1 {
2 Writes an ODT Document
4 License: The same modified LGPL as the Free Pascal RTL
5          See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL for more details
7 An OpenDocument document is a compressed ZIP file with the following files inside:
9 content.xml     - Actual contents
10 meta.xml        - Authoring data
11 settings.xml    - User persistent viewing information, such as zoom, cursor position, etc.
12 styles.xml      - Styles, which are the only way to do formatting
13 mimetype        - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
14 META-INF\manifest.xml  - Describes the other files in the archive
16 Specifications obtained from:
18 http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.1/OS/OpenDocument-v1.1.pdf
20 Example of content.xml structure:
22 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
23 <office:document-content xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" .....>
24 <office:scripts/>
25 <office:automatic-styles>
26   <style:style style:name="dp1" style:family="drawing-page"/>
27   <style:style style:name="gr1" style:family="graphic" style:parent-style-name="standard">
28   ....
29 </office:automatic-styles>
30 <office:body>
31 <office:drawing>
32   <draw:page draw:name="page1" draw:style-name="dp1" draw:master-page-name="Oletus">
33     <draw:ellipse draw:style-name="gr2" draw:text-style-name="P1" draw:layer="layout" svg:width="11cm" svg:height="3cm" svg:x="5.5cm" svg:y="6.5cm">
34       <text:p/>
35     </draw:ellipse>
36     ... other elements in the page...
37   </draw:page>
38 </office:drawing>
39 </office:body>
40 </office:document-content>
42 Validator for ODF 1.0
43 http://opendocumentfellowship.com/validator
44 Validator for ODF 1.2
45 http://odf-validator2.rhcloud.com/odf-validator2/
47 AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
48 }
49 unit odtvectorialwriter;
51 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
53 interface
55 uses
56   Classes, SysUtils,
57   zipper, zstream, {NOTE: might require zipper from FPC 2.6.2+ }
58   fpimage, fpcanvas,
59   fpvectorial, fpvutils, lazutf8;
61 type
63   // Forward declarations
64   TvODTVectorialWriter = class;
66   { TListStyle_Style }
68   TListStyle_Style = Class
69     Style : TvStyle;
70     ListStyle : TvListStyle;
71   End;
73   { TListStyle_StyleList }
75   TListStyle_StyleList = Class(TFPList)
76     Writer : TvODTVectorialWriter;
77     Data : TvVectorialDocument;
79     destructor Destroy; override;
AddCrossReferencenull81     function AddCrossReference(AStyle : TvStyle; AListStyle: TvListStyle) : Integer;
AsTextnull82     function AsText(AIndex : Integer) : String;
83   End;
85   { TvODTVectorialWriter }
87   // Writes ODT 1.2 with LibreOffice extensions...
88   TvODTVectorialWriter = class(TvCustomVectorialWriter)
89   private
90     FDateCount : Integer; // Used to track Date Style Formats...
91     FPointSeparator: TFormatSettings;
92     // Strings with the contents of files
93     FMeta, FSettings, FStyles, FContent, FMimetype: string;
94     FAutomaticStyles, FMasterStyles: string; // built during writedocument, used during writestyle
95     FAutomaticStyleID : Integer;
96     FContentAutomaticStyles : string; // built during writedocument, used during writedocument
98     FRasterImageFileNames:TStringList;
100     FList_StyleCrossRef : TListStyle_StyleList;
102     FNewPageSequence : Boolean;
104     FMetaInfManifest, FManifestRDF: string;
105     // helper routines
StyleNameToODTStyleNamenull106     function StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData: TvVectorialDocument; AStyleIndex: Integer; AToContentAutoStyle: Boolean = False): string; overload;
StyleNameToODTStyleNamenull107     function StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData: TvVectorialDocument; AStyle: TvStyle; AToContentAutoStyle: Boolean = False): string; overload;
ListStyleNameToODTTextnull108     function ListStyleNameToODTText(AData: TvVectorialDocument; AListStyle : TvListStyle) : string;
FloatToODTTextnull109     function FloatToODTText(AFloat: Double): string;
BordersToStringnull110     function BordersToString(ATableBorders, ACellBorders: TvTableBorders; ATopCell,
111       ABottomCell, ALeftCell, ARightCell: Boolean): String;
TextPropertiesToStringnull112     function TextPropertiesToString(AStyle: TvStyle): String;
113     // Routines to write those files
114     procedure WriteMimetype;
115     procedure WriteMetaInfManifest;
116     procedure WriteManifestRDF;
117     procedure WriteMeta;
118     procedure WriteSettings;
119     procedure WriteStyles(AData: TvVectorialDocument);
120     procedure WriteDocument(AData: TvVectorialDocument);
121     procedure WritePage(ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
122     //
123     procedure WriteParagraph(AEntity: TvParagraph; ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
124     procedure WriteTable(ATable: TvTable; ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence;
125       AData: TvVectorialDocument);
126     procedure WriteTextSpan(AEntity: TvText; AParagraph: TvParagraph;
127       ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
128     procedure WriteField(AEntity: TvField; AParagraph: TvParagraph;
129       ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
130     procedure WriteList(AEntity: TvList; ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
132     procedure WriteRasterImage(AEntity:TvRasterImage; AParagraph: TvParagraph;
133       ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
135     // Routines to write parts of those files
WriteStylesXMLAsStringnull136     function WriteStylesXMLAsString: string;
137     //
138   public
139     { General reading methods }
140     constructor Create; override;
141     destructor Destroy; override;
142     procedure WriteToFile(AFileName: string; AData: TvVectorialDocument); override;
143     procedure WriteToStream(AStream: TStream; AData: TvVectorialDocument); override;
144   end;
146 implementation
148 uses
149   htmlelements, FPWritePNG, Math;
151 const
152   { OpenDocument general XML constants }
153   XML_HEADER           = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>';
155   { OpenDocument Directory structure constants }
156   OPENDOC_PATH_CONTENT   = 'content.xml';
157   OPENDOC_PATH_META      = 'meta.xml';
158   OPENDOC_PATH_SETTINGS  = 'settings.xml';
159   OPENDOC_PATH_STYLES    = 'styles.xml';
160   OPENDOC_PATH_MIMETYPE  = 'mimetype';
162   OPENDOC_PATH_METAINF_MANIFEST = 'META-INF' + '/' + 'manifest.xml';
163   OPENDOC_PATH_MANIFESTRDF = 'manifest.rdf';
165   { OpenDocument schemas constants }
166   SCHEMAS_XMLNS          = 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties';
167   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CALCEXT  = 'urn:org:documentfoundation:names:experimental:calc:xmlns:calcext:1.0';
168   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CHART    = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0';
169   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CONFIG   = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0';
170   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CSS3T    = 'http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/';
171   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DC       = 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/';
172   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DCTERMS  = 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/';
173   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DOM      = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events';
174   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DR3D     = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0';
175   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAW     = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0';
176   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAWOOO  = 'http://openoffice.org/2010/draw';
177   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FIELD    = 'urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooo-ms-interop:xmlns:field:1.0';
178   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FO       = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0';
179   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FORM     = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0';
180   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FORMX    = 'urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooxml-odf-interop:xmlns:form:1.0';
181   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_GRDDL    = 'http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#';
182   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_MANIFEST = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0';
183   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_MATH     = 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML';
184   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_META     = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0';
185   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_NUMBER   = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0';
186   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OF       = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:of:1.2';
187   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICE   = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0';
188   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICEOOO= 'http://openoffice.org/2009/office';
189   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOO      = 'http://openoffice.org/2004/office';
190   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOOC     = 'http://openoffice.org/2004/calc';
191   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOOW     = 'http://openoffice.org/2004/writer';
192   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_RPT      = 'http://openoffice.org/2005/report';
193   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SCRIPT   = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0';
194   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_STYLE    = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0';
195   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SVG      = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0';
196   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLE    = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0';
197   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLEOOO = 'http://openoffice.org/2009/table';
198   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TEXT     = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0';
199   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_V        = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml';
200   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XFORMS   = 'http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms';
201   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XHTML    = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
202   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XLINK    = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';
203   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XSD      = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema';
204   SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XSI      = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
206   // SVG requires hardcoding a DPI value
208   // The Opera Browser and Inkscape use 90 DPI, so we follow that
210   // 1 Inch = 25.4 milimiters
211   // 90 inches per pixel = (1 / 90) * 25.4 = 0.2822
212   // FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL = 0.3528; // DPI 72 = 1 / 72 inches per pixel
214   FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL = 0.2822; // DPI 90 = 1 / 90 inches per pixel
215   FLOAT_PIXELS_PER_MILIMETER = 3.5433; // DPI 90 = 1 / 90 inches per pixel
217   // Lookups
218   LU_ALIGN: Array [TvStyleAlignment] Of String =
219     ('start', 'end', 'justify', 'center');
221   LU_V_ALIGN: Array[TvVerticalAlignment] Of String =
222     ('top', 'bottom', 'middle', 'automatic');
224   LU_NUMBERFORMAT: Array [TvNumberFormat] Of String =
225     ('1', 'a', 'i', 'A', 'I');
227   LU_BORDERTYPE: Array[TvTableBorderType] Of String =
228     ('solid', 'dashed', 'solid', 'none', 'default');
229 //  ('solid', 'dashed', 'double', 'none', 'default');  // NOTE: double not supported
FPColorToHTMLnull231 function FPColorToHTML(AColor: TFPColor): String;
232 begin
233   Result := Format('#%.2x%.2x%.2x', [AColor.Red shr 8, AColor.Green shr 8, AColor.Blue shr 8]);
234 end;
236 { TListStyle_StyleList }
238 destructor TListStyle_StyleList.Destroy;
239 begin
240   while (Count>0) do
241   begin
242     TListStyle_Style(Last).Free;
243     Delete(Count-1);
244   end;
246   inherited destroy;
247 end;
AddCrossReferencenull249 function TListStyle_StyleList.AddCrossReference(AStyle: TvStyle;
250   AListStyle: TvListStyle): Integer;
251 Var
252   i : Integer;
253   oCrossRef : TListStyle_Style;
255 begin
256   // Only add unique instances of the cross references
257   Result := -1;
259   for i := 0 To Count-1 Do
260   begin
261     oCrossRef := TListStyle_Style(Items[i]);
263     if (oCrossRef.Style = AStyle) And (oCrossRef.ListStyle=AListStyle) Then
264       exit(i);
265   end;
267   // We will only get here if the supplied combination is not already in the list
268   oCrossRef := TListStyle_Style.Create;
269   oCrossRef.Style := AStyle;
270   oCrossRef.ListStyle := AListStyle;
272   Result := Add(oCrossRef);
273 end;
AsTextnull275 function TListStyle_StyleList.AsText(AIndex: Integer): String;
276 begin
277   if (AIndex>=0) And (AIndex<Count) Then
278     with (TListStyle_Style(Items[AIndex])) Do
279       Result := Writer.StyleNameToODTStyleName(Data, Style, False) + '_' +
280                 Writer.ListStyleNameToODTText(Data, ListStyle)
281   else
282     raise exception.create('index out of bounds');
283 end;
StyleNameToODTStyleNamenull285 function TvODTVectorialWriter.StyleNameToODTStyleName(
286   AData: TvVectorialDocument; AStyleIndex: Integer; AToContentAutoStyle: Boolean): string;
287 var
288   lStyle: TvStyle;
289 begin
290   lStyle := AData.GetStyle(AStyleIndex);
291   if AToContentAutoStyle then
292   begin
293     Result := 'P' + IntToStr(AStyleIndex);
294   end
295   else
296   begin
297     Result := StringReplace(lStyle.Name, ' ', '_', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
298   end;
299 end;
StyleNameToODTStyleNamenull301 function TvODTVectorialWriter.StyleNameToODTStyleName(
302   AData: TvVectorialDocument; AStyle: TvStyle; AToContentAutoStyle: Boolean
303   ): string;
304 var
305   lStyleIndex: Integer;
306 begin
307   lStyleIndex := AData.FindStyleIndex(AStyle);
308   Result := StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, lStyleIndex, AToContentAutoStyle);
309 end;
TvODTVectorialWriter.ListStyleNameToODTTextnull311 function TvODTVectorialWriter.ListStyleNameToODTText(
312   AData: TvVectorialDocument; AListStyle: TvListStyle): string;
313 begin
314   Result := StringReplace(AListStyle.Name, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
316   If Result='' Then
317     Result := Format('List_%d', [AData.FindListStyleIndex(AListStyle)]);
318 end;
FloatToODTTextnull320 function TvODTVectorialWriter.FloatToODTText(AFloat: Double): string;
321 begin
322   Result := FloatToStr(AFloat, FPointSeparator);
323 end;
325 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteMimetype;
326 begin
327   FMimetype := 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text';
328 end;
330 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteMetaInfManifest;
331 var
332   i:integer;
333 begin
334   FMetaInfManifest :=
335    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
336    '<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_MANIFEST + '"  manifest:version="1.2">' + LineEnding +
337    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="/" manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" />' + LineEnding; // manifest:version="1.2"
339   for i:= 0 to FRasterImageFileNames.Count-1 do
340   begin
341     FMetaInfManifest := FMetaInfManifest+
342     '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="image/png" manifest:full-path="'+FRasterImageFileNames[i]+'" />' + LineEnding;
343   end;
345   FMetaInfManifest := FMetaInfManifest+
346    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml" />' + LineEnding +
347    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="styles.xml" />' + LineEnding +
348    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="meta.xml" />' + LineEnding +
349    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="settings.xml" />' + LineEnding +
350    '  <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="manifest.rdf" manifest:media-type="application/rdf+xml"/>' + LineEnding +
351    '</manifest:manifest>';
353 end;
355 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteManifestRDF;
356 begin
357   FManifestRDF :=
358    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
359    '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">' + LineEnding +
360    '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="styles.xml">' + LineEnding +
361    '    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/office/1.2/meta/odf#StylesFile"/>' + LineEnding +
362    '  </rdf:Description>' + LineEnding +
363    '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">' + LineEnding +
364    '    <ns0:hasPart xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/office/1.2/meta/pkg#" rdf:resource="styles.xml"/>' + LineEnding +
365    '  </rdf:Description>' + LineEnding +
366    '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="content.xml">' + LineEnding +
367    '    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/office/1.2/meta/odf#ContentFile"/>' + LineEnding +
368    '  </rdf:Description>' + LineEnding +
369    '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">' + LineEnding +
370    '    <ns0:hasPart xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/office/1.2/meta/pkg#" rdf:resource="content.xml"/>' + LineEnding +
371    '  </rdf:Description>' + LineEnding +
372    '  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">' + LineEnding +
373    '    <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/office/1.2/meta/pkg#Document"/>' + LineEnding +
374    '  </rdf:Description>' + LineEnding +
375    '</rdf:RDF>' + LineEnding;
376 end;
378 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteMeta;
379 begin
380   FMeta :=
381    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
382    '<office:document-meta xmlns:office="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICE + '"' +
383      ' xmlns:xlink="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XLINK + '"' +
384      ' xmlns:dc="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DC + '"' +
385      ' xmlns:ooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOO + '"' +
386      ' xmlns:grddl="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_GRDDL + '"' +
387      ' xmlns:meta="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_META + '"' +
388      ' xmlns="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS + '"' +
389      ' xmlns:ex="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS + '" office:version="1.2">' + LineEnding +
390    '  <office:meta>' + LineEnding +
391 //    <meta:creation-date>2013-07-21T09:29:41.06</meta:creation-date>
392 //    <dc:date>2013-07-21T20:13:32.29</dc:date>
393    '    <meta:generator>FPVectorial Library</meta:generator>' + LineEnding +
394 //    <meta:document-statistic meta:table-count="0" meta:image-count="0" meta:object-count="0" meta:page-count="1" meta:paragraph-count="19" meta:word-count="312" meta:character-count="2028" meta:non-whitespace-character-count="2028" />
395    '  </office:meta>' + LineEnding +
396    '</office:document-meta>';
397 end;
399 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteSettings;
400 begin
401   FSettings :=
402    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
403    '<office:document-settings xmlns:office="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICE + '"' +
404      ' xmlns:xlink="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XLINK + '"' +
405      ' xmlns:config="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CONFIG + '"' +
406      ' xmlns:ooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOO + '" office:version="1.2">' + LineEnding +
407    '<office:settings>' + LineEnding +
408    '  <config:config-item-set config:name="ooo:view-settings">' + LineEnding +
409    '    <config:config-item config:name="ViewAreaTop" config:type="int">0</config:config-item>' + LineEnding +
410    '    <config:config-item config:name="ViewAreaLeft" config:type="int">0</config:config-item>' + LineEnding +
411    '    <config:config-item config:name="ViewAreaWidth" config:type="int">25534</config:config-item>' + LineEnding +
412    '    <config:config-item config:name="ViewAreaHeight" config:type="int">9289</config:config-item>' + LineEnding +
413 {
414       <config:config-item config:name="ShowRedlineChanges" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
415       <config:config-item config:name="InBrowseMode" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
416       <config:config-item-map-indexed config:name="Views">
417         <config:config-item-map-entry>
418           <config:config-item config:name="ViewId" config:type="string">view2</config:config-item>
419           <config:config-item config:name="ViewLeft" config:type="int">4267</config:config-item>
420           <config:config-item config:name="ViewTop" config:type="int">2925</config:config-item>
421           <config:config-item config:name="VisibleLeft" config:type="int">0</config:config-item>
422           <config:config-item config:name="VisibleTop" config:type="int">0</config:config-item>
423           <config:config-item config:name="VisibleRight" config:type="int">25532</config:config-item>
424           <config:config-item config:name="VisibleBottom" config:type="int">9287</config:config-item>
425           <config:config-item config:name="ZoomType" config:type="short">0</config:config-item>
426           <config:config-item config:name="ViewLayoutColumns" config:type="short">0</config:config-item>
427           <config:config-item config:name="ViewLayoutBookMode" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
428           <config:config-item config:name="ZoomFactor" config:type="short">100</config:config-item>
429           <config:config-item config:name="IsSelectedFrame" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
430         </config:config-item-map-entry>
431       </config:config-item-map-indexed>
432     </config:config-item-set>
433 }
434    '  </config:config-item-set>' + LineEnding +
435    '  <config:config-item-set config:name="ooo:configuration-settings">' + LineEnding +
436    '    <config:config-item config:name="ChartAutoUpdate" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>' + LineEnding +
437 {
438       <config:config-item config:name="IsLabelDocument" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
439       <config:config-item config:name="MathBaselineAlignment" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
440       <config:config-item config:name="Rsid" config:type="int">490666</config:config-item>
441       <config:config-item config:name="OutlineLevelYieldsNumbering" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
442       <config:config-item config:name="PrintLeftPages" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
443       <config:config-item config:name="DoNotJustifyLinesWithManualBreak" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
444       <config:config-item config:name="ClippedPictures" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
445       <config:config-item config:name="AlignTabStopPosition" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
446       <config:config-item config:name="PrintTextPlaceholder" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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448       <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseCommand" config:type="string" />
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452       <config:config-item config:name="BackgroundParaOverDrawings" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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458       <config:config-item config:name="PrintHiddenText" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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466       <config:config-item config:name="TableRowKeep" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
467       <config:config-item config:name="PrintReversed" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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472       <config:config-item config:name="AddParaSpacingToTableCells" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
473       <config:config-item config:name="UpdateFromTemplate" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
474       <config:config-item config:name="AddExternalLeading" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
475       <config:config-item config:name="PrintSingleJobs" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
476       <config:config-item config:name="PrinterIndependentLayout" config:type="string">high-resolution</config:config-item>
477       <config:config-item config:name="RsidRoot" config:type="int">470846</config:config-item>
478       <config:config-item config:name="LinkUpdateMode" config:type="short">1</config:config-item>
479       <config:config-item config:name="PrintAnnotationMode" config:type="short">0</config:config-item>
480       <config:config-item config:name="TabOverMargin" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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482       <config:config-item config:name="RedlineProtectionKey" config:type="base64Binary" />
483       <config:config-item config:name="PrinterSetup" config:type="base64Binary" />
484       <config:config-item config:name="IgnoreFirstLineIndentInNumbering" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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486       <config:config-item config:name="PrinterName" config:type="string" />
487       <config:config-item config:name="EmbedFonts" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
488       <config:config-item config:name="InvertBorderSpacing" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
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492       <config:config-item config:name="ApplyUserData" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
493       <config:config-item config:name="TabAtLeftIndentForParagraphsInList" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
494       <config:config-item config:name="UnxForceZeroExtLeading" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
495       <config:config-item config:name="SaveVersionOnClose" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
496       <config:config-item config:name="PrintFaxName" config:type="string" />
497       <config:config-item config:name="StylesNoDefault" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
498       <config:config-item config:name="AddParaTableSpacing" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
499       <config:config-item config:name="PrintDrawings" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
500       <config:config-item config:name="LoadReadonly" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
501       <config:config-item config:name="PrintGraphics" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
502       <config:config-item config:name="FieldAutoUpdate" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
503       <config:config-item config:name="AllowPrintJobCancel" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
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505       <config:config-item config:name="SaveGlobalDocumentLinks" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
506       <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseDataSource" config:type="string" />
507       <config:config-item config:name="IgnoreTabsAndBlanksForLineCalculation" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
508       <config:config-item config:name="CurrentDatabaseCommandType" config:type="int">0</config:config-item>
509       <config:config-item config:name="DoNotResetParaAttrsForNumFont" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
510       <config:config-item config:name="ClipAsCharacterAnchoredWriterFlyFrames" config:type="boolean">false</config:config-item>
511       <config:config-item config:name="PrintTables" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
512       <config:config-item config:name="AddParaTableSpacingAtStart" config:type="boolean">true</config:config-item>
513     </config:config-item-set>
514 }
515    '  </config:config-item-set>' + LineEnding +
516    '  </office:settings>' + LineEnding +
517    '</office:document-settings>';
518 end;
520 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteStyles(AData: TvVectorialDocument);
521 var
522   i: Integer;
523   CurStyle: TvStyle;
524   lTextPropsStr, lParagraphPropsStr, lCurStyleTmpStr, CurStyleParent : string;
525   CurListStyle: TvListStyle;
526   j: Integer;
527   CurListLevelStyle: TvListLevelStyle;
528   CurLevel, sLevelAttr: String;
529 begin
530   FStyles :=
531    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
532    '<office:document-styles xmlns:office="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICE + '"' +
533      ' xmlns:style="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_STYLE + '"' +
534      ' xmlns:text="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TEXT + '"' +
535      ' xmlns:table="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLE + '"' +
536      ' xmlns:draw="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAW + '"' +
537      ' xmlns:fo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FO + '"' +
538      ' xmlns:xlink="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XLINK + '"' +
539      ' xmlns:dc="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DC + '"' +
540      ' xmlns:meta="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_META + '"' +
541      ' xmlns:number="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_NUMBER + '"' +
542      ' xmlns:svg="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SVG + '"' +
543      ' xmlns:chart="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CHART + '"' +
544      ' xmlns:dr3d="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DR3D + '"' +
545      ' xmlns:math="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_MATH + '"' +
546      ' xmlns:form="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FORM + '"' +
547      ' xmlns:script="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SCRIPT + '"' +
548      ' xmlns:ooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOO + '"' +
549      ' xmlns:ooow="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOOW + '"' +
550      ' xmlns:oooc="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOOC + '"' +
551      ' xmlns:dom="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DOM + '"' +
552      ' xmlns:rpt="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_RPT + '"' +
553      ' xmlns:of="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OF + '"' +
554      ' xmlns:xhtml="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XHTML + '"' +
555      ' xmlns:grddl="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_GRDDL + '"' +
556      ' xmlns:officeooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICEOOO + '"' +
557      ' xmlns:tableooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLEOOO + '"' +
558      ' xmlns:drawooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAWOOO + '"' +
559      ' xmlns:calcext="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CALCEXT + '"' +
560      ' xmlns:css3t="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CSS3T + '"' +
561      ' office:version="1.2">' + LineEnding;
563   // TODO:  Parse Styles for Fonts not included in the list below...
564   FStyles := FStyles +
565    '<office:font-face-decls>' + LineEnding +
566    '  <style:font-face style:name="Mangal1" svg:font-family="Mangal" />' + LineEnding +
567    '  <style:font-face style:name="OpenSymbol" svg:font-family="OpenSymbol" />' + LineEnding +
568    '  <style:font-face style:name="Times New Roman" svg:font-family="Times New Roman" style:font-family-generic="roman" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
569    '  <style:font-face style:name="Arial" svg:font-family="Arial" />' + LineEnding +
570    '  <style:font-face style:name="Verdana" svg:font-family="Verdana" />' + LineEnding +
571    '  <style:font-face style:name="Mangal" svg:font-family="Mangal" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
572    '  <style:font-face style:name="Microsoft YaHei" svg:font-family="''Microsoft YaHei''" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
573    '  <style:font-face style:name="SimSun" svg:font-family="SimSun" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
574    '</office:font-face-decls>' + LineEnding;
576   // ----------------------------
577   // Styles
578   // ----------------------------
580   FStyles := FStyles +
581    '<office:styles>' + LineEnding;
583   FStyles := FStyles +
584    '  <style:default-style style:family="graphic">' + LineEnding +
585    '    <style:graphic-properties svg:stroke-color="#3465af" draw:fill-color="#729fcf" fo:wrap-option="no-wrap" draw:shadow-offset-x="0.3cm" draw:shadow-offset-y="0.3cm" draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal="0.283cm" draw:start-line-spacing-vertical="0.283cm" draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal="0.283cm" draw:end-line-spacing-vertical="0.283cm" style:flow-with-text="false" />' + LineEnding +
586    '    <style:paragraph-properties style:text-autospace="ideograph-alpha" style:line-break="strict" style:writing-mode="lr-tb" style:font-independent-line-spacing="false">' + LineEnding +
587    '      <style:tab-stops />' + LineEnding +
588    '    </style:paragraph-properties>' + LineEnding +
589    '    <style:text-properties style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="12pt" fo:language="fi" fo:country="FI" style:letter-kerning="true" style:font-size-asian="10.5pt" style:language-asian="zh" style:country-asian="CN" style:font-size-complex="12pt" style:language-complex="hi" style:country-complex="IN" />' + LineEnding +
590    '  </style:default-style>' + LineEnding +
591    '  <style:default-style style:family="paragraph">' + LineEnding +
592    '    <style:paragraph-properties fo:hyphenation-ladder-count="no-limit" style:text-autospace="ideograph-alpha" style:punctuation-wrap="hanging" style:line-break="strict" style:tab-stop-distance="1.251cm" style:writing-mode="page" />' + LineEnding +
593    '    <style:text-properties style:use-window-font-color="true" style:font-name="Times New Roman" fo:font-size="12pt" fo:language="fi" fo:country="FI" style:letter-kerning="true" style:font-name-asian="SimSun" style:font-size-asian="10.5pt" style:language-asian="zh" style:country-asian="CN" style:font-name-complex="Mangal" style:font-size-complex="12pt" style:language-complex="hi" style:country-complex="IN" fo:hyphenate="false" fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count="2" fo:hyphenation-push-char-count="2" />' + LineEnding +
594    '  </style:default-style>' + LineEnding +
595    '  <style:default-style style:family="table">' + LineEnding +
596    '    <style:table-properties table:border-model="collapsing" />' + LineEnding +
597    '  </style:default-style>' + LineEnding +
598    '  <style:default-style style:family="table-row">' + LineEnding +
599    '    <style:table-row-properties fo:keep-together="auto" />' + LineEnding +
600    '  </style:default-style>' + LineEnding;
602   FStyles := FStyles +
603    '  <style:style style:name="Standard" style:family="paragraph" style:class="text" />' + LineEnding;
605   for i := 0 to AData.GetStyleCount() - 1 do
606   begin
607     lParagraphPropsStr := '';
608     CurStyle := AData.GetStyle(i);
610     if CurStyle.Parent = nil then CurStyleParent := 'Standard'
611     else CurStyleParent := StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, AData.FindStyleIndex(CurStyle.Parent), False);
613     lTextPropsStr := TextPropertiesToString(CurStyle);
615     if CurStyle.GetKind() = vskTextSpan then
616     begin
617       {
618       <style:style style:name="MT2" style:family="text">
619         <style:text-properties fo:font-style="italic" fo:font-weight="normal" officeooo:rsid="0009f49c" style:font-style-asian="italic" style:font-weight-asian="normal" style:font-style-complex="italic" style:font-weight-complex="normal" />
620       </style:style>
621       }
622       lCurStyleTmpStr := // tmp string to help see the text in the debugger
623        '  <style:style style:name="'+StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, i, False)+'" style:display-name="'+ CurStyle.Name +'" style:family="text" style:parent-style-name="'+CurStyleParent+'" >' + LineEnding +
624        '    <style:text-properties '+lTextPropsStr+' />' + LineEnding +
625        '  </style:style>' + LineEnding;
626       FStyles := FStyles + lCurStyleTmpStr;
627     end
628     // Paragraph kind
629     else
630     begin
631       lParagraphPropsStr := '';
633       // If any one value in here is set, then ALL inherited values are overridden
634       // In other words, we must fully define the style paragraph properties,
635       // we can't rely on LibreOffice Style Inheritance...
636       // TODO: Confirm if this applies to Text Properties as well...
638       if sseMarginTop in CurStyle.SetElements then
639         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'fo:margin-top="'+FloatToODTText(CurStyle.MarginTop)+'mm" ';
640       if sseMarginBottom in CurStyle.SetElements then
641         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'fo:margin-bottom="'+FloatToODTText(CurStyle.MarginBottom)+'mm" ';
642       if sseMarginLeft in CurStyle.SetElements then
643         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'fo:margin-left="'+FloatToODTText(CurStyle.MarginLeft)+'mm" ';
644       if sseMarginRight in CurStyle.SetElements then
645         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'fo:margin-right="'+FloatToODTText(CurStyle.MarginRight)+'mm" ';
646       if (spbfAlignment in CurStyle.SetElements) then
647         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'fo:text-align="'+LU_ALIGN[CurStyle.Alignment]+'" ';
648       if CurStyle.SuppressSpacingBetweenSameParagraphs then
649         lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'style:contextual-spacing="true" ';
650       //else
651       //  lParagraphPropsStr := lParagraphPropsStr + 'style:contextual-spacing="false" ';
653       lCurStyleTmpStr := // tmp string to help see the text in the debugger
654        '  <style:style style:name="'+StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, i, False)+'" style:display-name="'+ CurStyle.Name +'" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="'+CurStyleParent+'" style:class="text">' + LineEnding +
655        '    <style:paragraph-properties '+lParagraphPropsStr+' />' + LineEnding +
656        '    <style:text-properties '+lTextPropsStr+' />' + LineEnding +
657        '  </style:style>' + LineEnding;
658       FStyles := FStyles + lCurStyleTmpStr;
659     end;
660 {
661     <style:style style:name="Heading" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" style:class="text">
662       <style:paragraph-properties fo:margin-top="0.423cm" fo:margin-bottom="0.212cm" style:contextual-spacing="false" fo:keep-with-next="always" />
663       <style:text-properties style:font-name="Arial" fo:font-size="14pt" style:font-name-asian="Microsoft YaHei" style:font-size-asian="14pt" style:font-name-complex="Mangal" style:font-size-complex="14pt" />
664     </style:style>
665     <style:style style:name="List" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Text_20_body" style:class="list">
666       <style:text-properties style:font-size-asian="12pt" style:font-name-complex="Mangal1" />
667     </style:style>
668     <style:style style:name="Caption" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:class="extra">
669       <style:paragraph-properties fo:margin-top="0.212cm" fo:margin-bottom="0.212cm" style:contextual-spacing="false" text:number-lines="false" text:line-number="0" />
670       <style:text-properties fo:font-size="12pt" fo:font-style="italic" style:font-size-asian="12pt" style:font-style-asian="italic" style:font-name-complex="Mangal1" style:font-size-complex="12pt" style:font-style-complex="italic" />
671     </style:style>
672     <style:style style:name="Index" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard" style:class="index">
673       <style:paragraph-properties text:number-lines="false" text:line-number="0" />
674       <style:text-properties style:font-size-asian="12pt" style:font-name-complex="Mangal1" />
675     </style:style>
676     <style:style style:name="Heading_20_1" style:display-name="Heading 1" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Heading" style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" style:default-outline-level="1" style:class="text">
677       <style:text-properties fo:font-size="115%" fo:font-weight="bold" style:font-size-asian="115%" style:font-weight-asian="bold" style:font-size-complex="115%" style:font-weight-complex="bold" />
678     </style:style>
679     <style:style style:name="Heading_20_2" style:display-name="Heading 2" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Heading" style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" style:default-outline-level="2" style:class="text">
680       <style:text-properties fo:font-size="14pt" fo:font-style="italic" fo:font-weight="bold" style:font-size-asian="14pt" style:font-style-asian="italic" style:font-weight-asian="bold" style:font-size-complex="14pt" style:font-style-complex="italic" style:font-weight-complex="bold" />
681     </style:style>
682     <style:style style:name="Heading_20_3" style:display-name="Heading 3" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Heading" style:next-style-name="Text_20_body" style:default-outline-level="3" style:class="text">
683       <style:text-properties fo:font-size="14pt" fo:font-weight="bold" style:font-size-asian="14pt" style:font-weight-asian="bold" style:font-size-complex="14pt" style:font-weight-complex="bold" />
684     </style:style>
685     <style:style style:name="Internet_20_link" style:display-name="Internet link" style:family="text">
686       <style:text-properties fo:color="#000080" fo:language="zxx" fo:country="none" style:text-underline-style="solid" style:text-underline-width="auto" style:text-underline-color="font-color" style:language-asian="zxx" style:country-asian="none" style:language-complex="zxx" style:country-complex="none" />
687     </style:style>
688     }
689   end;
691   FStyles := FStyles +
692    '  <style:style style:name="Bullet_20_Symbols" style:display-name="Bullet Symbols" style:family="text">' + LineEnding +
693    '    <style:text-properties style:font-name="OpenSymbol" style:font-name-asian="OpenSymbol" style:font-name-complex="OpenSymbol" />' + LineEnding +
694    '  </style:style>' + LineEnding;
696   FStyles := FStyles +
697    '  <text:outline-style style:name="Outline">' + LineEnding +
698    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="1" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
699    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
700    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="0.762cm" fo:text-indent="-0.762cm" fo:margin-left="0.762cm" />' + LineEnding +
701    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
702    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
703    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="2" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
704    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
705    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="1.016cm" fo:text-indent="-1.016cm" fo:margin-left="1.016cm" />' + LineEnding +
706    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
707    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
708    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="3" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
709    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
710    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="1.27cm" fo:text-indent="-1.27cm" fo:margin-left="1.27cm" />' + LineEnding +
711    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
712    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
713    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="4" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
714    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
715    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="1.524cm" fo:text-indent="-1.524cm" fo:margin-left="1.524cm" />' + LineEnding +
716    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
717    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
718    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="5" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
719    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
720    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="1.778cm" fo:text-indent="-1.778cm" fo:margin-left="1.778cm" />' + LineEnding +
721    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
722    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
723    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="6" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
724    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
725    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="2.032cm" fo:text-indent="-2.032cm" fo:margin-left="2.032cm" />' + LineEnding +
726    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
727    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
728    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="7" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
729    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
730    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="2.286cm" fo:text-indent="-2.286cm" fo:margin-left="2.286cm" />' + LineEnding +
731    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
732    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
733    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="8" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
734    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
735    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="2.54cm" fo:text-indent="-2.54cm" fo:margin-left="2.54cm" />' + LineEnding +
736    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
737    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
738    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="9" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
739    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
740    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="2.794cm" fo:text-indent="-2.794cm" fo:margin-left="2.794cm" />' + LineEnding +
741    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
742    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
743    '    <text:outline-level-style text:level="10" style:num-format="">' + LineEnding +
744    '      <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
745    '        <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" text:list-tab-stop-position="3.048cm" fo:text-indent="-3.048cm" fo:margin-left="3.048cm" />' + LineEnding +
746    '      </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding +
747    '    </text:outline-level-style>' + LineEnding +
748    '  </text:outline-style>' + LineEnding;
750   // Build up the List definitions - store in Styles.xml, not content.xml
751    For i := 0 To AData.GetListStyleCount-1 Do
752    begin
753      CurListStyle := AData.GetListStyle(i);
755      FStyles := FStyles +
756        '    <text:list-style style:name="'+ListStyleNameToODTText(AData, CurListStyle)+'">' + LineEnding;
758      For j := 0 To CurListStyle.GetListLevelStyleCount-1 Do
759      Begin
760        CurListLevelStyle := CurListStyle.GetListLevelStyle(j);
761        CurLevel := IntToStr(CurListLevelStyle.Level+1); // Note the +1...
763        // Open Bullet or Number...
764        If CurListLevelStyle.Kind=vlskBullet Then
765          FStyles := FStyles +
766            '      <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="'+CurLevel+'" '+
767                      'text:style-name="Bullet_20_Symbols" '+
768                      'text:bullet-char="'+CurListLevelStyle.Bullet+'">' + LineEnding
770        Else
771        Begin
772          sLevelAttr:='text:level="'+CurLevel+'" ';
774          If CurListLevelStyle.Prefix<>'' Then
775            sLevelAttr := Format('%s style:num-prefix="%s"', [sLevelAttr, CurListLevelStyle.Prefix]);
777          If CurListLevelStyle.Suffix<>'' Then
778            sLevelAttr := Format('%s style:num-suffix="%s"', [sLevelAttr, CurListLevelStyle.Suffix]);
780          sLevelAttr := sLevelAttr + ' style:num-format="'+LU_NUMBERFORMAT[CurListLevelStyle.NumberFormat]+'"';
782          // Display previous levels in Leader?
783          If (CurListLevelStyle.DisplayLevels) And (CurLevel<>'1') Then
784            sLevelAttr := Format('%s text:display-levels="%s"', [sLevelAttr, CurLevel]);
786          FStyles := FStyles +
787            '      <text:list-level-style-number ' + sLevelAttr +'>' + LineEnding;
788        End;
790        // Common Level properties
791        FStyles:=FStyles +
792            '        <style:list-level-properties text:list-level-position-and-space-mode="label-alignment">' + LineEnding +
793            '          <style:list-level-label-alignment text:label-followed-by="listtab" '+
794                        // 'text:list-tab-stop-position="'+FloatToODTText(CurListLevelStyle.MarginLeft/10)+'cm" '+
795                         'fo:text-indent="-'+FloatToODTText(CurListLevelStyle.HangingIndent/10)+'cm" '+
796                         'fo:margin-left="'+FloatToODTText(CurListLevelStyle.MarginLeft/10)+'cm" />' + LineEnding +
797            '        </style:list-level-properties>' + LineEnding;
799        // Close Bullet or Number
800        If CurListLevelStyle.Kind=vlskBullet Then
801          FStyles:=FStyles + '      </text:list-level-style-bullet>' + LineEnding
802        Else
803          FStyles:=FStyles + '      </text:list-level-style-number>' + LineEnding
804      end;
806      FStyles := FStyles +    '    </text:list-style>' + LineEnding;
807    end;
809    FStyles := FStyles +
810    '  <text:notes-configuration text:note-class="footnote" style:num-format="1" text:start-value="0" text:footnotes-position="page" text:start-numbering-at="document" />' + LineEnding;
811   FStyles := FStyles +
812    '  <text:notes-configuration text:note-class="endnote" style:num-format="i" text:start-value="0" />' + LineEnding;
813   FStyles := FStyles +
814    '  <text:linenumbering-configuration text:number-lines="false" text:offset="0.499cm" style:num-format="1" text:number-position="left" text:increment="5" />' + LineEnding;
815   FStyles := FStyles +
816    '</office:styles>' + LineEnding;
818   // ----------------------------
819   // Automatic Styles
820   // ----------------------------
822   FStyles := FStyles +
823    '<office:automatic-styles>' + LineEnding +
824      FAutomaticStyles + LineEnding +
825    '</office:automatic-styles>' + LineEnding;
827   FStyles := FStyles +
828    '<office:master-styles>' + LineEnding +
829      FMasterStyles + LineEnding +
830    '</office:master-styles>' + LineEnding;
832   FStyles := FStyles +
833    '</office:document-styles>';
834 end;
836 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteDocument(AData: TvVectorialDocument);
837 var
838   i: Integer;
839   sPrefix : String;
840   sAutomaticStyles : String;
841   CurPage: TvPage;
842   CurTextPage: TvTextPageSequence absolute CurPage;
843   oCrossRef: TListStyle_Style;
845 begin
846   // content.xml will be built up by
847   //    sPrefix + sAutomaticStyles + FContent
849   sPrefix :=
850    XML_HEADER + LineEnding +
851    '<office:document-content xmlns:office="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICE + '"' +
852      ' xmlns:style="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_STYLE + '"' +
853      ' xmlns:text="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TEXT + '"' +
854      ' xmlns:table="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLE + '"' +
855      ' xmlns:draw="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAW + '"' +
856      ' xmlns:fo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FO + '"' +
857      ' xmlns:xlink="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XLINK + '"' +
858      ' xmlns:dc="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DC + '"' +
859      ' xmlns:meta="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_META + '"' +
860      ' xmlns:number="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_NUMBER + '"' +
861      ' xmlns:svg="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SVG + '"' +
862      ' xmlns:chart="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CHART + '"' +
863      ' xmlns:dr3D="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DR3D + '"' +
864      ' xmlns:math="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_MATH + '"' +
865      ' xmlns:form="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FORM + '"' +
866      ' xmlns:script="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_SCRIPT + '"' +
867      ' xmlns:ooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOO + '"' +
868      ' xmlns:oooc="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OOOC + '"' +
869      ' xmlns:xforms="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XFORMS + '"' +
870      ' xmlns:xsi="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XSI + '"' +
871      ' xmlns:rpt="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_RPT + '"' +
872      ' xmlns:of="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OF + '"' +
873      ' xmlns:xhtml="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_XHTML + '"' +
874      ' xmlns:grddl="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_GRDDL + '"' +
875      ' xmlns:officeooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_OFFICEOOO + '"' +
876      ' xmlns:tableooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_TABLEOOO + '"' +
877      ' xmlns:drawooo="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_DRAWOOO + '"' +
878      ' xmlns:calcext="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CALCEXT + '"' +
879      ' xmlns:field="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FIELD + '"' +
880      ' xmlns:formx="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_FORMX + '"' +
881      ' xmlns:css3t="' + SCHEMAS_XMLNS_CSS3T + '"' +
882      ' office:version="1.2">' + LineEnding;
883   sPrefix := sPrefix +
884      '  <office:scripts />' + LineEnding;
885   sPrefix := sPrefix +
886      '  <office:font-face-decls>' + LineEnding +
887      '    <style:font-face style:name="Mangal1" svg:font-family="Mangal" />' + LineEnding +
888      '    <style:font-face style:name="OpenSymbol" svg:font-family="OpenSymbol" />' + LineEnding +
889      '    <style:font-face style:name="Times New Roman" svg:font-family="''Times New Roman''" style:font-family-generic="roman" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
890      '    <style:font-face style:name="Arial" svg:font-family="Arial" style:font-family-generic="swiss" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
891      '    <style:font-face style:name="Mangal" svg:font-family="Mangal" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
892      '    <style:font-face style:name="Microsoft YaHei" svg:font-family="''Microsoft YaHei''" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
893      '    <style:font-face style:name="SimSun" svg:font-family="SimSun" style:font-family-generic="system" style:font-pitch="variable" />' + LineEnding +
894      '  </office:font-face-decls>' + LineEnding;
896   // Build the main content of the document
897   FContent := '  <office:body>' + LineEnding;
899   FContent := FContent +
900      '    <office:text>' + LineEnding;
902   FContent := FContent +
903      '      <text:sequence-decls>' + LineEnding +
904      '        <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Illustration" />' + LineEnding +
905      '        <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Table" />' + LineEnding +
906      '        <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Text" />' + LineEnding +
907      '        <text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Drawing" />' + LineEnding +
908      '      </text:sequence-decls>' + LineEnding;
910   FNewPageSequence := False;
912   // During each WritePage (and nested calls) FContentAutomaticStyles gets built up
913   for i := 0 to AData.GetPageCount()-1 do
914   begin
915     CurPage := AData.GetPage(i);
916     if CurPage is TvTextPageSequence then
917       WritePage(CurTextPage, AData);
918   end;
920   FContent := FContent +
921      '    </office:text>' + LineEnding;
922   FContent := FContent +
923      '  </office:body>' + LineEnding;
924   FContent := FContent +
925      '</office:document-content>' + LineEnding;
927   // Build up the automatic styles detailed in the content.xml
928   sAutomaticStyles := '  <office:automatic-styles>' + LineEnding;
930   // Add all the List Definition / Paragraph Style
931   // cross references
933   for i := 0 to FList_StyleCrossRef.Count-1 Do
934   begin
935     oCrossRef := TListStyle_Style(FList_StyleCrossRef[i]);
937     sAutomaticStyles := sAutomaticStyles +
938       '    <style:style style:name="'+FList_StyleCrossRef.AsText(i)+'" '+
939                        'style:family="paragraph" '+
940                        'style:parent-style-name="'+StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, oCrossRef.Style, False)+'" '+
941                        'style:list-style-name="'+ListStyleNameToODTText(AData, oCrossRef.ListStyle)+'" />' + LineEnding;
942   end;
944   // Now add any Automatic Styles built during WritePage..
945   sAutomaticStyles := sAutomaticStyles + FContentAutomaticStyles;
947   sAutomaticStyles := sAutomaticStyles +
948     '  </office:automatic-styles>' + LineEnding;
950   // Now piece it all together
951   FContent := sPrefix + sAutomaticStyles + FContent;
952 end;
954 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WritePage(ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
955 var
956   i: Integer;
957   lCurEntity: TvEntity;
958 begin
959   FNewPageSequence := True;
960   for i := 0 to ACurPage.GetEntitiesCount()-1 do
961   begin
962     lCurEntity := ACurPage.GetEntity(i);
964     if (lCurEntity is TvParagraph) then
965       WriteParagraph(TvParagraph(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
966     if (lCurEntity is TvList) then
967       WriteList(TvList(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
968     if (lCurEntity is TvTable) then
969       WriteTable(TvTable(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
970   end;
971 end;
973 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteParagraph(AEntity: TvParagraph;
974   ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
975 var
976   EntityKindName, AEntityStyleName, lOutlineLevel: string;
977   sAutoStyleName, sPageMasterName, sPageLayoutName : String;
978   sOrientation : String;
979   i: Integer;
980   lCurEntity: TvEntity;
981   dWidth, dHeight : Double;
982 begin
983   lOutlineLevel := '';
984   if AEntity.Style = nil then
985   begin
986     EntityKindName := 'p';
987     AEntityStyleName := 'Standard';
988   end
989   else
990   begin
991     case AEntity.Style.GetKind() of
992     vskHeading:
993     begin
994       EntityKindName := 'h';
995       lOutlineLevel := 'text:outline-level="'+IntToStr(AEntity.Style.HeadingLevel)+'" ';
996     end;
997     else // vskTextBody;
998       EntityKindName := 'p';
999     end;
1001     AEntityStyleName := StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, AEntity.Style, False);
1002   end;
1004   If FNewPageSequence Then
1005   begin
1006     // Create an automatic style in both content.xml and style.xml
1007     // and reference the newly created style in the text we're just
1008     // about to write
1009     // TODO: Find out how to deal with new Page Sequences with other
1010     //       objects at the start of the page...
1012     Inc(FAutomaticStyleID);
1013     i := AData.GetPageIndex(ACurPage);
1015     sAutoStyleName := AEntityStyleName+'_P' + IntToStr(FAutomaticStyleID);
1016     sPageMasterName := 'Page_Sequence_'+IntToStr(i+1);
1017     sPageLayoutName := 'MPM'+IntToStr(i+1);
1019     // Create an automatic style descended from AEntityStyleName
1020     FContentAutomaticStyles := FContentAutomaticStyles +
1021       '<style:style style:name="'+sAutoStyleName+'"' +
1022                   ' style:family="paragraph"' +
1023                   ' style:master-page-name="'+sPageMasterName+'"' +
1024                   ' style:parent-style-name="'+ AEntityStyleName +'">' +
1025                   LineEnding +
1026       '</style:style>'+ LineEnding;
1029     // Define the MasterStyles in Styles.xml
1030     // TODO: Add Header and Footer content to FMasterStyles
1031     FMasterStyles := FMasterStyles +
1032       '<style:master-page style:name="'+sPageMasterName+'" style:page-layout-name="'+sPageLayoutName+'"/>' + LineEnding;
1034     dWidth := ACurPage.Width;
1035     If dWidth=0 Then
1036       dWidth := AData.Width;
1037     If dWidth=0 Then
1038       dWidth := 210; // Default A4
1040     dHeight := ACurPage.Height;
1041     If dHeight=0 Then
1042       dHeight := AData.Height;
1043     If dHeight=0 Then
1044       dHeight := 297; // Default A4
1046     If dWidth>dHeight Then
1047       sOrientation := 'landscape'
1048     else
1049       sOrientation := 'portrait';
1051     // Define the page layout in Styles.xml
1052     // TODO: Add Page Margins...
1053     FAutomaticStyles := FAutomaticStyles +
1054       '<style:page-layout style:name="'+sPageLayoutName+'">'+ LineEnding+
1055       '  <style:page-layout-properties '+
1056                 ' fo:page-width="'+FloatToODTText(dWidth)+'mm"'+
1057                 ' fo:page-height="'+FloatToODTText(dHeight)+'mm"'+
1058                 ' style:print-orientation="'+sOrientation+'"'+
1059                 ' style:num-format="1" fo:margin-top="0.7874in" fo:margin-bottom="0.7874in" fo:margin-left="0.7874in" fo:margin-right="0.7874in" style:writing-mode="lr-tb" style:footnote-max-height="0in">'+ LineEnding;
1061     FAutomaticStyles := FAutomaticStyles +
1062       '	  <style:footnote-sep style:width="0.0071in" style:distance-before-sep="0.0398in" style:distance-after-sep="0.0398in" style:line-style="solid" style:adjustment="left" style:rel-width="25%" style:color="#000000"/>'+ LineEnding+
1063       '	</style:page-layout-properties>'+ LineEnding+
1064       '  <style:header-style/>'+ LineEnding+
1065       '  <style:footer-style/>'+ LineEnding+
1066       '</style:page-layout>' + LineEnding;
1068     // Ensure the text is written out using the new Automatic Style
1069     AEntityStyleName:=sAutoStyleName;
1070     FNewPageSequence:=False;
1071   end;
1073   FContent := FContent +
1074     '    <text:'+EntityKindName+' text:style-name="'+AEntityStyleName+'" ' + lOutlineLevel +'>';
1076   for i := 0 to AEntity.GetEntitiesCount()-1 do
1077   begin
1078     lCurEntity := AEntity.GetEntity(i);
1080     if (lCurEntity is TvText) then
1081       WriteTextSpan(TvText(lCurEntity), AEntity, ACurPage, AData)
1082     else if (lCurEntity is TvField) then
1083       WriteField(TvField(lCurEntity), AEntity, ACurPage, AData)
1084     else if (lCurEntity is TvRasterImage) then
1085       WriteRasterImage(TvRasterImage(lCurEntity), AEntity, ACurPage, AData)
1086     else
1087       raise exception.create('TvParagraph subentity '+lCurEntity.ClassName+' not handled');
1088   end;
1090   FContent := FContent +
1091     '</text:'+EntityKindName+'>' + LineEnding;
1092 end;
1094 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteTextSpan(AEntity: TvText; AParagraph: TvParagraph;
1095   ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1096 var
1097   AEntityStyleName: string;
1098   lStyle: TvStyle;
1099   sText: String;
1100 begin
1101   lStyle := AEntity.Style;
1102   If lStyle<>Nil Then
1103     AEntityStyleName:=StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, lStyle, False);
1104 // No need to all GetCombinedStyle as Paragraph Style already applied in text:p tag
1105 (*
1106   lStyle := AEntity.GetCombinedStyle(AParagraph);
1107   if lStyle = nil then
1108   begin
1109     AEntityStyleName := 'Standard';
1110   end
1111   else
1112   begin
1113     AEntityStyleName := StyleNameToODTStyleName(AData, lStyle, False);
1114   end;
1115 *)
1116   {
1117   <text:p text:style-name="P2">
1118     Lazaru
1119     <text:span text:style-name="T2">s is a fre</text:span>
1120     e and open sou
1121     <text:span text:style-name="T5">rce development tool for</text:span>
1122     the Free Pascal compiler, which is also free and open source.
1123   </text:p>
1124   }
1125   // Note that here we write only text spans!
1126   sText :=  EscapeHTML(AEntity.Value.Text);
1128   // Trim extra CRLF appended by TStringList.Text
1129   If DefaultTextLineBreakStyle = tlbsCRLF Then
1130     sText := Copy(sText, 1, Length(sText) - 2)
1131   Else
1132     sText := Copy(sText, 1, Length(sText) - 1);
1134   sText := StringReplace(sText, '  ', ' <text:s/>', [rfReplaceAll]);
1135   sText := StringReplace(sText, #09, '<text:tab/>', [rfReplaceAll]);
1136   sText := StringReplace(sText, #13, '<text:line-break/>', [rfReplaceAll]);
1137   sText := StringReplace(sText, #10, '', [rfReplaceAll]);
1139   If lStyle <> nil Then
1140     sText := Format('<text:span text:style-name="%s">%s</text:span>', [
1141       AEntityStyleName, sText])
1142   else
1143     sText := Format('<text:span>%s</text:span>', [sText]);
1145   FContent := FContent + sText;
1146 end;
1148 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteField(AEntity: TvField;
1149   AParagraph: TvParagraph; ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence;
1150   AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1151 Var
1152   sDateStyleName : String;
1153   i: Integer;
1154   cCurrChar: Char;
1155   cPrevChar: Char;
1156   sTag: String;
1157   iLen: Integer;
1158 begin
1159 //		<number:day number:calendar="gregorian"/>
1160 //		<number:text>/</number:text>
1161 //		<number:month number:style="long" number:calendar="gregorian"/>
1162 //		<number:text>/</number:text>
1163 //		<number:year number:style="long" number:calendar="gregorian"/>
1164 //		<number:text> </number:text>
1165 //		<number:hours/>
1166 //		<number:text>:</number:text>
1167 //		<number:minutes number:style="long"/>
1168 //		<number:text> </number:text>
1169 //		<number:am-pm/>
1170   if AEntity.Kind in [vfkDate, vfkDateCreated] Then
1171   begin
1172     inc(FDateCount);
1173     sDateStyleName := Format('Date_%d', [FDateCount]);
1175     FContentAutomaticStyles:=FContentAutomaticStyles +
1176      '    <number:date-style style:name="'+sDateStyleName+'"> '+LineEnding;
1178     cPrevChar := Chr(0);
1179     i := 1;
1180     while (i<=Length(AEntity.DateFormat)) do
1181     begin
1182       cCurrChar := AEntity.DateFormat[i];
1184       iLen := 1;
1185       if cCurrChar<>cPrevChar Then
1186       begin
1187         // Find out how many characters repeat in a row...
1188         while (i+iLen<=Length(AEntity.DateFormat)) And (AEntity.DateFormat[i+iLen]=cCurrChar) do
1189           inc(iLen);
1191         sTag := '';
1193         case cCurrChar Of
1194           'd' :
1195           begin
1196             Case iLen Of
1197               1 : sTag := '<number:day/>';
1198               2 : sTag := '<number:day number:style="long"/>';
1199               3 : sTag := '<number:day-of-week/>';
1200             else
1201               sTag := '<number:day-of-week number:style="long"/>';
1202             end;
1203           end;
1204           'M' :
1205           begin
1206             case iLen Of
1207               1 : sTag := '<number:month/>';
1208               2 : sTag := '<number:month number:style="long"/>';
1209               3 : sTag := '<number:month number:textual="true"/>';
1210             else
1211               sTag := '<number:month number:textual="true" number:style="long"/>';
1212             end;
1213           end;
1214           'y' :
1215           begin
1216             if iLen=2 then
1217               sTag := '<number:year/>'
1218             else
1219               sTag := '<number:year number:style="long"/>';
1220           end;
1221           'h' :
1222           begin
1223             if iLen=1 then
1224               sTag := '<number:hours/>'
1225             else
1226               sTag := '<number:hours number:style="long"/>';
1227           end;
1228           'm' :
1229           begin
1230             if iLen=1 then
1231               sTag := '<number:minutes/>'
1232             else
1233               sTag := '<number:minutes number:style="long"/>';
1234           end;
1235           's' :
1236           begin
1237             if iLen=1 then
1238               sTag := '<number:seconds/>'
1239             else
1240               sTag := '<number:seconds number:style="long"/>';
1241           end;
1242           'a' :
1243           begin
1244             sTag := '<number:am-pm/>';
1245             iLen := 5;
1246           end;
1247         else
1248           sTag := '<number:text>'+cCurrChar+'</number:text>';
1249         end;
1251         cPrevChar := cCurrChar;
1252       end;
1254      FContentAutomaticStyles:=FContentAutomaticStyles +
1255        '      '+sTag + LineEnding;
1257      Inc(i, iLen);
1258     end;
1260     FContentAutomaticStyles:=FContentAutomaticStyles +
1261      '    </number:date-style> '+LineEnding;
1262   end;
1264   case AEntity.Kind of
1265     vfkNumPages:
1266     begin
1267       FContent:=FContent +
1268         '<text:page-count style:num-format="'+LU_NUMBERFORMAT[AEntity.NumberFormat]+
1269         '">'+IntToStr(AData.GetPageCount)+'</text:page-count>';
1270     end;
1271     vfkPage:
1272     begin
1273       FContent:=FContent +
1274         '<text:page-number style:num-format="'+LU_NUMBERFORMAT[AEntity.NumberFormat]+
1275         '" text:fixed="false">'+IntToStr(AData.GetPageIndex(ACurPage))+'</text:page-number>';
1276     end;
1277     vfkAuthor:
1278     begin
1279       FContent:=FContent +
1280         '<text:initial-creator text:fixed="false">FPVECTORIAL</text:initial-creator>';
1281     end;
1282     vfkDateCreated:
1283     begin
1284       FContent:=FContent +
1285         '<text:creation-date style:data-style-name="'+sDateStyleName+'">'+DateToStr(Now)+'</text:creation-date>';
1286     end;
1287     vfkDate:
1288     begin
1289       FContent:=FContent +
1290         '<text:date style:data-style-name="'+sDateStyleName+'">'+DateToStr(Now)+'</text:date>';
1291     end;
1292   end;
1293 end;
TvODTVectorialWriter.BordersToStringnull1295 function TvODTVectorialWriter.BordersToString(ATableBorders, ACellBorders : TvTableBorders;
1296   ATopCell, ABottomCell, ALeftCell, ARightCell : Boolean):String;
1297 (*
1298   double line thickness requires a completely different configuration, so for now, we won't
1299   support it...
1301   <style:table-cell-properties style:vertical-align="middle"
1302                                style:border-line-width-left="0.28mm 0.28mm 0.28mm"
1303                                style:border-line-width-top="0.28mm 0.28mm 0.28mm"
1304                                fo:padding="0mm"
1305                                fo:border-left="2.35pt double #ff0000"
1306                                fo:border-right="0.5pt solid #ff0000"
1307                                fo:border-top="2.35pt double #ff0000"
1308                                fo:border-bottom="0.5pt solid #ff0000"/>
1310   From the OASIS Open Office Specification:
1311     The style:border-line-width specifies the line widths of all four sides,
1312     while the other attributes specify the line widths of one side only.
1314     The value of the attributes can be a list of three space-separated lengths,
1315     as follows:
1316       • The first value specifies the width of the inner line
1317       • The second value specified the distance between the two lines
1318       • The third value specifies the width of the outer line
1320     The result of specifying a border line width without specifying a border
1321     width style of double for the same border is undefined.
1322 *)
BorderToStringnull1324   Function BorderToString(AAttrib : String; ABorder: TvTableBorder) : String;
1325   Begin
1326     Result := '';
1327     If ABorder.LineType<>tbtDefault Then
1328     Begin
1329       If ABorder.LineType=tbtNone Then
1330         Result := 'none'
1331       Else
1332       Begin
1333         If ABorder.Width <> 0 Then
1334           Result := Format('%s %smm', [Result, FloatToODTText(ABorder.Width)])
1335         Else
1336           Result := Format('%s 0.05pt', [Result]);
1338         Result := Format('%s %s', [Result, LU_BORDERTYPE[ABorder.LineType]]);
1340         Result := Format('%s #%s', [Result, FPColorToRGBHexString(ABorder.Color)]);
1341       end;
1343       Result := Format('%s="%s"', [AAttrib, Trim(Result)]);
1344     end;
1345   end;
1346 Var
1347   sLeft, sRight, sTop, sBottom : String;
1348 Begin
1349 (*
1350    OpenDocument does not support setting borders at the Table Level,
1351    only at the cell level.  For end user convenience, FPVectorial supports
1352    setting borders at the table level, but allows the end user fine control,
1353    if they prefer, by providing support for borders at the cell level as well.
1355    This means we're going to need to calculate actual border
1356    based on TvTable.Borders (which includes InsideHoriz and InsideVert) as
1357    default values, which can be overridden if specific TvTableCell.Borders
1358    are defined (ie LineType<>tbtDefault)
1360    Matters are complicated by the need to work out if we need to draw the right
1361    and top borders (if we always draw right borders then two lines will be visible
1362    on internal border, the left border from the cell to the right and the right
1363    border from this cell).  To deal with this, we only set the Right and Top
1364    borders if either the Cell.Borders specify (they overrule all), or if we're
1365    actually at the top or right cells (which the calling function will calculate
1366    for us)
1367 *)
1369   sLeft := BorderToString('fo:border-left',   ACellBorders.Left);
1370   if sLeft='' then
1371   begin
1372     if ALeftCell then
1373       sLeft := BorderToString('fo:border-left',   ATableBorders.Left)
1374     else
1375       // Really need to look at cell to the left and determine if it has overriding Cell.Borders.Right :-(
1376       sLeft := BorderToString('fo:border-left',   ATableBorders.InsideVert);
1377   end;
1379   sRight := BorderToString('fo:border-right',   ACellBorders.Right);
1380   if sRight='' then
1381   begin
1382     if ARightCell then
1383       sRight := BorderToString('fo:border-right',   ATableBorders.Right)
1384     else
1385       sRight := 'fo:border-right="none"';
1386   end;
1388   sTop := BorderToString('fo:border-top',   ACellBorders.Top);
1389   if sTop='' then
1390   begin
1391     if ATopCell then
1392       sTop := BorderToString('fo:border-top',   ATableBorders.Top)
1393     else
1394       sTop := 'fo:border-top="none"';
1395   end;
1397   sBottom := BorderToString('fo:border-bottom',   ACellBorders.Bottom);
1398   if sBottom='' then
1399   begin
1400     if ABottomCell then
1401       sBottom := BorderToString('fo:border-bottom',   ATableBorders.Bottom)
1402     else
1403       // Really need to look at cell below, and determine if it has overriding Cell.Borders.Top :-(
1404       sBottom := BorderToString('fo:border-bottom',   ATableBorders.InsideHoriz);
1405   end;
1407   Result := Format('%s %s %s %s', [sLeft, sRight, sTop, sBottom]);
1408 end;
TvODTVectorialWriter.TextPropertiesToStringnull1410 function TvODTVectorialWriter.TextPropertiesToString(AStyle: TvStyle): String;
1411 var
1412   fontStyleChanged: Boolean;
1413 begin
1414   Result := '';
1415   fontStyleChanged := false;
1417   if spbfFontSize in AStyle.SetElements then
1418   begin
1419     Result := Result + ' fo:font-size="'+IntToStr(AStyle.Font.Size)+'pt" ';
1420     Result := Result + ' fo:font-size-asian="'+IntToStr(AStyle.Font.Size)+'pt" ';
1421     Result := Result + ' fo:font-size-complex="'+IntToStr(AStyle.Font.Size)+'pt" ';
1422   end;
1424   if spbfFontName in AStyle.SetElements then
1425   begin
1426     Result := Result + ' style:font-name="'+AStyle.Font.Name+'" ';
1427     Result := Result + ' style:font-name-asian="Microsoft YaHei" ';
1428     Result := Result + ' style:font-name-complex="Mangal" ';
1429   end;
1431   if (spbfFontColor in AStyle.SetElements) then
1432   begin
1433     Result := Result + Format(' fo:color="%s" loext:opacity="100%%"',
1434       [FPColorToHtml(AStyle.Font.Color)]);
1435   end;
1437   if (spbfFontBold in AStyle.SetElements) then
1438   begin
1439     if AStyle.Font.Bold then
1440     begin
1441       Result := Result + ' fo:font-weight="bold" ';
1442       Result := Result + ' style:font-weight-asian="bold" ';
1443       Result := Result + ' style:font-weight-complex="bold" ';
1444       fontStyleChanged := true;
1445     end;
1446   end;
1448   if (spbfFontItalic in AStyle.SetElements) then
1449   begin
1450     if AStyle.Font.Italic then
1451     begin
1452       Result := Result + ' fo:font-style="italic" ';
1453       Result := Result + ' style:font-style-asian="italic" ';
1454       Result := Result + ' style:font-style-complex="italic" ';
1455       fontStyleChanged := true;
1456     end;
1457   end;
1459   if (spbfFontUnderline in AStyle.SetElements) then
1460   begin
1461     if AStyle.Font.Underline then
1462     begin
1463       Result := Result + ' style:text-underline-style="solid"';
1464       Result := Result + ' style:text-underline-width="auto"';
1465       Result := Result + ' style:text-underline-color="font-color"';
1466       fontStyleChanged := true;
1467     end;
1468   end;
1470   if (spbfFontStrikeThrough in AStyle.SetElements) then
1471   begin
1472     if AStyle.Font.StrikeThrough then
1473     begin
1474       Result := Result + ' style:text-line-through-style="solid" ';
1475       fontStyleChanged := true;
1476     end;
1477   end;
1479   if not fontStyleChanged then
1480   begin
1481     Result := Result + ' fo:font-weight="normal" ';
1482     Result := Result + ' style:font-weight-asian="normal" ';
1483     Result := Result + ' style:font-weight-complex="normal" ';
1484   end;
1485 end;
1487 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteTable(ATable: TvTable;
1488   ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1489   procedure AddBody(AString : String);
1490   begin
1491     FContent := FContent + '    ' + AString + LineEnding;
1492   end;
1493   procedure AddStyle(AString : String);
1494   begin
1495     FContentAutomaticStyles:=FContentAutomaticStyles + '    ' + AString + LineEnding;
1496   end;
1497 Var
1498   iRow, iCell, iCol, k: Integer;
1499   oRow: TvTableRow;
1500   oCell: TvTableCell;
1501   lCurEntity: TvEntity;
1502   sTableName : String;
1503   iColCount : Integer;
1504   sTableStyle,
1505   sColStyle,
1506   sRowStyle,
1507   sCellStyle,
1508   sTemp, sTemp2: String;
1509   bInHeader: Boolean;
1511 Begin
1512   // TODO: Add support for TvTableBorder.Spacing
1513   // TODO: Add support for TvTableRow.CellSpacing
1514   // TODO: Add support for TvTable.CellSpacing
1516   if ATable.GetRowCount=0 Then
1517     Exit;
1519   // Style information stored in content.xml -> office:automatic-styles
1520   // Table information stored in content.xml -> office:body
1522   sTableName := Trim(ATable.Name);
1523   If sTableName='' Then
1524     sTableName := Format('Table_%d.%d', [AData.GetPageIndex(ACurPage)+1, ACurPage.GetEntityIndex(ATable)+1]);
1525   sTableStyle := sTableName;
1527   // Table meta properties
1528   AddStyle('<style:style style:name="'+sTableStyle+'" style:family="table">');
1529   Case ATable.PreferredWidth.Units of
1530     dimMillimeter: sTemp := 'style:width="'+FloatToODTText(ATable.PreferredWidth.Value)+'mm"';
1531     dimPoint:      sTemp := 'style:width="'+FloatToODTText(ATable.PreferredWidth.Value)+'pt"';
1532     dimPercent:    sTemp := 'style:rel-width="'+FloatToODTText(ATable.PreferredWidth.Value)+'%"';
1533   End;
1534   if ATable.BackgroundColor <> FPColor(0, 0, 0, 0) Then
1535     sTemp := sTemp + ' fo:background-color="#'+FPColorToRGBHexString(ATable.BackgroundColor)+'"';
1537   AddStyle('  <style:table-properties '+sTemp+' table:align="margins"/>');
1538   AddStyle('</style:style>');
1540   AddBody(Format('<table:table table:name="%s" table:style-name="%s">', [sTableName, sTableStyle]));
1542   // Now define any column specific properties
1543   If Length(ATable.ColWidths)>0 Then
1544     iColCount := Length(ATable.ColWidths)
1545   Else
1546     // No ColWidths defined means simple tables only (no merged cells)
1547     iColCount := TvTableRow(ATable.GetRow(0)).GetCellCount;
1549   For iCol := 0 To iColCount-1 Do
1550   Begin
1551     sColStyle := Format('%s.Col_%d', [sTableStyle, iCol+1]);
1553     If Length(ATable.ColWidths)>0 Then
1554     begin
1555       AddStyle('<style:style style:name="'+sColStyle+'" style:family="table-column">');
1556       Case ATable.ColWidthsUnits Of
1557         dimMillimeter: sTemp := 'style:column-width="'+FloatToODTText(ATable.ColWidths[iCol])+'mm"';
1558         dimPoint:      sTemp := 'style:column-width="'+FloatToODTText(ATable.ColWidths[iCol])+'pt"';
1559         dimPercent:    sTemp := 'style:rel-column-width="'+FloatToODTText(65535 * ATable.ColWidths[iCol] / 100)+'*"';
1560       End;
1562       AddStyle('  <style:table-column-properties '+sTemp+'/>');
1563       AddStyle('</style:style>');
1564     end;
1566     AddBody('  <table:table-column table:style-name="'+sColStyle+'" table:number-columns-repeated="1"/>');
1567   end;
1569   // Write out the table row by row, defining row and cell styles as we go..
1570   bInHeader := False;
1571   For iRow := 0 To ATable.GetRowCount-1 Do
1572   Begin
1573     oRow := ATable.GetRow(iRow);
1575     // Current Header functionality will only work
1576     // if header rows correctly defined...
1577     If (bInHeader) And not (oRow.Header) Then
1578     Begin
1579       bInHeader := False;
1580       // Close header rows...
1581       AddBody('  </table:table-header-rows>');
1582     end;
1584     If (oRow.Header) And (iRow=0) Then
1585     Begin
1586       bInHeader := True;
1587       // Open header rows
1588       AddBody('  <table:table-header-rows>');
1589     end;
1591     sTemp := '';
1592     sRowStyle := Format('%s.Row_%d', [sTableStyle, iRow+1]);
1594     if oRow.BackgroundColor <> FPColor(0, 0, 0, 0) Then
1595       sTemp := sTemp + ' fo:background-color="#'+FPColorToRGBHexString(oRow.BackgroundColor)+'"';
1597     If oRow.Height<>0 Then
1598       sTemp := sTemp + ' style:row-height="'+FloatToODTText(oRow.Height)+'mm"';
1600     if Not oRow.AllowSplitAcrossPage Then
1601       sTemp := sTemp + ' fo:keep-together="always"';
1602 //    else
1603 //      sTemp := sTemp + ' fo:keep-together="auto"';
1605     // Only define the style if it is required...
1606     If sTemp<>'' Then
1607     begin
1608       AddStyle('<style:style style:name="'+sRowStyle+'" style:family="table-row">');
1609       AddStyle('  <style:table-row-properties '+sTemp+'/>');
1610       AddStyle('</style:style>');
1612       AddBody('  <table:table-row table:style-name="'+sRowStyle+'">');
1613     end
1614     Else
1615       AddBody('  <table:table-row>');
1617     For iCell := 0 To oRow.GetCellCount-1 Do
1618     Begin
1619       oCell := oRow.GetCell(iCell);
1621       sTemp := '';
1622       sCellStyle := Format('%s.Cell_%dx%d', [sTableStyle, iRow + 1, iCell + 1]);
1624 (*    // I cannot find a mechanism for setting cell width in ODT...
1625       If oCell.PreferredWidth.Value<>0 Then
1626       Begin
1627         Case oCell.PreferredWidth.Units Of
1628           dimMillimeter: sTemp := sTemp + 'style:cell-width="'+FloatToODTText(oCell.PreferredWidth)+'mm"';
1629           dimPoint:      sTemp := sTemp + 'style:cell-width="'+FloatToODTText(oCell.PreferredWidth)+'pt"';
1630           dimPercent:    sTemp := sTemp + 'style:rel-cell-width="'+FloatToODTText(65535 * oCell.PreferredWidth / 100)+'*"';
1631         End;
1632       end;
1633 *)
1634       // Top is default in LibreOffice Write
1635       If oCell.VerticalAlignment<>vaTop Then
1636         sTemp := sTemp + ' style:vertical-align="'+LU_V_ALIGN[oCell.VerticalAlignment]+'"';
1638       if oCell.BackgroundColor <> FPColor(0, 0, 0, 0) Then
1639         sTemp := sTemp + ' fo:background-color="#'+FPColorToRGBHexString(oCell.BackgroundColor)+'"';
1641       sTemp := sTemp + ' ' + BordersToString(ATable.Borders, oCell.Borders,
1642                                              iRow=0, iRow=ATable.GetRowCount-1,
1643                                              iCell=0, iCell=oRow.GetCellCount-1);
1645       sTemp2 := '';
1647       If oCell.SpannedCols>1 Then
1648         sTemp2 := 'table:number-columns-spanned="'+IntToStr(oCell.SpannedCols)+'" ';
1650       // Only define the style if it is required...
1651       sTemp := Trim(sTemp);
1652       if sTemp<>'' Then
1653       begin
1654         AddStyle('<style:style style:name="'+sCellStyle+'" style:family="table-cell">');
1655         AddStyle('  <style:table-cell-properties '+sTemp+'/>');
1656         AddStyle('</style:style>');
1658         AddBody('    <table:table-cell table:style-name="'+sCellStyle+'" '+sTemp2+'office:value-type="string">');
1659       end
1660       Else
1661         AddBody('    <table:table-cell '+sTemp2+'office:value-type="string">');
1663       FContent := FContent + '          ';
1665       // oCell is a TvRichText descendant, so process it similarly...
1666       for k := 0 to oCell.GetEntitiesCount()-1 do
1667       begin
1668         lCurEntity := oCell.GetEntity(k);
1670         if (lCurEntity is TvParagraph) then
1671           WriteParagraph(TvParagraph(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
1672         if (lCurEntity is TvList) then
1673           WriteList(TvList(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
1674         if (lCurEntity is TvTable) then
1675           WriteTable(TvTable(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
1676       end;
1678       AddBody('    </table:table-cell>');
1680       // FPVectorial doesn't directly support covered (merged) cells,
1681       // instead they're implied by SpannedCols count > 1
1682       for k := 2 to oCell.SpannedCols Do
1683         AddBody('<table:covered-table-cell />');
1684     end;
1686     AddBody('  </table:table-row>');
1687   end;
1688   AddBody('</table:table>');
1689 end;
1691 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteList(AEntity: TvList;
1692   ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1693 var
1694   i, j: Integer;
1695   lCurEntity, lCurSubEntity: TvEntity;
1696   lCurParagraph: TvParagraph;
1697   iCrossRef: Integer;
1698 begin
1699   // See http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.1/OS/OpenDocument-v1.1.pdf
1700   // page 75 "Example: Lists and sublists"
1702   FContent := FContent +
1703      '    <text:list  text:style-name="'+ListStyleNameToODTText(AData, AEntity.ListStyle)+'">' + LineEnding;
1705   for i := 0 to AEntity.GetEntitiesCount()-1 do
1706   begin
1707     lCurEntity := AEntity.GetEntity(i);
1709     FContent := FContent +
1710       '      <text:list-item>' + LineEnding;
1712     if (lCurEntity is TvParagraph) then
1713     begin
1714       lCurParagraph := lCurEntity as TvParagraph;
1716       iCrossRef := FList_StyleCrossRef.AddCrossReference(AEntity.Style, AEntity.ListStyle);
1718       // Special Style correlating the Paragraph Style and the List style
1719       // should be added to Content.xml Automatic Styles
1720       FContent := FContent +
1721           '        <text:p text:style-name="'+FList_StyleCrossRef.AsText(iCrossRef)+'">';
1723       for j := 0 to lCurParagraph.GetEntitiesCount()-1 do
1724       begin
1725         lCurSubEntity := lCurParagraph.GetEntity(j);
1727         if (lCurSubEntity is TvText) then
1728           WriteTextSpan(TvText(lCurSubEntity), lCurParagraph, ACurPage, AData);
1729       end;
1731       FContent := FContent +
1732         '        </text:p>' + LineEnding;
1733     end
1734     else if lCurEntity Is TvList Then
1735       WriteList(TvList(lCurEntity), ACurPage, AData);
1737     FContent := FContent +
1738       '      </text:list-item>' + LineEnding;
1739   end;
1741   FContent := FContent +
1742     '    </text:list>' + LineEnding;
1743 end;
1745 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteRasterImage(AEntity: TvRasterImage;  AParagraph: TvParagraph;
1746   ACurPage: TvTextPageSequence;  AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1747 var
1748   FRasterImageName:string;
1749   FRasterImageHeight:double;
1750   FRasterImageWidth:double;
1751 begin
1752   if AEntity.RasterImage=nil then
1753     Exit;
1755   if IsZero(AEntity.Height) then
1756     FRasterImageHeight:=RoundTo((AEntity.RasterImage.Height*2.54)/96,-3) // default 96 dpi of document, unit used cm
1757   else
1758     FRasterImageHeight:=AEntity.Height;
1760   if IsZero(AEntity.Width) then
1761     FRasterImageWidth:=RoundTo((AEntity.RasterImage.Width*2.54)/96,-3) // default 96 dpi of document, unit used cm
1762   else
1763     FRasterImageWidth:=AEntity.Width;
1765   FRasterImageName:='Pictures/'+IntTostr(FRasterImageFileNames.Count+1)+'.png';
1766   FContent:=FContent+'<draw:frame draw:name="Image'+IntTostr(FRasterImageFileNames.Count+1)+'" svg:width="'+FloatToODTText(FRasterImageWidth)+'cm" svg:height="'+FloatToODTText(FRasterImageHeight)+'cm" text:anchor-type="as-char" draw:z-index="2">';
1767   FContent:=FContent+'<draw:image xlink:href="'+FRasterImageName+'" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"/>';
1768   FContent:=FContent+'</draw:frame>';
1770   FRasterImageFileNames.AddObject(FRasterImageName,AEntity);
1771 end;
WriteStylesXMLAsStringnull1773 function TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteStylesXMLAsString: string;
1774 begin
1776 end;
1778 constructor TvODTVectorialWriter.Create;
1779 begin
1780   inherited Create;
1782   FPointSeparator := DefaultFormatSettings;
1783   FPointSeparator.DecimalSeparator := '.';
1784   FPointSeparator.ThousandSeparator := '#';// disable the thousand separator
1786   FAutomaticStyles := '';
1787   FMasterStyles := '';
1789   FList_StyleCrossRef := TListStyle_StyleList.Create;
1790   FList_StyleCrossRef.Writer := Self;
1792   FDateCount := 0;
1794   FRasterImageFileNames:=TStringList.Create;
1795 end;
1797 destructor TvODTVectorialWriter.Destroy;
1798 begin
1799   FRasterImageFileNames.Free;
1800   FList_StyleCrossRef.Free;
1802   inherited Destroy;
1803 end;
1805 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteToFile(AFileName: string;
1806   AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1807 Var
1808   oStream: TFileStream;
1809 Begin
1810   If ExtractFileExt(AFilename) = '' Then
1811     AFilename := AFilename + STR_ODT_EXTENSION;
1813   oStream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmCreate);
1814   Try
1815     WriteToStream(oStream, AData);
1816   Finally
1817     FreeAndNil(oStream);
1818   End;
1819 End;
1821 procedure TvODTVectorialWriter.WriteToStream(AStream: TStream;
1822   AData: TvVectorialDocument);
1823 var
1824   FZip: TZipper;
1825   // Streams with the contents of files
1826   FSMeta, FSSettings, FSStyles, FSContent, FSMimetype: TStringStream;
1827   FSMetaInfManifest, FSManifestRDF: TStringStream;
1828   FSRasterImage:TMemoryStream;
1829   i:integer;
1830   WriterPNG:TFPWriterPNG;
1831   FRasterImageStreamList:TFPList;
1832 begin
1833   FList_StyleCrossRef.Data := AData;
1835   { Fill the strings with the contents of the files }
1836   WriteMimetype();
1837   WriteManifestRDF();
1838   WriteMeta();
1839   WriteSettings();
1840   // Reversed order of Document and Styles to allow embedding Automatic Styles
1841   // built up during WriteDocument...
1842   WriteDocument(AData);
1843   WriteStyles(AData);
1844   WriteMetaInfManifest();
1846   { Write the data to streams }
1848   FSMeta := TStringStream.Create(FMeta);
1849   FSSettings := TStringStream.Create(FSettings);
1850   FSStyles := TStringStream.Create(FStyles);
1851   FSContent := TStringStream.Create(FContent);
1852   FSMimetype := TStringStream.Create(FMimetype);
1853   FSMetaInfManifest := TStringStream.Create(FMetaInfManifest);
1854   FSManifestRDF := TStringStream.Create(FManifestRDF);
1857   FRasterImageStreamList:=nil;
1859   WriterPNG:=TFPWriterPNG.Create;
1860   WriterPNG.UseAlpha:=true;
1862   { Now compress the files }
1863   FZip := TZipper.Create;
1864   try
1865     // MimeType must be first file, and should be uncompressed
1866     // TODO: CompressionLevel is not working.  Bug, or misuse?
1867     //  See http://mantis.freepascal.org/view.php?id=24897 for patch...
1868     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSMimetype, OPENDOC_PATH_MIMETYPE).CompressionLevel:=clNone;
1870     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSMeta, OPENDOC_PATH_META);
1871     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSSettings, OPENDOC_PATH_SETTINGS);
1872     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSStyles, OPENDOC_PATH_STYLES);
1873     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSContent, OPENDOC_PATH_CONTENT);
1874     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSMetaInfManifest, OPENDOC_PATH_METAINF_MANIFEST);
1875     FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSManifestRDF, OPENDOC_PATH_MANIFESTRDF);
1877     FRasterImageStreamList:=TFPList.Create;
1879     for i:=0 to FRasterImageFileNames.Count-1 do
1880     begin
1881       FSRasterImage:=TMemoryStream.Create;
1882       TvRasterImage(FRasterImageFileNames.Objects[i]).RasterImage.SaveToStream(FSRasterImage,WriterPNG);
1883       FRasterImageStreamList.Add(FSRasterImage);
1884       FSRasterImage.Seek(0,soFromBeginning);
1885       FZip.Entries.AddFileEntry(FSRasterImage, FRasterImageFileNames[i]);
1886     end;
1888     FZip.SaveToStream(AStream);
1889   finally
1890     if FRasterImageStreamList<> nil then
1891     begin
1892       for i:=0 to FRasterImageStreamList.Count-1 do
1893         TvRasterImage(FRasterImageStreamList[i]).Free;
1894       FRasterImageStreamList.Free;
1895     end;
1896     FZip.Free;
1897     FSMeta.Free;
1898     FSSettings.Free;
1899     FSStyles.Free;
1900     FSContent.Free;
1901     FSMimetype.Free;
1902     FSMetaInfManifest.Free;
1903     FSManifestRDF.Free;
1904     WriterPNG.Free;
1905   end;
1906 end;
1908 initialization
1910   RegisterVectorialWriter(TvODTVectorialWriter, vfODT);
1912 end.