; override;
705     procedure Loaded; override;
706     procedure EditingDone; override;
707     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
708   end;
711   { TTIListBox }
713   TTIListBox = class(TTICustomListBox)
714   published
715     property Align;
716     property Anchors;
717     property BorderSpacing;
718     property BorderStyle;
719     property ClickOnSelChange;
720     property Constraints;
721     property ExtendedSelect;
722     property Font;
723     property IntegralHeight;
724     property ItemHeight;
725     property MultiSelect;
726     property Link;
727     property OnChangeBounds;
728     property OnClick;
729     property OnDblClick;
730     property OnDrawItem;
731     property OnEditingDone;
732     property OnEnter;
733     property OnExit;
734     property OnKeyPress;
735     property OnKeyDown;
736     property OnKeyUp;
737     property OnMouseMove;
738     property OnMouseDown;
739     property OnMouseUp;
740     property OnMouseEnter;
741     property OnMouseLeave;
742     property OnMouseWheel;
743     property OnMouseWheelDown;
744     property OnMouseWheelUp;
745     property OnResize;
746     property OnSelectionChange;
747     property ParentShowHint;
748     property ParentFont;
749     property PopupMenu;
750     property ShowHint;
751     property Sorted;
752     property Style;
753     property TabOrder;
754     property TabStop;
755     property TopIndex;
756     property Visible;
757   end;
760   { TTICustomCheckBox }
762   TTICustomCheckBox = class(TCustomCheckBox)
763   private
764     FLink: TPropertyLink;
765     FLinkValueFalse: string;
766     FLinkValueTrue: string;
767     FPropertyNameAsCaption: boolean;
768     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
769     procedure SetPropertyNameAsCaption(const AValue: boolean);
770   protected
771     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
772     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
773     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
774   public
775     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
776     destructor Destroy; override;
777     procedure Loaded; override;
778     procedure EditingDone; override;
779     property LinkValueTrue: string read FLinkValueTrue;
780     property LinkValueFalse: string read FLinkValueFalse;
781     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
782     property PropertyNameAsCaption: boolean read FPropertyNameAsCaption
783                                             write SetPropertyNameAsCaption;
784   end;
787   { TTICheckBox }
789   TTICheckBox = class(TTICustomCheckBox)
790   published
791     property Action;
792     property Align;
793     property AllowGrayed;
794     property Anchors;
795     property AutoSize;
796     property BorderSpacing;
797     property Caption;
798     property Constraints;
799     property DragCursor;
800     property DragKind;
801     property DragMode;
802     property Enabled;
803     property Hint;
804     property Link;
805     property OnChange;
806     property OnChangeBounds;
807     property OnClick;
808     property OnDragDrop;
809     property OnDragOver;
810     property OnEditingDone;
811     property OnEndDrag;
812     property OnEnter;
813     property OnExit;
814     property OnMouseDown;
815     property OnMouseMove;
816     property OnMouseUp;
817     property OnResize;
818     property OnStartDrag;
819     property ParentShowHint;
820     property PopupMenu;
821     property PropertyNameAsCaption;
822     property ShowHint;
823     property State;
824     property TabOrder;
825     property TabStop;
826     property Visible;
827   end;
830   { TTICustomButton }
832   TTICustomButton = class(TCustomButton)
833   private
834     FLink: TPropertyLink;
835     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
836   protected
LinkTestEditornull837     function LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor): Boolean; virtual;
838   public
839     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
840     destructor Destroy; override;
841     procedure Click; override;
842     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
843   end;
846   { TTIButton }
848   TTIButton = class(TTICustomButton)
849   published
850     property Action;
851     property Align;
852     property Anchors;
853     property BorderSpacing;
854     property Cancel;
855     property Caption;
856     property Constraints;
857     property Default;
858     property Enabled;
859     property Font;
860     property Link;
861     property ModalResult;
862     property OnClick;
863     property OnEditingDone;
864     property OnEnter;
865     property OnExit;
866     property OnKeyDown;
867     property OnKeyPress;
868     property OnKeyUp;
869     property OnMouseDown;
870     property OnMouseMove;
871     property OnMouseUp;
872     property OnResize;
873     property ParentShowHint;
874     property PopupMenu;
875     property ShowHint;
876     property TabOrder;
877     property TabStop;
878     property Visible;
879   end;
882   { TTICustomLabel }
884   TTICustomLabel = class(TCustomLabel)
885   private
886     FLink: TPropertyLink;
887     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
888   protected
GetLabelTextnull889     function GetLabelText: string; override;
890     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
891   public
892     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
893     destructor Destroy; override;
894     procedure Loaded; override;
895     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
896   end;
899   { TTILabel }
901   TTILabel = class(TTICustomLabel)
902   published
903     property Align;
904     property Alignment;
905     property Anchors;
906     property AutoSize;
907     property BorderSpacing;
908     property Color;
909     property Constraints;
910     property FocusControl;
911     property Font;
912     property Layout;
913     property Link;
914     property OnChangeBounds;
915     property OnClick;
916     property OnDblClick;
917     property OnMouseDown;
918     property OnMouseEnter;
919     property OnMouseLeave;
920     property OnMouseMove;
921     property OnMouseUp;
922     property OnResize;
923     property ParentFont;
924     property ShowAccelChar;
925     property Visible;
926     property WordWrap;
927   end;
930   { TTICustomGroupbox }
932   TTICustomGroupbox = class(TCustomGroupBox)
933   private
934     FLink: TPropertyLink;
935     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
936   protected
937     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
938   public
939     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
940     destructor Destroy; override;
941     procedure Loaded; override;
942     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
943   end;
946   { TTIGroupBox }
948   TTIGroupBox = class(TTICustomGroupbox)
949   published
950     property Align;
951     property Anchors;
952     property BorderSpacing;
953     property ChildSizing;
954     property ClientHeight;
955     property ClientWidth;
956     property Color;
957     property Constraints;
958     property Enabled;
959     property Font;
960     property Link;
961     property OnChangeBounds;
962     property OnClick;
963     property OnDblClick;
964     property OnEditingDone;
965     property OnEnter;
966     property OnExit;
967     property OnKeyDown;
968     property OnKeyPress;
969     property OnKeyUp;
970     property OnMouseDown;
971     property OnMouseMove;
972     property OnMouseUp;
973     property OnResize;
974     property ParentColor;
975     property ParentFont;
976     property ParentShowHint;
977     property PopupMenu;
978     property ShowHint;
979     property TabOrder;
980     property TabStop;
981     property Visible;
982   end;
985   { TTICustomMemo }
987   TTICustomMemo = class(TCustomMemo)
988   private
989     FLink: TPropertyLink;
990     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
991   protected
992     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
993     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
LinkTestEditornull994     function LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor): Boolean; virtual;
995   public
996     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
997     destructor Destroy; override;
998     procedure Loaded; override;
999     procedure EditingDone; override;
1000     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1001   end;
1004   { TTIMemo }
1006   TTIMemo = class(TTICustomMemo)
1007   published
1008     property Align;
1009     property Anchors;
1010     property BorderSpacing;
1011     property Color;
1012     property Constraints;
1013     property Font;
1014     property Lines;
1015     property Link;
1016     property MaxLength;
1017     property OnChange;
1018     property OnEditingDone;
1019     property OnEnter;
1020     property OnExit;
1021     property OnKeyDown;
1022     property OnKeyPress;
1023     property OnKeyUp;
1024     property OnMouseDown;
1025     property OnMouseUp;
1026     property OnMouseMove;
1027     property OnMouseEnter;
1028     property OnMouseLeave;
1029     property ParentFont;
1030     property PopupMenu;
1031     property ReadOnly;
1032     property ScrollBars;
1033     property Tabstop;
1034     property Visible;
1035     property WordWrap;
1036   end;
1039   { TTICustomCalendar }
1041   TTICustomCalendar = class(TCustomCalendar)
1042   private
1043     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1044     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1045   protected
1046     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1047     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
LinkTestEditornull1048     function LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor): Boolean;
1049   public
1050     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1051     destructor Destroy; override;
1052     procedure Loaded; override;
1053     procedure EditingDone; override;
1054     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1055   end;
1058   { TTICalendar }
1060   TTICalendar = class(TTICustomCalendar)
1061   published
1062     property Align;
1063     property Anchors;
1064     property BorderSpacing;
1065     property Constraints;
1066     property DisplaySettings;
1067     property Link;
1068     property OnChange;
1069     property OnChangeBounds;
1070     property OnClick;
1071     property OnDayChanged;
1072     property OnEditingDone;
1073     property OnEnter;
1074     property OnExit;
1075     property OnKeyDown;
1076     property OnKeyPress;
1077     property OnKeyUp;
1078     property OnMonthChanged;
1079     property OnMouseDown;
1080     property OnMouseEnter;
1081     property OnMouseLeave;
1082     property OnMouseMove;
1083     property OnMouseUp;
1084     property OnResize;
1085     property OnYearChanged;
1086     property PopupMenu;
1087     property Tabstop;
1088     property Visible;
1089   end;
1092   { TTICustomImage }
1094   TTICustomImage = class(TCustomImage)
1095   private
1096     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1097     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1098   protected
1099     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
LinkTestEditornull1100     function LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor): Boolean;
1101   public
1102     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1103     destructor Destroy; override;
1104     procedure Loaded; override;
1105     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1106   end;
1109   { TTIImage }
1111   TTIImage = class(TTICustomImage)
1112   published
1113     property Align;
1114     property Anchors;
1115     property AutoSize;
1116     property BorderSpacing;
1117     property Center;
1118     property Constraints;
1119     property Link;
1120     property OnChangeBounds;
1121     property OnClick;
1122     property OnMouseDown;
1123     property OnMouseEnter;
1124     property OnMouseLeave;
1125     property OnMouseMove;
1126     property OnMouseUp;
1127     property OnPaint;
1128     property OnResize;
1129     property Proportional;
1130     property Stretch;
1131     property Transparent;
1132     property Visible;
1133   end;
1136   { TTICustomFloatSpinEdit }
1138   TTICustomFloatSpinEdit = class(TCustomFloatSpinEdit)
1139   private
1140     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1141     FUseRTTIMinMax: boolean;
1142     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1143     procedure SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
1144   protected
1145     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1146     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1147     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1148     procedure GetRTTIMinMax; virtual;
1149   public
1150     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1151     destructor Destroy; override;
1152     procedure Loaded; override;
1153     procedure EditingDone; override;
1154     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1155     property UseRTTIMinMax: boolean read FUseRTTIMinMax write SetUseRTTIMinMax default true;
1156   end;
1159   { TTIFloatSpinEdit }
1161   TTIFloatSpinEdit = class(TTICustomFloatSpinEdit)
1162   published
1163     property Align;
1164     property Anchors;
1165     property BorderSpacing;
1166     property Constraints;
1167     property DecimalPlaces;
1168     property Enabled;
1169     property Increment;
1170     property Link;
1171     property MaxValue;
1172     property MinValue;
1173     property OnChange;
1174     property OnChangeBounds;
1175     property OnClick;
1176     property OnEditingDone;
1177     property OnEnter;
1178     property OnExit;
1179     Property OnKeyDown;
1180     property OnKeyPress;
1181     Property OnKeyUp;
1182     property OnMouseDown;
1183     property OnMouseMove;
1184     property OnMouseUp;
1185     property OnResize;
1186     property ParentShowHint;
1187     property PopupMenu;
1188     property ShowHint;
1189     property TabStop;
1190     property TabOrder;
1191     property UseRTTIMinMax;
1192     property Visible;
1193   end;
1196   { TTICustomSpinEdit }
1198   TTICustomSpinEdit = class(TCustomSpinEdit)
1199   private
1200     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1201     FUseRTTIMinMax: boolean;
1202     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1203     procedure SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
1204   protected
1205     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1206     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1207     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1208     procedure GetRTTIMinMax; virtual;
1209   public
1210     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1211     destructor Destroy; override;
1212     procedure Loaded; override;
1213     procedure EditingDone; override;
1214     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1215     property UseRTTIMinMax: boolean read FUseRTTIMinMax write SetUseRTTIMinMax default true;
1216   end;
1219   { TTISpinEdit }
1221   TTISpinEdit = class(TTICustomSpinEdit)
1222   published
1223     property Align;
1224     property Anchors;
1225     property BorderSpacing;
1226     property Constraints;
1227     property Enabled;
1228     property Increment;
1229     property Link;
1230     property MaxValue;
1231     property MinValue;
1232     property OnChange;
1233     property OnChangeBounds;
1234     property OnClick;
1235     property OnEditingDone;
1236     property OnEnter;
1237     property OnExit;
1238     Property OnKeyDown;
1239     property OnKeyPress;
1240     Property OnKeyUp;
1241     property OnMouseDown;
1242     property OnMouseMove;
1243     property OnMouseUp;
1244     property OnResize;
1245     property ParentShowHint;
1246     property PopupMenu;
1247     property ShowHint;
1248     property TabStop;
1249     property TabOrder;
1250     property UseRTTIMinMax;
1251     property Visible;
1252   end;
1255   { TTICustomTrackBar }
1257   TTICustomTrackBar = class(TCustomTrackBar)
1258   private
1259     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1260     FUseRTTIMinMax: boolean;
1261     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1262     procedure SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
1263   protected
1264     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1265     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1266     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1267     procedure GetRTTIMinMax; virtual;
1268   public
1269     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1270     destructor Destroy; override;
1271     procedure Loaded; override;
1272     procedure EditingDone; override;
1273     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1274     property UseRTTIMinMax: boolean read FUseRTTIMinMax write SetUseRTTIMinMax default true;
1275   end;
1278   { TTITrackBar }
1280   TTITrackBar = class(TTICustomTrackBar)
1281   published
1282     property Align;
1283     property Anchors;
1284     property BorderSpacing;
1285     property Constraints;
1286     property DragCursor;
1287     property DragMode;
1288     property Enabled;
1289     property Frequency;
1290     property Hint;
1291     property LineSize;
1292     property Link;
1293     property Max;
1294     property Min;
1295     property OnChange;
1296     property OnChangeBounds;
1297     property OnClick;
1298     property OnDragDrop;
1299     property OnDragOver;
1300     property OnEditingDone;
1301     property OnEndDrag;
1302     property OnEnter;
1303     property OnExit;
1304     property OnMouseDown;
1305     property OnMouseEnter;
1306     property OnMouseLeave;
1307     property OnMouseMove;
1308     property OnMouseUp;
1309     property OnKeyDown;
1310     property OnKeyPress;
1311     property OnKeyUp;
1312     property OnResize;
1313     property OnStartDrag;
1314     property Orientation;
1315     property PageSize;
1316     property ParentShowHint;
1317     property PopupMenu;
1318     property ScalePos;
1319     property ShowHint;
1320     property TabOrder;
1321     property TabStop;
1322     property TickMarks;
1323     property TickStyle;
1324     property UseRTTIMinMax;
1325     property Visible;
1326   end;
1329   { TTICustomProgressBar }
1331   TTICustomProgressBar = class(TCustomProgressBar)
1332   private
1333     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1334     FUseRTTIMinMax: boolean;
1335     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1336     procedure SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
1337   protected
1338     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1339     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1340     procedure LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1341     procedure GetRTTIMinMax; virtual;
1342   public
1343     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1344     destructor Destroy; override;
1345     procedure Loaded; override;
1346     procedure EditingDone; override;
1347     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1348     property UseRTTIMinMax: boolean read FUseRTTIMinMax write SetUseRTTIMinMax default true;
1349   end;
1352   { TTIProgressBar }
1354   TTIProgressBar = class(TTICustomProgressBar)
1355   published
1356     property Align;
1357     property Anchors;
1358     property BarShowText;
1359     property BorderSpacing;
1360     property BorderWidth;
1361     property Constraints;
1362     property DragCursor;
1363     property DragKind;
1364     property DragMode;
1365     property Enabled;
1366     property Hint;
1367     property Link;
1368     property Max;
1369     property Min;
1370     property OnDragDrop;
1371     property OnDragOver;
1372     property OnEditingDone;
1373     property OnEndDrag;
1374     property OnEnter;
1375     property OnExit;
1376     property OnMouseDown;
1377     property OnMouseMove;
1378     property OnMouseUp;
1379     property OnStartDock;
1380     property OnStartDrag;
1381     property Orientation;
1382     property ParentShowHint;
1383     property PopupMenu;
1384     property Position;
1385     property ShowHint;
1386     property Smooth;
1387     property Step;
1388     property TabOrder;
1389     property TabStop;
1390     property UseRTTIMinMax;
1391     property Visible;
1392   end;
1395   { TTICustomColorButton }
1397   TTICustomColorButton = class(TColorButton)
1398   private
1399     FLink: TPropertyLink;
1400     procedure SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
1401   protected
1402     procedure LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
1403     procedure LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject); virtual;
LinkTestEditornull1404     function LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor): Boolean;
1405     procedure ShowColorDialog; override;
1406   public
1407     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1408     destructor Destroy; override;
1409     procedure Loaded; override;
1410     procedure EditingDone; override;
1411     property Link: TPropertyLink read FLink write SetLink;
1412   end;
1415   { TTIColorButton }
1417   TTIColorButton = class(TTICustomColorButton)
1418   published
1419     property Align;
1420     property Anchors;
1421     property BorderSpacing;
1422     property BorderWidth;
1423     property ButtonColor;
1424     property Hint;
1425     property Link;
1426     property OnChangeBounds;
1427     property OnColorChanged;
1428     property OnMouseDown;
1429     property OnMouseMove;
1430     property OnMouseUp;
1431     property OnPaint;
1432     property OnResize;
1433     property ParentShowHint;
1434     property PopupMenu;
1435     property ShowHint;
1436     property Visible;
1437   end;
GetPropertyLinkOfComponentnull1440 function GetPropertyLinkOfComponent(AComponent: TComponent
1441   ): TCustomPropertyLink;
1442 procedure SaveActivePropertyLink(AForm: TCustomForm);
1443 procedure CreateEnumAliasValues(EnumType: PTypeInfo; List: TStrings;
1444   AStringArray: PString);
1446 procedure Register;
1449 implementation
1451 {$R rttictrls.res}
1453 uses
1454   ComponentEditors, MaskPropEdit;
1456 procedure SaveActivePropertyLink(AForm: TCustomForm);
1457 var
1458   CurControl: TWinControl;
1459   Link: TCustomPropertyLink;
1460 begin
1461   CurControl:=AForm.ActiveControl;
1462   if CurControl<>nil then begin
1463     Link:=GetPropertyLinkOfComponent(CurControl);
1464     if Link<>nil then
1465       Link.SaveToProperty;
1466   end;
1467 end;
1469 procedure CreateEnumAliasValues(EnumType: PTypeInfo; List: TStrings;
1470   AStringArray: PString);
1471 var
1472   AName: String;
1473   AnAliasName: String;
1474   i: LongInt;
1475 begin
1476   List.BeginUpdate;
1477   List.Clear;
1478   //debugln('CreateEnumAliasValues ',EnumType^.Name);
1479   with GetTypeData(EnumType)^ do
1480     for i := MinValue to MaxValue do begin
1481       AName := GetEnumName(EnumType, i);
1482       AnAliasName := AStringArray[i];
1483       //debugln('CreateEnumAliasValues ',AName+'='+AnAliasName);
1484       List.Add(AName+'='+AnAliasName);
1485     end;
1486   List.EndUpdate;
1487 end;
GetPropertyLinkOfComponentnull1489 function GetPropertyLinkOfComponent(AComponent: TComponent
1490   ): TCustomPropertyLink;
1491 begin
1492   Result:=nil;
1493   if AComponent=nil then exit;
1494   try
1495     Result:=TCustomPropertyLink(GetObjectProp(AComponent,'Link',
1496                                               TCustomPropertyLink));
1497   except
1498     on E: EPropertyError do ;// ignore exception on not found
1499   end;
1500 end;
1502 procedure Register;
1503 begin
1504   RegisterComponents('RTTI',[TTIEdit,TTIComboBox,TTIButton,TTICheckBox,
1505     TTILabel,TTIGroupBox,TTIRadioGroup,TTICheckGroup,TTICheckListBox,
1506     TTIListBox,TTIMemo,TTICalendar,TTIImage,TTIFloatSpinEdit,TTISpinEdit,
1507     TTITrackBar,TTIProgressBar,TTIMaskEdit,TTIColorButton,TMultiPropertyLink]);
1508 end;
1510 { TAliasStrings }
TAliasStrings.IndexOfValuenull1512 function TAliasStrings.IndexOfValue(const AValue: string): integer;
1513 var
1514   S : String;
1515   Start: Integer;
1516 begin
1517   Result:=Count-1;
1518   while (Result>=0) do begin
1519     S:=Strings[Result];
1520     Start:=pos('=',S)+1;
1521     if (Start>0) and (CompareText(AValue,Copy(S,Start,length(S)))=0) then
1522       exit;
1523     dec(Result);
1524   end;
1525 end;
ValueAtnull1527 function TAliasStrings.ValueAt(Index: integer): string;
1528 var
1529   S: string;
1530   Start: Integer;
1531 begin
1532   S:=Strings[Index];
1533   Start:=pos('=',S)+1;
1534   if (Start>0) then
1535     Result:=Copy(S,Start,length(S))
1536   else
1537     Result:='';
1538 end;
TAliasStrings.ValueToAliasnull1540 function TAliasStrings.ValueToAlias(const AValue: string): string;
1541 begin
1542   Result:=Values[AValue];
1543   if Result='' then Result:=AValue;
1544 end;
AliasToValuenull1546 function TAliasStrings.AliasToValue(const Alias: string): string;
1547 var
1548   i: LongInt;
1549 begin
1550   i:=IndexOfValue(Alias);
1551   if i>=0 then
1552     Result:=Names[i]
1553   else
1554     Result:=Alias;
1555 end;
1557 { TCustomPropertyLink }
1559 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetEditor(const AValue: TPropertyEditor);
1560 begin
1561   if FEditor=AValue then exit;
1562   FEditor:=AValue;
1563   EditorChanged;
1564 end;
1566 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetCollectValues(const AValue: boolean);
1567 begin
1568   if FCollectValues=AValue then exit;
1569   FCollectValues:=AValue;
1570   if FCollectValues then FetchValues;
1571 end;
1573 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetFilter(const AValue: TTypeKinds);
1574 begin
1575   if FFilter=AValue then exit;
1576   FFilter:=AValue;
1577   InvalidateEditor;
1578 end;
1580 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetOptions(
1581   const NewOptions: TPropertyLinkOptions);
1582 var
1583   ChangedOptions: TPropertyLinkOptions;
1584 begin
1585   if FOptions=NewOptions then exit;
1586   ChangedOptions:=(FOptions-NewOptions)+(NewOptions-FOptions);
1587   //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.SetOptions Old=',dbgs(ploReadOnIdle in FOptions),
1588   //  ' New=',dbgs(ploReadOnIdle in NewOptions),' Changed=',dbgs(ploReadOnIdle in ChangedOptions));
1589   FOptions:=NewOptions;
1590   if (ploReadOnIdle in ChangedOptions) then UpdateIdleHandler;
1591 end;
1593 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetTIElementName(const AValue: string);
1594 begin
1595   if FTIElementName=AValue then exit;
1596   SetObjectAndProperty(TIObject,TIPropertyName,AValue);
1597 end;
TCustomPropertyLink.GetCanModifynull1599 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetCanModify: boolean;
1600 begin
1601   Result:=(FEditor<>nil) and (not FEditor.IsReadOnly);
1602 end;
1604 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetTIObject(const AValue: TPersistent);
1605 begin
1606   if FTIObject=AValue then exit;
1607   SetObjectAndProperty(AValue,TIPropertyName,TIElementName);
1608 end;
1610 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetTIPropertyName(const AValue: string);
1611 begin
1612   if FTIPropertyName=AValue then exit;
1613   SetObjectAndProperty(TIObject,AValue,TIElementName);
1614 end;
1616 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.EditorChanged;
1617 begin
1618   if FEditor=nil then begin
1619     FTIObject:=nil;
1620     FTIPropertyName:='';
1621   end else begin
1622     FTIObject:=FEditor.GetComponent(0);
1623     FTIPropertyName:=FEditor.GetName;
1624   end;
1625 end;
1627 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.InvalidateEditor;
1628 begin
1629   FreeThenNil(FEditor);
1630 end;
1632 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetPropertyEditor(
1633   APropertyEditor: TPropertyEditor);
1634 begin
1635   if FEditor=nil then
1636     FEditor:=APropertyEditor;
1637 end;
CheckPropInfonull1639 function TCustomPropertyLink.CheckPropInfo(const APropInfo: PPropInfo): boolean;
1640 begin
1641   Result:=CompareText(APropInfo^.Name,FTIPropertyName)=0;
1642 end;
1644 destructor TCustomPropertyLink.Destroy;
1645 begin
1646   InvalidateEditor;
1647   if (Application<>nil) and FIdleHandlerConnected then
1648     Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnApplicationIdle);
1649   FreeThenNil(FLinkNotifier);
1650   FreeThenNil(FAliasValues);
1651   FreeThenNil(FHook);
1652   FreeThenNil(FCollectedValues);
1653   inherited Destroy;
1654 end;
1656 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
1657 var
1658   SrcLink: TCustomPropertyLink;
1659 begin
1660   if Source is TCustomPropertyLink then begin
1661     SrcLink:=TCustomPropertyLink(Source);
1662     SetObjectAndProperty(SrcLink.TIObject,SrcLink.TIPropertyName,
1663                          SrcLink.TIElementName);
1664   end else begin
1665     inherited Assign(Source);
1666   end;
1667 end;
1669 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetObjectAndProperty(NewPersistent: TPersistent;
1670   const NewPropertyName: string);
1671 begin
1672   SetObjectAndProperty(NewPersistent,NewPropertyName,'');
1673 end;
1675 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetObjectAndProperty(NewPersistent: TPersistent;
1676   const NewPropertyName, NewElementName: string);
1677 var
1678   AComponent: TComponent;
1679 begin
1680   // Note: checking for IsValidIdent is not needed, because an identifier
1681   // is only needed for streaming. So every string as Name is allowed.
1682   if (NewPersistent<>TIObject) or (NewPropertyName<>TIPropertyName) then begin
1683     FPropertyLoaded:=false;
1684     if (FTIObject is TComponent) then begin
1685       AComponent:=TComponent(FTIObject);
1686       AComponent.RemoveFreeNotification(FLinkNotifier);
1687     end;
1688     FTIObject:=NewPersistent;
1689     if FTIObject is TComponent then begin
1690       AComponent:=TComponent(FTIObject);
1691       if not (csDestroying in AComponent.ComponentState) then
1692         AComponent.FreeNotification(FLinkNotifier)
1693       else
1694         FTIObject:=nil;
1695     end;
1696     FTIPropertyName:=NewPropertyName;
1697   end
1698   else if FTIElementName=NewElementName then begin
1699     // no change
1700     exit;
1701   end;
1702   FTIElementName:=NewElementName;
1703   InvalidateEditor;
1704   LoadFromProperty;
1705 end;
1707 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.CreateEditor;
1708 var
1709   Selection: TPersistentSelectionList;
1710   OldEditorExisted: Boolean;
1711 begin
1712   if (FEditor<>nil) or (FTIObject=nil) or (FTIPropertyName='') then exit;
1713   FPropertyLoaded:=false;
1714   //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.CreateEditor A ',FTIObject.ClassName+':'+FTIPropertyName);
1715   OldEditorExisted:=FEditor<>nil;
1716   CreateHook;
1717   Selection := TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
1718   try
1719     Selection.Add(FTIObject);
1720     GetPersistentProperties(Selection,Filter,Hook,@SetPropertyEditor,
1721       @CheckPropInfo,OnTestEditor);
1722   finally
1723     Selection.Free;
1724   end;
1725   //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.CreateEditor B ',dbgsName(FEditor));
1726   {if FEditor=nil then begin
1727     raise Exception.Create('Unable to create property editor for '
1728                            +FTIObject.ClassName+':'+FTIPropertyName);
1729   end;}
1731   //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.CreateEditor C ',FTIObject.ClassName+':'+FTIPropertyName,' ',dbgs(FCollectValues),' ',dbgsName(FEditor));
1732   if CollectValues then FetchValues;
1733   if ((FEditor<>nil) or OldEditorExisted) and Assigned(OnEditorChanged) then
1734     OnEditorChanged(Self);
1735   UpdateIdleHandler;
1736 end;
1738 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.FetchValues;
1739 begin
1740   FreeThenNil(FCollectedValues);
1741   //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.FetchValues A ',dbgsName(Editor));
1742   if Editor<>nil then
1743     Editor.GetValues(@GetEditorValues);
1744 end;
1746 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.CreateHook;
1747 begin
1748   if FHook=nil then FHook:=TPropertyEditorHook.Create(nil);
1749   FHook.LookupRoot:=TIObject;
1750 end;
1752 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.UpdateIdleHandler;
1753 begin
1754   if (Application<>nil)
1755   and ((ploReadOnIdle in Options)<>FIdleHandlerConnected) then begin
1756     if ploReadOnIdle in Options then begin
1757       FIdleHandlerConnected:=true;
1758       Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnApplicationIdle,true);
1759     end else begin
1760       FIdleHandlerConnected:=false;
1761       Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnApplicationIdle);
1762     end;
1763     //debugln('TCustomPropertyLink.UpdateIdleHandler ploReadOnIdle=',dbgs(ploReadOnIdle in Options));
1764   end;
1765 end;
1767 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.OnApplicationIdle(Sender: TObject;
1768   var Done: Boolean);
1769 begin
1770   if Sender=nil then ;
1771   if Done then ;
1772   if (ploReadOnIdle in FOptions) then begin
1773     // only update if not editing
1774     // => check for editing
1775     if Assigned(OnTestEditing) then begin
1776       // custom check
1777       if (OnTestEditing(Self)) then exit;
1778     end else begin
1779       // default checks
1780       if (Owner is TWinControl) and (TWinControl(Owner).Focused) then exit;
1781     end;
1782     LoadFromProperty;
1783   end;
1784 end;
1786 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
1787   Operation: TOperation);
1788 begin
1789   if (Operation=opRemove) then begin
1790     if (AComponent=FTIObject) then
1791       SetObjectAndProperty(nil,FTIPropertyName,TIElementName);
1792   end;
1793 end;
1795 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.GetEditorValues(const NewValue: string);
1796 begin
1797   if FCollectedValues=nil then FCollectedValues:=TStringList.Create;
1798   FCollectedValues.Add(NewValue);
1799 end;
1801 constructor TCustomPropertyLink.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
1802 begin
1803   inherited Create;
1804   FOwner:=TheOwner;
1805   FSaveEnabled:=true;
1806   FFilter:=AllTypeKinds;
1807   FAliasValues:=TAliasStrings.Create;
1808   FLinkNotifier:=TPropertyLinkNotifier.Create(Self);
1809   FOptions:=DefaultLinkOptions;
1810 end;
1812 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SaveToProperty;
1813 begin
1814   if Self=nil then exit;
1815   if (not SaveEnabled) then exit;
1816   if (Owner<>nil)
1817   and ([csDesigning,csDestroying,csLoading]*Owner.ComponentState<>[]) then exit;
1818   CreateEditor;
1819   if Assigned(OnSaveToProperty) then OnSaveToProperty(Self);
1820 end;
1822 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.EditingDone;
1823 begin
1824   if Self=nil then exit;
1825   if (ploAutoSave in Options) and PropertyLoaded then
1826     SaveToProperty;
1827 end;
1829 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetAsText(const NewText: string);
1830 begin
1831   try
1832     if not CheckBeforeWrite then exit;
1833     if (FTIElementName='') then
1834       FEditor.SetValue(AliasValues.AliasToValue(NewText))
1835     else
1836       SetSetElementValue(FTIElementName,CompareText(NewText,'True')=0);
1837     CheckAfterWrite;
1838   except
1839     on E: Exception do DoError(true,E);
1840   end;
1841 end;
GetAsTextnull1843 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetAsText: string;
1844 begin
1845   Result:='';
1846   try
1847     if (FTIElementName='') then
1848       Result:=AliasValues.ValueToAlias(FEditor.GetVisualValue)
1849     else begin
1850       if GetSetElementValue(FTIElementName) then
1851         Result:='True'
1852       else
1853         Result:='False';
1854     end;
1855   except
1856     on E: Exception do DoError(false,E);
1857   end;
1858 end;
1860 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetAsInt(const NewInt: integer);
1861 begin
1862   try
1863     if not CheckBeforeWrite then exit;
1864     FEditor.SetValue(IntToStr(NewInt));
1865     CheckAfterWrite;
1866   except
1867     on E: Exception do DoError(true,E);
1868   end;
1869 end;
GetAsIntnull1871 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetAsInt: integer;
1872 begin
1873   Result:=0;
1874   try
1875     Result:=FEditor.GetOrdValue;
1876   except
1877     on E: Exception do DoError(false,E);
1878   end;
1879 end;
CheckBeforeWritenull1881 function TCustomPropertyLink.CheckBeforeWrite: boolean;
1882 begin
1883   Result:=true;
1884   if Assigned(OnBeforeWrite) then
1885     OnBeforeWrite(Self,Result);
1886 end;
1888 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.CheckAfterWrite;
1889 begin
1890   if Assigned(OnAfterWrite) then OnAfterWrite(Self);
1891 end;
1893 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.DoError(Writing: boolean; E: Exception);
1894 var
1895   ACaption: String;
1896   AText: String;
1897 begin
1898   ACaption:='Error';
1899   if Writing then
1900     AText:='Error while writing property'#13+E.Message
1901   else
1902     AText:='Error while reading property'#13+E.Message;
1903   MessageDlg(ACaption,AText,mtError,[mbCancel],0);
1904   if Writing then
1905     LoadFromProperty;
1906 end;
1908 constructor TCustomPropertyLink.create;
1909 begin
1910   Create(nil);
1911 end;
1913 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.MapValues(Values, AliasStrings: TStrings;
1914   var MappedValues: TStrings; UseAllExistingAlias, AddValuesWithoutAlias,
1915   IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias: boolean);
1916 var
1917   AValue: string;
1918   MappedValue: string;
1919   i: Integer;
1920 begin
1921   if (Values=nil) or (Values.Count=0) then begin
1922     // no values provided by current property editor
1923     if IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias and (AliasStrings<>nil) then begin
1924       MappedValues:=TStringList.Create;
1925       for i:=0 to AliasStrings.Count-1 do
1926         MappedValues.Add(AliasStrings.Values[AliasStrings.Names[i]]);
1927     end else begin
1928       MappedValues:=nil;
1929     end;
1930   end else if AliasStrings<>nil then begin
1931     // current property editor has provided values
1932     // => map values via AliasStrings
1933     MappedValues:=TStringList.Create;
1934     if UseAllExistingAlias then begin
1935       // add all existing alias
1936       for i:=0 to AliasStrings.Count-1 do begin
1937         AValue:=AliasStrings.Names[i];
1938         MappedValue:=AliasStrings.Values[AValue];
1939         //writeln('TCustomPropertyLink.MapValues MappedValue=',MappedValue,' AValue=',AValue,' ',Values.IndexOf(AValue));
1940         if Values.IndexOf(AValue)>=0 then
1941           MappedValues.Add(MappedValue);
1942       end;
1943       // add all values without alias
1944       if AddValuesWithoutAlias then begin
1945         for i:=0 to Values.Count-1 do begin
1946           AValue:=Values[i];
1947           MappedValue:=AliasStrings.Values[AValue];
1948           if MappedValue='' then
1949             // value has no alias
1950             MappedValues.Add(AValue);
1951         end;
1952       end;
1953     end else begin
1954       // add all values mapped
1955       for i:=0 to Values.Count-1 do begin
1956         AValue:=Values[i];
1957         MappedValue:=AliasStrings.Values[AValue];
1958         if MappedValue<>'' then
1959           // value has alias
1960           AValue:=MappedValue;
1961         MappedValues.Add(AValue);
1962       end;
1963     end;
1964   end else begin
1965     // no alias => simply return a copy of the values
1966     MappedValues:=TStringList.Create;
1967     MappedValues.Assign(Values);
1968   end;
1969 end;
1971 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.MapCollectedValues(AliasStrings: TStrings;
1972   var MappedValues: TStrings; UseAllExistingAlias, AddValuesWithoutAlias,
1973   IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias: boolean);
1974 begin
1975   MapValues(FCollectedValues,AliasStrings,MappedValues,UseAllExistingAlias,
1976             AddValuesWithoutAlias,IfNoValuesAvailableAddAllAlias);
1977 end;
1979 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.AssignCollectedAliasValuesTo(DestList: TStrings;
1980   KeepIfNoneCollected: boolean);
1981 var
1982   MappedValues: TStrings;
1983 begin
1984   MappedValues:=nil;
1985   MapCollectedValues(AliasValues,MappedValues,true,true,true);
1986   try
1987     if (MappedValues.Count>0) or (not KeepIfNoneCollected) then
1988       DestList.Assign(MappedValues);
1989   finally
1990     MappedValues.Free;
1991   end;
1992 end;
HasAliasValuesnull1994 function TCustomPropertyLink.HasAliasValues: boolean;
1995 begin
1996   Result:=(AliasValues<>nil) and (AliasValues.Count>0);
1997 end;
1999 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.BuildEnumAliasValues(AStringArray: PString);
2000 { Example:
2002   type
2003     TMyEnum = (enum1,enum2);
2004   const
2005     MyEnumNamesArray: array[TMyEnum] of string = ('Enum1','Enum2');
2007   MyTIComboBox.Link.BuildEnumAliasValues(@MyEnumNamesArray[TMyEnum(0)]);
2008 }
2009 begin
2010   CreateEditor;
2011   if (Editor=nil) or (not (Editor is TEnumPropertyEditor)) then exit;
2012   CreateEnumAliasValues(Editor.GetPropType,AliasValues,AStringArray);
2013   if Assigned(OnEditorChanged) then
2014     OnEditorChanged(Self);
2015   LoadFromProperty;
2016 end;
2018 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.AssignSetEnumsAliasTo(DestList: TStrings);
2019 var
2020   Enums: TStringList;
2021   CompData: PTypeInfo;
2022   TypeData: PTypeData;
2023   MappedValues: TStrings;
2024   i: LongInt;
2025 begin
2026   Enums:=nil;
2027   MappedValues:=nil;
2028   try
2029     // retrieve all set enums
2030     if GetSetTypeData(CompData,TypeData) then begin
2031       Enums:=TStringList.Create;
2032       for i := TypeData^.MinValue to TypeData^.MaxValue do
2033         Enums.Add(GetEnumName(CompData,i));
2034       // map values
2035       MapValues(Enums,AliasValues,MappedValues,true,true,true);
2036     end;
2037     // assign values
2038     if MappedValues<>nil then
2039       DestList.Assign(MappedValues)
2040     else
2041       DestList.Clear;
2042   finally
2043     Enums.Free;
2044     MappedValues.Free;
2045   end;
2046 end;
TCustomPropertyLink.GetSetElementValuenull2048 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetSetElementValue(const AliasName: string
2049   ): boolean;
2050 var
2051   CompData: PTypeInfo;
2052   TypeData: PTypeData;
2053   i: LongInt;
2054   IntegerSet: TIntegerSet;
2055 begin
2056   Result:=false;
2057   if not GetSetTypeData(CompData,TypeData) then exit;
2058   if (CompData=nil) or (TypeData=nil) then ;
2059   i:=GetIndexOfSetElement(AliasName);
2060   if i>=0 then begin
2061     Integer(IntegerSet) := Editor.GetOrdValue;
2062     Result:=byte(i) in IntegerSet;
2063   end;
2064 end;
2066 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.SetSetElementValue(const AliasName: string;
2067   NewValue: boolean);
2068 var
2069   CompData: PTypeInfo;
2070   TypeData: PTypeData;
2071   i: LongInt;
2072   IntegerSet: TIntegerSet;
2073 begin
2074   if not GetSetTypeData(CompData,TypeData) then exit;
2075   if (CompData=nil) or (TypeData=nil) then ;
2076   i:=GetIndexOfSetElement(AliasName);
2077   if i>=0 then begin
2078     Integer(IntegerSet) := Editor.GetOrdValue;
2079     if NewValue then
2080       Include(IntegerSet,i)
2081     else
2082       Exclude(IntegerSet,i);
2083     Editor.SetOrdValue(Integer(IntegerSet));
2084   end;
2085 end;
TCustomPropertyLink.GetIndexOfSetElementnull2087 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetIndexOfSetElement(const AliasName: string
2088   ): integer;
2089 var
2090   CompData: PTypeInfo;
2091   TypeData: PTypeData;
2092 begin
2093   if not GetSetTypeData(CompData,TypeData) then exit;
2094   for Result := TypeData^.MinValue to TypeData^.MaxValue do
2095     if CompareText(AliasName,
2096                    AliasValues.ValueToAlias(GetEnumName(CompData,Result)))=0
2097     then
2098       exit;
2099   Result:=-1;
2100 end;
GetSetTypeDatanull2102 function TCustomPropertyLink.GetSetTypeData(out CompData: PTypeInfo;
2103   out TypeData: PTypeData): boolean;
2104 begin
2105   Result:=false;
2106   CompData:=nil;
2107   TypeData:=nil;
2108   CreateEditor;
2109   if (Editor=nil) or (not (Editor is TSetPropertyEditor)) then exit;
2110   CompData:=GetTypeData(Editor.GetPropType)^.CompType;
2111   TypeData:=GetTypeData(CompData);
2112   Result:=(CompData<>nil) and (TypeData<>nil);
2113 end;
2115 procedure TCustomPropertyLink.LoadFromProperty;
2116 begin
2117   if Self=nil then exit;
2118   if (Owner<>nil) and (csDestroying in Owner.ComponentState) then exit;
2119   CreateEditor;
2120   FPropertyLoaded:=true;
2121   if Assigned(OnLoadFromProperty) then OnLoadFromProperty(Self);
2122 end;
2124 { TPropertyLinkPropertyEditor }
GetAttributesnull2126 function TPropertyLinkPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
2127 begin
2128   Result := [paMultiSelect, paSubProperties, paReadOnly];
2129 end;
2131 { TPropertyNamePropertyEditor }
2133 procedure TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.GetCompatiblePropEdits(
2134   Prop: TPropertyEditor);
2135 begin
2136   if FPropEdits=nil then FPropEdits:=TList.Create;
2137   FPropEdits.Add(Prop);
2138 end;
TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.TestEditornull2140 function TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.TestEditor(const Prop: TPropertyEditor
2141   ): boolean;
2142 var
2143   i: Integer;
2144   CurPersistent: TPersistent;
2145   ALink: TCustomPropertyLink;
2146 begin
2147   Result:=false;
2148   for i:=0 to PropCount-1 do begin
2149     CurPersistent:=GetComponent(i);
2150     if (CurPersistent is TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
2151       ALink:=TCustomPropertyLink(CurPersistent);
2152       if Assigned(ALink.OnTestEditor) and (not ALink.OnTestEditor(Prop)) then
2153         exit;
2154     end;
2155   end;
2156   Result:=true;
2157 end;
GetAttributesnull2159 function TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
2160 begin
2161   Result:=[paMultiSelect,paValueList,paSortList,paRevertable];
2162 end;
GetEditLimitnull2164 function TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.GetEditLimit: Integer;
2165 begin
2166   Result:=255;
2167 end;
2169 procedure TPropertyNamePropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStringProc);
2170 var
2171   ALink: TCustomPropertyLink;
2172   ASelection: TPersistentSelectionList;
2173   i: Integer;
2174   CurPersistent: TPersistent;
2175   CurTIObject: TPersistent;
2176   Filter: TTypeKinds;
2177 begin
2178   ASelection:=TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
2179   try
2180     // get every TIObject of every TCustomPropertyLink in the selection
2181     Filter:=AllTypeKinds;
2182     for i:=0 to PropCount-1 do begin
2183       CurPersistent:=GetComponent(i);
2184       if (CurPersistent is TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
2185         ALink:=TCustomPropertyLink(CurPersistent);
2186         CurTIObject:=ALink.TIObject;
2187         if CurTIObject<>nil then begin
2188           ASelection.Add(CurTIObject);
2189           Filter:=Filter*ALink.Filter;
2190         end;
2191       end;
2192     end;
2193     if ASelection.Count=0 then exit;
2194     // get properties of TIObjects
2195     GetPersistentProperties(ASelection,Filter,PropertyHook,
2196       @GetCompatiblePropEdits,nil,@TestEditor);
2197     if FPropEdits<>nil then begin
2198       for i:=0 to FPropEdits.Count-1 do
2199         Proc(TPropertyEditor(FPropEdits[i]).GetName);
2200     end;
2201   finally
2202     ASelection.Free;
2203     if FPropEdits<>nil then begin
2204       for i:=0 to FPropEdits.Count-1 do
2205         TPropertyEditor(FPropEdits[i]).Free;
2206       FreeThenNil(FPropEdits);
2207     end;
2208   end;
2209 end;
2211 { TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg }
2213 procedure TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg.GetDefaultValuesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
2214 var
2215   ALink: TCustomPropertyLink;
2216   i: Integer;
2217   CurPersistent: TPersistent;
2218 begin
2219   if Sender=nil then ;
2220   try
2221     // get every TIObject of every TCustomPropertyLink in the selection
2222     FCollectedValues:=TAliasStrings.Create;
2223     FCollectedValues.Text:=Memo.Text;
2224     for i:=0 to Editor.PropCount-1 do begin
2225       CurPersistent:=Editor.GetComponent(i);
2226       if (CurPersistent is TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
2227         ALink:=TCustomPropertyLink(CurPersistent);
2228         ALink.CreateEditor;
2229         if ALink.Editor<>nil then begin
2230           ALink.Editor.GetValues(@AddValue);
2231         end;
2232       end;
2233     end;
2234     Memo.Text:=FCollectedValues.Text;
2235   finally
2236     FreeThenNil(FCollectedValues);
2237   end;
2238 end;
2240 procedure TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg.AddValue(const s: string);
2241 begin
2242   if FCollectedValues.IndexOfName(s)<0 then
2243     FCollectedValues.Values[s]:=s;
2244 end;
2246 procedure TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg.AddButtons;
2247 begin
2248   inherited AddButtons;
2250   GetDefaultValuesButton := TButton.Create(Self);
2251   with GetDefaultValuesButton do Begin
2252     Parent:=SortButton.Parent;
2253     Caption:='Get Defaults';
2254     OnClick:=@GetDefaultValuesButtonClick;
2255     AutoSize:=true;
2256     AnchorToCompanion(akTop, 6, SortButton);
2257   end;
2258 end;
2260 { TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor }
TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor.CreateDlgnull2262 function TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor.CreateDlg(s: TStrings
2263   ): TStringsPropEditorDlg;
2264 begin
2265   if s=nil then ;
2266   Result:=TAliasStringsPropEditorDlg.Create(Application);
2267   Result.Editor:=Self;
2268   Result.Memo.Text:=s.Text;
2269 end;
2271 { TTICustomEdit }
2273 procedure TTICustomEdit.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2274 begin
2275   if Sender=nil then ;
2276   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2277   //writeln('TTICustomEdit.LinkLoadFromProperty A ',Name,
2278   //  ' FLink.GetAsText=',FLink.GetAsText,' Text=',Text,
2279   //  ' PropName=',FLink.TIPropertyName);
2280   Text:=FLink.GetAsText;
2281 end;
2283 procedure TTICustomEdit.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2284 begin
2285   if Sender=nil then ;
2286   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
2287   //writeln('TTICustomEdit.LinkSaveToProperty A ',Name,
2288   //  ' FLink.GetAsText=',FLink.GetAsText,' Text=',Text,
2289   //  ' PropName=',FLink.TIPropertyName);
2290   FLink.SetAsText(Text);
2291 end;
2293 procedure TTICustomEdit.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2294 begin
2295   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2296   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2297 end;
2299 constructor TTICustomEdit.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2300 begin
2301   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2302   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2303   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
2304                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2305                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2306                  {tkClass,tkObject,}tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
2307                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2308   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2309   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2310 end;
2312 destructor TTICustomEdit.Destroy;
2313 begin
2314   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2315   inherited Destroy;
2316 end;
2318 procedure TTICustomEdit.Loaded;
2319 begin
2320   inherited Loaded;
2321   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2322 end;
2324 procedure TTICustomEdit.EditingDone;
2325 begin
2326   inherited EditingDone;
2327   FLink.EditingDone;
2328 end;
2330 { TTICustomComboBox }
2332 procedure TTICustomComboBox.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
2333 begin
2334   if Sender=nil then ;
2335   if Link=nil then exit;
2336   FLink.AssignCollectedAliasValuesTo(Items);
2337 end;
2339 procedure TTICustomComboBox.GetItems;
2340 var
2341   MaxItemWidth: LongInt;
2342   Cnt: LongInt;
2343   i: Integer;
2344   ItemValue: string;
2345   CurItemWidth: LongInt;
2346 begin
2347   if (Link.Editor<>nil) and (not Link.HasAliasValues) then begin
2348     MaxItemWidth:=Width;
2349     Cnt:=Items.Count;
2350     for i:=0 to Cnt-1 do begin
2351       ItemValue:=Items[i];
2352       CurItemWidth:=Canvas.TextWidth(ItemValue);
2353       Link.Editor.ListMeasureWidth(ItemValue,i,Canvas,CurItemWidth);
2354       if MaxItemWidth<CurItemWidth then
2355         MaxItemWidth:=CurItemWidth;
2356     end;
2357     ItemWidth:=MaxItemWidth;
2358   end;
2359   inherited GetItems;
2360 end;
2362 procedure TTICustomComboBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect;
2363   State: TOwnerDrawState);
2364 var
2365   AState: TPropEditDrawState;
2366   ItemValue: string;
2367 begin
2368   if (Link.Editor=nil) or Link.HasAliasValues then
2369     inherited DrawItem(Index,ARect,State)
2370   else begin
2371     if (Index>=0) and (Index<Items.Count) then
2372       ItemValue:=Items[Index]
2373     else
2374       ItemValue:=Text;
2376     AState:=[];
2377     if odSelected in State then Include(AState,pedsSelected);
2378     if odFocused in State then Include(AState,pedsFocused);
2379     if odComboBoxEdit in State then
2380       Include(AState,pedsInEdit)
2381     else
2382       Include(AState,pedsInComboList);
2384     // clear background
2385     with Canvas do begin
2386       Brush.Color:=clWhite;
2387       Pen.Color:=clBlack;
2388       Font.Color:=Pen.Color;
2389       FillRect(ARect);
2390     end;
2392     Link.Editor.ListDrawValue(ItemValue,Index,Canvas,ARect,AState);
2394     // custom draw
2395     if Assigned(OnDrawItem) then
2396       OnDrawItem(Self, Index, ARect, State);
2397   end;
2398 end;
TTICustomComboBox.LinkTestEditingnull2400 function TTICustomComboBox.LinkTestEditing(Sender: TObject): boolean;
2401 begin
2402   if Sender=nil then ;
2403   Result:=Focused or DroppedDown;
2404   //DebugLn(['TTICustomComboBox.LinkTestEditing ',dbgsName(Self),' Result=',Result,' CanTab=',CanTab,' Handle=',HandleAllocated,' ',dbgsname(FindOwnerControl(GetFocus))]);
2405 end;
2407 procedure TTICustomComboBox.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2408 begin
2409   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2410   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2411 end;
2413 procedure TTICustomComboBox.SetMaxHistoryCount(const AValue: integer);
2414 begin
2415   if FMaxHistoryCount=AValue then exit;
2416   FMaxHistoryCount:=AValue;
2417 end;
2419 procedure TTICustomComboBox.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2420 begin
2421   if Sender=nil then ;
2422   //writeln('TTICustomComboBox.LinkLoadFromProperty A FLink.GetAsText=',FLink.GetAsText,' Text=',Text);
2423   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2424   //debugln('TTICustomComboBox.LinkLoadFromProperty B ',dbgsName(Self),' FLink.Editor=',FLink.Editor.ClassName,' FLink.GetAsText=',FLink.GetAsText);
2425   Text:=FLink.GetAsText;
2426 end;
2428 procedure TTICustomComboBox.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2429 var
2430   i: Integer;
2431   s: String;
2432 begin
2433   if Sender=nil then ;
2434   //debugln('TTICustomComboBox.LinkSaveToProperty ',dbgsName(Self),' FLink.GetAsText=',FLink.GetAsText,' Text=',Text);
2435   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2436   s:=Text;
2437   FLink.SetAsText(s);
2439   // update history
2440   if (MaxHistoryCount>0) and ((Items.Count=0) or (Items[0]<>s)) then begin
2441     Items.BeginUpdate;
2442     Items.Insert(0,s);
2443     for i:=Items.Count-1 downto 1 do
2444       if (i>=MaxHistoryCount) or (Items[i]=s)
2445       or ((not HistoryCaseSensitive) and (AnsiCompareText(Items[i],s)=0))
2446       then
2447         Items.Delete(i);
2448     Items.EndUpdate;
2449   end;
2450 end;
2452 constructor TTICustomComboBox.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2453 begin
2454   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2455   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2456   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
2457                  tkFloat,{tkSet,}tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2458                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2459                  tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
2460                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2461   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2462   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2463   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
2464   FLink.CollectValues:=true;
2465   FLink.OnTestEditing:=@LinkTestEditing;
2466 end;
2468 destructor TTICustomComboBox.Destroy;
2469 begin
2470   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2471   inherited Destroy;
2472 end;
2474 procedure TTICustomComboBox.Loaded;
2475 begin
2476   inherited Loaded;
2477   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2478 end;
2480 procedure TTICustomComboBox.EditingDone;
2481 begin
2482   inherited EditingDone;
2483   FLink.EditingDone;
2484 end;
2486 { TTICustomCheckBox }
2488 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
2489 begin
2490   if Sender=nil then ;
2491   if (FLink<>nil) and (FLink.Editor<>nil) then begin
2492     if (FLink.Editor is TBoolPropertyEditor)
2493     or (FLink.Editor is TSetPropertyEditor) then begin
2494       FLinkValueFalse:='False';
2495       FLinkValueTrue:='True';
2496     end else if FLink.Editor is TOrdinalPropertyEditor then begin
2497       FLinkValueFalse:='0';
2498       FLinkValueTrue:='-1';
2499     end else begin
2500       FLinkValueFalse:='';
2501       FLinkValueTrue:='True';
2502     end;
2503   end;
2504 end;
2506 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2507 begin
2508   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2509   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2510 end;
2512 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.SetPropertyNameAsCaption(const AValue: boolean);
2513 begin
2514   if FPropertyNameAsCaption=AValue then exit;
2515   FPropertyNameAsCaption:=AValue;
2516   if FPropertyNameAsCaption and (FLink.Editor<>nil) then
2517     Caption:=FLink.Editor.GetName;
2518 end;
2520 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2521 begin
2522   if Sender=nil then ;
2523   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2524   Checked:=FLink.GetAsText<>FLinkValueFalse;
2525   if FPropertyNameAsCaption then
2526     Caption:=FLink.Editor.GetName;
2527 end;
2529 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2530 begin
2531   if Sender=nil then ;
2532   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
2533   if Checked then
2534     FLink.SetAsText(FLinkValueTrue)
2535   else
2536     FLink.SetAsText(FLinkValueFalse);
2537 end;
2539 constructor TTICustomCheckBox.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2540 begin
2541   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2542   FLinkValueFalse:='False';
2543   FLinkValueTrue:='True';
2544   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2545   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger{,tkChar},tkEnumeration,
2546                  {tkFloat,}tkSet,{tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2547                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2548                  {tkClass,tkObject,}tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
2549                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2550   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2551   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2552   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
2553 end;
2555 destructor TTICustomCheckBox.Destroy;
2556 begin
2557   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2558   inherited Destroy;
2559 end;
2561 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.Loaded;
2562 begin
2563   inherited Loaded;
2564   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2565 end;
2567 procedure TTICustomCheckBox.EditingDone;
2568 begin
2569   inherited EditingDone;
2570   FLink.EditingDone;
2571 end;
2573 { TTICustomLabel }
2575 procedure TTICustomLabel.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2576 begin
2577   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2578   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2579 end;
GetLabelTextnull2581 function TTICustomLabel.GetLabelText: string;
2582 begin
2583   Result := inherited GetLabelText;
2584   if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin
2585     // At design-time show PropertyName or Name in caption,
2586     // otherwise it would stay empty when TIObject is not set.
2587     if Result = '' then begin
2588       Result := FLink.TIPropertyName;      // FLink.GetAsText gives an error
2589       if Result = '' then
2590         Result := Name;
2591     end;
2592   end;
2593 end;
2595 procedure TTICustomLabel.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2596 begin
2597   if Sender=nil then ;
2598   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2599   Caption:=FLink.GetAsText;
2600 end;
2602 constructor TTICustomLabel.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2603 begin
2604   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2605   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2606   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
2607                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2608                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2609                  {tkClass,tkObject,}tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
2610                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2611   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2612 end;
2614 destructor TTICustomLabel.Destroy;
2615 begin
2616   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2617   inherited Destroy;
2618 end;
2620 procedure TTICustomLabel.Loaded;
2621 begin
2622   inherited Loaded;
2623   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2624 end;
2626 { TTICustomGroupbox }
2628 procedure TTICustomGroupbox.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2629 begin
2630   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2631   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2632 end;
2634 procedure TTICustomGroupbox.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2635 begin
2636   if Sender=nil then ;
2637   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2638   Caption:=FLink.GetAsText;
2639 end;
2641 constructor TTICustomGroupbox.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2642 begin
2643   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2644   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2645   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
2646                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2647                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2648                  {tkClass,tkObject,}tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
2649                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2650   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2651 end;
2653 destructor TTICustomGroupbox.Destroy;
2654 begin
2655   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2656   inherited Destroy;
2657 end;
2659 procedure TTICustomGroupbox.Loaded;
2660 begin
2661   inherited Loaded;
2662   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2663 end;
2665 { TTICustomRadioGroup }
2667 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2668 begin
2669   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2670   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2671 end;
2673 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2674 begin
2675   if Sender=nil then ;
2676   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2677   ItemIndex:=Items.IndexOf(FLink.GetAsText);
2678 end;
2680 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2681 begin
2682   if Sender=nil then ;
2683   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2684   if ItemIndex>=0 then
2685     FLink.SetAsText(Items[ItemIndex]);
2686 end;
2688 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
2689 begin
2690   if Sender=nil then ;
2691   if Link=nil then exit;
2692   FLink.AssignCollectedAliasValuesTo(Items);
2693 end;
2695 constructor TTICustomRadioGroup.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2696 begin
2697   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2698   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2699   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,{tkChar,}tkEnumeration,
2700                  {tkFloat,tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2701                  tkWString,{tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2702                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,}tkBool{,tkInt64,}
2703                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2704   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2705   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2706   FLink.CollectValues:=true;
2707   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
2708 end;
2710 destructor TTICustomRadioGroup.Destroy;
2711 begin
2712   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2713   inherited Destroy;
2714 end;
2716 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.Loaded;
2717 begin
2718   inherited Loaded;
2719   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2720 end;
2722 procedure TTICustomRadioGroup.EditingDone;
2723 begin
2724   inherited EditingDone;
2725   FLink.EditingDone;
2726 end;
2728 { TTICustomCheckGroup }
2730 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2731 begin
2732   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2733   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2734 end;
2736 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2737 var
2738   i: Integer;
2739 begin
2740   if Sender=nil then ;
2741   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
2742   for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
2743     Checked[i]:=Link.GetSetElementValue(Items[i]);
2744 end;
2746 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2747 var
2748   i: Integer;
2749 begin
2750   if Sender=nil then ;
2751   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
2752   for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
2753     Link.SetSetElementValue(Items[i],Checked[i]);
2754 end;
2756 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
2757 begin
2758   if Sender=nil then ;
2759   if Link=nil then exit;
2760   Link.AssignSetEnumsAliasTo(Items);
2761 end;
2763 constructor TTICustomCheckGroup.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2764 begin
2765   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2766   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2767   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
2768                  {tkFloat,}tkSet{,tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,}
2769                  {tkWString,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2770                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
2771                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2772   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2773   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2774   FLink.CollectValues:=true;
2775   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
2776 end;
2778 destructor TTICustomCheckGroup.Destroy;
2779 begin
2780   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2781   inherited Destroy;
2782 end;
2784 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.Loaded;
2785 begin
2786   inherited Loaded;
2787   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2788 end;
2790 procedure TTICustomCheckGroup.EditingDone;
2791 begin
2792   inherited EditingDone;
2793   FLink.EditingDone;
2794 end;
2796 { TTICustomMemo }
TTICustomMemo.LinkTestEditornull2798 function TTICustomMemo.LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor
2799   ): Boolean;
2800 begin
2801   Result:=(ATestEditor is TStringPropertyEditor)
2802        or (ATestEditor is TStringsPropertyEditor);
2803 end;
2805 procedure TTICustomMemo.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2806 begin
2807   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2808   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2809 end;
2811 procedure TTICustomMemo.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2812 var
2813   PropKind: TTypeKind;
2814   CurObject: TObject;
2815 begin
2816   if Sender=nil then ;
2817   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2818   PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
2819   if PropKind=tkClass then begin
2820     CurObject:=FLink.Editor.GetObjectValue;
2821     if CurObject is TStrings then
2822       Lines.Assign(TStrings(CurObject))
2823     else
2824       Lines.Clear;
2825   end else if PropKind in [tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,tkWString] then begin
2826     Lines.Text:=FLink.GetAsText;
2827   end else
2828     Lines.Clear;
2829 end;
2831 procedure TTICustomMemo.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2832 var
2833   PropKind: TTypeKind;
2834   CurObject: TObject;
2835 begin
2836   if Sender=nil then ;
2837   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2838   PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
2839   if PropKind=tkClass then begin
2840     CurObject:=FLink.Editor.GetObjectValue;
2841     if CurObject is TStrings then
2842       TStrings(CurObject).Assign(Lines);
2843   end else if PropKind in [tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,tkWString] then begin
2844     FLink.SetAsText(Lines.Text);
2845   end;
2846 end;
2848 constructor TTICustomMemo.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2849 begin
2850   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2851   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2852   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
2853                  {tkFloat,tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2854                  tkWString,{tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2855                  tkClass{,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
2856                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2857   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2858   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2859   FLink.OnTestEditor:=@LinkTestEditor;
2860 end;
2862 destructor TTICustomMemo.Destroy;
2863 begin
2864   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2865   inherited Destroy;
2866 end;
2868 procedure TTICustomMemo.Loaded;
2869 begin
2870   inherited Loaded;
2871   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2872 end;
2874 procedure TTICustomMemo.EditingDone;
2875 begin
2876   inherited EditingDone;
2877   FLink.EditingDone;
2878 end;
2880 { TTICustomCalendar }
LinkTestEditornull2882 function TTICustomCalendar.LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor
2883   ): Boolean;
2884 begin
2885   Result:=(ATestEditor is TDatePropertyEditor)
2886        or (ATestEditor is TDateTimePropertyEditor)
2887        or (ATestEditor is TStringPropertyEditor);
2888 end;
2890 procedure TTICustomCalendar.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2891 begin
2892   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2893   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2894 end;
2896 procedure TTICustomCalendar.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2897 begin
2898   if Sender=nil then ;
2899   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2900   try
2901     Date:=FLink.GetAsText;
2902   except
2903     // ignore invalid dates
2904     on E: EInvalidDate do ;
2905   end;
2906 end;
2908 procedure TTICustomCalendar.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2909 begin
2910   if Sender=nil then ;
2911   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2912   FLink.SetAsText(Date);
2913 end;
2915 constructor TTICustomCalendar.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
2916 begin
2917   inherited Create(TheOwner);
2918   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
2919   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
2920                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
2921                  tkWString{,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
2922                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
2923                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
2924   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
2925   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
2926   FLink.OnTestEditor:=@LinkTestEditor;
2927 end;
2929 destructor TTICustomCalendar.Destroy;
2930 begin
2931   FreeThenNil(FLink);
2932   inherited Destroy;
2933 end;
2935 procedure TTICustomCalendar.Loaded;
2936 begin
2937   inherited Loaded;
2938   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
2939 end;
2941 procedure TTICustomCalendar.EditingDone;
2942 begin
2943   inherited EditingDone;
2944   FLink.EditingDone;
2945 end;
2947 { TTICustomFloatSpinEdit }
2949 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
2950 begin
2951   if FLink=AValue then exit;
2952   FLink.Assign(AValue);
2953 end;
2955 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
2956 begin
2957   if FUseRTTIMinMax=AValue then exit;
2958   FUseRTTIMinMax:=AValue;
2959   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
2960 end;
2962 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
2963 begin
2964   if Sender=nil then ;
2965   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
2966   try
2967     Value:=Single(StrToFloat(FLink.GetAsText));
2968   except
2969   end;
2970 end;
2972 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
2973 begin
2974   if Sender=nil then ;
2975   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
2976   FLink.SetAsText(FloatToStr(Value));
2977 end;
2979 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
2980 var
2981   TypeData: PTypeData;
2982   PropKind: TTypeKind;
2983   OldLinkSaveEnabled: Boolean;
2984   f: Extended;
2985 begin
2986   if Sender=nil then ;
2987   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
2988   OldLinkSaveEnabled:=FLink.SaveEnabled;
2989   FLink.SaveEnabled:=false;
2990   try
2991     PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
2992     case PropKind of
2994     tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,tkWChar:
2995       begin
2996         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
2997         MinValue:=TypeData^.MinValue;
2998         MaxValue:=TypeData^.MaxValue;
2999         Increment:=1;
3000         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3001       end;
3003     tkInt64:
3004       begin
3005         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3006         MinValue:=single(TypeData^.MinInt64Value);
3007         MaxValue:=single(TypeData^.MaxInt64Value);
3008         Increment:=1;
3009         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3010       end;
3012     tkQWord:
3013       begin
3014         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3015         MinValue:=single(TypeData^.MinQWordValue);
3016         MaxValue:=single(TypeData^.MaxQWordValue);
3017         Increment:=1;
3018         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3019       end;
3021     else
3022       begin
3023         try
3024           f:=StrToFloat(FLink.GetAsText);
3025         except
3026         end;
3027         if f<MinValue then MinValue:=Single(f);
3028         if f>MaxValue then MaxValue:=Single(f);
3029       end;
3031     end;
3032   finally
3033     FLink.SaveEnabled:=OldLinkSaveEnabled;
3034   end;
3035 end;
3037 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.GetRTTIMinMax;
3038 begin
3039   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3040 end;
3042 constructor TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3043 begin
3044   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3045   FUseRTTIMinMax:=true;
3046   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3047   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,{tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
3048                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3049                  tkWString{,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3050                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool},tkInt64,
3051                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3052   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3053   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3054   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
3055 end;
3057 destructor TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.Destroy;
3058 begin
3059   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3060   inherited Destroy;
3061 end;
3063 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.Loaded;
3064 begin
3065   inherited Loaded;
3066   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3067 end;
3069 procedure TTICustomFloatSpinEdit.EditingDone;
3070 begin
3071   inherited EditingDone;
3072   FLink.EditingDone;
3073 end;
3075 { TTICustomSpinEdit }
3077 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3078 begin
3079   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3080   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3081 end;
3083 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
3084 begin
3085   if FUseRTTIMinMax=AValue then exit;
3086   FUseRTTIMinMax:=AValue;
3087   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3088 end;
3090 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3091 begin
3092   if Sender=nil then ;
3093   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3094   try
3095     Value:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3096   except
3097   end;
3098 end;
3100 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3101 begin
3102   if Sender=nil then ;
3103   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
3104   FLink.SetAsText(IntToStr(Value));
3105 end;
3107 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
3108 var
3109   TypeData: PTypeData;
3110   PropKind: TTypeKind;
3111   OldLinkSaveEnabled: Boolean;
3112   f: integer;
3113 begin
3114   if Sender=nil then ;
3115   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
3116   OldLinkSaveEnabled:=FLink.SaveEnabled;
3117   FLink.SaveEnabled:=false;
3118   try
3119     PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
3120     case PropKind of
3122     tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,tkWChar:
3123       begin
3124         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3125         MinValue:=TypeData^.MinValue;
3126         MaxValue:=TypeData^.MaxValue;
3127         Increment:=1;
3128         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3129       end;
3131     tkInt64:
3132       begin
3133         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3134         MinValue:=integer(TypeData^.MinInt64Value);
3135         MaxValue:=integer(TypeData^.MaxInt64Value);
3136         Increment:=1;
3137         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3138       end;
3140     tkQWord:
3141       begin
3142         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3143         MinValue:=integer(TypeData^.MinQWordValue);
3144         MaxValue:=integer(TypeData^.MaxQWordValue);
3145         Increment:=1;
3146         DecimalPlaces:=0;
3147       end;
3149     else
3150       begin
3151         try
3152           f:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3153         except
3154         end;
3155         if f<MinValue then MinValue:=f;
3156         if f>MaxValue then MaxValue:=f;
3157       end;
3159     end;
3160   finally
3161     FLink.SaveEnabled:=OldLinkSaveEnabled;
3162   end;
3163 end;
3165 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.GetRTTIMinMax;
3166 begin
3167   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3168 end;
3170 constructor TTICustomSpinEdit.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3171 begin
3172   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3173   FUseRTTIMinMax:=true;
3174   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3175   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,{tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
3176                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3177                  tkWString{,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3178                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool},tkInt64,
3179                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3180   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3181   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3182   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
3183 end;
3185 destructor TTICustomSpinEdit.Destroy;
3186 begin
3187   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3188   inherited Destroy;
3189 end;
3191 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.Loaded;
3192 begin
3193   inherited Loaded;
3194   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3195 end;
3197 procedure TTICustomSpinEdit.EditingDone;
3198 begin
3199   inherited EditingDone;
3200   FLink.EditingDone;
3201 end;
3203 { TTICustomImage }
TTICustomImage.LinkTestEditornull3205 function TTICustomImage.LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor
3206   ): Boolean;
3207 begin
3208   Result:=(ATestEditor is TGraphicPropertyEditor);
3209 end;
3211 procedure TTICustomImage.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3212 begin
3213   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3214   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3215 end;
3217 procedure TTICustomImage.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3218 var
3219   AnObject: TObject;
3220 begin
3221   if Sender=nil then ;
3222   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3223   if FLink.Editor is TClassPropertyEditor then begin
3224     AnObject:=FLink.Editor.GetObjectValue;
3225     if AnObject is TImage then begin
3226       Picture.Assign(TImage(AnObject).Picture);
3227     end else if AnObject is TPicture then begin
3228       Picture.Assign(TPicture(AnObject));
3229     end else if AnObject is TGraphic then begin
3230       Picture.Assign(TGraphic(AnObject));
3231     end;
3232   end;
3233 end;
3235 constructor TTICustomImage.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3236 begin
3237   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3238   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3239   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
3240                  {tkFloat,tkSet,tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,}
3241                  {tkWString,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3242                  tkClass{,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
3243                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3244   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3245   FLink.OnTestEditor:=@LinkTestEditor;
3246 end;
3248 destructor TTICustomImage.Destroy;
3249 begin
3250   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3251   inherited Destroy;
3252 end;
3254 procedure TTICustomImage.Loaded;
3255 begin
3256   inherited Loaded;
3257   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3258 end;
3260 { TTICustomTrackBar }
3262 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3263 begin
3264   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3265   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3266 end;
3268 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
3269 begin
3270   if FUseRTTIMinMax=AValue then exit;
3271   FUseRTTIMinMax:=AValue;
3272   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3273 end;
3275 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3276 begin
3277   if Sender=nil then ;
3278   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3279   try
3280     Position:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3281   except
3282   end;
3283 end;
3285 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3286 begin
3287   if Sender=nil then ;
3288   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3289   FLink.SetAsText(IntToStr(Position));
3290 end;
3292 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
3293 begin
3294   if Sender=nil then ;
3295   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3296 end;
3298 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.GetRTTIMinMax;
3299 var
3300   TypeData: PTypeData;
3301   PropKind: TTypeKind;
3302   OldLinkSaveEnabled: Boolean;
3303   i: Integer;
3304 begin
3305   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
3306   OldLinkSaveEnabled:=FLink.SaveEnabled;
3307   FLink.SaveEnabled:=false;
3308   try
3309     PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
3310     case PropKind of
3312     tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,tkWChar:
3313       begin
3314         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3315         Min:=TypeData^.MinValue;
3316         Max:=TypeData^.MaxValue;
3317       end;
3319     else
3320       begin
3321         try
3322           i:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3323         except
3324         end;
3325         if i<Min then Min:=i;
3326         if i>Max then Max:=i;
3327       end;
3329     end;
3330   finally
3331     FLink.SaveEnabled:=OldLinkSaveEnabled;
3332   end;
3333 end;
3335 constructor TTICustomTrackBar.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3336 begin
3337   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3338   FUseRTTIMinMax:=true;
3339   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3340   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,{tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
3341                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3342                  tkWString{,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3343                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
3344                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3345   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3346   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3347   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
3348 end;
3350 destructor TTICustomTrackBar.Destroy;
3351 begin
3352   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3353   inherited Destroy;
3354 end;
3356 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.Loaded;
3357 begin
3358   inherited Loaded;
3359   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3360 end;
3362 procedure TTICustomTrackBar.EditingDone;
3363 begin
3364   inherited EditingDone;
3365   FLink.EditingDone;
3366 end;
3368 { TTICustomMaskEdit }
3370 procedure TTICustomMaskEdit.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3371 begin
3372   if Sender=nil then ;
3373   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3374   Text:=FLink.GetAsText;
3375 end;
3377 procedure TTICustomMaskEdit.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3378 begin
3379   if Sender=nil then ;
3380   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
3381   FLink.SetAsText(Text);
3382 end;
3384 procedure TTICustomMaskEdit.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3385 begin
3386   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3387   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3388 end;
3390 constructor TTICustomMaskEdit.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3391 begin
3392   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3393   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3394   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
3395                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3396                  tkWString,tkVariant,{tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3397                  {tkClass,tkObject,}tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
3398                  tkQWord{,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3399   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3400   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3401 end;
3403 destructor TTICustomMaskEdit.Destroy;
3404 begin
3405   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3406   inherited Destroy;
3407 end;
3409 procedure TTICustomMaskEdit.Loaded;
3410 begin
3411   inherited Loaded;
3412   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3413 end;
3415 procedure TTICustomMaskEdit.EditingDone;
3416 begin
3417   inherited EditingDone;
3418   FLink.EditingDone;
3419 end;
3421 { TTICustomButton }
TTICustomButton.LinkTestEditornull3423 function TTICustomButton.LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor
3424   ): Boolean;
3425 begin
3426   Result:=paDialog in ATestEditor.GetAttributes;
3427 end;
3429 procedure TTICustomButton.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3430 begin
3431   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3432   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3433 end;
3435 procedure TTICustomButton.Click;
3436 begin
3437   inherited Click;
3438   if Link.Editor<>nil then
3439     Link.Editor.Edit;
3440 end;
3442 constructor TTICustomButton.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3443 begin
3444   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3445   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3446   FLink.Filter:=AllTypeKinds;
3447   FLink.OnTestEditor:=@LinkTestEditor;
3448 end;
3450 destructor TTICustomButton.Destroy;
3451 begin
3452   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3453   inherited Destroy;
3454 end;
3456 { TTICustomCheckListBox }
3458 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3459 begin
3460   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3461   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3462 end;
3464 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3465 var
3466   i: Integer;
3467 begin
3468   if Sender=nil then ;
3469   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
3470   for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
3471     Checked[i]:=Link.GetSetElementValue(Items[i]);
3472 end;
3474 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3475 var
3476   i: Integer;
3477 begin
3478   if Sender=nil then ;
3479   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
3480   for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
3481     Link.SetSetElementValue(Items[i],Checked[i]);
3482 end;
3484 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
3485 begin
3486   if Sender=nil then ;
3487   if Link=nil then exit;
3488   Link.AssignSetEnumsAliasTo(Items);
3489 end;
3491 constructor TTICustomCheckListBox.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3492 begin
3493   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3494   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3495   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
3496                  {tkFloat,}tkSet{,tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,}
3497                  {tkWString,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
3498                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
3499                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3500   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3501   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3502   FLink.CollectValues:=true;
3503   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
3504 end;
3506 destructor TTICustomCheckListBox.Destroy;
3507 begin
3508   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3509   inherited Destroy;
3510 end;
3512 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.Loaded;
3513 begin
3514   inherited Loaded;
3515   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3516 end;
3518 procedure TTICustomCheckListBox.EditingDone;
3519 begin
3520   inherited EditingDone;
3521   FLink.EditingDone;
3522 end;
3524 { TTICustomListBox }
3526 procedure TTICustomListBox.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3527 begin
3528   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3529   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3530 end;
3532 procedure TTICustomListBox.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3533 var
3534   i: Integer;
3535 begin
3536   if Sender=nil then ;
3537   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
3538   if Link.Editor is TSetPropertyEditor then begin
3539     for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
3540       Selected[i]:=Link.GetSetElementValue(Items[i]);
3541   end else begin
3542     ItemIndex:=Items.IndexOf(Link.GetAsText);
3543   end;
3544 end;
3546 procedure TTICustomListBox.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3547 var
3548   i: Integer;
3549 begin
3550   if Sender=nil then ;
3551   if Link.Editor=nil then exit;
3552   if Link.Editor is TSetPropertyEditor then begin
3553     for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
3554       Link.SetSetElementValue(Items[i],Selected[i]);
3555   end else begin
3556     if ItemIndex>=0 then
3557       Link.SetAsText(Items[ItemIndex]);
3558   end;
3559 end;
3561 procedure TTICustomListBox.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
3562 begin
3563   if Sender=nil then ;
3564   if Link=nil then exit;
3565   if Link.Editor is TSetPropertyEditor then begin
3566     MultiSelect:=true;
3567     Link.AssignSetEnumsAliasTo(Items);
3568   end else begin
3569     Link.AssignCollectedAliasValuesTo(Items);
3570   end;
3571 end;
3573 procedure TTICustomListBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect;
3574   State: TOwnerDrawState);
3575 var
3576   AState: TPropEditDrawState;
3577   ItemValue: string;
3578 begin
3579   if (Link.Editor=nil) or Link.HasAliasValues then
3580     inherited DrawItem(Index,ARect,State)
3581   else begin
3582     if (Index>=0) and (Index<Items.Count) then
3583       ItemValue:=Items[Index]
3584     else
3585       ItemValue:=Text;
3587     AState:=[];
3588     if odSelected in State then Include(AState,pedsSelected);
3589     if odFocused in State then Include(AState,pedsFocused);
3590     Include(AState,pedsInEdit);
3592     // clear background
3593     with Canvas do begin
3594       if odSelected in State then
3595         Brush.Color:=clLtGray
3596       else
3597         Brush.Color:=clWhite;
3598       Pen.Color:=clBlack;
3599       Font.Color:=Pen.Color;
3600       FillRect(ARect);
3601     end;
3603     Link.Editor.ListDrawValue(ItemValue,Index,Canvas,ARect,AState);
3605     // custom draw
3606     if Assigned(OnDrawItem) then
3607       OnDrawItem(Self, Index, ARect, State);
3608   end;
3609 end;
3611 constructor TTICustomListBox.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3612 begin
3613   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3614   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3615   FLink.Filter:=[tkUnknown,tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
3616                  tkFloat,tkSet,tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3617                  tkWString,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,
3618                  tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
3619                  tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw];
3620   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3621   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3622   FLink.CollectValues:=true;
3623   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
3624 end;
3626 destructor TTICustomListBox.Destroy;
3627 begin
3628   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3629   inherited Destroy;
3630 end;
3632 procedure TTICustomListBox.Loaded;
3633 begin
3634   inherited Loaded;
3635   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3636 end;
3638 procedure TTICustomListBox.EditingDone;
3639 begin
3640   inherited EditingDone;
3641   FLink.EditingDone;
3642 end;
3644 { TPropertyLinkNotifier }
3646 procedure TPropertyLinkNotifier.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
3647   Operation: TOperation);
3648 begin
3649   inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
3650   if FLink<>nil then FLink.Notification(AComponent,Operation);
3651 end;
3653 constructor TPropertyLinkNotifier.Create(TheLink: TCustomPropertyLink);
3654 begin
3655   inherited Create(nil);
3656   FLink:=TheLink;
3657 end;
3659 { TTICustomColorButton }
3661 procedure TTICustomColorButton.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3662 begin
3663   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3664   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3665 end;
3667 procedure TTICustomColorButton.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3668 begin
3669   if Sender=nil then ;
3670   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3671   ButtonColor:=TColor(FLink.GetAsInt);
3672 end;
3674 procedure TTICustomColorButton.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3675 begin
3676   if Sender=nil then ;
3677   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3678   FLink.SetAsInt(ButtonColor);
3679 end;
TTICustomColorButton.LinkTestEditornull3681 function TTICustomColorButton.LinkTestEditor(const ATestEditor: TPropertyEditor
3682   ): Boolean;
3683 begin
3684   Result:=(ATestEditor is TColorPropertyEditor)
3685           and (paDialog in ATestEditor.GetAttributes);
3686 end;
3688 procedure TTICustomColorButton.ShowColorDialog;
3689 begin
3690   if Link.Editor<>nil then
3691     Link.Editor.Edit;
3692   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3693 end;
3695 constructor TTICustomColorButton.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3696 begin
3697   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3698   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
3699   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger{,tkChar,tkEnumeration,
3700                  tkFloat,tkSet,tkMethod,tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
3701                  tkWString,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,
3702                  tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,
3703                  tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
3704   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
3705   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
3706   FLink.OnTestEditor:=@LinkTestEditor;
3707 end;
3709 destructor TTICustomColorButton.Destroy;
3710 begin
3711   FreeThenNil(FLink);
3712   inherited Destroy;
3713 end;
3715 procedure TTICustomColorButton.Loaded;
3716 begin
3717   inherited Loaded;
3718   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
3719 end;
3721 procedure TTICustomColorButton.EditingDone;
3722 begin
3723   inherited EditingDone;
3724   FLink.EditingDone;
3725 end;
3727 { TMultiPropertyLink }
3729 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetTIObject(const AValue: TPersistent);
3730 begin
3731   if FTIObject=AValue then exit;
3732   FTIObject:=AValue;
3733   if Assigned(OnSetTIObject) then OnSetTIObject(Self);
3734   SetLinks;
3735 end;
3737 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetMaintainGrandChilds(const AValue: boolean);
3738 begin
3739   if FMaintainGrandChilds=AValue then exit;
3740   FMaintainGrandChilds:=AValue;
3741   if FMaintainGrandChilds then SetLinks;
3742 end;
3744 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetMaintainSiblings(const AValue: boolean);
3745 begin
3746   if FMaintainSiblings=AValue then exit;
3747   FMaintainSiblings:=AValue;
3748   if FMaintainSiblings then SetLinks;
3749 end;
3751 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetParentControl(const AValue: TWinControl);
3752 begin
3753   if FParentControl=AValue then exit;
3754   FParentControl:=AValue;
3755   if FParentControl<>nil then SetLinks;
3756 end;
3758 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetRootComponent(const AValue: TComponent);
3759 begin
3760   if FRootComponent=AValue then exit;
3761   FRootComponent:=AValue;
3762   if FRootComponent<>nil then SetLinks;
3763 end;
3765 constructor TMultiPropertyLink.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
3766 begin
3767   inherited Create(TheOwner);
3768   FMaintainSiblings:=true;
3769 end;
3771 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetLinks;
3772 begin
3773   if [csLoading,csDestroying]*ComponentState<>[] then exit;
3774   if RootComponent<>nil then
3775     SetLinksForChildComponents(RootComponent);
3776   if ParentControl<>nil then
3777     SetLinksForChildControls(ParentControl,MaintainGrandChilds);
3778   if MaintainSiblings and (Owner<>nil) then
3779     SetLinksForChildComponents(Owner);
3780 end;
3782 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetLinksForChildControls(AParent: TWinControl;
3783   WithGrandChilds: boolean);
3784 var
3785   i: Integer;
3786   CurControl: TControl;
3787   CurLink: TCustomPropertyLink;
3788 begin
3789   if AParent<>nil then begin
3790     for i:=0 to AParent.ControlCount-1 do begin
3791       CurControl:=AParent.Controls[i];
3792       CurLink:=GetPropertyLinkOfComponent(CurControl);
3793       if CurLink<>nil then
3794         CurLink.TIObject:=TIObject;
3795       if WithGrandChilds and (CurControl is TWinControl) then
3796         SetLinksForChildControls(TWinControl(CurControl),true);
3797     end;
3798   end;
3799 end;
3801 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.SetLinksForChildComponents(AComponent: TComponent);
3802 var
3803   i: Integer;
3804   CurComponent: TComponent;
3805   CurLink: TCustomPropertyLink;
3806 begin
3807   if AComponent<>nil then begin
3808     for i:=0 to AComponent.ComponentCount-1 do begin
3809       CurComponent:=AComponent.Components[i];
3810       CurLink:=GetPropertyLinkOfComponent(CurComponent);
3811       if CurLink<>nil then
3812         CurLink.TIObject:=TIObject;
3813     end;
3814   end;
3815 end;
3817 procedure TMultiPropertyLink.Loaded;
3818 begin
3819   inherited Loaded;
3820   SetLinks;
3821 end;
3823 { TTIElementNamePropertyEditor }
3825 procedure TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetCompatiblePropEdits(
3826   Prop: TPropertyEditor);
3827 begin
3828   if FPropEdits=nil then FPropEdits:=TList.Create;
3829   FPropEdits.Add(Prop);
3830 end;
3832 procedure TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetElementPropEdits(Prop: TPropertyEditor);
3833 begin
3834   if FElementPropEdits=nil then FElementPropEdits:=TList.Create;
3835   FElementPropEdits.Add(Prop);
3836 end;
TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.TestEditornull3838 function TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.TestEditor(const Prop: TPropertyEditor
3839   ): boolean;
3840 var
3841   i: Integer;
3842   CurPersistent: TPersistent;
3843   ALink: TCustomPropertyLink;
3844 begin
3845   Result:=false;
3846   for i:=0 to PropCount-1 do begin
3847     CurPersistent:=GetComponent(i);
3848     if (CurPersistent is TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
3849       ALink:=TCustomPropertyLink(CurPersistent);
3850       //debugln('TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.TestEditor ',ALink.TIPropertyName,' ',Prop.GetName);
3851       if (CompareText(ALink.TIPropertyName,Prop.GetName)<>0) then exit;
3852       if Assigned(ALink.OnTestEditor) and (not ALink.OnTestEditor(Prop)) then
3853         exit;
3854       //debugln('TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.TestEditor ok ',ALink.TIPropertyName);
3855     end;
3856   end;
3857   Result:=true;
3858 end;
GetAttributesnull3860 function TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
3861 begin
3862   Result:=[paMultiSelect,paValueList,paSortList,paRevertable];
3863 end;
TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetEditLimitnull3865 function TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetEditLimit: Integer;
3866 begin
3867   Result:=255;
3868 end;
3870 procedure TTIElementNamePropertyEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStringProc);
3871 var
3872   ALink: TCustomPropertyLink;
3873   ASelection: TPersistentSelectionList;
3874   i: Integer;
3875   CurPersistent: TPersistent;
3876   CurTIObject: TPersistent;
3877   Filter: TTypeKinds;
3878   CurPropEdit: TPropertyEditor;
3879   j: Integer;
3880 begin
3881   ASelection:=TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
3882   try
3883     // get every TIObject of every TCustomPropertyLink in the selection
3884     Filter:=AllTypeKinds;
3885     for i:=0 to PropCount-1 do begin
3886       CurPersistent:=GetComponent(i);
3887       if (CurPersistent is TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
3888         ALink:=TCustomPropertyLink(CurPersistent);
3889         CurTIObject:=ALink.TIObject;
3890         if CurTIObject<>nil then begin
3891           ASelection.Add(CurTIObject);
3892           Filter:=Filter*ALink.Filter;
3893         end;
3894       end;
3895     end;
3896     if ASelection.Count=0 then exit;
3897     // get properties of all TIObjects
3898     GetPersistentProperties(ASelection,Filter,PropertyHook,
3899       @GetCompatiblePropEdits,nil,@TestEditor);
3900     if FPropEdits<>nil then begin
3901       // get the possible element values:
3902       for i:=0 to FPropEdits.Count-1 do begin
3903         CurPropEdit:=TPropertyEditor(FPropEdits[i]);
3904         if paValueList in CurPropEdit.GetAttributes then
3905         begin
3906           // get value list
3907           CurPropEdit.GetValues(Proc);
3908           break;
3909         end else if paSubProperties in CurPropEdit.GetAttributes then begin
3910           // get names of sub property editors
3911           CurPropEdit.GetProperties(@GetElementPropEdits);
3912           if FElementPropEdits<>nil then begin
3913             for j:=0 to FElementPropEdits.Count-1 do
3914               Proc(TPropertyEditor(FElementPropEdits[j]).GetName);
3915             break;
3916           end;
3917         end;
3918       end;
3919     end;
3920   finally
3921     ASelection.Free;
3922     if FPropEdits<>nil then begin
3923       for i:=0 to FPropEdits.Count-1 do
3924         TPropertyEditor(FPropEdits[i]).Free;
3925       FreeThenNil(FPropEdits);
3926     end;
3927     if FElementPropEdits<>nil then begin
3928       for i:=0 to FElementPropEdits.Count-1 do
3929         TPropertyEditor(FElementPropEdits[i]).Free;
3930       FreeThenNil(FElementPropEdits);
3931     end;
3932   end;
3933 end;
3935 { TTICustomProgressBar }
3937 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.SetLink(const AValue: TPropertyLink);
3938 begin
3939   if FLink=AValue then exit;
3940   FLink.Assign(AValue);
3941 end;
3943 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.SetUseRTTIMinMax(const AValue: boolean);
3944 begin
3945   if FUseRTTIMinMax=AValue then exit;
3946   FUseRTTIMinMax:=AValue;
3947   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3948 end;
3950 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.LinkLoadFromProperty(Sender: TObject);
3951 begin
3952   if Sender=nil then ;
3953   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3954   try
3955     Position:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3956   except
3957   end;
3958 end;
3960 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.LinkSaveToProperty(Sender: TObject);
3961 begin
3962   if Sender=nil then ;
3963   if (FLink.Editor=nil) then exit;
3964   FLink.SetAsText(IntToStr(Position));
3965 end;
3967 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.LinkEditorChanged(Sender: TObject);
3968 begin
3969   if Sender=nil then ;
3970   if UseRTTIMinMax then GetRTTIMinMax;
3971 end;
3973 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.GetRTTIMinMax;
3974 var
3975   TypeData: PTypeData;
3976   PropKind: TTypeKind;
3977   OldLinkSaveEnabled: Boolean;
3978   i: Integer;
3979 begin
3980   if FLink.Editor=nil then exit;
3981   OldLinkSaveEnabled:=FLink.SaveEnabled;
3982   FLink.SaveEnabled:=false;
3983   try
3984     PropKind:=FLink.Editor.GetPropType^.Kind;
3985     case PropKind of
3987     tkInteger,tkChar,tkEnumeration,tkWChar:
3988       begin
3989         TypeData:=GetTypeData(FLink.Editor.GetPropType);
3990         Min:=TypeData^.MinValue;
3991         Max:=TypeData^.MaxValue;
3992       end;
3994     else
3995       begin
3996         try
3997           i:=StrToInt(FLink.GetAsText);
3998         except
3999         end;
4000         if i<Min then Min:=i;
4001         if i>Max then Max:=i;
4002       end;
4004     end;
4005   finally
4006     FLink.SaveEnabled:=OldLinkSaveEnabled;
4007   end;
4008 end;
4010 constructor TTICustomProgressBar.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
4011 begin
4012   inherited Create(TheOwner);
4013   FUseRTTIMinMax:=true;
4014   FLink:=TPropertyLink.Create(Self);
4015   FLink.Filter:=[{tkUnknown,}tkInteger,{tkChar,tkEnumeration,}
4016                  tkFloat,{tkSet,tkMethod,}tkSString,tkLString,tkAString,
4017                  tkWString{,tkVariant,tkArray,tkRecord,tkInterface,}
4018                  {tkClass,tkObject,tkWChar,tkBool,tkInt64,}
4019                  {tkQWord,tkDynArray,tkInterfaceRaw}];
4020   FLink.OnLoadFromProperty:=@LinkLoadFromProperty;
4021   FLink.OnSaveToProperty:=@LinkSaveToProperty;
4022   FLink.OnEditorChanged:=@LinkEditorChanged;
4023 end;
4025 destructor TTICustomProgressBar.Destroy;
4026 begin
4027   FreeThenNil(FLink);
4028   inherited Destroy;
4029 end;
4031 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.Loaded;
4032 begin
4033   inherited Loaded;
4034   FLink.LoadFromProperty;
4035 end;
4037 procedure TTICustomProgressBar.EditingDone;
4038 begin
4039   inherited EditingDone;
4040   FLink.EditingDone;
4041 end;
4043 { TPropertyLink }
4045 procedure TPropertyLink.ReadAliasValuesData(Reader: TReader);
4046 begin
4047   Reader.ReadListBegin;
4048   AliasValues.BeginUpdate;
4049   try
4050     AliasValues.Clear;
4051     while not Reader.EndOfList do
4052       AliasValues.Add(Reader.ReadString);
4053   finally
4054     AliasValues.EndUpdate;
4055   end;
4056   Reader.ReadListEnd;
4057 end;
4059 procedure TPropertyLink.WriteAliasValuesData(Writer: TWriter);
4060 var
4061   i: Integer;
4062 begin
4063   Writer.WriteListBegin;
4064   for i := 0 to AliasValues.Count - 1 do
4065     Writer.WriteString(AliasValues[i]);
4066   Writer.WriteListEnd;
4067 end;
4069 procedure TPropertyLink.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
4070 var
4071   HasAliasValuesData: Boolean;
4072   AncestorPropList: TCustomPropertyLink;
4073 begin
4074   inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
4075   HasAliasValuesData := AliasValues.Count > 0;
4076   if Assigned(Filer.Ancestor) then begin
4077     // Only serialize if string list is different from ancestor
4078     if Filer.Ancestor.InheritsFrom(TCustomPropertyLink) then begin
4079       AncestorPropList:=TCustomPropertyLink(Filer.Ancestor);
4080       HasAliasValuesData := not AliasValues.Equals(AncestorPropList.AliasValues);
4081     end;
4082   end;
4083   Filer.DefineProperty('AliasValuesStrings',
4084                @ReadAliasValuesData, @WriteAliasValuesData, HasAliasValuesData);
4085 end;
4087 initialization
4088   // TPropertyLink
4089   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TPropertyLink),
4090     nil, '', TPropertyLinkPropertyEditor);
4091   // property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.TIObject
4092   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TPersistent),
4093     TCustomPropertyLink, 'TIObject', TTIObjectPropertyEditor);
4094   // property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.TIPropertyName
4095   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string),
4096     TCustomPropertyLink, 'TIPropertyName', TPropertyNamePropertyEditor);
4097   // property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.TIElementName
4098   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string),
4099     TCustomPropertyLink, 'TIElementName', TTIElementNamePropertyEditor);
4100   // property editor for TCustomPropertyLink.AliasValues
4101   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TAliasStrings),
4102     TCustomPropertyLink, 'AliasValues', TPropLinkAliasPropertyEditor);
4103   // property editor for TMultiPropertyLink.TIObject
4104   RegisterPropertyEditor(ClassTypeInfo(TPersistent),
4105     TMultiPropertyLink, 'TIObject', TTIObjectPropertyEditor);
4106   RegisterComponentEditor(TTIMaskEdit, TMaskEditEditor);
4107 end.