1 {
2 /***************************************************************************
3                              charactermapdlg.pas
4                              -------------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Author: Mattias Gaertner
29   Abstract:
30     Dialog for character map.
31 }
33 unit CharacterMapDlg;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   {$ifdef WINDOWS}Windows,{$endif}
41   Classes, SysUtils, Math,
42   // LCL
43   Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Buttons, StdCtrls, Forms,
44   LCLType, LCLUnicodeData, Grids, ButtonPanel, ComCtrls,
45   // LazUtils
46   GraphType, LazUTF8, LConvEncoding,
47   // IdeIntf
48   IDEHelpIntf, IDEImagesIntf,
49   // IDE
50   LazarusIDEStrConsts, EditorOptions, EnvironmentOpts;
52 type
53   TOnInsertCharacterEvent = procedure (const C: TUTF8Char) of object;
55   { TCharacterMapDialog }
57   TCharacterMapDialog = class(TForm)
58     ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel;
59     cbCodePage: TComboBox;
60     AnsiCharInfoLabel: TLabel;
61     cbUniRange: TComboBox;
62     SortUniRangeListButton: TSpeedButton;
63     CodePageLabel: TLabel;
64     RangeLabel: TLabel;
65     UnicodeCharInfoLabel: TLabel;
66     PageControl1: TPageControl;
67     AnsiGrid: TStringGrid;
68     UnicodeGrid: TStringGrid;
69     pgAnsi: TTabSheet;
70     pgUnicode: TTabSheet;
71     procedure GridPrepareCanvas(sender: TObject; {%H-}aCol, {%H-}aRow: Integer;
72       {%H-}aState: TGridDrawState);
73     procedure cbCodePageSelect(Sender: TObject);
74     procedure cbUniRangeSelect(Sender: TObject);
75     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState);
76     procedure HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
77     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
78     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
79     procedure SortUniRangeListButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
80     procedure AnsiGridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
81       var {%H-}CanSelect: Boolean);
82     procedure UnicodeGridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
83       var {%H-}CanSelect: Boolean);
84     procedure StringGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
85     procedure StringGridMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
86       {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
87     procedure AnsiGridMouseMove(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X,
88       Y: Integer);
89     procedure UnicodeGridMouseMove(Sender: TObject; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X,
90       Y: Integer);
91   private
92     FOnInsertCharacter: TOnInsertCharacterEvent;
93     FUnicodeBlockIndex: Integer;
94     procedure DoStatusAnsiGrid(ACol, ARow: integer);
95     procedure DoStatusUnicodeGrid(ACol, ARow: integer);
96     procedure FillAnsiGrid;
97     procedure FillUnicodeGrid;
98     procedure FillUniRangeList(ASorted: Boolean);
UnicodeBlockIndexByNamenull99     function UnicodeBlockIndexByName(AName: String): Integer;
UnicodeBlockSelectednull100     function UnicodeBlockSelected: Boolean;
101     procedure SelectSystemCP;
102   public
103     property OnInsertCharacter: TOnInsertCharacterEvent read FOnInsertCharacter
104                                                         write FOnInsertCharacter;
105   end;
107 procedure ShowCharacterMap(AOnInsertChar: TOnInsertCharacterEvent);
109 var
110   CharacterMapDialog: TCharacterMapDialog;
112 implementation
114 {$R *.lfm}
116 const
117   NOT_SELECTED=Low(UnicodeBlocks)-1;
119 procedure ShowCharacterMap(AOnInsertChar: TOnInsertCharacterEvent);
120 begin
121   if CharacterMapDialog = nil then
122     Application.CreateForm(TCharacterMapDialog, CharacterMapDialog);
124   CharacterMapDialog.OnInsertCharacter := AOnInsertChar;
125   CharacterMapDialog.Show;
126 end;
128 { TCharacterMapDialog }
130 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
131 begin
132   Caption := lisCharacterMap;
133   RangeLabel.Caption := lisRange;
134   SortUniRangeListButton.Flat:=True;
135   SortUniRangeListButton.Hint:=lisSortUnicodeRangeListAlphabetically;
136   IDEImages.AssignImage(SortUniRangeListButton, 'pkg_sortalphabetically');
137   ButtonPanel.HelpButton.Caption:=lisMenuHelp;
138   ButtonPanel.CloseButton.Caption:=lisBtnClose;
140   //EnvironmentOptions.IDEWindowLayoutList.Apply(Self, Name);
141   PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0;
142   AnsiCharInfoLabel.Caption := '-';
143   UnicodeCharInfoLabel.Caption := '-';
144   SelectSystemCP;
145   FillAnsiGrid;
146 end;
148 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.SelectSystemCP;
149 {$ifdef Windows}
150 var
151   i: Integer;
152   cp: Word;
153   cpStr: String;
154 {$endif}
155 begin
156  {$ifdef Windows}
157   // Find system code page on Windows...
158   // see: msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/desktop/dd317756%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
159   cp := Windows.GetACP;
160   case cp of  // add spaces to be sure of unique names found in the combobox
161     437..1258: cpStr := 'cp' + IntToStr(cp) + ' ';
162     10000    : cpStr := 'macintosh ';
163     20866    : cpStr := 'koi8 ';
164     28591    : cpStr := 'iso88591 ';
165     28592    : cpStr := 'iso88592 ';
166     28605    : cpStr := 'iso885915 ';
167     else       cpStr := '';
168   end;
169   for i := 0 to cbCodePage.Items.Count-1 do
170     if pos(cpStr, cbCodePage.Items[i]) = 1 then
171     begin
172       cbCodePage.ItemIndex := i;
173       exit;
174     end;
175  {$endif}
176   // ... if not found, or non-Windows, just pick the first item.
177   cbCodePage.ItemIndex := 0;
178 end;
180 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
181 begin
182   LazarusHelp.ShowHelpForIDEControl(Self);
183 end;
RoundUpnull185 function RoundUp(Value, Divi:integer):integer;
186 begin
187   if Value mod Divi = 0 then
188     Result:=Value div Divi
189   else
190     Result:=(Value div Divi)+1;
191 end;
193 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.cbCodePageSelect(Sender: TObject);
194 begin
195   FillAnsiGrid;
196 end;
198 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.cbUniRangeSelect(Sender: TObject);
199 begin
200   FUnicodeBlockIndex:=UnicodeBlockIndexByName(cbUniRange.Text);
201   FillUnicodeGrid;
202 end;
204 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
205 begin
206   if Key=VK_ESCAPE then
207   begin
208     Close;
209     Key:= 0;
210   end;
211 end;
213 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
214 begin
215   AnsiGrid.Font.Name := EditorOpts.EditorFont;
216   UnicodeGrid.Font.Name := EditorOpts.EditorFont;
217   AnsiGrid.Font.Size := 10;
218   UnicodeGrid.Font.Size := 10;
220   AnsiGrid.AutoSizeColumn(0);
221   AnsiGrid.AutoFillColumns := true;
223   FUnicodeBlockIndex:=NOT_SELECTED;
224   FillUniRangeList(SortUniRangeListButton.Down);
225   FillUnicodeGrid;
226   cbCodePage.DropDownCount := Math.max(EnvironmentOptions.DropDownCount, 25);
227   cbUniRange.DropDownCount := Math.max(EnvironmentOptions.DropDownCount, 25);
228 end;
230 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.SortUniRangeListButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
231 begin
232   FillUniRangeList(SortUniRangeListButton.Down);
233 end;
235 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.AnsiGridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; aCol,
236   aRow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
237 begin
238   DoStatusAnsiGrid(aCol, aRow);
239 end;
241 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.UnicodeGridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; aCol,
242   aRow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
243 begin
244   DoStatusUnicodeGrid(aCol, aRow);
245 end;
247 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.StringGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
248 var
249   sg: TStringGrid;
250   s: string;
251 begin
252   if Key = #13 then
253   begin
254     sg := Sender as TStringGrid;
255     s := sg.Cells[sg.Col, sg.Row];
256     if (s <> '') and (Assigned(OnInsertCharacter)) then
257       OnInsertCharacter(s);
258   end;
259 end;
261 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.StringGridMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
262   Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
263 var
264   Row, Col: Integer;
265   sg: TStringGrid;
266 begin
267   sg := Sender as TStringGrid;
268   if (Button = mbLeft) and (sg.MouseToGridZone(X, Y) = gzNormal) then
269   begin
270     Col:=0; Row:=0;
271     sg.MouseToCell(X, Y, Col, Row);
272     if (sg.Cells[Col, Row] <> '') and (Assigned(OnInsertCharacter)) then
273       OnInsertCharacter(sg.Cells[Col, Row]);
274   end;
275 end;
277 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.DoStatusAnsiGrid(ACol, ARow: integer);
278 var
279   N: integer;
280 begin
281   N := ACol-1 + (ARow-1)*16 + 32;
282   AnsiCharInfoLabel.Caption := Format('Decimal: %s, Hex: $%s', [IntToStr(N), IntToHex(N, 2)]);
283 end;
285 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.AnsiGridMouseMove(Sender: TObject;
286   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
287 var
288   Row, Col: Integer;
289 begin
290   if AnsiGrid.MouseToGridZone(X, Y) = gzNormal then
291   begin
292     Col:=0; Row:=0;
293     AnsiGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y, Col, Row);
294     DoStatusAnsiGrid(Col, Row);
295   end
296   else
297     AnsiCharInfoLabel.Caption := '-';
298 end;
300 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.GridPrepareCanvas(sender: TObject; aCol,
301   aRow: Integer; aState: TGridDrawState);
302 var
303   ts: TTextStyle;
304 begin
305   with (Sender as TStringGrid) do begin
306     ts := Canvas.TextStyle;
307     ts.Alignment := taCenter;
308     Canvas.TextStyle := ts;
309   end;
310 end;
312 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.DoStatusUnicodeGrid(ACol, ARow: integer);
313 var
314   S: Cardinal;
315   tmp, tmp2: String;
316   i: Integer;
317 begin
318   if not UnicodeBlockSelected then Exit;
319   S:=UnicodeBlocks[FUnicodeBlockIndex].S+(ACol)+(ARow*16);
320   tmp:=UnicodeToUTF8(S);
321   tmp2:='';
322   for i:=1 to Length(tmp) do
323     tmp2:=tmp2+'$'+IntToHex(Ord(tmp[i]),2);
324   UnicodeCharInfoLabel.Caption:='U+'+inttohex(S,4)+', UTF-8: '+tmp2;
325 end;
327 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.UnicodeGridMouseMove(Sender: TObject;
328   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
329 var
330   Row, Col: Integer;
331 begin
332   if UnicodeGrid.MouseToGridZone(X, Y) = gzNormal then
333   begin
334     Col:=0; Row:=0;
335     UnicodeGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y, Col, Row);
336     DoStatusUnicodeGrid(Col, Row);
337   end
338   else
339     AnsiCharInfoLabel.Caption := '-';
340 end;
342 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FillAnsiGrid;
343 var
344   R, C, p: Integer;
345   cp: String;
346 begin
347   cp := cbCodePage.Items[cbCodePage.ItemIndex];
348   p := pos(' ', cp);
349   if p > 0 then SetLength(cp, p-1);
350   for R := 0 to Pred(AnsiGrid.RowCount) do
351   begin
352     if R <> 0 then  AnsiGrid.Cells[0, R] := Format('%.3d +', [Succ(R) * 16]);
353     for C := 1 to Pred(AnsiGrid.ColCount) do
354     begin
355       if R = 0 then AnsiGrid.Cells[C, R] := Format('%.2d', [Pred(C)])
356       else
357         AnsiGrid.Cells[C, R] := ConvertEncoding(Chr(Succ(R) * 16 + Pred(C)), cp, 'utf8');
358     end;
359   end;
360 end;
362 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FillUnicodeGrid;
363 var
364   cnt, x, y: integer;
365   S, E: integer;
366 begin
367   UnicodeGrid.Clear;
368   if not UnicodeBlockSelected then
369     Exit;
370   S:=UnicodeBlocks[FUnicodeBlockIndex].S;
371   E:=UnicodeBlocks[FUnicodeBlockIndex].E;
372   UnicodeGrid.ColCount:=16;
373   UnicodeGrid.RowCount:=RoundUp(E-S,16);
374   cnt:=0;
375   for y:=0 to UnicodeGrid.RowCount-1 do
376     for x:=0 to UnicodeGrid.ColCount-1 do
377     begin
378       if S+Cnt<=E then
379         UnicodeGrid.Cells[x,y]:=UnicodeToUTF8(S+Cnt);
380       inc(cnt);
381     end;
382   UnicodeGrid.AutoSizeColumns;
383 end;
385 procedure TCharacterMapDialog.FillUniRangeList(ASorted: Boolean);
386 var
387   BlockIdx: Integer;
388 begin
389   cbUniRange.Items.Clear;
390   cbUniRange.Sorted:=ASorted;
392   for BlockIdx:=Low(UnicodeBlocks) to High(UnicodeBlocks) do
393     cbUniRange.Items.Append(UnicodeBlocks[BlockIdx].PG);
395   if not UnicodeBlockSelected then
396     FUnicodeBlockIndex:=Low(UnicodeBlocks);
397   cbUniRange.Text:=UnicodeBlocks[FUnicodeBlockIndex].PG;
398 end;
UnicodeBlockIndexByNamenull400 function TCharacterMapDialog.UnicodeBlockIndexByName(AName: String): Integer;
401 var
402   BlockIdx: Integer;
403 begin
404   for BlockIdx:=Low(UnicodeBlocks) to High(UnicodeBlocks) do
405     if UnicodeBlocks[BlockIdx].PG=AName then
406       Exit(BlockIdx);
407   Result:=NOT_SELECTED;
408 end;
UnicodeBlockSelectednull410 function TCharacterMapDialog.UnicodeBlockSelected: Boolean;
411 begin
412   Result:=(FUnicodeBlockIndex>=Low(UnicodeBlocks)) and (FUnicodeBlockIndex<=High(UnicodeBlocks));
413 end;
415 end.