1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3    diffpatch.pas - functions to extract differences between texts
4                    (diffs, patches) and apply them (patching).
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Author: Mattias Gaertner
29   Abstract:
30     Methods for creating diffs and ToDo: applying them (patching).
32 }
33 unit DiffPatch;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes, SysUtils, LazLoggerBase;
42 type
43   TTextDiffFlag = (
44     tdfIgnoreCase,            // ignore case of letters
45     tdfIgnoreEmptyLineChanges,// ignore if empty lines were added or removed
46     tdfIgnoreHeadingSpaces,   // ignore spaces at start of line
47     tdfIgnoreLineEnds,        // ignore if line end chars differ (e.g. #10 = #13#10)
48     tdfIgnoreSpaceCharAmount, // ignore if space chars were added or removed
49                               // except if all spaces were removed
50     tdfIgnoreSpaceChars,      // ignore spaces (newline chars not included)
51     tdfIgnoreTrailingSpaces   // ignore spaces at end of line
52   );
53   TTextDiffFlags = set of TTextDiffFlag;
55   TTextDiffOutputType = (
56     tdoContext,
57     tdoRCS
58     );
60   TLineExtends = record
61     LineStart: integer;
62     LineEnd: integer;
63     LineNumber: integer; // starting at 1
64     NextLineStart: integer;
65   end;
67   TDiffOutput = class;
69   { TDiffPart }
71   TDiffPart = class
72   private
73     fOwner: TDiffOutput;
74     fSource: string;
75     fStartLine: integer; // starting at 1
76     fEndLine: integer;   // starting at 1
77     fPosition: TLineExtends;
78     fStream: TStream;
79   public
80     constructor Create(aOwner: TDiffOutput; const aSource: string);
81     destructor Destroy; override;
82     procedure Init(StartExt: TLineExtends);
83     procedure Write(const HeaderPrefix, HeaderSuffix: string);
84     procedure Write2(const StartExt, EndExt: TLineExtends;
85       OtherPartHasChangedLines: boolean; CharForInsertDeletion: char);
86     procedure WriteLinesOfText(aStream: TStream; const aPrefix: string;
87                                const aStartLine: TLineExtends; aEndPos: integer);
LineExtendsToStrnull88     function LineExtendsToStr(const LineExtends: TLineExtends): string;
89     procedure GetLineExtends(LineStart: integer; var LineEnd, NextLineStart: integer);
90     procedure GetLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
91     procedure GetPrevLineExtends(LineStart: integer; var PrevLineStart, PrevLineEnd: integer);
92     procedure GetPrevLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
CountLineEndsnull93     function CountLineEnds(StartPos, EndPos: integer): integer;
CountLinesTillEndnull94     function CountLinesTillEnd(StartPos: integer): integer;
IsEmptyLinenull95     function IsEmptyLine(LineStart, LineEnd: integer): boolean;
96     procedure GetNextLineExtends(var LineStart, LineEnd, NextLineStart, LineNumber: integer);
97     procedure GetNextLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
98   end;
100   TProgressEvent = procedure(aPosition: Integer) of object;
102   { TDiffOutput }
104   TDiffOutput = class
105   private
106     fText1, fText2: string;
107     fOutputType: TTextDiffOutputType;
108     fOnProgressPos: TProgressEvent;
109     fFlags: TTextDiffFlags;
110     fDiffStream: TStream;
111     fPart1, fPart2: TDiffPart;
112     procedure FindNextEqualLine(const Start1, Start2: TLineExtends;
113       out EqualLine1, EqualLine2: TLineExtends);
LinesAreEqualnull114     function LinesAreEqual(Line1Start, Line1End, NextLine1Start: integer;
115                            Line2Start, Line2End, NextLine2Start: integer): boolean;
LinesAreEqualnull116     function LinesAreEqual(const Line1Extends, Line2Extends: TLineExtends): boolean;
117     procedure AddDefaultDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
118     procedure AddContextDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
119     procedure FinishOldContextBlock;
120     procedure FinishDiff;
121     procedure AddRestDiff(const Start1, Start2: TLineExtends);
122     procedure AddDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
123     procedure UpdateProgressBar(const Line: TLineExtends);
124   public
125     constructor Create(const aText1, aText2: string; aFlags: TTextDiffFlags);
126     destructor Destroy; override;
GetProgressMaxnull127     function GetProgressMax: Integer;
CreateTextDiffnull128     function CreateTextDiff: string;
129   public
130     property OutputType: TTextDiffOutputType read fOutputType write fOutputType;
131     property OnProgressPos: TProgressEvent read fOnProgressPos write fOnProgressPos;
132   end;
135 const
136   TextDiffFlagNames: array[TTextDiffFlag] of string = (
137     'IgnoreCase',
138     'IgnoreEmptyLineChanges',
139     'IgnoreHeadingSpaces',
140     'IgnoreLineEnds',
141     'IgnoreSpaceCharAmount',
142     'IgnoreSpaceChars',
143     'IgnoreTrailingSpaces'
144     );
147 implementation
149 const
150   LineBreak = #10;
151   ContextLineCount = 3;
153 var
154   IsSpaceChars: array[char] of boolean;
155   UpperCaseChars: array[char] of char;
TextToLinenull157 function TextToLine(const s: string): string;
158 var
159   i: integer;
160   OrdStr: string;
161 begin
162   Result:=s;
163   i:=1;
164   while i<=length(Result) do begin
165     if ord(Result[i])>=ord(' ') then begin
166       inc(i);
167     end else begin
168       OrdStr:='#'+IntToStr(ord(Result[i]));
169       Result:=LeftStr(Result,i-1)+OrdStr+RightStr(Result,length(Result)-i);
170     end;
171   end;
172 end;
GotoNextLinenull174 function GotoNextLine(var LineExtends: TLineExtends): boolean;
175 begin
176   with LineExtends do begin
177     Result:=LineStart<NextLineStart;
178     if Result then begin
179       inc(LineNumber);
180       LineStart:=NextLineStart;
181     end;
182   end;
183 end;
185 procedure WriteStrToStream(Stream: TStream; const s: string);
186 begin
187   if s='' then exit;
188   Stream.Write(s[1],length(s));
189 end;
191 { TDiffPart }
193 constructor TDiffPart.Create(aOwner: TDiffOutput; const aSource: string);
194 begin
195   fOwner:=aOwner;
196   fSource:=aSource;
197 end;
199 destructor TDiffPart.Destroy;
200 begin
201   fStream.Free;
202   inherited Destroy;
203 end;
205 procedure TDiffPart.Init(StartExt: TLineExtends);
206 begin
207   if fStream=nil then
208     fStream:=TMemoryStream.Create
209   else
210     fStream.Size:=0;
211   fStartLine:=StartExt.LineNumber-ContextLineCount;
212   if fStartLine<1 then fStartLine:=1;
213   fPosition:=StartExt;
214   while fPosition.LineNumber>fStartLine do
215     GetPrevLineExtends(fPosition);
216 end;
218 procedure TDiffPart.Write(const HeaderPrefix, HeaderSuffix: string);
219 begin
220   // check if part contains any changed lines
221   if fPosition.LineNumber > fStartLine then begin
222     // part contains changed lines -> append end context
223     while (fPosition.LineNumber <= fEndLine)
224     and (fPosition.LineStart < length(fSource)) do begin
225       WriteLinesOfText(fStream, '  ', fPosition, fPosition.NextLineStart);
226       if not GotoNextLine(fPosition) then
227         break;
228       GetLineExtends(fPosition);
229     end;
230   end else begin
231     // part does not contain changed lines -> skip
232   end;
233   fStream.Position:=0;
234   // write part
235   WriteStrToStream(fOwner.fDiffStream, HeaderPrefix +
236        IntToStr(fStartLine) + ',' + IntToStr(fEndLine) + HeaderSuffix + LineBreak);
237   if fStream.Size<>0 then
238     fOwner.fDiffStream.CopyFrom(fStream, fStream.Size);
239 end;
241 procedure TDiffPart.Write2(const StartExt, EndExt: TLineExtends;
242   OtherPartHasChangedLines: boolean; CharForInsertDeletion: char);
243 begin
244   // check if there are changed lines
245   if StartExt.LineStart < EndExt.LineStart then begin
246     // write lines
247     while fPosition.LineStart < EndExt.LineStart do begin
248       if fPosition.LineStart < StartExt.LineStart then
249         // this is an unchanged line in front of the changed lines
250         WriteStrToStream(fStream, '  ')
251       else begin
252         // this is a changed line
253         if OtherPartHasChangedLines then
254           WriteStrToStream(fStream, '! ')
255         else
256           WriteStrToStream(fStream, CharForInsertDeletion+' ');
257       end;
258       if fPosition.LineStart <> fPosition.NextLineStart then
259         fStream.Write(fSource[fPosition.LineStart], fPosition.NextLineStart-fPosition.LineStart);
260       if not GotoNextLine(fPosition) then
261         break;
262       GetLineExtends(fPosition);
263     end;
264   end;
265 end;
267 procedure TDiffPart.WriteLinesOfText(aStream: TStream;
268   const aPrefix: string; const aStartLine: TLineExtends; aEndPos: integer);
269 { Write all lines in front of EndLine, starting with StartLine }
270 var
271   Line: TLineExtends;
272 begin
273   Line:=aStartLine;
274   while (Line.LineStart<aEndPos) do begin
275     WriteStrToStream(aStream,aPrefix);
276     if (Line.LineEnd>Line.LineStart) then
277       aStream.Write(fSource[Line.LineStart],Line.LineEnd-Line.LineStart);
278     if (Line.NextLineStart>Line.LineEnd) then
279       aStream.Write(fSource[Line.LineEnd],Line.NextLineStart-Line.LineEnd)
280     else begin
281       WriteStrToStream(aStream,LineBreak);
282       WriteStrToStream(aStream,'\ No newline at end');
283       WriteStrToStream(aStream,LineBreak);
284     end;
285     if not GotoNextLine(Line) then break;
286     GetLineExtends(Line);
287   end;
288 end;
LineExtendsToStrnull290 function TDiffPart.LineExtendsToStr(const LineExtends: TLineExtends): string;
291 begin
292   with LineExtends do
293     Result:='(Start='+IntToStr(LineStart)+' End='+IntToStr(LineEnd)
294       +' Next='+IntToStr(NextLineStart)+' Number='+IntToStr(LineNumber)
295       +' Text="'+TextToLine(copy(fSource,LineStart,NextLineStart-LineStart))+'")';
296 end;
298 procedure TDiffPart.GetLineExtends(LineStart: integer; var LineEnd, NextLineStart: integer);
299 var
300   Len: integer;
301 begin
302   Len:=length(fSource);
303   LineEnd:=LineStart;
304   while LineEnd<=Len do begin
305     if (not (fSource[LineEnd] in [#10,#13])) then begin
306       inc(LineEnd);
307     end else begin
308       NextLineStart:=LineEnd+1;
309       if (NextLineStart<=Len) and (fSource[NextLineStart] in [#10,#13])
310       and (fSource[LineEnd]<>fSource[NextLineStart]) then
311         inc(NextLineStart);
312       exit;
313     end;
314   end;
315   // this was the last line and it has no line end
316   NextLineStart:=LineEnd;
317 end;
319 procedure TDiffPart.GetLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
320 begin
321   GetLineExtends(LineExtends.LineStart, LineExtends.LineEnd, LineExtends.NextLineStart);
322 end;
324 procedure TDiffPart.GetPrevLineExtends(LineStart: integer;
325   var PrevLineStart, PrevLineEnd: integer);
326 begin
327   // read line end
328   PrevLineEnd:=LineStart;
329   if (PrevLineEnd>1) and (fSource[PrevLineEnd-1] in [#10,#13]) then
330     dec(PrevLineEnd);
331   if (PrevLineEnd>1) and (fSource[PrevLineEnd-1] in [#10,#13])
332   and (fSource[PrevLineEnd]<>fSource[PrevLineEnd-1]) then
333     dec(PrevLineEnd);
334   // read line content
335   PrevLineStart:=PrevLineEnd;
336   while (PrevLineStart>1) and (not (fSource[PrevLineStart-1] in [#10,#13])) do
337     dec(PrevLineStart);
338 end;
340 procedure TDiffPart.GetPrevLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
341 begin
342   if LineExtends.LineStart<1 then exit;
343   LineExtends.NextLineStart:=LineExtends.LineStart;
344   GetPrevLineExtends(LineExtends.LineStart,LineExtends.LineStart,LineExtends.LineEnd);
345   dec(LineExtends.LineNumber);
346 end;
TDiffPart.CountLineEndsnull348 function TDiffPart.CountLineEnds(StartPos, EndPos: integer): integer;
349 begin
350   Result:=0;
351   while (StartPos<EndPos) do begin
352     if not (fSource[StartPos] in [#10,#13]) then begin
353       inc(StartPos);
354     end else begin
355       inc(Result);
356       inc(StartPos);
357       if (StartPos<EndPos) and (fSource[StartPos] in [#10,#13])
358       and (fSource[StartPos]<>fSource[StartPos-1]) then
359         inc(StartPos);
360     end;
361   end;
362 end;
TDiffPart.CountLinesTillEndnull364 function TDiffPart.CountLinesTillEnd(StartPos: integer): integer;
365 var
366   Len: integer;
367 begin
368   Len:=length(fSource);
369   Result:=CountLineEnds(StartPos,Len+1);
370   if (StartPos<=Len) and (not (fSource[Len] in [#10,#13])) then
371     inc(Result);
372 end;
TDiffPart.IsEmptyLinenull374 function TDiffPart.IsEmptyLine(LineStart, LineEnd: integer): boolean;
375 var
376   i: integer;
377 begin
378   if LineStart<=length(fSource) then begin
379     if ([tdfIgnoreSpaceCharAmount,tdfIgnoreSpaceChars,tdfIgnoreHeadingSpaces,
380       tdfIgnoreTrailingSpaces]*fOwner.fFlags)<>[] then
381     begin
382       Result:=true;
383       for i:=LineStart to LineEnd-1 do begin
384         if not IsSpaceChars[fSource[i]] then begin
385           Result:=false;
386           exit;
387         end;
388       end;
389     end else begin
390       Result:=(LineEnd=LineStart);
391     end;
392   end else begin
393     Result:=true;
394     exit;
395   end;
396 end;
398 procedure TDiffPart.GetNextLineExtends(var LineStart, LineEnd, NextLineStart, LineNumber: integer);
399 var
400   Len: integer;
401 begin
402   Len:=length(fSource);
403   repeat
404     GetLineExtends(LineStart,LineEnd,NextLineStart);
405     if (LineStart>Len)
406     or (not (tdfIgnoreEmptyLineChanges in fOwner.fFlags))
407     or (not IsEmptyLine(LineStart,LineEnd)) then
408       break;
409     LineStart:=NextLineStart;
410     inc(LineNumber);
411   until false;
412 end;
414 procedure TDiffPart.GetNextLineExtends(var LineExtends: TLineExtends);
415 begin
416   GetNextLineExtends(LineExtends.LineStart, LineExtends.LineEnd,
417                      LineExtends.NextLineStart, LineExtends.LineNumber);
418 end;
421 { TDiffOutput }
LinesAreEqualnull423 function TDiffOutput.LinesAreEqual(
424   Line1Start, Line1End, NextLine1Start: integer;
425   Line2Start, Line2End, NextLine2Start: integer): boolean;
426 var
427   Start1, End1, Pos1,
428   Start2, End2, Pos2: integer;
429 begin
430   Start1:=Line1Start;
431   End1:=Line1End;
432   Start2:=Line2Start;
433   End2:=Line2End;
434   if [tdfIgnoreHeadingSpaces,tdfIgnoreSpaceChars]*fFlags<>[] then begin
435     // ignore spaces at start of line
436     while (Start1<End1) and IsSpaceChars[fText1[Start1]] do inc(Start1);
437     while (Start2<End2) and IsSpaceChars[fText2[Start2]] do inc(Start2);
438   end;
439   if [tdfIgnoreTrailingSpaces,tdfIgnoreSpaceChars]*fFlags<>[] then begin
440     // ignore spaces at end of line
441     while (Start1<End1) and IsSpaceChars[fText1[End1-1]] do dec(End1);
442     while (Start2<End2) and IsSpaceChars[fText2[End2-1]] do dec(End2);
443   end;
445   // compare line content (i.e. the chars without the line end)
446   Pos1:=Start1;
447   Pos2:=Start2;
448   while (Pos1<End1) and (Pos2<End2) do begin
449     if not IsSpaceChars[fText1[Pos1]] then begin
450       // fText1 contains a normal char
451       if not IsSpaceChars[fText2[Pos2]] then begin
452         // fText2 contains a normal char
453         if tdfIgnoreCase in fFlags then begin
454           // compare case insensitive
455           if UpperCaseChars[fText1[Pos1]]=UpperCaseChars[fText2[Pos2]] then begin
456             // no diff -> proceed with next chars
457             inc(Pos1);
458             inc(Pos2);
459           end else begin
460             // diff found -> lines differ
461             Result:=false;
462             exit;
463           end;
464         end else begin
465           // compare case sensitive
466           if fText1[Pos1]=fText2[Pos2] then begin
467             // no diff -> proceed with next chars
468             inc(Pos1);
469             inc(Pos2);
470           end else begin
471             // diff found -> lines differ
472             Result:=false;
473             exit;
474           end;
475         end;
476       end else begin
477         // fText2 contains a space
478         if not (tdfIgnoreSpaceChars in fFlags) then begin
479           // diff found -> lines differ
480           Result:=false;
481           exit;
482         end else begin
483           // skip all spaces in fText2 and proceed the search
484           repeat
485             inc(Pos2);
486           until (Pos2>=End2) or (not IsSpaceChars[fText2[Pos2]]);
487         end;
488       end;
489     end else begin
490       // fText1 contains a space
491       if not IsSpaceChars[fText2[Pos2]] then begin
492         // fText2 contains a normal char
493         if not (tdfIgnoreSpaceChars in fFlags) then begin
494           // diff found -> lines differ
495           Result:=false;
496           exit;
497         end else begin
498           // skip all spaces in fText1 and proceed the search
499           repeat
500             inc(Pos1);
501           until (Pos1>=End1) or (not IsSpaceChars[fText1[Pos1]]);
502         end;
503       end else begin
504         // fText2 contains a space
505         if [tdfIgnoreSpaceChars,tdfIgnoreSpaceCharAmount]*fFlags<>[] then begin
506           // skip all spaces in fText1 and fText2 and proceed the search
507           repeat
508             inc(Pos1);
509           until (Pos1>=End1) or (not IsSpaceChars[fText1[Pos1]]);
510           repeat
511             inc(Pos2);
512           until (Pos2>=End2) or (not IsSpaceChars[fText2[Pos2]]);
513         end else begin
514           // compare the space chars
515           if fText1[Pos1]=fText2[Pos2] then begin
516             // no diff -> proceed with next chars
517             inc(Pos1);
518             inc(Pos2);
519           end else begin
520             // diff found -> lines differ
521             Result:=false;
522             exit;
523           end;
524         end;
525       end;
526     end;
527   end;
528   if (Pos1<End1) or (Pos2<End2) then begin
529     // one line is longer -> lines differ
530     Result:=false;
531     exit;
532   end;
533   // compare line ends
534   if not (tdfIgnoreLineEnds in fFlags) then begin
535     Pos1:=Line1End;
536     Pos2:=Line2End;
537     while (Pos1<NextLine1Start) and (Pos2<NextLine2Start)
538     and (fText1[Pos1]=fText2[Pos2]) do begin
539       inc(Pos1);
540       inc(Pos2);
541     end;
542     Result:=(Pos1=NextLine1Start) and (Pos2=NextLine2Start);
543   end else begin
544     Result:=true;
545   end;
546 end;
LinesAreEqualnull548 function TDiffOutput.LinesAreEqual(const Line1Extends, Line2Extends: TLineExtends): boolean;
549 begin
550   Result:=LinesAreEqual(Line1Extends.LineStart, Line1Extends.LineEnd,
551                         Line1Extends.NextLineStart,
552                         Line2Extends.LineStart, Line2Extends.LineEnd,
553                         Line2Extends.NextLineStart);
554 end;
556 procedure TDiffOutput.FindNextEqualLine(const Start1, Start2: TLineExtends;
557   out EqualLine1, EqualLine2: TLineExtends);
558 var
559   Max1, Max2, Cur1, Cur2: TLineExtends;
560 begin
561   Max1:=Start1;
562   Max2:=Start2;
563   Cur1:=Start1;
564   Cur2:=Start2;
565   try
566     if LinesAreEqual(Cur1,Cur2)
567     and (not fPart1.IsEmptyLine(Cur1.LineStart, Cur1.LineEnd)) then
568       exit;
569     repeat
570       // increase Max1
571       if GotoNextLine(Max1) then begin
572         fPart1.GetLineExtends(Max1);
573         // search Max1 Line in fText2
574         if Max1.LineStart<Max1.NextLineStart then begin
575           Cur1:=Max1;
576           Cur2:=Start2;
577           repeat
578             if LinesAreEqual(Cur1,Cur2)
579             and (not fPart1.IsEmptyLine(Cur1.LineStart, Cur1.LineEnd)) then
580               exit;
581             if Cur2.LineStart>=Max2.LineStart then break;
582             Cur2.LineStart:=Cur2.NextLineStart;
583             inc(Cur2.LineNumber);
584             fPart2.GetLineExtends(Cur2);
585           until false;
586         end;
587         UpdateProgressBar(Max1);
588       end;
589       // increase Max2
590       if GotoNextLine(Max2) then begin
591         fPart2.GetLineExtends(Max2);
592         // search Max2 Line in fText1
593         if Max2.LineStart<Max2.NextLineStart then begin
594           Cur1:=Start1;
595           Cur2:=Max2;
596           repeat
597             if LinesAreEqual(Cur1,Cur2)
598             and (not fPart1.IsEmptyLine(Cur1.LineStart,Cur1.LineEnd)) then
599               exit;
600             if Cur1.LineStart>=Max1.LineStart then break;
601             Cur1.LineStart:=Cur1.NextLineStart;
602             inc(Cur1.LineNumber);
603             fPart1.GetLineExtends(Cur1);
604           until false;
605         end;
606       end;
607     until (Max1.LineStart>=Max1.NextLineStart)
608       and (Max2.LineStart>=Max2.NextLineStart);
609     // no equal line found
610     Cur1:=Max1;
611     Cur2:=Max2;
612   finally
613     repeat
614       EqualLine1:=Cur1;
615       EqualLine2:=Cur2;
616       // chomp empty lines at end
617       fPart1.GetPrevLineExtends(Cur1);
618       fPart2.GetPrevLineExtends(Cur2);
619       if (Cur1.LineNumber < 1) or (Cur2.LineNumber < 1) then
620         break;
621     until not LinesAreEqual(Cur1,Cur2);
622   end;
623 end;
CreateTextDiffnull625 function TDiffOutput.CreateTextDiff: string;
626 var
627   Line1, Line2, EqualLine1, EqualLine2: TLineExtends;
628   Len1, Len2: integer;
629 begin
630   Result := '';
631   try
632   try
633     Len1:=length(fText1);
634     Len2:=length(fText2);
635     Line1.LineStart:=1;
636     Line1.LineNumber:=1;
637     Line2.LineStart:=1;
638     Line2.LineNumber:=1;
639     repeat
640       // search for a difference line ...
641       repeat
642         // skip empty lines in fText1 and get line1 extends ...
643         fPart1.GetNextLineExtends(Line1);
644         // skip empty lines in fText2 and get line2 extends ...
645         fPart2.GetNextLineExtends(Line2);
646         // skip equal lines ...
647         if (Line1.LineStart<=Len1) and (Line2.LineStart<=Len2) then begin
648           if not LinesAreEqual(Line1,Line2) then
649             break;
650           Line1.LineStart:=Line1.NextLineStart;
651           inc(Line1.LineNumber);
652           Line2.LineStart:=Line2.NextLineStart;
653           inc(Line2.LineNumber);
654         end else begin
655           if (Line1.LineStart<=Len1) or (Line2.LineStart<=Len2) then begin
656             // one text is longer than the other
657             AddRestDiff(Line1, Line2);
658           end else begin
659             // no more diff found
660           end;
661           exit;
662         end;
663         UpdateProgressBar(Line1);
664       until false;
665       // difference line found -> search next equal line
666       FindNextEqualLine(Line1, Line2, EqualLine1, EqualLine2);
667       AddDiff(Line1, EqualLine1, Line2, EqualLine2);
668       // continue the search ...
669       Line1:=EqualLine1;
670       GotoNextLine(Line1);
671       Line2:=EqualLine2;
672       GotoNextLine(Line2);
673       UpdateProgressBar(Line1);
674     until false;
675   except
676     on E: Exception do begin
677       DebugLogger.DebugLn('CreateTextDiff ',E.Message);
678     end;
679   end;
680   finally
681     FinishDiff;
682     SetLength(Result,fDiffStream.Size);
683     fDiffStream.Position:=0;
684     if Result<>'' then
685       fDiffStream.Read(Result[1],length(Result));
686   end;
687 end;
689 procedure TDiffOutput.AddRestDiff(const Start1, Start2: TLineExtends);
690 var
691   End1, End2: TLineExtends;
692 begin
693   End1.LineStart:=length(fText1)+1;
694   End1.LineEnd:=End1.LineStart;
695   End1.NextLineStart:=End1.LineStart;
696   End1.LineNumber:=Start1.LineNumber+fPart1.CountLinesTillEnd(Start1.LineStart);
697   End2.LineStart:=length(fText2)+1;
698   End2.LineEnd:=End2.LineStart;
699   End2.NextLineStart:=End2.LineStart;
700   End2.LineNumber:=Start2.LineNumber+fPart2.CountLinesTillEnd(Start2.LineStart);
701   AddDiff(Start1,End1,  Start2,End2);
702 end;
704 procedure TDiffOutput.AddDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
705 begin
706   if (Start1.LineStart>length(fText1)) and (Start2.LineStart>length(fText2)) then
707     exit;                             // no diff
708   case fOutputType of
709     tdoContext:
710       AddContextDiff(Start1,End1,Start2,End2);
711     else
712       AddDefaultDiff(Start1,End1,Start2,End2);
713   end;
714 end;
716 procedure TDiffOutput.UpdateProgressBar(const Line: TLineExtends);
717 begin
718   if Assigned(OnProgressPos) then
719     OnProgressPos(Line.LineStart);
720 end;
722 procedure TDiffOutput.FinishOldContextBlock;
723 begin
724   if fPart1.fStream <> nil then begin
725     fPart1.Write('*** ',' ****');
726     fPart2.Write('--- ',' ----');
727   end;
728 end;
730 procedure TDiffOutput.FinishDiff;
731 begin
732   case fOutputType of
733     tdoContext: FinishOldContextBlock;
734   end;
735 end;
737 procedure TDiffOutput.AddDefaultDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
738 { Start1/2 is the first line that is different
739   End1/2 is the first line that is equal
741   The diff output:
742     - There are three types of diffs: insertions, deletions and replacements
743     - Insertions:
744       - An insertion/addition starts with a
745         <lines>a<lines>
746         followed by the lines of text 2.
747       - A deletion starts with a
748         <lines>d<lines>
749         followed by the lines of text 1.
750       - A replacement/change starts with a
751         <lines>c<lines>
752         followed by the lines of text 1, folowed by
753         ---
754         followed by the lines of text 2.
755     - <lines> can be single decimal number or a range. For example:
756        1
757        2,3
758     - The lines of text 1 are always prefixed with '< '
759       If the lines of text 1 do not end with a newline char it ends with a line
760       \ No newline at end
761     - The lines of text 2 are always prefixed with '> '
762       If the lines of text 1 do not end with a newline char it ends with a line
763       \ No newline at end
764 }
765 var
766   DiffStartLine1, DiffEndLine1: integer;
767   DiffStartLine2, DiffEndLine2: integer;
768   ActionChar: char;
770   procedure WriteActionLine;
771   begin
772     // write line numbers of text 1
773     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,IntToStr(DiffStartLine1));
774     if DiffEndLine1>DiffStartLine1 then begin
775       WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,',');
776       WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,IntToStr(DiffEndLine1));
777     end;
778     // write action character 'a', 'd' or 'c'
779     if (Start1.LineStart<End1.LineStart) then begin
780       // part of text 1 is replaced
781       if (Start2.LineStart<End2.LineStart) then
782         ActionChar:='c'  // replacement
783       else
784         ActionChar:='d'; // deletion
785     end else begin
786       // insertion
787       ActionChar:='a';
788     end;
789     fDiffStream.Write(ActionChar,1);
790     // write line numbers of text 2
791     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,IntToStr(DiffStartLine2));
792     if DiffEndLine2>DiffStartLine2 then begin
793       WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,',');
794       WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,IntToStr(DiffEndLine2));
795     end;
796     // write <newline>
797     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,LineBreak);
798   end;
800 begin
801   DiffStartLine1:=Start1.LineNumber;
802   DiffEndLine1:=End1.LineNumber-1;
803   if DiffStartLine1>DiffEndLine1 then
804     DiffStartLine1:=DiffEndLine1;
805   DiffStartLine2:=Start2.LineNumber;
806   DiffEndLine2:=End2.LineNumber-1;
807   if DiffStartLine2>DiffEndLine2 then
808     DiffStartLine2:=DiffEndLine2;
809   WriteActionLine;
810   fPart1.WriteLinesOfText(fDiffStream,'< ',Start1,End1.LineStart);
811   if ActionChar='c' then begin
812     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,'---');
813     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,LineBreak);
814   end;
815   fPart2.WriteLinesOfText(fDiffStream,'> ',Start2,End2.LineStart);
816 end;
818 procedure TDiffOutput.AddContextDiff(const Start1, End1, Start2, End2: TLineExtends);
819 { Start1/2 is the first line that is different
820   End1/2 is the first line that is equal
822   The diff output:
823     - Every diff block starts with 15 stars
824       ***************
825     - Every diff block has two parts. One for each text.
826     - The first text part starts with
827       *** StartLine,EndLine ****
828     - The second text part starts with
829       --- StartLine,EndLine ----
830     - In front of and behind each changed line there are unchanged line. These
831       lines are the context.
832     - At the beginning and at the end there are at least
833       ContextLineCount number of unchanged lines.
834     - Between two changed lines there are at most 2x ContextLineCount number of
835       unchanged lines. If there are too many, the a new block is started
836     - Changed lines starts with '! ', unchanged with '  '.
837     - If a part contains no changed lines, its lines can be left out
838 }
840 var
841   Part1HasChangedLines: boolean;
842   Part2HasChangedLines: boolean;
843 begin
844   if (fPart1.fStream<>nil)
845   and (Start1.LineNumber-ContextLineCount<=fPart1.fEndLine-1)
846   and (Start2.LineNumber-ContextLineCount<=fPart2.fEndLine-1) then begin
847     // append the new difference
848   end else begin
849     // start a new block    // StartContextBlock(Start1,Start2);
850     FinishOldContextBlock;
851     WriteStrToStream(fDiffStream,'***************'+LineBreak);
852     fPart1.Init(Start1);
853     fPart2.Init(Start2);
854   end;
855   fPart1.fEndLine:=End1.LineNumber+ContextLineCount-1;
856   fPart2.fEndLine:=End2.LineNumber+ContextLineCount-1;
857   Part1HasChangedLines:=End1.LineStart>Start1.LineStart;
858   Part2HasChangedLines:=End2.LineStart>Start2.LineStart;
859   fPart1.Write2(Start1,End1,Part2HasChangedLines,'-');
860   fPart2.Write2(Start2,End2,Part1HasChangedLines,'+');
861 end;
TDiffOutput.GetProgressMaxnull863 function TDiffOutput.GetProgressMax: Integer;
864 begin
865   Result := Length(fText1); // + Length(fText2);
866 end;
868 constructor TDiffOutput.Create(const aText1, aText2: string; aFlags: TTextDiffFlags);
869 begin
870   fText1:=aText1;
871   fText2:=aText2;
872   fFlags:=aFlags;
873   fOutputType:=tdoContext;          // Default OutputType, can be changed later
874   fDiffStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
875   fPart1:=TDiffPart.Create(Self, fText1);
876   fPart2:=TDiffPart.Create(Self, fText2);
877 end;
879 destructor TDiffOutput.Destroy;
880 begin
881   if Assigned(OnProgressPos) then
882     OnProgressPos(0);
883   fPart2.Free;
884   fPart1.Free;
885   fDiffStream.Free;
886   inherited Destroy;
887 end;
890 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
891 procedure InternalInit;
892 var
893   c: char;
894 begin
895   for c:=Low(char) to High(char) do begin
896     IsSpaceChars[c]:=c in [' ',#9];
897     UpperCaseChars[c]:=upcase(c);
898   end;
899 end;
901 initialization
902   InternalInit;
904 finalization
907 end.