1 {  $Id$  }
2 {
3  /***************************************************************************
4                             lclstrconsts.pas
5                             ----------------
6      This unit contains all resource strings of the LCL (not interfaces)
9  ***************************************************************************/
11  *****************************************************************************
12   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
14   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
15   for details about the license.
16  *****************************************************************************
17 }
18 unit LCLStrConsts;
20 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22 interface
24 resourceString
25   // message/input dialog buttons
26   rsMbYes          = '&Yes';
27   rsMbNo           = '&No';
28   rsMbOK           = '&OK';
29   rsMbCancel       = 'Cancel';
30   rsMbAbort        = 'Abort';
31   rsMbRetry        = '&Retry';
32   rsMbIgnore       = '&Ignore';
33   rsMbAll          = '&All';
34   rsMbNoToAll      = 'No to all';
35   rsMbYesToAll     = 'Yes to &All';
36   rsMbHelp         = '&Help';
37   rsMbClose        = '&Close';
38   rsmbOpen         = '&Open';
39   rsmbSave         = '&Save';
40   rsmbUnlock       = '&Unlock';
42   rsMtWarning      = 'Warning';
43   rsMtError        = 'Error';
44   rsMtInformation  = 'Information';
45   rsMtConfirmation = 'Confirmation';
46   rsMtAuthentication = 'Authentication';
47   rsMtCustom       = 'Custom';
49   // file dialog
50   rsfdOpenFile           = 'Open existing file';
51   rsfdOverwriteFile      = 'Overwrite file ?';
52   rsfdFileAlreadyExists  = 'The file "%s" already exists. Overwrite ?';
53   rsfdPathMustExist      = 'Path must exist';
54   rsfdPathNoExist        = 'The path "%s" does not exist.';
55   rsfdFileMustExist      = 'File must exist';
56   rsfdDirectoryMustExist = 'Directory must exist';
57   rsfdFileNotExist       = 'The file "%s" does not exist.';
58   rsfdDirectoryNotExist  = 'The directory "%s" does not exist.';
59   rsFind = 'Find';
60   rsfdFileReadOnlyTitle  = 'File is not writable';
61   rsfdFileReadOnly       = 'The file "%s" is not writable.';
62   rsfdFileSaveAs         = 'Save file as';
63   rsAllFiles = 'All files (%s)|%s|%s';
64   rsfdSelectDirectory    = 'Select Directory';
65   rsDirectory            = '&Directory';
67   // Select color dialog
68   rsSelectcolorTitle    = 'Select color';
70   // Select font dialog
71   rsSelectFontTitle     = 'Select a font';
72   rsFindMore = 'Find more';
73   rsReplace = 'Replace';
74   rsReplaceAll = 'Replace all';
76   rsHelp = 'Help';
78   // DBGrid
79   rsDeleteRecord = 'Delete record?';
81   // DBCtrls
82   rsFirstRecordHint = 'First';
83   rsPriorRecordHint = 'Prior';
84   rsNextRecordHint = 'Next';
85   rsLastRecordHint = 'Last';
86   rsInsertRecordHint = 'Insert';
87   rsDeleteRecordHint = 'Delete';
88   rsEditRecordHint = 'Edit';
89   rsPostRecordHint = 'Post';
90   rsCancelRecordHint = 'Cancel';
91   rsRefreshRecordsHint = 'Refresh';
93   // macOS (cocoa) interface
94   rsMacOSMenuHide = 'Hide %s';
95   rsMacOSMenuHideOthers = 'Hide Others';
96   rsMacOSMenuQuit = 'Quit %s';
97   rsMacOSMenuServices = 'Services';
98   rsMacOSMenuShowAll = 'Show All';
99   rsMacOSFileFormat = 'File Format:'; // used of FileDialog
101   // gtk interface
102   rsWarningUnremovedPaintMessages = ' WARNING: There are %s unremoved LM_'
103     +'PAINT/LM_GtkPAINT message links left.';
104   rsWarningUnreleasedDCsDump = ' WARNING: There are %d unreleased DCs, a '
105     +'detailed dump follows:';
106   rsWarningUnreleasedGDIObjectsDump = ' WARNING: There are %d unreleased '
107     +'GDIObjects, a detailed dump follows:';
108   rsWarningUnreleasedMessagesInQueue = ' WARNING: There are %d messages left '
109     +'in the queue! I''ll free them';
110   rsWarningUnreleasedTimerInfos = ' WARNING: There are %d TimerInfo '
111     +'structures left, I''ll free them';
112   rsFileInformation = 'File information';
113   rsgtkFilter = 'Filter:';
114   rsgtkHistory = 'History:';
115   rsDefaultFileInfoValue = 'permissions user group size date time';
116   rsBlank = 'Blank';
117   rsUnableToLoadDefaultFont = 'Unable to load default font';
118   rsFileInfoFileNotFound = '(file not found: "%s")';
119   rsgtkOptionNoTransient = '--lcl-no-transient    Do not set transient order for'
120     +' modal forms';
121   rsgtkOptionModule = '--gtk-module module   Load the specified module at '
122     +'startup.';
123   rsgOptionFatalWarnings = '--g-fatal-warnings    Warnings and errors '
124     +'generated by Gtk+/GDK will halt the application.';
125   rsgtkOptionDebug = '--gtk-debug flags     Turn on specific Gtk+ trace/'
126     +'debug messages.';
127   rsgtkOptionNoDebug = '--gtk-no-debug flags  Turn off specific Gtk+ trace/'
128     +'debug messages.';
129   rsgdkOptionDebug = '--gdk-debug flags     Turn on specific GDK trace/debug '
130     +'messages.';
131   rsgdkOptionNoDebug = '--gdk-no-debug flags  Turn off specific GDK trace/'
132     +'debug messages.';
133   rsgtkOptionDisplay = '--display h:s:d       Connect to the specified X '
134     +'server, where "h" is the hostname, "s" is the server number (usually 0), '
135     +'and "d" is the display number (typically omitted). If --display is not '
136     +'specified, the DISPLAY environment variable is used.';
137   rsgtkOptionSync = '--sync                Call XSynchronize (display, True) '
138     +'after the Xserver connection has been established. This makes debugging '
139     +'X protocol errors easier, because X request buffering will be disabled '
140     +'and X errors will be received immediately after the protocol request that '
141     +'generated the error has been processed by the X server.';
142   rsgtkOptionNoXshm = '--no-xshm             Disable use of the X Shared '
143     +'Memory Extension.';
144   rsgtkOptionName = '--name programe       Set program name to "progname". '
145     +'If not specified, program name will be set to ParamStrUTF8(0).';
146   rsgtkOptionClass = '--class classname     Following Xt conventions, the '
147     +'class of a program is the program name with the initial character '
148     +'capitalized. For example, the classname for gimp is "Gimp". If --class '
149     +'is specified, the class of the program will be set to "classname".';
151   // qt interface
152   rsqtOptionNoGrab = '-nograb, tells Qt that it must never grab '
153     +'the mouse or the keyboard. Need QT_DEBUG.';
154   rsqtOptionDoGrab = '-dograb (only under X11), running under a debugger can '
155     +'cause an implicit -nograb, use -dograb to override. Need QT_DEBUG.';
156   rsqtOptionSync = '-sync (only under X11), switches to synchronous mode '
157     +'for debugging.';
158   rsqtOptionStyle = '-style style or -style=style, sets the application GUI '
159     +'style. Possible values are motif, windows, and platinum. If you compiled '
160     +'Qt with additional styles or have additional styles as plugins these '
161     +'will be available to the -style  command line option. NOTE: Not all '
162     +'styles are available on all platforms. If style param does not exist '
163     +'Qt will start an application with default common style (windows).';
164   rsqtOptionStyleSheet = '-stylesheet stylesheet or -stylesheet=stylesheet, '
165     +'sets the application Style Sheet. '
166     +'The value must be a path to a file that contains the Style Sheet. '
167     +'Note: Relative URLs in the Style Sheet file are relative '
168     +'to the Style Sheet file''s path.';
169   rsqtOptionGraphicsStyle = '-graphicssystem param, sets the backend to be '
170    +'used for on-screen widgets and QPixmaps. '
171    +'Available options are native, raster and opengl. OpenGL is still unstable.';
172   rsqtOptionSession = '-session session, restores the application from an '
173     +'earlier session.';
174   rsqtOptionWidgetCount = '-widgetcount, prints debug message at the end about '
175     +'number of widgets left undestroyed and maximum number of widgets existed '
176     +'at the same time.';
177   rsqtOptionReverse = '-reverse, sets the application''s layout direction '
178     +'to Qt::RightToLeft.';
179   // qt X11 options
180   rsqtOptionX11Display = '-display display, sets the X display (default is $DISPLAY).';
181   rsqtOptionX11Geometry = '-geometry geometry, sets the client geometry of '
182     +'the first window that is shown.';
183   rsqtOptionX11Font = '-fn or -font font, defines the application font. The '
184     +'font should be specified using an X logical font description.';
185   rsqtOptionX11BgColor = '-bg or -background color, sets the default background '
186     +'color and an application palette (light and dark shades are calculated).';
187   rsqtOptionX11FgColor = '-fg or -foreground color, sets the default foreground color.';
188   rsqtOptionX11BtnColor = '-btn or -button color, sets the default button color.';
189   rsqtOptionX11Name = '-name name, sets the application name.';
190   rsqtOptionX11Title = '-title title, sets the application title.';
191   rsqtOptionX11Visual = '-visual TrueColor, forces the application to use a '
192     +'TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display.';
193   rsqtOptionX11NCols = '-ncols count, limits the number of colors allocated '
194     +'in the color cube on an 8-bit display, if the application is using the '
195     +'QApplication::ManyColor color specification. If count is 216 then a '
196     +'6x6x6 color cube is used (i.e. 6 levels of red, 6 of green, and 6 of '
197     +'blue); for other values, a cube approximately proportional to a 2x3x1 '
198     +'cube is used.';
199   rsqtOptionX11CMap = '-cmap, causes the application to install a private '
200     +'color map on an 8-bit display.';
201   rsqtOptionX11IM = '-im, sets the input method server (equivalent to setting '
202     +'the XMODIFIERS environment variable).';
203   rsqtOptionX11InputStyle = '-inputstyle, defines how the input is inserted '
204     +'into the given widget, e.g. onTheSpot makes the input appear directly '
205     +'in the widget, while overTheSpot makes the input appear in a box '
206     +'floating over the widget and is not inserted until the editing is done.';
208   rsqtOptionDisableAccurateFrame = '-disableaccurateframe, disables fully accurate '
209     +'window frame under X11. This feature is implemented for Qt, Qt5 and Gtk2 interfaces '
210     +'and used mostly by GetWindowRect().';
212   // win32 interface
213   rsWin32Warning = 'Warning:';
214   rsWin32Error = 'Error:';
216   // LResource, Menus, ExtCtrls, ImgList, Spin
217   // StdCtrls, Calendar, CustomTimer, Forms, Grids, LCLProc, Controls, ComCtrls,
218   // ExtDlgs, EditBtn, MaskEdit
219   sInvalidActionRegistration = 'Invalid action registration';
220   sInvalidActionUnregistration = 'Invalid action unregistration';
221   sInvalidActionEnumeration = 'Invalid action enumeration';
222   sInvalidActionCreation = 'Invalid action creation';
223   sMenuNotFound   = 'Sub-menu is not in menu';
224   sMenuIndexError = 'Menu index out of range';
225   sMenuItemIsNil  = 'MenuItem is nil';
226   sNoTimers = 'No timers available';
227   sInvalidIndex = 'Invalid ImageList Index';
228   sInvalidImageSize = 'Invalid image size';
229   sDuplicateMenus = 'Duplicate menus';
230   sCannotFocus = 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window';
231   sParentRequired = 'Control "%s" has no parent window.';
232   SMaskEditNoMatch = 'The current text does not match the specified mask.';
234   rsInvalidPropertyValue = 'Invalid property value';
235   rsPropertyDoesNotExist = 'Property %s does not exist';
236   rsInvalidStreamFormat = 'Invalid stream format';
237   rsInvalidFormObjectStream = 'invalid Form object stream';
238   rsScrollBarOutOfRange = 'ScrollBar property out of range';
239   rsInvalidDate = 'Invalid Date : %s';
240   rsInvalidDateRangeHint = 'Invalid Date: %s. Must be between %s and %s';
241   rsErrorOccurredInAtAddressFrame = 'Error occurred in %s at %sAddress %s%s'
242     +' Frame %s';
243   rsException = 'Exception';
244   rsFormStreamingError = 'Form streaming "%s" error: %s';
245   rsFixedColsTooBig = 'FixedCols can''t be > ColCount';
246   rsFixedRowsTooBig = 'FixedRows can''t be > RowCount';
247   rsGridFileDoesNotExist = 'Grid file doesn''t exist';
248   rsNotAValidGridFile = 'Not a valid grid file';
249   rsIndexOutOfRange = 'Index Out of range Cell[Col=%d Row=%d]';
250   rsGridIndexOutOfRange = 'Grid index out of range.';
251   rsGridHasNoRows = 'Cannot insert columns into a grid when it has no rows';
252   rsGridHasNoCols = 'Cannot insert rows into a grid when it has no columns';
253   rsAControlCanNotHaveItselfAsParent = 'A control can''t have itself as a parent';
254   rsControlHasNoParentWindow = 'Control ''%s'' has no parent window';
255   rsControlHasNoParentFormOrFrame = 'Control ''%s'' has no parent form or frame';
256   rsControlIsNotAParent = '''%s'' is not a parent of ''%s''';
257   rsControlClassCantContainChildClass = 'Control of class ''%s'' can''t have control of class ''%s'' as a child';
258   rsASCannotHaveAsParent = 'Class %s cannot have %s as parent.';
259   lisLCLResourceSNotFound = 'Resource %s not found';
260   rsFormResourceSNotFoundForResourcelessFormsCreateNew = 'Form resource %s '
261     +'not found. For resourceless forms CreateNew constructor must be used.'
262     +' See the global variable RequireDerivedFormResource.';
263   rsErrorCreatingDeviceContext = 'Error creating device context for %s.%s';
264   rsIndexOutOfBounds = '%s Index %d out of bounds 0 .. %d';
265   rsUnknownPictureExtension = 'Unknown picture extension';
266   rsUnknownPictureFormat = 'Unknown picture format';
267   rsBitmaps = 'Bitmaps';
268   rsPixmap = 'Pixmap';
269   rsPortableNetworkGraphic = 'Portable Network Graphic';
270   rsPortableBitmap = 'Portable BitMap';
271   rsPortableGrayMap = 'Portable GrayMap';
272   rsPortablePixmap = 'Portable PixMap';
273   rsIcon = 'Icon';
274   rsIcns = 'Mac OS X Icon';
275   rsCursor = 'Cursor';
276   rsJpeg = 'Joint Picture Expert Group';
277   rsTiff = 'Tagged Image File Format';
278   rsGIF = 'Graphics Interchange Format';
279   rsGraphic = 'Graphic';
280   rsUnsupportedClipboardFormat = 'Unsupported clipboard format: %s';
281   rsGroupIndexCannotBeLessThanPrevious = 'GroupIndex cannot be less than a '
282     +'previous menu item''s GroupIndex';
283   rsIsAlreadyAssociatedWith = '%s is already associated with %s';
284   rsCanvasDoesNotAllowDrawing = 'Canvas does not allow drawing';
285   rsUnsupportedBitmapFormat = 'Unsupported bitmap format.';
286   rsErrorWhileSavingBitmap = 'Error while saving bitmap.';
287   rsDuplicateIconFormat = 'Duplicate icon format.';
288   rsIconImageEmpty = 'Icon image cannot be empty';
289   rsIconImageSize = 'Icon image must have the same size';
290   rsIconNoCurrent = 'Icon has no current image';
291   rsIconImageFormat = 'Icon image must have the same format';
292   rsIconImageFormatChange = 'Cannot change format of icon image';
293   rsIconImageSizeChange = 'Cannot change size of icon image';
294   rsRasterImageUpdateAll = 'Cannot begin update all when canvas only update in progress';
295   rsRasterImageEndUpdate = 'Endupdate while no update in progress';
296   rsRasterImageSaveInUpdate = 'Cannot save image while update in progress';
297   rsNoWidgetSet = 'No widgetset object. '
298     +'Please check if the unit "interfaces" was added to the programs uses clause.';
299   rsPressOkToIgnoreAndRiskDataCorruptionPressAbortToK = '%s'
300     +'%sPress OK to ignore and risk data corruption.'
301     +'%sPress Abort to kill the program.';
302   rsCanNotFocus = 'Can not focus';
303   rsListIndexExceedsBounds = 'List index exceeds bounds (%d)';
304   rsResourceNotFound = 'Resource %s not found';
305   rsCalculator = 'Calculator';
306   rsError      = 'Error';
307   rsPickDate   = 'Select a date';
308   rsSize = '  size ';
309   rsModified = '  modified ';
310   rsDoCopy = 'Copy';
311   rsDoPaste = 'Paste';
313   // ShellCtrls
314   sShellCtrlsName = 'Name';
315   sShellCtrlsSize = 'Size';
316   sShellCtrlsType = 'Type';
317   sShellCtrlsMB = '%s MB';
318   sShellCtrlsKB = '%s kB';
319   sShellCtrlsBytes = '%s bytes';
320   sShellCtrlsInvalidRoot = 'Invalid pathname:'#13'"%s"';
321   sShellCtrlsSelectedItemDoesNotExists = 'The selected item does not exist on disk:'#13'"%s"';
322   sShellCtrlsInvalidPath = 'Invalid pathname:'#13'"%s"';
323   sShellCtrlsInvalidPathRelative = 'Invalid relative pathname:'#13'"%s"'#13
324     +'in relation to rootpath:'#13'"%s"';
326   ifsVK_UNKNOWN    = 'Unknown';
327   ifsVK_SHIFT      = 'Shift';
328   ifsVK_META       = 'Meta';
329   ifsVK_CMD        = 'Cmd';
330   ifsVK_SUPER      = 'Super';
331   ifsVK_HELP       = 'Help';
332   ifsCtrl          = 'Ctrl';
333   ifsAlt           = 'Alt';
335   rsWholeWordsOnly = 'Whole words only';
336   rsCaseSensitive  = 'Case sensitive';
337   rsPromptOnReplace= 'Prompt on replace';
338   rsEntireScope    = 'Search entire file';
339   rsText           = 'Text';
340   rsDirection      = 'Direction';
341   rsForward        = 'Forward';
342   rsBackward       = 'Backward';
344   // menu key captions
345   SmkcBkSp = 'BkSp';
346   SmkcTab = 'Tab';
347   SmkcEsc = 'Esc';
348   SmkcEnter = 'Enter';
349   SmkcSpace = 'Space';
350   SmkcPgUp = 'PgUp';
351   SmkcPgDn = 'PgDn';
352   SmkcEnd = 'End';
353   SmkcHome = 'Home';
354   SmkcLeft = 'Left';
355   SmkcUp = 'Up';
356   SmkcRight = 'Right';
357   SmkcDown = 'Down';
358   SmkcIns = 'Ins';
359   SmkcDel = 'Del';
360   SmkcShift = 'Shift+';
361   SmkcCtrl = 'Ctrl+';
362   SmkcAlt = 'Alt+';
363   SmkcMeta = 'Meta+';
365   // help
366   rsHelpHelpNodeHasNoHelpDatabase = 'Help node "%s" has no Help Database';
367   rsHelpThereIsNoViewerForHelpType = 'There is no viewer for help type "%s"';
368   rsHelpHelpDatabaseDidNotFoundAViewerForAHelpPageOfType = 'Help Database "%s" '
369     +'did not find a viewer for a help page of type %s';
370   rsHelpAlreadyRegistered = '%s: Already registered';
371   rsHelpNotRegistered = '%s: Not registered';
372   rsHelpHelpDatabaseNotFound = 'Help Database "%s" not found';
373   rsHelpHelpKeywordNotFoundInDatabase = 'Help keyword "%s" not found in Database "%s".';
374   rsHelpHelpKeywordNotFound = 'Help keyword "%s" not found.';
375   rsHelpHelpForDirectiveNotFoundInDatabase = 'Help for directive "%s" not found in '
376     +'Database "%s".';
377   rsHelpHelpForDirectiveNotFound = 'Help for directive "%s" not found.';
378   rsHelpHelpContextNotFoundInDatabase = 'Help context %s not found in Database "%s".';
379   rsHelpHelpContextNotFound = 'Help context %s not found.';
380   rsHelpNoHelpFoundForSource = 'No help found for line %d, column %d of %s.';
381   rsHelpNoHelpNodesAvailable = 'No help entries available for this topic';
382   rsHelpError = 'Help Error';
383   rsHelpDatabaseNotFound = 'There is no help database installed for this topic';
384   rsHelpContextNotFound = 'A help database was found for this topic, but this topic was not found';
385   rsHelpViewerNotFound = 'No viewer was found for this type of help content';
386   rsHelpNotFound = 'No help found for this topic';
387   rsHelpViewerError = 'Help Viewer Error';
388   rsHelpSelectorError = 'Help Selector Error';
389   rsUnknownErrorPleaseReportThisBug = 'Unknown Error, please report this bug';
391   hhsHelpTheHelpDatabaseWasUnableToFindFile = 'The help database "%s" was '
392     +'unable to find file "%s".';
393   rsTheBuiltInURLIsReadOnlyChangeTheBaseURLInstead = 'The built-in URL is read'
394     +' only. Change the BaseURL instead.';
395   hhsHelpTheMacroSInBrowserParamsWillBeReplacedByTheURL = 'The macro %s in '
396     +'BrowserParams will be replaced by the URL.';
397   hhsHelpNoHTMLBrowserFoundPleaseDefineOne = 'No HTML Browser found.'
398     +'%sPlease define one in Tools -> Options -> Help -> Help Options';
399   hhsHelpNoHTMLBrowserFound = 'Unable to find a HTML browser.';
400   hhsHelpBrowserNotFound = 'Browser "%s" not found.';
401   hhsHelpBrowserNotExecutable = 'Browser "%s" not executable.';
402   hhsHelpErrorWhileExecuting = 'Error while executing "%s":%s%s';
404   // parser
405   SParExpected                  = 'Wrong token type: %s expected';
406   SParInvalidInteger            = 'Invalid integer number: %s';
407   SParWrongTokenType            = 'Wrong token type: %s expected but %s found';
408   SParInvalidFloat              = 'Invalid floating point number: %s';
409   SParWrongTokenSymbol          = 'Wrong token symbol: %s expected but %s found';
410   SParUnterminatedString        = 'Unterminated string';
411   SParLocInfo                   = ' (at %d,%d, stream offset %d)';
412   SParUnterminatedBinValue      = 'Unterminated byte value';
414   // colorbox
415   rsCustomColorCaption = 'Custom ...';
416   rsBlackColorCaption = 'Black';
417   rsMaroonColorCaption = 'Maroon';
418   rsGreenColorCaption = 'Green';
419   rsOliveColorCaption = 'Olive';
420   rsNavyColorCaption = 'Navy';
421   rsPurpleColorCaption = 'Purple';
422   rsTealColorCaption = 'Teal';
423   rsGrayColorCaption = 'Gray';
424   rsSilverColorCaption = 'Silver';
425   rsRedColorCaption = 'Red';
426   rsLimeColorCaption = 'Lime';
427   rsYellowColorCaption = 'Yellow';
428   rsBlueColorCaption = 'Blue';
429   rsFuchsiaColorCaption = 'Fuchsia';
430   rsAquaColorCaption = 'Aqua';
431   rsWhiteColorCaption = 'White';
432   rsMoneyGreenColorCaption = 'Money Green';
433   rsSkyBlueColorCaption = 'Sky Blue';
434   rsCreamColorCaption = 'Cream';
435   rsMedGrayColorCaption = 'Medium Gray';
436   rsNoneColorCaption = 'None';
437   rsDefaultColorCaption = 'Default';
438   rsScrollBarColorCaption = 'ScrollBar';
439   rsBackgroundColorCaption = 'Desktop';
440   rsActiveCaptionColorCaption = 'Active Caption';
441   rsInactiveCaptionColorCaption = 'Inactive Caption';
442   rsMenuColorCaption = 'Menu';
443   rsWindowColorCaption = 'Window';
444   rsWindowFrameColorCaption = 'Window Frame';
445   rsMenuTextColorCaption = 'Menu Text';
446   rsWindowTextColorCaption = 'Window Text';
447   rsCaptionTextColorCaption = 'Caption Text';
448   rsActiveBorderColorCaption = 'Active Border';
449   rsInactiveBorderColorCaption = 'Inactive Border';
450   rsAppWorkspaceColorCaption = 'Application Workspace';
451   rsHighlightColorCaption = 'Highlight';
452   rsHighlightTextColorCaption = 'Highlight Text';
453   rsBtnFaceColorCaption = 'Button Face';
454   rsBtnShadowColorCaption = 'Button Shadow';
455   rsGrayTextColorCaption = 'Gray Text';
456   rsBtnTextColorCaption = 'Button Text';
457   rsInactiveCaptionText = 'Inactive Caption';
458   rsBtnHighlightColorCaption = 'Button Highlight';
459   rs3DDkShadowColorCaption = '3D Dark Shadow';
460   rs3DLightColorCaption = '3D Light';
461   rsInfoTextColorCaption = 'Info Text';
462   rsInfoBkColorCaption = 'Info Background';
463   rsHotLightColorCaption = 'Hot Light';
464   rsGradientActiveCaptionColorCaption = 'Gradient Active Caption';
465   rsGradientInactiveCaptionColorCaption = 'Gradient Inactive Caption';
466   rsMenuHighlightColorCaption = 'Menu Highlight';
467   rsMenuBarColorCaption = 'Menu Bar';
468   rsFormColorCaption = 'Form';
470   rsFilter = '(filter)';
472   // Accessibility
473   rsTTreeViewAccessibilityDescription = 'A tree of items';
474   rsTPanelAccessibilityDescription = 'Panel';
475   rsTSplitterAccessibilityDescription = 'A grip to control how much size to give two parts of an area';
476   rsTCustomTabControlAccessibilityDescription = 'A control with tabs';
478 implementation
480 end.