1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                          sortselectiondlg.pas
4                          --------------------
7  ***************************************************************************/
9  ***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
17  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
20  *                                                                         *
21  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
22  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
23  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
24  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
25  *                                                                         *
26  ***************************************************************************
28   Author: Mattias Gaertner
30   Abstract:
31     TSortSelectionDialog is a dialog to setup the parameters for sorting
32     text selection.
33     SortText is the function to sort the text.
34 }
35 unit SortSelectionDlg;
37 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
39 interface
41 uses
42   SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
43   // LCL
44   LCLProc, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ButtonPanel,
45   // Codetools
46   BasicCodeTools,
47   // SynEdit
48   SynEdit, SynEditHighlighter,
49   // IdeIntf
50   TextTools, IDEWindowIntf,
51   // IDE
52   LazarusIDEStrConsts, EditorOptions, MiscOptions, SourceMarks;
54 type
55   TSortSelDlgState = (
56     ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,
57     ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate
58     );
59   TSortSelDlgStates = set of TSortSelDlgState;
61   { TSortSelectionDialog }
63   TSortSelectionDialog = class(TForm)
64     ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel;
65     OptionsCheckGroup: TCheckGroup;
66     PreviewGroupBox: TGroupBox;
67     PreviewSynEdit: TSynEdit;
68     DirectionRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
69     DomainRadioGroup: TRadioGroup;
70     procedure DirectionRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
71     procedure DomainRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
72     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
73     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
74     procedure OptionsCheckGroupItemClick(Sender: TObject; Index: integer);
75   private
76     FCaseSensitive: boolean;
77     FDirection: TSortDirection;
78     FDomain: TSortDomain;
79     FIgnoreSpace: boolean;
80     FStates: TSortSelDlgStates;
81     FTheText: string;
82     FUpdateCount: integer;
83     FSortedText: string;
GetSortedTextnull84     function GetSortedText: string;
85     procedure SetCaseSensitive(const AValue: boolean);
86     procedure SetDirection(const AValue: TSortDirection);
87     procedure SetDomain(const AValue: TSortDomain);
88     procedure SetIgnoreSpace(const AValue: boolean);
89     procedure SetTheText(const AValue: string);
90   public
91     procedure BeginUpdate;
92     procedure EndUpdate;
93     procedure UpdatePreview;
94   public
95     property CaseSensitive: boolean read FCaseSensitive write SetCaseSensitive;
96     property Direction: TSortDirection read FDirection write SetDirection;
97     property Domain: TSortDomain read FDomain write SetDomain;
98     property IgnoreSpace: boolean read FIgnoreSpace write SetIgnoreSpace;
99     property TheText: string read FTheText write SetTheText;
100     property SortedText: string read GetSortedText;
101   end;
ShowSortSelectionDialognull103 function ShowSortSelectionDialog(const TheText: string;
104   Highlighter: TSynCustomHighlighter;
105   out SortedText: string): TModalResult;
SortTextnull106 function SortText(const TheText: string; Direction: TSortDirection;
107   Domain: TSortDomain; CaseSensitive, IgnoreSpace: boolean): string;
109 implementation
111 {$R *.lfm}
ShowSortSelectionDialognull113 function ShowSortSelectionDialog(const TheText: string;
114   Highlighter: TSynCustomHighlighter; out SortedText: string): TModalResult;
115 var
116   SortSelectionDialog: TSortSelectionDialog;
117 begin
118   SortedText:='';
119   SortSelectionDialog:=TSortSelectionDialog.Create(nil);
120   try
121     SortSelectionDialog.BeginUpdate;
122     SortSelectionDialog.TheText:=TheText;
123     SortSelectionDialog.PreviewSynEdit.Highlighter:=Highlighter;
124     EditorOpts.SetMarkupColor(Highlighter, ahaTextBlock, SortSelectionDialog.PreviewSynEdit.SelectedColor);
125     EditorOpts.ApplyFontSettingsTo(SortSelectionDialog.PreviewSynEdit);
126     SortSelectionDialog.UpdatePreview;
127     SortSelectionDialog.EndUpdate;
128     Result:=SortSelectionDialog.ShowModal;
129     if Result=mrOk then
130       SortedText:=SortSelectionDialog.SortedText;
131     IDEDialogLayoutList.SaveLayout(SortSelectionDialog);
132   finally
133     SortSelectionDialog.Free;
134   end;
135 end;
ShowSortSelectionDialogBasenull137 function ShowSortSelectionDialogBase(const TheText: string;
138   Highlighter: TObject; var SortedText: string): TModalResult;
139 begin
140   Result:=ShowSortSelectionDialog(TheText,Highlighter as TSynCustomHighlighter,
141                                   SortedText);
142 end;
144 type
145   TTextBlockCompareSettings = class
146   public
147     CaseSensitive: boolean;
148     IgnoreSpace: boolean;
149     Ascending: boolean;
150   end;
152   TTextBlock = class
153   public
154     Settings: TTextBlockCompareSettings;
155     Start: PChar;
156     Len: integer;
157     constructor Create(TheSettings: TTextBlockCompareSettings;
158       NewStart: PChar; NewLen: integer);
159   end;
161 { TTextBlock }
163 constructor TTextBlock.Create(TheSettings: TTextBlockCompareSettings;
164   NewStart: PChar; NewLen: integer);
165 begin
166   Settings:=TheSettings;
167   Start:=NewStart;
168   Len:=NewLen;
169 end;
CompareTextBlocknull171 function CompareTextBlock(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
172 var
173   Block1: TTextBlock;
174   Block2: TTextBlock;
175   Settings: TTextBlockCompareSettings;
176 begin
177   Block1:=TTextBlock(Data1);
178   Block2:=TTextBlock(Data2);
179   Settings:=Block1.Settings;
180   Result:=CompareText(Block1.Start,Block1.Len,Block2.Start,Block2.Len,
181                       Settings.CaseSensitive,Settings.IgnoreSpace);
182   if not Settings.Ascending then
183     Result:=-Result;
184 end;
SortTextnull186 function SortText(const TheText: string; Direction: TSortDirection;
187   Domain: TSortDomain; CaseSensitive, IgnoreSpace: boolean): string;
188 const
189   IdentChars = ['_','a'..'z','A'..'Z'];
190   SpaceChars = [' ',#9];
191 var
192   Settings: TTextBlockCompareSettings;
193   Tree: TAVLTree;// tree of TTextBlock
194   StartPos: Integer;
195   EndPos: Integer;
196   ANode: TAVLTreeNode;
197   ABlock: TTextBlock;
198   TxtLen: integer;
199   LastNode: TAVLTreeNode;
200   LastBlock: TTextBlock;
201   LastChar: Char;
202   Last2Char: Char;
203   HeaderIndent: Integer;
204   CurIndent: Integer;
205   CurPos: Integer;
206 begin
207   Result:=TheText;
208   if Result='' then exit;
209   // create compare settings
210   Settings:=TTextBlockCompareSettings.Create;
211   Settings.CaseSensitive:=CaseSensitive;
212   Settings.IgnoreSpace:=IgnoreSpace;
213   Settings.Ascending:=(Direction=sdAscending);
214   // create AVL tree
215   Tree:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareTextBlock);
217   // collect text blocks
218   TxtLen:=length(TheText);
219   case Domain of
221   sdParagraphs:
222   begin
223     // paragraphs:
224     //   A paragraph is here a header line and all the lines to the next header
225     //   line. A header line has the same indent as the first selected line.
227     // find indent in first line
228     HeaderIndent:=0;
229     while (HeaderIndent<TxtLen) and (TheText[HeaderIndent+1] in SpaceChars) do
230       inc(HeaderIndent);
232     // split text into blocks
233     StartPos:=1;
234     EndPos:=StartPos;
235     while EndPos<=TxtLen do begin
236       CurPos:=EndPos;
237       // find indent of current line
238       while (CurPos<=TxtLen) and (TheText[CurPos] in SpaceChars) do
239         inc(CurPos);
240       CurIndent:=CurPos-EndPos;
241       if CurIndent=HeaderIndent then begin
242         // new block
243         if EndPos>StartPos then
244           Tree.Add(
245             TTextBlock.Create(Settings,@TheText[StartPos],EndPos-StartPos));
246         StartPos:=EndPos;
247       end;
248       EndPos:=CurPos;
249       // add line to block
250       // read line
251       while (EndPos<=TxtLen) and (not (TheText[EndPos] in [#10,#13])) do
252         inc(EndPos);
253       // read line end
254       if (EndPos<=TxtLen) then begin
255         inc(EndPos);
256         if (EndPos<=TxtLen) and (TheText[EndPos] in [#10,#13])
257         and (TheText[EndPos]<>TheText[EndPos-1]) then
258           inc(EndPos);
259       end;
260     end;
261     if EndPos>StartPos then
262       Tree.Add(TTextBlock.Create(Settings,@TheText[StartPos],EndPos-StartPos));
263   end;
265   sdWords, sdLines:
266   begin
267     StartPos:=1;
268     while StartPos<=TxtLen do begin
269       EndPos:=StartPos+1;
270       while (EndPos<=TxtLen) do begin
271         case Domain of
272         sdWords:
273           // check if word start
274           if (TheText[EndPos] in IdentChars)
275           and (EndPos>1)
276           and (not (TheText[EndPos-1] in IdentChars))
277           then
278             break;
280         sdLines:
281           // check if LineEnd
282           if (TheText[EndPos] in [#10,#13]) then begin
283             inc(EndPos);
284             if (EndPos<=TxtLen) and (TheText[EndPos] in [#10,#13])
285             and (TheText[EndPos]<>TheText[EndPos-1]) then
286               inc(EndPos);
287             break;
288           end;
290         end;
291         inc(EndPos);
292       end;
293       if EndPos>TxtLen then EndPos:=TxtLen+1;
294       if EndPos>StartPos then
295         Tree.Add(TTextBlock.Create(Settings,@TheText[StartPos],EndPos-StartPos));
296       StartPos:=EndPos;
297     end;
298   end;
300   else
301     DebugLn('ERROR: Domain not implemented');
302   end;
304   // build sorted text
305   Result:='';
306   ANode:=Tree.FindHighest;
307   while ANode<>nil do begin
308     ABlock:=TTextBlock(ANode.Data);
309     Result:=Result+copy(TheText,ABlock.Start-PChar(TheText)+1,ABlock.Len);
310     case Domain of
311     sdLines,sdParagraphs:
312       if not (Result[length(Result)] in [#10,#13]) then begin
313         // this was the last line before the sorting
314         // if it moved, then copy the line end of the new last line
315         LastNode:=Tree.FindLowest;
316         LastBlock:=TTextBlock(LastNode.Data);
317         LastChar:=PChar(LastBlock.Start+LastBlock.Len-1)^;
318         if LastChar in [#10,#13] then begin
319           if (LastBlock.Len>1) then begin
320             Last2Char:=PChar(LastBlock.Start+LastBlock.Len-2)^;
321             if Last2Char in [#10,#13] then
322               Result:=Result+Last2Char;
323           end;
324           Result:=Result+LastChar;
325         end;
327       end;
328     end;
329     ANode:=Tree.FindPrecessor(ANode);
330   end;
332   // clean up
333   Tree.FreeAndClear;
334   Tree.Free;
335   Settings.Free;
336 end;
338 { TSortSelectionDialog }
340 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.DirectionRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
341 begin
342   if DirectionRadioGroup.ItemIndex=0 then
343     Direction:=sdAscending
344   else
345     Direction:=sdDescending;
346 end;
348 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.DomainRadioGroupClick(Sender: TObject);
349 begin
350   case DomainRadioGroup.ItemIndex of
351   0: Domain:=sdLines;
352   1: Domain:=sdWords;
353   2: Domain:=sdParagraphs;
354   else
355     Domain:=sdLines;
356   end;
357 end;
359 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction:
360   TCloseAction);
361 begin
362   MiscellaneousOptions.SortSelDirection:=Direction;
363   MiscellaneousOptions.SortSelDomain:=Domain;
364   MiscellaneousOptions.Save;
365 end;
367 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
368 begin
369   FCaseSensitive:=false;
370   FIgnoreSpace:=true;
371   FDirection:=MiscellaneousOptions.SortSelDirection;
372   FDomain:=MiscellaneousOptions.SortSelDomain;
373   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
375   IDEDialogLayoutList.ApplyLayout(Self,600,450);
376   Caption:=lisSortSelSortSelection;
378   PreviewGroupBox.Caption:=lisSortSelPreview;
380   with DirectionRadioGroup do begin
381     Caption:=dlgDirection;
382     ChildSizing.EnlargeHorizontal:=crsAnchorAligning;
383     with Items do begin
384       BeginUpdate;
385       Add(lisSortSelAscending);
386       Add(lisSortSelDescending);
387       case FDirection of
388       sdAscending: ItemIndex:=0;
389       else         ItemIndex:=1;
390       end;
391       EndUpdate;
392     end;
393   end;
395   with DomainRadioGroup do begin
396     Caption:=lisSortSelDomain;
397     ChildSizing.EnlargeHorizontal:=crsAnchorAligning;
398     with Items do begin
399       BeginUpdate;
400       Add(lisSortSelLines);
401       Add(lisSortSelWords);
402       Add(lisSortSelParagraphs);
403       case FDomain of
404       sdLines: ItemIndex:=0;
405       sdWords: ItemIndex:=1;
406       else     ItemIndex:=2;
407       end;
408       EndUpdate;
409     end;
410   end;
412   with OptionsCheckGroup do begin
413     Caption:=lisSortSelOptions;
414     ChildSizing.EnlargeHorizontal:=crsAnchorAligning;
415     with Items do begin
416       BeginUpdate;
417       Add(lisSortSelCaseSensitive);
418       Add(lisSortSelIgnoreSpace);
419       EndUpdate;
420       Checked[0]:=FCaseSensitive;
421       Checked[1]:=FIgnoreSpace;
422     end;
423   end;
425   ButtonPanel.OKButton.Caption:=lisSortSelSort;
426 end;
428 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.OptionsCheckGroupItemClick(Sender: TObject;
429   Index: integer);
430 begin
431   case Index of
432   0: CaseSensitive:=OptionsCheckGroup.Checked[0];
433   1: IgnoreSpace:=OptionsCheckGroup.Checked[1];
434   end;
435 end;
437 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.SetDirection(const AValue: TSortDirection);
438 begin
439   if FDirection=AValue then exit;
440   FDirection:=AValue;
441   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
442   UpdatePreview;
443 end;
TSortSelectionDialog.GetSortedTextnull445 function TSortSelectionDialog.GetSortedText: string;
446 begin
447   if ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate in FStates then begin
448     FSortedText:=SortText(TheText,Direction,Domain,CaseSensitive,IgnoreSpace);
449     Exclude(FStates,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate);
450   end;
451   Result:=FSortedText;
452 end;
454 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.SetCaseSensitive(const AValue: boolean);
455 begin
456   if FCaseSensitive=AValue then exit;
457   FCaseSensitive:=AValue;
458   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
459   if (OptionsCheckGroup<>nil) then
460     OptionsCheckGroup.Checked[0]:=FCaseSensitive;
461   UpdatePreview;
462 end;
464 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.SetDomain(const AValue: TSortDomain);
465 begin
466   if FDomain=AValue then exit;
467   FDomain:=AValue;
468   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
469   UpdatePreview;
470 end;
472 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.SetIgnoreSpace(const AValue: boolean);
473 begin
474   if FIgnoreSpace=AValue then exit;
475   FIgnoreSpace:=AValue;
476   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
477   if (OptionsCheckGroup<>nil) then
478     OptionsCheckGroup.Checked[1]:=FIgnoreSpace;
479   UpdatePreview;
480 end;
482 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.SetTheText(const AValue: string);
483 begin
484   if FTheText=AValue then exit;
485   FTheText:=AValue;
486   FStates:=FStates+[ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate,ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate];
487   UpdatePreview;
488 end;
490 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.BeginUpdate;
491 begin
492   inc(FUpdateCount);
493 end;
495 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.EndUpdate;
496 begin
497   dec(FUpdateCount);
498   if (FUpdateCount=0) then begin
499     if ssdSortedTextNeedsUpdate in FStates then
500       Include(FStates,ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate);
501     if (ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate in FStates) then UpdatePreview;
502   end;
503 end;
505 procedure TSortSelectionDialog.UpdatePreview;
506 begin
507   if FUpdateCount>0 then
508     Include(FStates,ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate)
509   else begin
510     Exclude(FStates,ssdPreviewNeedsUpdate);
511     PreviewSynEdit.Text:=SortedText;
512   end;
513 end;
515 initialization
516   TextTools.ShowSortSelectionDialogFunc:=@ShowSortSelectionDialogBase;
517   TextTools.SortTextFunc:=@SortText;
519 end.