1 { /***************************************************************************
2                       imexportcompilerOpts.pas
3                       ------------------------
5  ***************************************************************************/
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
15  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
17  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
18  *                                                                         *
19  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
20  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
21  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
22  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
23  *                                                                         *
24  ***************************************************************************
26   Author: Mattias Gaertner, Juha Manninen
27 }
28 unit ImExportCompilerOpts;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
32 interface
34 uses
35   SysUtils,
36   // LCL
37   LCLType, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ButtonPanel,
38   // LazUtils
39   FileUtil, LazFileUtils, Laz2_XMLCfg,
40   // IdeIntf
41   IDEOptEditorIntf, IDEImagesIntf,
42   // IDE
43   IDEProcs, LazarusIDEStrConsts, InputHistory, Project, CompilerOptions;
45 type
46   { TImExportCompOptsDlg }
48   TImExportCompOptsDlg = class(TForm)
49     ButtonBrowse: TButton;
50     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
51     ExportRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
52     FileLabel: TLabel;
53     FileNameEdit: TComboBox;
54     OpenDlg: TOpenDialog;
55     SaveDlg: TSaveDialog;
56     procedure ButtonBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
57     procedure FileNameEditChange(Sender: TObject);
58     procedure ImExportCompOptsDlgCLOSE(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
59     procedure ImExportCompOptsDlgCREATE(Sender: TObject);
60     procedure OpenButtonCLICK(Sender: TObject);
61     procedure SaveButtonCLICK(Sender: TObject);
62   private
63     FFilename: string;
64     FParentDialog: TAbstractOptionsEditorDialog;
65     FExport: boolean;
66     procedure InitExport(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions);
67     procedure InitImport;
68     procedure LoadRecentList;
69     //procedure SaveRecentList;
70     procedure SetFilename(const AValue: string);
71     procedure DoOpenFile(const AFilename: string);
72     procedure DoSaveFile(const AFilename: string);
73   public
74     property Filename: string read FFilename write SetFilename;
75   end;
77   { TOptsImExport }
79   TOptsImExport = class
80   private
81     fOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions; // TProjectCompilerOptions or TPkgCompilerOptions
82     fImExportDlg: TImExportCompOptsDlg;
83     fXMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
GetXMLPathForCompilerOptionsnull84     function GetXMLPathForCompilerOptions: string;
OpenXMLnull85     function OpenXML(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
86   public
DoImportnull87     function DoImport(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
DoExportOptionsnull88     function DoExportOptions(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
DoExportBuildModesnull89     function DoExportBuildModes(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
90     constructor Create(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions; aImExportDlg: TImExportCompOptsDlg);
91     destructor Destroy; override;
92   end;
ShowImportCompilerOptionsDialognull94 function ShowImportCompilerOptionsDialog(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
95   aDialog: TAbstractOptionsEditorDialog): TModalResult;
ShowExportCompilerOptionsDialognull96 function ShowExportCompilerOptionsDialog(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
97   aDialog: TAbstractOptionsEditorDialog): TModalResult;
100 implementation
102 {$R *.lfm}
104 const
105   DefaultCompilerOptPath = 'CompilerOptions/';
ShowImportCompilerOptionsDialognull107 function ShowImportCompilerOptionsDialog(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
108   aDialog: TAbstractOptionsEditorDialog): TModalResult;
109 var
110   ImExportCompOptsDlg: TImExportCompOptsDlg;
111   Importer: TOptsImExport;
112 begin
113   ImExportCompOptsDlg := TImExportCompOptsDlg.Create(nil);
114   try
115     ImExportCompOptsDlg.FParentDialog := aDialog;
116     ImExportCompOptsDlg.InitImport;
117     Result := ImExportCompOptsDlg.ShowModal;
118     if Result <> mrOk then Exit;
119     Importer := TOptsImExport.Create(AOptions, ImExportCompOptsDlg);
120     try
121       Result := Importer.DoImport(ImExportCompOptsDlg.Filename);
122     finally
123       Importer.Free;
124     end;
125   finally
126     ImExportCompOptsDlg.Free;
127   end;
128 end;
ShowExportCompilerOptionsDialognull130 function ShowExportCompilerOptionsDialog(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
131   aDialog: TAbstractOptionsEditorDialog): TModalResult;
132 var
133   ImExportCompOptsDlg: TImExportCompOptsDlg;
134   Exporter: TOptsImExport;
135 begin
136   ImExportCompOptsDlg := TImExportCompOptsDlg.Create(nil);
137   try
138     ImExportCompOptsDlg.FParentDialog := aDialog;
139     ImExportCompOptsDlg.InitExport(AOptions);
140     Result := ImExportCompOptsDlg.ShowModal;
141     if Result <> mrOk then Exit;
142     Exporter := TOptsImExport.Create(AOptions, ImExportCompOptsDlg);
143     try
144       case ImExportCompOptsDlg.ExportRadioGroup.ItemIndex of
145         0: Result := Exporter.DoExportOptions(ImExportCompOptsDlg.Filename);
146         1: Result := Exporter.DoExportBuildModes(ImExportCompOptsDlg.Filename);
147       end;
148     finally
149       Exporter.Free;
150     end;
151   finally
152     ImExportCompOptsDlg.Free;
153   end;
154 end;
156 { TOptsImExport }
158 constructor TOptsImExport.Create(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions;
159   aImExportDlg: TImExportCompOptsDlg);
160 begin
161   inherited Create;
162   fOptions := AOptions;
163   fImExportDlg := aImExportDlg;
164 end;
166 destructor TOptsImExport.Destroy;
167 begin
168   fXMLConfig.Free;
169   inherited Destroy;
170 end;
OpenXMLnull172 function TOptsImExport.OpenXML(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
173 begin
174   Result := mrOk;
175   try
176     fXMLConfig:=TXMLConfig.Create(Filename);
177   except
178     on E: Exception do
179     begin
180       Result:=MessageDlg(lisIECOErrorOpeningXml,
181         Format(lisIECOErrorOpeningXmlFile, [Filename, LineEnding, E.Message]),
182         mtError, [mbCancel], 0);
183     end;
184   end;
185 end;
GetXMLPathForCompilerOptionsnull187 function TOptsImExport.GetXMLPathForCompilerOptions: string;
188 const
189   OptPathSuffix = 'SearchPaths/CompilerPath/Value';
190   PkgCompilerOptPath = 'Package/CompilerOptions/';
191   PkgVersionPath = 'Package/Version';
192 var
193   FileVersion: Integer;
194 begin
195   if fXMLConfig.GetValue(OptPathSuffix,'')<>'' then
196     // old lpi file
197     Result:=''
198   else if fXMLConfig.GetValue(DefaultCompilerOptPath+OptPathSuffix,'')<>'' then
199     // current lpi file
200     Result:=DefaultCompilerOptPath
201   else if fXMLConfig.GetValue(PkgCompilerOptPath+OptPathSuffix,'')<>'' then
202     // current lpk file
203     Result:=PkgCompilerOptPath
204   else begin
205     // default: depending on file type
206     Result:=DefaultCompilerOptPath;
207     if FilenameExtIs(fXMLConfig.Filename,'lpk',true) then
208     begin
209       try
210         FileVersion:=fXMLConfig.GetValue(PkgVersionPath,2);
211       except
212         FileVersion:=2;               // On error assume version 2.
213       end;
214       if FileVersion>=2 then
215         Result:=PkgCompilerOptPath;   // current lpk file
216     end;
217   end;
218 end;
TOptsImExport.DoImportnull220 function TOptsImExport.DoImport(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
221 // Import options to project or package. Only projects support BuildModes.
222 var
223   CompOptPath: String;
224 begin
225   Result := OpenXML(Filename);
226   if Result <> mrOK then Exit;
227   CompOptPath := GetXMLPathForCompilerOptions;
228   if Assigned(fXMLConfig.FindNode('BuildModes',False)) then
229   begin                                        // The import file has BuildModes.
230     if fOptions is TProjectCompilerOptions then
231     begin                                      // Project options
232       Project1.BuildModes.LoadProjOptsFromXMLConfig(fXMLConfig, '');
233       fImExportDlg.FParentDialog.UpdateBuildModeGUI;
234       ShowMessageFmt(lisSuccessfullyImportedBuildModes, [Project1.BuildModes.Count, Filename]);
235     end
236     else begin                                 // Package options
237       ShowMessage(lisImportingBuildModesNotSupported);
238       Result := mrAbort;
239     end;
240   end
241   else if Assigned(fXMLConfig.FindNode(CompOptPath,False)) then
242   begin
243     fOptions.LoadFromXMLConfig(fXMLConfig, CompOptPath);
244     ShowMessageFmt(lisSuccessfullyImportedCompilerOptions, [Filename]);
245   end
246   else
247     ShowMessageFmt(lisIECONoCompilerOptionsInFile, [Filename]);
248 end;
TOptsImExport.DoExportOptionsnull250 function TOptsImExport.DoExportOptions(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
251 // Export options of project or package.
252 begin
253   Result := OpenXML(Filename);
254   if Result <> mrOK then Exit;
255   fOptions.SaveToXMLConfig(fXMLConfig, DefaultCompilerOptPath);
256   fXMLConfig.Flush;
257   ShowMessageFmt(lisSuccessfullyExportedCompilerOptions, [Filename]);
258 end;
TOptsImExport.DoExportBuildModesnull260 function TOptsImExport.DoExportBuildModes(const Filename: string): TModalResult;
261 // Export options of project's BuildModes. Packages don't have BuildModes.
262 begin
263   Result := OpenXML(Filename);
264   if Result <> mrOK then Exit;
265   Project1.BuildModes.SaveProjOptsToXMLConfig(fXMLConfig, '', False, True);
266   fXMLConfig.Flush;
267   ShowMessageFmt(lisSuccessfullyExportedBuildModes, [Project1.BuildModes.Count, Filename]);
268 end;
270 { TImExportCompOptsDlg }
272 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.InitImport;
273 begin
274   FExport:=false;
275   Caption:=lisIECOImportCompilerOptions;
276   // ToDo: Later when the XML file is selected, ExportRadioGroup can be made
277   //  Visible but disabled. Then ItemIndex must be set according to file contents.
278   //  If file contains one mode -> ItemIndex:=0. If more modes -> ItemIndex:=1.
279   ExportRadioGroup.Visible:=False;
281   OpenDlg.Filter:=Format('%s|*.xml|'
282                         +'%s|*.lpi|'
283                         +'%s|*.lpk|'
284                         +'%s|*.lps|'
285                         +'%s|%s',
286                       [dlgFilterXML,
287                        dlgFilterLazarusProject,
288                        dlgFilterLazarusPackage,
289                        dlgFilterLazarusSession,
290                        dlgFilterAll, GetAllFilesMask]);
292   with ButtonPanel1 do begin
293     OKButton.Caption:=lisIECOLoadFromFile;
294     OKButton.LoadGlyphFromStock(idButtonOpen);
295     if OKButton.Glyph.Empty then
296       IDEImages.AssignImage(OKButton, 'laz_open');
297     OKButton.Enabled:=False;
298     OKButton.OnClick:=@OpenButtonCLICK;
299   end;
300 end;
302 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.InitExport(AOptions: TBaseCompilerOptions);
303 begin
304   FExport:=true;
305   Caption:=lisIECOExportCompilerOptions;
306   SaveDlg.Filter:=Format('%s|*.xml|%s|%s',
307                      [dlgFilterXML, dlgFilterAll, GetAllFilesMask]);
309   if not (AOptions is TProjectCompilerOptions) then
310     ExportRadioGroup.Visible:=False
311   else if Project1.BuildModes.Count <= 1 then
312     ExportRadioGroup.Enabled:=False;
313   with ButtonPanel1 do begin
314     OKButton.Caption:=lisIECOSaveToFile;
315     OKButton.LoadGlyphFromStock(idButtonSave);
316     if OKButton.Glyph.Empty then
317       IDEImages.AssignImage(OKButton, 'laz_save');
318     OKButton.Enabled:=False;
319     OKButton.OnClick:=@SaveButtonCLICK;
320   end;
321 end;
323 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.ImExportCompOptsDlgCREATE(Sender: TObject);
324 begin
325   FileLabel.Caption:=lisFile;
326   ExportRadioGroup.Caption:=lisIECOCompilerOptionsOf;
327   ExportRadioGroup.Items.Strings[0]:=lisIECOCurrentBuildMode;
328   ExportRadioGroup.Items.Strings[1]:=lisIECOAllBuildModes;
329   LoadRecentList;
330 end;
332 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.ButtonBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
333 var
334   Dlg: TFileDialog;
335 begin
336   if FExport then Dlg:= SaveDlg
337     else Dlg:= OpenDlg;
339   with Dlg do
340   begin
341     FileName := '';
342     if Execute then
343     begin
344       FileNameEdit.Text := FileName;
345       FileNameEditChange(nil);
346     end;
347   end;
348 end;
350 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.FileNameEditChange(Sender: TObject);
351 begin
352   if FExport then
353     ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Enabled := FileNameEdit.Text <> ''
354   else
355     ButtonPanel1.OKButton.Enabled := FileExistsUTF8(FileNameEdit.Text);
356 end;
358 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.OpenButtonCLICK(Sender: TObject);
359 begin
360   DoOpenFile(CleanAndExpandFilename(FileNameEdit.Text));
361 end;
363 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.SaveButtonCLICK(Sender: TObject);
364 begin
365   DoSaveFile(CleanAndExpandFilename(FileNameEdit.Text));
366 end;
368 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.ImExportCompOptsDlgCLOSE(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
369 begin
370   //SaveRecentList;
371 end;
373 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.LoadRecentList;
374 begin
375   FileNameEdit.Items.Assign(
376     InputHistories.HistoryLists.GetList(hlCompilerOptsImExport,true,rltFile));
377 end;
378 {
379 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.SaveRecentList;
380 begin
381   InputHistories.HistoryLists.GetList(hlCompilerOptsImExport,true,rltFile).Assign(
382     FileNameEdit.Items);
383   InputHistories.Save;
384 end;
385 }
386 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.SetFilename(const AValue: string);
387 begin
388   if FFilename=AValue then exit;
389   FFilename:=AValue;
390   InputHistories.HistoryLists.GetList(hlCompilerOptsImExport,true,rltFile).AppendEntry(FFilename);
391   LoadRecentList;
392 end;
394 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.DoOpenFile(const AFilename: string);
395 begin
396   if DirPathExists(AFilename) then exit;
397   Filename := AFilename;
398   ModalResult := mrOk;
399 end;
401 procedure TImExportCompOptsDlg.DoSaveFile(const AFilename: string);
402 var
403   MsgResult: TModalResult;
404 begin
405   if DirPathExists(AFilename) then exit;
406   if ExtractFileExt(AFilename) = '' then
407     Filename:=AFilename + '.xml'
408   else
409     Filename:=AFilename;
410   if FileExistsUTF8(Filename) then begin
411     MsgResult:=MessageDlg(lisIECOExportFileExists,
412       Format(lisIECOExportFileExistsOpenFileAndReplaceOnlyCompilerOpti,
413              [Filename, LineEnding, LineEnding]),
414       mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbCancel],0);
415     if MsgResult<>mrYes then exit;
416   end;
417   ModalResult := mrOk;
418 end;
420 end.