1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                                    ShellCtrls.pas
4                                    ------------
7  ***************************************************************************/
9  *****************************************************************************
10   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
12   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
13   for details about the license.
14  *****************************************************************************
15 }
16 unit ShellCtrls;
18 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
20 {.$define debug_shellctrls}
22 interface
24 uses
25   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
26   // LCL
27   Forms, Graphics, ComCtrls, LCLProc, LCLType, LCLStrConsts, Types,
28   // LazUtils
29   FileUtil, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, Masks;
31 {$if defined(Windows) or defined(darwin) or defined(HASAMIGA))}
32 {$define CaseInsensitiveFilenames}
33 {$endif}
34 {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames)}
35 {$DEFINE NotLiteralFilenames}
36 {$ENDIF}
38 type
40   { TObjectTypes }
42   TObjectType = (otFolders, otNonFolders, otHidden);
44   TObjectTypes = set of TObjectType;
46   TFileSortType = (fstNone, fstAlphabet, fstFoldersFirst);
48   TMaskCaseSensitivity = (mcsPlatformDefault, mcsCaseInsensitive, mcsCaseSensitive);
50   { Forward declaration of the classes }
52   TCustomShellTreeView = class;
53   TCustomShellListView = class;
55   { TCustomShellTreeView }
57   TAddItemEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const ABasePath: String;
58                             const AFileInfo: TSearchRec; var CanAdd: Boolean) of object;
60   TCustomShellTreeView = class(TCustomTreeView)
61   private
62     FObjectTypes: TObjectTypes;
63     FRoot: string;
64     FShellListView: TCustomShellListView;
65     FFileSortType: TFileSortType;
66     FInitialRoot: String;
67     FUseBuiltinIcons: Boolean;
68     FOnAddItem: TAddItemEvent;
69     { Setters and getters }
GetPathnull70     function GetPath: string;
71     procedure SetFileSortType(const AValue: TFileSortType);
72     procedure SetObjectTypes(AValue: TObjectTypes);
73     procedure SetPath(AValue: string);
74     procedure SetRoot(const AValue: string);
75     procedure SetShellListView(const Value: TCustomShellListView);
76     procedure SetUseBuiltinIcons(const AValue: Boolean);
77   protected
78     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
79     procedure DoCreateNodeClass(var NewNodeClass: TTreeNodeClass); override;
80     procedure Loaded; override;
CreateNodenull81     function CreateNode: TTreeNode; override;
82     { Other methods specific to Lazarus }
PopulateTreeNodeWithFilesnull83     function  PopulateTreeNodeWithFiles(
84       ANode: TTreeNode; ANodePath: string): Boolean;
85     procedure DoSelectionChanged; override;
86     procedure DoAddItem(const ABasePath: String; const AFileInfo: TSearchRec; var CanAdd: Boolean);
CanExpandnull87     function CanExpand(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; override;
DrawBuiltInIconnull88     function DrawBuiltInIcon(ANode: TTreeNode; ARect: TRect): TSize; override;
GetBuiltinIconSizenull89     function GetBuiltinIconSize: TSize; override;
NodeHasChildrennull90     function NodeHasChildren(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean; override;
91   public
92     { Basic methods }
93     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
94     destructor Destroy; override;
96     { Methods specific to Lazarus - useful for other classes }
GetBasePathnull97     class function  GetBasePath: string;
GetRootPathnull98     function  GetRootPath: string;
99     { Other methods specific to Lazarus }
GetPathFromNodenull100     function  GetPathFromNode(ANode: TTreeNode): string;
101     procedure PopulateWithBaseFiles;
102     procedure Refresh(ANode: TTreeNode); overload;
103     property UseBuiltinIcons: Boolean read FUseBuiltinIcons write SetUseBuiltinIcons default true;
105     { Properties }
106     property ObjectTypes: TObjectTypes read FObjectTypes write SetObjectTypes;
107     property ShellListView: TCustomShellListView read FShellListView write SetShellListView;
108     property FileSortType: TFileSortType read FFileSortType write SetFileSortType;
109     property Root: string read FRoot write SetRoot;
110     property Path: string read GetPath write SetPath;
111     property OnAddItem: TAddItemEvent read FOnAddItem write FOnAddItem;
112     { Protected properties which users may want to access, see bug 15374 }
113     property Items;
114   end;
116   { TShellTreeView }
118   TShellTreeView = class(TCustomShellTreeView)
119   published
120     { TCustomTreeView properties }
121     property Align;
122     property Anchors;
123     property AutoExpand;
124     property BorderSpacing;
125     //property BiDiMode;
126     property BackgroundColor;
127     property BorderStyle;
128     property BorderWidth;
129     property Color;
130     property Constraints;
131     property Enabled;
132     property ExpandSignType;
133     property Font;
134     property FileSortType;
135     property HideSelection;
136     property HotTrack;
137     property Images;
138     property Indent;
139     property MultiSelectStyle;
140     //property ParentBiDiMode;
141     property ParentColor default False;
142     property ParentFont;
143     property ParentShowHint;
144     property PopupMenu;
145     property ReadOnly;
146     property RightClickSelect;
147     property Root;
148     property RowSelect;
149     property ScrollBars;
150     property SelectionColor;
151     property ShowButtons;
152     property ShowHint;
153     property ShowLines;
154     property ShowRoot;
155     property StateImages;
156     property TabOrder;
157     property TabStop default True;
158     property Tag;
159     property ToolTips;
160     property Visible;
161     property OnAddItem;
162     property OnAdvancedCustomDraw;
163     property OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem;
164     property OnChange;
165     property OnChanging;
166     property OnClick;
167     property OnCollapsed;
168     property OnCollapsing;
169     property OnCustomDraw;
170     property OnCustomDrawItem;
171     property OnDblClick;
172     property OnEdited;
173     property OnEditing;
174     property OnEnter;
175     property OnExit;
176     property OnExpanded;
177     property OnExpanding;
178     property OnGetImageIndex;
179     property OnGetSelectedIndex;
180     property OnHasChildren;
181     property OnKeyDown;
182     property OnKeyPress;
183     property OnKeyUp;
184     property OnMouseDown;
185     property OnMouseEnter;
186     property OnMouseLeave;
187     property OnMouseMove;
188     property OnMouseUp;
189     property OnMouseWheel;
190     property OnMouseWheelDown;
191     property OnMouseWheelUp;
192     property OnMouseWheelHorz;
193     property OnMouseWheelLeft;
194     property OnMouseWheelRight;
195     property OnSelectionChanged;
196     property OnShowHint;
197     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
198     property Options;
199     property TreeLineColor;
200     property TreeLinePenStyle;
201     property ExpandSignColor;
202     { TCustomShellTreeView properties }
203     property ObjectTypes;
204     property ShellListView;
205   end;
207   { TCustomShellListView }
209   TCSLVFileAddedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem) of object;
211   TCustomShellListView = class(TCustomListView)
212   private
213     FAutoSizeColumns: Boolean;
214     FMask: string;
215     FMaskCaseSensitivity: TMaskCaseSensitivity;
216     FObjectTypes: TObjectTypes;
217     FRoot: string;
218     FShellTreeView: TCustomShellTreeView;
219     FUseBuiltInIcons: Boolean;
220     FOnAddItem: TAddItemEvent;
221     FOnFileAdded: TCSLVFileAddedEvent;
222     { Setters and getters }
223     procedure SetMask(const AValue: string);
224     procedure SetMaskCaseSensitivity(AValue: TMaskCaseSensitivity);
225     procedure SetShellTreeView(const Value: TCustomShellTreeView);
226     procedure SetRoot(const Value: string);
227   protected
228     { Methods specific to Lazarus }
229     class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
230     procedure PopulateWithRoot();
231     procedure Resize; override;
232     procedure SetAutoSizeColumns(const Value: Boolean); virtual;
233     procedure DoAddItem(const ABasePath: String; const AFileInfo: TSearchRec; var CanAdd: Boolean);
GetBuiltinImageIndexnull234     function GetBuiltinImageIndex(const AFileName: String; ALargeImage: Boolean): Integer;
235     property OnFileAdded: TCSLVFileAddedEvent read FOnFileAdded write FOnFileAdded;
236   public
237     { Basic methods }
238     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
239     destructor Destroy; override;
240     { Methods specific to Lazarus }
GetPathFromItemnull241     function GetPathFromItem(ANode: TListItem): string;
242     { Properties }
243     property AutoSizeColumns: Boolean read FAutoSizeColumns write SetAutoSizeColumns default true;
244     property Mask: string read FMask write SetMask; // Can be used to conect to other controls
245     property MaskCaseSensitivity: TMaskCaseSensitivity read FMaskCaseSensitivity write SetMaskCaseSensitivity default mcsPlatformDefault;
246     property ObjectTypes: TObjectTypes read FObjectTypes write FObjectTypes;
247     property Root: string read FRoot write SetRoot;
248     property ShellTreeView: TCustomShellTreeView read FShellTreeView write SetShellTreeView;
249     property UseBuiltInIcons: Boolean read FUseBuiltinIcons write FUseBuiltInIcons default true;
250     property OnAddItem: TAddItemEvent read FOnAddItem write FOnAddItem;
251     { Protected properties which users may want to access, see bug 15374 }
252     property Items;
253   end;
255   { TShellListView }
257   TShellListView = class(TCustomShellListView)
258   public
259     property Columns;
260   published
261     { TCustomListView properties
262       The same as TListView excluding data properties }
263     property Align;
264     property AutoSizeColumns;
265     property Anchors;
266     property BorderSpacing;
267     property BorderStyle;
268     property BorderWidth;
269 //    property Checkboxes;
270     property Color default clWindow;
271 //    property ColumnClick;
272     property Constraints;
273     property DragCursor;
274     property DragMode;
275 //    property DefaultItemHeight;
276 //    property DropTarget;
277     property Enabled;
278 //    property FlatScrollBars;
279     property Font;
280 //    property FullDrag;
281 //    property GridLines;
282     property HideSelection;
283 //    property HotTrack;
284 //    property HotTrackStyles;
285 //    property HoverTime;
286     property LargeImages;
287     property LargeImagesWidth;
288     property Mask;
289     property MaskCaseSensitivity;
290     property MultiSelect;
291 //    property OwnerData;
292 //    property OwnerDraw;
293     property ParentColor default False;
294     property ParentFont;
295     property ParentShowHint;
296     property PopupMenu;
297     property ReadOnly;
298     property RowSelect;
299     property ScrollBars;
300     property ShowColumnHeaders;
301     property ShowHint;
302 //    property ShowWorkAreas;
303     property SmallImages;
304     property SmallImagesWidth;
305     property SortColumn;
306     property SortType;
307     property StateImages;
308     property TabStop;
309     property TabOrder;
310     property ToolTips;
311     property Visible;
312     property ViewStyle default vsReport;
313 //    property OnAdvancedCustomDraw;
314 //    property OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem;
315 //    property OnAdvancedCustomDrawSubItem;
316     property OnChange;
317     property OnClick;
318     property OnColumnClick;
319     property OnCompare;
320     property OnContextPopup;
321 //    property OnCustomDraw;
322 //    property OnCustomDrawItem;
323 //    property OnCustomDrawSubItem;
324     property OnDblClick;
325     property OnDeletion;
326     property OnDragDrop;
327     property OnDragOver;
328     property OnEdited;
329     property OnEditing;
330     property OnEndDrag;
331     property OnKeyDown;
332     property OnKeyPress;
333     property OnKeyUp;
334     property OnMouseDown;
335     property OnMouseEnter;
336     property OnMouseLeave;
337     property OnMouseMove;
338     property OnMouseUp;
339     property OnMouseWheel;
340     property OnMouseWheelDown;
341     property OnMouseWheelUp;
342     property OnMouseWheelHorz;
343     property OnMouseWheelLeft;
344     property OnMouseWheelRight;
345     property OnResize;
346     property OnSelectItem;
347     property OnStartDrag;
348     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
349     property OnAddItem;
350     property OnFileAdded;
351     { TCustomShellListView properties }
352     property ObjectTypes;
353     property Root;
354     property ShellTreeView;
355   end;
357   { TShellTreeNode }
359   TShellTreeNode = class(TTreeNode)
360   private
361     FFileInfo: TSearchRec;
362     FBasePath: String;
363   protected
364     procedure SetBasePath(ABasePath: String);
365   public
ShortFilenamenull366     function ShortFilename: String;
FullFilenamenull367     function FullFilename: String;
IsDirectorynull368     function IsDirectory: Boolean;
370     property BasePath: String read FBasePath;
371   end;
373   EShellCtrl = class(Exception);
374   EInvalidPath = class(EShellCtrl);
DbgSnull376 function DbgS(OT: TObjectTypes): String; overload;
DbgSnull377 function DbgS(CS: TMaskCaseSensitivity): String; overload;
379 procedure Register;
381 implementation
383 uses WSShellCtrls
384 {$ifdef windows}
385   ,Windows, ShellApi
386 {$endif};
388 const
389   //no need to localize, it's a message for the programmer
390   sShellTreeViewIncorrectNodeType = 'TShellTreeView: the newly created node is not a TShellTreeNode!';
391   MaskCaseSensitivityStrings: array[TMaskCaseSensitivity] of String = ('mcsPlatformDefault', 'mcsCaseInsensitive', 'mcsCaseSensitive');
393 function DbgS(OT: TObjectTypes): String; overload;
394 begin
395   Result := '[';
396   if (otFolders in OT) then Result := Result + 'otFolders,';
397   if (otNonFolders in OT) then Result := Result + 'otNonFolders,';
398   if (otHidden in OT) then Result := Result + 'otHidden';
399   if Result[Length(Result)] = ',' then System.Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
400   Result := Result + ']';
401 end;
403 function DbgS(CS: TMaskCaseSensitivity): String;
404 begin
405   Result := MaskCaseSensitivityStrings[CS];
406 end;
408 { TFileItem : internal helper class used for temporarily storing info in an internal TStrings component}
409 type
410   { TFileItem }
411   TFileItem = class(TObject)
412   private
413     FFileInfo: TSearchRec;
414     FBasePath: String;
415   public
416     //more data to sort by size, date... etc
417     isFolder: Boolean;
418     constructor Create(const DirInfo: TSearchRec; ABasePath: String);
419     property FileInfo: TSearchRec read FFileInfo write FFileInfo;
420   end;
423 constructor TFileItem.Create(const DirInfo:TSearchRec; ABasePath: String);
424 begin
425   FFileInfo := DirInfo;
426   FBasePath:= ABasePath;
427   isFolder:=DirInfo.Attr and FaDirectory > 0;
428 end;
431 { TShellTreeNode }
433 procedure TShellTreeNode.SetBasePath(ABasePath: String);
434 begin
435   FBasePath := ABasePath;
436 end;
ShortFilenamenull439 function TShellTreeNode.ShortFilename: String;
440 begin
441   Result := ExtractFileName(FFileInfo.Name);
442   if (Result = '') then Result := FFileInfo.Name;
443 end;
FullFilenamenull445 function TShellTreeNode.FullFilename: String;
446 begin
447   if (FBasePath <> '') then
448     Result := AppendPathDelim(FBasePath) + FFileInfo.Name
449   else
450     //root nodes
451     Result := FFileInfo.Name;
452   {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
453   if (Length(Result) = 2) and (Result[2] = DriveSeparator) then
454     Result := Result + PathDelim;
455   {$endif}
456 end;
IsDirectorynull458 function TShellTreeNode.IsDirectory: Boolean;
459 begin
460   Result := ((FFileInfo.Attr and faDirectory) > 0);
461 end;
464 { TCustomShellTreeView }
466 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetShellListView(
467   const Value: TCustomShellListView);
468 var
469   Tmp: TCustomShellListView;
470 begin
471   if FShellListView = Value then Exit;
473   if Assigned(FShellListView) then
474   begin
475     Tmp := FShellListView;
476     FShellListView := nil;
477     Tmp.ShellTreeView := nil;
478   end;
480   FShellListView := Value;
482   // Update the pair, it will then update itself
483   // in the setter of this property
484   // Updates only if necessary to avoid circular calls of the setters
485   if Assigned(Value) and (Value.ShellTreeView <> Self) then
486     Value.ShellTreeView := Self;
487 end;
489 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetUseBuiltinIcons(const AValue: Boolean);
490 begin
491   if FUseBuiltinIcons = AValue then exit;
492   FUseBuiltinIcons := AValue;
493   Invalidate;
494 end;
496 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.DoCreateNodeClass(
497   var NewNodeClass: TTreeNodeClass);
498 begin
499   NewNodeClass := TShellTreeNode;
500   inherited DoCreateNodeClass(NewNodeClass);
501 end;
503 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.Loaded;
504 begin
505   inherited Loaded;
506   if (FInitialRoot = '') then
507     PopulateWithBaseFiles()
508   else
509     SetRoot(FInitialRoot);
510 end;
CreateNodenull512 function TCustomShellTreeView.CreateNode: TTreeNode;
513 begin
514   Result := inherited CreateNode;
515   //just in case someone attaches a new OnCreateNodeClass which does not return a TShellTreeNode (sub)class
516   if not (Result is TShellTreeNode) then
517     Raise EShellCtrl.Create(sShellTreeViewIncorrectNodeType);
518 end;
520 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetRoot(const AValue: string);
521 var
522   RootNode: TTreeNode;
523 begin
524   if FRoot=AValue then exit;
525   if (csLoading in ComponentState) then
526   begin
527     FInitialRoot := AValue;
528     Exit;
529   end;
530   //Delphi raises an exception in this case, but don't crash the IDE at designtime
531   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
532      and (AValue <> '')
533      and not DirectoryExistsUtf8(ExpandFilenameUtf8(AValue)) then
534      Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidRoot,[ExpandFileNameUtf8(AValue)]);
535   if (AValue = '') then
536     FRoot := GetBasePath
537   else
538     FRoot:=AValue;
539   Items.Clear;
540   if FRoot = '' then
541   begin
542     PopulateWithBaseFiles()
543   end
544   else
545   begin
546     //Add a node for Root and expand it (issue #0024230)
547     //Make FRoot contain fully qualified pathname, we need it later in GetPathFromNode()
548     FRoot := ExpandFileNameUtf8(FRoot);
549     //Set RootNode.Text to AValue so user can choose if text is fully qualified path or not
550     RootNode := Items.AddChild(nil, AValue);
551     TShellTreeNode(RootNode).FFileInfo.Attr := FileGetAttr(FRoot);
552     TShellTreeNode(RootNode).FFileInfo.Name := FRoot;
553     TShellTreeNode(RootNode).SetBasePath('');
554     RootNode.HasChildren := True;
555     RootNode.Expand(False);
556   end;
557   if Assigned(ShellListView) then
558     ShellListView.Root := FRoot;
559 end;
561 // ToDo: Optimize, now the tree is populated in constructor, SetRoot and SetFileSortType.
562 // For some reason it does not show in performance really.
563 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetFileSortType(const AValue: TFileSortType);
564 var
565   RootNode: TTreeNode;
566   CurrPath: String;
567 begin
568   if FFileSortType=AValue then exit;
569   FFileSortType:=AValue;
570   if (([csLoading,csDesigning] * ComponentState) <> []) then Exit;
571   CurrPath := GetPath;
572   try
573     BeginUpdate;
574     Items.Clear;
575     if FRoot = '' then
576       PopulateWithBaseFiles()
577     else
578     begin
579       RootNode := Items.AddChild(nil, FRoot);
580       RootNode.HasChildren := True;
581       RootNode.Expand(False);
582       try
583        SetPath(CurrPath);
584       except
585         // CurrPath may have been removed in the mean time by another process, just ignore
586         on E: EInvalidPath do ;//
587       end;
588     end;
589   finally
590     EndUpdate;
591   end;
592 end;
594 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetObjectTypes(AValue: TObjectTypes);
595 var
596   CurrPath: String;
597 begin
598   if FObjectTypes = AValue then Exit;
599   FObjectTypes := AValue;
600   if (csLoading in ComponentState) then Exit;
601   CurrPath := GetPath;
602   try
603     BeginUpdate;
604     Refresh(nil);
605     try
606        SetPath(CurrPath);
607     except
608       // CurrPath may have been removed in the mean time by another process, just ignore
609       on E: EInvalidPath do ;//
610     end;
611   finally
612     EndUpdate;
613   end;
614 end;
TCustomShellTreeView.CanExpandnull616 function TCustomShellTreeView.CanExpand(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
617 var
618   OldAutoExpand: Boolean;
619 begin
620   Result:=inherited CanExpand(Node);
621   if not Result then exit;
622   OldAutoExpand:=AutoExpand;
623   AutoExpand:=False;
624   BeginUpdate;
625   try
626     Node.DeleteChildren;
627     Result := PopulateTreeNodeWithFiles(Node, GetPathFromNode(Node));
628     AutoExpand:=OldAutoExpand;
629   finally
630     EndUpdate;
631   end;
632 end;
634 constructor TCustomShellTreeView.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
635 begin
636   inherited Create(AOwner);
637   FInitialRoot := '';
638   FUseBuiltinIcons := true;
640   // Initial property values
641   FObjectTypes:= [otFolders];
643   // Populating the base dirs is done in Loaded
644 end;
646 destructor TCustomShellTreeView.Destroy;
647 begin
648   ShellListView := nil;
649   inherited Destroy;
650 end;
FilesSortAlphabetnull652 function FilesSortAlphabet(p1, p2: Pointer): Integer;
653 var
654   f1, f2: TFileItem;
655 begin
656   f1:=TFileItem(p1);
657   f2:=TFileItem(p2);
658   Result:=CompareText(f1.FileInfo.Name, f2.FileInfo.Name);
659 end;
FilesSortFoldersFirstnull661 function FilesSortFoldersFirst(p1,p2: Pointer): Integer;
662 var
663   f1, f2: TFileItem;
664 begin
665   f1:=TFileItem(p1);
666   f2:=TFileItem(p2);
667   if f1.isFolder=f2.isFolder then
668     Result:=FilesSortAlphabet(p1,p2)
669   else begin
670     if f1.isFolder then Result:=-1
671     else Result:=1;
672   end;
674 end;
676 { Helper routine.
677   Finds all files/directories directly inside a directory.
678   Does not recurse inside subdirectories.
680   AResult will contain TFileItem objects upon return, make sure to free them in the calling routine
682   AMask may contain multiple file masks separated by ;
683 }
684 procedure GetFilesInDir(const ABaseDir: string; AMask: string;
685   AObjectTypes: TObjectTypes; AResult: TStrings; AFileSortType: TFileSortType;
686   ACaseSensitivity: TMaskCaseSensitivity = mcsPlatformDefault);
687 var
688   DirInfo: TSearchRec;
689   FindResult, i: Integer;
690   IsDirectory, IsValidDirectory, IsHidden, AddFile, UseMaskList: Boolean;
691   SearchStr, ShortFilename: string;
692   MaskList: TMaskList = nil;
693   Files: TList;
694   FileItem: TFileItem;
695   MaskOptions: TMaskOptions;
696   {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
697   ErrMode : LongWord;
698   {$endif}
699 begin
700   {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
701   // disables the error dialog, while enumerating not-available drives
702   // for example listing A: path, without diskette present.
703   // WARNING: Since Application.ProcessMessages is called, it might effect some operations!
705   try
706   {$endif}
707     while (Length(AMask) > 0) and (AMask[Length(AMask)] = ';') do
708       Delete(AMask, Length(AMask), 1);
709     if Trim(AMask) = '' then
710       AMask := AllFilesMask;
711     //Use a TMaksList if more than 1 mask is specified or if MaskCaseSensitivity differs from the platform default behaviour
712     UseMaskList := (Pos(';', AMask) > 0) or
713                    {$ifdef NotLiteralFilenames}
714                    (ACaseSensitivity = mcsCaseSensitive)
715                    {$else}
716                    (ACaseSensitivity = mcsCaseInsensitive)
717                    {$endif}
718                    ;
719     if UseMaskList then
720     begin
721       //Disable the use of sets in the masklist.
722       //this behaviour would be incompatible with the situation if no MaskList was used
723       //and it would break backwards compatibilty and could raise unexpected EConvertError where it did not in the past.
724       //If you need sets in the MaskList, use the OnAddItem event for that. (BB)
725       MaskOptions := [moDisableSets];
726       {$ifdef NotLiteralFilenames}
727       if (ACaseSensitivity = mcsCaseSensitive) then
728         MaskOptions := [moDisableSets, moCaseSensitive];
729       {$else}
730       if (ACaseSensitivity <> mcsCaseInsensitive) then
731         MaskOptions := [moDisableSets, moCaseSensitive];
732       {$endif}
733       MaskList := TMaskList.Create(AMask, ';', MaskOptions);  //False by default
734     end;
736     try
737       if AFileSortType = fstNone then
738         Files:=nil
739       else
740         Files := TList.Create;
742       i := 0;
743       if UseMaskList then
744         SearchStr := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ABaseDir) + AllFilesMask
745       else
746         SearchStr := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ABaseDir) + AMask; //single mask, let FindFirst/FindNext handle matching
748       FindResult := FindFirstUTF8(SearchStr, faAnyFile, DirInfo);
749       while (FindResult = 0) do
750       begin
751         ShortFilename := DirInfo.Name;
752         IsValidDirectory := (ShortFilename <> '.') and (ShortFilename <> '..');
753         //no need to call MaskListMatches (which loops through all masks) if ShortFileName is '.' or '..' since we never process this
754         if ((not UseMaskList) or MaskList.Matches(DirInfo.Name)) and IsValidDirectory  then
755         begin
756           inc(i);
757           if i = 100 then
758           begin
759             Application.ProcessMessages;
760             i := 0;
761           end;
762           IsDirectory := (DirInfo.Attr and FaDirectory = FaDirectory);
763           IsHidden := (DirInfo.Attr and faHidden{%H-} = faHidden{%H-});
765           // First check if we show hidden files
766           if IsHidden then
767             AddFile := (otHidden in AObjectTypes)
768           else
769             AddFile := True;
771           // If it is a directory, check if it is a valid one
772           if IsDirectory then
773             AddFile := AddFile and ((otFolders in AObjectTypes) and IsValidDirectory)
774           else
775             AddFile := AddFile and (otNonFolders in AObjectTypes);
777           // AddFile identifies if the file is valid or not
778           if AddFile then
779           begin
780             if Assigned(Files) then
781               Files.Add(TFileItem.Create(DirInfo, ABaseDir))
782             else
783               AResult.AddObject(ShortFilename, TFileItem.Create(DirInfo, ABaseDir));
784           end;
785         end;// Filename matches the mask
786         FindResult := FindNextUTF8(DirInfo);
787       end; //FindResult = 0
789       FindCloseUTF8(DirInfo);
790     finally
791       MaskList.Free;
792     end;
794     if Assigned(Files) then
795     begin
796       case AFileSortType of
797         fstAlphabet:     Files.Sort(@FilesSortAlphabet);
798         fstFoldersFirst: Files.Sort(@FilesSortFoldersFirst);
799       end;
801       for i:=0 to Files.Count-1 do
802       begin
803         FileItem:=TFileItem(Files[i]);
804         AResult.AddObject(FileItem.FileInfo.Name, FileItem);
805       end;
806       //don't free the TFileItems here, they will freed by the calling routine
807       Files.Free;
808     end;
810   {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
811   finally
812      SetErrorMode(ErrMode);
813   end;
814   {$endif}
815 end;
817 class function TCustomShellTreeView.GetBasePath: string;
818 begin
819   {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
820   Result := '';
821   {$endif}
822   {$ifdef wince}
823   Result := '\';
824   {$endif}
825   {$ifdef unix}
826   Result := '/';
827   {$endif}
828   {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
829   Result := '';
830   {$endif}
831 end;
GetRootPathnull833 function TCustomShellTreeView.GetRootPath: string;
834 begin
835   if FRoot <> '' then
836     Result := FRoot
837   else
838     Result := GetBasePath();
839   if Result <> '' then
840     Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result);
841 end;
NodeHasChildrennull843 function TCustomShellTreeView.NodeHasChildren(Node: TTreeNode): Boolean;
845   function HasSubDir(Const ADir: String): Boolean;
846   var
847     SR: TSearchRec;
848     FindRes: LongInt;
849     Attr: Longint;
850     IsHidden: Boolean;
851   begin
852     Result:=False;
853     try
854       Attr := faDirectory;
855       if (otHidden in fObjectTypes) then Attr := Attr or faHidden{%H-};
856       FindRes := FindFirstUTF8(AppendPathDelim(ADir) + AllFilesMask, Attr , SR);
857       while (FindRes = 0) do
858       begin
859         if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory <> 0) and (SR.Name <> '.') and
860            (SR.Name <> '..')) then
861         begin
862           IsHidden := ((Attr and faHidden{%H-}) > 0);
863           if not (IsHidden and (not ((otHidden in fObjectTypes)))) then
864           begin
865             Result := True;
866             Break;
867           end;
868         end;
869         FindRes := FindNextUtf8(SR);
870       end;
871     finally
872       FindCloseUTF8(SR);
873     end; //try
874   end;
876 var
877   NodePath: String;
878 begin
879   if Assigned(OnHasChildren) then
880     Result := OnHasChildren(Self, Node)
881   else
882   begin
883     NodePath := GetPathFromNode(Node);
884     if (fObjectTypes * [otNonFolders] = []) then
885       Result := TShellTreeNode(Node).IsDirectory and HasSubDir(NodePath)
886     else
887       Result := TShellTreeNode(Node).IsDirectory;
888   end;
889 end;
891 { Returns true if at least one item was added, false otherwise }
PopulateTreeNodeWithFilesnull892 function TCustomShellTreeView.PopulateTreeNodeWithFiles(
893   ANode: TTreeNode; ANodePath: string): Boolean;
894 var
895   i: Integer;
896   Files: TStringList;
897   NewNode: TTreeNode;
898   CanAdd: Boolean;
899 begin
900   Result := False;
901   // avoids crashes in the IDE by not populating during design
902   if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
904   Files := TStringList.Create;
905   Items.BeginUpdate;
906   try
907     Files.OwnsObjects := True;
908     GetFilesInDir(ANodePath, AllFilesMask, FObjectTypes, Files, FFileSortType);
909     Result := Files.Count > 0;
911     for i := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do
912     begin
913       CanAdd := True;
914       with TFileItem(Files.Objects[i]) do DoAddItem(FBasePath, FileInfo, CanAdd);
915       if CanAdd then
916       begin
917         NewNode := Items.AddChildObject(ANode, Files[i], nil);
918         TShellTreeNode(NewNode).FFileInfo := TFileItem(Files.Objects[i]).FileInfo;
919         TShellTreeNode(NewNode).SetBasePath(TFileItem(Files.Objects[i]).FBasePath);
920         // NewNode.HasChildren will be set later when needed to avoid opening
921         // all subdirectories (--> NodeHasChildren).
922       end;
923     end;
924   finally
925     Files.Free;
926     Items.EndUpdate;
927   end;
928 end;
930 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.PopulateWithBaseFiles;
931 {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
932 var
933   r: LongWord;
934   Drives: array[0..128] of char;
935   pDrive: PChar;
936   NewNode: TTreeNode;
937 begin
938   // avoids crashes in the IDE by not populating during design
939   if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
940   Items.BeginUpdate;
941   try
942     Items.Clear;
943     r := GetLogicalDriveStrings(SizeOf(Drives), Drives);
944     if r = 0 then Exit;
945     if r > SizeOf(Drives) then Exit;
946   //    raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY));
947     pDrive := Drives;
948     while pDrive^ <> #0 do
949     begin
950       NewNode := Items.AddChildObject(nil, ExcludeTrailingBackslash(pDrive), pDrive);
951       //Yes, we want to remove the backslash,so don't use ChompPathDelim here
952       TShellTreeNode(NewNode).FFileInfo.Name := ExcludeTrailingBackslash(pDrive);
953       //On NT platforms drive-roots really have these attributes
954       TShellTreeNode(NewNode).FFileInfo.Attr := faDirectory + faSysFile{%H-} + faHidden{%H-};
955       TShellTreeNode(NewNode).SetBasePath('');
956       NewNode.HasChildren := True;
957       Inc(pDrive, 4);
958     end;
959   finally
960     Items.EndUpdate;
961   end;
962 end;
963 {$else}
964 var
965   NewNode: TTreeNode;
966 begin
967   // avoids crashes in the IDE by not populating during design
968   // also do not populate before loading is done
969   if ([csDesigning, csLoading] * ComponentState <> []) then Exit;
970   Items.Clear;
972   // This allows showing "/" in Linux, but in Windows it makes no sense to show the base
973   if GetBasePath() <> '' then
974   begin
975     NewNode := Items.AddChild(nil, GetBasePath());
976     NewNode.HasChildren := True;
977     PopulateTreeNodeWithFiles(NewNode, GetBasePath());
978     NewNode.Expand(False);
979   end
980   else
981     PopulateTreeNodeWithFiles(nil, GetBasePath());
982 end;
983 {$endif}
985 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.DoSelectionChanged;
986 var
987   ANode: TTreeNode;
988   CurrentNodePath: String;
989 begin
990   inherited DoSelectionChanged;
991   ANode := Selected;
992   if Assigned(FShellListView) and Assigned(ANode) then
993   begin
994     //You cannot rely on HasChildren here, because it can become FALSE when user
995     //clicks the expand sign and folder is empty
996     //Issue 0027571
997     CurrentNodePath := ChompPathDelim(GetPathFromNode(ANode));
998     if TShellTreeNode(ANode).IsDirectory then
999     begin
1000       //Note: the folder may have been deleted in the mean time
1001       //an exception will be raised by the next line in that case
1002       FShellListView.Root := GetPathFromNode(ANode)
1003     end
1004     else
1005     begin
1006       if not FileExistsUtf8(CurrentNodePath) then
1007         Raise EShellCtrl.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsSelectedItemDoesNotExists,[CurrentNodePath]);
1008       if Assigned(Anode.Parent) then
1009         FShellListView.Root := GetPathFromNode(ANode.Parent)
1010       else
1011         FShellListView.Root := '';
1012     end;
1013   end;
1014 end;
1016 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.DoAddItem(const ABasePath: String;
1017   const AFileInfo: TSearchRec; var CanAdd: Boolean);
1018 begin
1019   if Assigned(FOnAddItem) then
1020     FOnAddItem(Self, ABasePath, AFileInfo, CanAdd);
1021 end;
DrawBuiltinIconnull1023 function TCustomShellTreeView.DrawBuiltinIcon(ANode: TTreeNode; ARect: TRect): TSize;
1024 begin
1025   if FUseBuiltinIcons then
1026     Result := TWSCustomShellTreeViewClass(WidgetSetClass).DrawBuiltinIcon(Self, ANode, ARect)
1027   else
1028     Result := inherited;
1029 end;
GetBuiltinIconSizenull1031 function TCustomShellTreeView.GetBuiltinIconSize: TSize;
1032 begin
1033   if FUseBuiltinIcons then
1034     Result := TWSCustomShellTreeViewClass(WidgetsetClass).GetBuiltinIconSize
1035   else
1036     Result := inherited;
1037 end;
TCustomShellTreeView.GetPathFromNodenull1039 function TCustomShellTreeView.GetPathFromNode(ANode: TTreeNode): string;
1040 begin
1041   if Assigned(ANode) then
1042   begin
1043     Result := TShellTreeNode(ANode).FullFilename;
1044     if TShellTreeNode(ANode).IsDirectory then
1045       Result := AppendPathDelim(Result);
1046     if not FilenameIsAbsolute(Result) then
1047       Result := GetRootPath() + Result;    // Include root directory
1048   end
1049   else
1050     Result := '';
1051 end;
1053 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.Refresh(ANode: TTreeNode);
1054 //nil will refresh root
1055 var
1056   RootNodeText: String;
1057   IsRoot: Boolean;
1058 begin
1059   if (Items.Count = 0) then Exit;
1060   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1061   debugln(['TCustomShellTreeView.Refresh: GetFirstVisibleNode.Text = "',Items.GetFirstVisibleNode.Text,'"']);
1062   {$endif}
1064   IsRoot := (ANode = nil) or ((ANode = Items.GetFirstVisibleNode) and (GetRootPath <> ''));
1065   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1066   debugln(['IsRoot = ',IsRoot]);
1067   {$endif}
1070   if (ANode = nil) and (GetRootPath <> '') then ANode := Items.GetFirstVisibleNode;
1071   if IsRoot then
1072   begin
1073     if Assigned(ANode) then
1074       RootNodeText := ANode.Text  //this may differ from FRoot, so don't use FRoot here
1075     else
1076       RootNodeText := GetRootPath;
1077     {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1078     debugln(['IsRoot = TRUE, RootNodeText = "',RootNodeText,'"']);
1079     {$endif}
1082     FRoot := #0; //invalidate FRoot
1083     SetRoot(RootNodeText); //re-initialize the entire tree
1084   end
1085   else
1086   begin
1087     ANode.Expand(False);
1088   end;
1089 end;
GetPathnull1091 function TCustomShellTreeView.GetPath: string;
1092 begin
1093   Result := GetPathFromNode(Selected);
1094 end;
1096 {
1097 SetPath: Path can be
1098 - Absolute like '/usr/lib'
1099 - Relative like 'foo/bar'
1100   This can be relative to:
1101   - Self.Root (which takes precedence over)
1102   - Current directory
1103 }
1104 procedure TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath(AValue: string);
1105 var
1106   sl: TStringList;
1107   Node: TTreeNode;
1108   i: integer;
1109   FQRootPath, RelPath: String;
1110   RootIsAbsolute: Boolean;
1111   IsRelPath: Boolean;
1113   function GetAdjustedNodeText(ANode: TTreeNode): String;
1114   begin
1115     if (ANode = Items.GetFirstVisibleNode) and (FQRootPath <> '') then
1116     begin
1117       if not RootIsAbsolute then
1118         Result := ''
1119       else
1120         Result := FQRootPath;
1121     end
1122     else Result := ANode.Text;
1123   end;
1125   function Exists(Fn: String): Boolean;
1126   //Fn should be fully qualified
1127   var
1128     Attr: LongInt;
1129     Dirs: TStringList;
1130     i: Integer;
1131   begin
1132     Result := False;
1133     Attr := FileGetAttrUtf8(Fn);
1134     {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1135     debugln(['TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath.Exists: Attr = ', Attr]);
1136     {$endif}
1137     if (Attr = -1) then Exit;
1138     if not (otNonFolders in FObjectTypes) then
1139       Result := ((Attr and faDirectory) > 0)
1140     else
1141       Result := True;
1142     {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1143     debugln(['TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath.Exists: Result = ',Result]);
1144     {$endif}
1145   end;
1147   function PathIsDriveRoot({%H-}Path: String): Boolean;  {$if not (defined(windows) and not defined(wince))}inline;{$endif}
1148   //WinNT filesystem reports faHidden on all physical drive-roots (e.g. C:\)
1149   begin
1150     {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
1151     Result := (Length(Path) = 3) and
1152               (Upcase(Path[1]) in ['A'..'Z']) and
1153               (Path[2] = DriveSeparator) and
1154               (Path[3] in AllowDirectorySeparators);
1155     {$else}
1156     Result := False;
1157     {$endif windows}
1158   end;
1160   function ContainsHiddenDir(Fn: String): Boolean;
1161   var
1162     i: Integer;
1163     Attr: LongInt;
1164     Dirs: TStringList;
1165     RelPath: String;
1166   begin
1167     //if fn=root then always return false
1168     if (CompareFileNames(Fn, FQRootPath) = 0) then
1169       Result := False
1170     else
1171     begin
1172       Attr := FileGetAttrUtf8(Fn);
1173       Result := ((Attr and faHidden{%H-}) = faHidden{%H-}) and not PathIsDriveRoot(Fn);
1174       if not Result then
1175       begin
1176         //it also is not allowed that any folder above is hidden
1177         Fn := ChompPathDelim(Fn);
1178         Fn := ExtractFileDir(Fn);
1179         Dirs := TStringList.Create;
1180         try
1181           Dirs.StrictDelimiter := True;
1182           Dirs.Delimiter := PathDelim;
1183           Dirs.DelimitedText := Fn;
1184           Fn := '';
1185           for i := 0 to Dirs.Count - 1 do
1186           begin
1187             if (i = 0) then
1188               Fn := Dirs.Strings[i]
1189             else
1190               Fn := Fn + PathDelim + Dirs.Strings[i];
1191             if (Fn = '') then Continue;
1192             RelPath := CreateRelativePath(Fn, FQRootPath, False, True);
1193             //don't check if Fn now is "higher up the tree" than the current root
1194             if (RelPath = '') or ((Length(RelPath) > 1) and (RelPath[1] = '.') and (RelPath[2] = '.')) then
1195             begin
1196               {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1197               debugln(['TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath.ContainsHidden: Fn is higher: ',Fn]);
1198               {$endif}
1199               Continue;
1200             end;
1201             {$if defined(windows) and not defined(wince)}
1202             if (Length(Fn) = 2) and (Fn[2] = ':') then Continue;
1203             {$endif}
1204             Attr := FileGetAttrUtf8(Fn);
1205             if (Attr <> -1) and ((Attr and faHidden{%H-}) > 0) and not PathIsDriveRoot(Fn) then
1206             begin
1207               Result := True;
1208               {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1209               debugln(['TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath.Exists: a subdir is hidden: Result := False']);
1210               {$endif}
1211               Break;
1212             end;
1213           end;
1214         finally
1215           Dirs.Free;
1216         end;
1217       end;
1218     end;
1219   end;
1221 begin
1222   RelPath := '';
1224   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1225   debugln(['SetPath: GetRootPath = "',getrootpath,'"',' AValue=',AValue]);
1226   {$endif}
1227   if (GetRootPath <> '') then
1228     //FRoot is already Expanded in SetRoot, just add PathDelim if needed
1229     FQRootPath := AppendPathDelim(GetRootPath)
1230   else
1231     FQRootPath := '';
1232   RootIsAbsolute := (FQRootPath = '') or (FQRootPath = PathDelim)
1233                     or ((Length(FQRootPath) = 3) and (FQRootPath[2] = ':') and (FQRootPath[3] = PathDelim));
1235   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1236   debugln(['SetPath: FQRootPath = ',fqrootpath]);
1237   debugln(['SetPath: RootIsAbsolute = ',RootIsAbsolute]);
1238   debugln(['SetPath: FilenameIsAbsolute = ',FileNameIsAbsolute(AValue)]);
1239   {$endif}
1241   if not FileNameIsAbsolute(AValue) then
1242   begin
1243     if Exists(FQRootPath + AValue) then
1244     begin
1245       //Expand it, since it may be in the form of ../../foo
1246       AValue := ExpandFileNameUtf8(FQRootPath + AValue);
1247     end
1248     else
1249     begin
1250       //don't expand Avalue yet, we may need it in error message
1251       if not Exists(ExpandFileNameUtf8(AValue)) then
1252         Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidPath,[ExpandFileNameUtf8(FQRootPath + AValue)]);
1253       //Directory (or file) exists
1254       //Make it fully qualified
1255       AValue := ExpandFileNameUtf8(AValue);
1256     end;
1257   end
1258   else
1259   begin
1260     //AValue is an absoulte path to begin with
1261     //if not DirectoryExistsUtf8(AValue) then
1262     if not Exists(AValue) then
1263       Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidPath,[AValue]);
1264   end;
1266   //AValue now is a fully qualified path and it exists
1267   //Now check if it is a subdirectory of FQRootPath
1268   //RelPath := CreateRelativePath(AValue, FQRootPath, False);
1269   IsRelPath := (FQRootPath = '') or TryCreateRelativePath(AValue, FQRootPath, False, True, RelPath);
1271   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1272   debugln('TCustomShellTreeView.SetPath: ');
1273   debugln(['  IsRelPath = ',IsRelPath]);
1274   debugln(['  RelPath = "',RelPath,'"']);
1275   debugln(['  FQRootPath = "',FQRootPath,'"']);
1276   {$endif}
1278   if (not IsRelpath) or ((RelPath <> '') and ((Length(RelPath) > 1) and (RelPath[1] = '.') and (RelPath[2] = '.'))) then
1279   begin
1280     // CreateRelativePath returns a string beginning with ..
1281     // so AValue is not a subdirectory of FRoot
1282     Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidPathRelative,[AValue, FQRootPath]);
1283   end;
1285   if (RelPath = '') and (FQRootPath = '') then
1286     RelPath := AValue;
1287   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1288   debugln(['RelPath = ',RelPath]);
1289   {$endif}
1291   if (RelPath = '') then
1292   begin
1293     {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1294     debugln('Root selected');
1295     {$endif}
1296     Node := Items.GetFirstVisibleNode;
1297     if Assigned(Node) then
1298     begin
1299       Node.Expanded := True;
1300       Node.Selected := True;
1301     end;
1302     Exit;
1303   end;
1305   if not (otHidden in FObjectTypes) and ContainsHiddenDir(AValue) then
1306     Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidPath,[AValue, FQRootPath]);
1308   sl := TStringList.Create;
1309   sl.Delimiter := PathDelim;
1310   sl.StrictDelimiter := True;
1311   sl.DelimitedText := RelPath;
1312   if (sl.Count > 0) and (sl[0] = '') then  // This happens when root dir is empty
1313     sl[0] := PathDelim;                    //  and PathDelim was the first char
1314   if (sl.Count > 0) and (sl[sl.Count-1] = '') then sl.Delete(sl.Count-1); //remove last empty string
1315   if (sl.Count = 0) then
1316   begin
1317     sl.Free;
1318     Exit;
1319   end;
1321   {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1322   for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do debugln(['sl[',i,']="',sl[i],'"']);
1323   {$endif}
1325   BeginUpdate;
1326   try
1327     Node := Items.GetFirstVisibleNode;
1328     {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1329     if assigned(node) then debugln(['GetFirstVisibleNode = ',GetAdjustedNodeText(Node)]);
1330     {$endif}
1331     //Root node doesn't have Siblings in this case, we need one level down the tree
1332     if (GetRootPath <> '') and Assigned(Node) then
1333     begin
1334       {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1335       debugln('Root node doesn''t have Siblings');
1336       {$endif}
1337       Node := Node.GetFirstVisibleChild;
1338       {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1339       debugln(['Node = ',GetAdjustedNodeText(Node)]);
1340       {$endif}
1341       //I don't know why I wrote this in r44893, but it seems to be wrong so I comment it out
1342       //for the time being (2015-12-05: BB)
1343       //if RootIsAbsolute then sl.Delete(0);
1344     end;
1346     for i := 0 to sl.Count-1 do
1347     begin
1348       {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1349       DbgOut(['i=',i,' sl[',i,']=',sl[i],' ']);
1350       if Node <> nil then DbgOut(['GetAdjustedNodeText = ',GetAdjustedNodeText(Node)])
1351       else  DbgOut('Node = NIL');
1352       debugln;
1353       {$endif}
1354       while (Node <> Nil) and
1355             {$IF defined(CaseInsensitiveFilenames) or defined(NotLiteralFilenames)}
1356             (Utf8LowerCase(GetAdjustedNodeText(Node)) <> Utf8LowerCase(sl[i]))
1357             {$ELSE}
1358             (GetAdjustedNodeText(Node) <> sl[i])
1359             {$ENDIF}
1360             do
1361             begin
1362               {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1363               DbgOut(['  i=',i,' "',GetAdjustedNodeText(Node),' <> ',sl[i],' -> GetNextVisibleSibling -> ']);
1364               {$endif}
1365               Node := Node.GetNextVisibleSibling;
1366               {$ifdef debug_shellctrls}
1367               if Node <> nil then DbgOut(['GetAdjustedNodeText = ',GetAdjustedNodeText(Node)])
1368               else DbgOut('Node = NIL');
1369               debugln;
1370               {$endif}
1371             end;
1372       if Node <> Nil then
1373       begin
1374         Node.Expanded := True;
1375         Node.Selected := True;
1376         Node := Node.GetFirstVisibleChild;
1377       end
1378       else
1379         Break;
1380     end;
1381   finally
1382     sl.free;
1383     EndUpdate;
1384   end;
1385 end;
1387 class procedure TCustomShellTreeView.WSRegisterClass;
1388 begin
1389   inherited WSRegisterClass;
1390   RegisterCustomShellTreeView;
1391 end;
1394 { TCustomShellListView }
1396 procedure TCustomShellListView.SetShellTreeView(
1397   const Value: TCustomShellTreeView);
1398 var
1399   Tmp: TCustomShellTreeView;
1400 begin
1401   if FShellTreeView = Value then Exit;
1402   if FShellTreeView <> nil then
1403   begin
1404     Tmp := FShellTreeView;
1405     FShellTreeView := nil;
1406     Tmp.ShellListView := nil;
1407   end;
1409   FShellTreeView := Value;
1411   if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
1412     Clear;
1414   if Value <> nil then
1415   begin
1416     FRoot := Value.GetPathFromNode(Value.Selected);
1417     PopulateWithRoot();
1419     // Also update the pair, but only if necessary to avoid circular calls of the setters
1420     if Value.ShellListView <> Self then Value.ShellListView := Self;
1421   end;
1423 end;
1425 procedure TCustomShellListView.SetMask(const AValue: string);
1426 begin
1427   if AValue <> FMask then
1428   begin
1429     FMask := AValue;
1430     Clear;
1431     Items.Clear;
1432     PopulateWithRoot();
1433   end;
1434 end;
1436 procedure TCustomShellListView.SetMaskCaseSensitivity(
1437   AValue: TMaskCaseSensitivity);
1438 var
1439   OldMask: String;
1440   NeedRefresh: Boolean;
1441 begin
1442   if FMaskCaseSensitivity = AValue then Exit;
1443   {$ifdef NotLiteralFilenames}
1444   if (FMaskCaseSensitivity in [mcsPlatformDefault, mcsCaseInsensitive]) then
1445     NeedRefresh := (AValue = mcsCaseSensitive)
1446   else
1447     NeedRefresh := True;
1448   {$else}
1449   if (FMaskCaseSensitivity in [mcsPlatformDefault, mcsCaseSensitive]) then
1450     NeedRefresh := (AValue = mcsCaseInsensitive)
1451   else
1452     NeedRefresh :=True;
1453   {$endif}
1454   FMaskCaseSensitivity := AValue;
1455   if NeedRefresh then
1456   begin
1457     //Trick SetMask to believe a refresh is needed.
1458     OldMask := FMask;
1459     FMask := #0 + FMask;
1460     SetMask(OldMask);
1461   end;
1462 end;
1464 procedure TCustomShellListView.SetRoot(const Value: string);
1465 begin
1466   if FRoot <> Value then
1467   begin
1468     //Delphi raises an unspecified exception in this case, but don't crash the IDE at designtime
1469     if not (csDesigning in ComponentState)
1470        and (Value <> '')
1471        and not DirectoryExistsUtf8(ExpandFilenameUtf8(Value)) then
1472        Raise EInvalidPath.CreateFmt(sShellCtrlsInvalidRoot,[Value]);
1473     FRoot := Value;
1474     BeginUpdate;
1475     try
1476       Clear;
1477       Items.Clear;
1478       PopulateWithRoot();
1479     finally
1480       EndUpdate;
1481     end;
1482   end;
1483 end;
1485 constructor TCustomShellListView.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1486 begin
1487   inherited Create(AOwner);
1489   FUseBuiltInIcons := true;
1491   // Initial property values
1492   ViewStyle := vsReport;
1493   ObjectTypes := [otNonFolders];
1494   FMaskCaseSensitivity := mcsPlatformDefault;
1495   FAutoSizeColumns := true;
1497   Self.Columns.Add;
1498   Self.Columns.Add;
1499   Self.Columns.Add;
1500   Self.Column[0].Caption := sShellCtrlsName;
1501   Self.Column[1].Caption := sShellCtrlsSize;
1502   Self.Column[2].Caption := sShellCtrlsType;
1503   // Initial sizes, necessary under Windows CE
1504   Resize;
1505 end;
1507 destructor TCustomShellListView.Destroy;
1508 begin
1509   ShellTreeView := nil;
1510   inherited Destroy;
1511 end;
GetBuiltinImageIndexnull1513 function TCustomShellListView.GetBuiltinImageIndex(const AFileName: String;
1514   ALargeImage: Boolean): Integer;
1515 begin
1516   Result := TWSCustomShellListViewClass(WidgetsetClass).GetBuiltInImageIndex(
1517     self, AFileName, ALargeImage
1518   );
1519 end;
1521 procedure TCustomShellListView.PopulateWithRoot();
1522 var
1523   i: Integer;
1524   Files: TStringList;
1525   NewItem: TListItem;
1526   CurFileName, CurFilePath: string;
1527   CurFileSize: Int64;
1528   CanAdd: Boolean;
1529 begin
1530   // avoids crashes in the IDE by not populating during design
1531   if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit;
1533   // Check inputs
1534   if Trim(FRoot) = '' then Exit;
1536   Items.BeginUpdate;
1537   Files := TStringList.Create;
1538   try
1539     Files.OwnsObjects := True;
1540     GetFilesInDir(FRoot, Trim(FMask), FObjectTypes, Files, fstNone, FMaskCaseSensitivity);
1542     for i := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do
1543     begin
1544       CanAdd := True;
1545       with TFileItem(Files.Objects[i]) do DoAddItem(FBasePath, FileInfo, CanAdd);
1546       if CanAdd then
1547       begin
1548         NewItem := Items.Add;
1549         CurFileName := Files.Strings[i];
1550         CurFilePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FRoot) + CurFileName;
1551         // First column - Name
1552         NewItem.Caption := CurFileName;
1553         // Second column - Size
1554         // The raw size in bytes is stored in the data part of the item
1555         CurFileSize := TFileItem(Files.Objects[i]).FFileInfo.Size; // in Bytes. (We already know this, so no need for FileSize(CurFilePath))
1556         NewItem.Data := Pointer(PtrInt(CurFileSize));
1557         if CurFileSize < 1024 then
1558           NewItem.SubItems.Add(Format(sShellCtrlsBytes, [IntToStr(CurFileSize)]))
1559         else if CurFileSize < 1024 * 1024 then
1560           NewItem.SubItems.Add(Format(sShellCtrlsKB, [IntToStr(CurFileSize div 1024)]))
1561         else
1562           NewItem.SubItems.Add(Format(sShellCtrlsMB, [IntToStr(CurFileSize div (1024 * 1024))]));
1563         // Third column - Type
1564         NewItem.SubItems.Add(ExtractFileExt(CurFileName));
1565         // Image index
1566         if FUseBuiltInIcons then
1567         begin
1568           if (ViewStyle = vsIcon) and (LargeImages = nil) then
1569             NewItem.ImageIndex := GetBuiltInImageIndex(CurFilePath, true)
1570           else if (ViewStyle <> vsIcon) and (SmallImages = nil) then
1571             NewItem.ImageIndex := GetBuiltinImageIndex(CurFilePath, false);
1572         end;
1573         if Assigned(FOnFileAdded) then FOnFileAdded(Self,NewItem);
1574       end;
1575     end;
1576     Sort;
1577   finally
1578     Files.Free;
1579     Items.EndUpdate;
1580   end;
1581 end;
1583 procedure TCustomShellListView.Resize;
1584 var
1585   iWidth: Integer;
1586 begin
1587   inherited Resize;
1588   {$ifdef DEBUG_SHELLCTRLS}
1589     debugln(':>TCustomShellListView.HandleResize');
1590   {$endif}
1592   // The correct check is with count,
1593   // if Column[0] <> nil then will raise an exception
1594   if Self.Columns.Count < 3 then Exit;
1595   if (Column[0].Width <> 0) and (not AutoSizeColumns) then
1596     Exit;
1598   iWidth := ClientWidth;
1599   BeginUpdate;
1600   try
1601     // If the space available is small, alloc a larger percentage to the secondary
1602     // fields
1603     if Width < 400 then
1604     begin
1605       Column[0].Width := (50 * iWidth) div 100;
1606       Column[1].Width := (25 * iWidth) div 100;
1607     end
1608     else
1609     begin
1610       Column[0].Width := (70 * iWidth) div 100;
1611       Column[1].Width := (15 * iWidth) div 100;
1612     end;
1613     Column[2].Width := iWidth - Column[0].Width - Column[1].Width;
1614   finally
1615     EndUpdate;
1616   end;
1618   {$ifdef DEBUG_SHELLCTRLS}
1619     debugln([':<TCustomShellListView.HandleResize C0.Width=',
1620      Column[0].Width, ' C1.Width=', Column[1].Width,
1621      ' C2.Width=', Column[2].Width]);
1622   {$endif}
1623 end;
1625 procedure TCustomShellListView.SetAutoSizeColumns(const Value: Boolean);
1626 begin
1627   if Value = FAutoSizeColumns then
1628     Exit;
1629   FAutoSizeColumns := Value;
1630   if Value then
1631     Resize();
1632 end;
1634 procedure TCustomShellListView.DoAddItem(const ABasePath: String;
1635   const AFileInfo: TSearchRec; var CanAdd: Boolean);
1636 begin
1637   if Assigned(FOnAddItem) then
1638     FOnAddItem(Self, ABasePath, AFileInfo, CanAdd);
1639 end;
TCustomShellListView.GetPathFromItemnull1641 function TCustomShellListView.GetPathFromItem(ANode: TListItem): string;
1642 begin
1643   Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(FRoot) + ANode.Caption;
1644 end;
1646 class procedure TCustomShellListView.WSRegisterClass;
1647 begin
1648   inherited WSRegisterClass;
1649   RegisterCustomShellListView;
1650 end;
1652 procedure Register;
1653 begin
1654   RegisterComponents('Misc',[TShellTreeView, TShellListView]);
1655 end;
1657 end.