1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     This unit is part of the IDE's help system. It implements the help for
25     sources via fpdoc files and Pascal comments.
26 }
27 unit CodeHelp;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 {off $DEFINE VerboseCodeHelp}
32 {off $DEFINE VerboseCodeHelpFails}
33 {off $DEFINE VerboseHints}
35 {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelp}
36   {$DEFINE VerboseCodeHelpFails}
37 {$ENDIF}
39 interface
41 uses
42   // RTL + FCL
43   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
44   // LCL
45   LCLProc, Forms, Controls, Dialogs,
46   // CodeTools
47   CodeAtom, CodeTree, CodeToolManager, FindDeclarationTool, BasicCodeTools,
48   KeywordFuncLists, PascalParserTool, CodeCache, CacheCodeTools, CustomCodeTool,
49   FileProcs, DefineTemplates,
50   // LazUtils
51   AvgLvlTree, FileUtil, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, LazFileCache, LazMethodList,
52   LazLoggerBase, Laz2_DOM, Laz2_XMLRead, Laz2_XMLWrite,
53   // SynEdit
54   SynHighlighterPas,
55   // IDEIntf
56   IDECommands, IDEMsgIntf, MacroIntf, PackageIntf, LazHelpIntf, ProjectIntf,
57   IDEDialogs, IDEHelpIntf, LazIDEIntf, IDEExternToolIntf,
58   // IDE
59   EditorOptions, LazarusIDEStrConsts, IDEProcs, PackageDefs,
60   EnvironmentOpts, TransferMacros, PackageSystem, DialogProcs, KeyMapping;
62 const
63   IDEProjectName = 'Lazarus';
64   FPCDocsRepositoryURL = 'http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpcdocs/trunk';
65 type
66   TFPDocItem = (
67     fpdiShort,
68     fpdiElementLink,
69     fpdiDescription,
70     fpdiErrors,
71     fpdiSeeAlso,
72     fpdiExample
73     );
75   TFPDocElementValues = array [TFPDocItem] of String;
77 const
78   FPDocItemNames: array[TFPDocItem] of shortstring = (
79       'short',
80       'elementlink',
81       'descr',
82       'errors',
83       'seealso',
84       'example'
85     );
87 type
88   TLazFPDocFileFlag = (
89     ldffDocChangingCalled,
90     ldffDocChangedNeedsCalling
91     );
92   TLazFPDocFileFlags = set of TLazFPDocFileFlag;
94   { TLazFPDocFile
95     An fpdoc xml file. The CodeBuffer is the xml source. The Doc is the parsed dom tree. }
97   TLazFPDocFile = class
98   private
99     fUpdateLock: integer;
100     FFlags: TLazFPDocFileFlags;
101     FDocChangeStamp: int64;
102     FDocSaveChangeStamp: int64;
GetDocModifiednull103     function GetDocModified: boolean;
104     procedure SetDocModified(AValue: boolean);
105   public
106     Filename: string;// the fpdoc xml filename
107     Doc: TXMLdocument;// IMPORTANT: if you change this, call DocChanging and DocChanged to notify the references
108     DocErrorMsg: string; // if xml is broken, Doc could not be created
109     CodeBufferChangeStep: integer;// the CodeBuffer.ChangeStep value, when Doc was built
110     CodeBuffer: TCodeBuffer;
111     constructor Create;
112     destructor Destroy; override;
GetPackageNodenull113     function GetPackageNode: TDOMNode; // the lazarus project or package
GetPackageNamenull114     function GetPackageName: string;
GetModuleNodenull115     function GetModuleNode: TDOMNode; // the unit
GetModuleNamenull116     function GetModuleName: string;
GetModuleTopicCountnull117     function GetModuleTopicCount: Integer;
GetModuleTopicNamenull118     function GetModuleTopicName(Index: Integer): String;
GetModuleTopicnull119     function GetModuleTopic(Name: String): TDOMNode;
CreateModuleTopicnull120     function CreateModuleTopic(Name: String): TDOMNode;
GetFirstElementnull121     function GetFirstElement: TDOMNode;
GetElementWithNamenull122     function GetElementWithName(const ElementName: string;
123                                 CreateIfNotExists: boolean = false): TDOMNode;
GetChildValuesAsStringnull124     function GetChildValuesAsString(Node: TDOMNode): String;
GetValuesFromNodenull125     function GetValuesFromNode(Node: TDOMNode): TFPDocElementValues;
GetValueFromNodenull126     function GetValueFromNode(Node: TDOMNode; Item: TFPDocItem): string;
127     procedure SetChildValue(Node: TDOMNode; const ChildName: string; NewValue: string);
128     property DocModified: boolean read GetDocModified write SetDocModified;
129     property DocChangeStamp: int64 read FDocChangeStamp;
130     procedure DocChanging;
131     procedure DocChanged;
132     procedure BeginUpdate;
133     procedure EndUpdate;
134   end;
136   { TLazFPDocNode }
138   TLazFPDocNode = class
139   public
140     DocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
141     Node: TDomNode;
142     constructor Create(AFile: TLazFPDocFile; ANode: TDOMNode);
143   end;
145   { TCHSourceToFPDocFile - cache item for source to FPDoc file mapping }
147   TCHSourceToFPDocFile = class
148   public
149     SourceFilename: string;
150     FPDocFilename: string;
151     FPDocFileOwner: TObject; // always check FPDocFilenameTimeStamp before accessing
152     FPDocFilenameTimeStamp: integer; // corresponds to CompilerParseStamp
153     FilesTimeStamp: int64; // corresponds to FileStateCache.TimeStamp
IsValidnull154     function IsValid: boolean;
155     procedure MakeValid;
156   end;
158   { TCodeHelpElement - mapping between one codetools position and a fpdoc xml node.
159     This data is only valid as long as codetools data and fpdoc data are not
160     changed, so don't store it. }
162   TCodeHelpElement = class
163   public
164     CodeContext: TFindContext;
165     CodeXYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
166     ElementOwnerName: string;// the name of the lazarus package or project
167     ElementFPDocPackageName: string;
168     ElementUnitName: string;
169     ElementUnitFileName: string;
170     ElementName: string;
171     ElementNode: TDOMNode; // nil = not yet parsed (ElementNodeValid=false) or does not exist (ElementNodeValid=true)
172     ElementNodeValid: boolean;
173     FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
174     procedure WriteDebugReport;
175   end;
177   { TCodeHelpElementChain - a list of TCodeHelpElement.
178     For example the list of one element plus its ancestors.
179     Only valid for short time. So always check IsValid. }
181   TCodeHelpElementChain = class
182   private
183     FItems: TFPList; // list of TCodeHelpElement
GetCountnull184     function GetCount: integer;
GetItemsnull185     function GetItems(Index: integer): TCodeHelpElement;
Addnull186     function Add: TCodeHelpElement;
187   public
188     CodePos: TCodePosition;
189     IDEChangeStep: integer; // corresponds to CompilerParseStamp
190     CodetoolsChangeStep: integer; // corresponds to CodeToolBoss.CodeTreeNodesDeletedStep
191     constructor Create;
192     destructor Destroy; override;
193     procedure Clear;
194     property Items[Index: integer]: TCodeHelpElement read GetItems; default;
195     property Count: integer read GetCount;
IndexOfFilenull196     function IndexOfFile(AFile: TLazFPDocFile): integer;
IndexOfElementNamenull197     function IndexOfElementName(ElementName: string): integer;
IndexOfElementNamenull198     function IndexOfElementName(ElementUnitName, ElementName: string): integer;
IsValidnull199     function IsValid: boolean;
200     procedure MakeValid;
DocFilenull201     function DocFile: TLazFPDocFile; // DocFile of first element
202     procedure WriteDebugReport;
203   end;
205   TCodeHelpChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; LazFPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile) of object;
207   TCodeHelpManagerHandler = (
208     chmhDocChanging,
209     chmhDocChanged
210     );
212   TCodeHelpOpenFileFlag = (
213     chofUpdateFromDisk,
214     chofRevert,
215     chofQuiet
216     );
217   TCodeHelpOpenFileFlags = set of TCodeHelpOpenFileFlag;
219   TCodeHelpParseResult = (
220     chprParsing, // means: done a small step, but not yet finished the job
221     chprFailed,
222     chprSuccess
223     );
225   TCodeHelpHintOption = (
226     chhoSmallStep,         // do the next step. Use this to run on idle.
227     chhoDeclarationHeader, // add a header with source position and type of identifier
228     chhoComments,          // add the pasdoc comments
229     chhoShowFocusHint      // show the shortcut ecFocusHint
230   );
231   TCodeHelpHintOptions = set of TCodeHelpHintOption;
233   { TCodeHelpManager }
235   TCodeHelpManager = class(TComponent)
236   private
237     FDocs: TAvlTree;// tree of loaded TLazFPDocFile
238     FHandlers: array[TCodeHelpManagerHandler] of TMethodList;
239     FPasHighlighter: TSynPasSyn;
240     FSrcToDocMap: TAvlTree; // tree of TCHSourceToFPDocFile sorted for SourceFilename
241     FDeclarationCache: TDeclarationInheritanceCache;
242     procedure AddHandler(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
243                          const AMethod: TMethod; {%H-}AsLast: boolean = false);
244     procedure RemoveHandler(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
245                             const AMethod: TMethod);
246     procedure FreeHandlers;
247     procedure CallDocChangeEvents(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
248                                   Doc: TLazFPDocFile);
DoCreateFPDocFileForSourcenull249     function DoCreateFPDocFileForSource(const SrcFilename: string;
250                                         out NewOwner: TObject): string;
CreateFPDocFilenull251     function CreateFPDocFile(const ExpandedFilename, PackageName,
252                              ModuleName: string): TCodeBuffer;
253   public
254     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
255     destructor Destroy; override;
256     procedure FreeDocs;
257     procedure ClearSrcToDocMap;
FindFPDocFilenull259     function FindFPDocFile(const Filename: string): TLazFPDocFile;
LoadFPDocFilenull260     function LoadFPDocFile(const Filename: string;
261                            Flags: TCodeHelpOpenFileFlags;
262                            out ADocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
263                            out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
SaveFPDocFilenull264     function SaveFPDocFile(ADocFile: TLazFPDocFile): TModalResult;
GetFPDocFilenameForHelpContextnull265     function GetFPDocFilenameForHelpContext(
266                                        Context: TPascalHelpContextList;
267                                        out CacheWasUsed: boolean): string;
GetFPDocFilenameForSourcenull268     function GetFPDocFilenameForSource(SrcFilename: string;
269                                        ResolveIncludeFiles: Boolean;
270                                        out CacheWasUsed: boolean;
271                                        out AnOwner: TObject;// a package or a project or LazarusHelp or nil for user defined
272                                        CreateIfNotExists: boolean = false): string;
273     procedure GetFPDocFilenamesForSources(SrcFilenames: TFilenameToStringTree;
274                       ResolveIncludeFiles: boolean;
275                       var FPDocFilenames: TFilenameToStringTree // Filename to ModuleName
276                       );
GetIDESrcFPDocPathnull277     function GetIDESrcFPDocPath: string; // $(LazarusDir)/docs/xml/ide/
IsIDESrcFilenull278     function IsIDESrcFile(const SrcFilename: string): boolean;
FindFPDocPackageOwnernull279     function FindFPDocPackageOwner(const PackageName: string): TObject;
FindModuleOwnernull280     function FindModuleOwner(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile): TObject;
GetModuleOwnerNamenull281     function GetModuleOwnerName(TheOwner: TObject): string;
GetFPDocPackageNameByOwnernull282     function GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(TheOwner: TObject): string;
ExpandFPDocLinkIDnull283     function ExpandFPDocLinkID(const LinkID, DefaultUnitName,
284                                DefaultOwnerName: string): string;
ExpandFPDocLinkIDnull285     function ExpandFPDocLinkID(const LinkID, DefaultUnitName: string;
286                                TheOwner: TObject): string;
CodeNodeToElementNamenull287     function CodeNodeToElementName(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
288                                    CodeNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetFPDocNodenull289     function GetFPDocNode(Tool: TCodeTool; CodeNode: TCodeTreeNode; Complete: boolean;
290                           out FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; out DOMNode: TDOMNode;
291                           out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetLinkedFPDocNodenull292     function GetLinkedFPDocNode(StartFPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
293                           StartDOMNode: TDOMNode;
294                           const Path: string;
295                           Flags: TCodeHelpOpenFileFlags;
296                           out ModuleOwner: TObject;
297                           out FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; out DOMNode: TDOMNode;
298                           out InvalidPath: integer;
299                           out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetDeclarationChainnull300     function GetDeclarationChain(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
301                                  out ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
302                                  out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetCodeContextnull303     function GetCodeContext(CodePos: PCodeXYPosition;
304                             out FindContext: TFindContext;
305                             {%H-}Complete: boolean;
306                             out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetElementChainnull307     function GetElementChain(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer; Complete: boolean;
308                              out Chain: TCodeHelpElementChain;
309                              out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetHTMLHintnull310     function GetHTMLHint(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
311                      out BaseURL, HTMLHint, PropDetails: string;
312                      out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetHTMLHintForNodenull313     function GetHTMLHintForNode(CTTool: TFindDeclarationTool; CTNode: TCodeTreeNode;
314                      XYPos: TCodeXYPosition; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
315                      out BaseURL, HTMLHint: string;
316                      out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetHTMLHintForExprnull317     function GetHTMLHintForExpr(CTExprType: TExpressionType;
318                      XYPos: TCodeXYPosition; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
319                      out BaseURL, HTMLHint: string;
320                      out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetHTMLHintForUnitnull321     function GetHTMLHintForUnit(AUnitName, InFilename: string; BaseDir: string;
322                      Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
323                      out BaseURL, HTMLHint: string;
324                      out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
GetHTMLDeclarationHeadernull325     function GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
326                            Node: TCodeTreeNode; XYPos: TCodeXYPosition): string;
GetHTMLDeclarationHeadernull327     function GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
328       Node: TCodeTreeNode; Desc: TExpressionTypeDesc; XYPos: TCodeXYPosition): string;
GetPasDocCommentsAsHTMLnull329     function GetPasDocCommentsAsHTML(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool; Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetFPDocNodeAsHTMLnull330     function GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; DOMNode: TDOMNode): string;
TextToHTMLnull331     function TextToHTML(Txt: string): string;
CreateElementnull332     function CreateElement(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
333                            out Element: TCodeHelpElement): Boolean;
SourceToFPDocHintnull334     function SourceToFPDocHint(Src: string; NestedComments: boolean = true): string;
SourcePosToFPDocHintnull335     function SourcePosToFPDocHint(XYPos: TCodeXYPosition; Caption: string=''): string;
SourcePosToFPDocHintnull336     function SourcePosToFPDocHint(const aFilename: string; X,Y: integer;
337                                   Caption: string=''): string;
OwnerToFPDocHintnull338     function OwnerToFPDocHint(AnOwner: TObject): string;
FPDocLinkToURLnull339     function FPDocLinkToURL(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; const LinkID: string): string;
340   public
341     // Event lists
342     procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject);
343     procedure AddHandlerOnChanging(const OnDocChangingEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent;
344                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
345     procedure RemoveHandlerOnChanging(const OnDocChangingEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent);
346     procedure AddHandlerOnChanged(const OnDocChangedEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent;
347                                   AsLast: boolean = false);
348     procedure RemoveHandlerOnChanged(const OnDocChangedEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent);
349   public
350     property PasHighlighter: TSynPasSyn read FPasHighlighter;
351   end;
353   TFPDocHintToken = (
354     fpdhtText,
355     fpdhtKeyword,
356     fpdhtString,
357     fpdhtNumber,
358     fpdhtSymbol
359     );
360   TFPDocHintTokens = set of TFPDocHintToken;
362 var
363   CodeHelpBoss: TCodeHelpManager = nil;// set by the IDE
CompareLazFPDocFilenamesnull365 function CompareLazFPDocFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareAnsistringWithLazFPDocFilenull366 function CompareAnsistringWithLazFPDocFile(Key, Data: Pointer): integer;
CompareLDSrc2DocSrcFilenamesnull367 function CompareLDSrc2DocSrcFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFilenull368 function CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFile(Key, Data: Pointer): integer;
ToUnixLineEndingnull370 function ToUnixLineEnding(const s: String): String;
ToOSLineEndingnull371 function ToOSLineEnding(const s: String): String;
ReplaceLineEndingsnull372 function ReplaceLineEndings(const s, NewLineEnds: string): string;
AppendLineEndingnull373 function AppendLineEnding(const s: string): string; // append if not empty and there is not already a line ending
XMLUnescapenull374 function XMLUnescape(s: string): string; // convert escape characters
MakeValidFPDocPackageNamenull375 function MakeValidFPDocPackageName(const s: string): string;
377 implementation
ToUnixLineEndingnull379 function ToUnixLineEnding(const s: String): String;
380 var
381   p: Integer;
382 begin
383   Result:=s;
384   p:=1;
385   while (p<=length(Result)) do begin
386     case Result[p] of
387     #10:
388       if (p<length(Result)) and (Result[p+1] in [#10,#13])
389       and (Result[p]<>Result[p+1]) then begin
390         // double character line ending
391         System.Delete(Result,p,2);
392       end;
393     #13:
394       begin
395         // single char line ending #13
396         Result[p]:=#10;
397       end;
398     end;
399     inc(p);
400   end;
401 end;
ToOSLineEndingnull403 function ToOSLineEnding(const s: String): String;
404 const
405   le: shortstring = LineEnding;
406 var
407   p: Integer;
408 begin
409   Result:=s;
410   p:=1;
411   while (p<=length(Result)) do begin
412     if not (Result[p] in [#10,#13]) then begin
413       inc(p);
414     end else begin
415       // line ending
416       if (p<length(Result)) and (Result[p+1] in [#10,#13]) and (Result[p]<>Result[p+1]) then begin
417         // double character line ending
418         if (length(le)<>2)
419         or (le[1]<>Result[p]) or (le[2]<>Result[p+1]) then begin
420           Result:=copy(Result,1,p-1)+le+copy(Result,p+2,length(Result));
421           inc(p, length(le)-1);
422         end
423         else
424           inc(p);
425       end else begin
426         // single char line ending #13 or #10
427         if (length(le)<>1)
428         or (le[1]<>Result[p]) then begin
429           Result:=copy(Result,1,p-1)+le+copy(Result,p+1,length(Result));
430           inc(p, length(le)-1);
431         end;
432       end;
433       inc(p);
434     end;
435   end;
436 end;
ReplaceLineEndingsnull438 function ReplaceLineEndings(const s, NewLineEnds: string): string;
439 var
440   p: Integer;
441   StartPos: LongInt;
442 begin
443   Result:=s;
444   p:=1;
445   while (p<=length(Result)) do begin
446     if Result[p] in [#10,#13] then begin
447       StartPos:=p;
448       if (p<length(Result))
449       and (Result[p+1] in [#10,#13]) and (Result[p]<>Result[p+1]) then
450         inc(p);
451       Result:=copy(Result,1,StartPos-1)+NewLineEnds+copy(Result,p+1,length(Result));
452       inc(p,length(NewLineEnds));
453     end else begin
454       inc(p);
455     end;
456   end;
457 end;
AppendLineEndingnull459 function AppendLineEnding(const s: string): string;
460 begin
461   Result:=s;
462   if (Result='') or (Result[length(Result)] in [#10,#13]) then exit;
463   Result:=Result+LineEnding;
464 end;
XMLUnescapenull466 function XMLUnescape(s: string): string;
467 var
468   p: PChar;
470   procedure Replace(StartPos: PChar; const NewTxt: string);
471   var
472     RelStartP: PtrInt;
473   begin
474     RelStartP:=StartPos-PChar(s);
475     s:=copy(s,1,RelStartP)+NewTxt+copy(s,p-PChar(s)+1,length(s));
476     p:=PChar(s)+RelStartP+length(NewTxt);
477   end;
479 var
480   StartPos: PChar;
481   i: Integer;
482   CurChar: String;
483 begin
484   if s='' then exit('');
485   p:=PChar(s);
486   repeat
487     if (p^=#0) and (p-PChar(s)>=length(s)) then
488       break
489     else if p^='&' then begin
490       StartPos:=p;
491       CurChar:='';
492       case p[1] of
493       '0'..'9':
494         begin
495           // decimal number
496           i:=0;
497           while p^ in ['0'..'9'] do
498           begin
499             if i>=0 then
500               i:=i+10+ord(p^)-ord('0');
501             if i>$10FFFF then
502               i:=-1;
503             inc(p);
504           end;
505           if i>=0 then
506             CurChar:=UnicodeToUTF8(i);
507         end;
508       'a'..'z','A'..'Z':
509         begin
510           // name
511           inc(p);
512           while not (p^ in [';',#0]) do inc(p);
513           if p^=';' then begin
514             if CompareIdentifiers(StartPos+1,'amp')=0 then
515               CurChar:='&'
516             else if CompareIdentifiers(StartPos+1,'quot')=0 then
517               CurChar:='"'
518             else if CompareIdentifiers(StartPos+1,'apos')=0 then
519               CurChar:=''''
520             else if CompareIdentifiers(StartPos+1,'lt')=0 then
521               CurChar:='<'
522             else if CompareIdentifiers(StartPos+1,'gt')=0 then
523               CurChar:='>';
524           end;
525         end;
526       end;
527       while not (p^ in [';',#0]) do inc(p);
528       if p^=';' then inc(p);
529       Replace(StartPos,CurChar);
530     end else
531       inc(p);
532   until false;
533   Result:=s;
534 end;
MakeValidFPDocPackageNamenull536 function MakeValidFPDocPackageName(const s: string): string;
537 var
538   i: Integer;
539 begin
540   Result:=s;
541   for i:=length(Result) downto 1 do
542     if not (Result[i] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_',' ',',','+','-','/','(',')'])
543     then
544       system.Delete(Result,i,1);
545 end;
CompareLazFPDocFilenamesnull547 function CompareLazFPDocFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
548 begin
549   Result:=CompareFilenames(TLazFPDocFile(Data1).Filename,
550                            TLazFPDocFile(Data2).Filename);
551 end;
CompareAnsistringWithLazFPDocFilenull553 function CompareAnsistringWithLazFPDocFile(Key, Data: Pointer): integer;
554 begin
555   Result:=CompareFilenames(AnsiString(Key),TLazFPDocFile(Data).Filename);
556 end;
CompareLDSrc2DocSrcFilenamesnull558 function CompareLDSrc2DocSrcFilenames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
559 begin
560   Result:=CompareFilenames(TCHSourceToFPDocFile(Data1).SourceFilename,
561                            TCHSourceToFPDocFile(Data2).SourceFilename);
562 end;
CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFilenull564 function CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFile(Key, Data: Pointer): integer;
565 begin
566   Result:=CompareFilenames(AnsiString(Key),TCHSourceToFPDocFile(Data).SourceFilename);
567 end;
569 { TCHSourceToFPDocFile }
TCHSourceToFPDocFile.IsValidnull571 function TCHSourceToFPDocFile.IsValid: boolean;
572 begin
573   Result:=(FPDocFilenameTimeStamp=CompilerParseStamp)
574       and (FilesTimeStamp=FileStateCache.TimeStamp)
575 end;
577 procedure TCHSourceToFPDocFile.MakeValid;
578 begin
579   FPDocFilenameTimeStamp:=CompilerParseStamp;
580   FilesTimeStamp:=FileStateCache.TimeStamp;
581 end;
583 { TLazFPDocFile }
GetDocModifiednull585 function TLazFPDocFile.GetDocModified: boolean;
586 begin
587   Result:=FDocSaveChangeStamp<>FDocChangeStamp;
588 end;
590 procedure TLazFPDocFile.SetDocModified(AValue: boolean);
591 begin
592   if AValue then
593     CTIncreaseChangeStamp64(FDocChangeStamp)
594   else
595     FDocSaveChangeStamp:=FDocChangeStamp;
596 end;
598 constructor TLazFPDocFile.Create;
599 begin
600   FDocChangeStamp:=CTInvalidChangeStamp64;
601   FDocSaveChangeStamp:=CTInvalidChangeStamp64;
602 end;
604 destructor TLazFPDocFile.Destroy;
605 begin
606   FreeAndNil(Doc);
607   inherited Destroy;
608 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetPackageNodenull610 function TLazFPDocFile.GetPackageNode: TDOMNode;
611 begin
612   Result:=nil;
613   if Doc=nil then exit;
615   // get first node
616   Result := Doc.FindNode('fpdoc-descriptions');
617   if Result=nil then begin
618     //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetPackageNode fpdoc-descriptions not found']);
619     exit;
620   end;
622   // proceed to package
623   Result := Result.FindNode('package');
624 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetPackageNamenull626 function TLazFPDocFile.GetPackageName: string;
627 var
628   Node: TDOMNode;
629 begin
630   Node:=GetPackageNode;
631   if Node is TDOMElement then
632     Result:=TDomElement(Node).GetAttribute('name')
633   else
634     Result:='';
635 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleNodenull637 function TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleNode: TDOMNode;
638 begin
639   Result:=GetPackageNode;
640   if Result=nil then begin
641     //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleNode fpdoc-descriptions has no package']);
642     exit;
643   end;
645   // proceed to module
646   Result := Result.FindNode('module');
647 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleNamenull649 function TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleName: string;
650 var
651   Node: TDOMNode;
652 begin
653   Node:=GetModuleNode;
654   if Node is TDOMElement then
655     Result:=TDomElement(Node).GetAttribute('name')
656   else
657     Result:='';
658 end;
GetModuleTopicCountnull660 function TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleTopicCount: Integer;
661 var
662   Node: TDOMNode;
663 begin
664   Result := 0;
665   Node := GetModuleNode;
666   if Node = nil then exit;
667   Node := Node.FirstChild;
668   while (Node <> nil) do begin
669     if (Node.NodeName = 'topic') then inc(result);
670     Node := Node.NextSibling;
671   end;
672 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleTopicNamenull674 function TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleTopicName(Index: Integer): String;
675 var
676   Node: TDOMNode;
677 begin
678   Result := '';
679   Node := GetModuleNode;
680   if Node = nil then exit;
681   Node := Node.FirstChild;
682   while (Node <> nil) and (Index >= 0) do begin
683     if (Node.NodeName = 'topic') and (Node is TDomElement) then begin
684       if Index = 0 then begin
685         Result := TDomElement(Node).GetAttribute('name');
686         exit;
687       end;
688       dec(Index);
689     end;
690     Node := Node.NextSibling;
691   end;
692 end;
GetModuleTopicnull694 function TLazFPDocFile.GetModuleTopic(Name: String): TDOMNode;
695 begin
696   Result := GetModuleNode;
697   if Result = nil then exit(nil);
698   Result := Result.FirstChild;
699   while (Result <> nil) do begin
700     if (Result.NodeName = 'topic') and (Result is TDomElement) and
701         (CompareTextIgnoringSpace(TDomElement(Result).GetAttribute('name'), Name,false) = 0)
702     then
703       exit;
704     Result := Result.NextSibling;
705   end;
706 end;
CreateModuleTopicnull708 function TLazFPDocFile.CreateModuleTopic(Name: String): TDOMNode;
709 var
710   ModuleNode: TDOMNode;
711 begin
712   ModuleNode := GetModuleNode;
713   if ModuleNode = nil then exit(nil);
715   DocChanging;
716   try
717     Result:=Doc.CreateElement('topic');
718     TDOMElement(Result).SetAttribute('name', Name);
719     ModuleNode.AppendChild(Result);
720   finally
721     DocChanged;
722   end;
723 end;
GetFirstElementnull725 function TLazFPDocFile.GetFirstElement: TDOMNode;
726 begin
727   //get first module node
728   Result := GetModuleNode;
729   //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetFirstElement GetModuleNode=',GetModuleNode<>nil]);
730   if Result=nil then exit;
732   //proceed to element
733   Result := Result.FirstChild;
734   while (Result<>nil) and (Result.NodeName <> 'element') do
735     Result := Result.NextSibling;
736 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithNamenull738 function TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName(const ElementName: string;
739   CreateIfNotExists: boolean): TDOMNode;
740 var
741   ModuleNode: TDOMNode;
742 begin
743   Result:=nil;
744   // get first module node
745   ModuleNode:=GetModuleNode;
746   if ModuleNode=nil then begin
747     if CreateIfNotExists then
748       DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName create failed: missing module name. ElementName=',ElementName]);
749     exit;
750   end;
751   // check module name
752   if (ModuleNode is TDomElement)
753   and (CompareTextIgnoringSpace(TDomElement(ModuleNode).GetAttribute('name'),ElementName,false)=0)
754   then begin
755     exit(ModuleNode);
756   end;
757   // check elements
758   Result:=GetFirstElement;
759   //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName ',ElementName,' GetFirstElement=',GetFirstElement<>nil]);
760   while Result<>nil do begin
761     //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName ',dbgsName(Result)]);
762     //if Result is TDomElement then DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName ',TDomElement(Result).GetAttribute('name')]);
763     if (Result is TDomElement)
764     and (CompareTextIgnoringSpace(TDomElement(Result).GetAttribute('name'),ElementName,false)=0)
765     then
766       exit;
767     Result:=Result.NextSibling;
768   end;
769   if (Result=nil) and CreateIfNotExists then begin
770     DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetElementWithName creating ',ElementName]);
771     DocChanging;
772     try
773       Result:=Doc.CreateElement('element');
774       TDOMElement(Result).SetAttribute('name',ElementName);
775       ModuleNode.AppendChild(Result);
776     finally
777       DocChanged;
778     end;
779   end;
780 end;
TLazFPDocFile.GetChildValuesAsStringnull782 function TLazFPDocFile.GetChildValuesAsString(Node: TDOMNode): String;
784   procedure FindEndOfTag(const Src: string; var EndPos: integer);
785   begin
786     while (EndPos<=length(Src)) do begin
787       if (Src[EndPos]='>') then begin
788         inc(EndPos);
789         exit;
790       end else if Src[EndPos]='"' then begin
791         repeat
792           inc(EndPos);
793         until (EndPos>=length(Src)) or (Src[EndPos]='"');
794       end;
795       inc(EndPos);
796     end;
797   end;
799 var
800   MemStream: TMemoryStream;
801   StartPos: Integer;
802   EndPos: Integer;
803 begin
804   Result:='';
805   MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
806   try
807     // write node with children
808     WriteXML(Node,MemStream);
809     MemStream.Position:=0;
810     SetLength(Result,MemStream.Size);
811     if Result<>'' then
812       MemStream.Read(Result[1],length(Result));
813     // remove enclosing tag(s) for Node, because Result should only
814     // contain the child values:
815     //   <nodename/> or <nodename>...<nodename/>
816     //   <nodename something=""/>
817     //   plus line ends
818     StartPos:=1;
819     EndPos:=length(Result)+1;
820     // skip start tag and spaces at start
821     while (StartPos<=length(Result))
822     and (Result[StartPos] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do
823       inc(StartPos);
824     if (StartPos<=length(Result)) and (Result[StartPos]='<') then begin
825       inc(StartPos);
826       FindEndOfTag(Result,StartPos);
827       while (StartPos<=length(Result))
828       and (Result[StartPos] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do
829         inc(StartPos);
830     end;
831     // skip ending line ends and spaces at end
832     while (EndPos>StartPos) and (Result[EndPos-1] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do
833       dec(EndPos);
834     // skip end tag
835     if (EndPos>StartPos) and (Result[EndPos-1]='>') then begin
836       repeat
837         dec(EndPos);
838         if (EndPos=StartPos) then break;
839         if (Result[EndPos-1]='"') then begin
840           repeat
841             dec(EndPos);
842           until (EndPos=StartPos) or (Result[EndPos]='"');
843         end else if (Result[EndPos-1]='<') then begin
844           dec(EndPos);
845           break;
846         end;
847       until false;
848       while (EndPos>StartPos) and (Result[EndPos-1] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do
849         dec(EndPos);
850     end;
851     Result:=copy(Result,StartPos,EndPos-StartPos);
853     // the xml writer adds/removes spaces/new lines automatically
854     // add newlines after br and p tags
855     StartPos:=1;
856     while StartPos<length(Result) do begin
857       if Result[StartPos]='<' then begin
858         // search end of tag
859         EndPos:=StartPos+1;
860         FindEndOfTag(Result,EndPos);
861         if Result[StartPos+1]='/' then
862           inc(StartPos);
863         if (CompareIdentifiers(@Result[StartPos+1],'br')=0)
864             or (CompareIdentifiers(@Result[StartPos+1],'p')=0) then
865         begin
866           // add new line
867           if (EndPos <= Length(Result)) and not (Result[EndPos] in [#10,#13]) then
868             Result:=copy(Result,1,EndPos-1)+LineEnding+copy(Result,EndPos,length(Result));
869         end;
870         StartPos:=EndPos;
871       end else begin
872         inc(StartPos);
873       end;
874     end;
875   finally
876     MemStream.Free;
877   end;
878   {$ifdef VerboseCodeHelp}
879   if Result<>'' then
880     DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetChildValuesAsString Node=',Node.NodeName,' Result=',Result]);
881   {$endif}
882 end;
GetValuesFromNodenull884 function TLazFPDocFile.GetValuesFromNode(Node: TDOMNode): TFPDocElementValues;
tonull885 // simple function to return the values as string
886 var
887   S: String;
888   i: TFPDocItem;
889 begin
890   //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetValuesFromNode ',Node.NodeName,' ',dbgsName(Node),' ',Node is TDomElement]);
891   for i in TFPDocItem do
892     Result[i] := '';
893   if Node is TDomElement then
894     Result[fpdiElementLink] := TDomElement(Node).GetAttribute('link');
895   Node := Node.FirstChild;
896   while Assigned(Node) do
897   begin
898     if (Node.NodeType = ELEMENT_NODE) then
899     begin
900       S := Node.NodeName;
901       if S = FPDocItemNames[fpdiShort] then
902         Result[fpdiShort] := GetChildValuesAsString(Node);
904       if S = FPDocItemNames[fpdiDescription] then
905         Result[fpdiDescription] := GetChildValuesAsString(Node);
907       if S = FPDocItemNames[fpdiErrors] then
908         Result[fpdiErrors] := GetChildValuesAsString(Node);
910       if S = FPDocItemNames[fpdiSeeAlso] then
911         Result[fpdiSeeAlso] := GetChildValuesAsString(Node);
913       if S = FPDocItemNames[fpdiExample] then
914         Result[fpdiExample] := Node.Attributes.GetNamedItem('file').NodeValue;
915     end;
916     Node := Node.NextSibling;
917   end;
918 end;
GetValueFromNodenull920 function TLazFPDocFile.GetValueFromNode(Node: TDOMNode; Item: TFPDocItem): string;
921 var
922   Child: TDOMNode;
923 begin
924   Result:='';
925   Child:=Node.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[Item]);
926   //DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.GetValueFromNode ',FPDocItemNames[Item],' Found=',Child<>nil]);
927   if Child<>nil then begin
928     if Item=fpdiExample then
929       Result := Child.Attributes.GetNamedItem('file').NodeValue
930     else
931       Result := GetChildValuesAsString(Child);
932   end;
933 end;
935 procedure TLazFPDocFile.SetChildValue(Node: TDOMNode; const ChildName: string;
936   NewValue: string);
938   procedure ReadXMLFragmentFromString(AParentNode: TDOMNode; const s: string);
939   var
940     MemStream: TStream;
941   begin
942     if s='' then exit;
943     try
944       MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
945       MemStream.Write(s[1],length(s));
946       MemStream.Position:=0;
947       ReadXMLFragment(AParentNode,MemStream);
948     finally
949       MemStream.Free;
950     end;
951   end;
953 var
954   Child: TDOMNode;
955   FileAttribute, LinkAttribute: TDOMAttr;
956 begin
957   NewValue:=ToOSLineEnding(NewValue);
958   if ChildName=FPDocItemNames[fpdiElementLink] then begin
959     // update attribute
960     if Node is TDomElement then begin
961       LinkAttribute:=TDomElement(Node).GetAttributeNode('link');
962       if ((NewValue='') and (LinkAttribute<>nil))
963       or ((NewValue<>'') and ((LinkAttribute=nil) or (LinkAttribute.NodeValue<>NewValue)))
964       then begin
965         // delete, add or change attribute 'link'
966         DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.SetChildValue Changing link Name=',ChildName,' NewValue="',NewValue,'"']);
967         DocChanging;
968         try
969           if NewValue='' then begin
970             TDomElement(Node).RemoveAttributeNode(LinkAttribute);
971             LinkAttribute.Free;
972           end else
973             TDomElement(Node).SetAttribute('link',NewValue);
974         finally
975           DocChanged;
976         end;
977       end;
978     end;
979   end else begin
980     // update sub node
981     Child:=Node.FindNode(ChildName);
982     if ChildName = FPDocItemNames[fpdiExample] then begin
983       // update sub node example, attribute file
984       NewValue:=FilenameToURLPath(NewValue);
985       FileAttribute:=nil;
986       if Child is TDomElement then
987         FileAttribute:=TDomElement(Child).GetAttributeNode('file');
988       if ((NewValue='') and (FileAttribute<>nil))
989       or ((NewValue<>'') and ((FileAttribute=nil) or (FileAttribute.NodeValue<>NewValue)))
990       then begin
991         // delete, add or change attribute 'file'
992         DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.SetChildValue Changing example file Name=',ChildName,' NewValue="',NewValue,'"']);
993         DocChanging;
994         try
995           if NewValue='' then begin
996             // remove old content
997             while Child.LastChild<>nil do
998               Child.RemoveChild(Child.LastChild);
999             Node.RemoveChild(Child);
1000           end else begin
1001             if Child=nil then begin
1002               Child := Doc.CreateElement(ChildName);
1003               Node.AppendChild(Child);
1004             end;
1005             TDomElement(Child).SetAttribute('file',NewValue);
1006           end;
1007         finally
1008           DocChanged;
1009         end;
1010       end;
1011     end else begin
1012       if Child=nil then begin
1013         // add node
1014         if NewValue<>'' then begin
1015           DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.SetChildValue Adding Name=',ChildName,' NewValue="',NewValue,'"']);
1016           DocChanging;
1017           try
1018             Child := Doc.CreateElement(ChildName);
1019             Node.AppendChild(Child);
1020             ReadXMLFragmentFromString(Child,NewValue);
1021           finally
1022             DocChanged;
1023           end;
1024         end;
1025       end else if GetChildValuesAsString(Child)<>NewValue then begin
1026         // change node
1027         DocChanging;
1028         try
1029           DebugLn(['TLazFPDocFile.SetChildValue Changing ',Node.NodeName,
1030             ' ChildName=',Child.NodeName,
1031             ' OldValue=',GetChildValuesAsString(Child),
1032             ' NewValue="',NewValue,'"']);
1033           // remove old content
1034           while Child.LastChild<>nil do
1035             Child.RemoveChild(Child.LastChild);
1036           if NewValue='' then begin
1037             // remove entire child
1038             Node.RemoveChild(Child);
1039           end else begin
1040             // set new content
1041             ReadXMLFragmentFromString(Child,NewValue);
1042           end;
1043         finally
1044           DocChanged;
1045         end;
1046       end;
1047     end;
1048   end;
1049 end;
1051 procedure TLazFPDocFile.DocChanging;
1052 begin
1053   if (ldffDocChangingCalled in FFlags) then exit;
1054   DocModified:=true;
1055   Include(FFlags,ldffDocChangingCalled);
1056   CodeHelpBoss.CallDocChangeEvents(chmhDocChanging,Self);
1057 end;
1059 procedure TLazFPDocFile.DocChanged;
1060 begin
1061   if not (ldffDocChangingCalled in FFlags) then
1062     raise Exception.Create('TLazFPDocFile.DocChanged missing call to DocChanging');
1063   if (fUpdateLock>0) then begin
1064     Include(FFlags,ldffDocChangedNeedsCalling);
1065     exit;
1066   end;
1067   Exclude(FFlags,ldffDocChangedNeedsCalling);
1068   Exclude(FFlags,ldffDocChangingCalled);
1069   CodeHelpBoss.CallDocChangeEvents(chmhDocChanged,Self);
1070 end;
1072 procedure TLazFPDocFile.BeginUpdate;
1073 begin
1074   inc(fUpdateLock);
1075 end;
1077 procedure TLazFPDocFile.EndUpdate;
1078 begin
1079   dec(fUpdateLock);
1080   if fUpdateLock<0 then RaiseGDBException('TLazFPDocFile.EndUpdate');
1081   if fUpdateLock=0 then begin
1082     if ldffDocChangedNeedsCalling in FFlags then
1083       DocChanged;
1084   end;
1085 end;
1087 procedure TCodeHelpManager.AddHandler(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
1088   const AMethod: TMethod; AsLast: boolean);
1089 begin
1090   if FHandlers[HandlerType]=nil then
1091     FHandlers[HandlerType]:=TMethodList.Create;
1092   FHandlers[HandlerType].Add(AMethod);
1093 end;
1095 procedure TCodeHelpManager.RemoveHandler(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
1096   const AMethod: TMethod);
1097 begin
1098   FHandlers[HandlerType].Remove(AMethod);
1099 end;
1101 procedure TCodeHelpManager.FreeHandlers;
1102 var
1103   HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
1104 begin
1105   for HandlerType:=Low(TCodeHelpManagerHandler) to High(TCodeHelpManagerHandler) do
1106     FreeThenNil(FHandlers[HandlerType]);
1107 end;
1109 procedure TCodeHelpManager.CallDocChangeEvents(HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
1110   Doc: TLazFPDocFile);
1111 var
1112   i: LongInt;
1113 begin
1114   i:=FHandlers[HandlerType].Count;
1115   while FHandlers[HandlerType].NextDownIndex(i) do
1116     TCodeHelpChangeEvent(FHandlers[HandlerType].Items[i])(Self,Doc);
1117 end;
TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSourcenull1119 function TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource(const SrcFilename: string;
1120   out NewOwner: TObject): string;
1122   procedure CleanUpPkgList(var PkgList: TFPList);
1123   var
1124     i: Integer;
1125     AProject: TLazProject;
1126     BaseDir: String;
1127     APackage: TLazPackage;
1128   begin
1129     if (PkgList=nil) then exit;
1130     for i:=PkgList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
1131       if TObject(PkgList[i]) is TLazProject then begin
1132         AProject:=TLazProject(PkgList[i]);
1133         BaseDir:=ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile);
1134         if BaseDir<>'' then continue;
1135       end else if TObject(PkgList[i]) is TLazPackage then begin
1136         APackage:=TLazPackage(PkgList[i]);
1137         BaseDir:=APackage.DirectoryExpanded;
1138         if BaseDir<>'' then continue;
1139       end;
1140       // this owner can not be used
1141       PkgList.Delete(i);
1142     end;
1143     if PkgList.Count=0 then
1144       FreeAndNil(PkgList);
1146     if PkgList.Count>1 then begin
1147       // there are more than one possible owners
1148       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource.CleanUpPkgList Warning: overlapping projects/packages']);
1149     end;
1150   end;
SelectNewFPDocPathsnull1152   function SelectNewFPDocPaths(const Title, BaseDir: string): string;
1153   begin
1154     Result:=LazSelectDirectory('Choose FPDoc directory for '+Title,BaseDir);
1155     if (Result<>'') then
1156       Result:=CreateRelativePath(Result,BaseDir);
1157   end;
FindSuitableDirectorynull1159   function FindSuitableDirectory(SearchPath, BaseDir: string; Writable: boolean): string;
1160   var
1161     p: Integer;
1162   begin
1163     //debugln(['FindSuitableDirectory SearchPath="',SearchPath,'"']);
1164     p:=1;
1165     repeat
1166       Result:=GetNextDirectoryInSearchPath(SearchPath,p);
1167       if Result='' then exit;
1168       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(Result) then
1169         Result:=ChompPathDelim(AppendPathDelim(BaseDir)+Result);
1170       //debugln(['FindSuitableDirectory Dir="',Result,'" exists=',DirPathExistsCached(Result),' writable=',DirectoryIsWritableCached(Result)]);
1171       if not DirPathExistsCached(Result) then continue;
1172       if Writable and not DirectoryIsWritableCached(Result) then
1173         continue;
1174       exit;
1175     until false;
1176   end;
1178 var
1179   OwnerList: TFPList;
1180   AProject: TLazProject;
1181   APackage: TLazPackage;
1182   FPDocPaths: String;
1183   FPDocPackageName: String;
1184   NewPath: String;
1185   BaseDir: String;
1186   Code: TCodeBuffer;
1187   CurUnitName: String;
1188   UnitSet: TFPCUnitSetCache;
1189   IsInFPCSrc: Boolean;
1190   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
1191 begin
1192   Result:='';
1193   NewOwner:=nil;
1194   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource ',SrcFilename]);
1195   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFilename) then begin
1196     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource failed, because file no absolute: ',SrcFilename]);
1197     exit;
1198   end;
1200   OwnerList:=nil;
1201   try
1202     IsInFPCSrc:=false;
1203     // get all packages owning the file
1204     OwnerList:=PackageEditingInterface.GetOwnersOfUnit(SrcFilename);
1205     CleanUpPkgList(OwnerList);
1206     if (OwnerList=nil) then begin
1207       OwnerList:=PackageEditingInterface.GetPossibleOwnersOfUnit(SrcFilename,
1208                                                [piosfIncludeSourceDirectories]);
1209       CleanUpPkgList(OwnerList);
1210     end;
1211     if (OwnerList=nil) and IsIDESrcFile(SrcFilename) then begin
1212       OwnerList:=TFPList.Create;
1213       OwnerList.Add(LazarusHelp);
1214     end;
1215     if OwnerList=nil then begin
1216       UnitSet:=CodeToolBoss.GetUnitSetForDirectory(ExtractFilePath(SrcFilename));
1217       if (UnitSet<>nil) and FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,UnitSet.FPCSourceDirectory)
1218       then begin
1219         // in FPC sources
1220         IsInFPCSrc:=true;
1221         BaseDir:=GetCurrentDirUTF8;
1222         FPDocPaths:=EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedFPDocPaths;
1223         FPDocPackageName:='fcl';
1224         NewPath:=CreateRelativePath(SrcFilename,UnitSet.FPCSourceDirectory);
1225         if copy(NewPath,1,4)='rtl'+PathDelim then
1226           FPDocPackageName:='rtl';
1227       end else begin
1228         // no package/project found
1229         IDEMessageDialog(lisProjAddPackageNotFound,
1230           Format(lisLDTheUnitIsNotOwnedBeAnyPackageOrProjectPleaseAddThe, [
1231             SrcFilename, #13, #13]), mtError, [mbCancel]);
1232         exit;
1233       end;
1234     end else begin
1235       NewOwner:=TObject(OwnerList[0]);
1236       if NewOwner is TLazProject then begin
1237         AProject:=TLazProject(NewOwner);
1238         BaseDir:=ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile);
1239         if AProject.FPDocPaths='' then
1240           AProject.FPDocPaths:=SelectNewFPDocPaths(AProject.GetTitleOrName,BaseDir);
1241         FPDocPaths:=AProject.FPDocPaths;
1242         FPDocPackageName:=GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(AProject);
1243       end else if NewOwner is TLazPackage then begin
1244         APackage:=TLazPackage(NewOwner);
1245         BaseDir:=APackage.DirectoryExpanded;
1246         if APackage.FPDocPaths='' then
1247           APackage.FPDocPaths:=SelectNewFPDocPaths(APackage.Name,BaseDir);
1248         FPDocPaths:=APackage.FPDocPaths;
1249         FPDocPackageName:=GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(APackage);
1250       end else if NewOwner=LazarusHelp then begin
1251         // in IDE
1252         BaseDir:=EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedLazarusDirectory;
1253         FPDocPaths:=GetIDESrcFPDocPath;
1254         FPDocPackageName:=IDEProjectName;
1255       end else begin
1256         DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource unknown owner type ',dbgsName(NewOwner)]);
1257         NewOwner:=nil;
1258         exit;
1259       end;
1260     end;
1262     IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(FPDocPaths,BaseDir);
1264     // search a writable directory
1265     NewPath:=FindSuitableDirectory(FPDocPaths,BaseDir,true);
1266     if NewPath='' then
1267       NewPath:=FindSuitableDirectory(FPDocPaths,BaseDir,false);
1268     if NewPath='' then begin
1269       // no valid directory found
1270       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.DoCreateFPDocFileForSource FPDocPackageName="',FPDocPackageName,'" FPDocPaths="',FPDocPaths,'" ']);
1271       if IsInFPCSrc then
1272         IDEMessageDialog(lisLDNoValidFPDocPath,
1273           Format(lisTheUnitIsPartOfTheFPCSourcesButTheCorrespondingFpd, [
1274             SrcFilename, #13, #13, FPCDocsRepositoryURL, #13, #13])
1275             , mtError, [mbCancel])
1276       else
1277         IDEMessageDialog(lisLDNoValidFPDocPath,
1278           Format(lisLDDoesNotHaveAnyValidFPDocPathUnableToCreateTheFpdo,
1279                  [FPDocPackageName, LineEnding, SrcFilename]),
1280           mtError, [mbCancel]);
1281       exit;
1282     end;
1283     // fpdoc directory found
1284     Result:=AppendPathDelim(NewPath)+lowercase(ExtractFileNameOnly(SrcFilename))+'.xml';
1285     Code:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(SrcFilename,true,false);
1286     // get unitname
1287     CurUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(SrcFilename);
1288     if Code<>nil then
1289       CurUnitName:=CodeToolBoss.GetSourceName(Code,false);
1290     // remove cache (source to fpdoc filename)
1291     AVLNode:=FSrcToDocMap.FindKey(Pointer(SrcFilename),
1292                                   @CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFile);
1293     if AVLNode<>nil then
1294       FSrcToDocMap.FreeAndDelete(AVLNode);
1295     // create fpdoc file
1296     if CreateFPDocFile(Result,FPDocPackageName,CurUnitName)=nil then
1297       Result:='';
1298   finally
1299     OwnerList.Free;
1300   end;
1301 end;
CreateFPDocFilenull1303 function TCodeHelpManager.CreateFPDocFile(const ExpandedFilename,
1304   PackageName, ModuleName: string): TCodeBuffer;
1305 var
1306   Doc: TXMLDocument;
1307   DescrNode: TDOMElement;
1308   ms: TMemoryStream;
1309   s: string;
1310   ModuleNode: TDOMElement;
1311   PackageNode: TDOMElement;
1312 begin
1313   Result:=nil;
1314   if FileExistsCached(ExpandedFilename) then begin
1315     Result:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(ExpandedFilename,true,false);
1316     exit;
1317   end;
1318   Result:=CodeToolBoss.CreateFile(ExpandedFilename);
1319   if Result=nil then begin
1320     IDEMessageDialog(lisUnableToCreateFile,
1321       Format(lisUnableToCreateFile2, [ExpandedFilename]), mtError, [mbCancel]);
1322     exit;
1323   end;
1325   Doc:=nil;
1326   ms:=nil;
1327   try
1328     Doc:=TXMLDocument.Create;
1329     // <fpdoc-descriptions>
1330     DescrNode:=Doc.CreateElement('fpdoc-descriptions');
1331     Doc.AppendChild(DescrNode);
1332     //   <package name="packagename">
1333     PackageNode:=Doc.CreateElement('package');
1334     PackageNode.SetAttribute('name',PackageName);
1335     DescrNode.AppendChild(PackageNode);
1336     //   <module name="unitname">
1337     ModuleNode:=Doc.CreateElement('module');
1338     ModuleNode.SetAttribute('name',ModuleName);
1339     PackageNode.AppendChild(ModuleNode);
1340     // write the XML to a string
1341     ms:=TMemoryStream.Create;
1342     WriteXMLFile(Doc,ms,[xwfPreserveWhiteSpace]);
1343     ms.Position:=0;
1344     SetLength(s,ms.Size);
1345     if s<>'' then
1346       ms.Read(s[1],length(s));
1347     // copy to codebuffer
1348     //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateFPDocFile ',s]);
1349     Result.Source:=s;
1350     // save file
1351     if SaveCodeBuffer(Result)<>mrOk then
1352       Result:=nil;
1353   finally
1354     ms.Free;
1355     Doc.Free;
1356   end;
1357 end;
1359 constructor TCodeHelpManager.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
1360 begin
1361   inherited Create(TheOwner);
1362   FDocs:=TAvlTree.Create(@CompareLazFPDocFilenames);
1363   FSrcToDocMap:=TAvlTree.Create(@CompareLDSrc2DocSrcFilenames);
1364   FDeclarationCache:=TDeclarationInheritanceCache.Create(
1365                                   @CodeToolBoss.FindDeclarationAndOverload,
1366                                   @CodeToolBoss.GetCodeTreeNodesDeletedStep);
1367   FPasHighlighter:=TSynPasSyn.Create(Self);
1368 end;
1370 destructor TCodeHelpManager.Destroy;
1371 begin
1372   ClearSrcToDocMap;
1373   FreeDocs;
1374   FreeAndNil(FDocs);
1375   FreeAndNil(FSrcToDocMap);
1376   FreeAndNil(FDeclarationCache);
1377   FreeHandlers;
1378   inherited Destroy;
1379 end;
FindFPDocFilenull1381 function TCodeHelpManager.FindFPDocFile(const Filename: string): TLazFPDocFile;
1382 var
1383   Node: TAvlTreeNode;
1384 begin
1385   Node:=FDocs.FindKey(Pointer(Filename),@CompareAnsistringWithLazFPDocFile);
1386   if Node<>nil then
1387     Result:=TLazFPDocFile(Node.Data)
1388   else
1389     Result:=nil;
1390 end;
TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFilenull1392 function TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFile(const Filename: string;
1393   Flags: TCodeHelpOpenFileFlags;
1394   out ADocFile: TLazFPDocFile; out CacheWasUsed: boolean
1395   ): TCodeHelpParseResult;
1396 var
1397   MemStream: TMemoryStream;
1398   CurFilename: String;
1399 begin
1400   Result:=chprFailed;
1401   CacheWasUsed:=true;
1402   ADocFile:=FindFPDocFile(Filename);
1403   if ADocFile=nil then begin
1404     CacheWasUsed:=false;
1405     ADocFile:=TLazFPDocFile.Create;
1406     ADocFile.Filename:=Filename;
1407     FDocs.Add(ADocFile);
1408   end;
1409   ADocFile.CodeBuffer:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(Filename,
1410                                chofUpdateFromDisk in Flags,chofRevert in Flags);
1411   if ADocFile.CodeBuffer=nil then begin
1412     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFile unable to load "',Filename,'"']);
1413     FreeAndNil(ADocFile.Doc);
1414     exit;
1415   end;
1416   if (ADocFile.CodeBufferChangeStep=ADocFile.CodeBuffer.ChangeStep) then begin
1417     // CodeBuffer has not changed
1418     if ADocFile.DocErrorMsg<>'' then begin
1419       if not (chofQuiet in Flags) then begin
1420         // for example: Filename(y,x) Error: description
1421         IDEMessagesWindow.AddCustomMessage(mluError,ADocFile.DocErrorMsg,
1422           ADocFile.CodeBuffer.Filename,0,0,'FPDoc');
1423       end;
1424       // no update needed
1425       exit(chprFailed);
1426     end;
1427     if ADocFile.DocModified and (chofRevert in Flags) then begin
1428       // revert the modifications => rebuild the Doc from the CodeBuffer
1429     end else begin
1430       // no update needed
1431       exit(chprSuccess);
1432     end;
1433   end;
1434   CacheWasUsed:=false;
1436   {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelp}
1437   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFile parsing ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1438   {$ENDIF}
1439   CallDocChangeEvents(chmhDocChanging,ADocFile);
1441   // parse XML
1442   ADocFile.CodeBufferChangeStep:=ADocFile.CodeBuffer.ChangeStep;
1443   ADocFile.DocModified:=false;
1444   ADocFile.DocErrorMsg:='Unknown error';
1445   FreeAndNil(ADocFile.Doc);
1446   CurFilename:=ADocFile.CodeBuffer.Filename;
1448   MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
1449   try
1450     ADocFile.CodeBuffer.SaveToStream(MemStream);
1451     MemStream.Position:=0;
1452     Result:=chprFailed;
1453     try
1454       ReadXMLFile(ADocFile.Doc,MemStream,CurFilename,[xrfPreserveWhiteSpace]);
1455       ADocFile.DocErrorMsg:='';
1456       Result:=chprSuccess;
1457     except
1458       on E: EXMLReadError do begin
1459         ADocFile.DocErrorMsg:=E.Message;
1460         DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFile ',E.Message]);
1461         if not (chofQuiet in Flags) then begin
1462           // for example: Filename(y,x) Error: description
1463           IDEMessagesWindow.AddCustomMessage(mluError,ADocFile.DocErrorMsg,
1464             CurFilename,0,0,'FPDoc');
1465         end;
1466       end;
1467       on E: Exception do begin
1468         ADocFile.DocErrorMsg:='Error reading xml file "'+CurFilename+'" '+E.Message;
1469         DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.LoadFPDocFile '+ADocFile.DocErrorMsg]);
1470         if not (chofQuiet in Flags) then begin
1471           IDEMessageDialog(lisErrorReadingXML,
1472             Format(lisErrorReadingXmlFile, [CurFilename, LineEnding, E.Message]),
1473             mtError, [mbCancel]);
1474         end;
1475       end;
1476     end;
1477   finally
1478     if Result<>chprSuccess then
1479       FreeAndNil(ADocFile.Doc);
1480     MemStream.Free;
1481     CallDocChangeEvents(chmhDocChanging,ADocFile);
1482   end;
1483 end;
TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFilenull1485 function TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile(ADocFile: TLazFPDocFile): TModalResult;
1486 var
1487   ms: TMemoryStream;
1488   s: string;
1489 begin
1490   if (not ADocFile.DocModified)
1491   and (ADocFile.CodeBufferChangeStep=ADocFile.CodeBuffer.ChangeStep)
1492   and (not ADocFile.CodeBuffer.FileOnDiskNeedsUpdate) then begin
1493     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile no save needed: ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1494     exit(mrOk);
1495   end;
1496   if (ADocFile.Doc=nil) then begin
1497     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile no Doc: ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1498     exit(mrOk);
1499   end;
1500   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(ADocFile.Filename) then begin
1501     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile no expanded filename: ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1502     exit(mrCancel);
1503   end;
1505   // write Doc to xml stream
1506   try
1507     ms:=TMemoryStream.Create;
1508     WriteXMLFile(ADocFile.Doc,ms,[xwfPreserveWhiteSpace]);
1509     ms.Position:=0;
1510     SetLength(s,ms.Size);
1511     if s<>'' then
1512       ms.Read(s[1],length(s));
1513   finally
1514     ms.Free;
1515   end;
1517   // write to CodeBuffer
1518   ADocFile.CodeBuffer.Source:=s;
1519   ADocFile.DocModified:=false;
1520   if ADocFile.CodeBuffer.ChangeStep=ADocFile.CodeBufferChangeStep then begin
1521     // doc was not really modified => do not save to keep file date
1522     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile Doc was not really modified ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1523     exit(mrOk);
1524   end;
1525   ADocFile.CodeBufferChangeStep:=ADocFile.CodeBuffer.ChangeStep;
1527   // write to disk
1528   Result:=SaveCodeBuffer(ADocFile.CodeBuffer);
1529   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.SaveFPDocFile saved ',ADocFile.Filename]);
1530 end;
GetFPDocFilenameForHelpContextnull1532 function TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForHelpContext(
1533   Context: TPascalHelpContextList; out CacheWasUsed: boolean): string;
1534 var
1535   i: Integer;
1536   SrcFilename: String;
1537   AnOwner: TObject;
1538 begin
1539   Result:='';
1540   CacheWasUsed:=true;
1541   if Context=nil then exit;
1542   for i:=0 to Context.Count-1 do begin
1543     if Context.Items[i].Descriptor<>pihcFilename then continue;
1544     SrcFilename:=Context.Items[i].Context;
1545     Result:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(SrcFilename,true,CacheWasUsed,AnOwner);
1546     exit;
1547   end;
1548 end;
GetFPDocFilenameForSourcenull1550 function TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource(SrcFilename: string;
1551   ResolveIncludeFiles: Boolean; out CacheWasUsed: boolean;
1552   out AnOwner: TObject; CreateIfNotExists: boolean): string;
1553 {off $Define VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1554 var
1555   FPDocName: String;
1556   SearchedPaths: string;
SearchInPathnull1558   function SearchInPath(Paths: string; const BaseDir: string;
1559     out Filename: string): boolean;
1560   var
1561     CurPath: String;
1562     p: Integer;
1563   begin
1564     Result:=false;
1565     if Paths='' then exit;
1566     {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1567     debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.SearchInPath unresolved Paths="',Paths,'" BaseDir="',BaseDir,'"']);
1568     {$ENDIF}
1569     if not IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(Paths,BaseDir) then begin
1570       {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1571       debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.SearchInPath invalid macro Paths="',Paths,'"']);
1572       {$ENDIF}
1573       exit;
1574     end;
1575     {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1576     debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.SearchInPath resolved Paths="',Paths,'"']);
1577     {$ENDIF}
1578     if Paths='' then exit;
1579     p:=1;
1580     repeat
1581       CurPath:=GetNextDirectoryInSearchPath(Paths,p);
1582       if CurPath<>'' then begin
1583         CurPath:=CleanAndExpandDirectory(CurPath);
1584         if SearchDirectoryInSearchPath(SearchedPaths,CurPath)<1 then begin
1585           // not yet searched in this directory
1586           SearchedPaths:=SearchedPaths+';'+CurPath;
1587           Filename:=AppendPathDelim(CurPath)+FPDocName;
1588           {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1589           debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.SearchInPath try file="',Filename,'"']);
1590           {$ENDIF}
1591           if FileExistsCached(Filename) then exit(true);
1592         end;
1593       end;
1594     until p>length(Paths);
1595     Filename:='';
1596   end;
CheckUnitOwnersnull1598   function CheckUnitOwners(CheckSourceDirectories: boolean;
1599     out Filename: string): boolean;
1600   var
1601     PkgList: TFPList;
1602     i: Integer;
1603     APackage: TLazPackage;
1604     BaseDir: String;
1605     AProject: TLazProject;
1606   begin
1607     Result:=false;
1608     Filename:='';
1609     if not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFilename) then exit;
1611     if CheckSourceDirectories then begin
1612       PkgList:=PackageEditingInterface.GetPossibleOwnersOfUnit(SrcFilename,[]);
1613     end else begin
1614       PkgList:=PackageEditingInterface.GetOwnersOfUnit(SrcFilename);
1615     end;
1616     // get all packages owning the file
1617     if PkgList=nil then begin
1618       {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1619       debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners no owner for SrcFile="',SrcFilename,'"']);
1620       {$ENDIF}
1621       exit;
1622     end;
1623     try
1624       for i:=0 to PkgList.Count-1 do begin
1625         {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1626         debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners owner="',DbgSName(TObject(PkgList[i])),'"']);
1627         {$ENDIF}
1628         if TObject(PkgList[i]) is TLazProject then begin
1629           AProject:=TLazProject(PkgList[i]);
1630           AnOwner:=AProject;
1631           if AProject.FPDocPaths='' then begin
1632             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1633             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners project has no FPDocPaths "',AProject.ProjectInfoFile,'"']);
1634             {$ENDIF}
1635             continue;
1636           end;
1637           BaseDir:=ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile);
1638           if BaseDir='' then begin
1639             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1640             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners project is virtual "',AProject.ProjectInfoFile,'"']);
1641             {$ENDIF}
1642             continue;
1643           end;
1644           // add fpdoc paths of project
1645           if SearchInPath(AProject.FPDocPaths,BaseDir,Filename) then begin
1646             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1647             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners found in project "',AProject.ProjectInfoFile,'" File="',Filename,'"']);
1648             {$ENDIF}
1649             exit(true);
1650           end;
1651         end else if TObject(PkgList[i]) is TLazPackage then begin
1652           APackage:=TLazPackage(PkgList[i]);
1653           AnOwner:=APackage;
1654           if APackage.FPDocPaths='' then begin
1655             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1656             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners package has no FPDocPaths ',APackage.Name,'  "',APackage.Filename,'"']);
1657             {$ENDIF}
1658             continue;
1659           end;
1660           BaseDir:=APackage.Directory;
1661           if BaseDir='' then begin
1662             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1663             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners package is virtual "',APackage.Name,'"']);
1664             {$ENDIF}
1665             continue;
1666           end;
1667           // add fpdoc paths of package
1668           if SearchInPath(APackage.FPDocPaths,BaseDir,Filename) then begin
1669             {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1670             debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckUnitOwners found in package "',APackage.Filename,'" File="',Filename,'"']);
1671             {$ENDIF}
1672             exit(true);
1673           end;
1674         end;
1675       end;
1676     finally
1677       PkgList.Free;
1678     end;
1679   end;
CheckIfInLazarusnull1681   function CheckIfInLazarus(out Filename: string): boolean;
1682   begin
1683     Result:=false;
1684     Filename:='';
1685     if not FilenameIsAbsolute(SrcFilename) then exit;
1686     // check IDE directories
1687     if IsIDESrcFile(SrcFilename) then begin
1688       AnOwner:=LazarusHelp;
1689       {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1690       debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckIfInLazarus IsIDESrcFile "',SrcFilename,'"']);
1691       {$ENDIF}
1692       if SearchInPath(GetIDESrcFPDocPath,'',Filename) then begin
1693         {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1694         debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckIfInLazarus found in IDE "',Filename,'"']);
1695         {$ENDIF}
1696         exit(true);
1697       end;
1698     end;
1700     // finally: check if in user directories
1701     if SearchInPath(EnvironmentOptions.FPDocPaths,'',Filename) then
1702     begin
1703       {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1704       debugln(['GetFPDocFilenameForSource.CheckIfInLazarus found in user files "',Filename,'"']);
1705       {$ENDIF}
1706       AnOwner:=nil;
1707       exit(true);
1708     end;
1709   end;
1711 var
1712   CodeBuf: TCodeBuffer;
1713   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
1714   MapEntry: TCHSourceToFPDocFile;
1715 begin
1716   Result:='';
1717   CacheWasUsed:=true;
1718   AnOwner:=nil;
1720   if ResolveIncludeFiles then begin
1721     CodeBuf:=CodeToolBoss.FindFile(SrcFilename);
1722     if CodeBuf<>nil then begin
1723       CodeBuf:=CodeToolBoss.GetMainCode(CodeBuf);
1724       if CodeBuf<>nil then begin
1725         SrcFilename:=CodeBuf.Filename;
1726       end;
1727     end;
1728   end;
1730   if not FilenameIsPascalSource(SrcFilename) then
1731   begin
1732     {$IFDEF VerboseGetFPDocForSrc}
1733     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource error: not a source file: "',SrcFilename,'"']);
1734     {$ENDIF}
1735     exit;
1736   end;
1738   try
1739     // first try cache
1740     MapEntry:=nil;
1741     AVLNode:=FSrcToDocMap.FindKey(Pointer(SrcFilename),
1742                                   @CompareAnsistringWithLDSrc2DocSrcFile);
1743     if AVLNode<>nil then begin
1744       MapEntry:=TCHSourceToFPDocFile(AVLNode.Data);
1745       if MapEntry.IsValid then begin
1746         AnOwner:=MapEntry.FPDocFileOwner;
1747         Result:=MapEntry.FPDocFilename;
1748         exit;
1749       end;
1750     end;
1751     CacheWasUsed:=false;
1753     {$IF defined(VerboseCodeHelp) or defined(VerboseGetFPDocForSrc)}
1754     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource searching SrcFilename=',SrcFilename]);
1755     {$ENDIF}
1757     // first check if the file is owned by any project/package
1758     SearchedPaths:='';
1759     FPDocName:=lowercase(ExtractFileNameOnly(SrcFilename))+'.xml';
1760     if (not CheckUnitOwners(false,Result)) // first check if file is owned by a package/project
1761     and (not CheckUnitOwners(true,Result))// then check if the file is in a source directory of a package/project
1762     and (not CheckIfInLazarus(Result))
1763     then begin
1764       // not found
1765       if AnOwner=nil then
1766         DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: file without owner: ',SrcFilename])
1767       else if AnOwner is TLazProject then begin
1768         if TLazProject(AnOwner).FPDocPaths='' then
1769           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner (project) has no fpdoc paths: ',SrcFilename])
1770         else
1771           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner (project) has no fpdoc file for: ',SrcFilename])
1772       end else if AnOwner is TLazPackage then begin
1773         if TLazPackage(AnOwner).FPDocPaths='' then
1774           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner (package ',TLazPackage(AnOwner).Name,') has no fpdoc paths: ',SrcFilename])
1775         else
1776           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner (package ',TLazPackage(AnOwner).Name,') has no fpdoc file for: ',SrcFilename])
1777       end;
1778     end;
1780     // save to cache
1781     if MapEntry=nil then begin
1782       MapEntry:=TCHSourceToFPDocFile.Create;
1783       MapEntry.SourceFilename:=SrcFilename;
1784       FSrcToDocMap.Add(MapEntry);
1785     end;
1786     MapEntry.FPDocFilename:=Result;
1787     MapEntry.FPDocFileOwner:=AnOwner;
1788     MapEntry.MakeValid;
1789   finally
1790     if (Result='') and CreateIfNotExists then begin
1791       Result:=DoCreateFPDocFileForSource(SrcFilename,AnOwner);
1792     end;
1793     {$IF defined(VerboseCodeHelp) or defined(VerboseGetFPDocForSrc)}
1794     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource SrcFilename="',SrcFilename,'" Result="',Result,'"']);
1795     {$ENDIF}
1796   end;
1797   {$IF defined(VerboseCodeHelp) or defined(VerboseGetFPDocForSrc)}
1798   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource ',dbgsName(AnOwner)]);
1799   {$endif}
1800 end;
1802 procedure TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenamesForSources(
1803   SrcFilenames: TFilenameToStringTree; ResolveIncludeFiles: boolean;
1804   var FPDocFilenames: TFilenameToStringTree);
1805 var
1806   SrcFilename: String;
1807   CacheWasUsed: boolean;
1808   AnOwner: TObject;
1809   FPDocFilename: String;
1810   S2SItem: PStringToStringItem;
1811 begin
1812   for S2SItem in SrcFilenames do begin
1813     SrcFilename:=S2SItem^.Name;
1814     FPDocFilename:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(SrcFilename,ResolveIncludeFiles,
1815                                              CacheWasUsed,AnOwner);
1816     //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenamesForSources FPDoc=',FPDocFilename,' Src=',SrcFilename]);
1817     if FPDocFilename<>'' then begin
1818       if FPDocFilenames=nil then
1819         FPDocFilenames:=TFilenameToStringTree.Create(false);
1820       FPDocFilenames[FPDocFilename]:=GetModuleOwnerName(AnOwner);
1821     end;
1822   end;
1823 end;
GetIDESrcFPDocPathnull1825 function TCodeHelpManager.GetIDESrcFPDocPath: string;
1826 var
1827   LazDir: String;
1828 begin
1829   Result:='';
1830   LazDir:=AppendPathDelim(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedLazarusDirectory);
1831   if (LazDir='') or not FilenameIsAbsolute(LazDir) then exit;
1832   Result:=LazDir+GetForcedPathDelims('docs/xml/ide/');
1833 end;
IsIDESrcFilenull1835 function TCodeHelpManager.IsIDESrcFile(const SrcFilename: string): boolean;
1836 var
1837   LazDir: String;
1838 begin
1839   Result:=false;
1840   LazDir:=AppendPathDelim(EnvironmentOptions.GetParsedLazarusDirectory);
1841   if (LazDir='') or not FilenameIsAbsolute(LazDir) then exit;
1842   if not FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir) then exit;
1843   // check if SrcFilename is in one of the IDE directories or sub directories
1844   if FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir+'ide')
1845   or FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir+'debugger')
1846   or FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir+'packager')
1847   or FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir+'converter')
1848   or FileIsInPath(SrcFilename,LazDir+'designer')
1849   then
1850     Result:=true;
1851 end;
FindFPDocPackageOwnernull1853 function TCodeHelpManager.FindFPDocPackageOwner(const PackageName: string
1854   ): TObject;
1855 var
1856   AProject: TLazProject;
1857   i: Integer;
1858   Pkg: TLazPackage;
1859 begin
1860   // check project
1861   AProject:=LazarusIDE.ActiveProject;
1862   if (AProject<>nil)
1863   and (SysUtils.CompareText(GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(AProject),PackageName)=0)
1864   then begin
1865     Result:=AProject;
1866     exit;
1867   end;
1868   // check package
1869   for i:=0 to PackageGraph.Count-1 do begin
1870     Pkg:=PackageGraph[i];
1871     if SysUtils.CompareText(Pkg.GetFPDocPackageName,PackageName)=0 then
1872       exit(Pkg);
1873   end;
1874   // check IDE as project
1875   if SysUtils.CompareText(IDEProjectName,PackageName)=0 then begin
1876     Result:=LazarusHelp;
1877     exit;
1878   end;
1879   Result:=nil;
1880 end;
TCodeHelpManager.FindModuleOwnernull1882 function TCodeHelpManager.FindModuleOwner(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile): TObject;
1883 var
1884   AProject: TLazProject;
1885   Path: String;
1886   p: PChar;
1887   PkgName: String;
InPackagenull1889   function InPackage(Pkg: TLazPackage): boolean;
1890   var
1891     SearchPath: String;
1892   begin
1893     Result:=false;
1894     if (Pkg=nil) or (Pkg.FPDocPaths='') then exit;
1895     // check if the file is in the search path
1896     Path:=ExtractFilePath(FPDocFile.Filename);
1897     SearchPath:=Pkg.FPDocPaths;
1898     if not IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(SearchPath,Pkg.Directory)
1899     then
1900       exit;
1901     SearchPath:=MinimizeSearchPath(SearchPath);
1902     //DebugLn(['InPackage Path="',Path,'" SearchPath="',SearchPath,'"']);
1903     p:=FindPathInSearchPath(PChar(Path),length(Path),
1904                             PChar(SearchPath),length(SearchPath));
1905     if p<>nil then begin
1906       FindModuleOwner:=Pkg;
1907       Result:=true;
1908     end;
1909   end;
1911 var
1912   Pkg: TLazPackage;
1913   SearchPath: String;
1914   i: Integer;
1915 begin
1916   Result:=nil;
1917   if FPDocFile=nil then exit;
1918   AProject:=LazarusIDE.ActiveProject;
1920   // virtual files belong to the project
1921   if not FilenameIsAbsolute(FPDocFile.Filename) then
1922     exit(AProject);
1924   // check if in the doc path of the project
1925   if (AProject<>nil) and (AProject.FPDocPaths<>'')
1926   and FilenameIsAbsolute(AProject.ProjectInfoFile) then begin
1927     Path:=ExtractFilePath(FPDocFile.Filename);
1928     SearchPath:=AProject.FPDocPaths;
1929     IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(SearchPath,
1930                                      ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile));
1931     SearchPath:=TrimSearchPath(SearchPath,'');
1932     p:=FindPathInSearchPath(PChar(Path),length(Path),
1933                             PChar(SearchPath),length(SearchPath));
1934     if p<>nil then begin
1935       Result:=AProject;
1936       exit;
1937     end;
1938   end;
1940   // check the packagename in the fpdoc file
1941   PkgName:=FPDocFile.GetPackageName;
1942   if PkgName<>'' then begin
1943     Pkg:=PackageGraph.FindPackageWithName(PkgName,nil);
1944     if InPackage(Pkg) then exit;
1945   end;
1947   // search in all packages
1948   for i:=0 to PackageGraph.Count-1 do
1949     if InPackage(PackageGraph.Packages[i]) then exit;
1951   // check the IDE
1952   SearchPath:=GetIDESrcFPDocPath;
1953   if (SearchPath<>'') and FileIsInPath(FPDocFile.Filename,SearchPath) then
1954   begin
1955     Result:=LazarusHelp;
1956     exit;
1957   end;
1958 end;
GetModuleOwnerNamenull1960 function TCodeHelpManager.GetModuleOwnerName(TheOwner: TObject): string;
1961 begin
1962   if TheOwner is TLazPackage then
1963     Result:=TLazPackage(TheOwner).Name
1964   else if TheOwner is TLazProject then
1965     Result:=ExtractFileNameOnly(TLazProject(TheOwner).ProjectInfoFile)
1966   else if TheOwner=LazarusHelp then
1967     Result:=IDEProjectName
1968   else
1969     Result:='';
1970 end;
GetFPDocPackageNameByOwnernull1972 function TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(TheOwner: TObject
1973   ): string;
1974 begin
1975   if TheOwner is TLazPackage then
1976     Result:=TLazPackage(TheOwner).GetFPDocPackageName
1977   else if TheOwner is TLazProject then
1978     Result:=TLazProject(TheOwner).GetFPDocPackageName
1979   else if TheOwner=LazarusHelp then
1980     Result:=IDEProjectName
1981   else
1982     Result:='';
1983 end;
ExpandFPDocLinkIDnull1985 function TCodeHelpManager.ExpandFPDocLinkID(const LinkID, DefaultUnitName,
1986   DefaultOwnerName: string): string;
1987 begin
1988   Result:=LinkID;
1989   if (LinkID='') or (LinkID[1]='#') then exit;
1990   Result:=ExpandFPDocLinkID(LinkId,DefaultUnitName,
1991                             FindFPDocPackageOwner(DefaultOwnerName));
1992 end;
ExpandFPDocLinkIDnull1994 function TCodeHelpManager.ExpandFPDocLinkID(const LinkID,
1995   DefaultUnitName: string; TheOwner: TObject): string;
SearchFPDocFilenull1997   function SearchFPDocFile(SearchPath: string;
1998     const BaseDir, AUnitname: string): string;
1999   var
2000     FPDocFilename: String;
2001   begin
2002     Result:='';
2003     if BaseDir='' then exit;
2004     if not IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(SearchPath,BaseDir) then exit;
2005     FPDocFilename:=lowercase(AUnitName)+'.xml';
2006     Result:=SearchFileInPath(FPDocFilename,'',SearchPath,';',ctsfcDefault);
2007   end;
2009 var
2010   FirstPointPos: LongInt;
2011   APackage: TLazPackage;
2012   FirstIdentifier: String;
2013   AddUnit: Boolean;
2014   AProject: TLazProject;
2015 begin
2016   Result:=LinkID;
2017   if (LinkID='') or (LinkID[1]='#') then exit;
2018   FirstPointPos:=System.Pos(LinkID,'.');
2019   FirstIdentifier:=copy(LinkID,1,FirstPointPos);
2020   if (FirstIdentifier<>'')
2021   and (SysUtils.CompareText(FirstIdentifier,DefaultUnitName)<>0) then
2022   begin
2023     // the LinkID has sub identifiers, so the first identifier could be a unit
2024     // But it is not the DefaultUnitName
2025     // => check if it is another unitname of the Owner
2026     AddUnit:=false;
2027     if TheOwner is TLazPackage then begin
2028       APackage:=TLazPackage(TheOwner);
2029       if (APackage.FindUnit(FirstIdentifier)=nil) then begin
2030         // the unit is not owned.
2031         if SearchFPDocFile(APackage.FPDocPaths,APackage.DirectoryExpanded,
2032           FirstIdentifier)='' then
2033         begin
2034           // and there is no fpdoc file for this identifier
2035           // => not a unit
2036           AddUnit:=true;
2037         end;
2038       end;
2039     end else if TheOwner is TLazProject then begin
2040       AProject:=TLazProject(TheOwner);
2041       if SearchFPDocFile(AProject.FPDocPaths,
2042         ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile),FirstIdentifier)='' then
2043       begin
2044         // there is no fpdoc file for this identifier
2045         // => not a unit
2046         AddUnit:=true;
2047       end;
2048     end else begin
2049       // unknown owner type
2050       exit;
2051     end;
2052     if AddUnit then
2053       Result:=DefaultUnitName+'.'+Result;
2054   end;
2055   Result:='#'+GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(TheOwner)+'.'+Result;
2056 end;
TCodeHelpManager.CodeNodeToElementNamenull2058 function TCodeHelpManager.CodeNodeToElementName(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2059   CodeNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2060 var
2061   NodeName: String;
2062 begin
2063   Result:='';
2064   if CodeNode.Desc in AllSourceTypes then begin
2065     Result:=Tool.ExtractSourceName;
2066   end else begin
2067     while CodeNode<>nil do begin
2068       NodeName:='';
2069       case CodeNode.Desc of
2070       ctnVarDefinition:
2071         if Tool.NodeIsResultIdentifier(CodeNode) then
2072           // fpdoc prefixes the result variable with 'Identifier ' (don't ask)
2073           NodeName:='Identifier '+Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(CodeNode)
2074         else
2075           NodeName:=Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(CodeNode);
2076       ctnConstDefinition, ctnTypeDefinition, ctnGenericType:
2077         NodeName:=Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(CodeNode);
2078       ctnProperty:
2079         NodeName:=Tool.ExtractPropName(CodeNode,false);
2080       ctnProcedure:
2081         if Tool.NodeIsOperator(CodeNode) then
2082           NodeName:=Tool.ExtractProcHead(CodeNode,
2083                            [phpWithStart,phpWithResultType,phpWithoutSemicolon])
2084         else
2085           NodeName:=Tool.ExtractProcName(CodeNode,[]);
2086       ctnEnumIdentifier:
2087         NodeName:=GetIdentifier(@Tool.Src[CodeNode.StartPos]);
2088       ctnIdentifier:
2089         if Tool.NodeIsResultType(CodeNode) then
2090           NodeName:='Result';
2091       end;
2092       if NodeName<>'' then begin
2093         if Result<>'' then
2094           Result:='.'+Result;
2095         Result:=NodeName+Result;
2096       end;
2097       CodeNode:=CodeNode.Parent;
2098     end;
2099   end;
2100 end;
GetFPDocNodenull2102 function TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocNode(Tool: TCodeTool; CodeNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2103   Complete: boolean; out FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; out DOMNode: TDOMNode;
2104   out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2105 var
2106   SrcFilename: String;
2107   FPDocFilename: String;
2108   ElementName: String;
2109   AnOwner: TObject;
2110 begin
2111   FPDocFile:=nil;
2112   DOMNode:=nil;
2113   CacheWasUsed:=true;
2115   // find corresponding FPDoc file
2116   SrcFilename:=Tool.MainFilename;
2117   FPDocFilename:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(SrcFilename,false,CacheWasUsed,AnOwner);
2118   if FPDocFilename='' then exit(chprFailed);
2119   if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2121   // load FPDoc file
2122   Result:=LoadFPDocFile(FPDocFilename,[chofUpdateFromDisk],FPDocFile,CacheWasUsed);
2123   if Result<>chprSuccess then exit;
2124   if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2126   // find FPDoc node
2127   ElementName:=CodeNodeToElementName(Tool,CodeNode);
2128   if ElementName='' then exit(chprFailed);
2129   DOMNode:=FPDocFile.GetElementWithName(ElementName);
2130   if DOMNode=nil then exit(chprFailed);
2132   Result:=chprSuccess;
2133 end;
GetLinkedFPDocNodenull2135 function TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode(StartFPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
2136   StartDOMNode: TDOMNode; const Path: string; Flags: TCodeHelpOpenFileFlags;
2137   out ModuleOwner: TObject; out FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile; out DOMNode: TDOMNode;
2138   out InvalidPath: integer; out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2140   function FindFPDocFilename(BaseDir, SearchPath, AUnitName: string): string;
2141   begin
2142     Result:='';
2143     if not IDEMacros.CreateAbsoluteSearchPath(SearchPath,BaseDir) then exit;
2144     //DebugLn(['FindFPDocFilename BaseDir=',BaseDir,' SearchPath=',SearchPath,' UnitName=',AUnitname]);
2145     Result:=SearchFileInPath(AUnitName+'.xml',BaseDir,SearchPath,';',ctsfcDefault);
2146   end;
2148   function FindElement(StartPos: integer; aFPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile): boolean;
2149   var
2150     ElementName: String;
2151     p: integer;
2152   begin
2153     p:=length(Path)+1;
2154     while p>StartPos do begin
2155       ElementName:=copy(Path,StartPos,p-StartPos);
2156       //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode ElementName=',ElementName]);
2157       DOMNode:=aFPDocFile.GetElementWithName(ElementName);
2158       if DOMNode<>nil then begin
2159         InvalidPath:=p;
2160         if p>length(Path) then
2161           GetLinkedFPDocNode:=chprSuccess
2162         else
2163           GetLinkedFPDocNode:=chprFailed;
2164         FPDocFile:=aFPDocFile;
2165         exit(true);
2166       end;
2167       dec(p);
2168       while (p>StartPos) and (Path[p]<>'.') do dec(p);
2169     end;
2170     Result:=false;
2171   end;
2173 var
2174   StartPos, p: LongInt;
2175   PkgName: String;
2176   Pkg: TLazPackage;
2177   AUnitName: String;
2178   AProject: TLazProject;
2179   FPDocFilename: String;
2180   BaseDir: String;
2181 begin
2182   ModuleOwner:=nil;
2183   FPDocFile:=nil;
2184   DOMNode:=nil;
2185   InvalidPath:=0;
2186   CacheWasUsed:=false;
2187   Result:=chprFailed;
2189   //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode Path="',Path,'"']);
2190   if Path='' then exit;
2191   if StartDOMNode=nil then ; // for future use
2193   StartPos:=1;
2194   p:=1;
2195   if Path[1]='#' then begin
2196     // switch package
2197     while (p<=length(Path)) and (Path[p]<>'.') do inc(p);
2198     PkgName:=copy(Path,2,p-2);
2199     //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode PkgName=',PkgName]);
2200     if PkgName='' then exit;
2201     Pkg:=PackageGraph.FindPackageWithName(PkgName,nil);
2202     if Pkg=nil then exit;
2203     InvalidPath:=p;
2204     ModuleOwner:=Pkg;
2205     if p>length(Path) then begin
2206       // link to the module, no unit
2207       Result:=chprSuccess;
2208       exit;
2209     end;
2210     StartPos:=p+1;
2211     p:=StartPos;
2212   end else begin
2213     // relative link (either in the same fpdoc file or of the same module)
2214     // use same package
2215     ModuleOwner:=FindModuleOwner(StartFPDocFile);
2216     if ModuleOwner=nil then exit;
2217     // try in the same fpdoc file
2218     if FindElement(StartPos,StartFPDocFile) then exit;
2219   end;
2221   // search in another unit
2222   while (p<=length(Path)) and (Path[p]<>'.') do inc(p);
2223   AUnitName:=copy(Path,StartPos,p-StartPos);
2224   //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode UnitName=',AUnitName]);
2225   if AUnitName='' then exit;
2226   FPDocFilename:='';
2227   if ModuleOwner is TLazProject then begin
2228     AProject:=TLazProject(ModuleOwner);
2229     if (AProject.FPDocPaths<>'') then begin
2230       BaseDir:=ExtractFilePath(AProject.ProjectInfoFile);
2231       FPDocFilename:=FindFPDocFilename(BaseDir,AProject.FPDocPaths,AUnitName);
2232     end;
2233   end else if ModuleOwner is TLazPackage then begin
2234     Pkg:=TLazPackage(ModuleOwner);
2235     if Pkg.FPDocPaths<>'' then begin
2236       BaseDir:=Pkg.Directory;
2237       FPDocFilename:=FindFPDocFilename(BaseDir,Pkg.FPDocPaths,AUnitName);
2238     end;
2239   end;
2240   //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetLinkedFPDocNode FPDocFilename=',FPDocFilename]);
2241   if FPDocFilename='' then exit;
2243   // load FPDocFile
2244   Result:=LoadFPDocFile(FPDocFilename,Flags,FPDocFile,CacheWasUsed);
2245   if Result<>chprSuccess then exit;
2246   InvalidPath:=p;
2247   if p>length(Path) then begin
2248     // link to a unit, no element
2249     Result:=chprSuccess;
2250     exit;
2251   end;
2252   StartPos:=p+1;
2254   // find element
2255   if FindElement(StartPos,FPDocFile) then exit;
2257   Result:=chprFailed;
2258 end;
GetDeclarationChainnull2260 function TCodeHelpManager.GetDeclarationChain(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
2261   out ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList; out CacheWasUsed: boolean
2262   ): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2263 begin
2264   if FDeclarationCache.FindDeclarations(Code,X,Y,ListOfPCodeXYPosition,
2265     CacheWasUsed)
2266   then
2267     Result:=chprSuccess
2268   else
2269     Result:=chprFailed;
2270 end;
GetCodeContextnull2272 function TCodeHelpManager.GetCodeContext(CodePos: PCodeXYPosition; out
2273   FindContext: TFindContext; Complete: boolean; out CacheWasUsed: boolean
2274   ): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2275 var
2276   CurTool: TCodeTool;
2277   CleanPos: integer;
2278   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2279 begin
2280   Result:=chprFailed;
2281   FindContext:=CleanFindContext;
2282   CacheWasUsed:=true;
2284   //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain i=',i,' X=',CodePos^.X,' Y=',CodePos^.Y]);
2285   if (CodePos=nil) or (CodePos^.Code=nil) or (CodePos^.X<1) or (CodePos^.Y<1)
2286   then begin
2287     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain invalid CodePos']);
2288     exit;
2289   end;
2291   // build CodeTree and find node
2292   if not CodeToolBoss.Explore(CodePos^.Code,CurTool,false,true) then begin
2293     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain note: there was a parser error']);
2294   end;
2295   if CurTool=nil then begin
2296     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain explore failed']);
2297     exit;
2298   end;
2299   if CurTool.CaretToCleanPos(CodePos^,CleanPos)<>0 then begin
2300     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain invalid CodePos']);
2301     exit;
2302   end;
2304   Node:=CurTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos(CleanPos,false);
2305   if Node=nil then begin
2306     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain node not found']);
2307     exit;
2308   end;
2310   // use only definition nodes
2311   if (Node.Desc=ctnProcedureHead) then begin
2312     if CurTool.PositionInFuncResultName(Node,CleanPos)
2313     and (Node.LastChild<>nil) and (Node.LastChild.Desc=ctnIdentifier) then begin
2314       // cursor on function result
2315       // use the result type node
2316       Node:=Node.LastChild;
2317     end else if (Node.Parent<>nil) and (Node.Parent.Desc=ctnProcedure) then
2318       Node:=Node.Parent;
2319   end;
2320   if (not (Node.Desc in
2321     (AllIdentifierDefinitions+AllSourceTypes
2322       +[ctnProperty,ctnProcedure,ctnEnumIdentifier])))
2323   and (not CurTool.NodeIsResultType(Node))
2324   then begin
2325     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain ignoring node ',Node.DescAsString]);
2326     exit;
2327   end;
2328   if (CurTool.NodeIsForwardDeclaration(Node)) then begin
2329     //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain ignoring forward']);
2330     exit;
2331   end;
2333   // success
2334   FindContext.Tool:=CurTool;
2335   FindContext.Node:=Node;
2336   Result:=chprSuccess;
2337 end;
GetElementChainnull2339 function TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
2340   Complete: boolean; out Chain: TCodeHelpElementChain; out CacheWasUsed: boolean
2341   ): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2342 var
2343   ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
2344   i: Integer;
2345   CodePos: PCodeXYPosition;
2346   CHElement: TCodeHelpElement;
2347   FPDocFilename: String;
2348   FindContext: TFindContext;
2349   AnOwner: TObject;
2350   NewElementName: String;
2351   NewUnitName: String;
2352 begin
2353   Chain:=nil;
2354   ListOfPCodeXYPosition:=nil;
2355   CodeToolBoss.ActivateWriteLock;
2356   try
2357     //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain GetDeclarationChain...']);
2358     // get the declaration chain
2359     Result:=GetDeclarationChain(Code,X,Y,ListOfPCodeXYPosition,CacheWasUsed);
2360     if Result<>chprSuccess then begin
2361       {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelpFails}
2362       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain GetDeclarationChain failed ',Code.Filename,' x=',x,' y=',y]);
2363       {$ENDIF}
2364       exit;
2365     end;
2366     if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2368     {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelp}
2369     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain init the element chain: ListOfPCodeXYPosition.Count=',ListOfPCodeXYPosition.Count,' ...']);
2370     {$ENDIF}
2371     // init the element chain
2372     Result:=chprParsing;
2373     Chain:=TCodeHelpElementChain.Create;
2374     Chain.CodePos.Code:=Code;
2375     Chain.MakeValid;
2376     Code.LineColToPosition(Y,X,Chain.CodePos.P);
2377     // fill the element chain
2378     for i:=0 to ListOfPCodeXYPosition.Count-1 do begin
2379       // get source position of declaration
2380       CodePos:=PCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition[i]);
2381       Result:=GetCodeContext(CodePos,FindContext,Complete,CacheWasUsed);
2382       if Result=chprFailed then continue; // skip invalid contexts
2383       if Result<>chprSuccess then continue;
2384       if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2386       // get fpdoc element path
2387       NewUnitName:=FindContext.Tool.GetSourceName(false);
2388       NewElementName:=CodeNodeToElementName(FindContext.Tool,FindContext.Node);
2390       // skip code nodes with same fpdoc element
2391       if (Chain.IndexOfElementName(NewUnitName,NewElementName)>=0) then continue;
2393       // add element
2394       CHElement:=Chain.Add;
2395       CHElement.CodeXYPos:=CodePos^;
2396       CHElement.CodeContext:=FindContext;
2397       CHElement.ElementName:=NewElementName;
2398       //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain i=',i,' CodeContext=',FindContextToString(CHElement.CodeContext)]);
2400       // find corresponding FPDoc file
2401       CHElement.ElementUnitFileName:=CHElement.CodeContext.Tool.MainFilename;
2402       CHElement.ElementUnitName:=NewUnitName;
2403       AnOwner:=Self;
2404       FPDocFilename:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(CHElement.ElementUnitFileName,
2405                                                false,CacheWasUsed,AnOwner);
2406       CHElement.ElementOwnerName:=GetModuleOwnerName(AnOwner);
2407       CHElement.ElementFPDocPackageName:=GetFPDocPackageNameByOwner(AnOwner);
2408       //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain FPDocFilename=',FPDocFilename]);
2409       if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2411       if FPDocFilename<>'' then begin
2412         // load FPDoc file
2413         LoadFPDocFile(FPDocFilename,[chofUpdateFromDisk],CHElement.FPDocFile,
2414                       CacheWasUsed);
2415         if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2416       end;
2417     end;
2419     // get fpdoc nodes
2420     for i:=0 to Chain.Count-1 do begin
2421       CHElement:=Chain[i];
2422       //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain i=',i,' Element=',CHElement.ElementName]);
2423       // get fpdoc node
2424       if (CHElement.FPDocFile<>nil) and (CHElement.ElementName<>'') then begin
2425         CHElement.ElementNode:=
2426                   CHElement.FPDocFile.GetElementWithName(CHElement.ElementName);
2427         CHElement.ElementNodeValid:=true;
2428       end;
2429       //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetElementChain ElementNode=',CHElement.ElementNode<>nil]);
2430     end;
2432     Result:=chprSuccess;
2433   finally
2434     if Result<>chprSuccess then
2435       FreeAndNil(Chain);
2436     CodeToolBoss.DeactivateWriteLock;
2437   end;
2438 end;
GetHTMLHintnull2440 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHint(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
2441   Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
2442   out BaseURL, HTMLHint, PropDetails: string;
2443   out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2444 var
2445   CursorPos: TCodeXYPosition;
2446   XYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
2447   TopLine: integer;
2448   CTExprType: TExpressionType;
2449 begin
2450   Result:=chprFailed;
2451   BaseURL:='lazdoc://';
2452   HTMLHint:='';
2453   PropDetails:='';
2454   CacheWasUsed:=true;
2456   CursorPos.X:=X;
2457   CursorPos.Y:=Y;
2458   CursorPos.Code:=Code;
2459   if not CodeToolBoss.InitCurCodeTool(Code) then exit;
2460   try
2461     // find declaration
2462     if not CodeToolBoss.CurCodeTool.FindDeclaration(CursorPos,
2463       DefaultFindSmartHintFlags+[fsfSearchSourceName],CTExprType,XYPos,TopLine)
2464     then
2465       exit;
2466     if (CTExprType.Desc=xtContext) and (CTExprType.Context.Node=nil) then begin
2467       // codetools found a source file, not a declararion
2468       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHint not a declaration']);
2469       exit;
2470     end;
2471     Result:=GetHTMLHintForExpr(CTExprType,XYPos,Options,BaseURL,HTMLHint,CacheWasUsed);
2472     // Property details are like "published property TType.PropName:Integer"
2473     if (CTExprType.Desc=xtContext) and (CTExprType.Context.Tool<>nil) then
2474       PropDetails:=CTExprType.Context.Tool.GetSmartHint(CTExprType.Context.Node,XYPos,false);
2475   except
2476     on E: ECodeToolError do begin
2477       //debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHint ECodeToolError: ',E.Message]);
2478     end;
2479     on E: Exception do begin
2480       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHint Exception: ',E.Message]);
2481       //DumpExceptionBackTrace;
2482     end;
2483   end;
2484 end;
GetHTMLHintForExprnull2486 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForExpr(CTExprType: TExpressionType;
2487   XYPos: TCodeXYPosition; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions; out BaseURL,
2488   HTMLHint: string; out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2489 var
2490   aTopLine: integer;
2491   ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
2492   AnOwner: TObject;
2493   FPDocFilename: String;
2494   FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
2495   Complete: boolean;
2496   ElementName: String;
2497   ElementNode: TDOMNode;
2498   ElementNames: TStringList;
2499   i: Integer;
2500   OldXYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
2501   OldCTTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2502   OldCTNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2503   n: Integer;
2504   s, Descr, Short: String;
2505   Cmd: TKeyCommandRelation;
2506   CTTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2507   CTNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2508 begin
2509   Result:=chprFailed;
2510   BaseURL:='lazdoc://';
2511   HTMLHint:='';
2512   CacheWasUsed:=true;
2513   AnOwner := nil;
2515   if (CTExprType.Desc in xtAllIdentPredefinedTypes) then
2516     CTExprType.Context.Tool := CodeToolBoss.CurCodeTool.FindCodeToolForUsedUnit('system','',false);
2517   CTTool := CTExprType.Context.Tool;
2518   CTNode := CTExprType.Context.Node;
2520   if CTTool=nil then
2521     Exit(chprFailed);
2523   ListOfPCodeXYPosition:=nil;
2524   Complete:=not (chhoSmallStep in Options);
2525   ElementNames:=TStringList.Create;
2526   try
2527     try
2528       if chhoDeclarationHeader in Options then
2529         HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(CTTool,CTNode,CTExprType.Desc,XYPos);
2531       for n:=1 to 30 do
2532       begin
2533         if (CTExprType.Desc=xtContext) and (CTNode<>nil) then
2534           ElementName:=CodeNodeToElementName(CTTool,CTNode)
2535         else if (CTExprType.Desc in xtAllIdentPredefinedTypes) then
2536           ElementName:=ExpressionTypeDescNames[CTExprType.Desc]
2537         else
2538           break;
2539         //debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode ElementName=',ElementName]);
2540         i:=ElementNames.Count-1;
2541         while (i>=0) do begin
2542           if (ElementNames.Objects[i]=CTTool)
2543           and (CompareText(ElementNames[i],ElementName)=0) then
2544             break;
2545           dec(i);
2546         end;
2547         if i>=0 then begin
2548           // a loop or a forward definition
2549           {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelp}
2550           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode already seen "',ElementName,'"']);
2551           {$ENDIF}
2552         end else begin
2553           ElementNames.AddObject(ElementName,CTTool);
2555           // add fpdoc entry
2556           FPDocFilename:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(CTTool.MainFilename,
2557                                                    false,CacheWasUsed,AnOwner);
2558           {$IFDEF VerboseCodeHelp}
2559           DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: FPDocFilename=',FPDocFilename,' ElementName="',ElementName,'"']);
2560           {$ENDIF}
2561           if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2563           if FPDocFilename<>'' then begin
2564             // load FPDoc file
2565             LoadFPDocFile(FPDocFilename,[chofUpdateFromDisk],FPDocFile,CacheWasUsed);
2566             if (not CacheWasUsed) and (not Complete) then exit(chprParsing);
2568             ElementNode:=FPDocFile.GetElementWithName(ElementName);
2569             if ElementNode<>nil then begin
2570               //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: fpdoc element found "',ElementName,'"']);
2571               Short:=AppendLineEnding(GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile,ElementNode.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[fpdiShort])));
2572               Descr:=AppendLineEnding(GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile,ElementNode.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[fpdiDescription])));
2573               s:=Short+Descr;
2574               if chhoDeclarationHeader in Options then
2575               begin
2576                 // Add Description header only when requested. Save space otherwise.
2577                 if s<>'' then
2578                   s:='<br>'+LineEnding+'<div class="title">Description</div>'+LineEnding+s;
2579               end
2580               else begin
2581                 // Make Short text distinctive if both are given and no header is requested.
2582                 if (Short<>'') and (Descr<>'') then
2583                   s:=Short+'<hr>'+Descr;
2584               end;
2585               HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+s;
2586               HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile,ElementNode.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[fpdiErrors]));
2587               HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile,ElementNode.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[fpdiSeeAlso]));
2588               HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile,ElementNode.FindNode(FPDocItemNames[fpdiExample]));
2589             end;
2590           end;
2592           if chhoComments in Options then
2593           begin
2594             // add pasdoc
2595             HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+GetPasDocCommentsAsHTML(CTTool,CTNode);
2596           end;
2597         end;
2599         // find inherited node
2600         if  (CTNode<>nil) and (
2601              (CTNode.Desc=ctnProperty) or
2602              ((CTNode.Desc in [ctnProcedure,ctnProcedureHead])
2603               and (CTTool.ProcNodeHasSpecifier(CTNode,psOVERRIDE))))
2604         then begin
2605           {$ifdef VerboseCodeHelp}
2606           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: searching for inherited of ',CTNode.DescAsString,' ',dbgs(XYPos)]);
2607           {$endif}
2608           OldXYPos:=XYPos;
2609           OldCTTool:=CTTool;
2610           OldCTNode:=CTNode;
2611           if (not OldCTTool.FindDeclaration(OldXYPos,[fsfSearchSourceName],
2612             CTTool,CTNode,XYPos,aTopLine))
2613           or (CTNode=OldCTNode)
2614           or (CTNode=nil)
2615           then begin
2616             {$ifdef VerboseCodeHelp}
2617             debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: inherited not found: ',dbgs(OldXYPos)]);
2618             {$endif}
2619             break;
2620           end;
2621         end else begin
2622           {$ifdef VerboseCodeHelp}
2623           debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: not searching inherited for ',CTNode.DescAsString]);
2624           {$endif}
2625           break;
2626         end;
2628       end;
2630     except
2631       on E: ECodeToolError do begin
2632         //debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: ECodeToolError: ',E.Message]);
2633       end;
2634       on E: Exception do begin
2635         debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: Exception: ',E.Message]);
2636         //DumpExceptionBackTrace;
2637       end;
2638     end;
2640   finally
2641     ElementNames.Free;
2642     FreeListOfPCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition);
2644     // Add package name
2645     s:=OwnerToFPDocHint(AnOwner);
2646     if s<>'' then
2647       HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+s;
2649     if HTMLHint<>'' then begin
2650       if (chhoShowFocusHint in Options) then begin
2651         Cmd:=EditorOpts.KeyMap.FindByCommand(ecFocusHint);
2652         if (Cmd<>nil) and (not IDEShortCutEmpty(Cmd.ShortcutA)) then begin
2653           HTMLHint:=HTMLHint+'<div class="focushint">Press '
2654             +KeyAndShiftStateToEditorKeyString(Cmd.ShortcutA)+' for focus</div>'+LineEnding;
2655         end;
2656       end;
2657       HTMLHint:='<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="lazdoc://lazarus/lazdoc.css" type="text/css">'+LineEnding
2658         +'<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head>'+LineEnding
2659         +'<body>'+LineEnding+HTMLHint+'</body>'+LineEnding;
2660       Result:=chprSuccess;
2661     end else
2662       Result:=chprFailed;
2663   end;
2664   {$ifdef VerboseCodeHelp}
2665   debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode: ',HTMLHint]);
2666   {$endif}
2667 end;
GetHTMLHintForNodenull2669 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForNode(CTTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2670   CTNode: TCodeTreeNode; XYPos: TCodeXYPosition; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions;
2671   out BaseURL, HTMLHint: string; out CacheWasUsed: boolean
2672   ): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2673 var
2674   ExprType: TExpressionType;
2675 begin
2676   ExprType.Desc:=xtContext;
2677   ExprType.Context.Tool:=CTTool;
2678   ExprType.Context.Node:=CTNode;
2679   Result := GetHTMLHintForExpr(ExprType, XYPos, Options, BaseURL, HTMLHint, CacheWasUsed);
2680 end;
GetHTMLHintForUnitnull2682 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit(AUnitName, InFilename: string;
2683   BaseDir: string; Options: TCodeHelpHintOptions; out BaseURL,
2684   HTMLHint: string; out CacheWasUsed: boolean): TCodeHelpParseResult;
2685 var
2686   aFilename: String;
2687   Code: TCodeBuffer;
2688   CTTool: TCodeTool;
2689   NamePos: TAtomPosition;
2690   XYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
2691 begin
2692   Result:=chprFailed;
2693   BaseURL:='lazdoc://';
2694   HTMLHint:='';
2695   CacheWasUsed:=true;
2697   try
2698     aFilename:=CodeToolBoss.DirectoryCachePool.FindUnitSourceInCompletePath(
2699       BaseDir,AUnitName,InFilename);
2700     if aFilename='' then begin
2701       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit unit "',AUnitName,'" not found, BaseDir="',BaseDir,'"']);
2702       exit; // unit not found
2703     end;
2704     Code:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(aFilename,true,false);
2705     if Code=nil then begin
2706       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit unable to load file "',aFilename,'"']);
2707       exit; // can not load source file
2708     end;
2709     CodeToolBoss.Explore(Code,CTTool,false,true);
2710     if CTTool=nil then begin
2711       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit unable to explore ',Code.Filename]);
2712       exit; // e.g. main source not found
2713     end;
2714     if not CTTool.GetSourceNamePos(NamePos) then begin
2715       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit unit has no header ',CTTool.MainFilename]);
2716       exit;
2717     end;
2718     if not CTTool.CleanPosToCaret(NamePos.StartPos,XYPos) then begin
2719       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit CTTool.CleanPosToCaret failed']);
2720       exit;
2721     end;
2722     debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit ',dbgs(XYPos)]);
2723     Result:=GetHTMLHintForNode(CTTool,CTTool.Tree.Root,XYPos,
2724                                Options,BaseURL,HTMLHint,CacheWasUsed);
2725   except
2726     on E: ECodeToolError do begin
2727       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHint ECodeToolError: ',E.Message]);
2728     end;
2729     on E: Exception do begin
2730       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLHintForUnit Exception: ',E.Message]);
2731       //DumpExceptionBackTrace;
2732     end;
2733   end;
2734 end;
GetHTMLDeclarationHeadernull2736 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2737   Node: TCodeTreeNode; Desc: TExpressionTypeDesc; XYPos: TCodeXYPosition
2738   ): string;
2739 var
2740   CTHint: String;
2741 begin
2742   Result:='<div class="header">';
2743   // add declaration
2744   if Desc=xtContext then
2745     CTHint:=Tool.GetSmartHint(Node,XYPos,false)
2746   else if Desc in xtAllIdentPredefinedTypes then
2747     CTHint:='type '+ExpressionTypeDescNames[Desc]
2748   else
2749     CTHint:='';
2750   Result:=Result+'  <nobr>'+SourceToFPDocHint(CTHint)+'</nobr>';
2752   // add link to declaration
2753   Result:=Result+'<br>'+LineEnding;
2754   if XYPos.Code=nil then begin
2755     if (Node<>nil) then
2756       Tool.CleanPosToCaret(Node.StartPos,XYPos)
2757     else if Desc in xtAllIdentPredefinedTypes then
2758       Tool.CleanPosToCaret(Tool.Tree.Root.StartPos,XYPos);
2759   end;
2760   Result:=Result+'  '+SourcePosToFPDocHint(XYPos)+LineEnding;
2762   if (XYPos.Code<>nil) and (CompareFilenames(Tool.MainFilename,XYPos.Code.Filename)<>0)
2763   then begin
2764     // node in include file => show link to unit
2765     Result:=Result+'<br>  unit '+SourcePosToFPDocHint(Tool.MainFilename,1,1,Tool.GetSourceName)+LineEnding;
2766   end;
2768   Result:=Result+'</div>'+LineEnding;
2769 end;
GetHTMLDeclarationHeadernull2771 function TCodeHelpManager.GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2772   Node: TCodeTreeNode; XYPos: TCodeXYPosition): string;
2773 begin
2774   Result := GetHTMLDeclarationHeader(Tool, Node, xtContext, XYPos);
2775 end;
GetPasDocCommentsAsHTMLnull2777 function TCodeHelpManager.GetPasDocCommentsAsHTML(Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
2778   Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2779 var
2780   ListOfPCodeXYPosition: TFPList;
2781   i: Integer;
2782   CodeXYPos, LastCodeXYPos: PCodeXYPosition;
2783   CommentCode: TCodeBuffer;
2784   CommentStart: integer;
2785   NestedComments: Boolean;
2786   CommentStr, LastComment: String;
2788   function ShiftLeft(const Comment: String) : String;
2789   var
2790     Lines : TStringList;
2791     S : String;
2792     I, J, LeftMost : Integer;
2793   begin
2794     try
2795       Lines := TStringList.Create;
2796       Lines.Text := Comment;
2798       LeftMost := Length(Comment);
2800       for I := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do
2801       begin
2802         if LeftMost <= 1 then
2803           Break;
2805         S := Lines[I];
2806         J := 1;
2807         while (J <= Length(S)) and (J < LeftMost) and (S[J] = ' ') do
2808           Inc(J);
2810         if J < LeftMost then
2811           LeftMost := J;
2812       end;
2814       if LeftMost > 1 then
2815         for I := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do
2816           Lines[I] := Copy(Lines[I], LeftMost, Length(Lines[I]) - LeftMost + 1);
2818       Result := Lines.Text;
2819     finally
2820       FreeAndNil(Lines);
2821     end;
2822   end;
2824   procedure AddComment;
2825   begin
2826     if (CodeXYPos=nil) or (LastCodeXYPos=nil)
2827     or (CodeXYPos^.Code<>LastCodeXYPos^.Code)
2828     or (CodeXYPos^.Y-LastCodeXYPos^.Y>10) then begin
2829       // the last comment is at a different position => add a source link
2830       if LastComment<>'' then
2831         Result:=Result+'<span class="comment">'+TextToHTML(ShiftLeft(LastComment))
2832           +' ('+SourcePosToFPDocHint(LastCodeXYPos^,'Source')+')'
2833           +'</span><br>'+LineEnding;
2834       LastComment:=CommentStr;
2835     end else begin
2836       // these two comments are very near together => combine them
2837       if LastComment<>'' then
2838         LastComment+=LineEnding;
2839       LastComment+=CommentStr;
2840     end;
2841     LastCodeXYPos:=CodeXYPos;
2842   end;
2844   function ExtractComment(const Source: String;
2845     CommentStart: Integer) : String;
2846   var
2847     CommentEnd, XPos: Integer;
2848   begin
2849     XPos := CodeXYPos^.X;
2850     CommentEnd := FindCommentEnd(Source, CommentStart, NestedComments);
2852     case Source[CommentStart] of
2853     '/':
2854       begin
2855         CommentStart := CommentStart + 2;
2856         XPos := 0;
2857       end;
2858     '(':
2859       begin
2860         CommentStart := CommentStart + 2;
2861         CommentEnd := CommentEnd - 2;
2862         XPos := XPos + 1;
2863       end;
2864     '{':
2865       begin
2866         CommentStart := CommentStart + 1;
2867         CommentEnd := CommentEnd - 1;
2868       end;
2869     end;
2870     Result:=Copy(Source, CommentStart, CommentEnd - CommentStart);
2872     Result := TrimRight(Result);
2874     if XPos > 0 then
2875       Result := StringOfChar(' ', XPos) + Result;
2876   end;
2878 begin
2879   Result:='';
2880   if (Tool=nil) or (Node=nil) then exit;
2881   ListOfPCodeXYPosition:=nil;
2882   try
2883     if not Tool.GetPasDocComments(Node,ListOfPCodeXYPosition) then exit;
2884     if ListOfPCodeXYPosition=nil then exit;
2885     NestedComments := Tool.Scanner.NestedComments;
2886     LastCodeXYPos := nil;
2887     LastComment := '';
2888     for i := 0 to ListOfPCodeXYPosition.Count - 1 do
2889     begin
2890       CodeXYPos := PCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition[i]);
2891       CommentCode := CodeXYPos^.Code;
2892       CommentCode.LineColToPosition(CodeXYPos^.Y,CodeXYPos^.X,CommentStart);
2893       if (CommentStart<1) or (CommentStart>CommentCode.SourceLength)
2894       then
2895         continue;
2896       CommentStr := ExtractComment(CommentCode.Source, CommentStart);
2897       AddComment;
2898     end;
2899     CommentStr:='';
2900     CodeXYPos:=nil;
2901     AddComment;
2902   finally
2903     FreeListOfPCodeXYPosition(ListOfPCodeXYPosition);
2904   end;
2905 end;
GetFPDocNodeAsHTMLnull2907 function TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocNodeAsHTML(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
2908   DOMNode: TDOMNode): string;
2910   function NodeToHTML(Node: TDOMNode): string; forward;
2912   function AddChilds(Node: TDOMNode): string;
2913   var
2914     Child: TDOMNode;
2915   begin
2916     Result:='';
2917     Child:=Node.FirstChild;
2918     while Child<>nil do begin
2919       Result:=Result+NodeToHTML(Child);
2920       Child:=Child.NextSibling;
2921     end;
2922   end;
2924   function NodeToHTML(Node: TDOMNode): string;
2925   var
2926     s: String;
2927     Attr: TDOMNode;
2928   begin
2929     Result:='';
2930     if Node=nil then exit;
2931     //debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocNodeAsHTML.NodeToHTML ',Node.NodeName]);
2932     if (Node.NodeName='short')
2933     or (Node.NodeName='descr')
2934     or (Node.NodeName='seealso')
2935     or (Node.NodeName='errors')
2936     then begin
2937       s:=AddChilds(Node);
2938       if s='' then exit;
2939       if Node.NodeName='errors' then
2940         Result:=Result+'<div class="title">'+'Errors'+'</div>'
2941       else if Node.NodeName='seealso' then
2942         Result:=Result+'<div class="title">'+'See also'+'</div>';
2943       Result:=Result+'<div class="'+Node.NodeName+'">'+s+'</div>'+LineEnding;
2944     end else
2945     if (Node.NodeName='p')
2946     or (Node.NodeName='b')
2947     or (Node.NodeName='pre')
2948     or (Node.NodeName='table')
2949     or (Node.NodeName='th')
2950     or (Node.NodeName='tr')
2951     or (Node.NodeName='td')
2952     or (Node.NodeName='ul')
2953     or (Node.NodeName='li')
2954     or (Node.NodeName='hr')
2955     then begin
2956       Result:=Result+'<'+Node.NodeName+'>'+AddChilds(Node)+'</'+Node.NodeName+'>';
2957     end else if (Node.NodeName='var') then begin
2958       Result:=Result+'<span class="keyword">'+AddChilds(Node)+'</span>';
2959     end else if (Node.NodeName='link') and (Node.Attributes<>nil) then begin
2960       Attr:=Node.Attributes.GetNamedItem('id');
2961       if (Attr=nil) or (Attr.NodeValue='') then exit;
2962       s:=AddChilds(Node);
2963       if s='' then s:=Attr.NodeValue;
2964       Result:=Result+'<a href="fpdoc://'+FPDocLinkToURL(FPDocFile,Attr.NodeValue)+'">'+s+'</a>';
2965       if (Node.ParentNode<>nil) and (Node.ParentNode.NodeName='seealso') then
2966         Result:=Result+'<br>';
2967     end else if (Node.NodeName='example') then begin
2968       Attr:=Node.Attributes.GetNamedItem('file');
2969       if (Attr=nil) or (Attr.NodeValue='') then exit;
2970       s:=ExtractFilePath(FPDocFile.Filename);
2971       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(s) then exit;
2972       s:=s+Attr.NodeValue;
2973       Result:=Result+SourcePosToFPDocHint(s,1,1,'Example')+'<br>';
2974     end else if (Node.NodeName='#text') then begin
2975       Result:=Result+Node.NodeValue;
2976     end else begin
2977       debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocNodeAsHTML.NodeToHTML skipping ',Node.NodeName]);
2978     end;
2979   end;
2981 begin
2982   Result:=NodeToHTML(DOMNode);
2983 end;
TextToHTMLnull2985 function TCodeHelpManager.TextToHTML(Txt: string): string;
2986 var
2987   l: Integer;
2988   c, d: PChar;
2989 begin
2990   Result := '';
2991   if Txt = '' then
2992     exit;
2993   c := @Txt[1];
2994   l := 0;
2995   while c^ <> #0 do begin
2996     inc(l);
2997     case c^ of
2998       ' ' : inc(l, 5);
2999       '<' : inc(l, 3);
3000       '>' : inc(l, 3);
3001       '&' : inc(l, 4);
3002       #10,#13 :
3003         begin
3004           inc(l, 3);
3005           if c[1] in [#10,#13] then
3006             inc(c);
3007         end;
3008     end;
3009     inc(c);
3010   end;
3012   SetLength(Result, l);
3013   c := @Txt[1];
3014   d := @Result[1];
3015   while c^ <> #0 do begin
3016     case c^ of
3017       ' ' :
3018         begin
3019           d[0] := '&';
3020           d[1] := 'n';
3021           d[2] := 'b';
3022           d[3] := 's';
3023           d[4] := 'p';
3024           d[5] := ';';
3025           inc(d, 5);
3026         end;
3027       '<' :
3028         begin
3029           d[0] := '&';
3030           d[1] := 'l';
3031           d[2] := 't';
3032           d[3] := ';';
3033           inc(d, 3);
3034         end;
3035       '>' :
3036         begin
3037           d[0] := '&';
3038           d[1] := 'g';
3039           d[2] := 't';
3040           d[3] := ';';
3041           inc(d, 3);
3042         end;
3043       '&' :
3044         begin
3045           d[0] := '&';
3046           d[1] := 'a';
3047           d[2] := 'm';
3048           d[3] := 'p';
3049           d[4] := ';';
3050           inc(d, 4);
3051         end;
3052       #10,#13 :
3053         begin
3054           d[0] := '<';
3055           d[1] := 'b';
3056           d[2] := 'r';
3057           d[3] := '>';
3058           inc(d, 3);
3059           if c[1] in [#10,#13] then
3060             inc(c);
3061         end;
3062       else
3063         d^ := c^;
3064     end;
3065     inc(c);
3066     inc(d);
3067   end;
3068 end;
CreateElementnull3070 function TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer;
3071   out Element: TCodeHelpElement): Boolean;
3072 var
3073   CacheWasUsed: boolean;
3074   FPDocFilename: String;
3075   AnOwner: TObject;
3076   CHResult: TCodeHelpParseResult;
3077 begin
3078   Result:=false;
3079   Element:=nil;
3080   if Code=nil then begin
3081     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement failed Code=nil']);
3082     exit;
3083   end;
3084   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement START ',Code.Filename,' ',X,',',Y]);
3086   Element:=TCodeHelpElement.Create;
3087   try
3088     // check if code context can have a fpdoc element
3089     Element.CodeXYPos.Code:=Code;
3090     Element.CodeXYPos.X:=X;
3091     Element.CodeXYPos.Y:=Y;
3092     if GetCodeContext(@Element.CodeXYPos,Element.CodeContext,true,
3093       CacheWasUsed)<>chprSuccess then
3094     begin
3095       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement GetCodeContext failed for ',Code.Filename,' ',X,',',Y]);
3096       exit;
3097     end;
3098     Element.ElementName:=CodeNodeToElementName(Element.CodeContext.Tool,
3099                                                Element.CodeContext.Node);
3100     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement Element.ElementName=',Element.ElementName]);
3102     // find / create fpdoc file
3103     Element.ElementUnitFileName:=Element.CodeContext.Tool.MainFilename;
3104     Element.ElementUnitName:=Element.CodeContext.Tool.GetSourceName(false);
3105     FPDocFilename:=GetFPDocFilenameForSource(Element.ElementUnitFileName,false,
3106                                              CacheWasUsed,AnOwner,true);
3107     if FPDocFilename='' then begin
3108       // no fpdoc file
3109       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement unable to create fpdoc file for ',FPDocFilename]);
3110     end;
3111     DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement FPDocFilename=',FPDocFilename]);
3113     // parse fpdoc file
3114     CHResult:=LoadFPDocFile(FPDocFilename,[chofUpdateFromDisk],
3115                             Element.FPDocFile,CacheWasUsed);
3116     if CHResult<>chprSuccess then begin
3117       DebugLn(['TCodeHelpManager.CreateElement unable to load fpdoc file ',FPDocFilename]);
3118       exit;
3119     end;
3121     Element.ElementNode:=Element.FPDocFile.GetElementWithName(
3122                                                       Element.ElementName,true);
3123     Result:=Element.ElementNode<>nil;
3124   finally
3125     if not Result then
3126       FreeAndNil(Element);
3127   end;
3128 end;
SourceToFPDocHintnull3130 function TCodeHelpManager.SourceToFPDocHint(Src: string; NestedComments: boolean
3131   ): string;
3133   procedure EndSpan(SpanName: string; var r: string);
3134   begin
3135     if SpanName='' then exit;
3136     r:=r+'</span>';
3137   end;
3139   procedure StartSpan(SpanName: string; var r: string);
3140   begin
3141     if SpanName='' then exit;
3142     r:=r+'<span class="'+SpanName+'">';
3143   end;
3145   function TokenIDToSpan(TokenID: TtkTokenKind): string;
3146   begin
3147     case TokenID of
3148     tkComment: Result:='comment';
3149     tkIdentifier: Result:='identifier';
3150     tkKey: Result:='keyword';
3151     tkNumber: Result:='number';
3152     tkString: Result:='string';
3153     tkSymbol: Result:='symbol';
3154     tkDirective: Result:='directive';
3155     else Result:='';
3156     end;
3157   end;
3159 var
3160   TokenID: TtkTokenKind;
3161   LastTokenID: TtkTokenKind;
3162   Token: String;
3163 begin
3164   Result:='';
3165   PasHighlighter.NestedComments:=NestedComments;
3166   PasHighlighter.ResetRange;
3167   PasHighlighter.SetLine(Src,0);
3168   LastTokenID:=tkUnknown;
3169   while not PasHighlighter.GetEol do begin
3170     TokenID:=PasHighlighter.GetTokenID;
3171     if (Result<>'') and (LastTokenID<>TokenID) then
3172       EndSpan(TokenIDToSpan(LastTokenID),Result);
3173     if (Result='') or (LastTokenID<>TokenID) then
3174       StartSpan(TokenIDToSpan(TokenID),Result);
3175     Token:=PasHighlighter.GetToken;
3176     //debugln(['TCodeHelpManager.SourceToFPDocHint ',Token,' ',ord(TokenID)]);
3177     Result:=Result+TextToHTML(Token);
3178     LastTokenID:=TokenID;
3179     PasHighlighter.Next;
3180   end;
3181   if (Result<>'') and (LastTokenID<>tkUnknown) then
3182     EndSpan(TokenIDToSpan(LastTokenID),Result);
3183 end;
SourcePosToFPDocHintnull3185 function TCodeHelpManager.SourcePosToFPDocHint(XYPos: TCodeXYPosition;
3186   Caption: string): string;
3187 begin
3188   Result:='';
3189   if XYPos.Code=nil then exit;
3190   Result:=SourcePosToFPDocHint(XYPos.Code.Filename,XYPos.X,XYPos.Y,Caption);
3191 end;
SourcePosToFPDocHintnull3193 function TCodeHelpManager.SourcePosToFPDocHint(const aFilename: string; X,
3194   Y: integer; Caption: string): string;
3195 var
3196   Link: String;
3197   i: Integer;
3198 begin
3199   Result:='';
3200   if aFilename='' then exit;
3201   Link:=aFilename;
3202   if Y>=1 then begin
3203     Link:=Link+'('+IntToStr(Y);
3204     if X>=1 then
3205       Link:=Link+','+IntToStr(X);
3206     Link:=Link+')';
3207   end;
3208   if Caption='' then begin
3209     Caption:=Link;
3210     // make caption breakable into several lines
3211     for i:=length(Caption)-1 downto 1 do begin
3212       if Caption[i]=PathDelim then
3213         System.Insert('<wbr/>',Caption,i+1);
3214     end;
3215   end;
3216   Result:='<a href="source://'+Link+'">'+Caption+'</a>';
3217 end;
OwnerToFPDocHintnull3219 function TCodeHelpManager.OwnerToFPDocHint(AnOwner: TObject): string;
3220 var
3221   PackName: string;
3222 begin
3223   Result:='';
3224   if AnOwner=nil then exit;
3225   if AnOwner is TLazPackage then begin
3226     PackName:=TLazPackage(AnOwner).Name;
3227     Result:='<br>'+LineEnding+'<div class="title">Package</div>'+LineEnding
3228            +'<a href="openpackage://'+PackName+'">'+PackName+'</a>';
3229   end;
3230 end;
FPDocLinkToURLnull3232 function TCodeHelpManager.FPDocLinkToURL(FPDocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
3233   const LinkID: string): string;
3234 begin
3235   Result:=LinkID;
3236   if Result='' then exit;
3237   if Result[1]='#' then begin
3238     // has already a package
3239     exit;
3240   end;
3241   if FPDocFile.GetElementWithName(Result)<>nil then begin
3242     // link target is in this unit => prepend package and unit name
3243     Result:='#'+FPDocFile.GetPackageName+'.'+FPDocFile.GetModuleName+'.'+Result;
3244   end else begin
3245     // link target is not in this unit, but same package => prepend package name
3246     Result:='#'+FPDocFile.GetPackageName+'.'+Result;
3247   end;
3248 end;
3250 procedure TCodeHelpManager.FreeDocs;
3251 var
3252   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
3253 begin
3254   AVLNode:=FDocs.FindLowest;
3255   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
3256     CallDocChangeEvents(chmhDocChanging,TLazFPDocFile(AVLNode.Data));
3257     AVLNode:=FDocs.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
3258   end;
3259   FDocs.FreeAndClear;
3260 end;
3262 procedure TCodeHelpManager.ClearSrcToDocMap;
3263 begin
3264   FSrcToDocMap.FreeAndClear;
3265 end;
3267 procedure TCodeHelpManager.RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject);
3268 var
3269   HandlerType: TCodeHelpManagerHandler;
3270 begin
3271   for HandlerType:=Low(TCodeHelpManagerHandler) to High(TCodeHelpManagerHandler) do
3272     FHandlers[HandlerType].RemoveAllMethodsOfObject(AnObject);
3273 end;
3275 procedure TCodeHelpManager.AddHandlerOnChanging(
3276   const OnDocChangingEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent; AsLast: boolean);
3277 begin
3278   AddHandler(chmhDocChanging,TMethod(OnDocChangingEvent),AsLast);
3279 end;
3281 procedure TCodeHelpManager.RemoveHandlerOnChanging(
3282   const OnDocChangingEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent);
3283 begin
3284   RemoveHandler(chmhDocChanging,TMethod(OnDocChangingEvent));
3285 end;
3287 procedure TCodeHelpManager.AddHandlerOnChanged(
3288   const OnDocChangedEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent; AsLast: boolean);
3289 begin
3290   AddHandler(chmhDocChanged,TMethod(OnDocChangedEvent),AsLast);
3291 end;
3293 procedure TCodeHelpManager.RemoveHandlerOnChanged(
3294   const OnDocChangedEvent: TCodeHelpChangeEvent);
3295 begin
3296   RemoveHandler(chmhDocChanged,TMethod(OnDocChangedEvent));
3297 end;
3300 { TCodeHelpElementChain }
GetCountnull3302 function TCodeHelpElementChain.GetCount: integer;
3303 begin
3304   Result:=FItems.Count;
3305 end;
TCodeHelpElementChain.GetItemsnull3307 function TCodeHelpElementChain.GetItems(Index: integer): TCodeHelpElement;
3308 begin
3309   Result:=TCodeHelpElement(FItems[Index]);
3310 end;
Addnull3312 function TCodeHelpElementChain.Add: TCodeHelpElement;
3313 begin
3314   Result:=TCodeHelpElement.Create;
3315   FItems.Add(Result);
3316 end;
3318 constructor TCodeHelpElementChain.Create;
3319 begin
3320   FItems:=TFPList.Create;
3321 end;
3323 destructor TCodeHelpElementChain.Destroy;
3324 begin
3325   Clear;
3326   FreeAndNil(FItems);
3327   inherited Destroy;
3328 end;
3330 procedure TCodeHelpElementChain.Clear;
3331 var
3332   i: Integer;
3333 begin
3334   for i:=0 to FItems.Count-1 do TObject(FItems[i]).Free;
3335   FItems.Clear;
3336 end;
IndexOfFilenull3338 function TCodeHelpElementChain.IndexOfFile(AFile: TLazFPDocFile): integer;
3339 begin
3340   Result:=FItems.Count-1;
3341   while (Result>=0) do begin
3342     if Items[Result].FPDocFile=AFile then exit;
3343     dec(Result);
3344   end;
3345 end;
TCodeHelpElementChain.IndexOfElementNamenull3347 function TCodeHelpElementChain.IndexOfElementName(ElementName: string): integer;
3348 begin
3349   Result:=FItems.Count-1;
3350   while (Result>=0) do begin
3351     if SysUtils.CompareText(Items[Result].ElementName,ElementName)=0 then exit;
3352     dec(Result);
3353   end;
3354 end;
TCodeHelpElementChain.IndexOfElementNamenull3356 function TCodeHelpElementChain.IndexOfElementName(ElementUnitName,
3357   ElementName: string): integer;
3358 begin
3359   Result:=FItems.Count-1;
3360   while (Result>=0) do begin
3361     if (SysUtils.CompareText(Items[Result].ElementUnitName,ElementUnitName)=0)
3362     and (SysUtils.CompareText(Items[Result].ElementName,ElementName)=0) then
3363       exit;
3364     dec(Result);
3365   end;
3366 end;
TCodeHelpElementChain.IsValidnull3368 function TCodeHelpElementChain.IsValid: boolean;
3369 begin
3370   Result:=(IDEChangeStep=CompilerParseStamp)
3371     and (CodetoolsChangeStep=CodeToolBoss.CodeTreeNodesDeletedStep);
3372   //DebugLn(['TCodeHelpElementChain.IsValid Result=',Result,' IDEChangeStep=',IDEChangeStep,' CompilerParseStamp=',CompilerParseStamp,' CodetoolsChangeStep=',CodetoolsChangeStep,' CodeToolBoss.CodeTreeNodesDeletedStep=',CodeToolBoss.CodeTreeNodesDeletedStep]);
3373 end;
3375 procedure TCodeHelpElementChain.MakeValid;
3376 begin
3377   IDEChangeStep:=CompilerParseStamp;
3378   CodetoolsChangeStep:=CodeToolBoss.CodeTreeNodesDeletedStep;
3379 end;
DocFilenull3381 function TCodeHelpElementChain.DocFile: TLazFPDocFile;
3382 begin
3383   Result:=nil;
3384   if (Count>0) then
3385     Result:=Items[0].FPDocFile;
3386 end;
3388 procedure TCodeHelpElementChain.WriteDebugReport;
3389 var
3390   Line, Column: integer;
3391   i: Integer;
3392 begin
3393   CodePos.Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(CodePos.P,Line,Column);
3394   DebugLn(['TCodeHelpElementChain.WriteDebugReport ',CodePos.Code.Filename,' X=',Column,' Y=',Line,' IDEChangeStep=',IDEChangeStep,' CodetoolsChangeStep=',CodetoolsChangeStep]);
3395   for i:=0 to Count-1 do
3396     Items[i].WriteDebugReport;
3397 end;
3399 { TLazFPDocNode }
3401 constructor TLazFPDocNode.Create(AFile: TLazFPDocFile; ANode: TDOMNode);
3402 begin
3403   Node:=ANode;
3404   DocFile:=AFile;
3405 end;
3407 { TCodeHelpElement }
3409 procedure TCodeHelpElement.WriteDebugReport;
3410 begin
3411   DebugLn(['  ',CodeXYPos.Code.Filename,' X=',CodeXYPos.X,' Y=',CodeXYPos.Y,' ElementOwnerName=',ElementOwnerName,' ElementFPDocPackageName=',ElementFPDocPackageName,' ElementUnitName=',ElementUnitName,' ElementUnitFileName=',ElementUnitFileName,' ElementName=',ElementName]);
3412 end;
3414 end.