1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                     encloseifdef.pas  -  Conditional Defines
4                     ----------------------------------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
26 }
27 unit EncloseIfDef;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 interface
33 (* Utility to assist in inserting conditional defines. For example, to convert
34     OnCreate := @CreateHandler
35   to:
36     OnCreate := {$IFDEF FPC} @ {$ENDIF} CreateHandler
37   select @ and then use Edit, Insert $IFDEF (default shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D),
38   select "FPC,NONE" and hit return. If you select one or more complete lines
39   then the conditional defines are put on sepearate lines as in:
41   Writeln('State= ', State)
42   {$ENDIF}
43   The choices are listed in abbreviated form so:
45     FPC,ELSE       => {$IFDEF FPC} ... {$ELSE} ... {$ENDIF}
46     DEBUG,NONE     => {$IFDEF DEBUG} ... {$ENDIF}
47   This tool is most useful when you need to put several identical conditionals
48   in a file, You can add to the possible conditionals by selecting or typing
49   the required symbols in "First test" and /or "Second test" and using the
50   Add button. Your additons are saved in the encloseifdef.xml file in the lazarus
51   configuration directory.
52 *)
54 uses
55   Classes, SysUtils, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, Buttons, ButtonPanel,
56   LCLProc, LCLType, LazConf, LazFileUtils, Laz2_XMLCfg, LazFileCache,
57   IDEHelpIntf, IDEImagesIntf, LazarusIDEStrConsts, EnvironmentOpts;
59 type
61   { TEncloseIfDefForm }
63   TEncloseIfDefForm = class(TForm)
64     AddBtn: TBitBtn;
65     AddInverse: TBitBtn;
66     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
67     FirstLabel: TLabel;
68     FirstTest: TComboBox;
69     ListBox: TListBox;
70     NewTestGroupBox: TGroupBox;
71     RemoveBtn: TBitBtn;
72     SecondLabel: TLabel;
73     SecondTest: TComboBox;
74     procedure AddBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
75     procedure AddInverseCLICK(Sender: TObject);
76     procedure btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
77     procedure OKButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
78     procedure TestEditChange(Sender: TObject);
79     procedure HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
80     procedure CondFormCREATE(Sender: TObject);
81     procedure ListBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
82     procedure ListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject);
83     procedure RemoveBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
84     procedure ListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState);
85     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
86   private
87     StoredChoice, StoredFirst, StoredSecond: string;
88     FS: string;
SplitActiveRownull89     function SplitActiveRow(out aFirst, aSecond: string): Boolean;
90     procedure DeleteSelected;
91     procedure UpdateButtons;
IsChangednull92     function IsChanged: Boolean;
93     procedure SaveIfChanged;
CreateXMLConfignull94     function CreateXMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
95   end;
EncloseInsideIFDEFnull98 function EncloseInsideIFDEF(Text: string; IsPascal: Boolean):string;
100 implementation
102 {$R *.lfm}
104 const
105   XmlRoot = 'encloseifdef/';
ShowEncloseIfDefDlgnull107 function ShowEncloseIfDefDlg: string;
108 var
109   EncloseIfDefForm: TEncloseIfDefForm;
110 begin
111   Result := '';
112   EncloseIfDefForm := TEncloseIfDefForm.Create(nil);
113   try
114     EncloseIfDefForm.ActiveControl := EncloseIfDefForm.ListBox;
115     if EncloseIfDefForm.ShowModal = mrOK then
116       Result := EncloseIfDefForm.FS;
117   finally
118     EncloseIfDefForm.Free;
119   end
120 end;
EncloseInsideIFDEFnull122 function EncloseInsideIFDEF(Text: string; IsPascal: Boolean):string;
123 var
124   cond, s, f: string;
125   p, p1: Integer;
126   IsElse, IsTwo, HasNewline: Boolean;
127   Tail, Indent: string;
ifdefnull129   function ifdef(s:string):string;
130   begin
131     Result :='';
132     if (s <>'') and (s[1] = '!') then begin
133       if IsPascal then
134         Result := 'N'
135       else
136         Result := 'n';
137       s := Copy(s,2,Length(s)-1);
138     end;
139     if IsPascal then
140       Result := '{$IF' + Result + 'DEF ' + s + '}'
141     else
142       Result := '#if' + Result + 'def ' + s;
143   end;
145 begin
146   Result := Text;
147   cond := ShowEncloseIfDefDlg;
148   p := Pos(',',cond);
149   if p <= 0 then Exit;
150   f := Copy(Cond, 1, p-1);
151   s := Copy(Cond, p+1, Length(Cond));
152   IsElse := CompareText(s, 'ELSE') = 0;
153   IsTwo := CompareText(s, 'NONE') <> 0;
154   HasNewline := Pos(#10, Text) > 0;
155   if HasNewline then begin
156     p := 1;
157     { leave leading newlines unchanged (outside $IFDEF) }
158     while (p <= Length(Text)) and (Text[p] in [#10,#13]) do Inc(p);
159     Result := Copy(Text,1,p-1);
160     p1 := p;
161     { Work out current indentation, to line up $IFDEFS }
162     while (p <= Length(Text)) and (Text[p] in [#9,' ']) do Inc(p);
163     Indent := Copy(Text, p1, p-p1);
164     Text := Copy(Text,p,Length(Text));
165     p := Length(Text);
166     { Tailing whitespace is left outside $IFDEF }
167     while (p>0) and (Text[p] in [' ',#9,#10,#13]) do Dec(p);
168     Tail := Copy(Text, p+1, Length(Text));
169     SetLength(Text,p);
170   end else begin
171     Result := '';
172     Tail := '';
173     Indent := '';
174   end;
175   if IsPascal then begin
176     f := ifdef(f);
177     s := ifdef(s);
178     if HasNewline then begin
179       Result := Result + Indent + f + LineEnding + Indent + Text + LineEnding;
180       if IsElse then
181         Result := Result + Indent + '{$ELSE}' + LineEnding
182       else begin
183         Result := Result + Indent + '{$ENDIF}';
184         if IsTwo then
185           Result := Result + LineEnding + Indent + s + LineEnding;
186       end;
187       if IsTwo then
188         Result := Result + Indent + Text + LineEnding + Indent + '{$ENDIF}';
189       Result := Result + Tail;
190     end else begin
191       Result := Result + f + ' ' + Text;
192       if IsElse then
193         Result := Result + ' {$ELSE} '
194       else begin
195         Result := Result + ' {$ENDIF}';
196         if IsTwo then
197           Result := Result + ' ' + s + ' ';
198       end;
199       if IsTwo then
200         Result := Result + Text + ' {$ENDIF}';
201     end;
202   end else begin
203     Result := Result + ifdef(f) + LineEnding + indent + Text + LineEnding;
204     if IsElse then
205       Result := Result + '#else' + LineEnding
206     else begin
207       Result := Result + '#endif /* ' + f + ' */' + LineEnding;
208       if IsTwo then
209         Result := Result + ifdef(s) + LineEnding;
210     end;
211     if IsTwo then begin
212       Result := Result + indent + Text + LineEnding + '#endif /* ';
213       if IsElse then
214         Result := Result + f
215       else
216         Result := Result + s;
217       Result := Result + ' */' + LineEnding;
218     end;
219     Result := Result + Tail;
220   end;
221 end;
223 { TEncloseIfDefForm }
225 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.CondFormCREATE(Sender: TObject);
226 var
227   i: Integer;
228   XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
229 begin
230   NewTestGroupBox.Caption := rsCreateNewDefine;
231   Caption := rsConditionalDefines;
232   FirstLabel.Caption := lisFirstTest;
233   SecondLabel.Caption := lisSecondTest;
234   AddBtn.Caption := lisBtnAdd;
235   IDEImages.AssignImage(AddBtn, 'laz_add');
236   AddInverse.Caption := rsAddInverse;
237   IDEImages.AssignImage(AddInverse, 'pkg_issues');
238   RemoveBtn.Caption := lisBtnRemove;
239   IDEImages.AssignImage(RemoveBtn, 'laz_delete');
240   ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.Caption := lisSave;
241   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Caption := lisOk;
242   //ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.LoadGlyphFromStock(idButtonSave);
243   //if btnSave.Glyph.Empty then
244   //  btnSave.LoadGlyphFromResourceName(HInstance, 'laz_save');
245   try
246     XMLConfig:=CreateXMLConfig;
247     try
248       StoredChoice := XMLConfig.GetValue(XmlRoot + 'Choice',
250       StoredFirst := XMLConfig.GetValue(XmlRoot + 'First', 'MSWINDOWS');
251       StoredSecond := XMLConfig.GetValue(XmlRoot + 'Second', 'UNIX');
252     finally
253       XMLConfig.Free;
254     end;
255   except
256     on E: Exception do begin
257       debugln('TCondForm.CondFormCREATE ',E.Message);
258     end;
259   end;
260   with ListBox do begin
261     Items.CommaText := StoredChoice;
262     i := Items.IndexOf(StoredFirst+','+StoredSecond);
263     if i < 0 then begin
264       Items.Add(StoredFirst+','+StoredSecond);
265       ItemIndex := 0;
266     end else
267       ItemIndex := i;
268   end;
269   FirstTest.DropDownCount := EnvironmentOptions.DropDownCount;
270   SecondTest.DropDownCount := EnvironmentOptions.DropDownCount;
271 end;
273 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
274 begin
275   if SecondTest.Items.Count < 10 then
276     SecondTest.Items.AddStrings(FirstTest.Items);
277   ListBoxClick(Nil);
278 end;
TEncloseIfDefForm.SplitActiveRownull280 function TEncloseIfDefForm.SplitActiveRow(out aFirst, aSecond: string): Boolean;
281 var
282   i: integer;
283   Line: string;
284 begin
285   Result := False;
286   aFirst := '';
287   aSecond := '';
288   with ListBox do
289     if ItemIndex >= 0 then begin
290       Line := Items[ItemIndex];
291       i := Pos(',', Line);
292       if i > 0 then begin
293         Result := True;
294         aFirst := Copy(Line, 1, i-1);
295         aSecond := Copy(Line, i+1, Length(Line));
296       end
297     end;
298 end;
300 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.AddBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
301 begin
302   ListBox.Items.Add(FirstTest.Text+','+SecondTest.Text);
303   ListBox.ItemIndex := ListBox.Items.Count-1;
304   UpdateButtons;
305 end;
307 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.AddInverseCLICK(Sender: TObject);
308 begin
309   ListBox.Items.Add('!'+FirstTest.Text+','+SecondTest.Text);
310   ListBox.ItemIndex := ListBox.Items.Count-1;
311   UpdateButtons;
312 end;
314 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.TestEditChange(Sender: TObject);
315 begin
316   UpdateButtons;
317 end;
319 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
320 begin
321   SaveIfChanged;
322   Close;
323 end;
325 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.OKButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
326 begin
327   SaveIfChanged;
328   with ListBox do
329     FS := Items[ItemIndex];  // Return selected row to caller.
330 end;
332 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
333 begin
334   LazarusHelp.ShowHelpForIDEControl(Self);
335 end;
337 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.ListBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
338 var
339   ff, ss: string;
340 begin
341   if SplitActiveRow(ff, ss) then begin
342     FirstTest.Text := ff;
343     SecondTest.Text := ss;
344     UpdateButtons;
345   end;
346 end;
348 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.ListBoxDblClick(Sender: TObject);
349 begin
350   ModalResult := mrOK;
351 end;
353 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.RemoveBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
354 begin
355   DeleteSelected;
356 end;
358 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.ListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
359 begin
360   if Key = VK_DELETE then begin
361     DeleteSelected;
362     Key := 0;
363   end;
364 end;
366 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.DeleteSelected;
367 var
368   i: Integer;
369 begin
370   with ListBox.Items do
371     for i := Count-1 downto 0 do
372       if ListBox.Selected[i] then begin
373         Delete(i);
374         UpdateButtons;
375       end;
376 end;
378 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.UpdateButtons;
379 var
380   s: string;
381 begin
382   s := FirstTest.Text+','+SecondTest.Text;
383   AddBtn.Enabled := (FirstTest.Text <> '') and (ListBox.Items.IndexOf(s) = -1);
384   s := '!' + s;
385   AddInverse.Enabled := (FirstTest.Text <> '')
386                     and (FirstTest.Text[1] <> '!')
387                     and (ListBox.Items.IndexOf(s) = -1);
388   RemoveBtn.Enabled := ListBox.SelCount > 0;
389   ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.Enabled := IsChanged;
390   ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Enabled := ListBox.SelCount > 0;
391 end;
IsChangednull393 function TEncloseIfDefForm.IsChanged: Boolean;
394 var
395   ff, ss: string;
396 begin
397   if StoredChoice <> ListBox.Items.CommaText then
398     Exit(True);
399   if SplitActiveRow(ff, ss) then begin
400     if StoredFirst <> ff then
401       Exit(True);
402     if StoredSecond <> ss then
403       Exit(True);
404   end;
405   Result := False;
406 end;
408 procedure TEncloseIfDefForm.SaveIfChanged;
409 var
410   ff, ss: string;
411   XMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
412 begin
413   if ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.Enabled then // enabled only if there are changes
414     try
415       SplitActiveRow(ff, ss);
416       InvalidateFileStateCache;
417       XMLConfig:=CreateXMLConfig;
418       try
419         XMLConfig.SetValue(XmlRoot + 'Choice', ListBox.Items.CommaText);
420         XMLConfig.SetValue(XmlRoot + 'First', ff);
421         XMLConfig.SetValue(XmlRoot + 'Second', ss);
422         XMLConfig.Flush;
423       finally
424         XMLConfig.Free;
425       end;
426     except
427       on E: Exception do begin
428         debugln('TCondForm.SaveIfChanged ',E.Message);
429       end;
430     end;
431 end;
CreateXMLConfignull433 function TEncloseIfDefForm.CreateXMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
434 var
435   ConfFileName: String;
436 begin
437   Result:=nil;
438   ConfFileName:=AppendPathDelim(GetPrimaryConfigPath)+'encloseifdef.xml';
439   try
440     if (not FileExistsUTF8(ConfFileName)) then
441       Result:=TXMLConfig.CreateClean(ConfFileName)
442     else
443       Result:=TXMLConfig.Create(ConfFileName);
444   except
445     on E: Exception do begin
446       debugln('TCondForm.CreateXMLConfig ',E.Message);
447     end;
448   end;
449 end;
451 end.