1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                           patheditordlg.pp
4                           ----------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  *****************************************************************************
9   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
10   for details about the license.
11  *****************************************************************************
13  Abstract:
14    Defines the TPathEditorDialog, which is a form to edit search paths
16 }
17 unit PathEditorDlg;
19 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
21 interface
23 uses
24   Classes, SysUtils, types,
25   // LCL
26   LCLType, LCLProc, Forms, Controls, Buttons, StdCtrls, Dialogs, Menus, Graphics,
27   ButtonPanel, Clipbrd,
28   // LazUtils
29   FileUtil, LazFileUtils, LazStringUtils, LazFileCache, LazUTF8,
30   // LazControls
31   ShortPathEdit,
32   // IdeIntf
33   MacroIntf, IDEImagesIntf, IDEUtils,
34   // IDE
35   TransferMacros, GenericListSelect, LazarusIDEStrConsts;
37 type
39   { TPathEditorDialog }
41   TPathEditorDialog = class(TForm)
42     AddTemplateButton: TBitBtn;
43     ButtonPanel1: TButtonPanel;
44     CopyMenuItem: TMenuItem;
45     MoveDownButton: TSpeedButton;
46     MoveUpButton: TSpeedButton;
47     OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
48     SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
49     ExportMenuItem: TMenuItem;
50     ImportMenuItem: TMenuItem;
51     SeparMenuItem: TMenuItem;
52     PasteMenuItem: TMenuItem;
53     PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu;
54     ReplaceButton: TBitBtn;
55     AddButton: TBitBtn;
56     DeleteInvalidPathsButton: TBitBtn;
57     DirectoryEdit: TShortPathEdit;
58     DeleteButton: TBitBtn;
59     PathListBox: TListBox;
60     PathGroupBox: TGroupBox;
61     BrowseDialog: TSelectDirectoryDialog;
62     procedure AddButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
63     procedure AddTemplateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
64     procedure CopyMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
65     procedure ExportMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
66     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
67     procedure PasteMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
68     procedure DeleteInvalidPathsButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
69     procedure DeleteButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
70     procedure DirectoryEditAcceptDirectory(Sender: TObject; var Value: String);
71     procedure DirectoryEditChange(Sender: TObject);
72     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
73     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
74     procedure MoveDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
75     procedure MoveUpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
76     procedure PathListBoxDrawItem({%H-}Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
77       ARect: TRect; {%H-}State: TOwnerDrawState);
78     procedure PathListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
79       Shift: TShiftState);
80     procedure PathListBoxSelectionChange(Sender: TObject; {%H-}User: boolean);
81     procedure ReplaceButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
82     procedure ImportMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
83   private
84     FBaseDirectory: string;
85     FEffectiveBaseDirectory: string;
86     FTemplateList: TStringListUTF8Fast;
87     procedure AddPath(aPath: String; aObject: TObject);
GetPathnull88     function GetPath: string;
BaseRelativenull89     function BaseRelative(const APath: string): String;
PathAsAbsolutenull90     function PathAsAbsolute(const APath: string): String;
PathMayExistnull91     function PathMayExist(APath: string): TObject;
92     procedure ReadHelper(Paths: TStringList);
93     procedure SetBaseDirectory(const AValue: string);
94     procedure SetPath(const AValue: string);
95     procedure SetTemplates(const AValue: string);
96     procedure UpdateButtons;
97     procedure WriteHelper(Paths: TStringList);
98   public
99     property BaseDirectory: string read FBaseDirectory write SetBaseDirectory;
100     property EffectiveBaseDirectory: string read FEffectiveBaseDirectory;
101     property Path: string read GetPath write SetPath;
102     property Templates: string {read GetTemplates} write SetTemplates;
103   end;
105   TOnPathEditorExecuted = function (Context: String; var NewPath: String): Boolean of object;
107   { TPathEditorButton }
109   TPathEditorButton = class(TButton)
110   private
111     FCurrentPathEditor: TPathEditorDialog;
112     FAssociatedEdit: TCustomEdit;
113     FContextCaption: String;
114     FTemplates: String;
115     FOnExecuted: TOnPathEditorExecuted;
116   protected
117     procedure DoOnPathEditorExecuted;
118   public
119     procedure Click; override;
120     property CurrentPathEditor: TPathEditorDialog read FCurrentPathEditor;
121     property AssociatedEdit: TCustomEdit read FAssociatedEdit write FAssociatedEdit;
122     property ContextCaption: String read FContextCaption write FContextCaption;
123     property Templates: String read FTemplates write FTemplates;
124     property OnExecuted: TOnPathEditorExecuted read FOnExecuted write FOnExecuted;
125   end;
PathEditorDialognull127 function PathEditorDialog: TPathEditorDialog;
128 procedure SetPathTextAndHint(aPath: String; aEdit: TCustomEdit);
131 implementation
133 {$R *.lfm}
135 var PathEditor: TPathEditorDialog;
PathEditorDialognull137 function PathEditorDialog: TPathEditorDialog;
138 begin
139   if PathEditor=nil then
140     PathEditor:=TPathEditorDialog.Create(Application);
141   Result:=PathEditor;
142 end;
TextToPathnull144 function TextToPath(const AText: string): string;
145 var
146   i, j: integer;
147 begin
148   Result:=AText;
149   // convert all line ends to semicolons, remove empty paths and trailing spaces
150   i:=1;
151   j:=1;
152   while i<=length(AText) do begin
153     if AText[i] in [#10,#13] then begin
154       // new line -> new path
155       inc(i);
156       if (i<=length(AText)) and (AText[i] in [#10,#13])
157       and (AText[i]<>AText[i-1]) then
158         inc(i);
159       // skip spaces at end of path
160       while (j>1) and (Result[j-1]=' ') do
161         dec(j);
162       // skip empty paths
163       if (j=1) or (Result[j-1]<>';') then begin
164         Result[j]:=';';
165         inc(j);
166       end;
167     end else if ord(AText[i])<32 then begin
168       // skip trailing spaces
169       inc(i)
170     end else if AText[i]=' ' then begin
171       // space -> skip spaces at beginning of path
172       if (j>1) and (Result[j-1]<>';') then begin
173         Result[j]:=AText[i];
174         inc(j);
175       end;
176       inc(i);
177     end else begin
178       // path char -> just copy
179       Result[j]:=AText[i];
180       inc(j);
181       inc(i);
182     end;
183   end;
184   if (j>1) and (Result[j-1]=';') then dec(j);
185   SetLength(Result,j-1);
186 end;
188 procedure SetPathTextAndHint(aPath: String; aEdit: TCustomEdit);
189 var
190   sl: TStrings;
191 begin
192   aEdit.Text := aPath;
193   if Pos(';', aPath) > 0 then
194   begin
195     sl := SplitString(aPath, ';');
196     aEdit.Hint := sl.Text;
197     sl.Free;
198   end
199   else
200     aEdit.Hint := lisDelimiterIsSemicolon;
201 end;
203 { TPathEditorDialog }
TPathEditorDialog.BaseRelativenull205 function TPathEditorDialog.BaseRelative(const APath: string): String;
206 begin
207   Result:=Trim(APath);
208   if (FEffectiveBaseDirectory<>'') and FilenameIsAbsolute(FEffectiveBaseDirectory) then
209     Result:=CreateRelativePath(Result, FEffectiveBaseDirectory);
210 end;
TPathEditorDialog.PathAsAbsolutenull212 function TPathEditorDialog.PathAsAbsolute(const APath: string): String;
213 begin
214   Result:=APath;
215   if not TTransferMacroList.StrHasMacros(Result)  // not a template
216   and (FEffectiveBaseDirectory<>'') and FilenameIsAbsolute(FEffectiveBaseDirectory) then
217     Result:=CreateAbsolutePath(Result, FEffectiveBaseDirectory);
218 end;
PathMayExistnull220 function TPathEditorDialog.PathMayExist(APath: string): TObject;
221 // Returns 1 if path exists or contains a macro, 0 otherwise.
222 // Result is casted to TObject to be used for Strings.Objects.
223 begin
224   if TTransferMacroList.StrHasMacros(APath) then
225     Exit(TObject(1));
226   Result:=TObject(0);
227   if (FEffectiveBaseDirectory<>'') and FilenameIsAbsolute(FEffectiveBaseDirectory) then
228     APath:=CreateAbsolutePath(APath, FEffectiveBaseDirectory);
229   if DirPathExistsCached(APath) then
230     Result:=TObject(1);
231 end;
233 procedure TPathEditorDialog.AddPath(aPath: String; aObject: TObject);
234 var
235   y: integer;
236 begin
237   y:=PathListBox.ItemIndex+1;
238   if y=0 then
239     y:=PathListBox.Count;
240   PathListBox.Items.InsertObject(y, aPath, aObject);
241   PathListBox.ItemIndex:=y;
242   UpdateButtons;
243 end;
245 procedure TPathEditorDialog.AddButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
246 begin
247   AddPath(BaseRelative(DirectoryEdit.Text), PathMayExist(DirectoryEdit.Text));
248 end;
250 procedure TPathEditorDialog.ReplaceButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
251 begin
252   with PathListBox do begin
253     Items[ItemIndex]:=BaseRelative(DirectoryEdit.Text);
254     Items.Objects[ItemIndex]:=PathMayExist(DirectoryEdit.Text);
255     UpdateButtons;
256   end;
257 end;
259 procedure TPathEditorDialog.DeleteButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
260 begin
261   PathListBox.Items.Delete(PathListBox.ItemIndex);
262   UpdateButtons;
263 end;
265 procedure TPathEditorDialog.DirectoryEditAcceptDirectory(Sender: TObject; var Value: String);
266 begin
267   DirectoryEdit.Text := BaseRelative(Value);
268   {$IFDEF LCLCarbon}
269   // Not auto-called on Mac. ToDo: fix it in the component instead of here.
270   DirectoryEdit.OnChange(nil);
271   {$ENDIF}
272 end;
274 procedure TPathEditorDialog.DeleteInvalidPathsButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
275 var
276   i: Integer;
277 begin
278   with PathListBox do
279     for i:=Items.Count-1 downto 0 do
280       if PtrInt(Items.Objects[i])=0 then
281         Items.Delete(i);
282 end;
284 procedure TPathEditorDialog.AddTemplateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
285 var
286   TemplateForm: TGenericListSelectForm;
287   i: Integer;
288 begin
289   TemplateForm := TGenericListSelectForm.Create(Nil);
290   try
291     TemplateForm.Caption := lisPathEditPathTemplates;
292     // Let a user select only templates which are not in the list already.
293     for i := 0 to FTemplateList.Count-1 do
294       if PathListBox.Items.IndexOf(FTemplateList[i]) = -1 then
295         TemplateForm.ListBox.Items.Add(FTemplateList[i]);
296     if TemplateForm.ShowModal = mrOK then
297       with TemplateForm.ListBox do
298         AddPath(Items[ItemIndex], TObject(1));
299   finally
300     TemplateForm.Free;
301   end;
302 end;
304 procedure TPathEditorDialog.WriteHelper(Paths: TStringList);
305 // Helper method for writing paths. Collect paths to a StringList.
306 var
307   i: integer;
308 begin
309   for i := 0 to PathListBox.Count-1 do
310     Paths.Add(PathAsAbsolute(PathListBox.Items[i]));
311 end;
313 procedure TPathEditorDialog.CopyMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
314 var
315   Paths: TStringList;
316 begin
317   Paths := TStringList.Create;
318   try
319     WriteHelper(Paths);
320     Clipboard.AsText := Paths.Text;
321   finally
322     Paths.Free;
323   end;
324 end;
326 procedure TPathEditorDialog.ExportMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
327 var
328   Paths: TStringList;
329 begin
330   if not SaveDialog1.Execute then Exit;
331   Paths := TStringList.Create;
332   try
333     WriteHelper(Paths);
334     Paths.SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName);
335   finally
336     Paths.Free;
337   end;
338 end;
340 procedure TPathEditorDialog.ReadHelper(Paths: TStringList);
341 // Helper method for reading paths. Insert paths from a StringList to the ListBox.
342 var
343   s: string;
344   y, i: integer;
345 begin
346   y := PathListBox.ItemIndex;
347   if y = -1 then
348     y := PathListBox.Count-1;
349   for i := 0 to Paths.Count-1 do
350   begin
351     s := Trim(Paths[i]);
352     if s <> '' then
353     begin
354       Inc(y);
355       PathListBox.Items.InsertObject(y, BaseRelative(s), PathMayExist(s));
356     end;
357   end;
358   UpdateButtons;
359 end;
361 procedure TPathEditorDialog.PasteMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
362 var
363   Paths: TStringList;
364 begin
365   Paths := TStringList.Create;
366   try
367     Paths.Text := Clipboard.AsText;
368     ReadHelper(Paths);
369   finally
370     Paths.Free;
371   end;
372 end;
374 procedure TPathEditorDialog.ImportMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
375 var
376   Paths: TStringList;
377 begin
378   if not OpenDialog1.Execute then Exit;
379   Paths := TStringList.Create;
380   try
381     Paths.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName);
382     ReadHelper(Paths);
383   finally
384     Paths.Free;
385   end;
386 end;
388 procedure TPathEditorDialog.DirectoryEditChange(Sender: TObject);
389 begin
390   UpdateButtons;
391 end;
393 procedure TPathEditorDialog.PathListBoxSelectionChange(Sender: TObject; User: boolean);
394 Var
395   FullPath : String;
396 begin
397   with PathListBox do
398     if ItemIndex>-1 then begin
399       DirectoryEdit.Text:=BaseRelative(Items[ItemIndex]);
400       FullPath := Items[ItemIndex];
401       IDEMacros.SubstituteMacros(FullPath);
402       DirectoryEdit.Directory:=PathAsAbsolute(FullPath);
403     end;
404   UpdateButtons;
405 end;
407 procedure TPathEditorDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
408 const
409   Filt = 'Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*)|*';
410 begin
411   FTemplateList := TStringListUTF8Fast.Create;
412   Caption:=dlgDebugOptionsPathEditorDlgCaption;
413   PathGroupBox.Caption:=lisPathEditSearchPaths;
414   MoveUpButton.Hint:=lisPathEditMovePathUp;
415   MoveDownButton.Hint:=lisPathEditMovePathDown;
416   ReplaceButton.Caption:=lisReplace;
417   ReplaceButton.Hint:=lisPathEditorReplaceHint;
418   AddButton.Caption:=lisAdd;
419   AddButton.Hint:=lisPathEditorAddHint;
420   DeleteButton.Caption:=lisDelete;
421   DeleteButton.Hint:=lisPathEditorDeleteHint;
422   DeleteInvalidPathsButton.Caption:=lisPathEditDeleteInvalidPaths;
423   DeleteInvalidPathsButton.Hint:=lisPathEditorDeleteInvalidHint;
424   AddTemplateButton.Caption:=lisCodeTemplAdd;
425   AddTemplateButton.Hint:=lisPathEditorTemplAddHint;
427   PopupMenu1.Images:=IDEImages.Images_16;
428   CopyMenuItem.Caption:=lisCopyAllItemsToClipboard;
429   CopyMenuItem.ImageIndex:=IDEImages.LoadImage('laz_copy');
430   PasteMenuItem.Caption:=lisMenuPasteFromClipboard;
431   PasteMenuItem.ImageIndex:=IDEImages.LoadImage('laz_paste');
432   ExportMenuItem.Caption:=lisExportAllItemsToFile;
433   ExportMenuItem.ImageIndex:=IDEImages.LoadImage('laz_save');
434   ImportMenuItem.Caption:=lisImportFromFile;
435   ImportMenuItem.ImageIndex:=IDEImages.LoadImage('laz_open');
437   OpenDialog1.Filter:=Filt;
438   SaveDialog1.Filter:=Filt;
440   IDEImages.AssignImage(MoveUpButton, 'arrow_up');
441   IDEImages.AssignImage(MoveDownButton, 'arrow_down');
442   IDEImages.AssignImage(ReplaceButton, 'menu_reportingbug');
443   IDEImages.AssignImage(AddButton, 'laz_add');
444   IDEImages.AssignImage(DeleteButton, 'laz_delete');
445   IDEImages.AssignImage(DeleteInvalidPathsButton, 'menu_clean');
446   IDEImages.AssignImage(AddTemplateButton, 'laz_add');
447 end;
449 procedure TPathEditorDialog.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
450 begin
451   FTemplateList.Free;
452 end;
454 procedure TPathEditorDialog.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
455 begin
456   PathListBox.ItemIndex:=-1;
457   UpdateButtons;
458 end;
460 procedure TPathEditorDialog.MoveDownButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
461 var
462   y: integer;
463 begin
464   y:=PathListBox.ItemIndex;
465   if (y>-1) and (y<PathListBox.Count-1) then begin
466     PathListBox.Items.Move(y,y+1);
467     PathListBox.ItemIndex:=y+1;
468     UpdateButtons;
469   end;
470 end;
472 procedure TPathEditorDialog.MoveUpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
473 var
474   y: integer;
475 begin
476   y:=PathListBox.ItemIndex;
477   if (y>0) and (y<PathListBox.Count) then begin
478     PathListBox.Items.Move(y,y-1);
479     PathListBox.ItemIndex:=y-1;
480     UpdateButtons;
481   end;
482 end;
484 procedure TPathEditorDialog.PathListBoxDrawItem(Control: TWinControl;
485   Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
486 begin
487   if Index < 0 then Exit;
488   with PathListBox do begin
489     Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
490     if PtrInt(Items.Objects[Index]) = 0 then
491       Canvas.Font.Color := clGray;
492     Canvas.TextRect(ARect, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, Items[Index]);
493   end;
494 end;
496 procedure TPathEditorDialog.PathListBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
497   Shift: TShiftState);
498 begin
499   if (ssCtrl in shift) and ((Key = VK_UP) or (Key = VK_DOWN)) then begin
500     if Key = VK_UP then
501       MoveUpButtonClick(Nil)
502     else
503       MoveDownButtonClick(Nil);
504     Key:=VK_UNKNOWN;
505   end;
506 end;
GetPathnull508 function TPathEditorDialog.GetPath: string;
509 begin
510   // ToDo: Join PathListBox.Items directly without Text property.
511   Result:=TextToPath(PathListBox.Items.Text);
512 end;
514 procedure TPathEditorDialog.SetPath(const AValue: string);
515 var
516   sl: TStrings;
517   i: Integer;
518 begin
519   DirectoryEdit.Text:='';
520   PathListBox.Items.Clear;
521   sl := SplitString(AValue, ';');
522   try
523     for i:=0 to sl.Count-1 do
524       PathListBox.Items.AddObject(sl[i], PathMayExist(sl[i]));
525     PathListBox.ItemIndex:=-1;
526   finally
527     sl.Free;
528   end;
529 end;
531 procedure TPathEditorDialog.SetTemplates(const AValue: string);
532 begin
533   SplitString(GetForcedPathDelims(AValue), ';', FTemplateList, True);
534   AddTemplateButton.Enabled := FTemplateList.Count > 0;
535 end;
537 procedure TPathEditorDialog.UpdateButtons;
538 var
539   i: integer;
540   InValidPathsExist: Boolean;
541 begin
542   // Replace / add / delete / Delete Invalid Paths
543   AddButton.Enabled:=(DirectoryEdit.Text<>'')
544                  and (DirectoryEdit.Text<>FEffectiveBaseDirectory)
545                  and (IndexInStringList(PathListBox.Items,cstCaseSensitive,
546                                         BaseRelative(DirectoryEdit.Text)) = -1);
547   ReplaceButton.Enabled:=AddButton.Enabled and (PathListBox.ItemIndex>-1) ;
548   DeleteButton.Enabled:=PathListBox.SelCount=1; // or ItemIndex>-1; ?
549   // Delete non-existent paths button. Check if there are any.
550   InValidPathsExist:=False;
551   for i:=0 to PathListBox.Items.Count-1 do
552     if PtrInt(PathListBox.Items.Objects[i])=0 then begin
553       InValidPathsExist:=True;
554       Break;
555     end;
556   DeleteInvalidPathsButton.Enabled:=InValidPathsExist;
557   // Move up / down buttons
558   i := PathListBox.ItemIndex;
559   MoveUpButton.Enabled := i > 0;
560   MoveDownButton.Enabled := (i > -1) and (i < PathListBox.Count-1);
561 end;
563 procedure TPathEditorDialog.SetBaseDirectory(const AValue: string);
564 begin
565   if FBaseDirectory=AValue then exit;
566   FBaseDirectory:=AValue;
567   FEffectiveBaseDirectory:=FBaseDirectory;
568   IDEMacros.SubstituteMacros(FEffectiveBaseDirectory);
569   DirectoryEdit.Directory:=FEffectiveBaseDirectory;
570 end;
572 { TPathEditorButton }
574 procedure TPathEditorButton.Click;
575 begin
576   FCurrentPathEditor:=PathEditorDialog;
577   try
578     inherited Click;
579     FCurrentPathEditor.Templates := FTemplates;
580     FCurrentPathEditor.Path := AssociatedEdit.Text;
581     FCurrentPathEditor.ShowModal;
582     DoOnPathEditorExecuted;
583   finally
584     FCurrentPathEditor:=nil;
585   end;
586 end;
588 procedure TPathEditorButton.DoOnPathEditorExecuted;
589 var
590   Ok: Boolean;
591   NewPath: String;
592 begin
593   NewPath := FCurrentPathEditor.Path;
594   Ok := (FCurrentPathEditor.ModalResult = mrOk) and (AssociatedEdit.Text <> NewPath);
595   if Ok and Assigned(OnExecuted) then
596     Ok := OnExecuted(ContextCaption, NewPath);
597   // Assign value only if old <> new and OnExecuted allows it.
598   if Ok then
599     SetPathTextAndHint(NewPath, AssociatedEdit);
600 end;
602 end.