1 {
3  *****************************************************************************
4   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
5   for details about the license.
6  *****************************************************************************
8   Authors: Alexander Klenin
10 }
11 unit TAFitUtils;
13 {$H+}
15 interface
17 uses
18   SysUtils, Classes, TAChartUtils, TAFitLib;
20 type
21   TFitEquation = (
22     fePolynomial,  // y = b0 + b1*x + b2*x^2 + ... bn*x^n
23     feLinear,      // y = a + b*x
24     feExp,         // y = a * exp(b * x)
25     fePower,       // y = a * x^b
26     feCustom       // y = b0 + b1*F1(x) + b2*F2(x) + ... bn*Fn(x),
providednull27                    //    Fi(x) = custom "fit base function" provided by calling SetFitBasisFunc() method
28   );
30   IFitEquationText = interface
BasisFuncsnull31     function BasisFuncs(const ATexts: array of string): IFitEquationText;
DecimalSeparatornull32     function DecimalSeparator(AValue: Char): IFitEquationText;
Equationnull33     function Equation(AEquation: TFitEquation): IFitEquationText;
Xnull34     function X(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
Ynull35     function Y(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatnull36     function NumFormat(AFormat: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatsnull37     function NumFormats(const AFormats: array of String): IFitEquationText;
Paramsnull38     function Params(const AParams: array of Double): IFitEquationText;
TextFormatnull39     function TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): IFitEquationText;
Getnull40     function Get: String;
41   end;
43   TFitEmptyEquationText = class(TInterfacedObject, IFitEquationText)
44   public
BasisFuncsnull45     function BasisFuncs(const ATexts: array of string): IFitEquationText;
DecimalSeparatornull46     function DecimalSeparator(AValue: Char): IFitEquationText;
Equationnull47     function Equation(AEquation: TFitEquation): IFitEquationText;
Xnull48     function X(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
Ynull49     function Y(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatnull50     function NumFormat(AFormat: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatsnull51     function NumFormats(const AFormats: array of String): IFitEquationText;
Paramsnull52     function Params(const AParams: array of Double): IFitEquationText;
TextFormatnull53     function TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): IFitEquationText;
Getnull54     function Get: String;
55   end;
57   TFitEquationText = class(TInterfacedObject, IFitEquationText)
58   strict private
59     FBasisFunc: array of string;
60     FDecSep: Char;
61     FEquation: TFitEquation;
62     FX: String;
63     FY: String;
64     FNumFormat: String;
65     FNumFormats: array of String;
66     FParams: array of Double;
67     FTextFormat: TChartTextFormat;
GetNumFormatnull68     function GetNumFormat(AIndex: Integer): String;
69   public
70     constructor Create;
BasisFuncsnull71     function BasisFuncs(const ATexts: array of string): IFitEquationText;
DecimalSeparatornull72     function DecimalSeparator(AValue: Char): IFitEquationText;
Equationnull73     function Equation(AEquation: TFitEquation): IFitEquationText;
Xnull74     function X(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
Ynull75     function Y(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatnull76     function NumFormat(AFormat: String): IFitEquationText;
NumFormatsnull77     function NumFormats(const AFormats: array of String): IFitEquationText;
Paramsnull78     function Params(const AParams: array of Double): IFitEquationText;
TextFormatnull79     function TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): IFitEquationText;
Getnull80     function Get: String;
81   end;
83   TFitStatistics = class(TObject)
84   private
85     fN: Integer;        // number of observations
86     fM: Integer;        // number of (adjusted) fit parameters (fixed params not included)
87     fSST: Double;       // total sum of squares (yi - ybar)^2
88     fSSR: Double;       // regression sum of squares (yhat - ybar)^2
89     fSSE: Double;       // error sum of squares (yi - yhat)^2
90     fAlpha: Double;     // significance level for hypothesis tests
91     fxbar: Double;      // mean x value
92     fSSx: Double;       // sum of squares (xi - xbar)³
93     fVarCovar: array of array of Double;
94     fTValue: Double;    // t-value
95     procedure CalcTValue;
GetVarCovarnull96     function GetVarCovar(i, j: Integer): Double;
97     procedure SetAlpha(AValue: Double);
98   public
99     constructor Create(aFitResults: TFitResults; aAlpha: Double = 0.05);
100     procedure Report_ANOVA(AText: TStrings; ASeparator: String = ': ';
101       ANumFormat: String = '%f'; AExpFormat: String = '%.3e'; NaNStr: String = 'n/a');
102     procedure Report_VarCovar(AText: TSTrings; ANumFormat: String = '%12.6f');
103   public
AdjR2null104     function AdjR2: Double;
Chi2null105     function Chi2: Double;
DOFnull106     function DOF: Integer;   // Degrees of freedom
Fnull107     function F: Double;
108     property N: Integer read fN;   // Number of data points
109     property M: Integer read fM;   // Number of fit parameters
ReducedChi2null110     function ReducedChi2: Double;
R2null111     function R2: Double;
ResidualStdErrornull112     function ResidualStdError: Double;
113     property Alpha: Double read FAlpha write SetAlpha;
114     property SST: Double read fSST;
115     property SSR: Double read fSSR;
116     property SSE: Double read fSSE;
117     property VarCovar[i, j: Integer]: Double read GetVarCovar;
118     property xBar: Double read fXBar;
119     property SSx: Double read fSSx;
120   public
121     {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004}
Fcritnull122     function Fcrit: Double;
pValuenull123     function pValue: Double;
124     property tValue: Double read ftValue;
125     {$ENDIF}
126   end;
128   operator := (AEq: IFitEquationText): String; inline;
130 implementation
132 uses
133   Math, spe, TAChartStrConsts;
135 operator := (AEq: IFitEquationText): String;
136 begin
137   Result := AEq.Get;
138 end;
141 { TFitEmptyEquationText }
BasisFuncsnull143 function TFitEmptyEquationText.BasisFuncs(const ATexts: array of string): IFitEquationText;
144 begin
145   Unused(ATexts);
146   Result := Self;
147 end;
DecimalSeparatornull149 function TFitEmptyEquationText.DecimalSeparator(AValue: Char): IFitEquationText;
150 begin
151   Unused(AValue);
152   Result := Self;
153 end;
TFitEmptyEquationText.Equationnull155 function TFitEmptyEquationText.Equation(
156   AEquation: TFitEquation): IFitEquationText;
157 begin
158   Unused(AEquation);
159   Result := Self;
160 end;
TFitEmptyEquationText.Getnull162 function TFitEmptyEquationText.Get: String;
163 begin
164   Result := '';
165 end;
NumFormatnull167 function TFitEmptyEquationText.NumFormat(AFormat: String): IFitEquationText;
168 begin
169   Unused(AFormat);
170   Result := Self;
171 end;
TFitEmptyEquationText.NumFormatsnull173 function TFitEmptyEquationText.NumFormats(
174   const AFormats: array of String): IFitEquationText;
175 begin
176   Unused(AFormats);
177   Result := Self;
178 end;
Paramsnull180 function TFitEmptyEquationText.Params(
181   const AParams: array of Double): IFitEquationText;
182 begin
183   Unused(AParams);
184   Result := Self;
185 end;
TFitEmptyEquationText.TextFormatnull187 function TFitEmptyEquationText.TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): IFitEquationText;
188 begin
189   Unused(AFormat);
190   Result := Self;
191 end;
Xnull193 function TFitEmptyEquationText.X(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
194 begin
195   Unused(AText);
196   Result := Self;
197 end;
Ynull199 function TFitEmptyEquationText.Y(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
200 begin
201   Unused(AText);
202   Result := Self;
203 end;
205 { TFitEquationText }
207 constructor TFitEquationText.Create;
208 begin
209   FX := 'x';
210   FY := 'y';
211   FNumFormat := '%.9g';
212   FDecSep := DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator;
213 end;
BasisFuncsnull215 function TFitEquationText.BasisFuncs(const ATexts: array of string): IFitEquationText;
216 var
217   i: Integer;
218 begin
219   SetLength(FBasisFunc, Length(ATexts));
220   for i := 0 to High(FBasisFunc) do
221     FBasisFunc[i] := ATexts[i];
222   Result := Self;
223 end;
DecimalSeparatornull225 function TFitEquationText.DecimalSeparator(AValue: Char): IFitEquationText;
226 begin
227   FDecSep := AValue;
228   Result := self;
229 end;
TFitEquationText.Equationnull231 function TFitEquationText.Equation(AEquation: TFitEquation): IFitEquationText;
232 begin
233   FEquation := AEquation;
234   Result := Self;
235 end;
TFitEquationText.Getnull237 function TFitEquationText.Get: String;
238 const
239   TIMES: array[boolean] of string = ('*', '·');
240 var
241   fs: TFormatSettings;
242   res: String;
termnull244   // Returns the function term, e.g. "x^3"
245   function FuncTerm(i: Integer): String;
246   const
247     POWER: array[boolean] of string = ('%s^%d', '%s<sup>%d</sup>');
248   begin
249     if FEquation in [feCustom] then
250       Result := FBasisFunc[i]
251     else
252     if i = 0 then
253       Result := ''
254     else
255     if i = 1 then
256       Result := FX
257     else
258       Result := Format(POWER[FTextFormat = tfHTML], [FX, i]);
259   end;
261   // Creates a product term "value*f(x)".
262   // "value*" is omitted if 1. "*f(x)" is omitted if constant.
ProductTermnull263   function ProductTerm(i: Integer): String;
264   var
265     fx: String;
266   begin
267     if FParams[i] = 0.0 then
268       exit('');
269     fx := FuncTerm(i);
270     if abs(FParams[i]) <> 1.0 then begin
271       Result := Format(GetNumFormat(i), [FParams[i]], fs);
272       if fx <> '' then
273         Result := Result + TIMES[FTextFormat = tfHTML] + fx;
274     end else
275     if FParams[i] = -1.0 then
276       Result := '-' + FX
277     else
278       Result := FX;
279   end;
281   // First term in expression: no plus sign
282   // Other terms: both plus and minus signs, enclosed by spaces.
FixSignnull283   function FixSign(s: String): String;
284   begin
285     if (s <> '') and (res <> '') then begin
286       if s[1] = '-' then begin
287         Insert(' ', s, 2);
288         s := ' ' + s;
289       end else
290         s := ' + ' + s;
291     end;
292     Result := s;
293   end;
295   // Creates the constant term for feExp or fePower; includes the multiplication sign.
ConstTermnull296   function ConstTerm: String;
297   begin
298     if FParams[0] = 1.0 then
299       Result := ''
300     else if FParams[0] = -1.0 then
301       Result := '-'
302     else
303       Result := Format(GetNumFormat(0), [FParams[0]], fs) + TIMES[FTextFormat = tfHTML];
304   end;
306   // Creates the exponential term, e.g. 'exp(-1.2*x)' or 'e<sup>-1.2&middot;x</sup>'
ExpTermnull307   function ExpTerm: string;
308   const
309     EXP: array[boolean] of String = ('exp(%s)', 'e<sup>%s</sup>');
310   begin
311     Result := Format(EXP[FTextFormat = tfHTML], [ProductTerm(1)]);
312   end;
314   // Creates the power term, e.g. 'x^1.2' or 'x<sup>1.2</sup>'
PowerTermnull315   function PowerTerm: String;
316   var
317     mask: String;
318   begin
319     if FTextFormat = tfNormal then
320       mask := '%s^' + GetNumFormat(1)
321     else
322       mask := '%s<sup>' + GetNumFormat(1) + '</sup>';
323     Result := Format(mask, [FX, FParams[1]], fs);
324   end;
326 var
327   i: Integer;
328 begin
329   if Length(FParams) = 0 then
330     exit('');
332   fs := DefaultFormatSettings;
333   fs.DecimalSeparator := FDecSep;
335   Result := Format('%s = ', [FY]);
336   case FEquation of
337     feLinear, fePolynomial, feCustom:
338       begin
339         res := '';
340         for i := 0 to High(FParams) do
341           res += FixSign(ProductTerm(i));
342         Result += res;
343       end;
344     feExp:
345       Result += ConstTerm + ExpTerm;
346     fePower:
347       Result += ConstTerm + PowerTerm;
348   end;
349 end;
GetNumFormatnull351 function TFitEquationText.GetNumFormat(AIndex: Integer): String;
352 begin
353   if AIndex < Length(FNumFormats) then
354     Result := FNumFormats[AIndex]
355   else
356     Result := FNumFormat;
357 end;
TFitEquationText.NumFormatnull359 function TFitEquationText.NumFormat(AFormat: String): IFitEquationText;
360 begin
361   FNumFormat := AFormat;
362   Result := Self;
363 end;
TFitEquationText.NumFormatsnull365 function TFitEquationText.NumFormats(
366   const AFormats: array of String): IFitEquationText;
367 var
368   i: Integer;
369 begin
370   SetLength(FNumFormats, Length(AFormats));
371   for i := 0 to High(AFormats) do
372     FNumFormats[i] := AFormats[i];
373   Result := Self;
374 end;
TFitEquationText.Paramsnull376 function TFitEquationText.Params(
377   const AParams: array of Double): IFitEquationText;
378 var
379   i: Integer;
380 begin
381   SetLength(FParams, Length(AParams));
382   for i := 0 to High(AParams) do
383     FParams[i] := AParams[i];
384   Result := Self;
385 end;
TFitEquationText.TextFormatnull387 function TFitEquationText.TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): IFitEquationText;
388 begin
389   FTextFormat := AFormat;
390   Result := Self;
391 end;
Xnull393 function TFitEquationText.X(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
394 begin
395   FX := AText;
396   Result := Self;
397 end;
Ynull399 function TFitEquationText.Y(AText: String): IFitEquationText;
400 begin
401   FY := AText;
402   Result := Self;
403 end;
406 { TFitStatistics }
408 constructor TFitStatistics.Create(aFitResults: TFitResults;
409   aAlpha: Double = 0.05);
410 var
411   i, j, L: Integer;
412 begin
413   fN := aFitResults.N;
414   fM := aFitResults.M;
415   fSSR := aFitResults.SSR;
416   fSSE := aFitResults.SSE;
417   fSST := aFitResults.SSR + aFitResults.SSE;
418   fAlpha := aAlpha;
419   L := Length(aFitResults.CovarianceMatrix);
420   SetLength(fVarCovar, L, L);
421   for j := 0 to L-1 do
422     for i := 0 to L-1 do
423       fVarCovar[i, j] := aFitResults.CovarianceMatrix[i, j];
424   fXBar := aFitResults.XBar;
425   fSSx := aFitResults.SSx;
426   CalcTValue;
427 end;
429 { Coefficient of determination, adjusted to number of data points and fit
430   parameters. Should be close to 1 ("good" fit). "0" means: "poor" fit }
AdjR2null431 function TFitStatistics.AdjR2: Double;
432 begin
433   if DOF > 0 then
434     Result := 1.0 - (1.0 - R2) * (N - 1) / DOF
435   else
436     Result := NaN;
437 end;
439 procedure TFitStatistics.CalcTValue;
440 begin
441   fTValue := NaN;
442   {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004}
443   if (fAlpha > 0) and (fN > fM) then
444     fTValue := invtdist(fAlpha, fN - fM, 2)
445   {$IFEND}
446 end;
448 { Total variance of data values minus calculated values, weighted by
449   data error.
450   For a "moderately" good fit Chi2 is approximately equal to the degrees of
451   freedom (DOF). }
TFitStatistics.Chi2null452 function TFitStatistics.Chi2: Double;
453 begin
454   Result := SSE;
455 end;
457 { Degrees of freedom }
DOFnull458 function TFitStatistics.DOF: Integer;
459 begin
460   Result := N - M;
461 end;
Fnull463 function TFitStatistics.F: Double;
464 begin
465   if (M > 1) and (N <> M) and (SSE <> 0) then
466     Result := (SSR/(M-1)) / (SSE/(N-M))
467   else
468     Result := NaN;
469 end;
471 {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004}
Fcritnull472 function TFitStatistics.Fcrit: Double;
473 begin
474   if (M = 1) then
475     Result := NaN
476   else
477     Result := InvFDist(FAlpha, M-1, N-M);
478 end;
479 {$IFEND}
GetVarCovarnull481 function TFitStatistics.GetVarCovar(i, j: Integer): Double;
482 begin
483   Result := fVarCovar[i, j];
484 end;
486 {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004}
487 { Probability that the scatter of the data around the fitted curve is by chance.
488   Should be several 0.1, the higher the better.
489   According to Numerical Recipes, very small (<< 0.1) values mean
490   - wrong model
491   - error bars too small
492   - errors are not normally distributed
493   Values close to 1.0 mean
494   - error bars overestimaged. }
TFitStatistics.pValuenull495 function TFitStatistics.pValue: Double;
496 begin
497   if DOF > 0 then
498     Result := chi2dist(Chi2, DOF)
499   else
500     Result := NaN;
501 end;
502 {$IFEND}
504 { Variance normalized to the degrees of freedem. Should be about 1 for
505   a "moderately" good fit. }
TFitStatistics.ReducedChi2null506 function TFitStatistics.ReducedChi2: Double;
507 begin
508   if (DOF > 0) then
509     Result := SSE / DOF
510   else
511     Result := NaN;
512 end;
514 { Coefficient of determination: 0 -> "poor" fit, 1 -> "good" fit }
R2null515 function TFitStatistics.R2: Double;
516 begin
517   Result := SSR / SST;
518 end;
520 { Mean residual standard error of fit: The smaller the better }
ResidualStdErrornull521 function TFitStatistics.ResidualStdError: Double;
522 begin
523   if DOF > 0 then
524     Result := sqrt(SSE / DOF)
525   else
526     Result := NaN;
527 end;
529 procedure TFitStatistics.Report_ANOVA(AText: TStrings; ASeparator: String = ': ';
530   ANumFormat: String = '%f'; AExpFormat: String = '%.3e'; NaNStr: String = 'n/a');
531 const
532   PRECISION = 3;
533 begin
534   AText.Add(rsFitNumObservations + ASeparator + IntToStr(N));
535   AText.Add(rsFitNumFitParams + ASeparator + IntToStr(M));
536   AText.Add(rsFitDegreesOfFreedom + ASeparator + IntToStr(DOF));
537   AText.Add(rsFitTotalSumOfSquares + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(SST, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
538   AText.Add(rsFitRegressionSumOfSquares + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(SSR, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
539   AText.Add(rsFitErrorSumOfSquares + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(SSE, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
540   AText.Add(rsFitCoefficientOfDetermination + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(R2, PRECISION, ANumFormat, '', NaNStr));
541   AText.Add(rsFitAdjCoefficientOfDetermination + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(AdjR2, PRECISION, ANumFormat, '', NaNStr));
542   AText.Add(rsFitChiSquared + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(Chi2, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
543   AText.Add(rsFitReducedChiSquared + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(ReducedChi2, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
544   AText.Add(rsFitResidualStandardError + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(ResidualStdError, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
545   AText.Add(rsFitVarianceRatio + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(F, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
546   {
547   AText.Add(Format('Fcrit(%d, %d)', [M-1, DOF]) + ASeparator +
548     Format(IfThen(Fcrit < 1E-3, FMT, ANumFormat), [Fcrit]));
549     }
550   {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004}
551   AText.Add(rsFitTValue + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(FtValue, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
552   AText.Add(rsFitPValue + ASeparator + FloatToStrEx(pValue, PRECISION, ANumFormat, AExpFormat, NaNStr));
553   {$IFEND}
554 end;
556 procedure TFitStatistics.Report_VarCovar(AText: TStrings; ANumFormat: String = '%12.6f');
557 var
558   i, j: Integer;
559   s, t: String;
560   w: Integer;
561 begin
562   t := Copy(ANumFormat, 1, pos('.', ANumFormat)-1);
563   Delete(t, 1, 1);
564   w := StrToInt(t);
566   for i := 0 to M-1 do begin
567     s := '';
568     for j := 0 to M-1 do
569       if IsNaN(VarCovar[i, j]) then
570         s := s + Format('%*s', [w, '---'])
571       else
572         s := s + Format(ANumFormat, [VarCovar[i, j]]);
573     AText.Add(s);
574   end;
575 end;
577 procedure TFitStatistics.SetAlpha(AValue: Double);
578 begin
579   fAlpha := AValue;
580   CalcTValue;
581 end;
583 end.