1 {******************************************************************}
2 {*   IPUTILS.PAS - Miscellaneous Constants, Types, and Routines   *}
3 {******************************************************************}
5 (* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
6  * Version: MPL 1.1
7  *
8  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
9  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
10  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
11  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
12  *
13  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
15  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
16  * License.
17  *
18  * The Original Code is TurboPower Internet Professional
19  *
20  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
21  * TurboPower Software
22  *
23  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2000-2002
24  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
25  *
26  * Contributor(s):
27  *
28  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** *)
30 { Global defines potentially affecting this unit }
33 unit IpUtils;
35 interface
37 uses
38   SysUtils, Classes, Registry,
39   LCLType, LCLIntf, LMessages, Controls, ComCtrls,
40   GraphType, LazFileUtils, LazStringUtils;
42 const
43   InternetProfessionalVersion = 1.15;
44   sShortVersion = 'v%.2f';
46   IpMsgBase = WM_USER + $0E90;
48   CM_IPASYNCRESULT      = IpMsgBase + 0;
49   CM_IPSOCKMESSAGE      = IpMsgBase + 1;
50   CM_IPSOCKETSTATUS     = IpMsgBase + 2;
51   CM_IPFREESOCKET       = IpMsgBase + 3;
52   CM_IPLINEMESSAGE      = IpMsgBase + 4;
53   CM_IPTERMDATA         = IpMsgBase + 5;
54   CM_IPTERMRESIZE       = IpMsgBase + 6;
55   CM_IPICMPECHO         = IpMsgBase + 7;
56   CM_IPHTTPGETREQUEST   = IpMsgBase + 8;
57   CM_IPTIMESERVER       = IpMsgBase + 9;
58   CM_IPTIMECLIENT       = IpMsgBase + 10;
59   CM_IPSNTPCLIENT       = IpMsgBase + 11;
60   CM_IPFTPREPLY         = IpMsgBase + 12;
61   CM_IPFTPSTATUS        = IpMsgBase + 13;
62   CM_IPFTPERROR         = IpMsgBase + 14;
63   CM_IPFTPTIMEOUT       = IpMsgBase + 15;
64   CM_IPTERMFORCESIZE    = IpMsgBase + 16;
65   CM_IPTERMSTUFF        = IpMsgBase + 17;
66   CM_IPRASSTATUS        = IpMsgBase + 18;
67   CM_IPFINWHOSERVER     = IpMsgBase + 19;
68   CM_IPUTILITYSERVER    = IpMsgBase + 20;
69   CM_IPSMTPEVENT        = IpMsgBase + 21;
70   CM_IPPOP3EVENT        = IpMsgBase + 22;
71   CM_IPNNTPEVENT        = IpMsgBase + 23;
72   CM_IPHOTINVOKE        = IpMsgBase + 24;
74 type
75   TIpLineTerminator = (ltNone, ltCR, ltLF, ltCRLF, ltOther);
77   TIpCRCByteArray = array[0..Pred(High(LongInt))] of Byte;
79   TIpCharArray = array[0..Pred(High(LongInt))] of AnsiChar;
81   TIpMD5StateArray = array[0..3] of DWORD;
82   TIpMD5CountArray = array[0..1] of DWORD;
84   TIpMD5ByteBuf = array[0..63] of Byte;
85   TIpMD5LongBuf = array[0..15] of DWORD;
87   TIpMD5Context = record
88     State : TIpMD5StateArray;
89     Count : TIpMD5CountArray;
90     case Integer of
91       0 : (ByteBuf : TIpMD5ByteBuf);
92       1 : (LongBuf : TIpMD5LongBuf);
93   end;
95   TIpMD5Digest = array[0..15] of Byte;
97   EIpBaseException = class(Exception);
99   EIpAccessException = class(EIpBaseException);
100   EIpHtmlException = class(EIpBaseException);
102   TIpBaseAccess = class
103   private
104     baPropCS : TCriticalSection;
105   public
106     constructor Create; virtual;
107     destructor Destroy; override;
108     procedure LockProperties;
109     procedure UnlockProperties;
110   end;
112   TIpBasePersistent = class(TPersistent)
113   private
114     bpPropCS : TCriticalSection;
115   public
116     constructor Create; virtual;
117     destructor Destroy; override;
118     procedure LockProperties;
119     procedure UnlockProperties;
120   end;
122   TIpComponentClass = class of TIpBaseComponent;
124   TIpBaseComponent = class(TComponent)
125   protected
GetVersionnull126     function GetVersion : string;
127     procedure SetVersion(const Value : string);
128   public
GetLogStringnull129     class function GetLogString(const S, D1, D2, D3 : DWORD) : string; virtual;
130   published
131     property Version : string
132       read GetVersion write SetVersion stored False;
133   end;
135   TIpBaseWinControl = class(TWinControl)
136   protected
GetVersionnull137     function GetVersion : string;
138     procedure SetVersion(const Value : string);
139   published
140     property Version : string read GetVersion write SetVersion stored False;
141   end;
143   { Misc utility routines }
InClassAnull144   function InClassA(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
InClassBnull145   function InClassB(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
InClassCnull146   function InClassC(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
InClassDnull147   function InClassD(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
InMulticastnull148   function InMulticast(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
IpCharCountnull150   function IpCharCount(const Buffer; BufSize : DWORD; C : AnsiChar) : DWORD;
IpCompStructnull151   function IpCompStruct(const S1, S2; Size : Cardinal) : Integer;
IpMaxIntnull152   function IpMaxInt(A, B : Integer) : Integer;
IpMinIntnull153   function IpMinInt(A, B : Integer) : Integer;
154   procedure IpSafeFree(var Obj);
IpShortVersionnull155   function IpShortVersion : string;
157   { CRC routines }
InternetSumPrimnull158   function InternetSumPrim(var Data; DataSize, CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
InternetSumOfStreamnull159   function InternetSumOfStream(Stream : TStream; CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
InternetSumOfFilenull160   function InternetSumOfFile(const FileName : string) : DWORD;
MD5SumOfFilenull161   function MD5SumOfFile(const FileName : string) : string;
MD5SumOfStreamnull162   function MD5SumOfStream(Stream : TStream) : string;
MD5SumOfStreamDigestnull163   function MD5SumOfStreamDigest(Stream : TStream) : TIpMD5Digest;
MD5SumOfStringnull164   function MD5SumOfString(const S : string) : string;
MD5SumOfStringDigestnull165   function MD5SumOfStringDigest(const S : string) : TIpMD5Digest;
SafeYieldnull167   function SafeYield : LongInt; {-Allow other processes a chance to run}
AllTrimSpacesnull168   function AllTrimSpaces(Strng: string) : string;
CharPosnull169   function CharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string): Integer;
CharPosIdxnull170   function CharPosIdx(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
NthCharPosnull171   function NthCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Nth: Integer): Integer;
RCharPosnull172   function RCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string): Integer;
RCharPosIdxnull173   function RCharPosIdx(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
RNthCharPosnull174   function RNthCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Nth: Integer): Integer;
RPosnull175   function RPos(const Substr: string; const S: string): Integer;
PosIdxnull176   function PosIdx(const SubStr, S: string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
179 {address handling}
180 type
181   CharSet = set of AnsiChar;
183 { Structure to hold pieces of a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) }
184 { field names are derived from terminology used in:               }
185 { RFC-2396 "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax"   }
187   TIpAddrRec = record
188     Scheme     : string;
189     UserName   : string;
190     Password   : string;
191     Authority  : string;
192     Port       : string;
193     Path       : string;
194     Fragment   : string;
195     Query      : string;
196     QueryDelim : AnsiChar;
197   end;
199   procedure Initialize(var AddrRec: TIpAddrRec);
200   procedure Finalize(var AddrRec: TIpAddrRec);
ExtractEntityNamenull202   function ExtractEntityName(const NamePath: string): string;
ExtractEntityPathnull203   function ExtractEntityPath(const NamePath: string): string;
IpParseURLnull204   function IpParseURL(const URL : string; var Rslt : TIpAddrRec) : Boolean;
BuildURLnull205   function BuildURL(const OldURL, NewURL: string): string;
PutEscapesnull206   function PutEscapes(const S : string; EscapeSet : CharSet) : string;
RemoveEscapesnull207   function RemoveEscapes(const S : string; EscapeSet : CharSet) : string;
208   procedure SplitParams(const Parms : string; Dest : TStrings);
NetToDOSPathnull209   function NetToDOSPath(const PathStr : string) : string;
DOSToNetPathnull210   function DOSToNetPath(const PathStr : string) : string;
211   procedure SplitHttpResponse(const S : string; var V, MsgID, Msg: string);
212   procedure FieldFix(Fields : TStrings);
AppendSlashnull213   function AppendSlash(APath : string) : string;
RemoveSlashnull214   function RemoveSlash(APath : string) : string;
GetParentPathnull215   function GetParentPath(const Path : string) : string;
217 { File/Directory Stuff }
GetLocalContentnull218   function GetLocalContent(const TheFileName: string): string;
DirExistsnull219   function DirExists(Dir : string): Boolean;
GetTemporaryFilenull220   function GetTemporaryFile(const Path : string) : string;
GetTemporaryPathnull221   function GetTemporaryPath: string;
AppendBackSlashnull222   function AppendBackSlash(APath : string) : string;
RemoveBackSlashnull223   function RemoveBackSlash(APath: string) : string;
225 { date stuff }
227   { convert Net date (as spec'ed in RFC 2616) to Delphi TDateTime }
INetDateStrToDateTimenull228   function INetDateStrToDateTime(const DateStr: string): TDateTime;
229   { convert Delphi TDateTime to Net date (as spec'ed in RFC 2616) }
DateTimeToINetDateTimeStrnull230   function DateTimeToINetDateTimeStr(DateTime: TDateTime): string;
231   { return the current local TimeZone "bias" in minutes from UTC (GMT) }
TimeZoneBiasnull232   function TimeZoneBias : Integer;
234   procedure SplitCookieFields(const Data: string; Fields: TStrings);
236 implementation
237 { misc utility routines }
239 { Allow other processes a chance to run }
SafeYieldnull240 function SafeYield : LongInt;
241 begin
242   SafeYield := 0;
243   writeln('ToDo: IpUtils.SafeYield');
244 (*
245   var
246     Msg : TMsg;
247   if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then begin
248     if Msg.Message = wm_Quit then
249       {Re-post quit message so main message loop will terminate}
250       PostQuitMessage(Msg.WParam)
251     else begin
252       TranslateMessage(Msg);
253       DispatchMessage(Msg);
254     end;
255     {Return message so caller can act on message if necessary}
256     SafeYield := MAKELONG(Msg.Message, Msg.hwnd);
257 *)
258 end;
260 { Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string }
AllTrimSpacesnull261 function AllTrimSpaces(Strng: string) : string;
262 var
263   StrStart, StrEnd: Cardinal;
264 begin
265   StrEnd := Length(Strng);
266   if StrEnd = 0 then begin  { string is empty }
267     Result := '';
268     Exit;
269   end;
271   while (StrEnd > 0 ) and (Strng[StrEnd] = ' ') do begin
272   { find last non-space character }
273     Dec(StrEnd);
274   end;
276   if StrEnd = 0 then begin  { string was all spaces }
277     Result := '';
278     Exit;
279   end;
281   StrStart := 1;
282   while (StrStart < StrEnd) and (Strng[StrStart] = ' ') do begin
283   { find first non-space character }
284     Inc(StrStart);
285   end;
287   Result := Copy(Strng, StrStart, StrEnd - StrStart + 1);
288 end;
290 { Find leftmost occurrence of character C in string S }
291 {* If C not found returns 0 }
CharPosnull292 function CharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string): Integer;
293 var
294   i : Integer;
295 begin
296   for i := 1 to length(S) do
297     if (S[i] = C) then begin
298       Result := i;
299       Exit;
300     end;
301   Result := 0;
302 end;
304 { Find leftmost occurrence of character C in string S past location Idx }
305 { * If C not found returns 0 }
CharPosIdxnull306 function CharPosIdx(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
307 var
308   Len : Integer;
309 begin
310   Len := Length(S);
311   if (Idx > Len) or (Idx < 1) then begin
312     Result := 0;
313     Exit;
314   end;
316   Result := Idx;
317   while (Result <= Len) and (S[Result] <> C) do
318     Inc(Result);
319   if Result > Len then
320     Result := 0;
321 end;
323 { Find Nth occurrence of character C in string S }
324 { * If C not found returns 0 }
NthCharPosnull325 function NthCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Nth: Integer): Integer;
326 var
327   Len, CharCt : Integer;
328 begin
329   if Nth <= 0 then begin
330     Result := 0;
331     Exit;
332   end;
333   Len := Length(S);
334   CharCt := 0;
335   Result := 1;
337   while (Result <= Len) and (CharCt < Nth) do begin
338     if S[Result] = C then
339       Inc(CharCt);
340     if CharCt < Nth then
341       Inc(Result);
342   end;
343   if Result > Len then
344     Result := 0;
345 end;
347 { Find rightmost occurrence of character C in string S }
348 { * If C not found returns 0 }
RCharPosnull349 function RCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string): Integer;
350 begin
351   Result := Length(S);
352   while (Result > 0) and (S[Result] <> C) do
353     Dec(Result);
354   if (Result < 0) then
355     Result := 0;
356 end;
358 { Find rightmost occurrence of character C in string S prior to location Idx }
359 { * If C not found returns 0 }
RCharPosIdxnull360 function RCharPosIdx(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
361 begin
362   Result := Length(S);
364   if (Idx > Result) or (Idx < 1) then begin
365     Result := 0;
366     Exit;
367   end;
369   Result := Idx;
370   while (Result > 0) and (S[Result] <> C) do
371     Dec(Result);
372   if (Result < 0) then
373     Result := 0;
374 end;
376 { Find Nth from the rightmost occurrence of character C in string S }
377 { * If C not found returns 0 }
RNthCharPosnull378 function RNthCharPos(C: AnsiChar; const S : string; Nth: Integer): Integer;
379 var
380   CharCt : Integer;
381 begin
382   if Nth <= 0 then begin
383     Result := 0;
384     Exit;
385   end;
387   CharCt := 0;
388   Result := Length(S);
389   while (Result > 0) and (CharCt < Nth) do begin
390     if S[Result] = C then
391       Inc(CharCt);
392     if CharCt < Nth then
393       Dec(Result);
394   end;
395   if (Result < 0) then
396     Result := 0;
397 end;
399 { Complement to RTL Pos() function, finds RIGHTmost }
400 { instance of a substring (SubStr) within a string (S) }
401 { * If Substr not found returns 0 }
RPosnull402 function RPos(const Substr: string; const S: string): Integer;
403 var
404   SL, i : Integer;
405 begin
406   SL := Length(Substr);
407   i := Length(S);
408   if (Substr = '') or (S = '') or (SL > i) then begin
409     Result := 0;
410     Exit;
411   end;
413   while i >= SL do begin
414     if S[i] = Substr[SL] then begin
415       if Copy(S, i - SL + 1, SL) = Substr then begin
416         Result := i - SL + 1;
417         Exit;
418       end;
419     end;
420     Dec(i);
421   end;
422   Result := i;
423 end;
425 { Find location of first occurrence of a substring (SubStr) in a string (S) }
426 { past a particular index (Idx) }
427 { * Result is relative to the start of the entire original string }
428 { * Returns 0 if substring not found }
PosIdxnull429 function PosIdx(const SubStr, S: string; Idx: Integer): Integer;
430 var
431   Temp : string;
432 begin
433   Temp := Copy(S, Idx, Length(S) - Idx - 1);
434   Result := Pos(SubStr, Temp);
435   if Result > 0 then
436     Result := Result + (Idx - 1);
437 end;
439 procedure Initialize(var AddrRec: TIpAddrRec);
440 begin
441   AddrRec.QueryDelim:=#0;
442 end;
444 procedure Finalize(var AddrRec: TIpAddrRec);
445 begin
446   with AddrRec do begin
447     Scheme     :='';
448     UserName   :='';
449     Password   :='';
450     Authority  :='';
451     Port       :='';
452     Path       :='';
453     Fragment   :='';
454     Query      :='';
455   end;
456 end;
458 const
459   CrcBufSize = 2048;
460   CrcFileMode = fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite;
462 { Returns True if a given address is a Class A address }
InClassAnull463 function InClassA(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
464 begin
465   Result := (Addr and $80000000) = 0;
466 end;
468 { Returns True if a given address is a Class B address }
InClassBnull469 function InClassB(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
470 begin
471   Result := (Cardinal(Addr) and $C0000000) = $80000000;
472 end;
474 { Returns True if a given address is a Class C address }
InClassCnull475 function InClassC(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
476 begin
477   Result := (Cardinal(Addr) and $E0000000) = $C0000000;
478 end;
480 { Returns True if a given address is a Class D address }
InClassDnull481 function InClassD(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
482 begin
483   Result := (Cardinal(Addr) and $F0000000) = $E0000000;
484 end;
486 { Returns True if a given address is a multicast address }
InMulticastnull487 function InMulticast(Addr : LongInt) : Boolean;
488 begin
489   Result := InClassD(Addr);
490 end;
492 { Calculates the Internet Checksum of a block }
InternetSumPrimnull493 function InternetSumPrim(var Data; DataSize, CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
494 var
495   I : Integer;
496 begin
497   Result := CurCrc;
498   if DataSize = 0 then Exit;
499   for I := 0 to (DataSize - 1) do begin
500     if Odd(I) then
501       Result := Result + (cardinal(TIpCRCByteArray(Data)[I]) shl 8)
502     else
503       Result := Result + TIpCRCByteArray(Data)[I];
504   end;
505   Result := (not((Result and $FFFF) + (Result shr 16))) and $FFFF;
506 end;
508 { Calculates the Internet Checksum of a stream }
InternetSumOfStreamnull509 function InternetSumOfStream(Stream : TStream; CurCrc : DWORD) : DWORD;
510 var
511   BufArray : array[0..(CrcBufSize-1)] of Byte;
512   Res      : LongInt;
513 begin
514   {Initialize Crc}
515   Result := CurCrc;
516   repeat
517     Res := Stream.Read(BufArray, CrcBufSize);
518     Result := InternetSumPrim(BufArray, Res, Result);
519   until (Res <> CrcBufSize);
520 end;
522 { Calculates the Internet Checksum of a file }
InternetSumOfFilenull523 function InternetSumOfFile(const FileName : string) : DWORD;
524 var
525   FileSt : TFileStream;
526 begin
527   FileSt := TFileStream.Create(FileName, CrcFileMode);
528   try
529     Result := InternetSumOfStream(FileSt, 0);
530   finally
531     FileSt.Free;
532   end;
533 end;
535 { Initialize the MD5 context record }
536 procedure MD5Init(var Context : TIpMD5Context);
537 begin
538   { Zero out context }
539   FillChar(Context, SizeOf(TIpMD5Context), #0);
541   { Load magic initialization constants }
542   Context.State[0] := DWORD($67452301);
543   Context.State[1] := DWORD($efcdab89);
544   Context.State[2] := DWORD($98badcfe);
545   Context.State[3] := DWORD($10325476);
546 end;
548 { MD5 Basic Transformation -- Transforms State based on Buf }
549 procedure MD5Transform(var State : TIpMD5StateArray; const Buf : TIpMD5LongBuf);
550 const
551   S11 = 7; S12 = 12; S13 = 17; S14 = 22; S21 = 5; S22 = 9; S23 = 14;
552   S24 = 20; S31 = 4; S32 = 11; S33 = 16; S34 = 23; S41 = 6; S42 = 10;
553   S43 = 15; S44 = 21;
554 var
555   a, b, c, d : DWORD;
557   { Round 1 processing }
558   procedure FF(var W : DWORD; X, Y, Z : DWORD; S : Byte; Data : DWORD);
559   begin
560     Inc(W, (Z xor (X and (Y xor Z))) + Data);
561     W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
562     Inc(W, X);
563   end;
565   { Round 2 processing }
566   procedure GG(var W : DWORD; X, Y, Z : DWORD; S : Byte; Data : DWORD);
567   begin
568     Inc(W, (Y xor (Z and (X xor Y))) + Data);
569     W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
570     Inc(W, X);
571   end;
573   { Round 3 processing }
574   procedure HH(var W : DWORD; X, Y, Z : DWORD; S : Byte; Data : DWORD);
575   begin
576     Inc(W, (X xor Y xor Z) + Data);
577     W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
578     Inc(W, X);
579   end;
581   { Round 4 processing }
582   procedure II(var W : DWORD; X, Y, Z : DWORD; S : Byte; Data : DWORD);
583   begin
584     Inc(W, (Y xor (X or not Z)) + Data);
585     W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
586     Inc(W, X);
587   end;
589 begin
590   a := State[0];
591   b := State[1];
592   c := State[2];
593   d := State[3];
595   { Round 1 }
596   FF(a, b, c, d, S11, Buf[ 0] + DWORD($d76aa478)); { 1 }
597   FF(d, a, b, c, S12, Buf[ 1] + DWORD($e8c7b756)); { 2 }
598   FF(c, d, a, b, S13, Buf[ 2] + DWORD($242070db)); { 3 }
599   FF(b, c, d, a, S14, Buf[ 3] + DWORD($c1bdceee)); { 4 }
600   FF(a, b, c, d, S11, Buf[ 4] + DWORD($f57c0faf)); { 5 }
601   FF(d, a, b, c, S12, Buf[ 5] + DWORD($4787c62a)); { 6 }
602   FF(c, d, a, b, S13, Buf[ 6] + DWORD($a8304613)); { 7 }
603   FF(b, c, d, a, S14, Buf[ 7] + DWORD($fd469501)); { 8 }
604   FF(a, b, c, d, S11, Buf[ 8] + DWORD($698098d8)); { 9 }
605   FF(d, a, b, c, S12, Buf[ 9] + DWORD($8b44f7af)); { 10 }
606   FF(c, d, a, b, S13, Buf[10] + DWORD($ffff5bb1)); { 11 }
607   FF(b, c, d, a, S14, Buf[11] + DWORD($895cd7be)); { 12 }
608   FF(a, b, c, d, S11, Buf[12] + DWORD($6b901122)); { 13 }
609   FF(d, a, b, c, S12, Buf[13] + DWORD($fd987193)); { 14 }
610   FF(c, d, a, b, S13, Buf[14] + DWORD($a679438e)); { 15 }
611   FF(b, c, d, a, S14, Buf[15] + DWORD($49b40821)); { 16 }
613   { Round 2 }
614   GG(a, b, c, d, S21, Buf[ 1] + DWORD($f61e2562)); { 17 }
615   GG(d, a, b, c, S22, Buf[ 6] + DWORD($c040b340)); { 18 }
616   GG(c, d, a, b, S23, Buf[11] + DWORD($265e5a51)); { 19 }
617   GG(b, c, d, a, S24, Buf[ 0] + DWORD($e9b6c7aa)); { 20 }
618   GG(a, b, c, d, S21, Buf[ 5] + DWORD($d62f105d)); { 21 }
619   GG(d, a, b, c, S22, Buf[10] + DWORD($02441453)); { 22 }
620   GG(c, d, a, b, S23, Buf[15] + DWORD($d8a1e681)); { 23 }
621   GG(b, c, d, a, S24, Buf[ 4] + DWORD($e7d3fbc8)); { 24 }
622   GG(a, b, c, d, S21, Buf[ 9] + DWORD($21e1cde6)); { 25 }
623   GG(d, a, b, c, S22, Buf[14] + DWORD($c33707d6)); { 26 }
624   GG(c, d, a, b, S23, Buf[ 3] + DWORD($f4d50d87)); { 27 }
625   GG(b, c, d, a, S24, Buf[ 8] + DWORD($455a14ed)); { 28 }
626   GG(a, b, c, d, S21, Buf[13] + DWORD($a9e3e905)); { 29 }
627   GG(d, a, b, c, S22, Buf[ 2] + DWORD($fcefa3f8)); { 30 }
628   GG(c, d, a, b, S23, Buf[ 7] + DWORD($676f02d9)); { 31 }
629   GG(b, c, d, a, S24, Buf[12] + DWORD($8d2a4c8a)); { 32 }
631   { Round 3 }
632   HH(a, b, c, d, S31, Buf[ 5] + DWORD($fffa3942)); { 33 }
633   HH(d, a, b, c, S32, Buf[ 8] + DWORD($8771f681)); { 34 }
634   HH(c, d, a, b, S33, Buf[11] + DWORD($6d9d6122)); { 35 }
635   HH(b, c, d, a, S34, Buf[14] + DWORD($fde5380c)); { 36 }
636   HH(a, b, c, d, S31, Buf[ 1] + DWORD($a4beea44)); { 37 }
637   HH(d, a, b, c, S32, Buf[ 4] + DWORD($4bdecfa9)); { 38 }
638   HH(c, d, a, b, S33, Buf[ 7] + DWORD($f6bb4b60)); { 39 }
639   HH(b, c, d, a, S34, Buf[10] + DWORD($bebfbc70)); { 40 }
640   HH(a, b, c, d, S31, Buf[13] + DWORD($289b7ec6)); { 41 }
641   HH(d, a, b, c, S32, Buf[ 0] + DWORD($eaa127fa)); { 42 }
642   HH(c, d, a, b, S33, Buf[ 3] + DWORD($d4ef3085)); { 43 }
643   HH(b, c, d, a, S34, Buf[ 6] + DWORD($04881d05)); { 44 }
644   HH(a, b, c, d, S31, Buf[ 9] + DWORD($d9d4d039)); { 45 }
645   HH(d, a, b, c, S32, Buf[12] + DWORD($e6db99e5)); { 46 }
646   HH(c, d, a, b, S33, Buf[15] + DWORD($1fa27cf8)); { 47 }
647   HH(b, c, d, a, S34, Buf[ 2] + DWORD($c4ac5665)); { 48 }
649   { Round 4 }
650   II(a, b, c, d, S41, Buf[ 0] + DWORD($f4292244)); { 49 }
651   II(d, a, b, c, S42, Buf[ 7] + DWORD($432aff97)); { 50 }
652   II(c, d, a, b, S43, Buf[14] + DWORD($ab9423a7)); { 51 }
653   II(b, c, d, a, S44, Buf[ 5] + DWORD($fc93a039)); { 52 }
654   II(a, b, c, d, S41, Buf[12] + DWORD($655b59c3)); { 53 }
655   II(d, a, b, c, S42, Buf[ 3] + DWORD($8f0ccc92)); { 54 }
656   II(c, d, a, b, S43, Buf[10] + DWORD($ffeff47d)); { 55 }
657   II(b, c, d, a, S44, Buf[ 1] + DWORD($85845dd1)); { 56 }
658   II(a, b, c, d, S41, Buf[ 8] + DWORD($6fa87e4f)); { 57 }
659   II(d, a, b, c, S42, Buf[15] + DWORD($fe2ce6e0)); { 58 }
660   II(c, d, a, b, S43, Buf[ 6] + DWORD($a3014314)); { 59 }
661   II(b, c, d, a, S44, Buf[13] + DWORD($4e0811a1)); { 60 }
662   II(a, b, c, d, S41, Buf[ 4] + DWORD($f7537e82)); { 61 }
663   II(d, a, b, c, S42, Buf[11] + DWORD($bd3af235)); { 62 }
664   II(c, d, a, b, S43, Buf[ 2] + DWORD($2ad7d2bb)); { 63 }
665   II(b, c, d, a, S44, Buf[ 9] + DWORD($eb86d391)); { 64 }
667   Inc(State[0], a);
668   Inc(State[1], b);
669   Inc(State[2], c);
670   Inc(State[3], d);
671 end;
673 { MD5 finalization. Ends an MD5 message-digest operation, }
674 { writing the message digest and zeroing the context.     }
675 procedure MD5Final(var Digest : TIpMD5Digest; var Context : TIpMD5Context);
676 var
677   I : Integer;
678   P : Byte;
679 begin
680   I := (Context.Count[0] shr 3) and $3F;
681   Context.ByteBuf[I] := $80;
682   P := Succ(I);
683   I := Pred(64)-I;
685   { Pad appropriately }
686   if I < 8 then begin
687     FillChar(Context.ByteBuf[P], I, #0);
688     MD5Transform(Context.State, Context.LongBuf);
689     FillChar(Context.ByteBuf, 56, #0);
690   end else begin
691     FillChar(Context.ByteBuf[P], I-8, #0);
692   end;
694   { Set count in context }
695   Context.LongBuf[14] := Context.Count[0];
696   Context.LongBuf[15] := Context.Count[1];
698   MD5Transform(Context.State, Context.LongBuf);
699   Move(Context.State, Digest, 16);
701   { Zero out Context }
702   FillChar(Context, SizeOf(TIpMD5Context), #0);
703 end;
705 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a block -- RFC 1321 }
706 procedure MD5SumPrim(const Data; DataSize : DWORD; var Context : TIpMD5Context);
707 var
708   I, J : DWORD;
709 begin
710   J := Context.Count[0];
711   Inc(Context.Count[0], DWORD(DataSize) shl 3);
712   if Context.Count[0] < J then
713     Inc(Context.Count[1]);
714   Inc(Context.Count[1], DataSize shr 29);
716   J := (J shr 3) and $3F;
717   if J <> 0 then begin
718     I := J;
719     J := 64 - J;
720     if DataSize < J then begin
721       Move(Data, Context.ByteBuf[I], DataSize);
722       Exit;
723     end;
724     Move(Data, Context.ByteBuf[I], J);
725     MD5Transform(Context.State, Context.LongBuf);
726     Dec(DataSize, J);
727   end;
729   I := J;
730   while DataSize >= 64 do begin
731     Move(TByteArray(Data)[I], Context.ByteBuf, 64);
732     MD5Transform(Context.State, Context.LongBuf);
733     Inc(I, 64);
734     Dec(DataSize, 64);
735   end;
737   Move(TByteArray(Data)[I], Context.ByteBuf, DataSize);
738 end;
740 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a file }
MD5SumOfFilenull741 function MD5SumOfFile(const FileName : string) : string;
742 var
743   FileSt : TFileStream;
744 begin
745   FileSt := TFileStream.Create(FileName, CrcFileMode);
746   try
747     Result := MD5SumOfStream(FileSt);
748   finally
749     FileSt.Free;
750   end;
751 end;
753 { Return hex string representing MD5 digest }
HexDigestnull754 function HexDigest(Digest : TIpMD5Digest) : string;
755 const
756   HexDigits : array[0..$F] of AnsiChar = '0123456789abcdef';
757 var
758   I : Integer;
759 begin
760   SetLength(Result, 32);
762   { Generate output string }
763   for I := 0 to 15 do begin
764     Result[(I shl 1) + 1] := HexDigits[Digest[I] shr 4];
765     Result[(I shl 1) + 2] := HexDigits[Digest[I] and $F];
766   end;
767 end;
769 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a stream }
MD5SumOfStreamnull770 function MD5SumOfStream(Stream : TStream) : string;
771 begin
772   Result := HexDigest(MD5SumOfStreamDigest(Stream));
773 end;
775 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a stream }
MD5SumOfStreamDigestnull776 function MD5SumOfStreamDigest(Stream : TStream) : TIpMD5Digest;
777 var
778   BufArray : array[0..(CrcBufSize-1)] of Byte;
779   Context  : TIpMD5Context;
780   I, Res   : Integer;
781 begin
782   { Init Digest }
783   for I := 0 to 15 do
784     Byte(Result[I]) := Succ(I);
786   { Init Context }
787   MD5Init(Context);
788   repeat
789     Res := Stream.Read(BufArray, CrcBufSize);
790     MD5SumPrim(BufArray, Res, Context);
791   until (Res <> CrcBufSize);
793   { Finalize }
794   MD5Final(Result, Context);
795 end;
797 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a string }
MD5SumOfStringnull798 function MD5SumOfString(const S : string) : string;
799 var
800   Context  : TIpMD5Context;
801   Digest   : TIpMD5Digest;
802   I : Byte;
803 begin
804   Result := '';
806   { Init Digest }
807   for I := 0 to 15 do
808     Digest[I] := Succ(I);
810   { Init Context }
811   MD5Init(Context);
812   MD5SumPrim(S[1], Length(S), Context);
814   { Finalize }
815   MD5Final(Digest, Context);
817   { Generate output string }
818   Result := HexDigest(Digest);
819 end;
821 { Calculates the MD5 Digest of a string }
MD5SumOfStringDigestnull822 function MD5SumOfStringDigest(const S : string) : TIpMD5Digest;
823 var
824   Context  : TIpMD5Context;
825   I : Byte;
826 begin
827   { Init Digest }
828   for I := 0 to 15 do
829     Result[I] := Succ(I);
831   { Init Context }
832   MD5Init(Context);
833   MD5SumPrim(S[1], Length(S), Context);
835   { Finalize }
836   MD5Final(Result, Context);
837 end;
839 { Compares two fixed size structures }
IpCompStructnull840 function IpCompStruct(const S1, S2; Size : Cardinal) : Integer;
841 {$IFDEF CPUI386}
842 asm
843   push   edi
844   push   esi
845   mov    esi, eax
846   mov    edi, edx
847   xor    eax, eax
848   or     ecx, ecx
849   jz     @@CSDone
851   repe   cmpsb
852   je     @@CSDone
854   inc    eax
855   ja     @@CSDone
856   or     eax, -1
858 @@CSDone:
859   pop    esi
860   pop    edi
861 end;
862 {$ELSE}
863 begin
864   Result := CompareMemRange(@S1, @S2, Size);
865 end;
866 {$ENDIF}
IpCharCountnull868 function IpCharCount(const Buffer; BufSize : DWORD; C : AnsiChar) : DWORD;
869   register;
870 {$IFDEF CPUI386}
871 asm
872   push  ebx
873   xor   ebx, ebx
874   or    edx, edx
875   jz    @@Done
876   jmp   @@5
878 @@Loop:
879   cmp   cl, [eax+3]
880   jne   @@1
881   inc   ebx
883 @@1:
884   cmp   cl, [eax+2]
885   jne   @@2
886   inc   ebx
888 @@2:
889   cmp   cl, [eax+1]
890   jne   @@3
891   inc   ebx
893 @@3:
894   cmp   cl, [eax+0]
895   jne   @@4
896   inc   ebx
898 @@4:
899   add   eax, 4
900   sub   edx, 4
902 @@5:
903   cmp   edx, 4
904   jge   @@Loop
906   cmp   edx, 3
907   je    @@1
909   cmp   edx, 2
910   je    @@2
912   cmp   edx, 1
913   je    @@3
915 @@Done:
916   mov   eax, ebx
917   pop   ebx
918 end;
919 {$ELSE}
920 var
921 X: Integer;
922 begin
923   Result := 0;
924   for X := 0 to Bufsize-1 do begin
925     if PChar(@Buffer)[X] = C then Inc(Result);
926   end;
927 end;
928 {$ENDIF}
IpMaxIntnull931 function IpMaxInt(A, B : Integer) : Integer;
932 begin
933   if A >= B then
934     Result := A
935   else
936     Result := B;
937 end;
IpMinIntnull939 function IpMinInt(A, B : Integer) : Integer;
940 begin
941   if A <= B then
942     Result := A
943   else
944     Result := B;
945 end;
949 { Thread safe object free }
950 procedure IpSafeFree(var Obj);
951 var
952   P : TObject;
953 begin
954   P := TObject(Obj);
955   { Clear reference }
956   TObject(Obj) := nil;
957   { Destroy object }
958   P.Free;
959 end;
961 { Return short version string }
IpShortVersionnull962 function IpShortVersion : string;
963 begin
964   Result := Format(sShortVersion, [InternetProfessionalVersion]);
965 end;
967 { TIpBaseAccess }
969 { Create instance of TIpBaseAccess }
970 constructor TIpBaseAccess.Create;
971 begin
972   inherited;
973   InitializeCriticalSection(baPropCS);
974 end;
976 { Destroy instance of TIpBaseAccess }
977 destructor TIpBaseAccess.Destroy;
978 begin
979   DeleteCriticalSection(baPropCS);
980   inherited;
981 end;
983 { Enters TIpBaseAccess critical section }
984 procedure TIpBaseAccess.LockProperties;
985 begin
986   if IsMultiThread then
987     EnterCriticalSection(baPropCS);
988 end;
990 { Leaves TIpBaseAccess critical section }
991 procedure TIpBaseAccess.UnlockProperties;
992 begin
993   if IsMultiThread then
994     LeaveCriticalSection(baPropCS);
995 end;
997 { TIpBasePersistent }
999 { Create instance of TIpBasePersistent }
1000 constructor TIpBasePersistent.Create;
1001 begin
1002   inherited;
1003   InitializeCriticalSection(bpPropCS);
1004 end;
1006 { Destroy instance of TIpBasePersistent }
1007 destructor TIpBasePersistent.Destroy;
1008 begin
1009   DeleteCriticalSection(bpPropCS);
1010   inherited;
1011 end;
1013 { Enters TIpBasePersistent critical section }
1014 procedure TIpBasePersistent.LockProperties;
1015 begin
1016   if IsMultiThread then
1017     EnterCriticalSection(bpPropCS);
1018 end;
1020 { Leaves TIpBasePersistent critical section }
1021 procedure TIpBasePersistent.UnlockProperties;
1022 begin
1023   if IsMultiThread then
1024     LeaveCriticalSection(bpPropCS);
1025 end;
1027 { TIpBaseComponent }
TIpBaseComponent.GetVersionnull1029 function TIpBaseComponent.GetVersion: string;
1030 begin
1031   Result := IpShortVersion;
1032 end;
1034 { Returns an appropriate string for the given parameters }
TIpBaseComponent.GetLogStringnull1035 class function TIpBaseComponent.GetLogString(const S, D1, D2, D3: DWORD): string;
1036 begin
1037   if (S=0) or (D1=0) or (D2=0) or (D3=0) then ; // avoid hints
1038     Result := '!!!! Unhandled log entry'#10#13;
1039 end;
1041 procedure TIpBaseComponent.SetVersion(const Value: string);
1042 begin
1043   if (Value='') then ; // avoid hints
1044   { Intentionally empty }
1045 end;
1047 { TIpBaseWinControl }
TIpBaseWinControl.GetVersionnull1049 function TIpBaseWinControl.GetVersion : string;
1050 begin
1051   Result := IpShortVersion;
1052 end;
1054 procedure TIpBaseWinControl.SetVersion(const Value : string);
1055 begin
1056   if (Value='') then ; // avoid hints
1057   { Intentionally empty }
1058 end;
1060 { address handling }
1062 { Apply Internet escaping (%nn) to characters in EscapeSet found in S }
PutEscapesnull1063 function PutEscapes(const S : string; EscapeSet : CharSet) : string;
1064 var
1065   Temp, Rep : string;
1066   i : Integer;
1067 begin
1068   Temp := S;
1070   i := 1;
1071   while i <= Length(Temp) do begin
1072     if Temp[i] in EscapeSet then begin
1073       { Internet escapes of the form %nn where }
1074       { n is the ASCII character number in Hex }
1075       Rep := '%' + Format('%2x', [Ord(Temp[i])]);
1076       Delete(Temp, i, 1);
1077       Insert(Rep, Temp, i);
1078       Inc(i, 3);
1079     end
1080     else
1081       Inc(i);
1082   end;
1083   Result := Temp;
1084 end;
1086 { Convert Internet escapes to ASCII equivalents }
RemoveEscapesnull1087 function RemoveEscapes(const S : string; EscapeSet : CharSet) : string;
1088 var
1089   Temp, Start, EscStr : string;
1090   P : Integer;
1091   C : AnsiChar;
1092 begin
1093   Temp := S;
1094   Start := '';
1096   P := CharPos('%', Temp);
1098   while P > 0 do begin
1099     Start := Start + Copy(Temp, 1, P-1);
1100     EscStr := Copy(Temp, P + 1, 2);
1101     C := Chr(StrToInt('$' + EscStr));
1103     if C in EscapeSet then begin
1104       Start := Start + C;
1105     end
1106     else begin
1107       Start := Start + EscStr;
1108     end;
1110     Temp := Copy(Temp, P + 3, Length(Temp) - 3);
1111     P := CharPos('%', Temp);
1112   end;
1114   Result := Start + Temp;
1115 end;
1117 { Convert Internet file characters to DOS }
1118 { * maps '|' -> ':' }
1119 {        '/' -> '\' }
NetToDOSPathnull1120 function NetToDOSPath(const PathStr : string) : string;
1121 var
1122   i : Integer;
1123 begin
1124   Result := PathStr;
1125   for i := 1 to Length(Result) do begin
1126     case Result[i] of
1127       '|': Result[i] := ':';
1128       '/': Result[i] := DirectorySeparator;
1129     else
1130       { leave it alone };
1131     end;
1132   end;
1134   if (CharPos('\', Result) = 1) and (CharPos(':', Result) > 0) then
1135     Result := Copy(Result, 2, Length(Result) - 1);
1136 end;
DOSToNetPathnull1138 function DOSToNetPath(const PathStr : string) : string;
1139 { Convert DOS file characters to Internet }
1140 { * maps ':' -> '|' }
1141 {       '\' -> '/'  }
1142 var
1143   i : Integer;
1144 begin
1145   Result := PathStr;
1146   for i := 1 to Length(Result) do begin
1147     case Result[i] of
1148       ':': Result[i] := '|';
1149       DirectorySeparator: Result[i] := '/';
1150     else
1151       { leave it alone };
1152     end;
1153   end;
1154 end;
IpParseURLnull1157 function IpParseURL(const URL : string; var Rslt : TIpAddrRec) : Boolean;
1158 { Splits URL into components }
1160 { -- rewritten
1161   - Parsing UserName and Password fields out of Mailto: urls of the form:
1162       mailto:user:pass@myserver.net
1163   - Username and Password fields added to TIpAddrRec in support of
1164     additional IpParseUrl capabilities
1165   - Handling URL Fragments and Queries on local files
1166   - Improved recognition of relative paths
1167   - Improved recognition of "LocalHost" style Authorities
1168 }
1170 {
1171 Algorithm:
1172 1. Leading spaces ignored
1173 2. Start of string:
1174    - Any starting alphabetic character is accumulated into a "Potential
1175      Authority" (PA) string
1176    - If the first character is a digit URL is assumed to be starting with a
1177      numeric format IP address
1178    - If the first character is a period ('.') or a slash ('/', '\') the URL is
1179      considered to be a relative path
1180 4. If a PA has been started:
1181    - alphanumeric characters are accumulated into the PA
1182    - if a ':' or '|' are encountered and there is only one character in
1183      the preceding PA, the PA is assumed to be a drive letter for a local
1184      file and the rest of the URL is handled accordingly
1185    - if there is more than one character in the PA when the ':' is encountered,
1186      and if the PA contains at least one period ('.') it is assumed to be an
1187      authority, otherwise it is assumed to be a scheme (e.g. HTTP), the ':' is
1188      assumed to be delimiting between an authority and a port ID and the PA
1189      string is handled accordingly
1190    - if a '.' is encountered prior to seeing a '/' then the PA is assumed to be
1191      an authority.
1192    - if a '/' is encountered, the PA is assumed to be an authority
1193    - if a '@' is encountered the present PA is assumed to be a username, and
1194      PA accumulation is re-started
1195    - any other non-specified character is assumed to indicate an Authority
1196 5. If a character indicating the end of the PA has been encountered:
1197    - if numeric characters are seen after a ':' these are assumed to be a port ID
1198    - if alphabetic characters are seen they are assumed to be part of a password
1199    - if a slash is encountered the PA is assumed to be a scheme
1200    - if an '@' or ':' is encountered the PA is assumed to be a UserName.
1201        On '@' the assumption is the Authority is starting.
1202        On ':' the assumption is a password is starting.
1203 6. Slashes following a scheme:
1204    - all forward slashes (if any) following a scheme are ignored
1205    - if a '.' or '\' is found immediately after the scheme slashes, it's assumed
1206      to indicate the start of a local relative path
1207 7. Password accumulation:
1208    - non-'@' characters are considered part of the password
1209    - if an '@' is encountered it's considered the start of the authority and
1210      actual authority accumulatino is started
1211 8. Authority Accumulation:
1212    - characters in the set ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '.', '-', '_'] are
1213      accumulated into the authority
1214    - a ':' is assumed to indicate the end of the authority and the start of a
1215      Port ID
1216    - a '/' is assumed to indicate the end of the authority and the start of a
1217      path
1218    - a space (' ') is assumed to indicate trailing spaces on the URL
1219 9. Port has started:
1220    - numeric characters are accumulated into the Port
1221    - a '/' is assumed to indicate the start of a path
1222    - a ' ' is assumed to indicate trailing spaces on the url
1223 10. Path has started:
1224    - characters not in the set ['#', '?', '&'] are accumulated into the Path
1225    - a '#' is assumed to indicate the start of a Fragment
1226    - a '?' or '&' is assumed to indicate the start of a Query
1227 11. Fragment has started:
1228    - characters not in the set ['?', '&', ' '] are accumulated into the Fragment
1229    - a '?' or '&' is assumed to indicate the start of a Query
1230    - a ' ' is assumed to indicate trailing spaces on the url
1231 12. Query has started:
1232    - non space characters are accumulated into the Fragment
1233    - a ' ' is assumed to indicate trailing spaces on the url
1234 13. Trailing spaces
1235    - ignored
1236 }
1238 type
1239   TUrlParseState = (
1240     psStart, psError, psStartSp, psPotAuth, psEoPotAuth, psSchemeSlashes,
1241     psLocalPath, psAuthority, psUserName, psPassword, psPort, psPath,
1242     psFragment, psQuery, psEndSp
1243   );
1244 const
1245   UrlStops : set of TUrlParseState = [psPath, psLocalPath, psAuthority, psPort,
1246     psFragment, psQuery, psEndSp];
1248 var
1249   P : PChar;
1250   i : Integer;
1251   State : TUrlParseState;
1252   PotAuth, PotPath : string;
1253   SchemeSeen: Boolean;
1254   SlashCount: integer;
1256 procedure ProcessChar;
1257 begin
1258   case State of
1259     psStart: begin
1260       case P^ of
1261         ' ': begin
1262           State := psStartSp;
1263         end;
1265         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z': begin
1266           PotAuth := PotAuth + P^;
1267           State := psPotAuth;
1268         end;
1270         '0'..'9': begin
1271           Rslt.Authority := Rslt.Authority + P^;
1272           State := psAuthority;
1273         end;
1275         '.', '/', '\' : begin
1276           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1277           State := psPath;
1278         end;
1280         else
1281           State := psError;
1282       end;
1283     end;
1285     psStartSp: begin
1286       case P^ of
1287         ' ': { ignore };
1289         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '-', '_': begin
1290           PotAuth := PotAuth + P^;
1291           State := psPotAuth;
1292         end;
1294         '0'..'9': begin
1295           Rslt.Authority := Rslt.Authority + P^;
1296           State := psAuthority;
1297         end;
1299         '.', '/', '\' : begin
1300           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1301           State := psPath;
1302         end;
1304         else
1305           State := psError;
1306       end;
1307     end;
1309     psPotAuth: begin
1310       case P^ of
1311         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '.', '-', '_': begin
1312           PotAuth := PotAuth + P^;
1313         end;
1315         ':', '|': begin
1316           if Length(PotAuth) = 1 then begin
1317             PotPath := PotAuth + P^;
1318             PotAuth := '';
1319             State := psLocalPath;
1320           end
1321           else begin
1323             if Pos('.', PotAuth) > 0 then begin
1324               Rslt.Authority := PotAuth;
1325               State := psPort;
1326             end
1327             else
1328             if (Rslt.Scheme = '') then begin
1329               Rslt.Scheme := PotAuth;
1330               SchemeSeen := True;
1331               PotAuth := '';
1332               State := psSchemeSlashes;
1333               SlashCount := 0;
1334             end
1335             else begin
1337               State := psEoPotAuth;
1338             end;
1339           end;
1340         end;
1343         '/', '\': begin
1344           if SchemeSeen then
1345             Rslt.Authority := PotAuth
1346           else begin
1347             if Pos('.', PotAuth) > 0 then
1348               Rslt.Authority := PotAuth
1349             else
1350               PotPath := PotAuth;
1351           end;
1352           PotAuth := '';
1353           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1354           State := psPath;
1355         end;
1357         '@': begin
1358           Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1359           PotAuth := '';
1360           State := psAuthority;
1361         end;
1363         else begin
1364           Rslt.Authority := PotAuth;
1365           PotAuth := '';
1366           State := psAuthority;
1367         end;
1369       end;
1371     end;
1373     psEoPotAuth: begin
1374       case P^ of
1375         '0'..'9': begin
1376           Rslt.Authority := PotAuth;
1377           PotAuth := '';
1378           Rslt.Port := Rslt.Port + P^;
1379           State := psPort;
1380         end;
1382         '/', '\': begin
1383           Rslt.Scheme := PotAuth;
1384           SchemeSeen := True;
1385           PotAuth := '';
1386           State := psSchemeSlashes;
1387           SlashCount := 0;
1388         end;
1390         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z': begin
1391           Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1392           PotAuth := '';
1393           Rslt.Password := Rslt.Password + P^;
1394           State := psPassword;
1395         end;
1397         '@': begin
1398           Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1399           PotAuth := '';
1400           State := psAuthority;
1401         end;
1403         ':': begin
1404           Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1405           PotAuth := '';
1406           State := psPassword;
1407         end;
1409       end;
1411     end;
1413     psSchemeSlashes: begin
1414       inc(SlashCount);
1415       if (p^ <> '/') or (SlashCount > 2) then
1416         case P^ of
1417           '.', '\','/': begin { start of a local path }
1418             PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1419             State := psLocalPath;
1420           end;
1422           else begin
1423             if CharPos('@', URL) > 0 then begin
1424               PotAuth := P^;
1425               State := psUserName;
1426             end
1427             else begin
1428               PotAuth := P^;
1429               State := psPotAuth;
1430             end;
1431           end;
1432         end;
1433     end;
1436     psLocalPath: begin
1437       case P^ of
1438         '#': begin
1439           if PotPath <> '' then
1440             Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath);
1441           State := psFragment;
1442         end;
1444         '?', '&': begin
1445           if PotPath <> '' then
1446             Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath);
1447           Rslt.QueryDelim := P^;
1448           State := psQuery;
1449         end;
1451         else
1452           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1453       end;
1454     end;
1456     psAuthority: begin
1457       case P^ of
1458         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '.', '-', '_' : begin
1459           Rslt.Authority := Rslt.Authority + P^;
1460         end;
1462         ':': begin
1463           State := psPort;
1464         end;
1466         ' ': begin
1467           State := psEndSp;
1468         end;
1470         '/', '\': begin
1471           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1472           State := psPath;
1473         end;
1474       end;
1475     end;
1477     psUserName: begin
1478       case P^ of
1479         '@': begin
1480           Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1481           PotAuth := '';
1482           State := psAuthority;
1483         end;
1485         ':', '|': begin
1486           if Length(PotAuth) = 1 then begin
1487             PotPath := PotAuth + P^;
1488             PotAuth := '';
1489             State := psLocalPath;
1490           end
1491           else begin
1492             Rslt.UserName := PotAuth;
1493             PotAuth := '';
1494             State := psPassword;
1495           end;
1496         end;
1498         else
1499           PotAuth := PotAuth + P^;
1500       end;
1501     end;
1503     psPassword: begin
1504       case P^ of
1505         '@': begin
1506           State := psAuthority;
1507         end;
1509         else begin
1510           Rslt.Password := Rslt.Password + P^;
1511         end;
1512       end;
1513     end;
1515     psPort: begin
1516       case P^ of
1517         '0'..'9': begin
1518           Rslt.Port := Rslt.Port + P^;
1519         end;
1521         '/', '\': begin
1522           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1523           State := psPath;
1524         end;
1526         ' ': begin
1527           State := psEndSp;
1528         end;
1530         else
1531           State := psError;
1532       end;
1533     end;
1535     psPath: begin
1536       case P^ of
1537         '#': begin
1538           if PotPath <> '' then begin
1539             Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath);
1540             PotPath := '';
1541           end;
1542           State := psFragment;
1543         end;
1545         '?', '&' : begin
1546           if PotPath <> '' then begin
1547             Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath);
1548             PotPath := '';
1549           end;
1550           Rslt.QueryDelim := P^;
1551           State := psQuery;
1552         end;
1554         ' ': begin
1555           State := psEndSp;
1556         end;
1558         else
1559           PotPath := PotPath + P^;
1560       end;
1561     end;
1563 { Extract "Fragment" (in-page reference) portion of URL }
1565 { - If URL contains an Entity name then Fragment should be delimited by a '#' }
1566 { - If URL does not contain Entity name then Fragment may immediately follow a }
1567 {  final slash in the URL's "Path" component, but must still be delimited by }
1568 {  a '#' to indicate that it is a Fragment.  In this case the assumption is }
1569 {  that the Fragment refers to the current page }
1571     psFragment: begin
1572       case P^ of
1573         '?', '&': begin
1574           if PotPath <> '' then begin
1575             Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath);
1576             PotPath := '';
1577           end;
1578           Rslt.QueryDelim := P^;
1579           State := psQuery;
1580         end;
1582         else
1583           Rslt.Fragment := Rslt.Fragment + P^;
1584       end;
1585     end;
1587 { Extract "Query" portion of URL }
1589 { - If URL contains an Entity name and/or Fragment then Query should }
1590 {  be delimited by a '?' }
1591 { - If URL does not contain Entity name and/or Fragment then Query may or may }
1592 {  not be delimited by a '?' }
1593 { - Individual elements/parameters within the query typically appear in }
1594 {  <name>=<value> pairs separated by '&' characters }
1595 { See also: SplitParams() and FieldFix() routines }
1597     psQuery: begin
1598       case P^ of
1599         ' ': begin
1600           State := psEndSp;
1601         end;
1603         else
1604           Rslt.Query := Rslt.Query + P^;
1605       end;
1606     end;
1608     psEndSp: begin
1609       case P^ of
1610         ' ' : { ignore };
1612         else
1613           State := psError;
1614       end;
1615     end;
1617     psError: begin
1618     end;
1619   end {case State };
1620 end;
1623 begin
1624   Rslt.Scheme    := '';
1625   Rslt.Authority := '';
1626   Rslt.UserName  := '';
1627   Rslt.Password  := '';
1628   Rslt.Port      := '';
1629   Rslt.Path      := '';
1630   Rslt.Fragment  := '';
1631   Rslt.Query     := '';
1633   P := @URL[1];
1634   State := psStart;
1636 //  Result := False;
1637   PotAuth := '';
1638   PotPath := '';
1640   SchemeSeen := False;
1641   for i := 1 to Length(URL) do begin
1642     ProcessChar;
1643     if State = psError then
1644       Break;
1645     Inc(P);
1646   end;
1648   if PotAuth <> '' then
1649     Rslt.Authority := PotAuth;
1652   if Rslt.Path = '' then begin
1653     if PotPath <> '' then
1654       Rslt.Path := AllTrimSpaces(PotPath)
1655     else
1656       Rslt.Path := '/';
1657   end;
1659   Result := State in UrlStops;
1660 end;
1663 { Build absolute URL from a starting URL (Old) and a new URL (New) }
1665 { * Old may be empty }
1666 { * New may be a full address or a path relative to Old }
1667 { * "FILE://" references are converted for Internet (':'=>'|', '\'=>'/') }
1668 { * Attempts to handle relative paths containing one or more "../" references }
1669 {   intelligently, but does no error checking that there are sufficient higher }
1670 {   levels in Old to account for the number of "../" levels in New }
1671 { Change for FPC: renamed Old, New to OldURL, NewURL }
BuildURLnull1672 function BuildURL(const OldURL, NewURL: string): string;
1673 var
1674   OldAddrRec : TIpAddrRec;
1675   NewAddrRec : TIpAddrRec;
1676   FoundPos : Integer;
1677   RelPos : Integer;
1678   ParentPos : Integer;
1679   Path : string;
1680   Scheme : string;
1681   Port : string;
1682 begin
1683   Result := '';
1684   Path := '';
1686   { sanity checks }
1687   if (OldURL = '') and (NewURL = '') then begin
1688     Result := '';
1689     Exit;
1690   end;
1692   if (OldURL = '') and (NewURL <> '') then begin
1693     Result := NewURL;
1694     Exit;
1695   end;
1697   if (OldURL <> '') and (NewURL = '') then begin
1698     Result := OldURL;
1699     Exit;
1700   end;
1702   { Main processing }
1703   Result := DOSToNetPath(OldURL);
1705   Initialize(OldAddrRec);
1706   Initialize(NewAddrRec);
1708   IpParseURL(OldURL, OldAddrRec);
1709   IpParseURL(NewURL, NewAddrRec);
1711   if OldAddrRec.Scheme = '' then
1712     Scheme := ''
1713   else
1714     Scheme := OldAddrRec.Scheme + '://';
1716   if OldAddrRec.Port = '' then
1717     Port := ''
1718   else
1719     Port := ':' + OldAddrRec.Port;
1721   if CompareText(NewAddrRec.Scheme, 'FILE') = 0 then begin
1722     { New is a local file }
1723     Result := NewAddrRec.Scheme + '://' + NewAddrRec.Path;
1724   end else if NewAddrRec.Scheme <> '' then begin
1725     { New is a full address in its own right }
1726     Result := NewURL;  { so just return that }
1727   end else if (NewAddrRec.Scheme = '') and (NewURL[1] = '/') then begin
1728     { New is probably a direct path off the Root }
1729     Result := Scheme + OldAddrRec.Authority + Port; { build Root }
1730     if (NewURL <> '') and (NewURL[1] <> '/') then
1731       Result := Result + '/';
1732     Result := Result + NewURL;  { just append }
1733   end else if (NewAddrRec.Scheme = '') and (NewURL[1] <> '.') then begin
1734     { New is probably a direct path off the current path }
1735     if CompareText(OldAddrRec.Scheme, 'FILE') = 0 then begin
1736       Path := ExtractFilePath(OldAddrRec.Path);
1737       Result := Scheme + Path;
1738     end
1739     else begin
1740       Path := ExtractEntityPath(DosToNetPath(OldAddrRec.Path));
1741       if (Path <> '') and (Path[1] = '/') then
1742         Path := Copy(Path, 2, Length(Path) - 1);
1743       Result := Scheme;
1745       if OldAddrRec.Authority <> '' then
1746         Result := Result + OldAddrRec.Authority + Port + '/';
1748       if Path <> '' then
1749         Result := Result + AppendSlash(Path);
1750     end;
1752     Result := Result + NewURL;
1754     Exit;
1755   end else begin
1756     { otherwise New should be a relative path of Old }
1757     Path := AppendSlash(ExtractEntityPath(DOSToNetPath(OldAddrRec.Path)));
1758     FoundPos := PosIdx('../', NewURL, 1);
1759     RelPos := FoundPos + 3;
1760     ParentPos := RCharPosIdx('/', Path, Length(Path));
1761     while (FoundPos > 0) do begin
1762       FoundPos := PosIdx('../', NewURL, FoundPos + 3);
1763       if FoundPos > 0 then
1764         RelPos := FoundPos + 3;
1765       ParentPos := RCharPosIdx('/', Path, ParentPos - 1);
1766     end;
1768     Path := AppendSlash(Copy(Path, 1, ParentPos));
1769     Result := Scheme + OldAddrRec.Authority + Path +
1770       Copy(NewURL, RelPos, Length(NewURL) - RelPos + 1);
1772     { remove shorthand for current directory if it exists }
1773     FoundPos := Pos('/./', Result);
1774     if FoundPos > 0 then
1775       Delete(Result, FoundPos, 2);
1776   end;
1778   Path := OldURL;
1779   Finalize(OldAddrRec);
1780   Finalize(NewAddrRec);
1781 end;
1783 { Split Internet formated (ampersand '&' separated) parameters }
1784 { from Parms into Dest }
1785 procedure SplitParams(const Parms : string; Dest : TStrings);
1786 var
1787   P : Integer;
1788   Temp : string;
1789 begin
1790   if not Assigned(Dest) then
1791     Exit;
1793   Dest.Clear;
1795   Temp := Parms;
1797   P := CharPos('&', Temp);
1798   while P > 0 do begin
1799     Dest.Add(Copy(Temp, 1, P - 1));
1800     Temp := Copy(Temp, P + 1, Length(Temp) - P);
1801     P := CharPos('&', Temp);
1802   end;
1803   Dest.Add(Temp);
1804 end;
1806 { Divide HTTP response header line into individual fields }
1807 { - HTTP response in the form of: }
1808 {      "HTTP/"<HTTP Version><SP><HTTP Message ID#><SP><HTTP Message String> }
1809 {   for example, if "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" passed in S, procedure returns }
1810 {     "1.1" in V }
1811 {     "200" in MsgID }
1812 {     "OK"  in Msg }
1813 procedure SplitHttpResponse(const S: string; var V, MsgID, Msg: string);
1814 var
1815   P: Integer;
1816   Temp: string;
1817 begin
1818   Temp := S;
1819   P := CharPos(' ', Temp);
1820   V := Copy(Temp, 6, P - 6);
1821   Temp := Copy(Temp, P + 1, Length(Temp) - P);
1822   P := CharPos(' ', Temp);
1823   MsgID := Copy(Temp, 1, P - 1);
1824   Msg := Copy(Temp, P + 1, Length(Temp) - P);
1825 end;
1827 { Convert HTTP Header into TStrings parseable by Name=Value mechanism      }
1828 { - Basically just converts HTTP header fields of the form <NAME>: <VALUE> }
1829 {   pairs into <NAME>=<VALUE> pairs.    }
1830 { - Also parses HTTP header associating }
1831 {     Full header ->       "FullHead="  }
1832 {     HTTP version ->      "Version="   }
1833 {     HTTP Message ID# ->  "MsgID="     }
1834 {     HTTP Message Text -> "Message="   }
1835 procedure FieldFix(Fields : TStrings);
1836 var
1837   i, P : Integer;
1838   S, Ver, ID, Msg : string;
1839 begin
1840   if Fields.Count > 0 then begin
1841     S := Fields[0];
1842     Fields.Delete(0);
1844     SplitHttpResponse(S, Ver, ID, Msg);
1845     Fields.Insert(0, 'Message=' + Msg);
1846     Fields.Insert(0, 'MsgID=' + ID);
1847     Fields.Insert(0, 'Version=' + Ver);
1848     Fields.Insert(0, 'FullHead=' + S);
1851     for i := 4 to Pred(Fields.Count) do begin
1852       P := CharPos(':', Fields[i]);
1853       if P > 0 then begin
1854         S := Fields[i];
1855         Delete(S, P, 1);
1856         Insert('=', S, P);
1857         Fields.Delete(i);
1858         Fields.Insert(i,S);
1859       end;
1860     end;
1861   end;
1862 end;
1864 { Append slash to Internet path if needed }
AppendSlashnull1865 function AppendSlash(APath : string) : string;
1866 begin
1867   Result := APath;
1868   if (Result <> '') and (Result[Length(APath)] <> '/') then
1869     Result := Result + '/';
1870 end;
1872 { Drop trailing slash from Internet path if needed }
RemoveSlashnull1873 function RemoveSlash(APath : string) : string;
1874 begin
1875   Result := APath;
1876   if Result[Length(Result)] = '/' then
1877     Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
1878 end;
1880 { Extract Entity (Filename) portion of Internet Path }
1881 { Parallel to SysUtils.ExtractFileName for Internet Paths }
ExtractEntityNamenull1882 function ExtractEntityName(const NamePath : string) : string;
1883 var
1884   P : Integer;
1885   Temp : string;
1886 begin
1887   Result := '';
1888   P := RCharPos('/', NamePath);
1889   if P > 0 then begin
1890     Temp := Copy(NamePath, P + 1, Length(NamePath) - P);
1892     if CharPos('.', Temp) > 0 then
1893       Result := Temp
1894     else
1895       Result := '';
1896   end;
1897 end;
1899 { Extract Path (non-filename) portion of Internet Path }
1900 { Parallel to SysUtils.ExtractFilePath for Internet Paths }
ExtractEntityPathnull1901 function ExtractEntityPath(const NamePath: string): string;
1902 var
1903   P : Integer;
1904 begin
1905   P := RCharPos('/', NamePath);
1906   if P = Length(NamePath) then { no file name on Path }
1907     Result := NamePath
1908   else
1909     Result := Copy(NamePath, 1, P);
1910 end;
1912 { Return next highest level in Internet path }
1913 { e.g. if Path parameter contains "/default/pub/pics/jpgs" }
1914 { function would return "/default/pub/pics" }
GetParentPathnull1915 function GetParentPath(const Path : string) : string;
1916 var
1917   P : Integer;
1918 begin
1919   if Path = '/' then begin
1920     Result := Path;
1921     Exit;
1922   end;
1923   P := Length(Path);
1924   if Path[P] = '/' then
1925     Dec(P);
1926   while Path[P] <> '/' do
1927     Dec(P);
1928   Result := Copy(Path, 1, P);
1929 end;
1931 { date stuff }
1932 const
1933   EpochYear = 70;  { UNIX Julian time count starts in 1970 }
1934   EpochLowStr = '19';
1935   EpochHiStr  = '20';
1936   CanonicalDate = '"%s", dd "%s" yyyy hh:mm:ss "%s00"';
1938 {
1939 Note: The following strings and string arrays are used for
1940 interpreting/building canonical Internet dates and should
1941 NOT be internationalized!
1942 }
1944 {  DayString : string =
1945     'SUNDAY   ' +
1946     'MONDAY   ' +
1947     'TUESDAY  ' +
1948     'WEDNESDAY' +
1949     'THURSDAY ' +
1950     'FRIDAY   ' +
1951     'SATURDAY '; }
1953   MonthString : string =
1954     'JANUARY  ' +
1955     'FEBRUARY ' +
1956     'MARCH    ' +
1957     'APRIL    ' +
1958     'MAY      ' +
1959     'JUNE     ' +
1960     'JULY     ' +
1961     'AUGUST   ' +
1962     'SEPTEMBER' +
1963     'OCTOBER  ' +
1964     'NOVEMBER ' +
1965     'DECEMBER ';
1967   IpMonthsStrings: array[1..12] of string = (
1968     'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
1969     'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
1970   IpDOWStrings: array[1..7] of string = (
1971     'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
1973 type
1974   THttpDateType = (hdtUnknown, hdtRFC822, hdtRFC850, hdtANSIC);
1976 { Returns numeric month index [1..12] from any unique string }
1977 { abbreviation of English month name, returns 0 if no match }
MonStrToIntnull1978 function MonStrToInt(MonStr : string) : Integer;
1979 var
1980   P : Integer;
1981 begin
1982   P := PosI(MonStr, MonthString);
1983   if P > 0 then
1984     Result := (P div 9) + 1
1985   else
1986     Result := 0;
1987 end;
1989 { For two digit year string passed in returns }
1990 { four digit year string based on EpochYear constant. }
1991 { If converting YrStr to an integer yields > 99 then }
1992 { YrStr is returned unchanged }
EpochStrnull1993 function EpochStr(YrStr: string) : string;
1994 var
1995   Yr: Word;
1996 begin
1997   Yr := StrToInt(YrStr);
1998   if (Yr > 99) then begin { not a 2 digit year }
1999     Result := YrStr;
2000     Exit;
2001   end;
2003   if (Yr < EpochYear) then begin
2004     Result :=  EpochHiStr + YrStr;
2005   end
2006   else begin
2007     Result := EpochLowStr + YrStr;
2008   end;
2009 end;
2012 {
2013 Convert an Internet Date string to a TDateTime
2015 If the string isn't in one of the canonical formats (see below)
2016 the Internet start date of Jan 1, 1970 0:0:0:0 is returned
2018 Canonical Internet header date strings are in one of three standard formats:
2019   Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT   ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123
2020   Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT  ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036
2021   Sun Nov  6 08:49:37 1994        ; ANSI C's asctime() format
2022 }
2024 {-- rewritten to handle common variants such as the Day or Month name
2025 to be fully spelled out where they are not in the canonical form, or to have
2026 a 4 digit year in the RFC 850 style
2027 }
INetDateStrToDateTimenull2028 function INetDateStrToDateTime(const DateStr: string): TDateTime;
2029 type
2030   TINetDateState = (idStart, idStartSp, idDow, idDowSp, idDay1, idDay1Sp,
2031   idMon1, idMon1Sp, idMon2, idMon2Sp, idDay2, idYr1,
2032   idPreTimeSp, idHrs, idMin, idSec, idPostTimeSp, {idGMT,} idYr2,
2033   idEndSp, idAM, idPM, idDaySpace1, IdTimeZoneNum, IdTimeZoneAlpha,
2034   idError);
2036 const
2037   AcceptStates: set of TINetDateState = [{idGMT,} idYr2, idSec,
2038                                          idPostTimeSp, idEndSp,
2039                                          idTimeZoneAlpha,
2040                                          idTimeZoneNum];
2041 var
2042   Dow, Day, Mon, Year, Hrs, Min, Sec: string;
2043   Dy, Mo, Yr: Word;
2044   Hr, Mn, Sc: SmallInt;
2045   State: TINetDateState;
2046   P: PChar;
2047   i : Integer;
2048   AMPM : Boolean;
2049   PM : Boolean;
2050   TimeZone : string;
2052 procedure ParseDate;
2053 begin
2054   case State of
2055     idStart: begin
2056       case P^ of
2057         ' ' : State := idStartSp;
2059         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2060           State := idDow;
2061           Dow := Dow + P^;
2062         end;
2064         '0'..'9': begin
2065           State := idDay1;
2066           Day := Day + P^;
2067         end;
2069         else
2070           State := idError;
2071       end;
2072     end;
2074     idStartSp: begin  { ignore initial spaces }
2075       case P^ of
2076         ' ': { ignore };
2078         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2079           State := idDow;
2080           Dow := Dow + P^;
2081         end;
2082         else
2083           State := idError;
2084       end;
2085     end;
2087     idDow: begin  { all formats start with a DOW string }
2088       case P^ of
2089         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2090           Dow := Dow + P^;
2091         end;
2093         ',', ' ': begin
2094           State := idDowSp;
2095         end;
2096         else
2097           State := idError;
2098       end;
2099     end;
2101     idDowSp: begin  { ignore spaces following DOW }
2102       case P^ of
2103         ' ': { ignore };
2105         '0'..'9': begin
2106           State := idDay1;
2107           Day := Day + P^;
2108         end;
2110         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2111           State := idMon1;
2112           Mon := Mon + P^;
2113         end;
2115         else
2116           State := idError;
2117       end;
2118     end;
2120     idDay1: begin  { RFC 822 and 850 formats start with day digit }
2121       case P^ of
2122         ' ': begin
2123           State := idDay1Sp;
2124         end;
2126         '-': begin
2127           State := idMon2;
2128         end;
2130         '0'..'9': begin
2131           Day := Day + P^;
2132         end;
2134         else
2135           State := idError;
2136       end;
2137     end;
2139     idDay1Sp: begin { ignore spaces following day digit }
2140       case P^ of
2141         ' ': { ignore };
2143         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2144           State := idMon2;
2145           Mon := Mon + P^;
2146         end;
2148         else
2149           State := idError;
2150       end;
2151     end;
2153     idMon1: begin  { ANSI C format starts with month string }
2154       case P^ of
2155         ' ': begin
2156           State := idMon1Sp;
2157         end;
2159         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2160           Mon := Mon + P^;
2161         end;
2163         else
2164           State := idError;
2165       end;
2166     end;
2168     idMon1Sp: begin { ignore spaces after ANSI C month string }
2169       case P^ of
2170         ' ': { ignore };
2172         '0'..'9': begin
2173           State := idDay2;
2174           Day := Day + P^;
2175         end;
2177         else
2178           State := idError;
2179       end;
2180     end;
2182     idMon2: begin  { RFC 822 and 850 month string }
2183       case P^ of
2184         ' ' : begin
2185           State := idMon2Sp;
2186         end;
2188         '-' : begin
2189           State := idYr1;
2190         end;
2192         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2193           Mon := Mon + P^;
2194         end;
2196         else
2197           State := idError;
2198       end;
2199     end;
2201     idMon2Sp: begin   {ignore spaces after month string }
2202       case P^ of
2203         ' ': { ignore };
2205         '0'..'9': begin
2206           State := idYr1;
2207           Year := Year + P^;
2208         end;
2210         else
2211           State := idError;
2212       end;
2213     end;
2215     idDay2: begin   { ANSI C format Day string }
2216       case P^ of
2217         '0'..'9': begin
2218           Day := Day + P^;
2219         end;
2221         ',' : begin
2222           State := idDaySpace1;
2223         end;
2225         ' ': begin
2226           State := idPreTimeSp;
2227         end;
2229         else
2230           State := idError;
2231       end;
2232     end;
2234     idDaySpace1 : begin
2235       case P^ of
2236         ' ' : begin
2237         end;
2239         '0'..'9' : begin
2240           Year := Year + P^;
2241           State := idYr1;
2242         end;
2244         else
2245           State := idError;
2246       end;
2247     end;
2249     idYr1: begin    { RFC 822 and 850 year string }
2250       case P^ of
2251         '0'..'9': begin
2252           Year := Year + P^;
2253         end;
2255         ' ': begin
2256           State := idPreTimeSp;
2257         end;
2259         else
2260           State := idError;
2261       end;
2262     end;
2264     idPreTimeSp: begin  { ignore spaces before start of time string }
2265       case P^ of
2266         ' ': { ignore };
2268         '0'..'9': begin
2269           State := idHrs;
2270           Hrs := Hrs + P^;
2271         end;
2273         else
2274           State := idError;
2275       end;
2276     end;
2278     idHrs: begin  { hours string }
2279       case P^ of
2280         ':': begin
2281           State := idMin;
2282         end;
2284         '0'..'9': begin
2285           Hrs := Hrs + P^;
2286         end;
2288         else
2289           State := idError;
2290       end;
2291     end;
2293     idMin: begin { minutes string }
2294       case P^ of
2295         ':': begin
2296           State := idSec;
2297         end;
2299         '0'..'9': begin
2300           Min := Min + P^;
2301         end;
2303         ' ' : begin
2304           State := idPostTimeSp;
2305           Sec := '00';
2306         end;
2308         else
2309           State := idError;
2310       end;
2311     end;
2313     idSec: begin { seconds string }
2314       case P^ of
2315         ' ': begin
2316           State := idPostTimeSp;
2317         end;
2319         '0'..'9': begin
2320           Sec := Sec + P^;
2321         end;
2323         'A', 'a' : begin
2324           AMPM := True;
2325           PM := False;
2326           State := idAM;
2327         end;
2329         'P', 'p' : begin
2330           AMPM := True;
2331           PM := True;
2332           State := idPM;
2333         end;
2335         else
2336           State := idError;
2337       end;
2338     end;
2340     idAM : begin { AM string }
2341       case P^ of
2342         ' ' : begin
2343           State := idPostTimeSp
2344         end;
2346         'M', 'm' : begin
2347           State := idPostTimeSp;
2348         end;
2350         else
2351           State := idError;
2352       end;
2353     end;
2355     idPM : begin { PM string }
2356       case P^ of
2357         ' ' : begin
2358           State := idPostTimeSp
2359         end;
2361         'M', 'm' : begin
2362           State := idPostTimeSp;
2363         end;
2365         else
2366           State := idError;
2367       end;
2368     end;
2370     idPostTimeSp: begin   { ignore spaces before after time string }
2371       case P^ of
2372         ' ': { ignore };
2374         '0'..'9': begin
2375           State := idYr2;
2376           Year := Year + P^;
2377         end;
2379         {'G', 'g': begin                                               }
2380         {  State := idGMT;                                             }
2381         {end;                                                          }
2383         '-' : begin
2384           TimeZone := TimeZone + P^;
2385           State := IdTimeZoneNum;
2386         end;
2388         '+' : begin
2389           TimeZone := TimeZone + P^;
2390           State := IdTimeZoneNum;
2391         end;
2393         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2394           TimeZone := TimeZone + P^;
2395           State := IdTimeZoneAlpha;
2396         end;
2398         else
2399           State := idError;
2400       end;
2401     end;
2403     idTimeZoneNum : begin
2404       case P^ of
2405         '0'..'9' : begin
2406           TimeZone := TimeZone + P^;
2407         end;
2409         ' ' : begin
2410           State := idEndSp;
2411         end;
2413         else
2414           State := idError;
2415       end;
2416     end;
2418     idTimeZoneAlpha : begin
2419       case P^ of
2420         'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z' : begin
2421           TimeZone := TimeZone + P^;
2422         end;
2424         ' ' : begin
2425           if CompareText(TimeZone, 'AM') = 0 then begin
2426             AMPM := True;
2427             PM := False;
2428             State := IdTimeZoneAlpha;
2429             TimeZone := '';
2430           end else if CompareText(TimeZone, 'PM') = 0 then begin
2431             AMPM := True;
2432             PM := True;
2433             State := IdTimeZoneAlpha;
2434             TimeZone := '';
2435           end else
2436             State := idEndSp;
2437         end;
2439         else
2440           State := idError;
2441       end;
2442     end;
2444     {idGMT: begin }   { RFC 822 and 850 should end with "GMT" }
2445     {  case P^ of                                                      }
2446     {    'M', 'T': begin                                               }
2447     {    end;                                                          }
2448     {                                                                  }
2449     {    ' ': begin                                                    }
2450     {      State := idEndSp;                                           }
2451     {    end;                                                          }
2452     {                                                                  }
2453     {    else                                                          }
2454     {      State := idError;                                           }
2455     {  end;                                                            }
2456     {end;                                                              }
2458     idYr2: begin    { ANSI C time ends with Year }
2459       case P^ of
2460         '0'..'9': begin
2461           Year := Year + P^;
2462         end;
2464         ' ': begin
2465           State := idEndSp;
2466         end;
2468         else
2469           State := idError;
2470       end;
2471     end;
2473     idEndSp: begin  { ignore trailing spaces }
2474       case P^ of
2475         ' ': {ignore};
2476         else
2477           State := idError;
2478       end;
2479     end;
2481     idError: begin
2482     end;
2483   end;
2484 end;
2487 begin
2488   Result := EncodeDate(1970, 1, 1);
2489   if DateStr = '' then Exit;
2491   { clear parse strings }
2492   Dow := '';
2493   Day := '';
2494   Mon := '';
2495   Year := '';
2496   Hrs := '';
2497   Min := '';
2498   Sec := '';
2499   AMPM := False;
2500   PM := False;
2501   TimeZone := '';
2503   { start at first character }
2504   P := @DateStr[1];
2506   { iterate characters }
2507   for i := 1 to Length(DateStr) do begin
2508     ParseDate;
2509     if State = idError then
2510       Exit { error in date format, give up }
2511     else
2512       Inc(P);
2513   end;
2515   if State = idTimeZoneAlpha then begin
2516     if CompareText(TimeZone, 'AM') = 0 then begin
2517       AMPM := True;
2518       PM := False;
2519       TimeZone := '';
2520     end else if CompareText(TimeZone, 'PM') = 0 then begin
2521       AMPM := True;
2522       PM := True;
2523       TimeZone := '';
2524     end;
2525   end;
2527   if State = idMin then begin
2528     Sec := '00';
2529     State := idSec;
2530   end;
2532   { date string terminated prematurely }
2533   if not (State in AcceptStates) then Exit;
2535   { validate day of week and Month name vs. expected }
2536 //  if not ((Pos(UpperCase(Dow), DayString)   mod 9) = 1) then Exit; // !!!
2537   if not ((PosI(Mon, MonthString) mod 9) = 1) then Exit;
2539   { correct two digit years }
2540   Year := EpochStr(Year);
2542   { convert D-M-Y string representations to integers }
2543   Dy := StrToIntDef(Day, 0);
2544   Mo := MonStrToInt(Mon);
2545   Yr := StrToIntDef(Year, 0);
2547   { check for errors or out of range }
2548   if (Dy = 0) or (Mo = 0) or (Yr = 0) then Exit;
2549   if (Dy > 31) or (Mo > 12) then Exit;
2551   { convert H-M-S string representations to integers }
2552   Hr := StrToIntDef(Hrs, -1);
2553   Mn := StrToIntDef(Min, -1);
2554   Sc := StrToIntDef(Sec, -1);
2556   if AMPM then begin
2557     if (Hr < 12) and (PM) then
2558       Hr := Hr + 12;
2559     if (Hr = 12) and (not PM) then
2560       Hr := 0;
2561   end;
2563   { check for errors or out of range }
2564   if (Hr = -1) or (Mn = -1) or (Sc = -1) then Exit;
2565   if (Hr > 24) or (Mn > 60) or (Sc > 60) then Exit;
2567   { tests passed, generate final result }
2568   Result := ComposeDateTime(EncodeDate(Yr, Mo, Dy),EncodeTime(Hr, Mn, Sc, 0));
2569 end;
2572 { increment TDateTime by supplied number of minutes }
IncMinsnull2573 function IncMins(const Date: TDateTime; NumberOfMins: Integer): TDateTime;
2574 begin
2575   Result := Date + NumberOfMins / 1440.0;
2576 end;
2579 { returns the current local TimeZone "bias" in minutes from UTC (GMT) }
TimeZoneBiasnull2580 function TimeZoneBias : Integer;
2581 begin
2582   Result:=0;
2583   writeln('TimeZoneBias ToDo');
2584 end;
2586 (*
2587 const
2591 {$ENDIF}
2592 var
2593   TZI : TTimeZoneInformation;
2594 begin
2595   Result := 0;
2596   case GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) of
2597     TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN :  Result := 0;
2598     TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD : Result := TZI.Bias + TZI.StandardBias;
2599     TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT : Result := TZI.Bias + TZI.DaylightBias;
2600   end;
2601 end;
2602 *)
2604 { Format TDateTime to standard HTTP date string }
DateTimeToINetDateTimeStrnull2605 function DateTimeToINetDateTimeStr(DateTime: TDateTime): string;
2606 var
2607   Yr, Mo, Dy: Word;
2608   s: String;
2609 begin
2610   DecodeDate(DateTime, Yr, Mo, Dy);
2611   s := Format('%g', [Abs(TimeZoneBias/60)]);
2612   if Length(s) = 1 then
2613     s := '0' + s;
2614   if TimeZoneBias < 0 then s := '-' + s;
2616   Result := FormatDateTime(CanonicalDate, DateTime);
2617   Result := Format(Result, [IpDOWStringS[DayOfWeek(DateTime)], IpMonthsStrings[Mo], s]);
2618 end;
2621 { File/Directory Stuff }
2623 { Retreive Windows "MIME" type for a particular file extension }
2624 {$ifndef MSWindows}
2625 {define some basic mime types}
2626 const MimeTypeExt : Array[0..4] of String = ('.htm','.html','.txt','.jpg','.png');
2627       MimeTypes   : Array[0..4] of String = ('text/html','text/html','text/plain','image/jpeg','image/png');
2628 {$endif}
GetLocalContentnull2630 function GetLocalContent(const TheFileName: string): string;
2631 var
2632   Reg : TRegistry;
2633   Ext : string;
2634   {$ifndef MSWindows}
2635   i : integer;
2636   {$ENDIF}
2637 begin
2638   Result := '';
2639   Ext := ExtractFileExt(TheFileName);
2640   {$ifndef MSWindows}
2641   for i := 0 to high(MimeTypeExt) do
2642     if CompareText(MimeTypeExt[i], Ext) = 0 then
2643     begin
2644       result := MimeTypes[i];
2645       break;
2646     end;
2647   {$endif}
2648   if result = '' then
2649   begin
2650     Reg := nil;
2651     try
2652       Reg := TRegistry.Create;
2653       Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
2654       if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly(Ext) then
2655         Result := Reg.ReadString('Content Type');
2656     finally
2657       Reg.CloseKey;
2658       Reg.Free;
2659     end;
2660   end;
2661   //DebugLn('IpUtils.GetLocalContent File:'+TheFileName+' Result:'+result);
2662 end;
2664 { Determine if a directory exists }
DirExistsnull2665 function DirExists(Dir : string): Boolean;
2666 begin
2667   Result:=DirPathExists(Dir);
2668 end;
2670 { Get temporary filename as string }
GetTemporaryFilenull2671 function GetTemporaryFile(const Path : string) : string;
2672 begin
2673   Result:=GetTempFileNameUTF8(Path,'IP_');
2674 end;
2676 { Get Windows system TEMP path in a string }
GetTemporaryPathnull2677 function GetTemporaryPath: string;
2678 begin
2679   writeln('ToDo: IpUtils.GetTemporaryPath');
2680   Result:='';
2681 end;
2683 { Append backslash to DOS path if needed }
AppendBackSlashnull2684 function AppendBackSlash(APath : string) : string;
2685 begin
2686   Result := AppendPathDelim(APath);
2687 end;
2689 { Remove trailing backslash from a DOS path if needed }
RemoveBackSlashnull2690 function RemoveBackSlash(APath: string) : string;
2691 begin
2692   Result := ChompPathDelim(APath);
2693 end;
2695 {***********************************************}
2697 {cookie support}
2699 const
2700   CookieDefaults: array [1..5] of string[8] =
2701     ('Version=',
2702      'Path=',
2703      'Domain=',
2704      'Max-Age=',
2705      'Path=');
FixDefaultsnull2706 function FixDefaults(const S: string): string;
2707 var
2708   i : Integer;
2709 begin
2710   Result := S;
2711   for i := 1 to 5 do
2712     if Pos(CookieDefaults[i], S) = 1 then
2713       Result := '$' + S;
2714 end;
2716 procedure SplitCookieFields(const Data: string; Fields: TStrings);
2717 {
2718 Split Cookie data fields into items in a TStrings instance, Cookie fields will
2719 be in Name="Value" pairs easily accessed via the associated TStrings properties
2720 routine automatically prepends '$' to default Cookie fields for response header
2721 }
2722 var
2723   P1, P2 : Integer;
2724   S, Temp : string;
2725 begin
2726   Temp := Data + ';';
2727   P1 := 1;
2728   P2 := CharPosIdx(';', Temp, P1);
2729   while P2 > 0 do begin
2730     S := Trim(Copy(Temp, P1, P2 - P1));
2731     Fields.Add(FixDefaults(S));
2732     P1 := P2 + 1;
2733     P2 := CharPosIdx(';', Temp, P1);
2734   end;
2735 end;
2738 end.