1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                               ideinstances.pas
4                               ----------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Author: Ondrej Pokorny
29   Abstract:
30     This unit handles one/multiple Lazarus IDE instances.
32 }
33 unit IDEInstances;
35 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
37 interface
39 uses
40   Classes, sysutils, crc, Process,
41   {$IF (FPC_FULLVERSION >= 30101)}
42   AdvancedIPC,
43   {$ELSE}
44   LazAdvancedIPC,
45   {$ENDIF}
46   Interfaces, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, LCLProc,
47   LCLIntf, LCLType, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, laz2_XMLRead, laz2_XMLWrite,
48   Laz2_DOM, FileUtil, UTF8Process,
49   LazarusIDEStrConsts, IDECmdLine, LazConf;
51 type
52   TStartNewInstanceResult = (ofrStartNewInstance, ofrDoNotStart, ofrModalError,
53                              ofrForceSingleInstanceModalError, ofrNotResponding);
54   TStartNewInstanceEvent = procedure(const aFiles: TStrings;
55     var outResult: TStartNewInstanceResult; var outSourceWindowHandle: HWND) of object;
56   TGetCurrentProjectEvent = procedure(var outProjectFileName: string) of object;
58   TMessageParam = record
59     Name: string;
60     Value: string;
61   end;
62   TMessageParams = array of TMessageParam;
64   TUniqueServer = class(TIPCServer)
65   public
66     procedure StartUnique(const aServerPrefix: string);
67   end;
69   TMainServer = class(TUniqueServer)
70   private
71     FStartNewInstanceEvent: TStartNewInstanceEvent;
72     FGetCurrentProjectEvent: TGetCurrentProjectEvent;
73     FTimer: TTimer;
74     FMsgStream: TMemoryStream;
76     procedure DoStartNewInstance(const aMsgID: Integer; const aInParams: TMessageParams);
77     procedure DoGetCurrentProject(const aMsgID: Integer; const {%H-}aInParams: TMessageParams);
79     procedure SimpleResponse(const aResponseToMsgID: Integer;
80       const aResponseType: string; const aParams: array of TMessageParam);
82     procedure DoCheckMessages;
83     procedure CheckMessagesOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
85     procedure StartListening(const aStartNewInstanceEvent: TStartNewInstanceEvent;
86       const aGetCurrentProjectEvent: TGetCurrentProjectEvent);
87     procedure StopListening;
89   public
90     constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
91     destructor Destroy; override;
92   end;
94   TResponseClient = class(TIPCClient)
95   public
GetCurrentProjectFileNamenull96     function GetCurrentProjectFileName: string;
AllowStartNewInstancenull97     function AllowStartNewInstance(
98       const aFiles: TStrings; var outModalErrorMessage,
99       outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage, outNotRespondingErrorMessage: string;
100       var outHandleBringToFront: HWND): TStartNewInstanceResult;
101   end;
103   { TIDEInstances }
105   TIDEInstances = class(TComponent)
106   private
107     FMainServer: TMainServer;//running IDE
108     FStartIDE: Boolean;// = True;
109     FForceNewInstance: Boolean;
110     FFilesToOpen: TStrings;
112     class procedure AddFilesToParams(const aFiles: TStrings;
113       var ioParams: TMessageParams); static;
114     class procedure AddFilesFromParams(const aParams: TMessageParams;
115       const aFiles: TStrings); static;
116     class procedure BuildMessage(const aMessageType: string;
117       const aParams: array of TMessageParam; const aStream: TStream); static;
MessageParamnull118     class function MessageParam(const aName, aValue: string): TMessageParam; static;
ParseMessagenull119     class function ParseMessage(const aStream: TStream; out outMessageType: string;
120       out outParams: TMessageParams): Boolean; static;
GetMessageParamnull121     class function GetMessageParam(const aParams: array of TMessageParam;
122       const aParamName: string): string; static;
CheckParamsForForceNewInstanceOptnull124     function CheckParamsForForceNewInstanceOpt: Boolean;
126     procedure CollectFiles(out
127       outFilesWereSentToCollectingServer: Boolean);
AllowStartNewInstancenull129     function AllowStartNewInstance(const aFiles: TStrings;
130       var outModalErrorMessage, outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage, outNotRespondingErrorMessage: string;
131       var outHandleBringToFront: HWND): TStartNewInstanceResult;
StartUserBuiltIDEnull133     function StartUserBuiltIDE: TStartNewInstanceResult;
135     procedure InitIDEInstances;
136   public
137     constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
138     destructor Destroy; override;
139   public
140     procedure PerformCheck;//call PerformCheck after Application.Initialize - it can open dialogs!
142     procedure StartServer;
143     procedure StopServer;
144     procedure StartListening(const aStartNewInstanceEvent: TStartNewInstanceEvent;
145       const aGetCurrentProjectEvent: TGetCurrentProjectEvent);
146     procedure StopListening;
StartIDEnull148     function StartIDE: Boolean;//can the IDE be started?
ProjectIsOpenInAnotherInstancenull149     function ProjectIsOpenInAnotherInstance(aProjectFileName: string): Boolean;
FilesToOpennull150     function FilesToOpen: TStrings;
151   end;
LazIDEInstancesnull153 function LazIDEInstances: TIDEInstances;
155 implementation
157 const
158   SERVERNAME_COLLECT = 'LazarusCollect';
160   ELEMENT_ROOT = 'ideinstances';
161   ATTR_VALUE = 'value';
162   ATTR_MESSAGE_TYPE = 'msgtype';
163   MESSAGE_STARTNEWINSTANCE = 'startnewinstance';
164   RESPONSE_OPENFILES = 'openfilesResponse';
166   MESSAGE_COLLECTFILES = 'collectfiles';
168   PARAM_FILE = 'file';
169   PARAM_RESULT = 'result';
170   PARAM_HANDLEBRINGTOFRONT = 'handlebringtofront';
171   PARAM_MODALERRORMESSAGE = 'modalerrormessage';
172   PARAM_FORCEUNIQUEMODALERRORMESSAGE = 'forceuniquemodalerrormessage';
173   PARAM_NOTRESPONDINGERRORMESSAGE = 'notrespondingerrormessage';
174   MESSAGE_GETOPENEDPROJECT = 'getopenedproject';
175   RESPONSE_GETOPENEDPROJECT = 'getopenedprojectResponse';
177 var
178   FLazIDEInstances: TIDEInstances;
179   FServerPrefix: string;
LazIDEInstancesnull181 function LazIDEInstances: TIDEInstances;
182 begin
183   Result := FLazIDEInstances;
184 end;
LazServerPrefixnull186 function LazServerPrefix: string;
187 // allow for multiple users on lazarus host system - encode to prevent illegal chars
188 begin
189   if FServerPrefix = '' then
190   begin
191     // Calculate the user specific instance prefix only once.
192     FServerPrefix := GetEnvironmentVariable('USER');    // current user
193     // encode to cover illegal chars ('-' etc)
194     FServerPrefix := IntToStr( crc32(0, pbyte(FServerPrefix), Length(FServerPrefix)) )
195                      + '_LazarusMain';
196   end;
197   Result := FServerPrefix;
198 end;
201 { TIDEInstances }
TIDEInstances.MessageParamnull203 class function TIDEInstances.MessageParam(const aName, aValue: string): TMessageParam;
204 begin
205   Result.Name := aName;
206   Result.Value := aValue;
207 end;
TIDEInstances.StartIDEnull209 function TIDEInstances.StartIDE: Boolean;
210 begin
211   Result := FStartIDE;
212 end;
TIDEInstances.ProjectIsOpenInAnotherInstancenull214 function TIDEInstances.ProjectIsOpenInAnotherInstance(aProjectFileName: string
215   ): Boolean;
216 var
217   xStartClient: TResponseClient;
218   I: Integer;
219   xServerIDs: TStringList;
220   xProjFileName: string;
221 begin
222   aProjectFileName := ExtractFilePath(aProjectFileName)+ExtractFileNameOnly(aProjectFileName);
224   xStartClient := nil;
225   xServerIDs := nil;
226   try
227     xStartClient := TResponseClient.Create(nil);
228     xServerIDs := TStringList.Create;
229     xStartClient.FindRunningServers(LazServerPrefix, xServerIDs);
231     for I := 0 to xServerIDs.Count-1 do
232     begin
233       if FMainServer.ServerID = xServerIDs[I] then
234         continue; // ignore current instance
235       xStartClient.ServerID := xServerIDs[I];
236       xProjFileName := xStartClient.GetCurrentProjectFileName;
237       if (xProjFileName='') then
238         continue;
239       xProjFileName := ExtractFilePath(xProjFileName)+ExtractFileNameOnly(xProjFileName);
240       if CompareFilenames(xProjFileName, aProjectFileName)=0 then
241         Exit(True);
242     end;
243   finally
244     xStartClient.Free;
245     xServerIDs.Free;
246   end;
247   Result := False;
248 end;
TIDEInstances.FilesToOpennull250 function TIDEInstances.FilesToOpen: TStrings;
251 begin
252   if not Assigned(FFilesToOpen) then
253     FFilesToOpen := TStringList.Create;
254   Result := FFilesToOpen;
255 end;
257 procedure TIDEInstances.StartListening(
258   const aStartNewInstanceEvent: TStartNewInstanceEvent;
259   const aGetCurrentProjectEvent: TGetCurrentProjectEvent);
260 begin
261   Assert(Assigned(FMainServer));
263   FMainServer.StartListening(aStartNewInstanceEvent, aGetCurrentProjectEvent);
264 end;
266 procedure TIDEInstances.StartServer;
267 begin
268   Assert(FMainServer = nil);
270   FMainServer := TMainServer.Create(Self);
271   FMainServer.StartUnique(LazServerPrefix);
272 end;
274 procedure TIDEInstances.StopListening;
275 begin
276   FMainServer.StopListening;
277 end;
279 procedure TIDEInstances.StopServer;
280 begin
281   FreeAndNil(FMainServer);
282 end;
284 class procedure TIDEInstances.AddFilesFromParams(const aParams: TMessageParams;
285   const aFiles: TStrings);
286 var
287   I: Integer;
288 begin
289   //do not clear aFiles
290   for I := Low(aParams) to High(aParams) do
291     if aParams[I].Name = PARAM_FILE then
292       aFiles.Add(aParams[I].Value);
293 end;
295 class procedure TIDEInstances.AddFilesToParams(const aFiles: TStrings;
296   var ioParams: TMessageParams);
297 var
298   xStartIndex: Integer;
299   I: Integer;
300 begin
301   xStartIndex := Length(ioParams);
302   SetLength(ioParams, xStartIndex+aFiles.Count);
303   for I := 0 to aFiles.Count-1 do
304     ioParams[xStartIndex+I] := MessageParam(PARAM_FILE, aFiles[I]);
305 end;
TIDEInstances.GetMessageParamnull307 class function TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(
308   const aParams: array of TMessageParam; const aParamName: string): string;
309 var
310   I: Integer;
311 begin
312   for I := Low(aParams) to High(aParams) do
313   if aParams[I].Name = aParamName then
314     Exit(aParams[I].Value);
316   Result := '';//not found
317 end;
319 class procedure TIDEInstances.BuildMessage(const aMessageType: string;
320   const aParams: array of TMessageParam; const aStream: TStream);
321 var
322   xDOM: TXMLDocument;
323   xRoot: TDOMElement;
324   xParam: TDOMElement;
325   I: Integer;
326 begin
327   xDOM := TXMLDocument.Create;
328   try
329     xRoot := xDOM.CreateElement(ELEMENT_ROOT);
330     xRoot.AttribStrings[ATTR_MESSAGE_TYPE] := aMessageType;
331     xDOM.AppendChild(xRoot);
333     for I := Low(aParams) to High(aParams) do
334     begin
335       xParam := xDOM.CreateElement(aParams[I].Name);
336       xRoot.AppendChild(xParam);
337       xParam.AttribStrings[ATTR_VALUE] := aParams[I].Value;
338     end;
340     WriteXMLFile(xDOM, aStream);
341   finally
342     xDOM.Free;
343   end;
344 end;
TIDEInstances.ParseMessagenull346 class function TIDEInstances.ParseMessage(const aStream: TStream; out
347   outMessageType: string; out outParams: TMessageParams): Boolean;
348 var
349   xDOM: TXMLDocument;
350   xChildList: TDOMNodeList;
351   I, J: Integer;
352 begin
353   Result := False;
355   outMessageType := '';
356   SetLength(outParams{%H-}, 0);
357   try
358     ReadXMLFile(xDOM, aStream, []);
359   except
360     on EXMLReadError do
361       Exit;//eat XML exceptions
362   end;
363   try
364     if (xDOM = nil) or (xDOM.DocumentElement = nil) or (xDOM.DocumentElement.NodeName <> ELEMENT_ROOT) then
365       Exit;
367     outMessageType := xDOM.DocumentElement.AttribStrings[ATTR_MESSAGE_TYPE];
369     xChildList := xDOM.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;
370     SetLength(outParams, xChildList.Count);
371     J := 0;
372     for I := 0 to xChildList.Count-1 do
373     if xChildList[I] is TDOMElement then
374     begin
375       outParams[J].Name := xChildList[I].NodeName;
376       outParams[J].Value := TDOMElement(xChildList[I]).AttribStrings[ATTR_VALUE];
377       Inc(J);
378     end;
379     SetLength(outParams, J);
380     Result := True;
381   finally
382     xDOM.Free;
383   end;
384 end;
TIDEInstances.AllowStartNewInstancenull386 function TIDEInstances.AllowStartNewInstance(const aFiles: TStrings;
387   var outModalErrorMessage, outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage,
388   outNotRespondingErrorMessage: string; var outHandleBringToFront: HWND
389   ): TStartNewInstanceResult;
390 var
391   xStartClient: TResponseClient;
392   I: Integer;
393   xServerIDs: TStringListUTF8Fast;
394 begin
395   Result := ofrStartNewInstance;
396   xStartClient := TResponseClient.Create(nil);
397   xServerIDs := TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
398   try                                      //check for multiple instances
399     xStartClient.FindRunningServers(LazServerPrefix, xServerIDs);
400     xServerIDs.Sort;
402     for I := xServerIDs.Count-1 downto 0 do//last started is first to choose
403     begin
404       xStartClient.ServerID := xServerIDs[I];
405       if xStartClient.ServerRunning then
406       begin
407         Result := xStartClient.AllowStartNewInstance(aFiles, outModalErrorMessage,
408           outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage, outNotRespondingErrorMessage, outHandleBringToFront);
409         if not(Result in [ofrModalError, ofrForceSingleInstanceModalError, ofrNotResponding]) then
410           Exit;//handle only one running Lazarus IDE
411       end;
412     end;
413   finally
414     xStartClient.Free;
415     xServerIDs.Free;
416   end;
417 end;
StartUserBuiltIDEnull419 function TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE: TStartNewInstanceResult;
420 // check if this is the standard(nonwritable) IDE and there is a custom built IDE.
421 // if yes, start the custom IDE.
422 var
423   CustomDir, StartPath, DefaultDir, DefaultExe, CustomExe: String;
424   Params: TStringList;
425   aProcess: TProcessUTF8;
426   CfgParams: TStrings;
427   i: Integer;
428   aPID: SizeUInt;
429   Verbose: Boolean;
430 begin
431   Result:=ofrStartNewInstance;
433   aPID:=GetProcessID;
434   CfgParams:=GetParamsAndCfgFile;
436   Verbose:=(CfgParams.IndexOf('-v')>=0) or (CfgParams.IndexOf('--verbose')>=0);
437   if Verbose then
438     debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE ']);
440   if CfgParams.IndexOf(StartedByStartLazarusOpt)>=0 then
441     exit; // startlazarus has started this exe -> do not redirect
443   try
444     StartPath:=ExpandFileNameUTF8(ParamStrUTF8(0));
445     if Verbose then
446       debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE StartPath=',StartPath]);
447     if FileIsSymlink(StartPath) then
448       StartPath:=GetPhysicalFilename(StartPath,pfeException);
449     DefaultDir:=ExtractFilePath(StartPath);
450     if DirectoryExistsUTF8(DefaultDir) then
451       DefaultDir:=GetPhysicalFilename(DefaultDir,pfeException);
452   except
453     on E: Exception do begin
454       MessageDlg ('Error',E.Message,mtError,[mbCancel],0);
455       exit;
456     end;
457   end;
458   DefaultDir:=AppendPathDelim(DefaultDir);
459   CustomDir:=AppendPathDelim(GetPrimaryConfigPath) + 'bin' + PathDelim;
460   if Verbose then
461     debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE DefaultDir=',DefaultDir,' CustomDir=',CustomDir]);
462   if CompareFilenames(DefaultDir,CustomDir)=0 then
463     exit; // this is the user built IDE
465   DefaultExe:=DefaultDir+'lazarus'+GetExeExt; // started IDE
466   CustomExe:=CustomDir+'lazarus'+GetExeExt; // user built IDE
468   if (not FileExistsUTF8(DefaultExe))
469       or (not FileExistsUTF8(CustomExe)) then
470   begin
471     if Verbose then
472       debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE CustomExe=',CustomExe,' Exits=',FileExistsUTF8(CustomExe)]);
473     exit;
474   end;
475   if FileAgeUTF8(CustomExe)<FileAgeUTF8(DefaultExe) then
476   begin
477     if Verbose then
478       debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE FileAge: Custom=',CustomExe,':',FileAgeUTF8(CustomExe),' < Default=',DefaultExe,':',FileAgeUTF8(DefaultExe)]);
479     exit;
480   end;
481   //debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE FileAge: Custom=',CustomExe,':',FileAgeUTF8(CustomExe),' >= Default=',DefaultExe,':',FileAgeUTF8(DefaultExe)]);
483   if DirectoryIsWritable(DefaultDir) then
484   begin
485     if Verbose then
486       debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE Dir is writable: DefaultDir=',DefaultDir]);
487     exit;
488   end;
490   if Verbose then
491     debugln(['Debug: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE Starting custom IDE DefaultDir=',DefaultDir,' CustomDir=',CustomDir]);
493   // customexe is younger and defaultexe is not writable
494   // => the user started the default binary
495   // -> start the customexe
496   Params:=TStringList.Create;
497   aProcess:=nil;
498   try
499     aProcess := TProcessUTF8.Create(nil);
500     aProcess.InheritHandles := false;
501     aProcess.Options := [];
502     aProcess.ShowWindow := swoShow;
503     {$IFDEF Darwin}
504     if not DirectoryExistsUTF8(CustomExe+'.app') then
505     begin
506       debugln(['Note: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE user IDE is missing the .app folder: ',CustomExe]);
507       exit;
508     end;
509     aProcess.Executable:='/usr/bin/open';
510     Params.Add('-a');
511     CustomExe:=CustomExe+'.app';
512     Params.Add(CustomExe);
513     Params.Add('--args');
514     {$ELSE}
515     aProcess.Executable:=CustomExe;
516     {$ENDIF}
517     // append params, including the lazarus.cfg params
518     for i:=1 to CfgParams.Count-1 do
519       Params.Add(ExpandParamFile(CfgParams[i]));
520     aProcess.Parameters:=Params;
521     debugln(['Note: (lazarus) ',aPID,' TIDEInstances.StartUserBuiltIDE Starting custom IDE: aProcess.Executable=',aProcess.Executable,' Params=[',Params.Text,']']);
522     aProcess.Execute;
523   finally
524     Params.Free;
525     aProcess.Free;
526   end;
527   Result:=ofrDoNotStart;
528 end;
TIDEInstances.CheckParamsForForceNewInstanceOptnull530 function TIDEInstances.CheckParamsForForceNewInstanceOpt: Boolean;
531 var
532   I: Integer;
533 begin
534   Result := False;
535   for I := 1 to ParamsAndCfgCount do
536     if ParamIsOption(i, ForceNewInstanceOpt) then//ignore the settings and start new Lazarus IDE instance
537       Result := True;
538 end;
540 procedure TIDEInstances.PerformCheck;
541 var
542   xResult: TStartNewInstanceResult;
543   xModalErrorMessage: string = '';
544   xModalErrorForceUniqueMessage: string = '';
545   xNotRespondingErrorMessage: string = '';
546   xHandleBringToFront: HWND = 0;
547   PCP: String;
548 begin
549   if not FStartIDE then//InitIDEInstances->CollectOtherOpeningFiles decided not to start the IDE
550     Exit;
552   // set primary config path
553   PCP:=ExtractPrimaryConfigPath(GetParamsAndCfgFile);
554   if PCP<>'' then
555     SetPrimaryConfigPath(PCP);
557   if not FForceNewInstance then
558   begin
559     // check for already running instance
560     xResult := AllowStartNewInstance(FilesToOpen, xModalErrorMessage, xModalErrorForceUniqueMessage, xNotRespondingErrorMessage, xHandleBringToFront);
562     if xResult=ofrStartNewInstance then
563     begin
564       // check if there is an user built binary
565       xResult := StartUserBuiltIDE;
566     end;
567   end
568   else
569     xResult := ofrStartNewInstance;
571   if xModalErrorMessage = '' then
572     xModalErrorMessage := dlgRunningInstanceModalError;
573   if xNotRespondingErrorMessage = '' then
574     xNotRespondingErrorMessage := dlgRunningInstanceNotRespondingError;
575   if xModalErrorForceUniqueMessage = '' then
576     xModalErrorForceUniqueMessage := dlgForceUniqueInstanceModalError;
578   FStartIDE := (xResult = ofrStartNewInstance);
579   case xResult of
580     ofrModalError:
581       FStartIDE := MessageDlg(lisLazarusIDE, Format(xModalErrorMessage, [FilesToOpen.Text]), mtWarning, mbYesNo, 0, mbYes) = mrYes;
582     ofrNotResponding:
583       MessageDlg(lisLazarusIDE, xNotRespondingErrorMessage, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
584     ofrForceSingleInstanceModalError:
585       MessageDlg(lisLazarusIDE, xModalErrorForceUniqueMessage, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
586   end;
589   if not FStartIDE and (xHandleBringToFront <> 0) then
590   begin
591     try
592       SetForegroundWindow(xHandleBringToFront);//SetForegroundWindow works (on Windows) only if the calling process is the foreground process, therefore it must be here!
593     except
594       //eat all widget exceptions
595     end;
596   end;
597   {$ENDIF}
598 end;
600 constructor TIDEInstances.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
601 begin
602   inherited Create(aOwner);
604   FStartIDE := True;
605 end;
607 destructor TIDEInstances.Destroy;
608 begin
609   StopServer;
610   FreeAndNil(FMainServer);
611   FreeAndNil(FFilesToOpen);
613   inherited Destroy;
614 end;
616 procedure TIDEInstances.CollectFiles(out
617   outFilesWereSentToCollectingServer: Boolean);
619 var
620   xThisClientMessageId: Integer;
622   procedure _SendToServer;
623   var
624     xClient: TIPCClient;
625     xOutParams: TMessageParams;
626     xStream: TMemoryStream;
627   begin
628     xClient := TIPCClient.Create(nil);
629     try
630       xClient.ServerID := SERVERNAME_COLLECT;
632       SetLength(xOutParams{%H-}, 0);
633       AddFilesToParams(FilesToOpen, xOutParams);
635       xStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
636       try
637         BuildMessage(MESSAGE_COLLECTFILES, xOutParams, xStream);
638         xStream.Position := 0;
639         xThisClientMessageId := xClient.PostRequest(MESSAGETYPE_XML, xStream);
640       finally
641         xStream.Free;
642       end;
643     finally
644       xClient.Free;
645     end;
646   end;
648   procedure _WaitForFiles;
649   var
650     xLastCount, xNewCount: Integer;
651     xServer: TIPCServer;
652   begin
653     xServer := TIPCServer.Create(nil);
654     try
655       xServer.ServerID := SERVERNAME_COLLECT;
656       //do not start server here
657       xLastCount := -1;
658       xNewCount := xServer.GetPendingRequestCount;
659       while xLastCount <> xNewCount do
660       begin
661         xLastCount := xNewCount;
662         Sleep(TIMEOUT_COLLECTFILES);
663         xNewCount := xServer.GetPendingRequestCount;
664       end;
665     finally
666       xServer.Free;
667     end;
668   end;
_ReceiveAsServernull670   function _ReceiveAsServer: Boolean;
671   var
672     xServer: TIPCServer;
673     xInParams: TMessageParams;
674     xStream: TMemoryStream;
675     xMsgType: Integer;
676     xMessageType: string;
677   begin
678     xStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
679     xServer := TIPCServer.Create(nil);
680     try
681       xServer.ServerID := SERVERNAME_COLLECT;
682       //files have to be handled only by one instance!
683       Result := xServer.FindHighestPendingRequestId = xThisClientMessageId;
684       if Result then
685       begin
686         //we are the highest client, handle the files
687         xServer.StartServer(False);
688       end else
689       begin
690         //we are not the highest client, maybe there are pending files, check that
691         {$IFNDEF MSWINDOWS}
692         //this code is not slowing up IDE start because if there was highest client found (the normal way), we close anyway
693         Randomize;  //random sleep in order to prevent double file locks on unix
694         Sleep((PtrInt(Random($3F)) + {%H-}PtrInt(GetCurrentThreadId)) and $3F);
695         {$ENDIF}
696         if not (xServer.StartServer(False) and (xServer.GetPendingRequestCount > 0)) then
697           Exit;//server is already running or there are no pending message -> close
698         Result := True;//no one handled handled the files, do it by myself
699       end;
701       FilesToOpen.Clear;
702       while xServer.PeekRequest(xStream, xMsgType{%H-}) do
703       if xMsgType = MESSAGETYPE_XML then
704       begin
705         if ParseMessage(xStream, xMessageType, xInParams) and
706            (xMessageType = MESSAGE_COLLECTFILES)
707         then
708           AddFilesFromParams(xInParams, FilesToOpen);
709       end;
710     finally
711       xStream.Free;
712       xServer.Free;
713     end;
714   end;
715 begin
716   //if you select more files in explorer and open them, they are not opened in one process but one process is started per file
717   // -> collect them
719   //first send messages to queue (there is no server, no problem, it will collect the messages when it is created)
720   _SendToServer;
722   //now wait until we have everything
723   _WaitForFiles;
725   //now send them to one instance
726   outFilesWereSentToCollectingServer := not _ReceiveAsServer;
727 end;
729 procedure TIDEInstances.InitIDEInstances;
730 var
731   xFilesWereSentToCollectingServer: Boolean;
732   I: Integer;
733 begin
734   FForceNewInstance := CheckParamsForForceNewInstanceOpt;
736   //get cmd line filenames
737   FFilesToOpen := ExtractCmdLineFilenames;
738   for I := 0 to FilesToOpen.Count-1 do
739     FilesToOpen[I] := CleanAndExpandFilename(FilesToOpen[I]);
741   if FilesToOpen.Count > 0 then//if there are file in the cmd, check for multiple starting instances
742   begin
743     CollectFiles(xFilesWereSentToCollectingServer);
744     if xFilesWereSentToCollectingServer then
745     begin
746       FilesToOpen.Clear;
747       FStartIDE := False;
748     end;
749   end;
750 end;
752 { TUniqueServer }
754 procedure TUniqueServer.StartUnique(const aServerPrefix: string);
755 var
756   I: Integer;
757   Tmp: String;
758 begin
759   if Active then
760     StopServer;
762   I := 0;
763   while not Active do
764   begin
765     Inc(I);
766     ServerID := aServerPrefix+Format('%.2d',[I]);
767     // FileName is composed of TempDir and ServerID. Make sure TempDir exists.
768     Tmp := GetTempDir(Global);        // Use TIPCBase.Global property also here.
769     if not DirectoryExists(Tmp) then
770       ForceDirectories(Tmp);
771     StartServer;  // This uses the FileName in TempDir.
772   end;
773 end;
775 { TResponseClient }
AllowStartNewInstancenull777 function TResponseClient.AllowStartNewInstance(const aFiles: TStrings;
778   var outModalErrorMessage, outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage,
779   outNotRespondingErrorMessage: string; var outHandleBringToFront: HWND
780   ): TStartNewInstanceResult;
781 var
782   xStream: TMemoryStream;
783   xMsgType: Integer;
784   xResponseType: string;
785   xOutParams, xInParams: TMessageParams;
786 begin
787   Result := ofrStartNewInstance;
788   xStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
789   try
790     //ask to show prompt
791     xStream.Clear;
792     SetLength(xOutParams{%H-}, 0);
793     TIDEInstances.AddFilesToParams(aFiles, xOutParams);
794     TIDEInstances.BuildMessage(MESSAGE_STARTNEWINSTANCE, xOutParams, xStream);
795     xStream.Position := 0;
796     Self.PostRequest(MESSAGETYPE_XML, xStream);
797     xStream.Clear;
798     if PeekResponse(xStream, xMsgType{%H-}, TIMEOUT_OPENFILES) and
799        (xMsgType = MESSAGETYPE_XML) then
800     begin
801       xStream.Position := 0;
802       if TIDEInstances.ParseMessage(xStream, xResponseType, xInParams) and
803          (xResponseType = RESPONSE_OPENFILES) then
804       begin
805         Result := TStartNewInstanceResult(StrToIntDef(TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_RESULT), 0));
806         outModalErrorMessage := TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_MODALERRORMESSAGE);
807         outModalErrorForceUniqueMessage := TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_FORCEUNIQUEMODALERRORMESSAGE);
808         outNotRespondingErrorMessage := TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_NOTRESPONDINGERRORMESSAGE);
809         outHandleBringToFront := StrToInt64Def(TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_HANDLEBRINGTOFRONT), 0);
810       end;
811     end else//no response
812     begin
813       DeleteRequest;
814       Result := ofrNotResponding;
815     end;
816   finally
817     xStream.Free;
818   end;
819 end;
TResponseClient.GetCurrentProjectFileNamenull821 function TResponseClient.GetCurrentProjectFileName: string;
822 var
823   xStream: TMemoryStream;
824   xMsgType: Integer;
825   xResponseType: string;
826   xOutParams, xInParams: TMessageParams;
827 begin
828   Result := '';
829   xStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
830   try
831     xStream.Clear;
832     SetLength(xOutParams{%H-}, 0);
833     TIDEInstances.BuildMessage(MESSAGE_GETOPENEDPROJECT, xOutParams, xStream);
834     xStream.Position := 0;
835     Self.PostRequest(MESSAGETYPE_XML, xStream);
836     xStream.Clear;
837     if PeekResponse(xStream, xMsgType{%H-}, TIMEOUT_GETOPENEDPROJECT) and
838        (xMsgType = MESSAGETYPE_XML) then
839     begin
840       xStream.Position := 0;
841       if TIDEInstances.ParseMessage(xStream, xResponseType, xInParams) and
842          (xResponseType = RESPONSE_GETOPENEDPROJECT) then
843       begin
844         Result := TIDEInstances.GetMessageParam(xInParams, PARAM_RESULT);
845       end;
846     end else//no response
847     begin
848       DeleteRequest;
849       Result := '';
850     end;
851   finally
852     xStream.Free;
853   end;
854 end;
856 { TMainServer }
858 procedure TMainServer.CheckMessagesOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
859 begin
860   DoCheckMessages;
861 end;
863 constructor TMainServer.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
864 begin
865   inherited Create(aOwner);
867   FMsgStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
868 end;
870 destructor TMainServer.Destroy;
871 begin
872   FMsgStream.Free;
873   StopListening;
875   inherited Destroy;
876 end;
878 procedure TMainServer.DoStartNewInstance(const aMsgID: Integer;
879   const aInParams: TMessageParams);
880 var
881   xResult: TStartNewInstanceResult;
882   xFiles: TStrings;
883   xParams: TMessageParams;
884   xSourceWindowHandle: HWND = 0;
885 begin
886   xResult := ofrStartNewInstance;
887   if Assigned(FStartNewInstanceEvent) then
888   begin
889     xFiles := TStringList.Create;
890     try
891       TIDEInstances.AddFilesFromParams(aInParams, xFiles);
892       FStartNewInstanceEvent(xFiles, xResult, xSourceWindowHandle);
893     finally
894       xFiles.Free;
895     end;
896   end;
898   SetLength(xParams{%H-}, 5);
899   xParams[0] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_RESULT, IntToStr(Ord(xResult)));
900   xParams[1] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_HANDLEBRINGTOFRONT, IntToStr(xSourceWindowHandle)); // do not use Application.MainFormHandle here - it steals focus from active source editor
901   xParams[2] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_MODALERRORMESSAGE, dlgRunningInstanceModalError);
902   xParams[3] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_FORCEUNIQUEMODALERRORMESSAGE, dlgForceUniqueInstanceModalError);
903   xParams[4] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_NOTRESPONDINGERRORMESSAGE, dlgRunningInstanceNotRespondingError);
904   SimpleResponse(aMsgID, RESPONSE_OPENFILES, xParams);
905 end;
907 procedure TMainServer.SimpleResponse(const aResponseToMsgID: Integer; const
908   aResponseType: string; const aParams: array of TMessageParam);
909 var
910   xStream: TMemoryStream;
911 begin
912   xStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
913   try
914     TIDEInstances.BuildMessage(aResponseType, aParams, xStream);
915     xStream.Position := 0;
916     PostResponse(aResponseToMsgID, MESSAGETYPE_XML, xStream);
917   finally
918     xStream.Free;
919   end;
920 end;
922 procedure TMainServer.StartListening(
923   const aStartNewInstanceEvent: TStartNewInstanceEvent;
924   const aGetCurrentProjectEvent: TGetCurrentProjectEvent);
925 begin
926   Assert((FTimer = nil) and Assigned(aStartNewInstanceEvent) and Assigned(aGetCurrentProjectEvent));
928   FTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
929   FTimer.OnTimer := @CheckMessagesOnTimer;
930   FTimer.Interval := 50;
931   FTimer.Enabled := True;
933   FStartNewInstanceEvent := aStartNewInstanceEvent;
934   FGetCurrentProjectEvent := aGetCurrentProjectEvent;
935 end;
937 procedure TMainServer.StopListening;
938 begin
939   FreeAndNil(FTimer);
941   FStartNewInstanceEvent := nil;
942 end;
944 procedure TMainServer.DoCheckMessages;
945 var
946   xMessageType: string;
947   xParams: TMessageParams;
948   xMsgID, xMsgType: Integer;
949 begin
950   if Active then
951   begin
952     while
953        PeekRequest(FMsgStream, xMsgID{%H-}, xMsgType{%H-}) and
954        (xMsgType = MESSAGETYPE_XML) and
955        (TIDEInstances.ParseMessage(FMsgStream, xMessageType, xParams))
956     do
957       case xMessageType of
958         MESSAGE_STARTNEWINSTANCE: DoStartNewInstance(xMsgID, xParams);
959         MESSAGE_GETOPENEDPROJECT: DoGetCurrentProject(xMsgID, xParams);
960       end;
961   end;
962 end;
964 procedure TMainServer.DoGetCurrentProject(const aMsgID: Integer;
965   const aInParams: TMessageParams);
966 var
967   xResult: string;
968   xParams: TMessageParams;
969 begin
970   xResult := '';
971   if Assigned(FStartNewInstanceEvent) then
972     FGetCurrentProjectEvent(xResult);
974   SetLength(xParams{%H-}, 1);
975   xParams[0] := TIDEInstances.MessageParam(PARAM_RESULT, xResult);
976   SimpleResponse(aMsgID, RESPONSE_GETOPENEDPROJECT, xParams);
977 end;
979 initialization
980   FLazIDEInstances := TIDEInstances.Create(nil);
981   FLazIDEInstances.InitIDEInstances;
983 finalization
984   FreeAndNil(FLazIDEInstances);
986 end.