1object CharacterMapDialog: TCharacterMapDialog
2  Left = 242
3  Height = 477
4  Top = 126
5  Width = 590
6  BorderStyle = bsSizeToolWin
7  Caption = 'CharacterMapDialog'
8  ClientHeight = 477
9  ClientWidth = 590
10  FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
11  KeyPreview = True
12  OnCreate = FormCreate
13  OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
14  OnShow = FormShow
15  Position = poScreenCenter
16  LCLVersion = ''
17  object ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel
18    Left = 6
19    Height = 26
20    Top = 445
21    Width = 578
22    OKButton.Name = 'OKButton'
23    OKButton.DefaultCaption = True
24    OKButton.Enabled = False
25    HelpButton.Name = 'HelpButton'
26    HelpButton.DefaultCaption = True
27    HelpButton.OnClick = HelpButtonClick
28    CloseButton.Name = 'CloseButton'
29    CloseButton.DefaultCaption = True
30    CancelButton.Name = 'CancelButton'
31    CancelButton.DefaultCaption = True
32    CancelButton.Enabled = False
33    TabOrder = 1
34    ShowButtons = [pbClose, pbHelp]
35    ShowBevel = False
36  end
37  object PageControl1: TPageControl
38    AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner
39    AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner
40    AnchorSideRight.Control = Owner
41    AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
42    AnchorSideBottom.Control = ButtonPanel
43    Left = 6
44    Height = 433
45    Top = 6
46    Width = 578
47    ActivePage = pgAnsi
48    Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
49    BorderSpacing.Around = 6
50    TabIndex = 1
51    TabOrder = 0
52    object pgUnicode: TTabSheet
53      Caption = 'Unicode'
54      ClientHeight = 405
55      ClientWidth = 570
56      object UnicodeCharInfoLabel: TLabel
57        AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner
58        AnchorSideTop.Control = cbUniRange
59        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
60        Left = 6
61        Height = 15
62        Top = 380
63        Width = 118
64        BorderSpacing.Around = 6
65        Caption = 'UnicodeCharInfoLabel'
66        ParentColor = False
67      end
68      object UnicodeGrid: TStringGrid
69        AnchorSideLeft.Control = pgUnicode
70        AnchorSideTop.Control = pgUnicode
71        AnchorSideRight.Control = pgUnicode
72        AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
73        AnchorSideBottom.Control = cbUniRange
74        Left = 0
75        Height = 370
76        Top = 0
77        Width = 570
78        Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
79        AutoFillColumns = True
80        ColCount = 16
81        DefaultColWidth = 16
82        DefaultDrawing = False
83        FixedCols = 0
84        FixedRows = 0
85        Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goDrawFocusSelected, goSmoothScroll]
86        RowCount = 15
87        TabOrder = 0
88        OnKeyPress = StringGridKeyPress
89        OnMouseDown = StringGridMouseDown
90        OnMouseMove = UnicodeGridMouseMove
91        OnPrepareCanvas = GridPrepareCanvas
92        OnSelectCell = UnicodeGridSelectCell
93        ColWidths = (
94          35
95          35
96          35
97          35
98          35
99          35
100          35
101          35
102          35
103          35
104          35
105          35
106          35
107          35
108          35
109          41
110        )
111      end
112      object cbUniRange: TComboBox
113        AnchorSideTop.Control = UnicodeGrid
114        AnchorSideRight.Control = SortUniRangeListButton
115        AnchorSideBottom.Control = pgUnicode
116        AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
117        Left = 242
118        Height = 23
119        Top = 376
120        Width = 291
121        Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
122        BorderSpacing.Around = 6
123        DropDownCount = 25
124        ItemHeight = 15
125        OnSelect = cbUniRangeSelect
126        Style = csDropDownList
127        TabOrder = 1
128      end
129      object RangeLabel: TLabel
130        AnchorSideTop.Control = cbUniRange
131        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
132        AnchorSideRight.Control = cbUniRange
133        Left = 203
134        Height = 15
135        Top = 380
136        Width = 33
137        Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
138        Caption = 'Range'
139        ParentColor = False
140      end
141      object SortUniRangeListButton: TSpeedButton
142        AnchorSideTop.Control = cbUniRange
143        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
144        AnchorSideRight.Control = pgUnicode
145        AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
146        AnchorSideBottom.Control = pgUnicode
147        Left = 539
148        Height = 25
149        Top = 375
150        Width = 25
151        AllowAllUp = True
152        Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
153        BorderSpacing.Around = 6
154        GroupIndex = 1
155        OnClick = SortUniRangeListButtonClick
156        ShowHint = True
157        ParentShowHint = False
158      end
159    end
160    object pgAnsi: TTabSheet
161      Caption = 'ANSI'
162      ClientHeight = 405
163      ClientWidth = 570
164      object AnsiCharInfoLabel: TLabel
165        AnchorSideLeft.Control = pgAnsi
166        AnchorSideTop.Control = cbCodePage
167        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
168        AnchorSideRight.Control = pgAnsi
169        AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
170        AnchorSideBottom.Control = pgAnsi
171        AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
172        Left = 6
173        Height = 15
174        Top = 380
175        Width = 97
176        BorderSpacing.Around = 6
177        Caption = 'AnsiCharInfoLabel'
178        ParentColor = False
179      end
180      object AnsiGrid: TStringGrid
181        AnchorSideLeft.Control = pgAnsi
182        AnchorSideTop.Control = pgAnsi
183        AnchorSideRight.Control = pgAnsi
184        AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
185        AnchorSideBottom.Control = cbCodePage
186        Left = 0
187        Height = 370
188        Top = 0
189        Width = 570
190        Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
191        ColCount = 17
192        DefaultColWidth = 16
193        DefaultDrawing = False
194        Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goDrawFocusSelected, goSmoothScroll]
195        RowCount = 15
196        TabOrder = 0
197        OnKeyPress = StringGridKeyPress
198        OnMouseDown = StringGridMouseDown
199        OnMouseMove = AnsiGridMouseMove
200        OnPrepareCanvas = GridPrepareCanvas
201        OnSelectCell = AnsiGridSelectCell
202        ColWidths = (
203          16
204          34
205          34
206          34
207          34
208          34
209          34
210          34
211          34
212          34
213          34
214          34
215          34
216          34
217          34
218          34
219          40
220        )
221      end
222      object cbCodePage: TComboBox
223        AnchorSideTop.Control = AnsiGrid
224        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
225        AnchorSideRight.Control = pgAnsi
226        AnchorSideRight.Side = asrBottom
227        AnchorSideBottom.Control = pgAnsi
228        AnchorSideBottom.Side = asrBottom
229        Left = 245
230        Height = 23
231        Top = 376
232        Width = 319
233        Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
234        BorderSpacing.Around = 6
235        DropDownCount = 25
236        ItemHeight = 15
237        Items.Strings = (
238          'cp1250 - Central and East European Latin'
239          'cp1251 - Cyrillic'
240          'cp1252 - West European Latin'
241          'cp1253 - Greek'
242          'cp1254 - Turkish'
243          'cp1255 - Hebrew'
244          'cp1256 - Arabic'
245          'cp1257 - Baltic'
246          'cp1258 - Vietnamese'
247          'cp437 - Original IBM PC hardware'
248          'cp850 - Latin-1'
249          'cp852 - Latin-2'
250          'cp866 - Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian'
251          'cp874 - Thai'
252          'cp932 - Japanese'
253          'cp936 - ANSI/OEM Simplified Chinese'
254          'cp949 - Korean'
255          'cp950 - Traditional Chinese'
256          'macintosh - MAC Roman (Western Europe)'
257          'koi8 - Ukrainian, Cyrillic'
258          'iso88591 - ISO Latin-1 (Western Europe)'
259          'iso88592 - ISO Latin-2 (Central and Eastern Europe)'
260          'iso885915 - ISO Latin-9 (Western Europe)'
261        )
262        OnSelect = cbCodePageSelect
263        Style = csDropDownList
264        TabOrder = 1
265      end
266      object CodePageLabel: TLabel
267        AnchorSideLeft.Control = AnsiCharInfoLabel
268        AnchorSideTop.Control = cbCodePage
269        AnchorSideTop.Side = asrCenter
270        AnchorSideRight.Control = cbCodePage
271        Left = 182
272        Height = 15
273        Top = 380
274        Width = 57
275        Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
276        Caption = 'Code page'
277        ParentColor = False
278      end
279    end
280  end