1 {
2 /***************************************************************************
3                              SourceMarks.pas
4                              ---------------
6  ***************************************************************************/
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
16  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
18  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
21  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
22  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
23  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
24  *                                                                         *
25  ***************************************************************************
27   Author: Mattias Gaertner
29   Abstract:
30     All source editor marks, except the bookmarks, are managed by the
31     SourceEditorMarks. It extends the TSynEditMark and combines all marks of
32     all editors.
33 }
34 unit SourceMarks;
36 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
38 interface
40 uses
41   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
42   // LCL
43   Graphics, Controls,
44   // LazUtils
45   LazMethodList, LazTracer, LazUtilities,
46   // SynEdit
47   SynEdit, SynEditMarks, SynEditMarkupGutterMark,
48   // IdeIntf
49   MenuIntf, SrcEditorIntf, IDEExternToolIntf, IDEImagesIntf,
50   // IDE
51   etSrcEditMarks, ImgList;
53 type
54   TAdditionalHilightAttribute =
55     (ahaNone,              ahaTextBlock,          ahaExecutionPoint,
56      ahaEnabledBreakpoint, ahaDisabledBreakpoint, ahaInvalidBreakpoint,
57      ahaUnknownBreakpoint, ahaErrorLine,          ahaIncrementalSearch,
58      ahaHighlightAll,      ahaBracketMatch,       ahaMouseLink,
59      ahaLineNumber,        ahaLineHighlight,      ahaModifiedLine,
60      ahaCodeFoldingTree,   ahaHighlightWord,      ahaFoldedCode,
61      ahaFoldedCodeLine,    ahaHiddenCodeLine,
62      ahaWordGroup,         ahaTemplateEditCur,    ahaTemplateEditSync,
63      ahaTemplateEditOther, ahaSyncroEditCur,      ahaSyncroEditSync,
64      ahaSyncroEditOther,   ahaSyncroEditArea,     ahaGutterSeparator,
65      ahaGutter,            ahaRightMargin,        ahaSpecialVisibleChars,
66      ahaTopInfoHint,       ahaCaretColor,         ahaOverviewGutter,
67      ahaIfDefBlockInactive, ahaIfDefBlockActive, ahaIfDefBlockTmpActive,
68      ahaIfDefNodeInactive, ahaIfDefNodeActive, ahaIfDefNodeTmpActive,
69      ahaIdentComplWindow, ahaIdentComplWindowBorder, ahaIdentComplWindowSelection, ahaIdentComplWindowHighlight,
70      ahaOutlineLevel1Color, ahaOutlineLevel2Color, ahaOutlineLevel3Color, ahaOutlineLevel4Color, ahaOutlineLevel5Color, ahaOutlineLevel6Color, ahaOutlineLevel7Color, ahaOutlineLevel8Color, ahaOutlineLevel9Color, ahaOutlineLevel10Color
71      );
73   TAhaGroupName = (
74     agnDefault, agnLanguage, agnText, agnLine, agnGutter, agnTemplateMode, agnSyncronMode,
75     agnIfDef, agnIdentComplWindow, agnOutlineColors
76   );
78   TSourceEditorBase = class;
80   { TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase }
82   TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase = class
83   protected
GetSharedEditorsBasenull84     function GetSharedEditorsBase(Index: Integer): TSourceEditorBase; virtual abstract;
SharedEditorCountnull85     function SharedEditorCount: Integer; virtual; abstract;
Filenamenull86     function Filename: string; virtual; abstract;
87   end;
89   { TSourceEditorBase }
91   TSourceEditorBase = class(TSourceEditorInterface)
92   protected
GetSharedValuesnull93     function GetSharedValues: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase; virtual; abstract;
94   end;
96   { *** }
98   TSourceMarks = class;
99   TSourceMark = class;
101   TGetSourceMarkHintEvent =
102     procedure(SenderMark: TSourceMark; var Hint: string) of object;
103   TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent =
104     procedure(SenderMark: TSourceMark;
105               const AddMenuItem: TAddMenuItemProc) of object;
SourceEditornull106   TGetFilenameEvent = function(ASourceEditor: TObject): string of object;
108   TSourceMarkHandler = (
109     smhPositionChanged,
110     smhBeforeFree,
111     smhGetHint,
112     smhCreatePopupMenu
113     );
115   TMarksAction = (maAdded, maRemoved, maChanged);
116   TMarksActionEvent = procedure(AMark: TSourceMark; Action: TMarksAction) of object;
119   { TSourceMark }
121   TSourceMark = class(TSynEditMarkupMark)
122   private
123     FData: TObject;
124     FSourceMarks: TSourceMarks;
125     FSourceEditorID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase;
126     FHandlers: array[TSourceMarkHandler] of TMethodList;
GetSourceEditornull127     function  GetSourceEditor: TSourceEditorBase;
128     procedure SetSourceMarks(const AValue: TSourceMarks);
129     procedure Changed;
130   private
131     FIsBreakPoint: boolean;
132     FLineColorAttrib: TAdditionalHilightAttribute;
133     FLineColorBackGround: TColor;
134     FLineColorForeGround: TColor;
135   protected
136     procedure DoChange(AChanges: TSynEditMarkChangeReasons); override;
137     procedure AddHandler(HandlerType: TSourceMarkHandler;
138                          const Handler: TMethod);
139     procedure DoPositionChanged; virtual;
140     procedure DoLineUpdate; virtual;
142     procedure SetData(const AValue: TObject); virtual;
143     procedure SetIsBreakPoint(const AValue: boolean); virtual;
144     procedure SetLineColorAttrib(const AValue: TAdditionalHilightAttribute); virtual;
145     procedure SetLineColorBackGround(const AValue: TColor); virtual;
146     procedure SetLineColorForeGround(const AValue: TColor); virtual;
148     procedure SetColumn(const Value: Integer); override;
149     procedure SetLine(const Value: Integer); override;
150   public
151     constructor Create(TheOwner: TSourceEditorBase; TheData: TObject);
152     destructor Destroy; override;
Comparenull153     function Compare(OtherMark: TSourceMark): integer;
CompareEditorAndLinenull154     function CompareEditorAndLine(ASrcEditID: TObject;
155                                   ALine: integer): integer;
GetFilenamenull156     function GetFilename: string;
GetHintnull157     function GetHint: string; virtual;
158     procedure CreatePopupMenuItems(const AddMenuItemProc: TAddMenuItemProc);
159   public    // handlers
160     procedure RemoveAllHandlersForObject(HandlerObject: TObject);
161     procedure AddPositionChangedHandler(OnPositionChanged: TNotifyEvent);
162     procedure RemovePositionChangedHandler(OnPositionChanged: TNotifyEvent);
163     procedure AddBeforeFreeHandler(OnBeforeFree: TNotifyEvent);
164     procedure RemoveBeforeFreeHandler(OnBeforeFree: TNotifyEvent);
165     procedure AddGetHintHandler(OnGetHint: TGetSourceMarkHintEvent);
166     procedure RemoveGetHintHandler(OnGetHint: TGetSourceMarkHintEvent);
167     procedure AddCreatePopupMenuHandler(
168                             OnCreatePopupMenu: TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent);
169     procedure RemoveCreatePopupMenuHandler(
170                             OnCreatePopupMenu: TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent);
171   public
172     // properties
173     property Data: TObject read FData write SetData;
174     property SourceMarks: TSourceMarks read FSourceMarks write SetSourceMarks;
175     property SourceEditor: TSourceEditorBase read GetSourceEditor;
176     property SourceEditorID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase read FSourceEditorID;
177   public
178     property LineColorAttrib: TAdditionalHilightAttribute read FLineColorAttrib
179                                                        write SetLineColorAttrib;
180     property LineColorForeGround: TColor read FLineColorForeGround
181                                          write SetLineColorForeGround;
182     property LineColorBackGround: TColor read FLineColorBackGround
183                                          write SetLineColorBackGround;
184   public
185     property IsBreakPoint: boolean read FIsBreakPoint write SetIsBreakPoint;
186   end;
188   TSourceMarkClass = class of TSourceMark;
189   PSourceMark = ^TSourceMark;
192   { TSourceMarks }
194   TSourceMarks = class(TComponent)
195   private
196     fActiveBreakPointImg: Integer;
197     FCurrentLineBreakPointImg: Integer;
198     FCurrentLineImg: Integer;
199     FCurrentLineDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer;
200     FExtToolsMarks: TETMarks;
201     fPendingBreakPointImg: Integer;
202     FSourceLineImg: Integer;
203     FImgList: TLCLGlyphs;
204     fInactiveBreakPointImg: Integer;
205     fInvalidBreakPointImg: Integer;
206     fInvalidDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer;
207     fItems: TList;// list of TSourceMark
208     fMultiBreakPointImg: Integer;
209     FOnAction: TMarksActionEvent;
210     fSortedItems: TAVLTree;// tree of TSourceMark
211     fUnknownBreakPointImg: Integer;
212     fUnknownDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer;
GetItemsnull213     function GetItems(Index: integer): TSourceMark;
214     procedure CreateImageList;
215   protected
FindFirstMarkNodenull216     function FindFirstMarkNode(ASrcEditID: TObject; ALine: integer): TAVLTreeNode;
217   public
218     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
219     destructor Destroy; override;
Countnull220     function Count: integer;
Addnull221     function Add(AMark: TSourceMark): integer;
Addnull222     function Add(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase; ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
AddCustomMarknull223     function AddCustomMark(TheOwner: TSourceEditorBase; Data: TObject;
224                            MarkClass: TSourceMarkClass): TSourceMark;
AddImagenull225     function AddImage(const ResName: string): integer;
226     procedure Clear;
227     procedure Delete(Index: integer);
228     procedure Remove(AMark: TSourceMark);
229     procedure DeleteAllForEditor(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase);
230     procedure DeleteAllForEditorID(ASrcEditID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase);
FindFirstMarknull231     function FindFirstMark(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase;
232                            ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
FindBreakPointMarknull233     function FindBreakPointMark(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase;
234                                 ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
235     procedure GetMarksForLine(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase; ALine: integer;
236                               out Marks: PSourceMark; out MarkCount: integer);
237   public
238     property ImgList: TLCLGlyphs read FImgList;
239     property Items[Index: integer]: TSourceMark read GetItems; default;
240     property OnAction: TMarksActionEvent read FOnAction write FOnAction;
241     property ExtToolsMarks: TETMarks read FExtToolsMarks;
242   public
243     // icon index
244     property ActiveBreakPointImg: Integer read fActiveBreakPointImg;
245     property InactiveBreakPointImg: Integer read fInactiveBreakPointImg;
246     property InvalidBreakPointImg: Integer read fInvalidBreakPointImg;
247     property InvalidDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer read fInvalidDisabledBreakPointImg;
248     property PendingBreakPointImg: Integer read fPendingBreakPointImg;
249     property MultiBreakPointImg: Integer read fMultiBreakPointImg;
250     property UnknownBreakPointImg: Integer read fUnknownBreakPointImg;
251     property UnknownDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer read fUnknownDisabledBreakPointImg;
252     property CurrentLineImg: Integer read FCurrentLineImg;
253     property CurrentLineBreakPointImg: Integer read FCurrentLineBreakPointImg;
254     property CurrentLineDisabledBreakPointImg: Integer read FCurrentLineDisabledBreakPointImg;
255     property SourceLineImg: Integer read FSourceLineImg;
256   end;
258 var
259   SourceEditorMarks: TSourceMarks = nil;
261 implementation
263 type
264   TEditorIDAndLine = record
265     EditorID: TObject;
266     Line: integer;
267   end;
268   PEditorAndLine = ^TEditorIDAndLine;
CompareSourceMarksnull270 function CompareSourceMarks(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
271 var
272   Mark1: TSourceMark absolute Data1;
273   Mark2: TSourceMark absolute Data2;
274 begin
275   Result := Mark1.Compare(Mark2);
276 end;
CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMarknull278 function CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMark(Key, Data: Pointer): integer;
279 var
280   EditorAndLine: PEditorAndLine absolute Key;
281   AMark: TSourceMark absolute Data;
282 begin
283   Result := -AMark.CompareEditorAndLine(EditorAndLine^.EditorID, EditorAndLine^.Line);
284 end;
286 { TSourceMark }
288 procedure TSourceMark.SetSourceMarks(const AValue: TSourceMarks);
289 begin
290   if FSourceMarks=AValue then exit;
291   if FSourceMarks<>nil then
292     FSourceMarks.Remove(Self);
293   FSourceMarks := AValue;
294   if AValue<>nil then
295     AValue.Add(Self);
296 end;
TSourceMark.GetSourceEditornull298 function TSourceMark.GetSourceEditor: TSourceEditorBase;
299 begin
300   if (FSourceEditorID <> nil) and (FSourceEditorID.SharedEditorCount > 0) then
301     Result := FSourceEditorID.GetSharedEditorsBase(0)
302   else
303     Result := nil;
304 end;
306 procedure TSourceMark.Changed;
307 begin
308   if Assigned(FSourceMarks) and Assigned(FSourceMarks.OnAction) then
309     FSourceMarks.OnAction(Self, maChanged);
310 end;
312 procedure TSourceMark.DoChange(AChanges: TSynEditMarkChangeReasons);
313 begin
314   inherited DoChange(AChanges);
315   if AChanges * [smcrLine, smcrColumn] <> [] then
316     DoPositionChanged;
317   Changed;
318 end;
320 procedure TSourceMark.SetLineColorBackGround(const AValue: TColor);
321 begin
322   if FLineColorBackGround=AValue then exit;
323   FLineColorBackGround:=AValue;
324   DoLineUpdate;
325   Changed;
326 end;
328 procedure TSourceMark.SetLineColorForeGround(const AValue: TColor);
329 begin
330   if FLineColorForeGround=AValue then exit;
331   FLineColorForeGround:=AValue;
332   DoLineUpdate;
333   Changed;
334 end;
336 procedure TSourceMark.SetLineColorAttrib(
337   const AValue: TAdditionalHilightAttribute);
338 begin
339   if FLineColorAttrib=AValue then exit;
340   FLineColorAttrib:=AValue;
341   DoLineUpdate;
342   Changed;
343 end;
345 procedure TSourceMark.SetIsBreakPoint(const AValue: boolean);
346 begin
347   if FIsBreakPoint=AValue then exit;
348   FIsBreakPoint:=AValue;
349   DoLineUpdate;
350   Changed;
351 end;
353 procedure TSourceMark.DoPositionChanged;
354 var
355   i: Integer;
356 begin
357   i:=FHandlers[smhPositionChanged].Count;
358   while FHandlers[smhPositionChanged].NextDownIndex(i) do
359     TNotifyEvent(FHandlers[smhPositionChanged][i])(Self);
360 end;
362 procedure TSourceMark.DoLineUpdate;
363 begin
364   if (Line <= 0) or (not Visible) then Exit;
365   DoChange([smcrChanged]);
366 end;
368 procedure TSourceMark.SetData(const AValue: TObject);
369 begin
370   if FData=AValue then exit;
371   FData:=AValue;
372 end;
374 procedure TSourceMark.AddHandler(HandlerType: TSourceMarkHandler;
375   const Handler: TMethod);
376 begin
377   if Handler.Code=nil then RaiseGDBException('TSourceMark.AddHandler');
378   if FHandlers[HandlerType]=nil then
379     FHandlers[HandlerType]:=TMethodList.Create;
380   FHandlers[HandlerType].Add(Handler);
381 end;
383 procedure TSourceMark.SetColumn(const Value: Integer);
384 begin
385   if Column=Value then exit;
386   IncChangeLock;
387   if FSourceMarks<>nil then
388     FSourceMarks.fSortedItems.Remove(Self);
389   inherited;
390   if FSourceMarks<>nil then
391     FSourceMarks.fSortedItems.Add(Self);
392   DecChangeLock;
393 end;
395 procedure TSourceMark.SetLine(const Value: Integer);
396 begin
397   if Line=Value then exit;
398   IncChangeLock;
399   if FSourceMarks<>nil then
400     FSourceMarks.fSortedItems.Remove(Self);
401   inherited;
402   if FSourceMarks<>nil then
403     FSourceMarks.fSortedItems.Add(Self);
404   DecChangeLock;
405 end;
407 constructor TSourceMark.Create(TheOwner: TSourceEditorBase; TheData: TObject);
408 begin
409   FSourceEditorID := TheOwner.GetSharedValues;
410   inherited Create(TSynEdit(TheOwner.EditorControl));
411   FData:=TheData;
412   FLineColorAttrib:=ahaNone;
413   FLineColorBackGround:=clNone;
414   FLineColorForeGround:=clNone;
415   TSynEdit(TheOwner.EditorControl).Marks.Add(Self);
416 end;
418 destructor TSourceMark.Destroy;
419 var
420   HandlerType: TSourceMarkHandler;
421   i: Integer;
422 begin
423   // notify all who wants to know
424   i:=FHandlers[smhBeforeFree].Count;
425   while FHandlers[smhBeforeFree].NextDownIndex(i) do
426     TNotifyEvent(FHandlers[smhBeforeFree][i])(Self);
427   // remove from source marks
428   SourceMarks := nil;
429   FSourceEditorID := nil;
431   // free handler lists
432   for HandlerType:=Low(TSourceMarkHandler) to high(TSourceMarkHandler) do
433     FreeThenNil(FHandlers[HandlerType]);
435   inherited Destroy;
436 end;
Comparenull438 function TSourceMark.Compare(OtherMark: TSourceMark): integer;
439 begin
440   Result:=ComparePointers(Pointer(SourceEditorID), Pointer(OtherMark.SourceEditorID));
441   if Result<>0 then exit;
442   Result:=Line-OtherMark.Line;
443   if Result<>0 then exit;
444   Result:=Column-OtherMark.Column;
445   if Result <> 0 then exit;
446   Result:=Priority-OtherMark.Priority;
447   if Result <> 0 then exit;
448   Result := ComparePointers(Self,OtherMark);
449 end;
CompareEditorAndLinenull451 function TSourceMark.CompareEditorAndLine(ASrcEditID: TObject;
452   ALine: integer): integer;
453 begin
454   Result := ComparePointers(SourceEditorID,ASrcEditID);
455   if Result <> 0 then Exit;
456   Result := Line - ALine;
457 end;
TSourceMark.GetFilenamenull459 function TSourceMark.GetFilename: string;
460 begin
461   Result:=FSourceEditorID.Filename;
462 end;
GetHintnull464 function TSourceMark.GetHint: string;
465 var
466   i: Integer;
467 begin
468   Result:='';
469   i:=FHandlers[smhGetHint].Count;
470   while FHandlers[smhGetHint].NextDownIndex(i) do
471     TGetSourceMarkHintEvent(FHandlers[smhGetHint][i])(Self,Result);
472 end;
474 procedure TSourceMark.CreatePopupMenuItems(
475   const AddMenuItemProc: TAddMenuItemProc);
476 var
477   i: Integer;
478 begin
479   i:=FHandlers[smhCreatePopupMenu].Count;
480   while FHandlers[smhCreatePopupMenu].NextDownIndex(i) do
481     TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent(FHandlers[smhCreatePopupMenu][i])
482       (Self,AddMenuItemProc);
483 end;
485 procedure TSourceMark.RemoveAllHandlersForObject(HandlerObject: TObject);
486 var
487   HandlerType: TSourceMarkHandler;
488 begin
489   for HandlerType:=Low(TSourceMarkHandler) to High(TSourceMarkHandler) do
490     if FHandlers[HandlerType]<>nil then
491       FHandlers[HandlerType].RemoveAllMethodsOfObject(HandlerObject);
492 end;
494 procedure TSourceMark.AddPositionChangedHandler(OnPositionChanged: TNotifyEvent);
495 begin
496   AddHandler(smhPositionChanged,TMethod(OnPositionChanged));
497 end;
499 procedure TSourceMark.RemovePositionChangedHandler(
500   OnPositionChanged: TNotifyEvent);
501 begin
502   FHandlers[smhPositionChanged].Remove(TMethod(OnPositionChanged));
503 end;
505 procedure TSourceMark.AddBeforeFreeHandler(OnBeforeFree: TNotifyEvent);
506 begin
507   AddHandler(smhBeforeFree,TMethod(OnBeforeFree));
508 end;
510 procedure TSourceMark.RemoveBeforeFreeHandler(OnBeforeFree: TNotifyEvent);
511 begin
512   FHandlers[smhBeforeFree].Remove(TMethod(OnBeforeFree));
513 end;
515 procedure TSourceMark.AddGetHintHandler(OnGetHint: TGetSourceMarkHintEvent);
516 begin
517   AddHandler(smhGetHint,TMethod(OnGetHint));
518 end;
520 procedure TSourceMark.RemoveGetHintHandler(OnGetHint: TGetSourceMarkHintEvent);
521 begin
522   FHandlers[smhGetHint].Remove(TMethod(OnGetHint));
523 end;
525 procedure TSourceMark.AddCreatePopupMenuHandler(
526   OnCreatePopupMenu: TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent);
527 begin
528   AddHandler(smhCreatePopupMenu,TMethod(OnCreatePopupMenu));
529 end;
531 procedure TSourceMark.RemoveCreatePopupMenuHandler(
532   OnCreatePopupMenu: TCreateSourceMarkPopupMenuEvent);
533 begin
534   FHandlers[smhCreatePopupMenu].Remove(TMethod(OnCreatePopupMenu));
535 end;
537 { TSourceMarks }
TSourceMarks.GetItemsnull539 function TSourceMarks.GetItems(Index: integer): TSourceMark;
540 begin
541   Result:=TSourceMark(FItems[Index]);
542 end;
544 procedure TSourceMarks.CreateImageList;
545 var
546   i: Integer;
547   ImgIDFatal: Integer;
548   ImgIDError: Integer;
549   ImgIDWarning: Integer;
550   ImgIDNote: Integer;
551   ImgIDHint: Integer;
552 begin
553   // create default mark icons
554   FImgList:=TLCLGlyphs.Create(Self);
555   FImgList.Width := 11;
556   FImgList.Height := 11;
557   FImgList.RegisterResolutions([11, 16, 22, 33], [100, 150, 200, 300]);
559   // synedit expects the first 10 icons for the bookmarks
560   for i in TBookmarkNumRange do
561     AddImage('bookmark'+IntToStr(i));
563   // load active breakpoint image
564   fActiveBreakPointImg:=AddImage('ActiveBreakPoint');
565   // load disabled breakpoint image
566   fInactiveBreakPointImg:=AddImage('InactiveBreakPoint');
567   // load invalid breakpoint image
568   fInvalidBreakPointImg:=AddImage('InvalidBreakPoint');
569   // load invalid disabled breakpoint image
570   fInvalidDisabledBreakPointImg := AddImage('InvalidDisabledBreakPoint');
571   // load pending active breakpoint image
572   fPendingBreakPointImg := AddImage('PendingBreakPoint');
573   // load unknown breakpoint image
574   fUnknownBreakPointImg:=AddImage('UnknownBreakPoint');
575   // load unknown disabled breakpoint image
576   fUnknownDisabledBreakPointImg := AddImage('UnknownDisabledBreakPoint');
577   // load multi mixed breakpoint image
578   fMultiBreakPointImg:=AddImage('MultiBreakPoint');
579   // load current line image
580   FCurrentLineImg:=AddImage('debugger_current_line');
581   // load current line + breakpoint image
582   FCurrentLineBreakPointImg:=AddImage('debugger_current_line_breakpoint');
583   // load current line + disabled breakpoint image
584   FCurrentLineDisabledBreakPointImg := AddImage('debugger_current_line_disabled_breakpoint');
585   // load source line
586   FSourceLineImg:=AddImage('debugger_source_line');
588   FImgList.RegisterResolutions([11, 16, 22, 33], [69, 100, 150, 200]);
590   ImgIDFatal:=AddImage('state_fatal');
591   ImgIDError:=AddImage('state_error');
592   ImgIDWarning:=AddImage('state_warning');
593   ImgIDNote:=AddImage('state_note');
594   ImgIDHint:=AddImage('state_hint');
596   ExtToolsMarks.ImageList:=ImgList;
597   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluNone].ImageIndex:=-1;
598   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluProgress].ImageIndex:=-1;
599   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluDebug].ImageIndex:=-1;
600   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluVerbose3].ImageIndex:=-1;
601   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluVerbose2].ImageIndex:=-1;
602   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluVerbose].ImageIndex:=-1;
603   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluHint].ImageIndex:=ImgIDHint;
604   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluNote].ImageIndex:=ImgIDNote;
605   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluWarning].ImageIndex:=ImgIDWarning;
606   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluImportant].ImageIndex:=-1;
607   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluError].ImageIndex:=ImgIDError;
608   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluFatal].ImageIndex:=ImgIDFatal;
609   ExtToolsMarks.MarkStyles[mluPanic].ImageIndex:=ImgIDFatal;
610 end;
TSourceMarks.FindFirstMarkNodenull612 function TSourceMarks.FindFirstMarkNode(ASrcEditID: TObject; ALine: integer
613   ): TAVLTreeNode;
614 var
615   LeftNode: TAVLTreeNode;
616   EditorIDAndLine: TEditorIDAndLine;
617 begin
618   EditorIDAndLine.EditorID := ASrcEditID;
619   EditorIDAndLine.Line := ALine;
620   Result := fSortedItems.FindKey(@EditorIDAndLine, @CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMark);
621   while Result <> nil do
622   begin
623     LeftNode := fSortedItems.FindPrecessor(Result);
624     if (LeftNode = nil) or
625        (CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMark(@EditorIDAndLine, LeftNode.Data) <> 0) then break;
626     Result := LeftNode;
627   end;
628 end;
630 constructor TSourceMarks.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
631 begin
632   inherited Create(TheOwner);
633   fItems:=TList.Create;
634   fSortedItems:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareSourceMarks);
635   FExtToolsMarks:=TETMarks.Create(nil);
636   CreateImageList;
637 end;
639 destructor TSourceMarks.Destroy;
640 begin
641   if SourceEditorMarks=Self then
642     SourceEditorMarks:=nil;
643   Clear;
644   FreeAndNil(FExtToolsMarks);
645   FreeThenNil(FItems);
646   FreeThenNil(fSortedItems);
647   inherited Destroy;
648 end;
TSourceMarks.Countnull650 function TSourceMarks.Count: integer;
651 begin
652   Result:=fItems.Count;
653 end;
655 procedure TSourceMarks.Clear;
656 begin
657   while fItems.Count>0 do Delete(fItems.Count-1);
658 end;
Addnull660 function TSourceMarks.Add(AMark: TSourceMark): integer;
661 begin
662   if AMark=nil then exit(-1);
663   AMark.FSourceMarks:=Self;
664   Result:=fItems.Add(AMark);
665   fSortedItems.Add(AMark);
666   if Assigned(FOnAction) then
667     FOnAction(AMark, maAdded);
668 end;
Addnull670 function TSourceMarks.Add(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase; ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
671 begin
672   Result:=TSourceMark.Create(ASrcEdit, nil);
673   Result.Line := ALine;
674   Add(Result);
675 end;
AddCustomMarknull677 function TSourceMarks.AddCustomMark(TheOwner: TSourceEditorBase; Data: TObject;
678   MarkClass: TSourceMarkClass): TSourceMark;
679 begin
680   if MarkClass=nil then MarkClass:=TSourceMark;
681   Result:=MarkClass.Create(TheOwner,Data);
682   Add(Result);
683 end;
685 procedure TSourceMarks.Delete(Index: integer);
686 var
687   AMark: TSourceMark;
688 begin
689   AMark:=Items[Index];
690   AMark.fSourceMarks:=nil;
691   fItems.Delete(Index);
692   fSortedItems.Remove(AMark);
693   if Assigned(FOnAction) then
694     FOnAction(AMark, maRemoved);
695   AMark.Free;
696 end;
698 procedure TSourceMarks.Remove(AMark: TSourceMark);
699 var
700   i: Integer;
701 begin
702   if (AMark=nil) or (AMark.SourceMarks<>Self) then exit;
703   i:=fItems.IndexOf(AMark);
704   if i<0 then exit;
705   fItems.Delete(i);
706   fSortedItems.Remove(AMark);
707   AMark.fSourceMarks:=nil;
708   if Assigned(FOnAction) then
709     FOnAction(AMark, maRemoved);
710 end;
712 procedure TSourceMarks.DeleteAllForEditor(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase);
713 begin
714   DeleteAllForEditorID(ASrcEdit.GetSharedValues);
715 end;
717 procedure TSourceMarks.DeleteAllForEditorID(ASrcEditID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase);
718 var
719   i: Integer;
720 begin
721   if ASrcEditID = nil then
722     exit;
723   i:=fItems.Count-1;
724   while i>=0 do begin
725     if Items[i].SourceEditorID = ASrcEditID then
726       Delete(i);
727     dec(i);
728   end;
729 end;
TSourceMarks.FindFirstMarknull731 function TSourceMarks.FindFirstMark(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase; ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
732 var
733   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
734   SrcEditorID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase;
735 begin
736   Result := nil;
737   SrcEditorID := ASrcEdit.GetSharedValues;
738   if SrcEditorID = nil then
739     exit;
740   AVLNode:=FindFirstMarkNode(SrcEditorID, ALine);
741   if AVLNode<>nil then
742     Result:=TSourceMark(AVLNode.Data);
743 end;
TSourceMarks.FindBreakPointMarknull745 function TSourceMarks.FindBreakPointMark(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase;
746   ALine: integer): TSourceMark;
747 var
748   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
749   EditorIDAndLine: TEditorIDAndLine;
750   CurMark: TSourceMark;
751   SrcEditorID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase;
752 begin
753   Result := nil;
754   SrcEditorID := ASrcEdit.GetSharedValues;
755   if SrcEditorID = nil then
756     exit;
758   EditorIDAndLine.EditorID := SrcEditorID;
759   EditorIDAndLine.Line := ALine;
760   AVLNode := FindFirstMarkNode(EditorIDAndLine.EditorID, ALine);
761   while (AVLNode <> nil) do
762   begin
763     CurMark := TSourceMark(AVLNode.Data);
764     if CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMark(@EditorIDAndLine, CurMark) <> 0 then break;
765     if CurMark.IsBreakPoint then
766     begin
767       Result := CurMark;
768       Exit;
769     end;
770     AVLNode := fSortedItems.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
771   end;
772 end;
774 procedure TSourceMarks.GetMarksForLine(ASrcEdit: TSourceEditorBase;
775   ALine: integer; out Marks: PSourceMark; out MarkCount: integer);
776 var
777   i, Capacity: integer;
778   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
779   EditorIDAndLine: TEditorIDAndLine;
780   CurMark: TSourceMark;
781   HasChange: Boolean;
782   SrcEditorID: TSourceEditorSharedValuesBase;
783 begin
784   MarkCount := 0;
785   Marks := nil;
786   SrcEditorID := ASrcEdit.GetSharedValues;
787   if SrcEditorID = nil then
788     exit;
790   Capacity := 0;
791   EditorIDAndLine.EditorID := SrcEditorID;
792   EditorIDAndLine.Line := ALine;
793   AVLNode := FindFirstMarkNode(EditorIDAndLine.EditorID, ALine);
794   while (AVLNode <> nil) do
795   begin
796     CurMark := TSourceMark(AVLNode.Data);
797     if CompareEditorIDAndLineWithMark(@EditorIDAndLine, CurMark) <> 0 then break;
798     if Capacity <= MarkCount then
799     begin
800       inc(Capacity, Capacity + 4);
801       ReAllocMem(Marks, Capacity * SizeOf(Pointer));
802     end;
803     Marks[MarkCount] := CurMark;
804     inc(MarkCount);
805     AVLNode := fSortedItems.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
806   end;
807   HasChange := MarkCount > 1;
808   // easy popup sort by priority
809   while HasChange do
810   begin
811     HasChange := False;
812     for i := 0 to MarkCount - 2 do
813       if Marks[i].Priority < Marks[i+1].Priority then
814       begin
815         CurMark := Marks[i];
816         Marks[i] := Marks[i+1];
817         Marks[i+1] := CurMark;
818         HasChange := True;
819       end;
820   end;
821 end;
TSourceMarks.AddImagenull823 function TSourceMarks.AddImage(const ResName: string): integer;
824 begin
825   Result := FImgList.GetImageIndex(Resname);
826 end;
828 end.