1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Authors: Alexander Klenin
9 }
11 unit TADrawUtils;
13 {$H+}
15 interface
17 uses
18   SysUtils, Classes, FPCanvas, FPImage, Types, TAChartUtils;
20 type
21   // Same types as in Graphics unit, but without dependency.
22   TChartAntialiasingMode = (amDontCare, amOn, amOff);
24 type
25   ISimpleTextOut = interface
HtmlTextExtentnull26     function HtmlTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
27     procedure HtmlTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
28     procedure SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
SimpleTextExtentnull29     function SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
GetFontAnglenull30     function GetFontAngle: Double;
31   end;
33   { TChartTextOut }
35   TChartTextOut = class
36   strict private
37     FAlignment: TAlignment;
38     FPos: TPoint;
39     FSimpleTextOut: ISimpleTextOut;
40     FText1: String;
41     FText2: TStrings;
42     FTextFormat: TChartTextFormat;
43     FWidth: Integer;
45     procedure DoTextOutList;
46     procedure DoTextOutString;
47   public
48     constructor Create(ASimpleTextOut: ISimpleTextOut);
49   public
Alignmentnull50     function Alignment(AAlignment: TAlignment): TChartTextOut;
51     procedure Done;
Posnull52     function Pos(AX, AY: Integer): TChartTextOut;
Posnull53     function Pos(const APos: TPoint): TChartTextOut;
Textnull54     function Text(const AText: String): TChartTextOut;
Textnull55     function Text(AText: TStrings): TChartTextOut;
TextFormatnull56     function TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): TChartTextOut;
Widthnull57     function Width(AWidth: Integer): TChartTextOut;
58   end;
60   TChartColorToFPColorFunc = function (AColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
61   TGetFontOrientationFunc = function (AFont: TFPCustomFont): Integer;
63   TChartTransparency = 0..255;
65   TScaleItem = (scaleFont, scalePen);
66   TScaleItems = set of TScaleItem;
68   IChartDrawer = interface
69     ['{6D8E5591-6788-4D2D-9FE6-596D5157C3C3}']
70     procedure AddToFontOrientation(ADelta: Integer);
71     procedure ClippingStart(const AClipRect: TRect);
72     procedure ClippingStart;
73     procedure ClippingStop;
74     procedure DrawingBegin(const ABoundingBox: TRect);
75     procedure DrawingEnd;
76     procedure DrawLineDepth(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, ADepth: Integer);
77     procedure DrawLineDepth(const AP1, AP2: TPoint; ADepth: Integer);
78     procedure Ellipse(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
79     procedure FillRect(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
GetBrushColornull80     function GetBrushColor: TChartColor;
GetFontAnglenull81     function GetFontAngle: Double;       // in radians
GetFontColornull82     function GetFontColor: TFPColor;
GetFontNamenull83     function GetFontName: String;
GetFontSizenull84     function GetFontSize: Integer;
GetFontStylenull85     function GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles;
GetPenColornull86     function GetPenColor: TChartColor;
87     procedure SetDoChartColorToFPColorFunc(AValue: TChartColorToFPColorFunc);
88     procedure Line(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
89     procedure Line(const AP1, AP2: TPoint);
90     procedure LineTo(AX, AY: Integer);
91     procedure LineTo(const AP: TPoint);
92     procedure MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer);
93     procedure MoveTo(const AP: TPoint);
94     procedure Polygon(
95       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
96     procedure Polyline(
97       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer);
98     procedure PrepareSimplePen(AColor: TChartColor);
99     procedure PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
100     procedure PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor);
101     procedure RadialPie(
102       AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer;
103       AStartAngle16Deg, AAngleLength16Deg: Integer);
104     procedure Rectangle(const ARect: TRect);
105     procedure Rectangle(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2: Integer);
106     procedure ResetFont;
Scalenull107     function Scale(ADistance: Integer): Integer;
108     procedure SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
109     procedure SetBrush(ABrush: TFPCustomBrush);
110     procedure SetBrushColor(AColor: TChartColor);
111     procedure SetBrushParams(AStyle: TFPBrushStyle; AColor: TChartColor);
112     procedure SetFont(AValue: TFPCustomFont);
113     procedure SetGetFontOrientationFunc(AValue: TGetFontOrientationFunc);
114     procedure SetMonochromeColor(AColor: TChartColor);
115     procedure SetPen(APen: TFPCustomPen);
116     procedure SetPenColor(AColor: TChartColor);
117     procedure SetPenParams(AStyle: TFPPenStyle; AColor: TChartColor; AWidth: Integer = 1);
118     procedure SetPenWidth(AWidth: Integer);
GetRightToLeftnull119     function GetRightToLeft: Boolean;
120     procedure SetRightToLeft(AValue: Boolean);
121     procedure SetTransparency(ATransparency: TChartTransparency);
122     procedure SetXor(AXor: Boolean);
TextExtentnull123     function TextExtent(const AText: String;
124       ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint;
TextExtentnull125     function TextExtent(AText: TStrings;
126       ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint;
TextOutnull127     function TextOut: TChartTextOut;
129     property Brush: TFPCustomBrush write SetBrush;
130     property BrushColor: TChartColor read GetBrushColor write SetBrushColor;
131     property Font: TFPCustomFont write SetFont;
132     property Pen: TFPCustomPen write SetPen;
133     property DoChartColorToFPColor: TChartColorToFPColorFunc
134       write SetDoChartColorToFPColorFunc;
135     property DoGetFontOrientation: TGetFontOrientationFunc
136       write SetGetFontOrientationFunc;
137   end;
139   { TBasicDrawer }
141   TBasicDrawer = class(TInterfacedObject, ISimpleTextOut)
142   strict protected
143     FChartColorToFPColorFunc: TChartColorToFPColorFunc;
144     FGetFontOrientationFunc: TGetFontOrientationFunc;
145     FMonochromeColor: TChartColor;
146     FRightToLeft: Boolean;
147     FTransparency: TChartTransparency;
148     FXor: Boolean;
149     FScaleItems: TScaleItems;
ColorOrMononull150     function ColorOrMono(AColor: TChartColor): TChartColor; inline;
FPColorOrMononull151     function FPColorOrMono(const AColor: TFPColor): TFPColor; inline;
GetFontAnglenull152 //    function GetFontAngle: Double; virtual; abstract;
153     function SimpleTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint; virtual; abstract;
154     procedure SimpleTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String); virtual; abstract;
HtmlTextExtentnull155     function HtmlTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
156     procedure HtmlTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
157   public
158     constructor Create;
159     procedure DrawingBegin(const ABoundingBox: TRect); virtual;
160     procedure DrawingEnd; virtual;
161     procedure DrawLineDepth(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, ADepth: Integer);
162     procedure DrawLineDepth(const AP1, AP2: TPoint; ADepth: Integer);
GetFontAnglenull163     function GetFontAngle: Double; virtual; abstract;
GetFontColornull164     function GetFontColor: TFPColor; virtual; abstract;
GetFontNamenull165     function GetFontName: String; virtual; abstract;
GetFontSizenull166     function GetFontSize: Integer; virtual; abstract;
GetFontStylenull167     function GetFontStyle: TChartFontStyles; virtual; abstract;
GetRightToLeftnull168     function GetRightToLeft: Boolean;
169     procedure LineTo(AX, AY: Integer); virtual; abstract; overload;
170     procedure LineTo(const AP: TPoint); overload;
171     procedure MoveTo(AX, AY: Integer); virtual; abstract; overload;
172     procedure MoveTo(const AP: TPoint); overload;
173     procedure Polygon(
174       const APoints: array of TPoint; AStartIndex, ANumPts: Integer); virtual; abstract;
175     procedure PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage); virtual;
176     procedure PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor); virtual;
Scalenull177     function Scale(ADistance: Integer): Integer; virtual;
178     procedure SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
179     procedure SetDoChartColorToFPColorFunc(AValue: TChartColorToFPColorFunc);
180     procedure SetGetFontOrientationFunc(AValue: TGetFontOrientationFunc);
181     procedure SetMonochromeColor(AColor: TChartColor);
182     procedure SetRightToLeft(AValue: Boolean);
183     procedure SetTransparency(ATransparency: TChartTransparency);
184     procedure SetXor(AXor: Boolean);
TextExtentnull185     function TextExtent(const AText: String; ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint; overload;
TextExtentnull186     function TextExtent(AText: TStrings; ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint; overload;
TextOutnull187     function TextOut: TChartTextOut;
188   end;
ChartColorToFPColornull190   function ChartColorToFPColor(AChartColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
FPColorToChartColornull191   function FPColorToChartColor(AFPColor: TFPColor): TChartColor;
ColorDefnull192   function ColorDef(AColor, ADefaultColor: TChartColor): TChartColor; inline;
Wordwrapnull194   function Wordwrap(const AText: String; ADrawer: IChartDrawer;
195     AMaxWidth: Integer; ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat): String;
198 implementation
200 uses
201   StrUtils, Math, fasthtmlparser, htmlutil, TAGeometry, TAHtml;
203 const
204   LINE_INTERVAL = 2;
206   SUBSUP_DIVISOR = 100;
207   SUBSUP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 70; //75;
208   SUB_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER = 70; //80;
211 type
212   THTMLAnalyzer = class
213   private
214     FSubscript: Integer;
215     FSuperscript: Integer;
216     FFontStack: TFPList;
217     FDrawer: IChartDrawer;
218     FSize: TPoint;
219     FPos: TPoint;
220     FRotPos: TPoint;
221     FCurrentFont: TFPCustomFont;
222     FSavedFont: TFPCustomFont;
223     FFontAngle: Double;
224   protected
225     procedure ClearFontStack;
226     procedure HTMLTagFound(NoCaseTag, ActualTag: String);
227     procedure HTMLTextFound_Size(AText: String);
228     procedure HTMLTextFound_Out(AText: String);
229     procedure Init;
230     procedure PopFont;
231     procedure PushFont;
232   public
233     constructor Create(ADrawer: IChartDrawer);
234     destructor Destroy; override;
TextExtentnull235     function TextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
236     procedure TextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
237   end;
239 { THTMLAnalyzer }
241 constructor THTMLAnalyzer.Create(ADrawer: IChartDrawer);
242 begin
243   FDrawer := ADrawer;
244   FSavedFont := TFPCustomFont.Create;
245   FFontStack := TFPList.Create;
246 end;
248 destructor THTMLAnalyzer.Destroy;
249 var
250   j: Integer;
251 begin
252   for j:=0 to FFontStack.Count-1 do TFPCustomFont(FFontStack[j]).Free;
253   FFontStack.Free;
254   FCurrentFont.Free;
255   FSavedFont.Free;
256   inherited;
257 end;
259 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.ClearFontStack;
260 var
261   j: Integer;
262 begin
263   for j:=0 to FFontStack.Count-1 do TFPCustomFont(FFontStack[j]).Free;
264   FFontStack.Clear;
265 end;
267 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.HTMLTagFound(NoCaseTag, ActualTag: String);
268 var
269   val: String;
270 begin
271   Unused(ActualTag);
273   if NoCaseTag[2] = '/' then
274     case NoCaseTag of
275       '</B>',
276       '</STRONG>',
277       '</I>',
278       '</EM>',
279       '</U>',
280       '</S>',
281       '</FONT>':
282         PopFont;
283       '</SUB>':
284         dec(FSubscript);
285       '</SUP>':
286         dec(FSuperscript);
287     end
288   else begin
289     case NoCaseTag of
290       '<B>', '<STRONG>':
291         begin
292           PushFont;
293           FCurrentFont.Bold := true;
294         end;
295       '<I>', '<EM>':
296         begin
297           PushFont;
298           FCurrentFont.Italic := true;
299         end;
300       '<U>':
301         begin
302           PushFont;
303           FCurrentFont.Underline := true;
304         end;
305       '<S>':
306         begin
307           PushFont;
308           FCurrentFont.StrikeThrough := true;
309         end;
310       '<SUB>':
311         begin    // Don't push the font to the stack
312           inc(FSubscript);
313         end;
314       '<SUP>':
315         begin // Don't push the font to the stack
316           inc(FSuperscript);
317         end;
318       else
319         if (pos('<FONT ', NoCaseTag) = 1) or (NoCaseTag = '<FONT>') then begin
320           PushFont;
321           val := GetVal(NoCaseTag, 'NAME');
322           if val <> '' then
323             FCurrentFont.Name := val;
324           {$IFDEF HTML_FONT_SIZE}
325           val := GetVal(NoCaseTag, 'SIZE');
326           if val <> '' then
327             FCurrentFont.Size := HTMLToFontSize(val);
328           {$ENDIF}
329           val := GetVal(NoCaseTag, 'COLOR');
330           if val <> '' then
331             FCurrentFont.FPColor := HTMLToFPColor(val);
332         end else
333           exit;
334     end;
335   end;
336 end;
338 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.HTMLTextFound_Out(AText: String);
339 var
340   oldFontSize: Integer;
341   offs: Integer;
342   s: string;
343   P: TPoint;
344   w, h: Integer;
345 begin
346   s := ReplaceHTMLEntities(AText);
348   if (FSubScript > 0) or (FSuperScript > 0) then
349   begin
350     oldFontSize := FCurrentFont.Size;
351     FCurrentFont.Size := (FCurrentFont.Size * SUBSUP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER) div SUBSUP_DIVISOR;
352     FDrawer.SetFont(FCurrentFont);
353     h := FDrawer.TextExtent('Tg', tfNormal).Y;  // tfNormal is correct
354     w := FDrawer.TextExtent(s, tfNormal).X;
355     if FSubScript > 0 then
356       offs := (h * SUB_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER) div SUBSUP_DIVISOR
357     else
358       offs := (h * SUP_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER) div SUBSUP_DIVISOR;   // this is negative
359     P := Point(FPos.X, FPos.Y+offs) - FRotPos;
360     p := RotatePoint(P, -FFontAngle) + FRotPos;
361     FDrawer.TextOut.TextFormat(tfNormal).Pos(P).Text(s).Done;
362     FCurrentFont.Size := oldFontSize;
363   end else
364   begin
365     FDrawer.SetFont(FCurrentFont);
366     w := FDrawer.TextExtent(s, tfNormal).X;       // tfNormal is correct
367     p := RotatePoint(FPos - FRotPos, -FFontAngle) + FRotPos;
368     FDrawer.TextOut.TextFormat(tfNormal).Pos(P).Text(s).Done;
369   end;
370   inc(FPos.X, w);
371 end;
373 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.HTMLTextFound_Size(AText: String);
374 var
375   ext: TPoint;
376   oldFontSize: Integer;
377   s: String;
378   offs: Integer;
379 begin
380   s := ReplaceHTMLEntities(AText);
381   if (FSubScript > 0) or (FSuperscript > 0) then
382   begin
383     oldFontSize := FCurrentFont.Size;
384     FCurrentFont.Size := FCurrentFont.Size * SUBSUP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER div SUBSUP_DIVISOR;
385     FDrawer.SetFont(FCurrentFont);
386     ext := FDrawer.TextExtent(s, tfNormal);  // tfNormal is correct
387     FCurrentFont.Size := oldFontSize;
388     if FSubScript > 0 then
389     begin
390       offs := (ext.y * SUB_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER) div SUBSUP_DIVISOR;
391       if ext.y + offs > FSize.Y then ext.Y := ext.y + offs;
392     end else
393     begin
394       offs := (ext.y * SUP_OFFSET_MULTIPLIER) div SUBSUP_DIVISOR;   // this is negative
395       if ext.y - offs > FSize.Y then ext.Y := ext.y - offs;   // offs is negative
396     end;
397   end else
398   begin
399     FDrawer.SetFont(FCurrentFont);
400     ext := FDrawer.TextExtent(s, tfNormal);  // tfNormal is correct
401   end;
402   FSize.X := FSize.X + ext.X;
403   FSize.Y := Max(FSize.Y, ext.Y);
404 end;
406 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.Init;
407 begin
408   FFontAngle := FDrawer.GetFontAngle;
410   FSavedFont.Name := FDrawer.GetFontName;
411   FSavedFont.Size := FDrawer.GetFontSize;
412   FSavedFont.FPColor := FDrawer.GetFontColor;
413   FSavedFont.Bold := cfsBold in FDrawer.GetFontStyle;
414   FSavedFont.Italic := cfsItalic in FDrawer.GetFontStyle;
415   FSavedFont.Underline := cfsUnderline in FDrawer.GetFontStyle;
416   FSavedFont.StrikeThrough := cfsStrikeOut in FDrawer.GetFontStyle;
417   FSavedFont.Orientation := RadToOrient(FFontAngle);
419   FCurrentFont := FSavedFont.CopyFont;
420   FCurrentFont.Orientation := FSavedFont.Orientation;
421   ClearFontStack;
423   FSubscript := 0;
424   FSuperscript := 0;
425 end;
427 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.PopFont;
428 begin
429   FCurrentFont.Free;
430   FCurrentFont := TFPCustomFont(FFontStack[FFontStack.Count-1]);
431   FFontStack.Delete(FFontStack.Count-1);
432 end;
434 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.PushFont;
435 var
436   fnt: TFPCustomFont;
437 begin
438   fnt := FCurrentFont.CopyFont;
439   fnt.Orientation := FCurrentFont.Orientation;
440   FFontStack.Add(fnt);
441 end;
THTMLAnalyzer.TextExtentnull443 function THTMLAnalyzer.TextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
444 var
445   parser: THTMLParser;
446 begin
447   Init;
448   FSize := Point(0, 0);
449   parser := THTMLParser.Create('<p>' + AText + '</p>');
450   try
451     parser.OnFoundTag := @HTMLTagFound;
452     parser.OnFoundText := @HTMLTextFound_Size;
453     parser.Exec;
454     Result := FSize;
455   finally
456     parser.Free;
457     FDrawer.SetFont(FSavedFont);
458   end;
459 end;
461 procedure THTMLAnalyzer.TextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
462 var
463   parser: THTMLParser;
464 begin
465   Init;
466   FRotPos := Point(AX, AY);
467   FPos := Point(AX, AY);
468   parser := THTMLParser.Create('<p>' + AText + '</p>');
469   try
470     parser.OnFoundTag := @HTMLTagFound;
471     parser.OnFoundText := @HTMLTextFound_Out;
472     parser.Exec;
473   finally
474     parser.Free;
475     FDrawer.SetFont(FSavedFont);
476   end;
477 end;
480 { Utilities }
ChartColorToFPColornull482 function ChartColorToFPColor(AChartColor: TChartColor): TFPColor;
483 begin
484   with Result do begin
485     red := AChartColor and $FF;
486     red += red shl 8;
487     green := (AChartColor and $FF00);
488     green += green shr 8;
489     blue := (AChartColor and $FF0000) shr 8;
490     blue += blue shr 8;
491     alpha := alphaOpaque;
492   end;
493 end;
DummyGetFontOrientationFuncnull495 function DummyGetFontOrientationFunc(AFont: TFPCustomFont): Integer;
496 begin
497   Unused(AFont);
498   Result := 0;
499 end;
FPColorToChartColornull501 function FPColorToChartColor(AFPColor: TFPColor): TChartColor;
502 begin
503   Result :=
504     ((AFPColor.red shr 8) and $FF) or
505     (AFPColor.green and $FF00) or
506     ((AFPColor.blue shl 8) and $FF0000);
507 end;
ColorDefnull509 function ColorDef(AColor, ADefaultColor: TChartColor): TChartColor;
510 begin
511   Result := IfThen(AColor = clTAColor, ADefaultColor, AColor);
512 end;
514 { TChartTextOut }
TChartTextOut.Alignmentnull516 function TChartTextOut.Alignment(AAlignment: TAlignment): TChartTextOut;
517 begin
518   FAlignment := AAlignment;
519   Result := Self;
520 end;
522 constructor TChartTextOut.Create(ASimpleTextOut: ISimpleTextOut);
523 begin
524   FSimpleTextOut := ASimpleTextOut;
525   FAlignment := taLeftJustify;
526 end;
528 procedure TChartTextOut.Done;
529 begin
530   if FText2 = nil then
531     DoTextOutString
532   else
533     DoTextOutList;
534   Free;
535 end;
537 procedure TChartTextOut.DoTextOutList;
538 var
539   i: Integer;
540   a: Double;
541   lineExtent, p: TPoint;
542 begin
543   a := -FSimpleTextOut.GetFontAngle;
544   for i := 0 to FText2.Count - 1 do begin
545     case FTextFormat of
546       tfNormal: lineExtent := FSimpleTextOut.SimpleTextExtent(FText2[i]);
547       tfHtml  : lineExtent := FSimpleTextOut.HtmlTextExtent(FText2[i]);
548     end;
549     p := FPos;
550     case FAlignment of
551       taCenter: p += RotatePointX((FWidth - lineExtent.X) div 2, a);
552       taRightJustify: p += RotatePointX(FWidth - lineExtent.X, a);
553       taLeftJustify: ;
554     end;
555     case FTextFormat of
556       tfNormal: FSimpleTextOut.SimpleTextOut(p.X, p.Y, FText2[i]);
557       tfHtml  : FSimpleTextOut.HtmlTextOut(p.X, p.Y, FText2[i]);
558     end;
559     FPos += RotatePoint(Point(0, lineExtent.Y + LINE_INTERVAL), a);
560   end;
561 end;
563 procedure TChartTextOut.DoTextOutString;
564 begin
565   if System.Pos(LineEnding, FText1) = 0 then begin
566     case FTextFormat of
567       tfNormal: FSimpleTextOut.SimpleTextOut(FPos.X, FPos.Y, FText1);
568       tfHtml  : FSimpleTextOut.HtmlTextOut(FPos.X, FPos.Y, FText1);
569     end;
570     exit;
571   end;
572   FText2 := TStringList.Create;
573   try
574     FText2.Text := FText1;
575     DoTextOutList;
576   finally
577     FText2.Free;
578   end;
579 end;
Posnull581 function TChartTextOut.Pos(AX, AY: Integer): TChartTextOut;
582 begin
583   FPos := Point(AX, AY);
584   Result := Self;
585 end;
Posnull587 function TChartTextOut.Pos(const APos: TPoint): TChartTextOut;
588 begin
589   FPos := APos;
590   Result := Self;
591 end;
TChartTextOut.Textnull593 function TChartTextOut.Text(const AText: String): TChartTextOut;
594 begin
595   FText1 := AText;
596   Result := Self;
597 end;
TChartTextOut.Textnull599 function TChartTextOut.Text(AText: TStrings): TChartTextOut;
600 begin
601   FText2 := AText;
602   Result := Self;
603 end;
TChartTextOut.TextFormatnull605 function TChartTextOut.TextFormat(AFormat: TChartTextFormat): TChartTextOut;
606 begin
607   FTextFormat := AFormat;
608   Result := Self;
609 end;
TChartTextOut.Widthnull611 function TChartTextOut.Width(AWidth: Integer): TChartTextOut;
612 begin
613   FWidth := AWidth;
614   Result := Self;
615 end;
617 { TBasicDrawer }
TBasicDrawer.ColorOrMononull619 function TBasicDrawer.ColorOrMono(AColor: TChartColor): TChartColor;
620 begin
621   Result := ColorDef(FMonochromeColor, AColor);
622 end;
624 constructor TBasicDrawer.Create;
625 begin
626   FChartColorToFPColorFunc := @ChartColorToFPColor;
627   FGetFontOrientationFunc := @DummyGetFontOrientationFunc;
628   FMonochromeColor := clTAColor;
629 end;
631 procedure TBasicDrawer.DrawingBegin(const ABoundingBox: TRect);
632 begin
633   Unused(ABoundingBox);
634 end;
636 procedure TBasicDrawer.DrawingEnd;
637 begin
638   // Empty
639 end;
641 procedure TBasicDrawer.DrawLineDepth(AX1, AY1, AX2, AY2, ADepth: Integer);
642 begin
643   DrawLineDepth(Point(AX1, AY1), Point(AX2, AY2), ADepth);
644 end;
646 procedure TBasicDrawer.DrawLineDepth(const AP1, AP2: TPoint; ADepth: Integer);
647 var
648   d: TPoint;
649 begin
650   d := Point(ADepth, -ADepth);
651   Polygon([AP1, AP1 + d, AP2 + d, AP2], 0, 4);
652 end;
FPColorOrMononull654 function TBasicDrawer.FPColorOrMono(const AColor: TFPColor): TFPColor;
655 begin
656   if FMonochromeColor = clTAColor then
657     Result := AColor
658   else
659     Result := FChartColorToFPColorFunc(FMonochromeColor);
660 end;
TBasicDrawer.GetRightToLeftnull662 function TBasicDrawer.GetRightToLeft: Boolean;
663 begin
664   Result := FRightToLeft;
665 end;
HtmlTextExtentnull667 function TBasicDrawer.HtmlTextExtent(const AText: String): TPoint;
668 var
669   IDrawer: IChartDrawer;
670 begin
671   IDrawer := Self as IChartDrawer;
672 //  GetInterface('IChartDrawer', IDrawer);
673   with THtmlAnalyzer.Create(IDrawer) do
674     try
675       Result := TextExtent(AText);
676     finally
677       Free;
678     end;
679 end;
681 procedure TBasicDrawer.HtmlTextOut(AX, AY: Integer; const AText: String);
682 var
683   IDrawer: IChartDrawer;
684 begin
685   IDrawer := Self as IChartDrawer;
686 //  GetInterface('IChartDrawer', IDrawer);
687   with THtmlAnalyzer.Create(IDrawer) do
688     try
689       TextOut(AX, AY, AText);
690     finally
691       Free;
692     end;
693 end;
695 procedure TBasicDrawer.LineTo(const AP: TPoint);
696 begin
697   LineTo(AP.X, AP.Y)
698 end;
700 procedure TBasicDrawer.MoveTo(const AP: TPoint);
701 begin
702   MoveTo(AP.X, AP.Y)
703 end;
705 procedure TBasicDrawer.PutImage(AX, AY: Integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
706 begin
707   Unused(AX, AY);
708   Unused(AImage);
709 end;
711 procedure TBasicDrawer.PutPixel(AX, AY: Integer; AColor: TChartColor);
712 begin
713   Unused(AX, AY);
714   Unused(AColor);
715 end;
Scalenull717 function TBasicDrawer.Scale(ADistance: Integer): Integer;
718 begin
719   Result := ADistance;
720 end;
722 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetAntialiasingMode(AValue: TChartAntialiasingMode);
723 begin
724   Unused(AValue);
725 end;
727 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetDoChartColorToFPColorFunc(
728   AValue: TChartColorToFPColorFunc);
729 begin
730   FChartColorToFPColorFunc := AValue;
731 end;
733 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetGetFontOrientationFunc(
734   AValue: TGetFontOrientationFunc);
735 begin
736   FGetFontOrientationFunc := AValue;
737 end;
739 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetMonochromeColor(AColor: TChartColor);
740 begin
741   FMonochromeColor := AColor;
742 end;
744 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetRightToLeft(AValue: Boolean);
745 begin
746   FRightToLeft := AValue;
747 end;
749 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetTransparency(ATransparency: TChartTransparency);
750 begin
751   FTransparency := ATransparency;
752 end;
754 procedure TBasicDrawer.SetXor(AXor: Boolean);
755 begin
756   FXor := AXor;
757 end;
TBasicDrawer.TextExtentnull759 function TBasicDrawer.TextExtent(const AText: String;
760   ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint;
761 var
762   sl: TStrings;
763 begin
764   if Pos(LineEnding, AText) = 0 then
765     case ATextFormat of
766       tfNormal: exit(SimpleTextExtent(AText));
767       tfHTML  : exit(HtmlTextExtent(AText));
768     end;
770   sl := TStringList.Create;
771   try
772     sl.Text := AText;
773     Result := TextExtent(sl, ATextFormat);
774   finally
775     sl.Free;
776   end;
777 end;
TBasicDrawer.TextExtentnull779 function TBasicDrawer.TextExtent(AText: TStrings;
780   ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat = tfNormal): TPoint;
781 var
782   i: Integer;
783 begin
784   Result := Size(0, -LINE_INTERVAL);
785   case ATextFormat of
786     tfNormal:
787       for i := 0 to AText.Count - 1 do
788         with SimpleTextExtent(AText[i]) do begin
789           Result.X := Max(Result.X, X);
790           Result.Y += Y + LINE_INTERVAL;
791         end;
792     tfHtml:
793       for i := 0 to AText.Count - 1 do
794         with HtmlTextExtent(AText[i]) do begin
795           Result.X := Max(Result.X, X);
796           Result.Y += Y + LINE_INTERVAL;
797         end;
798   end;
799 end;
TextOutnull801 function TBasicDrawer.TextOut: TChartTextOut;
802 begin
803   Result := TChartTextOut.Create(Self);
804 end;
806 // Inserts LineEndings into the provided string AText such that its width
807 // does not exceed the given width.
WordWrapnull808 function WordWrap(const AText: String; ADrawer: IChartDrawer;
809   AMaxWidth: Integer; ATextFormat: TChartTextFormat): string;
810 var
811   L: TStrings;
812   words: TStrings;
813   line: String;
814   s: String;
815   w, ws, wspace: Integer;
816   i: Integer;
817 begin
818   Result := '';
820   if ATextFormat = tfNormal then
821   begin
822     wspace := ADrawer.TextExtent(' ').X;
823     L := TStringList.Create;
824     words := TStringList.Create;
825     try
826       L.Text := AText;
827       for i := 0 to L.Count-1 do
828       begin
829         Split(L[i], words, ' ');
830         line := '';
831         w := 0;
832         for s in words do
833         begin
834           ws := ADrawer.TextExtent(s).X;
835           if w + wspace + ws <= AMaxWidth then
836           begin
837             line := IfThen(line='', s, line + ' ' + s);
838             w := w + wspace + ws;
839           end else
840           begin
841             if line = '' then
842             begin
843               Result := IfThen(Result='', s, Result + LineEnding + s);
844               line := '';
845               w := 0;
846             end else
847             begin
848               Result := IfThen(Result='', line, Result + LineEnding + line);
849               line := s;
850               w := ws;
851             end;
852           end;
853         end;
854         if line <> '' then
855           Result := IfThen(Result='', line, Result + LineEnding + line);
856         if i <> L.Count-1 then
857           Result := Result + LineEnding;
858       end;
859     finally
860       words.Free;
861       L.Free;
862     end;
863   end else
864     // ToDo: Implement wordwrap for html format
865     Result := AText;
866 end;
868 end.