1 unit pocheckerconsts;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 Uses Controls;
9 resourcestring
10   //Main form
11   rsPoChecker = 'Check PO Files ...';
12   sSelectAllTests = 'Select &All';
13   sUnselectAllTests = '&Unselect All';
14   sGUIPoFileCheckingTool = 'GUI Po-file checking tool';
15   sSelectTestTypes = 'Select test types';
16   sScanDir = 'Scan a folder';
17   sRunSelectedTests = '&Run Selected Tests';
18   sClearListBox = 'Clear';
19   sUnselectListBox = 'Unselect all files';
20   sSelectAllListBox = 'Select all files';
21   sAllLanguages = 'All Languages';
22   sFilesNotFoundAndRemoved = 'The following non-existent files were removed from the list:' + LineEnding + '%s';
23   sSelectedTranslationsAreNotAvailable = 'Selected translations are not '
24     +'available.';
26   sLastSearchPath = 'Last search path:';
27   sLanguage = 'Language:';
29   sTotalErrors = 'Total errors: %d';
30   sTotalErrorsNonFuzzy = 'Total errors: %d (formatting errors in non-fuzzy strings: %d)';
31   sTotalWarnings = 'Total warnings: %d';
32   sTotalUntranslatedStrings = 'Total untranslated strings: %s';
33   sTotalFuzzyStrings = 'Total fuzzy strings: %s';
34   sTotalTranslatedStrings = 'Total translated strings: %s (%.1f%%)';
35   sCurrentTest = 'Test: %s on %s';
36   sNoTestSelected = 'There are no tests selected.';
37   sScanningInProgress = 'Scanning in progress, please wait ...';
39   //Result form
40   sSaveError = 'Error saving file:' + LineEnding + '%s';
41   sResults = 'Results';
42   sShowStatGraph = 'Show statistics graph';
43   sGeneralInfo = 'General Info';
44   sTranslationStatistics = 'Translation Statistics';
45   sDuplicateOriginalsTab = 'Duplicate Originals';
46   sCopy = '&Copy';
47   sSaveAs ='Save &As ...';
49   //Graphical summary form
50   sGrapStatFormCaption = 'Graphical summary';
51   sTranslatedStringsTotal = 'Translated strings (total: %s [%.1f%%])';
52   sUntranslatedStringsTotal = 'Untranslated strings (total: %s)';
53   sFuzzyStringsTotal = 'Fuzzy strings (total: %s)';
54   sTranslatedStrings = 'Translated strings';
55   sUntranslatedStrings = 'Untranslated strings';
56   sFuzzyStrings = 'Fuzzy strings';
57   sStatHint = 'Translated: %d (%.1f%%)' + LineEnding +
58               'Untranslated: %d (%.1f%%)' + LineEnding +
59               'Fuzzy: %d (%.1f%%)' + LineEnding +
60               'Errors in selected tests: %d';
61   SOpenFail = 'Unable to open file:' + LineEnding +  '"%s"';
62   SOpenFailExternal = 'Unable to open file' + LineEnding +
63                       '"%s"' + LineEnding + 'in external editor' + LineEnding + '"%s"';
64   sCreatingIconXofY = 'Creating icon nr. %d of %d';
65   sOpenFileInSystemPOEditor = 'Open file in system PO editor';
66   sOpenFileInExternalEditor = 'Open file in external editor';
67   sOpenFileInIDEEditor = 'Open file in IDE editor';
68   sRefreshCurrentTranslationFamily = 'Refresh current translation family';
69   sRefreshAllTranslationFamilies = 'Refresh all translation families';
70   sProcessingTranslationFamilyOf = 'Processing translation family %s of %s';
71   sProcessingTranslationFamily = 'Processing translation family...';
72   sCannotWriteFileYouCanPressRetryToRefreshThisTransl = 'Cannot write file%'
73     +'s%s%s%sYou can press "Retry" to refresh this translation family again and '
74     +'continue.';
76   //PoFamiles
77   sOriginal = 'Original';
78   sTranslation = 'Translation';
79   sErrorsByTest = 'Errors / warnings reported by %s for:';
80   sFile = 'File %s';
81   sCheckNumberOfItems = 'Check number of items';
82   sCheckForIncompatibleFormatArguments = 'Check for incompatible format '
83     +'arguments';
84   sCheckMissingIdentifiers = 'Check missing identifiers';
85   sCheckForMismatchesInUntranslatedStrings = 'Check for mismatches of originals';
86   sIncompatibleFormatArgs = '[Line: %d] Incompatible and/or invalid format() arguments for:' ;
88   sNrErrorsFound = 'Found %d errors.';
89   sNrWarningsFound = 'Found %d warnings.';
90   sLineInFileName = '[Line %d] in %s:';
91   sIdentifierNotFoundIn = 'Identifier [%s] not found in %s';
92   sMissingMasterIdentifier = 'Identifier [%s] found in %s, but it does not exist in %s';
93   sLineNr = '[Line: %d]';
94   sNoteTranslationIsFuzzy = 'Note: translation is fuzzy';
97   sNrOfItemsMisMatch = 'Mismatch in number of items for master and child';
98   sNrOfItemsMismatchD = '%s: %d items';
100   sDuplicateOriginals = 'Original value "%s" is used for more than 1 entry:';
102   sDuplicateLineNrWithValue = '[Line %d] %s';
103   sPercTranslated = '%s: %5.1f%% translated strings.';
104   sPercUntranslated = '%s: %5.1f%% untranslated strings.';
105   sPercFuzzy = '%s: %5.1f%% fuzzy strings.';
107   sTheFollowingOrphanedPoFileSFound = 'The following %s orphaned .po file(s) found:';
108   sTheFollowingMissingMasterPoFileSWereRemoved = 'The following %s '
109     +'missing master .po file(s) were removed from the list:';
110   sTroublesomeFiles = 'Troublesome files';
112 const
113   mrOpenEditorFile = mrNone+100;
116 type
117   {
118    Currently supported lanuages in Lazarus.
119    Please keep alphabetically when introducing a new one
120   }
121   TLangID = (
122     lang_all,    {All languages}
123     lang_af_ZA,  {Afrikaans}
124     lang_ar,     {Arabic}
125     lang_ca,     {Catalan}
126     lang_cs,     {Czech}
127     lang_de,     {German}
128     lang_en,     {English}
129     lang_es,     {Spanish}
130     lang_fi,     {Finnish}
131     lang_fr,     {French}
132     lang_he,     {Hebrew}
133     lang_hu,     {Hungarian}
134     lang_id,     {Indonesian}
135     lang_it,     {Italian}
136     lang_ja,     {Japanese}
137     lang_lt,     {Lithuanian}
138     lang_nl,     {Dutch}
139     lang_pl,     {Polish}
140     lang_pt,     {Portuguese}
141     lang_pt_BR,  {Brazilian Portuguese}
142     lang_ru,     {Russian}
143     lang_sk,     {Slovak}
144     lang_tr,     {Turkish}
145     lang_uk,     {Ukrainian}
146     lang_zh_CN   {Chinese, simplified}
147     );
149 resourcestring
150   rs_lang_all =    'All languages';
151   rs_lang_af_ZA =  'Afrikaans';
152   rs_lang_ar =     'Arabic';
153   rs_lang_ca =     'Catalan';
154   rs_lang_cs =     'Czech';
155   rs_lang_de =     'German';
156   rs_lang_en =     'English';
157   rs_lang_es =     'Spanish';
158   rs_lang_fi =     'Finnish';
159   rs_lang_fr =     'French';
160   rs_lang_he =     'Hebrew';
161   rs_lang_hu =     'Hungarian';
162   rs_lang_id =     'Indonesian';
163   rs_lang_it =     'Italian';
164   rs_lang_ja =     'Japanese';
165   rs_lang_lt =     'Lithuanian';
166   rs_lang_nl =     'Dutch';
167   rs_lang_pl =     'Polish';
168   rs_lang_pt =     'Portuguese';
169   rs_lang_pt_BR =  'Brazilian Portuguese';
170   rs_lang_ru =     'Russian';
171   rs_lang_sk =     'Slovak';
172   rs_lang_tr =     'Turkish';
173   rs_lang_uk =     'Ukrainian';
174   rs_lang_zh_CN =  'Chinese, simplified';
176 const
177   LanguageNames: Array[TLangID] of String = (
178     rs_lang_all ,
179     rs_lang_af_ZA,
180     rs_lang_ar ,
181     rs_lang_ca ,
182     rs_lang_cs ,
183     rs_lang_de ,
184     rs_lang_en ,
185     rs_lang_es ,
186     rs_lang_fi ,
187     rs_lang_fr ,
188     rs_lang_he ,
189     rs_lang_hu ,
190     rs_lang_id ,
191     rs_lang_it ,
192     rs_lang_ja ,
193     rs_lang_lt ,
194     rs_lang_nl ,
195     rs_lang_pl ,
196     rs_lang_pt ,
197     rs_lang_pt_BR,
198     rs_lang_ru ,
199     rs_lang_sk ,
200     rs_lang_tr ,
201     rs_lang_uk ,
202     rs_lang_zh_CN
203     );
205   LanguageAbbr: Array[TLangID] of String = (
206      '',       {Defaut language} //in LangFilter: All Languages
207      'af_ZA',  {Afrikaans}
208      'ar',     {Arabic}
209      'ca',     {Catalan}
210      'cs',     {Czech}
211      'de',     {German}
212      'en',     {English}
213      'es',     {Spanish}
214      'fi',     {Finnish}
215      'fr',     {French}
216      'he',     {Hebrew}
217      'hu',     {Hungarian}
218      'id',     {Indonesian}
219      'it',     {Italian}
220      'ja',     {Japanese}
221      'lt',     {Lithuanian}
222      'nl',     {Dutch}
223      'pl',     {Polish}
224      'pt',     {Portuguese}
225      'pt_BR',  {Brazilian Portuguese}
226      'ru',     {Russian}
227      'sk',     {Slovak}
228      'tr',     {Turkish}
229      'uk',     {Ukrainian}
230      'zh_CN'   {Chinese, simplified}
231      );
LangAbbrToLangIdnull233 function LangAbbrToLangId(const Abbr: String): TLangID;
234 procedure LocalizeLanguageNames;
236 implementation
LangAbbrToLangIdnull238 function LangAbbrToLangId(const Abbr: String): TLangID;
239 var
240   ID: TLangID;
241 begin
242   Result := lang_all;
243   for ID := Low(TLangID) to High(TLangID) do
244   begin
245     if LanguageAbbr[ID] = Abbr then
246       Exit(ID);
247   end;
248 end;
250 procedure LocalizeLanguageNames;
251 begin
252   LanguageNames[lang_all]:=rs_lang_all;
253   LanguageNames[lang_af_ZA]:=rs_lang_af_ZA;
254   LanguageNames[lang_ar]:=rs_lang_ar;
255   LanguageNames[lang_ca]:=rs_lang_ca;
256   LanguageNames[lang_cs]:=rs_lang_cs;
257   LanguageNames[lang_de]:=rs_lang_de;
258   LanguageNames[lang_en]:=rs_lang_en;
259   LanguageNames[lang_es]:=rs_lang_es;
260   LanguageNames[lang_fi]:=rs_lang_fi;
261   LanguageNames[lang_fr]:=rs_lang_fr;
262   LanguageNames[lang_he]:=rs_lang_he;
263   LanguageNames[lang_hu]:=rs_lang_hu;
264   LanguageNames[lang_id]:=rs_lang_id;
265   LanguageNames[lang_it]:=rs_lang_it;
266   LanguageNames[lang_ja]:=rs_lang_ja;
267   LanguageNames[lang_lt]:=rs_lang_lt;
268   LanguageNames[lang_nl]:=rs_lang_nl;
269   LanguageNames[lang_pl]:=rs_lang_pl;
270   LanguageNames[lang_pt]:=rs_lang_pt;
271   LanguageNames[lang_pt_BR]:=rs_lang_pt_BR;
272   LanguageNames[lang_ru]:=rs_lang_ru;
273   LanguageNames[lang_sk]:=rs_lang_sk;
274   LanguageNames[lang_tr]:=rs_lang_tr;
275   LanguageNames[lang_uk]:=rs_lang_uk;
276   LanguageNames[lang_zh_CN]:=rs_lang_zh_CN;
277 end;
279 end.