1 unit UnitReporter;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, LazLogger, Graphics, LR_Class, LR_DBSet, LR_BarC, LR_Shape,
9   LR_RRect, LR_ChBox, LR_CrossTab, LR_CodeReport,
10   lr_e_pdf, lr_e_fclpdf, LR_E_TXT, LR_E_CSV, LR_E_HTM, LR_e_img, LR_e_htmldiv,
11   le_e_spreadsheet,
12   dbf, DB;
14 const
15   PDF_FILE = 'report.pdf';
16   DATAPATH = 'data' + PathDelim;
18 type
20   TExportBackend = (ebPowerPDF, ebFCLPDF, ebTxt, ebCSV, ebHtml, ebHtmlDiv,
21                     ebBmp, ebJpg, ebPng,
22                     ebOpenDoc, ebXLS, ebOOXML);
24   { TReporter }
26   TReporter=class
27   private
28     fDbf: TDbf;
29     fExportedFile: string;
30     fExportBackend: TExportBackend;
31     fSrc: TDatasource;
32     fReport: TfrReport;
33     flrDataset: TfrDBDataset;
34     flrCode: TlrCodeReport;
35     procedure CheckReport;
36     procedure OnExportFilterSetup(Sender: TfrExportFilter);
37     procedure OnLRCodeReportTest(Sender: TObject);
DoExportReportnull38     function  DoExportReport: boolean;
BackendNamenull39     function  BackendName: string;
BackendExtnull40     function  BackendExt: string;
41   public
42     constructor create;
43     destructor destroy; override;
44     procedure LoadReport(filename: string);
45     procedure PrepareDisksReport;
46     procedure PrepareCrossTabReport;
PrepareLRCodeReportnull47     function PrepareLRCodeReport: boolean;
ProcessExportReportnull48     function ProcessExportReport(reportName:string): boolean;
50     property ExportBackend: TExportBackend read fExportBackend write fExportBackend;
51     property ExportedFile:string read fExportedFile;
52     property Report: TfrReport read fReport;
53   end;
55 implementation
57 { TReporter }
59 procedure TReporter.CheckReport;
60 begin
61   if fReport=nil then begin
62     fReport := TfrReport.Create(nil);
63     fReport.OnExportFilterSetup := @OnExportFilterSetup;
64     //flrPDFExport := TfrTNPDFExport.Create(nil);
65   end;
66 end;
68 procedure TReporter.OnExportFilterSetup(Sender: TfrExportFilter);
69 begin
70   //if Sender is TfrHtmlDivExportFilter then begin
71   //  TfrHtmlDivExportFilter(Sender).EmbeddedImages := false;
72   //end;
73 end;
75 procedure TReporter.OnLRCodeReportTest(Sender: TObject);
76 var
77   BoxText: TlrTextRectStyle;
78   n: integer;
79   X: double;
80   Picture: TPicture;
81 begin
82   with Sender as TlrCodeReport do
83   begin
84     // Important. Before drawing, add a page
85     NewPage;
86     // Set paper...  1=Letter 9=A4....
87     //SetPaper(1, poLandscape);    // try uncomment this line to test another paper size
88     // Set up a custom style
89     BoxText := GetDefaultTextRectStyle;
90     BoxText.FontName := 'Times';
91     BoxText.FontSize := 12;
92     BoxText.FontStyle := [fsBold, fsItalic];
93     BoxText.FontColor := clBlue;
94     BoxText.FillColor := clYellow;
95     BoxText.Line.LColor := clRed;
96     BoxText.Line.LWidth := 2;
97     BoxText.BorderLines := [frbLeft, frbTop, frbRight, frbBottom];
98     BoxText.Alignment := taRightJustify;
99     //*******************************************************************
100     //SetRatio(1, 1);  // working with pixels
101     //NOTE: by default values are in pixels
102     LineStyle.LColor := clBlue;
103     DrawHLine(0, 5, GetPageWidth);
104     DrawVLine(5, 0, GetPageHeight);
106     // check values   uncomment to try
107     //ShowMessage('Width: ' + FormatFloat('0.00', GetPageWidth) +
108     //  'pixels' + 'Height: ' + FormatFloat('0.00', GetPageHeight) + 'pixels.');
110     //  working with mm
111     EnableMillimeters; // workign in millimeters
113     //// check values   uncomment to try
114     //ShowMessage('Width: ' + FormatFloat('0.00', GetPageWidth) +
115     //  ' mm.' + 'Height: ' + FormatFloat('0.00', GetPageHeight) + ' mm.');
117     // Draw text
118     DrawText(0, 0, GetPageWidth, 10, 'Text example áéóâ € jgÑ€', BoxText);
119     DrawText(0, 15, GetPageWidth, 10, 'Text example áéóâ E jgNE', BoxText);
120     DrawText(0, 30, GetPageWidth, 10, '1234', BoxText);
121     // Testing cursor
122     // Set AutoSize
123     BoxText.Autosize := True;
124     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'Testing cursors', BoxText);
125     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'next line', BoxText);
126     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'another line', BoxText);
127     // Align Left
128     BoxText.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
129     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'Testing cursors', BoxText);
130     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'next line', BoxText);
131     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'another line', BoxText);
132     // center it
133     BoxText.FontName := 'Arial';
134     BoxText.Alignment := taCenter;
135     BoxText.Autosize := False;
136     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'Testing cursors', BoxText);
137     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'next line', BoxText);
138     DrawText(0, Cursor.YBottom, GetPageWidth, 6, 'another line', BoxText);
139     // Layout
140     x := Cursor.YBottom + 5;
141     BoxText.FillColor := clSilver;
142     BoxText.Line.LColor := clGreen;
143     BoxText.FontColor := clRed;
144     BoxText.Layout := tlTop;
145     BoxText.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
146     DrawText(20, x, 50, 15, 'TopLeft', BoxText);
147     BoxText.Alignment := taCenter;
148     DrawText(70, x, 50, 15, 'TopCenter', BoxText);
149     BoxText.Alignment := taRightJustify;
150     DrawText(120, x, 50, 15, 'TopRight', BoxText);
151     x := Cursor.YBottom;
152     BoxText.Layout := tlCenter;
153     BoxText.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
154     DrawText(20, x, 50, 15, 'CenterLeft', BoxText);
155     BoxText.Alignment := taCenter;
156     DrawText(70, x, 50, 15, 'CenterCenter', BoxText);
157     BoxText.Alignment := taRightJustify;
158     DrawText(120, x, 50, 15, 'CenterRight', BoxText);
159     x := Cursor.YBottom;
160     BoxText.Layout := tlBottom;
161     BoxText.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
162     DrawText(20, x, 50, 15, 'BottomLeft', BoxText);
163     BoxText.Alignment := taCenter;
164     DrawText(70, x, 50, 15, 'BottomCenter', BoxText);
165     BoxText.Alignment := taRightJustify;
166     DrawText(120, x, 50, 15, 'BottomRight', BoxText);
167     LineStyle.LColor := clMaroon;
168     LineStyle.LWidth := 1;
169     LineStyle.LStyle := frsDashDotDot;
170     DrawHLine(0, 15, GetPageWidth);
171     DrawVLine(15, 0, GetPageHeight);
172     NewPage;
173     LineStyle.LColor := clRed;
174     LineStyle.LStyle := frsDash;
175     DrawHLine(0, 15, GetPageWidth);
176     DrawVLine(15, 0, GetPageHeight);
178     NewPage;
179     LineStyle.LColor := clYellow;
180     DrawHLine(0, 15, GetPageWidth);
181     DrawVLine(15, 0, GetPageHeight);
183     NewPage;
184     // Testing TextOutRectXY
185     ResetTextRectStyle;   // restart default style
186     TextOutRectXY(10, 10, 15, 5, 'This text will be cut');
187     TextRectStyle.FontName := 'Times';
188     TextRectStyle.FontSize := 10;
189     TextRectStyle.FontStyle := [fsBold];
190     TextOutRectXY(10, 50, 15, 45, 'This is a non clipping test', taCenter, False);
191     ResetTextRectStyle;
193     // TextOut* testing. write/writeln equivalent
194     NewPage;
195     PageMargin.Top := 10;
196     PageMargin.Bottom := 10;
197     PageMargin.Left := 10;
198     PageMargin.Right := 10;
199     TextOut('World World ');
200     TextOut('World');
201     TextOut('!');
202     TextOut('___');
203     TextOutLn('.');
204     TextOutLn('Hello');
205     TextRectStyle.FontSize := 12;
206     TextOutLn('World - Size 12');
207     TextRectStyle.FontSize := 10;
208     TextOutLn('End! - Size 10');
209     for n := 0 to 250 do
210     begin
211       TextOutLn('Line ' + IntToStr(n));
212     end;
213     NewLine;
214     TextOutLn('1 line below');
215     NewLine(3);
216     TextOutLn('3 lines below');
218     NewPage;
219     // Testing TextOutXY
220     TextOutXY(0, 0, 'UL Corner');    // default is left aligned
221     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth, 0, 'UR Corner', taRightJustify);
222     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth / 2, 0, 'Center', taCenter);
223     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth / 2, 13, 'LLLL');
224     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth / 2, 13, 'RRRR', taRightJustify);
225     TextOutXY(0, GetPageHeight - 4, 'LL Corner');    // default is left aligned
226     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth, GetPageHeight - 4, 'LR Corner', taRightJustify);
227     TextOutXY(GetPageWidth / 2, GetPageHeight - 4, 'Center', taCenter);
229     NewPage;
230     // Testing rotated up text
231     TextOutXYUp(5, 1, 'Rotated Text UL Corner', taRightJustify);
232     TextOutXYUp(5, GetPageHeight / 2, 'Rotated Text Center', taCenter);
233     TextOutXYUp(5, GetPageHeight - 1, 'Rotated Text LL Corner', taLeftJustify);
235     NewPage;
236     // Testing frames
237     DrawFrame(10, 10, 25, 10);
238     FrameStyle.FillColor := clYellow;
239     FrameStyle.Line.LColor := clBlue;
240     DrawFrame(10, 35, 25, 10);
241     FrameStyle.Line.LColor := clNavy;
242     FrameStyle.FillColor := clNavy; // No borders
243     DrawFrame(15, 40, 25, 10);
244     ResetFrameStyle;   // start new default style
245     FrameStyle.FillColor := clRed;
246     FrameStyle.Line.LColor := clGreen;
247     FrameStyle.Line.LWidth := 2;
248     FrameStyle.BorderLines := [frbLeft, frbTop, frbBottom];  // no line right side
249     DrawFrame(150, 10, 25, 10);
250     ResetFrameStyle;
251     DrawFrame(10, 100, 24, 10);
252     DrawFrame(34, 100, 24, 10);
253     DrawFrame(58, 100, 24, 10);
254     DrawFrame(82, 100, 24, 10);
256     NewPage;
257     // Testing image
258     // using sharedname, this allows us to define one image and reuse it
259     // resulting in less resources usage
261     Picture := TPicture.Create;
262     Picture.LoadFromResourceName(Hinstance, 'LOGO1');
263     DrawImage(10, 10, 60, 60, Picture, 'logo1');
264     DrawImage(10, 80, 60, 30, Picture, 'logo1');
265     // keepaspect=false
266     DrawImage(71, 80, 60, 30, Picture, 'logo1', True, False, False);
267     Picture.Free;
269     NewPage;
270     // Testing shapes
271     DrawShape(10, 10, 50, 20, ShapeStyle);  // full power procedure
272     ShapeStyle.FillColor := clYellow;
273     ShapeStyle.FrameColor := clBlue;
274     DrawRectangle(10, 30, 50, 20);
275     DrawRoundRectangle(10, 50, 50, 20);
276     DrawDiagonalDownRight(10, 70, 50, 20);
277     DrawDiagonalUpRight(10, 90, 50, 20);
278     DrawEllipse(10, 110, 50, 20);
279     DrawTriangle(10, 130, 50, 20);
281     NewPage;
282     // Testing BarCodes
283     DrawBarCode(10, 10, 0, 15, 'lazarus-123456789', BarCodeStyle); // Default is Code39
284     BarCodeStyle.Angle := 90;
285     DrawBarCode(10, 30, 15, 0, 'lazarus-123456789', BarCodeStyle);
286     ResetBarCodeStyle;
287     BarCodeStyle.BorderLines := [frbLeft, frbTop, frbRight, frbBottom];
288     BarCodeStyle.FrameColor := clYellow;
289     DrawBarCode(10, 90, 0, 15, 'lazarus-123456789', BarCodeStyle);
291     // Testing active page change
292     ResetTextRectStyle;
293     TextRectStyle.FontSize := 7;
294     TextRectStyle.FontColor := clDkGray;
295     for n := 1 to PageCount do
296     begin
297       SetActivePage(n);  // move to page n
298       if (n mod 2) = 0 then
299       begin
300         X := PageMargin.Left;
301         TextOutXY(X, GetPageHeight - PageMargin.Bottom,
302           Format('Page %d of %d', [GetActivePage, PageCount]), taLeftJustify);
303       end
304       else
305       begin
306         X := GetPageWidth - PageMargin.Right;
307         TextOutXY(X, GetPageHeight - PageMargin.Bottom,
308           Format('Page %d of %d', [GetActivePage, PageCount]), taRightJustify);
309       end;
310     end;
312     // For a really big report (10015 pages), try uncommenting next lines
314     //for n:= 1 to 10000 do
315     //begin
316     //  NewPage;
317     //  TextOut(Format('Page %d', [GetActivePage]));
318     //end;
319   end;
320 end;
322 constructor TReporter.create;
323 begin
324   inherited create;
325   fDbf := TDBF.Create(nil);
326   FDbf.Name := 'Dbf1';
327   fDbf.FilePath := DATAPATH;
328   fSrc := TDatasource.Create(nil);
329   fSrc.DataSet := fDbf;
330   //DebugLogger.MaxNestPrefixLen := 100;
331 end;
333 destructor TReporter.destroy;
334 begin
335   flrCode.Free;
336   flrDataset.Free;
337   fSrc.Free;
338   fDbf.Free;
339   fReport.Free;
340   inherited destroy;
341 end;
343 procedure TReporter.LoadReport(filename: string);
344 begin
345   CheckReport;
346   fReport.LoadFromFile(filename);
347 end;
349 procedure TReporter.PrepareDisksReport;
350 begin
352   fDbf.close;
353   fDbf.TableName := 'disco.dbf';
354   fDbf.open;
356   CheckReport;
358   if flrDataset=nil then begin
359     flrDataset := TfrDBDataset.Create(nil);
360     flrDataset.DataSet := fDbf;
361   end;
363   fReport.Dataset := flrDataset;
365   LoadReport('disks.lrf');
366 end;
368 procedure TReporter.PrepareCrossTabReport;
369 begin
370   fDbf.close;
371   fDbf.TableName := 'SalesCustomer.dbf';
372   fDbf.open;
374   CheckReport;
376   if flrDataset=nil then begin
377     flrDataset := TfrDBDataset.Create(nil);
378     flrDataset.DataSet := fDbf;
379   end;
381   fReport.Dataset := flrDataset;
383   LoadReport('demo_cross.lrf');
384 end;
DoExportReportnull386 function TReporter.DoExportReport: boolean;
387 var
388   FilterClass: TfrExportFilterClass;
389 begin
390   CheckReport;
391   result := fReport.PrepareReport;
392   if result then begin
393     case fExportBackend of
394       ebPowerPDF: filterClass := TfrTNPDFExportFilter;
395       ebFCLPDF:   filterClass := TlrPdfExportFilter;
396       ebTxt:      filterClass := TfrTextExportFilter;
397       ebCSV:      filterClass := TfrCSVExportFilter;
398       ebHtml:     filterClass := TfrHTMExportFilter;
399       ebHtmlDiv:  filterClass := TfrHtmlDivExportFilter;
400       ebBmp:      filterClass := TfrImageExportFilter;
401       ebJpg:      filterClass := TfrImageExportFilter;
402       ebPng:      filterClass := TfrImageExportFilter;
403       ebOpenDoc:  filterClass := TlrSpreadSheetExportFilter;
404       ebXLS:      filterClass := TlrSpreadSheetExportFilter;
405       ebOOXML:    filterClass := TlrSpreadSheetExportFilter;
406     end;
407     //WriteLn('Class: ', filterclass.ClassName);
408     result := fReport.ExportTo(filterClass, fExportedFile);
409   end;
410 end;
BackendNamenull412 function TReporter.BackendName: string;
413 begin
414   case fExportBackend of
415     ebPowerPDF: result := '_powerpdf';
416     ebFCLPDF:   result := '_fcl';
417     ebHtml:     result := '_html';
418     ebHtmlDiv:  result := '_htmldiv';
419     else        result := '';
420   end;
421 end;
TReporter.BackendExtnull423 function TReporter.BackendExt: string;
424 begin
425   case fExportBackend of
426     ebPowerPDF: result := '.pdf';
427     ebFCLPDF:   result := '.pdf';
428     ebHtml:     result := '.htm';
429     ebHtmlDiv:  result := '.html';
430     ebTxt:      result := '.txt';
431     ebCSV:      result := '.csv';
432     ebBmp:      result := '.bmp';
433     ebJpg:      result := '.jpg';
434     ebPng:      result := '.png';
435     ebOpenDoc:  result := '.ods';
436     ebXLS:      result := '.xls';
437     ebOOXML:  result := '.xlsx';
438   end;
439 end;
TReporter.PrepareLRCodeReportnull441 function TReporter.PrepareLRCodeReport: boolean;
442 begin
443   CheckReport;
444   if flrCode=nil then begin
445     flrCode := TlrCodeReport.Create(nil);
446     flrCode.report := fReport;
447   end;
448   flrCode.Report.Clear;                         // reset report
449   flrCode.OnBeginReport := @OnLRCodeReportTest;
450   flrCode.RunReport(false);                     // execute code
451   //fReport.SaveToXMLFile('intermedio.lrf');
452   result := true;
453 end;
TReporter.ProcessExportReportnull455 function TReporter.ProcessExportReport(reportName: string): boolean;
456 var
457   aFilename: String;
458 begin
459   aFilename := ChangeFileExt(PDF_FILE, backendExt);
460   aFilename := StringReplace(aFilename, '.', '_%s%s.', []);
461   fExportedFile := format(aFilename,[reportName, backendName]);
462   result := DoExportReport;
463 end;
465 end.