1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     A tool to help converting C header files to pascal bindings.
26     enum            ->  enum
27     int i           ->  var i: integer
28     struct          ->  var plus record
29     union           ->  var plus record case
30     typedef         ->  type
31     void func()     -> procedure
32     int func()      -> function
33     implicit types  -> explicit types
34     #ifdef,if,ifndef,undef,elif,else,endif
35                     ->  $ifdef,if,ifndef,...
36     #define macroname
37                     -> $define macroname
38     #define macroname constant
39                     -> const macroname = constant
40     simplifies conditional directives (e.g. deletes #ifdef nonexisting)
41 }
42 (*
43   ToDos:
44     add comments for skipped items
45     insert auto generated types in front of current node
46     c comments
47     const char a; -> const a: char;
48     #define name value  ->  alias  (const, var, type, proc)
49     more complex expressions and statements
51 A basic record type definition in C is
53   struct structname { <struct_definition> };
55 The full name of this type is "struct structname". If you want to avoid typing the extra "struct" everywhere, you can create an alias for the type name using typedef:
57   typedef struct structname aliasname;
59 You can combine both statements into one:
61   typedef struct structname { <struct_definition> } aliasname;
63 You can also create multiple type aliases using a single typedef statement:
65   typedef struct structname aliasname, anotheraliasname;
66   typedef struct structname { <struct_definition> } aliasname, anotheraliasname; // same as line above
68 You can also create pointer type names at the same time:
70   typedef struct structname aliasname, anotheraliasname, *pointeraliasname;
71   typedef struct structname { <struct_definition> } aliasname, anotheraliasname, *pointeraliasname; // same as line above
72   typedef struct structname aliasname, anotheraliasname; typedef aliasname *pointeraliasname; // same as line above
74 If you want to declare a variable whose type is a struct, it works the same as with any other C type: the type definition/name followed by the variable name (and in case of multiple variables, those are in turn separated by commas).
76   struct structname structvar1, *structvar2;
77   aliasname structvar1, *strucvar2; // same as line above
78   aliasname structvar1; pointeraliasname structvar2; // same as line above
79   struct structname { <struct_definition> } structvar1, *structvar2; // same as line above
81 It is also possible to define anonymous structs (without any identifier following the "struct" keyword). In that case it should either be used in a variable definition, or in a typedef declaration. Otherwise the statement has no meaning, since there is no way to refer to that struct definition later on:
83 struct { <struct_definition> }; // no meaning: does not define a variable, and no name to refer to the type again in later declarations; gcc will warn
84 struct { <struct_definition> } structvar; // same as "var structvar: record <struct_definition> end;"
85 typedef struct { <struct_definition> } aliasname; // same as *** above, except that you can only use "aliasname" to refer to this type, rather than also "struct structname"
87 *)
88 unit H2PasTool;
90 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
92 {off $DEFINE VerboseH2PasTool}
94 interface
96 uses
97   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
98   // LazUtils
99   AvgLvlTree,
100   // Codetools
101   FileProcs, BasicCodeTools, CCodeParserTool,
102   NonPascalCodeTools, KeywordFuncLists, CodeCache, CodeTree, CodeAtom;
104 const
105   DefaultMaxPascalIdentLen = 70;
107   h2pdnBase     = 1000;
108   h2pdnNone     =  0+h2pdnBase;
109   h2pdnRoot     =  1+h2pdnBase;
111   h2pdnDefine   = 11+h2pdnBase;
112   h2pdnUndefine = 12+h2pdnBase;
114   h2pdnIf       = 21+h2pdnBase;
115   h2pdnIfDef    = 22+h2pdnBase;
116   h2pdnIfNDef   = 23+h2pdnBase;
117   h2pdnElseIf   = 24+h2pdnBase;
118   h2pdnElse     = 25+h2pdnBase;
119   h2pdnEndIf    = 26+h2pdnBase;
121   h2pdnError    = 31+h2pdnBase;
123 type
124   { TH2PBaseNode }
126   TH2PBaseNode = class
127   public
128     Parent, FirstChild, LastChild, NextBrother, PriorBrother: TH2PBaseNode;
Nextnull129     function Next: TH2PBaseNode;
NextSkipChildsnull130     function NextSkipChilds: TH2PBaseNode;
Priornull131     function Prior: TH2PBaseNode;
HasAsParentnull132     function HasAsParent(Node: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
HasAsChildnull133     function HasAsChild(Node: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
GetLevelnull134     function GetLevel: integer;
DescAsStringnull135     function DescAsString(CTool: TCCodeParserTool = nil): string; virtual; abstract;
136     procedure ConsistencyCheck; virtual;
137     procedure WriteDebugReport(const Prefix: string; WithChildren: boolean;
138                                CTool: TCCodeParserTool = nil); virtual;
139   end;
141   TH2PNode = class;
143   { TH2PDirectiveNode }
145   TH2PDirectiveNode = class(TH2PBaseNode)
146   public
147     H2PNode: TH2PNode;
148     Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;// e.g. h2pdnDefine
149     MacroName: string; // ifdef, ifndef, undef, define
150     MacroParams: string; // define
151     Expression: string; // if, elseif, define, error
DescAsStringnull152     function DescAsString(CTool: TCCodeParserTool = nil): string; override;
153   end;
156   { TH2PNode }
158   TH2PNode = class(TH2PBaseNode)
159   public
160     PascalName: string;
161     CName: string;
162     CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
163     PascalDesc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;
164     PascalCode: string;
165     NormalizedPascalCode: string;
166     Directive: TH2PDirectiveNode;
DescAsStringnull167     function DescAsString(CTool: TCCodeParserTool = nil): string; override;
168   end;
171   { TH2PTree }
173   TH2PTree = class
174   private
175     FNodeCount: integer;
176     procedure Unbind(Node: TH2PBaseNode);
177   public
178     Root: TH2PBaseNode;
179     LastRoot: TH2PBaseNode;
180     constructor Create;
181     destructor Destroy; override;
182     procedure Clear;
183     property NodeCount: integer read FNodeCount;
184     procedure DeleteNode(ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
185     procedure AddNodeAsLastChild(ParentNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
186     procedure AddNodeAsPreLastChild(ParentNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
187     procedure AddNodeInFrontOf(NextBrotherNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
188     procedure MoveChildsInFront(ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
ContainsNodenull189     function ContainsNode(ANode: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
190     procedure ConsistencyCheck;
191     procedure WriteDebugReport(WithChildren: boolean);
192   end;
195   TH2PMacroStatus = (
196     hmsUnknown,   // never seen
197     hmsDefined,   // set to a specific value e.g. by $Define or by $IfDef
198     hmsUndefined, // undefined e.g. by $Undef
199     hmsComplex    // value depends on complex expressions. e.g. {$if A or B}.
200     );
202   TH2PMacroStats = class
203   public
204     Name: string;
205     Value: string;
206     Status: TH2PMacroStatus;
207     LastDefineNode: TH2PNode;// define or undef node
208     LastReadNode: TH2PNode;// if node
209   end;
212   TIgnoreCSourcePart = (
213     icspInclude
214     );
215   TIgnoreCSourceParts = set of TIgnoreCSourcePart;
217   { TH2PasTool }
219   TH2PasTool = class
220   private
221     FCNames: TAVLTree;// tree of TH2PNode sorted for CName
222     FCurDirectiveNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
223     FCurIndentStr: string;
224     FCurPasSection: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;
225     FCurPasStream: TStream;
226     FDefines: TStringToStringTree;
227     FDisableUnusedDefines: boolean;
228     FIgnoreCParts: TIgnoreCSourceParts;
229     FPascalNames: TAVLTree;// tree of TH2PNode sorted for PascalName
230     FPredefinedCTypes: TStringToStringTree;
231     FRemoveDisabledDirectives: boolean;
232     FSimplifyExpressions: boolean;
233     FSourceName: string;
234     FUndefines: TStringToStringTree;
235     FUseExternal: boolean;
236     // converting C nodes to H2P nodes
ConvertStructnull237     function ConvertStruct(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode): TH2PNode;
238     procedure ConvertVariable(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
ConvertEnumBlocknull239     function ConvertEnumBlock(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode): TH2PNode;
240     procedure ConvertFunction(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
241     procedure ConvertFuncParameter(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
242     procedure ConvertTypedef(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
243     procedure ConvertDirective(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpressionnull244     function ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpression(const CCode: string;
245            StartPos, EndPos: integer; out PasExpr: string;
246            out ErrorPos: integer; out ErrorMsg: string): boolean;
248     // writing pascal
249     procedure WriteStr(const Line: string);
250     procedure WriteLnStr(const Line: string);
251     procedure W(const aStr: string);// write indent + aStr + lineend
252     procedure IncIndent;
253     procedure DecIndent;
254     procedure SetPasSection(NewSection: TCodeTreeNodeDesc);
255     procedure WriteGlobalVarNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
256     procedure WriteGlobalTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
257     procedure WriteGlobalConstNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
258     procedure WriteGlobalProcedureNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
259     procedure WriteGlobalEnumerationTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
260     procedure WriteGlobalRecordTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
261     procedure WriteDirectiveNode(DirNode: TH2PDirectiveNode);
CreateDirectiveValuenull262     function CreateDirectiveValue(const s: string): string;
264     // simplification
265     procedure SimplifyUndefineDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
266                                         var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
267                                         var Changed: boolean);
268     procedure SimplifyDefineDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
269                                       var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
270                                       var Changed: boolean);
271     procedure SimplifyIfDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode; Expression: string;
272                                   var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
273                                   var Changed: boolean);
SimplifyIfDirectiveExpressionnull274     function SimplifyIfDirectiveExpression(var Expression: string): boolean;
275     procedure SimplifyMacroRedefinition(var Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
276                          const NewValue: string; NewStatus: TH2PMacroStatus;
277                          var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode; var Changed: boolean);
278     procedure SimplifyUnusedDefines(Changed: boolean);
MacroValueIsConstantnull279     function MacroValueIsConstant(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
280                                   out PasType, PasExpression: string): boolean;
281     procedure DeleteDirectiveNode(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
282                                   DeleteChilds: boolean;
283                                   AdaptNeighborhood: boolean);
284     procedure DeleteH2PNode(Node: TH2PNode);
285   public
286     Tree: TH2PTree; // TH2PNode
287     DirectivesTree: TH2PTree; // TH2PDirectiveNode
288     CTool: TCCodeParserTool;
289     Macros: TAVLTree;// tree of TH2PMacroStats
Convertnull290     function Convert(CCode, PascalCode: TCodeBuffer): boolean;
291     procedure BuildH2PTree(ParentNode: TH2PNode = nil; StartNode: TCodeTreeNode = nil);
FindEnclosingIFNDEFnull292     function FindEnclosingIFNDEF(CCode: TCodeBuffer): TCodeTreeNode;
293     procedure UndefineEnclosingIFNDEF(CCode: TCodeBuffer);
294     procedure SimplifyDirectives;
295     procedure WritePascal(PascalCode: TCodeBuffer);
296     procedure WritePascalToStream(s: TStream);
GetSimplePascalTypeOfCVarnull298     function GetSimplePascalTypeOfCVar(CVarNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetSimplePascalTypeOfCParameternull299     function GetSimplePascalTypeOfCParameter(CParamNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetSimplePascalTypeOfTypeDefnull300     function GetSimplePascalTypeOfTypeDef(TypeDefNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunctionnull301     function GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunction(CFuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalTypenull302     function ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(CType: string;
303                   UseSingleIdentifierAsDefault: boolean): string;
CreateH2PNodenull305     function CreateH2PNode(var PascalName: string; const CName: string;
306        CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
307        PascalDesc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc; const PascalCode: string;
308        ParentNode: TH2PNode = nil; IsGlobal: boolean = true;
309        InsertAsPreLast: boolean = false): TH2PNode;
CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNodenull310     function CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(var PascalName: string; CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
311        PascalDesc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc; const PascalCode: string;
312        ParentNode: TH2PNode; IsGlobal: boolean;
313        InsertAsPreLast: boolean): TH2PNode;
CreateH2PNodeForComplexTypenull314     function CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
315                                CreateIfNotExists: boolean;
316                                InsertAsPreLast: boolean): TH2PNode;
CreatePascalNameFromCCodenull317     function CreatePascalNameFromCCode(const CCode: string;
318                                        StartPos: integer = 1;
319                                        EndPos: integer = -1): string;
CreateUniquePascalNamenull320     function CreateUniquePascalName(const CName: string): string;
FindH2PNodeWithPascalNamenull321     function FindH2PNodeWithPascalName(const PascalName: string): TH2PNode;
FindH2PNodeWithCNamenull322     function FindH2PNodeWithCName(const CName: string): TH2PNode;
CreateH2PDirectiveNodenull324     function CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode; Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc
325                                     ): TH2PDirectiveNode;
327     procedure WriteDebugReport;
328     procedure WriteH2PNodeReport;
329     procedure WriteH2PDirectivesNodeReport;
330     constructor Create;
331     destructor Destroy; override;
332     procedure Clear;
333     property PredefinedCTypes: TStringToStringTree read FPredefinedCTypes;
334     property IgnoreCParts: TIgnoreCSourceParts read FIgnoreCParts write FIgnoreCParts;
335     property SourceName: string read FSourceName write FSourceName;
336     property UseExternal: boolean read FUseExternal write FUseExternal;// use external instad of public
338     // directives
339     property SimplifyExpressions: boolean read FSimplifyExpressions
340                                           write FSimplifyExpressions;
341     property DisableUnusedDefines: boolean read FDisableUnusedDefines
342                                            write FDisableUnusedDefines;
343     property RemoveDisabledDirectives: boolean read FRemoveDisabledDirectives
344                                                write FRemoveDisabledDirectives;
345     property Defines: TStringToStringTree read FDefines;
346     property Undefines: TStringToStringTree read FUndefines;// undefines take precedence over defines
347     procedure AddCommonCDefines;
349     // macros - temporary values - use Defines and Undefines
350     procedure ResetMacros;
351     procedure ClearMacros;
352     procedure InitMacros;
FindMacronull353     function FindMacro(const MacroName: string;
354                        CreateIfNotExists: boolean = false): TH2PMacroStats;
DefineMacronull355     function DefineMacro(const MacroName, AValue: string;
356                          DefineNode: TH2PNode): TH2PMacroStats;// use Defines instead
UndefineMacronull357     function UndefineMacro(const MacroName: string;
358                            UndefineNode: TH2PNode): TH2PMacroStats;// use Undefines instead
359     procedure MarkMacrosAsRead(Node: TH2PNode; const Src: string;
360                                StartPos: integer = 1; EndPos: integer = -1);
MarkMacroAsReadnull361     function MarkMacroAsRead(const MacroName: string;
362                              Node: TH2PNode): TH2PMacroStats;// use Undefines instead
363   end;
DefaultPredefinedCTypesnull365 function DefaultPredefinedCTypes: TStringToStringTree;// types in unit ctypes
CompareH2PNodePascalNamesnull367 function CompareH2PNodePascalNames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareStringWithH2PNodePascalNamenull368 function CompareStringWithH2PNodePascalName(AString, ANode: Pointer): integer;
CompareH2PNodeCNamesnull369 function CompareH2PNodeCNames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareStringWithH2PNodeCNamenull370 function CompareStringWithH2PNodeCName(AString, ANode: Pointer): integer;
CompareH2PMacroStatsnull371 function CompareH2PMacroStats(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
ComparePCharWithH2PMacroStatsnull372 function ComparePCharWithH2PMacroStats(Name, MacroStats: Pointer): integer;
H2PDirectiveNodeDescriptionAsStringnull374 function H2PDirectiveNodeDescriptionAsString(Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc): string;
377 implementation
380 var
381   InternalPredefinedCTypes: TStringToStringTree = nil;// types in unit ctypes
DefaultPredefinedCTypesnull383 function DefaultPredefinedCTypes: TStringToStringTree;
384 begin
385   if InternalPredefinedCTypes=nil then begin
386     InternalPredefinedCTypes:=TStringToStringTree.Create(true);
387     with InternalPredefinedCTypes do begin
388       // int
389       Add('int','cint');
390       Add('int*','pcint');
391       Add('signed int','csint');
392       Add('signed int*','pcsint');
393       Add('unsigned int','cuint');
394       Add('unsigned int*','pcuint');
395       // ToDo: signed -> cint
396       // ToDo: unsigned -> cuint
397       // short
398       Add('short','cshort');
399       Add('short*','pcshort');
400       Add('signed short','csshort');
401       Add('signed short*','pcsshort');
402       Add('unsigned short','cushort');
403       Add('unsigned short*','pcushort');
404       Add('short int','cshort');
405       Add('short int*','pcshort');
406       Add('signed short int','csshort');
407       Add('signed short int*','pcsshort');
408       Add('short signed int','csshort');
409       Add('short signed int*','pcsshort');
410       Add('short unsigned int','cushort');
411       Add('short unsigned int*','pcushort');
412       // int8
413       Add('int8','cint8');
414       Add('int8*','pcint8');
415       Add('int8_t','cint8');
416       Add('int8_t*','pcint8');
417       Add('unsigned int8','cuint8');
418       Add('unsigned int8*','pcuint8');
419       Add('uint8_t','cuint8');
420       Add('uint8_t*','pcuint8');
421       // int16
422       Add('int16','cint16');
423       Add('int16*','pcint16');
424       Add('int16_t','cint16');
425       Add('int16_t*','pcint16');
426       Add('unsigned int16','cuint16');
427       Add('unsigned int16*','pcuint16');
428       Add('uint16_t','cuint16');
429       Add('uint16_t*','pcuint16');
430       // int32
431       Add('int32','cint32');
432       Add('int32*','pcint32');
433       Add('int32_t','cint32');
434       Add('int32_t*','pcint32');
435       Add('unsigned int32','cuint32');
436       Add('unsigned int32*','pcuint32');
437       Add('uint32_t','cuint32');
438       Add('uint32_t*','pcuint32');
439       // int64
440       Add('int64','cint64');
441       Add('int64*','pcint64');
442       Add('int64_t','cint64');
443       Add('int64_T*','pcint64');
444       Add('unsigned int64','cuint64');
445       Add('unsigned int64*','pcuint64');
446       Add('uint64_t','cuint64');
447       Add('uint64_t*','pcuint64');
448       // long
449       Add('long','clong');
450       Add('long*','pclong');
451       Add('signed long','cslong');
452       Add('signed long*','pcslong');
453       Add('unsigned long','culong');
454       Add('unsigned long*','pculong');
455       Add('long int','clong');
456       Add('long int*','pclong');
457       Add('signed long int','cslong');
458       Add('signed long int*','pcslong');
459       Add('long signed int','cslong');
460       Add('long signed int*','pcslong');
461       Add('unsigned long int','culong');
462       Add('unsigned long int*','pculong');
463       Add('long unsigned int','culong');
464       Add('long unsigned int*','pculong');
465       // long long
466       Add('long long','clonglong');
467       Add('long long*','pclonglong');
468       Add('signed long long','cslonglong');
469       Add('signed long long*','pcslonglong');
470       Add('unsigned long long','culonglong');
471       Add('unsigned long long*','pculonglong');
472       // bool
473       Add('bool','cbool');
474       Add('bool*','pcbool');
475       // char
476       Add('char','cchar');
477       Add('char*','pcchar');
478       Add('signed char','cschar');
479       Add('signed char*','pcschar');
480       Add('unsigned char','cuchar');
481       Add('unsigned char*','pcuchar');
482       // float
483       Add('float','cfloat');
484       Add('float*','pcfloat');
485       // double
486       Add('double','cdouble');
487       Add('double*','pcdouble');
488       Add('long double','clongdouble');
489       Add('long double*','pclongdouble');
490       // void
491       Add('void*','pointer');
492       // size_t
493       Add('size_t','PtrUInt');
494     end;
495   end;
496   Result:=InternalPredefinedCTypes;
497 end;
CompareH2PNodePascalNamesnull499 function CompareH2PNodePascalNames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
500 begin
501   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(TH2PNode(Data1).PascalName),
502                                 Pointer(TH2PNode(Data2).PascalName));
503 end;
CompareStringWithH2PNodePascalNamenull505 function CompareStringWithH2PNodePascalName(AString, ANode: Pointer): integer;
506 begin
507   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(AString),
508                                 Pointer(TH2PNode(ANode).PascalName));
509 end;
CompareH2PNodeCNamesnull511 function CompareH2PNodeCNames(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
512 begin
513   Result:=CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(PChar(Pointer(TH2PNode(Data1).CName)),
514                                           PChar(Pointer(TH2PNode(Data2).CName)));
515 end;
CompareStringWithH2PNodeCNamenull517 function CompareStringWithH2PNodeCName(AString, ANode: Pointer): integer;
518 begin
519   Result:=CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(PChar(AString),
520                                           PChar(Pointer(TH2PNode(ANode).CName)));
521 end;
CompareH2PMacroStatsnull523 function CompareH2PMacroStats(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
524 begin
525   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(TH2PMacroStats(Data1).Name),
526                                 Pointer(TH2PMacroStats(Data2).Name));
527 end;
ComparePCharWithH2PMacroStatsnull529 function ComparePCharWithH2PMacroStats(Name, MacroStats: Pointer): integer;
530 begin
531   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Name,
532                                 Pointer(TH2PMacroStats(MacroStats).Name));
533 end;
H2PDirectiveNodeDescriptionAsStringnull535 function H2PDirectiveNodeDescriptionAsString(Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc): string;
536 begin
537   case Desc of
538   h2pdnNone:   Result:='none';
539   h2pdnRoot:   Result:='root';
541   h2pdnDefine:   Result:='Define';
542   h2pdnUndefine: Result:='Undef';
544   h2pdnIf:      Result:='If';
545   h2pdnIfDef:   Result:='IfDef';
546   h2pdnIfNDef:  Result:='IfNDef';
547   h2pdnElseIf:  Result:='ElseIf';
548   h2pdnElse:    Result:='Else';
549   h2pdnEndIf:   Result:='EndIf';
551   h2pdnError:   Result:='Error';
553   else          Result:='?('+IntToStr(Desc)+')';
554   end;
555 end;
557 { TH2PasTool }
TH2PasTool.ConvertStructnull559 function TH2PasTool.ConvertStruct(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode
560   ): TH2PNode;
561 var
562   CurName: String;
563   CurCName: String;
564   ChildCNode: TCodeTreeNode;
565 begin
566   Result:=nil;
567   CurName:=CTool.ExtractStructName(CNode);
568   if CurName='' then begin
569     // this is an anonymous struct -> ignore
570     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
571     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertStruct SKIPPING anonymous struct at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
572     {$ENDIF}
573   end else begin
574     // this struct has a name
575     // create a type
576     CurCName:=CurName;
577     Result:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnRecordType,'',
578                                nil,ParentNode=nil);
579     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
580     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertStruct ADDED ',Result.DescAsString(CTool)]);
581     {$ENDIF}
582     // build recursively
583     ChildCNode:=CNode.FirstChild;
584     while (ChildCNode<>nil) do begin
585       if (ChildCNode.Desc=ccnSubDefs) and (ChildCNode.FirstChild<>nil) then
586         BuildH2PTree(Result,ChildCNode.FirstChild);
587       ChildCNode:=ChildCNode.NextBrother;
588     end;
589   end;
590 end;
592 procedure TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
593 var
594   CurName: String;
595   TypeH2PNode: TH2PNode;
596   {%H-}CurType: String;
597   SimpleType: String;
598   {%H-}H2PNode: TH2PNode;
599   SubTypeName: String;
600   CurCName: String;
601 begin
602   if (CNode.FirstChild<>nil) and (CNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnUnion)
603   then begin
604     CurName:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionName(CNode);
605     if (ParentNode<>nil) and (ParentNode.PascalDesc=ctnRecordType)
606     then begin
607       // create a pascal 'record case'
608       CurCName:=CurName;
609       TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnRecordCase,'',
610                                  ParentNode,false);
611       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
612       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable added record case for nested union']);
613       {$ENDIF}
614       // build recursively the record cases
615       if CNode.FirstChild.FirstChild<>nil then
616         BuildH2PTree(TypeH2PNode,CNode.FirstChild.FirstChild);
617     end else if (CurName<>'') and (ParentNode=nil) then begin
618       // this union has a name
619       // create a record type
620       SubTypeName:='T'+CurName;
621       TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(SubTypeName,'',CNode,ctnRecordCase,'',
622                                  nil,true);
623       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
624       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable added record type for union: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
625       {$ENDIF}
626       // build recursively
627       if CNode.FirstChild.FirstChild<>nil then
628         BuildH2PTree(TypeH2PNode,CNode.FirstChild.FirstChild);
629       // create variable
630       CurName:=CTool.ExtractUnionName(CNode);
631       CurCName:=CurName;
632       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnVarDefinition,
633                              TypeH2PNode.PascalName,
634                              nil,ParentNode=nil);
635       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
636       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable added variable for union: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
637       {$ENDIF}
638     end else begin
639       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
640       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable SKIPPING union variable at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
641       {$ENDIF}
642     end;
643   end else begin
644     CurName:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionName(CNode);
645     SimpleType:=GetSimplePascalTypeOfCVar(CNode);
646     if SimpleType='' then begin
647       // this variable has a complex type
648       TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode,true,ParentNode<>nil);
649       if TypeH2PNode<>nil then
650         SimpleType:=TypeH2PNode.PascalName;
651     end;
652     if CurName<>'' then begin
653       if SimpleType<>'' then begin
654         CurCName:=CurName;
655         H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnVarDefinition,SimpleType,
656                                ParentNode,ParentNode=nil);
657         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
658         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable CurName=',CurName,' ',H2PNode.PascalName]);
659         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
660         {$ENDIF}
661       end else begin
662         CurType:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionType(CNode);
663         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
664         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertVariable SKIPPING Variable Name="',CurName,'" Type="',CurType,'"']);
665         {$ENDIF}
666       end;
667     end;
668   end;
669 end;
ConvertEnumBlocknull671 function TH2PasTool.ConvertEnumBlock(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode
672   ): TH2PNode;
673 var
674   CurName: String;
675   CurValue: String;
676   {%H-}H2PNode: TH2PNode;
677   CurCName: String;
678 begin
679   CurName:=CTool.ExtractEnumBlockName(CNode);
680   if CurName='' then begin
681     // this is an anonymous enum block => auto generate a name
682     CurName:=CreatePascalNameFromCCode(CTool.Src,CNode.StartPos,CNode.EndPos);
683     Result:=CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(CurName,CNode,ctnEnumerationType,'',
684                                             nil,true,ParentNode<>nil);
685   end else begin
686     // this enum block has a name
687     CurCName:=CurName;
688     Result:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnEnumerationType,'',
689                                nil,true);
690   end;
691   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
692   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertEnumBlock added: ',Result.DescAsString(CTool)]);
693   {$ENDIF}
695   CNode:=CNode.FirstChild;
696   while CNode<>nil do begin
697     if CNode.Desc=ccnEnumID then begin
698       CurName:=CTool.ExtractEnumIDName(CNode);
699       CurValue:=CTool.ExtractEnumIDValue(CNode);
700       CurCName:=CurName;
701       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnEnumIdentifier,CurValue,
702                              Result,true);
703       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
704       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertEnumBlock added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
705       {$ENDIF}
706     end;
707     CNode:=CNode.NextBrother;
708   end;
709 end;
711 procedure TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
712 var
713   CurName: String;
714   {%H-}CurType: String;
715   SimpleType: String;
Booleannull716   IsPointerToFunction: Boolean;
717   Ok: Boolean;
718   StatementNode: TCodeTreeNode;
719   TypeH2PNode: TH2PNode;
720   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
721   SubTypeName: String;
722   ParamsNode: TCodeTreeNode;
723   CurCName: String;
724 begin
725   CurName:=CTool.ExtractFunctionName(CNode);
726   CurType:=CTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(CNode);
Nodenull727   SimpleType:=GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunction(CNode);
728   IsPointerToFunction:=CTool.IsPointerToFunction(CNode);
729   StatementNode:=nil;
730   Ok:=true;
731   if (CNode.LastChild<>nil) and (CNode.LastChild.Desc=ccnStatementBlock) then
732     StatementNode:=CNode.LastChild;
733   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
734   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction Function Name="',CurName,'" ResultType="',CurType,'" SimpleType=',SimpleType,' HasStatements=',StatementNode<>nil,' IsPointer=',IsPointerToFunction,' ParentNode=',ParentNode<>nil]);
735   {$ENDIF}
736   if StatementNode<>nil then begin
hasnull737     // this function has a body
738     Ok:=false;
739   end;
740   if Ok and (SimpleType='') then begin
hasnull741     // this function has a complex result type
742     TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode,true,ParentNode<>nil);
743     if TypeH2PNode<>nil then begin
744       SimpleType:=TypeH2PNode.PascalName;
745     end else
746       Ok:=false;
747   end;
749   if Ok then begin
thennull750     if IsPointerToFunction then begin
751       // create proc type
752       ParamsNode:=CTool.GetFunctionParamListNode(CNode);
753       SubTypeName:=CreatePascalNameFromCCode(CurName+CTool.ExtractFunctionParamList(CNode));
754       TypeH2PNode:=CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(SubTypeName,ParamsNode,
755                          ctnProcedureType,SimpleType,nil,true,ParentNode<>nil);
756       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
757       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction function type added: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
758       {$ENDIF}
759       // create variable
760       CurCName:=CurName;
761       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnVarDefinition,SubTypeName,
762                              ParentNode,ParentNode=nil);
763       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
764       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction variable added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
765       {$ENDIF}
766       // build parameters recursively
767       if ParamsNode.FirstChild<>nil then
768         BuildH2PTree(TypeH2PNode,ParamsNode.FirstChild);
769     end else begin
770       // create proc
771       CurCName:=CurName;
772       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnProcedure,SimpleType,
773                              nil,true);
774       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
775       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction function added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
776       {$ENDIF}
777       // build parameters recursively
778       if CNode.FirstChild<>nil then
779         BuildH2PTree(H2PNode);
780     end;
781   end else begin
782     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
783     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFunction SKIPPING Function Name="',CurName,'" Type="',CurType,'" at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
784     {$ENDIF}
785   end;
786 end;
788 procedure TH2PasTool.ConvertFuncParameter(CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
789   ParentNode: TH2PNode);
790 var
791   CurName: String;
792   CurType: String;
793   SimpleType: String;
794   TypeH2PNode: TH2PNode;
795   {%H-}H2PNode: TH2PNode;
796   CurCName: String;
797 begin
798   CurName:=CTool.ExtractParameterName(CNode);
799   CurType:=CTool.ExtractParameterType(CNode);
800   if CurType='void' then begin
withoutnull801     // for example int f(void) is a function without params
802     exit;
803   end;
804   SimpleType:=GetSimplePascalTypeOfCParameter(CNode);
805   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
806   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFuncParameter Parameter: Name="',CurName,'" Type="',CurType,'" SimpleType="',SimpleType,'"']);
807   {$ENDIF}
808   if SimpleType='' then begin
809     // this variable has a complex type
810     TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode,true,true);
811     if TypeH2PNode<>nil then
812       SimpleType:=TypeH2PNode.PascalName;
813   end;
814   if SimpleType<>'' then begin
815     CurCName:=CurName;
816     H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnVarDefinition,SimpleType,
817                            ParentNode,false);
818     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
819     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFuncParameter added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
820     {$ENDIF}
821   end else begin
822     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
823     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertFuncParameter SKIPPING parameter Name="',CurName,'" Type="',CurType,'" at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
824     {$ENDIF}
825   end;
826 end;
828 procedure TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
829 var
830   CurName: String;
831   ChildNode: TCodeTreeNode;
832   {%H-}CurType: String;
833   TypeH2PNode: TH2PNode;
Booleannull834   IsPointerToFunction: Boolean;
835   SimpleType: String;
836   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
837   CurCName: String;
838   CurValue: String;
839   SubChildNode: TCodeTreeNode;
840   TypeNode: TCodeTreeNode;
841   SubTypeName: String;
842 begin
843   if CNode.FirstChild=nil then begin
844     exit;
845   end;
846   CurName:=CTool.ExtractTypedefName(CNode);
847   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
848   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef Typedef name="',CurName,'"']);
849   {$ENDIF}
850   ChildNode:=CNode.FirstChild;
851   case ChildNode.Desc of
853   ccnName: // typedef simple-type name
854     begin
855       SimpleType:=GetSimplePascalTypeOfTypeDef(CNode);
856       if SimpleType='' then begin
857         // this variable has a complex type
858         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode,true,ParentNode<>nil);
859         if TypeH2PNode<>nil then
860           SimpleType:=TypeH2PNode.PascalName;
861       end;
862       if SimpleType<>'' then begin
863         CurCName:=CurName;
864         H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnTypeDefinition,
865                                SimpleType);
866         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
867         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
868         {$ENDIF}
869       end else begin
870         CurType:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionType(ChildNode);
871         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
872         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef SKIPPING Typedef Variable Name="',CurName,'" Type="',CurType,'"']);
873         {$ENDIF}
874       end;
875     end;
877   ccnStruct: // typedef struct
878     begin
879       (* typedef struct a b;     =>  alias b = a
880         typedef struct a {} b;  =>  a = record + alias b = a
881         typedef struct {} b;    =>  b = record
882       *)
883       if (ChildNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnTypeName)
884       and (ChildNode.LastChild.Desc=ccnSubDefs) then begin
885         // for example: typedef struct a {} b;
886         // => create a new record type a and an alias b = a
887         TypeNode:=ChildNode.FirstChild;
888         SubChildNode:=ChildNode.LastChild;
889         // create a new record
890         CurCName:=GetIdentifier(@CTool.Src[TypeNode.StartPos]);
891         SubTypeName:=CurCName;
892         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(SubTypeName,CurCName,TypeNode,ctnRecordType,'');
893         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
894         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added record: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
895         {$ENDIF}
896         // build recursively
897         BuildH2PTree(TypeH2PNode,SubChildNode.FirstChild);
898         // create an alias  b=a
899         CurCName:=CurName;
900         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,
901                                    ctnTypeDefinition,SubTypeName);
902         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
903         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added type alias: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
904         {$ENDIF}
905       end else if ChildNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnSubDefs then begin
906         // for example: typedef struct {} b;  => b = record
907         // => create a new record type b
908         SubChildNode:=ChildNode.LastChild;
909         CurCName:=CurName;
910         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,ChildNode,ctnRecordType,'');
911         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
912         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added record: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
913         {$ENDIF}
914         // build recursively
915         BuildH2PTree(TypeH2PNode,SubChildNode.FirstChild);
916       end else if (ChildNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnTypeName)
917       and (ChildNode.FirstChild.NextBrother=nil) then begin
918         // for example: typedef struct a b;
919         // => create a type alias b = a
920         TypeNode:=ChildNode.FirstChild;
921         SubTypeName:=GetIdentifier(@CTool.Src[TypeNode.StartPos]);
922         CurCName:=CurName;
923         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,
924                                    ctnTypeDefinition,SubTypeName);
925         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
926         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added type alias: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
927         {$ENDIF}
928       end else begin
929         raise Exception.Create('TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef inconsistency: unknown format of typedef struct');
930       end;
931     end;
933   ccnFunction: // typedef function
934     begin
935       CurName:=CTool.ExtractFunctionName(ChildNode);
936       CurType:=CTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(ChildNode,false,false);
937       IsPointerToFunction:=CTool.IsPointerToFunction(ChildNode);
hildNodenull938       SimpleType:=GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunction(ChildNode);
andnull939       if IsPointerToFunction and (SimpleType='') then begin
940         // this function has a complex result type
941         TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(ChildNode,true,ParentNode<>nil);
942         if TypeH2PNode<>nil then
943           SimpleType:=TypeH2PNode.PascalName;
944       end;
andnull945       if IsPointerToFunction and (SimpleType<>'') then begin
946         CurCName:=CurName;
947         H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnProcedureType,SimpleType,
948                                nil,true);
949         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
950         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef function type added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
951         {$ENDIF}
952         // build the param list
953         if ChildNode.FirstChild<>nil then
954           BuildH2PTree(H2PNode,ChildNode.FirstChild);
955       end else begin
956         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
957         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef typdef function CurName=',CurName,' CurType=',CTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(ChildNode),' SimpleType=',SimpleType,' IsPointerToFunction=',IsPointerToFunction]);
958         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef SKIPPING typedef ',CCNodeDescAsString(ChildNode.Desc),' at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
959         {$ENDIF}
960       end;
961     end;
963   ccnEnumBlock: // enum block
964     begin
965       // this enum block has a name
966       CurCName:=CurName;
967       TypeH2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,CNode,ctnEnumerationType,'',
968                                  nil,true);
969       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
970       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added: ',TypeH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
971       {$ENDIF}
973       SubChildNode:=ChildNode.FirstChild;
974       while SubChildNode<>nil do begin
975         if SubChildNode.Desc=ccnEnumID then begin
976           CurName:=CTool.ExtractEnumIDName(SubChildNode);
977           CurValue:=CTool.ExtractEnumIDValue(SubChildNode);
978           CurCName:=CurName;
979           H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,CurCName,SubChildNode,
980                                  ctnEnumIdentifier,CurValue,
981                                  TypeH2PNode,true);
982           {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
983           DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
984           {$ENDIF}
985         end;
986         SubChildNode:=SubChildNode.NextBrother;
987       end;
988     end;
990   else // typedef
991     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
992     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertTypedef SKIPPING typedef ',CTool.NodeAsString(ChildNode)]);
993     {$ENDIF}
994   end;
995 end;
997 procedure TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective(CNode: TCodeTreeNode; ParentNode: TH2PNode);
998 var
999   Directive: String;
1000   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
1001   CurName: String;
1002   PascalCode: String;
1003   ErrorPos: integer;
1004   ErrorMsg: string;
1005   StartPos: LongInt;
1006   EndPos: LongInt;
1007   MacroName,MacroParamList,MacroValue: string;
1008   DirNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1009   Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;
1010 begin
1011   Directive:=CTool.ExtractDirectiveAction(CNode);
1012   if Directive='include' then begin
1013     // #include <filename>  // search independent of source position
1014     // #include "filename"  // search dependent on source position
1015     if icspInclude in IgnoreCParts then
1016       exit;
1017   end else if Directive='define' then begin
1018     // #define macrofunction(a,b) a here, then b
1019     // #define simplemacro some text here
1020     if CTool.ExtractDefine(CNode,MacroName,MacroParamList,MacroValue)
1021     then begin
1022       CurName:='$'+Directive;
1023       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1024                              MacroName,ParentNode,false);
1025       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1026       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1027       {$ENDIF}
1028       DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,h2pdnDefine);
1029       DirNode.MacroName:=MacroName;
1030       DirNode.MacroParams:=MacroParamList;
1031       if MacroValue='__BYTE_ORDER' then
1032         MacroValue:='FPC';
1033       DirNode.Expression:=MacroValue;
1034       exit;
1035     end;
1036   end else if (Directive='undef') or (Directive='ifdef')
1037   or (Directive='ifndef') then begin
1038     // #undef NAME
1039     // #ifdef NAME
1040     // #ifndef NAME
1041     CurName:='$'+Directive;
1042     PascalCode:=CTool.ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(CNode);
1043     H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1044                            PascalCode,ParentNode,false);
1045     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1046     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1047     {$ENDIF}
1048     if (Directive='ifdef') then
1049       Desc:=h2pdnIfDef
1050     else if (Directive='ifndef') then
1051       Desc:=h2pdnIfNDef
1052     else
1053       Desc:=h2pdnUndefine;
1054     DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,Desc);
1055     DirNode.MacroName:=PascalCode;
1056     if (Desc=h2pdnIfDef) or (Desc=h2pdnIfNDef) then begin
1057       // start block
1058       FCurDirectiveNode:=DirNode;
1059     end;
1060     exit;
1061   end else if (Directive='if') or (Directive='elif') then begin
1062     // #if EXPRESSION
1063     // #elif EXPRESSION
1064     CTool.MoveCursorToPos(CNode.StartPos+1);
1065     // read action
1066     CTool.ReadRawNextAtom;
1067     // convert expression
1068     StartPos:=CTool.SrcPos;
1069     EndPos:=CNode.EndPos;
1070     if not ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpression(CTool.Src,StartPos,EndPos,
1071       PascalCode,ErrorPos,ErrorMsg) then
1072     begin
1073       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1074       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective failed to convert expression at ',
1075         CTool.CleanPosToStr(ErrorPos)+': '+ErrorMsg]);
1076       {$ENDIF}
1077     end else begin
1078       CurName:='$'+Directive;
1079       H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1080                              PascalCode,ParentNode,false);
1081       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1082       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1083       {$ENDIF}
1084       if (Directive='if') then
1085         Desc:=h2pdnIf
1086       else begin
1087         Desc:=h2pdnElseIf;
1088         // end block
1089         FCurDirectiveNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(FCurDirectiveNode.Parent);
1090       end;
1091       DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,Desc);
1092       DirNode.Expression:=PascalCode;
1093       // start block
1094       FCurDirectiveNode:=DirNode;
1095       exit;
1096     end;
1097   end else if (Directive='else') then begin
1098     // #else
1099     CurName:='$'+Directive;
1100     H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1101                            '',ParentNode,false);
1102     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1103     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1104     {$ENDIF}
1105     // end block
1106     FCurDirectiveNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(FCurDirectiveNode.Parent);
1107     DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,h2pdnElse);
1108     // start block
1109     FCurDirectiveNode:=DirNode;
1110     exit;
1111   end else if (Directive='endif') then begin
1112     // #endif
1113     CurName:='$'+Directive;
1114     H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1115                            '',ParentNode,false);
1116     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1117     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1118     {$ENDIF}
1119     // end block
1120     FCurDirectiveNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(FCurDirectiveNode.Parent);
1121     DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,h2pdnEndIf);
1122     exit;
1123   end else if Directive='line' then begin
1124     // #line: set the current line number -> ignore
1125     exit;
1126   end else if Directive='error' then begin
1127     // #error
1128     PascalCode:=CTool.ExtractCode(CNode.StartPos+length('#error'),
1129                                   CNode.EndPos);
1130     CurName:='$'+Directive;
1131     H2PNode:=CreateH2PNode(CurName,'#'+Directive,CNode,ctnNone,
1132                            PascalCode,ParentNode,false);
1133     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1134     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective added $error: ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1135     {$ENDIF}
1136     DirNode:=CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode,h2pdnError);
1137     DirNode.Expression:=PascalCode;
1138     exit;
1139   end else if Directive='pragma' then begin
1140     // #pragma: implementation specifics
1141     exit;
1142   end else if Directive='' then begin
1143     // #  : null
1144     exit;
1145   end;
1146   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1147   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertDirective SKIPPING directive at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos),' Code="',dbgstr(CTool.ExtractCode(CNode.StartPos,CNode.EndPos)),'"']);
1148   {$ENDIF}
1149 end;
ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpressionnull1151 function TH2PasTool.ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpression(const CCode: string;
1152   StartPos, EndPos: integer; out PasExpr: string;
1153   out ErrorPos: integer; out ErrorMsg: string): boolean;
1154 type
1155   TTokenType = (
1156     ttNone,
1157     ttValue,
1158     ttBinaryOperator,
1159     ttBracketOpen,
1160     ttBracketClose
1161     );
1162 var
1163   p: LongInt;
1164   AtomStart: integer;
1165   BracketLvl: Integer;
1166   LastToken: TTokenType;
1167   NeedBracket: Boolean;
AtomIsnull1169   function AtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
1170   var
1171     len: Integer;
1172     i: Integer;
1173   begin
1174     len:=length(s);
1175     if (len<>p-AtomStart) then exit(false);
1176     if p>EndPos then exit(false);
1177     for i:=1 to len do
1178       if CCode[AtomStart+i-1]<>s[i] then exit(false);
1179     Result:=true;
1180   end;
GetAtomnull1182   function GetAtom: string;
1183   begin
1184     Result:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
1185   end;
1187   procedure ErrorExpectedButFound(const s: string);
1188   begin
1189     ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1190     ErrorMsg:=s+' expected, but '+GetAtom+' found';
1191   end;
1193   procedure Add(NewToken: TTokenType; const s: string);
1194   begin
1195     LastToken:=NewToken;
1196     if s='' then exit;
1197     if (IsIdentChar[s[1]])
1198     and (PasExpr<>'') and IsIdentChar[PasExpr[length(PasExpr)]] then
1199       PasExpr:=PasExpr+' ';
1200     PasExpr:=PasExpr+s;
1201   end;
1203   procedure Add(NewToken: TTokenType);
1204   begin
1205     Add(NewToken,GetAtom);
1206   end;
1208   procedure Replace(const OldText,NewText: string);
1209   var
1210     l: Integer;
1211   begin
1212     p:=1;
1213     l:=length(OldText);
1214     repeat
1215       ReadRawNextCAtom(PasExpr,p,AtomStart);
1216       if AtomStart>length(PasExpr) then break;
1217       if CompareMem(@PasExpr[AtomStart],@OldText[1],l)
1218       and ((not IsIdentChar[OldText[l]])
1219            or (AtomStart+l>length(PasExpr))
1220            or (not IsIdentChar[PasExpr[AtomStart+l]]))
1221       then begin
1222         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1223         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertCToPascalDirectiveExpression.Replace Old="',OldText,'" New="',NewText,'"']);
1224         {$ENDIF}
1225         PasExpr:=copy(PasExpr,1,AtomStart-1)
1226                +NewText+copy(PasExpr,AtomStart+length(OldText),length(PasExpr));
1227       end;
1228     until false;
1229   end;
1231 begin
1232   Result:=false;
1233   PasExpr:='';
1234   ErrorMsg:='';
1235   ErrorPos:=StartPos;
1236   LastToken:=ttNone;
1237   BracketLvl:=0;
1238   p:=StartPos;
1239   repeat
1240     ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
1241     if (AtomStart>=EndPos) or (CCode[AtomStart] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1242       if BracketLvl>0 then begin
1243         ErrorPos:=EndPos;
1244         ErrorMsg:='missing closing bracket';
1245         exit;
1246       end else if LastToken in [ttNone,ttBinaryOperator] then begin
1247         ErrorPos:=EndPos;
1248         ErrorMsg:='missing value';
1249         exit;
1250       end;
1251       Result:=true;
1252       break;
1253     end;
1254     if IsIdentChar[CCode[AtomStart]] then begin
1255       // value
1256       if LastToken in [ttValue,ttBracketClose] then begin
1257         ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1258         ErrorMsg:='missing operator';
1259         exit;
1260       end;
1261       if AtomIs('defined') then begin
1262         Add(ttValue);
1263         // read   defined(name)   or   defined name
1264         ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
1265         if AtomIs('(') then
1266           NeedBracket:=true
1267         else
1268           NeedBracket:=false;
1269         Add(ttBracketOpen);
1270         ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
1271         if (AtomStart>=EndPos) or (not IsIdentStartChar[CCode[AtomStart]])
1272         then begin
1273           ErrorExpectedButFound('identifier');
1274           exit;
1275         end;
1276         // convert defined(__BYTE_ORDER) to defined(FPC)
1277         if AtomIs('__BYTE_ORDER') then
1278           Add(ttValue,'FPC')
1279         else
1280           Add(ttValue);
1281         if NeedBracket then begin
1282           ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
1283           if not AtomIs(')') then begin
1284             ErrorExpectedButFound(')');
1285             exit;
1286           end;
1287         end;
1288         Add(ttBracketClose);
1289       end else begin
1290         Add(ttValue);
1291       end;
1292     end else if AtomIs('+') or AtomIs('-') or AtomIs('!') then begin
1293       if LastToken in [ttValue,ttBracketClose] then begin
1294         if AtomIs('!') then
1295           Add(ttBinaryOperator,'not')
1296         else
1297           Add(ttBinaryOperator);
1298       end else begin
1299         // just a modifier, not important for the type
1300       end;
1301     end else if AtomIs('*') or AtomIs('/') or AtomIs('!=') or AtomIs('==')
1302     then begin
1303       if LastToken in [ttValue,ttBracketClose] then begin
1304         if AtomIs('!=') then
1305           Add(ttBinaryOperator,'<>')
1306         else if AtomIs('==') then
1307           Add(ttBinaryOperator,'=')
1308         else
1309           Add(ttBinaryOperator);
1310       end else begin
1311         ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1312         ErrorMsg:='value expected, but '+GetAtom+' found';
1313         exit;
1314       end;
1315     end else if AtomIs('(') then begin
1316       if LastToken in [ttNone,ttBinaryOperator] then begin
1317         Add(ttBracketOpen);
1318         inc(BracketLvl);
1319       end else begin
1320         ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1321         ErrorMsg:='operator expected, but '+GetAtom+' found';
1322         exit;
1323       end;
1324     end else if AtomIs(')') then begin
1325       if BracketLvl=0 then begin
1326         ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1327         ErrorMsg:='missing opening bracket';
1328         exit;
1329       end;
1330       if LastToken in [ttValue] then begin
1331         Add(ttBracketClose);
1332         dec(BracketLvl);
1333       end else begin
1334         ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1335         ErrorMsg:='operator expected, but '+GetAtom+' found';
1336         exit;
1337       end;
1338     end else begin
1339       ErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1340       ErrorMsg:='invalid symbol '+GetAtom+' found';
1341       exit;
1342     end;
1343   until false;
1345   // now convert a few common things:
1346   Replace('__BYTE_ORDER=__LITTLE_ENDIAN','defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)');
1347   Replace('__LITTLE_ENDIAN=__BYTE_ORDER','defined(ENDIAN_LITTLE)');
1348   Replace('__BYTE_ORDER=__BIG_ENDIAN','defined(ENDIAN_BIG)');
1349   Replace('__BIG_ENDIAN=__BYTE_ORDER','defined(ENDIAN_BIG)');
1350 end;
1352 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteStr(const Line: string);
1353 begin
1354   if Line='' then exit;
1355   FCurPasStream.Write(Line[1],length(Line));
1356 end;
1358 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteLnStr(const Line: string);
1359 begin
1360   WriteStr(Line+LineEnding);
1361 end;
1363 procedure TH2PasTool.W(const aStr: string);
1364 begin
1365   WriteLnStr(FCurIndentStr+aStr);
1366 end;
1368 procedure TH2PasTool.IncIndent;
1369 begin
1370   FCurIndentStr:=FCurIndentStr+'  ';
1371 end;
1373 procedure TH2PasTool.DecIndent;
1374 begin
1375   FCurIndentStr:=copy(FCurIndentStr,1,length(FCurIndentStr)-2);
1376 end;
1378 procedure TH2PasTool.SetPasSection(NewSection: TCodeTreeNodeDesc);
1379 begin
1380   if NewSection=FCurPasSection then exit;
1381   // close old section
1382   case FCurPasSection of
1383   ctnVarSection,ctnTypeSection,ctnConstSection:
1384     begin
1385       DecIndent;
1386     end;
1387   end;
1388   FCurPasSection:=NewSection;
1389   // start new section
1390   W('');
1391   case FCurPasSection of
1392   ctnVarSection,ctnTypeSection,ctnConstSection:
1393     begin
1394       case FCurPasSection of
1395       ctnVarSection: W('var');
1396       ctnTypeSection: W('type');
1397       ctnConstSection: W('const');
1398       end;
1399       IncIndent;
1400     end;
1401   end;
1402 end;
1404 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalVarNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1405 var
1406   PascalCode: String;
1407 begin
1408   // global variable
1409   SetPasSection(ctnVarSection);
1410   PascalCode:=H2PNode.PascalCode+';';
1411   if H2PNode.CName<>'' then begin
1412     PascalCode:=PascalCode+' cvar; ';
1413     if UseExternal then
1414       PascalCode:=PascalCode+'external'
1415     else
1416       PascalCode:=PascalCode+'public';
1417     if H2PNode.PascalName<>H2PNode.CName then begin
1418       PascalCode:=PascalCode+' name '''+H2PNode.CName+'''';
1419     end;
1420     PascalCode:=PascalCode+';';
1421   end;
1422   W(H2PNode.PascalName+': '+PascalCode);
1423 end;
1425 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1426 begin
1427   // global type
1428   SetPasSection(ctnTypeSection);
1429   if H2PNode.FirstChild=nil then begin
1430     W(H2PNode.PascalName+' = '+H2PNode.PascalCode+';');
1431   end else begin
1432     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1433     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalTypeNode SKIPPING ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1434     {$ENDIF}
1435   end;
1436 end;
1438 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalConstNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1439 begin
1440   // global const
1441   SetPasSection(ctnConstSection);
1442   if H2PNode.FirstChild=nil then begin
1443     W(H2PNode.PascalName+H2PNode.PascalCode+';');
1444   end else begin
1445     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1446     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalTypeNode SKIPPING ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1447     {$ENDIF}
1448   end;
1449 end;
1451 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalProcedureNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1452 var
1453   PascalCode: String;
1454   ChildNode: TH2PNode;
1455   NoNameCount: Integer;
1456   CurName: String;
1457 begin
1458   // global procedure or procedure type
1459   if H2PNode.PascalDesc=ctnProcedure then
1460     SetPasSection(ctnNone)
1461   else
1462     SetPasSection(ctnTypeSection);
1463   // create param list
1464   PascalCode:='';
1465   ChildNode:=TH2PNode(H2PNode.FirstChild);
1466   NoNameCount:=0;
1467   while ChildNode<>nil do begin
1468     if ChildNode.PascalDesc=ctnVarDefinition then begin
1469       if PascalCode<>'' then
1470         PascalCode:=PascalCode+'; ';
1471       CurName:=ChildNode.PascalName;
1472       if CurName='' then begin
1473         inc(NoNameCount);
1474         CurName:='param'+IntToStr(NoNameCount)
1475                 +CreatePascalNameFromCCode(ChildNode.PascalCode);
1476       end;
1477       PascalCode:=PascalCode+CurName+': '+ChildNode.PascalCode;
1478     end else begin
1479       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1480       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalProcedureNode SKIPPING ',ChildNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1481       {$ENDIF}
1482     end;
1483     ChildNode:=TH2PNode(ChildNode.NextBrother);
1484   end;
1485   if PascalCode<>'' then
1486     PascalCode:='('+PascalCode+')';
1487   if H2PNode.PascalDesc=ctnProcedure then begin
1488     PascalCode:=H2PNode.PascalName+PascalCode;
1489     if H2PNode.PascalCode='void' then
1490       PascalCode:='procedure '+PascalCode
1491     else
1492       PascalCode:='function '+PascalCode+': '+H2PNode.PascalCode;
1493     PascalCode:=PascalCode+'; cdecl;';
1494     if H2PNode.CName<>'' then begin
1495       if H2PNode.CName<>H2PNode.PascalName then
1496         PascalCode:=PascalCode+' external name '''+H2PNode.CName+''';'
1497       else
1498         PascalCode:=PascalCode+' external;';
1499     end;
1500   end else begin
1501     if H2PNode.PascalCode='void' then
1502       PascalCode:='procedure'+PascalCode
1503     else
1504       PascalCode:='function'+PascalCode+': '+H2PNode.PascalCode;
1505     PascalCode:=PascalCode+'; cdecl;';
1506     PascalCode:=H2PNode.PascalName+' = '+PascalCode;
1507   end;
1508   W(PascalCode);
1509 end;
1511 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalEnumerationTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1512 var
1513   PascalCode: String;
1514   ChildNode: TH2PNode;
1515 begin
1516   { for example:
1517       e2 = (
1518         a = 3,
1519         b = 9
1520       );
1521   }
1522   SetPasSection(ctnTypeSection);
1523   // write start
1524   PascalCode:=H2PNode.PascalName+' = (';
1525   W(PascalCode);
1526   // write enums
1527   IncIndent;
1528   ChildNode:=TH2PNode(H2PNode.FirstChild);
1529   while ChildNode<>nil do begin
1530     PascalCode:=ChildNode.PascalName;
1531     if ChildNode.PascalCode<>'' then
1532       PascalCode:=PascalCode+' = '+ChildNode.PascalCode;
1533     if ChildNode.NextBrother<>nil then
1534       PascalCode:=PascalCode+',';
1535     W(PascalCode);
1536     ChildNode:=TH2PNode(ChildNode.NextBrother);
1537   end;
1538   DecIndent;
1539   // write end
1540   W(');');
1541 end;
1543 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalRecordTypeNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode);
1544 var
1545   PascalCode: String;
1546   ChildNode: TH2PNode;
1547   NoNameCount: Integer;
1548   SubChildNode: TH2PNode;
1549 begin
1550   { examples:
1551      TRecord = record
1552      end;
1553   }
1554   SetPasSection(ctnTypeSection);
1555   // write header
1556   PascalCode:=H2PNode.PascalName+' = record';
1557   W(PascalCode);
1558   // write sub variables
1559   IncIndent;
1560   ChildNode:=TH2PNode(H2PNode.FirstChild);
1561   while ChildNode<>nil do begin
1562     if ChildNode.PascalDesc=ctnVarDefinition then begin
1563       PascalCode:=ChildNode.PascalName+': '+ChildNode.PascalCode+';';
1564       W(PascalCode);
1565     end else if ChildNode.PascalDesc=ctnRecordCase then begin
1566       { record
1567           case longint of
1568           0: ( a: b );
1569           2: ( c: d );
1570         end;
1571       }
1572       // write header
1573       PascalCode:=ChildNode.PascalName+': record';
1574       W(PascalCode);
1575       IncIndent;
1576       // write children
1577       W('case longint of');
1578       IncIndent;
1579       NoNameCount:=0;
1580       SubChildNode:=TH2PNode(ChildNode.FirstChild);
1581       while SubChildNode<>nil do begin
1582         PascalCode:=IntToStr(NoNameCount)+': ('
1583            +SubChildNode.PascalName+': '+SubChildNode.PascalCode+' );';
1584         W(PascalCode);
1585         SubChildNode:=TH2PNode(SubChildNode.NextBrother);
1586         inc(NoNameCount);
1587       end;
1588       DecIndent;
1589       // write footer
1590       W('end;');
1591       DecIndent;
1592     end else begin
1593       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1594       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteGlobalRecordTypeNode SKIPPING record sub ',ChildNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1595       {$ENDIF}
1596     end;
1597     ChildNode:=TH2PNode(ChildNode.NextBrother);
1598   end;
1599   DecIndent;
1600   // write end
1601   W('end;');
1602 end;
1604 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteDirectiveNode(DirNode: TH2PDirectiveNode);
1605 begin
1606   case DirNode.Desc of
1607   h2pdnIfDef:
1608     begin
1609       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1610       W('{$IfDef '+DirNode.MacroName+'}');
1611       IncIndent;
1612     end;
1613   h2pdnIfNDef:
1614     begin
1615       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1616       W('{$IfNDef '+DirNode.MacroName+'}');
1617       IncIndent;
1618     end;
1619   h2pdnIf:
1620     begin
1621       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1622       W('{$If '+DirNode.Expression+'}');
1623       IncIndent;
1624     end;
1625   h2pdnElseIf:
1626     begin
1627       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1628       DecIndent;
1629       W('{$ElseIf '+DirNode.Expression+'}');
1630       IncIndent;
1631     end;
1632   h2pdnElse:
1633     begin
1634       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1635       DecIndent;
1636       W('{$Else}');
1637       IncIndent;
1638     end;
1639   h2pdnEndIf:
1640     begin
1641       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1642       DecIndent;
1643       W('{$EndIf}');
1644     end;
1645   h2pdnError:
1646     begin
1647       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1648       W('{$Error '+CreateDirectiveValue(DirNode.Expression)+'}');
1649     end;
1650   h2pdnUndefine:
1651     begin
1652       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1653       W('{$UnDef '+DirNode.MacroName+'}');
1654     end;
1655   h2pdnDefine:
1656     if (DirNode.MacroParams='') then begin
1657       SetPasSection(ctnNone);
1658       if ExtractCCode(DirNode.Expression)='' then begin
1659         W('{$Define '+DirNode.MacroName+'}');
1660       end else begin
1661         W('{off $Define '+DirNode.MacroName+':='+CreateDirectiveValue(DirNode.Expression)+'}');
1662       end;
1663     end else begin
1664       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1665       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteDirectiveNode SKIPPING ',DirNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1666       {$ENDIF}
1667     end;
1668   else
1669     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1670     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteDirectiveNode SKIPPING ',DirNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1671   {$ENDIF}
1672   end;
1673 end;
TH2PasTool.CreateDirectiveValuenull1675 function TH2PasTool.CreateDirectiveValue(const s: string): string;
1676 var
1677   p: Integer;
1678 begin
1679   Result:=s;
1680   p:=length(Result);
1681   while p>=1 do begin
1682     if (Result[p] in [#0..#31,'{','}']) then begin
1683       Result:=copy(Result,1,p-1)+'#'+IntToStr(ord(Result[p]))+copy(Result,p+1,length(Result));
1684     end;
1685     dec(p);
1686   end;
1687 end;
1689 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyUndefineDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1690   var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode; var Changed: boolean);
1691 begin
1692   SimplifyMacroRedefinition(Node,'',hmsUndefined,NextNode,Changed);
1693   if Node=nil then exit;
1694   UndefineMacro(Node.MacroName,Node.H2PNode);
1695 end;
1697 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyDefineDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1698   var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode; var Changed: boolean);
1699 { Examples:
1701   Macro flag:
1702     #define MPI_FILE_DEFINED
1703     =>  $Define MPI_FILE_DEFINED
1705   Simple constant:
1706     #define SOME_FLAG1   31
1707     =>  const SOME_FLAG1 = 31;
1709   null pointer
1710     #define MPI_BOTTOM      (void *)0
1711     =>  const MPI_BOTTOM = nil;
1713   Alias:
1714     #define SOME_FLAG2  SOME_FLAG1
1715     =>  const SOME_FLAG2 = SOME_FLAG1;
1716      OR type SOME_FLAG2 = SOME_FLAG1;
1718   Dummy function:
1719     #define htobs(d)  (d)
1720     =>  comment
1722   Function alias:
1723     #define htobs(d)  bswap_16(d)
1724     =>  comment
1726   Function without parameters:
1727     #define HIDPCONNADD     _IOW('H', 200, int)
1728     =>  comment
1729 }
1730 var
1731   PasType: string;
1732   PasExpr: string;
1733   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
1734 begin
1735   if Node.H2PNode<>nil then
1736     MarkMacrosAsRead(Node.H2PNode,Node.Expression);
1738   if (Node.H2PNode<>nil) and (Node.H2PNode.Parent<>nil) then begin
1739     // this directive is in a C block
1740     // ToDo: try to make it global
1741     if (Node.Parent<>nil) and (TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.Parent).Desc<>h2pdnRoot)
1742     then begin
1743       // this define is in a conditional
1744     end;
1745     exit;
1746   end;
1748   if Node.MacroParams='' then begin
1749     // a macro without parameters
1750     if ExtractCCode(Node.Expression)='' then begin
1751       // example: #define MPI_FILE_DEFINED
1752       // => simple macro flag
1753       SimplifyMacroRedefinition(Node,'',hmsDefined,NextNode,Changed);
1754       if Node=nil then exit;
1755       DefineMacro(Node.MacroName,'',Node.H2PNode);
1756     end else if MacroValueIsConstant(Node,PasType,PasExpr) then begin
1757       // convert node to constant
1758       H2PNode:=Node.H2PNode;
1759       H2PNode.PascalName:=CreateUniquePascalName(Node.MacroName);
1760       H2PNode.CName:=Node.MacroName;
1761       H2PNode.PascalDesc:=ctnConstDefinition;
1762       H2PNode.PascalCode:=' = '+PasExpr;
1763       if PasType<>'' then
1764         H2PNode.PascalCode:=': '+PasType+H2PNode.PascalCode;
1765       FPascalNames.Add(H2PNode);
1766       FCNames.Add(H2PNode);
1767       DefineMacro(H2PNode.CName,PasExpr,nil);
1768       NextNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.NextSkipChilds);
1769       Node.H2PNode:=nil;
1770       H2PNode.Directive:=nil;
1771       DeleteDirectiveNode(Node,true,false);
1772       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1773       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyDefineDirective ADDED constant ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1774       {$ENDIF}
1775       Changed:=true;
1776     end;
1777   end else begin
1778     DefineMacro(Node.MacroName,Node.Expression,Node.H2PNode);
1779   end;
1780 end;
1782 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyIfDirective(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1783   Expression: string; var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1784   var Changed: boolean);
1785 begin
1786   if Node.H2PNode=nil then exit;
1787   MarkMacrosAsRead(Node.H2PNode,Expression);
1789   if (Node.FirstChild=nil) and (Node.H2PNode.FirstChild=nil)
1790   and ((Node.NextBrother=nil)
1791        or (TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.NextBrother).H2PNode=Node.H2PNode.NextBrother))
1792   then begin
1793     // no content
1794     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1795     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyIfDirective REMOVING empty if directive: ',Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1796     {$ENDIF}
1797     if NextNode.HasAsParent(Node)
1798     or ((NextNode=Node.NextBrother) and (NextNode.Desc=h2pdnEndIf)) then
1799       NextNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(NextNode.NextSkipChilds);
1800     DeleteDirectiveNode(Node,true,true);
1801     Changed:=true;
1802     exit;
1803   end;
1805   Changed:=SimplifyIfDirectiveExpression(Expression);
1806   if Expression='0' then begin
1807     // always false
1808     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1809     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyIfDirective REMOVING directive, because always false: ',Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1810     {$ENDIF}
1811     if NextNode.HasAsParent(Node)
1812     or ((NextNode=Node.NextBrother) and (NextNode.Desc=h2pdnEndIf)) then
1813       NextNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(NextNode.NextSkipChilds);
1814     DeleteDirectiveNode(Node,true,true);
1815     Changed:=true;
1816     exit;
1817   end;
1819   if Changed and ((Node.Desc=h2pdnIf) or (Node.Desc=h2pdnElseIf)) then begin
1820     Node.Expression:=Expression;
1821   end;
1822 end;
TH2PasTool.SimplifyIfDirectiveExpressionnull1824 function TH2PasTool.SimplifyIfDirectiveExpression(var Expression: string
1825   ): boolean;
1826 // returns true, if changed
1827 // uses current Undefines and Defines
1828 var
1829   p: Integer;
1830   AtomStart: integer;
1831   CurAtom: String;
1832 begin
1833   Result:=false;
1834   p:=1;
1835   repeat
1836     ReadRawNextCAtom(Expression,p,AtomStart);
1837     if AtomStart>length(Expression) then break;
1838     CurAtom:=copy(Expression,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
1839     if CurAtom='' then ;
1840   until false;
1841 end;
TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstantnull1843 function TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1844   out PasType, PasExpression: string): boolean;
TrimBracketsnull1846   function TrimBrackets(const s: string): string;
1847   begin
1848     Result:=s;
1849   end;
1851 var
1852   AtomStart: integer;
1853   p: Integer;
1855   procedure Replace(NewAtom: string);
1856   begin
1857     if IsIdentChar[NewAtom[1]]
1858     and (AtomStart>1) and (IsIdentChar[PasExpression[AtomStart-1]]) then
1859       NewAtom:=' '+NewAtom;
1860     if IsIdentChar[NewAtom[length(NewAtom)]]
1861     and (p<=length(PasExpression)) and (IsIdentChar[PasExpression[p]]) then
1862       NewAtom:=NewAtom+' ';
1863     PasExpression:=copy(PasExpression,1,AtomStart-1)+NewAtom
1864       +copy(PasExpression,p,length(PasExpression));
1865     p:=AtomStart+length(NewAtom);
1866   end;
1868 var
1869   CurAtom: String;
1870   UsedNode: TH2PNode;
1871 begin
1872   //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant ',Node.MacroName,':=',Node.Expression]);
1873   Result:=false;
1874   PasType:='';
1875   PasExpression:=TrimBrackets(Node.Expression);
1877   // check for special constants
1878   if ExtractCCode(PasExpression)='(void*)0' then begin
1879     PasExpression:='nil';
1880     exit(true);
1881   end;
1883   p:=1;
1884   repeat
1885     ReadRawNextCAtom(PasExpression,p,AtomStart);
1886     if AtomStart>length(PasExpression) then break;
1887     //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant Atom=',copy(PasExpression,AtomStart,p-AtomStart)]);
1888     if IsIdentStartChar[PasExpression[AtomStart]] then begin
1889       CurAtom:=copy(PasExpression,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
1890       if CurAtom='sizeof' then begin
isnull1891         // the sizeof(type) function is a C compiler built in function
1892         // read (
1893         ReadRawNextCAtom(PasExpression,p,AtomStart);
1894         if (AtomStart>length(PasExpression))
1895         or (PasExpression[AtomStart]<>'(') then break;
1896         // skip bracket content
1897         p:=AtomStart;
1898         ReadTilCBracketClose(PasExpression,p);
1899         AtomStart:=p-1;
1900       end else begin
1901         UsedNode:=FindH2PNodeWithCName(CurAtom);
1902         if (UsedNode<>nil) and (UsedNode.PascalDesc=ctnConstDefinition)
1903         then begin
1904           if UsedNode.PascalName<>CurAtom then
1905             Replace(UsedNode.PascalName);
1906         end else begin
1907           //
1908           {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1909           DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant NO, because this is not a constant: ',CurAtom]);
1910           {$ENDIF}
1911           exit;
1912         end;
1913       end;
1914     end else if IsCHexNumber(PasExpression,AtomStart) then begin
1915       // hex number
1916       // replace 0x with $
1917       PasExpression:=copy(PasExpression,1,AtomStart-1)
1918         +'$'+copy(PasExpression,AtomStart+2,length(PasExpression));
1919       dec(p);
1920       if p-AtomStart>17 then begin
1921         // out of bounds
1922         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1923         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant hex number out of bounds: "',PasExpression,'"']);
1924         {$ENDIF}
1925         exit;
1926       end;
1927     end else if IsCOctalNumber(PasExpression,AtomStart) then begin
1928       // octal number
1929       // replace 0 with &
1930       PasExpression[AtomStart]:='&';
1931     end else if IsCDecimalNumber(PasExpression,AtomStart) then begin
1932       // decimal number
1933     end else if PasExpression[AtomStart]='"' then begin
1934       PasExpression[AtomStart]:='''';
1935       PasExpression[p-1]:='''';
1936     end else begin
1937       CurAtom:=copy(PasExpression,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
1938       if (CurAtom='(') or (CurAtom=')')
1939       or (CurAtom='+') or (CurAtom='-') then begin
1940         // same in pascal
1941       end else if (CurAtom='*') then begin
1942         // can be multiplication or dereference or pointer type
1943         if (AtomStart>1) and (IsNumberChar[PasExpression[AtomStart-1]]) then
1944         begin
1945           // is multiplication
1946         end else begin
1947           // don't know
1948           // At the moment all constants are allowed,
1949           // so it is most probable a multiplication
1950         end;
1951       end else if (CurAtom='|') or (CurAtom='||') then begin
1952         Replace('or');
1953       end else if (CurAtom='&') or (CurAtom='&&') then begin
1954         Replace('and');
1955       end else begin
1956         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1957         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.MacroValueIsConstant NO ',CurAtom]);
1958         {$ENDIF}
1959         // unknown
1960         exit;
1961       end;
1962     end;
1963   until false;
1964   Result:=true;
1965 end;
1967 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyMacroRedefinition(var Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
1968   const NewValue: string; NewStatus: TH2PMacroStatus;
1969   var NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode; var Changed: boolean);
1970 var
1971   Macro: TH2PMacroStats;
1972   Parent: TH2PBaseNode;
1973 begin
1974   if Node.MacroName='' then exit;
1975   Macro:=FindMacro(Node.MacroName);
1976   if Macro=nil then exit;
1977   if Macro.LastDefineNode=nil then exit;
1978   if Macro.LastReadNode=nil then begin
1979     // macro was read, so last define is needed
1980     if (Node.H2PNode<>nil)
1981     and (Macro.LastDefineNode.Parent=Node.H2PNode.Parent)
1982     and (Macro.Status=NewStatus) and (Macro.Value=NewValue) then
1983     begin
1984       // value is kept => the new Node is a redefinition
1985       if (NextNode=Node) or (Node.HasAsChild(NextNode)) then
1986         NextNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.NextSkipChilds);
1987       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
1988       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyMacroRedefinition DELETE redefinition ',Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
1989       {$ENDIF}
1990       DeleteDirectiveNode(Node,false,false);
1991       Node:=nil;
1992       Changed:=true;
1993     end;
1994   end else begin
1995     // macro was not read since last write
1996     Parent:=Macro.LastDefineNode.Parent;
1997     repeat
1998       if Parent=Node.Parent then begin
1999         // last write was on same or lower level
2000         // => last write is not needed
2001         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2002         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyMacroRedefinition DELETE unused ',Macro.LastDefineNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2003         {$ENDIF}
2004         DeleteH2PNode(Macro.LastDefineNode);
2005         Changed:=true;
2006       end;
2007       if Parent=nil then break;
2008       Parent:=Parent.Parent;
2009     until false;
2010   end;
2011 end;
2013 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyUnusedDefines(Changed: boolean);
2014 var
2015   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2016   Macro: TH2PMacroStats;
2017 begin
2018   if Macros=nil then exit;
2019   AVLNode:=Macros.FindLowest;
2020   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
2021     Macro:=TH2PMacroStats(AVLNode.Data);
2022     if (Macro.LastDefineNode<>nil)
2023     and (Macro.LastReadNode=nil) then begin
2024       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2025       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.SimplifyUnusedDefines DELETE unused ',Macro.LastDefineNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2026       {$ENDIF}
2027       DeleteH2PNode(Macro.LastDefineNode);
2028       Changed:=true;
2029     end;
2030     AVLNode:=Macros.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
2031   end;
2032   if Changed then ;
2033 end;
2035 procedure TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode(Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2036   DeleteChilds: boolean; AdaptNeighborhood: boolean);
2037 var
2038   Expression: String;
2039   Sibling: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2040   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
2041   EndIfNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2042 begin
2043   if (Node.H2PNode<>nil) and (Node.H2PNode.FirstChild<>nil) then begin
2044     raise Exception.Create('TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode: inconsistency: a directive can not have H2P children');
2045   end;
2046   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2047   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode ',Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2048   {$ENDIF}
2050   if AdaptNeighborhood then begin
2051     // adapt following Else and ElseIf directives
2052     Expression:='';
2053     case Node.Desc of
2054     h2pdnIf,h2pdnElseIf: Expression:='not ('+Node.Expression+')';
2055     h2pdnIfDef: Expression:='not defined('+Node.MacroName+')';
2056     h2pdnIfNDef: Expression:='defined('+Node.MacroName+')';
2057     end;
2058     if Expression<>'' then begin
2059       Sibling:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.NextBrother);
2060       while Sibling<>nil do begin
2061         case Sibling.Desc of
2062         h2pdnElseIf:
2063           begin
2064             Sibling.Expression:='('+Sibling.Expression+') and '+Expression;
2065             if (Sibling.PriorBrother=Node) and (Node.Desc<>h2pdnElseIf) then
2066               Sibling.Desc:=h2pdnIf;
2067             {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2068             DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode ADAPTED neighbour: ',Sibling.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2069             {$ENDIF}
2070           end;
2071         h2pdnElse:
2072           begin
2073             Sibling.Expression:=Expression;
2074             if (Sibling.PriorBrother=Node) and (Node.Desc<>h2pdnElseIf) then
2075               Sibling.Desc:=h2pdnIf
2076             else
2077               Sibling.Desc:=h2pdnElseIf;
2078             {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2079             DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode ADAPTED neighbour: ',Sibling.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2080             {$ENDIF}
2081           end;
2082         else break;
2083         end;
2084         Sibling:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Sibling.NextBrother);
2085       end;
2086     end;
2087   end;
2089   // delete or move children
2090   if Node.FirstChild<>nil then begin
2091     if DeleteChilds then begin
2092       // delete directive children
2093       while Node.FirstChild<>nil do begin
2094         DeleteDirectiveNode(TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.FirstChild),true,false);
2095       end;
2096     end else begin
2097       // keep children
2098       // => move directive children one level up (in front of Node)
2099       if (Node.Desc<>h2pdnIf) and (Node.Desc<>h2pdnIfDef) and (Node.Desc<>h2pdnIfNDef)
2100       then
2101         raise Exception.Create('TH2PasTool.DeleteDirectiveNode: inconsistency: can not move children in front');
2102       DirectivesTree.MoveChildsInFront(Node);
2103     end;
2104   end;
2106   H2PNode:=Node.H2PNode;
2107   if H2PNode<>nil then begin
2108     H2PNode.Directive:=nil; // avoid circle between DeleteH2PNode and DeleteDirectiveNode
2109     Node.H2PNode:=nil;
2110     DeleteH2PNode(H2PNode);
2111   end;
2113   EndIfNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.NextBrother);
2114   if (EndIfNode<>nil) and (EndIfNode.Desc<>h2pdnEndIf) then
2115     EndIfNode:=nil;
2117   DirectivesTree.DeleteNode(Node);
2118   if AdaptNeighborhood and (EndIfNode<>nil) then
2119     DeleteDirectiveNode(EndIfNode,true,false);
2120 end;
2122 procedure TH2PasTool.DeleteH2PNode(Node: TH2PNode);
2123 var
2124   DirNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2125   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2126   Macro: TH2PMacroStats;
2127 begin
2128   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2129   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.DeleteH2PNode ',Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2130   {$ENDIF}
2131   if Node.PascalName<>'' then
2132     FPascalNames.Remove(Node);
2133   if Node.CName<>'' then
2134     FCNames.Remove(Node);
2135   // delete children
2136   while Node.FirstChild<>nil do
2137     DeleteH2PNode(TH2PNode(Node.FirstChild));
2138   // delete directives
2139   DirNode:=Node.Directive;
2140   if DirNode<>nil then begin
2141     Node.Directive:=nil; // avoid circle between DeleteH2PNode and DeleteDirectiveNode
2142     DirNode.H2PNode:=nil;
2143     DeleteDirectiveNode(DirNode,false,true);
2144   end;
2145   // check references
2146   if Macros<>nil then begin
2147      AVLNode:=Macros.FindLowest;
2148      while AVLNode<>nil do begin
2149        Macro:=TH2PMacroStats(AVLNode.Data);
2150        if Macro.LastDefineNode=Node then
2151          Macro.LastDefineNode:=nil;
2152        if Macro.LastReadNode=Node then
2153          Macro.LastReadNode:=nil;
2154        AVLNode:=Macros.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
2155      end;
2156   end;
2157   Tree.DeleteNode(Node);
2158 end;
Convertnull2160 function TH2PasTool.Convert(CCode, PascalCode: TCodeBuffer): boolean;
2161 begin
2162   Result:=false;
2164   if CTool=nil then
2165     CTool:=TCCodeParserTool.Create;
2166   // parse C header file
2167   CTool.Parse(CCode);
2168   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2169   CTool.WriteDebugReport;
2170   {$ENDIF}
2172   BuildH2PTree;
2174   SimplifyDirectives;
2176   WritePascal(PascalCode);
2178   Result:=true;
2179 end;
2181 procedure TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree(ParentNode: TH2PNode;
2182   StartNode: TCodeTreeNode);
2183 var
2184   CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2185   NextCNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2186 begin
2187   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2188   if ParentNode<>nil then begin
2189     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree ParentNode=',ParentNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2190   end else begin
2191     debugln(['TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree START']);
2192   end;
2193   {$ENDIF}
2194   if ParentNode<>nil then begin
2195     if StartNode=nil then
2196       StartNode:=ParentNode.CNode.FirstChild;
2197   end else begin
2198     Tree.Clear;
2199     if StartNode=nil then
2200       StartNode:=CTool.Tree.Root;
2201     DirectivesTree.Clear;
2202     FCurDirectiveNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode.Create;
2203     FCurDirectiveNode.Desc:=h2pdnRoot;
2204     DirectivesTree.AddNodeAsLastChild(nil,FCurDirectiveNode);
2205   end;
2206   CNode:=StartNode;
2207   while CNode<>nil do begin
2208     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2209     if ParentNode<>nil then begin
2210       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree Current ParentNode=',ParentNode.DescAsString(CTool),' CNode=',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc)]);
2211     end else begin
2212       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree Current ParentNode=nil CNode=',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc)]);
2213     end;
2214     {$ENDIF}
2215     NextCNode:=CNode.NextSkipChilds;
2216     case CNode.Desc of
2217     ccnRoot, ccnExternBlock:
2218       NextCNode:=CNode.Next;
2220     ccnTypedef:
2221       ConvertTypedef(CNode,ParentNode);
2223     ccnDefinition:
2224       ConvertVariable(CNode,ParentNode);
2226     ccnFunction:
2227       ConvertFunction(CNode,ParentNode);
2229     ccnFuncParamList:
2230       NextCNode:=CNode.FirstChild;
2232     ccnFuncParameter:
2233       ConvertFuncParameter(CNode,ParentNode);
2235     ccnEnumBlock:
2236       ConvertEnumBlock(CNode,ParentNode);
2238     ccnStruct:
2239       ConvertStruct(CNode,ParentNode);
2241     ccnName: ;
2243     ccnDirective:
2244       ConvertDirective(CNode,ParentNode);
2245     else
2246       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2247       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.BuildH2PTree SKIPPING ',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc),' at ',CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)]);
2248       {$ENDIF}
2249     end;
2250     // next C node
2251     if (ParentNode<>nil) and (not ParentNode.CNode.HasAsChild(NextCNode)) then
2252       NextCNode:=nil;
2253     CNode:=NextCNode;
2254   end;
2255 end;
FindEnclosingIFNDEFnull2257 function TH2PasTool.FindEnclosingIFNDEF(CCode: TCodeBuffer): TCodeTreeNode;
2258 begin
2259   if CTool=nil then
2260     CTool:=TCCodeParserTool.Create;
2261   // parse C header file
2262   CTool.Parse(CCode);
2263   Result:=CTool.FindEnclosingIFNDEF;
2264 end;
2266 procedure TH2PasTool.UndefineEnclosingIFNDEF(CCode: TCodeBuffer);
2267 var
2268   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2269   MacroName: String;
2270 begin
2271   Node:=FindEnclosingIFNDEF(CCode);
2272   if Node=nil then exit;
2273   MacroName:=CTool.ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(Node);
2274   if MacroName='' then exit;
2275   //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.UndefineEnclosingIFNDEF UNDEFINE ',MacroName]);
2276   Undefines.Add(MacroName,'');
2277 end;
2279 procedure TH2PasTool.SimplifyDirectives;
2280 (*  Check and improve the following cases
2281   1.a  {$DEFINE Name} and Name is never used afterwards -> disable
2283   1.b  {$DEFINE Name}
2284        ... Name is not used here ...
2285        {$DEFINE Name}
2286        -> disable first
2288   2.  {$IFDEF Name}... only comments and spaces ...{$ENDIF}
2289       -> disable the whole block
2291   3.  {$IFNDEF Name}
2292         ... only comments and spaces ...
2293         {$DEFINE Name}
2294         ... only comments and spaces ...
2295       {$ENDIF}
2296       -> disable the IFNDEF and the ENDIF and keep the DEFINE
2297 *)
2298 var
2299   Node: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2300   NextNode: TH2PDirectiveNode;
2301   Changed: Boolean;
2302   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
2303 begin
2304   // Undefines.WriteDebugReport;
2305   repeat
2306     Changed:=false;
2307     InitMacros;
2308     Node:=TH2PDirectiveNode(DirectivesTree.Root);
2309     while Node<>nil do begin
2310       NextNode:=TH2PDirectiveNode(Node.Next);
2311       // mark all read macros between this node and NextNode
2312       H2PNode:=Node.H2PNode;
2313       if (H2PNode<>nil)
2314       and (NextNode<>nil) and (NextNode.H2PNode<>nil) then begin
2315         while H2PNode<>NextNode.H2PNode do begin
2316           if H2PNode.Directive=nil then
2317             MarkMacrosAsRead(H2PNode,H2PNode.PascalCode);
2318           H2PNode:=TH2PNode(H2PNode.Next);
2319         end;
2320       end;
2321       // simplify directive
2322       case Node.Desc of
2323       h2pdnUndefine:
2324         SimplifyUndefineDirective(Node,NextNode,Changed);
2325       h2pdnDefine:
2326         SimplifyDefineDirective(Node,NextNode,Changed);
2327       h2pdnIfDef:
2328         SimplifyIfDirective(Node,'defined('+Node.MacroName+')',NextNode,Changed);
2329       h2pdnIfNDef:
2330         SimplifyIfDirective(Node,'not defined('+Node.MacroName+')',NextNode,Changed);
2331       h2pdnIf:
2332         SimplifyIfDirective(Node,Node.Expression,NextNode,Changed);
2333       end;
2335       Node:=NextNode;
2336     end;
2337     SimplifyUnusedDefines(Changed);
2338   until not Changed;
2339 end;
2341 procedure TH2PasTool.WritePascal(PascalCode: TCodeBuffer);
2342 var
2343   ms: TMemoryStream;
2344   NewSrc: string;
2345 begin
2346   ms:=TMemoryStream.Create;
2347   try
2348     WritePascalToStream(ms);
2350     SetLength(NewSrc,ms.Size);
2351     if NewSrc<>'' then begin
2352       ms.Position:=0;
2353       ms.Read(NewSrc[1],length(NewSrc));
2354     end;
2355     PascalCode.Source:=NewSrc;
2356   finally
2357     ms.Free;
2358   end;
2359 end;
2361 procedure TH2PasTool.WritePascalToStream(s: TStream);
2362 var
2363   H2PNode: TH2PNode;
2364   UsesClause: String;
2365 begin
2366   FCurIndentStr:='';
2367   FCurPasSection:=ctnNone;
2368   FCurPasStream:=s;
2370   // write header
2371   if SourceName<>'' then begin
2372     W('unit '+SourceName+';');
2373     W('');
2374     W('{$mode objfpc}{$H+}');
2375     W('');
2376     W('interface');
2377     W('');
2378   end;
2380   // write uses
2381   UsesClause:='ctypes';
2382   if UsesClause<>'' then begin
2383     W('uses');
2384     IncIndent;
2385     W(UsesClause+';');
2386     DecIndent;
2387     W('');
2388   end;
2390   // write interface nodes
2391   H2PNode:=TH2PNode(Tree.Root);
2392   while H2PNode<>nil do begin
2393     case H2PNode.PascalDesc of
2395     ctnVarDefinition:
2396       WriteGlobalVarNode(H2PNode);
2398     ctnTypeDefinition:
2399       WriteGlobalTypeNode(H2PNode);
2401     ctnConstDefinition:
2402       WriteGlobalConstNode(H2PNode);
2404     ctnProcedure, ctnProcedureType:
2405       WriteGlobalProcedureNode(H2PNode);
2407     ctnEnumerationType:
2408       WriteGlobalEnumerationTypeNode(H2PNode);
2410     ctnRecordType:
2411       WriteGlobalRecordTypeNode(H2PNode);
2413     ctnNone:
2414       if H2PNode.Directive<>nil then begin
2415         WriteDirectiveNode(H2PNode.Directive);
2416       end else begin
2417         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2418         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WritePascalToStream SKIPPING ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2419         {$ENDIF}
2420       end
2422     else
2423       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2424       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WritePascalToStream SKIPPING ',H2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2425       {$ENDIF}
2426     end;
2427     H2PNode:=TH2PNode(H2PNode.NextBrother);
2428   end;
2430   // write implementation
2431   SetPasSection(ctnNone);
2432   W('implementation');
2433   W('');
2435   // write end.
2436   W('end.');
2438   FCurPasStream:=nil;
2439   FCurIndentStr:='';
2440 end;
GetSimplePascalTypeOfCVarnull2442 function TH2PasTool.GetSimplePascalTypeOfCVar(CVarNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2443 begin
2444   Result:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionType(CVarNode);
2445   if Result='' then exit;
2446   Result:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(Result,true);
2447 end;
GetSimplePascalTypeOfCParameternull2449 function TH2PasTool.GetSimplePascalTypeOfCParameter(CParamNode: TCodeTreeNode
2450   ): string;
2451 begin
2452   Result:=CTool.ExtractParameterType(CParamNode);
2453   if Result='' then exit;
2454   if (Result='...') then
2455     Result:='array of const'
2456   else
2457     Result:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(Result,true);
2458 end;
GetSimplePascalTypeOfTypeDefnull2460 function TH2PasTool.GetSimplePascalTypeOfTypeDef(TypeDefNode: TCodeTreeNode
2461   ): string;
2462 begin
2463   Result:=CTool.ExtractTypeDefType(TypeDefNode,false);
2464   if Result='' then exit;
2465   Result:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(Result,true);
2466 end;
GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunctionnull2468 function TH2PasTool.GetSimplePascalResultTypeOfCFunction(
2469   CFuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2470 begin
2471   Result:=CTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(CFuncNode,false,false);
2472   if Result='' then exit;
2473   Result:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(Result,true);
2474 end;
ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalTypenull2476 function TH2PasTool.ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(CType: string;
2477   UseSingleIdentifierAsDefault: boolean): string;
2478 // the type must be normalized. That means no directives,
2479 // no unneeded spaces, no tabs, no comments, no newlines.
2480 var
2481   p: Integer;
2482   CurAtomStart: integer;
2484   function TestIsAtomAndRemove(const s: shortstring): boolean;
2485   begin
2486     if (p-CurAtomStart<>length(s))
2487     or (not CompareMem(@s[1],@CType[CurAtomStart],length(s))) then
2488       exit(false);
2489     Result:=true;
2490     // remove token
2491     if IsIdentStartChar[s[1]] then begin
2492       // token is a word => remove one space too
2493       if (CurAtomStart>1) and (CType[CurAtomStart-1]=' ') then
2494         dec(CurAtomStart)
2495       else if (p<=length(CType)) and (CType[p]=' ') then
2496         inc(p);
2497     end;
2498     // remove token
2499     CType:=copy(CType,1,CurAtomStart-1)+copy(CType,p,length(CType));
2500     p:=CurAtomStart;
2501     //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType CType="',CType,'"']);
2502   end;
2504 begin
2505   // remove 'const' and 'struct'
2506   p:=1;
2507   repeat
2508     ReadRawNextCAtom(CType,p,CurAtomStart);
2509     if CurAtomStart>length(CType) then break;
2510     //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType Atom=',copy(CType,CurAtomStart,p-CurAtomStart)]);
2511     TestIsAtomAndRemove('const');
2512   until false;
2513   // seach in predefined ctypes
2514   Result:=PredefinedCTypes[CType];
2516   if (Result='') and (UseSingleIdentifierAsDefault) and IsValidIdent(CType) then
2517     Result:=CType;
2518 end;
CreateH2PNodenull2520 function TH2PasTool.CreateH2PNode(var PascalName: string; const CName: string;
2521   CNode: TCodeTreeNode; PascalDesc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;
2522   const PascalCode: string;
2523   ParentNode: TH2PNode; IsGlobal: boolean; InsertAsPreLast: boolean): TH2PNode;
2524 begin
2525   if (PascalDesc<>ctnNone) and IsValidIdent(PascalName) then
2526   begin
2527     if WordIsKeyWord.DoItCaseInsensitive(PChar(PascalName)) then begin
2528       // C name is keyword => auto rename
2529       PascalName:=PascalName+'_';
2530     end;
2531     if IsGlobal then
2532       PascalName:=CreateUniquePascalName(PascalName);
2533   end;
2535   Result:=TH2PNode.Create;
2536   Result.PascalName:=PascalName;
2537   Result.CName:=CName;
2538   Result.CNode:=CNode;
2539   Result.PascalDesc:=PascalDesc;
2540   Result.PascalCode:=PascalCode;
2541   if InsertAsPreLast then
2542     Tree.AddNodeAsPreLastChild(ParentNode,Result)
2543   else
2544     Tree.AddNodeAsLastChild(ParentNode,Result);
2545   if IsGlobal then begin
2546     if PascalName<>'' then
2547       FPascalNames.Add(Result);
2548     if CName<>'' then
2549       FCNames.Add(Result);
2550   end;
2551 end;
CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNodenull2553 function TH2PasTool.CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(var PascalName: string;
2554   CNode: TCodeTreeNode; PascalDesc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc;
2555   const PascalCode: string;
2556   ParentNode: TH2PNode;
2557   IsGlobal: boolean; InsertAsPreLast: boolean): TH2PNode;
2559   function Check(TestName: string; out Node: TH2PNode): boolean;
2560   begin
2561     Node:=FindH2PNodeWithPascalName(TestName);
2562     if (Node=nil) then begin
2563       Node:=CreateH2PNode(TestName,'',CNode,PascalDesc,PascalCode,nil,
2564                           true,InsertAsPreLast);
2565       Result:=true;
2566     end else if ((Node.CNode=CNode) and (Node.PascalDesc=PascalDesc)
2567       and (Node.PascalCode=PascalCode)
2568       and (Node.Parent=ParentNode))
2569     then begin
2570       Result:=true;
2571     end else begin
2572       Result:=false;
2573       Node:=nil;
2574     end;
2575   end;
2577 var
2578   i: Integer;
2579 begin
2580   Result:=nil;
2581   if IsGlobal then ;
2582   if Check(PascalName,Result) then exit;
2583   i:=1;
2584   while not Check(PascalName+'_'+IntToStr(i),Result) do
2585     inc(i);
2586 end;
CreateH2PNodeForComplexTypenull2588 function TH2PasTool.CreateH2PNodeForComplexType(CNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2589   CreateIfNotExists: boolean; InsertAsPreLast: boolean): TH2PNode;
2590 var
2591   CCode: String;
2592   PascalName: String;
2593   AtomStart: integer;
2594   p: Integer;
2595   CurAtom: String;
2596   BaseCType: String;
2597   BasePascalType: String;
2598   NewBasePascalType: String;
2599   SubH2PNode: TH2PNode;
2600   PascalCode: String;
2601   ConstantStartPos: LongInt;
2602   ConstantEndPos: LongInt;
2603   ConstantCode: String;
2604   ConstantNumber: int64;
2605   BracketOpenPos: LongInt;
2606   NeedH2PNode: Boolean;
2607   SubCNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2608 begin
2609   Result:=nil;
2610   if CreateIfNotExists then ;
2611   if (CNode.Desc=ccnDefinition) and (CNode.FirstChild<>nil) then begin
2612     SubCNode:=CNode.FirstChild;
2613     if SubCNode.Desc=ccnName then
2614       SubCNode:=SubCNode.NextBrother;
2615     if (SubCNode<>nil) then begin
2616       if (SubCNode.Desc=ccnEnumBlock) then begin
2617         Result:=ConvertEnumBlock(SubCNode,nil);
2618         exit;
2619       end;
2620       if (SubCNode.Desc=ccnStruct) then begin
2621         Result:=ConvertStruct(SubCNode,nil);
2622         exit;
2623       end;
2624       if SubCNode.Desc<>ccnConstant then begin
2625         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2626         debugln(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType TODO: ',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc),' of ',CCNodeDescAsString(SubCNode.Desc)]);
2627         {$ENDIF}
2628         exit;
2629       end;
2630     end;
2631   end;
2633   SubH2PNode:=nil;
2634   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2635   debugln(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType CNode=',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc)]);
2636   {$ENDIF}
2637   if CNode.Desc=ccnDefinition then
2638     CCode:=CTool.ExtractDefinitionType(CNode)
2639   else if CNode.Desc=ccnFunction then
2640     CCode:=CTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(CNode)
2641   else if CNode.Desc=ccnFuncParameter then
2642     CCode:=CTool.ExtractParameterType(CNode)
2643   else if CNode.Desc=ccnTypedef then
2644     CCode:=CTool.ExtractTypeDefType(CNode)
2645   else begin
2646     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2647     debugln(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType not supported: CNode=',CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc)]);
2648     {$ENDIF}
2649     exit;
2650   end;
2652   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2653   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType CCode="',CCode,'"']);
2654   {$ENDIF}
2655   { int[][3]  -> array of array[0..2] of cint
2656     char**    -> PPchar
2657     int *[15] -> array[0..14] of pcint
2659   }
2660   // read identifiers
2661   p:=1;
2662   BaseCType:='';
2663   repeat
2664     ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
2665     if AtomStart>length(CCode) then break;
2666     if IsIdentStartChar[CCode[AtomStart]] then begin
2667       CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2668       if BaseCType<>'' then
2669         BaseCType:=BaseCType+' ';
2670       BaseCType:=BaseCType+CurAtom;
2671     end else
2672       break;
2673   until false;
2674   if BaseCType='' then begin
2675     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2676     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType no base type in c declaration: CCode="',dbgstr(CCode),'"']);
2677     {$ENDIF}
2678     exit;
2679   end;
2680   BasePascalType:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(BaseCType,true);
2681   if (BasePascalType='') then begin
2682     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2683     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType unknown c type: "',BaseCType,'"']);
2684     {$ENDIF}
2685     exit;
2686   end;
2687   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2688   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType BasePascalType="',BasePascalType,'" BaseCType="',BaseCType,'"']);
2689   {$ENDIF}
2691   // read pointer(s)
2692   while (AtomStart<=length(CCode)) do begin
2693     CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2694     if (CurAtom='*') then begin
2695       BaseCType:=BaseCType+'*';
2696       NewBasePascalType:=ConvertSimpleCTypeToPascalType(BaseCType,true);
2697       if NewBasePascalType<>'' then begin
2698         // for this pointer type exists already a predefined simple type
2699       end else begin
2700         // a new pointer type is needed
2701         NewBasePascalType:='P'+BasePascalType;
2702         SubH2PNode:=CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(NewBasePascalType,nil,
2703                                   ctnTypeDefinition,'^'+BasePascalType,
2704                                   nil,true,InsertAsPreLast);
2705         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2706         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType added new pointer type: ',SubH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2707         {$ENDIF}
2708         NewBasePascalType:=SubH2PNode.PascalName;
2709       end;
2710       BasePascalType:=NewBasePascalType;
2711       {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2712       DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType using pointer type: BasePascalType="',BasePascalType,'" BaseCType="',BaseCType,'"']);
2713       {$ENDIF}
2714     end else if (CurAtom='const') then begin
2715       // skip 'const'
2716     end else begin
2717       break;
2718     end;
2719     ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
2720   end;
2722   PascalName:=BasePascalType;
2723   PascalCode:=PascalName;
2725   // read arrays
2726   NeedH2PNode:=false;
2727   while (AtomStart<=length(CCode)) do begin
2728     CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2729     if CurAtom='[' then begin
2730       NeedH2PNode:=true;
2731       BracketOpenPos:=AtomStart;
2732       ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
2733       if AtomStart>length(CCode) then begin
2734         {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2735         DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetH2PNodeForComplexType untranslatable (missing ]): CCode="',dbgstr(CCode),'"']);
2736         {$ENDIF}
2737         exit;
2738       end;
2739       CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2740       if CurAtom=']' then begin
2741         // [] -> open array
2742         PascalCode:='array of '+PascalCode;
2743         PascalName:='ArrayOf'+PascalName;
2744         //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetTypeForVarType open array: ',PascalCode]);
2745       end else begin
2746         // [constant] -> array[0..constant-1]
2747         ConstantStartPos:=AtomStart;
2748         p:=BracketOpenPos;
2749         ReadTilCBracketClose(CCode,p);
2750         ConstantEndPos:=p-1;
2751         ConstantCode:=copy(CCode,ConstantStartPos,ConstantEndPos-ConstantStartPos);
2752         //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetTypeForVarType ConstantCode="',ConstantCode,'"']);
2753         if CConstantToInt64(ConstantCode,ConstantNumber) then begin
2754           if ConstantNumber>0 then
2755             dec(ConstantNumber)
2756           else
2757             ConstantNumber:=0;
2758           ConstantCode:=IntToStr(ConstantNumber);
2759         end else begin
2760           ConstantCode:=ConstantCode+'-1';
2761         end;
2762         PascalCode:='array[0..'+ConstantCode+'] of '+PascalCode;
2763         PascalName:='Array0to'+CreatePascalNameFromCCode(ConstantCode)+'Of'+PascalName;
2764         //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetTypeForVarType fixed array: ',PascalCode]);
2765       end;
2766     end else
2767       break;
2768     ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
2769   end;
2770   if NeedH2PNode then begin
2771     PascalName:='T'+PascalName;
2772     PascalName:=copy(PascalName,1,DefaultMaxPascalIdentLen);
2773     SubH2PNode:=CreateAutoGeneratedH2PNode(PascalName,nil,ctnTypeDefinition,
2774       PascalCode,nil,true,InsertAsPreLast);
2775   end;
2777   // check if the whole declaration was translated
2778   if AtomStart<=length(CCode) then begin
2779     // unknown C type
2780     {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2781     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetTypeForVarType untranslatable: CCode="',dbgstr(CCode),'"']);
2782     {$ENDIF}
2783     exit;
2784   end;
2786   {$IFDEF VerboseH2PasTool}
2787   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.GetTypeForVarType CCode="',dbgstr(CCode),'" PascalName="',PascalName,'"']);
2788   {$ENDIF}
2789   Result:=SubH2PNode;
2790 end;
CreatePascalNameFromCCodenull2792 function TH2PasTool.CreatePascalNameFromCCode(const CCode: string;
2793   StartPos: integer; EndPos: integer): string;
2795   function Add(var PascalName: string; const Addition: string): boolean;
2796   begin
2797     Result:=true;
2798     if Addition='' then exit;
2799     if length(PascalName)+length(Addition)>DefaultMaxPascalIdentLen then
2800       exit(false);
2801     PascalName:=PascalName+Addition;
2802   end;
2804 var
2805   p: Integer;
2806   AtomStart: integer;
2807   i: LongInt;
2808   c: Char;
2809   CurAtom: String;
2810 begin
2811   Result:='';
2812   if EndPos<1 then
2813     EndPos:=length(CCode)+1;
2814   p:=StartPos;
2815   if EndPos>length(CCode) then
2816     EndPos:=length(CCode);
2817   repeat
2818     ReadRawNextCAtom(CCode,p,AtomStart);
2819     if AtomStart>EndPos then exit;
2821     if IsIdentStartChar[CCode[AtomStart]] then begin
2822       CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2823       if (CurAtom<>'const')
2824       and (CurAtom<>'struct')
2825       and not Add(Result,CurAtom) then
2826         exit;
2827     end else begin
2828       if CCode[AtomStart] in ['0'..'9'] then begin
2829         CurAtom:=copy(CCode,AtomStart,p-AtomStart);
2830         for i:=AtomStart to p-1 do begin
2831           c:=CCode[i];
2832           if not IsIdentChar[c] then
2833             c:='_';
2834           if not Add(Result,c) then exit;
2835         end;
2836       end;
2837     end;
2838   until false;
2839 end;
CreateUniquePascalNamenull2841 function TH2PasTool.CreateUniquePascalName(const CName: string): string;
2842 var
2843   i: Integer;
2844 begin
2845   Result:=CName;
2846   if FindH2PNodeWithPascalName(Result)=nil then exit;
2847   i:=1;
2848   repeat
2849     Result:=CName+'_'+IntToStr(i);
2850     if FindH2PNodeWithPascalName(Result)=nil then exit;
2851     inc(i);
2852   until false;
2853 end;
FindH2PNodeWithPascalNamenull2855 function TH2PasTool.FindH2PNodeWithPascalName(const PascalName: string
2856   ): TH2PNode;
2857 var
2858   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2859 begin
2860   AVLNode:=FPascalNames.FindKey(Pointer(PascalName),
2861                                 @CompareStringWithH2PNodePascalName);
2862   if AVLNode<>nil then
2863     Result:=TH2PNode(AVLNode.Data)
2864   else
2865     Result:=nil;
2866 end;
FindH2PNodeWithCNamenull2868 function TH2PasTool.FindH2PNodeWithCName(const CName: string): TH2PNode;
2869 var
2870   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2871 begin
2872   AVLNode:=FCNames.FindKey(Pointer(CName),
2873                            @CompareStringWithH2PNodeCName);
2874   if AVLNode<>nil then
2875     Result:=TH2PNode(AVLNode.Data)
2876   else
2877     Result:=nil;
2878 end;
CreateH2PDirectiveNodenull2880 function TH2PasTool.CreateH2PDirectiveNode(H2PNode: TH2PNode;
2881   Desc: TCodeTreeNodeDesc): TH2PDirectiveNode;
2882 begin
2883   Result:=TH2PDirectiveNode.Create;
2884   Result.Desc:=Desc;
2885   H2PNode.Directive:=Result;
2886   Result.H2PNode:=H2PNode;
2887   DirectivesTree.AddNodeAsLastChild(FCurDirectiveNode,Result);
2888   //DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.CreateH2PDirectiveNode Added ',Result.DescAsString,' ',FCurDirectiveNode.FirstChild<>nil]);
2889 end;
2891 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteDebugReport;
2892 begin
2893   DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteDebugReport ']);
2894   if CTool<>nil then
2895     CTool.WriteDebugReport;
2896   WriteH2PNodeReport;
2897   WriteH2PDirectivesNodeReport;
2898 end;
2900 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteH2PNodeReport;
2901 var
2902   Node: TH2PBaseNode;
2903 begin
2904   if (Tree=nil) then begin
2905     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteH2PNodeReport Tree=nil']);
2906   end else if (Tree.Root=nil) then begin
2907     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteH2PNodeReport Tree.Root=nil']);
2908   end else begin
2909     //debugln(['TH2PasTool.WriteH2PNodeReport ']);
2910     Node:=Tree.Root;
2911     while Node<>nil do begin
2912       DebugLn([GetIndentStr(Node.GetLevel*2),Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2913       Node:=Node.Next;
2914     end;
2915   end;
2916 end;
2918 procedure TH2PasTool.WriteH2PDirectivesNodeReport;
2919 var
2920   Node: TH2PBaseNode;
2921 begin
2922   if (DirectivesTree=nil) then begin
2923     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteH2PDirectivesNodeReport Tree=nil']);
2924   end else if (DirectivesTree.Root=nil) then begin
2925     DebugLn(['TH2PasTool.WriteH2PDirectivesNodeReport Tree.Root=nil']);
2926   end else begin
2927     Node:=DirectivesTree.Root;
2928     while Node<>nil do begin
2929       DebugLn([GetIndentStr(Node.GetLevel*2),Node.DescAsString(CTool)]);
2930       Node:=Node.Next;
2931     end;
2932   end;
2933 end;
2935 constructor TH2PasTool.Create;
2936 begin
2937   FPredefinedCTypes:=DefaultPredefinedCTypes;
2938   Tree:=TH2PTree.Create;
2939   DirectivesTree:=TH2PTree.Create;
2940   FPascalNames:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PNodePascalNames);
2941   FCNames:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PNodeCNames);
2942   FIgnoreCParts:=[icspInclude];
2943   FDefines:=TStringToStringTree.Create(true);
2944   FUndefines:=TStringToStringTree.Create(true);
2945   UseExternal:=true;
2946   AddCommonCDefines;
2947 end;
2949 destructor TH2PasTool.Destroy;
2950 begin
2951   FPredefinedCTypes:=nil;
2952   Clear;
2953   FreeAndNil(DirectivesTree);
2954   FreeAndNil(Tree);
2955   FreeAndNil(FPascalNames);
2956   FreeAndNil(FCNames);
2957   FreeAndNil(CTool);
2958   FreeAndNil(FDefines);
2959   FreeAndNil(FUndefines);
2960   inherited Destroy;
2961 end;
2963 procedure TH2PasTool.Clear;
2964 begin
2965   FPascalNames.Clear;
2966   FCNames.Clear;
2967   Tree.Clear;
2968   DirectivesTree.Clear;
2969   ClearMacros;
2970   FDefines.Clear;
2971   FUndefines.Clear;
2972   AddCommonCDefines;
2973 end;
2975 procedure TH2PasTool.AddCommonCDefines;
2976 begin
2977   Undefines['__cplusplus']:='1';// avoid C++ and use the easier c part
2978   Defines['__GNUC__']:='1';// assume the GNUC compiler
2979 end;
2981 procedure TH2PasTool.ResetMacros;
2982 begin
2983   if Macros<>nil then
2984     Macros.FreeAndClear
2985   else
2986     Macros:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PMacroStats);
2987 end;
2989 procedure TH2PasTool.ClearMacros;
2990 begin
2991   if Macros<>nil then begin
2992     Macros.FreeAndClear;
2993     FreeAndNil(Macros);
2994   end;
2995 end;
2997 procedure TH2PasTool.InitMacros;
2998 var
2999   List: TStringList;
3000   i: Integer;
3001   CurName: string;
3002   CurValue: string;
3003 begin
3004   ResetMacros;
3005   if FDefines<>nil then begin
3006     List:=TStringList.Create;
3007     FDefines.GetNames(List);
3008     for i:=0 to List.Count-1 do begin
3009       CurName:=List[i];
3010       CurValue:=FDefines[CurName];
3011       DefineMacro(CurName,CurValue,nil);
3012     end;
3013     List.Free;
3014   end;
3015   if FUndefines<>nil then begin
3016     List:=TStringList.Create;
3017     FUndefines.GetNames(List);
3018     for i:=0 to List.Count-1 do begin
3019       CurName:=List[i];
3020       UndefineMacro(CurName,nil);
3021     end;
3022     List.Free;
3023   end;
3024 end;
FindMacronull3026 function TH2PasTool.FindMacro(const MacroName: string;
3027   CreateIfNotExists: boolean): TH2PMacroStats;
3028 var
3029   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
3030 begin
3031   Result:=nil;
3032   if Macros=nil then begin
3033     if not CreateIfNotExists then
3034       exit;
3035     Macros:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PMacroStats);
3036   end;
3037   AVLNode:=Macros.FindKey(Pointer(MacroName),
3038                           @ComparePCharWithH2PMacroStats);
3039   if AVLNode<>nil then
3040     Result:=TH2PMacroStats(AVLNode.Data)
3041   else if CreateIfNotExists then begin
3042     Result:=TH2PMacroStats.Create;
3043     Result.Name:=MacroName;
3044     Result.Status:=hmsUnknown;
3045     Macros.Add(Result);
3046   end;
3047 end;
DefineMacronull3049 function TH2PasTool.DefineMacro(const MacroName, AValue: string;
3050   DefineNode: TH2PNode): TH2PMacroStats;
3051 begin
3052   Result:=FindMacro(MacroName,true);
3053   Result.Value:=AValue;
3054   Result.Status:=hmsDefined;
3055   Result.LastDefineNode:=DefineNode;
3056   Result.LastReadNode:=nil;
3057 end;
UndefineMacronull3059 function TH2PasTool.UndefineMacro(const MacroName: string;
3060   UndefineNode: TH2PNode): TH2PMacroStats;
3061 begin
3062   Result:=FindMacro(MacroName,true);
3063   Result.Value:='';
3064   Result.Status:=hmsUndefined;
3065   Result.LastDefineNode:=UndefineNode;
3066   Result.LastReadNode:=nil;
3067 end;
3069 procedure TH2PasTool.MarkMacrosAsRead(Node: TH2PNode; const Src: string;
3070   StartPos: integer; EndPos: integer);
3071 var
3072   AtomStart: integer;
3073 begin
3074   if EndPos<1 then EndPos:=length(Src)+1;
3075   if EndPos>length(Src) then EndPos:=length(Src)+1;
3076   repeat
3077     ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,StartPos,AtomStart);
3078     if AtomStart>=EndPos then break;
3079     if IsIdentStartChar[Src[AtomStart]] then begin
3080       MarkMacroAsRead(GetIdentifier(@Src[AtomStart]),Node);
3081     end;
3082   until false;
3083 end;
MarkMacroAsReadnull3085 function TH2PasTool.MarkMacroAsRead(const MacroName: string; Node: TH2PNode
3086   ): TH2PMacroStats;
3087 begin
3088   Result:=FindMacro(MacroName,false);
3089   if Result<>nil then
3090     Result.LastReadNode:=Node;
3091 end;
3093 { TH2PNode }
DescAsStringnull3095 function TH2PNode.DescAsString(CTool: TCCodeParserTool): string;
3096 begin
3097   if Self=nil then begin
3098     Result:='nil';
3099     exit;
3100   end;
3101   Result:='{PascalName="'+PascalName+'"';
3102   if PascalName<>CName then
3103     Result:=Result+',CName="'+CName+'"';
3104   Result:=Result+',PascalDesc="'+NodeDescriptionAsString(PascalDesc)+'"';
3105   if CNode<>nil then begin
3106     Result:=Result+',CNode='+CCNodeDescAsString(CNode.Desc);
3107     if CTool<>nil then
3108       Result:=Result+'('+CTool.CleanPosToStr(CNode.StartPos)+')';
3109   end else begin
3110     Result:=Result+', CNode=nil';
3111   end;
3112   if PascalCode<>'' then
3113     Result:=Result+',PascalCode="'+dbgstr(PascalCode)+'"';
3114   Result:=Result+'}';
3115 end;
3117 { TH2PTree }
3119 procedure TH2PTree.Unbind(Node: TH2PBaseNode);
3120 begin
3121   if Node=Root then Root:=Root.NextBrother;
3122   if Node=LastRoot then LastRoot:=LastRoot.PriorBrother;
3123   with Node do begin
3124     if (Parent<>nil) then begin
3125       if (Parent.FirstChild=Node) then
3126         Parent.FirstChild:=NextBrother;
3127       if (Parent.LastChild=Node) then
3128         Parent.LastChild:=PriorBrother;
3129       Parent:=nil;
3130     end;
3131     if NextBrother<>nil then NextBrother.PriorBrother:=PriorBrother;
3132     if PriorBrother<>nil then PriorBrother.NextBrother:=NextBrother;
3133     NextBrother:=nil;
3134     PriorBrother:=nil;
3135   end;
3136   dec(FNodeCount);
3137 end;
3139 constructor TH2PTree.Create;
3140 begin
3141   Root:=nil;
3142   FNodeCount:=0;
3143 end;
3145 destructor TH2PTree.Destroy;
3146 begin
3147   Clear;
3148   inherited Destroy;
3149 end;
3151 procedure TH2PTree.Clear;
3152 var ANode: TH2PBaseNode;
3153 begin
3154   while Root<>nil do begin
3155     ANode:=Root;
3156     Root:=ANode.NextBrother;
3157     DeleteNode(ANode);
3158   end;
3159 end;
3161 procedure TH2PTree.DeleteNode(ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3162 begin
3163   if ANode=nil then exit;
3164   while (ANode.FirstChild<>nil) do DeleteNode(ANode.FirstChild);
3165   Unbind(ANode);
3166   ANode.Free;
3167 end;
3169 procedure TH2PTree.AddNodeAsLastChild(ParentNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3170 begin
3171   if ParentNode=ANode then RaiseCatchableException('');
3172   ANode.Parent:=ParentNode;
3173   if Root=nil then begin
3174     // set as root
3175     Root:=ANode;
3176     while Root.Parent<>nil do Root:=Root.Parent;
3177     LastRoot:=Root;
3178     while LastRoot.NextBrother<>nil do
3179       LastRoot:=LastRoot.NextBrother;
3180   end else if ParentNode<>nil then begin
3181     if ParentNode.FirstChild=nil then begin
3182       // add as first child
3183       ParentNode.FirstChild:=ANode;
3184       ParentNode.LastChild:=ANode;
3185     end else begin
3186       // add as last child
3187       ANode.PriorBrother:=ParentNode.LastChild;
3188       ParentNode.LastChild:=ANode;
3189       if ANode.PriorBrother<>nil then ANode.PriorBrother.NextBrother:=ANode;
3190     end;
3191   end else begin
3192     // add as last brother of top nodes
3193     while (LastRoot.NextBrother<>nil) do LastRoot:=LastRoot.NextBrother;
3194     ANode.PriorBrother:=LastRoot;
3195     ANode.PriorBrother.NextBrother:=ANode;
3196     LastRoot:=ANode;
3197     while (LastRoot.NextBrother<>nil) do LastRoot:=LastRoot.NextBrother;
3198   end;
3199   inc(FNodeCount);
3200 end;
3202 procedure TH2PTree.AddNodeAsPreLastChild(ParentNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3203 begin
3204   if (ParentNode=nil) and (LastRoot<>nil) then
3205     AddNodeInFrontOf(LastRoot,ANode)
3206   else if (ParentNode<>nil) and (ParentNode.FirstChild<>nil) then
3207     AddNodeInFrontOf(ParentNode.LastChild,ANode)
3208   else
3209     AddNodeAsLastChild(ParentNode,ANode);
3210 end;
3212 procedure TH2PTree.AddNodeInFrontOf(NextBrotherNode, ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3213 begin
3214   ANode.Parent:=NextBrotherNode.Parent;
3215   ANode.NextBrother:=NextBrotherNode;
3216   ANode.PriorBrother:=NextBrotherNode.PriorBrother;
3217   NextBrotherNode.PriorBrother:=ANode;
3218   if ANode.PriorBrother<>nil then
3219     ANode.PriorBrother.NextBrother:=ANode;
3220   if Root=NextBrotherNode then
3221     Root:=ANode;
3222   inc(FNodeCount);
3223 end;
3225 procedure TH2PTree.MoveChildsInFront(ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3226 var
3227   ChildNode: TH2PBaseNode;
3228 begin
3229   if ANode.FirstChild=nil then exit;
3230   ANode.LastChild.NextBrother:=ANode;
3231   if ANode.PriorBrother<>nil then begin
3232     ANode.FirstChild.PriorBrother:=ANode.PriorBrother;
3233     ANode.PriorBrother.NextBrother:=ANode.FirstChild;
3234   end;
3235   ANode.PriorBrother:=ANode.LastChild;
3236   if Root=ANode then Root:=ANode.FirstChild;
3237   ChildNode:=ANode.FirstChild;
3238   while ChildNode<>nil do begin
3239     ChildNode.Parent:=ANode.Parent;
3240     ChildNode:=ChildNode.NextBrother;
3241   end;
3242   ANode.FirstChild:=nil;
3243   ANode.LastChild:=nil;
3244 end;
ContainsNodenull3246 function TH2PTree.ContainsNode(ANode: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
3247 begin
3248   if ANode=nil then exit(false);
3249   while ANode.Parent<>nil do ANode:=ANode.Parent;
3250   while ANode.PriorBrother<>nil do ANode:=ANode.PriorBrother;
3251   Result:=ANode=Root;
3252 end;
3254 procedure TH2PTree.ConsistencyCheck;
3255 // 0 = ok
3256 var RealNodeCount: integer;
3258   procedure CountNodes(ANode: TH2PBaseNode);
3259   begin
3260     if ANode=nil then exit;
3261     inc(RealNodeCount);
3262     CountNodes(ANode.FirstChild);
3263     CountNodes(ANode.NextBrother);
3264   end;
3266 begin
3267   if Root<>nil then begin
3268     Root.ConsistencyCheck;
3269     if Root.Parent<>nil then
3270       raise Exception.Create('Root.Parent<>nil');
3271   end;
3272   RealNodeCount:=0;
3273   CountNodes(Root);
3274   if RealNodeCount<>FNodeCount then
3275     raise Exception.Create('RealNodeCount<>FNodeCount');
3276 end;
3278 procedure TH2PTree.WriteDebugReport(WithChildren: boolean);
3279 begin
3280   DebugLn('[TH2PTree.WriteDebugReport] Root=',dbgs(Root<>nil));
3281   if Root<>nil then
3282     Root.WriteDebugReport(' ',WithChildren);
3283   ConsistencyCheck;
3284 end;
3286 { TH2PDirectiveNode }
DescAsStringnull3288 function TH2PDirectiveNode.DescAsString(CTool: TCCodeParserTool): string;
3289 begin
3290   if Self=nil then begin
3291     Result:='nil';
3292     exit;
3293   end;
3294   Result:='{'+H2PDirectiveNodeDescriptionAsString(Desc);
3295   if (H2PNode<>nil) and (H2PNode.CNode<>nil) and (CTool<>nil) then begin
3296     Result:=Result+'('+CTool.CleanPosToStr(H2PNode.CNode.StartPos)+')';
3297   end;
3298   case Desc of
3299   h2pdnDefine,h2pdnUndefine,h2pdnIfDef,h2pdnIfNDef:
3300     Result:=Result+',MacroName="'+dbgstr(MacroName)+'"';
3301   end;
3302   case Desc of
3303   h2pdnDefine,h2pdnIf,h2pdnElseIf:
3304     Result:=Result+',Expression="'+dbgstr(Expression)+'"';
3305   end;
3306   Result:=Result+'}';
3307 end;
3309 { TH2PBaseNode }
Nextnull3311 function TH2PBaseNode.Next: TH2PBaseNode;
3312 begin
3313   if FirstChild<>nil then begin
3314     Result:=FirstChild;
3315   end else begin
3316     Result:=Self;
3317     while (Result<>nil) and (Result.NextBrother=nil) do
3318       Result:=Result.Parent;
3319     if Result<>nil then Result:=Result.NextBrother;
3320   end;
3321 end;
NextSkipChildsnull3323 function TH2PBaseNode.NextSkipChilds: TH2PBaseNode;
3324 begin
3325   Result:=Self;
3326   while (Result<>nil) and (Result.NextBrother=nil) do
3327     Result:=Result.Parent;
3328   if Result<>nil then Result:=Result.NextBrother;
3329 end;
Priornull3331 function TH2PBaseNode.Prior: TH2PBaseNode;
3332 begin
3333   if PriorBrother<>nil then begin
3334     Result:=PriorBrother;
3335     while Result.LastChild<>nil do
3336       Result:=Result.LastChild;
3337   end else
3338     Result:=Parent;
3339 end;
HasAsParentnull3341 function TH2PBaseNode.HasAsParent(Node: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
3342 var
3343   CurNode: TH2PBaseNode;
3344 begin
3345   Result:=false;
3346   if Node=nil then exit;
3347   CurNode:=Parent;
3348   while (CurNode<>nil) do begin
3349     if CurNode=Node then begin
3350       Result:=true;
3351       exit;
3352     end;
3353     CurNode:=CurNode.Parent;
3354   end;
3355 end;
HasAsChildnull3357 function TH2PBaseNode.HasAsChild(Node: TH2PBaseNode): boolean;
3358 begin
3359   Result:=false;
3360   if Node=nil then exit;
3361   Result:=Node.HasAsParent(Self);
3362 end;
GetLevelnull3364 function TH2PBaseNode.GetLevel: integer;
3365 var
3366   ANode: TH2PBaseNode;
3367 begin
3368   Result:=0;
3369   ANode:=Parent;
3370   while ANode<>nil do begin
3371     inc(Result);
3372     ANode:=ANode.Parent;
3373   end;
3374 end;
3376 procedure TH2PBaseNode.ConsistencyCheck;
3377 begin
3378   if (Parent<>nil) then begin
3379     if (PriorBrother=nil) and (Parent.FirstChild<>Self) then
3380       raise Exception.Create('');
3381     if (NextBrother=nil) and (Parent.LastChild<>Self) then
3382       raise Exception.Create('');
3383   end;
3384   if (NextBrother<>nil) and (NextBrother.PriorBrother<>Self) then
3385     raise Exception.Create('');
3386   if (PriorBrother<>nil) and (PriorBrother.NextBrother<>Self) then
3387     raise Exception.Create('');
3388   if (FirstChild<>nil) then
3389     FirstChild.ConsistencyCheck;
3390   if NextBrother<>nil then
3391     NextBrother.ConsistencyCheck;
3392 end;
3394 procedure TH2PBaseNode.WriteDebugReport(const Prefix: string;
3395   WithChildren: boolean; CTool: TCCodeParserTool);
3396 var
3397   Node: TH2PBaseNode;
3398 begin
3399   DebugLn([Prefix,DescAsString(CTool)]);
3400   if WithChildren then begin
3401     Node:=FirstChild;
3402     while Node<>nil do begin
3403       Node.WriteDebugReport(Prefix+'  ',true,CTool);
3404       Node:=Node.NextBrother;
3405     end;
3406   end;
3407 end;
3409 finalization
3410   FreeAndNil(InternalPredefinedCTypes);
3412 end.