1 {
2  Test with:
3      ./runtests --format=plain --suite=TTestCTStdCodetools
4      ./runtests --format=plain --suite=TestCTStdFindBlockStart
5      ./runtests --format=plain --suite=TestCTRemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections
6 }
7 unit TestStdCodetools;
9 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
11 interface
13 uses
14   Classes, SysUtils, LazLoggerBase, fpcunit, testregistry,
15   CodeToolManager, StdCodeTools, CodeCache, LinkScanner, SourceChanger;
17 type
19   { TCustomTestCTStdCodetools }
21   TCustomTestCTStdCodetools = class(TTestCase)
22   private
GetCTMarkernull23     function GetCTMarker(Code: TCodeBuffer; Comment: string; out Position: TPoint): boolean;
24   protected
25     procedure CheckDiff(Msg, Expected, Actual: string);
26     procedure WriteSource(aFilename: string; Line, Col: integer);
27   end;
29   { TTestCTStdCodetools }
31   TTestCTStdCodetools = class(TCustomTestCTStdCodetools)
32   private
33     procedure DoTestAddUnitWarn(Title: string; Src, Expected: array of string;
34       WarnID, Comment: string; TurnOn: boolean);
35     procedure DoTestAddUnitToMainUses(NewUnitName, NewUnitInFilename,
36       UsesSrc, ExpectedUsesSrc: string; const Flags: TAddUsesFlags);
37   published
38     procedure TestCTStdFindBlockStart;
39     procedure TestCTUses_AddUses_Start;
40     procedure TestCTUses_AddUses_Append;
41     procedure TestCTUses_AddUses_AppendKeepSpaces;
42     procedure TestCTUses_AddUses_AppendKeepComment; // ToDo
43     procedure TestCTUses_AddUses_Append_DottedNoBreak;
44     procedure TestCTUses_RemoveFromAllUsesSections;
45     procedure TestCTAddWarn5025_Program;
46     procedure TestCTAddWarn5025_ProgramNoName;
47     procedure TestCTAddWarn5025_Unit;
48   end;
50 implementation
52 { TTestCTStdCodetools }
TCustomTestCTStdCodetools.GetCTMarkernull54 function TCustomTestCTStdCodetools.GetCTMarker(Code: TCodeBuffer; Comment: string;
55   out Position: TPoint): boolean;
56 var
57   p: SizeInt;
58 begin
59   Result:=false;
60   Position:=Point(0,0);
61   if Comment[1]<>'{' then
62     Comment:='{'+Comment+'}';
63   p:=System.Pos(Comment,Code.Source);
64   if p<1 then
65     AssertEquals('searching marker: '+Comment,true,p>=1);
66   Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(p+length(Comment),Position.Y,Position.X);
67   if Position.Y<1 then
68     AssertEquals('Code.AbsoluteToLineCol: '+Comment,true,Position.Y>=1)
69   else
70     Result:=true;
71 end;
73 procedure TCustomTestCTStdCodetools.CheckDiff(Msg, Expected, Actual: string);
74 // search diff, ignore changes in spaces
75 const
76   SpaceChars = [#9,#10,#13,' '];
77 var
78   ExpectedP, ActualP: PChar;
FindLineEndnull80   function FindLineEnd(p: PChar): PChar;
81   begin
82     Result:=p;
83     while not (Result^ in [#0,#10,#13]) do inc(Result);
84   end;
FindLineStartnull86   function FindLineStart(p, MinP: PChar): PChar;
87   begin
88     while (p>MinP) and not (p[-1] in [#10,#13]) do dec(p);
89     Result:=p;
90   end;
92   procedure DiffFound;
93   var
94     ActLineStartP, ActLineEndP, p, StartPos: PChar;
95     ExpLine, ActLine: String;
96     i: Integer;
97   begin
98     writeln('Diff found "',Msg,'". Lines:');
99     // write correct lines
100     p:=PChar(Expected);
101     repeat
102       StartPos:=p;
103       while not (p^ in [#0,#10,#13]) do inc(p);
104       ExpLine:=copy(Expected,StartPos-PChar(Expected)+1,p-StartPos);
105       if p^ in [#10,#13] then begin
106         if (p[1] in [#10,#13]) and (p^<>p[1]) then
107           inc(p,2)
108         else
109           inc(p);
110       end;
111       if (p<=ExpectedP) and (p^<>#0) then begin
112         writeln('= ',ExpLine);
113       end else begin
114         // diff line
115         // write actual line
116         ActLineStartP:=FindLineStart(ActualP,PChar(Actual));
117         ActLineEndP:=FindLineEnd(ActualP);
118         ActLine:=copy(Actual,ActLineStartP-PChar(Actual)+1,ActLineEndP-ActLineStartP);
119         writeln('- ',ActLine);
120         // write expected line
121         writeln('+ ',ExpLine);
122         // write empty line with pointer ^
123         for i:=1 to 2+ExpectedP-StartPos do write(' ');
124         writeln('^');
125         AssertEquals(Msg,ExpLine,ActLine);
126         break;
127       end;
128     until p^=#0;
130     writeln('DiffFound Actual:-----------------------');
131     writeln(Actual);
132     writeln('DiffFound Expected:---------------------');
133     writeln(Expected);
134     writeln('DiffFound ------------------------------');
135     Fail('diff found, but lines are the same, internal error');
136   end;
138 var
139   IsSpaceNeeded: Boolean;
140   LastChar: Char;
141 begin
142   if Expected='' then Expected:=' ';
143   if Actual='' then Actual:=' ';
144   ExpectedP:=PChar(Expected);
145   ActualP:=PChar(Actual);
146   repeat
147     //writeln('TTestCodeCompletion.CheckDiff Exp="',ExpectedP^,'" Act="',ActualP^,'"');
148     case ExpectedP^ of
149     #0:
150       begin
151       // check that rest of Actual has only spaces
152       while ActualP^ in SpaceChars do inc(ActualP);
153       if ActualP^<>#0 then
154         DiffFound;
155       exit;
156       end;
157     ' ',#9,#10,#13:
158       begin
159       // skip space in Expected
160       IsSpaceNeeded:=false;
161       if ExpectedP>PChar(Expected) then
162         LastChar:=ExpectedP[-1]
163       else
164         LastChar:=#0;
165       while ExpectedP^ in SpaceChars do inc(ExpectedP);
166       if (LastChar in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_','$'])
167           and (ExpectedP^ in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_','$']) then
168         IsSpaceNeeded:=true;
169       if IsSpaceNeeded and (not (ActualP^ in SpaceChars)) then
170         DiffFound;
171       while ActualP^ in SpaceChars do inc(ActualP);
172       end;
173     else
174       while ActualP^ in SpaceChars do inc(ActualP);
175       if ExpectedP^<>ActualP^ then
176         DiffFound;
177       inc(ExpectedP);
178       inc(ActualP);
179     end;
180   until false;
181 end;
183 procedure TCustomTestCTStdCodetools.WriteSource(aFilename: string; Line, Col: integer
184   );
185 var
186   Code: TCodeBuffer;
187   s: String;
188   i: Integer;
189 begin
190   writeln('Testcode:-File="',aFilename,'"----------------------------------:');
192   Code:=CodeToolBoss.FindFile(aFilename);
193   if Code=nil then
194     Fail('file was not loaded/created: "'+aFilename+'"');
195   for i:=1 to Code.LineCount do begin
196     s:=Code.GetLine(i-1,true);
197     if i=Line then begin
198       write('*');
199       s:=LeftStr(s,Col-1)+'|'+copy(s,Col,length(s));
200     end;
201     if (s='') or not (s[length(s)] in [#10,#13]) then
202       s+=LineEnding;
203     write(Format('%:4d: ',[i]),s);
204   end;
205 end;
207 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.DoTestAddUnitWarn(Title: string; Src,
208   Expected: array of string; WarnID, Comment: string; TurnOn: boolean);
209 var
210   Code: TCodeBuffer;
211   s: String;
212   i: Integer;
213 begin
214   Code:=CodeToolBoss.CreateFile('test1.pas');
215   s:='';
216   for i:=Low(Src) to High(Src) do
217     s+=Src[i]+LineEnding;
218   Code.Source:=s;
220   if not CodeToolBoss.AddUnitWarnDirective(Code,WarnID,Comment,TurnOn) then begin
221     WriteSource(Code.Filename,1,1);
222     Fail(Title+'call AddUnitWarnDirective failed: '+CodeToolBoss.ErrorDbgMsg);
223   end;
225   //debugln(['TTestCTStdCodetools.DoTestAddUnitWarn NewSrc=',Code.Source]);
226   s:='';
227   for i:=Low(Expected) to High(Expected) do
228     s+=Expected[i]+LineEnding;
229   CheckDiff(Title,s,Code.Source);
230 end;
232 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.DoTestAddUnitToMainUses(NewUnitName, NewUnitInFilename, UsesSrc, ExpectedUsesSrc: string;
233   const Flags: TAddUsesFlags);
234 var
235   Header: String;
236   Footer: String;
237   Code: TCodeBuffer;
238   Src: String;
239 begin
240   Header:='program TestStdCodeTools;'+LineEnding;
241   Footer:=LineEnding
242     +'begin'+LineEnding
243     +'end.'+LineEnding;
244   Code:=CodeToolBoss.CreateFile('TestStdCodeTools.pas');
245   Code.Source:=Header+UsesSrc+Footer;
246   if not CodeToolBoss.AddUnitToMainUsesSectionIfNeeded(Code,NewUnitName,NewUnitInFilename,Flags) then
247   begin
248     AssertEquals('AddUnitToMainUsesSectionIfNeeded failed: '+CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage,true,false);
249   end else begin
250     Src:=Code.Source;
251     AssertEquals('AddUnitToMainUsesSectionIfNeeded altered header: ',Header,LeftStr(Src,length(Header)));
252     System.Delete(Src,1,length(Header));
253     AssertEquals('AddUnitToMainUsesSectionIfNeeded altered footer: ',Footer,RightStr(Src,length(Footer)));
254     System.Delete(Src,length(Src)-length(Footer)+1,length(Footer));
255     if ExpectedUsesSrc<>Src then
256       debugln(Code.Source);
257     AssertEquals('AddUnitToMainUsesSectionIfNeeded: ',ExpectedUsesSrc,Src);
258   end;
259 end;
261 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTStdFindBlockStart;
262 var
263   Code: TCodeBuffer;
GetSourcenull265   function GetSource: string;
266   begin
267     Result:=
268      'program TestStdCodeTools;'+LineEnding
269     +'begin'+LineEnding
270     +'  if true then {begin1}begin'+LineEnding
271     +'    {try1}try'+LineEnding
272     +'      writeln;'+LineEnding
273     +'    {try1finally}finally'+LineEnding
274     +'      writeln;'+LineEnding
275     +'    {try1end}end;'+LineEnding
276     +'    writeln;'+LineEnding
277     +'  {begin1end}end;'+LineEnding
278     +'end.'+LineEnding;
279   end;
GetInfonull281   function GetInfo(XY: TPoint): string;
282   var
283     Line: String;
284   begin
285     Line:=Code.GetLine(XY.Y-1);
286     Result:=dbgs(XY)+': '+copy(Line,1,XY.X-1)+'|'+copy(Line,XY.X,length(Line));
287   end;
289   procedure Test(aTitle, StartMarker,EndMarker: string);
290   var
291     BlockStart: TPoint;
292     BlockEnd: TPoint;
293     NewCode: TCodeBuffer;
294     NewX: integer;
295     NewY: integer;
296     NewTopline: integer;
297   begin
298     if not GetCTMarker(Code,StartMarker,BlockStart) then exit;
299     if not GetCTMarker(Code,EndMarker,BlockEnd) then exit;
300     //debugln(['TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTStdFindBlockStart BlockStart=',GetInfo(BlockStart),' BlockEnd=',GetInfo(BlockEnd)]);
301     if not CodeToolBoss.FindBlockStart(Code,BlockEnd.X,BlockEnd.Y,NewCode,NewX,NewY,NewTopline)
302     then
303       AssertEquals(aTitle+': '+CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage,true,false)
304     else
305       AssertEquals(aTitle,GetInfo(BlockStart),GetInfo(Point(NewX,NewY)))
306   end;
308 begin
309   Code:=CodeToolBoss.CreateFile('TestStdCodeTools.pas');
310   Code.Source:=GetSource();
312   Test('begin,try,finally,end|end','begin1','begin1end');
313   Test('begin,try,finally,|end,end','try1finally','try1end');
314   Test('begin,try,finally,|end,end','try1','try1finally');
315 end;
317 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_AddUses_Start;
318 begin
319   DoTestAddUnitToMainUses('Foo','',
320     '',
321     LineEnding+'uses Foo;'+LineEnding,
322    []);
323 end;
325 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_AddUses_Append;
326 begin
327   DoTestAddUnitToMainUses('Foo','',
328     'uses Abc;'+LineEnding,
329     'uses Abc, Foo;'+LineEnding,
330    []);
331 end;
333 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_AddUses_AppendKeepSpaces;
334 begin
335   DoTestAddUnitToMainUses('Foo','',
336     'uses Go,    Bla;'+LineEnding,
337     'uses Go,    Bla, Foo;'+LineEnding,
338    []);
339 end;
341 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_AddUses_AppendKeepComment;
342 begin
343   exit;
345   DoTestAddUnitToMainUses('Foo','',
346     'uses Go, {Comment} Bla;'+LineEnding,
347     'uses Go, {Comment} Bla, Foo;'+LineEnding,
348    []);
349 end;
351 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_AddUses_Append_DottedNoBreak;
352 var
353   Beauty: TBeautifyCodeOptions;
354   OldLineLength: Integer;
355   OldDoNotSplitLineInFront, OldDoNotSplitLineAfter: TAtomTypes;
356 begin
357   Beauty:=CodeToolBoss.SourceChangeCache.BeautifyCodeOptions;
358   OldLineLength:=Beauty.LineLength;
359   OldDoNotSplitLineInFront:=Beauty.DoNotSplitLineInFront;
360   OldDoNotSplitLineAfter:=Beauty.DoNotSplitLineAfter;
361   try
362     Beauty.LineLength:=35;
363     Beauty.DoNotSplitLineInFront:=Beauty.DoNotSplitLineInFront-[atPoint];// test that atPoint has no effect
364     Beauty.DoNotSplitLineAfter:=Beauty.DoNotSplitLineAfter-[atPoint];// test that atPoint has no effect
365     DoTestAddUnitToMainUses('System.SysUtils','',
366       'uses System.Classes;'+LineEnding,
367       'uses System.Classes,'+LineEnding
368       +'  System.SysUtils;'+LineEnding,
369      []);
370   finally
371     Beauty.LineLength:=OldLineLength;
372     Beauty.DoNotSplitLineInFront:=OldDoNotSplitLineInFront;
373     Beauty.DoNotSplitLineAfter:=OldDoNotSplitLineAfter;
374   end;
375 end;
377 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTUses_RemoveFromAllUsesSections;
GetSourcenull379   function GetSource(UsesSrc: string): string;
380   begin
381     Result:='program TestStdCodeTools;'+LineEnding
382       +UsesSrc;
383   end;
385   procedure Test(RemoveUnit, UsesSrc, ExpectedUsesSrc: string);
386   var
387     Header: String;
388     Footer: String;
389     Code: TCodeBuffer;
390     Src: String;
391   begin
392     Header:=GetSource('');
393     Footer:=LineEnding
394       +'begin'+LineEnding
395       +'end.'+LineEnding;
396     Code:=CodeToolBoss.CreateFile('TestStdCodeTools.pas');
397     Code.Source:=Header+UsesSrc+Footer;
398     if not CodeToolBoss.RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections(Code,RemoveUnit) then
399     begin
400       AssertEquals('RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections failed: '+CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage,true,false);
401     end else begin
402       Src:=Code.Source;
403       AssertEquals('RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections altered header: ',Header,LeftStr(Src,length(Header)));
404       System.Delete(Src,1,length(Header));
405       AssertEquals('RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections altered footer: ',Footer,RightStr(Src,length(Footer)));
406       System.Delete(Src,length(Src)-length(Footer)+1,length(Footer));
407       AssertEquals('RemoveUnitFromAllUsesSections: ',ExpectedUsesSrc,Src);
408     end;
409   end;
411 begin
412   // remove first unit
413   Test('windows',
414    'uses'+LineEnding
415   +'   Windows, Messages, Forms,'+LineEnding
416   +'   Dialogs, inifiles;'+LineEnding
417   ,
418    'uses'+LineEnding
419   +'   Messages, Forms,'+LineEnding
420   +'   Dialogs, inifiles;'+LineEnding
421   );
423   // remove middle unit
424   Test('shellapi',
425    'uses'+LineEnding
426   +'   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,'+LineEnding
427   +'   Dialogs, shellAPI, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, strutils, Buttons, inifiles;'+LineEnding
428   ,
429    'uses'+LineEnding
430   +'   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,'+LineEnding
431   +'   Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, strutils, Buttons, inifiles;'+LineEnding
432   );
434   // remove first unit in second line
435   Test('shellapi',
436    'uses'+LineEnding
437   +'   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,'+LineEnding
438   +'   shellAPI, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, strutils, Buttons, inifiles;'+LineEnding
439   ,
440    'uses'+LineEnding
441   +'   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,'+LineEnding
442   +'   StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, strutils, Buttons, inifiles;'+LineEnding
443   );
445   // remove last unit in first line
446   Test('forms',
447    'uses'+LineEnding
448   +'   Windows, Messages, Forms,'+LineEnding
449   +'   Dialogs, inifiles;'+LineEnding
450   ,
451    'uses'+LineEnding
452   +'   Windows, Messages,'+LineEnding
453   +'   Dialogs, inifiles;'+LineEnding
454   );
456   // remove last unit
457   Test('inifiles',
458    'uses'+LineEnding
459   +'   Windows, Messages, Forms,'+LineEnding
460   +'   Dialogs, inifiles;'+LineEnding
461   ,
462    'uses'+LineEnding
463   +'   Windows, Messages, Forms,'+LineEnding
464   +'   Dialogs;'+LineEnding
465   );
466 end;
468 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTAddWarn5025_Program;
469 begin
470   DoTestAddUnitWarn(
471   'TestCTAddUnitWarn',
472   ['program test1;'
473   ,'begin'
474   ,'end.'],
475   ['program test1;'
476   ,'{$WARN 5025 off}'
477   ,'begin'
478   ,'end.'],'5025','',false);
479 end;
481 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTAddWarn5025_ProgramNoName;
482 begin
483   DoTestAddUnitWarn(
484   'TestCTAddUnitWarn',
485   ['begin'
486   ,'end.'],
487   ['{$WARN 5025 off}'
488   ,'begin'
489   ,'end.'],'5025','',false);
490 end;
492 procedure TTestCTStdCodetools.TestCTAddWarn5025_Unit;
493 begin
494   DoTestAddUnitWarn(
495   'TestCTAddUnitWarn',
496   ['unit test1;'
497   ,'interface'
498   ,'end.'],
499   ['unit test1;'
500   ,'{$WARN 5025 off}'
501   ,'interface'
502   ,'end.'],'5025','',false);
503 end;
505 initialization
506   RegisterTest(TTestCTStdCodetools);
508 end.