1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                            inputfiledialog.pas
4                            -------------------
5           TInputFileDialog is a dialog to let the user set some filenames.
8  ***************************************************************************/
10   Author: Mattias Gaertner
12  *****************************************************************************
13   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
14   for details about the license.
15  *****************************************************************************
16 }
17 unit InputFileDialog;
19 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
21 interface
23 uses
24   Classes, SysUtils, Math,
25   // LCL
26   Forms, Controls, Dialogs, StdCtrls, LResources,
27   // LazUtils
28   LazFileUtils, LazFileCache,
29   // IdeIntf
30   IDEDialogs,
31   // IDE
32   LazarusIDEStrConsts, TransferMacros, InputHistory;
34 type
35   TInputFileFlag = (iftDirectory, iftFilename, iftCmdLine,
36                     iftNotEmpty, iftMustExist);
37   TInputFileFlags = set of TInputFileFlag;
39   TInputFileDialog = class(TForm)
40     OkButton: TButton;
41     CancelButton: TButton;
42     OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
43     procedure OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
44     procedure CancelButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
45     procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
46     procedure InputFileDlgButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
47   private
48     FFileCount: integer;
49     FFileTitles: TStringList;
50     FFileDescs: TStringList;
51     FFileNames: TStringList;
52     FFileFlags: ^TInputFileFlags;
53     FInputGroupboxes: TList; // list TGroupBox
54     FInputLabels: TList; // list of list of TLabel
55     FInputDescs: TStringList;
56     FInputEdits: TList;  // list of TEdit
57     FInputFileDlgButtons: TList; // list of TButton
58     FTransferMacros: TTransferMacroList;
59     FUpdateCount: integer;
60     FForceUpdate: boolean;
GetFileDescriptionsnull61     function GetFileDescriptions(Index: integer): string;
GetFileTitlesnull62     function GetFileTitles(Index: integer): string;
GetFileFlagsnull63     function GetFileFlags(Index: integer): TInputFileFlags;
GetFilenamesnull64     function GetFilenames(Index: integer): string;
65     procedure SetFileCount(const AValue: integer);
66     procedure SetFileDescriptions(Index: integer; const AValue: string);
67     procedure SetFileTitles(Index: integer; const AValue: string);
68     procedure SetFileFlags(Index: integer; const AValue: TInputFileFlags);
69     procedure SetFilenames(Index: integer; const AValue: string);
70     procedure SetTransferMacros(const AValue: TTransferMacroList);
UpdateNeedednull71     function UpdateNeeded: boolean;
GetInputEditnull72     function GetInputEdit(Index: integer): TEdit;
GetInputFileDlgButtonnull73     function GetInputFileDlgButton(Index: integer): TButton;
GetLabelListnull74     function GetLabelList(Index: integer): TList;
GetLabelnull75     function GetLabel(Index, Line: integer): TLabel;
GetGroupBoxnull76     function GetGroupBox(Index: integer): TGroupBox;
LabelListCountnull77     function LabelListCount(Index: integer): integer;
FileIndexOfFileDlgBtnnull78     function FileIndexOfFileDlgBtn(Button: TButton): integer;
79     procedure CreateInputComponents;
80     procedure CreateMissingGroupBoxes;
81     procedure CreateEditComponents;
82     procedure CreateFileDlgButtonComponents;
83     procedure CreateLabelComponents;
84     procedure DeleteUnusedGroupBoxes;
85     procedure DeleteLabelList(Index: integer);
86     procedure DeleteAllLabels;
87     procedure ResizeComponents;
88   public
89     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
90     destructor Destroy; override;
91     procedure BeginUpdate;
92     procedure EndUpdate;
93     procedure UpdateDlg;
FilenameIsValidForFileIndexnull94     function FilenameIsValidForFileIndex(Filename: string;
95       Index: integer): boolean;
96   public
97     property FileCount: integer read FFileCount write SetFileCount;
98     property FileTitles[Index: integer]: string
99       read GetFileTitles write SetFileTitles;
100     property FileNames[Index: integer]: string
101       read GetFileNames write SetFileNames;
102     property FileDescs[Index: integer]: string
103       read GetFileDescriptions write SetFileDescriptions;
104     property FileFlags[Index: integer]: TInputFileFlags
105       read GetFileFlags write SetFileFlags;
106     property Macros: TTransferMacroList
107       read FTransferMacros write SetTransferMacros;
108   end;
GetInputFileDialognull110 function GetInputFileDialog: TInputFileDialog;
113 implementation
116 var InputFileDlg: TInputFileDialog;
GetInputFileDialognull118 function GetInputFileDialog: TInputFileDialog;
119 begin
120   if InputFileDlg=nil then
121     InputFileDlg:=TInputFileDialog.Create(nil);
122   Result:=InputFileDlg;
123 end;
125 { TInputFileDialog }
127 procedure TInputFileDialog.OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
128 var i: integer;
129   CurEdit: TEdit;
130 begin
131   for i:=0 to FileCount-1 do begin
132     CurEdit:=GetInputEdit(i);
133     CurEdit.Text:=CurEdit.Text;
134     if not FilenameIsValidForFileIndex(CurEdit.Text,i) then begin
135       if IDEMessageDialog(lisA2PInvalidFile,
136         Format(lisCodeToolsDefsValueIsInvalid,
137                [GetGroupBox(i).Caption, LineEnding, CurEdit.Text]),
138         mtInformation, [mbCancel,mbAbort])=mrAbort
139       then
140         ModalResult:=mrCancel
141       else
142         exit;
143     end;
144     FFileNames[i]:=CurEdit.Text;
145   end;
146   ModalResult:=mrOk
147 end;
149 procedure TInputFileDialog.CancelButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
150 begin
151   ModalResult:=mrCancel;
152 end;
154 procedure TInputFileDialog.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
155 begin
156   ResizeComponents;
157 end;
159 procedure TInputFileDialog.InputFileDlgButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
160 var
161   FileIndex: integer;
162   AFilename: string;
163 begin
164   FileIndex:=FileIndexOfFileDlgBtn(TButton(Sender));
165   if FileIndex<0 then exit;
166   if OpenDialog=nil then OpenDialog:=IDEOpenDialogClass.Create(Self);
167   with OpenDialog do begin
168     InputHistories.ApplyFileDialogSettings(OpenDialog);
169     Title:=GetGroupBox(FileIndex).Caption;
170     if (not Execute) then exit;
171     InputHistories.StoreFileDialogSettings(OpenDialog);
172     AFilename:=Filename;
173     if not FilenameIsValidForFileIndex(AFilename,FileIndex) then exit;
174     GetInputEdit(FileIndex).Text:=AFilename;
175   end;
176 end;
GetFileDescriptionsnull178 function TInputFileDialog.GetFileDescriptions(Index: integer): string;
179 begin
180   Result:=FFileDescs[Index];
181 end;
GetFileTitlesnull183 function TInputFileDialog.GetFileTitles(Index: integer): string;
184 begin
185   Result:=FFileTitles[Index];
186 end;
GetFileFlagsnull188 function TInputFileDialog.GetFileFlags(Index: integer): TInputFileFlags;
189 begin
190   Result:=FFileFlags[Index];
191 end;
GetFilenamesnull193 function TInputFileDialog.GetFilenames(Index: integer): string;
194 begin
195   Result:=FFileNames[Index];
196 end;
198 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetFileCount(const AValue: integer);
200   procedure SetStringListCount(sl: TStringlist);
201   begin
202     while sl.Count>AValue do
203       sl.Delete(sl.Count-1);
204     while sl.Count<AValue do
205       sl.Add('');
206   end;
208 var i: integer;
209 begin
210   if FFileCount=AValue then exit;
211   BeginUpdate;
212   SetStringListCount(FFileNames);
213   SetStringListCount(FFileDescs);
214   SetStringListCount(FFileTitles);
215   if FFileFlags<>nil then begin
216     FreeMem(FFileFlags);
217     FFileFlags:=nil;
218   end;
219   if AValue>0 then begin
220     Getmem(FFileFlags,SizeOf(TInputFileFlags)*AValue);
221     for i:=0 to AValue-1 do FFileFlags[i]:=[iftDirectory,iftNotEmpty];
222   end;
223   FFileCount:=AValue;
224   EndUpdate;
225 end;
227 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetFileDescriptions(Index: integer;
228   const AValue: string);
229 begin
230   FFileDescs[Index]:=AValue;
231   UpdateDlg;
232 end;
234 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetFileTitles(Index: integer; const AValue: string);
235 begin
236   FFileTitles[Index]:=AValue;
237   UpdateDlg;
238 end;
240 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetFileFlags(Index: integer;
241   const AValue: TInputFileFlags);
242 begin
243   FFileFlags[Index]:=AValue;
244   UpdateDlg;
245 end;
247 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetFilenames(Index: integer; const AValue: string);
248 begin
249   FFileNames[Index]:=AValue;
250   UpdateDlg;
251 end;
253 procedure TInputFileDialog.SetTransferMacros(const AValue: TTransferMacroList);
254 begin
255   FTransferMacros:=AValue;
256 end;
258 procedure TInputFileDialog.UpdateDlg;
259 begin
260   if (FUpdateCount<>0) or (not UpdateNeeded) then exit;
261   CreateInputComponents;
262   FormResize(Self);
263 end;
TInputFileDialog.FilenameIsValidForFileIndexnull265 function TInputFileDialog.FilenameIsValidForFileIndex(Filename: string;
266   Index: integer): boolean;
267 var CurFileFlags: TInputFileFlags;
268 begin
269   Result:=false;
270   CurFileFlags:=FileFlags[Index];
271   if (iftNotEmpty in CurFileFlags) and (Filename='') then exit;
272   if ([iftMustExist,iftCmdLine]*CurFileFlags=[iftMustExist])
273   and (Filename<>'') then begin
274     if FTransferMacros<>nil then
275       Macros.SubstituteStr(Filename);
276     Filename:=ExpandFileNameUTF8(Filename);
277     if (not (iftDirectory in CurFileFlags)) and DirPathExistsCached(Filename)
278     then
279       exit;
280     if (not (iftFilename in CurFileFlags)) and FileExistsUTF8(Filename)
281     and (not DirPathExistsCached(Filename))
282     then
283       exit;
284   end;
285   Result:=true;
286 end;
UpdateNeedednull288 function TInputFileDialog.UpdateNeeded: boolean;
289 var i: integer;
290 begin
291   Result:=true;
292   if FForceUpdate then exit;
293   FForceUpdate:=true;
295   // check file count
296   if FileCount<>FInputEdits.Count then exit;
298   // check files
299   for i:=0 to FileCount-1 do begin
300     if FFileTitles[i]<>GetGroupBox(I).Caption then exit;
301     if FFileNames[i]<>GetInputEdit(I).Text then exit;
302     if FFileDescs[i]<>FInputDescs[i] then exit;
303   end;
305   FForceUpdate:=false;
306   Result:=false;
307 end;
TInputFileDialog.GetInputEditnull309 function TInputFileDialog.GetInputEdit(Index: integer): TEdit;
310 begin
311   Result:=TEdit(FInputEdits[Index]);
312 end;
GetInputFileDlgButtonnull314 function TInputFileDialog.GetInputFileDlgButton(Index: integer): TButton;
315 begin
316   Result:=TButton(FInputFileDlgButtons[Index]);
317 end;
TInputFileDialog.GetLabelListnull319 function TInputFileDialog.GetLabelList(Index: integer): TList;
320 begin
321   Result:=TList(FInputLabels[Index]);
322 end;
GetLabelnull324 function TInputFileDialog.GetLabel(Index, Line: integer): TLabel;
325 begin
326   Result:=TLabel(GetLabelList(Index)[Line]);
327 end;
GetGroupBoxnull329 function TInputFileDialog.GetGroupBox(Index: integer): TGroupBox;
330 begin
331   Result:=TGroupBox(FInputGroupboxes[Index]);
332 end;
TInputFileDialog.LabelListCountnull334 function TInputFileDialog.LabelListCount(Index: integer): integer;
335 begin
336   Result:=GetLabelList(Index).Count;
337 end;
TInputFileDialog.FileIndexOfFileDlgBtnnull339 function TInputFileDialog.FileIndexOfFileDlgBtn(Button: TButton): integer;
340 begin
341   for Result:=0 to FInputFileDlgButtons.Count-1 do
342     if GetInputFileDlgButton(Result)=Button then exit;
343   Result:=-1;
344 end;
346 procedure TInputFileDialog.CreateInputComponents;
347 begin
348   CreateMissingGroupBoxes;
349   CreateEditComponents;
350   CreateFileDlgButtonComponents;
351   CreateLabelComponents;
352   DeleteUnusedGroupBoxes;
353 end;
355 procedure TInputFileDialog.CreateMissingGroupBoxes;
356 var
357   NewGroupBox: TGroupBox;
358 begin
359   // add new TGroupBoxes
360   while FInputGroupboxes.Count<FFileCount do begin
361     NewGroupBox:=TGroupBox.Create(Self);
362     with NewGroupBox do begin
363       Name:='InputGroupBox'+IntToStr(FInputGroupboxes.Count);
364       Parent:=Self;
365       Visible:=true;
366     end;
367     FInputGroupboxes.Add(NewGroupBox);
368   end;
369 end;
371 procedure TInputFileDialog.CreateEditComponents;
372 var
373   NewEdit: TEdit;
374   i: integer;
375 begin
376   // add new TEdits
377   while FInputEdits.Count<FFileCount do begin
378     i:=FInputEdits.Count;
379     NewEdit:=TEdit.Create(Self);
380     with NewEdit do begin
381       Name:='InputEdit'+IntToStr(i);
382       Parent:=GetGroupBox(i);
383       Visible:=true;
384     end;
385     FInputEdits.Add(NewEdit);
386   end;
387   // remove old unused TEdits
388   while FInputEdits.Count>FFileCount do begin
389     GetInputEdit(FInputEdits.Count-1).Free;
390     FInputEdits.Delete(FInputEdits.Count-1);
391   end;
392   // upadte existing TEdits
393   for i:=0 to FInputEdits.Count-1 do
394     GetInputEdit(i).Text:=FFileNames[i];
395 end;
397 procedure TInputFileDialog.CreateFileDlgButtonComponents;
398 var NewButton: TButton;
399   i: integer;
400 begin
401   // add new TButtons
402   while FInputFileDlgButtons.Count<FFileCount do begin
403     i:=FInputFileDlgButtons.Count;
404     NewButton:=TButton.Create(Self);
405     with NewButton do begin
406       Name:='InputFileDlgButtin'+IntToStr(i);
407       Parent:=GetGroupBox(i);
408       Caption:='...';
409       OnClick:=@InputFileDlgButtonClick;
410       Visible:=true;
411     end;
412     FInputFileDlgButtons.Add(NewButton);
413   end;
414   // remove unused TButtons
415   while FInputFileDlgButtons.Count>FFileCount do begin
416     GetInputFileDlgButton(FInputFileDlgButtons.Count-1).Free;
417     FInputFileDlgButtons.Delete(FInputFileDlgButtons.Count-1);
418   end;
419 end;
421 procedure TInputFileDialog.CreateLabelComponents;
422 var
423   NewLabelList: TList;
424   LabelsAsText: TStringList;
425   ListIndex, i: integer;
426   NewLabel: TLabel;
427 begin
428   LabelsAsText:=TStringList.Create;
429   // add new TLabels
430   for ListIndex:=0 to FFileCount-1 do begin
431     // create TLabel list
432     if FInputLabels.Count<=ListIndex then begin
433       NewLabelList:=TList.Create;
434       FInputLabels.Add(NewLabelList);
435     end else
436       NewLabelList:=GetLabelList(ListIndex);
437     LabelsAsText.Text:=FFileDescs[ListIndex];
438     // create one TLabel for every line
439     for i:=0 to LabelsAsText.Count-1 do begin
440       // create TLabel
441       if NewLabelList.Count<=i then begin
442         NewLabel:=TLabel.Create(Self);
443         NewLabelList.Add(NewLabel);
444       end else
445         NewLabel:=GetLabel(ListIndex,i);
446       with NewLabel do begin
447         Name:='NewLabel'+IntToStr(ListIndex)+'_'+IntToStr(i);
448         Parent:=GetGroupBox(ListIndex);
449         Visible:=true;
450       end;
451     end;
452     // remove unused TLabels
453     while NewLabelList.Count>LabelsAsText.Count do begin
454       GetLabel(ListIndex,NewLabelList.Count-1).Free;
455       NewLabelList.Delete(NewLabelList.Count-1);
456     end;
457   end;
458   // remove unused LabelLists
459   while FInputLabels.Count>FFileCount do begin
460     DeleteLabelList(FInputLabels.Count-1);
461   end;
462   // update label text
463   for ListIndex:=0 to FInputLabels.Count-1 do begin
464     // split description into lines
465     LabelsAsText.Text:=FFileDescs[ListIndex];
466     for i:=0 to LabelListCount(ListIndex)-1 do begin
467       GetLabel(ListIndex,i).Caption:=LabelsAsText[i];
468     end;
469   end;
470   LabelsAsText.Free;
471 end;
473 procedure TInputFileDialog.DeleteUnusedGroupBoxes;
474 var
475   i: integer;
476 begin
477   // remove old unused TGroupBoxes
478   while FInputGroupboxes.Count>FFileCount do begin
479     GetGroupBox(FInputGroupboxes.Count-1).Free;
480     FInputGroupboxes.Delete(FInputGroupboxes.Count-1);
481   end;
482   // update existing TGroupBoxes
483   for i:=0 to FInputGroupboxes.Count-1 do
484     GetGroupBox(i).Caption:=FFileTitles[i];
485 end;
487 procedure TInputFileDialog.DeleteLabelList(Index: integer);
488 var i: integer;
489   LabelList: TList;
490 begin
491   LabelList:=GetLabelList(Index);
492   for i:=LabelList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
493     GetLabel(Index,i).Free;
494     LabelList.Delete(i);
495   end;
496   LabelList.Free;
497   FInputLabels.Delete(Index);
498 end;
500 procedure TInputFileDialog.ResizeComponents;
501 var
502   y, GroupBoxWidth, GroupBoxLeft, GroupBoxHeight, FileIndex,
503   LabelIndex, LabelLeft, LabelHeight, GroupBoxSpacing, LabelTop, LabelWidth,
504   ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight: integer;
505   CurLabel: TLabel;
506   CurEdit: TEdit;
507   CurButton: TButton;
508 begin
509   GroupBoxSpacing:=10;
510   GroupBoxLeft:=GroupBoxSpacing;
511   GroupBoxWidth:=ClientWidth-GroupBoxLeft*2;
512   y:=GroupBoxSpacing;
513   LabelHeight:=25;
514   // resize input components
515   for FileIndex:=0 to FileCount-1 do begin
516     GroupBoxHeight:=60+LabelListCount(FileIndex)*LabelHeight;
517     GetGroupBox(FileIndex).SetBounds(
518                                  GroupBoxLeft,y,GroupBoxWidth,GroupBoxHeight);
519     LabelTop:=7;
520     LabelLeft:=10;
521     LabelWidth:=GroupBoxWidth-LabelLeft*2;
522     for LabelIndex:=0 to LabelListCount(FileIndex)-1 do begin
523       CurLabel:=GetLabel(FileIndex,LabelIndex);
524       CurLabel.SetBounds(LabelLeft,LabelTop,LabelWidth,CurLabel.Height);
525       inc(LabelTop,LabelHeight);
526     end;
527     CurButton:=GetInputFileDlgButton(FileIndex);
528     ButtonWidth:=CurButton.Height;
529     ButtonHeight:=CurButton.Height;
530     CurEdit:=GetInputEdit(FileIndex);
531     CurEdit.SetBounds(LabelLeft,LabelTop,
532                       LabelWidth-10-ButtonWidth,CurEdit.Height);
533     CurButton.SetBounds(CurEdit.Left+CurEdit.Width+3,LabelTop,
534                         ButtonWidth,ButtonHeight);
535     inc(y,GroupBoxHeight+GroupBoxSpacing);
536   end;
537   inc(y,GroupBoxSpacing);
538   // resize ok and cancel button
539   OkButton.SetBounds(Max(GroupBoxLeft,GroupBoxLeft+GroupBoxWidth-250),y,
540                      120,OkButton.Height);
541   CancelButton.SetBounds(OkButton.Left+OkButton.Width+10,OkButton.Top,
542                          OkButton.Width,OkButton.Height);
543   inc(y,OkButton.Height+GroupBoxSpacing);
544   Height:=y;
545 end;
547 procedure TInputFileDialog.DeleteAllLabels;
548 var i: integer;
549 begin
550   for i:=FInputLabels.Count-1 downto 0 do
551     DeleteLabelList(i);
552 end;
554 constructor TInputFileDialog.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
555 begin
556   inherited CreateNew(TheOwner, 1);
557   Position:=poScreenCenter;
558   Width:=500;
560   OnResize:=@FormResize;
562   OkButton:=TButton.Create(Self);
563   with OkButton do begin
564     Name:='OkButton';
565     Parent:=Self;
566     Caption:=lisMenuOk;
567     OnClick:=@OkButtonClick;
568     Visible:=true;
569   end;
571   CancelButton:=TButton.Create(Self);
572   with CancelButton do begin
573     Name:='CancelButton';
574     Parent:=Self;
575     Caption:=lisCancel;
576     OnClick:=@CancelButtonClick;
577     Visible:=true;
578   end;
580   FFileCount:=0;
581   FFileTitles:=TStringList.Create;
582   FFileDescs:=TStringList.Create;
583   FFileNames:=TStringList.Create;
584   FInputGroupboxes:=TList.Create;
585   FInputLabels:=TList.Create;
586   FInputDescs:=TStringList.Create;
587   FInputEdits:=TList.Create;
588   FInputFileDlgButtons:=TList.Create;
589   FUpdateCount:=0;
590 end;
592 destructor TInputFileDialog.Destroy;
593 begin
594   DeleteAllLabels;
595   FFileTitles.Free;
596   FFileDescs.Free;
597   FFileNames.Free;
598   if FFileFlags<>nil then FreeMem(FFileFlags);
599   FInputGroupboxes.Free;
600   FInputLabels.Free;
601   FInputDescs.Free;
602   FInputEdits.Free;
603   FInputFileDlgButtons.Free;
604   inherited Destroy;
605 end;
607 procedure TInputFileDialog.BeginUpdate;
608 begin
609   inc(FUpdateCount);
610 end;
612 procedure TInputFileDialog.EndUpdate;
613 begin
614   if FUpdateCount<=0 then exit;
615   dec(FUpdateCount);
616   if FUpdateCount=0 then
617     UpdateDlg;
618 end;
620 end.