2 {*****************************************}
3 {                                         }
4 {             FastReport v2.3             }
5 {             Report Designer             }
6 {                                         }
7 {  Copyright (c) 1998-99 by Tzyganenko A. }
8 {                                         }
9 {*****************************************}
11 unit LR_Desgn;
13 interface
15 {$I lr_vers.inc}
16 {.$Define ExtOI} // External Custom Object inspector (Christian)
17 {.$Define StdOI} // External Standard Object inspector (Jesus)
18 {$define sbod}  // status bar owner draw
19 {$define ppaint}
20 uses
21   Classes, SysUtils, Types, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, LMessages,
22   Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls,
23   ExtCtrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, Menus,
25   LCLType,LCLIntf,LCLProc,GraphType,Printers, ActnList,
27   ObjectInspector, PropEdits, GraphPropEdits,
29   LR_Class, LR_Color,LR_Edit;
32 const
33   MaxUndoBuffer         = 100;
34   crPencil              = 11;
35   dtFastReportForm      = 1;
36   dtFastReportTemplate  = 2;
37   dtLazReportForm       = 3;
38   dtLazReportTemplate   = 4;
40 type
41   TLoadReportEvent = procedure(Report: TfrReport; var ReportName: String) of object;
42   TSaveReportEvent = procedure(Report: TfrReport; var ReportName: String;
43     SaveAs: Boolean; var Saved: Boolean) of object;
45   TfrDesignerForm = class;
46   //TlrTabEditControl = class(TCustomTabControl);
48   { TfrDesigner }
50   TfrDesigner = class(TComponent)  // fake component
51   private
52     FOnLoadReport: TLoadReportEvent;
53     FOnSaveReport: TSaveReportEvent;
54     FTemplDir: String;
55   public
56     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
57     destructor Destroy; override;
58     procedure Loaded; override;
59   published
60     property TemplateDir: String read FTemplDir write FTemplDir;
61     property OnLoadReport: TLoadReportEvent read FOnLoadReport write FOnLoadReport;
62     property OnSaveReport: TSaveReportEvent read FOnSaveReport write FOnSaveReport;
63   end;
65   TfrSelectionType = (ssBand, ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple, ssClipboardFull);
66   TfrSelectionStatus = set of TfrSelectionType;
67   TfrReportUnits = (ruPixels, ruMM, ruInches);
68   TfrShapeMode = (smFrame, smAll);
70   TfrUndoAction = (acInsert, acDelete, acEdit, acZOrder, acDuplication);
71   PfrUndoObj = ^TfrUndoObj;
72   TfrUndoObj = record
73     Next: PfrUndoObj;
74     ObjID: Integer;
75     ObjPtr: TfrView;
76     Int: Integer;
77   end;
79   TfrUndoRec = record
80     Action: TfrUndoAction;
81     Page: Integer;
82     Objects: PfrUndoObj;
83   end;
85   PfrUndoRec1 = ^TfrUndoRec1;
86   TfrUndoRec1 = record
87     ObjPtr: TfrView;
88     Int: Integer;
89   end;
91   PfrUndoBuffer = ^TfrUndoBuffer;
92   TfrUndoBuffer = Array[0..MaxUndoBuffer - 1] of TfrUndoRec;
94   TfrMenuItemInfo = class(TObject)
95   private
96     MenuItem: TMenuItem;
97     Btn     : TSpeedButton;
98   end;
100   TfrDesignerDrawMode = (dmAll, dmSelection, dmShape);
101   TfrCursorType       = (ctNone, ct1, ct2, ct3, ct4, ct5, ct6, ct7, ct8);
102   TfrDesignMode       = (mdInsert, mdSelect);
104   TfrSplitInfo = record
105     SplRect: TRect;
106     SplX   : Integer;
107     View1,
108     View2  : TfrView;
109   end;
111   TViewAction = procedure(View: TFrView; Data:PtrInt) of object;
113   { TfrObjectInspector }
114   TfrObjectInspector = Class({$IFDEF EXTOI}TForm{$ELSE}TPanel{$ENDIF})
115   private
116     FSelectedObject: TObject;
117     fPropertyGrid : TCustomPropertiesGrid;
118     {$IFNDEF EXTOI}
119     fcboxObjList  : TComboBox;
120     fBtn,fBtn2    : TButton;
121     fPanelHeader  : TPanel;
122     fLastHeight   : Word;
123     fDown         : Boolean;
124     fPt           : TPoint;
126     procedure BtnClick(Sender : TObject);
127     procedure HeaderMDown(Sender: TOBject; Button: TMouseButton;
128                   {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
129     procedure HeaderMMove(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X,
130                   {%H-}Y: Integer);
131     procedure HeaderMUp(Sender: TOBject; {%H-}Button: TMouseButton;
132                    {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Integer);
133     {$ENDIF}
134   protected
135     procedure CMVisibleChanged(var TheMessage: TLMessage); message CM_VISIBLECHANGED;
136     {$IFDEF EXTOI}
137     procedure DoHide; override;
138     {$ENDIF}
139   public
140     constructor Create(aOwner : TComponent); override;
141     destructor Destroy; override;
143     procedure Select(Obj: TObject);
144     procedure cboxObjListOnChanged(Sender: TObject);
145     procedure SetModifiedEvent(AEvent: TNotifyEvent);
146     procedure Refresh;
147     property SelectedObject:TObject read FSelectedObject;
148   end;
150   TPaintSel = class;
151   TAlignGuides = class;
153   { TfrDesignerPage }
155   TfrDesignerPage = class(TCustomControl)
156   private
157     Down,                          // mouse button was pressed
158     Moved,                         // mouse was moved (with pressed btn)
159     DFlag,                         // was double click
160     RFlag: Boolean;                // selecting objects by framing
161     Mode : TfrDesignMode;          // current mode
162     CT   : TfrCursorType;          // cursor type
163     LastX, LastY: Integer;         // here stored last mouse coords
164     SplitInfo: TfrSplitInfo;
165     RightBottom: Integer;
166     LeftTop: TPoint;
167     FirstBandMove: Boolean;
168     FDesigner: TfrDesignerForm;
170     fOldFocusRect : TRect;
171     fPaintSel: TPaintSel;
172     fPainting: boolean;
173     fResizeDialog:boolean;
174     fGuides: TAlignGuides;
176     procedure NormalizeRect(var r: TRect);
177     procedure NormalizeCoord(t: TfrView);
FindNearestEdgenull178     function FindNearestEdge(var x, y: Integer): Boolean;
179     procedure RoundCoord(var x, y: Integer);
180     procedure Draw(N: Integer; AClipRgn: HRGN);
181     procedure DrawPage(DrawMode: TfrDesignerDrawMode);
182     procedure DrawRectLine(Rect: TRect);
183     procedure DrawFocusRect(aRect: TRect);
184     procedure DrawHSplitter(Rect: TRect);
185     procedure DrawSelection(t: TfrView);
186     procedure DrawShape(t: TfrView);
188     procedure DrawDialog(N: Integer; AClipRgn: HRGN);
190     procedure MDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
191     procedure MUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Integer);
192     procedure MMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
193     procedure CMMouseLeave(var {%H-}Message: TLMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE;
194     procedure DClick(Sender: TObject);
195     procedure MoveResize(Kx,Ky:Integer; UseFrames,AResize: boolean);
196     procedure EnableEvents(aOk: boolean = true);
198     // focusrect
199     procedure NPDrawFocusRect;
200     procedure NPEraseFocusRect;
201     // objects
202     procedure NPDrawLayerObjects(Rgn: HRGN; Start:Integer=10000);
203     procedure NPRedrawViewCheckBand(t: TfrView);
204     // selection
thatnull205     procedure NPPaintSelection;                   // this is the only function that works during Paint
206     procedure NPDrawSelection;
207     procedure NPEraseSelection;
209   protected
210     procedure Paint; override;
211     procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var {%H-}Message: TLMEraseBkgnd); message LM_ERASEBKGND;
212     procedure DoContextPopup(MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); override;
213   public
214     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
215     destructor destroy; override;
217     procedure Init;
218     procedure SetPage;
219     procedure GetMultipleSelected;
220     procedure CheckGuides;
221   end;
223   TPaintTimeStatusItem = (ptsFocusRect);
224   TPaintTimeStatus = set of TPaintTimeStatusItem;
226   { TPaintSel }
228   TPaintSel=class
229   private
230     fStatus: TPaintTimeStatus;
231     fFocusRect: TRect;
232     fOwner: TfrDesignerPage;
233     fGreenBullet,fGrayBullet: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
234     procedure InvalidateFocusRect;
235     procedure DrawOrInvalidateViewHandles(t:TfrView; aDraw:boolean);
236     procedure DrawOrInvalidateSelection(aDraw:boolean);
237   public
238     constructor Create(AOwner: TfrDesignerPage);
239     destructor Destroy; override;
240     procedure FocusRect(aRect:TRect);
241     procedure RemoveFocusRect;
242     procedure InvalidateSelection;
243     procedure PaintSelection;
244     procedure Paint;
245   end;
247   { TAlignGuides }
249   TAlignGuides = class
250   private
251     fOwner: TfrDesignerPage;
252     fSelBounds: TRect;
253     fSelMouse: TPoint;
254     fX,fY: Integer;
255     px,py: PInteger;
256     fMoveSelectionTracking: boolean;
257     procedure InvalidateHorzGuide;
258     procedure InvalidateVertGuide;
259     procedure PaintGuides;
260     procedure ChangeGuide(vert, show: boolean; value:Integer);
FindAnyGuidenull261     function  FindAnyGuide(const vert: boolean; const ax,ay:Integer; out snap: Integer;
262                            skipSel:boolean; skipTyp:TfrSetOfTyp): boolean;
263   public
264     constructor Create(aOwner: TfrDesignerPage);
265     procedure Paint;
266     procedure FindGuides(ax, ay:Integer; skipSel:boolean=false; skipTyp:TfrSetOfTyp=[]);
SnapToGuidenull267     function  SnapToGuide(var ax, ay: Integer): boolean;
SnapSelectionToGuidenull268     function  SnapSelectionToGuide(const kx, ky: Integer; var ax, ay:Integer): boolean;
269     procedure HideGuides;
270     procedure ResetMoveSelection(ax, ay: Integer);
271     //property X: PInteger read px;
272     //property Y: PInteger read py;
273   end;
275   { TfrDesignerForm }
277   TfrDesignerForm = class(TfrReportDesigner)
278     acDuplicate: TAction;
279     edtRedo: TAction;
280     edtUndo: TAction;
281     btnGuides: TSpeedButton;
282     MenuItem2: TMenuItem;
283     IEPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
284     IEButton: TSpeedButton;
285     tlsDBFields: TAction;
286     FileBeforePrintScript: TAction;
287     FileOpen: TAction;
288     FilePreview: TAction;
289     FileSaveAs: TAction;
290     FileSave: TAction;
291     acToggleFrames: TAction;
292     actList: TActionList;
293     frSpeedButton1: TSpeedButton;
294     frSpeedButton2: TSpeedButton;
295     frSpeedButton3: TSpeedButton;
296     frSpeedButton4: TSpeedButton;
297     frSpeedButton5: TSpeedButton;
298     frSpeedButton6: TSpeedButton;
299     frTBSeparator16: TPanel;
300     Image1: TImage;
301     ActionsImageList: TImageList;
302     ImgIndic: TImageList;
303     LinePanel: TPanel;
304     MenuItem1: TMenuItem;
305     OB7: TSpeedButton;
306     panTab: TPanel;
307     panForDlg: TPanel;
308     PgB4: TSpeedButton;
309     Tab1: TTabControl;
310     ScrollBox1: TScrollBox;
311     StatusBar1: TStatusBar;
312     frDock1: TPanel;
313     frDock2: TPanel;
314     Popup1: TPopupMenu;
315     N1: TMenuItem;
316     N2: TMenuItem;
317     N3: TMenuItem;
318     N5: TMenuItem;
319     N6: TMenuItem;
320     MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
321     FileMenu: TMenuItem;
322     EditMenu: TMenuItem;
323     ToolMenu: TMenuItem;
324     N10: TMenuItem;
325     N11: TMenuItem;
326     N12: TMenuItem;
327     N13: TMenuItem;
328     N19: TMenuItem;
329     N20: TMenuItem;
330     N21: TMenuItem;
331     N23: TMenuItem;
332     N24: TMenuItem;
333     N25: TMenuItem;
334     N27: TMenuItem;
335     N28: TMenuItem;
336     N26: TMenuItem;
337     N29: TMenuItem;
338     N30: TMenuItem;
339     N31: TMenuItem;
340     N32: TMenuItem;
341     N33: TMenuItem;
342     N36: TMenuItem;
343     OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
344     SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
345     ImageList1: TImageList;
346     Pan5: TMenuItem;
347     N8: TMenuItem;
348     ImageList2: TImageList;
349     N38: TMenuItem;
350     Pan6: TMenuItem;
351     N39: TMenuItem;
352     N40: TMenuItem;
353     N42: TMenuItem;
354     MastMenu: TMenuItem;
355     N16: TMenuItem;
356     Panel2: TPanel;
357     FileBtn1: TSpeedButton;
358     FileBtn2: TSpeedButton;
359     FileBtn3: TSpeedButton;
360     FileBtn4: TSpeedButton;
361     CutB: TSpeedButton;
362     CopyB: TSpeedButton;
363     PstB: TSpeedButton;
364     ZB1: TSpeedButton;
365     ZB2: TSpeedButton;
366     SelAllB: TSpeedButton;
367     PgB1: TSpeedButton;
368     PgB2: TSpeedButton;
369     PgB3: TSpeedButton;
370     GB1: TSpeedButton;
371     GB2: TSpeedButton;
372     ExitB: TSpeedButton;
373     Panel3: TPanel;
374     AlB1: TSpeedButton;
375     AlB2: TSpeedButton;
376     AlB3: TSpeedButton;
377     AlB4: TSpeedButton;
378     AlB5: TSpeedButton;
379     FnB1: TSpeedButton;
380     FnB2: TSpeedButton;
381     FnB3: TSpeedButton;
382     ClB2: TSpeedButton;
383     HlB1: TSpeedButton;
384     AlB6: TSpeedButton;
385     AlB7: TSpeedButton;
386     Panel1: TPanel;
387     FrB1: TSpeedButton;
388     FrB2: TSpeedButton;
389     FrB3: TSpeedButton;
390     FrB4: TSpeedButton;
391     ClB1: TSpeedButton;
392     ClB3: TSpeedButton;
393     FrB5: TSpeedButton;
394     FrB6: TSpeedButton;
395     frTBSeparator1: TPanel;
396     frTBSeparator2: TPanel;
397     frTBSeparator3: TPanel;
398     frTBSeparator4: TPanel;
399     frTBSeparator5: TPanel;
400     frTBPanel1: TPanel;
401     C3: TComboBox;
402     C2: TComboBox;
403     frTBPanel2: TPanel;
404     frTBSeparator6: TPanel;
405     frTBSeparator7: TPanel;
406     frTBSeparator8: TPanel;
407     frTBSeparator9: TPanel;
408     frTBSeparator10: TPanel;
409     N37: TMenuItem;
410     Pan2: TMenuItem;
411     Pan3: TMenuItem;
412     Pan1: TMenuItem;
413     Pan4: TMenuItem;
414     Panel4: TPanel;
415     OB1: TSpeedButton;
416     OB2: TSpeedButton;
417     OB3: TSpeedButton;
418     OB4: TSpeedButton;
419     OB5: TSpeedButton;
420     frTBSeparator12: TPanel;
421     Panel5: TPanel;
422     Align1: TSpeedButton;
423     Align2: TSpeedButton;
424     Align3: TSpeedButton;
425     Align4: TSpeedButton;
426     Align5: TSpeedButton;
427     Align6: TSpeedButton;
428     Align7: TSpeedButton;
429     Align8: TSpeedButton;
430     Align9: TSpeedButton;
431     Align10: TSpeedButton;
432     frTBSeparator13: TPanel;
433     frDock4: TPanel;
434     HelpMenu: TMenuItem;
435     N34: TMenuItem;
436     GB3: TSpeedButton;
437     N46: TMenuItem;
438     N47: TMenuItem;
439     UndoB: TSpeedButton;
440     frTBSeparator14: TPanel;
441     AlB8: TSpeedButton;
442     RedoB: TSpeedButton;
443     N48: TMenuItem;
444     OB6: TSpeedButton;
445     frTBSeparator15: TPanel;
446     Panel6: TPanel;
447     Pan7: TMenuItem;
448     N14: TMenuItem;
449     Panel7: TPanel;
450     PBox1: TPaintBox;
451     N17: TMenuItem;
452     E1: TEdit;
453     Panel8: TPanel;
454     SB1: TSpeedButton;
455     SB2: TSpeedButton;
456     HelpBtn: TSpeedButton;
457     frTBSeparator11: TPanel;
458     N18: TMenuItem;
459     N22: TMenuItem;
460     N35: TMenuItem;
461     Popup2: TPopupMenu;
462     N41: TMenuItem;
463     N43: TMenuItem;
464     N44: TMenuItem;
465     StB1: TSpeedButton;
466     procedure acDuplicateExecute(Sender: TObject);
467     procedure acToggleFramesExecute(Sender: TObject);
468     procedure btnGuidesClick(Sender: TObject);
469     procedure C2GetItems(Sender: TObject);
470     procedure edtRedoExecute(Sender: TObject);
471     procedure edtUndoExecute(Sender: TObject);
472     procedure FileBeforePrintScriptExecute(Sender: TObject);
473     procedure FileOpenExecute(Sender: TObject);
474     procedure FilePreviewExecute(Sender: TObject);
475     procedure FileSaveAsExecute(Sender: TObject);
476     procedure FileSaveExecute(Sender: TObject);
477     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
478     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
479     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;  Shift: TShiftState);
480     procedure DoClick(Sender: TObject);
481     procedure ClB1Click(Sender: TObject);
482     procedure GB1Click(Sender: TObject);
483     procedure ScrollBox1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
484     procedure ScrollBox1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
485       State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
486     procedure IEButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
487     procedure tlsDBFieldsExecute(Sender: TObject);
488     procedure ZB1Click(Sender: TObject);
489     procedure ZB2Click(Sender: TObject);
490     procedure PgB1Click(Sender: TObject);
491     procedure PgB2Click(Sender: TObject);
492     procedure OB2MouseDown(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Button: TMouseButton;
493       Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Integer);
494     procedure OB1Click(Sender: TObject);
495     procedure CutBClick(Sender: TObject);
496     procedure CopyBClick(Sender: TObject);
497     procedure PstBClick(Sender: TObject);
498     procedure SelAllBClick(Sender: TObject);
499     procedure ExitBClick(Sender: TObject);
500     procedure PgB3Click(Sender: TObject);
501     procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
502     procedure N5Click(Sender: TObject);
503     procedure N6Click(Sender: TObject);
504     procedure GB2Click(Sender: TObject);
505     procedure FileBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
506     //procedure FileBtn3Click(Sender: TObject);
507     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
508     procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
509     procedure N8Click(Sender: TObject);
510     procedure C2DrawItem({%H-}Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect;
511       {%H-}State: TOwnerDrawState);
512     procedure HlB1Click(Sender: TObject);
513     procedure N42Click(Sender: TObject);
514     procedure Popup1Popup(Sender: TObject);
515     procedure N23Click(Sender: TObject);
516     procedure N37Click(Sender: TObject);
517     procedure Pan2Click(Sender: TObject);
518     procedure N14Click(Sender: TObject);
519     procedure Align1Click(Sender: TObject);
520     procedure Align2Click(Sender: TObject);
521     procedure Align3Click(Sender: TObject);
522     procedure Align4Click(Sender: TObject);
523     procedure Align5Click(Sender: TObject);
524     procedure Align6Click(Sender: TObject);
525     procedure Align7Click(Sender: TObject);
526     procedure Align8Click(Sender: TObject);
527     procedure Align9Click(Sender: TObject);
528     procedure Align10Click(Sender: TObject);
529     procedure Tab1Change(Sender: TObject);
530     procedure N34Click(Sender: TObject);
531     procedure GB3Click(Sender: TObject);
532     //procedure N20Click(Sender: TObject);
533     procedure PBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
534     procedure SB1Click(Sender: TObject);
535     procedure SB2Click(Sender: TObject);
536     procedure HelpBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
537     procedure FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Button: TMouseButton;
538       {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Integer);
539     procedure N22Click(Sender: TObject);
540     procedure Tab1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
541       {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; {%H-}X, {%H-}Y: Integer);
542     procedure frDesignerFormClose(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
543     procedure frDesignerFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean);
544     procedure frSpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
545     procedure StB1Click(Sender: TObject);
546   private
547     //
548     FirstSelected      : TfrView;     // First Selected Object
549     SelNum             : Integer;     // number of objects currently selected
550     MRFlag             : Boolean;     // several objects was selected
551     ObjRepeat          : Boolean;     // was pressed Shift + Insert Object
553     { Private declarations }
554     fInBuildPage : Boolean;
556     PageView: TfrDesignerPage;
557     EditorForm: TfrEditorForm;
558     ColorSelector: TColorSelector;
559     MenuItems: TFpList;
560     ItemWidths: TStringList;
561     FCurPage: Integer;
562     FGridSize: Integer;
563     FGridShow, FGridAlign, FGuidesShow: Boolean;
564     FUnits: TfrReportUnits;
565     FGrayedButtons: Boolean;
566     FUndoBuffer, FRedoBuffer: TfrUndoBuffer;
567     FUndoBufferLength, FRedoBufferLength: Integer;
568     FirstTime: Boolean;
569     MaxItemWidth, MaxShortCutWidth: Integer;
570 //    FirstInstance: Boolean;
571     EditAfterInsert: Boolean;
572     FCurDocName, FCaption: String;
573     fCurDocFileType: Integer;
574     ShapeMode: TfrShapeMode;
575     FReportPopupPoint: TPoint;
576     FLastOpenDirectory: string;
577     FLastSaveDirectory: string;
579     {$IFDEF StdOI}
580     ObjInsp  : TObjectInspector;
581     PropHook : TPropertyEditorHook;
582     {$ELSE}
583     ObjInsp  : TfrObjectInspector;
584     {$ENDIF}
585     procedure CreateNewReport;
586     procedure DuplicateSelection;
587     procedure ObjInspSelect(Obj:TObject);
588     procedure ObjInspRefresh;
589     procedure DataInspectorRefresh;
591     procedure GetFontList;
592     procedure SetMenuBitmaps;
593     procedure SetCurPage(Value: Integer);
594     procedure SetGridSize(Value: Integer);
595     procedure SetGridShow(Value: Boolean);
596     procedure SetGridAlign(Value: Boolean);
597     procedure SetGuidesShow(AValue: boolean);
598     procedure SetUnits(Value: TfrReportUnits);
599     procedure SetGrayedButtons(Value: Boolean);
600     procedure SetCurDocName(Value: String);
601     procedure SelectionChanged;
602     procedure ShowPosition;
603     procedure ShowContent;
604     procedure EnableControls;
605     procedure ResetSelection;
606     procedure DeleteObjects;
607     procedure AddPage(ClName : string);
608     procedure RemovePage(n: Integer);
609     procedure SetPageTitles;
610 //**    procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Msg: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); message WM_GETMINMAXINFO;
611     procedure FillInspFields;
RectTypEnablednull612     function RectTypEnabled: Boolean;
FontTypEnablednull613     function FontTypEnabled: Boolean;
ZEnablednull614     function ZEnabled: Boolean;
CutEnablednull615     function CutEnabled: Boolean;
CopyEnablednull616     function CopyEnabled: Boolean;
PasteEnablednull617     function PasteEnabled: Boolean;
DelEnablednull618     function DelEnabled: Boolean;
EditEnablednull619     function EditEnabled: Boolean;
620     procedure ColorSelected(Sender: TObject);
621     procedure SelectAll;
622     procedure Unselect;
623     procedure CutToClipboard;
624     procedure CopyToClipboard;
625     procedure SaveState;
626     procedure RestoreState;
627     procedure ClearBuffer(Buffer: TfrUndoBuffer; var BufferLength: Integer);
628     procedure ClearUndoBuffer;
629     procedure ClearRedoBuffer;
630     procedure Undo(Buffer: PfrUndoBuffer);
631     procedure ReleaseAction(ActionRec: TfrUndoRec);
632     procedure AddAction(Buffer: PfrUndoBuffer; a: TfrUndoAction; List: TFpList);
633     procedure AddUndoAction(AUndoAction: TfrUndoAction);
634     procedure DoDrawText(aCanvas: TCanvas; aCaption: string;
635       Rect: TRect; Selected, aEnabled: Boolean; Flags: Longint);
636     procedure MeasureItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ACanvas: TCanvas;
637       var AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
638     procedure DrawItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ACanvas: TCanvas;
639       ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean);
FindMenuItemnull640     function FindMenuItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem): TfrMenuItemInfo;
641     procedure SetMenuItemBitmap(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ABtn:TSpeedButton);
642     procedure FillMenuItems(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
643     procedure DeleteMenuItems(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
644     procedure OnActivateApp(Sender: TObject);
645     procedure OnDeactivateApp(Sender: TObject);
646     procedure GetDefaultSize(var dx, dy: Integer);
SelStatusnull647     function SelStatus: TfrSelectionStatus;
648     procedure UpdScrollbars;
649 //    procedure InsertDbFields;
650     {$ifdef sbod}
651     procedure DrawStatusPanel(const ACanvas:TCanvas; const rect:  TRect);
652     procedure StatusBar1DrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel;
653       const Rect: TRect);
654     {$endif}
655     procedure DefineExtraPopupSelected(popup: TPopupMenu);
656     procedure SelectSameClassClick(Sender: TObject);
657     procedure SelectSameClass(View: TfrView);
CheckFileModifiednull658     function CheckFileModified: Integer;
659   private
660     FDuplicateCount: Integer;
661     FDupDeltaX,FDupDeltaY: Integer;
662     FDuplicateList: TFpList;
663     procedure ViewsAction(Views: TFpList; TheAction:TViewAction; Data: PtrInt;
664       OnlySel:boolean=true; WithUndoAction:boolean=true; WithRedraw:boolean=true);
665     procedure ToggleFrames(View: TfrView; Data: PtrInt);
666     procedure DuplicateView(View: TfrView; Data: PtrInt);
667     procedure ResetDuplicateCount;
lrDesignAcceptDragnull668     function lrDesignAcceptDrag(const Source: TObject): TControl;
669     procedure InplaceEditorMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
670   private
671     FTabMouseDown:boolean;
672     //FTabsPage:TlrTabEditControl;
673     procedure TabsEditDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
674     procedure TabsEditDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
675     procedure TabsEditMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
676     procedure TabsEditMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
677     procedure TabsEditMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
678     procedure ShowIEButton(AView: TfrMemoView);
679     procedure HideIEButton;
680   protected
681     procedure SetModified(AValue: Boolean);override;
IniFileNamenull682     function IniFileName:string;
683   public
684     constructor Create(aOwner : TComponent); override;
685     destructor Destroy; override;
687     procedure WndProc(var Message: TLMessage); override;
688     procedure RegisterObject(ButtonBmp: TBitmap; const ButtonHint: String;
689       ButtonTag: Integer; ObjectType:TfrObjectType); override;
690     procedure RegisterTool(const MenuCaption: String; ButtonBmp: TBitmap;
691       OnClickEvnt: TNotifyEvent); override;
692     procedure BeforeChange; override;
693     procedure AfterChange; override;
694     procedure ShowMemoEditor;
695     procedure ShowEditor;
696     procedure ShowDialogPgEditor(APage:TfrPageDialog);
697     procedure RedrawPage; override;
698     procedure OnModify({%H-}sender: TObject);
PointsToUnitsnull699     function PointsToUnits(x: Integer): Double;  override;
UnitsToPointsnull700     function UnitsToPoints(x: Double): Integer;  override;
701     procedure MoveObjects(dx, dy: Integer; aResize: Boolean);
702     procedure UpdateStatus;
704     property CurDocName: String read FCurDocName write SetCurDocName;
705     property CurPage: Integer read FCurPage write SetCurPage;
706     property GridSize: Integer read FGridSize write SetGridSize;
707     property ShowGrid: Boolean read FGridShow write SetGridShow;
708     property GridAlign: Boolean read FGridAlign write SetGridAlign;
709     property ShowGuides: boolean read FGuidesShow write SetGuidesShow;
710     property Units: TfrReportUnits read FUnits write SetUnits;
711     property GrayedButtons: Boolean read FGrayedButtons write SetGrayedButtons;
712   end;
714 procedure frSetGlyph(aColor: TColor; sb: TSpeedButton; n: Integer);
frCheckBandnull715 function frCheckBand(b: TfrBandType): Boolean;
717 var
718   frTemplateDir: String;
719   edtScriptFontName : string = '';
720   edtScriptFontSize : integer = 0;
721   edtUseIE          : boolean = false;
723 implementation
725 {$R *.lfm}
726 {$R bullets.res}
727 {$R fr_pencil.res}
729 uses
730   LR_Pgopt, LR_GEdit, LR_Templ, LR_Newrp, LR_DsOpt, LR_Const, LR_Pars,
731   LR_Prntr, LR_Hilit, LR_Flds, LR_Dopt, LR_Ev_ed, LR_BndEd, LR_VBnd,
732   LR_BTyp, LR_Utils, LR_GrpEd, LR_About, LR_IFlds, LR_DBRel,LR_DBSet,
733   DB, lr_design_ins_filed, IniFiles, LR_DSet, math;
735 type
736   THackView = class(TfrView)
737   end;
739 function GetUnusedBand: TfrBandType; forward;
740 procedure SendBandsToDown; forward;
741 procedure ClearClipBoard; forward;
742 function Objects: TFpList; forward;
743 procedure GetRegion; forward;
744 function TopSelected: Integer; forward;
746 var
747 //  FirstInst          : Boolean=True;// First instance
748 {
749   FirstSelected      : TfrView;     // First Selected Object
750   SelNum             : Integer;     // number of objects currently selected
751   MRFlag             : Boolean;     // several objects was selected
752   ObjRepeat          : Boolean;     // was pressed Shift + Insert Object
753 }
754   WasOk              : Boolean;     // was Ok pressed in dialog
755   OldRect,OldRect1   : TRect;       // object rect after mouse was clicked
756   Busy               : Boolean;     // busy flag. need!
757   ShowSizes          : Boolean;
758   LastFontName       : String;
759   LastFontSize       : Integer;
760   LastAdjust         : Integer;
761   LastFrameWidth     : Single;
762   LastLineWidth      : Single;
763   LastFrames         : TfrFrameBorders;
764   LastFontStyle      : Word;
765   LastFrameColor     : TColor;
766   LastFillColor      : TColor;
767   LastFontColor      : TColor;
768   ClrButton          : TSpeedButton;
769   FirstChange        : Boolean;
770   ClipRgn            : HRGN;
772 // globals
773   ClipBd             : TFpList;       // clipboard
774   GridBitmap         : TBitmap;     // for drawing grid in design time
775   ColorLocked        : Boolean;     // true to avoid unwished color change
777   frDesignerComp     : TfrDesigner;
780 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
781 procedure AddRgn(var HR: HRGN; T: TfrView);
782 var
783   tr: HRGN;
784 begin
785   tr := t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended);
786   CombineRgn(HR, HR, TR, RGN_OR);
787   DeleteObject(TR);
788 end;
SelectionBoundsnull790 function SelectionBounds(out r: TRect): boolean;
791 var
792   i: Integer;
793   t: TfrView;
794 begin
795   r := rect(Maxint, MaxInt, 0 , 0);
796   result := false;
797   with r do
798     for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
799     begin
800       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
801       if t.Selected then begin
802         if t.x<left then left := t.x;
803         if t.x+t.dx>right then right := t.x+t.dx;
804         if t.y<top then top := t.y;
805         if t.y+t.dy>bottom then bottom := t.y+t.dy;
806         result := true;
807       end;
808     end;
809 end;
811 { TAlignGuides }
813 procedure TAlignGuides.InvalidateHorzGuide;
814 var
815   r: TRect;
816 begin
817   if (px<>nil) then
818   begin
819     r := Rect(px^-4, 0 , px^+4, fOwner.ClientHeight-1);
820     InvalidateRect(fOwner.Handle, @r, false);
821   end;
822 end;
824 procedure TAlignGuides.InvalidateVertGuide;
825 var
826   r: TRect;
827 begin
828   if (py<>nil) then
829   begin
830     r := Rect(0, py^-4, fOwner.ClientWidth-1, py^+4);
831     InvalidateRect(fOwner.Handle, @r, false);
832   end;
833 end;
835 procedure TAlignGuides.PaintGuides;
836 var
837   oldStyle: TPenStyle;
838   oldColor: TColor;
839   oldCosmetic: Boolean;
840   i, v, oldWidth: Integer;
841   t: TfrView;
842 begin
843   if (px<>nil) or (py<>nil) then
844     with fOwner.Canvas do
845     begin
846       oldStyle := Pen.Style;
847       oldColor := Pen.Color;
848       oldCosmetic := Pen.Cosmetic;
849       oldWidth := Pen.Width;
851       // paint object's aligned sides
852       // TODO: make an option for the fixed values
853       // TODO: a different visualization hint could be having
854       //       the view redraw itself in a distinctive color?
856       Pen.Cosmetic := true;
857       Pen.Style := psSolid;
858       Pen.Width := 5;
859       Pen.Color := clSkyBlue;
861       for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
862       begin
863         t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
864         if px<>nil then
865           if t.FindAlignSide(false, px^, v) and (v=px^) then
866           begin
867             MoveTo(px^, t.y);
868             LineTo(px^, t.y + t.dy);
869           end;
870         if py<>nil then
871           if t.FindAlignSide(true, py^, v) and (v=py^) then
872           begin
873             MoveTo(t.x, py^);
874             LineTo(t.x + t.dx, py^);
875           end;
876       end;
878       // paint guides
879       // TODO: make an option for the fixed values
881       Pen.Style := psDash;
882       Pen.Cosmetic := false;
883       Pen.Width := 1;
885       if px<>nil then
886       begin
887         Pen.Color := clRed;
888         MoveTo(px^, 0);
889         LineTo(px^, fOwner.ClientHeight);
890       end;
891       if py<>nil then
892       begin
893         Pen.Color := clBlue;
894         MoveTo(0, py^);
895         LineTo(fOwner.ClientWidth, py^);
896       end;
898       Pen.Cosmetic := oldCosmetic;
899       Pen.Style := oldStyle;
900       Pen.Color := oldColor;
901       Pen.Width := oldWidth;
902     end;
903 end;
905 procedure TAlignGuides.ChangeGuide(vert, show: boolean; value: Integer);
906 begin
907   if vert then
908   begin
909     InvalidateVertGuide;
910     if show then begin
911       fy := value;
912       py := @fy;
913       InvalidateVertGuide;
914     end else
915       py := nil;
916   end else
917   begin
918     InvalidateHorzGuide;
919     if show then begin
920       fx := value;
921       px := @fx;
922       InvalidateHorzGuide;
923     end else
924       px := nil;
925   end;
926 end;
928 procedure TAlignGuides.Paint;
929 begin
930   PaintGuides;
931 end;
FindAnyGuidenull933 function TAlignGuides.FindAnyGuide(const vert: boolean; const ax, ay: Integer;
934   out snap: Integer; skipSel: boolean; skipTyp: TfrSetOfTyp): boolean;
935 var
936   i, value: Integer;
937   t: TfrView;
938 begin
939   result := false;
941   // TODO: start looking at the nearest object to (ax, ay)
943   if vert then  value := ay
944   else          value := ax;
946   for i := Objects.Count-1 downto 0 do
947   begin
948     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
949     if (skipSel and t.Selected) or
950        (t.typ in skipTyp) then
951          continue;
952     if t.FindAlignSide(vert, value, snap) then begin
953       result := true;
954       break;
955     end;
956   end;
958   if vert then
959   begin
960     if result and (py<>nil) and (py^=snap) then
961       exit;
962     ChangeGuide(true, result, snap);
963   end else
964   begin
965     if result and (px<>nil) and (px^=snap) then
966       exit;
967     ChangeGuide(false, result, snap);
968   end;
969 end;
971 constructor TAlignGuides.Create(aOwner: TfrDesignerPage);
972 begin
973   inherited create;
974   fOwner := aOwner;
975 end;
977 procedure TAlignGuides.FindGuides(ax, ay: Integer; skipSel: boolean;
978   skipTyp: TfrSetOfTyp);
979 var
980   dummy: Integer;
981 begin
982   FindAnyGuide(true,  ax, ay, dummy, skipSel, skipTyp);
983   FindAnyGuide(false, ax, ay, dummy, skipSel, skipTyp);
984 end;
SnapToGuidenull986 function TAlignGuides.SnapToGuide(var ax, ay: Integer): boolean;
987 var
988   newX, newY: Integer;
989 begin
990   newX := ax; newY := ay;
991   if (px<>nil) and (Abs(ax-px^)<=lrSnapDistance) then
992     newX := px^;
993   if (py<>nil) and (Abs(ay-py^)<=lrSnapDistance) then
994     newY := py^;
995   result := (newX<>ax) or (newY<>ay);
996   if result then
997   begin
998     ax := newX;
999     ay := newY;
1000   end;
1001 end;
SnapSelectionToGuidenull1003 function TAlignGuides.SnapSelectionToGuide(const kx, ky: Integer; var ax,
1004   ay: Integer): boolean;
1005 var
1006   moveBounds, displayedBounds: TRect;
1007   snap, deltaX, deltaY, snapDeltaX, snapDeltaY: Integer;
1008   pts: array[0..2] of TPoint;
1010   procedure TestPoints(vert: boolean; var delta:integer);
1011   var
1012     p: TPoint;
1013   begin
1014     delta := 0;
1015     for p in pts do
1016     begin
1017       if FindAnyGuide(vert, p.x, p.y, snap, true, []) then
1018       begin
1019         if vert then delta := snap - p.y
1020         else         delta := snap - p.x;
1021         result := true;
1022         break;
1023       end;
1024     end;
1025   end;
1027 begin
1028   result := false;
1030   if not fMoveSelectionTracking then begin
1031     if not SelectionBounds(fSelBounds) then
1032       exit;
1033     HideGuides;
1034     fMoveSelectionTracking := true;
1035   end;
1037   // real bounds
1038   moveBounds := fSelBounds;
1039   deltaX := ax - fSelMouse.x;
1040   deltaY := ay - fSelMouse.y;
1041   moveBounds.Offset(deltaX, deltaY);
1043   // find potential snap points
1044   snapDeltaX := 0;
1045   snapDeltaY := 0;
1047   pts[2] := Point(ax, ay);  // could be ommited if less matching guides are needed
1049   if deltaX<0 then
1050   begin
1051     pts[0] := Point(moveBounds.left, ay);
1052     pts[1] := Point(moveBounds.right, ay);
1053   end else
1054   if deltaX>0 then
1055   begin
1056     pts[0] := Point(moveBounds.right, ay);
1057     pts[1] := Point(moveBounds.left, ay);
1058   end;
1059   if deltaX<>0 then
1060     TestPoints(false, snapDeltaX);
1062   if deltaY<0 then
1063   begin
1064     pts[0] := Point(ax, moveBounds.top);
1065     pts[1] := Point(ax, moveBounds.Bottom);
1066   end else
1067   if deltaY>0 then
1068   begin
1069     pts[0] := Point(ax, moveBounds.Bottom);
1070     pts[1] := Point(ax, moveBounds.top);
1071   end;
1072   if deltaY<>0 then
1073     TestPoints(true, snapDeltaY);
1075   // adjust the moving bounds by the extra snapping if it exists
1076   moveBounds.Offset(snapDeltaX, snapDeltaY);
1077   // get displayed bounds
1078   // TODO: Optmize: should not be necessary to compute displayed bounds for this
1079   SelectionBounds(displayedBounds);
1080   // cheating new mouse values
1081   ax := (ax - kx) + (moveBounds.Left - displayedBounds.Left);
1082   ay := (ay - ky) + (moveBounds.Top - displayedBounds.Top);
1084   result := true; // either we snap to something or not, we always succeed
1085 end;
1087 procedure TAlignGuides.HideGuides;
1088 begin
1089   InvalidateHorzGuide;
1090   InvalidateVertGuide;
1091   px := nil;
1092   py := nil;
1093   fMoveSelectionTracking := false;
1094 end;
1096 procedure TAlignGuides.ResetMoveSelection(ax, ay: Integer);
1097 begin
1098   fMoveSelectionTracking := false;
1099   fSelMouse := Point(ax, ay);
1100 end;
1102 { TPaintSel }
1104 constructor TPaintSel.Create(AOwner: TfrDesignerPage);
1105 begin
1106   inherited Create;
1107   fOwner := AOwner;
1108   fGreenBullet := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
1109   fGrayBullet := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
1110   fGreenBullet.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'bulletgreen');
1111   fGrayBullet.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'bulletgray');
1112 end;
1114 destructor TPaintSel.Destroy;
1115 begin
1116   fGrayBullet.Free;
1117   fGreenBullet.Free;
1118   inherited Destroy;
1119 end;
1121 procedure TPaintSel.FocusRect(aRect: TRect);
1122 begin
1123   fFocusRect := aRect;
1124   Include(fStatus, ptsFocusRect);
1125   InvalidateFocusRect;
1126 end;
1128 procedure TPaintSel.RemoveFocusRect;
1129 begin
1130   InvalidateFocusRect;
1131 end;
1133 procedure TPaintSel.InvalidateSelection;
1134 begin
1135   DrawOrInvalidateSelection(false);
1136 end;
1138 procedure TPaintSel.PaintSelection;
1139 begin
1140   DrawOrInvalidateSelection(true);
1141 end;
1143 procedure TPaintSel.DrawOrInvalidateSelection(aDraw:boolean);
1144 var
1145   i: Integer;
1146   t: TfrView;
1147   Lst: TfpList;
1148 begin
1149   Lst := Objects;
1150   if not Assigned(Lst) then exit;
1151   for i:=0 to Lst.Count-1 do
1152   begin
1153     t := TfrView(Lst[i]);
1154     if not t.Selected then
1155       continue;
1156     DrawOrInvalidateViewHandles(t, aDraw);
1157   end;
1158 end;
1160 procedure TPaintSel.InvalidateFocusRect;
1161 var
1162   R: TRect;
1163 begin
1164   R := fFocusRect;
1165   fOwner.NormalizeRect(R);
1166   InvalidateFrame(fOwner.Handle, @R, false, 1);
1167 end;
1169 procedure TPaintSel.DrawOrInvalidateViewHandles(t: TfrView; aDraw:boolean);
1170 var
1171   Bullet: TGraphic;
1172   bdx, bdy: Integer;
1174   procedure UpdateBullet(aBullet: TGraphic);
1175   begin
1176     Bullet := aBullet;
1177     bdx := Bullet.Width div 2;
1178     bdy := Bullet.Height div 2;
1179   end;
1181   procedure DrawPoint(x,y: Integer);
1182   var
1183     r: TRect;
1184   begin
1185     if aDraw then
1186       //fOwner.Canvas.EllipseC(x, y, 1, 1)
1187       fOwner.Canvas.Draw(x-bdx, y-bdy, Bullet)
1188     else
1189     begin
1190       r := rect(x-bdx,y-bdy,x+bdx+1,y+bdy+1);
1191       InvalidateRect(fOwner.Handle, @r, false);
1192     end;
1193   end;
1195 var
1196   px, py: Integer;
1197 begin
1199   with t, fOwner.Canvas do
1200   begin
1201     if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum>1 then
1202       UpdateBullet(fGrayBullet)
1203     else
1204       UpdateBullet(fGreenBullet);
1206     px := x + dx div 2;
1207     py := y + dy div 2;
1209     DrawPoint(x, y);
1211     if dx>0 then
1212       DrawPoint(x + dx, y);
1214     if dy>0 then
1215       DrawPoint(x, y + dy);
1217     if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1 then
1218     begin
1219       if px>x then
1220         DrawPoint(px, y);
1222       if py>y then
1223         DrawPoint(x, py);
1225       if (py>y) and (px>x) then
1226       begin
1227         DrawPoint(px, y + dy);
1228         DrawPoint(x + dx, py);
1229       end;
1230     end;
1232     if (dx>0) and (dy>0) then
1233     begin
1234       if aDraw and (Objects.IndexOf(t) = fOwner.RightBottom) then
1235         UpdateBullet(fGreenBullet);
1236       DrawPoint(x + dx, y + dy);
1237     end;
1239   end;
1241 end;
1243 procedure TPaintSel.Paint;
1244 begin
1245   if ptsFocusRect in FStatus then
1246   begin
1247     fOwner.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
1248     fOwner.Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot;
1249     fOwner.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSkyBlue;
1250     fOwner.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
1251     fOwner.Canvas.Rectangle(fFocusRect);
1252     Exclude(Fstatus, ptsFocusRect);
1253   end;
1254 end;
1256 constructor TfrDesigner.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1257 begin
1258   if Assigned(frDesignerComp) then
1259     raise Exception.Create(sFRDesignerExists);
1260   inherited Create(AOwner);
1261   frDesignerComp:=Self;
1262 end;
1264 destructor TfrDesigner.Destroy;
1265 begin
1266   frDesignerComp:=nil;
1267   inherited Destroy;
1268 end;
1270 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1271 procedure TfrDesigner.Loaded;
1272 begin
1273   inherited Loaded;
1274   frTemplateDir := TemplateDir;
1275 end;
1277 {--------------------------------------------------}
1278 constructor TfrDesignerPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1279 begin
1280   inherited Create(AOwner);
1281   Parent      := AOwner as TWinControl;
1282   Color       := clWhite;
1283   EnableEvents;
1284   fPaintSel   := TPaintSel.Create(self);
1285   fGuides     := TAlignGuides.Create(self);
1286 end;
1288 destructor TfrDesignerPage.destroy;
1289 begin
1290   fGuides.Free;
1291   fPaintSel.Free;
1292   inherited destroy;
1293 end;
1295 procedure TfrDesignerPage.Init;
1296 begin
1297   Down := False;
1298   DFlag:= False;
1299   RFlag := False;
1300   Cursor := crDefault;
1301   CT := ctNone;
1302 end;
1304 procedure TfrDesignerPage.SetPage;
1305 var
1306   Pgw,Pgh: Integer;
1307 begin
1308   if not Assigned(FDesigner.Page) then Exit;
1310   FDesigner.panForDlg.Visible:=(FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog);
1311   FDesigner.panel4.Visible   :=not FDesigner.panForDlg.Visible;
1313   if (FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog) then
1314   begin
1315     Color:=clBtnFace;
1316     SetBounds(10, 10,TfrPageDialog(FDesigner.Page).Width,TfrPageDialog(FDesigner.Page).Height);
1317   end
1318   else
1319   begin
1320     Pgw := FDesigner.Page.PrnInfo.Pgw;
1321     Pgh := FDesigner.Page.PrnInfo.Pgh;
1322     if Pgw > Parent.Width then
1323       SetBounds(10, 10, Pgw, Pgh)
1324     else
1325       SetBounds((Parent.Width - Pgw) div 2, 10, Pgw, Pgh);
1326   end;
1327 end;
1329 procedure TfrDesignerPage.Paint;
1330 begin
1331   fPainting := true;
1332   Draw(10000, 0);
1333   fGuides.Paint;
1334   fPaintSel.Paint;
1335   fPainting := false;
1336 end;
1338 procedure TfrDesignerPage.WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TLMEraseBkgnd);
1339 begin
1340   //do nothing to avoid flicker
1341 end;
1343 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DoContextPopup(MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean
1344   );
1345 begin
1346   Handled := true;
1347 end;
1349 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NormalizeCoord(t: TfrView);
1350 begin
1351   if t.dx < 0 then
1352   begin
1353     t.dx := -t.dx;
1354     t.x := t.x - t.dx;
1355   end;
1356   if t.dy < 0 then
1357   begin
1358     t.dy := -t.dy;
1359     t.y := t.y - t.dy;
1360   end;
1361 end;
1363 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NormalizeRect(var r: TRect);
1364 var
1365   i: Integer;
1366 begin
1367   with r do
1368   begin
1369     if Left > Right then
1370     begin
1371       i := Left;
1372       Left := Right;
1373       Right := i;
1374     end;
1375     if Top > Bottom then
1376     begin
1377       i := Top;
1378       Top := Bottom;
1379       Bottom := i;
1380     end;
1381   end;
1382 end;
1384 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawHSplitter(Rect: TRect);
1385 begin
1386   with Canvas do
1387   begin
1388     Pen.Mode := pmXor;
1389     Pen.Color := clSilver;
1390     Pen.Width := 1;
1391     MoveTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Top);
1392     LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom);
1393     Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
1394   end;
1395 end;
1397 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawRectLine(Rect: TRect);
1398 begin
1399   with Canvas do
1400   begin
1401     Pen.Mode := pmNot;
1402     Pen.Style := psSolid;
1403     Pen.Width := Round(LastLineWidth);
1404     with Rect do
1405     begin
1406       if Abs(Right - Left) > Abs(Bottom - Top) then
1407       begin
1408         MoveTo(Left, Top);
1409         LineTo(Right, Top);
1410       end
1411       else
1412       begin
1413         MoveTo(Left, Top);
1414         LineTo(Left, Bottom);
1415       end;
1416     end;
1417     Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
1418   end;
1419 end;
1421 procedure DrawRubberRect(Canvas: TCanvas; aRect: TRect; Color: TColor);
1422   procedure DrawVertLine(X1,Y1,Y2: integer);
1423   Var Cl : TColor;
1424   begin
1425     Cl:=Canvas.Pen.Color;
1426     try
1427       if Y2<Y1 then
1428         while Y2<Y1 do
1429         begin
1430           Canvas.Pen.Color:=Color;
1431           Canvas.MoveTo(X1,Y1);
1432           Canvas.LineTo(X1,Y1+1);
1433           //Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
1434           dec(Y1, 2);
1435         end
1436       else
1437         while Y1<Y2 do
1438         begin
1439           Canvas.Pen.Color:=Color;
1440           Canvas.MoveTo(X1,Y1);
1441           Canvas.LineTo(X1,Y1+1);
1442           //Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
1443           inc(Y1, 2);
1444         end;
1445     finally
1446       Canvas.Pen.Color:=cl;
1447     end;
1448   end;
1450   procedure DrawHorzLine(X1,Y1,X2: integer);
1451   Var Cl : TColor;
1452   begin
1453     Cl:=Canvas.Pen.Color;
1454     try
1455       if X2<X1 then
1456         while X2<X1 do
1457         begin
1458           Canvas.Pen.Color:=Color;
1459           Canvas.MoveTo(X1,Y1);
1460           Canvas.LineTo(X1+1,Y1);
1461           //Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
1462           dec(X1, 2);
1463         end
1464       else
1465         while X1<X2 do
1466         begin
1467           Canvas.Pen.Color:=Color;
1468           Canvas.MoveTo(X1,Y1);
1469           Canvas.LineTo(X1+1,Y1);
1470           //Canvas.Pixels[X1, Y1] := Color;
1471           inc(X1, 2);
1472         end;
1473     finally
1474       Canvas.Pen.Color:=cl;
1475     end;
1476   end;
1477 begin
1478   with aRect do
1479   begin
1480     DrawHorzLine(Left, Top, Right-1);
1481     DrawVertLine(Right-1, Top, Bottom-1);
1482     DrawHorzLine(Right-1, Bottom-1, Left);
1483     DrawVertLine(Left, Bottom-1, Top);
1484   end;
1485 end;
1487 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawFocusRect(aRect: TRect);
1488 var
1489   DCIndex: Integer;
1490 begin
1491   with Canvas do
1492   begin
1493     DCIndex := SaveDC(Handle);
1494     Pen.Mode := pmXor;
1495     Pen.Color := clWhite;
1496     //DrawRubberRect(Canvas, aRect, clWhite);
1497     Pen.Width := 1;
1498     Pen.Style := psDot;
1499     MoveTo(aRect.Left, aRect.Top);
1500     LineTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Top);
1501     LineTo(aRect.Right, aRect.Bottom);
1502     LineTo(aRect.left, aRect.Bottom);
1503     LineTo(aRect.left, aRect.Top);
1504     //Brush.Style := bsClear;
1505     //Rectangle(aRect);
1506     RestoreDC(Handle, DCIndex);
1507     Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
1508     fOldFocusRect:=aRect;
1509   end;
1510 end;
1512 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawSelection(t: TfrView);
1513 var
1514   px, py: Word;
1515   procedure DrawPoint(x, y: Word);
1516   begin
1517     Canvas.EllipseC(x,y,1,1);
1518     //Canvas.MoveTo(x, y);
1519     //Canvas.LineTo(x, y);
1520   end;
1521 begin
1522   if t.Selected then
1523   with t, Self.Canvas do
1524   begin
1525     Pen.Width := 5;
1526     Pen.Mode := pmXor;
1527     Pen.Color := clWhite;
1528     px := x + dx div 2;
1529     py := y + dy div 2;
1531     DrawPoint(x, y);
1533     if dx>0 then
1534       DrawPoint(x + dx, y);
1536     if dy>0 then
1537       DrawPoint(x, y + dy);
1539     if (dx>0) and (dy>0) then
1540     begin
1541       if Objects.IndexOf(t) = RightBottom then
1542         Pen.Color := clTeal;
1543       DrawPoint(x + dx, y + dy);
1544     end;
1546     Pen.Color := clWhite;
1547     if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1 then
1548     begin
1549       if px>x then
1550         DrawPoint(px, y);
1552       if py>y then
1553         DrawPoint(x, py);
1555       if (py>y) and (px>x) then
1556       begin
1557         DrawPoint(px, y + dy);
1558         DrawPoint(x + dx, py);
1559       end;
1560     end;
1561     Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
1562     // NOTE: ROP mode under gtk is used not only to draw with pen but
1563     //       also any other filled graphics, the problem is that brush
1564     //       handle is not invalidated when pen has changed as result
1565     //       the ROP mode is not updated and next operation will use
1566     //       the old XOR mode.
1567     // TODO: Solve this problem in LCL-gtk, as workaround draw something
1568     //       using new pen.
1569     EllipseC(-100,-100,1,1);
1570   end;
1571 end;
1573 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawShape(t: TfrView);
1574 begin
1575   if t.Selected then
1576   with t do
1577     DrawFocusRect(Rect(x, y, x + dx + 1, y + dy + 1));
1578 end;
1580 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawDialog(N: Integer; AClipRgn: HRGN);
1581 Var
1582   Dlg : TfrPageDialog;
1583   i, iy      : Integer;
1584   t         : TfrView;
1585   Objects   : TFpList;
1586 begin
1587   Dlg:=TfrPageDialog(FDesigner.Page);
1589   with Canvas do
1590   begin
1591     Brush.Color := clGray;
1592     FillRect(Rect(0,0, Width, Height + 20));
1594     Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
1595     Brush.Style := bsSolid;
1596     Rectangle(Rect(0,0,FDesigner.Page.Width-1,FDesigner.Page.Height-1));
1597     Brush.Color := clBlue;
1598     Rectangle(Rect(0,0,FDesigner.Page.Width-1,20));
1600     Canvas.TextRect(Rect(0,0,FDesigner.Page.Width-1,20), 1, 5, Dlg.Caption);
1602   end;
1605   Objects := FDesigner.Page.Objects;
1607   for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
1608   begin
1609     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
1610     t.draw(Canvas);
1612     iy:=1;
1613     //Show indicator if script it's not empty
1614     if t.Script.Count>0 then
1615     begin
1616       FDesigner.ImgIndic.Draw(Canvas, t.x+1, t.y+iy, 0);
1617       iy:=10;
1618     end;
1620   end;
1622   FDesigner.ImageList2.Draw(Canvas, Width-14, Height-14, 1);
1623   if not Down then
1624     NPPaintSelection;
1626 end;
1628 procedure TfrDesignerPage.Draw(N: Integer; AClipRgn: HRGN);
1629 var
1630   i,iy      : Integer;
1631   t         : TfrView;
1632   R, R1     : HRGN;
1633   Objects   : TFpList;
1635   procedure DrawBackground;
1636   var
1637     i, j: Integer;
1638     Re: TRect;
1639   begin
1640     with Canvas do
1641     begin
1642       if FDesigner.ShowGrid and (FDesigner.GridSize <> 18) then
1643       begin
1644         with GridBitmap.Canvas do
1645         begin
1646           Brush.Color := clWhite;
1647           FillRect(Rect(0, 0, 8, 8));
1648           Pixels[0, 0] := clBlack;
1649           if FDesigner.GridSize = 4 then
1650           begin
1651             Pixels[4, 0] := clBlack;
1652             Pixels[0, 4] := clBlack;
1653             Pixels[4, 4] := clBlack;
1654           end;
1655         end;
1656         Brush.Bitmap := GridBitmap;
1657       end
1658       else
1659       begin
1660         Brush.Color := clWhite;
1661         Brush.Style := bsSolid;
1662         Brush.Bitmap:= nil;
1663       end;
1665       //FillRgn(Handle, R, Brush.Handle);
1666       GetRgnBox(R, @Re);
1667       FillRect(Re);
1669       if FDesigner.ShowGrid and (FDesigner.GridSize = 18) then
1670       begin
1671         i := 0;
1672         while i < Width do
1673         begin
1674           j := 0;
1675           while j < Height do
1676           begin
1677             if RectVisible(Handle, Rect(i, j, i + 1, j + 1)) then
1678               Pixels[i,j]:=clBlack;
1679             Inc(j, FDesigner.GridSize);
1680           end;
1681           Inc(i, FDesigner.GridSize);
1682         end;
1683       end;
1684       Brush.Style := bsClear;
1685       Pen.Width := 1;
1686       Pen.Color := clSilver;
1687       Pen.Style := psSolid;
1688       Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
1689       with FDesigner.Page do
1690       begin
1691         if UseMargins then
1692           Rectangle(LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin, BottomMargin);
1693         if ColCount > 1 then
1694         begin
1695           ColWidth := (RightMargin - LeftMargin - (ColCount-1)*ColGap) div ColCount;
1696           Pen.Style := psDot;
1697           j := LeftMargin;
1698           for i := 1 to ColCount do
1699           begin
1700             Rectangle(j, -1, j + ColWidth + 1,  PrnInfo.Pgh + 1);
1701             Inc(j, ColWidth + ColGap);
1702           end;
1703           Pen.Style := psSolid;
1704         end;
1705       end;
1706     end;
1707   end;
ViewIsVisiblenull1709   function ViewIsVisible(t: TfrView): Boolean;
1710   var
1711     Rn: HRGN;
1712   begin
1713     Rn := t.GetClipRgn(rtNormal);
1714     Result := CombineRgn(Rn, Rn, AClipRgn, RGN_AND) <> NULLREGION;
1715     if Result then
1716       // will this view be really visible?
1717       Result := CombineRgn(Rn, AClipRgn, R, RGN_AND) <> NULLREGION;
1718     DeleteObject(Rn);
1719   end;
1721 begin
1722   if FDesigner.Page = nil then Exit;
1724   DocMode := dmDesigning;
1726   Objects := FDesigner.Page.Objects;
1728   if FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog then
1729   begin
1730     DrawDialog(N, AClipRgn);
1731     Exit;
1732   end;
1734   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1735   DebugLnEnter('TfrDesignerPage.Draw INIT N=%d AClipRgn=%d',[N,AClipRgn]);
1736   {$ENDIF}
1738   if AClipRgn = 0 then
1739   begin
1740     with Canvas.ClipRect do
1741       AClipRgn := CreateRectRgn(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
1742   end;
1744   R:=CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height);
1745   for i:=Objects.Count-1 downto 0 do
1746   begin
1747     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
1748     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1749     DebugLn('Draw ',InttoStr(i),' ',t.Name);
1750     {$ENDIF}
1751     if i <= N then
1752     begin
1753       if t.selected then
1754         t.draw(canvas)
1755       else
1756       if ViewIsVisible(t) then
1757       begin
1758         R1 := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1);
1759         CombineRgn(R1, AClipRgn, R, RGN_AND);
1760         SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, R1);
1761         DeleteObject(R1);
1763         t.Draw(Canvas);
1765         iy:=1;
1766         //Show indicator if script it's not empty
1767         if t.Script.Count>0 then
1768         begin
1769           FDesigner.ImgIndic.Draw(Canvas, t.x+1, t.y+iy, 0);
1770           iy:=10;
1771         end;
1773         //Show indicator if hightlight it's not empty
1774         if (t is TfrCustomMemoView) and (Trim(TfrCustomMemoView(t).HighlightStr)<>'') then
1775           FDesigner.ImgIndic.Draw(Canvas, t.x+1, t.y+iy, 1);
1776       end;
1777     end;
1778     R1 := t.GetClipRgn(rtNormal);
1779     CombineRgn(R, R, R1, RGN_DIFF);
1780     DeleteObject(R1);
1781     SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, R);
1782   end;
1784   CombineRgn(R, R, AClipRgn, RGN_AND);
1786   DrawBackground;
1788   DeleteObject(R);
1789   DeleteObject(AClipRgn);
1790   if AClipRgn=ClipRgn then
1791     ClipRgn := 0;
1793   SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, 0);
1795   if not Down then
1796     NPPaintSelection;
1798   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1799   DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.Draw DONE');
1800   {$ENDIF}
1801 end;
1803 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DrawPage(DrawMode: TfrDesignerDrawMode);
1804 var
1805   i: Integer;
1806   t: TfrView;
1807 begin
1808   if DocMode <> dmDesigning then Exit;
1809   {$ifdef ppaint}
1810   if DrawMode=dmSelection then
1811   begin
1812     if not fPainting then
1813       fPaintSel.InvalidateSelection;
1814     exit;
1815   end;
1816   {$endif}
1817   for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
1818   begin
1819     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
1820     case DrawMode of
1821       dmAll: t.Draw(Canvas);
1822       dmSelection: DrawSelection(t);
1823       dmShape: DrawShape(t);
1824     end;
1825   end;
1826 end;
TfrDesignerPage.FindNearestEdgenull1828 function TfrDesignerPage.FindNearestEdge(var x, y: Integer): Boolean;
1829 var
1830   i: Integer;
1831   t: TfrView;
1832   min: Double;
1833   p: TPoint;
DoMinnull1835   function DoMin(a: Array of TPoint): Boolean;
1836   var
1837     i: Integer;
1838     d: Double;
1839   begin
1840     Result := False;
1841     for i := Low(a) to High(a) do
1842     begin
1843       d := sqrt((x - a[i].x) * (x - a[i].x) + (y - a[i].y) * (y - a[i].y));
1844       if d < min then
1845       begin
1846         min := d;
1847         p := a[i];
1848         Result := True;
1849       end;
1850     end;
1851   end;
1853 begin
1854   Result := False;
1855   min := FDesigner.GridSize;
1856   p := Point(x, y);
1857   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
1858   begin
1859     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
1860     if DoMin([Point(t.x, t.y), Point(t.x + t.dx, t.y),
1861          Point(t.x + t.dx, t.y + t.dy),  Point(t.x, t.y + t.dy)]) then
1862       Result := True;
1863   end;
1865   x := p.x;
1866   y := p.y;
1867 end;
1869 procedure TfrDesignerPage.RoundCoord(var x, y: Integer);
1870 begin
1871   with FDesigner do
1872   begin
1874     if ShowGuides and fGuides.SnapToGuide(x, y) then
1875       exit;
1877     if GridAlign then
1878     begin
1879       x := x div GridSize * GridSize;
1880       y := y div GridSize * GridSize;
1881     end;
1882   end;
1883 end;
1885 procedure TfrDesignerPage.GetMultipleSelected;
1886 var
1887   i, j, k: Integer;
1888   t: TfrView;
1889 begin
1890   j := 0; k := 0;
1891   LeftTop := Point(10000, 10000);
1892   RightBottom := -1;
1893   TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag := False;
1894   if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum > 1 then                  {find right-bottom element}
1895   begin
1896     for i := 0 to Objects.Count-1 do
1897     begin
1898       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
1899       if t.Selected then
1900       begin
1901         t.OriginalRect := Rect(t.x, t.y, t.dx, t.dy);
1902         if (t.x + t.dx > j) or ((t.x + t.dx = j) and (t.y + t.dy > k)) then
1903         begin
1904           j := t.x + t.dx;
1905           k := t.y + t.dy;
1906           RightBottom := i;
1907         end;
1908         if t.x < LeftTop.x then LeftTop.x := t.x;
1909         if t.y < LeftTop.y then LeftTop.y := t.y;
1910       end;
1911     end;
1912     t := TfrView(Objects[RightBottom]);
1913     OldRect := Rect(LeftTop.x, LeftTop.y, t.x + t.dx, t.y + t.dy);
1914     OldRect1 := OldRect;
1915     TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag := True;
1916   end;
1917 end;
1919 procedure TfrDesignerPage.CheckGuides;
1920 begin
1921   if not FDesigner.ShowGuides then
1922     fGuides.HideGuides;
1923 end;
1925 procedure TfrDesignerPage.MDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
1926   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
1927 var
1928   i: Integer;
1929   f, DontChange, v: Boolean;
1930   t: TfrView;
1931   p: TPoint;
1932 begin
1933   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1934   DebugLnEnter('TfrDesignerPage.MDown(X=%d,Y=%d) INIT',[x,y]);
1935   DebugLn('Down=%s RFlag=%s',[dbgs(Down),dbgs(RFlag)]);
1936   {$ENDIF}
1938   // In Lazarus there is no mousedown after doubleclick so
1939   // just ignore mousedown when doubleclick is coming.
1940   if ssDouble in Shift then begin
1941     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1942     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MDown DONE: doubleclick expected');
1943     {$ENDIF}
1944     exit;
1945   end;
1947   if (Button = mbRight) and Down and RFlag then
1948     NPEraseFocusRect;
1950   RFlag := False;
1951   NPEraseSelection;
1952   Down := True;
1953   DontChange := False;
1954   if Button = mbLeft then
1955   begin
1956     if (ssCtrl in Shift) or (Cursor = crCross) then
1957     begin
1958       RFlag := True;
1959       if Cursor = crCross then
1960       begin
1961         NPEraseFocusRect;
1962         RoundCoord(x, y);
1963         OldRect1 := OldRect;
1964       end;
1965       OldRect := Rect(x, y, x, y);
1966       FDesigner.Unselect;
1967       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 0;
1968       RightBottom := -1;
1969       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag := False;
1970       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := nil;
1971       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
1972       DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MDown DONE: Ctrl+Left o cursor=crCross');
1973       {$ENDIF}
1974       {$ifdef ppaint}
1975       NPDrawSelection;
1976       {$endif}
1977       Exit;
1978     end
1979     else if Cursor = crPencil then
1980          begin
1981             with FDesigner do
1982             begin
1983               if ShowGuides and fGuides.SnapToGuide(x, y) then
1984                 // x and/or y are at the right value now
1985               else begin
1986                 if GridAlign then
1987                 begin
1988                   if not FindNearestEdge(x, y) then
1989                   begin
1990                     x := Round(x / GridSize) * GridSize;
1991                     y := Round(y / GridSize) * GridSize;
1992                   end;
1993                 end;
1994               end;
1995             end;
1996             OldRect := Rect(x, y, x, y);
1997             FDesigner.Unselect;
1998             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 0;
1999             RightBottom := -1;
2000             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag := False;
2001             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := nil;
2002             LastX := x;
2003             LastY := y;
2004             {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2005             DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MDown DONE: Left + cursor=crPencil');
2006             {$ENDIF}
2007             {$ifdef ppaint}
2008             NPDrawSelection;
2009             {$endif}
2010             Exit;
2011          end;
2012   end;
2014   if FDesigner.ShowGuides then
2015     fGuides.ResetMoveSelection(x, y);
2017   if Cursor = crDefault then
2018   begin
2019     f := False;
2020     for i := Objects.Count - 1 downto 0 do
2021     begin
2022       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2023       V:=t.PointInView(X,Y);
2024       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2025       DebugLn(t.Name,' PointInView(Rgn, X, Y)=',dbgs(V),' Selected=',dbgs(t.selected));
2026       {$ENDIF}
2027       if v then
2028       begin
2029         if ssShift in Shift then
2030         begin
2031           t.Selected := not t.Selected;
2032           if t.Selected then
2033             Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum)
2034           else
2035             Dec(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
2036         end
2037         else
2038         begin
2039           if not t.Selected then
2040           begin
2041             FDesigner.Unselect;
2042             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 1;
2043             t.Selected := True;
2044           end
2045           else DontChange := True;
2046         end;
2048         if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 0 then
2049           TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := nil
2050         else
2051         if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1 then
2052           TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := t
2053         else
2054         if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected <> nil then
2055           if not TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected.Selected then
2056             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := nil;
2057         f := True;
2058         break;
2059       end;
2060     end;
2062     if not f then
2063     begin
2064       FDesigner.Unselect;
2065       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 0;
2066       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected := nil;
2067       if Button = mbLeft then
2068       begin
2069         RFlag := True;
2070         OldRect := Rect(x, y, x, y);
2071         {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2072         DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MDown DONE: Deselection o no selection');
2073         {$ENDIF}
2074         {$ifdef ppaint}
2075         NPDrawSelection;
2076         {$endif}
2078         Exit;
2079       end;
2080     end;
2082     GetMultipleSelected;
2083     if not DontChange then
2084     begin
2085       FDesigner.SelectionChanged;
2086       FDesigner.ResetDuplicateCount;
2087     end;
2088   end
2089   else
2090   if (Cursor = crSizeNWSE) and (FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog) then
2091   begin
2092     if (X > FDesigner.Page.Width - 10) and (X < FDesigner.Page.Width +10) and (Y > FDesigner.Page.Height - 10) and (Y < FDesigner.Page.Height + 10) then
2093       fResizeDialog:=true
2094     else
2095       fResizeDialog:=false;
2096     Exit;
2097   end;
2099   if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 0 then
2100   begin // reset multiple selection
2101     RightBottom := -1;
2102     TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag := False;
2103   end;
2105   LastX := x;
2106   LastY := y;
2107   Moved := False;
2108   FirstChange := True;
2109   FirstBandMove := True;
2111   if Button = mbRight then
2112   begin
2113     NPDrawSelection;
2114     Down := False;
2115     GetCursorPos(p{%H-});
2116     //FDesigner.Popup1Popup(nil);
2118     FDesigner.Popup1.PopUp(p.X,p.Y);
2119     //**
2120     {TrackPopupMenu(FDesigner.Popup1.Handle,
2121       TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, p.X, p.Y, 0, FDesigner.Handle, nil);
2122     }
2123   end
2124   else if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
2125            DrawPage(dmShape);
2127   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2128   DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MDown DONE');
2129   {$ENDIF}
2130 end;
2132 procedure TfrDesignerPage.MUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
2133   X, Y: Integer);
2134 var
2135   i, k, dx, dy: Integer;
2136   t: TfrView;
2137   ObjectInserted: Boolean;
2139   procedure AddObject(ot: Byte);
2140   begin
2141 {    Objects.Add(frCreateObject(ot, '', FDesigner.Page));
2142     t := TfrView(Objects.Last);}
2143     t:=frCreateObject(ot, '', FDesigner.Page);
2144     if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
2145       TfrCustomMemoView(t).MonitorFontChanges;
2146   end;
2148   procedure CreateSection;
2149   var
2150     s: String;
2151   begin
2152     frBandTypesForm := TfrBandTypesForm.Create(FDesigner);
2153     try
2154       ObjectInserted := frBandTypesForm.ShowModal = mrOk;
2155       if ObjectInserted then
2156       begin
2157 {        Objects.Add(TfrBandView.Create(FDesigner.Page));
2158         t := TfrView(Objects.Last);}
2159         t:=TfrBandView.Create(FDesigner.Page);
2160         (t as TfrBandView).BandType := frBandTypesForm.SelectedTyp;
2161         s := frGetBandName(frBandTypesForm.SelectedTyp);
2162         THackView(t).BaseName := s;
2163         SendBandsToDown;
2164       end;
2165     finally
2166       frBandTypesForm.Free;
2167     end;
2168   end;
2170   procedure CreateSubReport;
2171   begin
2172     t:=TfrSubReportView.Create(FDesigner.Page);
2173     (t as TfrSubReportView).SubPage := CurReport.Pages.Add;
2174   end;
2176 begin
2177   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2178   DebugLnEnter('TfrDesignerPage.MUp INIT Button=%d Cursor=%d RFlag=%s',
2179     [ord(Button),Cursor,dbgs(RFlag)]);
2180   {$ENDIF}
2181   if Button <> mbLeft then
2182   begin
2183     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2184     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: Button<>mbLeft');
2185     {$ENDIF}
2186     Exit;
2187   end;
2189   Down := False;
2190   if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
2191     DrawPage(dmShape);
2193   //inserting a new object
2194   if Cursor = crCross then
2195   begin
2196     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2197     DebugLnEnter('Inserting a New Object INIT');
2198     {$ENDIF}
2199     EnableEvents(false);
2200     Mode := mdSelect;
2201     if (OldRect.Left = OldRect.Right) and (OldRect.Top = OldRect.Bottom) then
2202       OldRect := OldRect1
2203     else
2204       NPEraseFocusRect;
2205     NormalizeRect(OldRect);
2206     RFlag := False;
2207     ObjectInserted := True;
2209     if FDesigner.Panel4.Visible then
2210     begin
2211       with FDesigner.Panel4 do
2212       begin
2213         for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
2214         begin
2215           if Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then
2216           begin
2217             with Controls[i] as TSpeedButton do
2218             begin
2219               if Down then
2220               begin
2221                 if Tag = gtBand then
2222                 begin
2223                   if GetUnusedBand <> btNone then
2224                     CreateSection
2225                   else
2226                   begin
2227                     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2228                     DebugLnExit('Inserting a new object DONE: GetUnusedBand=btNone');
2229                     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: Inserting..');
2230                     {$ENDIF}
2231                     EnableEvents;
2232                     Exit;
2233                   end;
2234                 end
2235                 else if Tag = gtSubReport then
2236                          CreateSubReport
2237                 else
2238                 begin
2239                   if Tag >= gtAddIn then
2240                   begin
2241                     k := Tag - gtAddIn;
2242 {                    Objects.Add(frCreateObject(gtAddIn, frAddIns[k].ClassRef.ClassName, FDesigner.Page));
2243                     t := TfrView(Objects.Last);}
2244                     t:=frCreateObject(gtAddIn, frAddIns[k].ClassRef.ClassName, FDesigner.Page);
2245                   end
2246                   else
2247                     AddObject(Tag);
2248                 end;
2249                 break;
2250               end;
2251             end;
2252           end;
2253         end;
2254       end;
2255     end
2256     else
2257     begin
2258       with FDesigner.panForDlg do
2259       begin
2260         for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
2261         begin
2262           if Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then
2263           begin
2264             with Controls[i] as TSpeedButton do
2265             begin
2266               if Down then
2267               begin
2268                 if Tag >= gtAddIn then
2269                 begin
2270                   k := Tag - gtAddIn;
2271 {                  Objects.Add(frCreateObject(gtAddIn, frAddIns[k].ClassRef.ClassName, FDesigner.Page));
2272                   t := TfrView(Objects.Last);}
2273                   t:=frCreateObject(gtAddIn, frAddIns[k].ClassRef.ClassName, FDesigner.Page);
2274                 end
2275                 else
2276                   AddObject(Tag);
2277                 break;
2278               end;
2279             end;
2280           end;
2281         end;
2282       end;
2283     end;
2285     if ObjectInserted then
2286     begin
2287       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2288       debugLn('Object inserted begin');
2289       {$ENDIF}
2290       t.CreateUniqueName;
2291       t.Canvas:=Canvas;
2293       with OldRect do
2294       begin
2295         if (Left = Right) or (Top = Bottom) then
2296         begin
2297           dx := 40;
2298           dy := 40;
2299           if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
2300             FDesigner.GetDefaultSize(dx, dy);
2301           OldRect := Rect(Left, Top, Left + dx, Top + dy);
2302         end;
2303       end;
2304       {$ifdef ppaint}
2305       NPEraseSelection;
2306       {$endif}
2307       FDesigner.Unselect;
2308       t.x := OldRect.Left;
2309       t.y := OldRect.Top;
2310       t.dx := OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left;
2311       t.dy := OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top;
2313       if (t is TfrBandView) and
2314          (TfrBandView(t).BandType in [btCrossHeader..btCrossFooter]) and
2315          (t.dx > Width - 10) then
2316             t.dx := 40;
2317       t.FrameWidth := LastFrameWidth;
2318       t.FrameColor := LastFrameColor;
2319       t.FillColor  := LastFillColor;
2320       t.Selected   := True;
2322       if t.Typ <> gtBand then
2323         t.Frames:=LastFrames;
2325       if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
2326       begin
2327         with t as TfrCustomMemoView do
2328         begin
2329           Font.Name := LastFontName;
2330           Font.Size := LastFontSize;
2331           Font.Color := LastFontColor;
2332           Font.Style := frSetFontStyle(LastFontStyle);
2333           Adjust := LastAdjust;
2334         end;
2335       end
2336       else
2337       if t is TfrControl then
2338         TfrControl(T).UpdateControlPosition;
2340       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 1;
2341       NPRedrawViewCheckBand(t);
2343       with FDesigner do
2344       begin
2345         SelectionChanged;
2346         AddUndoAction(acInsert);
2347         if EditAfterInsert then
2348           ShowEditor;
2349       end;
2351       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2352       DebugLn('Object inserted end');
2353       {$ENDIF}
2354     end;
2356     if not TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).ObjRepeat then
2357     begin
2358       if FDesigner.Page is TfrPageReport then
2359         FDesigner.OB1.Down := True
2360       else
2361         FDesigner.OB7.Down := True
2362     end
2363     else
2364       NPEraseFocusRect;
2366     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2367     DebugLnExit('Inserting a New Object DONE');
2368     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: Inserting ...');
2369     {$ENDIF}
2370     EnableEvents;
2371     Exit;
2372   end;
2374   //line drawing
2375   if Cursor = crPencil then
2376   begin
2377     DrawRectLine(OldRect);
2378     AddObject(gtLine);
2379     t.CreateUniqueName;
2380     t.x := OldRect.Left; t.y := OldRect.Top;
2381     t.dx := OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left;
2382     t.dy := OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top;
2383     if t.dx < 0 then
2384     begin
2385       t.dx := -t.dx; if Abs(t.dx) > Abs(t.dy) then t.x := OldRect.Right;
2386     end;
2387     if t.dy < 0 then
2388     begin
2389       t.dy := -t.dy; if Abs(t.dy) > Abs(t.dx) then t.y := OldRect.Bottom;
2390     end;
2391     t.Selected := True;
2392     t.BeginUpdate;
2393     t.FrameWidth := LastLineWidth;
2394     t.FrameColor := LastFrameColor;
2395     t.EndUpdate;
2396     TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 1;
2397     NPRedrawViewCheckBand(t);
2398     FDesigner.SelectionChanged;
2399     FDesigner.AddUndoAction(acInsert);
2400     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2401     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: Line Drawing');
2402     {$ENDIF}
2403     Exit;
2404   end;
2406   // calculating which objects contains in frame (if user select it with mouse+Ctrl key)
2407   if RFlag then
2408   begin
2409     NPEraseFocusRect;
2410     RFlag := False;
2411     NormalizeRect(OldRect);
2412     for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
2413     begin
2414       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2415       with OldRect do
2416       begin
2417         if t.Typ <> gtBand then
2418         begin
2419           if not ((t.x > Right) or (t.x + t.dx < Left) or
2420                   (t.y > Bottom) or (t.y + t.dy < Top)) then
2421           begin
2422             t.Selected := True;
2423             Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
2424           end;
2425         end;
2426       end;
2427     end;
2428     GetMultipleSelected;
2429     FDesigner.SelectionChanged;
2430     NPDrawSelection;
2431     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2432     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: objects contained in frame');
2433     {$ENDIF}
2434     Exit;
2435   end;
2437   //splitting
2438   if Moved and TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag and (Cursor = crHSplit) then
2439   begin
2440     with SplitInfo do
2441     begin
2442       dx := SplRect.Left - SplX;
2443       if (View1.dx + dx > 0) and (View2.dx - dx > 0) then
2444       begin
2445         Inc(View1.dx, dx);
2446         Inc(View2.x, dx);
2447         Dec(View2.dx, dx);
2448       end;
2449     end;
2450     GetMultipleSelected;
2451     NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
2452     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2453     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: Splitting');
2454     {$ENDIF}
2455     Exit;
2456   end;
2458   //resizing several objects
2459   if Moved and TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag and (Cursor <> crDefault) then
2460   begin
2461     {$ifdef ppaint}
2462     NPDrawSelection;
2463     DeleteObject(ClipRgn);
2464     ClipRgn:=0;
2465     {$else}
2466     NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
2467     {$endif}
2468     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2469     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE: resizing several objects');
2470     {$ENDIF}
2471     Exit;
2472   end;
2474   //redrawing all moved or resized objects
2475   if not Moved then
2476   begin
2477     NPDrawSelection;
2478     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2479     DebugLn('redrawing all moved or resized objects');
2480     {$ENDIF}
2481   end;
2483   if (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum >= 1) and Moved then
2484   begin
2485     if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum > 1 then
2486     begin
2487       //JRA DebugLn('HERE, ClipRgn', Dbgs(ClipRgn));
2488       {$ifdef ppaint}
2489       NPDrawSelection;
2490       if ClipRgn<>0 then
2491         DeleteObject(ClipRgn);
2492       ClipRgn:=0;
2493       {$else}
2494       NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
2495       {$endif}
2496       GetMultipleSelected;
2497       FDesigner.ShowPosition;
2498     end
2499     else
2500     begin
2501       t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
2502       NormalizeCoord(t);
2503       if Cursor <> crDefault then
2504         t.Resized;
2506       if T is TfrControl then
2507         TfrControl(T).UpdateControlPosition;
2509       {$ifdef ppaint}
2510       NPDrawSelection;
2511       if ClipRgn<>0 then
2512       begin
2513         DeleteObject(ClipRgn);
2514         Invalidate;
2515       end;
2516       ClipRgn:=0;
2517       {$else}
2518       NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
2519       {$endif}
2520       FDesigner.ShowPosition;
2522       if T is TfrMemoView then
2523         FDesigner.ShowIEButton(T as TfrMemoView);
2524     end;
2525   end;
2527   if (FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog) and (fResizeDialog ) then
2528   begin
2529     Width:=X;
2530     Height:=Y;
2531     fResizeDialog:=false;
2532     Mode:=mdSelect;
2533     FDesigner.Page.Width:=X;
2534     FDesigner.Page.Height:=Y;
2535     DrawPage(dmAll);
2536     FDesigner.Modified:=true;
2537     for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
2538     begin
2539       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2540       if T is TfrControl then
2541         TfrControl(T).UpdateControlPosition;
2542     end;
2543   end;
2546   Moved := False;
2547   CT := ctNone;
2548   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2549   DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MUp DONE');
2550   {$ENDIF}
2551 end;
2553 procedure TfrDesignerPage.MMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
2554 var
2555   i, j, kx, ky, w, dx, dy: Integer;
2556   t, t1, Bnd: TfrView;
2557   nx, ny, x1, x2, y1, y2: Double;
2558   hr, hr1,Hr2: HRGN;
Contnull2560   function Cont(px, py, x, y: Integer): Boolean;
2561   begin
2562     Result := (x >= px - w) and (x <= px + w + 1) and
2563       (y >= py - w) and (y <= py + w + 1);
2564   end;
GridChecknull2566   function GridCheck:Boolean;
2567   begin
2568     with FDesigner do
2569     begin
2570       Result := (kx >= GridSize) or (kx <= -GridSize) or
2571                 (ky >= GridSize) or (ky <= -GridSize);
2572       if Result then
2573       begin
2574         kx := kx - kx mod GridSize;
2575         ky := ky - ky mod GridSize;
2576       end;
2577     end;
2578   end;
SnapCoordsnull2580   function SnapCoords: boolean;
2581   begin
2582     result := true;
2583     if FDesigner.ShowGuides and fGuides.SnapToGuide(x, y) then begin
2584       kx := x - LastX;
2585       ky := y - LastY;
2586     end else begin
2587       kx := x - LastX;
2588       ky := y - LastY;
2589       if FDesigner.GridAlign and not GridCheck then
2590         result := false;
2591     end;
2592   end;
2594 begin
2595   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2596   DebugLnEnter('TfrDesignerPage.MMove(X=%d,Y=%d)  INIT',[x,y]);
2597   {$ENDIF}
2598   Moved := True;
2599   w := 2;
2601   if FDesigner.ShowGuides then
2602   begin
2603     if not down then
2604       // normal snap guide to any object
2605       fGuides.FindGuides(x, y)
2606     else
2607     if (Cursor = crPencil) or
2608        (Cursor = crCross) then
2609       // normal snap to guide for inserting objects or drawing lines
2610       fGuides.FindGuides(x, y)
2611     else
2612     if (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum >= 1) then
2613       // don't create a guide for the object(s) being resized
2614       fGuides.FindGuides(x, y, true);
2615   end;
2617   if FirstChange and Down and not RFlag then
2618   begin
2619     kx := x - LastX;
2620     ky := y - LastY;
2621     if not FDesigner.GridAlign or GridCheck then
2622     begin
2623       GetRegion; //JRA 1
2624       FDesigner.AddUndoAction(acEdit);
2625     end;
2626   end;
2628   if not Down then
2629   begin
2630     if FDesigner.panForDlg.Visible then
2631     begin
2632       if FDesigner.OB7.Down then
2633       begin
2634         Mode := mdSelect;
2635         if (X > FDesigner.Page.Width - 10) and (X < FDesigner.Page.Width + 10) and (Y > FDesigner.Page.Height - 10) and (Y < FDesigner.Page.Height + 10) then
2636           Cursor := crSizeNWSE
2637         else
2638           Cursor := crDefault;
2641       end
2642       else
2643       begin
2644         Mode := mdInsert;
2645         if Cursor <> crCross then
2646         begin
2647           RoundCoord(x, y);
2648           kx := Width; ky := 40;
2649 //          if not FDesigner.OB3.Down then
2650           FDesigner.GetDefaultSize(kx, ky);
2651           OldRect := Rect(x, y, x + kx, y + ky);
2652           NPDrawFocusRect;
2653         end;
2654         Cursor := crCross;
2655       end;
2656     end
2657     else
2658     if FDesigner.OB6.Down then
2659     begin
2660       Mode := mdSelect;
2661       Cursor := crPencil;
2662     end
2663     else
2664     if FDesigner.OB1.Down then
2665     begin
2666       Mode := mdSelect;
2667       Cursor := crDefault;
2668     end
2669     else
2670     begin
2671       Mode := mdInsert;
2672       if Cursor <> crCross then
2673       begin
2674         RoundCoord(x, y);
2675         kx := Width; ky := 40;
2676         if not FDesigner.OB3.Down then
2677           FDesigner.GetDefaultSize(kx, ky);
2678         OldRect := Rect(x, y, x + kx, y + ky);
2679         NPDrawFocusRect;
2680       end;
2681       Cursor := crCross;
2682     end;
2683   end;
2685   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2686   DebugLn('Mode Insert=%s Down=%s',[dbgs(Mode=mdInsert),dbgs(Down)]);
2687   {$ENDIF}
2689   if (Mode = mdInsert) and not Down then
2690   begin
2691     NPEraseFocusRect;
2692     RoundCoord(x, y);
2693     OffsetRect(OldRect, x - OldRect.Left, y - OldRect.Top);
2694     NPDrawFocusRect;
2695     ShowSizes := True;
2696     FDesigner.UpdateStatus;
2697     ShowSizes := False;
2698     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2699     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: Mode Insert and not Down');
2700     {$ENDIF}
2701     Exit;
2702   end;
2704   //cursor shapes
2705   if not Down and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1) and (Mode = mdSelect) and
2706     not FDesigner.OB6.Down then
2707   begin
2708     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
2709     if Cont(t.x, t.y, x, y) or Cont(t.x + t.dx, t.y + t.dy, x, y) then
2710       Cursor := crSizeNWSE
2711     else if Cont(t.x + t.dx, t.y, x, y) or Cont(t.x, t.y + t.dy, x, y)then
2712       Cursor := crSizeNESW
2713     else if Cont(t.x + t.dx div 2, t.y, x, y) or Cont(t.x + t.dx div 2, t.y + t.dy, x, y) then
2714       Cursor := crSizeNS
2715     else if Cont(t.x, t.y + t.dy div 2, x, y) or Cont(t.x + t.dx, t.y + t.dy div 2, x, y) then
2716       Cursor := crSizeWE
2717     else
2718       Cursor := crDefault;
2719   end;
2721   if Down then
2722     FDesigner.HideIEButton;
2724   //selecting a lot of objects
2725   if Down and RFlag then
2726   begin
2727     NPEraseFocusRect;
2728     if Cursor = crCross then
2729       RoundCoord(x, y);
2730     OldRect := Rect(OldRect.Left, OldRect.Top, x, y);
2731     NPDrawFocusRect;
2732     ShowSizes := True;
2733     if Cursor = crCross then
2734       FDesigner.UpdateStatus;
2735     ShowSizes := False;
2736     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2737     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: DOWN and RFLag (sel alot of objs)');
2738     {$ENDIF}
2739     Exit;
2740   end;
2742   //line drawing
2743   if Down and (Cursor = crPencil) then
2744   begin
2745     if not SnapCoords then begin
2746       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2747       DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: not gridcheck and gridalign');
2748       {$ENDIF}
2749       Exit;
2750     end;
2751     DrawRectLine(OldRect);
2752     OldRect := Rect(OldRect.Left, OldRect.Top, OldRect.Right + kx, OldRect.Bottom + ky);
2753     DrawRectLine(OldRect);
2754     Inc(LastX, kx);
2755     Inc(LastY, ky);
2756     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2757     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: Line drawing');
2758     {$ENDIF}
2759     Exit;
2760   end;
2762   //check for multiple selected objects - right-bottom corner
2763   if not Down and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum > 1) and (Mode = mdSelect) then
2764   begin
2765     t := TfrView(Objects[RightBottom]);
2766     if Cont(t.x + t.dx, t.y + t.dy, x, y) then
2767       Cursor := crSizeNWSE
2768   end;
2770   //split checking
2771   if not Down and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum > 1) and (Mode = mdSelect) then
2772   begin
2773     for i := 0 to Objects.Count-1 do
2774     begin
2775       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2776       if (t.Typ <> gtBand) and t.Selected then
2777         if (x >= t.x) and (x <= t.x + t.dx) and (y >= t.y) and (y <= t.y + t.dy) then
2778         begin
2779           for j := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
2780           begin
2781             t1 := TfrView(Objects[j]);
2782             if (t1.Typ <> gtBand) and (t1 <> t) and t1.Selected then
2783               if ((t.x = t1.x + t1.dx) and ((x >= t.x) and (x <= t.x + 2))) or
2784               ((t1.x = t.x + t.dx) and ((x >= t1.x - 2) and (x <= t.x))) then
2785               begin
2786                 Cursor := crHSplit;
2787                 with SplitInfo do
2788                 begin
2789                   SplRect := Rect(x, t.y, x, t.y + t.dy);
2790                   if t.x = t1.x + t1.dx then
2791                   begin
2792                     SplX := t.x;
2793                     View1 := t1;
2794                     View2 := t;
2795                   end
2796                   else
2797                   begin
2798                     SplX := t1.x;
2799                     View1 := t;
2800                     View2 := t1;
2801                   end;
2802                   SplRect.Left := SplX;
2803                   SplRect.Right := SplX;
2804                 end;
2805               end;
2806           end;
2807         end;
2808     end;
2809   end;
2811   // splitting
2812   if Down and TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag and (Mode = mdSelect) and (Cursor = crHSplit) then
2813   begin
2814     kx := x - LastX;
2815     ky := 0;
2816     if FDesigner.GridAlign and not GridCheck then begin
2817       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2818       DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: Splitting not grid check');
2819       {$ENDIF}
2820       Exit;
2821     end;
2822     with SplitInfo do
2823     begin
2824       DrawHSplitter(SplRect);
2825       SplRect := Rect(SplRect.Left + kx, SplRect.Top, SplRect.Right + kx, SplRect.Bottom);
2826       DrawHSplitter(SplRect);
2827     end;
2828     Inc(LastX, kx);
2829     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2830     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: Splitting');
2831     {$ENDIF}
2832     Exit;
2833   end;
2835   // sizing several objects
2836   if Down and TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).MRFlag and (Mode = mdSelect) and (Cursor <> crDefault) then
2837   begin
2838     if not SnapCoords then begin
2839       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2840       DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: sizing seveal, not gridcheck');
2841       {$ENDIF}
2842       Exit;
2843     end;
2845     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
2846       DrawPage(dmShape)
2847     else
2848     begin
2849       hr := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
2850       hr1 := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
2851     end;
2853     OldRect := Rect(OldRect.Left, OldRect.Top, OldRect.Right + kx, OldRect.Bottom + ky);
2854     nx := (OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left) / (OldRect1.Right - OldRect1.Left);
2855     ny := (OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top) / (OldRect1.Bottom - OldRect1.Top);
2856     for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
2857     begin
2858       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2859       if (t.Selected) and not (lrrDontSize in T.Restrictions) then
2860       begin
2861         if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smAll then
2862           AddRgn(hr, t);
2863         x1 := (t.OriginalRect.Left - LeftTop.x) * nx;
2864         x2 := t.OriginalRect.Right * nx;
2865         dx := Round(x1 + x2) - (Round(x1) + Round(x2));
2866         t.x := LeftTop.x + Round(x1);
2867         t.dx := Round(x2) + dx;
2869         y1 := (t.OriginalRect.Top - LeftTop.y) * ny;
2870         y2 := t.OriginalRect.Bottom * ny;
2871         dy := Round(y1 + y2) - (Round(y1) + Round(y2));
2872         t.y := LeftTop.y + Round(y1);
2873         t.dy := Round(y2) + dy;
2874         if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smAll then
2875           AddRgn(hr1, t);
2876       end;
2877     end;
2879     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
2880       DrawPage(dmShape)
2881     else
2882     begin
2883       NPDrawLayerObjects(hr);
2884       NPDrawLayerObjects(hr1);
2885     end;
2887     Inc(LastX, kx);
2888     Inc(LastY, ky);
2889     FDesigner.UpdateStatus;
2890     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2891     DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: Sizing several objects');
2892     {$ENDIF}
2893     Exit;
2894   end;
2896   //moving
2897   if Down and (Mode = mdSelect) and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum >= 1) and (Cursor = crDefault) then
2898   begin
2899     kx := x - LastX;
2900     ky := y - LastY;
2901     if FDesigner.ShowGuides and fGuides.SnapSelectionToGuide(kx, ky, x, y) then
2902     begin
2903       kx := x - LastX;
2904       ky := y - LastY;
2905     end else begin
2906       if FDesigner.GridAlign and not GridCheck then begin
2907         {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2908         DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: moving');
2909         {$ENDIF}
2910         Exit;
2911       end;
2912     end;
2913     if FirstBandMove and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1) and ((kx <> 0) or (ky <> 0)) and
2914       not (ssAlt in Shift) then
2915     begin
2916       if Assigned(Objects[TopSelected]) and (TFrView(Objects[TopSelected]).Typ = gtBand) then
2917       begin
2918         Bnd := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
2919         for i := 0 to Objects.Count-1 do
2920         begin
2921           t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
2922           if t.Typ <> gtBand then
2923           begin
2925             if (t.x >= Bnd.x) and (t.x + t.dx <= Bnd.x + Bnd.dx) and
2926                (t.y >= Bnd.y) and (t.y + t.dy <= Bnd.y + Bnd.dy) then
2927             begin
2928               t.Selected := True;
2929               Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
2930             end;
2931           end;
2932         end;
2933         ColorLocked := True;
2934         FDesigner.SelectionChanged;
2935         GetMultipleSelected;
2936         ColorLocked := False;
2937       end;
2938     end;
2940     FirstBandMove := False;
2942     MoveResize(kx,ky,FDesigner.ShapeMode=smFrame, false);
2944     Inc(LastX, kx);
2945     Inc(LastY, ky);
2946     FDesigner.UpdateStatus;
2947   end;
2948 {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2949 //  else debugLn('Down=',BoolToStr(Down),' Mode=',IntToStr(Ord(Mode)),' SelNum=',IntToStr(Selnum),' Cursor=',IntToStr(Cursor));
2950 {$ENDIF}
2952   //resizing
2953   if Down and (Mode = mdSelect) and (TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1) and (Cursor <> crDefault) then
2954   begin
2955     if FDesigner.ShowGuides then
2956       fGuides.SnapToGuide(x, y);
2957     kx := x - LastX;
2958     ky := y - LastY;
2959     if FDesigner.GridAlign and not GridCheck then begin
2960       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
2961       DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove DONE: resizing');
2962       {$ENDIF}
2963       Exit;
2964     end;
2966     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
2967     if (lrrDontSize in T.Restrictions) then
2968       exit;
2970     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
2971       DrawPage(dmShape)
2972     else
2973       hr:=t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended);
2974     w := 3;
2976     if Cursor = crSizeNWSE then
2977     begin
2978       if (CT <> ct2) and ((CT = ct1) or Cont(t.x, t.y, LastX, LastY)) then
2979       begin
2980         t.x := t.x + kx;
2981         t.dx := t.dx - kx;
2982         t.y := t.y + ky;
2983         t.dy := t.dy - ky;
2984         CT := ct1;
2985       end
2986       else
2987       begin
2988         t.dx := t.dx + kx;
2989         t.dy := t.dy + ky;
2990         CT := ct2;
2991       end;
2992     end;
2994     if Cursor = crSizeNESW then
2995     begin
2996       if (CT <> ct4) and ((CT = ct3) or Cont(t.x + t.dx, t.y, LastX, LastY)) then
2997       begin
2998         t.y := t.y + ky;
2999         t.dx := t.dx + kx;
3000         t.dy := t.dy - ky;
3001         CT := ct3;
3002       end
3003       else
3004       begin
3005         t.x := t.x + kx;
3006         t.dx := t.dx - kx;
3007         t.dy := t.dy + ky;
3008         CT := ct4;
3009       end;
3010     end;
3012     if Cursor = crSizeWE then
3013     begin
3014       if (CT <> ct6) and ((CT = ct5) or Cont(t.x, t.y + t.dy div 2, LastX, LastY)) then
3015       begin
3016         t.x := t.x + kx;
3017         t.dx := t.dx - kx;
3018         CT := ct5;
3019       end
3020       else
3021       begin
3022         t.dx := t.dx + kx;
3023         CT := ct6;
3024       end;
3025     end;
3027     if Cursor = crSizeNS then
3028     begin
3029       if (CT <> ct8) and ((CT = ct7) or Cont(t.x + t.dx div 2, t.y, LastX, LastY)) then
3030       begin
3031         t.y := t.y + ky;
3032         t.dy := t.dy - ky;
3033         CT := ct7;
3034       end
3035       else
3036       begin
3037         t.dy := t.dy + ky;
3038         CT := ct8;
3039       end;
3040     end;
3042     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smFrame then
3043     begin
3044       DrawPage(dmShape);
3045       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3046       DebugLn('MDown resizing 1');
3047       {$ENDIF}
3048     end
3049     else
3050     begin
3051       Hr1:=CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
3052       Hr2:=t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended);
3053       CombineRgn(hr1, hr, hr2, RGN_OR);
3054       DeleteObject(Hr2);
3055       NPDrawLayerObjects(hr1);
3056       DeleteObject(Hr);
3057       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3058       DebugLn('MDown resizing 2');
3059       {$ENDIF}
3060     end;
3062     Inc(LastX, kx);
3063     Inc(LastY, ky);
3064   end;
3066   if fResizeDialog then
3067   begin
3068     Width:=X;
3069     Height:=Y;
3070     FDesigner.Page.Width:=X;
3071     FDesigner.Page.Height:=Y;
3072     DrawPage(dmAll);
3073 //    Invalidate;
3074 //    DrawDialog(0,0);
3075   end;
3077   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3078   DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.MMove END');
3079   {$ENDIF}
3080 end;
3082 procedure TfrDesignerPage.DClick(Sender: TObject);
3083 begin
3084   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3085   DebugLnEnter('TfrDesignerPage.DClick INIT DFlag=%s',[dbgs(DFlag)]);
3086   {$ENDIF}
3087   Down := False;
3088   if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 0 then
3089   begin
3090     if FDesigner.Page is TfrPageDialog then
3091       FDesigner.ShowDialogPgEditor(TfrPageDialog(FDesigner.Page))
3092       //FDesigner.ShowEditor
3093     else
3094       FDesigner.PgB3Click(nil);
3095     DFlag := True;
3096   end
3097   else
3098   if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum = 1 then
3099   begin
3100     DFlag := True;
3101     FDesigner.ShowEditor;
3102   end;
3103   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3104   DebugLnExit('TfrDesignerPage.DClick DONE DFlag=%s',[dbgs(DFlag)]);
3105   {$ENDIF}
3106 end;
3108 procedure TfrDesignerPage.MoveResize(Kx, Ky: Integer; UseFrames,AResize: boolean);
3109 var
3110   hr,hr1: HRGN;
3111   i: Integer;
3112   t: TFrView;
3113 begin
3114   If UseFrames then
3115     DrawPage(dmShape)
3116   else
3117   begin
3118     hr := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
3119     hr1 := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
3120   end;
3122   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
3123   begin
3124     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
3125     if (not t.Selected) or (AResize and (lrrDontSize in T.Restrictions)) or
3126        ((lrrDontMove in T.Restrictions) and not AResize) then
3127        continue;
3129     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smAll then
3130       AddRgn(hr, t);
3131     if aResize then
3132     begin
3133       t.dx := t.dx + kx;
3134       t.dy := t.dy + ky;
3135     end
3136     else
3137     begin
3138       t.x := t.x + kx;
3139       t.y := t.y + ky;
3140     end;
3141     if FDesigner.ShapeMode = smAll then
3142       AddRgn(hr1, t);
3143   end;
3145   if UseFrames then
3146     DrawPage(dmShape)
3147   else
3148   begin
3149     CombineRgn(hr, hr, hr1, RGN_OR);
3150     DeleteObject(hr1);
3151     NPDrawLayerObjects(hr);
3152   end;
3153 end;
3155 procedure TfrDesignerPage.EnableEvents(aOk: boolean);
3156 begin
3157   if aOk then
3158   begin
3159     OnMouseDown := @MDown;
3160     OnMouseUp   := @MUp;
3161     OnMouseMove := @MMove;
3162     OnDblClick  := @DClick;
3163   end else
3164   begin
3165     OnMouseDown := nil;
3166     OnMouseUp   := nil;
3167     OnMouseMove := nil;
3168     OnDblClick  := nil;
3169   end;
3170 end;
3172 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPDrawFocusRect;
3173 begin
3174   {$ifdef ppaint}
3175   fPaintSel.FocusRect(OldRect);
3176   {$else}
3177   DrawFocusRect(OldRect);
3178   {$endif}
3179 end;
3181 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPEraseFocusRect;
3182 begin
3183   {$ifdef ppaint}
3184   fPaintSel.RemoveFocusRect;
3185   {$else}
3186   DrawFocusRect(OldRect);
3187   {$endif}
3188 end;
3190 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPDrawLayerObjects(Rgn: HRGN; Start:Integer=10000);
3191 {$ifdef ppaint}
3192 var
3193   R: HRGN;
3194   t: TfrView;
3195   i: Integer;
3196 {$endif}
3197 begin
3198   {$ifdef ppaint}
3199   if Rgn = 0 then
3200   begin
3201     // here just make sure all objects, starting at Start
3202     // are invalidated so in next paint cycle they are drawn
3203     Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
3204     for i := Objects.Count-1 downto 0 do
3205     if i<=Start then begin
3206       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
3207       R := t.GetClipRgn(rtNormal);
3208       CombineRgn(Rgn, Rgn, R, RGN_OR);
3209       DeleteObject(R);
3210     end;
3211   end;
3213   InvalidateRgn(Handle, Rgn, false);
3215   DeleteObject(Rgn);
3216   if Rgn=ClipRgn then
3217     ClipRgn := 0;
3219   SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, 0);
3221   {$else}
3222   Draw(Start, Rgn);
3223   {$endif}
3224 end;
3226 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPDrawSelection;
3227 begin
3228   {$ifdef ppaint}
3229   fPaintSel.InvalidateSelection;
3230   {$else}
3231   DrawPage(dmSelection);
3232   {$endif}
3233 end;
3235 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPPaintSelection;
3236 begin
3237   {$ifdef ppaint}
3238   fPaintSel.PaintSelection;
3239   {$else}
3240   DrawPage(dmSelection);
3241   {$endif}
3242 end;
3244 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPEraseSelection;
3245 begin
3246   {$ifdef ppaint}
3247   fPaintSel.InvalidateSelection;
3248   {$else}
3249   DrawPage(dmSelection);
3250   {$endif}
3251 end;
3253 procedure TfrDesignerPage.NPRedrawViewCheckBand(t: TfrView);
3254 begin
3255   {$ifdef ppaint}
3256   if t.typ = gtBand then
3257     NPDrawLayerObjects(t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended))
3258   else
3259     fPaintSel.InvalidateSelection;
3260   {$else}
3261   if t.Typ = gtBand then
3262   begin
3263     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
3264     DebugLn('A new band was inserted');
3265     {$ENDIF}
3266     Draw(10000, t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended))
3267   end
3268   else
3269   begin
3270     t.Draw(Canvas);
3271     DrawSelection(t);
3272   end;
3273   {$endif}
3274 end;
3276 procedure TfrDesignerPage.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TLMessage);
3277 begin
3278   if (Mode = mdInsert) and not Down then
3279   begin
3280     NPEraseFocusRect;
3281     OffsetRect(OldRect, -10000, -10000);
3282   end;
3283   fGuides.HideGuides;
3284 end;
3286 {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
3287 procedure BDown(SB: TSpeedButton);
3288 begin
3289   SB.Down := True;
3290 end;
3292 procedure BUp(SB: TSpeedButton);
3293 begin
3294   SB.Down := False;
3295 end;
3296 {
3297 function EnumFontsProc(var LogFont: TLogFont; var TextMetric: TTextMetric;
3298   FontType: Integer; Data: Pointer): Integer; stdcall;
3299 begin
3300   TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).C2.Items.AddObject(StrPas(LogFont.lfFaceName), TObject(FontType));
3301   Result := 1;
3302 end;
3303 }
3305 function EnumFontsProc(
3306   var LogFont: TEnumLogFontEx;
3307   var {%H-}Metric: TNewTextMetricEx;
3308   FontType: Longint;
3309   {%H-}Data: LParam):LongInt; stdcall;
3310 var
3311   S: String;
3312   Lst: TStrings;
3313 begin
3314   s := StrPas(LogFont.elfLogFont.lfFaceName);
3315   Lst := TStrings(PtrInt(Data));
3316   Lst.AddObject(S, TObject(PtrInt(FontType)));
3317   Result := 1;
3318 end;
3320 constructor TfrDesignerForm.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
3321 begin
3322   inherited Create(aOwner);
3323   fInBuildPage:=False;
3324   {$IFDEF STDOI}
3325   // create the ObjectInspector
3326   PropHook:= TPropertyEditorHook.Create;
3327   ObjInsp := TObjectInspector.Create(Self);
3328   ObjInsp.SetInitialBounds(10,10,220,400);
3329   ObjInsp.ShowComponentTree := False;
3330   ObjInsp.ShowFavoritePage := False;
3331   ObjInsp.PropertyEditorHook := PropHook;
3332   {$ELSE}
3333   ObjInsp := TFrObjectInspector.Create(Self);
3334   ObjInsp.SetModifiedEvent(@OnModify);
3335   {$ENDIF}
3336   {$ifdef sbod}
3337   StatusBar1.Panels[1].Style := psOwnerDraw;
3338   StatusBar1.OnDrawPanel := @StatusBar1Drawpanel;
3339   Panel7.Visible := false;
3340   {$endif}
3342 {  FTabsPage:=TlrTabEditControl((Tab1.Tabs as TTabControlNoteBookStrings).NoteBook);
3343   FTabsPage.DragMode:=dmManual;
3344   FTabsPage.OnDragOver:=@TabsEditDragOver;
3345   FTabsPage.OnDragDrop:=@TabsEditDragDrop;
3346   FTabsPage.OnMouseDown:=@TabsEditMouseDown;
3347   FTabsPage.OnMouseMove:=@TabsEditMouseMove;
3348   FTabsPage.OnMouseUp:=@TabsEditMouseUp;}
3350   Tab1.DragMode:=dmManual;
3351   Tab1.OnDragOver:=@TabsEditDragOver;
3352   Tab1.OnDragDrop:=@TabsEditDragDrop;
3353   Tab1.OnMouseDown:=@TabsEditMouseDown;
3354   Tab1.OnMouseMove:=@TabsEditMouseMove;
3355   Tab1.OnMouseUp:=@TabsEditMouseUp;
3357 end;
3359 destructor TfrDesignerForm.Destroy;
3360 begin
3361   {$IFDEF EXTOI}
3362   ObjInsp.Free;
3363   {$ENDIF}
3364   {$IFDEF STDOI}
3365   PropHook.Free;
3366   {$ENDIF}
3367   inherited Destroy;
3368 end;
3370 procedure TfrDesignerForm.GetFontList;
3371 var
3372   DC: HDC;
3373   Lf: TLogFont;
3374   SysList: TStringList;
3376   PrnList: TStringList;
3377   i: Integer;
3378   j: PtrInt;
3379   {$ENDIF}
3380 begin
3381   SysList := TStringList.Create;
3382   SysList.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
3383   SysList.Sorted := true;
3384   try
3385     DC := GetDC(0);
3386     try
3387       Lf.lfFaceName := '';
3388       Lf.lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
3389       Lf.lfPitchAndFamily := 0;
3390       EnumFontFamiliesEx(DC, @Lf, @EnumFontsProc, PtrInt(SysList), 0);
3391     finally
3392       ReleaseDC(0, DC);
3393     end;
3395     if not CurReport.PrintToDefault then
3396     begin
3397       PrnList := TStringList.Create;
3398       PrnList.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
3399       PrnList.Sorted := true;
3400       try
3401         // we could use prn.Printer.Fonts but we would be tied to
3402         // implementation detail of list.objects[] encoded with fonttype
3403         // that's why we collect the fonts ourselves here
3404         //
3405         EnumFontFamiliesEx(Prn.Printer.Canvas.Handle, @Lf, @EnumFontsProc, PtrInt(PrnList), 0);
3406         for i:=0 to PrnList.Count-1 do
3407           if SysList.IndexOf(PrnList[i])<0 then begin
3408             j := PtrInt(PrnList.Objects[i]) or $100;
3409             SysList.AddObject(PrnList[i], TObject(PtrInt(j)));
3410           end;
3411       finally
3412         PrnList.Free;
3413       end;
3414     end;
3415     {$ENDIF}
3416     if (SelNum>0) and (FirstSelected is TfrCustomMemoView) then
3417     begin
3418       // font of selected memo has preference, select it
3419       LastFontname := TfrCustomMemoView(FirstSelected).Font.Name;
3420       LastFontSize := TfrCustomMemoView(FirstSelected).Font.Size;
3421     end else
3422     if SysList.IndexOf(LastFontName)>=0 then
3423       // last font name remains valid, keep it together with lastFontSize
3424     else begin
3425       // setup an initial font name and size
3426       if SysList.Count>0 then
3427         LastFontName := SysList[0]
3428       else
3429         LastFontName := '';
3430       if SysList.IndexOf('Arial') <> -1 then
3431         LastFontName := 'Arial'
3432       else if SysList.IndexOf('helvetica [urw]')<>-1 then
3433         LastFontName := 'helvetica [urw]'
3434       else if SysList.IndexOf('Arial Cyr') <> -1 then
3435         LastFontName := 'Arial Cyr';
3436       LastFontSize := 10;
3437     end;
3438   finally
3439     C2.Items.Assign(SysList);
3440     SysList.Free;
3441   end;
3442 end;
3444 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
3445 var
3446   i: Integer;
3447 begin
3448   FGridSize := 4;
3449   FGridAlign := True;
3450   FGridShow := False; //True;
3451   FUnits := TfrReportUnits(0);
3452   EditAfterInsert := True;
3453   ShapeMode := TfrShapeMode(1);
3455   Busy := True;
3456   FirstTime := True;
3457 //  FirstInstance := FirstInst;
3459   PageView := TfrDesignerPage.Create(Self{ScrollBox1});
3460   PageView.Parent := ScrollBox1;
3461   PageView.FDesigner := Self;
3462   PageView.PopupMenu := Popup1;
3463   PageView.ShowHint := True;
3465   PageView.OnDragDrop:=@ScrollBox1DragDrop;
3466   PageView.OnDragOver:=@ScrollBox1DragOver;
3467   IEPopupMenu.Parent:=PageView;
3469   ColorSelector := TColorSelector.Create(Self);
3470   ColorSelector.OnColorSelected := @ColorSelected;
3471   ColorSelector.Hide;
3473   for i := 0 to frAddInsCount - 1 do
3474   with frAddIns[i] do
3475   begin
3476     if Assigned(frAddIns[i].InitializeProc) then
3477       frAddIns[i].InitializeProc;
3478     RegisterObject(ButtonBMP, ButtonHint, Integer(gtAddIn) + i, ObjectType);
3479   end;
3481   for i := 0 to frToolsCount - 1 do
3482     RegisterTool(frTools[i].Caption, frTools[i].ButtonBMP, frTools[i].OnClick);
3484   EditorForm := TfrEditorForm.Create(nil);
3486   MenuItems := TFpList.Create;
3487   ItemWidths := TStringlist.Create;
3489   IEPopupMenu.Parent:=PageView;
3490 {
3491   if FirstInstance then
3492   begin
3493     //** Application.OnActivate := OnActivateApp;
3494     //** Application.OnDeactivate := OnDeactivateApp;
3495   end
3496   else
3497   begin
3498     PgB1.Enabled := False;
3499     PgB2.Enabled := False;
3500     N41.Enabled := False;
3501     N43.Enabled := False;
3502     N29.Enabled := False;
3503     N30.Enabled := False;
3504   end;
3505   FirstInst := False;
3506 }
3507   FCaption :=         sFRDesignerFormCapt;
3508   //Panel1.Caption :=   sFRDesignerFormrect;
3509   //Panel2.Caption :=   sFRDesignerFormStd;
3510   //Panel3.Caption :=   sFRDesignerFormText;
3511   //Panel5.Caption :=   sFRDesignerFormAlign;
3512   //Panel6.Caption :=   sFRDesignerFormTools;
3513   FileBtn1.Hint :=    sFRDesignerFormNewRp;
3514   //FileBtn2.Hint :=    sFRDesignerFormOpenRp;
3515   FileOpen.Hint:=     sFRDesignerFormOpenRp;
3516   FileOpen.Caption:=  sFRDesignerForm_Open;
3518   FileSave.Hint:=        sFRDesignerFormSaveRp;
3519   FilePreview.Hint :=    sFRDesignerFormPreview;
3521   edtUndo.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Undo;
3522   edtUndo.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormUndo;
3523   edtRedo.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Redo;
3524   edtRedo.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormRedo;
3526   CutB.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormCut;
3527   CopyB.Hint :=       sFRDesignerFormCopy;
3528   PstB.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormPast;
3529   ZB1.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormBring;
3530   ZB2.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormBack;
3531   SelAllB.Hint :=     sFRDesignerFormSelectAll;
3532   PgB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormAddPg;
3533   PgB2.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormRemovePg;
3534   PgB3.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormPgOption;
3535   GB1.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormGrid;
3536   GB2.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormGridAlign;
3537   GB3.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormFitGrid;
3538   HelpBtn.Hint :=     sPreviewFormHelp;
3539   ExitB.Caption :=    sFRDesignerFormClose;
3540   ExitB.Hint :=       sFRDesignerFormCloseDesigner;
3541   AlB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormLeftAlign;
3542   AlB2.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormRightAlign;
3543   AlB3.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormCenerAlign;
3544   AlB4.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormNormalText;
3545   AlB5.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormVertCenter;
3546   AlB6.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormTopAlign;
3547   AlB7.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormBottomAlign;
3548   AlB8.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormWidthAlign;
3549   FnB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormBold;
3550   FnB2.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormItalic;
3551   FnB3.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormUnderLine;
3552   ClB2.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormFont;
3553   HlB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormHightLight;
3554   C3.Hint :=          sFRDesignerFormFontSize;
3555   C2.Hint :=          sFRDesignerFormFontName;
3556   FrB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormTopFrame;
3557   FrB2.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormleftFrame;
3558   FrB3.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormBottomFrame;
3559   FrB4.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormRightFrame;
3560   FrB5.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormAllFrame;
3561   FrB6.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormNoFrame;
3562   ClB1.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormBackColor;
3563   ClB3.Hint :=        sFRDesignerFormFrameColor;
3564   E1.Hint :=          sFRDesignerFormFrameWidth;
3565   OB1.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormSelObj;
3566   OB2.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormInsRect;
3567   OB3.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormInsBand;
3568   OB4.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormInsPict;
3569   OB5.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormInsSub;
3570   OB6.Hint :=         sFRDesignerFormDrawLine;
3571   Align1.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormAlignLeftedge;
3572   Align2.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormAlignHorzCenter;
3573   Align3.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormCenterHWind;
3574   Align4.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormSpace;
3575   Align5.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormAlignRightEdge;
3576   Align6.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormAligneTop;
3577   Align7.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormAlignVertCenter;
3578   Align8.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormCenterVertWing;
3579   Align9.Hint :=      sFRDesignerFormSpaceEqVert;
3580   Align10.Hint :=     sFRDesignerFormAlignBottoms;
3581   N2.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_Cut;
3582   N1.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_Copy;
3583   N3.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_Paste;
3584   N5.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_Delete;
3585   N16.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_SelectAll;
3586   N6.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_Edit;
3587   FileMenu.Caption := sFRDesignerForm_File;
3588   N23.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_New;
3589   //N19.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Open;
3590   //N20.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Save;
3591   //N17.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_SaveAs;
3592   FileSave.Caption:=   sFRDesignerForm_Save;
3593   FileSaveAs.Caption:=   sFRDesignerForm_SaveAs;
3594   FileBeforePrintScript.Caption := sFRDesignerForm_BeforePrintScript;
3595   N42.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Var;
3596   N8.Caption :=       sFRDesignerForm_RptOpt;
3597   N25.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_PgOpt;
3598   N39.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_preview;
3599   N10.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Exit;
3600   EditMenu.Caption := sFRDesignerForm_Edit2;
3601   N11.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Cut;
3602   N12.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Copy;
3603   N13.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Paste;
3604   N27.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Delete;
3605   N28.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_SelectAll;
3606   N36.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Editp;
3607   N29.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_AddPg;
3608   N30.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_RemovePg;
3609   N32.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Bring;
3610   N33.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Back;
3611   ToolMenu.Caption := sFRDesignerForm_Tools;
3612   N37.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_ToolBars;
3613   MastMenu.Caption := sFRDesignerForm_Tools2;
3614   N14.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Opts;
3615   Pan1.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Rect;
3616   Pan2.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Std;
3617   Pan3.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Text;
3618   Pan4.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Obj;
3619   Pan5.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Insp;
3620   Pan6.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_AlignPalette;
3621   Pan7.Caption :=     sFRDesignerForm_Tools3;
3622   MenuItem2.Caption:= sFRDesignerForm_DataInsp;
3623   N34.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_About;
3624   N22.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Help1;
3625   N35.Caption :=      sFRDesignerForm_Help2;
3626   StB1.Hint   :=      sFRDesignerForm_Line;
3627   //** FnB1.Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'FR_BOLD');
3628   //** FnB2.Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'FR_ITALIC');
3629   //** FnB3.Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'FR_UNDRLINE');
3631   N41.Caption :=      N29.Caption;
3632   N41.OnClick :=      N29.OnClick;
3633   N43.Caption :=      N30.Caption;
3634   N43.OnClick :=      N30.OnClick;
3635   N44.Caption :=      N25.Caption;
3636   N44.OnClick :=      N25.OnClick;
3637 end;
3639 procedure TfrDesignerForm.C2GetItems(Sender: TObject);
3640 var
3641   i: Integer;
3642 begin
3643   if C2.Items.Count=0 then begin
3644     Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
3645     GetFontList;
3646     i := C2.Items.IndexOf(LastFontName);
3647     if i<>-1 then
3648       C2.ItemIndex := i;
3649     Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
3650   end;
3651 end;
3653 procedure TfrDesignerForm.edtRedoExecute(Sender: TObject);
3654 begin
3655   Undo(@FRedoBuffer);
3656 end;
3658 procedure TfrDesignerForm.edtUndoExecute(Sender: TObject);
3659 begin
3660   Undo(@FUndoBuffer);
3661 end;
3663 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FileBeforePrintScriptExecute(Sender: TObject);
3664 begin
3665   //EditorForm.View := nil;
3666   EditorForm.M2.Lines.Assign(CurReport.Script);
3667   EditorForm.MemoPanel.Visible:=false;
3668   EditorForm.CB1.OnClick:=nil;
3669   EditorForm.CB1.Checked:=true;
3670   EditorForm.CB1.OnClick:=@EditorForm.CB1Click;
3671   EditorForm.ScriptPanel.Align:=alClient;
3672   if EditorForm.ShowEditor(nil) = mrOk then
3673   begin
3674     CurReport.Script.Assign(EditorForm.M2.Lines);
3675   end;
3676   EditorForm.ScriptPanel.Align:=alBottom;
3677   EditorForm.MemoPanel.Visible:=true;
3678 end;
3680 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FileOpenExecute(Sender: TObject);
3681 var
3682   FRepName:string;
3683 begin
3684   if CheckFileModified=mrCancel then
3685     exit;
3688   if Assigned(frDesignerComp) and Assigned(frDesignerComp.FOnLoadReport) then
3689   begin
3690     FRepName:='';
3691     frDesignerComp.FOnLoadReport(CurReport, FRepName);
3692     FCurDocFileType := dtLazReportForm;
3693     CurDocName := FRepName;
3694   end
3695   else
3696   with OpenDialog1 do
3697   begin
3698     Filter := sFormFile + ' (*.frf)|*.frf|' +
3699               sLazFormFile + ' (*.lrf)|*.lrf' +
3700               '';
3701     if InitialDir='' then
3702     begin
3703       InitialDir := FLastOpenDirectory;
3704       if InitialDir='' then
3705         InitialDir := FLastSaveDirectory;
3706       if InitialDir='' then
3707         InitialDir:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0));
3708     end;
3710     FileName := CurDocName;
3711     FilterIndex := 2;
3712     if Execute then
3713     begin
3714       ClearUndoBuffer;
3715       CurDocName := OpenDialog1.FileName;
3716       case FilterIndex of
3717         1: // fastreport form format
3718           begin
3719             FLastOpenDirectory := ExtractFilePath(CurDocName);
3720             CurReport.LoadFromFile(CurDocName);
3721             FCurDocFileType := dtFastReportForm;
3722           end;
3723         2: // lasreport form xml format
3724           begin
3725             FLastOpenDirectory := ExtractFilePath(CurDocName);
3726             CurReport.LoadFromXMLFile(CurDocName);
3727             FCurDocFileType := dtLazReportForm;
3728           end;
3729         else
3730           raise Exception.Create('Unrecognized file format');
3731       end;
3732       //FileModified := False;
3733       Modified := False;
3734       CurPage := 0; // do all
3735     end;
3736   end;
3737 end;
3739 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FilePreviewExecute(Sender: TObject); // preview
3740 var
3741   TestRepStream:TMemoryStream;
3742   Rep, SaveR:TfrReport;
3743   FSaveGetPValue: TGetPValueEvent;
3744   FSaveFunEvent: TFunctionEvent;
3746 procedure DoClearFormsName;
3747 var
3748   i:integer;
3749 begin
3750   for i:=0 to CurReport.Pages.Count - 1 do
3751     if CurReport.Pages[i] is TfrPageDialog then
3752       TfrPageDialog(CurReport.Pages[i]).Form.Name:='';
3753 end;
3755 procedure DoResoreFormsName;
3756 var
3757   i:integer;
3758 begin
3759   for i:=0 to CurReport.Pages.Count - 1 do
3760     if CurReport.Pages[i] is TfrPageDialog then
3761       TfrPageDialog(CurReport.Pages[i]).Form.Name:=TfrPageDialog(CurReport.Pages[i]).Name;
3762 end;
3763 begin
3764   if CurReport is TfrCompositeReport then Exit;
3765   Application.ProcessMessages;
3766   SaveR:=CurReport;
3767   TestRepStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
3768   CurReport.SaveToXMLStream(TestRepStream);
3769   TestRepStream.Position:=0;
3771 //  DoClearFormsName;
3772   CurReport:=nil;
3774   FSaveGetPValue:=frParser.OnGetValue;
3775   FSaveFunEvent:=frParser.OnFunction;
Repnull3777   Rep:=TfrReport.Create(SaveR.Owner);
3779   Rep.OnBeginBand:=SaveR.OnBeginBand;
3780   Rep.OnBeginColumn:=SaveR.OnBeginColumn;
3781   Rep.OnBeginDoc:=SaveR.OnBeginDoc;
3782   Rep.OnBeginPage:=SaveR.OnBeginPage;
3783   Rep.OnDBImageRead:=SaveR.OnDBImageRead;
3784   Rep.OnEndBand:=SaveR.OnEndBand;
3785   Rep.OnEndDoc:=SaveR.OnEndDoc;
3786   Rep.OnEndPage:=SaveR.OnEndPage;
3787   Rep.OnEnterRect:=SaveR.OnEnterRect;
3788   Rep.OnExportFilterSetup:=SaveR.OnExportFilterSetup;
3789   Rep.OnGetValue:=SaveR.OnGetValue;
3790   Rep.OnManualBuild:=SaveR.OnManualBuild;
3791   Rep.OnMouseOverObject:=SaveR.OnMouseOverObject;
3792   Rep.OnObjectClick:=SaveR.OnObjectClick;
3793   Rep.OnPrintColumn:=SaveR.OnPrintColumn;
3794   Rep.OnProgress:=SaveR.OnProgress;
3795   Rep.OnUserFunction:=SaveR.OnUserFunction;
3797   try
3798     Rep.LoadFromXMLStream(TestRepStream);
3799     Rep.FileName:=SaveR.FileName;
3800     Rep.ShowReport;
3801     FreeAndNil(Rep)
3802   except
3803     on E:Exception do
3804     begin
3805       ShowMessage(E.Message);
3806       if Assigned(Rep) then
3807         FreeAndNil(Rep)
3808     end;
3809   end;
3810   TestRepStream.Free;
3811   CurReport:=SaveR;
3812   CurPage := 0;
3813   frParser.OnGetValue := FSaveGetPValue;
3814   frParser.OnFunction := FSaveFunEvent;
3815 //  DoResoreFormsName;
3816 end;
3818 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FileSaveAsExecute(Sender: TObject);
3819 var
3820   s: String;
3821 begin
3822   WasOk := False;
3823   if Assigned(frDesignerComp) and Assigned(frDesignerComp.FOnSaveReport) then
3824   begin
3825     S:='';
3826     frDesignerComp.FOnSaveReport(CurReport, S, true, WasOk);
3827     if WasOk then
3828     begin
3829       CurDocName:=S;
3830       Modified:=false;
3831     end;
3832   end
3833   else
3834   begin
3835     with SaveDialog1 do
3836     begin
3837       Filter := sFormFile + ' (*.frf)|*.frf|' +
3838                   sTemplFile + ' (*.frt)|*.frt|' +
3839                   sLazFormFile + ' (*.lrf)|*.lrf|' +
3840                   sLazTemplateFile + ' (*.lrt)|*.lrt';
3842       if InitialDir='' then
3843       begin
3844         InitialDir := FLastSaveDirectory;
3845         if InitialDir='' then
3846           InitialDir := FLastOpenDirectory;
3847         if InitialDir='' then
3848           InitialDir:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0));
3849       end;
3850       FileName := CurDocName;
3851       FilterIndex := 3;
3852       if Execute then
3853       begin
3854         FLastSaveDirectory := ExtractFilePath(Filename);
3855         FCurDocFileType := FilterIndex;
3856       end;
3857       case FCurDocFileType of
3858         dtFastReportForm:
3859           begin
3860                 s := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.frf');
3861                 CurReport.SaveToFile(s);
3862                 CurDocName := s;
3863                 WasOk := True;
3864           end;
3865         dtFastReportTemplate,
3866         dtLazReportTemplate:
3867               begin
3868                 if FCurDocFileType = dtLazReportTemplate then
3869                   s := ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.lrt'))
3870                 else
3871                   s := ExtractFileName(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.frt'));
3872                 if frTemplateDir <> '' then
3873                   s := AppendPathDelim(frTemplateDir) + s;
3874                 frTemplNewForm := TfrTemplNewForm.Create(nil);
3875                 if frTemplNewForm.ShowModal = mrOk then
3876                 begin
3877                   if frTemplateDir<>'' then
3878                   begin
3879                     if not DirectoryExistsUTF8(frTemplateDir) then begin
3880                       if not ForceDirectoriesUTF8(frTemplateDir) then begin
3881                         ShowMessage(sFrDesignerFormUnableToCreateTemplateDir);
3882                         exit;
3883                       end;
3884                     end;
3885                   end;
3886                   if FCurDocFileType = dtLazReportTemplate then
3887                     CurReport.SaveTemplateXML(s, frTemplNewForm.Memo1.Lines, frTemplNewForm.Image1.Picture.Bitmap)
3888                   else
3889                     CurReport.SaveTemplate(s, frTemplNewForm.Memo1.Lines, frTemplNewForm.Image1.Picture.Bitmap);
3890                   WasOk := True;
3891                 end;
3892                 frTemplNewForm.Free;
3893               end;
3894         dtLazReportForm: // lasreport form xml format
3895               begin
3896                 s := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.lrf');
3897                 CurReport.SaveToXMLFile(s);
3898                 CurDocName := s;
3899                 WasOk := True;
3900               end;
3901       end;
3902     end;
3903   end;
3904 end;
3906 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FileSaveExecute(Sender: TObject);
3907 var
3908   S:string;
3909   F:boolean;
3910 begin
3911   if CurDocName <> sUntitled then
3912   begin
3913     if Assigned(frDesignerComp) and Assigned(frDesignerComp.FOnSaveReport) then
3914     begin
3915       S:=CurDocName;
3916       F:=false;
3917       frDesignerComp.FOnSaveReport(CurReport, S, false, F);
3918       if F then
3919       begin
3920         CurDocName:=S;
3921         Modified := False;
3922       end;
3923     end
3924     else
3925     begin
3926       if FCurDocFileType=dtLazReportForm then
3927         CurReport.SaveToXMLFile(curDocName)
3928       else
3929         CurReport.SaveToFile(CurDocName);
3930       Modified := False;
3931     end;
3932   end
3933   else
3934     FileSaveAs.Execute;
3935 end;
3937 procedure TfrDesignerForm.acDuplicateExecute(Sender: TObject);
3938 begin
3939   DuplicateSelection;
3940 end;
3942 procedure TfrDesignerForm.acToggleFramesExecute(Sender: TObject);
3943 begin
3944   if DelEnabled then
3945     ViewsAction(nil, @ToggleFrames, -1);
3946 end;
3948 procedure TfrDesignerForm.btnGuidesClick(Sender: TObject);
3949 begin
3950   ShowGuides := btnGuides.Down;
3951 end;
3953 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
3954 var
3955   CursorImage: TCursorImage;
3956 begin
3957   CursorImage := TCursorImage.Create;
3958   try
3959     CursorImage.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, 'FR_PENCIL');
3960     Screen.Cursors[crPencil] := CursorImage.ReleaseHandle;
3961   finally
3962     CursorImage.Free;
3963   end;
3964   {$ifndef sbod}
3965   Panel7.Hide;
3966   {$endif}
3967   if FirstTime then
3968     SetMenuBitmaps;
3969   FirstTime := False;
3970 //  FileBtn1.Enabled := FirstInstance;
3971   FilePreview.Enabled := {FirstInstance and }not (CurReport is TfrCompositeReport);
3972 {  N23.Enabled := FirstInstance;
3973   OB3.Enabled := FirstInstance;
3974   OB5.Enabled := FirstInstance;}
3976   ClearUndoBuffer;
3977   ClearRedoBuffer;
3978   Modified := False;
3979   //FileModified := False;
3980   Busy := True;
3981   DocMode := dmDesigning;
3983   if C2.Items.Count=0 then
3984     GetFontList;
3986   LastFontSize := 10;
3988   LastFontName := 'Arial';
3989   {$ELSE}
3990   LastFontName := 'helvetica [urw]';
3991   {$ENDIF}
3993   //** C2.Perform(CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, 170, 0);
3994   CurPage := 0; // this cause page sizing
3995   CurDocName := CurReport.FileName;
3996   Unselect;
3998   PageView.Init;
3999   EnableControls;
4001   BDown(OB1);
4003   ColorLocked:=True;
4004   frSetGlyph(clNone, ClB1, 1);
4005   frSetGlyph(clNone, ClB2, 0);
4006   frSetGlyph(clNone, ClB3, 2);
4007   ColorLocked:=False;
4009   ColorSelector.Hide;
4011   LinePanel.Hide;
4013   ShowPosition;
4014   RestoreState;
4015   FormResize(nil);
4016 end;
4018 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
4019 begin
4020   ClearUndoBuffer;
4021   ClearRedoBuffer;
4022   SaveState;
4024   if CurReport<>nil then
4025     CurReport.FileName := CurDocName;
4026 end;
4028 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
4029 var
4030   i: Integer;
4031 begin
4032   for i := 0 to MenuItems.Count - 1 do
4033     TfrMenuItemInfo(MenuItems[i]).Free;
4034   MenuItems.Free;
4035   ItemWidths.Free;
4036   PageView.Free;
4037   ColorSelector.Free;
4038   EditorForm.Free;
4039 end;
4041 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
4042 begin
4043   if csDestroying in ComponentState then Exit;
4045   //{$IFDEF WIN32}
4046   //if FirstTime then
4047   //  self.OnShow(self);
4048   //{$ENDIF}
4050   with ScrollBox1 do
4051   begin
4052     HorzScrollBar.Position := 0;
4053     VertScrollBar.Position := 0;
4054   end;
4055   if PageView<>nil then
4056     PageView.SetPage;
4057   StatusBar1.Top:=Height-StatusBar1.Height-3;
4058   {$ifndef sbod}
4059   Panel7.Top := StatusBar1.Top + 3;
4060   Panel7.Show;
4061   {$endif}
4062   UpdScrollbars;
4063 end;
4065 //**
4066 {
4067 procedure TfrDesignerForm.WMGetMinMaxInfo(var Msg: TWMGetMinMaxInfo);
4068 begin // for best view - not actual in Win98 :(
4069   with Msg.MinMaxInfo^ do
4070   begin
4071     ptMaxSize.x := Screen.Width;
4072     ptMaxSize.y := Screen.Height;
4073     ptMaxPosition.x := 0;
4074     ptMaxPosition.y := 0;
4075   end;
4076 end;
4077 }
4078 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetCurPage(Value: Integer);
4079 begin // setting curpage and do all manipulation
4080   fInBuildPage:=True;
4081   try
4082     FCurPage := Value;
4083     Page := CurReport.Pages[CurPage];
4084     ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar.Position := 0;
4085     ScrollBox1.HorzScrollBar.Position := 0;
4086     PageView.SetPage;
4087     SetPageTitles;
4088     Tab1.TabIndex := Value;
4089     ResetSelection;
4090     SendBandsToDown;
4091     PageView.Invalidate;
4092     UpdScrollbars;
4093   finally
4094     fInBuildPage:=False;
4095   end;
4096 end;
4098 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetGridSize(Value: Integer);
4099 begin
4100   if FGridSize = Value then Exit;
4101   FGridSize := Value;
4102   PageView.Invalidate;
4103 end;
4105 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetGridShow(Value: Boolean);
4106 begin
4107   if FGridShow = Value then Exit;
4108   FGridShow:= Value;
4109   GB1.Down := Value;
4110   PageView.Invalidate;
4111 end;
4113 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetGridAlign(Value: Boolean);
4114 begin
4115   if FGridAlign = Value then Exit;
4116   GB2.Down := Value;
4117   FGridAlign := Value;
4118 end;
4120 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetGuidesShow(AValue: boolean);
4121 begin
4122   if FGuidesShow = AValue then Exit;
4123   FGuidesShow := AValue;
4124   btnGuides.Down := AValue;
4125   PageView.CheckGuides;
4126 end;
4128 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetUnits(Value: TfrReportUnits);
4129 var
4130   s: String;
4131 begin
4132   FUnits := Value;
4133   case Value of
4134     ruPixels: s := sPixels;
4135     ruMM:     s := sMM;
4136     ruInches: s := sInches;
4137   end;
4138   StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := s;
4139   ShowPosition;
4140 end;
4142 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetGrayedButtons(Value: Boolean);
4143   procedure DoButtons(t: Array of TControl);
4144   var
4145     i, j: Integer;
4146     c: TWinControl;
4147     c1: TControl;
4148   begin
4149     for i := Low(t) to High(t) do
4150     begin
4151       c := TWinControl(t[i]);
4152       for j := 0 to c.ControlCount - 1 do
4153       begin
4154         c1 := c.Controls[j];
4155         if c1 is TSpeedButton then
4156           TSpeedButton(c1).Enabled := FGrayedButtons; //** GrayedInactive := FGrayedButtons;
4157       end;
4158     end;
4159   end;
4160 begin
4161   FGrayedButtons := Value;
4162   DoButtons([Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, Panel4, Panel5, Panel6]);
4163 end;
4165 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetCurDocName(Value: String);
4166 begin
4167   FCurDocName := Value;
4168 //  if FirstInstance then
4169     Caption := FCaption + ' - ' + ExtractFileName(Value)
4170 //  else
4171 //    Caption := FCaption;
4172 end;
4174 procedure TfrDesignerForm.RegisterObject(ButtonBmp: TBitmap;
4175   const ButtonHint: String; ButtonTag: Integer; ObjectType: TfrObjectType);
4176 var
4177   b: TSpeedButton;
4178 begin
4179   b := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
4180   with b do
4181   begin
4182     Glyph  := ButtonBmp;
4183     Hint   := ButtonHint;
4184     Flat   := True;
4185     GroupIndex := 1;
4186     Align:=alTop;
4187     SetBounds(1000, 1000, 22, 22);
4188     Visible:=True;
4189     Tag := ButtonTag;
4190     if ObjectType = otlReportView then
4191     begin
4192       OnMouseDown := @OB2MouseDown;
4193       Parent := Panel4;
4194     end
4195     else
4196     begin
4197       OnMouseDown := @OB2MouseDown;
4198       Parent := panForDlg;
4199     end;
4200   end;
4201 end;
4203 procedure TfrDesignerForm.RegisterTool(const MenuCaption: String; ButtonBmp: TBitmap;
4204   OnClickEvnt: TNotifyEvent);
4205 var
4206   m: TMenuItem;
4207   b: TSpeedButton;
4208   w:integer;
4209   i: Integer;
4210 begin
4211   m := TMenuItem.Create(MastMenu);
4212   m.Caption := MenuCaption;
4213   m.OnClick := OnClickEvnt;
4214   MastMenu.Enabled := True;
4215   MastMenu.Add(m);
4216   M.Bitmap.Assign(ButtonBmp);
4217   Panel6.Height := 26;
4218   Panel6.Width := 26;
4220   W:=0;
4221   for i:=0 to Panel6.ControlCount-1 do
4222     if Panel6.Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then
4223     begin
4224       W:=W + Panel6.Controls[i].Width;
4225     end;
4227   b := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
4229   with b do
4230   begin
4231     Parent := Panel6;
4232     Glyph := ButtonBmp;
4233     Hint := MenuCaption;
4234     Flat := True;
4235     Align:=alLeft;
4236 //    Align:=alTop;
4237     SetBounds(W, 1, 22, 22);
4238     Visible:=True;
4239     ShowHint:=True;
4240     Tag := 36;
4241   end;
4242   b.OnClick := OnClickEvnt;
4244   if Panel6.Width < (B.Left + B.Width) then
4245     Panel6.Width:=W + B.Width + 4;
4246 end;
4248 procedure TfrDesignerForm.AddPage(ClName : string);
4249 begin
4250   fInBuildPage:=True;
4251   try
4252     CurReport.Pages.Add(ClName);
4254     Page := CurReport.Pages[CurReport.Pages.Count - 1];
4255     if Page is TfrPageReport then
4256        PgB3Click(nil)
4257     else
4258        WasOk:=True;
4260     if WasOk then
4261     begin
4262       Modified := True;
4263       CurPage := CurReport.Pages.Count - 1
4264     end
4265     else
4266     begin
4267       CurReport.Pages.Delete(CurReport.Pages.Count - 1);
4268       CurPage := CurPage;
4269     end;
4270   finally
4271     fInBuildPage:=False;
4272   end;
4273 end;
4275 procedure TfrDesignerForm.RemovePage(n: Integer);
4277 procedure AdjustSubReports(APage:TfrPage);
4278 var
4279   i, j: Integer;
4280   t: TfrView;
4281 begin
4282   for i := 0 to CurReport.Pages.Count - 1 do
4283   begin
4284     j := 0;
4285     while j < CurReport.Pages[i].Objects.Count do
4286     begin
4287       t := TfrView(CurReport.Pages[i].Objects[j]);
4288       if (T is TfrSubReportView) and (TfrSubReportView(t).SubPage = APage) then
4289       begin
4290         CurReport.Pages[i].Delete(j);
4291         Dec(j);
4292       end;
4293       Inc(j);
4294     end;
4295   end;
4296 end;
4298 begin
4299   fInBuildPage:=True;
4300   try
4301     Modified := True;
4302     with CurReport do
4303     begin
4304       if (n >= 0) and (n < Pages.Count) then
4305         if Pages.Count = 1 then
4306           Pages[n].Clear
4307         else
4308         begin
4309           AdjustSubReports(Pages[n]);
4310           CurReport.Pages.Delete(n);
4311           Tab1.Tabs.Delete(n);
4312           Tab1.TabIndex := 0;
4313           CurPage := 0;
4314         end;
4315     end;
4316     ClearUndoBuffer;
4317     ClearRedoBuffer;
4318   finally
4319     fInBuildPage:=False;
4320   end;
4321 end;
4323 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetPageTitles;
4324 var
4325   i: Integer;
4326   s: String;
IsSubreportnull4328 function IsSubreport(PageN: Integer): Boolean;
4329 var
4330   i, j: Integer;
4331   t: TfrView;
4332 begin
4333   Result := False;
4334   for i := 0 to CurReport.Pages.Count - 1 do
4335     for j := 0 to CurReport.Pages[i].Objects.Count - 1 do
4336     begin
4337       t := TfrView(CurReport.Pages[i].Objects[j]);
4338       if (T is TfrSubReportView) and (TfrSubReportView(t).SubPage = CurReport.Pages[PageN]) then
4339       begin
4340         s := t.Name;
4341         Result := True;
4342         Exit;
4343       end;
4344     end;
4345 end;
4347 begin
4348   if Tab1.Tabs.Count = CurReport.Pages.Count then
4349   begin
4350    for i := 0 to Tab1.Tabs.Count - 1 do
4351    begin
4352      if not IsSubreport(i) then
4353        s := sPg + IntToStr(i + 1);
4354      if Tab1.Tabs[i] <> s then
4355        Tab1.Tabs[i] := s;
4356    end;
4357   end
4358   else
4359   begin
4360     Tab1.Tabs.Clear;
4361     for i := 0 to CurReport.Pages.Count - 1 do
4362     begin
4363       if not IsSubreport(i) then
4364         s := sPg + IntToStr(i + 1);
4365       Tab1.Tabs.Add(s);
4366     end;
4367   end;
4368 end;
4370 procedure TfrDesignerForm.CutToClipboard;
4371 var
4372   i: Integer;
4373   T: TfrView;
4374 begin
4375   ClearClipBoard;
4376   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
4377   begin
4378     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4379     if (t.Selected) and not (lrrDontDelete in T.Restrictions) and not (doChildComponent in T.DesignOptions) then
4380     begin
4381 //      ClipBd.Add(frCreateObject(t.Typ, t.ClassName, Page));
4382       ClipBd.Add(frCreateObject(t.Typ, t.ClassName, nil));
4383       TfrView(ClipBd.Last).Assign(t);
4384     end;
4385   end;
4386   for i := Objects.Count - 1 downto 0 do
4387   begin
4388     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4389     if t.Selected and not (lrrDontDelete in T.Restrictions) and not (doChildComponent in T.DesignOptions) then
4390       Page.Delete(i);
4391   end;
4392   SelNum := 0;
4393   PageView.Invalidate;
4394 end;
4396 procedure TfrDesignerForm.CopyToClipboard;
4397 var
4398   i: Integer;
4399   t: TfrView;
4400 begin
4401   ClearClipBoard;
4402   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
4403   begin
4404     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4405     if t.Selected and not (doChildComponent in T.DesignOptions)  then
4406     begin
4407       ClipBd.Add(frCreateObject(t.Typ, t.ClassName, nil));
4408       TfrView(ClipBd.Last).Assign(t);
4409     end;
4410   end;
4411 end;
4413 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SelectAll;
4414 var
4415   i: Integer;
4416 begin
4417   SelNum := 0;
4418   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
4419   begin
4420     TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected := True;
4421     Inc(SelNum);
4422   end;
4423 end;
4425 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Unselect;
4426 var
4427   i: Integer;
4428 begin
4429   SelNum := 0;
4430   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
4431     TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected := False;
4432 end;
4434 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ResetSelection;
4435 begin
4436   Unselect;
4437   EnableControls;
4438   ShowPosition;
4439 end;
PointsToUnitsnull4441 function TfrDesignerForm.PointsToUnits(x: Integer): Double;
4442 begin
4443   Result := x;
4444   case FUnits of
4445     ruMM: Result := x / 18 * 5;
4446     ruInches: Result := x / 18 * 5 / 25.4;
4447   end;
4448 end;
TfrDesignerForm.UnitsToPointsnull4450 function TfrDesignerForm.UnitsToPoints(x: Double): Integer;
4451 begin
4452   Result := Round(x);
4453   case FUnits of
4454     ruMM: Result := Round(x / 5 * 18);
4455     ruInches: Result := Round(x * 25.4 / 5 * 18);
4456   end;
4457 end;
4459 procedure TfrDesignerForm.RedrawPage;
4460 begin
4461   PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(0);
4462 end;
4464 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OnModify(sender: TObject);
4465 begin
4466   Modified:=true;
4467   SelectionChanged;
4468 end;
4470 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
4471   Shift: TShiftState);
4472 var
4473   StepX, StepY: Integer;
4474   i, tx, ty, tx1, ty1, d, d1: Integer;
4475   t, t1: TfrView;
4477   procedure CheckStepFactor(var pStep: integer; aValue: integer);
4478   begin
4479     if (ssAlt in Shift) or (Shift = [ssShift,ssCtrl]) then
4480       pStep := aValue * 10
4481     else
4482       pStep := aValue;
4483   end;
4485   procedure CheckPastePoint;
4486   var
4487     P: TPoint;
4488   begin
4489     P := PageView.ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos);
4490     if PtInRect(PageView.ClientRect, p) then
4491       FReportPopupPoint := p;
4492   end;
4494 begin
4495   {$IFNDEF EXTOI}
4496   if (ActiveControl<>nil) and (ActiveControl.Parent=ObjInsp.fPropertyGrid) then
4497     exit;
4498   {$ENDIF}
4499   StepX := 0; StepY := 0;
4500   if (Key=VK_F11) then
4501     ObjInsp.Visible:=not ObjInsp.Visible;
4503   if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (ActiveControl = C3) then
4504   begin
4505     Key := 0;
4506     DoClick(C3);
4507   end;
4508   if (Key = VK_RETURN) and (ActiveControl = E1) then
4509   begin
4510     Key := 0;
4511     DoClick(E1);
4512   end;
4513   if (Key = VK_DELETE) and DelEnabled then
4514   begin
4515     DeleteObjects;
4516     Key := 0;
4517   end;
4518   if (Key = VK_RETURN) and EditEnabled then
4519   begin
4520     if ssCtrl in Shift then
4521       ShowMemoEditor
4522     else
4523       ShowEditor;
4524   end;
4525   if (Chr(Key) in ['1'..'9']) and (ssCtrl in Shift) and DelEnabled then
4526   begin
4527     E1.Text := Chr(Key);
4528     DoClick(E1);
4529     Key := 0;
4530   end;
4531   if (Chr(Key) = 'G') and (ssCtrl in Shift) then
4532   begin
4533     ShowGrid := not ShowGrid;
4534     Key := 0;
4535   end;
4536   if (Chr(Key) = 'B') and (ssCtrl in Shift) then
4537   begin
4538     GridAlign := not GridAlign;
4539     Key := 0;
4540   end;
4541   if (Chr(Key) = 'V') and (ssCtrl in Shift) and PasteEnabled then
4542     CheckPastePoint;
4544   if CutEnabled then
4545     if (Key = VK_DELETE) and (ssShift in Shift) then CutBClick(Self);
4546   if CopyEnabled then
4547     if (Key = VK_INSERT) and (ssCtrl in Shift) then CopyBClick(Self);
4548   if PasteEnabled then
4549     if (Key = VK_INSERT) and (ssShift in Shift) then PstBClick(Self);
4551   if Key = VK_PRIOR then
4552     with ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar do
4553     begin
4554       Position := Position - 200;
4555       Key := 0;
4556     end;
4557   if Key = VK_NEXT then
4558     with ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar do
4559     begin
4560       Position := Position + 200;
4561       Key := 0;
4562     end;
4563   if SelNum > 0 then
4564   begin
4565     if Key = vk_Up then CheckStepFactor(StepY, -1)
4566     else if Key = vk_Down then CheckStepFactor(StepY, 1)
4567     else if Key = vk_Left then CheckStepFactor(StepX, -1)
4568     else if Key = vk_Right then CheckStepFactor(StepX, 1);
4569     if (StepX <> 0) or (StepY <> 0) then
4570     begin
4571       if ssCtrl in Shift then
4572         MoveObjects(StepX, StepY, False)
4573       else if ssShift in Shift then
4574         MoveObjects(StepX, StepY, True)
4575       else if SelNum = 1 then
4576       begin
4577         t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
4578         tx := t.x; ty := t.y; tx1 := t.x + t.dx; ty1 := t.y + t.dy;
4579         d := 10000; t1 := nil;
4580         for i := 0 to Objects.Count-1 do
4581         begin
4582           t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4583           if not t.Selected and (t.Typ <> gtBand) then
4584           begin
4585             d1 := 10000;
4586             if StepX <> 0 then
4587             begin
4588               if t.y + t.dy < ty then
4589                 d1 := ty - (t.y + t.dy)
4590               else if t.y > ty1 then
4591                 d1 := t.y - ty1
4592               else if (t.y <= ty) and (t.y + t.dy >= ty1) then
4593                 d1 := 0
4594               else
4595                 d1 := t.y - ty;
4596               if ((t.x <= tx) and (StepX = 1)) or
4597                  ((t.x + t.dx >= tx1) and (StepX = -1)) then
4598                 d1 := 10000;
4599               if StepX = 1 then
4600                 if t.x >= tx1 then
4601                   d1 := d1 + t.x - tx1 else
4602                   d1 := d1 + t.x - tx
4603               else if t.x + t.dx <= tx then
4604                   d1 := d1 + tx - (t.x + t.dx) else
4605                   d1 := d1 + tx1 - (t.x + t.dx);
4606             end
4607             else if StepY <> 0 then
4608             begin
4609               if t.x + t.dx < tx then
4610                 d1 := tx - (t.x + t.dx)
4611               else if t.x > tx1 then
4612                 d1 := t.x - tx1
4613               else if (t.x <= tx) and (t.x + t.dx >= tx1) then
4614                 d1 := 0
4615               else
4616                 d1 := t.x - tx;
4617               if ((t.y <= ty) and (StepY = 1)) or
4618                  ((t.y + t.dy >= ty1) and (StepY = -1)) then
4619                 d1 := 10000;
4620               if StepY = 1 then
4621                 if t.y >= ty1 then
4622                   d1 := d1 + t.y - ty1 else
4623                   d1 := d1 + t.y - ty
4624               else if t.y + t.dy <= ty then
4625                   d1 := d1 + ty - (t.y + t.dy) else
4626                   d1 := d1 + ty1 - (t.y + t.dy);
4627             end;
4628             if d1 < d then
4629             begin
4630               d := d1;
4631               t1 := t;
4632             end;
4633           end;
4634         end;
4635         if t1 <> nil then
4636         begin
4637           t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
4638           if not (ssAlt in Shift) then
4639           begin
4640             PageView.NPEraseSelection;
4641             Unselect;
4642             SelNum := 1;
4643             t1.Selected := True;
4644             PageView.NPDrawSelection;
4645           end
4646           else
4647           begin
4648             if (t1.x >= t.x + t.dx) and (Key = VK_RIGHT) then
4649               t.x := t1.x - t.dx
4650             else if (t1.y > t.y + t.dy) and (Key = VK_DOWN) then
4651               t.y := t1.y - t.dy
4652             else if (t1.x + t1.dx <= t.x) and (Key = VK_LEFT) then
4653               t.x := t1.x + t1.dx
4654             else if (t1.y + t1.dy <= t.y) and (Key = VK_UP) then
4655               t.y := t1.y + t1.dy;
4656             RedrawPage;
4657           end;
4658           SelectionChanged;
4659         end;
4660       end;
4661       Key := 0;
4662     end; // if (StepX <> 0) or (StepY <> 0)
4663   end; // if SelNum > 0 then
4664 end;
4666 procedure TfrDesignerForm.MoveObjects(dx, dy: Integer; aResize: Boolean);
4667 begin
4668   AddUndoAction(acEdit);
4669   PageView.NPEraseSelection;
4670   PageView.MoveResize(Dx,Dy, false, aResize);
4671   ShowPosition;
4672   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
4673 end;
4675 procedure TfrDesignerForm.UpdateStatus;
4676 begin
4677   {$ifdef sbod}
4678   StatusBar1.Update;
4679   {$else}
4680   PBox1Paint(nil);
4681   {$endif}
4682 end;
4684 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DeleteObjects;
4685 var
4686   i: Integer;
4687   t: TfrView;
4688 begin
4689   AddUndoAction(acDelete);
4690   PageView.NPEraseSelection;
4691   for i := Objects.Count - 1 downto 0 do
4692   begin
4693     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4694     if t.Selected and not (lrrDontDelete in T.Restrictions) then
4695       Page.Delete(i);
4696   end;
4697   SetPageTitles;
4698   ObjInsp.Select(nil);
4699   ResetSelection;
4700   FirstSelected := nil;
4701   PageView.Invalidate;
4702 end;
SelStatusnull4704 function TfrDesignerForm.SelStatus: TfrSelectionStatus;
4705 var
4706   t: TfrView;
4707 begin
4708   Result := [];
4709   if SelNum = 1 then
4710   begin
4711     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
4712     if t.Typ = gtBand then
4713       Result := [ssBand]
4714     else
4715     if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
4716       Result := [ssMemo]
4717     else
4718       Result := [ssOther];
4719   end
4720   else if SelNum > 1 then
4721           Result := [ssMultiple];
4723   if ClipBd.Count > 0 then
4724     Result := Result + [ssClipboardFull];
4725 end;
4727 procedure TfrDesignerForm.UpdScrollbars;
4728 begin
4729   ScrollBox1.Autoscroll := False;
4730   ScrollBox1.Autoscroll := True;
4731   ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar.Range := ScrollBox1.VertScrollBar.Range + 10;
4732 end;
4734 {$PUSH}
4735 {$HINTS OFF}
4736 {$ifdef sbod}
4737 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DrawStatusPanel(const ACanvas: TCanvas;
4738   const rect: TRect);
4739 var
4740   t: TfrView;
4741   s: String;
4742   nx, ny: Double;
4743   x, y, dx, dy: Integer;
4744 begin
4745   with ACanvas do
4746   begin
4747     Brush.Color := StatusBar1.Color;
4748     FillRect(Rect);
4749     ImageList1.Draw(ACanvas, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top+2, 0);
4750     ImageList1.Draw(ACanvas, Rect.Left + 92, Rect.Top+2, 1);
4751     if (SelNum = 1) or ShowSizes then
4752     begin
4753       t := nil;
4754       if ShowSizes then
4755       begin
4756         x := OldRect.Left;
4757         y := OldRect.Top;
4758         dx := OldRect.Right - x;
4759         dy := OldRect.Bottom - y;
4760       end
4761       else
4762       begin
4763         t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
4764         x := t.x;
4765         y := t.y;
4766         dx := t.dx;
4767         dy := t.dy;
4768       end;
4770       if FUnits = ruPixels then
4771         s := IntToStr(x) + ';' + IntToStr(y)
4772       else
4773         s := FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(x), ffFixed, 4, 2) + '; ' +
4774               FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(y), ffFixed, 4, 2);
4776       TextOut(Rect.Left + 20, Rect.Top + 1, s);
4777       if FUnits = ruPixels then
4778         s := IntToStr(dx) + ';' + IntToStr(dy)
4779       else
4780         s := FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(dx), ffFixed, 4, 2) + '; ' +
4781                FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(dy), ffFixed, 4, 2);
4782       TextOut(Rect.Left + 110, Rect.Top + 1, s);
4784       if not ShowSizes and (t.Typ = gtPicture) then
4785       begin
4786         with t as TfrPictureView do
4787         begin
4788           if (Picture.Graphic <> nil) and not Picture.Graphic.Empty then
4789           begin
4790             s := IntToStr(dx * 100 div Picture.Width) + ',' +
4791                  IntToStr(dy * 100 div Picture.Height);
4792             TextOut(Rect.Left + 170, Rect.Top + 1, '% ' + s);
4793           end;
4794         end;
4795       end;
4796     end
4797     else if (SelNum > 0) and MRFlag then
4798          begin
4799             nx := 0;
4800             ny := 0;
4801             if OldRect1.Right - OldRect1.Left <> 0 then
4802               nx := (OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left) / (OldRect1.Right - OldRect1.Left);
4803             if OldRect1.Bottom - OldRect1.Top <> 0 then
4804               ny := (OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top) / (OldRect1.Bottom - OldRect1.Top);
4805             s := IntToStr(Round(nx * 100)) + ',' + IntToStr(Round(ny * 100));
4806             TextOut(Rect.left + 170, Rect.Top + 1, '% ' + s);
4807          end;
4808   end;
4809 end;
4811 procedure TfrDesignerForm.StatusBar1DrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar;
4812   Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect);
4813 begin
4814   if Panel.Index=1 then
4815     DrawStatusPanel(StatusBar.Canvas, Rect);
4816 end;
4818 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DefineExtraPopupSelected(popup: TPopupMenu);
4819 var
4820   m: TMenuItem;
4821 begin
4822   m := TMenuItem.Create(Popup);
4823   m.Caption := '-';
4824   Popup.Items.Add(m);
4826   m := TMenuItem.Create(Popup);
4827   m.Caption := sFRDesignerFormSelectSameClass;
4828   m.OnClick := @SelectSameClassClick;
4829   m.Tag := PtrInt(Objects[TopSelected]);
4830   Popup.Items.Add(m);
4831 end;
4833 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SelectSameClassClick(Sender: TObject);
4834 var
4835   View: TfrView;
4836 begin
4837   if Sender is TMenuItem then
4838   begin
4839     View := TfrView(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag);
4840     if Objects.IndexOf(View)>=0 then
4841     begin
4842       PageView.NPEraseSelection;
4843       SelectSameClass(View);
4844       PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
4845       PageView.NPDrawSelection;
4846       SelectionChanged;
4847     end;
4848   end;
4849 end;
4851 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SelectSameClass(View: TfrView);
4852 var
4853   i: Integer;
4854   v: TfrView;
4855 begin
4856   SelNum := 0;
4857   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
4858   begin
4859     v := TfrView(Objects[i]);
4860     if v.ClassName=View.ClassName then
4861     begin
4862       v.Selected := True;
4863       Inc(SelNum);
4864     end;
4865   end;
4866 end;
TfrDesignerForm.CheckFileModifiednull4868 function TfrDesignerForm.CheckFileModified: Integer;
4869 begin
4870   result := mrNo;
4871 //  if FileModified then
4872   if Modified then
4873   begin
4874     result:=MessageDlg(sSaveChanges + ' ' + sTo + ' ' +
4875       ExtractFileName(CurDocName) + '?',mtConfirmation,
4876       [mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel],0);
4878     if result = mrCancel then Exit;
4879     if result = mrYes then
4880     begin
4881       FileSave.Execute;
4882 //      FileBtn3Click(nil);
4883       if not WasOk then
4884         result := mrCancel;
4885     end;
4886   end;
4887 end;
4889 // if AList is specified always process the list being objects selected or not
4890 // if AList is not specified, all objects are processed but check Selected state
4891 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ViewsAction(Views: TFpList; TheAction: TViewAction;
4892   Data: PtrInt; OnlySel:boolean=true; WithUndoAction:boolean=true;
4893   WithRedraw:boolean=true);
4894 var
4895   i, n: Integer;
4896   List: TFpList;
4897 begin
4898   if not assigned(TheAction) then
4899     exit;
4901  List := Views;
4902   if List=nil then
4903    List := Objects;
4905   n := 0;
4906   for i:=List.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
4907     if (Views=nil) and OnlySel and not TfrView(List[i]).Selected then
4908       continue;
4909     inc(n);
4910   end;
4912   if n=0 then
4913     exit;
4915   if WithUndoAction then
4916     AddUndoAction(acEdit);
4918   if WithRedraw then begin
4919     PageView.NPEraseSelection;
4920     GetRegion;
4921   end;
4923   for i:=List.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
4924     if (Views=nil) and OnlySel and not TfrView(List[i]).Selected then
4925       continue;
4926     TheAction(TfrView(List[i]), Data);
4927   end;
4929   if WithRedraw then
4930     PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
4931 end;
4933 // data=0 remove all borders
4934 // data=1 set all borders
4935 // data=-1 toggle all borders
4936 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ToggleFrames(View: TfrView; Data: PtrInt);
4937 begin
4938   if (Data=0) or ((Data=-1) and (View.Frames<>[])) then
4939     View.Frames := []
4940   else
4941   if (Data=1) or ((Data=-1) and (View.Frames=[])) then
4942     View.Frames := [frbLeft, frbTop, frbRight, frbBottom];
4944   if SelNum=1 then
4945     LastFrames := View.Frames;
4946 end;
4948 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DuplicateView(View: TfrView; Data: PtrInt);
4949 var
4950   t: TfrView;
4951 begin
4952   // check if view is unique instance band kind and if there is already one
4953   if (View is TfrBandView) and
4954      not (TfrBandView(View).BandType in [btMasterHeader..btSubDetailFooter,
4955                                          btGroupHeader, btGroupFooter])
4956      and frCheckBand(TfrBandView(View).BandType)
4957   then
4958     exit;
4960   t := frCreateObject(View.Typ, View.ClassName, Page);
4961   TfrView(t).Assign(View);
4962   t.y := t.y + FDuplicateCount * FDupDeltaY;
4963   t.x := t.x + FDuplicateCount * FDupDeltaX;
4964   t.Selected := false;
4966   if CurReport.FindObject(t.Name) <> nil then
4967     t.CreateUniqueName;
4969 //  Objects.Add(t);
4970 end;
4972 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ResetDuplicateCount;
4973 begin
4974   FDuplicateCount := 0;
4975   FreeThenNil(FDuplicateList);
4976 end;
lrDesignAcceptDragnull4978 function TfrDesignerForm.lrDesignAcceptDrag(const Source: TObject): TControl;
4979 begin
4980   if Source is TControl then
4981     Result:=Source as TControl
4982   else
4983   if Source is TDragControlObject then
4984     Result:=(Source as TDragControlObject).Control
4985   else
4986     Result:=nil;
4987 end;
4989 procedure TfrDesignerForm.InplaceEditorMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
4990 var
4991   t: TfrView;
4992 begin
4993   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
4994   if T is TfrMemoView then
4995   begin
4996     TfrMemoView(T).Memo.Text:='[' + (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption + ']';
4997     PageView.Invalidate;
4998     frDesigner.Modified:=true;
4999   end;
5000 end;
5002 {$endif}
5004 procedure TfrDesignerForm.TabsEditDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
5005   Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
5006 begin
5007   //Accept:=(Source = FTabsPage) and (FTabsPage.IndexOfPageAt(X, Y) <> Tab1.TabIndex);
5008   Accept:=(Source = Tab1) and (Tab1.IndexOfTabAt(X, Y) <> Tab1.TabIndex);
5009 end;
5011 procedure TfrDesignerForm.TabsEditDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
5012   Y: Integer);
5013 var
5014   NewIndex: Integer;
5015 begin
5016   //NewIndex:=FTabsPage.IndexOfPageAt(X, Y);
5017   NewIndex:=Tab1.IndexOfTabAt(X, Y);
5018   //ShowMessageFmt('New index = %d', [NewIndex]);
5019   if (NewIndex>-1) and (NewIndex < CurReport.Pages.Count) then
5020   begin
5021     CurReport.Pages.Move(CurPage, NewIndex);
5022     Tab1.Tabs.Move(CurPage, NewIndex);
5023     SetPageTitles;
5025     ClearUndoBuffer;
5026     ClearRedoBuffer;
5027     Modified := True;
5028     Tab1.TabIndex:=NewIndex;
5029     RedrawPage;
5030   end;
5031 end;
5033 procedure TfrDesignerForm.TabsEditMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
5034   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
5035 begin
5036   FTabMouseDown:=true;
5037 end;
5039 procedure TfrDesignerForm.TabsEditMouseMove(Sender: TObject;
5040   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
5041 begin
5042   if FTabMouseDown then
5043     //FTabsPage.BeginDrag(false);
5044     Tab1.BeginDrag(false);
5045 end;
5047 procedure TfrDesignerForm.TabsEditMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
5048   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
5049 begin
5050   FTabMouseDown:=false;
5051 end;
5053 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowIEButton(AView:TfrMemoView);
5054 var
5055   lrObj: TfrObject;
5056   Band: TfrBandView;
5057   i, L, j: Integer;
5058   C: TComponent;
5059   M: TMenuItem;
5060 begin
5061   if not edtUseIE then exit;
5062   Band:=nil;
5063   for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
5064   begin
5065     lrObj:=TfrObject(Objects[i]);
5066     if lrObj is TfrBandView then
5067     begin
5068       if (AView.y >= TfrBandView(lrObj).y) and ((AView.dy + AView.y) <= (lrObj.y+lrObj.dy)) then
5069         Band:=TfrBandView(lrObj);
5070     end;
5071   end;
5072   if not Assigned(Band) then exit;
5075   C:=frFindComponent(CurReport.Owner, Band.DataSet);
5076   if C is TfrDBDataSet then
5077     C:=TfrDBDataSet(C).DataSet;
5079   if  (not Assigned(C)) or (not (C is TDataSet)) then exit;
5081   L:=TDataSet(C).Fields.Count;
5082   if (L = 0) then
5083   begin
5084     TDataSet(C).FieldDefs.Update;
5085     L:=TDataSet(C).FieldDefs.Count;
5086   end;
5088   if L > 0 then
5089   begin
5090     IEButton.Parent:=PageView;
5091     IEButton.Visible:=true;
5092     IEButton.Left:=AView.X + AView.dx;
5093     IEButton.Top:=AView.y;
5094     IEButton.Height:=Max(10, AView.dy);
5096     IEPopupMenu.Items.Clear;
5097     if TDataSet(C).Fields.Count>0 then
5098     begin
5099       for j:=0 to TDataSet(C).Fields.Count-1 do
5100       begin
5101         M:=TMenuItem.Create(IEPopupMenu.Owner);
5102         M.Caption:=TDataSet(C).Name + '."'+TDataSet(C).Fields[j].FieldName+'"';
5103         M.OnClick:=@InplaceEditorMenuClick;
5104         IEPopupMenu.Items.Add(M);
5105       end;
5106     end
5107     else
5108     begin
5109       for j:=0 to TDataSet(C).FieldDefs.Count-1 do
5110       begin
5111         M:=TMenuItem.Create(IEPopupMenu.Owner);
5112         M.Caption:=TDataSet(C).Name + '."'+TDataSet(C).FieldDefs[j].Name+'"';
5113         M.OnClick:=@InplaceEditorMenuClick;
5114         IEPopupMenu.Items.Add(M);
5115       end;
5116     end;
5117   end;
5118 end;
5120 procedure TfrDesignerForm.HideIEButton;
5121 begin
5122   IEButton.Visible:=false;
5123 end;
5125 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetModified(AValue: Boolean);
5126 begin
5127   inherited SetModified(AValue);
5128   if AValue then
5129     StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text:=sFRDesignerForm_Modified
5130   else
5131     StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text:='';
5132   FileSave.Enabled:=AValue;
5133 end;
TfrDesignerForm.IniFileNamenull5135 function TfrDesignerForm.IniFileName: string;
5136 begin
5137   Result:=AppendPathDelim(lrConfigFolderName(false))+'lrDesigner.cfg';
5138 end;
5140 {$POP}
RectTypEnablednull5142 function TfrDesignerForm.RectTypEnabled: Boolean;
5143 begin
5144   Result := [ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5145 end;
TfrDesignerForm.FontTypEnablednull5147 function TfrDesignerForm.FontTypEnabled: Boolean;
5148 begin
5149   Result := [ssMemo, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5150 end;
ZEnablednull5152 function TfrDesignerForm.ZEnabled: Boolean;
5153 begin
5154   Result := [ssBand, ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5155 end;
CutEnablednull5157 function TfrDesignerForm.CutEnabled: Boolean;
5158 begin
5159   Result := [ssBand, ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5160 end;
TfrDesignerForm.CopyEnablednull5162 function TfrDesignerForm.CopyEnabled: Boolean;
5163 begin
5164   Result := [ssBand, ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5165 end;
TfrDesignerForm.PasteEnablednull5167 function TfrDesignerForm.PasteEnabled: Boolean;
5168 begin
5169   Result := ssClipboardFull in SelStatus;
5170 end;
TfrDesignerForm.DelEnablednull5172 function TfrDesignerForm.DelEnabled: Boolean;
5173 begin
5174   Result := [ssBand, ssMemo, ssOther, ssMultiple] * SelStatus <> [];
5175 end;
EditEnablednull5177 function TfrDesignerForm.EditEnabled: Boolean;
5178 begin
5179   Result:=[ssBand,ssMemo,ssOther]*SelStatus <> [];
5180 end;
5182 procedure TfrDesignerForm.EnableControls;
5184   procedure SetCtrlEnabled(const Ar: Array of TObject; en: Boolean);
5185   var
5186     i: Integer;
5187   begin
5188     for i := Low(Ar) to High(Ar) do
5189       if Ar[i] is TControl then
5190         (Ar[i] as TControl).Enabled := en
5191       else if Ar[i] is TMenuItem then
5192         (Ar[i] as TMenuItem).Enabled := en;
5193   end;
5195 begin
5196   SetCtrlEnabled([FrB1, FrB2, FrB3, FrB4, FrB5, FrB6, ClB1, ClB3, E1, SB1, SB2, StB1],
5197     RectTypEnabled);
5198   SetCtrlEnabled([ClB2, C2, C3, FnB1, FnB2, FnB3, AlB1, AlB2, AlB3, AlB4, AlB5, AlB6, AlB7, AlB8, HlB1],
5199     FontTypEnabled);
5200   SetCtrlEnabled([ZB1, ZB2, N32, N33, GB3], ZEnabled);
5201   SetCtrlEnabled([CutB, N11, N2], CutEnabled);
5202   SetCtrlEnabled([CopyB, N12, N1], CopyEnabled);
5203   SetCtrlEnabled([PstB, N13, N3], PasteEnabled);
5204   SetCtrlEnabled([N27, N5], DelEnabled);
5205   SetCtrlEnabled([N36, N6], EditEnabled);
5206   if not C2.Enabled then
5207   begin
5208     C2.ItemIndex := -1;
5209     C3.Text := '';
5210   end;
5212   StatusBar1.Repaint;
5213   {$ifndef sbod}
5214   PBox1.Invalidate;
5215   {$endif}
5216 end;
5218 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SelectionChanged;
5219 var
5220   t: TfrView;
5221 begin
5222   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
5223   debugLnEnter('TfrDesignerForm.SelectionChanged INIT, SelNum=%d',[SelNum]);
5224   {$ENDIF}
5225   HideIEButton;
5226   Busy := True;
5227   ColorSelector.Hide;
5228   LinePanel.Hide;
5229   EnableControls;
5230   if Page is TfrPageReport then
5231   begin
5232     if SelNum = 1 then
5233     begin
5234       t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5235       if t.Typ <> gtBand then
5236       with t do
5237       begin
5238         {$IFDEF DebugLR}
5239         DebugLn('Not a band');
5240         {$ENDIF}
5241         FrB1.Down := (frbTop in Frames);
5242         FrB2.Down := (frbLeft in Frames);
5243         FrB3.Down := (frbBottom in Frames);
5244         FrB4.Down := (frbRight  in Frames);
5245         E1.Text := FloatToStrF(FrameWidth, ffGeneral, 2, 2);
5246         frSetGlyph(FillColor, ClB1, 1);
5247         frSetGlyph(FrameColor, ClB3, 2);
5248         if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
5249         with t as TfrCustomMemoView do
5250         begin
5251           frSetGlyph(Font.Color, ClB2, 0);
5252           if C2.ItemIndex <> C2.Items.IndexOf(Font.Name) then
5253             C2.ItemIndex := C2.Items.IndexOf(Font.Name);
5255           if C3.Text <> IntToStr(Font.Size) then
5256             C3.Text := IntToStr(Font.Size);
5258           FnB1.Down := fsBold in Font.Style;
5259           FnB2.Down := fsItalic in Font.Style;
5260           FnB3.Down := fsUnderline in Font.Style;
5262           AlB4.Down := (Adjust and $4) <> 0;
5263           AlB5.Down := (Adjust and $18) = $8;
5264           AlB6.Down := (Adjust and $18) = 0;
5265           AlB7.Down := (Adjust and $18) = $10;
5266           case (Adjust and $3) of
5267             0: BDown(AlB1);
5268             1: BDown(AlB2);
5269             2: BDown(AlB3);
5270             3: BDown(AlB8);
5271           end;
5272         end;
5273       end;
5276       if T is TfrMemoView then
5277         ShowIEButton(T as TfrMemoView);
5278     end
5279     else if SelNum > 1 then
5280     begin
5281       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
5282       DebugLn('Multiple selection');
5283       {$ENDIF}
5285       BUp(FrB1);
5286       BUp(FrB2);
5287       BUp(FrB3);
5288       BUp(FrB4);
5289       ColorLocked := True;
5290       frSetGlyph(0, ClB1, 1);
5291       ColorLocked := False;
5292       E1.Text := '1';
5293       C2.ItemIndex := -1;
5294       C3.Text := '';
5295       BUp(FnB1);
5296       BUp(FnB2);
5297       BUp(FnB3);
5298       BDown(AlB1);
5299       BUp(AlB4);
5300       BUp(AlB5);
5301     end;
5302   end
5303   else
5304   begin
5305     if ObjInsp.SelectedObject = Page then
5306       PageView.Invalidate;
5307   end;
5308   Busy := False;
5309   ShowPosition;
5310   ShowContent;
5311   ActiveControl := nil;
5312   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
5313   debugLnExit('TfrDesignerForm.SelectionChanged END, SelNum=%d',[SelNum]);
5314   {$ENDIF}
5315 end;
5317 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowPosition;
5318 begin
5319   FillInspFields;
5320   StatusBar1.Repaint;
5321   {$ifndef sbod}
5322   PBox1.Invalidate;
5323   {$endif}
5324 end;
5326 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowContent;
5327 var
5328   t: TfrView;
5329   s: String;
5330 begin
5331   s := '';
5332   if SelNum = 1 then
5333   begin
5334     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5335     s := t.Name;
5336     if t is TfrBandView then
5337       s := s + ': ' + frBandNames[TfrBandView(t).BandType]
5338     else if t.Memo.Count > 0 then
5339       s := s + ': ' + t.Memo[0];
5340   end;
5341   StatusBar1.Panels[3].Text := s;
5342 end;
5344 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DoClick(Sender: TObject);
5345 var
5346   i, j, b: Integer;
5347   s      : String;
5348   t      : TfrView;
5349 begin
5350   if Busy then
5351     Exit;
5352   AddUndoAction(acEdit);
5353   PageView.NPEraseSelection;
5354   GetRegion;
5355   b:=(Sender as TControl).Tag;
5357   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
5358   begin
5359     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
5360     if t.Selected and ((t.Typ <> gtBand) or (b = 16)) then
5361     with t do
5362     begin
5363       if t is TfrCustomMemoView then
5364       with t as TfrCustomMemoView do
5365         case b of
5366           7: if C2.ItemIndex >= 0 then
5367              begin
5368                Font.Name := C2.Items[C2.ItemIndex];
5369                LastFontName := Font.Name;
5370              end;
5371           8: begin
5372                Font.Size := StrToIntDef(C3.Text, LastFontSize);
5373                LastFontSize := Font.Size;
5374              end;
5375           9: begin
5376                LastFontStyle := frGetFontStyle(Font.Style);
5377                //SetBit(LastFontStyle, not FnB1.Down, 2);
5378                SetBit(LastFontStyle, FnB1.Down, 2);
5379                Font.Style := frSetFontStyle(LastFontStyle);
5380              end;
5381          10: begin
5382                LastFontStyle := frGetFontStyle(Font.Style);
5383                //SetBit(LastFontStyle, not FnB2.Down, 1);
5384                SetBit(LastFontStyle, FnB2.Down, 1);
5385                Font.Style := frSetFontStyle(LastFontStyle);
5386              end;
5387          11..13:
5388              begin
5389                Adjust := (Adjust and $FC) + (b-11);
5390                LastAdjust := Adjust;
5391              end;
5392          14: begin
5393                Adjust := (Adjust and $FB) + Word(AlB4.Down) * 4;
5394                LastAdjust := Adjust;
5395              end;
5396          15: begin
5397                Adjust := (Adjust and $E7) + Word(AlB5.Down) * 8 + Word(AlB7.Down) * $10;
5398                LastAdjust := Adjust;
5399              end;
5400          17: begin
5401                Font.Color := ColorSelector.Color;
5402                LastFontColor := Font.Color;
5403              end;
5404          18: begin
5405                LastFontStyle := frGetFontStyle(Font.Style);
5406 //               SetBit(LastFontStyle, not FnB3.Down, 4);
5407                SetBit(LastFontStyle, FnB3.Down, 4);
5408                Font.Style := frSetFontStyle(LastFontStyle);
5409              end;
5410          22: begin
5411                //Alignment:=tafrJustify;
5412                Adjust := (Adjust and $FC) + 3;
5413                LastAdjust := Adjust;
5414              end;
5415         end;
5417       case b of
5418         1:
5419          begin //Top frame
5420            if (Sender=frB1) and frB1.Down then
5421              Frames:=Frames+[frbTop]
5422            else
5423              Frames:=Frames-[frbTop];
5424            DRect := Rect(t.x - 10, t.y - 10, t.x + t.dx + 10, t.y + 10)
5425          end;
5426         2: //Left frame
5427          begin
5428            if (Sender=FrB2) and frB2.Down then
5429              Frames:=Frames+[frbLeft]
5430            else
5431              Frames:=Frames-[frbLeft];
5432            DRect := Rect(t.x - 10, t.y - 10, t.x + 10, t.y + t.dy + 10)
5433          end;
5434         3: //Bottom Frame
5435          begin
5436            if (Sender=FrB3) and frB3.Down then
5437              Frames:=Frames+[frbBottom]
5438            else
5439              Frames:=Frames-[frbBottom];
5440            DRect := Rect(t.x - 10, t.y + t.dy - 10, t.x + t.dx + 10, t.y + t.dy + 10)
5441          end;
5442         4: //Right Frame
5443          begin
5444            if (Sender=FrB4) and frB4.Down then
5445              Frames:=Frames+[frbRight]
5446            else
5447              Frames:=Frames-[frbRight];
5448            DRect := Rect(t.x + t.dx - 10, t.y - 10, t.x + t.dx + 10, t.y + t.dy + 10)
5449          end;
5450         20:
5451          begin
5452            if (Sender=FrB5) then
5453              Frames:=[frbLeft, frbTop, frbRight, frbBottom];
5455            LastFrames:=Frames;
5456          end;
5457         21:
5458          begin
5459            if (Sender=FrB6) then
5460              Frames:=[];
5461            LastFrames:=[];
5462          end;
5463         5:
5464          begin
5465            FillColor:=ColorSelector.Color;
5466            LastFillColor := FillColor;
5467          end;
5468         6:
5469          begin
5470            s := E1.Text;
5471            for j := 1 to Length(s) do
5472              if s[j] in ['.', ','] then
5473                s[j] := DecimalSeparator;
5474            FrameWidth := StrToFloat(s);
5475            if t is TfrLineView then
5476              LastLineWidth := FrameWidth
5477            else
5478              LastFrameWidth := FrameWidth;
5479          end;
5480         19:
5481          begin
5482            FrameColor := ColorSelector.Color;
5483            LastFrameColor := FrameColor;
5484          end;
5485         25..30:
5486           FrameStyle:=TfrFrameStyle(b - 25);
5487       end;
5488     end;
5489   end;
5491   PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(ClipRgn, TopSelected);
5492   if b<>8 then // without this you can't enter more then 1 digits in Fontsize-combobox
5493     ActiveControl := nil;
5494   if b in [20, 21] then
5495     SelectionChanged;
5496 end;
5498 procedure TfrDesignerForm.frSpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
5499 begin
5500   LinePanel.Hide;
5501   DoClick(Sender);
5502 end;
5504 procedure TfrDesignerForm.HlB1Click(Sender: TObject);
5505 var
5506   t: TfrCustomMemoView;
5507 begin
5508   t := TfrCustomMemoView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5509   frHilightForm := TfrHilightForm.Create(nil);
5510   with frHilightForm do
5511   begin
5512     FontColor := t.Highlight.FontColor;
5513     FillColor := t.Highlight.FillColor;
5514     CB1.Checked := (t.Highlight.FontStyle and $2) <> 0;
5515     CB2.Checked := (t.Highlight.FontStyle and $1) <> 0;
5516     CB3.Checked := (t.Highlight.FontStyle and $4) <> 0;
5517     Edit1.Text := t.HighlightStr;
5518     if ShowModal = mrOk then
5519     begin
5520       AddUndoAction(acEdit);
5521       t.HighlightStr := Edit1.Text;
5522       t.Highlight.FontColor := FontColor;
5523       t.Highlight.FillColor := FillColor;
5524       SetBit(t.Highlight.FontStyle, CB1.Checked, 2);
5525       SetBit(t.Highlight.FontStyle, CB2.Checked, 1);
5526       SetBit(t.Highlight.FontStyle, CB3.Checked, 4);
5527     end;
5528   end;
5529   frHilightForm.Free;
5530 end;
5532 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FillInspFields;
5533 var
5534   t: TfrView;
5535 begin
5536   if SelNum = 0 then
5537     ObjInspSelect(Page)
5538   else
5539   if SelNum = 1 then
5540   begin
5541     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5542     ObjInspSelect(t);
5543   end else
5544   if SelNum > 1 then
5545     ObjInspSelect(Objects);
5546   ObjInspRefresh;
5547 end;
5549 {
5550 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OnModify(Item: Integer; var EditText: String);
5551 var
5552   t: TfrView;
5553   i, k: Integer;
5554 begin
5555   AddUndoAction(acEdit);
5556   if (Item = 0) and (SelNum = 1) then
5557   begin
5558     t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5559     if CurReport.FindObject(fld[0]) = nil then
5560       t.Name := fld[0] else
5561       EditText := t.Name;
5562     SetPageTitles;
5563   end
5564   else if Item in [1..5] then
5565   begin
5566     EditText := frParser.Calc(fld[Item]);
5567     if Item <> 6 then
5568       k := UnitsToPoints(StrToFloat(EditText)) else
5569       k := StrToInt(EditText);
5570     for i := 0 to Objects.Count-1 do
5571     begin
5572       t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
5573       if t.Selected then
5574       with t do
5575         case Item of
5576           1: if (k > 0) and (k < Page.PrnInfo.Pgw) then
5577                x := k;
5578           2: if (k > 0) and (k < Page.PrnInfo.Pgh) then
5579              y := k;
5580           3: if (k > 0) and (k < Page.PrnInfo.Pgw) then
5581              dx := k;
5582           4: if (k > 0) and (k < Page.PrnInfo.Pgh) then
5583              dy := k;
5584           5: Visible := Boolean(k);
5585         end;
5586     end;
5587   end;
5588   FillInspFields;
5589   if Item in [1..5] then
5590     EditText := fld[Item];
5591   RedrawPage;
5592   StatusBar1.Repaint;
5593   PBox1.Invalidate;
5594 end;
5595 }
5596 procedure TfrDesignerForm.StB1Click(Sender: TObject);
5597 var
5598   p: TPoint;
5599 begin
5600   if not LinePanel.Visible then
5601   begin
5602     LinePanel.Parent := Self;
5603     with (Sender as TControl) do
5604       p := Self.ScreenToClient(Parent.ClientToScreen(Point(Left, Top)));
5605     LinePanel.SetBounds(p.X,p.Y + 26,LinePanel.Width,LinePanel.Height);
5606   end;
5607   LinePanel.Visible := not LinePanel.Visible;
5608 end;
5610 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ObjInspSelect(Obj: TObject);
5612 var
5613   Selection: TPersistentSelectionList;
5614   i: Integer;
5615 {$ENDIF}
5616 begin
5617   {$IFDEF STDOI}
5618   Selection := TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
5619   PropHook.LookupRoot:=nil;
5620   if Obj is TPersistent then
5621   begin
5622     Selection.Add(TPersistent(Obj));
5623     PropHook.LookupRoot:=TPersistent(Obj);
5624   end else
5625   if Obj is TFpList then
5626     with frDesigner.page do
5627       for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
5628         if TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected then
5629         begin
5630           if PropHook.LookupRoot=nil then
5631             PropHook.LookupRoot := TPersistent(Objects[i]);
5632           Selection.Add(TPersistent(Objects[i]));
5633         end;
5634   ObjInsp.Selection := Selection;
5635   Selection.Free;
5636   {$ELSE}
5637   ObjInsp.Select(Obj);
5638   {$ENDIF}
5639 end;
5641 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DuplicateSelection;
5642 var
5643   t: TfrView;
5644   q: TPoint;
5645   p: TPoint;
5646   i: Integer;
5647   OldCount: Integer;
5648 begin
5649   if not DelEnabled then
5650     exit;
5652   OldCount := Objects.Count;
5653   if OldCount=0 then
5654     exit;
5656   if FDuplicateList=nil then
5657   begin
5658     FDuplicateList := TFpList.Create;
5659     for i:=0 to OldCount-1 do
5660       if TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected then
5661         FDuplicateList.Add(Objects[i]);
5662   end;
5664   if (FDuplicateList.Count=0) then
5665   begin
5666     ResetDuplicateCount;
5667     exit;
5668   end;
5670   Inc(FDuplicateCount);
5672   if FDuplicateCount=1 then
5673   begin
5675     // find reference rect in screen coords
5676     if SelNum>1 then
5677     begin
5678       p := OldRect.TopLeft;
5679       q := OldRect.BottomRight;
5680     end else
5681     begin
5682       t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5683       p := Point(t.x, t.y);
5684       q := point(t.x+t.dx, t.y+t.dy);
5685     end;
5686     p := PageView.ControlToScreen(p);
5687     q := PageView.ControlToScreen(q);
5689     // find duplicates delta based on current mouse cursor position
5690     FDupDeltaX := (q.x-p.x);
5691     FDupDeltaY := (q.y-p.y);
5692     with Mouse.CursorPos do
5693     begin
5694       if x < p.x then
5695         FDupDeltaX := -FDupDeltaX
5696       else
5697       if x < q.x then
5698         FDupDeltaX := 0;
5700       if y < p.y then
5701         FDupDeltaY := -FDupDeltaY
5702       else
5703       if y < q.y then
5704         FDupDeltaY := 0;
5705     end;
5706   end;
5708   ViewsAction(FDuplicateList, @DuplicateView, 0, false, false, false);
5710   if OldCount<>Objects.Count then
5711   begin
5712     SendBandsToDown;
5713     PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
5714     RedrawPage;
5715     AddUndoAction(acDuplication);
5716   end else
5717     Dec(FDuplicateCount);
5718 end;
5720 procedure TfrDesignerForm.CreateNewReport;
5721 begin
5722   if CheckFileModified=mrCancel then
5723     exit;
5724   ClearUndoBuffer;
5725   CurReport.Pages.Clear;
5726   CurReport.Pages.Add;
5727   CurPage := 0;
5728   CurDocName := sUntitled;
5729   //FileModified := False;
5730   Modified := False;
5731   CurReport.ReportCreateDate:=Now;
5733   FCurDocFileType := 3;
5734 end;
5736 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ObjInspRefresh;
5737 begin
5738   {$IFDEF STDOI}
5739   //TODO: refresh
5740   {$ELSE}
5741   ObjInsp.Refresh;
5742   {$ENDIF}
5743 end;
5745 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DataInspectorRefresh;
5746 begin
5747   if Assigned(lrFieldsList) then
5748     lrFieldsList.RefreshDSList;
5749 end;
5751 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ClB1Click(Sender: TObject);
5752 var p  : TPoint;
5753     t  : TfrView;
5754     CL : TColor;
5755 begin
5756   with (Sender as TControl) do
5757     p := Self.ScreenToClient(Parent.ClientToScreen(Point(Left, Top)));
5758   if ColorSelector.Left = p.X then
5759     ColorSelector.Visible := not ColorSelector.Visible
5760   else
5761   begin
5762     with ColorSelector do SetBounds(p.X,p.Y + 26,Width,Height);
5763     ColorSelector.Visible := True;
5764   end;
5765   ClrButton := Sender as TSpeedButton;
5766   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5767   CL:=clNone;
5768   if Sender=ClB1 then
5769     CL:=t.FillColor;
5770   if (Sender=ClB2) and (t is TfrCustomMemoView) then
5771     CL:=TfrCustomMemoView(t).Font.Color;
5772   if Sender=ClB3 then
5773     CL:=t.FrameColor;
5774   ColorSelector.Color:=CL;
5775 end;
5777 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ColorSelected(Sender: TObject);
5778 var
5779   n: Integer;
5780 begin
5781   n := 0;
5782   if ClrButton = ClB1 then
5783     n := 1
5784   else
5785     if ClrButton = ClB3 then
5786        n := 2;
5787   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
5788   DebugLn('ColorSelected');
5789   {$ENDIF}
5790   frSetGlyph(ColorSelector.Color, ClrButton, n);
5792   DoClick(ClrButton);
5793 end;
5795 procedure TfrDesignerForm.PBox1Paint(Sender: TObject);
5796 var
5797   t: TfrView;
5798   s: String;
5799   nx, ny: Double;
5800   x, y, dx, dy: Integer;
5801 begin
5802   with PBox1.Canvas do
5803   begin
5804     FillRect(Rect(0, 0, PBox1.Width, PBox1.Height));
5805     ImageList1.Draw(PBox1.Canvas, 2, 0, 0);
5806     ImageList1.Draw(PBox1.Canvas, 92, 0, 1);
5807     if (SelNum = 1) or ShowSizes then
5808     begin
5809       t := nil;
5810       if ShowSizes then
5811       begin
5812         x := OldRect.Left;
5813         y := OldRect.Top;
5814         dx := OldRect.Right - x;
5815         dy := OldRect.Bottom - y;
5816       end
5817       else
5818       begin
5819         t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5820         x := t.x;
5821         y := t.y;
5822         dx := t.dx;
5823         dy := t.dy;
5824       end;
5826       if FUnits = ruPixels then
5827         s := IntToStr(x) + ';' + IntToStr(y)
5828       else
5829         s := FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(x), ffFixed, 4, 2) + '; ' +
5830               FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(y), ffFixed, 4, 2);
5832       TextOut(20, 1, s);
5833       if FUnits = ruPixels then
5834         s := IntToStr(dx) + ';' + IntToStr(dy)
5835       else
5836         s := FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(dx), ffFixed, 4, 2) + '; ' +
5837                FloatToStrF(PointsToUnits(dy), ffFixed, 4, 2);
5838       TextOut(110, 1, s);
5840       if not ShowSizes and (t.Typ = gtPicture) then
5841       begin
5842         with t as TfrPictureView do
5843         begin
5844           if (Picture.Graphic <> nil) and not Picture.Graphic.Empty then
5845           begin
5846             s := IntToStr(dx * 100 div Picture.Width) + ',' +
5847                  IntToStr(dy * 100 div Picture.Height);
5848             TextOut(170, 1, '% ' + s);
5849           end;
5850         end;
5851       end;
5852     end
5853     else if (SelNum > 0) and MRFlag then
5854          begin
5855             nx := 0;
5856             ny := 0;
5857             if OldRect1.Right - OldRect1.Left <> 0 then
5858               nx := (OldRect.Right - OldRect.Left) / (OldRect1.Right - OldRect1.Left);
5859             if OldRect1.Bottom - OldRect1.Top <> 0 then
5860               ny := (OldRect.Bottom - OldRect.Top) / (OldRect1.Bottom - OldRect1.Top);
5861             s := IntToStr(Round(nx * 100)) + ',' + IntToStr(Round(ny * 100));
5862             TextOut(170, 1, '% ' + s);
5863          end;
5864   end;
5865 end;
5867 procedure TfrDesignerForm.C2DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
5868   Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
5869 var
5870   j: PtrInt;
5871 begin
5872   with C2.Canvas do
5873   begin
5874     Font.Name := 'default';
5875     FillRect(Rect);
5876     j := PtrInt(C2.Items.Objects[Index]);
5878     if (j and $100 <> 0) then
5879       ImageList2.Draw(C2.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top +1, 2)
5880     else
5881     {$ENDIF}
5882     if ( j and TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) <> 0 then
5883       ImageList2.Draw(C2.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top + 1, 0);
5884     TextOut(Rect.Left + 20, Rect.Top + 1, C2.Items[Index]);
5885   end;
5886 end;
5888 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowMemoEditor;
5889 begin
5890   if EditorForm.ShowEditor(TfrView(Objects[TopSelected])) = mrOk then
5891   begin
5892     PageView.NPDrawSelection;
5893     PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(EditorForm.View.GetClipRgn(rtExtended), TopSelected);
5894   end;
5896   ActiveControl := nil;
5897 end;
5899 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowEditor;
5900 var
5901   t: TfrView;
5902   i: Integer;
5903   bt: TfrBandType;
5904 begin
5905   SetCaptureControl(nil);
5906   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
5908   if lrrDontModify in T.Restrictions then
5909     exit;
5911   if t.Typ = gtMemo then
5912     ShowMemoEditor
5913   else
5914   if t.Typ = gtPicture then
5915   begin
5916     frGEditorForm := TfrGEditorForm.Create(nil);
5917     with frGEditorForm do
5918     begin
5919       Image1.Picture.Assign((t as TfrPictureView).Picture);
5920       if ShowModal = mrOk then
5921       begin
5922         AddUndoAction(acEdit);
5923         (t as TfrPictureView).Picture.Assign(Image1.Picture);
5924         PageView.NPDrawSelection;
5925         PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended), TopSelected);
5926       end;
5927     end;
5928     frGEditorForm.Free;
5929   end
5930   else
5931   if t.Typ = gtBand then
5932   begin
5933     PageView.NPEraseSelection;
5934     bt := (t as TfrBandView).BandType;
5935     if bt in [btMasterData, btDetailData, btSubDetailData] then
5936     begin
5937       frBandEditorForm := TfrBandEditorForm.Create(nil);
5938       frBandEditorForm.ShowEditor(t);
5939       frBandEditorForm.Free;
5940     end
5941     else if bt = btGroupHeader then
5942     begin
5943       frGroupEditorForm := TfrGroupEditorForm.Create(nil);
5944       frGroupEditorForm.ShowEditor(t);
5945       frGroupEditorForm.Free;
5946     end
5947     else if bt = btCrossData then
5948     begin
5949       frVBandEditorForm := TfrVBandEditorForm.Create(nil);
5950       frVBandEditorForm.ShowEditor(t);
5951       frVBandEditorForm.Free;
5952     end
5953     else
5954       PageView.DFlag := False;
5955     PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended), TopSelected);
5956   end
5957   else
5958   if t.Typ = gtSubReport then
5959     CurPage := (t as TfrSubReportView).SubPage.PageIndex
5960   else
5961   if t.Typ = gtAddIn then
5962   begin
5963     for i := 0 to frAddInsCount - 1 do
5964       if frAddIns[i].ClassRef.ClassName = t.ClassName then
5965       begin
5966         if Assigned(frAddIns[i].EditorProc) then
5967         begin
5968           if frAddIns[i].EditorProc(t) then
5969             Modified:=true;
5970         end
5971         else
5972         if frAddIns[i].EditorForm <> nil then
5973         begin
5974           PageView.NPEraseSelection;
5975           frAddIns[i].EditorForm.ShowEditor(t);
5976           PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended), TopSelected);
5977         end
5978         else
5979           ShowMemoEditor;
5980         break;
5981       end;
5982   end;
5983   ShowContent;
5984   ShowPosition;
5985   ActiveControl := nil;
5986 end;
5988 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ShowDialogPgEditor(APage: TfrPageDialog);
5989 begin
5990   EditorForm.M2.Lines.Assign(APage.Script);
5991   EditorForm.MemoPanel.Visible:=false;
5992   EditorForm.CB1.OnClick:=nil;
5993   EditorForm.CB1.Checked:=true;
5994   EditorForm.CB1.OnClick:=@EditorForm.CB1Click;
5995   EditorForm.ScriptPanel.Align:=alClient;
5996   if EditorForm.ShowEditor(nil) = mrOk then
5997   begin
5998     APage.Script.Assign(EditorForm.M2.Lines);
5999     frDesigner.Modified:=true;
6000   end;
6001   EditorForm.ScriptPanel.Align:=alBottom;
6002   EditorForm.MemoPanel.Visible:=true;
6003   ActiveControl := nil;
6004 end;
6006 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ReleaseAction(ActionRec: TfrUndoRec);
6007 var
6008   p, p1: PfrUndoObj;
6009 begin
6010   p := ActionRec.Objects;
6011   while p <> nil do
6012   begin
6013     if ActionRec.Action in [acDelete, acEdit] then
6014       p^.ObjPtr.Free;
6015     p1 := p;
6016     p := p^.Next;
6017     FreeMem(p1, SizeOf(TfrUndoObj));
6018   end;
6019 end;
6021 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ClearBuffer(Buffer: TfrUndoBuffer; var BufferLength: Integer);
6022 var
6023   i: Integer;
6024 begin
6025   for i := 0 to BufferLength - 1 do
6026     ReleaseAction(Buffer[i]);
6027   BufferLength := 0;
6028 end;
6030 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ClearUndoBuffer;
6031 begin
6032   ClearBuffer(FUndoBuffer, FUndoBufferLength);
6033   edtUndo.Enabled := False;
6034 end;
6036 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ClearRedoBuffer;
6037 begin
6038   ClearBuffer(FRedoBuffer, FRedoBufferLength);
6039   edtRedo.Enabled := False;
6040 end;
6042 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Undo(Buffer: PfrUndoBuffer);
6043 var
6044   p, p1: PfrUndoObj;
6045   r: PfrUndoRec1;
6046   BufferLength: Integer;
6047   List: TFpList;
6048   a: TfrUndoAction;
6049 begin
6050   if Buffer = @FUndoBuffer then
6051     BufferLength := FUndoBufferLength
6052   else
6053     BufferLength := FRedoBufferLength;
6055   if (Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Page <> CurPage) then Exit;
6057   List := TFpList.Create;
6058   a := Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Action;
6059   p := Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Objects;
6060   while p <> nil do
6061   begin
6062     GetMem(r, SizeOf(TfrUndoRec1));
6063     r^.ObjPtr := p^.ObjPtr;
6064     r^.Int := p^.Int;
6065     List.Add(r);
6066     case Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Action of
6067       acInsert:
6068         begin
6069           r^.Int := Page.FindObjectByID(p^.ObjID);
6070           r^.ObjPtr := TfrView(Objects[r^.Int]);
6071           a := acDelete;
6072         end;
6073       acDelete: a := acInsert;
6074       acEdit:   r^.ObjPtr := TfrView(Objects[p^.Int]);
6075       acZOrder:
6076         begin
6077           r^.Int := Page.FindObjectByID(p^.ObjID);
6078           r^.ObjPtr := TfrView(Objects[r^.Int]);
6079           p^.ObjPtr := r^.ObjPtr;
6080         end;
6081     end;
6082     p := p^.Next;
6083   end;
6084   if Buffer = @FUndoBuffer then
6085     AddAction(@FRedoBuffer, a, List) else
6086     AddAction(@FUndoBuffer, a, List);
6087   List.Free;
6089   p := Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Objects;
6090   while p <> nil do
6091   begin
6092     case Buffer^[BufferLength - 1].Action of
6093       acInsert: Page.Delete(Page.FindObjectByID(p^.ObjID));
6094       acDelete: Objects.Insert(p^.Int, p^.ObjPtr);
6095       acEdit:
6096         begin
6097           TfrView(Objects[p^.Int]).Assign(p^.ObjPtr);
6098           p^.ObjPtr.Free;
6099         end;
6100       acZOrder: Objects[p^.Int] := p^.ObjPtr;
6101     end;
6102     p1 := p;
6103     p := p^.Next;
6104     FreeMem(p1, SizeOf(TfrUndoObj));
6105   end;
6107   if Buffer = @FUndoBuffer then
6108     Dec(FUndoBufferLength)
6109   else
6110     Dec(FRedoBufferLength);
6112   ResetSelection;
6113   PageView.Invalidate;
6114   edtUndo.Enabled := FUndoBufferLength > 0;
6115   edtRedo.Enabled := FRedoBufferLength > 0;
6116 end;
6118 procedure TfrDesignerForm.AddAction(Buffer: PfrUndoBuffer; a: TfrUndoAction; List: TFpList);
6119 var
6120   i: Integer;
6121   p, p1: PfrUndoObj;
6122   r: PfrUndoRec1;
6123   t, t1: TfrView;
6124   BufferLength: Integer;
6125 begin
6126   if Buffer = @FUndoBuffer then
6127     BufferLength := FUndoBufferLength
6128   else
6129     BufferLength := FRedoBufferLength;
6130   if BufferLength >= MaxUndoBuffer then
6131   begin
6132     ReleaseAction(Buffer^[0]);
6133     for i := 0 to MaxUndoBuffer - 2 do
6134       Buffer^[i] := Buffer^[i + 1];
6135     BufferLength := MaxUndoBuffer - 1;
6136   end;
6137   Buffer^[BufferLength].Action := a;
6138   Buffer^[BufferLength].Page := CurPage;
6139   Buffer^[BufferLength].Objects := nil;
6140   p := nil;
6141   for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
6142   begin
6143     r := List[i];
6144     t := r^.ObjPtr;
6145     GetMem(p1, SizeOf(TfrUndoObj));
6146     p1^.Next := nil;
6148     if Buffer^[BufferLength].Objects = nil then
6149       Buffer^[BufferLength].Objects := p1
6150     else
6151       p^.Next := p1;
6153     p := p1;
6154     case a of
6155       acInsert: p^.ObjID := t.ID;
6156       acDelete, acEdit:
6157         begin
6158           t1 := frCreateObject(t.Typ, t.ClassName, nil);
6159           t1.Assign(t);
6160           t1.ID := t.ID;
6161           p^.ObjID := t.ID;
6162           p^.ObjPtr := t1;
6163           p^.Int := r^.Int;
6164         end;
6165       acZOrder:
6166         begin
6167           p^.ObjID := t.ID;
6168           p^.Int := r^.Int;
6169         end;
6170     end;
6171     FreeMem(r, SizeOf(TfrUndoRec1));
6172   end;
6173   if Buffer = @FUndoBuffer then
6174   begin
6175     FUndoBufferLength := BufferLength + 1;
6176     edtUndo.Enabled := True;
6177   end
6178   else
6179   begin
6180     FRedoBufferLength := BufferLength + 1;
6181     edtRedo.Enabled := True;
6182   end;
6183   Modified := True;
6184   //FileModified := True;
6185 end;
6187 procedure TfrDesignerForm.AddUndoAction(AUndoAction: TfrUndoAction);
6188 var
6189   i,j: Integer;
6190   t: TfrView;
6191   List: TFpList;
6192   F:boolean;
6194   procedure AddCurrent;
6195   var
6196     p: PfrUndoRec1;
6197   begin
6198     GetMem(p, SizeOf(TfrUndoRec1));
6199     p^.ObjPtr := t;
6200     p^.Int := i;
6201     List.Add(p);
6202   end;
6204 begin
6205   ClearRedoBuffer;
6206   if not Assigned(Objects) then exit;
6208   List := TFpList.Create;
6210   // last FDuplicateList.Count objectes were duplicated
6211   if AUndoAction = acDuplication then
6212     j := Objects.Count - FDuplicateList.Count
6213   else
6214     j := 0;
6216   for i := j to Objects.Count - 1 do
6217   begin
6218     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
6219     F:= ((AUndoAction = acDelete) and not (lrrDontDelete in t.Restrictions))
6220       or
6221         ((AUndoAction = acEdit) and not (lrrDontModify in t.Restrictions))
6222       or
6223         (not (AUndoAction in [acDelete, acEdit]));
6225     if (not (doUndoDisable in T.DesignOptions)) and ((AUndoAction in [acDuplication, acZOrder]) or t.Selected) and F then
6226       AddCurrent;
6227   end;
6229   if List.Count>0 then
6230   begin
6231     if AUndoAction = acDuplication then
6232        AUndoAction := acInsert;
6233     AddAction(@FUndoBuffer, AUndoAction, List);
6234   end;
6235   List.Free;
6236 end;
6238 procedure TfrDesignerForm.BeforeChange;
6239 begin
6240   AddUndoAction(acEdit);
6241 end;
6243 procedure TfrDesignerForm.AfterChange;
6244 begin
6245   PageView.NPDrawSelection;
6246   PageView.NPDrawLayerObjects(0, TopSelected);
6247   ObjInspRefresh;
6248   DataInspectorRefresh;
6249 end;
6251 //Move selected object from front
6252 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ZB1Click(Sender: TObject);   // go up
6253 var
6254   i, j, n: Integer;
6255   t: TfrView;
6256 begin
6257   AddUndoAction(acZOrder);
6258   n:=Objects.Count;
6259   i:=0;
6260   j:=0;
6261   while j < n do
6262   begin
6263     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
6264     if t.Selected then
6265     begin
6266       Objects.Delete(i);
6267       Objects.Add(t);
6268     end
6269     else Inc(i);
6270     Inc(j);
6271   end;
6272   SendBandsToDown;
6273   RedrawPage;
6274 end;
6276 //Send selected object to back
6277 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ZB2Click(Sender: TObject);    // go down
6278 var
6279   t: TfrView;
6280   i, j, n: Integer;
6281 begin
6282   AddUndoAction(acZOrder);
6283   n:=Objects.Count;
6284   j:=0;
6285   i:=n-1;
6286   while j < n do
6287   begin
6288     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
6289     if t.Selected then
6290     begin
6291       Objects.Delete(i);
6292       Objects.Insert(0, t);
6293     end
6294     else Dec(i);
6295     Inc(j);
6296   end;
6297   SendBandsToDown;
6298   RedrawPage;
6299 end;
6301 procedure TfrDesignerForm.PgB1Click(Sender: TObject); // add page
6302 begin
6303   ResetSelection;
6304   if Sender<>pgB4 then
6305      AddPage('TfrPageReport')
6306   else
6307      AddPage('TfrPageDialog');
6308 end;
6310 procedure TfrDesignerForm.PgB2Click(Sender: TObject); // remove page
6311 begin
6312   if MessageDlg(sRemovePg,mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes then
6313        RemovePage(CurPage);
6314 end;
6316 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OB1Click(Sender: TObject);
6317 begin
6318   ObjRepeat := False;
6319 end;
6321 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OB2MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
6322   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
6323 begin
6324   ObjRepeat := ssShift in Shift;
6325   PageView.Cursor := crDefault;
6326 end;
6328 procedure TfrDesignerForm.CutBClick(Sender: TObject); //cut
6329 begin
6330   AddUndoAction(acDelete);
6331   CutToClipboard;
6332   FirstSelected := nil;
6333   EnableControls;
6334   ShowPosition;
6335   RedrawPage;
6336 end;
6338 procedure TfrDesignerForm.CopyBClick(Sender: TObject); //copy
6339 begin
6340   CopyToClipboard;
6341   EnableControls;
6342 end;
6344 procedure TfrDesignerForm.PstBClick(Sender: TObject); //paste
6345 var
6346   i, minx, miny, xoffset, yoffset: Integer;
6347   t, t1: TfrView;
6348 begin
6349   Unselect;
6350   SelNum := 0;
6351   minx := 32767;
6352   miny := 32767;
6353   xoffset := FReportPopupPoint.x;
6354   yoffset := FReportPopupPoint.y;
6355   for i := 0 to ClipBd.Count-1 do
6356   begin
6357     t := TfrView(ClipBd[i]);
6358     if t.x < minx then minx := t.x;
6359     if t.y < miny then miny := t.y;
6360   end;
6361   for i := 0 to ClipBd.Count - 1 do
6362   begin
6363     t := TfrView(ClipBd[i]);
6364     if t.Typ = gtBand then
6365       if not (TfrBandView(t).BandType in [btMasterHeader..btSubDetailFooter,
6366                                           btGroupHeader, btGroupFooter]) and
6367         frCheckBand(TfrBandView(t).BandType) then
6368         continue;
6369     t.x := t.x - minx + xoffset;
6370     if PageView.Left < 0 then
6371       t.x := t.x + ((-PageView.Left) div GridSize * GridSize);
6372     t.y := t.y - miny + yoffset;
6373     if PageView.Top < 0 then
6374       t.y := t.y + ((-PageView.Top) div GridSize * GridSize);
6375     Inc(SelNum);
6376     t1 := frCreateObject(t.Typ, t.ClassName, Page);
6377     t1.Assign(t);
6378     if CurReport.FindObject(t1.Name) <> nil then
6379       t1.CreateUniqueName;
6380   end;
6381   SelectionChanged;
6382   SendBandsToDown;
6383   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
6384   RedrawPage;
6385   AddUndoAction(acInsert);
6386 end;
6388 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SelAllBClick(Sender: TObject); // select all
6389 begin
6390   PageView.NPEraseSelection;
6391   SelectAll;
6392   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
6393   PageView.NPDrawSelection;
6394   SelectionChanged;
6395 end;
6397 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ExitBClick(Sender: TObject);
6398 begin
6400   ModalResult := mrOk;
6401   {$ELSE}
6402   Close;
6403   {$ENDIF}
6404 end;
6407 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N5Click(Sender: TObject); // popup delete command
6408 begin
6409   DeleteObjects;
6410 end;
6412 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N6Click(Sender: TObject); // popup edit command
6413 begin
6414   ShowEditor;
6415 end;
6417 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FileBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); // create new
6418 begin
6419   CreateNewReport;
6420 end;
6422 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N23Click(Sender: TObject); // create new from template
6423 begin
6424   frTemplForm := TfrTemplForm.Create(nil);
6425   with frTemplForm do
6426   if ShowModal = mrOk then
6427   begin
6428     if DefaultTemplate then
6429       CreateNewReport
6430     else
6431     begin
6432       ClearUndoBuffer;
6433       if ExtractFileExt(TemplName) = '.lrt' then
6434         CurReport.LoadTemplateXML(TemplName, nil, nil, True)
6435       else
6436         CurReport.LoadTemplate(TemplName, nil, nil, True);
6437       CurDocName := sUntitled;
6438       CurPage := 0; // do all
6439     end;
6440   end;
6441   frTemplForm.Free;
6442 end;
6444 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N42Click(Sender: TObject); // var editor
6445 begin
6446   if ShowEvEditor(CurReport) then
6447     Modified := True;
6448 end;
6450 procedure TfrDesignerForm.PgB3Click(Sender: TObject); // page setup
6451 var
6452   w, h, p: Integer;
6453   function PointsToMMStr(value:Integer): string;
6454   begin
6455     result := IntToStr(Trunc(value*5/18+0.5));
6456   end;
6457   function MMStrToPoints(value:string): Integer;
6458   begin
6459     result := Trunc(Trunc(StrToFloatDef(value, 0.0))*18/5+0.5)
6460   end;
6461 begin
6462   frPgoptForm := TfrPgoptForm.Create(nil);
6463   with frPgoptForm, Page do
6464   begin
6465     CB1.Checked := PrintToPrevPage;
6466     CB5.Checked := not UseMargins;
6467     if Orientation = poPortrait then
6468       RB1.Checked := True
6469     else
6470       RB2.Checked := True;
6471     Prn.FillPapers(COMB1.Items);
6472     ComB1.ItemIndex := COMB1.Items.IndexOfObject(TObject(PtrInt(pgSize)));
6473     E1.Text := ''; E2.Text := '';
6475     if pgSize = $100 then
6476     begin
6477       PaperWidth := round(Width * 25.4 / 72);      // pt to mm
6478       PaperHeight := round(Height * 25.4 / 72);    // pt to mm
6479     end;
6481     E3.Text := PointsToMMStr(Margins.Left);
6482     E4.Text := PointsToMMStr(Margins.Top);
6483     E5.Text := PointsToMMStr(Margins.Right);
6484     E6.Text := PointsToMMStr(Margins.Bottom);
6485     E7.Text := PointsToMMStr(ColGap);
6487     ecolCount.Value := ColCount;
6488     if LayoutOrder = loColumns then
6489       RBColumns.Checked := true
6490     else
6491       RBRows.Checked := true;
6492     WasOk := False;
6493     if ShowModal = mrOk then
6494     begin
6495       Modified := True;
6496 //      FileModified := True;
6497       WasOk := True;
6498       PrintToPrevPage :=  CB1.Checked;
6499       UseMargins := not CB5.Checked;
6500       if RB1.Checked then
6501         Orientation := poPortrait
6502       else
6503         Orientation := poLandscape;
6504       if RBColumns.Checked then
6505         LayoutOrder := loColumns
6506       else
6507         LayoutOrder := loRows;
6509       p := frPgoptForm.pgSize;
6510       w := 0; h := 0;
6511       if p = $100 then
6512         try
6513           w := round(PaperWidth * 72 / 25.4);    // mm to pt
6514           h := round(PaperHeight * 72 / 25.4);   // mm to pt
6515         except
6516           on exception do p := 9; // A4
6517         end;
6519       Margins.Left := MMStrToPoints(E3.Text);
6520       Margins.Top := MMStrToPoints(E4.Text);
6521       Margins.Right := MMStrToPoints(E5.Text);
6522       Margins.Bottom := MMStrToPoints(E6.Text);
6523       ColGap := MMStrToPoints(E7.Text);
6525       ColCount := ecolCount.Value;
6526       ChangePaper(p, w, h, Orientation);
6527       CurPage := CurPage; // for repaint and other
6528       UpdScrollbars;
6529     end;
6530   end;
6531   frPgoptForm.Free;
6532 end;
6534 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N8Click(Sender: TObject); // report setup
6535 begin
6536   frDocOptForm := TfrDocOptForm.Create(nil);
6537   with frDocOptForm do
6538   begin
6539     CB1.Checked     := not CurReport.PrintToDefault;
6540     CB2.Checked     := CurReport.DoublePass;
6541     edTitle.Text    := CurReport.Title;
6542     edComments.Text := CurReport.Comments.Text;
6543     edKeyWords.Text := CurReport.KeyWords;
6544     edSubject.Text  := CurReport.Subject;
6545     edAutor.Text    := CurReport.ReportAutor;
6546     edtMaj.Text     := CurReport.ReportVersionMajor;
6547     edtMinor.Text   := CurReport.ReportVersionMinor;
6548     edtRelease.Text := CurReport.ReportVersionRelease;
6549     edtBuild.Text   := CurReport.ReportVersionBuild;
6550     edtRepCreateDate.Text   := DateTimeToStr(CurReport.ReportCreateDate);
6551     edtRepLastChangeDate.Text   := DateTimeToStr(CurReport.ReportLastChange);
6552     if ShowModal = mrOk then
6553     begin
6554       CurReport.PrintToDefault := not CB1.Checked;
6555       CurReport.DoublePass := CB2.Checked;
6556       CurReport.ChangePrinter(Prn.PrinterIndex, ListBox1.ItemIndex);
6558       // printer may have been changed, invalidate current list of fonts
6559       C2.Items.Clear;
6560       {$ENDIF}
6561       CurReport.Title:=edTitle.Text;
6562       CurReport.Subject:=edSubject.Text;
6563       CurReport.KeyWords:=edKeyWords.Text;
6564       CurReport.Comments.Text:=edComments.Text;
6565       CurReport.ReportVersionMajor:=edtMaj.Text;
6566       CurReport.ReportVersionMinor:=edtMinor.Text;
6567       CurReport.ReportVersionRelease:=edtRelease.Text;
6568       CurReport.ReportVersionBuild:=edtBuild.Text;
6569       CurReport.ReportAutor:=edAutor.Text;
6570       Modified := True;
6571     end;
6572     CurPage := CurPage;
6573     Free;
6574   end;
6575 end;
6577 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N14Click(Sender: TObject); // grid menu
6578 var
6579   DesOptionsForm: TfrDesOptionsForm;
6580 begin
6581   DesOptionsForm := TfrDesOptionsForm.Create(nil);
6582   with DesOptionsForm do
6583   begin
6584     CB1.Checked := ShowGrid;
6585     CB2.Checked := GridAlign;
6586     case GridSize of
6587       4: RB1.Checked := True;
6588       8: RB2.Checked := True;
6589       18: RB3.Checked := True;
6590     end;
6591     if ShapeMode = smFrame then
6592       RB4.Checked := True
6593     else
6594       RB5.Checked := True;
6596     case Units of
6597       ruPixels: RB6.Checked := True;
6598       ruMM:     RB7.Checked := True;
6599       ruInches: RB8.Checked := True;
6600     end;
6602     //CB3.Checked := not GrayedButtons;
6603     CB4.Checked := EditAfterInsert;
6604     CB5.Checked := ShowBandTitles;
6606     DesOptionsForm.ComboBox2.Text:=edtScriptFontName;
6607     DesOptionsForm.SpinEdit2.Value:=edtScriptFontSize;
6608     DesOptionsForm.CheckBox2.Checked:=edtUseIE;
6610     if ShowModal = mrOk then
6611     begin
6612       ShowGrid := CB1.Checked;
6613       GridAlign := CB2.Checked;
6614       if RB1.Checked then
6615         GridSize := 4
6616       else if RB2.Checked then
6617         GridSize := 8
6618       else
6619         GridSize := 18;
6620       if RB4.Checked then
6621         ShapeMode := smFrame
6622       else
6623         ShapeMode := smAll;
6624       if RB6.Checked then
6625         Units := ruPixels
6626       else if RB7.Checked then
6627         Units := ruMM
6628       else
6629         Units := ruInches;
6630       //GrayedButtons := not CB3.Checked;
6631       EditAfterInsert := CB4.Checked;
6632       ShowBandTitles := CB5.Checked;
6634       edtScriptFontName:=DesOptionsForm.ComboBox2.Text;
6635       edtScriptFontSize:=DesOptionsForm.SpinEdit2.Value;
6636       edtUseIE:=DesOptionsForm.CheckBox2.Checked;
6638       RedrawPage;
6639       SaveState;
6640     end;
6641     Free;
6642   end;
6643 end;
6645 procedure TfrDesignerForm.GB1Click(Sender: TObject);
6646 begin
6647   ShowGrid := GB1.Down;
6648 end;
6650 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ScrollBox1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
6651   Y: Integer);
6652 var
6653   Control :TControl;
6654   t : TfrCustomMemoView;
6655   dx, dy:integer;
6656 begin
6657   Control:=lrDesignAcceptDrag(Source);
6658   if Assigned(lrFieldsList) and ((Control = lrFieldsList.lbFieldsList) or (Control = lrFieldsList.ValList)) then
6659   begin
6661 {    Objects.Add(frCreateObject(gtMemo, '', Page));
6662     t:=TfrCustomMemoView(Objects.Last);}
6663     t:=frCreateObject(gtMemo, '', Page) as TfrCustomMemoView;
6664     if Assigned(t) then
6665     begin
6666       t.MonitorFontChanges;
6667       t.Memo.Text:='['+lrFieldsList.SelectedField+']';
6669       t.CreateUniqueName;
6670       t.Canvas:=Canvas;
6672       GetDefaultSize(dx, dy);
6674       t.x := X;
6675       t.y := Y;
6676       t.dx := DX;
6677       t.dy := DY;
6679       {$ifdef ppaint}
6680       PageView.NPEraseSelection;
6681       {$endif}
6682       Unselect;
6684       t.FrameWidth := LastFrameWidth;
6685       t.FrameColor := LastFrameColor;
6686       t.FillColor  := LastFillColor;
6687       t.Selected   := True;
6689       if t.Typ <> gtBand then
6690         t.Frames:=LastFrames;
6692       t.Font.Name := LastFontName;
6693       t.Font.Size := LastFontSize;
6694       t.Font.Color := LastFontColor;
6695       t.Font.Style := frSetFontStyle(LastFontStyle);
6696       t.Adjust := LastAdjust;
6698       SelNum := 1;
6699       PageView.NPRedrawViewCheckBand(t);
6701       SelectionChanged;
6702       AddUndoAction(acInsert);
6704       if Page is TfrPageReport then
6705         OB1.Down := True
6706       else
6707         OB7.Down := True
6709     end;
6710   end;
6711 end;
6713 procedure TfrDesignerForm.ScrollBox1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
6714   Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
6715 var
6716   Control :TControl;
6717 begin
6718   Accept:= false;
6719   if Page is TfrPageDialog then Exit;
6720   Control:=lrDesignAcceptDrag(Source);
6721   if Assigned(lrFieldsList) then
6722     Accept:= (Control = lrFieldsList.lbFieldsList) or (Control = lrFieldsList.ValList);
6723 end;
6725 procedure TfrDesignerForm.IEButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
6726 var
6727   P: TPoint;
6728 begin
6729   P:=IEButton.ClientToScreen(Point(IEButton.Width, IEButton.Height));
6730   IEPopupMenu.PopUp(P.X, P.Y);
6731 end;
6733 procedure TfrDesignerForm.tlsDBFieldsExecute(Sender: TObject);
6734 begin
6735   if Assigned(lrFieldsList) then
6736     FreeThenNil(lrFieldsList)
6737   else
6738     lrFieldsList:=TlrFieldsList.Create(Self);
6739   tlsDBFields.Checked:=Assigned(lrFieldsList);
6740 end;
6742 procedure TfrDesignerForm.GB2Click(Sender: TObject);
6743 begin
6744   GridAlign := GB2.Down;
6745 end;
6747 procedure TfrDesignerForm.GB3Click(Sender: TObject);
6748 var
6749   i: Integer;
6750   t: TfrView;
6751 begin
6752   AddUndoAction(acEdit);
6753   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
6754   begin
6755     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
6756     if t.Selected then
6757     begin
6758       t.x := Round(t.x / GridSize) * GridSize;
6759       t.y := Round(t.y / GridSize) * GridSize;
6760       t.dx := Round(t.dx / GridSize) * GridSize;
6761       t.dy := Round(t.dy / GridSize) * GridSize;
6762       if t.dx = 0 then t.dx := GridSize;
6763       if t.dy = 0 then t.dy := GridSize;
6764     end;
6765   end;
6766   RedrawPage;
6767   ShowPosition;
6768   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
6769 end;
6771 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Tab1Change(Sender: TObject);
6772 begin
6773   if not fInBuildPage and (Tab1.TabIndex>=0) and (CurPage<>Tab1.TabIndex) then
6774     CurPage := Tab1.TabIndex;
6775 end;
6777 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Popup1Popup(Sender: TObject);
6778 var
6779   i: Integer;
6780   t, t1: TfrView;
6781   fl: Boolean;
6782 begin
6783   FReportPopupPoint := PageView.ScreenToClient(Popup1.PopupPoint);
6784   DeleteMenuItems(N2.Parent);
6785   EnableControls;
6787   while Popup1.Items.Count > 7 do
6788     Popup1.Items.Delete(7);
6790   if SelNum = 1 then
6791   begin
6792     DefineExtraPopupSelected(Popup1);
6793     TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]).DefinePopupMenu(Popup1);
6794   end
6795   else
6796     if SelNum > 1 then
6797     begin
6798       t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
6799       fl := True;
6800       for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
6801       begin
6802         t1 := TfrView(Objects[i]);
6803         if t1.Selected then
6804           if not (((t is TfrCustomMemoView) and (t1 is TfrCustomMemoView)) or
6805              ((t.Typ <> gtAddIn) and (t.Typ = t1.Typ)) or
6806              ((t.Typ = gtAddIn) and (t.ClassName = t1.ClassName))) then
6807           begin
6808             fl := False;
6809             break;
6810           end;
6811       end;
6813       if fl and not (t.Typ = gtBand) then
6814         t.DefinePopupMenu(Popup1);
6815     end;
6817   FillMenuItems(N2.Parent);
6818   SetMenuItemBitmap(N2, CutB);
6819   SetMenuItemBitmap(N1, CopyB);
6820   SetMenuItemBitmap(N3, PstB);
6821   SetMenuItemBitmap(N16, SelAllB);
6822 end;
6824 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N37Click(Sender: TObject);
6825 begin // toolbars
6826   Pan1.Checked := Panel1.IsVisible;
6827   Pan2.Checked := Panel2.IsVisible;
6828   Pan3.Checked := Panel3.IsVisible;
6829   Pan4.Checked := Panel4.IsVisible;
6830   Pan5.Checked := ObjInsp.Visible;
6831   Pan6.Checked := Panel5.Visible;
6832   Pan7.Checked := Panel6.Visible;
6833 end;
6835 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Pan2Click(Sender: TObject);
6837   procedure SetShow(c: Array of TWinControl; i: Integer; b: Boolean);
6838   begin
6839     if c[i] is TPanel then
6840     begin
6841       with c[i] as TPanel do
6842       begin
6843         Visible:=b;
6844         {if IsFloat then
6845           FloatWindow.Visible := b
6846         else
6847         begin
6848           if b then
6849             AddToDock(Parent as TPanel);
6850           Visible := b;
6851           (Parent as TPanel).AdjustBounds;
6852         end; }
6853       end;
6854     end
6855     else  TForm(c[i]).Visible:=b;
6856   end;
6858 begin // each toolbar
6859   with Sender as TMenuItem do
6860   begin
6861     Checked := not Checked;
6862     SetShow([Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, Panel4, Panel5, ObjInsp, Panel6], Tag, Checked);
6863   end;
6864 end;
6866 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N34Click(Sender: TObject);
6867 begin // about box
6868   frAboutForm := TfrAboutForm.Create(nil);
6869   frAboutForm.ShowModal;
6870   frAboutForm.Free;
6871 end;
6873 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Tab1MouseDown(Sender: TObject;
6874   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
6875 var
6876   p: TPoint;
6877 begin
6878   GetCursorPos(p{%H-});
6880   if Button = mbRight then
6881     Popup2.PopUp(p.X,p.Y);
6883  //**
6884  {if Button = mbRight then
6885     TrackPopupMenu(Popup2.Handle,
6886       TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, p.X, p.Y, 0, Handle, nil);
6887  }
6888 end;
6890 procedure TfrDesignerForm.frDesignerFormClose(Sender: TObject;
6891   var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
6892 begin
6893   ObjInsp.ShowHint := False;
6894 end;
6896 procedure TfrDesignerForm.frDesignerFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
6897   var CanClose: boolean);
6898 var
6899   Res:integer;
6900 begin
6901 //  if FileModified and (CurReport<>nil) and
6902   if (not PreparedReportEditor) and Modified and (CurReport<>nil) and
6903     (not ((csDesigning in CurReport.ComponentState) and CurReport.StoreInForm)) then
6904   begin
6905     Res:=Application.MessageBox(PChar(sSaveChanges + ' ' + sTo + ' ' + ExtractFileName(CurDocName) + '?'),
6906       PChar(sConfirm), mb_IconQuestion + mb_YesNoCancel);
6908     case Res of
6909       mrNo:
6910         begin
6911           CanClose := True;
6912 //          FileModified := False; // no means don't want changes
6913           Modified := False; // no means don't want changes
6914           ModalResult := mrCancel;
6915         end;
6916       mrYes:
6917           begin
6918             FileSave.Execute;
6919 //            FileBtn3Click(nil);
6920 //            CanClose := not FileModified;
6921             CanClose := not Modified;
6922           end;
6923     else
6924       CanClose := False;
6925     end;
6926   end;
6927 end;
6929 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
6930 // state storing/retrieving
6931 const
6932   rsGridShow = 'GridShow';
6933   rsGridAlign = 'GridAlign';
6934   rsGridSize = 'GridSize';
6935   rsGuidesShow = 'GuidesShow';
6936   rsUnits = 'Units';
6937   rsButtons = 'GrayButtons';
6938   rsEdit = 'EditAfterInsert';
6939   rsSelection = 'Selection';
6942 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SaveState;
6943 var
6944   Ini:TIniFile;
6946   procedure DoSaveToolbars(t: Array of TPanel);
6947   var
6948     i: Integer;
6949   begin
6950     for i := Low(t) to High(t) do
6951     begin
6952 {      if FirstInstance or (t[i] <> Panel6) then
6953         SaveToolbarPosition(t[i]);
6954       t[i].IsVisible:= False;}
6955     end;
6956   end;
6958 begin
6959   Ini:=TIniFile.Create(UTF8ToSys(IniFileName));
6960   Ini.WriteString('frEditorForm', 'ScriptFontName', edtScriptFontName);
6961   Ini.WriteInteger('frEditorForm', 'ScriptFontSize', edtScriptFontSize);
6963   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', rsGridShow, ShowGrid);
6964   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', rsGridAlign, GridAlign);
6965   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', rsGuidesShow, ShowGuides);
6966   Ini.WriteInteger('frEditorForm', rsGridSize, GridSize);
6967   Ini.WriteInteger('frEditorForm', rsUnits, Word(Units));
6968   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', rsButtons, GrayedButtons);
6969   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', rsEdit, EditAfterInsert);
6970   Ini.WriteInteger('frEditorForm', rsSelection, Integer(ShapeMode));
6971   Ini.WriteBool('frEditorForm', 'UseInplaceEditor', edtUseIE);
6972   Ini.WriteString('frEditorForm', 'LastOpenDirectory', FLastOpenDirectory);
6973   Ini.WriteString('frEditorForm', 'LastSaveDirectory', FLastSaveDirectory);
6975   DoSaveToolbars([Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, Panel4, Panel5, Panel6]);
6977   //  Save ObjInsp Position
6978   Ini.WriteInteger('ObjInsp', 'Left', ObjInsp.Left);
6979   Ini.WriteInteger('ObjInsp', 'Top', ObjInsp.Top);
6980 {  if IEButton.Caption = '+' then
6981     Ini.WriteInteger('Position', 'Height', FLastHeight)
6982   else
6983     Ini.WriteInteger('Position', 'Height', Height);}
6984   Ini.WriteInteger('ObjInsp', 'Width', ObjInsp.Width);
6985   Ini.WriteBool('ObjInsp', 'Visible', ObjInsp.Visible);
6987   Ini.Free;
6988 //  ObjInsp.Visible:=False;
6989 end;
6991 procedure TfrDesignerForm.RestoreState;
6992 var
6993   Ini:TIniFile;
6995 {var
6996   Ini: TRegIniFile;
6997   Nm: String;
6999 //**  procedure DoRestoreToolbars(t: Array of TPanel);
7000   var
7001     i: Integer;
7002   begin
7003     for i := Low(t) to High(t) do
7004       RestoreToolbarPosition(t[i]);
7005   end;
7006 }
7007 begin
7008   if FileExistsUTF8(IniFileName) then
7009   begin
7010     Ini:=TIniFile.Create(UTF8ToSys(IniFileName));
7011     edtScriptFontName:=Ini.ReadString('frEditorForm', 'ScriptFontName', edtScriptFontName);
7012     edtScriptFontSize:=Ini.ReadInteger('frEditorForm', 'ScriptFontSize', edtScriptFontSize);
7013     GridSize := Ini.ReadInteger('frEditorForm', rsGridSize, 4);
7014     GridAlign := Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', rsGridAlign, True);
7015     ShowGrid := Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', rsGridShow, True);
7016     ShowGuides := Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', rsGuidesShow, true);
7017     Units := TfrReportUnits(Ini.ReadInteger('frEditorForm', rsUnits, 0));
7018 //    GrayedButtons := Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', rsButtons, False);
7019     EditAfterInsert := Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', rsEdit, True);
7020     ShapeMode := TfrShapeMode(Ini.ReadInteger('frEditorForm', rsSelection, 1));
7021     edtUseIE:=Ini.ReadBool('frEditorForm', 'UseInplaceEditor', edtUseIE);
7022     FLastOpenDirectory := Ini.ReadString('frEditorForm', 'LastOpenDirectory', '');
7023     FLastSaveDirectory := Ini.ReadString('frEditorForm', 'LastSaveDirectory', '');
7025     ObjInsp.Left:=Ini.ReadInteger('ObjInsp', 'Left', ObjInsp.Left);
7026     ObjInsp.Top:=Ini.ReadInteger('ObjInsp', 'Top', ObjInsp.Top);
7027   {  if IEButton.Caption = '+' then
7028       Ini.WriteInteger('Position', 'Height', FLastHeight)
7029     else
7030       Ini.WriteInteger('Position', 'Height', Height);}
7031     ObjInsp.Width:=Ini.ReadInteger('ObjInsp', 'Width', ObjInsp.Width);
7032     ObjInsp.Visible:=Ini.ReadBool('ObjInsp', 'Visible', ObjInsp.Visible);
7034     Ini.Free;
7035   end;
7037   {  Ini := TRegIniFile.Create(RegRootKey);
7038   Nm := rsForm + Name;
7039   Ini.Free;
7040 //**  DoRestoreToolbars([Panel1, Panel2, Panel3, Panel4, Panel5, Panel6]);
7041   if Panel6.Height < 26 then
7042     Panel6.Height := 26;
7043   if Panel6.Width < 26 then
7044     Panel6.Width := 26;
7045   if Panel6.ControlCount < 2 then
7046     Panel6.Hide;
7047   frDock1.AdjustBounds;
7048   frDock2.AdjustBounds;
7049   frDock3.AdjustBounds;
7050   frDock4.AdjustBounds;
7051   RestoreFormPosition(InspForm);
7052 }
7053   //TODO: restore ObjInsp position and size
7054 (*
7055   GridSize := 4;
7056   GridAlign := True;
7057   ShowGrid := False; //True;
7058   Units := TfrReportUnits(0);
7059   //GrayedButtons := True; //False;
7060   EditAfterInsert := True;
7061   ShapeMode := TfrShapeMode(1);
7062 *)
7064   if Panel6.Height < 26 then
7065     Panel6.Height := 26;
7066   if Panel6.Width < 26 then
7067     Panel6.Width := 26;
7068   if Panel6.ControlCount < 2 then
7069     Panel6.Hide;
7070 end;
7073 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
7074 // menu bitmaps
7075 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetMenuBitmaps;
7076 begin
7077   MaxItemWidth := 0; MaxShortCutWidth := 0;
7079   FillMenuItems(FileMenu);
7080   FillMenuItems(EditMenu);
7081   FillMenuItems(ToolMenu);
7082   FillMenuItems(HelpMenu);
7084   SetMenuItemBitmap(N23, FileBtn1);
7085 //  SetMenuItemBitmap(N19, FileBtn2);
7086 //  SetMenuItemBitmap(N20, FileBtn3);
7087 //  SetMenuItemBitmap(N39, FileBtn4);
7088   SetMenuItemBitmap(N10, ExitB);
7090   SetMenuItemBitmap(N11, CutB);
7091   SetMenuItemBitmap(N12, CopyB);
7092   SetMenuItemBitmap(N13, PstB);
7093   SetMenuItemBitmap(N28, SelAllB);
7094   SetMenuItemBitmap(N29, PgB1);
7095   SetMenuItemBitmap(N30, PgB2);
7096   SetMenuItemBitmap(N32, ZB1);
7097   SetMenuItemBitmap(N33, ZB2);
7098   SetMenuItemBitmap(N35, HelpBtn);
7099 {
7100   for i := 0 to  Panel6.ControlCount-1 - 1 do
7101   begin
7102     if Panel6.Controls[i] is TSpeedButton then
7103       SetMenuItemBitmap(MastMenu.Items[i], Panel6.Controls[i] as TSpeedButton);
7104   end;
7105 }
7106   SetMenuItemBitmap(N41, PgB1);
7107   SetMenuItemBitmap(N43, PgB2);
7108   SetMenuItemBitmap(N44, PgB3);
7109 end;
FindMenuItemnull7111 function TfrDesignerForm.FindMenuItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem): TfrMenuItemInfo;
7112 var
7113   i: Integer;
7114 begin
7115   Result := nil;
7116   for i := 0 to MenuItems.Count - 1 do
7117     if TfrMenuItemInfo(MenuItems[i]).MenuItem = AMenuItem then
7118     begin
7119       Result := TfrMenuItemInfo(MenuItems[i]);
7120       Exit;
7121     end;
7122 end;
7124 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SetMenuItemBitmap(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ABtn: TSpeedButton);
7125 var
7126   m: TfrMenuItemInfo;
7127 begin
7128   m := FindMenuItem(AMenuItem);
7129   if m = nil then
7130   begin
7131     m := TfrMenuItemInfo.Create;
7132     m.MenuItem := AMenuItem;
7133     MenuItems.Add(m);
7134   end;
7135   m.Btn := ABtn;
7136 //**
7137 {  ModifyMenu(AMenuItem.Parent.Handle, AMenuItem.MenuIndex,
7138     MF_BYPOSITION + MF_OWNERDRAW, AMenuItem.Command, nil);
7139 }
7140 end;
7142 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FillMenuItems(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
7143 var
7144   i: Integer;
7145   m: TMenuItem;
7146 begin
7147   for i := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do
7148   begin
7149     m := MenuItem.Items[i];
7150     SetMenuItemBitmap(m, nil);
7151     if m.Count > 0 then FillMenuItems(m);
7152   end;
7153 end;
7155 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DeleteMenuItems(MenuItem: TMenuItem);
7156 var
7157   i, j: Integer;
7158   m: TMenuItem;
7159 begin
7160   for i := 0 to MenuItem.Count - 1 do
7161   begin
7162     m := MenuItem.Items[i];
7163     for j := 0 to MenuItems.Count - 1 do
7164     if TfrMenuItemInfo(MenuItems[j]).MenuItem = m then
7165     begin
7166       TfrMenuItemInfo(MenuItems[j]).Free;
7167       MenuItems.Delete(j);
7168       break;
7169     end;
7170   end;
7171 end;
7173 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DoDrawText(aCanvas: TCanvas; aCaption: string;
7174   Rect: TRect; Selected, aEnabled: Boolean; Flags: Longint);
7175 begin
7176   with aCanvas do
7177   begin
7178     Brush.Style := bsClear;
7179     if not aEnabled then
7180     begin
7181       if not Selected then
7182       begin
7183         OffsetRect(Rect, 1, 1);
7184         Font.Color := clBtnHighlight;
7185         DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), Rect, Flags);
7186         OffsetRect(Rect, -1, -1);
7187       end;
7188       Font.Color := clBtnShadow;
7189     end;
7190     DrawText(Handle, PChar(aCaption), Length(aCaption), Rect, Flags);
7192     Brush.Style := bsSolid;
7193   end;
7194 end;
7196 procedure TfrDesignerForm.DrawItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ACanvas: TCanvas;
7197   ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean);
7198 var
7199   GlyphRect: TRect;
7200   Btn: TSpeedButton;
7201   Glyph: TBitmap;
7202 begin
7203   MaxItemWidth := 0;
7204   MaxShortCutWidth := 0;
7205   with ACanvas do
7206   begin
7207     if Selected then
7208     begin
7209       Brush.Color := clHighlight;
7210       Font.Color := clHighlightText
7211     end
7212     else
7213     begin
7214       Brush.Color := clMenu;
7215       Font.Color := clMenuText;
7216     end;
7217     if AMenuItem.Caption <> '-' then
7218     begin
7219       FillRect(ARect);
7220       Btn := FindMenuItem(AMenuItem).Btn;
7221       GlyphRect := Bounds(ARect.Left + 1, ARect.Top + (ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top - 16) div 2, 16, 16);
7223       if AMenuItem.Checked then
7224       begin
7225         Glyph := TBitmap.Create;
7226         if AMenuItem.RadioItem then
7227         begin
7228           // todo
7229           //** Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'FR_RADIO');
7230           //BrushCopy(GlyphRect, Glyph, Rect(0, 0, 16, 16), Glyph.TransparentColor);
7231         end
7232         else
7233         begin
7234           //** Glyph.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'FR_CHECK');
7235           Draw(GlyphRect.Left, GlyphRect.Top, Glyph);
7236         end;
7237         Glyph.Free;
7238       end
7239       else if Btn <> nil then
7240       begin
7241         Glyph := TBitmap.Create;
7242         Glyph.Width := 16; Glyph.Height := 16;
7243         // todo
7244         //** Btn.DrawGlyph(Glyph.Canvas, 0, 0, AMenuItem.Enabled);
7245         //BrushCopy(GlyphRect, Glyph, Rect(0, 0, 16, 16), Glyph.TransparentColor);
7246         Glyph.Free;
7247       end;
7248       ARect.Left := GlyphRect.Right + 4;
7249     end;
7251     if AMenuItem.Caption <> '-' then
7252     begin
7253       OffsetRect(ARect, 0, 2);
7254       DoDrawText(ACanvas, AMenuItem.Caption, ARect, Selected, AMenuItem.Enabled, DT_LEFT);
7255       if AMenuItem.ShortCut <> 0 then
7256       begin
7257         ARect.Left := StrToInt(ItemWidths.Values[AMenuItem.Parent.Name]) + 6;
7258         DoDrawText(ACanvas, ShortCutToText(AMenuItem.ShortCut), ARect,
7259           Selected, AMenuItem.Enabled, DT_LEFT);
7260       end;
7261     end
7262     else
7263     begin
7264       Inc(ARect.Top, 4);
7265       DrawEdge(Handle, ARect, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_TOP);
7266     end;
7267   end;
7268 end;
7270 procedure TfrDesignerForm.MeasureItem(AMenuItem: TMenuItem; ACanvas: TCanvas;
7271   var AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
7272 var
7273   w: Integer;
7274 begin
7275   w := ACanvas.TextWidth(AMenuItem.Caption) + 31;
7276   if MaxItemWidth < w then
7277     MaxItemWidth := w;
7278   ItemWidths.Values[AMenuItem.Parent.Name] := IntToStr(MaxItemWidth);
7280   if AMenuItem.ShortCut <> 0 then
7281   begin
7282     w := ACanvas.TextWidth(ShortCutToText(AMenuItem.ShortCut)) + 15;
7283     if MaxShortCutWidth < w then
7284       MaxShortCutWidth := w;
7285   end;
7287   if frGetWindowsVersion = '98' then
7288     AWidth := MaxItemWidth
7289   else
7290     AWidth := MaxItemWidth + MaxShortCutWidth;
7291   if AMenuItem.Caption <> '-' then
7292     AHeight := 19 else
7293     AHeight := 10;
7294 end;
7296 procedure TfrDesignerForm.WndProc(var Message: TLMessage);
7297 //var
7298   //MenuItem: TMenuItem;
7299   //CCanvas: TCanvas;
7301   function FindItem(ItemId: Integer): TMenuItem;
7302   begin
7303     Result := MainMenu1.FindItem(ItemID, fkCommand);
7304     if Result = nil then
7305       Result := Popup1.FindItem(ItemID, fkCommand);
7306     if Result = nil then
7307       Result := Popup2.FindItem(ItemID, fkCommand);
7308   end;
7310 begin
7311   case Message.Msg of
7312     LM_COMMAND:
7313       if Popup1.DispatchCommand(Message.wParam) or
7314          Popup2.DispatchCommand(Message.wParam) then Exit;
7315 //**
7317       with TWMInitMenuPopup(Message) do
7318         if Popup1.DispatchPopup(MenuPopup) or
7319            Popup2.DispatchPopup(MenuPopup) then Exit;
7320 }
7321 (*
7322     LM_DRAWITEM:
7323       with PDrawItemStruct(Message.LParam)^ do
7324       begin
7325         if (CtlType = ODT_MENU) and (Message.WParam = 0) then
7326         begin
7327           MenuItem := FindItem(ItemId);
7328           if MenuItem <> nil then
7329           begin
7330             CCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create;
7331             with CCanvas do
7332             begin
7333               Handle := _hDC;
7334               DrawItem(MenuItem, CCanvas, rcItem, ItemState{//** and ODS_SELECTED} <> 0);
7335               Free;
7336             end;
7337             Exit;
7338           end;
7339         end;
7340       end;
7342       with PMeasureItemStruct(Message.LParam)^ do
7343       begin
7344         if (CtlType = ODT_MENU) and (Message.WParam = 0) then
7345         begin
7346           MenuItem := FindItem(ItemId);
7347           if MenuItem <> nil then
7348           begin
7349             MeasureItem(MenuItem, Canvas, Integer(ItemWidth), Integer(ItemHeight));
7350             Exit;
7351           end;
7352         end;
7353       end;
7354 *)
7355   end;
7356   inherited WndProc(Message);
7357 end;
7360 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
7361 // alignment palette
7362 function GetFirstSelected: TfrView;
7363 begin
7364   if TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected <> nil then
7365     Result := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).FirstSelected
7366   else
7367     Result :=TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
7368 end;
7370 function GetLeftObject: Integer;
7371 var
7372   i: Integer;
7373   t: TfrView;
7374   x: Integer;
7375 begin
7376   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
7377   x := t.x;
7378   Result := TopSelected;
7379   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7380   begin
7381     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7382     if t.Selected then
7383       if t.x < x then
7384       begin
7385         x := t.x;
7386         Result := i;
7387       end;
7388   end;
7389 end;
7391 function GetRightObject: Integer;
7392 var
7393   i: Integer;
7394   t: TfrView;
7395   x: Integer;
7396 begin
7397   t :=TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
7398   x := t.x + t.dx;
7399   Result := TopSelected;
7400   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7401   begin
7402     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7403     if t.Selected then
7404       if t.x + t.dx > x then
7405       begin
7406         x := t.x + t.dx;
7407         Result := i;
7408       end;
7409   end;
7410 end;
7412 function GetTopObject: Integer;
7413 var
7414   i: Integer;
7415   t: TfrView;
7416   y: Integer;
7417 begin
7418   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
7419   y := t.y;
7420   Result := TopSelected;
7421   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7422   begin
7423     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7424     if t.Selected then
7425       if t.y < y then
7426       begin
7427         y := t.y;
7428         Result := i;
7429       end;
7430   end;
7431 end;
7433 function GetBottomObject: Integer;
7434 var
7435   i: Integer;
7436   t: TfrView;
7437   y: Integer;
7438 begin
7439   t := TfrView(Objects[TopSelected]);
7440   y := t.y + t.dy;
7441   Result := TopSelected;
7442   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7443   begin
7444     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7445     if t.Selected then
7446       if t.y + t.dy > y then
7447       begin
7448         y := t.y + t.dy;
7449         Result := i;
7450       end;
7451   end;
7452 end;
7454 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align1Click(Sender: TObject);
7455 var
7456   i: Integer;
7457   t: TfrView;
7458   x: Integer;
7459 begin
7460   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7461   BeforeChange;
7462   t := GetFirstSelected;
7463   x := t.x;
7464   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7465   begin
7466     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7467     if t.Selected then
7468       t.x := x;
7469   end;
7470   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7471   RedrawPage;
7472 end;
7474 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align6Click(Sender: TObject);
7475 var
7476   i: Integer;
7477   t: TfrView;
7478   y: Integer;
7479 begin
7480   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7481   BeforeChange;
7482   t := GetFirstSelected;
7483   y := t.y;
7484   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7485   begin
7486     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7487     if t.Selected then
7488       t.y := y;
7489   end;
7490   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7491   RedrawPage;
7492 end;
7494 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align5Click(Sender: TObject);
7495 var
7496   i: Integer;
7497   t: TfrView;
7498   x: Integer;
7499 begin
7500   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7501   BeforeChange;
7502   t := GetFirstSelected;
7503   x := t.x+t.dx;
7504   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7505   begin
7506     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7507     if t.Selected then
7508       t.x := x - t.dx;
7509   end;
7510   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7511   RedrawPage;
7512 end;
7514 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align10Click(Sender: TObject);
7515 var
7516   i: Integer;
7517   t: TfrView;
7518   y: Integer;
7519 begin
7520   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7521   BeforeChange;
7522   t := GetFirstSelected;
7523   y := t.y + t.dy;
7524   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7525   begin
7526     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7527     if t.Selected then
7528       t.y := y - t.dy;
7529   end;
7530   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7531   RedrawPage;
7532 end;
7534 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align2Click(Sender: TObject);
7535 var
7536   i: Integer;
7537   t: TfrView;
7538   x: Integer;
7539 begin
7540   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7541   BeforeChange;
7542   t := GetFirstSelected;
7543   x := t.x + t.dx div 2;
7544   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7545   begin
7546     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7547     if t.Selected then
7548       t.x := x - t.dx div 2;
7549   end;
7550   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7551   RedrawPage;
7552 end;
7554 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align7Click(Sender: TObject);
7555 var
7556   i: Integer;
7557   t: TfrView;
7558   y: Integer;
7559 begin
7560   if SelNum < 2 then Exit;
7561   BeforeChange;
7562   t := GetFirstSelected;
7563   y := t.y + t.dy div 2;
7564   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7565   begin
7566     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7567     if t.Selected then
7568       t.y := y - t.dy div 2;
7569   end;
7570   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7571   RedrawPage;
7572 end;
7574 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align3Click(Sender: TObject);
7575 var
7576   i: Integer;
7577   t: TfrView;
7578   x: Integer;
7579 begin
7580   if SelNum = 0 then Exit;
7581   BeforeChange;
7582   t := TfrView(Objects[GetLeftObject]);
7583   x := t.x;
7584   t := TfrView(Objects[GetRightObject]);
7585   x := x + (t.x + t.dx - x - Page.PrnInfo.Pgw) div 2;
7586   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7587   begin
7588     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7589     if t.Selected then Dec(t.x, x);
7590   end;
7591   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7592   RedrawPage;
7593 end;
7595 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align8Click(Sender: TObject);
7596 var
7597   i: Integer;
7598   t: TfrView;
7599   y: Integer;
7600 begin
7601   if SelNum = 0 then Exit;
7602   BeforeChange;
7603   t := TfrView(Objects[GetTopObject]);
7604   y := t.y;
7605   t := TfrView(Objects[GetBottomObject]);
7606   y := y + (t.y + t.dy - y - Page.PrnInfo.Pgh) div 2;
7607   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7608   begin
7609     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7610     if t.Selected then Dec(t.y, y);
7611   end;
7612   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7613   RedrawPage;
7614 end;
7616 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align4Click(Sender: TObject);
7617 var
7618   s: TStringList;
7619   i, dx: Integer;
7620   t: TfrView;
7621 begin
7622   if SelNum < 3 then Exit;
7623   BeforeChange;
7624   s := TStringList.Create;
7625   s.Sorted := True;
7626   s.Duplicates := dupAccept;
7627   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7628   begin
7629     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7630     if t.Selected then s.AddObject(Format('%4.4d', [t.x]), t);
7631   end;
7632   dx := (TfrView(s.Objects[s.Count - 1]).x - TfrView(s.Objects[0]).x) div (s.Count - 1);
7633   for i := 1 to s.Count - 2 do
7634     TfrView(s.Objects[i]).x := TfrView(s.Objects[i-1]).x + dx;
7635   s.Free;
7636   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7637   RedrawPage;
7638 end;
7640 procedure TfrDesignerForm.Align9Click(Sender: TObject);
7641 var
7642   s: TStringList;
7643   i, dy: Integer;
7644   t: TfrView;
7645 begin
7646   if SelNum < 3 then Exit;
7647   BeforeChange;
7648   s := TStringList.Create;
7649   s.Sorted := True;
7650   s.Duplicates := dupAccept;
7651   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7652   begin
7653     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7654     if t.Selected then s.AddObject(Format('%4.4d', [t.y]), t);
7655   end;
7656   dy := (TfrView(s.Objects[s.Count - 1]).y - TfrView(s.Objects[0]).y) div (s.Count - 1);
7657   for i := 1 to s.Count - 2 do
7658     TfrView(s.Objects[i]).y := TfrView(s.Objects[i - 1]).y + dy;
7659   s.Free;
7660   PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
7661   RedrawPage;
7662 end;
7665 {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
7666 // miscellaneous
7667 function Objects: TFpList;
7668 begin
7669   if Assigned(frDesigner) and Assigned(frDesigner.Page) then
7670     Result := frDesigner.Page.Objects
7671   else
7672     Result := nil;
7673 end;
7675 procedure frSetGlyph(aColor: TColor; sb: TSpeedButton; n: Integer);
7676 var
7677   b : TBitmap;
7678   s : TMemoryStream;
7679   r : TRect;
7680   t : TfrView;
7681   i : Integer;
7682 begin
7683   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
7684   DebugLn('frSetGlyph(%s,%s,%d)',[colortostring(acolor),sb.Name,n]);
7685   DebugLn('ColorLocked=%s sb.tag=%s',[dbgs(ColorLocked),dbgs(sb.tag)]);
7686   {$ENDIF}
7687   B:=sb.Glyph;
7688   b.Width := 32;
7689   b.Height:= 16;
7690   with b.Canvas do
7691   begin
7692     b.Canvas.Handle;  // force handle creation
7693     Brush.Color:=clWhite;
7694     FillRect(ClipRect);
7695     r := Rect(n * 32, 0, n * 32 + 32, 16);
7696     CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, 32, 16),
7697        TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas, r);
7698     // JRA: workaround for copyrect not using transparency
7699     //      and bitmap using transparency only on reading stream
7700     S := TMemorystream.Create;
7701     B.SaveToStream(S);
7702     S.Position:=0;
7703     B.Transparent := True;
7704     B.LoadFromStream(S);
7705     S.Free;
7707     if aColor = clNone then
7708     begin
7709        Brush.Color:=clBtnFace;
7710        Pen.Color  :=clBtnFace;
7711     end
7712     else
7713     begin
7714        Brush.Color:=aColor;
7715        Pen.Color:=aColor;
7716     end;
7717     Rectangle(Rect(0,12,15,15));
7718   end;
7720   i:=TopSelected;
7721   if (i>-1) and not ColorLocked then
7722   begin
7723     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7724     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
7725     DebugLn('frSetGlyph: TopSelected=%s', [t.Name]);
7726     {$ENDIF}
7728     Case Sb.Tag of
7729       5 : t.FillColor:=aColor; {ClB1}
7730      17 : if (t is TfrCustomMemoView) then {ClB2}
7731                TfrCustomMemoView(t).Font.Color:=aColor;
7732      19 : t.FrameColor:=aColor; {ClB3}
7733     end;
7734   end;
7735 end;
7737 function TopSelected: Integer;
7738 var
7739   i: Integer;
7740 begin
7741   if Assigned(Objects) then
7742   begin
7743     Result := Objects.Count - 1;
7744     for i := Objects.Count - 1 downto 0 do
7745       if TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected then
7746       begin
7747         Result := i;
7748         break;
7749       end;
7750   end
7751   else
7752     Result:=-1;
7753 end;
7755 function frCheckBand(b: TfrBandType): Boolean;
7756 var
7757   i: Integer;
7758   t: TfrView;
7759 begin
7760   Result := False;
7761   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7762   begin
7763     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7764     if t.Typ = gtBand then
7765       if b = TfrBandView(t).BandType then
7766       begin
7767         Result := True;
7768         break;
7769       end;
7770   end;
7771 end;
7773 function GetUnusedBand: TfrBandType;
7774 var
7775   b: TfrBandType;
7776 begin
7777   Result := btNone;
7778   for b := btReportTitle to btNone do
7779     if not frCheckBand(b) then
7780     begin
7781       Result := b;
7782       break;
7783     end;
7784   if Result = btNone then Result := btMasterData;
7785 end;
7787 procedure SendBandsToDown;
7788 var
7789   i, j, n, k: Integer;
7790   t: TfrView;
7791 begin
7792   n := Objects.Count; j := 0; i := n - 1;
7793   k := 0;
7794   while j < n do
7795   begin
7796     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7797     if t.Typ = gtBand then
7798     begin
7799       Objects.Delete(i);
7800       Objects.Insert(0, t);
7801       Inc(k);
7802     end
7803     else Dec(i);
7804     Inc(j);
7805   end;
7806   for i := 0 to n - 1 do // sends btOverlay to back
7807   begin
7808     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7809     if (t.Typ = gtBand) and (TfrBandView(t).BandType = btOverlay) then
7810     begin
7811       Objects.Delete(i);
7812       Objects.Insert(0, t);
7813       break;
7814     end;
7815   end;
7816   i := 0; j := 0;
7817   while j < n do // sends btCrossXXX to front
7818   begin
7819     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7820     if (t.Typ = gtBand) and
7821        (TfrBandView(t).BandType in [btCrossHeader..btCrossFooter]) then
7822     begin
7823       Objects.Delete(i);
7824       Objects.Insert(k - 1, t);
7825     end
7826     else Inc(i);
7827     Inc(j);
7828   end;
7829 end;
7831 procedure ClearClipBoard;
7832 var
7833   t: TfrView;
7834 begin
7835   if Assigned(ClipBd) then
7836     with ClipBd do
7837     while Count > 0 do
7838     begin
7839       t := TfrView(Items[0]);
7840       t.Free;
7841       Delete(0);
7842     end;
7843 end;
7845 procedure GetRegion;
7846 var
7847   i: Integer;
7848   t: TfrView;
7849   R,R1: HRGN;
7850 begin
7851   ClipRgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
7852   for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
7853   begin
7854     t := TfrView(Objects[i]);
7855     if t.Selected then
7856     begin
7857       R := t.GetClipRgn(rtExtended);
7858       R1:=CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
7859       CombineRgn(ClipRgn, R1, R, RGN_OR);
7860       DeleteObject(R);
7861       DeleteObject(R1);
7862     end;
7863   end;
7864   FirstChange := False;
7865 end;
7867 procedure TfrDesignerForm.GetDefaultSize(var dx, dy: Integer);
7868 begin
7869   dx := 96;
7870   if GridSize = 18 then dx := 18 * 6;
7871   dy := 18;
7872   if GridSize = 18 then dy := 18;
7873   if LastFontSize in [12, 13] then dy := 20;
7874   if LastFontSize in [14..16] then dy := 24;
7875 end;
7878 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SB1Click(Sender: TObject);
7879 var
7880   d: Double;
7881 begin
7882   d := StrToFloat(E1.Text);
7883   d := d + 1;
7884   E1.Text := FloatToStrF(d, ffGeneral, 2, 2);
7885   DoClick(E1);
7886 end;
7888 procedure TfrDesignerForm.SB2Click(Sender: TObject);
7889 var
7890   d: Double;
7891 begin
7892   d := StrToFloat(E1.Text);
7893   d := d - 1;
7894   if d <= 0 then d := 1;
7895   E1.Text := FloatToStrF(d, ffGeneral, 2, 2);
7896   DoClick(E1);
7897 end;
7899 {type
7900   THackBtn = class(TSpeedButton);
7901 }
7903 procedure TfrDesignerForm.HelpBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
7904 begin
7905   HelpBtn.Down := True;
7906   Screen.Cursor := crHelp;
7907   SetCaptureControl(Self);
7908   //** THackBtn(HelpBtn).FMouseInControl := False;
7909   HelpBtn.Invalidate;
7910 end;
7912 procedure TfrDesignerForm.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
7913   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
7914 var
7915   c: TControl;
7916   t: Integer;
7917 begin
7918   if HelpBtn.Down and (GetCaptureControl=Self) then
7919     SetCaptureControl(nil);
7920   HelpBtn.Down := False;
7921   Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
7922   c := FindControlAtPosition(Mouse.CursorPos, true);
7923   if (c <> nil) and (c <> HelpBtn) then
7924   begin
7925     t := c.Tag;
7926     if (c.Parent = Panel4) and (t > 4) then
7927       t := 5;
7928     if c.Parent = Panel4 then
7929       Inc(t, 430) else
7930       Inc(t, 400);
7931     //DebugLn('TODO: HelpContext for tag=%d',[t]);
7932     //** Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, t);
7933   end;
7934 end;
7936 procedure TfrDesignerForm.N22Click(Sender: TObject);
7937 begin
7938   //** Application.HelpCommand(HELP_FINDER, 0);
7939 end;
7941 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OnActivateApp(Sender: TObject);
7943   procedure SetWinZOrder(Form: TForm);
7944   begin
7945     SetWindowPos(Form.Handle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or
7947   end;
7948 begin
7949 //  SetWinZOrder(InspForm);
7950 {//**
7951   if Panel1.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel1.FloatWindow);
7952   if Panel2.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel2.FloatWindow);
7953   if Panel3.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel3.FloatWindow);
7954   if Panel4.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel4.FloatWindow);
7955   if Panel5.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel5.FloatWindow);
7956   if Panel6.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel6.FloatWindow);
7957 }
7958 end;
7960 procedure TfrDesignerForm.OnDeactivateApp(Sender: TObject);
7962   procedure SetWinZOrder(Form: TForm);
7963   begin
7964     SetWindowPos(Form.Handle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or
7966   end;
7968 begin
7969   if not Visible then Exit;
7970 //  SetWinZOrder(InspForm);
7971 {//**
7972   if Panel1.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel1.FloatWindow);
7973   if Panel2.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel2.FloatWindow);
7974   if Panel3.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel3.FloatWindow);
7975   if Panel4.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel4.FloatWindow);
7976   if Panel5.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel5.FloatWindow);
7977   if Panel6.IsFloat then SetWinZOrder(Panel6.FloatWindow);
7978 }
7979 end;
7981 Procedure InitGlobalDesigner;
7982 begin
7983   if Assigned(frDesigner) then
7984     Exit;
7985   frDesigner := TfrDesignerForm.Create(nil);
7986 end;
7988 { TfrPanelObjectInspector }
7991 procedure TfrObjectInspector.BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
7992 begin
7993   if Sender=fBtn then
7994   begin
7995     if fBtn.Caption='-' then
7996     begin
7997       fLastHeight:=Height;
7998       Height:=fPanelHeader.Height + 2*BorderWidth + 3;
7999       fBtn.Caption:='+';
8000     end
8001     else
8002     begin
8003       Height:=fLastHeight;
8004       fBtn.Caption:='-';
8005     end;
8006   end
8007   else Visible:=False;
8008 end;
8010 procedure TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMDown(Sender: TOBject;
8011   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
8012 begin
8013   if Button=mbLeft then
8014   begin
8015     fDown:=True;
8016     if (x>4) and (x<fPanelHeader.Width-4) and (y<=16) then
8017     begin
8018       {$IFDEF DebugLR}
8019       debugLn('TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMDown()');
8020       {$ENDIF}
8021       fPanelHeader.Cursor:=crSize;
8022       // get absolute mouse position (X,Y can not be used, because they
8023       // are relative to what is moving)
8024       fPt:=Mouse.CursorPos;
8025       //DebugLn(['TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMDown ',dbgs(fPt)]);
8026     end;
8027   end;
8028 end;
8030 procedure TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMMove(Sender: TObject;
8031   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
8032 var
8033   NewPt: TPoint;
8034 begin
8035   if fDown then
8036   begin
8037     {$IFDEF DebugLR}
8038     debugLn('TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMMove()');
8039     {$ENDIF}
8041     Case fPanelHeader.Cursor of
8042       crSize :
8043         begin
8044           NewPt:=Mouse.CursorPos;
8045           //DebugLn(['TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMDown ',dbgs(fPt),' New=',dbgs(NewPt)]);
8046           SetBounds(Left+NewPt.X-fPt.X,Top+NewPt.Y-fPt.Y,Width,Height);
8047           fPt:=NewPt;
8048         end;
8049     end;
8050   end
8051 end;
8053 procedure TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMUp(Sender: TOBject;
8054   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
8055 begin
8056   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
8057   DebugLn('TfrObjectInspector.HeaderMUp()');
8058   {$ENDIF}
8059   fDown:=False;
8060   fPanelHeader.Cursor:=crDefault;
8061 end;
8063 {$ENDIF}
8065 procedure TfrObjectInspector.CMVisibleChanged(var TheMessage: TLMessage);
8066 begin
8067   Inherited CMVisibleChanged(TheMessage);
8069   if Visible then
8070   begin
8071     DoOnResize;
8072     BringToFront;
8073     Select(Objects);
8074   end;
8075   {$IFDEF DebugLR}
8076   debugLn('TfrObjectInspector.CMVisibleChanged: %s', [dbgs(Visible)]);
8077   {$ENDIF}
8078 end;
8081 procedure TfrObjectInspector.DoHide;
8082 begin
8083   //TODO Uncheck Menue Item
8084 end;
8085 {$ENDIF}
8087 constructor TfrObjectInspector.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
8088 begin
8089   inherited Create(aOwner);
8091   {$IFDEF EXTOI}
8092   Width  :=220;
8093   Height :=300;
8094   Top    :=Screen.Height div 2;
8095   Left   :=40;
8096   Visible     :=False;
8097   Caption := 'Object Inspector';
8098   FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
8099   // create the ObjectInspector
8100   fPropertyGrid:=TCustomPropertiesGrid.Create(aOwner);
8101   with fPropertyGrid do
8102   begin
8103     Name  :='PropertyGrid';
8104     Parent:=Self;
8105     align := alclient;
8106     ShowHint:=false; //cause problems in windows
8107   end;
8109   {$ELSE}
8111   Parent :=TWinControl(aOwner);
8112   Width  :=220;
8113   Height :=300;
8114   Top    :=120;
8115   Left   :=40;
8116   Borderstyle :=bsNone;
8117   BevelInner  :=bvLowered;
8118   BevelOuter  :=bvRaised;
8119   BorderWidth :=1;
8120   Visible     :=False;
8122   fDown       :=False;
8124   fPanelHeader:=TPanel.Create(self);
8125   with fPanelHeader do
8126   begin
8127     Parent:=Self;
8128     Color :=clSilver;
8129     BorderStyle:=bsNone;
8130     BevelInner:=bvNone;
8131     BevelOuter:=bvNone;
8132     Caption:=sObjectInspector;
8133     AnchorSideLeft.Control := self;
8134     AnchorSideTop.Control := self;
8135     AnchorSideRight.Control := self;
8136     AnchorSideRight.Side := asrBottom;
8137     Anchors := [akTop, akLeft, akRight];
8138     Top := 0;
8139     Height := 18;
8140     OnMouseDown:=@HeaderMDown;
8141     OnMouseMove:=@HeaderMMove;
8142     OnMouseUp  :=@HeaderMUp;
8143   end;
8145   fBtn2:=TButton.Create(fPanelHeader);
8146   with fBtn2 do
8147   begin
8148     Parent:=fPanelHeader;
8149     AnchorSideTop.Control := fPanelHeader;
8150     AnchorSideRight.Control := fPanelHeader;
8151     AnchorSideRight.Side := asrBottom;
8152     AnchorSideBottom.Control := fPanelHeader;
8153     AnchorSideBottom.Side := asrBottom;
8154     Anchors := [akTop, akRight, akBottom];
8155     BorderSpacing.Around := 1;
8156     Width := fPanelHeader.Height - 2*BorderSpacing.Around;
8157     Caption:='x';
8158     TabStop:=False;
8159     OnClick:=@BtnClick;
8160   end;
8162   fBtn:=TButton.Create(fPanelHeader);
8163   with fBtn do
8164   begin
8165     Parent:=fPanelHeader;
8166     AnchorSideTop.Control := fPanelHeader;
8167     AnchorSideRight.Control := fBtn2;
8168     AnchorSideBottom.Control := fPanelHeader;
8169     AnchorSideBottom.Side := asrBottom;
8170     Anchors := [akTop, akRight, akBottom];
8171     BorderSpacing.Around := 1;
8172     Width := fPanelHeader.Height - 2*BorderSpacing.Around;
8173     Caption:='-';
8174     TabStop:=False;
8175     OnClick:=@BtnClick;
8176   end;
8179   fcboxObjList  := TComboBox.Create(Self);
8180   with fcboxObjList do
8181   begin
8182     Parent:=Self;
8183     AnchorSideLeft.Control := Self;
8184     AnchorSideTop.Control := fPanelHeader;
8185     AnchorSideTop.Side := asrBottom;
8186     AnchorSideRight.Control := self;
8187     AnchorSideRight.Side := asrBottom;
8188     Anchors := [akTop, akLeft, akRight];
8189     ShowHint := false; //cause problems in windows
8190     Onchange := @cboxObjListOnChanged;
8191   end;
8192   fcboxObjList.Sorted:=true;
8194   // create the ObjectInspector
8195   fPropertyGrid:=TCustomPropertiesGrid.Create(aOwner);
8196   with fPropertyGrid do
8197   begin
8198     Name  :='PropertyGrid';
8199     Parent:=Self;
8200     AnchorSideLeft.Control := Self;
8201     AnchorSideTop.Control := fcboxObjList;
8202     AnchorSideTop.Side := asrBottom;
8203     AnchorSideRight.Control := Self;
8204     AnchorSideRight.Side := asrBottom;
8205     AnchorSideBottom.Control := Self;
8206     AnchorSideBottom.Side := asrBottom;
8207     Anchors := [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom];
8208     ShowHint:=false; //cause problems in windows
8209     fPropertyGrid.SaveOnChangeTIObject:=false;
8210     DefaultItemHeight := fcboxObjList.Height-3;
8211   end;
8212   {$ENDIF}
8213 end;
8215 destructor TfrObjectInspector.Destroy;
8216 begin
8217   //fPropertyGrid.Free; // it's owned by OI form/Panel
8218   inherited Destroy;
8219 end;
8221 procedure TfrObjectInspector.Select(Obj: TObject);
8222 var
8223   i      : Integer;
8224   NewSel : TPersistentSelectionList;
8225 begin
8226   if (Objects.Count <> fcboxObjList.Items.Count) or (Assigned(Obj) and (fcboxObjList.Items.IndexOfObject(Obj) < 0)) then
8227   begin
8229     fcboxObjList.Clear;
8230     fcboxObjList.AddItem(TfrObject(frDesigner.Page).Name, TObject(frDesigner.Page));
8232     for i:=0 to Objects.Count-1 do
8233        fcboxObjList.AddItem(TfrView(Objects[i]).Name, TObject(Objects[i]));
8235   end;
8237   FSelectedObject:=nil;
8239   if (Obj=nil) or (Obj is TPersistent) then
8240   begin
8241     FSelectedObject:=Obj;
8242     NewSel := TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
8243     try
8244       if Obj<>nil then
8245       begin
8246         fcboxObjList.ItemIndex := fcboxObjList.Items.IndexOfObject(Obj);
8247         NewSel.Add(TfrView(Obj));
8248       end;
8249       fPropertyGrid.Selection := NewSel
8250     finally
8251       NewSel.Free;
8252     end;
8253   end
8254   else
8255   if Obj is TFpList then
8256     with TFpList(Obj) do
8257     begin
8258       NewSel:=TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
8259       try
8260         for i:=0 to Count-1 do
8261           if TfrView(Items[i]).Selected then
8262             NewSel.Add(TfrView(Items[i]));
8263         fPropertyGrid.Selection:=NewSel;
8264       finally
8265         NewSel.Free;
8266       end;
8267     end;
8268 end;
8270 procedure TfrObjectInspector.cboxObjListOnChanged(Sender: TObject);
8271 var
8272   i: Integer;
8273   vObj: TObject;
8274 begin
8275   if fcboxObjList.ItemIndex >= 0 then
8276   begin
8277     TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 0;
8278     for i := 0 to Objects.Count - 1 do
8279       TfrView(Objects[i]).Selected := False;
8280     vObj := fcboxObjList.Items.Objects[fcboxObjList.ItemIndex];
8281     if vObj is TfrView then
8282     begin
8283       TfrView(vObj).Selected:=True;
8284       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 1;
8285       frDesigner.Invalidate;
8286     end;
8287     Select(vObj);
8288   end;
8289 end;
8291 procedure TfrObjectInspector.SetModifiedEvent(AEvent: TNotifyEvent);
8292 begin
8293   fPropertyGrid.OnModified:=AEvent;
8294 end;
8296 procedure TfrObjectInspector.Refresh;
8297 begin
8298   if not visible then
8299     exit;
8300   fPropertyGrid.RefreshPropertyValues;
8301 end;
8303 type
8304   { TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty }
8306   TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty = class(TStringProperty)
8307   private
8308     FSaveRep:TfrReport;
8309     FEditView:TfrCustomMemoView;
8310     FDetailRrep: TlrDetailReport;
8311     procedure DoSaveReportEvent(Report: TfrReport; var ReportName: String;
8312       SaveAs: Boolean; var Saved: Boolean);
8313   public
GetAttributesnull8314     function  GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
8315     procedure Edit; override;
8316     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
8317   end;
8320   TfrViewDataFieldProperty = class(TStringProperty)
8321   public
GetAttributesnull8322     function  GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
8323     procedure Edit; override;
8324   end;
8326   { TTfrBandViewChildProperty }
8328   TTfrBandViewChildProperty = class(TStringProperty)
8329   public
GetAttributesnull8330     function  GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
8331     procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
8332   end;
8334 { TTfrBandViewChildProperty }
GetAttributesnull8336 function TTfrBandViewChildProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
8337 begin
8338   Result:=inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList, paSortList];
8339 end;
8341 procedure TTfrBandViewChildProperty.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
8342 var
8343   I: Integer;
8344 begin
8345   if Assigned(frDesigner) and Assigned(frDesigner.Page) then
8346   begin
8347     for i:=0 to frDesigner.Page.Objects.Count-1 do
8348       if TObject(frDesigner.Page.Objects[i]) is TfrBandView then
8349         if (TfrBandView(frDesigner.Page.Objects[i]).BandType = btChild) and
8350            (TfrBandView(GetComponent(0)) <> TfrBandView(frDesigner.Page.Objects[i])) then
8351           Proc(TfrBandView(frDesigner.Page.Objects[i]).Name);
8352   end;
8353 end;
8355 { TfrPictureViewDataFieldProperty }
GetAttributesnull8357 function TfrViewDataFieldProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
8358 begin
8359   Result := inherited GetAttributes + [paDialog{, paValueList, paSortList}];
8360 end;
8362 type
8363   TfrHackView = class(TfrView);
8365 procedure TfrViewDataFieldProperty.Edit;
8366 begin
8367   if (GetComponent(0) is TfrView) and Assigned(CurReport) then
8368   begin
8369     frFieldsForm := TfrFieldsForm.Create(Application);
8370     try
8371       if frFieldsForm.ShowModal = mrOk then
8372       begin
8373         TfrHackView(GetComponent(0)).DataField:='[' + frFieldsForm.DBField + ']';
8374         frDesigner.Modified:=true;
8375       end;
8376     finally
8377       frFieldsForm.Free;
8378     end;
8379   end;
8380 end;
8382 procedure TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty.DoSaveReportEvent(Report: TfrReport;
8383   var ReportName: String; SaveAs: Boolean; var Saved: Boolean);
8384 begin
8385   if Assigned(FDetailRrep) then
8386   begin
8387     FDetailRrep.ReportBody.Size:=0;
8388     CurReport.SaveToXMLStream(FDetailRrep.ReportBody);
8389     FDetailRrep.ReportDescription:=CurReport.Comments.Text;
8390     Saved:=true;
8391   end
8392   else
8393     Saved:=false;
8394 end;
GetAttributesnull8396 function TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
8397 begin
8398   Result := inherited GetAttributes + [paDialog, paValueList, paSortList];
8399 end;
8401 procedure TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty.Edit;
8402 var
8403   FSaveDesigner:TfrReportDesigner;
8404   FSaveView:TfrView;
8405   FSaveBand: TfrBand;                               // currently proceeded band
8406   FSavePage: TfrPage;                               // currently proceeded page
8407   FSaveGetPValue:TGetPValueEvent;
8408   FSaveFunEvent:TFunctionEvent;
8409   FSaveReportEvent: TSaveReportEvent;
8410 begin
8411   if (GetComponent(0) is TfrCustomMemoView) and Assigned(CurReport) then
8412   begin
8413     FEditView:=GetComponent(0) as TfrCustomMemoView;
8415     if FEditView.DetailReport = '' then
8416       FEditView.DetailReport:=FEditView.Name + '_DetailReport';
8417     FDetailRrep:=CurReport.DetailReports.Add(FEditView.DetailReport);
8418     if not Assigned(FDetailRrep) then exit;
8420     FSaveGetPValue:=frParser.OnGetValue;
8421     FSaveFunEvent:=frParser.OnFunction;
FSaveDesignernull8422     FSaveDesigner:=frDesigner;
8423     FSaveRep:=CurReport;
8424     FSaveView:=CurView;
8425     FSaveBand:=CurBand;
8426     FSavePage:=CurPage;
8428     frDesigner:=nil;
8430     CurReport:=TfrReport.Create(nil);
8431     CurReport.OnBeginBand:=FSaveRep.OnBeginBand;
8432     CurReport.OnBeginColumn:=FSaveRep.OnBeginColumn;
8433     CurReport.OnBeginDoc:=FSaveRep.OnBeginDoc;
8434     CurReport.OnBeginPage:=FSaveRep.OnBeginPage;
8435     CurReport.OnDBImageRead:=FSaveRep.OnDBImageRead;
8436     CurReport.OnEndBand:=FSaveRep.OnEndBand;
8437     CurReport.OnEndDoc:=FSaveRep.OnEndDoc;
8438     CurReport.OnEndPage:=FSaveRep.OnEndPage;
8439     CurReport.OnEnterRect:=FSaveRep.OnEnterRect;
8440     CurReport.OnExportFilterSetup:=FSaveRep.OnExportFilterSetup;
8441     CurReport.OnGetValue:=FSaveRep.OnGetValue;
8442     CurReport.OnManualBuild:=FSaveRep.OnManualBuild;
8443     CurReport.OnMouseOverObject:=FSaveRep.OnMouseOverObject;
8444     CurReport.OnObjectClick:=FSaveRep.OnObjectClick;
8445     CurReport.OnPrintColumn:=FSaveRep.OnPrintColumn;
8446     CurReport.OnProgress:=FSaveRep.OnProgress;
8447     CurReport.OnUserFunction:=FSaveRep.OnUserFunction;
8449     FSaveReportEvent:=frDesignerComp.OnSaveReport;
8450     frDesignerComp.OnSaveReport:=@DoSaveReportEvent;
8452     try
8453       FDetailRrep.ReportBody.Position:=0;
8454       if FDetailRrep.ReportBody.Size > 0 then
8455         CurReport.LoadFromXMLStream(FDetailRrep.ReportBody);
8457       if CurReport.DesignReport = mrOk then
8458       begin
8459         FDetailRrep.ReportBody.Size:=0;
8460         CurReport.SaveToXMLStream(FDetailRrep.ReportBody);
8461         FDetailRrep.ReportDescription:=CurReport.Comments.Text;
8462       end;
8464       if Assigned(frDesigner) then
8465         FreeAndNil(frDesigner);
8466     finally
8467       frDesigner := FSaveDesigner;
8468       CurReport  := FSaveRep;
8469       CurView := FSaveView;
8470       CurBand := FSaveBand;
8471       CurPage := FSavePage;
8472       frParser.OnGetValue:=FSaveGetPValue;
8473       frParser.OnFunction:=FSaveFunEvent;
8474       frDesignerComp.OnSaveReport:=FSaveReportEvent;
8476       frDesigner.Modified:=true;
8477     end;
8478   end;
8479 end;
8481 procedure TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
8482 var
8483   I: Integer;
8484 begin
8485   if Assigned(CurReport) then
8486   begin
8487     for i:=0 to CurReport.DetailReports.Count-1 do
8488       Proc(CurReport.DetailReports.GetItem(i).ReportName);
8489   end;
8490 end;
8492 type
8494   { TlrInternalTools }
8496   TlrInternalTools = class
8497   private
8498     lrBMPInsFields : TBitmap;
8499     procedure InsFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
8500     procedure InsertFieldsFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CanClose: boolean);
8501     procedure InsertDbFields;
8502   public
8503     constructor Create;
8504     destructor Destroy; override;
8505   end;
8507 var
8508   FlrInternalTools:TlrInternalTools = nil;
8510 { TlrInternalTools }
8512 procedure TlrInternalTools.InsFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
8513 begin
8514   frInsertFieldsForm := TfrInsertFieldsForm.Create(nil);
8515   frInsertFieldsForm.OnCloseQuery := @InsertFieldsFormCloseQuery;
8516   Try
8517     frInsertFieldsForm.ShowModal;
8518   finally
8519     frInsertFieldsForm.Free;
8520     frInsertFieldsForm:=nil;
8521   end;
8522 end;
8524 procedure TlrInternalTools.InsertFieldsFormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject;
8525   var CanClose: boolean);
8526 begin
8527   if (Sender=frInsertFieldsForm) and (frInsertFieldsForm.ModalResult=mrOk) then
8528     InsertDbFields;
8529 end;
8531 procedure TlrInternalTools.InsertDbFields;
8532 var
8533   i, x, y, dx, dy, pdx, adx: Integer;
8534   HeaderL, DataL: TFpList;
8535   t, t1: TfrView;
8536   b: TfrBandView;
8537   f: TfrTField;
8538   f1: TFieldDef;
8539   fSize: Integer;
8540   fName: String;
FindDatasetnull8542   function FindDataset(DataSet: TfrTDataSet): String;
8543   var
8544     i,j: Integer;
EnumComponentsnull8546     function EnumComponents(f: TComponent): String;
8547     var
8548       i: Integer;
8549       c: TComponent;
8550       d: TfrDBDataSet;
8551     begin
8552       Result := '';
8553       for i := 0 to f.ComponentCount - 1 do
8554       begin
8555         c := f.Components[i];
8556         if c is TfrDBDataSet then
8557         begin
8558           d := c as TfrDBDataSet;
8559           if d.GetDataSet = DataSet then
8560           begin
8561             if d.Owner = CurReport.Owner then
8562               Result := d.Name else
8563               Result := d.Owner.Name + '.' + d.Name;
8564             break;
8565           end;
8566         end;
8567       end;
8568     end;
8570   begin
8571     Result := '';
8572     for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
8573     begin
8574       Result := EnumComponents(Screen.Forms[i]);
8575       if Result <> '' then Exit;
8576     end;
8578     with Screen do
8579     begin
8580       for i := 0 to CustomFormCount - 1 do
8581         with CustomForms[i] do
8582         if (ClassName = 'TDataModuleForm')  then
8583           for j := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
8584           begin
8585             if (Components[j] is TDataModule) then
8586               Result:=EnumComponents(Components[j]);
8587               if Result <> '' then Exit;
8588           end;
8589     end;
8590   end;
8591 begin
8592   if frInsertFieldsForm=nil then
8593     exit;
8595   with frInsertFieldsForm do
8596   begin
8597     if (DataSet=nil) or (FieldsL.Items.Count = 0) or (FieldsL.SelCount = 0) then
8598       exit;
8600     HeaderL := TFpList.Create;
8601     DataL := TFpList.Create;
8602     try
8603       x := frDesigner.Page.LeftMargin;
8604       y := frDesigner.Page.TopMargin;
8605       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Unselect;
8606       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum := 0;
8607       for i := 0 to FieldsL.Items.Count - 1 do
8608         if FieldsL.Selected[i] then
8609         begin
8610           f := TfrTField(DataSet.FindField(FieldsL.Items[i]));
8611           fSize := 0;
8612           if f <> nil then
8613           begin
8614             fSize := f.DisplayWidth;
8615             fName := f.DisplayName;
8616           end
8617           else
8618           begin
8619             f1 := DataSet.FieldDefs[i];
8620             fSize := f1.Size;
8621             fName := f1.Name;
8622           end;
8624           if (fSize = 0) or (fSize > 255) then
8625             fSize := 6;
8627           t := frCreateObject(gtMemo, '', frDesigner.Page);
8628           t.CreateUniqueName;
8629           t.x := x;
8630           t.y := y;
8631           TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GetDefaultSize(t.dx, t.dy);
8632           with t as TfrCustomMemoView do
8633           begin
8634             Font.Name := LastFontName;
8635             Font.Size := LastFontSize;
8636             if HeaderCB.Checked then
8637               Font.Style := [fsBold];
8638             MonitorFontChanges;
8639           end;
8640           TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).PageView.Canvas.Font.Assign(TfrCustomMemoView(t).Font);
8641           t.Selected := True;
8642           Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
8643           if HeaderCB.Checked then
8644           begin
8645             t.Memo.Add(fName);
8646             t.dx := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).PageView.Canvas.TextWidth(fName + '   ') div TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize * TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize;
8647           end
8648           else
8649           begin
8650             t.Memo.Add('[' + DatasetCB.Items[DatasetCB.ItemIndex] +
8651               '."' + FieldsL.Items[i] + '"]');
8652             t.dx := (fSize * TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).PageView.Canvas.TextWidth('=')) div TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize * TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize;
8653           end;
8654           dx := t.dx;
8655 //          TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.Objects.Add(t);
8656           if HeaderCB.Checked then
8657             HeaderL.Add(t) else
8658             DataL.Add(t);
8659           if HeaderCB.Checked then
8660           begin
8661             t := frCreateObject(gtMemo, '', TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page);
8662             t.CreateUniqueName;
8663             t.x := x;
8664             t.y := y;
8665             TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GetDefaultSize(t.dx, t.dy);
8666             if HorzRB.Checked then
8667               Inc(t.y, 72) else
8668               Inc(t.x, dx + TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize * 2);
8669             with t as TfrCustomMemoView do
8670             begin
8671               Font.Name := LastFontName;
8672               Font.Size := LastFontSize;
8673               MonitorFontChanges;
8674             end;
8675             t.Selected := True;
8676             Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
8677             t.Memo.Add('[' + DatasetCB.Items[DatasetCB.ItemIndex] +
8678               '."' + FieldsL.Items[i] + '"]');
8679             t.dx := (fSize * TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).PageView.Canvas.TextWidth('=')) div TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize * TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize;
8680 //            TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.Objects.Add(t);
8681             DataL.Add(t);
8682           end;
8683           if HorzRB.Checked then
8684             Inc(x, t.dx + TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize)
8685           else
8686             Inc(y, t.dy + TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).GridSize);
8688           if t is TfrControl then
8689             TfrControl(T).UpdateControlPosition;
8690         end;
8692       if HorzRB.Checked then
8693       begin
8694         t := TfrView(DataL[DataL.Count - 1]);
8695         adx := t.x + t.dx;
8696         pdx := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.RightMargin - TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.LeftMargin;
8697         x := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.LeftMargin;
8698         if adx > pdx then
8699         begin
8700           for i := 0 to DataL.Count - 1 do
8701           begin
8702             t := TfrView(DataL[i]);
8703             t.x := Round((t.x - x) / (adx / pdx)) + x;
8704             t.dx := Round(t.dx / (adx / pdx));
8705           end;
8706           if HeaderCB.Checked then
8707             for i := 0 to DataL.Count - 1 do
8708             begin
8709               t := TfrView(HeaderL[i]);
8710               t1 := TfrView(DataL[i]);
8711               t.x := Round((t.x - x) / (adx / pdx)) + x;
8712               if t.dx > t1.dx then
8713                 t.dx := t1.dx;
8714             end;
8715         end;
8716       end;
8718       if BandCB.Checked then
8719       begin
8720         if HeaderCB.Checked then
8721           t := TfrView(HeaderL[DataL.Count - 1])
8722         else
8723           t := TfrView(DataL[DataL.Count - 1]);
8724         dy := t.y + t.dy - TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.TopMargin;
8725         b := frCreateObject(gtBand, '', TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page) as TfrBandView;
8726         b.CreateUniqueName;
8727         b.y := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.TopMargin;
8728         b.dy := dy;
8729         b.Selected := True;
8730         Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
8731         if not HeaderCB.Checked or not HorzRB.Checked then
8732         begin
8733 //          TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.Objects.Add(b);
8734           b.BandType := btMasterData;
8735           b.DataSet := FindDataset(DataSet);
8736         end
8737         else
8738         begin
8739           if frCheckBand(btPageHeader) then
8740           begin
8741             Dec(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
8742             b.Free;
8743           end
8744           else
8745           begin
8746             b.BandType := btPageHeader;
8747 //            TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.Objects.Add(b);
8748           end;
8749           b := frCreateObject(gtBand, '', TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page) as TfrBandView;
8750           b.BandType := btMasterData;
8751           b.DataSet := FindDataset(DataSet);
8752           b.CreateUniqueName;
8753           b.y := TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.TopMargin + 72;
8754           b.dy := dy;
8755           b.Selected := True;
8756           Inc(TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelNum);
8757 //          TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).Page.Objects.Add(b);
8758         end;
8759       end;
8760       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).SelectionChanged;
8761       SendBandsToDown;
8762       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).PageView.GetMultipleSelected;
8763       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).RedrawPage;
8764       TfrDesignerForm(frDesigner).AddUndoAction(acInsert);
8765     finally
8766       HeaderL.Free;
8767       DataL.Free;
8768     end;
8769   end;
8770 end;
8772 constructor TlrInternalTools.Create;
8773 begin
8774   inherited Create;
8775   lrBMPInsFields := TBitmap.Create;
8776   lrBMPInsFields.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'lrd_ins_fields');
8777   frRegisterTool(sInsertFields, lrBMPInsFields, @InsFieldsClick);
8778 end;
8780 destructor TlrInternalTools.Destroy;
8781 begin
8782   lrBMPInsFields.Free;
8783   inherited destroy;
8784 end;
8786 initialization
8787   frDesigner:=nil;
8788   ProcedureInitDesigner:=@InitGlobalDesigner;
8790   ClipBd := TFpList.Create;
8791   GridBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
8792   with GridBitmap do
8793   begin
8794     Width := 8; Height := 8;
8795   end;
8796   LastFrames:=[];
8797   LastFrameWidth := 1;
8798   LastLineWidth := 2;
8799   LastFillColor := clNone;
8800   LastFrameColor := clBlack;
8801   LastFontColor := clBlack;
8802   LastFontStyle := 0;
8803   LastAdjust := 0;
8804   //** RegRootKey := 'Software\FastReport\' + Application.Title;
8806   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TfrCustomMemoView, 'DetailReport', TfrCustomMemoViewDetailReportProperty);
8807   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TfrView, 'DataField', TfrViewDataFieldProperty);
8809   RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(String), TfrBandView, 'Child', TTfrBandViewChildProperty);
8811   FlrInternalTools:=TlrInternalTools.Create;
8812 finalization
8813   If Assigned(frDesigner) then
8814   begin
8816     if frDesigner.Visible then
8817       frDesigner.Hide;
8818     {$ENDIF}
8819     frDesigner.Free;
8820   end;
8821   ClearClipBoard;
8822   ClipBd.Free;
8823   GridBitmap.Free;
8824   FreeAndNil(FlrInternalTools);
8825 end.