1 unit CocoaWSCommon;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
4 {$modeswitch objectivec1}
5 {$include cocoadefines.inc}
8 interface
10 uses
11   Types,
12   CGGeometry, CocoaAll, cocoa_extra,
13   Classes, Controls, SysUtils,
14   //
15   WSControls, LCLType, LMessages, LCLProc, Graphics, Forms,
16   CocoaPrivate, CocoaGDIObjects, CocoaCaret, CocoaUtils, LCLMessageGlue,
17   CocoaScrollers;
19 type
20   { TLCLCommonCallback }
22   TLCLCommonCallback = class(TObject, ICommonCallBack)
23   private
24     class var
25       // Store state of key modifiers so that we can emulate keyup/keydown
26       // of keys like control, option, command, caps lock, shift
27       PrevKeyModifiers: NSUInteger;
28     var
29       FPropStorage: TStringList;
30       FContext: TCocoaContext;
31       FHasCaret: Boolean;
32       FBoundsReportedToChildren: boolean;
33       FIsOpaque:boolean;
34       FIsEventRouting:boolean;
35   protected
GetHasCaretnull36     function GetHasCaret: Boolean;
37     procedure SetHasCaret(AValue: Boolean);
GetIsOpaquenull38     function GetIsOpaque: Boolean;
39     procedure SetIsOpaque(AValue: Boolean);
GetShouldBeEnablednull40     function GetShouldBeEnabled: Boolean;
41   protected
42     FTarget: TWinControl;
43     _KeyMsg    : TLMKey;
44     _CharMsg   : TLMKey;
45     _SendChar  : Boolean;
46     _IsSysKey  : Boolean;
47     _IsKeyDown : Boolean;
48     _KeyHandled: Boolean;
49     _UTF8Character : array [0..7] of TUTF8Char;
50     _UTF8Charcount : Integer;
51     procedure OffsetMousePos(LocInWin: NSPoint; out PtInBounds, PtInClient, PtForChildCtrls: TPoint );
52     procedure ScreenMousePos(var Point: NSPoint);
53     procedure KeyEvBeforeDown;
54     procedure KeyEvBeforeUp;
55     procedure KeyEvAfterUp;
56     procedure KeyEvFlagsChanged(Event: NSEvent);
57     procedure KeyEvPrepare(Event: NSEvent);
58   public
59     Owner: NSObject;
60     HandleFrame: NSView; // HWND and "frame" (rectangle) of the a control
61     BlockCocoaUpDown: Boolean;
62     BlockCocoaKeyBeep: Boolean;
63     BlockCocoaMouseMove: Boolean;
64     SuppressTabDown: Boolean; // all tabs should be suppressed, so Cocoa would not switch focus
65     ForceReturnKeyDown: Boolean; // send keyDown/LM_KEYDOWN for Return even if handled by IntfUTF8KeyPress/CN_CHAR
67     lastMouseDownUp: NSTimeInterval; // the last processed mouse Event
68     lastMouseWithForce: Boolean;
70     class constructor Create;
71     constructor Create(AOwner: NSObject; ATarget: TWinControl; AHandleFrame: NSView = nil); virtual;
72     destructor Destroy; override;
GetPropStoragenull73     function GetPropStorage: TStringList;
GetContextnull74     function GetContext: TCocoaContext;
GetTargetnull75     function GetTarget: TObject;
GetCallbackObjectnull76     function GetCallbackObject: TObject;
GetCaptureControlCallbacknull77     function GetCaptureControlCallback: ICommonCallBack;
78     procedure SendContextMenu(Event: NSEvent; out ContextMenuHandled: Boolean);
MouseUpDownEventnull79     function MouseUpDownEvent(Event: NSEvent; AForceAsMouseUp: Boolean = False; AOverrideBlock: Boolean = False): Boolean; virtual;
81     procedure KeyEvAfterDown(out AllowCocoaHandle: boolean);
82     procedure KeyEvBefore(Event: NSEvent; out AllowCocoaHandle: boolean);
83     procedure KeyEvAfter;
84     procedure KeyEvHandled;
85     procedure SetTabSuppress(ASuppress: Boolean);
CanFocusnull86     function CanFocus: Boolean; virtual;
88     procedure MouseClick; virtual;
MouseMovenull89     function MouseMove(Event: NSEvent): Boolean; virtual;
scrollWheelnull90     function scrollWheel(Event: NSEvent): Boolean; virtual;
91     procedure frameDidChange(sender: id); virtual;
92     procedure boundsDidChange(sender: id); virtual;
93     procedure BecomeFirstResponder; virtual;
94     procedure ResignFirstResponder; virtual;
95     procedure DidBecomeKeyNotification; virtual;
96     procedure DidResignKeyNotification; virtual;
97     procedure SendOnChange; virtual;
98     procedure SendOnTextChanged; virtual; // text controls (like spin) respond to OnChange for this event, but not for SendOnChange
99     procedure scroll(isVert: Boolean; Pos: Integer; AScrollPart: NSScrollerPart); virtual;
DeliverMessagenull100     function DeliverMessage(var Msg): LRESULT; virtual; overload;
DeliverMessagenull101     function DeliverMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam): LResult; virtual; overload;
102     procedure Draw(ControlContext: NSGraphicsContext; const bounds, dirty: NSRect); virtual;
103     procedure DrawBackground(ctx: NSGraphicsContext; const bounds, dirtyRect: NSRect); virtual;
104     procedure DrawOverlay(ControlContext: NSGraphicsContext; const bounds, dirty: NSRect); virtual;
ResetCursorRectsnull105     function ResetCursorRects: Boolean; virtual;
106     procedure RemoveTarget; virtual;
108     procedure InputClientInsertText(const utf8: string);
110     property HasCaret: Boolean read GetHasCaret write SetHasCaret;
111     property Target: TWinControl read FTarget;
112     property IsOpaque: Boolean read GetIsOpaque write SetIsOpaque;
113   end;
115   TLCLCommonCallBackClass = class of TLCLCommonCallBack;
117   { TCocoaWSWinControl }
119   { TCocoaWSControl }
121   TCocoaWSControl = class(TWSControl)
122   published
GetCanvasScaleFactornull123     class function GetCanvasScaleFactor(const AControl: TControl): Double; override;
124   end;
126   { TCocoaWSWinControl }
128   TCocoaWSWinControl = class(TWSWinControl)
129   published
CreateHandlenull130     class function CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
131       const AParams: TCreateParams): TLCLIntfHandle; override;
132     class procedure DestroyHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl); override;
GetCanvasScaleFactornull133     class function GetCanvasScaleFactor(const AControl: TControl): Double; override;
134     class procedure SetText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const AText: String); override;
GetTextnull135     class function GetText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; var AText: String): Boolean; override;
GetTextLennull136     class function GetTextLen(const AWinControl: TWinControl; var ALength: Integer): Boolean; override;
GetClientBoundsnull138     class function  GetClientBounds(const AWincontrol: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect): Boolean; override;
GetClientRectnull139     class function  GetClientRect(const AWincontrol: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect): Boolean; override;
140     class procedure GetPreferredSize(const AWinControl: TWinControl; var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
141     class procedure SetBounds(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
142     class procedure SetCursor(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const ACursor: HCursor); override;
143     class procedure SetFont(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const AFont: TFont); override;
144     class procedure SetColor(const AWinControl: TWinControl); override;
145     class procedure SetChildZPosition(const AWinControl, AChild: TWinControl; const AOldPos, ANewPos: Integer; const AChildren: TFPList); override;
146     class procedure ShowHide(const AWinControl: TWinControl); override;
147     class procedure Invalidate(const AWinControl: TWinControl); override;
148     class procedure PaintTo(const AWinControl: TWinControl; ADC: HDC; X, Y: Integer); override;
149   end;
151   { TCocoaWSCustomControl }
153   TCocoaWSCustomControl = class(TWSCustomControl)
154   published
CreateHandlenull155     class function CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
156       const AParams: TCreateParams): TLCLIntfHandle; override;
157     class procedure SetBorderStyle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
158       const ABorderStyle: TBorderStyle); override;
159   end;
161 // Utility WS functions. todo: it makes sense to put them into CocoaScollers
EmbedInScrollViewnull163 function EmbedInScrollView(AView: NSView; AReleaseView: Boolean = true): TCocoaScrollView;
EmbedInManualScrollViewnull164 function EmbedInManualScrollView(AView: NSView): TCocoaManualScrollView;
EmbedInManualScrollHostnull165 function EmbedInManualScrollHost(AView: TCocoaManualScrollView): TCocoaManualScrollHost;
HWNDToTargetObjectnull167 function HWNDToTargetObject(AFormHandle: HWND): TObject;
169 procedure ScrollViewSetBorderStyle(sv: NSScrollView; astyle: TBorderStyle);
170 procedure UpdateFocusRing(v: NSView; astyle: TBorderStyle);
ButtonStateToShiftStatenull172 function ButtonStateToShiftState(BtnState: PtrUInt): TShiftState;
CocoaModifiersToKeyStatenull173 function CocoaModifiersToKeyState(AModifiers: NSUInteger): PtrInt;
CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyStatenull174 function CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyState(AMouseButtons: NSUInteger): PtrInt;
CocoaModifiersToShiftStatenull175 function CocoaModifiersToShiftState(AModifiers: NSUInteger; AMouseButtons: NSUInteger): TShiftState;
NSObjectDebugStrnull177 function NSObjectDebugStr(obj: NSObject): string;
CallbackDebugStrnull178 function CallbackDebugStr(cb: ICommonCallback): string;
179 procedure DebugDumpParents(fromView: NSView);
181 implementation
183 uses
184   Math, CocoaInt;
186 var
187   LastMouse: TLastMouseInfo;
ButtonStateToShiftStatenull189 function ButtonStateToShiftState(BtnState: PtrUInt): TShiftState;
190 begin
191   Result := [];
192   if BtnState and MK_SHIFT > 0 then Include(Result, ssShift);
193   if BtnState and MK_CONTROL > 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl);
194   if BtnState and MK_ALT > 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt);
195   if BtnState and MK_LBUTTON > 0 then Include(Result, ssLeft);
196   if BtnState and MK_RBUTTON > 0 then Include(Result, ssRight);
197   if BtnState and MK_MBUTTON > 0 then Include(Result, ssMiddle);
198   if BtnState and MK_XBUTTON1 > 0 then Include(Result, ssExtra1);
199   if BtnState and MK_XBUTTON2 > 0 then Include(Result, ssExtra2);
200   // what MK_xxx used for Meta?
201 end;
CocoaModifiersToShiftStatenull203 function CocoaModifiersToShiftState(AModifiers: NSUInteger; AMouseButtons: NSUInteger): TShiftState;
204 begin
205   Result := [];
206   if AModifiers and NSShiftKeyMask <> 0 then Include(Result, ssShift);
207   if AModifiers and NSControlKeyMask <> 0 then Include(Result, ssCtrl);
208   if AModifiers and NSAlternateKeyMask <> 0 then Include(Result, ssAlt);
209   if AModifiers and NSCommandKeyMask <> 0 then Include(Result, ssMeta);
211   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 0) <> 0 then Include(Result, ssLeft);
212   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 1) <> 0 then Include(Result, ssRight);
213   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 2) <> 0 then Include(Result, ssMiddle);
214   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 3) <> 0 then Include(Result, ssExtra1);
215   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 4) <> 0 then Include(Result, ssExtra2);
216 end;
218 procedure ScrollViewSetBorderStyle(sv: NSScrollView; astyle: TBorderStyle);
219 const
220   NSBorderStyle : array [TBorderStyle] of NSBorderType = (
221     NSNoBorder,   // bsNone
222     NSBezelBorder // bsSingle     (NSLineBorder is too thick)
223   );
224 begin
225   if not Assigned(sv) then Exit;
226   sv.setBorderType( NSBorderStyle[astyle] );
227 end;
229 procedure UpdateFocusRing(v: NSView; astyle: TBorderStyle);
230 const
231   NSFocusRing : array [TBorderStyle] of NSBorderType = (
232     NSFocusRingTypeNone,   // bsNone
233     NSFocusRingTypeDefault // bsSingle  s
234   );
235 begin
236   if Assigned(v) and CocoaHideFocusNoBorder then
237     v.setFocusRingType( NSFocusRing[astyle] );
238 end;
EmbedInScrollViewnull240 function EmbedInScrollView(AView: NSView; AReleaseView: Boolean): TCocoaScrollView;
241 var
242   r: TRect;
243   p: NSView;
244 begin
245   if not Assigned(AView) then
246     Exit(nil);
247   r := AView.lclFrame;
248   p := AView.superview;
249   Result := TCocoaScrollView.alloc.initWithFrame(NSNullRect);
250   if Assigned(p) then p.addSubView(Result);
251   Result.lclSetFrame(r);
252   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
253   Result.setHidden_(Ord(AView.isHidden));
254   {$else}
255   Result.setHidden(AView.isHidden);
256   {$endif}
257   Result.setDocumentView(AView);
258   Result.setDrawsBackground(false); // everything is covered anyway
259   if AReleaseView then AView.release;
260   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
261   AView.setHidden_(Ord(false));
262   {$else}
263   AView.setHidden(false);
264   {$endif}
265   SetViewDefaults(Result);
266 end;
EmbedInManualScrollViewnull268 function EmbedInManualScrollView(AView: NSView): TCocoaManualScrollView;
269 var
270   r: TRect;
271   p: NSView;
272 begin
273   if not Assigned(AView) then
274   begin
275     Result:=nil;
276     Exit;
277   end;
278   r := AView.lclFrame;
279   p := AView.superview;
280   Result := TCocoaManualScrollView.alloc.initWithFrame(NSNullRect);
281   if Assigned(p) then p.addSubView(Result);
282   Result.lclSetFrame(r);
283   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
284   Result.setHidden_(Ord(AView.isHidden));
285   {$else}
286   Result.setHidden(AView.isHidden);
287   {$endif}
288   Result.setDocumentView(AView);
289   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
290   AView.setHidden_(Ord(false));
291   {$else}
292   AView.setHidden(false);
293   {$endif}
294   AView.release;
295   SetViewDefaults(Result);
296   if AView.isKindOfClass(TCocoaCustomControl) then
297     TCocoaCustomControl(AView).auxMouseByParent := true;
298 end;
EmbedInManualScrollHostnull300 function EmbedInManualScrollHost(AView: TCocoaManualScrollView
301   ): TCocoaManualScrollHost;
302 var
303   r: TRect;
304   p: NSView;
305 begin
306   if not Assigned(AView) then
307     Exit(nil);
308   r := AView.lclFrame;
309   p := AView.superview;
310   Result := TCocoaManualScrollHost.alloc.initWithFrame(NSNullRect);
311   if Assigned(p) then p.addSubView(Result);
312   Result.lclSetFrame(r);
313   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
314   Result.setHidden_(Ord(AView.isHidden));
315   {$else}
316   Result.setHidden(AView.isHidden);
317   {$endif}
318   Result.setDocumentView(AView);
319   Result.setDrawsBackground(false); // everything is covered anyway
320   Result.contentView.setAutoresizesSubviews(true);
321   AView.setAutoresizingMask(NSViewWidthSizable or NSViewHeightSizable);
323   AView.release;
324   {$ifdef BOOLFIX}
325   AView.setHidden_(Ord(false));
326   {$else}
327   AView.setHidden(false);
328   {$endif}
329   SetViewDefaults(Result);
330 end;
332 { TLCLCommonCallback }
GetHasCaretnull334 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetHasCaret: Boolean;
335 begin
336   Result := FHasCaret;
337 end;
339 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SetHasCaret(AValue: Boolean);
340 begin
341   FHasCaret := AValue;
342 end;
CocoaModifiersToKeyStatenull344 function CocoaModifiersToKeyState(AModifiers: NSUInteger): PtrInt;
345 begin
346   Result := 0;
347   if AModifiers and NSShiftKeyMask <> 0 then
348     Result := Result or MK_SHIFT;
349   if AModifiers and NSControlKeyMask <> 0 then
350     Result := Result or MK_CONTROL;
351   if AModifiers and NSAlternateKeyMask <> 0 then
352     Result := Result or MK_ALT;
353 end;
CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyStatenull355 function CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyState(AMouseButtons: NSUInteger): PtrInt;
356 begin
357   Result := 0;
358   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 0) <> 0 then
359     Result := Result or MK_LBUTTON;
360   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 1) <> 0 then
361     Result := Result or MK_RBUTTON;
362   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 2) <> 0 then
363     Result := Result or MK_MBUTTON;
364   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 3) <> 0 then
365     Result := Result or MK_XBUTTON1;
366   if AMouseButtons and (1 shl 4) <> 0 then
367     Result := Result or MK_XBUTTON2;
368 end;
370 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.OffsetMousePos(LocInWin: NSPoint; out PtInBounds, PtInClient, PtForChildCtrls: TPoint);
371 var
372   lView: NSView;
373   pt: NSPoint;
374   cr: TRect;
375   es: NSScrollView;
376   r: NSRect;
377 begin
378   if Owner.isKindOfClass(NSWindow) then
379   begin
380     PtInBounds.x := Round(LocInWin.x);
381     PtInBounds.y := Round(NSWindow(Owner).contentView.bounds.size.height - LocInWin.y);
382     PtInClient := PtInBounds; // todo: it's different. But Owner is never NSWindow (it's TConentWindowView instead)
383     PtForChildCtrls := PtInClient;
384   end
385   else if Owner.isKindOfClass(NSView) then
386   begin
387     pt := LocInWin;
389     NSView(Owner).lclOffsetMousePos(pt);
390     PtInBounds.x := Round(pt.x);
391     PtInBounds.y := Round(pt.y);
393     //pt := NSView(Owner).frame.origin;
394     //if NSView(Owner).frame.
395     cr := NSView(Owner).lclClientFrame;
396     PtInClient.x := Round({PtInBounds.x - }pt.x - cr.Left);
397     PtInClient.y := Round({PtInBounds.y - }pt.y - cr.Top);
398     PtForChildCtrls := PtInClient;
400     es := NSView(Owner).enclosingScrollView;
401     if Assigned(es) and (es.documentView = NSView(Owner)) then begin
402       r := es.documentVisibleRect;
403       if NSView(Owner).isFlipped then
404         r.origin.y := (es.documentView.frame.size.height - r.size.height - r.origin.y);
405       inc(PtForChildCtrls.y, Round(r.origin.y));
406       inc(PtForChildCtrls.x, Round(r.origin.x));
407     end;
409   end else
410   begin
411     PtInBounds.x := Round(LocInWin.x);
412     PtInBounds.y := Round(LocInWin.y);
413     PtInClient := PtInBounds;
414     PtForChildCtrls := PtInClient;
415   end;
416 end;
418 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.ScreenMousePos(var Point: NSPoint);
419 var
420   f: NSRect;
421   lWindow: NSWindow;
422 begin
423   lWindow := NSWindow(GetNSObjectWindow(Owner));
424   if lWindow <> nil then
425   begin
426     f := lWindow.frame;
427     Point.x := Point.x+f.origin.x;
428     Point.y := lWindow.screen.frame.size.height- f.origin.y - Point.y;
429   end;
430 end;
432 class constructor TLCLCommonCallback.Create;
433 begin
434   PrevKeyModifiers := 0;
435 end;
437 constructor TLCLCommonCallback.Create(AOwner: NSObject; ATarget: TWinControl; AHandleFrame: NSView);
438 begin
439   inherited Create;
440   Owner := AOwner;
441   if Assigned(AHandleFrame) then
442     HandleFrame := AHandleFrame
443   else if Owner.isKindOfClass(NSView) then
444     HandleFrame := NSView(AOwner);
445   FTarget := ATarget;
446   FContext := nil;
447   FHasCaret := False;
448   FPropStorage := TStringList.Create;
449   FPropStorage.Sorted := True;
450   FPropStorage.Duplicates := dupAccept;
451   FBoundsReportedToChildren:=false;
452   FIsOpaque:=false;
453   FIsEventRouting:=false;
454   SuppressTabDown := true; // by default all Tabs would not be allowed for Cocoa.
455                            // it should be enabled, i.e. for TMemo with WantTabs=true
456 end;
458 destructor TLCLCommonCallback.Destroy;
459 begin
460   FContext.Free;
461   FPropStorage.Free;
462   FTarget := nil;
463   inherited Destroy;
464 end;
GetPropStoragenull466 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetPropStorage: TStringList;
467 begin
468   Result := FPropStorage;
469 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.GetContextnull471 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetContext: TCocoaContext;
472 begin
473   Result := FContext;
474 end;
GetTargetnull476 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetTarget: TObject;
477 begin
478   Result := Target;
479 end;
GetCallbackObjectnull481 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetCallbackObject: TObject;
482 begin
483   Result := Self;
484 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.GetCaptureControlCallbacknull486 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetCaptureControlCallback: ICommonCallBack;
487 var
488   obj: NSObject;
489   lCaptureView: NSView;
490 begin
491   Result := nil;
492   if CocoaWidgetSet.CaptureControl = 0 then Exit;
493   obj := NSObject(CocoaWidgetSet.CaptureControl);
494   lCaptureView := obj.lclContentView;
495   if (obj <> Owner) and (lCaptureView <> Owner) and not FIsEventRouting then
496   begin
497     Result := lCaptureView.lclGetCallback;
498   end;
499 end;
501 { If a window does not display a shortcut menu it should pass
502   this message to the DefWindowProc function. If a window is
503   a child window, DefWindowProc sends the message to the parent. }
504 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SendContextMenu(Event: NSEvent; out
505   ContextMenuHandled: Boolean);
506 var
507   MsgContext: TLMContextMenu;
508   MousePos : NSPoint;
509   Res: PtrInt;
510   Rcp : NSObject;
511   Trg : TObject;
512   cb    : ICommonCallback;
513   obj   : TObject;
514   cbobj : TLCLCommonCallback;
515   ed : NSText;
516 begin
517   ContextMenuHandled := false;
518   FillChar(MsgContext, SizeOf(MsgContext), #0);
519   MsgContext.Msg := LM_CONTEXTMENU;
520   MsgContext.hWnd := HWND(HandleFrame);
521   MousePos := Event.locationInWindow;
522   ScreenMousePos(MousePos);
523   MsgContext.XPos := Round(MousePos.X);
524   MsgContext.YPos := Round(MousePos.Y);
525   Rcp := Owner;
526   Res := 1;
527   repeat
528     cb := Rcp.lclGetCallback;
529     if Assigned(cb) then
530     begin
531       Trg := cb.GetTarget;
532       Res := LCLMessageGlue.DeliverMessage(Trg, MsgContext);
533       if (Res = 0) and (Rcp.isKindOfClass(NSView)) then
534       begin
535         if Assigned(NSView(Rcp).menuForEvent(Event)) then
536           Break; // Cocoa has it's own menu for the control
538         if Rcp.isKindOfClass(NSControl) then
539         begin
540           ed := NSControl(Rcp).currentEditor;
541           if Assigned(ed) and Assigned(ed.menuForEvent(Event)) then
542             Break; // Cocoa has it's own menu for the editor of the control
543         end;
544       end;
546       // not processed, need to find parent
547       if Res = 0 then
548       begin
549         cbobj := nil;
550         if Assigned(cb) then
551         begin
552           obj := cb.GetCallbackObject;
553           if obj is TLCLCommonCallback then cbobj := TLCLCommonCallback(obj);
554         end;
555         if not Assigned(cbobj) then
556           Rcp := nil
557         else
558           Rcp := cbobj.HandleFrame.superView;
559       end;
560     end else
561       Rcp := nil;
562   until (Res <> 0) or not Assigned(Rcp);
563   ContextMenuHandled := Res <> 0;
564 end;
566 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvFlagsChanged(Event: NSEvent);
567 const
568   cModifiersOfInterest: NSUInteger = (NSControlKeyMask or NSShiftKeyMask or NSAlphaShiftKeyMask or NSAlternateKeyMask or NSCommandKeyMask);
569 var
570   CurMod, Diff: NSUInteger;
571   VKKeyCode: word; // VK_ code
572   KeyData: PtrInt; // Modifiers (ctrl, alt, mouse buttons...)
573 begin
574   _SendChar := False;
575   CurMod := Event.modifierFlags;
576   //see what changed. we only care of bits 16 through 20
577   Diff := (PrevKeyModifiers xor CurMod) and cModifiersOfInterest;
579   case Diff of
580     0                  : VKKeyCode := VK_UNKNOWN; //nothing (that we cared of) changed
581     NSControlKeyMask   : VKKeyCode := VK_CONTROL; //command mapped to control
582     NSShiftKeyMask     : VKKeyCode := VK_SHIFT;
583     NSAlphaShiftKeyMask: VKKeyCode := VK_CAPITAL; //caps lock
584     NSAlternateKeyMask : VKKeyCode := VK_MENU;    //option is alt
585     NSCommandKeyMask   : VKKeyCode := VK_LWIN;    //meta... map to left Windows Key?
586   end;
587   KeyData := CocoaModifiersToKeyState(CurMod);
589   //diff is now equal to the mask of the bit that changed, so we can determine
590   //if this change is a keydown (PrevKeyModifiers didn't have the bit set) or
591   //a keyup (PrevKeyModifiers had the bit set)
592   _IsKeyDown := ((PrevKeyModifiers and Diff) = 0);
594   PrevKeyModifiers := CurMod;
596   FillChar(_KeyMsg, SizeOf(_KeyMsg), 0);
597   _KeyMsg.KeyData := KeyData;
598   _KeyMsg.CharCode := VKKeyCode;
599   _IsSysKey := (VKKeyCode = VK_LWIN);
600 end;
602 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvPrepare(Event: NSEvent);
603 var
604   KeyCode: word;
605   UTF8Character: TUTF8Char;   // char to send via IntfUtf8KeyPress
606   KeyChar : char;          // Ascii char, when possible (xx_(SYS)CHAR)
607   SendChar: boolean;       // Should we send char?
608   VKKeyCode: word;         // VK_ code
609   IsSysKey: Boolean;       // Is alt (option) key down?
610   KeyData: PtrInt;         // Modifiers (ctrl, alt, mouse buttons...)
611   ignModChr: NSString;
612   i,c,j : integer;
613 begin
614   SendChar := False;
616   UTF8Character := '';
617   KeyChar := #0;
619   IsSysKey := (Event.modifierFlags and NSCommandKeyMask) <> 0;
620   KeyData := (Ord(Event.isARepeat) + 1) or Event.keyCode shl 16;
621   if (Event.modifierFlags and NSAlternateKeyMask) <> 0 then
622     KeyData := KeyData or MK_ALT;   // So that MsgKeyDataToShiftState recognizes Alt key, see bug 30129
623   KeyCode := Event.keyCode;
625   ignModChr := Event.charactersIgnoringModifiers;
626   if Assigned(ignModChr)
627     and (ignModChr.length=1)
628     and ((Event.modifierFlags and NSNumericPadKeyMask) = 0) // num pad should be checked by KeyCode
629   then
630   begin
631     VKKeyCode := MacCharToVK(ignModChr.characterAtIndex(0));
632     if VKKeyCode = VK_UNKNOWN then
633       VKKeyCode := MacCodeToVK(KeyCode); // fallback
634   end
635   else
636     VKKeyCode := MacCodeToVK(KeyCode);
638   case VKKeyCode of
639     // for sure, these are "non-printable" keys (see http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/LCL_Key_Handling)
640     VK_F1..VK_F24,                     // Function keys (F1-F12)
641     VK_PRINT, VK_SCROLL, VK_PAUSE,     // Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause
642     VK_CAPITAL, VK_TAB,                // Caps Lock, Tab
643     VK_INSERT, VK_DELETE,              // Insert,  Delete
644     VK_HOME, VK_END,                   // Home, End
645     VK_PRIOR,VK_NEXT,                  // Page Up,Down
646     VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN, // Arrow Keys
647     VK_NUMLOCK,                        // Num Lock
648     VK_SLEEP, VK_APPS  // power/sleep, context menu
649     :
650       SendChar := false;
652     // for sure, these are "printable" keys
653     VK_ESCAPE,
654     VK_BACK,
655     VK_RETURN:
656     begin
657       SendChar := true;
658       KeyChar := char(VKKeyCode);
659       UTF8Character := KeyChar;
660     end;
661   else
662     //printable keys
663     //for these keys, send char or UTF8KeyPress
664     UTF8Character := NSStringToString(Event.characters);
666     if Length(UTF8Character) > 0 then
667     begin
668       SendChar := True;
669       if Length(UTF8Character)=1 then
670         // ANSI layout character
671         KeyChar := Utf8Character[1]
672       else
673         // it's non ANSI character. KeyChar must be assinged anything but #0
674         // otherise the message could be surpressed.
675         // In Windows world this would be an "Ansi" char in current locale
676         KeyChar := '?';
677     end;
678   end;
680   FillChar(_KeyMsg, SizeOf(_KeyMsg), 0);
681   _KeyMsg.KeyData := KeyData;
682   _KeyMsg.CharCode := VKKeyCode;
683   _SendChar := SendChar;
684   _IsSysKey := IsSysKey;
685   _IsKeyDown := (Event.type_ = NSKeyDown);
687   c:=0;
688   i:=1;
689   j:=0;
690   while (i<=length(UTF8Character)) and (j<length(_UTF8Character)) do
691   begin
692     c := Utf8CodePointLen(@UTF8Character[i], length(UTF8Character)-i+1, false);
693     if (j=0) and (c = length(UTF8Character)) then
694     begin
695       _UTF8Character[0] := UTF8Character;
696       j := 1;
697       break;
698     end
699     else if (c > 0) then
700     begin
701       _UTF8Character[j] := Copy(UTF8Character, i, c);
702       inc(i,c);
703       inc(j);
704     end else
705       break;
706   end;
707   if (j = 0) then _UTF8Character[0] := '';
708   _UTF8Charcount := j;
710   FillChar(_CharMsg, SizeOf(_CharMsg), 0);
711   _CharMsg.KeyData := _KeyMsg.KeyData;
712   _CharMsg.CharCode := ord(KeyChar);
713 end;
715 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvBeforeDown;
716 var
717   i: integer;
718   lclHandled: Boolean;
719 begin
720   // create the CN_KEYDOWN message
721   if _IsSysKey then
722     _KeyMsg.Msg := CN_SYSKEYDOWN
723   else
724     _KeyMsg.Msg := CN_KEYDOWN;
726   // is the key combination help key (Cmd + ?)
727   if _SendChar and _IsSysKey and (_UTF8Character[0] = '?') then
728     Application.ShowHelpForObject(Target);
730   // widget can filter some keys from being send to cocoa control
731   //if Widget.FilterKeyPress(IsSysKey, UTF8Character) then Result := noErr;
733   //Send message to LCL
734   if _KeyMsg.CharCode <> VK_UNKNOWN then
735   begin
736     NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, _KeyMsg.Msg);
737     if (DeliverMessage(_KeyMsg) <> 0) or (_KeyMsg.CharCode = VK_UNKNOWN) then
738     begin
739       // the LCL handled the key
740       KeyEvHandled;
741       Exit;
742     end;
743   end;
745   if (_SendChar) then begin
746     // send the UTF8 keypress
747     i := 0;
748     lclHandled := false;
749     for i := 0 to _UTF8Charcount -1 do
750     begin
751       lclHandled := false;
752       if Target.IntfUTF8KeyPress(_UTF8Character[i], 1, _IsSysKey) then
753         lclHandled := true;
754     end;
756     if lclHandled then
757     begin
758       // the LCL has handled the key
759       if ForceReturnKeyDown and (_KeyMsg.CharCode = VK_RETURN) then
760         _SendChar := False
761       else
762         KeyEvHandled;
763       Exit;
764     end;
766     //if OrigChar <> _UTF8Character then
767       //LCLCharToMacEvent(_UTF8Character);
769     // create the CN_CHAR / CN_SYSCHAR message
770     if _IsSysKey then
771       _CharMsg.Msg := CN_SYSCHAR
772     else
773       _CharMsg.Msg := CN_CHAR;
775     //Send message to LCL
776     if (DeliverMessage(_CharMsg) <> 0) or (_CharMsg.CharCode=VK_UNKNOWN) then
777     begin
778       // the LCL handled the key
779       KeyEvHandled;
780       Exit;
781     end;
783     //if _CharMsg.CharCode <> ord(_KeyChar) then
784       //LCLCharToMacEvent(Char(_CharMsg.CharCode));
785   end;
787 end;
789 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvBeforeUp;
790 begin
791   if _IsSysKey then
792     _KeyMsg.Msg := CN_SYSKEYUP
793   else
794     _KeyMsg.Msg := CN_KEYUP;
796   //Send message to LCL
797   if _KeyMsg.CharCode <> VK_UNKNOWN then
798   begin
799     NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, _KeyMsg.Msg);
800     if (DeliverMessage(_KeyMsg) <> 0) or (_KeyMsg.CharCode = VK_UNKNOWN) then
801     begin
802       // the LCL has handled the key
803       KeyEvHandled;
804       Exit;
805     end;
806   end;
807 end;
809 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvAfterDown(out AllowCocoaHandle: boolean);
810 begin
811   AllowCocoaHandle := False;
813   if _KeyHandled then Exit;
814   KeyEvHandled;
816   // Send an LM_(SYS)KEYDOWN
817   if _KeyMsg.CharCode <> VK_UNKNOWN then
818   begin
819     if _IsSysKey then
820       _KeyMsg.Msg := LM_SYSKEYDOWN
821     else
822       _KeyMsg.Msg := LM_KEYDOWN;
824     if (DeliverMessage(_KeyMsg) <> 0) or (_KeyMsg.CharCode = VK_UNKNOWN) then
825       Exit;
826   end;
828   //Send an LM_(SYS)CHAR
829   if _SendChar then begin
830     if _IsSysKey then
831       _CharMsg.Msg := LM_SYSCHAR
832     else
833       _CharMsg.Msg := LM_CHAR;
835     if DeliverMessage(_CharMsg) <> 0 then
836       Exit;
837   end;
839   if BlockCocoaKeyBeep then
840     Exit;
842   AllowCocoaHandle := True;
843 end;
845 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvAfterUp;
846 begin
847   if _KeyHandled then Exit;
848   KeyEvHandled;
850   //Send a LM_(SYS)KEYUP
851   if _IsSysKey then
852     _KeyMsg.Msg := LM_SYSKEYUP
853   else
854     _KeyMsg.Msg := LM_KEYUP;
856   if DeliverMessage(_KeyMsg) <> 0 then
857   begin
858     // the LCL handled the key
859     NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, _KeyMsg.Msg);
860     Exit;
861   end;
862 end;
864 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvBefore(Event: NSEvent;
865   out AllowCocoaHandle: boolean);
866 begin
867   _keyHandled := False;
868   AllowCocoaHandle := true;
870   if Event.type_ = NSFlagsChanged then
871     KeyEvFlagsChanged(Event)
872   else
873     KeyEvPrepare(Event);
875   if _IsKeyDown then begin
876     KeyEvBeforeDown;
877     if SuppressTabDown and (_KeyMsg.CharCode = VK_TAB) then
878       AllowCocoaHandle := false;
879   end else
880     KeyEvBeforeUp;
882   if _keyHandled then
883     AllowCocoaHandle := false;
885   // flagsChanged always needs to be passed on to Cocoa
886   if Event.type_ = NSFlagsChanged then
887     AllowCocoaHandle := true;
888 end;
890 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvAfter;
891 var
892   AllowCocoaHandle: Boolean;
893 begin
894   if _IsKeyDown then KeyEvAfterDown(AllowCocoaHandle)
895   else KeyEvAfterUp;
896 end;
898 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.KeyEvHandled;
899 begin
900   _KeyHandled := True;
901 end;
903 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SetTabSuppress(ASuppress: Boolean);
904 begin
905   SuppressTabDown := ASuppress;
906 end;
CanFocusnull908 function TLCLCommonCallback.CanFocus: Boolean;
909 begin
910   Result := not Assigned(Target) or not (csDesigning in Target.ComponentState);
911 end;
913 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.MouseClick;
914 begin
915   LCLSendClickedMsg(Target);
916 end;
isContextMenuEventnull918 function isContextMenuEvent(event: NSEvent): Boolean;
919 begin
920   Result := Assigned(event)
921     and (
922       (Event.type_ = NSRightMouseDown)
923       or(
924         (Event.type_ = NSLeftMouseDown)
925         and (event.modifierFlags_ and NSControlKeyMask <> 0)
926         and (event.clickCount = 1)
927       )
928     );
929 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.MouseUpDownEventnull931 function TLCLCommonCallback.MouseUpDownEvent(Event: NSEvent; AForceAsMouseUp: Boolean = False; AOverrideBlock: Boolean = False): Boolean;
932 const
934 var
935   Msg: TLMMouse;
936   MousePos: NSPoint;
937   MButton: NSInteger;
938   lCaptureControlCallback: ICommonCallback;
939   //Str: string;
940   lEventType: NSEventType;
942   bndPt, clPt, srchPt: TPoint; // clPt - is the one to send to LCL
943                                // srchPt - is the one to use for each chidlren (clPt<>srchPt for TScrollBox)
944   menuHandled : Boolean;
945   mc: Integer; // modal counter
946 begin
947   if Assigned(Owner) and not NSObjectIsLCLEnabled(Owner) then
948   begin
949     Result := True; // Cocoa should not handle the message.
950     Exit;           // LCL should not get the notification either, as the control is disabled.
951   end;
953   // If LCL control is provided and it's in designing state.
954   // The default resolution: Notify LCL about event, but don't let Cocoa
955   // do anything with it. (Result=true)
956   Result := Assigned(Target) and (csDesigning in Target.ComponentState);
958   lCaptureControlCallback := GetCaptureControlCallback();
959   //Str := (Format('MouseUpDownEvent Target=%s Self=%x CaptureControlCallback=%x', [Target.name, PtrUInt(Self), PtrUInt(lCaptureControlCallback)]));
960   if lCaptureControlCallback <> nil then
961   begin
962     FIsEventRouting:=true;
963     Result := lCaptureControlCallback.MouseUpDownEvent(Event, AForceAsMouseUp);
964     FIsEventRouting:=false;
965     exit;
966   end;
968   // The following check prevents the same event to be handled twice
969   // Because of the compositive nature of cocoa.
970   // For example NSTextField (TEdit) may contains NSTextView and BOTH
971   // will signal mouseDown when the field is selected by mouse the first time.
972   // In this case only 1 mouseDown should be passed to LCL
973   if (lastMouseDownUp = Event.timestamp) then begin
974     if not AForceAsMouseUp then Exit; // the same mouse event from a composite child
975     if lastMouseWithForce then Exit; // the same forced mouseUp event from a composite child
976   end;
977   lastMouseDownUp := Event.timestamp;
978   lastMouseWithForce := AForceAsMouseUp;
981   FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), #0);
983   MousePos := Event.locationInWindow;
984   OffsetMousePos(MousePos, bndPt, clPt, srchPt);
986   Msg.Keys := CocoaModifiersToKeyState(Event.modifierFlags) or CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyState(NSEvent.pressedMouseButtons);
988   Msg.XPos := clPt.X;
989   Msg.YPos := clPt.Y;
991   MButton := event.buttonNumber;
992   if MButton >= 3 then
993   begin
994     // high word of XButton messages indicate the X button which is pressed
995     Msg.Keys := Msg.Keys or (MButton - 2) shl 16;
996     MButton := 3;
997   end;
999   lEventType := Event.type_;
1000   if AForceAsMouseUp then
1001     lEventType := NSLeftMouseUp;
1003   Result := Result or (BlockCocoaUpDown and not AOverrideBlock);
1004   mc := CocoaWidgetSet.ModalCounter;
1005   case lEventType of
1006     NSLeftMouseDown,
1007     NSRightMouseDown,
1008     NSOtherMouseDown:
1009     begin
1010       Msg.Msg := CheckMouseButtonDownUp(TLCLIntfHandle(Owner),FTarget,LastMouse,
1011         FTarget.ClientToScreen(Point(Msg.XPos, Msg.YPos)),MButton+1,True);
1013       case LastMouse.ClickCount of
1014         2: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_DOUBLECLICK;
1015         3: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_TRIPLECLICK;
1016         4: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_QUADCLICK;
1017       end;
1019       NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, Msg.Msg);
1020       DeliverMessage(Msg);
1022       // TODO: Check if Cocoa has special context menu check event
1023       //       it does (menuForEvent:), but it doesn't work all the time
1024       //       http://sound-of-silence.com/?article=20150923
1025       if (GetTarget is TControl) and isContextMenuEvent(Event) then
1026       begin
1027         SendContextMenu(Event, menuHandled);
1028         if menuHandled then Result := true;
1029       end;
1030     end;
1031     NSLeftMouseUp,
1032     NSRightMouseUp,
1033     NSOtherMouseUp:
1034     begin
1035       Msg.Msg := CheckMouseButtonDownUp(TLCLIntfHandle(Owner),FTarget,LastMouse,
1036         FTarget.ClientToScreen(Point(Msg.XPos, Msg.YPos)),MButton+1,False);
1037       case LastMouse.ClickCount of
1038         2: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_DOUBLECLICK;
1039         3: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_TRIPLECLICK;
1040         4: Msg.Keys := msg.Keys or MK_QUADCLICK;
1041       end;
1043       NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, Msg.Msg);
1044       DeliverMessage(Msg);
1045     end;
1046   end;
1048   if mc <> CocoaWidgetSet.ModalCounter then
1049   begin
1050     // showing of a modal window is causing "mouse" event to be lost.
1051     // so, preventing Cocoa from handling it
1052     Result := true;
1053     Exit;
1054   end;
1056   //debugln('MouseUpDownEvent:'+DbgS(Msg.Msg)+' Target='+Target.name+);
1057   if not Result then
1058   //Result := Result or (BlockCocoaUpDown and not AOverrideBlock);
1059     case lEventType of
1060       NSLeftMouseDown,
1061       NSRightMouseDown,
1062       NSOtherMouseDown:
1063         TrackedControl := Owner;
1064       NSLeftMouseUp,
1065       NSRightMouseUp,
1066       NSOtherMouseUp:
1067       begin
1068         if TrackedControl = Owner then TrackedControl := nil;
1069         if lEventType = NSLeftMouseUp then
1070           BlockCocoaMouseMove := false;
1071       end;
1072     end;
1073 end;
MouseMovenull1075 function TLCLCommonCallback.MouseMove(Event: NSEvent): Boolean;
1076 var
1077   Msg: TLMMouseMove;
1078   MousePos: NSPoint;
1079   i: integer;
1080   rect: TRect;
1081   //mp: TPoint;
1082   obj: NSObject;
1083   callback: ICommonCallback;
1084   targetControl: TWinControl;
1085   childControl:TWinControl;
1086   bndPt, clPt: TPoint;
1087   MouseTargetLookup: Boolean;
1088   srchPt: TPoint;
1089 begin
1090   if Assigned(Owner) and not NSObjectIsLCLEnabled(Owner) then
1091   begin
1092     Result := True; // Cocoa should not handle the message.
1093     Exit;           // LCL should get the notification either.
1094   end;
1096   // If LCL control is provided and it's in designing state.
1097   // The default resolution: Notify LCL about event, but don't let Cocoa
1098   // do anything with it. (Result=true)
1099   Result := Assigned(Target) and (csDesigning in Target.ComponentState);
1101   MousePos := Event.locationInWindow;
1102   OffsetMousePos(MousePos, bndPt, clPt, srchPt);
1104   // For "dragged" events, the same "Target" should be used
1105   MouseTargetLookup := Event.type_ = NSMouseMoved;
1107   if MouseTargetLookup then
1108   begin
1109     rect:=Owner.lclClientFrame;
1110     targetControl:=nil;
1112     callback := GetCaptureControlCallback();
1113     if callback <> nil then
1114     begin
1115       FIsEventRouting:=true;
1116       Result := callback.MouseMove(Event);
1117       FIsEventRouting:=false;
1118       exit;
1119     end
1120     else
1121     begin
1122       rect:=Target.BoundsRect;
1123       OffsetRect(rect, -rect.Left, -rect.Top);
1124       if (event.type_ = NSMouseMoved) and (not Types.PtInRect(rect, bndPt)) then
1125       begin
1126         // do not send negative coordinates (unless dragging mouse)
1127         Exit;
1128       end;
1130       if assigned(Target.Parent) and not Types.PtInRect(rect, bndPt) then
1131          targetControl:=Target.Parent // outside myself then route to parent
1132       else
1133       for i:=Target.ControlCount-1 downto 0  do // otherwise check, if over child and route to child
1134         if Target.Controls[i] is TWinControl then
1135         begin
1136           childControl:=TWinControl(Target.Controls[i]);
1137           rect:=childControl.BoundsRect;
1138           if Types.PtInRect(rect, srchPt) and childControl.Visible and childControl.Enabled then
1139           begin
1140             targetControl:=childControl;
1141             break;
1142           end;
1143         end;
1144     end;
1146     if assigned(targetControl) and not FIsEventRouting then
1147     begin
1148       if not targetControl.HandleAllocated then Exit; // Fixes crash due to events being sent after ReleaseHandle
1149       FIsEventRouting:=true;
1150        //debugln(Target.name+' -> '+targetControl.Name+'- is parent:'+dbgs(targetControl=Target.Parent)+' Point: '+dbgs(br)+' Rect'+dbgs(rect));
1151       obj := NSObject(targetControl.Handle).lclContentView;
1152       if obj = nil then Exit;
1153       callback := obj.lclGetCallback;
1154       if callback = nil then Exit; // Avoids crashes
1155       result := callback.MouseMove(Event);
1156       FIsEventRouting := false;
1157       exit;
1158     end;
1160     if (Event.type_ = NSMouseMoved) and Owner.lclIsMouseInAuxArea(Event) then
1161     begin
1162       // mouse is over auxillary area that's "blind" to mouse moves
1163       // even though the mouse cursos is within the control bounds.
1164       // (i.e. scrollbars)
1165       Result := false;
1166       Exit;
1167     end;
1168   end;
1170   // debugln('Send to: '+Target.name+' Point: '+dbgs(mp));
1172   FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), #0);
1173   Msg.Msg := LM_MOUSEMOVE;
1174   Msg.Keys := CocoaModifiersToKeyState(Event.modifierFlags) or CocoaPressedMouseButtonsToKeyState(NSEvent.pressedMouseButtons);
1175   Msg.XPos := clPt.X;
1176   Msg.YPos := clPt.Y;
1178   //debugln('MouseMove x='+dbgs(MousePos.X)+' y='+dbgs(MousePos.Y)+' Target='+Target.Name);
1180   NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, Msg.Msg);
1181   Result := DeliverMessage(Msg) <> 0;
1182   if BlockCocoaMouseMove then Result := true;
1183 end;
scrollWheelnull1185 function TLCLCommonCallback.scrollWheel(Event: NSEvent): Boolean;
1186 var
1187   Msg: TLMMouseEvent;
1188   MousePos: NSPoint;
1189   MButton: NSInteger;
1190   bndPt, clPt, srchPt: TPoint;
1191   dx,dy: double;
1192   isPrecise: Boolean;
1193 const
1194   WheelDeltaToLCLY = 1200; // the basic (one wheel-click) is 0.1 on cocoa
1195   WheelDeltaToLCLX = 1200; // the basic (one wheel-click) is 0.1 on cocoa
1196   LCLStep = 120;
1197 begin
1198   Result := False; // allow cocoa to handle message
1200   if Assigned(Target)
1201     and not (csDesigning in Target.ComponentState)
1202     and not NSObjectIsLCLEnabled(Owner) then
1203     Exit;
1205   MousePos := Event.locationInWindow;
1206   OffsetMousePos(MousePos, bndPt, clPt, srchPt);
1208   MButton := event.buttonNumber;
1209   if MButton >= 3 then
1210      MButton := 3;
1212   FillChar(Msg, SizeOf(Msg), #0);
1214   Msg.Button := MButton;
1215   Msg.X := round(clPt.X);
1216   Msg.Y := round(clPt.Y);
1217   Msg.State := CocoaModifiersToShiftState(Event.modifierFlags, NSEvent.pressedMouseButtons);
1219   if NSAppKitVersionNumber >= NSAppKitVersionNumber10_7 then
1220   begin
1221     isPrecise := event.hasPreciseScrollingDeltas;
1222     dx := event.scrollingDeltaX;
1223     dy := event.scrollingDeltaY;
1224   end else
1225   begin
1226     isPrecise := false;
1227     dx := event.deltaX;
1228     dy := event.deltaY;
1229   end;
1231   // Some info on event.deltaY can be found here:
1232   // https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/releasenotes/AppKit/RN-AppKitOlderNotes/
1233   // It says that deltaY=1 means 1 line, and in the LCL 1 line is 120
1234   if dy <> 0 then
1235   begin
1236     Msg.Msg := LM_MOUSEWHEEL;
1237     if isPrecise then
1238       Msg.WheelDelta := Round(dy * LCLStep)
1239     else
1240       Msg.WheelDelta := sign(dy) * LCLStep;
1241   end
1242   else
1243   if dx <> 0 then
1244   begin
1245     Msg.Msg := LM_MOUSEHWHEEL;
1246     // see "deltaX" documentation.
1247     // on macOS: -1 = right, +1 = left
1248     // on LCL:   -1 = left,  +1 = right
1249     if isPrecise then
1250       Msg.WheelDelta := Round(-dx * LCLStep)
1251     else
1252       Msg.WheelDelta := sign(-dx) * LCLStep;
1253   end
1254   else
1255     // Filter out empty events - See bug 28491
1256     Exit;
1258   NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, Msg.Msg);
1259   Result := DeliverMessage(Msg) <> 0;
1260 end;
1262 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.frameDidChange(sender: id);
1263 begin
1264   boundsDidChange(sender);
1265 end;
1267 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.boundsDidChange(sender: id);
1268 var
1269   NewBounds, OldBounds: TRect;
1270   PosMsg: TLMWindowPosChanged;
1271   Resized, Moved, ClientResized: Boolean;
1272   SizeType: Integer;
1273 begin
1274   NewBounds := HandleFrame.lclFrame;
1276   //debugln('Newbounds='+ dbgs(newbounds));
1277   // send window pos changed
1279   PosMsg.Result := 0;
1280   New(PosMsg.WindowPos);
1281   try
1282     with PosMsg.WindowPos^ do
1283     begin
1284       hWndInsertAfter := 0;
1285       x := NewBounds.Left;
1286       y := NewBounds.Right;
1287       cx := NewBounds.Right - NewBounds.Left;
1288       cy := NewBounds.Bottom - NewBounds.Top;
1289       flags := 0;
1290     end;
1291     LCLMessageGlue.DeliverMessage(Target, PosMsg);
1292   finally
1293     Dispose(PosMsg.WindowPos);
1294   end;
1296   OldBounds := Target.BoundsRect;
1297   //debugln('OldBounds Target='+Target.Name+':'+ dbgs(OldBounds));
1299   Resized :=
1300     (OldBounds.Right - OldBounds.Left <> NewBounds.Right - NewBounds.Left) or
1301     (OldBounds.Bottom - OldBounds.Top <> NewBounds.Bottom - NewBounds.Top);
1303   Moved :=
1304     (OldBounds.Left <> NewBounds.Left) or
1305     (OldBounds.Top <> NewBounds.Top);
1307   ClientResized := (sender <> HandleFrame)
1308     and not EqualRect(Target.ClientRect, HandleFrame.lclClientFrame);
1310   // update client rect
1311   if ClientResized or Resized or Target.ClientRectNeedsInterfaceUpdate then
1312   begin
1313     Target.InvalidateClientRectCache(false);
1314     ClientResized := True;
1315   end;
1317   // then send a LM_SIZE message
1318   if Resized or ClientResized then
1319   begin
1320     LCLSendSizeMsg(Target, Max(NewBounds.Right - NewBounds.Left,0),
1321       Max(NewBounds.Bottom - NewBounds.Top,0), Owner.lclWindowState, True);
1322   end;
1324   // then send a LM_MOVE message
1325   if Moved then
1326   begin
1327     LCLSendMoveMsg(Target, NewBounds.Left,
1328       NewBounds.Top, Move_SourceIsInterface);
1329   end;
1331   if not FBoundsReportedToChildren then // first time we need this to update non cocoa based client rects
1332   begin
1333     Target.InvalidateClientRectCache(true);
1334     FBoundsReportedToChildren:=true;
1335   end;
1337 end;
1339 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.BecomeFirstResponder;
1340 begin
1341   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1342   // LCL is unable to determine the "already focused" message
1343   // thus Cocoa related code is doing that.
1344   //if not Target.Focused then
1345     LCLSendSetFocusMsg(Target);
1346 end;
1348 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.ResignFirstResponder;
1349 begin
1350   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1351   LCLSendKillFocusMsg(Target);
1352 end;
1354 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.DidBecomeKeyNotification;
1355 begin
1356   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1357   LCLSendActivateMsg(Target, WA_ACTIVE, false);
1358   LCLSendSetFocusMsg(Target);
1359 end;
1361 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.DidResignKeyNotification;
1362 begin
1363   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1364   LCLSendActivateMsg(Target, WA_INACTIVE, false);
1365   LCLSendKillFocusMsg(Target);
1366 end;
1368 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SendOnChange;
1369 begin
1370   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1371   SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CHANGED);
1372 end;
1374 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SendOnTextChanged;
1375 begin
1376   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1377   SendSimpleMessage(Target, CM_TEXTCHANGED);
1378 end;
1380 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.scroll(isVert: Boolean; Pos: Integer;
1381   AScrollPart: NSScrollerPart);
1382 var
1383   LMScroll: TLMScroll;
1384   b: Boolean;
1385   lclCode: Integer;
1386 begin
1387   FillChar(LMScroll{%H-}, SizeOf(LMScroll), #0);
1388   //todo: this should be a part of a parameter
1389   //LMScroll.ScrollBar := Target.Handle;
1391   if IsVert then
1392     LMScroll.Msg := LM_VSCROLL
1393   else
1394     LMScroll.Msg := LM_HSCROLL;
1396   LMScroll.Pos := Pos;
1397   case AScrollPart of
1398     NSScrollerDecrementPage: lclCode := SB_PAGELEFT;
1399     NSScrollerIncrementPage: lclCode := SB_PAGERIGHT;
1400     NSScrollerDecrementLine: lclCode := SB_LINELEFT;
1401     NSScrollerIncrementLine: lclCode := SB_LINERIGHT;
1402   else
1403     lclCode := SB_THUMBPOSITION;
1404   end;
1405   LMScroll.ScrollCode := lclCode; //SIF_POS;
1407   LCLMessageGlue.DeliverMessage(Target, LMScroll);
1408 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.DeliverMessagenull1410 function TLCLCommonCallback.DeliverMessage(var Msg): LRESULT;
1411 begin
1412   if Assigned(Target) then
1413     Result := LCLMessageGlue.DeliverMessage(Target, Msg)
1414   else
1415     Result := 0;
1416 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.DeliverMessagenull1418 function TLCLCommonCallback.DeliverMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam): LResult;
1419 var
1420   Message: TLMessage;
1421 begin
1422   Message.Msg := Msg;
1423   Message.WParam := WParam;
1424   Message.LParam := LParam;
1425   Message.Result := 0;
1426   Result := DeliverMessage(Message);
1427 end;
1429 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.Draw(ControlContext: NSGraphicsContext;
1430   const bounds, dirty: NSRect);
1431 var
1432   PS: TPaintStruct;
1433   nsr:NSRect;
1434 begin
1435   // todo: think more about draw call while previous draw still active
1436   if Assigned(FContext) then
1437     Exit;
1438   FContext := TCocoaContext.Create(ControlContext);
1439   FContext.isControlDC := True;
1440   try
1441     // debugln('Draw '+Target.name+' bounds='+Dbgs(NSRectToRect(bounds))+' dirty='+Dbgs(NSRectToRect(dirty)));
1442     if FContext.InitDraw(Round(bounds.size.width), Round(bounds.size.height)) then
1443     begin
1444       nsr:=dirty;
1445       nsr.origin.y:=bounds.size.height-dirty.origin.y-dirty.size.height;
1447       if FIsOpaque and (Target.Color<>clDefault) then
1448       begin
1449         FContext.BkMode:=OPAQUE;
1450         FContext.BkColor:=Target.Color;
1451         FContext.BackgroundFill(nsr);
1452         //debugln('Background '+Target.name+Dbgs(NSRectToRect(dirty)));
1453       end;
1455       FillChar(PS, SizeOf(TPaintStruct), 0);
1456       PS.hdc := HDC(FContext);
1457       PS.rcPaint := NSRectToRect(nsr);
1458       LCLSendPaintMsg(Target, HDC(FContext), @PS);
1459       if FHasCaret then
1460         DrawCaret;
1461     end;
1462   finally
1463     FreeAndNil(FContext);
1464   end;
1465 end;
1467 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.DrawBackground(ctx: NSGraphicsContext; const bounds, dirtyRect: NSRect);
1468 var
1469   lTarget: TWinControl;
1470 begin
1471   // Implement Color property
1472   lTarget := TWinControl(GetTarget());
1473   if (lTarget.Color <> clDefault) and (lTarget.Color <> clBtnFace) then
1474   begin
1475     ColorToNSColor(ColorToRGB(lTarget.Color)).set_();
1476     NSRectFill(dirtyRect);
1477   end;
1478 end;
1480 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.DrawOverlay(ControlContext: NSGraphicsContext;
1481   const bounds, dirty: NSRect);
1482 var
1483   PS  : TPaintStruct;
1484   nsr : NSRect;
1485 begin
1486   // todo: think more about draw call while previous draw still active
1487   if Assigned(FContext) then
1488     Exit;
1489   FContext := TCocoaContext.Create(ControlContext);
1490   FContext.isControlDC := True;
1491   FContext.isDesignDC := True;
1492   try
1493     // debugln('Draw '+Target.name+' bounds='+Dbgs(NSRectToRect(bounds))+' dirty='+Dbgs(NSRectToRect(dirty)));
1494     if FContext.InitDraw(Round(bounds.size.width), Round(bounds.size.height)) then
1495     begin
1496       nsr:=dirty;
1497       nsr.origin.y:=bounds.size.height-dirty.origin.y-dirty.size.height;
1499       FillChar(PS, SizeOf(TPaintStruct), 0);
1500       PS.hdc := HDC(FContext);
1501       PS.rcPaint := NSRectToRect(nsr);
1502       LCLSendPaintMsg(Target, HDC(FContext), @PS);
1503     end;
1504   finally
1505     FreeAndNil(FContext);
1506   end;
1507 end;
ResetCursorRectsnull1509 function TLCLCommonCallback.ResetCursorRects: Boolean;
1510 var
1511   ACursor: TCursor;
1512   View: NSView;
1513   cr:TCocoaCursor;
1514 begin
1515   Result := False;
1516   View := HandleFrame.lclContentView;
1517   if View = nil then Exit;
1518   if not Assigned(Target) then Exit;
1519   if not (csDesigning in Target.ComponentState) then
1520   begin
1521     ACursor := Screen.RealCursor;
1522     if ACursor = crDefault then
1523     begin
1524       // traverse visible child controls
1525       ACursor := Target.Cursor;
1526     end;
1527     Result := ACursor <> crDefault;
1528     if Result then
1529     begin
1530       cr:=TCocoaCursor(Screen.Cursors[ACursor]);
1531       if assigned(cr) then
1532       View.addCursorRect_cursor(View.visibleRect, cr.Cursor);
1533     end;
1534   end;
1535 end;
1537 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.RemoveTarget;
1538 begin
1539   FTarget := nil;
1540 end;
1542 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.InputClientInsertText(const utf8: string);
1543 var
1544   i : integer;
1545   c : integer;
1546   ch : TUTF8Char;
1547 begin
1548   if (utf8 = '') then Exit;
1549   i:=1;
1550   while (i<=length(utf8)) do
1551   begin
1552     c := Utf8CodePointLen(@utf8[i], length(utf8)-i+1, false);
1553     ch := Copy(utf8, 1, c);
1554     FTarget.IntfUTF8KeyPress(ch, 1, false);
1555     inc(i, c);
1556   end;
1558 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.GetIsOpaquenull1560 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetIsOpaque: Boolean;
1561 begin
1562   Result:= FIsOpaque;
1563 end;
1565 procedure TLCLCommonCallback.SetIsOpaque(AValue: Boolean);
1566 begin
1567   FIsOpaque:=AValue;
1568 end;
TLCLCommonCallback.GetShouldBeEnablednull1570 function TLCLCommonCallback.GetShouldBeEnabled: Boolean;
1571 begin
1572   Result := Assigned(FTarget) and FTarget.Enabled;
1573 end;
1575 { TCocoaWSControl }
TCocoaWSControl.GetCanvasScaleFactornull1577 class function TCocoaWSControl.GetCanvasScaleFactor(const AControl: TControl
1578   ): Double;
1579 begin
1580   if Assigned(AControl.Parent) then
1581     Result := AControl.Parent.GetCanvasScaleFactor
1582   else
1583     Result := 1;
1584 end;
1586 { TCocoaWSWinControl }
TCocoaWSWinControl.CreateHandlenull1588 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
1589   const AParams: TCreateParams): TLCLIntfHandle;
1590 begin
1591   Result := TCocoaWSCustomControl.CreateHandle(AWinControl, AParams);
1592 end;
1594 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.DestroyHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl);
1595 var
1596   obj: NSObject;
1597   Callback: ICommonCallback;
1598   CallbackObject: TObject;
1599 begin
1600   if not AWinControl.HandleAllocated then
1601     Exit;
1603   if Assigned(CocoaWidgetSet) and (AWinControl.Handle = CocoaWidgetSet.GetCapture) then
1604     CocoaWidgetSet.ReleaseCapture;
1606   obj := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle);
1607   if obj.isKindOfClass_(NSView) then
1608   begin
1609     // no need to "retain" prior to "removeFromSuperview"
1610     // the original referecnce count with "alloc" is not being released
1611     // after "addToSuperview"
1612     NSView(obj).removeFromSuperview;
1613   end
1614   else
1615   if obj.isKindOfClass_(NSWindow) then
1616     NSWindow(obj).close;
1618   // destroy the callback
1619   Callback := obj.lclGetCallback;
1620   if Assigned(Callback) then
1621   begin
1622     if Callback.HasCaret then DestroyCaret(nil);
1623     CallbackObject := Callback.GetCallbackObject;
1624     Callback.RemoveTarget;
1625     Callback := nil;
1626     obj.lclClearCallback;
1627     // Do not free the callback object here. It might be processing an event
1628     // and is performing a self destruction. Thus there might be a code performing
1629     // even after DestroyHandle() was called. The destruction needs to be delayed
1630     // until after the event processing is done
1631     CocoaWidgetSet.AddToCollect(CallbackObject);
1632   end;
1633   obj.release;
1634 end;
TCocoaWSWinControl.GetCanvasScaleFactornull1636 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.GetCanvasScaleFactor(const AControl: TControl
1637   ): Double;
1638 var
1639   obj: NSObject;
1640   win: NSWindow;
1641 begin
1642   win := nil;
1643   Result := 1;
1645   if TWinControl(AControl).HandleAllocated then
1646   begin
1647     obj := NSObject(TWinControl(AControl).Handle);
1648     if obj.isKindOfClass_(NSView) then
1649       win := NSView(obj).window
1650     else if obj.isKindOfClass_(NSWindow) then
1651       win := NSWindow(obj);
1652   end;
1654   if Assigned(win) then
1655   begin
1656     if win.respondsToSelector( ObjCSelector('backingScaleFactor')) then
1657       Result := win.backingScaleFactor
1658     else if win.respondsToSelector( ObjCSelector('userSpaceScaleFactor')) then // for older OSX
1659       Result := win.userSpaceScaleFactor;
1660   end;
1661 end;
1663 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const AText: String);
1664 var
1665   obj: NSObject;
1666 begin
1667   if not AWinControl.HandleAllocated then
1668     Exit;
1669   obj := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle);
1670   if obj.isKindOfClass_(NSControl) then
1671     SetNSControlValue(NSControl(obj), AText);
1672 end;
TCocoaWSWinControl.GetTextnull1674 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.GetText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; var AText: String): Boolean;
1675 var
1676   obj: NSObject;
1677 begin
1678   Result := AWinControl.HandleAllocated;
1679   if not Result then
1680     Exit;
1681   obj := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle);
1682   Result := obj.isKindOfClass_(NSControl);
1683   if Result then
1684     AText := GetNSControlValue(NSControl(obj));
1685 end;
TCocoaWSWinControl.GetTextLennull1687 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.GetTextLen(const AWinControl: TWinControl; var ALength: Integer): Boolean;
1688 var
1689   obj: NSObject;
1690   s: NSString;
1691 begin
1692   Result := AWinControl.HandleAllocated;
1693   if not Result then
1694     Exit;
1696   obj := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle);
1697   Result := obj.isKindOfClass_(NSControl);
1698   if not Result then Exit;
1700   s := NSControl(obj).stringValue;
1701   if Assigned(s) then
1702     ALength := s.length
1703   else
1704     ALength := 0
1705 end;
TCocoaWSWinControl.GetClientBoundsnull1707 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.GetClientBounds(const AWincontrol: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect): Boolean;
1708 begin
1709   Result := AWinControl.HandleAllocated;
1710   if Result then
1711     ARect := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclClientFrame;
1712 end;
TCocoaWSWinControl.GetClientRectnull1714 class function TCocoaWSWinControl.GetClientRect(const AWincontrol: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect): Boolean;
1715 begin
1716   Result:=(AWinControl.Handle<>0);
1717   if not Result then Exit;
1718   ARect:=NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclClientFrame;
1719   if (ARect.Left<>0) or (ARect.Top<>0) then
1720     OffsetRect(ARect, -ARect.Left, -ARect.Top);
1721 end;
1723 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.GetPreferredSize(
1724   const AWinControl: TWinControl; var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: integer;
1725   WithThemeSpace: Boolean);
1726 var
1727   lView: NSView;
1728   Size: NSSize;
1729   r: TRect;
1730 begin
1731   if not AWinControl.HandleAllocated then Exit;
1733   lView := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclContentView;
1734   if lView = nil then Exit;
1736   //todo: using fittingSize is wrong - it's based on constraints of the control solely.
1737   //CocoaWidgetset is not using these constrains. As a result, CocoaComboBox
1738   //produces wrong size: width 3 and height 26 (or OSX 10.9)
1739   //as well as SpinEdit itself. The better approach is to use intrinsicContentSize method.
1740   // Felipe: intrinsicContentSize doesn't give any better results in my tests, it results in even smaller controls
1741   if lView.respondsToSelector(objcselector('fittingSize')) then // fittingSize is 10.7+
1742   begin
1743     Size := lView.fittingSize();
1744     r := lview.lclGetFrameToLayoutDelta;
1745     PreferredWidth := Round(Size.width) - r.Left + r.Right;
1746     PreferredHeight := Round(Size.height) - r.Top + r.Bottom;
1747   end;
1748 end;
1750 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetBounds(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
1751   const ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
1752 var
1753   cb : ICommonCallBack;
1754   r  : TRect;
1755 begin
1756   if AWinControl.HandleAllocated then
1757   begin
1759     writeln(Format('TCocoaWSWinControl.SetBounds: %s Bounds=%s',
1760       [AWinControl.Name, dbgs(Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight))]));
1761     {$ENDIF}
1762     NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclSetFrame(Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight));
1763   end;
1764 end;
1766 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetCursor(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
1767   const ACursor: HCursor);
1768 begin
1769   //debugln('SetCursor '+AWinControl.name+' '+dbgs(ACursor));
1770   if CocoaWidgetSet.CurrentCursor<>ACursor then
1771   begin
1772     CocoaWidgetSet.CurrentCursor:= ACursor;
1774     if ACursor<>0 then
1775       TCocoaCursor(ACursor).SetCursor
1776     else
1777       TCocoaCursor.SetDefaultCursor;
1778   end;
1779 end;
1781 type
1782   NSFontSetter = objccategory external(NSObject)
1783     procedure setFont(afont: NSFont); message 'setFont:';
1784     procedure setTextColor(clr: NSColor); message 'setTextColor:';
1785   end;
1787 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetFont(const AWinControl: TWinControl; const AFont: TFont);
1788 var
1789   Obj: NSObject;
1790   Cell: NSCell;
1791   Str: NSAttributedString;
1792   NewStr: NSMutableAttributedString;
1793   Range: NSRange;
1794 begin
1795   if not (AWinControl.HandleAllocated) then Exit;
1797   Obj := NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclContentView;
1799   if Obj.respondsToSelector(ObjCSelector('setFont:')) then
1800     Obj.setFont(TCocoaFont(AFont.Reference.Handle).Font);
1802   if Obj.respondsToSelector(ObjCSelector('setTextColor:')) then
1803   begin
1804     if AFont.Color = clDefault then
1805       Obj.setTextColor(NSColor.controlTextColor)
1806     else
1807       Obj.setTextColor(ColorToNSColor(ColorToRGB(AFont.Color)));
1808   end;
1809 end;
1811 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetColor(const AWinControl: TWinControl);
1812 begin
1813   invalidate(AWinControl);
1814 end;
indexInListnull1816 function indexInList(ctrl: id; l: TFPList): integer;
1817 var
1818  i : integer;
1819 begin
1820   for i:=0 to l.Count-1 do
1821     if PtrUInt(TWinControl(l[i]).Handle)=PtrUInt(ctrl) then
1822     begin
1823       Result:=i;
1824       exit;
1825     end;
1826   Result:=-1;
1827 end;
SortHandlesnull1829 function SortHandles(param1: id; param2: id; param3: Pointer): NSComparisonResult; cdecl;
1830 var
1831   i1,i2: integer;
1832 begin
1833   i1:=indexInList(param1, TFPList(param3));
1834   i2:=indexInList(param2, TFPList(param3));
1835   if i1<i2 then Result:=NSOrderedDescending
1836   else if i1>i2 then Result:=NSOrderedAscending
1837   else Result:=NSOrderedSame;
1838 end;
1840 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.SetChildZPosition(const AWinControl,
1841   AChild: TWinControl; const AOldPos, ANewPos: Integer; const AChildren: TFPList
1842   );
1843 var
1844   pr : NSView;
1845   ch : NSView;
1846   ab : NSView;
1847   c  : TObject;
1848   i  : integer;
1849 begin
1850   if (not AWinControl.HandleAllocated) or (not AChild.HandleAllocated) then Exit;
1852   pr := NSView(AWinControl.Handle).lclContentView;
1854   //todo: sorting might be a better option than removing / adding a view
1855   //      (whenever a focused (firstrepsonder view) is moved to front, focus is lost.
1856   //      if that's not the case for sorting, then sorting *must* be used
1857   //      current problem, is that during sorting a new order needs to be determined
1858   //      (the desired order is given in AChildren list).
1859   //      however, on every comparison, an index must be searched withing a list.
1860   //      and that might be very slow! (if a lot of sibling controls is present)
1861   //      instead of a search, it's beter to store the desired sorting order with a view
1862   //      itself. However, that requires adding additional methods  lclSetNewOrder and lclGetNewOrder
1863   //
1864   //pr.sortSubviewsUsingFunction_context(@SortHandles, AChildren);
1865   //
1866   // if sorting is used, all code below is not needed
1868   ch:=NSView(AChild.Handle);
1870   // The way of changing the order in an array of views
1871   // is to remove a view and then reinstert it at the new spot
1872   ch.retain();
1873   try
1874     ch.removeFromSuperview();
1875     if ANewPos=0 then
1876     begin
1877       pr.addSubview_positioned_relativeTo(ch, NSWindowBelow, nil)
1878     end
1879     else
1880     begin
1881       i:=AChildren.Count-ANewPos;
1882       c:=TObject(AChildren[i]);
1883       if c is TWinControl then
1884       begin
1885         c:=TObject(AChildren[i]);
1886         ab:=NSView(TWinControl(c).Handle);
1887       end
1888       else
1889         ab:=nil;
1890       pr.addSubview_positioned_relativeTo(ch, NSWindowAbove, ab);
1891     end;
1892   finally
1893     ch.release();
1894   end;
1896   //NSView(AChild.Handle).moveDown
1897   //inherited SetChildZPosition(AWinControl, AChild, AOldPos, ANewPos, AChildren);
1898 end;
1900 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.ShowHide(const AWinControl: TWinControl);
1901 var
1902   lShow: Boolean;
1903 begin
1904   //WriteLn(Format('[TCocoaWSWinControl.ShowHide] AWinControl=%s %s', [AWinControl.Name, AWinControl.ClassName]));
1905   if AWinControl.HandleAllocated then
1906   begin
1907     lShow := AWinControl.HandleObjectShouldBeVisible;
1909     NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclSetVisible(lShow);
1910   end;
1911 end;
1913 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.Invalidate(const AWinControl: TWinControl);
1914 begin
1915   if AWinControl.HandleAllocated then
1916      NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).lclInvalidate;
1917 end;
1919 class procedure TCocoaWSWinControl.PaintTo(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
1920   ADC: HDC; X, Y: Integer);
1921 var
1922   bc : TCocoaBitmapContext;
1923   v  : NSView;
1924   b  : NSBitmapImageRep;
1925   obj : NSObject;
1926   f  : NSRect;
1927 begin
1928   if not (TObject(ADC) is TCocoaBitmapContext) then Exit;
1929   if not NSObject(AWinControl.Handle).isKindOfClass(NSView) then Exit;
1930   bc := TCocoaBitmapContext(ADC);
1931   v := NSView(AWinControl.Handle);
1932   f := v.frame;
1933   f.origin.x := 0;
1934   f.origin.y := 0;
1936   b := v.bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect(f);
1938   v.cacheDisplayInRect_toBitmapImageRep(f, b);
1939   bc.DrawImageRep(
1940     NSMakeRect(0,0, f.size.width, f.size.height),
1941     f, b);
1942 end;
1944 { TCocoaWSCustomControl }
TCocoaWSCustomControl.CreateHandlenull1946 class function TCocoaWSCustomControl.CreateHandle(const AWinControl: TWinControl;
1947   const AParams: TCreateParams): TLCLIntfHandle;
1948 var
1949   ctrl : TCocoaCustomControl;
1950   sl   : TCocoaManualScrollView;
1951   hs   : TCocoaManualScrollHost;
1952   lcl  : TLCLCommonCallback;
1954 begin
1955   ctrl := TCocoaCustomControl(TCocoaCustomControl.alloc.lclInitWithCreateParams(AParams));
1956   lcl := TLCLCommonCallback.Create(ctrl, AWinControl);
1957   lcl.BlockCocoaUpDown := true;
1958   lcl.BlockCocoaKeyBeep := true; // prevent "dings" on keyDown for custom controls (i.e. SynEdit)
1959   ctrl.callback := lcl;
1961   sl := EmbedInManualScrollView(ctrl);
1962   sl.callback := ctrl.callback;
1964   hs := EmbedInManualScrollHost(sl);
1965   hs.callback := ctrl.callback;
1966   lcl.HandleFrame:=hs;
1968   ScrollViewSetBorderStyle(hs, TCustomControl(AWinControl).BorderStyle );
1970   Result := TLCLIntfHandle(hs);
1971 end;
1973 class procedure TCocoaWSCustomControl.SetBorderStyle(
1974   const AWinControl: TWinControl; const ABorderStyle: TBorderStyle);
1975 begin
1976   if not Assigned(AWinControl) or not (AWinControl.HandleAllocated) then Exit;
1977   ScrollViewSetBorderStyle(  TCocoaManualScrollHost(AWinControl.Handle), ABorderStyle );
1978 end;
HWNDToTargetObjectnull1980 function HWNDToTargetObject(AFormHandle: HWND): TObject;
1981 var
1982   cb : ICommonCallback;
1983 begin
1984   Result := nil;
1985   if AFormHandle = 0 then Exit;
1986   cb := NSObject(AFormHandle).lclGetCallback;
1987   if not Assigned(cb) then Exit;
1988   Result := cb.GetTarget;
1989 end;
NSObjectDebugStrnull1991 function NSObjectDebugStr(obj: NSObject): string;
1992 begin
1993   Result := IntToStr(PtrUInt(obj));
1994   if Assigned(obj) then
1995     Result := Result +' '+obj.lclClassName+' lcl: '+CallbackDebugStr(obj.lclGetCallback);
1996 end;
CallbackDebugStrnull1998 function CallbackDebugStr(cb: ICommonCallback): string;
1999 var
2000   trg : TObject;
2001 begin
2002   Result := IntToStr(PtrUInt(cb));
2003   if Assigned(cb) then
2004   begin
2005     trg := cb.GetTarget;
2006     Result := Result + ' trg: '+IntToStr(PtrUInt(trg));
2007     if Assigned(trg) then
2008     begin
2009       Result := Result + ' '+trg.ClassName;
2010       if trg is TWinControl then
2011         Result := Result +' '+TWinControl(trg).Name;
2012     end;
2013   end;
2014 end;
2016 procedure DebugDumpParents(fromView: NSView);
2017 begin
2018   while Assigned(fromView) do begin
2019     writeln(fromView.lclClassName);
2020     fromView := fromView.superView;
2021   end;
2022 end;
2024 end.