1 unit LazFreeTypeIntfDrawer;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, FPimage,
9   // LazUtils
10   GraphType,
11   // FreeType
12   EasyLazFreeType,
13   // LCL
14   Graphics, IntfGraphics;
16 type
17   TLazIntfImageGetPixelAtProc = procedure(p: pointer; out Color: TFPColor);
18   TLazIntfImageSetPixelAtProc = procedure(p: pointer; const Color: TFPColor);
19   TLazIntfHorizLineProc = procedure(x1,y,x2: integer; const Color: TFPColor) of object;
21   { TIntfFreeTypeDrawer }
23   TIntfFreeTypeDrawer = class(TFreeTypeDrawer)
24   private
25     FColor: TFPColor;
26     FDestination: TLazIntfImage;
27     FHasPixelAtProc: boolean;
28     FGetPixelAtProc: TLazIntfImageGetPixelAtProc;
29     FSetPixelAtProc: TLazIntfImageSetPixelAtProc;
30     FPixelSizeInBytes: longword;
31     FWidth, FHeight: integer;
32     procedure SetDestination(AValue: TLazIntfImage);
33   protected
34     procedure RenderDirectly(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
35     procedure RenderDirectlyClearType(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
36     procedure InternalMergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor; const c: TFPColor; calpha: word); inline;
37     procedure MergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor; const c: TFPColor); inline;
38     procedure MergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor; const c: TFPColor; ApplyOpacity: byte); inline;
39     procedure DrawPixelAt(p: pointer; const c: TFPColor);
40     procedure DrawPixelAt(p: pointer; const c: TFPColor; applyOpacity: byte);
41     procedure ClearTypePixelAt(p: pointer; Cr,Cg,Cb: byte; const Color: TFPColor);
UnclippedGetPixelAddressnull42     function UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): pointer; inline;
ClippedGetPixelAddressnull43     function ClippedGetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): pointer; inline;
44   public
45     ClearTypeRGBOrder: boolean;
46     constructor Create(ADestination: TLazIntfImage);
47     procedure ClippedDrawPixel(x,y: integer; const c: TFPColor);
48     procedure UnclippedDrawPixel(x,y: integer; const c: TFPColor);
49     procedure ClippedClearTypePixel(x,y: integer; Cr,Cg,Cb: byte; const Color: TFPColor);
50     procedure UnclippedClearTypePixel(x,y: integer; Cr,Cg,Cb: byte; const Color: TFPColor);
51     procedure DrawVertLine(x,y1,y2: integer; const c: TFPColor);
52     procedure SetHorizLine(x1,y,x2: integer; const c: TFPColor);
53     procedure DrawHorizLine(x1,y,x2: integer; const c: TFPColor);
54     procedure FillRect(x,y,x2,y2: integer; const c: TFPColor; ASetPixels: boolean = True);
55     procedure FillPixels(const c: TFPColor; ASetPixels: boolean = True);
56     procedure DrawText(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TFPColor); override; overload;
57     procedure DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x,y: single; AColor: TFPColor); override; overload;
58     property Destination: TLazIntfImage read FDestination write SetDestination;
59     destructor Destroy; override;
60   end;
62 implementation
64 type
65   PFPColorBytes = ^TFPColorBytes;
66   TFPColorBytes = record
67     {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE}
68     Rl, Rh, Gl, Gh, Bl, Bh, Al, Ah: Byte;
69     {$else}
70     Rh, Rl, Gh, Gl, Bh, Bl, Ah, Al: Byte;
71     {$endif}
72   end;
74   PFourBytes = ^TFourBytes;
75   TFourBytes = record
76     B0, B1, B2, B3: Byte;
77   end;
79 { TIntfFreeTypeDrawer }
TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.ClippedGetPixelAddressnull81 function TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.ClippedGetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): pointer;
82 begin
83   if (x < 0) or (x >= Destination.Width) then
84     raise FPImageException.CreateFmt(ErrorText[StrInvalidIndex],[ErrorText[StrImageX],x]);
85   if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.Height) then
86     raise FPImageException.CreateFmt(ErrorText[StrInvalidIndex],[ErrorText[StrImageY],y]);
88   result := pbyte(Destination.GetDataLineStart(y))+(x*FPixelSizeInBytes);
89 end;
91 procedure InternalGetPixelAtWithoutAlphaRGB(p: pointer; out Color: TFPColor);
92 begin
93   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
94   begin
95     TFPColorBytes(color).Rh := B0;
96     TFPColorBytes(color).Rl := B0;
97     TFPColorBytes(color).Gh := B1;
98     TFPColorBytes(color).Gl := B1;
99     TFPColorBytes(color).Bh := B2;
100     TFPColorBytes(color).Bl := B2;
101     color.alpha := $ffff;
102   end;
103 end;
105 procedure InternalSetPixelAtWithoutAlphaRGB(p: pointer; const Color: TFPColor);
106 begin
107   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
108   begin
109     B0 := TFPColorBytes(color).Rh;
110     B1 := TFPColorBytes(color).Gh;
111     B2 := TFPColorBytes(color).Bh;
112   end;
113 end;
115 procedure InternalGetPixelAtWithoutAlphaBGR(p: pointer; out Color: TFPColor);
116 {$IFDEF CPUI386} assembler; {$ASMMODE INTEL}
117 asm
118   mov cl, [eax+2]
119   mov [edx], cl
120   mov [edx+1], cl
121   mov cl, [eax+1]
122   mov [edx+2], cl
123   mov [edx+3], cl
124   mov cl, [eax]
125   mov [edx+4], cl
126   mov [edx+5], cl
127   xor ecx, ecx
128   not ecx
129   mov [edx+6], cx
130 end;
131 {$ELSE}
132 begin
133   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
134   begin
135     TFPColorBytes(color).Rh := B2;
136     TFPColorBytes(color).Rl := B2;
137     TFPColorBytes(color).Gh := B1;
138     TFPColorBytes(color).Gl := B1;
139     TFPColorBytes(color).Bh := B0;
140     TFPColorBytes(color).Bl := B0;
141     color.alpha := $ffff;
142   end;
143 end;
144 {$ENDIF}
146 procedure InternalSetPixelAtWithoutAlphaBGR(p: pointer; const Color: TFPColor);
147 {$IFDEF CPUI386} assembler; {$ASMMODE INTEL}
148 asm
149   mov cl, [edx+1]
150   mov [eax+2], cl
151   mov cl, [edx+3]
152   mov [eax+1], cl
153   mov cl, [edx+5]
154   mov [eax], cl
155 end;
156 {$ELSE}
157 begin
158   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
159   begin
160     B2 := TFPColorBytes(color).Rh;
161     B1 := TFPColorBytes(color).Gh;
162     B0 := TFPColorBytes(color).Bh;
163   end;
164 end;
165 {$ENDIF}
167 procedure InternalGetPixelAtWithAlphaRGBA(p: pointer; out Color: TFPColor);
168 begin
169   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
170   begin
171     TFPColorBytes(color).Rh := B0;
172     TFPColorBytes(color).Rl := B0;
173     TFPColorBytes(color).Gh := B1;
174     TFPColorBytes(color).Gl := B1;
175     TFPColorBytes(color).Bh := B2;
176     TFPColorBytes(color).Bl := B2;
177     TFPColorBytes(color).Ah := B3;
178     TFPColorBytes(color).Al := B3;
179   end;
180 end;
182 procedure InternalSetPixelAtWithAlphaRGBA(p: pointer; const Color: TFPColor);
183 begin
184   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
185   begin
186     B0 := TFPColorBytes(color).Rh;
187     B1 := TFPColorBytes(color).Gh;
188     B2 := TFPColorBytes(color).Bh;
189     B3 := TFPColorBytes(color).Ah;
190   end;
191 end;
193 procedure InternalGetPixelAtWithAlphaBGRA(p: pointer; out Color: TFPColor);
194 begin
195   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
196   begin
197     TFPColorBytes(color).Rh := B2;
198     TFPColorBytes(color).Rl := B2;
199     TFPColorBytes(color).Gh := B1;
200     TFPColorBytes(color).Gl := B1;
201     TFPColorBytes(color).Bh := B0;
202     TFPColorBytes(color).Bl := B0;
203     TFPColorBytes(color).Ah := B3;
204     TFPColorBytes(color).Al := B3;
205   end;
206 end;
208 procedure InternalSetPixelAtWithAlphaBGRA(p: pointer; const Color: TFPColor);
209 begin
210   with PFourBytes(p)^ do
211   begin
212     B2 := TFPColorBytes(color).Rh;
213     B1 := TFPColorBytes(color).Gh;
214     B0 := TFPColorBytes(color).Bh;
215     B3 := TFPColorBytes(color).Ah;
216   end;
217 end;
219 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.MergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor; const c: TFPColor);
220 begin
221   InternalMergeColorOver(merge,c,c.alpha);
222 end;
224 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.MergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor;
225   const c: TFPColor; ApplyOpacity: byte);
226 var
227   calpha: longword;
228 begin
229   calpha := c.alpha*applyOpacity div 255;
230   InternalMergeColorOver(merge,c,calpha);
231 end;
233 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.UnclippedDrawPixel(x, y: integer; const c: TFPColor);
234 var
235   merge: TFPColor;
236 begin
237   if c.alpha = 0 then exit;
238   if FHasPixelAtProc then
239     DrawPixelAt(UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x,y),c)
240   else
241   begin
242     if c.alpha = $ffff then
243       Destination.Colors[x,y] := c
244     else
245     begin
246       merge := Destination.Colors[x,y];
247       MergeColorOver(merge,c);
248       Destination.Colors[x,y] := merge;
249     end;
250   end;
251 end;
253 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawPixelAt(p: pointer; const c: TFPColor; applyOpacity: byte);
254 var
255   merge: TFPColor;
256   calpha: longword;
257 begin
258   calpha := c.alpha*applyOpacity div 255;
259   if calpha = 0 then exit;
260   if calpha = $ffff then
261     FSetPixelAtProc(p, c)
262   else
263   begin
264     FGetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
265     InternalMergeColorOver(merge,c,calpha);
266     FSetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
267   end;
268 end;
270 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawPixelAt(p: pointer; const c: TFPColor);
271 var
272   merge: TFPColor;
273 begin
274   if (c.alpha = 0) then exit;
275   if (c.alpha = $ffff) then
276     FSetPixelAtProc(p, c)
277   else
278   begin
279     FGetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
280     MergeColorOver(merge,c);
281     FSetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
282   end;
283 end;
285 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.ClippedClearTypePixel(x, y: integer; Cr, Cg,
286   Cb: byte; const Color: TFPColor);
287 begin
288   if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Destination.Width) or (y >= Destination.Height) then exit;
289   UnclippedClearTypePixel(x,y,Cr,Cg,Cb,Color);
290 end;
292 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawVertLine(x, y1, y2: integer; const c: TFPColor
293   );
294 var y: integer;
295 begin
296   if (x < 0) or (x >= Destination.Width) then exit;
297   if (y1 > y2) then
298   begin
299     y := y1;
300     y1:= y2;
301     y2 := y;
302   end;
303   if y1 < 0 then y1 := 0;
304   if y2 >= Destination.Height then y2 := Destination.Height-1;
305   for y := y1 to y2 do
306     UnclippedDrawPixel(x,y, c);
307 end;
309 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.SetHorizLine(x1, y, x2: integer; const c: TFPColor);
310 var i: integer;
311   pdest: pbyte;
312   step: longword;
313 begin
314   if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.Height) then exit;
315   if (x1 > x2) then
316   begin
317     i := x1;
318     x1:= x2;
319     x2 := i;
320   end;
321   if x1 < 0 then x1 := 0;
322   if x2 >= Destination.Width then x2 := Destination.Width-1;
323   if FHasPixelAtProc then
324   begin
325     pdest := UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x1,y);
326     step := FPixelSizeInBytes;
327     i := x2-x1+1;
328     while i > 0 do
329     begin
330       FSetPixelAtProc(pdest,c);
331       inc(pdest,step);
332       dec(i);
333     end;
334   end else
335     for i := x1 to x2 do
336       Destination.Colors[i,y] := c;
337 end;
339 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawHorizLine(x1, y, x2: integer;
340   const c: TFPColor);
341 var i: integer;
342   pdest: pbyte;
343   step: longword;
344 begin
345   if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.Height) then exit;
346   if (x1 > x2) then
347   begin
348     i := x1;
349     x1:= x2;
350     x2 := i;
351   end;
352   if x1 < 0 then x1 := 0;
353   if x2 >= Destination.Width then x2 := Destination.Width-1;
354   if FHasPixelAtProc then
355   begin
356     pdest := UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x1,y);
357     step := FPixelSizeInBytes;
358     i := x2-x1+1;
359     while i > 0 do
360     begin
361       DrawPixelAt(pdest,c);
362       inc(pdest,step);
363       dec(i);
364     end;
365   end else
366     for i := x1 to x2 do
367       UnclippedDrawPixel(i,y,c);
368 end;
370 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.FillRect(x, y, x2, y2: integer;
371   const c: TFPColor; ASetPixels: boolean);
372 var yb,xb: integer;
373   HorizLineProc: TLazIntfHorizLineProc;
374 begin
375   if x2 < x then
376   begin
377     xb:= x;
378     x := x2;
379     x2 := xb;
380   end;
381   if x < 0 then x := 0;
382   if x2 > Destination.Width then x2 := Destination.Width;
383   if (x >= Destination.Width) or (x2 <= 0) then exit;
384   if y2 < y then
385   begin
386     yb := y;
387     y := y2;
388     y2 := yb;
389   end;
390   if y < 0 then y := 0;
391   if y2 > Destination.Height then y2 := Destination.Height;
392   if ASetPixels then HorizLineProc := @SetHorizLine else HorizLineProc := @DrawHorizLine;
393   for yb := y to y2-1 do
394     HorizLineProc(x,yb,x2-1,c);
395 end;
397 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.FillPixels(const c: TFPColor; ASetPixels: boolean = True);
398 var yb: integer;
399   HorizLineProc: TLazIntfHorizLineProc;
400 begin
401   if ASetPixels then HorizLineProc := @SetHorizLine else HorizLineProc := @DrawHorizLine;
402   for yb := 0 to Destination.Height-1 do
403     HorizLineProc(0,yb,Destination.Width-1,c);
404 end;
406 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.UnclippedClearTypePixel(x, y: integer; Cr, Cg, Cb: byte; const Color: TFPColor);
407 var merge,mergeClearType: TFPColor;
408     acc: longword;
409     keep,dont_keep: word;
410 begin
411   Cr := Cr*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
412   Cg := Cg*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
413   Cb := Cb*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
414   acc := Cr+Cg+Cb;
415   if acc = 0 then exit;
417   merge := Destination.Colors[x,y];
418   mergeClearType.red := (merge.red * (not byte(Cr)) +
419                 color.red * Cr + 128) div 255;
420   mergeClearType.green := (merge.green * (not byte(Cg)) +
421                 color.green * Cg + 128) div 255;
422   mergeClearType.blue := (merge.blue * (not byte(Cb)) +
423                 color.blue * Cb + 128) div 255;
424   mergeClearType.alpha := merge.alpha;
426   if (mergeClearType.alpha = $ffff) then
427     Destination.Colors[x,y]:= mergeClearType
428   else
429   begin
430     if Cg <> 0 then
431       MergeColorOver(merge,color,Cg);
432     dont_keep := mergeClearType.alpha shr 1;
433     if dont_keep > 0 then
434     begin
435       keep := 32767 - dont_keep;
436       merge.red := (merge.red * keep + mergeClearType.red * dont_keep) div 32767;
437       merge.green := (merge.green * keep + mergeClearType.green * dont_keep) div 32767;
438       merge.blue := (merge.blue * keep + mergeClearType.blue * dont_keep) div 32767;
439       merge.alpha := mergeClearType.alpha + ((not mergeClearType.alpha)*merge.alpha div 65535);
440     end;
441     Destination.Colors[x,y] := merge;
442   end;
443 end;
445 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.ClearTypePixelAt(p: pointer; Cr, Cg, Cb: byte;
446   const Color: TFPColor);
447 var merge,mergeClearType: TFPColor;
448     acc: longword;
449     keep,dont_keep: word;
450 begin
451   Cr := Cr*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
452   Cg := Cg*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
453   Cb := Cb*(color.alpha+1) shr 16;
454   acc := Cr+Cg+Cb;
455   if acc = 0 then exit;
457   FGetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
458   mergeClearType.red := (merge.red * (not byte(Cr)) +
459                 color.red * Cr + 128) div 255;
460   mergeClearType.green := (merge.green * (not byte(Cg)) +
461                 color.green * Cg + 128) div 255;
462   mergeClearType.blue := (merge.blue * (not byte(Cb)) +
463                 color.blue * Cb + 128) div 255;
464   mergeClearType.alpha := merge.alpha;
466   if (mergeClearType.alpha = $ffff) then
467     FSetPixelAtProc(p, mergeClearType)
468   else
469   begin
470     if Cg <> 0 then
471       MergeColorOver(merge,color,Cg);
472     dont_keep := mergeClearType.alpha shr 1;
473     if dont_keep > 0 then
474     begin
475       keep := 32767 - dont_keep;
476       merge.red := (merge.red * keep + mergeClearType.red * dont_keep) div 32767;
477       merge.green := (merge.green * keep + mergeClearType.green * dont_keep) div 32767;
478       merge.blue := (merge.blue * keep + mergeClearType.blue * dont_keep) div 32767;
479       merge.alpha := mergeClearType.alpha + ((not mergeClearType.alpha)*merge.alpha div 65535);
480     end;
481     FSetPixelAtProc(p, merge);
482   end;
483 end;
TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.UnclippedGetPixelAddressnull485 function TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x, y: integer): pointer;
486 begin
487   result := pbyte(Destination.GetDataLineStart(y))+(x*FPixelSizeInBytes);
488 end;
490 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.SetDestination(AValue: TLazIntfImage);
491 var CanBeOptimized: boolean;
492     RedShiftInBytes,GreenShiftInBytes,BlueShiftInBytes,AlphaShiftInBytes: integer;
493 begin
494   if FDestination=AValue then Exit;
495   FDestination := AValue;
497   FGetPixelAtProc := nil;
498   FSetPixelAtProc := nil;
500   if FDestination = nil then
501   begin
502     FWidth := 0;
503     FHeight := 0;
504   end else
505   begin
506     FWidth := FDestination.Width;
507     FHeight := FDestination.Height;
509     with Destination.DataDescription do
510       CanBeOptimized := (BitsPerPixel and 7 = 0) and
511       (Format = ricfRGBA) and (RedPrec = 8) and (GreenPrec = 8) and (BluePrec = 8) and
512       (RedShift and 7 = 0) and (GreenPrec and 7 = 0) and (BluePrec and 7 = 0) and
513       (((AlphaPrec = 8) and (AlphaShift and 7 = 0)) or (AlphaPrec = 0));
515     if CanBeOptimized then
516     begin
517       FPixelSizeInBytes := Destination.DataDescription.BitsPerPixel div 8;
519       RedShiftInBytes := Destination.DataDescription.RedShift div 8;
520       GreenShiftInBytes := Destination.DataDescription.GreenShift div 8;
521       BlueShiftInBytes := Destination.DataDescription.BlueShift div 8;
522       AlphaShiftInBytes := Destination.DataDescription.AlphaShift div 8;
524       if Destination.DataDescription.ByteOrder = riboMSBFirst then
525       begin
526         RedShiftInBytes := FPixelSizeInBytes-1 - RedShiftInBytes;
527         GreenShiftInBytes := FPixelSizeInBytes-1 - GreenShiftInBytes;
528         BlueShiftInBytes := FPixelSizeInBytes-1 - BlueShiftInBytes;
529         AlphaShiftInBytes := FPixelSizeInBytes-1 - AlphaShiftInBytes;
530       end;
532       if Destination.DataDescription.AlphaPrec = 0 then
533       begin
534         if (RedShiftInBytes = 0) and (GreenShiftInBytes = 1) and
535            (BlueShiftInBytes = 2) then
536         begin
537           FGetPixelAtProc := @InternalGetPixelAtWithoutAlphaRGB;
538           FSetPixelAtProc := @InternalSetPixelAtWithoutAlphaRGB;
539         end else
540         if (RedShiftInBytes = 2) and (GreenShiftInBytes = 1) and
541            (BlueShiftInBytes = 0) then
542         begin
543           FGetPixelAtProc := @InternalGetPixelAtWithoutAlphaBGR;
544           FSetPixelAtProc := @InternalSetPixelAtWithoutAlphaBGR;
545         end;
546       end else
547       begin
548         if (RedShiftInBytes = 0) and (GreenShiftInBytes = 1) and
549            (BlueShiftInBytes = 2) then
550         begin
551           FGetPixelAtProc := @InternalGetPixelAtWithAlphaRGBA;
552           FSetPixelAtProc := @InternalSetPixelAtWithAlphaRGBA;
553         end else
554         if (RedShiftInBytes = 2) and (GreenShiftInBytes = 1) and
555            (BlueShiftInBytes = 0) then
556         begin
557           FGetPixelAtProc := @InternalGetPixelAtWithAlphaBGRA;
558           FSetPixelAtProc := @InternalSetPixelAtWithAlphaBGRA;
559         end;
560       end;
561     end;
562   end;
564   FHasPixelAtProc := (FGetPixelAtProc<>nil) and (FSetPixelAtProc <> nil);
565 end;
567 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.RenderDirectly( x,y,tx: integer;
568                           data: pointer );
569 var psrc: pbyte;
570     c: TFPColor;
571     pdest: pbyte;
572     step: longword;
573     tempValue: byte;
574 begin
575   if Destination <> nil then
576   begin
577     //ensure rendering in bounds
578     if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.height) or (x < 0) or (x > Destination.width-tx) then exit;
580     c := FColor;
581     psrc := pbyte(data);
583     if FHasPixelAtProc then
584     begin
585       step := FPixelSizeInBytes;
586       pdest := UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x,y);
587       inc(psrc,tx);
588       while tx > 0 do
589       begin
590         tempValue := (psrc-tx)^;
591         if tempValue <> 0 then
592           DrawPixelAt(pdest,c,tempValue);
593         inc(pdest,step);
594         dec(tx);
595       end;
596     end else
597     while tx > 0 do
598     begin
599       tempValue := psrc^;
600       if tempValue <> 0 then
601       begin
602         c.alpha:= FColor.alpha * tempValue div 255;
603         UnclippedDrawPixel(x,y,c);
604       end;
605       inc(psrc);
606       inc(x);
607       dec(tx);
608     end;
609   end;
610 end;
612 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.RenderDirectlyClearType(x, y, tx: integer; data: pointer);
613 var xb: integer;
614     psrc: pbyte;
615     Cr,Cg,Cb: byte;
616     pdest: pbyte;
617     step: longword;
618 begin
619   if Destination <> nil then
620   begin
621     //ClearType position in third of pixels horizontally (multiple of 3)
622     x := x div 3;
623     tx := tx div 3;
624     //ensure rendering in bounds
625     if (y < 0) or (y >= Destination.height) or (x < 0) or (x > Destination.width-tx) then exit;
626     if tx=0 then exit;
628     psrc := pbyte(data);
629     Cr := (psrc^ + psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
630     Cg := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
631     if tx > 1 then
632       Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+3)^) div 3
633     else
634       Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
636     if FHasPixelAtProc then
637     begin
638       step := FPixelSizeInBytes;
639       pdest := UnclippedGetPixelAddress(x,y);
640       if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
641         ClearTypePixelAt(pdest,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
642       inc(pdest,step);
643       inc(psrc,3);
644       for xb := 1 to tx-2 do
645       begin
646         Cr := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
647         Cg := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
648         Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+3)^) div 3;
649         if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
650           ClearTypePixelAt(pdest,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
651         inc(pdest,step);
652         inc(psrc,3);
653       end;
654       if tx > 1 then
655       begin
656         Cr := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
657         Cg := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
658         Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
659         if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
660           ClearTypePixelAt(pdest,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
661       end;
662     end else
663     begin
664       if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
665         UnclippedClearTypePixel(x,y,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
666       inc(x);
667       inc(psrc,3);
668       for xb := 1 to tx-2 do
669       begin
670         Cr := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
671         Cg := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
672         Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+3)^) div 3;
673         if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
674           UnclippedClearTypePixel(x,y,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
675         inc(x);
676         inc(psrc,3);
677       end;
678       if tx > 1 then
679       begin
680         Cr := ((psrc-1)^+ psrc^ + (psrc+1)^) div 3;
681         Cg := (psrc^+ (psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
682         Cb := ((psrc+1)^ + (psrc+2)^ + (psrc+2)^) div 3;
683         if Cr+Cg+Cb <> 0 then
684           UnclippedClearTypePixel(x,y,Cr,Cg,Cb, FColor);
685       end;
686     end;
687   end;
688 end;
690 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.InternalMergeColorOver(var merge: TFPColor;
691   const c: TFPColor; calpha: word);
692 var
693   a1f, a2f, a12, a12m: cardinal;
694 begin
695   if calpha = 0 then exit;
696   a12  := 65534 - ((not merge.alpha) * (not calpha) shr 16);
697   a12m := a12 shr 1;
699   a1f := merge.alpha * (not calpha) shr 16;
700   a2f := calpha - (calpha shr 15);
702   merge.red := (merge.red * a1f + c.red * a2f + a12m) div a12;
703   merge.green := (merge.green * a1f + c.green * a2f + a12m) div a12;
704   merge.blue := (merge.blue * a1f + c.blue * a2f + a12m) div a12;
705   merge.alpha := a12 + (a12 shr 15);
706 end;
708 constructor TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.Create(ADestination: TLazIntfImage);
709 begin
710   Destination := ADestination;
711   ClearTypeRGBOrder:= true;
712 end;
714 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.ClippedDrawPixel(x, y: integer; const c: TFPColor
715   );
716 begin
717   if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= Destination.Width) or (y >= Destination.Height) then exit;
718   UnclippedDrawPixel(x,y,c);
719 end;
721 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawText(AText: string; AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single;
722   AColor: TFPColor);
723 begin
724   FColor := AColor;
725   if AFont.ClearType then
726     AFont.RenderText(AText, x, y, rect(0,0,Destination.Width,Destination.Height), @RenderDirectlyClearType)
727   else
728     AFont.RenderText(AText, x, y, rect(0,0,Destination.Width,Destination.Height), @RenderDirectly);
729 end;
731 procedure TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.DrawGlyph(AGlyph: integer;
732   AFont: TFreeTypeRenderableFont; x, y: single; AColor: TFPColor);
733 var f: TFreeTypeFont;
734 begin
735   if AFont is TFreeTypeFont then
736   begin
737     f := TFreeTypeFont(AFont);
738     FColor := AColor;
739     if AFont.ClearType then
740       f.RenderGlyph(AGlyph, x, y, rect(0,0,Destination.Width,Destination.Height), @RenderDirectlyClearType)
741     else
742       f.RenderGlyph(AGlyph, x, y, rect(0,0,Destination.Width,Destination.Height), @RenderDirectly);
743   end;
744 end;
746 destructor TIntfFreeTypeDrawer.Destroy;
747 begin
748   inherited Destroy;
749 end;
751 end.