2 /***************************************************************************
3                                graphics.pp
4                                -----------
5                             Graphic Controls
6                   Initial Revision : Mon Jul 26 0:02:58 1999
8 ***************************************************************************/
10 *****************************************************************************
11  This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
13  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
14  for details about the license.
15 *****************************************************************************
17unit Graphics;
19{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
20{$I lcl_defines.inc}
24{$ifdef Trace}
29{$DEFINE HasFPCanvas1}
33{$DEFINE HasFPEndCap}
37{$DEFINE HasFPJoinStyle}
41  // RTL + FCL
42  SysUtils, Math, Types, Classes, Contnrs, Laz_AVL_Tree,
43  FPImage, FPCanvas,
44  FPWriteBMP,              // bmp support
45  FPWritePNG, PNGComn,     // png support
46  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
47  FPReadPNM, FPWritePNM,   // PNM (Portable aNyMap) support
48  {$ENDIF}
49  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
50  FPReadJpeg, FPWriteJpeg, // jpg support
51  {$ENDIF}
52  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLTIFF}
53  FPReadTiff, FPTiffCmn,   // tiff support
54  {$ENDIF}
55  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLGIF}
56  FPReadGif,
57  {$ENDIF}
58  // LCL
59  LCLVersion, LCLStrConsts, LCLType, LCLProc, LMessages, LResources, LCLResCache,
60  IntfGraphics, IcnsTypes, WSReferences,
61  // LazUtils
62  GraphType, GraphMath, FPCAdds, LazLoggerBase, LazTracer, LazUtilities;
65  PColor = ^TColor;
66  TColor = TGraphicsColor;
68  TFontPitch = (fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed);
69  TFontName = string;
70  TFontDataName = string[LF_FACESIZE -1];
71  TFontStyle = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut);
72  TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;
73  TFontStylesbase = set of TFontStyle;
74  TFontCharSet = 0..255;
75  TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqDraft, fqProof, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased,
76    fqCleartype, fqCleartypeNatural);
78  TFontData = record
79    Handle: HFont;
80    Height: Integer;
81    Pitch: TFontPitch;
82    Style: TFontStylesBase;
83    CharSet: TFontCharSet;
84    Quality: TFontQuality;
85    Name: TFontDataName;
86    Orientation: Integer;
87  end;
90  // New TFont instances are initialized with the values in this structure.
91  // About font default values: The default font is chosen by the interfaces
92  // depending on the context. For example, there can be a different default
93  // font for a button and a groupbox.
94  DefFontData: TFontData = (
95    Handle: 0;
96    Height: 0;
97    Pitch: fpDefault;
98    Style: [];
99    Charset: DEFAULT_CHARSET;
100    Quality: fqDefault;
101    Name: 'default';
102    Orientation: 0;
103    );
106  { Reflects text style when drawn in a rectangle }
108  TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom);
109  TTextStyle = packed record
110    Alignment : TAlignment;  // TextRect Only: horizontal alignment
112    Layout    : TTextLayout; // TextRect Only: vertical alignment
114    SingleLine: boolean;     // If WordBreak is false then process #13, #10 as
115                             // standard chars and perform no Line breaking.
117    Clipping  : boolean;     // TextRect Only: Clip Text to passed Rectangle
119    ExpandTabs: boolean;     // Replace #9 by apropriate amount of spaces (default is usually 8)
121    ShowPrefix: boolean;     // TextRect Only: Process first single '&' per
122                             //    line as an underscore and draw '&&' as '&'
124    Wordbreak : boolean;     // TextRect Only: If line of text is too long
125                             //    too fit between left and right boundaries
126                             //    try to break into multiple lines between
127                             //    words
128                             //    See also EndEllipsis.
130    Opaque    : boolean;     // TextRect: Fills background with current Brush
131                             // TextOut : Fills background with current
132                             //            foreground color
134    SystemFont: Boolean;     // Use the system font instead of Canvas Font
136    RightToLeft: Boolean;    //For RightToLeft text reading (Text Direction)
138    EndEllipsis: Boolean;    // TextRect Only: If line of text is too long
139                             //    to fit between left and right boundaries
140                             //    truncates the text and adds "..."
141                             //    If Wordbreak is set as well, Workbreak will
142                             //    dominate.
143  end;
146  psSolid = FPCanvas.psSolid;
147  psDash = FPCanvas.psDash;
148  psDot = FPCanvas.psDot;
149  psDashDot = FPCanvas.psDashDot;
150  psDashDotDot = FPCanvas.psDashDotDot;
151  psClear = FPCanvas.psClear;
152  psInsideframe = FPCanvas.psInsideframe;
153  psPattern = FPCanvas.psPattern;
155  pmBlack = FPCanvas.pmBlack;
156  pmWhite = FPCanvas.pmWhite;
157  pmNop = FPCanvas.pmNop;
158  pmNot = FPCanvas.pmNot;
159  pmCopy = FPCanvas.pmCopy;
160  pmNotCopy = FPCanvas.pmNotCopy;
161  pmMergePenNot = FPCanvas.pmMergePenNot;
162  pmMaskPenNot = FPCanvas.pmMaskPenNot;
163  pmMergeNotPen = FPCanvas.pmMergeNotPen;
164  pmMaskNotPen = FPCanvas.pmMaskNotPen;
165  pmMerge = FPCanvas.pmMerge;
166  pmNotMerge = FPCanvas.pmNotMerge;
167  pmMask = FPCanvas.pmMask;
168  pmNotMask = FPCanvas.pmNotMask;
169  pmXor = FPCanvas.pmXor;
170  pmNotXor = FPCanvas.pmNotXor;
172  bsSolid = FPCanvas.bsSolid;
173  bsClear = FPCanvas.bsClear;
174  bsHorizontal = FPCanvas.bsHorizontal;
175  bsVertical = FPCanvas.bsVertical;
176  bsFDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsFDiagonal;
177  bsBDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsBDiagonal;
178  bsCross = FPCanvas.bsCross;
179  bsDiagCross = FPCanvas.bsDiagCross;
181  {$IFDEF HasFPEndCap}
182  pecRound = FPCanvas.pecRound;
183  pecSquare = FPCanvas.pecSquare;
184  pecFlat = FPCanvas.pecFlat;
185  {$ENDIF}
187  {$IFDEF HasFPJoinStyle}
188  pjsRound = FPCanvas.pjsRound;
189  pjsBevel = FPCanvas.pjsBevel;
190  pjsMiter =FPCanvas.pjsMiter;
191  {$ENDIF}
194  TFillStyle = TGraphicsFillStyle;
195  TFillMode = (fmAlternate, fmWinding);
197  TCopymode = longint;
199  TCanvasStates = (csHandleValid,
200                   csFontValid, // true if Font properties correspond to
201                                // selected Font Handle in DC
202                   csPenvalid, csBrushValid, csRegionValid);
203  TCanvasState = set of TCanvasStates;
204  TCanvasOrientation = (csLefttoRight, coRighttoLeft);
206  { TProgressEvent }
207  TProgressStage = TFPImgProgressStage;
208  TProgressEvent = TFPImgProgressEvent;
210  { For Delphi compatibility }
211  TPixelFormat = (
212    pfDevice,
213    pf1bit,
214    pf4bit,
215    pf8bit,
216    pf15bit,
217    pf16bit,
218    pf24bit,
219    pf32bit,
220    pfCustom
221    );
224  PIXELFORMAT_BPP: array[TPixelFormat] of Byte = (
225    0, 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32, 0
226  );
230  TTransparentMode = (
231    tmAuto,
232    tmFixed
233    );
236  // The following colors match the predefined Delphi Colors
238  // standard colors
239  clBlack   = TColor($000000);
240  clMaroon  = TColor($000080);
241  clGreen   = TColor($008000);
242  clOlive   = TColor($008080);
243  clNavy    = TColor($800000);
244  clPurple  = TColor($800080);
245  clTeal    = TColor($808000);
246  clGray    = TColor($808080);
247  clSilver  = TColor($C0C0C0);
248  clRed     = TColor($0000FF);
249  clLime    = TColor($00FF00);
250  clYellow  = TColor($00FFFF);
251  clBlue    = TColor($FF0000);
252  clFuchsia = TColor($FF00FF);
253  clAqua    = TColor($FFFF00);
254  clLtGray  = TColor($C0C0C0); // clSilver alias
255  clDkGray  = TColor($808080); // clGray alias
256  clWhite   = TColor($FFFFFF);
257  StandardColorsCount = 16;
259  // extended colors
260  clMoneyGreen = TColor($C0DCC0);
261  clSkyBlue    = TColor($F0CAA6);
262  clCream      = TColor($F0FBFF);
263  clMedGray    = TColor($A4A0A0);
264  ExtendedColorCount = 4;
266  // special colors
267  clNone    = TColor($1FFFFFFF);
268  clDefault = TColor($20000000);
270  // system colors
271  clScrollBar               = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_SCROLLBAR);
272  clBackground              = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BACKGROUND);
273  clActiveCaption           = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION);
274  clInactiveCaption         = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION);
275  clMenu                    = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_MENU);
276  clWindow                  = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_WINDOW);
277  clWindowFrame             = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_WINDOWFRAME);
278  clMenuText                = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_MENUTEXT);
279  clWindowText              = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
280  clCaptionText             = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT);
281  clActiveBorder            = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER);
282  clInactiveBorder          = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER);
283  clAppWorkspace            = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_APPWORKSPACE);
284  clHighlight               = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
285  clHighlightText           = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
286  clBtnFace                 = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BTNFACE);
287  clBtnShadow               = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BTNSHADOW);
288  clGrayText                = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
289  clBtnText                 = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BTNTEXT);
290  clInactiveCaptionText     = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT);
291  clBtnHighlight            = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);
292  cl3DDkShadow              = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_3DDKSHADOW);
293  cl3DLight                 = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_3DLIGHT);
294  clInfoText                = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_INFOTEXT);
295  clInfoBk                  = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_INFOBK);
297  clHotLight                = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_HOTLIGHT);
298  clGradientActiveCaption   = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION);
300  clMenuHighlight           = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_MENUHILIGHT);
301  clMenuBar                 = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_MENUBAR);
302  clForm                    = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_FORM);
304  // synonyms: do not show them in color lists
305  clColorDesktop            = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_DESKTOP);
306  cl3DFace                  = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_3DFACE);
307  cl3DShadow                = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_3DSHADOW);
308  cl3DHiLight               = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT);
309  clBtnHiLight              = TColor(SYS_COLOR_BASE or COLOR_BTNHILIGHT);
311  clFirstSpecialColor = clBtnHiLight;
313  clMask = clWhite;
314  clDontMask = clBlack;
316  // !! deprecated colors !!
317  {$IFDEF DefineCLXColors}
318  // CLX base, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
319  clForeground = TColor(-1) deprecated;
320  clButton = TColor(-2) deprecated;
321  clLight = TColor(-3) deprecated;
322  clMidlight = TColor(-4) deprecated;
323  clDark = TColor(-5) deprecated;
324  clMid = TColor(-6) deprecated;
325  clText = TColor(-7) deprecated;
326  clBrightText = TColor(-8) deprecated;
327  clButtonText = TColor(-9) deprecated;
328  clBase = TColor(-10) deprecated;
329  clxBackground = TColor(-11) deprecated;
330  clShadow = TColor(-12) deprecated;
331  clxHighlight = TColor(-13) deprecated;
332  clHighlightedText = TColor(-14) deprecated;
334  // CLX mapped role offsets
335  cloNormal = 32 deprecated;
336  cloDisabled = 64 deprecated;
337  cloActive = 96 deprecated;
339  // CLX normal, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
340  clNormalForeground = TColor(clForeground - cloNormal) deprecated;
341  clNormalButton = TColor(clButton - cloNormal) deprecated;
342  clNormalLight = TColor(clLight - cloNormal) deprecated;
343  clNormalMidlight = TColor(clMidlight - cloNormal) deprecated;
344  clNormalDark = TColor(clDark - cloNormal) deprecated;
345  clNormalMid = TColor(clMid - cloNormal) deprecated;
346  clNormalText = TColor(clText - cloNormal) deprecated;
347  clNormalBrightText = TColor(clBrightText - cloNormal) deprecated;
348  clNormalButtonText = TColor(clButtonText - cloNormal) deprecated;
349  clNormalBase = TColor(clBase - cloNormal) deprecated;
350  clNormalBackground = TColor(clxBackground - cloNormal) deprecated;
351  clNormalShadow = TColor(clShadow - cloNormal) deprecated;
352  clNormalHighlight = TColor(clxHighlight - cloNormal) deprecated;
353  clNormalHighlightedText = TColor(clHighlightedText - cloNormal) deprecated;
355  // CLX disabled, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
356  clDisabledForeground = TColor(clForeground - cloDisabled) deprecated;
357  clDisabledButton = TColor(clButton - cloDisabled) deprecated;
358  clDisabledLight = TColor(clLight - cloDisabled) deprecated;
359  clDisabledMidlight = TColor(clMidlight - cloDisabled) deprecated;
360  clDisabledDark = TColor(clDark - cloDisabled) deprecated;
361  clDisabledMid = TColor(clMid - cloDisabled) deprecated;
362  clDisabledText = TColor(clText - cloDisabled) deprecated;
363  clDisabledBrightText = TColor(clBrightText - cloDisabled) deprecated;
364  clDisabledButtonText = TColor(clButtonText - cloDisabled) deprecated;
365  clDisabledBase = TColor(clBase - cloDisabled) deprecated;
366  clDisabledBackground = TColor(clxBackground - cloDisabled) deprecated;
367  clDisabledShadow = TColor(clShadow - cloDisabled) deprecated;
368  clDisabledHighlight = TColor(clxHighlight - cloDisabled) deprecated;
369  clDisabledHighlightedText = TColor(clHighlightedText - cloDisabled) deprecated;
371  // CLX active, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
372  clActiveForeground = TColor(clForeground - cloActive) deprecated;
373  clActiveButton = TColor(clButton - cloActive) deprecated;
374  clActiveLight = TColor(clLight - cloActive) deprecated;
375  clActiveMidlight = TColor(clMidlight - cloActive) deprecated;
376  clActiveDark = TColor(clDark - cloActive) deprecated;
377  clActiveMid = TColor(clMid - cloActive) deprecated;
378  clActiveText = TColor(clText - cloActive) deprecated;
379  clActiveBrightText = TColor(clBrightText - cloActive) deprecated;
380  clActiveButtonText = TColor(clButtonText - cloActive) deprecated;
381  clActiveBase = TColor(clBase - cloActive) deprecated;
382  clActiveBackground = TColor(clxBackground - cloActive) deprecated;
383  clActiveShadow = TColor(clShadow - cloActive) deprecated;
384  clActiveHighlight = TColor(clxHighlight - cloActive) deprecated;
385  clActiveHighlightedText = TColor(clHighlightedText - cloActive) deprecated;
388  TMappedColor = clActiveHighlightedText..clNormalForeground;
390  TColorGroup = (cgInactive, cgDisabled, cgActive);
391  TColorRole = (crForeground, crButton, crLight, crMidlight, crDark, crMid,
392    crText, crBrightText, crButtonText, crBase, crBackground, crShadow,
393    crHighlight, crHighlightText, crNoRole);
394  {$ENDIF}
397  cmBlackness = BLACKNESS;
398  cmDstInvert = DSTINVERT;
399  cmMergeCopy = MERGECOPY;
400  cmMergePaint = MERGEPAINT;
401  cmNotSrcCopy = NOTSRCCOPY;
402  cmNotSrcErase = NOTSRCERASE;
403  cmPatCopy = PATCOPY;
404  cmPatInvert = PATINVERT;
405  cmPatPaint = PATPAINT;
406  cmSrcAnd = SRCAND;
407  cmSrcCopy = SRCCOPY;
408  cmSrcErase = SRCERASE;
409  cmSrcInvert = SRCINVERT;
410  cmSrcPaint = SRCPAINT;
411  cmWhiteness = WHITENESS;
415  TCanvas = class;
417  // base class
418  TRasterImage = class;
419  TRasterImageClass = class of TRasterImage;
420  TCustomBitmap = class;
421  TCustomBitmapClass = class of TCustomBitmap;
422  // standard LCL graphic formats
423  TBitmap = class;                  // bmp
424  TPixmap = class;                  // xpm
425  TIcon = class;                    // ico
426  TPortableNetworkGraphic = class;  // png
427  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
428  TPortableAnyMapGraphic = class;   // pnm formats: pbm, pgm and ppm
429  {$ENDIF}
430  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
431  TJpegImage = class;               // jpg
432  {$ENDIF}
433  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLGIF}
434  TGIFImage = class;                // gif (read only)
435  {$ENDIF}
437  { TGraphicsObject
438    In Delphi VCL this is the ancestor of TFont, TPen and TBrush.
439    Since FPC 2.0 the LCL uses TFPCanvasHelper as ancestor. }
441  TGraphicsObject = class(TPersistent)
442  private
443    FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
444    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
445    procedure DoChange(var Msg); message LM_CHANGED;
446  protected
447    procedure Changing; virtual;
448    procedure Changed; virtual;
449    procedure Lock;
450    procedure UnLock;
451  public
452    property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
453    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
454  end;
456  { TFontHandleCacheDescriptor }
458  TFontHandleCacheDescriptor = class(TResourceCacheDescriptor)
459  public
460    LogFont: TLogFont;
461    LongFontName: string;
462  end;
464  { TFontHandleCache }
466  TFontHandleCache = class(TResourceCache)
467  protected
468    procedure RemoveItem(Item: TResourceCacheItem); override;
469  public
470    constructor Create;
471    function CompareDescriptors(Tree: TAvlTree; Desc1, Desc2: Pointer): integer; override;
472    function FindFont(TheFont: TLCLHandle): TResourceCacheItem;
473    function FindFontDesc(const LogFont: TLogFont;
474                          const LongFontName: string): TFontHandleCacheDescriptor;
475    function Add(TheFont: TLCLHandle; const LogFont: TLogFont;
476                 const LongFontName: string): TFontHandleCacheDescriptor;
477  end;
479  { TFont }
481  TFont = class(TFPCustomFont)
482  private
483    FIsMonoSpace: boolean;
484    FIsMonoSpaceValid: boolean;
485    FOrientation: Integer;
486    FPitch: TFontPitch;
487    FQuality: TFontQuality;
488    FStyle: TFontStylesBase;
489    FCharSet: TFontCharSet;
490    FPixelsPerInch: Integer;
491    FUpdateCount: integer;
492    FChanged: boolean;
493    FFontHandleCached: boolean;
494    FColor: TColor;
495    FHeight: integer; // FHeight = -(FSize * FPixelsPerInch) div 72
496    FReference: TWSFontReference;
497    procedure FreeReference;
498    function GetHandle: HFONT;
499    function GetData: TFontData;
500    function GetIsMonoSpace: boolean;
501    function GetReference: TWSFontReference;
502    function IsHeightStored: boolean;
503    function IsNameStored: boolean;
504    procedure SetData(const FontData: TFontData);
505    procedure SetHandle(const Value: HFONT);
506    procedure ReferenceNeeded;
507    procedure SetPixelsPerInch(const APixelsPerInch: Integer);
508  protected
509    function GetCharSet: TFontCharSet;
510    function GetHeight: Integer;
511    function GetName: string;
512    function GetOrientation: Integer;
513    function GetPitch: TFontPitch;
514    function GetSize: Integer;
515    function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
516    procedure Changed; override;
517    procedure DoAllocateResources; override;
518    procedure DoCopyProps(From: TFPCanvasHelper); override;
519    procedure DoDeAllocateResources; override;
520    procedure SetCharSet(const AValue: TFontCharSet);
521    procedure SetColor(const NewColor: TColor; const NewFPColor: TFPColor); virtual;
522    procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
523    function GetColor: TColor;
524    procedure SetFlags(Index: integer; AValue: boolean); override;
525    procedure SetFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor); override;
526    procedure SetHeight(Avalue: Integer);
527    procedure SetName(AValue: string); override;
528    procedure SetOrientation(AValue: Integer); override; // This was introduced in 2.5 quite late, and the Android pre-compiled compiler was before this, so I prefer to let it only for 2.6
529    procedure SetPitch(Value: TFontPitch);
530    procedure SetSize(AValue: integer); override;
531    procedure SetStyle(Value: TFontStyles);
532    procedure SetQuality(const AValue: TFontQuality);
533  public
534    constructor Create; override;
535    destructor Destroy; override;
536    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
537    procedure Assign(const ALogFont: TLogFont);
538    procedure BeginUpdate;
539    procedure EndUpdate;
540    property FontData: TFontData read GetData write SetData;
541    function HandleAllocated: boolean;
542    property Handle: HFONT read GetHandle write SetHandle;
543    function IsDefault: boolean;
544    function IsEqual(AFont: TFont): boolean; virtual;
545    property IsMonoSpace: boolean read GetIsMonoSpace;
546    procedure SetDefault;
547    property PixelsPerInch: Integer read FPixelsPerInch write SetPixelsPerInch;
548    property Reference: TWSFontReference read GetReference;
549  published
550    property CharSet: TFontCharSet read GetCharSet write SetCharSet default DEFAULT_CHARSET;
551    property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default {$ifdef UseCLDefault}clDefault{$else}clWindowText{$endif};
552    property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight stored IsHeightStored;
553    property Name: string read GetName write SetName stored IsNameStored;
554    property Orientation: Integer read GetOrientation write SetOrientation default 0;
555    property Pitch: TFontPitch read GetPitch write SetPitch default fpDefault;
556    property Quality: TFontQuality read FQuality write SetQuality default fqDefault;
557    property Size: Integer read GetSize write SetSize stored false;
558    property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle default [];
559  end;
561  { TPen }
563  TPenStyle = TFPPenStyle;
564  TPenMode = TFPPenMode;
566  // pen end caps. valid only for geometric pens
567  {$IFDEF HasFPEndCap}
568  TPenEndCap = TFPPenEndCap;
569  {$ELSE}
570  TPenEndCap = (
571    pecRound,
572    pecSquare,
573    pecFlat
574  );
575  {$ENDIF}
577  // join style. valid only for geometric pens
578  {$IFDEF HasFPJoinStyle}
579  TPenJoinStyle = FPCanvas.TFPPenJoinStyle;
580  {$ELSE}
581  TPenJoinStyle = (
582    pjsRound,
583    pjsBevel,
584    pjsMiter
585  );
586  {$ENDIF}
588  TPenPattern = array of LongWord;
590  { TPenHandleCacheDescriptor }
592  TPenHandleCacheDescriptor = class(TResourceCacheDescriptor)
593  public
594    ExtPen: TExtLogPen;
595    Pattern: TPenPattern;
596  end;
598  { TPenHandleCache }
600  TPenHandleCache = class(TResourceCache)
601  protected
602    procedure RemoveItem(Item: TResourceCacheItem); override;
603  public
604    constructor Create;
605    function CompareDescriptors(Tree: TAvlTree; Desc1, Desc2: Pointer): integer; override;
606    function FindPen(APen: TLCLHandle): TResourceCacheItem;
607    function FindPenDesc(const AExtPen: TExtLogPen;
608                         const APattern: TPenPattern): TPenHandleCacheDescriptor;
609    function Add(APen: TLCLHandle; const AExtPen: TExtLogPen;
610                 const APattern: TPenPattern): TPenHandleCacheDescriptor;
611  end;
613  TPen = class(TFPCustomPen)
614  private
615    FColor: TColor;
616    {$IFNDEF HasFPEndCap}
617    FEndCap: TPenEndCap;
618    {$ENDIF}
619    FCosmetic: Boolean;
620    {$IFNDEF HasFPJoinStyle}
621    FJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
622    {$ENDIF}
623    FPattern: TPenPattern;
624    FPenHandleCached: boolean;
625    FReference: TWSPenReference;
626    procedure FreeReference;
627    function GetHandle: HPEN;
628    function GetReference: TWSPenReference;
629    procedure ReferenceNeeded;
630    procedure SetCosmetic(const AValue: Boolean);
631    procedure SetHandle(const Value: HPEN);
632  protected
633    procedure DoAllocateResources; override;
634    procedure DoDeAllocateResources; override;
635    procedure DoCopyProps(From: TFPCanvasHelper); override;
636    procedure SetColor(const NewColor: TColor; const NewFPColor: TFPColor); virtual;
637    procedure SetFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor); override;
638    procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
639    procedure SetEndCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); {$IFDEF HasFPEndCap}override;{$ENDIF}
640    procedure SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle); {$IFDEF HasFPJoinStyle}override;{$ENDIF}
641    procedure SetMode(Value: TPenMode); override;
642    procedure SetStyle(Value: TPenStyle); override;
643    procedure SetWidth(value: Integer); override;
644  public
645    constructor Create; override;
646    destructor Destroy; override;
647    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
648    property Handle: HPEN read GetHandle write SetHandle; deprecated;
649    property Reference: TWSPenReference read GetReference;
651    function GetPattern: TPenPattern;
652    procedure SetPattern(APattern: TPenPattern); reintroduce;
653  published
654    property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default clBlack;
655    property Cosmetic: Boolean read FCosmetic write SetCosmetic default True;
656    {$IFDEF HasFPEndCap}
657    property EndCap default pecRound;
658    {$ELSE}
659    property EndCap: TPenEndCap read FEndCap write SetEndCap default pecRound;
660    {$ENDIF}
661    {$IFDEF HasFPJoinStyle}
662    property JoinStyle default pjsRound;
663    {$ELSE}
664    property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read FJoinStyle write SetJoinStyle default pjsRound;
665    {$ENDIF}
666    property Mode default pmCopy;
667    property Style default psSolid;
668    property Width default 1;
669  end;
671  { TBrush }
673  TBrushStyle = TFPBrushStyle;
675  TBrushHandleCache = class(TBlockResourceCache)
676  protected
677    procedure RemoveItem(Item: TResourceCacheItem); override;
678  public
679    constructor Create;
680  end;
682  TBrush = class(TFPCustomBrush)
683  private
684    FBrushHandleCached: boolean;
685    FColor: TColor;
686    FBitmap: TCustomBitmap;
687    FReference: TWSBrushReference;
688    FInternalUpdateIndex: Integer;
689    procedure FreeReference;
690    function GetHandle: HBRUSH;
691    function GetReference: TWSBrushReference;
692    function GetColor: TColor;
693    procedure ReferenceNeeded;
694    procedure SetHandle(const Value: HBRUSH);
695    procedure DoChange(var Msg); message LM_CHANGED;
696  protected
697    procedure DoAllocateResources; override;
698    procedure DoDeAllocateResources; override;
699    procedure DoCopyProps(From: TFPCanvasHelper); override;
700    procedure SetColor(const NewColor: TColor; const NewFPColor: TFPColor); virtual;
701    procedure SetFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor); override;
702    procedure SetBitmap(Value: TCustomBitmap);
703    procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
704    procedure SetStyle(Value: TBrushStyle); override;
705  public
706    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
707    constructor Create; override;
708    destructor Destroy; override;
709    function EqualsBrush(ABrush: TBrush): boolean;
710    property Bitmap: TCustomBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
711    property Handle: HBRUSH read GetHandle write SetHandle; deprecated; // use instead Reference.Handle
712    property Reference: TWSBrushReference read GetReference;
713  published
714    property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default clWhite;
715    property Style default bsSolid;
716  end;
718  TRegionCombineMode = (rgnAnd, rgnCopy, rgnDiff, rgnOr, rgnXOR);
720  TRegionOperationType = (rgnNewRect, rgnCombine);
722  TRegionOperation = record
723    ROType: TRegionOperationType;
724    Source1, Source2, Dest: Integer; // Index to the list of sub-regions, -1 indicates the main region
725    CombineMode: TRegionCombineMode; // Used only if ROType=rgnCombine
726    Rect: TRect; // Used for ROType=rgnNewRect
727  end;
729  TRegionOperations = array of TRegionOperation;
731  { TRegion }
733  TRegion = class(TGraphicsObject)
734  private
735    FReference: TWSRegionReference;
736    // Description of the region
737    //RegionOperations: TRegionOperations;
738    //SubRegions: array of HRGN;
739    procedure AddOperation(AOp: TRegionOperation);
740    procedure ClearSubRegions();
741    procedure AddSubRegion(AHandle: HRGN);
742    //
743    procedure FreeReference;
744    function GetReference: TWSRegionReference;
745    function GetHandle: HRGN;
746    procedure ReferenceNeeded;
747    procedure SetHandle(const Value: HRGN);
748  protected
749    procedure SetClipRect(value: TRect);
750    function GetClipRect: TRect;
751  public
752    constructor Create;
753    destructor Destroy; override;
754    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
756    // Convenience routines to add elements to the region
757    procedure AddRectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer);
759    property ClipRect: TRect read GetClipRect write SetClipRect;
760    property Handle: HRGN read GetHandle write SetHandle; deprecated;
761    property Reference: TWSRegionReference read GetReference;
762  end;
765  { TGraphic }
767  { TGraphic is an abstract base class for images like TRasterImage,
768    TCustomBitmap, TBitmap, etc. }
770  TGraphic = class(TPersistent)
771  private
772    FModified: Boolean;
773    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
774    FOnProgress: TProgressEvent;
775    FPaletteModified: Boolean;
776  protected
777    procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); virtual;
778    function Equals(Graphic: TGraphic): Boolean; virtual; {$IF declared(vmtEquals)}overload;{$ENDIF}
779    procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
780    procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); virtual; abstract;
781    function GetEmpty: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
782    function GetHeight: Integer; virtual; abstract;
783    function GetMimeType: string; virtual;
784    function GetPalette: HPALETTE; virtual;
785    function GetTransparent: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
786    function GetWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
787    procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
788      PercentDone: Byte;  RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect;
789      const Msg: string; var DoContinue: boolean); virtual;
790    procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
791      PercentDone: Byte;  RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect;
792      const Msg: string); virtual;
793    procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); virtual; // used by Filer
794    procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
795    procedure SetPalette(Value: HPALETTE); virtual;
796    procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
797    procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
798    procedure SetModified(Value: Boolean);
799    procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); virtual; // used by filer
800  public
801    procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); override;
802    constructor Create; virtual;
803    procedure Clear; virtual;
804    {$IF declared(vmtEquals)}
805    function Equals(Obj: TObject): Boolean; override; overload;
806    {$ENDIF}
807    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const AResourceType: string): boolean; virtual;
808    procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: string); virtual;
809    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
810    procedure LoadFromMimeStream(AStream: TStream; const AMimeType: string); virtual;
811    procedure LoadFromLazarusResource(const ResName: String); virtual;
812    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String); virtual;
813    procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: PtrInt); virtual;
814    procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat); virtual;
815    procedure LoadFromClipboardFormatID(ClipboardType: TClipboardType;
816      FormatID: TClipboardFormat); virtual;
817    procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: string); virtual;
818    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
819    procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat); virtual;
820    procedure SaveToClipboardFormatID(ClipboardType: TClipboardType;
821      FormatID: TClipboardFormat); virtual;
822    procedure GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes(List: TStrings); virtual;
823    function GetResourceType: TResourceType; virtual;
824    class function GetFileExtensions: string; virtual;
825    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; virtual;
826  public
827    property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty;
828    property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
829    property Modified: Boolean read FModified write SetModified;
830    property MimeType: string read GetMimeType;
831    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
832    property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
833    property Palette: HPALETTE read GetPalette write SetPalette;
834    property PaletteModified: Boolean read FPaletteModified write FPaletteModified;
835    property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
836    property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
837  end;
839  TGraphicClass = class of TGraphic;
842  { TPicture }
844  TPicture = class(TPersistent)
845  private
846    FGraphic: TGraphic;
847    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
848    //FNotify: IChangeNotifier;
849    FOnProgress: TProgressEvent;
850    procedure ForceType(GraphicType: TGraphicClass);
851    function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
852    function GetIcon: TIcon;
853    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
854    function GetJpeg: TJpegImage;
855    {$ENDIF}
856    function GetPNG: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
857    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
858    function GetPNM: TPortableAnyMapGraphic;
859    {$ENDIF}
860    function GetPixmap: TPixmap;
861    function GetHeight: Integer;
862    function GetWidth: Integer;
863    procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream);
864    procedure SetBitmap(Value: TBitmap);
865    procedure SetIcon(Value: TIcon);
866    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
867    procedure SetJpeg(Value: TJpegImage);
868    {$ENDIF}
869    procedure SetPNG(const AValue: TPortableNetworkGraphic);
870    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
871    procedure SetPNM(const AValue: TPortableAnyMapGraphic);
872    {$ENDIF}
873    procedure SetPixmap(Value: TPixmap);
874    procedure SetGraphic(Value: TGraphic);
875    procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream);
876  protected
877    procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
878    procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); virtual;
879    procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
880    procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
881                       PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect;
882                       const Msg: string; var DoContinue: boolean); virtual;
883    procedure LoadFromStreamWithClass(Stream: TStream; AClass: TGraphicClass);
884  public
885    constructor Create;
886    destructor Destroy; override;
888    procedure Clear; virtual;
889    // load methods
890    procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat);
891    procedure LoadFromClipboardFormatID(ClipboardType: TClipboardType; FormatID: TClipboardFormat);
892    procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
893    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String);
894    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String; AClass: TGraphicClass);
895    procedure LoadFromLazarusResource(const AName: string);
896    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
897    procedure LoadFromStreamWithFileExt(Stream: TStream; const FileExt: string);
898    // save methods
899    procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat);
900    procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: string; const FileExt: string = '');
901    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
902    procedure SaveToStreamWithFileExt(Stream: TStream; const FileExt: string);
904    class function SupportsClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat): Boolean;
905    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
906    class procedure RegisterFileFormat(const AnExtension, ADescription: string;
907      AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);
908    class procedure RegisterClipboardFormat(FormatID: TClipboardFormat;
909      AGraphicClass: TGraphicClass);
910    class procedure UnregisterGraphicClass(AClass: TGraphicClass);
911    class function FindGraphicClassWithFileExt(const Ext: string;
912      ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean = true): TGraphicClass;
913  public
914    property Bitmap: TBitmap read GetBitmap write SetBitmap;
915    property Icon: TIcon read GetIcon write SetIcon;
916    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
917    property Jpeg: TJpegImage read GetJpeg write SetJpeg;
918    {$ENDIF}
919    property Pixmap: TPixmap read GetPixmap write SetPixmap;
920    property PNG: TPortableNetworkGraphic read GetPNG write SetPNG;
921    {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
922    property PNM: TPortableAnyMapGraphic read GetPNM write SetPNM;
923    {$ENDIF}
924    property Graphic: TGraphic read FGraphic write SetGraphic;
925    //property PictureAdapter: IChangeNotifier read FNotify write FNotify;
926    property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
927    property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
928    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
929    property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
930  end;
933  EGraphicException = class(Exception);
934  EInvalidGraphic = class(EGraphicException);
935  EInvalidGraphicOperation = class(EGraphicException);
938  TGradientDirection = (
939    gdVertical,   // Fill vertical
940    gdHorizontal  // Fill Horizontal
941  );
943  TAntialiasingMode = (
944    amDontCare, // default antialiasing
945    amOn,       // enabled
946    amOff       // disabled
947  );
949  TLCLTextMetric = record
950    Ascender: Integer;
951    Descender: Integer;
952    Height: Integer;
953  end;
955  TDefaultColorType = (
956    dctBrush,
957    dctFont
958  );
960  { TCanvas }
962  TCanvas = class(TFPCustomCanvas)
963  private
964    FAntialiasingMode: TAntialiasingMode;
965    FAutoRedraw: Boolean;
966    FState: TCanvasState;
967    FSavedFontHandle: HFont;
968    FSavedPenHandle: HPen;
969    FSavedBrushHandle: HBrush;
970    FSavedRegionHandle: HRGN;
971    FCopyMode: TCopyMode;
972    FHandle: HDC;
973    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
974    FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
975    FTextStyle: TTextStyle;
976    FLock: TCriticalSection;// FLock is initialized on demand
977    FRegion: TRegion;
978    FLazPen: TPen;
979    FLazFont: TFont;
980    FLazBrush: TBrush;
981    FSavedHandleStates: TFPList;
982    procedure BrushChanged(ABrush: TObject);
983    procedure FontChanged(AFont: TObject);
984    procedure PenChanged(APen: TObject);
985    procedure RegionChanged(ARegion: TObject);
986    function GetHandle: HDC;
987    procedure SetAntialiasingMode(const AValue: TAntialiasingMode);
988    procedure SetAutoRedraw(Value: Boolean); virtual;
989    procedure SetLazFont(Value: TFont);
990    procedure SetLazPen(Value: TPen);
991    procedure SetLazBrush(Value: TBrush);
992    procedure SetRegion(Value: TRegion);
993  protected
994    function DoCreateDefaultFont: TFPCustomFont; override;
995    function DoCreateDefaultPen: TFPCustomPen; override;
996    function DoCreateDefaultBrush: TFPCustomBrush; override;
997    procedure SetColor(x, y: integer; const Value: TFPColor); override;
998    function  GetColor(x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
999    procedure SetHeight(AValue: integer); override;
1000    function  GetHeight: integer; override;
1001    procedure SetWidth(AValue: integer); override;
1002    function  GetWidth: integer; override;
1003    procedure SetPenPos(const AValue: TPoint); override;
1004    procedure DoLockCanvas; override;
1005    procedure DoUnlockCanvas; override;
1006    procedure DoTextOut(x, y: integer; Text: string); override;
1007    procedure DoGetTextSize(Text: string; var w,h:integer); override;
1008    function  DoGetTextHeight(Text: string): integer; override;
1009    function  DoGetTextWidth(Text: string): integer; override;
1010    procedure DoRectangle(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1011    procedure DoRectangleFill(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1012    procedure DoRectangleAndFill(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1013    procedure DoEllipse(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1014    procedure DoEllipseFill(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1015    procedure DoEllipseAndFill(const Bounds: TRect); override;
1016    procedure DoPolygon(const Points: array of TPoint); override;
1017    procedure DoPolygonFill(const Points: array of TPoint); override;
1018    procedure DoPolygonAndFill(const Points: array of TPoint); override;
1019    procedure DoPolyline(const Points: array of TPoint); override;
1020    procedure DoPolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
1021                           Filled: boolean = False;
1022                           Continuous: boolean = False); override;
1023    procedure DoFloodFill(x, y: integer); override;
1024    procedure DoMoveTo(x, y: integer); override;
1025    procedure DoLineTo(x, y: integer); override;
1026    procedure DoLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer); override;
1027    procedure DoCopyRect(x, y: integer; SrcCanvas: TFPCustomCanvas;
1028                         const SourceRect: TRect); override;
1029    procedure DoDraw(x, y: integer; const Image: TFPCustomImage); override;
1030    procedure CheckHelper(AHelper: TFPCanvasHelper); override;
1031    function GetDefaultColor(const ADefaultColorType: TDefaultColorType): TColor; virtual;
1032  protected
1033    function GetClipRect: TRect; override;
1034    procedure SetClipRect(const ARect: TRect); override;
1035    function GetClipping: Boolean; override;
1036    procedure SetClipping(const AValue: boolean); override;
1037    function GetPixel(X,Y: Integer): TColor; virtual;
1038    procedure CreateBrush; virtual;
1039    procedure CreateFont; virtual;
1040    procedure CreateHandle; virtual;
1041    procedure CreatePen; virtual;
1042    procedure CreateRegion; virtual;
1043    procedure DeselectHandles; virtual;
1044    procedure PenChanging(APen: TObject); virtual;
1045    procedure FontChanging(AFont: TObject); virtual;
1046    procedure BrushChanging(ABrush: TObject); virtual;
1047    procedure RegionChanging(ARegion: TObject); virtual;
1048    procedure RealizeAutoRedraw; virtual;
1049    procedure RealizeAntialiasing; virtual;
1050    procedure RequiredState(ReqState: TCanvasState); virtual;
1051    procedure SetHandle(NewHandle: HDC); virtual;
1052    procedure SetInternalPenPos(const Value: TPoint); virtual;
1053    procedure SetPixel(X,Y: Integer; Value: TColor); virtual;
1054    procedure FreeHandle;virtual;
1055  public
1056    constructor Create;
1057    destructor Destroy; override;
1058    procedure Lock; virtual;
1059    function TryLock: Boolean;
1060    procedure Unlock; virtual;
1061    procedure Refresh; virtual;
1062    procedure Changing; virtual;
1063    procedure Changed; virtual;
1064    procedure SaveHandleState; virtual;
1065    procedure RestoreHandleState; virtual;
1067    // extra drawing methods (there are more in the ancestor TFPCustomCanvas)
1068    procedure Arc(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, Angle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1069    procedure Arc(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, SX, SY, EX, EY: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1070    procedure ArcTo(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom, SX, SY, EX, EY: Integer); virtual; //As Arc(), but updates pen position
1071    procedure AngleArc(X, Y: Integer; Radius: Longword; StartAngle, SweepAngle: Single);
1072    procedure BrushCopy(ADestRect: TRect; ABitmap: TBitmap; ASourceRect: TRect;
1073                        ATransparentColor: TColor); virtual;
1074    procedure Chord(x1, y1, x2, y2,
1075                    Angle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1076    procedure Chord(x1, y1, x2, y2, SX, SY, EX, EY: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1077    procedure CopyRect(const Dest: TRect; SrcCanvas: TCanvas;
1078                       const Source: TRect); virtual; reintroduce;
1079    procedure Draw(X,Y: Integer; SrcGraphic: TGraphic); virtual; reintroduce;
1080    procedure DrawFocusRect(const ARect: TRect); virtual;
1081    procedure StretchDraw(const DestRect: TRect; SrcGraphic: TGraphic); virtual; reintroduce;
1082    procedure Ellipse(const ARect: TRect); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1083    procedure Ellipse(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1084    procedure FillRect(const ARect: TRect); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1085    procedure FillRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Integer); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1086    procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; FillColor: TColor;
1087                        FillStyle: TFillStyle); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1088    procedure Frame3d(var ARect: TRect; const FrameWidth: integer;
1089                      const Style: TGraphicsBevelCut); virtual;
1090    procedure Frame3D(var ARect: TRect; TopColor, BottomColor: TColor;
1091                      const FrameWidth: integer); overload;
1092    procedure Frame(const ARect: TRect); virtual; // border using pen
1093    procedure Frame(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Integer);     // border using pen
1094    procedure FrameRect(const ARect: TRect); virtual; // border using brush
1095    procedure FrameRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Integer); // border using brush
1096    function  GetTextMetrics(out TM: TLCLTextMetric): boolean; virtual;
1097    procedure GradientFill(ARect: TRect; AStart, AStop: TColor; ADirection: TGradientDirection);
1098    procedure RadialPie(x1, y1, x2, y2,
1099                        StartAngle16Deg, Angle16DegLength: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1100    procedure Pie(EllipseX1,EllipseY1,EllipseX2,EllipseY2,
1101                  StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY: Integer); virtual;
1102    procedure PolyBezier(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
1103                         Filled: boolean = False;
1104                         Continuous: boolean = True); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1105    procedure PolyBezier(const Points: array of TPoint;
1106                         Filled: boolean = False;
1107                         Continuous: boolean = True); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1108    procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint;
1109                      Winding: Boolean;
1110                      StartIndex: Integer = 0;
1111                      NumPts: Integer = -1);
1112    procedure Polygon(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer;
1113                      Winding: boolean = False); virtual;
1114    procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1115    procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint;
1116                       StartIndex: Integer;
1117                       NumPts: Integer = -1);
1118    procedure Polyline(Points: PPoint; NumPts: Integer); virtual;
1119    procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1120    procedure Rectangle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: Integer); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1121    procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect); {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1122    procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; RX,RY: Integer); virtual;
1123    procedure RoundRect(const Rect: TRect; RX,RY: Integer);
1124    procedure TextOut(X,Y: Integer; const Text: String); virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1125    procedure TextRect(const ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer; const Text: string);
1126    procedure TextRect(ARect: TRect; X, Y: integer; const Text: string;
1127                       const Style: TTextStyle); virtual;
1128    function TextExtent(const Text: string): TSize; virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1129    function TextHeight(const Text: string): Integer; virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1130    function TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer; virtual; {$IFDEF HasFPCanvas1}reintroduce;{$ENDIF}
1131    function TextFitInfo(const Text: string; MaxWidth: Integer): Integer;
1132    function HandleAllocated: boolean; virtual;
1133    function GetUpdatedHandle(ReqState: TCanvasState): HDC; virtual;
1134  public
1135    property Pixels[X, Y: Integer]: TColor read GetPixel write SetPixel;
1136    property Handle: HDC read GetHandle write SetHandle;
1137    property TextStyle: TTextStyle read FTextStyle write FTextStyle;
1138  published
1139    property AntialiasingMode: TAntialiasingMode read FAntialiasingMode write SetAntialiasingMode default amDontCare;
1140    property AutoRedraw: Boolean read FAutoRedraw write SetAutoRedraw;
1141    property Brush: TBrush read FLazBrush write SetLazBrush;
1142    property CopyMode: TCopyMode read FCopyMode write FCopyMode default cmSrcCopy;
1143    property Font: TFont read FLazFont write SetLazFont;
1144    property Height: integer read GetHeight;
1145    property Pen: TPen read FLazPen write SetLazPen;
1146    property Region: TRegion read FRegion write SetRegion;
1147    property Width: integer read GetWidth;
1148    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
1149    property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
1150  end;
1153  { TSharedImage -  base class for reference counted images }
1155  TSharedImage = class
1156  private
1157    FRefCount: Integer;
1158  protected
1159    procedure Reference; // increase reference count
1160    procedure Release;   // decrease reference count
1161    procedure FreeHandle; virtual; abstract;
1162    property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
1163  public
1164    function HandleAllocated: boolean; virtual; abstract;
1165  end;
1168  { TCustomBitmapImage
1170    Descendent of TSharedImage for TCustomBitmap. If a TCustomBitmap is assigned to another
1171    TCustomBitmap, only the reference count will be increased and both will share the
1172    same TCustomBitmapImage }
1174  TBitmapHandleType = (bmDIB, bmDDB);
1176  { TSharedCustomBitmap }
1178  { TSharedCustomBitmap is base class used for sharing imagedata for derived
1179    classes of TCustomBitmap. Data can only be shared between classes of the
1180    same type. IE. TBitmap data can only be shared with (descendant of) TBitmap.
1181    Therefore each graphic "end" class should define its own share class.
1182  }
1184  TSharedRasterImage = class(TSharedImage)
1185  private
1186    FHandle: THandle; // generic type, can be HBITMAP or HICON or ....
1187    FBitmapCanvas: TCanvas; // current canvas selected into
1188    FSaveStream: TMemoryStream;
1189  protected
1190    procedure FreeHandle; override;
1191    function ReleaseHandle: THandle; virtual;
1192    function IsEmpty: boolean; virtual;
1193  public
1194    constructor Create; virtual;
1195    procedure CreateDefaultHandle(AWidth, AHeight: Integer; ABPP: Byte); virtual; abstract;
1196    destructor Destroy; override;
1197    function HandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1198    property BitmapCanvas: TCanvas read FBitmapCanvas write FBitmapCanvas;
1199    property SaveStream: TMemoryStream read FSaveStream write FSaveStream;
1200  end;
1202  TSharedRasterImageClass = class of TSharedRasterImage;
1204  { TRasterImage }
1206  TRasterImage = class(TGraphic)
1207  private
1208    FCanvas: TCanvas;
1209    FTransparentColor: TColor;
1210    FTransparentMode: TTransparentMode;
1211    FUpdateCount: Integer;
1212    FUpdateCanvasOnly: Boolean;
1213    FMasked: Boolean;
1215    procedure CanvasChanging(Sender: TObject);
1216    procedure CreateCanvas;
1217    procedure CreateMask(AColor: TColor = clDefault);
1218    procedure FreeCanvasContext;
1219    function  GetCanvas: TCanvas;
1220    function  GetRawImage: TRawImage;
1221    function  GetScanline(ARow: Integer): Pointer;
1222    function  GetTransparentColor: TColor;
1223    procedure SetTransparentColor(AValue: TColor);
1224  protected
1225    FSharedImage: TSharedRasterImage;
1226    function  CanShareImage(AClass: TSharedRasterImageClass): Boolean; virtual;
1227    procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); override;
1228    function  CreateDefaultBitmapHandle(const ADesc: TRawImageDescription): HBITMAP; virtual;
1229    procedure Draw(DestCanvas: TCanvas; const DestRect: TRect); override;
1230    function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
1231    function GetHandle: THandle;
1232    function GetBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; virtual; abstract;
1233    function GetMasked: Boolean; virtual;
1234    function GetMaskHandle: HBITMAP; virtual; abstract;
1235    function GetMimeType: string; override;
1236    function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; virtual; abstract;
1237    function GetRawImagePtr: PRawImage; virtual; abstract;
1238    function GetRawImageDescriptionPtr: PRawImageDescription; virtual; abstract;
1239    function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
1240    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; virtual;
1241    function GetHeight: Integer; override;
1242    function GetWidth: Integer; override;
1243    procedure BitmapHandleNeeded; virtual;
1244    procedure HandleNeeded; virtual; abstract;
1245    procedure MaskHandleNeeded; virtual; abstract;
1246    procedure PaletteNeeded; virtual; abstract;
1247    function  InternalReleaseBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; virtual; abstract;
1248    function  InternalReleaseMaskHandle: HBITMAP; virtual; abstract;
1249    function  InternalReleasePalette: HPALETTE; virtual; abstract;
1250    procedure SetBitmapHandle(AValue: HBITMAP);
1251    procedure SetMasked(AValue: Boolean); virtual;
1252    procedure SetMaskHandle(AValue: HBITMAP);
1253    procedure SetTransparent(AValue: Boolean); override;
1254    procedure UnshareImage(CopyContent: boolean); virtual; abstract;
1255    function  UpdateHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP): Boolean; virtual; abstract; // called when handles are created from rawimage (true when handle changed)
1256    procedure SaveStreamNeeded;
1257    procedure FreeSaveStream;
1258    procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); override;
1259    procedure ReadStream(AStream: TMemoryStream; ASize: Longint); virtual; abstract; // loads imagedata into rawimage, this method shouldn't call changed().
1260    procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); virtual; abstract;
1261    procedure SetHandle(AValue: THandle); virtual;
1262    procedure SetHeight(AHeight: Integer); override;
1263    procedure SetWidth(AWidth: Integer); override;
1264    procedure SetTransparentMode(AValue: TTransparentMode);
1265    procedure SetPixelFormat(AValue: TPixelFormat); virtual; abstract;
1266    procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); override;
1267    procedure WriteStream(AStream: TMemoryStream); virtual; abstract;
1268    function  RequestTransparentColor: TColor;
1269  public
1270    constructor Create; override;
1271    destructor Destroy; override;
1272    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
1273    procedure Clear; override;
1274    procedure BeginUpdate(ACanvasOnly: Boolean = False);
1275    procedure EndUpdate(AStreamIsValid: Boolean = False);
1276    procedure FreeImage; virtual;
1277    function BitmapHandleAllocated: boolean; virtual; abstract;
1278    function MaskHandleAllocated: boolean; virtual; abstract;
1279    function PaletteAllocated: boolean; virtual; abstract;
1280    procedure LoadFromBitmapHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ARect: PRect = nil);
1281    procedure LoadFromDevice(DC: HDC); virtual;
1282    procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream); overload; override;
1283    procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; ASize: Cardinal); overload; virtual;
1284    procedure LoadFromMimeStream(AStream: TStream; const AMimeType: string); override;
1285    procedure LoadFromRawImage(const AIMage: TRawImage; ADataOwner: Boolean);
1286    procedure LoadFromIntfImage(IntfImage: TLazIntfImage);
1287    procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream); override;
1288    procedure GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes(List: TStrings); override;
1289    procedure GetSize(out AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
1290    procedure Mask(ATransparentColor: TColor);
1291    procedure SetHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP); virtual; abstract; // called when handles are set by user
1292    function ReleaseBitmapHandle: HBITMAP;
1293    function ReleaseMaskHandle: HBITMAP;
1294    function ReleasePalette: HPALETTE;
1295    function CreateIntfImage: TLazIntfImage;
1296  public
1297    property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas;
1298    function HandleAllocated: boolean;
1299    property BitmapHandle: HBITMAP read GetBitmapHandle write SetBitmapHandle;
1300    property Masked: Boolean read GetMasked write SetMasked;
1301    property MaskHandle: HBITMAP read GetMaskHandle write SetMaskHandle;
1302    property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat write SetPixelFormat default pfDevice;
1303    property RawImage: TRawImage read GetRawImage; // be carefull with this, modify only within a begin/endupdate
1304    property ScanLine[Row: Integer]: Pointer read GetScanLine; platform; // Use only when wrpped by a begin/endupdate
1305    property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor
1306                                      write SetTransparentColor default clDefault;
1307    property TransparentMode: TTransparentMode read FTransparentMode
1308                                        write SetTransparentMode default tmAuto;
1309  end;
1311  TSharedCustomBitmap = class(TSharedRasterImage)
1312  private
1313    FHandleType: TBitmapHandleType;
1314    FImage: TRawImage;
1315    FHasMask: Boolean; // set if atleast one maskpixel is set
1316    FPalette: HPALETTE;
1317    function GetHeight: Integer;
1318    function GetWidth: Integer;
1319  protected
1320    procedure FreeHandle; override;
1321    procedure FreePalette;
1322    procedure FreeImage;
1323    function ReleasePalette: HPALETTE;
1324    function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
1325    function IsEmpty: boolean; override;
1326  public
1327    constructor Create; override;
1328    destructor Destroy; override;
1329    function HandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1330    function ImageAllocated: boolean;
1331    property HandleType: TBitmapHandleType read FHandleType write FHandleType;
1332    property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
1333    property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat;
1334    property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
1335  end;
1337  { TCustomBitmap
1338    is the data of an image. The image can be loaded from a file,
1339    stream or resource in .bmp (windows bitmap format) or .xpm (XPixMap format)
1340    The loading routine automatically recognizes the format, so it is also used
1341    to load the imagess from Delphi form streams (e.g. .dfm files).
1342    When the handle is created, it is up to the interface (gtk, win32, ...)
1343    to convert it automatically to the best internal format. That is why the
1344    Handle is interface dependent.
1345    To access the raw data, see TLazIntfImage in IntfGraphics.pas }
1347  TCustomBitmap = class(TRasterImage)
1348  private
1349    FPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
1350    FPixelFormatNeedsUpdate: Boolean;
1351    FMaskHandle: HBITMAP; // mask is not part of the image, so not shared
1352    function GetHandleType: TBitmapHandleType;
1353    function GetMonochrome: Boolean;
1354    procedure SetBitmapHandle(const AValue: HBITMAP);
1355    procedure SetHandleType(AValue: TBitmapHandleType);
1356    procedure SetMonochrome(AValue: Boolean);
1357    procedure UpdatePixelFormat;
1358  protected
1359    procedure MaskHandleNeeded; override;
1360    procedure PaletteNeeded; override;
1361    function  CanShareImage(AClass: TSharedRasterImageClass): Boolean; override;
1362    procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); override;
1363    function CreateDefaultBitmapHandle(const ADesc: TRawImageDescription): HBITMAP; override;
1364    procedure FreeMaskHandle;
1365    function GetBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1366    function GetMaskHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1367    function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override;
1368    function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; override;
1369    function GetRawImagePtr: PRawImage; override;
1370    function GetRawImageDescriptionPtr: PRawImageDescription; override;
1371    procedure HandleNeeded; override;
1372    function InternalReleaseBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1373    function InternalReleaseMaskHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1374    function InternalReleasePalette: HPALETTE; override;
1375    procedure RawimageNeeded(ADescOnly: Boolean);
1376    procedure SetHandle(AValue: THandle); override;
1377    procedure SetPixelFormat(AValue: TPixelFormat); override;
1378    procedure UnshareImage(CopyContent: boolean); override;
1379    function  UpdateHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP): Boolean; override;
1380  public
1381    constructor Create; override;
1382    destructor Destroy; override;
1383    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
1384    procedure Clear; override;
1385    procedure FreeImage; override;
1386    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): Boolean; override;
1387    function BitmapHandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1388    function MaskHandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1389    function PaletteAllocated: boolean; override;
1390    function ReleaseHandle: HBITMAP;
1392    procedure SetHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP); override;
1393    procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
1395    property Handle: HBITMAP read GetBitmapHandle write SetBitmapHandle; // for custombitmap handle = bitmaphandle
1396    property HandleType: TBitmapHandleType read GetHandleType write SetHandleType;
1397    property Monochrome: Boolean read GetMonochrome write SetMonochrome;
1398  end;
1400  { TFPImageBitmap }
1401  { Use this class to easily create a TCustomBitmap descendent for FPImage
1402    reader and writer }
1404  TFPImageBitmap = class(TCustomBitmap)
1405  private
1406  protected
1407    function GetMimeType: string; override;
1408    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; virtual; abstract;
1409    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; virtual; abstract;
1410    procedure InitializeReader(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); virtual;
1411    procedure InitializeWriter(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); virtual;
1412    procedure FinalizeReader(AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); virtual;
1413    procedure FinalizeWriter(AWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); virtual;
1414    procedure ReadStream(AStream: TMemoryStream; ASize: Longint); override;
1415    procedure WriteStream(AStream: TMemoryStream); override;
1416  public
1417    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1418    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
1419    class function IsFileExtensionSupported(const FileExtension: string): boolean;
1420    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): boolean; override;
1421  end;
1423  TFPImageBitmapClass = class of TFPImageBitmap;
1426  { TSharedBitmap }
1428  TSharedBitmap = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1429  end;
1431  { TBitmap }
1433  TBitmap = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1434  protected
1435    procedure InitializeReader(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1436    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1437    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1438    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1439  public
1440    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1441    function GetResourceType: TResourceType; override;
1442    procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; ASize: Cardinal); override;
1443  end;
1446  { TSharedPixmap }
1448  TSharedPixmap = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1449  end;
1451  { TPixmap }
1453  TPixmap = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1454  protected
1455    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1456    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1457    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1458  public
1459    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): boolean; override;
1460    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1461  end;
1463  { TSharedPortableNetworkGraphic }
1465  TSharedPortableNetworkGraphic = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1466  end;
1468  { TPortableNetworkGraphic }
1470  TPortableNetworkGraphic = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1471  protected
1472    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1473    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1474    procedure InitializeWriter(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); override;
1475    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1476  public
1477    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
1478    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1479  end;
1482  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
1483  { TSharedPortableAnyMapGraphic }
1485  TSharedPortableAnyMapGraphic = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1486  end;
1488  { TPortableAnyMapGraphic }
1490  TPortableAnyMapGraphic = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1491  protected
1492    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1493    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1494    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1495  public
1496    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
1497    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1498  end;
1499  {$ENDIF}
1501  TIconImage = class;
1502  TIconImageClass = class of TIconImage;
1504  { TSharedIcon }
1506  TSharedIcon = class(TSharedRasterImage)
1507  private
1508    FImages: TFPList;
1509  protected
1510    procedure FreeHandle; override;
1511    procedure UpdateFromHandle(NewHandle: THandle); virtual;
1512    function IsEmpty: boolean; override;
1513    function GetImage(const AIndex: Integer): TIconImage;
1514  public
1515    constructor Create; override;
1516    destructor Destroy; override;
1517    procedure Clear;
1518    procedure Delete(AIndex: Integer);
1519    function GetIndex(AFormat: TPixelFormat; AHeight, AWidth: Word): Integer;
1520    class function GetImagesClass: TIconImageClass; virtual;
1521    procedure Add(AIconImage: TIconImage);
1522    procedure Sort;
1523    function Count: Integer;
1524    property Images[AIndex: Integer]: TIconImage read GetImage;
1525  end;
1527  { TIconImage }
1529  TIconImage = class
1530  private
1531    FHeight: Word;
1532    FPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
1533    FWidth: Word;
1534    FImage: TRawImage;
1535    FHandle: HBITMAP;
1536    FMaskHandle: HBITMAP;
1537    FPalette: HPALETTE;
1538    function GetPalette: HPALETTE;
1539  protected
1540    procedure RawImageNeeded(ADescOnly: Boolean);
1541    procedure UpdateFromImage(const AImage: TRawImage);
1542  public
1543    constructor Create(AFormat: TPixelFormat; AHeight, AWidth: Word);
1544    constructor Create(const AImage: TRawImage);
1545    constructor Create(const AInfo: TIconInfo); virtual;
1546    destructor Destroy; override;
1548    function ReleaseHandle: HBITMAP;
1549    function ReleaseMaskHandle: HBITMAP;
1550    function ReleasePalette: HPALETTE;
1551    function UpdateHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP): Boolean;
1553    property Height: Word read FHeight;
1554    property Width: Word read FWidth;
1555    property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read FPixelFormat;
1556    property Handle: HBITMAP read FHandle;
1557    property MaskHandle: HBITMAP read FMaskHandle;
1558    property Palette: HPALETTE read GetPalette;
1559    property RawImage: TRawImage read FImage;
1560  end;
1563  { TIcon }
1564  {
1565    TIcon reads and writes .ICO file format.
1566    A .ico file typically contains several versions of the same image. When loading,
1567    the largest/most colourful image is loaded as the TCustomBitmap and so can be handled
1568    as any other bitmap. Any other versions of the images are available via the
1569    Bitmaps property
1570    Writing is not (yet) implemented.
1571  }
1574  { TCustomIcon }
1576  TCustomIcon = class(TRasterImage)
1577  private
1578    function GetCount: Integer;
1579    procedure SetCurrent(const AValue: Integer);
1580  protected
1581    FCurrent: Integer;
1582    FRequestedSize: TSize;
1583    procedure MaskHandleNeeded; override;
1584    procedure PaletteNeeded; override;
1585    function  CanShareImage(AClass: TSharedRasterImageClass): Boolean; override;
1586    procedure CheckRequestedSize;
1587    function GetIndex(AFormat: TPixelFormat; AHeight, AWidth: Word): Integer;
1588    function GetBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1589    class function GetDefaultSize: TSize; virtual;
1590    function GetMaskHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1591    function GetPalette: HPALETTE; override;
1592    function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; override;
1593    function GetRawImagePtr: PRawImage; override;
1594    function GetRawImageDescriptionPtr: PRawImageDescription; override;
1595    function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
1596    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1597    class function GetStreamSignature: Cardinal; virtual;
1598    class function GetTypeID: Word; virtual;
1599    procedure HandleNeeded; override;
1600    function InternalReleaseBitmapHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1601    function InternalReleaseMaskHandle: HBITMAP; override;
1602    function InternalReleasePalette: HPALETTE; override;
1603    procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); override;
1604    procedure ReadStream(AStream: TMemoryStream; ASize: Longint); override;
1605    procedure SetMasked(AValue: Boolean); override;
1606    procedure SetPixelFormat(AValue: TPixelFormat); override;
1607    procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); override;
1608    procedure UnshareImage(CopyContent: boolean); override;
1609    procedure UpdateCurrentView;
1610    procedure SetHandle(AValue: THandle); override;
1611    function UpdateHandle(AValue: HICON): Boolean; virtual;
1612    function  UpdateHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP): Boolean; override;
1613    procedure WriteStream(AStream: TMemoryStream); override;
1614  public
1615    constructor Create; override;
1617    procedure Add(AFormat: TPixelFormat; AHeight, AWidth: Word);
1618    procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
1619    procedure AssignImage(ASource: TRasterImage); virtual;
1620    procedure Clear; override;
1621    procedure Delete(Aindex: Integer);
1622    procedure Remove(AFormat: TPixelFormat; AHeight, AWidth: Word);
1623    procedure GetDescription(Aindex: Integer; out AFormat: TPixelFormat; out AHeight, AWidth: Word);
1624    procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
1625    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1626    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): boolean; override;
1627    procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String); override;
1628    procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: PtrInt); override;
1629    procedure LoadFromResourceHandle(Instance: THandle; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle); virtual;
1630    function BitmapHandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1631    function MaskHandleAllocated: boolean; override;
1632    function PaletteAllocated: boolean; override;
1633    procedure SetHandles(ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP); override;
1634    procedure Sort;
1635    function GetBestIndexForSize(ASize: TSize): Integer;
1637    property Current: Integer read FCurrent write SetCurrent;
1638    property Count: Integer read GetCount;
1639  end;
1641  { TIcon }
1643  TIcon = class(TCustomIcon)
1644  private
1645    function GetIconHandle: HICON;
1646    procedure SetIconHandle(const AValue: HICON);
1647  protected
1648    class function GetStreamSignature: Cardinal; override;
1649    class function GetTypeID: Word; override;
1650    procedure HandleNeeded; override;
1651  public
1652    procedure LoadFromResourceHandle(Instance: THandle; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle); override;
1653    function ReleaseHandle: HICON;
1654    function GetResourceType: TResourceType; override;
1655    property Handle: HICON read GetIconHandle write SetIconHandle;
1656  end;
1658  TIcnsRec = record
1659    IconType: TicnsIconType;
1660    RawImage: TRawImage;
1661  end;
1662  PIcnsRec = ^TIcnsRec;
1664  { TIcnsList }
1666  TIcnsList = class(TList)
1667  private
1668    function GetItem(Index: Integer): PIcnsRec;
1669    procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const AValue: PIcnsRec);
1670  protected
1671    procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); override;
1672  public
1673    function Add(AIconType: TicnsIconType; ARawImage: TRawImage): Integer; reintroduce;
1674    property Items[Index: Integer]: PIcnsRec read GetItem write SetItem; default;
1675  end;
1677  TSharedIcnsIcon = class(TSharedIcon)
1678  end;
1680  { TIcnsIcon }
1682  TIcnsIcon = class(TCustomIcon)
1683  private
1684    FImageList: TIcnsList;
1685    FMaskList: TIcnsList;
1686    procedure IcnsAdd(AIconType: TicnsIconType; ARawImage: TRawImage);
1687    procedure IcnsProcess;
1688  protected
1689    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1690    procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); override;
1691    procedure ReadStream(AStream: TMemoryStream; ASize: Longint); override;
1692    procedure WriteStream(AStream: TMemoryStream); override;
1693  public
1694    constructor Create; override;
1695    destructor Destroy; override;
1697    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1698    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): boolean; override;
1699  end;
1701  { TSharedCursorImage }
1703  TSharedCursorImage = class(TSharedIcon)
1704  protected
1705    procedure FreeHandle; override;
1706  public
1707    class function GetImagesClass: TIconImageClass; override;
1708  end;
1710  { TCursorImageImage }
1712  TCursorImageImage = class(TIconImage)
1713  private
1714    FHotSpot: TPoint;
1715  public
1716    constructor Create(const AInfo: TIconInfo); override;
1717    property HotSpot: TPoint read FHotSpot write FHotSpot;
1718  end;
1720  { TCursorImage }
1721  TCursorImage = class(TCustomIcon)
1722  private
1723    function GetHotSpot: TPoint;
1724    procedure SetHotSpot(const P: TPoint);
1725    function GetCursorHandle: HCURSOR;
1726    procedure SetCursorHandle(AValue: HCURSOR);
1727  protected
1728    procedure HandleNeeded; override;
1729    class function GetDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1730    class function GetStreamSignature: Cardinal; override;
1731    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1732    class function GetTypeID: Word; override;
1733  public
1734    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1735    function GetResourceType: TResourceType; override;
1736    procedure LoadFromResourceHandle(Instance: THandle; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle); override;
1737    function LazarusResourceTypeValid(const ResourceType: string): boolean; override;
1738    function ReleaseHandle: HCURSOR;
1739    procedure SetCenterHotSpot;
1740    property HotSpot: TPoint read GetHotSpot write SetHotSpot;
1741    property Handle: HCURSOR read GetCursorHandle write SetCursorHandle;
1742  end;
1745  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
1746  { TSharedJpegImage }
1748  TSharedJpegImage = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1749  end;
1751  { TJpegImage }
1753  TJPEGQualityRange = TFPJPEGCompressionQuality;
1754  TJPEGPerformance = TJPEGReadPerformance;
1756  TJPEGImage = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1757  private
1758    FGrayScale: Boolean;
1759    FMinHeight: Integer;
1760    FMinWidth: Integer;
1761    FPerformance: TJPEGPerformance;
1762    FProgressiveEncoding: boolean;
1763    FQuality: TJPEGQualityRange;
1764    FScale: TJPEGScale;
1765    FSmoothing: Boolean;
1766    procedure SetCompressionQuality(AValue: TJPEGQualityRange);
1767    procedure SetGrayScale(AValue: Boolean);
1768    procedure SetProgressiveEncoding(AValue: Boolean);
1769  protected
1770    procedure InitializeReader(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1771    procedure InitializeWriter(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); override;
1772    procedure FinalizeReader(AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1773    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1774    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1775    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1776  public
1777    constructor Create; override;
1778    procedure Compress;
1779    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
1780    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1781  public
1782    property CompressionQuality: TJPEGQualityRange read FQuality write SetCompressionQuality;
1783    property GrayScale: Boolean read FGrayScale {$IF FPC_FullVersion >= 30004} write SetGrayScale{$IFEND};
1784    property MinHeight: Integer read FMinHeight write FMinHeight;
1785    property MinWidth: Integer read FMinWidth write FMinWidth;
1786    property ProgressiveEncoding: boolean read FProgressiveEncoding write SetProgressiveEncoding;
1787    property Performance: TJPEGPerformance read FPerformance write FPerformance;
1788    property Scale: TJPEGScale read FScale write FScale;
1789    property Smoothing: Boolean read FSmoothing write FSmoothing;
1790  end;
1791  {$ENDIF}
1793  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLTIFF}
1794  { TSharedTiffImage }
1796  TSharedTiffImage = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1797  end;
1799  { TTiffImage }
1801  TTiffUnit = (
1802    tuUnknown,
1803    tuNone,       // No absolute unit of measurement. Used for images that may have a non-square
1804                  // aspect ratio, but no meaningful absolute dimensions.
1805    tuInch,
1806    tuCentimeter
1807  );
1809  TTiffImage = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1810  private
1811    FArtist: string;
1812    FCopyright: string;
1813    FDateTime: TDateTime;
1814    FDocumentName: string;
1815    FHostComputer: string;
1816    FImageDescription: string;
1817    FMake: string; {ScannerManufacturer}
1818    FModel: string; {Scanner}
1819    FResolutionUnit: TTiffUnit;
1820    FSoftware: string;
1821    FXResolution: TTiffRational;
1822    FYResolution: TTiffRational;
1823  protected
1824    procedure InitializeReader(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1825    procedure InitializeWriter(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AWriter: TFPCustomImageWriter); override;
1826    procedure FinalizeReader(AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1827    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1828    class function GetWriterClass: TFPCustomImageWriterClass; override;
1829    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1830  public
1831    constructor Create; override;
1832    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1833  public
1834    property Artist: string read FArtist write FArtist;
1835    property Copyright: string read FCopyright write FCopyright;
1836    property DateTime: TDateTime read FDateTime write FDateTime;
1837    property DocumentName: string read FDocumentName write FDocumentName;
1838    property HostComputer: string read FHostComputer write FHostComputer;
1839    property ImageDescription: string read FImageDescription write FImageDescription;
1840//    property ImageIsMask: Boolean;
1841//    property ImageIsPage: Boolean;
1842//    property ImageIsThumbNail: Boolean;
1843    property Make: string read FMake write FMake;
1844    property Model: string read FModel write FModel;
1845    property ResolutionUnit: TTiffUnit read FResolutionUnit write FResolutionUnit;
1846    property Software: string read FSoftware write FSoftware;
1847    property XResolution: TTiffRational read FXResolution write FXResolution;
1848    property YResolution: TTiffRational read FYResolution write FYResolution;
1849  end;
1850  {$ENDIF}
1852  {$IFNDEF DisableLCLGIF}
1853  { TSharedGIFImage }
1855  TSharedGIFImage = class(TSharedCustomBitmap)
1856  end;
1858  { TGIFImage }
1860  TGIFImage = class(TFPImageBitmap)
1861  private
1862    FTransparent: Boolean;
1863    FInterlaced: Boolean;
1864    FBitsPerPixel: byte;
1865  protected
1866    procedure InitializeReader(AImage: TLazIntfImage; AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1867    procedure FinalizeReader(AReader: TFPCustomImageReader); override;
1868    class function GetReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass; override;
1869    class function GetSharedImageClass: TSharedRasterImageClass; override;
1870  public
1871    constructor Create; override;
1872    class function IsStreamFormatSupported(Stream: TStream): Boolean; override;
1873    class function GetFileExtensions: string; override;
1874  public
1875    property Transparent: Boolean read FTransparent;
1876    property Interlaced: Boolean read FInterlaced;
1877    property BitsPerPixel: byte read FBitsPerPixel;
1878  end;
1879  {$ENDIF}
1881function GraphicFilter(GraphicClass: TGraphicClass): string;
1882function GraphicExtension(GraphicClass: TGraphicClass): string;
1883function GraphicFileMask(GraphicClass: TGraphicClass): string;
1884function GetGraphicClassForFileExtension(const FileExt: string): TGraphicClass;
1887  // Color / Identifier mapping
1888  TGetColorStringProc = procedure(const s: AnsiString) of object;
1890function IdentEntry(Entry: Longint; out MapEntry: TIdentMapEntry): boolean;
1891function ColorToIdent(Color: Longint; out Ident: String): Boolean;
1892function IdentToColor(const Ident: string; out Color: Longint): Boolean;
1893function ColorIndex(Color: Longint; out Index: Integer): Boolean;
1894function SysColorToSysColorIndex(Color: TColor): integer;
1895function ColorToRGB(Color: TColor): Longint;
1896function ColorToString(Color: TColor): AnsiString;
1897function StringToColor(const S: shortstring): TColor;
1898function StringToColorDef(const S: shortstring; const DefaultValue: TColor): TColor;
1899procedure GetColorValues(Proc: TGetColorStringProc);
1900function InvertColor(AColor: TColor): TColor;
1901function DecColor(AColor: TColor; AQuantity: Byte): TColor;
1902function IsSysColor(AColor: TColorRef): Boolean;
1904function Blue(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE; // does not work on system color
1905function Green(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE; // does not work on system color
1906function Red(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE; // does not work on system color
1907function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
1908procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColorRef; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); // does not work on system color
1909function FPColorToTColorRef(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColorRef;
1910function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
1911function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColorRef): TFPColor; overload;
1912function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; overload; // does not work on system color
1914// fonts
1915procedure GetCharsetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
1916function CharsetToIdent(Charset: Longint; out Ident: string): Boolean;
1917function IdentToCharset(const Ident: string; out Charset: Longint): Boolean;
1918function GetFontData(Font: HFont): TFontData;
1920function GetDefFontCharSet: TFontCharSet;
1921function IsFontNameXLogicalFontDesc(const LongFontName: string): boolean;
1922function XLFDNameToLogFont(const XLFDName: string): TLogFont;
1923function ExtractXLFDItem(const XLFDName: string; Index: integer): string;
1924function ExtractFamilyFromXLFDName(const XLFDName: string): string;
1925function ClearXLFDItem(const LongFontName: string; Index: integer): string;
1926function ClearXLFDHeight(const LongFontName: string): string;
1927function ClearXLFDPitch(const LongFontName: string): string;
1928function ClearXLFDStyle(const LongFontName: string): string;
1929function XLFDHeightIsSet(const LongFontName: string): boolean;
1930procedure FontNameToPangoFontDescStr(const LongFontName: string;
1931  out aFamily,aStyle:String; out aSize: Integer; out aSizeInPixels: Boolean);
1933// graphics
1935  TOnLoadGraphicFromClipboardFormat =
1936    procedure(Dest: TGraphic; ClipboardType: TClipboardType;
1937              FormatID: TClipboardFormat);
1938  TOnSaveGraphicToClipboardFormat =
1939    procedure(Src: TGraphic; ClipboardType: TClipboardType;
1940              FormatID: TClipboardFormat);
1941  TOnGetSystemFont = function: HFONT;
1944  OnLoadSaveClipBrdGraphicValid: boolean = false;
1945  OnLoadGraphicFromClipboardFormat: TOnLoadGraphicFromClipboardFormat=nil;
1946  OnSaveGraphicToClipboardFormat: TOnSaveGraphicToClipboardFormat=nil;
1947  OnGetSystemFont: TOnGetSystemFont = nil;
1949function TestStreamIsBMP(const AStream: TStream): boolean;
1950function TestStreamIsXPM(const AStream: TStream): boolean;
1951function TestStreamIsIcon(const AStream: TStream): boolean;
1952function TestStreamIsCursor(const AStream: TStream): boolean;
1954function XPMToPPChar(const XPM: string): PPChar;
1955function LazResourceXPMToPPChar(const ResourceName: string): PPChar;
1956function ReadXPMFromStream(Stream: TStream; Size: integer): PPChar;
1957function ReadXPMSize(XPM: PPChar; var Width, Height, ColorCount: integer): boolean;
1958function LoadCursorFromLazarusResource(ACursorName: String): HCursor;
1959function LoadBitmapFromLazarusResource(const ResourceName: String): TBitmap; deprecated;
1960function LoadBitmapFromLazarusResourceHandle(Handle: TLResource): TBitmap; deprecated;
1962// technically a bitmap is created and not loaded
1963function CreateGraphicFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String): TGraphic;
1964function CreateBitmapFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String): TCustomBitmap;
1965function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(const AName: String): TCustomBitmap;
1966function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(const AName: String; AMinimumClass: TCustomBitmapClass): TCustomBitmap;
1967function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AHandle: TLResource): TCustomBitmap;
1968function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AHandle: TLResource; AMinimumClass: TCustomBitmapClass): TCustomBitmap;
1970function CreateCompatibleBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean = False): Boolean;
1972function CreateBitmapFromFPImage(Img: TFPCustomImage): TBitmap;
1973function AllocPatternBitmap(colorBG, colorFG: TColor): TBitmap;
1977  { Stores information about the current screen
1978    - initialized on Interface startup }
1979  ScreenInfo: TScreenInfo = (
1980    PixelsPerInchX: 72;
1981    PixelsPerInchY: 72;
1982    ColorDepth: 24;
1983    Initialized: False;
1984  );
1986  FontResourceCache: TFontHandleCache;
1987  PenResourceCache: TPenHandleCache;
1988  BrushResourceCache: TBrushHandleCache;
1991  FontCharsets: array[0..18] of TIdentMapEntry = (
1992    (Value: ANSI_CHARSET;        Name: 'ANSI_CHARSET'),
1993    (Value: DEFAULT_CHARSET;     Name: 'DEFAULT_CHARSET'),
1994    (Value: SYMBOL_CHARSET;      Name: 'SYMBOL_CHARSET'),
1995    (Value: MAC_CHARSET;         Name: 'MAC_CHARSET'),
1997    (Value: HANGEUL_CHARSET;     Name: 'HANGEUL_CHARSET'),
1998    (Value: JOHAB_CHARSET;       Name: 'JOHAB_CHARSET'),
1999    (Value: GB2312_CHARSET;      Name: 'GB2312_CHARSET'),
2001    (Value: GREEK_CHARSET;       Name: 'GREEK_CHARSET'),
2002    (Value: TURKISH_CHARSET;     Name: 'TURKISH_CHARSET'),
2004    (Value: HEBREW_CHARSET;      Name: 'HEBREW_CHARSET'),
2005    (Value: ARABIC_CHARSET;      Name: 'ARABIC_CHARSET'),
2006    (Value: BALTIC_CHARSET;      Name: 'BALTIC_CHARSET'),
2007    (Value: RUSSIAN_CHARSET;     Name: 'RUSSIAN_CHARSET'),
2008    (Value: THAI_CHARSET;        Name: 'THAI_CHARSET'),
2010    (Value: OEM_CHARSET;         Name: 'OEM_CHARSET'));
2014 ***************************************************************************)
2016function DbgS(const Style: TFontStyles): string; overload;
2018function ScaleX(const SizeX, FromDPI: Integer): Integer;
2019function ScaleY(const SizeY, FromDPI: Integer): Integer;
2021procedure Register;
2022procedure UpdateHandleObjects;
2027  SyncObjs, LCLIntf, InterfaceBase;
2030  GraphicsUpdateCount: Integer = 0;
2031  UpdateLock: TCriticalSection;
2033procedure UpdateHandleObjects;
2035  // renew all brushes, pens, fonts, ...
2036  UpdateLock.Enter;
2037  try
2038    if GraphicsUpdateCount=High(GraphicsUpdateCount) then
2039      GraphicsUpdateCount:=Low(GraphicsUpdateCount);
2040    inc(GraphicsUpdateCount);
2041    // at moment update only brushes, but later maybe we will need to update others
2042    // don't clear BrushResourceCache because TBrush instances have references to cache items
2043    // BrushResourceCache.Clear;
2044  finally
2045    UpdateLock.Leave;
2046  end;
2049function DbgS(const Style: TFontStyles): string;
2051  procedure Add(const s: string);
2052  begin
2053    if Result<>'' then Result:=Result+',';
2054    Result:=Result+s;
2055  end;
2058  Result:='';
2059  if fsBold in Style then Add('fsBold');
2060  if fsItalic in Style then Add('fsItalic');
2061  if fsStrikeOut in Style then Add('fsStrikeOut');
2062  if fsUnderline in Style then Add('fsUnderline');
2063  Result:='['+Result+']';
2066function LoadCursorFromLazarusResource(ACursorName: String): HCursor;
2068  CursorImage: TCursorImage;
2070  CursorImage := TCursorImage.Create;
2071  try
2072    CursorImage.LoadFromLazarusResource(ACursorName);
2073    Result := CursorImage.ReleaseHandle;
2074  finally
2075    CursorImage.Free;
2076  end;
2079function LocalLoadBitmap(hInstance: THandle; lpBitmapName: PChar): HBitmap;
2081  Bmp: TBitmap;
2083  Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
2084  try
2085    if PtrUInt(lpBitmapName) > High(Word)
2086    then Bmp.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, lpBitmapName)
2087    else Bmp.LoadFromResourceID(hInstance, PtrInt(lpBitmapName));
2088    Result := Bmp.ReleaseHandle;
2089  finally
2090    Bmp.Free;
2091  end;
2094function LocalLoadCursor(hInstance: THandle; lpCursorName: PChar): HCursor;
2096  Cur: TCursorImage;
2098  Cur := TCursorImage.Create;
2099  try
2100    if PtrUInt(lpCursorName) > High(Word)
2101    then Cur.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, lpCursorName)
2102    else Cur.LoadFromResourceID(hInstance, PtrInt(lpCursorName));
2103    Result := Cur.ReleaseHandle;
2104  finally
2105    Cur.Free;
2106  end;
2109function LocalLoadIcon(hInstance: THandle; lpIconName: PChar): HIcon;
2111  Ico: TIcon;
2113  Ico := TIcon.Create;
2114  try
2115    if PtrUInt(lpIconName) > High(Word)
2116    then Ico.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, lpIconName)
2117    else Ico.LoadFromResourceID(hInstance, PtrInt(lpIconName));
2118    Result := Ico.ReleaseHandle;
2119  finally
2120    Ico.Free;
2121  end;
2124function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AStream: TLazarusResourceStream; AMinimumClass: TCustomBitmapClass): TCustomBitmap;
2126  GraphicClass: TGraphicClass;
2128  Result := nil;
2129  if AStream = nil then Exit;
2131  GraphicClass := GetGraphicClassForFileExtension(AStream.Res.ValueType);
2132  if GraphicClass = nil then Exit;
2133  if not GraphicClass.InheritsFrom(AMinimumClass) then Exit;
2135  Result := TCustomBitmap(GraphicClass.Create);
2136  try
2137    Result.LoadFromStream(AStream);
2138  except
2139    Result.Free;
2140    Result := nil;
2141    raise;
2142  end;
2145function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(const AName: String): TCustomBitmap;
2147  Result := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AName, TCustomBitmap);
2150function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(const AName: String; AMinimumClass: TCustomBitmapClass): TCustomBitmap;
2152  Stream: TLazarusResourceStream;
2154  Stream := TLazarusResourceStream.Create(AName, nil);
2155  try
2156    Result := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(Stream, AMinimumClass);
2157  finally
2158    Stream.Free;
2159  end;
2162function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AHandle: TLResource): TCustomBitmap;
2164  Result := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AHandle, TCustomBitmap);
2167function CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(AHandle: TLResource; AMinimumClass: TCustomBitmapClass): TCustomBitmap;
2169  Stream: TLazarusResourceStream;
2171  Stream := TLazarusResourceStream.CreateFromHandle(AHandle);
2172  try
2173    Result := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(Stream, AMinimumClass);
2174  finally
2175    Stream.Free;
2176  end;
2179function LoadBitmapFromLazarusResourceHandle(Handle: TLResource): TBitmap;
2181  CB: TCustomBitmap;
2183  CB := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(Handle, TCustomBitmap);
2184  if CB is TBitmap
2185  then begin
2186    Result := TBitmap(CB);
2187    Exit;
2188  end;
2190  Result := TBitmap.Create;
2191  Result.Assign(CB);
2192  CB.Free;
2195function LoadBitmapFromLazarusResource(const ResourceName: String): TBitmap;
2197  CB: TCustomBitmap;
2199  CB := CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource(ResourceName, TCustomBitmap);
2201  if CB is TBitmap
2202  then begin
2203    Result := TBitmap(CB);
2204    Exit;
2205  end;
2207  Result := TBitmap.Create;
2208  Result.Assign(CB);
2209  CB.Free;
2212//TODO: publish ?? (as RawImage_CreateCompatibleBitmaps)
2213function CreateCompatibleBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean = False): Boolean;
2215  Desc: TRawImageDescription absolute ARawimage.Description;
2217  ImagePtr: PRawImage;
2218  DevImage: TRawImage;
2219  DevDesc: TRawImageDescription;
2220  SrcImage, DstImage: TLazIntfImage;
2221  QueryFlags: TRawImageQueryFlags;
2222  W, H: Integer;
2224  W := Desc.Width;
2225  if W < 1 then W := 1;
2226  H := Desc.Height;
2227  if H < 1 then H := 1;
2229  if Desc.Depth = 1
2230  then QueryFlags := [riqfMono]
2231  else QueryFlags := [riqfRGB];
2232  if Desc.AlphaPrec <> 0
2233  then Include(QueryFlags, riqfAlpha);
2234  if Desc.MaskBitsPerPixel <> 0
2235  then Include(QueryFlags, riqfMask);
2236  QueryDescription(DevDesc, QueryFlags, W, H);
2238  if DevDesc.IsEqual(Desc)
2239  then begin
2240    // image is compatible, so use it
2241    DstImage := nil;
2242    ImagePtr := @ARawImage;
2243  end
2244  else begin
2245    // create compatible copy
2246    SrcImage := TLazIntfImage.Create(ARawImage, False);
2247    DstImage := TLazIntfImage.Create(0,0,[]);
2248    // create mask for alphachannel when device has no alpha support
2249    if (DevDesc.AlphaPrec = 0) and (riqfAlpha in QueryFlags)
2250    then begin
2251      //add mask if not already queried
2252      if not (riqfMask in QueryFlags)
2253      then QueryDescription(DevDesc, [riqfMask, riqfUpdate]);
2254      DstImage.DataDescription := DevDesc;
2255      DstImage.CopyPixels(SrcImage, 0, 0, True, $8000);
2256    end
2257    else begin
2258      // update DevDesc because of unusual bitmaps. issue #12362
2259      // widgetset can provide same DevDesc, but also can change it
2260      // like gtk/gtk2 does since it expects XBM format for mono bitmaps.
2261      if DevDesc.Depth = 1 then
2262      begin
2263        QueryFlags := QueryFlags + [riqfUpdate];
2264        QueryDescription(DevDesc, QueryFlags);
2265      end;
2266      DstImage.DataDescription := DevDesc;
2267      DstImage.CopyPixels(SrcImage);
2268    end;
2269    SrcImage.Free;
2270    DstImage.GetRawImage(DevImage);
2271    ImagePtr := @DevImage;
2272  end;
2274  try
2275    Result := RawImage_CreateBitmaps(ImagePtr^, ABitmap, AMask, ASkipMask);
2276  finally
2277    DstImage.Free;
2278  end;
2281function CreateBitmapFromFPImage(Img: TFPCustomImage): TBitmap;
2283  IntfImg: TLazIntfImage;
2284  ok: Boolean;
2286  Result:=nil;
2287  IntfImg:=nil;
2288  ok:=false;
2289  try
2290    Result:=TBitmap.Create;
2291    IntfImg:=Result.CreateIntfImage;
2292    IntfImg.SetSize(Img.Width,Img.Height);
2293    IntfImg.CopyPixels(Img);
2294    Result.LoadFromIntfImage(IntfImg);
2295    ok:=true;
2296  finally
2297    if not ok then FreeAndNil(Result);
2298    IntfImg.Free;
2299  end;
2302function ScaleX(const SizeX, FromDPI: Integer): Integer;
2304  Result := MulDiv(SizeX, ScreenInfo.PixelsPerInchX, FromDPI);
2307function ScaleY(const SizeY, FromDPI: Integer): Integer;
2309  Result := MulDiv(SizeY, ScreenInfo.PixelsPerInchY, FromDPI);
2312procedure Register;
2314  RegisterClasses([TBitmap,TPixmap,TPortableNetworkGraphic,
2315                   {$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}TPortableAnyMapGraphic,{$ENDIF}
2316                   {$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}TJpegImage,{$ENDIF}
2317                   {$IFNDEF DisableLCLGIF}TGIFImage,{$ENDIF}
2318                   TPicture,
2319                   TFont,TPen,TBrush,TRegion]);
2323  GraphicsFinalized: boolean = false;
2326  TBitmapCanvas = class(TCanvas)
2327  private
2328    FImage: TRasterImage;
2329    FOldBitmap: HBITMAP;
2330    FOldPalette: HPALETTE;
2331    procedure FreeDC; // called by TCustomBitmap.FreeCanvasContext
2332  protected
2333    procedure CreateHandle; override;
2334  public
2335    constructor Create(AImage: TRasterImage);
2336    destructor Destroy; override;
2337  end;
2340{ Color mapping routines }
2343  FirstDeprecatedColorIndex = 53;
2344  LastDeprecatedColorIndex = 106;
2345  {$IFDEF DefineCLXColors}
2346  Colors: array[0..106] of TIdentMapEntry = (
2347  {$ELSE}
2348  Colors: array[0..52] of TIdentMapEntry = (
2349  {$ENDIF}
2350    // standard colors
2351    (Value: clBlack; Name: 'clBlack'),
2352    (Value: clMaroon; Name: 'clMaroon'),
2353    (Value: clGreen; Name: 'clGreen'),
2354    (Value: clOlive; Name: 'clOlive'),
2355    (Value: clNavy; Name: 'clNavy'),
2356    (Value: clPurple; Name: 'clPurple'),
2357    (Value: clTeal; Name: 'clTeal'),
2358    (Value: clGray; Name: 'clGray'),
2359    (Value: clSilver; Name: 'clSilver'),
2360    (Value: clRed; Name: 'clRed'),
2361    (Value: clLime; Name: 'clLime'),
2362    (Value: clYellow; Name: 'clYellow'),
2363    (Value: clBlue; Name: 'clBlue'),
2364    (Value: clFuchsia; Name: 'clFuchsia'),
2365    (Value: clAqua; Name: 'clAqua'),
2366    (Value: clWhite; Name: 'clWhite'),
2368    // extended colors
2369    (Value: clMoneyGreen; Name: 'clMoneyGreen'),
2370    (Value: clSkyBlue; Name: 'clSkyBlue'),
2371    (Value: clCream; Name: 'clCream'),
2372    (Value: clMedGray; Name: 'clMedGray'),
2374    // special colors
2375    (Value: clNone; Name: 'clNone'),
2376    (Value: clDefault; Name: 'clDefault'),
2378    // system colors
2379    (Value: clScrollBar; Name: 'clScrollBar'),
2380    (Value: clBackground; Name: 'clBackground'),
2381    (Value: clActiveCaption; Name: 'clActiveCaption'),
2382    (Value: clInactiveCaption; Name: 'clInactiveCaption'),
2383    (Value: clMenu; Name: 'clMenu'),
2384    (Value: clMenuBar; Name: 'clMenuBar'),
2385    (Value: clMenuHighlight; Name: 'clMenuHighlight'),
2386    (Value: clMenuText; Name: 'clMenuText'),
2387    (Value: clWindow; Name: 'clWindow'),
2388    (Value: clWindowFrame; Name: 'clWindowFrame'),
2389    (Value: clWindowText; Name: 'clWindowText'),
2390    (Value: clCaptionText; Name: 'clCaptionText'),
2391    (Value: clActiveBorder; Name: 'clActiveBorder'),
2392    (Value: clInactiveBorder; Name: 'clInactiveBorder'),
2393    (Value: clAppWorkspace; Name: 'clAppWorkspace'),
2394    (Value: clHighlight; Name: 'clHighlight'),
2395    (Value: clHighlightText; Name: 'clHighlightText'),
2396    (Value: clBtnFace; Name: 'clBtnFace'),
2397    (Value: clBtnShadow; Name: 'clBtnShadow'),
2398    (Value: clGrayText; Name: 'clGrayText'),
2399    (Value: clBtnText; Name: 'clBtnText'),
2400    (Value: clInactiveCaptionText; Name: 'clInactiveCaptionText'),
2401    (Value: clBtnHighlight; Name: 'clBtnHighlight'),
2402    (Value: cl3DDkShadow; Name: 'cl3DDkShadow'),
2403    (Value: cl3DLight; Name: 'cl3DLight'),
2404    (Value: clInfoText; Name: 'clInfoText'),
2405    (Value: clInfoBk; Name: 'clInfoBk'),
2407    (Value: clHotLight; Name: 'clHotLight'),
2408    (Value: clGradientActiveCaption; Name: 'clGradientActiveCaption'),
2409    (Value: clGradientInactiveCaption; Name: 'clGradientInactiveCaption'),
2411    // one our special color
2412    (Value: clForm; Name: 'clForm')
2414    {$IFDEF DefineCLXColors}
2415    // CLX base, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
2416   ,(Value: clForeground; Name: 'clForeground'),
2417    (Value: clButton; Name: 'clButton'),
2418    (Value: clLight; Name: 'clLight'),
2419    (Value: clMidlight; Name: 'clMidlight'),
2420    (Value: clDark; Name: 'clDark'),
2421    (Value: clMid; Name: 'clMid'),
2422    (Value: clText; Name: 'clText'),
2423    (Value: clBrightText; Name: 'clBrightText'),
2424    (Value: clButtonText; Name: 'clButtonText'),
2425    (Value: clBase; Name: 'clBase'),
2426    //clBackground
2427    (Value: clShadow; Name: 'clShadow'),
2428    //clHighlight
2429    (Value: clHighlightedText; Name: 'clHighlightedText'),
2431    // CLX normal, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
2432    (Value: clNormalForeground; Name: 'clNormalForeground'),
2433    (Value: clNormalButton; Name: 'clNormalButton'),
2434    (Value: clNormalLight; Name: 'clNormalLight'),
2435    (Value: clNormalMidlight; Name: 'clNormalMidlight'),
2436    (Value: clNormalDark; Name: 'clNormalDark'),
2437    (Value: clNormalMid; Name: 'clNormalMid'),
2438    (Value: clNormalText; Name: 'clNormalText'),
2439    (Value: clNormalBrightText; Name: 'clNormalBrightText'),
2440    (Value: clNormalButtonText; Name: 'clNormalButtonText'),
2441    (Value: clNormalBase; Name: 'clNormalBase'),
2442    (Value: clNormalBackground; Name: 'clNormalBackground'),
2443    (Value: clNormalShadow; Name: 'clNormalShadow'),
2444    (Value: clNormalHighlight; Name: 'clNormalHighlight'),
2445    (Value: clNormalHighlightedText; Name: 'clNormalHighlightedText'),
2447    // CLX disabled, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
2448    (Value: clDisabledForeground; Name: 'clDisabledForeground'),
2449    (Value: clDisabledButton; Name: 'clDisabledButton'),
2450    (Value: clDisabledLight; Name: 'clDisabledLight'),
2451    (Value: clDisabledMidlight; Name: 'clDisabledMidlight'),
2452    (Value: clDisabledDark; Name: 'clDisabledDark'),
2453    (Value: clDisabledMid; Name: 'clDisabledMid'),
2454    (Value: clDisabledText; Name: 'clDisabledText'),
2455    (Value: clDisabledBrightText; Name: 'clDisabledBrightText'),
2456    (Value: clDisabledButtonText; Name: 'clDisabledButtonText'),
2457    (Value: clDisabledBase; Name: 'clDisabledBase'),
2458    (Value: clDisabledBackground; Name: 'clDisabledBackground'),
2459    (Value: clDisabledShadow; Name: 'clDisabledShadow'),
2460    (Value: clDisabledHighlight; Name: 'clDisabledHighlight'),
2461    (Value: clDisabledHighlightedText; Name: 'clDisabledHighlightedText'),
2463    // CLX active, mapped, pseudo, rgb values
2464    (Value: clActiveForeground; Name: 'clActiveForeground'),
2465    (Value: clActiveButton; Name: 'clActiveButton'),
2466    (Value: clActiveLight; Name: 'clActiveLight'),
2467    (Value: clActiveMidlight; Name: 'clActiveMidlight'),
2468    (Value: clActiveDark; Name: 'clActiveDark'),
2469    (Value: clActiveMid; Name: 'clActiveMid'),
2470    (Value: clActiveText; Name: 'clActiveText'),
2471    (Value: clActiveBrightText; Name: 'clActiveBrightText'),
2472    (Value: clActiveButtonText; Name: 'clActiveButtonText'),
2473    (Value: clActiveBase; Name: 'clActiveBase'),
2474    (Value: clActiveBackground; Name: 'clActiveBackground'),
2475    (Value: clActiveShadow; Name: 'clActiveShadow'),
2476    (Value: clActiveHighlight; Name: 'clActiveHighlight'),
2477    (Value: clActiveHighlightedText; Name: 'clActiveHighlightedText')
2478    {$ENDIF}
2479    );
2481function IdentEntry(Entry: Longint; out MapEntry: TIdentMapEntry): boolean;
2483  Result := False;
2484  if (Entry >= 0) and (Entry <= High(Colors)) then
2485  begin
2486    MapEntry := Colors[Entry];
2487    Result := True;
2488  end;
2491function ColorToIdent(Color: Longint; out Ident: String): Boolean;
2493  Result := IntToIdent(Color, Ident, Colors);
2496function IdentToColor(const Ident: string; out Color: Longint): Boolean;
2498  Result := IdentToInt(Ident, Color, Colors);
2501function ColorIndex(Color: Longint; out Index: Integer): Boolean;
2503  i: integer;
2505  for i := Low(Colors) to High(Colors) do
2506    if Colors[i].Value = Color then
2507    begin
2508      Result := True;
2509      Index := i;
2510      exit;
2511    end;
2512  Result := False;
2515function SysColorToSysColorIndex(Color: TColor): integer;
2517  if (Cardinal(Color) and Cardinal(SYS_COLOR_BASE)) <> 0 then begin
2518    {$IFDEF DefineCLXColors}
2519    case Color of
2520    clHighlightedText..clForeground:   // Deprecated values!
2521      Result:=clForeground+COLOR_clForeground-Color;
2522    clNormalHighlightedText..clNormalForeground:
2523      Result:=clNormalForeground+COLOR_clNormalForeground-Color;
2524    clDisabledHighlightedText..clDisabledForeground:
2525      Result:=clDisabledForeground+COLOR_clDisabledForeground-Color;
2526    clActiveHighlightedText..clActiveForeground:
2527      Result:=clActiveForeground+COLOR_clActiveForeground-Color;
2528    else
2529    {$ENDIF}
2530      Result:=Color and $FF;
2531    {$IFDEF DefineCLXColors}
2532    end;
2533    {$ENDIF}
2534  end else begin
2535    Result:=-1;
2536  end;
2539function ColorToRGB(Color: TColor): Longint;
2541  i: integer;
2543  i := SysColorToSysColorIndex(Color);
2544  if i <> -1 then
2545    Result := GetSysColor(i)
2546  else
2547    Result := Color;
2548  Result := Result and $FFFFFF;
2551function ColorToString(Color: TColor): AnsiString;
2553  Result := '';
2554  if not ColorToIdent(Color, Result) then
2555    Result:='$'+HexStr(Color,8);
2558function StringToColor(const S: shortstring): TColor;
2560  Result := clNone;
2561  if not IdentToColor(S, Longint(Result)) then
2562    Result := TColor(StrToInt(S));
2565function StringToColorDef(const S: shortstring; const DefaultValue: TColor): TColor;
2567  Result := DefaultValue;
2568  if not IdentToColor(S, Longint(Result)) then
2569    Result := TColor(StrToIntDef(S,DefaultValue));
2572procedure GetColorValues(Proc: TGetColorStringProc);
2574  I: Integer;
2576  for I := Low(Colors) to High(Colors) do
2577    if (I >= FirstDeprecatedColorIndex) and (I <= LastDeprecatedColorIndex) then
2578      Continue
2579    else
2580      Proc(Colors[I].Name);
2583function InvertColor(AColor: TColor): TColor;
2585  R, G, B: Integer;
2587  R := AColor and $ff;
2588  G := (AColor shr 8) and $ff;
2589  B := (AColor shr 16) and $ff;
2591  if Abs($80 - R) + Abs($80 - G) + Abs($80 - B) < $140 then
2592  begin
2593    if R<$80 then
2594      R:=Min($ff,R+$a0)
2595    else
2596      R:=Max(0,R-$a0);
2597    if G<$80 then
2598      G:=Min($ff,G+$a0)
2599    else
2600      G:=Max(0,G-$a0);
2601    if B<$80 then
2602      B:=Min($ff,B+$a0)
2603    else
2604      B:=Max(0,B-$a0);
2605  end
2606  else
2607  begin
2608    R := $ff - R;
2609    G := $ff - G;
2610    B := $ff - B;
2611  end;
2613  Result := ((B and $ff) shl 16) or ((G and $ff) shl 8) or (R and $ff);
2616function Blue(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE;
2618  Result := (rgb shr 16) and $000000ff;
2621function Green(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE;
2623  Result := (rgb shr 8) and $000000ff;
2626function Red(rgb: TColorRef): BYTE;
2628  Result := rgb and $000000ff;
2631function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
2633  Result := (B shl 16) or (G shl 8) or R;
2636procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColorRef; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte);
2638  Red := rgb and $000000ff;
2639  Green := (rgb shr 8) and $000000ff;
2640  Blue := (rgb shr 16) and $000000ff;
2643function FPColorToTColorRef(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColorRef;
2645  Result:=((FPColor.Red shr 8) and $ff)
2646       or (FPColor.Green and $ff00)
2647       or ((FPColor.Blue shl 8) and $ff0000);
2650function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
2652  Result:=TColor(FPColorToTColorRef(FPColor));
2655function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColorRef): TFPColor;
2657  Result.Red:=(c and $ff);
2658  Result.Red:=Result.Red+(Result.Red shl 8);
2659  Result.Green:=(c and $ff00);
2660  Result.Green:=Result.Green+(Result.Green shr 8);
2661  Result.Blue:=(c and $ff0000) shr 8;
2662  Result.Blue:=Result.Blue+(Result.Blue shr 8);
2663  Result.Alpha:=FPImage.alphaOpaque;
2666function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
2668  Result:=TColorToFPColor(TColorRef(c));
2671// ------------------------------------------------------------------
2672// Decrease the component RGBs of a color of the quantity' passed
2674// Color    : Color to decrease
2675// Quantity : Decrease quantity
2676// ------------------------------------------------------------------
2677function DecColor(AColor: TColor; AQuantity: Byte) : TColor;
2679  R, G, B : Byte;
2681  RedGreenBlue(ColorToRGB(AColor), R, G, B);
2682  R := Max(0, Integer(R) - AQuantity);
2683  G := Max(0, Integer(G) - AQuantity);
2684  B := Max(0, Integer(B) - AQuantity);
2685  Result := RGBToColor(R, G, B);
2688function IsSysColor(AColor: TColorRef): Boolean;
2690  Result := (AColor and SYS_COLOR_BASE) <> 0;
2694{$I graphicsobject.inc}
2695{$I graphic.inc}
2696{$I picture.inc}
2697{$I sharedimage.inc}
2698{$I sharedrasterimage.inc}
2699{$I sharedcustombitmap.inc}
2700{$I rasterimage.inc}
2701{$I custombitmap.inc}
2702{$I bitmapcanvas.inc}
2703{$I pen.inc}
2704{$I brush.inc}
2705{$I region.inc}
2706{$I font.inc}
2707{$I canvas.inc}
2708{$I pixmap.inc}
2709{$I png.inc}
2710{$IFNDEF DisableLCLPNM}
2711{$I pnm.inc}
2713{$IFNDEF DisableLCLJPEG}
2714{$I jpegimage.inc}
2716{$I icon.inc}
2717{$I icnsicon.inc}
2718{$I cursorimage.inc}
2719{$I fpimagebitmap.inc}
2720{$I bitmap.inc}
2721{$IFNDEF DisableLCLTIFF}
2722{$I tiffimage.inc}
2724{$IFNDEF DisableLCLGIF}
2725{$I gifimage.inc}
2727{$I patternbitmap.inc}
2729function CreateGraphicFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String): TGraphic;
2731  ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle;
2733  // test Icon
2734  ResHandle := FindResource(Instance, PChar(ResName), PChar(RT_GROUP_ICON));
2735  if ResHandle <> 0 then
2736  begin
2737    Result := TIcon.Create;
2738    TIcon(Result).LoadFromResourceHandle(Instance, ResHandle);
2739    Exit;
2740  end;
2741  // test Cursor
2742  ResHandle := FindResource(Instance, PChar(ResName), PChar(RT_GROUP_CURSOR));
2743  if ResHandle <> 0 then
2744  begin
2745    Result := TCursorImage.Create;
2746    TCursorImage(Result).LoadFromResourceHandle(Instance, ResHandle);
2747  end
2748  else
2749    Result := CreateBitmapFromResourceName(Instance, ResName)
2752function CreateBitmapFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: String): TCustomBitmap;
2754  ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle;
2755  Stream: TResourceStream;
2756  GraphicClass: TGraphicClass;
2758  ResHandle := FindResource(Instance, PChar(ResName), PChar(RT_BITMAP));
2759  if ResHandle <> 0 then
2760  begin
2761    Result := TBitmap.Create;
2762    Result.LoadFromResourceName(Instance, ResName);
2763    Exit;
2764  end;
2765  ResHandle := FindResource(Instance, PChar(ResName), PChar(RT_RCDATA));
2766  if ResHandle <> 0 then
2767  begin
2768    Stream := TResourceStream.Create(Instance, ResName, RT_RCDATA);
2769    try
2770      GraphicClass := GetPicFileFormats.FindByStreamFormat(Stream);
2771      if Assigned(GraphicClass) and GraphicClass.InheritsFrom(TCustomBitmap) then
2772      begin
2773        Result := TCustomBitmap(GraphicClass.Create);
2774        Result.LoadFromStream(Stream);
2775      end
2776      else
2777        Result := nil;
2778    finally
2779      Stream.Free;
2780    end;
2781  end
2782  else
2783    Result := nil;
2786function LocalGetSystemFont: HFont;
2788  Result := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
2791procedure InterfaceInit;
2793  //debugln('Graphics.InterfaceInit');
2794  FontResourceCache:=TFontHandleCache.Create;
2795  PenResourceCache:=TPenHandleCache.Create;
2796  BrushResourceCache:=TBrushHandleCache.Create;
2797  PatternBitmapCache := TPatternBitmapCache.Create;
2800procedure InterfaceFinal;
2802  //debugln('Graphics.InterfaceFinal');
2803  FreeAndNil(PatternBitmapCache);
2804  FreeAndNil(FontResourceCache);
2805  FreeAndNil(PenResourceCache);
2806  FreeAndNil(BrushResourceCache);
2809{ TCursorImageImage }
2811constructor TCursorImageImage.Create(const AInfo: TIconInfo);
2813  inherited Create(AInfo);
2814  FHotSpot.x := AInfo.xHotspot;
2815  FHotSpot.y := AInfo.yHotspot;
2819  UpdateLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
2820  OnGetSystemFont := @LocalGetSystemFont;
2821  LoadBitmapFunction := @LocalLoadBitmap;
2822  LoadCursorFunction := @LocalLoadCursor;
2823  LoadIconFunction := @LocalLoadIcon;
2824  RegisterIntegerConsts(TypeInfo(TColor), TIdentToInt(@IdentToColor), TIntToIdent(@ColorToIdent));
2825  RegisterIntegerConsts(TypeInfo(TFontCharset), TIdentToInt(@IdentToCharset), TIntToIdent(@CharsetToIdent));
2826  RegisterInterfaceInitializationHandler(@InterfaceInit);
2827  RegisterInterfaceFinalizationHandler(@InterfaceFinal);
2830  GraphicsFinalized:=true;
2831  OnLoadSaveClipBrdGraphicValid:=false;
2832  FreeAndNil(PicClipboardFormats);
2833  FreeAndNil(PicFileFormats);
2834  UpdateLock.Free;