1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Find all alternative declarations of an identifier.
26   TCarbonControl = class(TCarbonWidget)
27     procedure TCarbonControl.CreateWidget(const AParams: TCreateParams);
28   TCarbonCustomCheckBox = class(TCarbonControl)
29   TCarbonCheckBox = class(TCarbonCustomCheckBox)
30     procedure TCarbonCheckBox.CreateWidget(const AParams: TCreateParams);
32 }
33 unit FindOverloadsDlg;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
41   // LCL
42   LCLProc, LazFileUtils, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ButtonPanel, ComCtrls,
43   // codetools
44   FindDeclarationTool, PascalParserTool, CodeTree, CodeCache, CodeToolManager,
45   FindOverloads,
46   // IDE
47   LazIDEIntf, ProjectIntf, SrcEditorIntf, IDEProcs;
49 type
51   { TFOWFile }
53   TFOWFile = class
54   private
55     FCode: TCodeBuffer;
56     FFilename: string;
57     FOnlyInterface: boolean;
58     FScanned: boolean;
59     procedure SetCode(const AValue: TCodeBuffer);
60     procedure SetScanned(const AValue: boolean);
61   public
62     constructor Create(const TheFilename: string);
63     destructor Destroy; override;
64     property Filename: string read FFilename;
65     property OnlyInterface: boolean read FOnlyInterface write FOnlyInterface;
66     property Scanned: boolean read FScanned write SetScanned;
67     property Code: TCodeBuffer read FCode write SetCode;
68   end;
70   TFindOverloadsScope = (
71     fosProject,
72     fosPackages,
73     fosOtherSources
74     );
75   TFindOverloadsScopes = set of TFindOverloadsScope;
77   TFOWStage = (
78     fowsStart,
79     fowsFinished
80     );
82   { TFindOverloadsWorker }
84   TFindOverloadsWorker = class
85   private
86     FFiles: TAvlTree;
87     FScanFiles: TAvlTree;
88     FStagePosition: integer;
89     FStagePosMax: integer;
90     FStageTitle: string;
91     procedure CollectProjectFiles;
92     procedure CollectPackageFiles;
93     procedure CollectOtherSourceFiles;
94     procedure ScanSomeFiles;
95     procedure ScanFile(AFile: TFOWFile);
96     procedure CollectStartSource;
97   public
98     StartSourceScanned: boolean;
99     Scopes: TFindOverloadsScopes;
100     CompletedScopes: TFindOverloadsScopes;
101     Graph: TDeclarationOverloadsGraph;
102     constructor Create;
103     destructor Destroy; override;
104     procedure Clear;
105     procedure Work;
Donenull106     function Done: boolean;
107     procedure StopSearching;
AddFileToScannull108     function AddFileToScan(const Filename: string;
109                            CheckExtension: boolean = true): TFOWFile;
FindFilenull110     function FindFile(const Filename: string): TFOWFile;
111     property Files: TAvlTree read FFiles; // tree of TFindOverloadsWorkerFile
112     property ScanFiles: TAvlTree read FScanFiles;// tree of TFindOverloadsWorkerFile
113     property StageTitle: string read FStageTitle write FStageTitle;
114     property StagePosition: integer read FStagePosition write FStagePosition;
115     property StagePosMax: integer read FStagePosMax write FStagePosMax;
116   end;
118   { TFindOverloadsDialog }
120   TFindOverloadsDialog = class(TForm)
121     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
122     SearchAllCheckBox: TCheckBox;
123     CurGroupBox: TGroupBox;
124     ResultsProgressBar: TProgressBar;
125     ResultsGroupBox: TGroupBox;
126     CurTreeView: TTreeView;
127     ResultsTreeView: TTreeView;
128     procedure ButtonPanel1Click(Sender: TObject);
129     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
130     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
131     procedure OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
132   private
133     FIdleConnected: boolean;
134     fCurTreeViewComplete: boolean;
135     fWorker: TFindOverloadsWorker;
136     procedure SetIdleConnected(const AValue: boolean);
137     procedure UpdateProgress;
138     procedure StopWorking;
139     procedure UpdateCurTreeView;
140   public
141     property Worker: TFindOverloadsWorker read fWorker;
142     property IdleConnected: boolean read FIdleConnected write SetIdleConnected;
143   end;
ShowFindOverloadsDialognull145 function ShowFindOverloadsDialog: TModalResult;
ShowFindOverloadsDialognull146 function ShowFindOverloadsDialog(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer): TModalResult;
CompareFOWFilesnull148 function CompareFOWFiles(File1, File2: TFOWFile): integer;
CompareFilenameWithFOWFilenull149 function CompareFilenameWithFOWFile(FilenameAnsiString, FOWFile: Pointer): integer;
151 implementation
153 {$R *.lfm}
ShowFindOverloadsDialognull155 function ShowFindOverloadsDialog: TModalResult;
156 var
157   SrcEdit: TSourceEditorInterface;
158   Code: TCodeBuffer;
159   XY: TPoint;
160 begin
161   SrcEdit:=SourceEditorManagerIntf.ActiveEditor;
162   if SrcEdit=nil then
163     exit(mrCancel);
164   Code:=TCodeBuffer(SrcEdit.CodeToolsBuffer);
165   XY:=SrcEdit.CursorTextXY;
166   Result:=ShowFindOverloadsDialog(Code,XY.X,XY.Y);
167 end;
ShowFindOverloadsDialognull169 function ShowFindOverloadsDialog(Code: TCodeBuffer; X, Y: integer): TModalResult;
170 var
171   FindOverloadsDialog: TFindOverloadsDialog;
172   Graph: TDeclarationOverloadsGraph;
173 begin
174   if not LazarusIDE.BeginCodeTools then exit;
175   Graph:=nil;
176   FindOverloadsDialog:=nil;
177   CodeToolBoss.ActivateWriteLock;
178   try
179     if not CodeToolBoss.GatherOverloads(Code,X,Y,Graph) then begin
180       LazarusIDE.DoJumpToCodeToolBossError;
181       exit(mrCancel);
182     end;
183     //DebugLn(['ShowFindOverloadsDialog ',Graph.StartCode.Filename,' ',Graph.StartX,',',Graph.StartY]);
184     FindOverloadsDialog:=TFindOverloadsDialog.Create(nil);
185     FindOverloadsDialog.Worker.Graph:=Graph;
186     Result:=FindOverloadsDialog.ShowModal;
187   finally
188     CodeToolBoss.DeactivateWriteLock;
189     FindOverloadsDialog.Free;
190     Graph.Free;
191   end;
192 end;
CompareFOWFilesnull194 function CompareFOWFiles(File1, File2: TFOWFile): integer;
195 begin
196   Result:=CompareFilenames(File1.Filename,File2.Filename);
197 end;
CompareFilenameWithFOWFilenull199 function CompareFilenameWithFOWFile(FilenameAnsiString, FOWFile: Pointer): integer;
200 begin
201   Result:=CompareFilenames(ansistring(FilenameAnsiString),TFOWFile(FOWFile).Filename);
202 end;
204 { TFindOverloadsDialog }
206 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
207 begin
208   Caption:='Find overloads';
209   CurGroupBox.Caption:='Current identifier';
210   ResultsGroupBox.Caption:='Overloads';
211   SearchAllCheckBox.Caption:='Search in other sources too';
212   SearchAllCheckBox.ShowHint:=true;
213   SearchAllCheckBox.Hint:='Enable this to search in system sources too. For example the RTL and FCL sources. This can take some minutes on slow machines.';
215   ButtonPanel1.CancelButton.OnClick:=@ButtonPanel1Click;
217   fWorker:=TFindOverloadsWorker.Create;
218   IdleConnected:=true;
219   UpdateProgress;
220 end;
222 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.ButtonPanel1Click(Sender: TObject);
223 begin
224   StopWorking;
225 end;
227 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
228 begin
229   IdleConnected:=false;
230   FreeAndNil(fWorker);
231 end;
233 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
234 begin
235   fWorker.Work;
236   Done:=fWorker.Done;
237   if Done then
238     IdleConnected:=false;
239   UpdateProgress;
240   if not fCurTreeViewComplete then
241     UpdateCurTreeView;
242 end;
244 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.SetIdleConnected(const AValue: boolean);
245 begin
246   if FIdleConnected=AValue then exit;
247   FIdleConnected:=AValue;
248   if FIdleConnected then begin
249     ButtonPanel1.CancelButton.Enabled:=true;
250     ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.Enabled:=false;
251     Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle)
252   end else begin
253     ButtonPanel1.CancelButton.Enabled:=false;
254     ButtonPanel1.CloseButton.Enabled:=true;
255     Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle);
256   end;
257 end;
259 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.UpdateProgress;
260 begin
261   if Worker.Done then
262     ResultsProgressBar.Visible:=false
263   else begin
264     ResultsProgressBar.Max:=Worker.StagePosMax;
265     ResultsProgressBar.Position:=Worker.StagePosition;
266     ResultsProgressBar.Visible:=true;
267   end;
268 end;
270 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.StopWorking;
271 begin
272   IdleConnected:=false;
273   Worker.StopSearching;
274 end;
276 procedure TFindOverloadsDialog.UpdateCurTreeView;
277 var
278   s: String;
279   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
280   Tool: TFindDeclarationTool;
281   ParentNode: TCodeTreeNode;
282 begin
283   fCurTreeViewComplete:=true;
284   CurTreeView.BeginUpdate;
285   CurTreeView.Items.Clear;
286   Node:=Worker.Graph.StartCodeNode;
287   Tool:=Worker.Graph.StartTool;
288   if Node<>nil then begin
289     DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsDialog.UpdateCurTreeView ',Node.DescAsString,' ',dbgstr(copy(Tool.Src,Node.StartPos,20))]);
290     // unit name
291     s:=Tool.GetSourceName(false)+': ';
292     // keyword
293     case Node.Desc of
294     ctnEnumIdentifier: s:=s+'enum';
295     ctnVarDefinition: s:=s+'var';
296     ctnConstDefinition: s:=s+'const';
297     ctnTypeDefinition: s:=s+'type';
298     ctnGenericType: s:=s+'generic';
299     ctnProperty: s:=s+'property';
300     ctnProcedure: s:=s+'procedure';
301     ctnUseUnit: s:=s+'uses';
302     ctnUnit: s:=s+'unit';
303     ctnProgram: s:=s+'program';
304     ctnPackage: s:=s+'package';
305     ctnLibrary: s:=s+'library';
306     end;
307     s:=s+' ';
308     // context
309     if Node.Desc<>ctnEnumIdentifier then
310     begin
311       ParentNode:=Node.Parent;
312       while ParentNode<>nil do begin
313         case ParentNode.Desc of
314         ctnTypeDefinition,ctnGenericType:
315           s:=s+Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(Node)+'.';
316         end;
317         ParentNode:=ParentNode.Parent;
318       end;
319     end;
320     // name
321     case Node.Desc of
322     ctnEnumIdentifier, ctnTypeDefinition, ctnConstDefinition, ctnVarDefinition,
323     ctnGenericType:
324       s:=s+Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(Node);
325     ctnProperty:
326       s:=s+Tool.ExtractPropName(Node,false);
327     ctnProcedure:
328       s:=s+Tool.ExtractProcName(Node,[phpWithoutClassName,phpCommentsToSpace]);
329     ctnUseUnit:
330       s:=s+Tool.ExtractNode(Node,[phpCommentsToSpace]);
331     ctnUnit,ctnProgram,ctnPackage,ctnLibrary:
332       s:=s+Tool.GetSourceName(false);
333     end;
334     // add node
335     CurTreeView.Items.Add(nil,s);
336   end;
337   CurTreeView.EndUpdate;
338 end;
340 { TFOWFile }
342 procedure TFOWFile.SetCode(const AValue: TCodeBuffer);
343 begin
344   if FCode=AValue then exit;
345   FCode:=AValue;
346 end;
348 procedure TFOWFile.SetScanned(const AValue: boolean);
349 begin
350   if FScanned=AValue then exit;
351   FScanned:=AValue;
352 end;
354 constructor TFOWFile.Create(const TheFilename: string);
355 begin
356   FFilename:=TheFilename;
357   FOnlyInterface:=true;
358 end;
360 destructor TFOWFile.Destroy;
361 begin
362   inherited Destroy;
363 end;
365 { TFindOverloadsWorker }
367 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.CollectProjectFiles;
368 var
369   AProject: TLazProject;
370   i: Integer;
371   ProjFile: TLazProjectFile;
372 begin
373   AProject:=LazarusIDE.ActiveProject;
374   if AProject<>nil then begin
375     for i:=0 to AProject.FileCount-1 do begin
376       ProjFile:=AProject.Files[i];
377       if ProjFile.IsPartOfProject then
378         AddFileToScan(ProjFile.Filename);
379     end;
380   end;
381   Include(CompletedScopes,fosProject);
382 end;
384 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.CollectPackageFiles;
385 begin
387   Include(CompletedScopes,fosPackages);
388 end;
390 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.CollectOtherSourceFiles;
391 begin
393   Include(CompletedScopes,fosOtherSources);
394 end;
396 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanSomeFiles;
397 const
398   MaxScanTime = 0.3/86400; // 0.3 seconds
399 var
400   StartTime: TDateTime;
401   CurFile: TFOWFile;
402 begin
403   StartTime:=Now;
404   while FScanFiles.Count>0 do begin
405     CurFile:=TFOWFile(FScanFiles.FindLowest.Data);
406     ScanFile(CurFile);
407     if Now-StartTime>=MaxScanTime then
408       break;
409   end;
410 end;
412 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile(AFile: TFOWFile);
413 var
414   Tool: TCodeTool;
415   Filename: String;
416   MainFile: TFOWFile;
417   Code: TCodeBuffer;
418 begin
419   FScanFiles.Remove(AFile);
420   if AFile.Scanned then exit;
421   AFile.Scanned:=true;
422   //DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile File=',AFile.Filename]);
423   // get codetool
424   Filename:=TrimFilename(AFile.Filename);
425   Code:=CodeToolBoss.LoadFile(Filename,true,false);
426   if Code=nil then begin
427     DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile file not readable: ',Filename]);
428     exit;
429   end;
430   Tool:=TCodeTool(CodeToolBoss.GetCodeToolForSource(Code,true,false));
431   if Tool=nil then begin
432     DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile file not in a unit: ',Filename]);
433     exit;
434   end;
435   // check if AFile is an include file
436   Filename:=Tool.MainFilename;
437   MainFile:=FindFile(Filename);
438   // get unit
439   if MainFile=nil then begin
440     MainFile:=TFOWFile.Create(Filename);
441     FFiles.Add(MainFile);
442   end;
443   if (MainFile<>AFile) and MainFile.Scanned then begin
444     //DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile already scanned: ',Filename]);
445     exit;
446   end;
447   // scan unit
448   FScanFiles.Remove(MainFile);
449   MainFile.Scanned:=true;
450   if not AFile.OnlyInterface then
451     MainFile.OnlyInterface:=false;
452   //DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.ScanFile scanning: ',Tool.MainFilename]);
453   Graph.ScanToolForIdentifier(Tool,MainFile.OnlyInterface);
454 end;
456 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.CollectStartSource;
457 var
458   Filename: String;
459   aFile: TFOWFile;
460 begin
461   Filename:=Graph.StartCode.Filename;
462   aFile:=FindFile(Filename);
463   if aFile=nil then begin
464     aFile:=TFOWFile.Create(Filename);
465     aFile.OnlyInterface:=false;
466     FFiles.Add(aFile);
467     FScanFiles.Add(aFile);
468   end;
469 end;
AddFileToScannull471 function TFindOverloadsWorker.AddFileToScan(const Filename: string;
472   CheckExtension: boolean): TFOWFile;
473 begin
474   if CheckExtension and (not FilenameIsPascalSource(Filename)) then
475     exit(nil);
476   Result:=FindFile(Filename);
477   if Result<>nil then exit;
478   Result:=TFOWFile.Create(Filename);
479   FFiles.Add(Result);
480   FScanFiles.Add(Result);
481 end;
TFindOverloadsWorker.FindFilenull483 function TFindOverloadsWorker.FindFile(const Filename: string): TFOWFile;
484 var
485   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
486 begin
487   AVLNode:=FFiles.FindKey(Pointer(Filename),@CompareFilenameWithFOWFile);
488   if AVLNode<>nil then
489     Result:=TFOWFile(AVLNode.Data)
490   else
491     Result:=nil;
492 end;
494 constructor TFindOverloadsWorker.Create;
495 begin
496   Scopes:=[fosProject,fosPackages];
497   FFiles:=TAvlTree.Create(TListSortCompare(@CompareFOWFiles));
498   FScanFiles:=TAvlTree.Create(TListSortCompare(@CompareFOWFiles));
499   FStagePosMax:=100;
500 end;
502 destructor TFindOverloadsWorker.Destroy;
503 begin
504   Clear;
505   FreeAndNil(FFiles);
506   FreeAndNil(FScanFiles);
507   inherited Destroy;
508 end;
510 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.Clear;
511 begin
512   FFiles.FreeAndClear;
513   FScanFiles.Clear;
514   FStageTitle:='Finished';
515   FStagePosition:=0;
516   FStagePosMax:=100;
517   StartSourceScanned:=false;
518 end;
520 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.Work;
521 begin
522   DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.Work START']);
523   if FScanFiles.Count>0 then begin
524     // scan files
525     ScanSomeFiles;
526   end
527   else if not StartSourceScanned then
528   begin
529     StageTitle:='Scanning start source ...';
530     StagePosition:=10;
531     StartSourceScanned:=true;
532     CollectStartSource;
533   end
534   else if (fosProject in Scopes) and not (fosProject in CompletedScopes) then
535   begin
536     // collect project files
537     StageTitle:='Scanning project ...';
538     StagePosition:=20;
539     CollectProjectFiles;
540   end
541   else if (fosPackages in Scopes) and not (fosPackages in CompletedScopes) then
542   begin
543     // collect package files
544     StageTitle:='Scanning packages ...';
545     StagePosition:=40;
546     CollectPackageFiles;
547   end
548   else if (fosOtherSources in Scopes) and not (fosOtherSources in CompletedScopes)
549   then begin
550     // collect other sources
551     StageTitle:='Scanning other sources ...';
552     StagePosition:=60;
553     CollectOtherSourceFiles;
554   end else begin
555     StageTitle:='Finished';
556     StagePosition:=StagePosMax;
557     Graph.ComputeShortestPaths;
558   end;
559   DebugLn(['TFindOverloadsWorker.Work END ',StageTitle,' ',StagePosition,'/',StagePosMax]);
560 end;
Donenull562 function TFindOverloadsWorker.Done: boolean;
563 begin
564   Result:=(Scopes-CompletedScopes=[]) and (FScanFiles.Count=0);
565 end;
567 procedure TFindOverloadsWorker.StopSearching;
568 begin
569   CompletedScopes:=Scopes;
570   FScanFiles.Clear;
571   Graph.ComputeShortestPaths;
572 end;
574 end.