1 {
2  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  fpdbgdwarf.pas  -  Native Freepascal debugger - Dwarf symbol processing
4  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  This unit contains helper classes for handling and evaluating of debuggee data
7  described by DWARF debug symbols
9  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
11  @created(Mon Aug 1st WET 2006)
12  @lastmod($Date: 2019-07-22 12:41:53 +0200 (Mo, 22 Jul 2019) $)
13  @author(Marc Weustink <marc@@dommelstein.nl>)
14  @author(Martin Friebe)
16  ***************************************************************************
17  *                                                                         *
18  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
19  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
20  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
21  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
22  *                                                                         *
23  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
24  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
26  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
27  *                                                                         *
28  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
29  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
30  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
31  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
32  *                                                                         *
33  ***************************************************************************
34 }
35 unit FpDbgDwarf;
37 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
38 {off $INLINE OFF}
40 (* Notes:
42    * FpDbgDwarfValues and Context
43      The Values do not add a reference to the Context. Yet they require the Context.
44      It is the users responsibility to keep the context, as long as any value exists.
46 *)
48 interface
50 uses
51   Classes, SysUtils, types, math, FpDbgInfo, FpDbgDwarfDataClasses, FpdMemoryTools, FpErrorMessages,
52   FpDbgUtil, FpDbgDwarfConst, DbgIntfBaseTypes, LazUTF8, LazLoggerBase, LazClasses;
54 type
55   TFpDwarfInfo = FpDbgDwarfDataClasses.TFpDwarfInfo;
57   { TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap }
59   TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap = class(TFpDwarfSymbolClassMap)
60   public
HandleCompUnitnull61     class function HandleCompUnit(ACU: TDwarfCompilationUnit): Boolean; override;
GetDwarfSymbolClassnull62     class function GetDwarfSymbolClass(ATag: Cardinal): TDbgDwarfSymbolBaseClass; override;
CreateContextnull63     class function CreateContext(AThreadId, AStackFrame: Integer; AnAddress:
64       TDbgPtr; ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; ADwarf: TFpDwarfInfo): TFpDbgInfoContext; override;
CreateProcSymbolnull65     class function CreateProcSymbol(ACompilationUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
66       AInfo: PDwarfAddressInfo; AAddress: TDbgPtr): TDbgDwarfSymbolBase; override;
67   end;
69   { TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext }
71   TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext = class(TFpDbgInfoContext)
72   private
73     FSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol;
74     FAddress: TDBGPtr;
75     FThreadId, FStackFrame: Integer;
76     FDwarf: TFpDwarfInfo;
77     FlastResult: TFpDbgValue;
78   protected
GetSymbolAtAddressnull79     function GetSymbolAtAddress: TFpDbgSymbol; override;
GetProcedureAtAddressnull80     function GetProcedureAtAddress: TFpDbgValue; override;
GetAddressnull81     function GetAddress: TDbgPtr; override;
GetThreadIdnull82     function GetThreadId: Integer; override;
GetStackFramenull83     function GetStackFrame: Integer; override;
GetSizeOfAddressnull84     function GetSizeOfAddress: Integer; override;
GetMemManagernull85     function GetMemManager: TFpDbgMemManager; override;
87     property Symbol: TFpDbgSymbol read FSymbol;
88     property Dwarf: TFpDwarfInfo read FDwarf;
89     property Address: TDBGPtr read FAddress write FAddress;
90     property ThreadId: Integer read FThreadId write FThreadId;
91     property StackFrame: Integer read FStackFrame write FStackFrame;
93     procedure ApplyContext(AVal: TFpDbgValue); inline;
SymbolToValuenull94     function SymbolToValue(ASym: TFpDbgSymbol): TFpDbgValue; inline;
95     procedure AddRefToVal(AVal: TFpDbgValue); inline;
GetSelfParameternull96     function GetSelfParameter: TFpDbgValue; virtual;
FindExportedSymbolInUnitsnull98     function FindExportedSymbolInUnits(const AName: String; PNameUpper, PNameLower: PChar;
99       SkipCompUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean; inline;
FindSymbolInStructurenull100     function FindSymbolInStructure(const AName: String; PNameUpper, PNameLower: PChar;
101       InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean; inline;
102     // FindLocalSymbol: for the subroutine itself
FindLocalSymbolnull103     function FindLocalSymbol(const AName: String; PNameUpper, PNameLower: PChar;
104       InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean; virtual;
105   public
106     constructor Create(AThreadId, AStackFrame: Integer; AnAddress: TDbgPtr; ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; ADwarf: TFpDwarfInfo);
107     destructor Destroy; override;
FindSymbolnull108     function FindSymbol(const AName: String): TFpDbgValue; override;
109   end;
111   TFpDwarfSymbol = class;
112   TFpDwarfSymbolType = class;
113   TFpDwarfSymbolValue = class;
114   TFpDwarfSymbolValueClass = class of TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
115   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeClass = class of TFpDwarfSymbolType;
117 {%region Value objects }
119   { TFpDwarfValueBase }
121   TFpDwarfValueBase = class(TFpDbgValue)
122   private
123     FContext: TFpDbgInfoContext;
124   public
125     property Context: TFpDbgInfoContext read FContext write FContext;
126   end;
128   { TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition }
130   TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition = class(TFpDwarfValueBase)
131   private
132     FSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; // stType
133   protected
GetKindnull134     function GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind; override;
GetDbgSymbolnull135     function GetDbgSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; override;
136   public
137     constructor Create(ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol); // Only for stType
138     destructor Destroy; override;
GetTypeCastedValuenull139     function GetTypeCastedValue(ADataVal: TFpDbgValue): TFpDbgValue; override;
140   end;
142   { TFpDwarfValue }
144   TFpDwarfValue = class(TFpDwarfValueBase)
145   private
146     FOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType;        // the creator, usually the type
147     FValueSymbol: TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
148     FTypeCastTargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
149     FTypeCastSourceValue: TFpDbgValue;
151     FDataAddressCache: array of TFpDbgMemLocation;
152     FStructureValue: TFpDwarfValue;
153     FLastMember: TFpDwarfValue;
GetDataAddressCachenull154     function GetDataAddressCache(AIndex: Integer): TFpDbgMemLocation;
155     procedure SetDataAddressCache(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TFpDbgMemLocation);
156     procedure SetStructureValue(AValue: TFpDwarfValue);
157   protected
158     FLastError: TFpError;
MemManagernull159     function MemManager: TFpDbgMemManager; inline;
160     procedure DoReferenceAdded; override;
161     procedure DoReferenceReleased; override;
162     procedure CircleBackRefActiveChanged(NewActive: Boolean); override;
163     procedure SetLastMember(ALastMember: TFpDwarfValue);
GetLastErrornull164     function GetLastError: TFpError; override;
AddressSizenull165     function AddressSize: Byte; inline;
167     // Address of the symbol (not followed any type deref, or location)
GetAddressnull168     function GetAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; override;
OrdOrAddressnull169     function OrdOrAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
170     // Address of the data (followed type deref, location, ...)
DataAddrnull171     function DataAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
OrdOrDataAddrnull172     function OrdOrDataAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
GetDwarfDataAddressnull173     function GetDwarfDataAddress(out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType = nil): Boolean;
GetStructureDwarfDataAddressnull174     function GetStructureDwarfDataAddress(out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
175                                           ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType = nil): Boolean;
HasDwarfDataAddressnull176     function HasDwarfDataAddress: Boolean; // TODO: is this just HasAddress?
178     procedure Reset; virtual; // keeps lastmember and structureninfo
GetFieldFlagsnull179     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
HasTypeCastInfonull180     function HasTypeCastInfo: Boolean;
IsValidTypeCastnull181     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; virtual;
GetKindnull182     function GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind; override;
GetMemberCountnull183     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
GetMemberByNamenull184     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgValue; override;
GetMembernull185     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
GetDbgSymbolnull186     function GetDbgSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; override;
GetTypeInfonull187     function GetTypeInfo: TFpDbgSymbol; override;
GetContextTypeInfonull188     function GetContextTypeInfo: TFpDbgSymbol; override;
190     property TypeCastTargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType read FTypeCastTargetType;
191     property TypeCastSourceValue: TFpDbgValue read FTypeCastSourceValue;
192   public
193     constructor Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType);
194     destructor Destroy; override;
195     procedure SetValueSymbol(AValueSymbol: TFpDwarfSymbolValue);
SetTypeCastInfonull196     function  SetTypeCastInfo(AStructure: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
197                               ASource: TFpDbgValue): Boolean; // Used for Typecast
198     // StructureValue: Any Value returned via GetMember points to its structure
199     property StructureValue: TFpDwarfValue read FStructureValue write SetStructureValue;
200     // DataAddressCache[0]: ValueAddress // DataAddressCache[1..n]: DataAddress
201     property DataAddressCache[AIndex: Integer]: TFpDbgMemLocation read GetDataAddressCache write SetDataAddressCache;
202   end;
204   TFpDwarfValueUnknown = class(TFpDwarfValue)
205   end;
207   { TFpDwarfValueSized }
209   TFpDwarfValueSized = class(TFpDwarfValue)
210   private
211     FSize: Integer;
212   protected
CanUseTypeCastAddressnull213     function CanUseTypeCastAddress: Boolean;
GetFieldFlagsnull214     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetSizenull215     function GetSize: Integer; override;
216   public
217     constructor Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ASize: Integer);
218   end;
220   { TFpDwarfValueNumeric }
222   TFpDwarfValueNumeric = class(TFpDwarfValueSized)
223   protected
224     FEvaluated: set of (doneUInt, doneInt, doneAddr, doneFloat);
225   protected
226     procedure Reset; override;
GetFieldFlagsnull227     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override; // svfOrdinal
IsValidTypeCastnull228     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
229   public
230     constructor Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ASize: Integer);
231   end;
233   { TFpDwarfValueInteger }
235   TFpDwarfValueInteger = class(TFpDwarfValueNumeric)
236   private
237     FIntValue: Int64;
238   protected
GetFieldFlagsnull239     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetAsCardinalnull240     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
GetAsIntegernull241     function GetAsInteger: Int64; override;
242   end;
244   { TFpDwarfValueCardinal }
246   TFpDwarfValueCardinal = class(TFpDwarfValueNumeric)
247   private
248     FValue: QWord;
249   protected
GetAsCardinalnull250     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
GetFieldFlagsnull251     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
252   end;
254   { TFpDwarfValueFloat }
256   TFpDwarfValueFloat = class(TFpDwarfValueNumeric) // TDbgDwarfSymbolValue
257   // TODO: typecasts to int should convert
258   private
259     FValue: Extended;
260   protected
GetFieldFlagsnull261     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetAsFloatnull262     function GetAsFloat: Extended; override;
263   end;
265   { TFpDwarfValueBoolean }
267   TFpDwarfValueBoolean = class(TFpDwarfValueCardinal)
268   protected
GetFieldFlagsnull269     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetAsBoolnull270     function GetAsBool: Boolean; override;
271   end;
273   { TFpDwarfValueChar }
275   TFpDwarfValueChar = class(TFpDwarfValueCardinal)
276   protected
277     // returns single char(byte) / widechar
GetFieldFlagsnull278     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetAsStringnull279     function GetAsString: AnsiString; override;
GetAsWideStringnull280     function GetAsWideString: WideString; override;
281   end;
283   { TFpDwarfValuePointer }
285   TFpDwarfValuePointer = class(TFpDwarfValueNumeric)
286   private
287     FLastAddrMember: TFpDbgValue;
288     FPointetToAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
289   protected
GetAsCardinalnull290     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
GetFieldFlagsnull291     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetDataAddressnull292     function GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; override;
GetAsStringnull293     function GetAsString: AnsiString; override;
GetAsWideStringnull294     function GetAsWideString: WideString; override;
GetMembernull295     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
296   public
297     destructor Destroy; override;
298   end;
300   { TFpDwarfValueEnum }
302   TFpDwarfValueEnum = class(TFpDwarfValueNumeric)
303   private
304     FValue: QWord;
305     FMemberIndex: Integer;
306     FMemberValueDone: Boolean;
307     procedure InitMemberIndex;
308   protected
309     procedure Reset; override;
IsValidTypeCastnull310     //function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
311     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
GetAsCardinalnull312     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
GetAsStringnull313     function GetAsString: AnsiString; override;
314     // Has exactly 0 (if the ordinal value is out of range) or 1 member (the current value's enum)
315     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
316     function GetMember({%H-}AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
317   end;
319   { TFpDwarfValueEnumMember }
321   TFpDwarfValueEnumMember = class(TFpDwarfValue)
322   private
323     FOwnerVal: TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
324   protected
325     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
326     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
327     function GetAsString: AnsiString; override;
328     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
329   public
330     constructor Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolValue);
331   end;
333   { TFpDwarfValueConstNumber }
335   TFpDwarfValueConstNumber = class(TFpDbgValueConstNumber)
336   protected
337     procedure Update(AValue: QWord; ASigned: Boolean);
338   end;
340   { TFpDwarfValueSet }
342   TFpDwarfValueSet = class(TFpDwarfValueSized)
343   private
344     FMem: array of Byte;
345     FMemberCount: Integer;
346     FMemberMap: array of Integer;
347     FNumValue: TFpDwarfValueConstNumber;
348     FTypedNumValue: TFpDbgValue;
349     procedure InitMap;
350   protected
351     procedure Reset; override;
352     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
353     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
354     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
355     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override; // only up to qmord
356     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
357   public
358     destructor Destroy; override;
359   end;
361   { TFpDwarfValueStruct }
363   TFpDwarfValueStruct = class(TFpDwarfValue)
364   private
365     FDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
366     FDataAddressDone: Boolean;
367   protected
368     procedure Reset; override;
369     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
370     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
371     function GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; override;
372     function GetDataSize: Integer; override;
373     function GetSize: Integer; override;
374   end;
376   { TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast }
378   TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast = class(TFpDwarfValue)
379   private
380     FMembers: TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList;
381     FDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
382     FDataAddressDone: Boolean;
383   protected
384     procedure Reset; override;
385     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
386     function GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind; override;
387     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
388     function GetSize: Integer; override;
389     function GetDataSize: Integer; override;
390     function GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; override;
391     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
392   public
393     destructor Destroy; override;
394     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgValue; override;
395     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
396     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
397   end;
399   { TFpDwarfValueConstAddress }
401   TFpDwarfValueConstAddress = class(TFpDbgValueConstAddress)
402   protected
403     procedure Update(AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation);
404   end;
406   { TFpDwarfValueArray }
408   TFpDwarfValueArray = class(TFpDwarfValue)
409   private
410     FAddrObj: TFpDwarfValueConstAddress;
411   protected
412     function GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags; override;
413     function GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind; override;
414     function GetAsCardinal: QWord; override;
415     function GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; override;
416     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
417     function GetMemberEx(const AIndex: array of Int64): TFpDbgValue; override;
418     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
419     function GetMemberCountEx(const AIndex: array of Int64): Integer; override;
420     function GetIndexType(AIndex: Integer): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
421     function GetIndexTypeCount: Integer; override;
422     function IsValidTypeCast: Boolean; override;
423   public
424     destructor Destroy; override;
425   end;
426 {%endregion Value objects }
428 {%region Symbol objects }
430   TInitLocParserData = record
431     (* DW_AT_data_member_location: Is always pushed on stack
432        DW_AT_data_location: Is avalibale for DW_OP_push_object_address
433     *)
434     ObjectDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
435     ObjectDataAddrPush: Boolean; // always push ObjectDataAddress on stack: DW_AT_data_member_location
436   end;
437   PInitLocParserData = ^TInitLocParserData;
439   { TDbgDwarfIdentifier }
441   { TFpDwarfSymbol }
443   TFpDwarfSymbol = class(TDbgDwarfSymbolBase)
444   private
445     FNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
446     FParentTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbol;
447     FDwarfReadFlags: set of (didtNameRead, didtTypeRead, didtArtificialRead, didtIsArtifical);
448     function GetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
449   protected
450     (* There will be a circular reference between parenttype and self
451        "self" will only set its reference to parenttype, if self has other references.  *)
452     procedure DoReferenceAdded; override;
453     procedure DoReferenceReleased; override;
454     procedure CircleBackRefActiveChanged(ANewActive: Boolean); override;
455     procedure SetParentTypeInfo(AValue: TFpDwarfSymbol); virtual;
457     function  DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType; virtual;
458     function  ReadMemberVisibility(out AMemberVisibility: TDbgSymbolMemberVisibility): Boolean;
459     function  IsArtificial: Boolean; // usud by formal param and subprogram
460     procedure NameNeeded; override;
461     procedure TypeInfoNeeded; override;
462     property NestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType read GetNestedTypeInfo;
464     // OwnerTypeInfo: reverse of "NestedTypeInfo" (variable that is of this type)
465 //    property OwnerTypeInfo: TDbgDwarfIdentifier read FOwnerTypeInfo; // write SetOwnerTypeInfo;
466     // ParentTypeInfo: funtion for local var / class for member
467     property ParentTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbol read FParentTypeInfo write SetParentTypeInfo;
469     function DataSize: Integer; virtual;
470   protected
471     function InitLocationParser(const {%H-}ALocationParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
472                                 AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData = nil): Boolean; virtual;
473     function  LocationFromTag(ATag: Cardinal; AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
474                               var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; // kept, if tag does not exist
475                               AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData = nil;
476                               AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry = nil;
477                               ASucessOnMissingTag: Boolean = False
478                              ): Boolean;
479     // GetDataAddress: data of a class, or string
480     function GetDataAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
481                             ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
482     function GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
483                             ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
484     function HasAddress: Boolean; virtual;
486     procedure Init; override;
487   public
488     class function CreateSubClass(AName: String; AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbol;
489     destructor Destroy; override;
490     function StartScope: TDbgPtr; // return 0, if none. 0 includes all anyway
491   end;
493   { TFpDwarfSymbolValue }
495   TFpDwarfSymbolValue = class(TFpDwarfSymbol) // var, const, member, ...
496   protected
497     FValueObject: TFpDwarfValue;
498     FMembers: TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList;
500     function GetValueAddress({%H-}AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;{%H-} out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; virtual;
501     function GetValueDataAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
502                                  ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType = nil): Boolean;
503     procedure KindNeeded; override;
504     procedure MemberVisibilityNeeded; override;
505     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
506     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
507     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
509     procedure Init; override;
510   public
511     destructor Destroy; override;
512     class function CreateValueSubClass(AName: String; AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
513   end;
515   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation }
517   TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValue)
518   private
519     procedure FrameBaseNeeded(ASender: TObject); // Sender = TDwarfLocationExpression
520   protected
521     function GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue; override;
522     function InitLocationParser(const ALocationParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
523                                 AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData): Boolean; override;
524   end;
526   { TFpDwarfSymbolType }
528   (* Types and allowed tags in dwarf 2
530   DW_TAG_enumeration_type, DW_TAG_subroutine_type, DW_TAG_union_type,
531   DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type, DW_TAG_set_type, DW_TAG_subrange_type, DW_TAG_file_type,
532   DW_TAG_thrown_type
534                           DW_TAG_base_type
535   DW_AT_encoding          Y
536   DW_AT_bit_offset        Y
537   DW_AT_bit_size          Y
539                           DW_TAG_base_type
540                           |  DW_TAG_typedef
541                           |  |   DW_TAG_string_type
542                           |  |   |  DW_TAG_array_type
543                           |  |   |  |
544                           |  |   |  |    DW_TAG_class_type
545                           |  |   |  |    |  DW_TAG_structure_type
546                           |  |   |  |    |  |
547                           |  |   |  |    |  |    DW_TAG_enumeration_type
548                           |  |   |  |    |  |    |  DW_TAG_set_type
549                           |  |   |  |    |  |    |  |  DW_TAG_enumerator
550                           |  |   |  |    |  |    |  |  |  DW_TAG_subrange_type
551   DW_AT_name              Y  Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y  Y  Y
552   DW_AT_sibling           Y  Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y  Y  Y
553   DECL                       Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y  Y  Y
554   DW_AT_byte_size         Y      Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y     Y
555   DW_AT_abstract_origin      Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y     Y
556   DW_AT_accessibility        Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y     Y
557   DW_AT_declaration          Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y     Y
558   DW_AT_start_scope          Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y
559   DW_AT_visibility           Y   Y  Y    Y  Y    Y  Y     Y
560   DW_AT_type                 Y      Y               Y     Y
561   DW_AT_segment                  Y                              DW_TAG_string_type
562   DW_AT_string_length            Y
563   DW_AT_ordering                    Y                           DW_TAG_array_type
564   DW_AT_stride_size                 Y
565   DW_AT_const_value                                    Y        DW_TAG_enumerator
566   DW_AT_count                                             Y     DW_TAG_subrange_type
567   DW_AT_lower_bound                                       Y
568   DW_AT_upper_bound                                       Y
570                            DW_TAG_pointer_type
571                            |  DW_TAG_reference_type
572                            |  |  DW_TAG_packed_type
573                            |  |  |  DW_TAG_const_type
574                            |  |  |  |  DW_TAG_volatile_type
575   DW_AT_address_class      Y  Y
576   DW_AT_sibling            Y  Y  Y  Y Y
577   DW_AT_type               Y  Y  Y  Y Y
579 DECL = DW_AT_decl_column, DW_AT_decl_file, DW_AT_decl_line
580   *)
582   TFpDwarfSymbolType = class(TFpDwarfSymbol)
583   protected
584     procedure Init; override;
585     procedure MemberVisibilityNeeded; override;
586     procedure SizeNeeded; override;
587     function GetTypedValueObject({%H-}ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; virtual; // returns refcount=1 for caller, no cached copy kept
588   public
589     class function CreateTypeSubClass(AName: String; AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbolType;
590     function TypeCastValue(AValue: TFpDbgValue): TFpDbgValue; override;
591     // TODO: flag bounds as cardinal if needed
592     function GetValueBounds({%H-}AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out ALowBound, AHighBound: Int64): Boolean; virtual;
594     (*TODO: workaround / quickfix // only partly implemented
595       When reading several elements of an array (dyn or stat), the typeinfo is always the same instance (type of array entry)
596       But once that instance has read data (like bounds / dwarf3 bounds are read from app mem), this is cached.
597       So all consecutive entries get the same info...
598         array of string
599         array of shortstring
600         array of {dyn} array
601       This works similar to "Init", but should only clear data that is not static / depends on memory reads
603       Bounds (and maybe all such data) should be stored on the value object)
604     *)
605     procedure ResetValueBounds; virtual;
606   end;
608   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic }
610   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
611   //function DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType; // return nil
612   protected
613     procedure KindNeeded; override;
614     procedure TypeInfoNeeded; override;
615     function GetTypedValueObject({%H-}ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
616     function GetHasBounds: Boolean; override;
617     function GetOrdHighBound: Int64; override;
618     function GetOrdLowBound: Int64; override;
619   end;
621   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier }
623   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
624   protected
625     procedure TypeInfoNeeded; override;
626     procedure ForwardToSymbolNeeded; override;
627     function GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
628   end;
630   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef }
632   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef = class(TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier)
633   protected
634     function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
635     function GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
636                             ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean; override;
637   end;
639   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration }
641   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration = class(TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier)
642   protected
643     // fpc encodes classes as pointer, not ref (so Obj1 = obj2 compares the pointers)
644     // typedef > pointer > srtuct
645     // while a pointer to class/object: pointer > typedef > ....
646     function DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType; override;
647   end;
649   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange }
650   TFpDwarfSubRangeBoundReadState = (rfNotRead, rfNotFound, rfConst, rfValue);
652   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange = class(TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier)
653   // TODO not a modifier, maybe have a forwarder base class
654   private
655     FLowBoundConst: Int64;
656     FLowBoundValue: TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
657     FLowBoundState: TFpDwarfSubRangeBoundReadState;
658     FHighBoundConst: Int64;
659     FHighBoundValue: TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
660     FHighBoundState: TFpDwarfSubRangeBoundReadState;
661     FCountConst: Int64;
662     FCountValue: TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
663     FCountState: TFpDwarfSubRangeBoundReadState;
664     FLowEnumIdx, FHighEnumIdx: Integer;
665     FEnumIdxValid: Boolean;
666     procedure InitEnumIdx;
667     procedure ReadBounds(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue);
668   protected
669     function DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;override;
670     function GetHasBounds: Boolean; override;
671     function GetOrdHighBound: Int64; override;
672     function GetOrdLowBound: Int64; override;
674     procedure NameNeeded; override;
675     procedure KindNeeded; override;
676     procedure SizeNeeded; override;
677     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
678     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
679     function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
680     procedure Init; override;
681   public
682     function GetValueBounds(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out ALowBound,
683       AHighBound: Int64): Boolean; override;
684     procedure ResetValueBounds; override;
685   end;
687   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer }
689   TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
690   private
691     FIsInternalPointer: Boolean;
692     function GetIsInternalPointer: Boolean; inline;
693     function IsInternalDynArrayPointer: Boolean; inline;
694   protected
695     procedure TypeInfoNeeded; override;
696     procedure KindNeeded; override;
697     procedure SizeNeeded; override;
698     procedure ForwardToSymbolNeeded; override;
699     function GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
700                             ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean; override;
701     function GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
702     function DataSize: Integer; override;
703   public
704     property IsInternalPointer: Boolean read GetIsInternalPointer write FIsInternalPointer; // Class (also DynArray, but DynArray is handled without this)
705   end;
707   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember }
709   TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember  = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValue)
710     FOrdinalValue: Int64;
711     FOrdinalValueRead, FHasOrdinalValue: Boolean;
712     procedure ReadOrdinalValue;
713   protected
714     procedure KindNeeded; override;
715     function GetHasOrdinalValue: Boolean; override;
716     function GetOrdinalValue: Int64; override;
717     procedure Init; override;
718     function GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue; override;
719   end;
722   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum }
724   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
725   private
726     FMembers: TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList;
727     procedure CreateMembers;
728   protected
729     function GetTypedValueObject({%H-}ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
730     procedure KindNeeded; override;
731     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
732     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
733     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
735     function GetHasBounds: Boolean; override;
736     function GetOrdHighBound: Int64; override;
737     function GetOrdLowBound: Int64; override;
738   public
739     destructor Destroy; override;
740   end;
743   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet }
745   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
746   protected
747     procedure KindNeeded; override;
748     function GetTypedValueObject({%H-}ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
749     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
750     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
751   end;
753   (*
754     If not specified
755          .NestedTypeInfo --> copy of TypeInfo
756          .ParentTypeInfo --> nil
758     ParentTypeInfo:     has a weak RefCount (only AddRef, if self has other refs)
761     AnObject = TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable
762      |-- .TypeInfo       --> TBar = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure  [*1]
763      |-- .ParentTypeInfo --> may point to subroutine, if param or local var // TODO
765     TBar = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure
766      |-- .TypeInfo       --> TBarBase = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure
768     TBarBase = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure
769      |-- .TypeInfo       --> TOBject = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure
771     TObject = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure
772      |-- .TypeInfo       --> nil
775     FField = TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember (declared in TBarBase)
776      |-- .TypeInfo       --> Integer = TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic [*1]
777      |-- .ParentTypeInfo --> TBarBase
779     [*1] May have TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration or others
780   *)
782   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember }
784   TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation)
785   protected
786     function GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; override;
787     function HasAddress: Boolean; override;
788   end;
790   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure }
792   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
793   // record or class
794   private
795     FMembers: TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList;
796     FLastChildByName: TFpDwarfSymbol;
797     FInheritanceInfo: TDwarfInformationEntry;
798     procedure CreateMembers;
799     procedure InitInheritanceInfo; inline;
800   protected
801     function DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType; override;
802     procedure KindNeeded; override;
803     function GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
805     // GetMember, if AIndex > Count then parent
806     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
807     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
808     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
810     function GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
811                             ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean; override;
812   public
813     destructor Destroy; override;
814   end;
816   { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray }
818   TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray = class(TFpDwarfSymbolType)
819   private
820     FMembers: TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList;
821     FRowMajor: Boolean;
822     FStrideInBits: Int64;
823     FDwarfArrayReadFlags: set of (didtStrideRead, didtOrdering);
824     procedure CreateMembers;
825     procedure ReadStride;
826     procedure ReadOrdering;
827   protected
828     procedure KindNeeded; override;
829     function GetTypedValueObject({%H-}ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue; override;
831     function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
832     // GetMember: returns the TYPE/range of each index. NOT the data
833     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
834     function GetMemberByName({%H-}AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
835     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
836     function GetMemberAddress(AValObject: TFpDwarfValue; const AIndex: Array of Int64): TFpDbgMemLocation;
837   public
838     destructor Destroy; override;
839     procedure ResetValueBounds; override;
840   end;
842   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc }
844   TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValue)
845   private
846     //FCU: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
847     FProcMembers: TRefCntObjList; // Locals
848     FLastMember: TFpDbgSymbol;
849     FAddress: TDbgPtr;
850     FAddressInfo: PDwarfAddressInfo;
851     FStateMachine: TDwarfLineInfoStateMachine;
852     FFrameBaseParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
853     FSelfParameter: TFpDwarfValue;
854     function StateMachineValid: Boolean;
855     function  ReadVirtuality(out AFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags): Boolean;
856     procedure CreateMembers;
857   protected
858     function GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
859     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
860     function GetMemberCount: Integer; override;
862     function  GetFrameBase(ASender: TDwarfLocationExpression): TDbgPtr;
863     procedure KindNeeded; override;
864     procedure SizeNeeded; override;
865     function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
867     function GetColumn: Cardinal; override;
868     function GetFile: String; override;
869 //    function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
870     function GetLine: Cardinal; override;
871     function GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue; override;
872   public
873     constructor Create(ACompilationUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit; AInfo: PDwarfAddressInfo; AAddress: TDbgPtr); overload;
874     destructor Destroy; override;
875     // TODO members = locals ?
876     function GetSelfParameter(AnAddress: TDbgPtr = 0): TFpDwarfValue;
877   end;
879   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable }
881   TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation)
882   protected
883     function GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; override;
884     function HasAddress: Boolean; override;
885   public
886   end;
888   { TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter }
890   TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter = class(TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation)
891   protected
892     function GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; override;
893     function HasAddress: Boolean; override;
894     function GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags; override;
895   public
896   end;
898   { TFpDwarfSymbolUnit }
900   TFpDwarfSymbolUnit = class(TFpDwarfSymbol)
901   private
902     FLastChildByName: TFpDbgSymbol;
903   protected
904     procedure Init; override;
905     function GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol; override;
906   public
907     destructor Destroy; override;
908   end;
909 {%endregion Symbol objects }
911 implementation
913 var
916 { TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap }
918 class function TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap.HandleCompUnit(ACU: TDwarfCompilationUnit): Boolean;
919 begin
920   Result := True;
921 end;
923 class function TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap.GetDwarfSymbolClass(ATag: Cardinal): TDbgDwarfSymbolBaseClass;
924 begin
925   case ATag of
926     // TODO:
927     DW_TAG_constant:
928       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
929     DW_TAG_string_type,
930     DW_TAG_union_type, DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type,
931     DW_TAG_file_type,
932     DW_TAG_thrown_type, DW_TAG_subroutine_type:
933       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolType;
935     // Type types
936     DW_TAG_packed_type,
937     DW_TAG_const_type,
938     DW_TAG_volatile_type:    Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier;
939     DW_TAG_reference_type:   Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef;
940     DW_TAG_typedef:          Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration;
941     DW_TAG_pointer_type:     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer;
943     DW_TAG_base_type:        Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic;
944     DW_TAG_subrange_type:    Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange;
945     DW_TAG_enumeration_type: Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum;
946     DW_TAG_enumerator:       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember;
947     DW_TAG_set_type:         Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet;
948     DW_TAG_structure_type,
949     DW_TAG_class_type:       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure;
950     DW_TAG_array_type:       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray;
951     // Value types
952     DW_TAG_variable:         Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable;
953     DW_TAG_formal_parameter: Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter;
954     DW_TAG_member:           Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember;
955     DW_TAG_subprogram:       Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc;
956     //
957     DW_TAG_compile_unit:     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolUnit;
959     else
960       Result := TFpDwarfSymbol;
961   end;
962 end;
964 class function TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap.CreateContext(AThreadId, AStackFrame: Integer;
965   AnAddress: TDbgPtr; ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; ADwarf: TFpDwarfInfo): TFpDbgInfoContext;
966 begin
967   Result := TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.Create(AThreadId, AStackFrame, AnAddress, ASymbol, ADwarf);
968 end;
970 class function TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap.CreateProcSymbol(ACompilationUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
971   AInfo: PDwarfAddressInfo; AAddress: TDbgPtr): TDbgDwarfSymbolBase;
972 begin
973   Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.Create(ACompilationUnit, AInfo, AAddress);
974 end;
976 { TDbgDwarfInfoAddressContext }
GetSymbolAtAddressnull978 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetSymbolAtAddress: TFpDbgSymbol;
979 begin
980   Result := FSymbol;
981 end;
GetProcedureAtAddressnull983 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetProcedureAtAddress: TFpDbgValue;
984 begin
985   Result := inherited GetProcedureAtAddress;
986   ApplyContext(Result);
987 end;
GetAddressnull989 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetAddress: TDbgPtr;
990 begin
991   Result := FAddress;
992 end;
GetThreadIdnull994 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetThreadId: Integer;
995 begin
996   Result := FThreadId;
997 end;
GetStackFramenull999 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetStackFrame: Integer;
1000 begin
1001   Result := FStackFrame;
1002 end;
GetSizeOfAddressnull1004 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetSizeOfAddress: Integer;
1005 begin
1006   assert(FSymbol is TFpDwarfSymbol, 'TDbgDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetSizeOfAddress');
1007   Result := TFpDwarfSymbol(FSymbol).CompilationUnit.AddressSize;
1008 end;
GetMemManagernull1010 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetMemManager: TFpDbgMemManager;
1011 begin
1012   Result := FDwarf.MemManager;
1013 end;
1015 procedure TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.ApplyContext(AVal: TFpDbgValue);
1016 begin
1017   if (AVal <> nil) and (TFpDwarfValueBase(AVal).FContext = nil) then
1018     TFpDwarfValueBase(AVal).FContext := Self;
1019 end;
SymbolToValuenull1021 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.SymbolToValue(ASym: TFpDbgSymbol): TFpDbgValue;
1022 begin
1023   if ASym = nil then begin
1024     Result := nil;
1025     exit;
1026   end;
1028   if ASym.SymbolType = stValue then begin
1029     Result := ASym.Value;
1030     if Result <> nil then
1031       Result.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1032   end
1033   else begin
1034     Result := TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.Create(ASym);
1035     {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}Result.DbgRenameReference(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1036   end;
1037   ASym.ReleaseReference;
1038 end;
1040 procedure TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.AddRefToVal(AVal: TFpDbgValue);
1041 begin
1042   AVal.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1043 end;
GetSelfParameternull1045 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.GetSelfParameter: TFpDbgValue;
1046 begin
1047   Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc(FSymbol).GetSelfParameter(FAddress);
1048   if (Result <> nil) and (TFpDwarfValueBase(Result).FContext = nil) then
1049     TFpDwarfValueBase(Result).FContext := Self;
1050 end;
FindExportedSymbolInUnitsnull1052 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindExportedSymbolInUnits(const AName: String; PNameUpper,
1053   PNameLower: PChar; SkipCompUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean;
1054 var
1055   i, ExtVal: Integer;
1056   CU: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
1057   InfoEntry, FoundInfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry;
1058   s: String;
1059 begin
1060   Result := False;
1061   ADbgValue := nil;
1062   InfoEntry := nil;
1063   FoundInfoEntry := nil;
1064   i := FDwarf.CompilationUnitsCount;
1065   while i > 0 do begin
1066     dec(i);
1067     CU := FDwarf.CompilationUnits[i];
1068     if CU = SkipCompUnit then
1069       continue;
1070     //DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier search UNIT Name=', CU.FileName]);
1072     InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1073     InfoEntry := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(CU, nil);
1074     InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := CU.FirstScope.Index;
1076     if not InfoEntry.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_compile_unit then
1077       continue;
1078     // compile_unit can not have startscope
1080     s := CU.UnitName;
1081     if (s <> '') and (CompareUtf8BothCase(PNameUpper, PNameLower, @s[1])) then begin
1082       ReleaseRefAndNil(FoundInfoEntry);
1083       ADbgValue := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1084       break;
1085     end;
1087     CU.ScanAllEntries;
1088     if InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(PNameUpper, PNameLower) then begin
1089       if InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) then begin
1090         // only variables are marked "external", but types not / so we may need all top level
1091         FoundInfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1092         FoundInfoEntry := InfoEntry.Clone;
1093         //DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier MAYBE FOUND Name=', CU.FileName]);
1095         // DW_AT_visibility ?
1096         if InfoEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_external, ExtVal) then
1097           if ExtVal <> 0 then
1098             break;
1099         // Search for better ADbgValue
1100       end;
1101     end;
1102   end;
1104   if FoundInfoEntry <> nil then begin;
1105     ADbgValue := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, FoundInfoEntry));
1106     FoundInfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1107   end;
1109   InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1110   Result := ADbgValue <> nil;
1111 end;
FindSymbolInStructurenull1113 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindSymbolInStructure(const AName: String; PNameUpper,
1114   PNameLower: PChar; InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean;
1115 var
1116   InfoEntryInheritance: TDwarfInformationEntry;
1117   FwdInfoPtr: Pointer;
1118   FwdCompUint: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
1119   SelfParam: TFpDbgValue;
1120 begin
1121   Result := False;
1122   ADbgValue := nil;
1123   InfoEntry.AddReference;
1125   while True do begin
1126     if not InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) then
1127       break;
1129     InfoEntryInheritance := InfoEntry.FindChildByTag(DW_TAG_inheritance);
1131     if InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(PNameUpper, PNameLower) then begin
1132       if InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) then begin
1133         SelfParam := GetSelfParameter;
1134         if (SelfParam <> nil) then begin
1135           // TODO: only valid, as long as context is valid, because if context is freed, then self is lost too
1136           ADbgValue := SelfParam.MemberByName[AName];
1137           assert(ADbgValue <> nil, 'FindSymbol: SelfParam.MemberByName[AName]');
1138           if ADbgValue <> nil then
1139             ADbgValue.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1140         end
1141 else debugln(['TDbgDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindSymbol XXXXXXXXXXXXX no self']);
1142         ;
1143         if ADbgValue = nil then begin // Todo: abort the searh /SetError
1144           ADbgValue := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1145         end;
1146         InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1147         InfoEntryInheritance.ReleaseReference;
1148         Result := True;
1149         exit;
1150       end;
1151     end;
1154     if not( (InfoEntryInheritance <> nil) and
1155             (InfoEntryInheritance.ReadReference(DW_AT_type, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint)) )
1156     then
1157       break;
1158     InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1159     InfoEntry := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
1160     InfoEntryInheritance.ReleaseReference;
1161     DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier  PARENT ', dbgs(InfoEntry, FwdCompUint) ]);
1162   end;
1164   InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
1165   Result := ADbgValue <> nil;
1166 end;
FindLocalSymbolnull1168 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindLocalSymbol(const AName: String; PNameUpper,
1169   PNameLower: PChar; InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry; out ADbgValue: TFpDbgValue): Boolean;
1170 begin
1171   Result := False;
1172   ADbgValue := nil;
1173   if not InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(PNameUpper, PNameLower) then
1174     exit;
1175   if InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) and not InfoEntry.IsArtificial then begin
1176     ADbgValue := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1177     if ADbgValue <> nil then
1178       TFpDwarfSymbol(ADbgValue.DbgSymbol).ParentTypeInfo := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc(FSymbol);
1179   end;
1180   Result := ADbgValue <> nil;
1181 end;
1183 constructor TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.Create(AThreadId, AStackFrame: Integer;
1184   AnAddress: TDbgPtr; ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol; ADwarf: TFpDwarfInfo);
1185 begin
1186   inherited Create;
1187   AddReference;
1188   FAddress := AnAddress;
1189   FThreadId := AThreadId;
1190   FStackFrame := AStackFrame;
1191   FDwarf   := ADwarf;
1192   FSymbol  := ASymbol;
1193   FSymbol.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSymbol, 'Context to Symbol'){$ENDIF};
1194 end;
1196 destructor TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.Destroy;
1197 begin
1198   FlastResult.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1199   FSymbol.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSymbol, 'Context to Symbol'){$ENDIF};
1200   inherited Destroy;
1201 end;
FindSymbolnull1203 function TFpDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindSymbol(const AName: String): TFpDbgValue;
1204 var
1205   SubRoutine: TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc; // TDbgSymbol;
1206   CU: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
1207   //Scope,
1208   StartScopeIdx: Integer;
1209   InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry;
1210   NameUpper, NameLower: String;
1211   InfoName: PChar;
1212   tg: Cardinal;
1213   PNameUpper, PNameLower: PChar;
1214 begin
1215   Result := nil;
1216   if (FSymbol = nil) or not(FSymbol is TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc) or (AName = '') then
1217     exit;
1219   SubRoutine := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc(FSymbol);
1220   NameUpper := UTF8UpperCase(AName);
1221   NameLower := UTF8LowerCase(AName);
1222   PNameUpper := @NameUpper[1];
1223   PNameLower := @NameLower[1];
1225   try
1226     CU := SubRoutine.CompilationUnit;
1227     InfoEntry := SubRoutine.InformationEntry.Clone;
1229     while InfoEntry.HasValidScope do begin
1230       //debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier Searching ', dbgs(InfoEntry.FScope, CU)]);
1231       StartScopeIdx := InfoEntry.ScopeIndex;
1233       //if InfoEntry.Abbrev = nil then
1234       //  exit;
1236       if not InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) // StartScope = first valid address
1237       then begin
1238         // CONTINUE: Search parent(s)
1239         //InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := StartScopeIdx;
1240         InfoEntry.GoParent;
1241         Continue;
1242       end;
1244       if InfoEntry.ReadName(InfoName) and not InfoEntry.IsArtificial
1245       then begin
1246         if (CompareUtf8BothCase(PNameUpper, PNameLower, InfoName)) then begin
1247           // TODO: this is a pascal sperific search order? Or not?
1248           // If this is a type with a pointer or ref, need to find the pointer or ref.
1249           InfoEntry.GoParent;
1250           if InfoEntry.HasValidScope and
1251              InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(PNameUpper, PNameLower)
1252           then begin
1253             if InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) and not InfoEntry.IsArtificial then begin
1254               Result := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1255               exit;
1256             end;
1257           end;
1259           InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := StartScopeIdx;
1260           Result := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1261           exit;
1262         end;
1263       end;
1266       tg := InfoEntry.AbbrevTag;
1267       if (tg = DW_TAG_class_type) or (tg = DW_TAG_structure_type) then begin
1268         if FindSymbolInStructure(AName,PNameUpper, PNameLower, InfoEntry, Result) then
1269           exit; // TODO: check error
1270         //InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := StartScopeIdx;
1271       end
1273       else
1274       if (StartScopeIdx = SubRoutine.InformationEntry.ScopeIndex) then begin // searching in subroutine
1275         if FindLocalSymbol(AName,PNameUpper, PNameLower, InfoEntry, Result) then
1276           exit;        // TODO: check error
1277         //InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := StartScopeIdx;
1278       end
1279           // TODO: nested subroutine
1281       else
1282       if InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(PNameUpper, PNameLower) then begin
1283         if InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(FAddress) and not InfoEntry.IsArtificial then begin
1284           Result := SymbolToValue(TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName, InfoEntry));
1285           exit;
1286         end;
1287       end;
1289       // Search parent(s)
1290       InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := StartScopeIdx;
1291       InfoEntry.GoParent;
1292     end;
1294     FindExportedSymbolInUnits(AName, PNameUpper, PNameLower, CU, Result);
1296   finally
1297     if (Result = nil) or (InfoEntry = nil)
1298     then DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier NOT found  Name=', AName])
1299     else DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TDbgDwarf.FindIdentifier(',AName,') found Scope=', TFpDwarfSymbol(Result.DbgSymbol).InformationEntry.ScopeDebugText, '  ResultSymbol=', DbgSName(Result.DbgSymbol), ' ', Result.DbgSymbol.Name, ' in ', TFpDwarfSymbol(Result.DbgSymbol).CompilationUnit.FileName]);
1300     ReleaseRefAndNil(InfoEntry);
1302     FlastResult.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FlastResult, 'FindSymbol'){$ENDIF};
1303     FlastResult := Result;
1305     assert((Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfValueBase), 'TDbgDwarfInfoAddressContext.FindSymbol: (Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfValueBase)');
1306     ApplyContext(Result);
1307   end;
1308 end;
1310 { TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition }
GetKindnull1312 function TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind;
1313 begin
1314   Result := skNone;
1315 end;
GetDbgSymbolnull1317 function TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.GetDbgSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol;
1318 begin
1319   Result := FSymbol;
1320 end;
1322 constructor TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.Create(ASymbol: TFpDbgSymbol);
1323 begin
1324   inherited Create;
1325   FSymbol := ASymbol;
1326   FSymbol.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSymbol, 'TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition'){$ENDIF};
1327 end;
1329 destructor TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.Destroy;
1330 begin
1331   inherited Destroy;
1332   FSymbol.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSymbol, 'TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition'){$ENDIF};
1333 end;
GetTypeCastedValuenull1335 function TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.GetTypeCastedValue(ADataVal: TFpDbgValue): TFpDbgValue;
1336 begin
1337   Result := FSymbol.TypeCastValue(ADataVal);
1338   assert((Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfValue), 'TFpDwarfValueTypeDefinition.GetTypeCastedValue: (Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfValue)');
1339   if (Result <> nil) and (TFpDwarfValue(Result).FContext = nil) then
1340     TFpDwarfValue(Result).FContext := FContext;
1341 end;
1343 { TFpDwarfValue }
MemManagernull1345 function TFpDwarfValue.MemManager: TFpDbgMemManager;
1346 begin
1347   Result := nil;
1348   if FContext <> nil then
1349     Result := FContext.MemManager;
1351   if Result = nil then begin
1352     // Either a typecast, or a member gotten from a typecast,...
1353     assert((FOwner <> nil) and (FOwner.CompilationUnit <> nil) and (FOwner.CompilationUnit.Owner <> nil), 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.MemManager');
1354     Result := FOwner.CompilationUnit.Owner.MemManager;
1355   end;
1356 end;
GetDataAddressCachenull1358 function TFpDwarfValue.GetDataAddressCache(AIndex: Integer): TFpDbgMemLocation;
1359 begin
1360   if AIndex < Length(FDataAddressCache) then
1361     Result := FDataAddressCache[AIndex]
1362   else
1363     Result := UnInitializedLoc;
1364 end;
AddressSizenull1366 function TFpDwarfValue.AddressSize: Byte;
1367 begin
1368   assert((FOwner <> nil) and (FOwner.CompilationUnit <> nil), 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.AddressSize');
1369   Result := FOwner.CompilationUnit.AddressSize;
1370 end;
1372 procedure TFpDwarfValue.SetDataAddressCache(AIndex: Integer; AValue: TFpDbgMemLocation);
1373 var
1374   i, j: Integer;
1375 begin
1376   i := length(FDataAddressCache);
1377   if AIndex >= i then begin
1378     SetLength(FDataAddressCache, AIndex + 1 + 8);
1379     // todo: Fillbyte 0
1380     for j := i to Length(FDataAddressCache) - 1 do
1381       FDataAddressCache[j] := UnInitializedLoc;
1382   end;
1383   FDataAddressCache[AIndex] := AValue;
1384 end;
1386 procedure TFpDwarfValue.SetStructureValue(AValue: TFpDwarfValue);
1387 begin
1388   if FStructureValue <> nil then
1389     Reset;
1391   if FStructureValue = AValue then
1392     exit;
1394   if CircleBackRefsActive and (FStructureValue <> nil) then
1395     FStructureValue.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FStructureValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1396   FStructureValue := AValue;
1397   if CircleBackRefsActive and (FStructureValue <> nil) then
1398     FStructureValue.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FStructureValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1399 end;
GetLastErrornull1401 function TFpDwarfValue.GetLastError: TFpError;
1402 begin
1403   Result := FLastError;
1404 end;
DataAddrnull1406 function TFpDwarfValue.DataAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1407 begin
1408   // GetDwarfDataAddress(???); What about FTypeCastSourceValue.AsCardinal ?
1409   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1410     //FValueSymbol.GetValueAddress(Self, Result);
1411     FValueSymbol.GetValueDataAddress(Self, Result, FOwner);
1412     if IsError(FValueSymbol.LastError) then
1413       FLastError := FValueSymbol.LastError;
1414   end
1415   else
1416   if HasTypeCastInfo then begin
1417     Result := FTypeCastSourceValue.Address;
1418     if IsError(FTypeCastSourceValue.LastError) then
1419       FLastError := FTypeCastSourceValue.LastError;
1421     if IsReadableLoc(Result) then begin
1422       if not FTypeCastTargetType.GetDataAddress(Self, Result, FOwner, 1) then
1423         Result := InvalidLoc;
1424       if IsError(FTypeCastTargetType.LastError) then
1425         FLastError := FTypeCastTargetType.LastError;
1426     end;
1427   end
1428   else
1429     Result := InvalidLoc;
1430 end;
OrdOrDataAddrnull1432 function TFpDwarfValue.OrdOrDataAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1433 begin
1434   if HasTypeCastInfo and (svfOrdinal in FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags) then
1435     Result := ConstLoc(FTypeCastSourceValue.AsCardinal)
1436   else
1437     Result := DataAddr;
1438 end;
GetDwarfDataAddressnull1440 function TFpDwarfValue.GetDwarfDataAddress(out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1441   ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType): Boolean;
1442 var
1443   fields: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1444 begin
1445   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1446     Assert(FValueSymbol is TFpDwarfSymbolValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress FValueSymbol');
1447     Assert(TypeInfo is TFpDwarfSymbolType, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress TypeInfo');
1448     Assert(not HasTypeCastInfo, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress not HasTypeCastInfo');
1449     Result := FValueSymbol.GetValueDataAddress(Self, AnAddress, ATargetType);
1450     if IsError(FValueSymbol.LastError) then
1451       FLastError := FValueSymbol.LastError;
1452   end
1454   else
1455   begin
1456     // TODO: cache own address
1457     // try typecast
1458     Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
1459     if not Result then
1460       exit;
1461     fields := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
1462     AnAddress := InvalidLoc;
1463     if svfOrdinal in fields then
1464       AnAddress := ConstLoc(FTypeCastSourceValue.AsCardinal)
1465     else
1466     if svfAddress in fields then
1467       AnAddress := FTypeCastSourceValue.Address;
1469     Result := IsReadableLoc(AnAddress);
1470     if not Result then
1471       exit;
1473     Result := FTypeCastTargetType.GetDataAddress(Self, AnAddress, ATargetType, 1);
1474     if IsError(FTypeCastTargetType.LastError) then
1475       FLastError := FTypeCastTargetType.LastError;
1476   end;
1477 end;
GetStructureDwarfDataAddressnull1479 function TFpDwarfValue.GetStructureDwarfDataAddress(out AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1480   ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType): Boolean;
1481 begin
1482   AnAddress := InvalidLoc;
1483   Result := StructureValue <> nil;
1484   if Result then
1485     Result := StructureValue.GetDwarfDataAddress(AnAddress, ATargetType);
1486 end;
HasDwarfDataAddressnull1488 function TFpDwarfValue.HasDwarfDataAddress: Boolean;
1489 begin
1490   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1491     Assert(FValueSymbol is TFpDwarfSymbolValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress FValueSymbol');
1492     Assert(TypeInfo is TFpDwarfSymbolType, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress TypeInfo');
1493     Assert(not HasTypeCastInfo, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue.GetDwarfDataAddress not HasTypeCastInfo');
1494     Result := FValueSymbol.HasAddress;
1495   end
1496   else
1497   begin
1498     // try typecast
1499     Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
1500     if not Result then
1501       exit;
1502     Result := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags * [svfAddress, svfOrdinal] <> [];
1503   end;
1504 end;
1506 procedure TFpDwarfValue.Reset;
1507 begin
1508   FDataAddressCache := nil;
1509   FLastError := NoError;
1510 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull1512 function TFpDwarfValue.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1513 begin
1514   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1515   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1516     if FValueSymbol.HasAddress then Result := Result + [svfAddress];
1517   end
1518   else
1519   if HasTypeCastInfo then begin
1520     Result := Result + FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags * [svfAddress];
1521   end;
1522 end;
HasTypeCastInfonull1524 function TFpDwarfValue.HasTypeCastInfo: Boolean;
1525 begin
1526   Result := (FTypeCastTargetType <> nil) and (FTypeCastSourceValue <> nil);
1527 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull1529 function TFpDwarfValue.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
1530 begin
1531   Result := False;
1532 end;
1534 procedure TFpDwarfValue.DoReferenceAdded;
1535 begin
1536   inherited DoReferenceAdded;
1537   DoPlainReferenceAdded;
1538 end;
1540 procedure TFpDwarfValue.DoReferenceReleased;
1541 begin
1542   inherited DoReferenceReleased;
1543   DoPlainReferenceReleased;
1544 end;
1546 procedure TFpDwarfValue.CircleBackRefActiveChanged(NewActive: Boolean);
1547 begin
1548   inherited CircleBackRefActiveChanged(NewActive);
1549   if NewActive then;
1550   if CircleBackRefsActive then begin
1551     if FValueSymbol <> nil then
1552       FValueSymbol.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FValueSymbol, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1553     if FStructureValue <> nil then
1554       FStructureValue.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FStructureValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1555   end
1556   else begin
1557     if FValueSymbol <> nil then
1558       FValueSymbol.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FValueSymbol, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1559     if FStructureValue <> nil then
1560       FStructureValue.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FStructureValue, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1561   end;
1562 end;
1564 procedure TFpDwarfValue.SetLastMember(ALastMember: TFpDwarfValue);
1565 begin
1566   if FLastMember <> nil then
1567     FLastMember.ReleaseCirclularReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FLastMember, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1569   FLastMember := ALastMember;
1571   if (FLastMember <> nil) then begin
1572     FLastMember.SetStructureValue(Self);
1573     FLastMember.AddCirclularReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FLastMember, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1574     if (FLastMember.FContext = nil) then
1575       FLastMember.FContext := FContext;
1576   end;
1577 end;
GetKindnull1579 function TFpDwarfValue.GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind;
1580 begin
1581   if FValueSymbol <> nil then
1582     Result := FValueSymbol.Kind
1583   else
1584   if HasTypeCastInfo then
1585     Result := FTypeCastTargetType.Kind
1586   else
1587     Result := inherited GetKind;
1588 end;
GetAddressnull1590 function TFpDwarfValue.GetAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1591 begin
1592   if FValueSymbol <> nil then
1593     FValueSymbol.GetValueAddress(Self, Result)
1594   else
1595   if HasTypeCastInfo then
1596     Result := FTypeCastSourceValue.Address
1597   else
1598     Result := inherited GetAddress;
1599 end;
OrdOrAddressnull1601 function TFpDwarfValue.OrdOrAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1602 begin
1603   if HasTypeCastInfo and (svfOrdinal in FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags) then
1604     Result := ConstLoc(FTypeCastSourceValue.AsCardinal)
1605   else
1606     Result := Address;
1607 end;
GetMemberCountnull1609 function TFpDwarfValue.GetMemberCount: Integer;
1610 begin
1611   if FValueSymbol <> nil then
1612     Result := FValueSymbol.MemberCount
1613   else
1614     Result := inherited GetMemberCount;
1615 end;
GetMemberByNamenull1617 function TFpDwarfValue.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgValue;
1618 var
1619   m: TFpDbgSymbol;
1620 begin
1621   Result := nil;
1622   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1623     m := FValueSymbol.MemberByName[AIndex];
1624     if m <> nil then
1625       Result := m.Value;
1626   end;
1627   SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(Result));
1628 end;
GetMembernull1630 function TFpDwarfValue.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
1631 var
1632   m: TFpDbgSymbol;
1633 begin
1634   Result := nil;
1635   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
1636     m := FValueSymbol.Member[AIndex];
1637     if m <> nil then
1638       Result := m.Value;
1639   end;
1640   SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(Result));
1641 end;
GetDbgSymbolnull1643 function TFpDwarfValue.GetDbgSymbol: TFpDbgSymbol;
1644 begin
1645   Result := FValueSymbol;
1646 end;
GetTypeInfonull1648 function TFpDwarfValue.GetTypeInfo: TFpDbgSymbol;
1649 begin
1650   if HasTypeCastInfo then
1651     Result := FTypeCastTargetType
1652   else
1653     Result := inherited GetTypeInfo;
1654 end;
GetContextTypeInfonull1656 function TFpDwarfValue.GetContextTypeInfo: TFpDbgSymbol;
1657 begin
1658   if (FValueSymbol <> nil) and (FValueSymbol.ParentTypeInfo <> nil) then
1659     Result := FValueSymbol.ParentTypeInfo
1660   else
1661     Result := nil; // internal error
1662 end;
1664 constructor TFpDwarfValue.Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType);
1665 begin
1666   FOwner := AOwner;
1667   inherited Create;
1668 end;
1670 destructor TFpDwarfValue.Destroy;
1671 begin
1672   FTypeCastTargetType.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastTargetType, ClassName+'.FTypeCastTargetType'){$ENDIF};
1673   FTypeCastSourceValue.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastSourceValue, ClassName+'.FTypeCastSourceValue'){$ENDIF};
1674   SetLastMember(nil);
1675   inherited Destroy;
1676 end;
1678 procedure TFpDwarfValue.SetValueSymbol(AValueSymbol: TFpDwarfSymbolValue);
1679 begin
1680   if FValueSymbol = AValueSymbol then
1681     exit;
1683   if CircleBackRefsActive and (FValueSymbol <> nil) then
1684     FValueSymbol.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FValueSymbol, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1685   FValueSymbol := AValueSymbol;
1686   if CircleBackRefsActive and (FValueSymbol <> nil) then
1687     FValueSymbol.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FValueSymbol, 'TDbgDwarfSymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
1688 end;
SetTypeCastInfonull1690 function TFpDwarfValue.SetTypeCastInfo(AStructure: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
1691   ASource: TFpDbgValue): Boolean;
1692 begin
1693   Reset;
1694   AStructure.ResetValueBounds;
1696   if FTypeCastSourceValue <> ASource then begin
1697     if FTypeCastSourceValue <> nil then
1698       FTypeCastSourceValue.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastSourceValue, ClassName+'.FTypeCastSourceValue'){$ENDIF};
1699     FTypeCastSourceValue := ASource;
1700     if FTypeCastSourceValue <> nil then
1701       FTypeCastSourceValue.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastSourceValue, ClassName+'.FTypeCastSourceValue'){$ENDIF};
1702   end;
1704   if FTypeCastTargetType <> AStructure then begin
1705     if FTypeCastTargetType <> nil then
1706       FTypeCastTargetType.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastTargetType, ClassName+'.FTypeCastTargetType'){$ENDIF};
1707     FTypeCastTargetType := AStructure;
1708     if FTypeCastTargetType <> nil then
1709       FTypeCastTargetType.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FTypeCastTargetType, ClassName+'.FTypeCastTargetType'){$ENDIF};
1710   end;
1712   Result := IsValidTypeCast;
1713 end;
1715 { TFpDwarfValueSized }
CanUseTypeCastAddressnull1717 function TFpDwarfValueSized.CanUseTypeCastAddress: Boolean;
1718 begin
1719   Result := True;
1720   if (FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags * [svfAddress, svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer] = [svfAddress]) then
1721     exit
1722   else
1723   if (FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags * [svfAddress, svfSize] = [svfAddress, svfSize]) and
1724      (FTypeCastSourceValue.Size = FSize) and (FSize > 0)
1725   then
1726     exit;
1727   if (FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags * [svfAddress, svfSizeOfPointer] = [svfAddress, svfSizeOfPointer]) and
1728      not ( (FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skPointer) //or
1729            //(FSize = AddressSize xxxxxxx)
1730          )
1731   then
1732     exit;
1733   Result := False;
1734 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull1736 function TFpDwarfValueSized.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1737 begin
1738   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1739   Result := Result + [svfSize];
1740 end;
GetSizenull1742 function TFpDwarfValueSized.GetSize: Integer;
1743 begin
1744   Result := FSize;
1745 end;
1747 constructor TFpDwarfValueSized.Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ASize: Integer);
1748 begin
1749   inherited Create(AOwner);
1750   FSize := ASize;
1751 end;
1753 { TFpDwarfValueNumeric }
1755 procedure TFpDwarfValueNumeric.Reset;
1756 begin
1757   inherited Reset;
1758   FEvaluated := [];
1759 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull1761 function TFpDwarfValueNumeric.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1762 begin
1763   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1764   Result := Result + [svfOrdinal];
1765 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull1767 function TFpDwarfValueNumeric.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
1768 begin
1769   Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
1770   If not Result then
1771     exit;
1772   if (svfOrdinal in FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags) or CanUseTypeCastAddress then
1773     exit;
1774   Result := False;
1775 end;
1777 constructor TFpDwarfValueNumeric.Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolType; ASize: Integer);
1778 begin
1779   inherited Create(AOwner, ASize);
1780   FEvaluated := [];
1781 end;
1783 { TFpDwarfValueInteger }
GetFieldFlagsnull1785 function TFpDwarfValueInteger.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1786 begin
1787   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1788   Result := Result + [svfInteger];
1789 end;
GetAsCardinalnull1791 function TFpDwarfValueInteger.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
1792 begin
1793   Result := QWord(GetAsInteger);  // include sign extension
1794 end;
GetAsIntegernull1796 function TFpDwarfValueInteger.GetAsInteger: Int64;
1797 begin
1798   if doneInt in FEvaluated then begin
1799     Result := FIntValue;
1800     exit;
1801   end;
1802   Include(FEvaluated, doneInt);
1804   if (FSize <= 0) or (FSize > SizeOf(Result)) then
1805     Result := inherited GetAsInteger
1806   else
1807   if not MemManager.ReadSignedInt(OrdOrDataAddr, FSize, Result) then begin
1808     Result := 0; // TODO: error
1809     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
1810   end;
1812   FIntValue := Result;
1813 end;
1815 { TDbgDwarfCardinalSymbolValue }
GetAsCardinalnull1817 function TFpDwarfValueCardinal.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
1818 begin
1819   if doneUInt in FEvaluated then begin
1820     Result := FValue;
1821     exit;
1822   end;
1823   Include(FEvaluated, doneUInt);
1825   if (FSize <= 0) or (FSize > SizeOf(Result)) then
1826     Result := inherited GetAsCardinal
1827   else
1828   if not MemManager.ReadUnsignedInt(OrdOrDataAddr, FSize, Result) then begin
1829     Result := 0; // TODO: error
1830     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
1831   end;
1833   FValue := Result;
1834 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull1836 function TFpDwarfValueCardinal.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1837 begin
1838   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1839   Result := Result + [svfCardinal];
1840 end;
1842 { TFpDwarfValueFloat }
GetFieldFlagsnull1844 function TFpDwarfValueFloat.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1845 begin
1846   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1847   Result := Result + [svfFloat] - [svfOrdinal];
1848 end;
GetAsFloatnull1850 function TFpDwarfValueFloat.GetAsFloat: Extended;
1851 begin
1852   if doneFloat in FEvaluated then begin
1853     Result := FValue;
1854     exit;
1855   end;
1856   Include(FEvaluated, doneUInt);
1858   if (FSize <= 0) or (FSize > SizeOf(Result)) then
1859     Result := inherited GetAsCardinal
1860   else
1861   if not MemManager.ReadFloat(OrdOrDataAddr, FSize, Result) then begin
1862     Result := 0; // TODO: error
1863     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
1864   end;
1866   FValue := Result;
1867 end;
1869 { TFpDwarfValueBoolean }
GetFieldFlagsnull1871 function TFpDwarfValueBoolean.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1872 begin
1873   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1874   Result := Result + [svfBoolean];
1875 end;
GetAsBoolnull1877 function TFpDwarfValueBoolean.GetAsBool: Boolean;
1878 begin
1879   Result := QWord(GetAsCardinal) <> 0;
1880 end;
1882 { TFpDwarfValueChar }
GetFieldFlagsnull1884 function TFpDwarfValueChar.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1885 begin
1886   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1887   case FSize of
1888     1: Result := Result + [svfString];
1889     2: Result := Result + [svfWideString];
1890   end;
1891 end;
GetAsStringnull1893 function TFpDwarfValueChar.GetAsString: AnsiString;
1894 begin
1895   // Can typecast, because of FSize = 1, GetAsCardinal only read one byte
1896   if FSize = 2 then
1897     Result := GetAsWideString  // temporary workaround for WideChar
1898   else
1899   if FSize <> 1 then
1900     Result := inherited GetAsString
1901   else
1902     Result := SysToUTF8(char(byte(GetAsCardinal)));
1903 end;
GetAsWideStringnull1905 function TFpDwarfValueChar.GetAsWideString: WideString;
1906 begin
1907   if FSize > 2 then
1908     Result := inherited GetAsWideString
1909   else
1910     Result := WideChar(Word(GetAsCardinal));
1911 end;
1913 { TFpDwarfValuePointer }
GetAsCardinalnull1915 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
1916 var
1917   a: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1918 begin
1919   a := GetDataAddress;
1920   if IsTargetAddr(a) then
1921     Result := LocToAddr(a)
1922   else
1923     Result := 0;
1924 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull1926 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
1927 var
1928   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
1929 begin
1930   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
1931   //TODO: svfDataAddress should depend on (hidden) Pointer or Ref in the TypeInfo
1932   Result := Result + [svfCardinal, svfOrdinal, svfSizeOfPointer, svfDataAddress] - [svfSize]; // data address
1934   t := TypeInfo;
1935   if (t <> nil) then t := t.TypeInfo;
1936   if (t <> nil) and (t.Kind = skChar) and IsReadableMem(DataAddress) then // pchar
1937     Result := Result + [svfString]; // data address
1938 end;
GetDataAddressnull1940 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
1941 begin
1942   if doneAddr in FEvaluated then begin
1943     Result := FPointetToAddr;
1944     exit;
1945   end;
1946   Include(FEvaluated, doneAddr);
1948   if (FSize <= 0) then
1949     Result := InvalidLoc
1950   else
1951   begin
1952     if not MemManager.ReadAddress(OrdOrDataAddr, FSize, Result) then
1953       FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
1954   end;
1956   FPointetToAddr := Result;
1957 end;
GetAsStringnull1959 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetAsString: AnsiString;
1960 var
1961   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
1962   i: Integer;
1963 begin
1964   t := TypeInfo;
1965   if (t <> nil) then t := t.TypeInfo;
1966   if t.Size = 2 then
1967     Result := GetAsWideString
1968   else
1969   if  (MemManager <> nil) and (t <> nil) and (t.Kind = skChar) and IsReadableMem(DataAddress) then begin // pchar
1970     SetLength(Result, 2000);
1971     i := 2000;
1972     while (i > 0) and (not MemManager.ReadMemory(DataAddress, i, @Result[1])) do
1973       i := i div 2;
1974     SetLength(Result,i);
1975       i := pos(#0, Result);
1976     if i > 0 then
1977       SetLength(Result,i-1);
1978   end
1979   else
1980     Result := inherited GetAsString;
1981   end;
GetAsWideStringnull1983 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetAsWideString: WideString;
1984 var
1985   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
1986   i: Integer;
1987 begin
1988   t := TypeInfo;
1989   if (t <> nil) then t := t.TypeInfo;
1990   // skWideChar ???
1991   if  (MemManager <> nil) and (t <> nil) and (t.Kind = skChar) and IsReadableMem(DataAddress) then begin // pchar
1992     SetLength(Result, 2000);
1993     i := 4000; // 2000 * 16 bit
1994     while (i > 0) and (not MemManager.ReadMemory(DataAddress, i, @Result[1])) do
1995       i := i div 2;
1996     SetLength(Result, i div 2);
1997     i := pos(#0, Result);
1998     if i > 0 then
1999       SetLength(Result, i-1);
2000   end
2001   else
2002     Result := inherited GetAsWideString;
2003 end;
GetMembernull2005 function TFpDwarfValuePointer.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
2006 var
2007   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
2008   addr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2009   Tmp: TFpDwarfValueConstAddress;
2010 begin
2011   //TODO: ?? if no TypeInfo.TypeInfo;, then return TFpDwarfValueConstAddress.Create(addr); (for mem dump)
2012   Result := nil;
2013   ReleaseRefAndNil(FLastAddrMember);
2014   if (TypeInfo = nil) then begin // TODO dedicanted error code
2015     FLastError := CreateError(fpErrAnyError, ['Can not dereference an untyped pointer']);
2016     exit;
2017   end;
2019   // TODO re-use last member
2021   ti := TypeInfo.TypeInfo;
2022   {$PUSH}{$R-}{$Q-} // TODO: check overflow
2023   if ti <> nil then
2024     AIndex := AIndex * ti.Size;
2025   addr := DataAddress;
2026   if not IsTargetAddr(addr) then begin
2027     FLastError := CreateError(fpErrAnyError, ['Internal dereference error']);
2028     exit;
2029   end;
2030   addr.Address := addr.Address + AIndex;
2031   {$POP}
2033   Tmp := TFpDwarfValueConstAddress.Create(addr);
2034   if ti <> nil then begin
2035     Result := ti.TypeCastValue(Tmp);
2036     Tmp.ReleaseReference;
2037     SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(Result));
2038     Result.ReleaseReference;
2039   end
2040   else begin
2041     Result := Tmp;
2042     FLastAddrMember := Result;
2043   end;
2044 end;
2046 destructor TFpDwarfValuePointer.Destroy;
2047 begin
2048   FLastAddrMember.ReleaseReference;
2049   inherited Destroy;
2050 end;
2052 { TFpDwarfValueEnum }
2054 procedure TFpDwarfValueEnum.InitMemberIndex;
2055 var
2056   v: QWord;
2057   i: Integer;
2058 begin
2059   // TODO: if TypeInfo is a subrange, check against the bounds, then bypass it, and scan all members (avoid subrange scanning members)
2060   if FMemberValueDone then exit;
2061   // FTypeCastTargetType (if not nil) must be same as FOwner. It may have wrappers like declaration.
2062   v := GetAsCardinal;
2063   i := FOwner.MemberCount - 1;
2064   while i >= 0 do begin
2065     if FOwner.Member[i].OrdinalValue = v then break;
2066     dec(i);
2067   end;
2068   FMemberIndex := i;
2069   FMemberValueDone := True;
2070 end;
2072 procedure TFpDwarfValueEnum.Reset;
2073 begin
2074   inherited Reset;
2075   FMemberValueDone := False;
2076 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull2078 function TFpDwarfValueEnum.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2079 begin
2080   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2081   Result := Result + [svfOrdinal, svfMembers, svfIdentifier];
2082 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2084 function TFpDwarfValueEnum.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2085 begin
2086   if doneUInt in FEvaluated then begin
2087     Result := FValue;
2088     exit;
2089   end;
2090   Include(FEvaluated, doneUInt);
2092   if (FSize <= 0) or (FSize > SizeOf(Result)) then
2093     Result := inherited GetAsCardinal
2094   else
2095   if not MemManager.ReadEnum(OrdOrDataAddr, FSize, Result) then begin
2096     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2097     Result := 0; // TODO: error
2098   end;
2100   FValue := Result;
2101 end;
GetAsStringnull2103 function TFpDwarfValueEnum.GetAsString: AnsiString;
2104 begin
2105   InitMemberIndex;
2106   if FMemberIndex >= 0 then
2107     Result := FOwner.Member[FMemberIndex].Name
2108   else
2109     Result := '';
2110 end;
GetMemberCountnull2112 function TFpDwarfValueEnum.GetMemberCount: Integer;
2113 begin
2114   InitMemberIndex;
2115   if FMemberIndex < 0 then
2116     Result := 0
2117   else
2118     Result := 1;
2119 end;
GetMembernull2121 function TFpDwarfValueEnum.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
2122 begin
2123   InitMemberIndex;
2124   if (FMemberIndex >= 0) and (AIndex = 0) then
2125     Result := FOwner.Member[FMemberIndex].Value
2126   else
2127     Result := nil;
2128 end;
2130 { TFpDwarfValueEnumMember }
GetFieldFlagsnull2132 function TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2133 begin
2134   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2135   Result := Result + [svfOrdinal, svfIdentifier];
2136 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2138 function TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2139 begin
2140   Result := FOwnerVal.OrdinalValue;
2141 end;
GetAsStringnull2143 function TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.GetAsString: AnsiString;
2144 begin
2145   Result := FOwnerVal.Name;
2146 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull2148 function TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
2149 begin
2150   assert(False, 'TDbgDwarfEnumMemberSymbolValue.IsValidTypeCast can not be returned for typecast');
2151   Result := False;
2152 end;
2154 constructor TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.Create(AOwner: TFpDwarfSymbolValue);
2155 begin
2156   FOwnerVal := AOwner;
2157   inherited Create(nil);
2158 end;
2160 { TFpDwarfValueConstNumber }
2162 procedure TFpDwarfValueConstNumber.Update(AValue: QWord; ASigned: Boolean);
2163 begin
2164   Signed := ASigned;
2165   Value := AValue;
2166 end;
2168 { TFpDwarfValueSet }
2170 procedure TFpDwarfValueSet.InitMap;
2171 const
2172   BitCount: array[0..15] of byte = (0, 1, 1, 2,  1, 2, 2, 3,  1, 2, 2, 3,  2, 3, 3, 4);
2173 var
2174   i, i2, v, MemIdx, Bit, Cnt: Integer;
2176   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
2177 begin
2178   if (length(FMem) > 0) or (FSize <= 0) then
2179     exit;
2180   t := TypeInfo;
2181   if t = nil then exit;
2182   t := t.TypeInfo;
2183   if t = nil then exit;
2185   if not MemManager.ReadSet(DataAddr, FSize, FMem) then begin
2186     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2187     exit; // TODO: error
2188   end;
2190   Cnt := 0;
2191   for i := 0 to FSize - 1 do
2192     Cnt := Cnt + (BitCount[FMem[i] and 15])  + (BitCount[(FMem[i] div 16) and 15]);
2193   FMemberCount := Cnt;
2195   if (Cnt = 0) then exit;
2196   SetLength(FMemberMap, Cnt);
2198   if (t.Kind = skEnum) then begin
2199     i2 := 0;
2200     for i := 0 to t.MemberCount - 1 do
2201     begin
2202       v := t.Member[i].OrdinalValue;
2203       MemIdx := v shr 3;
2204       Bit := 1 shl (v and 7);
2205       if (FMem[MemIdx] and Bit) <> 0 then begin
2206         assert(i2 < Cnt, 'TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.InitMap too many members');
2207         if i2 = Cnt then break;
2208         FMemberMap[i2] := i;
2209         inc(i2);
2210       end;
2211     end;
2213     if i2 < Cnt then begin
2214       FMemberCount := i2;
2215       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_DATA_WARNINGS, ['TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.InitMap  not enough members']);
2216     end;
2217   end
2218   else begin
2219     i2 := 0;
2220     MemIdx := 0;
2221     Bit := 1;
2222     v := t.OrdLowBound;
2223     for i := v to t.OrdHighBound do
2224     begin
2225       if (FMem[MemIdx] and Bit) <> 0 then begin
2226         assert(i2 < Cnt, 'TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.InitMap too many members');
2227         if i2 = Cnt then break;
2228         FMemberMap[i2] := i - v; // offset from low-bound
2229         inc(i2);
2230       end;
2231       if Bit = 128 then begin
2232         Bit := 1;
2233         inc(MemIdx);
2234       end
2235       else
2236         Bit := Bit shl 1;
2237     end;
2239     if i2 < Cnt then begin
2240       FMemberCount := i2;
2241       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_DATA_WARNINGS, ['TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.InitMap  not enough members']);
2242     end;
2243   end;
2245 end;
2247 procedure TFpDwarfValueSet.Reset;
2248 begin
2249   inherited Reset;
2250   SetLength(FMem, 0);
2251 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull2253 function TFpDwarfValueSet.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2254 begin
2255   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2256   Result := Result + [svfMembers];
2257   if FSize <= 8 then
2258     Result := Result + [svfOrdinal];
2259 end;
GetMemberCountnull2261 function TFpDwarfValueSet.GetMemberCount: Integer;
2262 begin
2263   InitMap;
2264   Result := FMemberCount;
2265 end;
GetMembernull2267 function TFpDwarfValueSet.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
2268 var
2269   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
2270 begin
2271   Result := nil;
2272   InitMap;
2273   t := TypeInfo;
2274   if t = nil then exit;
2275   t := t.TypeInfo;
2276   if t = nil then exit;
2277   assert(t is TFpDwarfSymbolType, 'TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.GetMember t');
2279   if t.Kind = skEnum then begin
2280     Result := t.Member[FMemberMap[AIndex]].Value;
2281   end
2282   else begin
2283     if (FNumValue = nil) or (FNumValue.RefCount > 1) then // refcount 1 by FTypedNumValue
2284       FNumValue := TFpDwarfValueConstNumber.Create(FMemberMap[AIndex] + t.OrdLowBound, t.Kind = skInteger)
2285     else
2286     begin
2287       FNumValue.Update(FMemberMap[AIndex] + t.OrdLowBound, t.Kind = skInteger);
2288       FNumValue.AddReference;
2289     end;
2291     if (FTypedNumValue = nil) or (FTypedNumValue.RefCount > 1) then begin
2292       FTypedNumValue.ReleaseReference;
2293       FTypedNumValue := t.TypeCastValue(FNumValue)
2294     end
2295     else
2296       TFpDwarfValue(FTypedNumValue).SetTypeCastInfo(TFpDwarfSymbolType(t), FNumValue); // update
2297     FNumValue.ReleaseReference;
2298     Assert((FTypedNumValue <> nil) and (TFpDwarfValue(FTypedNumValue).IsValidTypeCast), 'TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.GetMember FTypedNumValue');
2299     Assert((FNumValue <> nil) and (FNumValue.RefCount > 0), 'TDbgDwarfSetSymbolValue.GetMember FNumValue');
2300     Result := FTypedNumValue;
2301   end;
2302 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2304 function TFpDwarfValueSet.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2305 begin
2306   Result := 0;
2307   if (FSize <= SizeOf(Result)) and (length(FMem) > 0) then
2308     move(FMem[0], Result, FSize);
2309 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull2311 function TFpDwarfValueSet.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
2312 var
2313   f: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2314 begin
2315   Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
2316   If not Result then
2317     exit;
2319   assert(FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skSet, 'TFpDwarfValueSet.IsValidTypeCast: FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skSet');
2321   if (FTypeCastSourceValue.TypeInfo = FTypeCastTargetType)
2322   then
2323     exit; // pointer deref
2325   f := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
2326   if (f * [svfAddress, svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer] = [svfAddress]) then
2327     exit;
2329   if (f * [svfAddress, svfSize] = [svfAddress, svfSize]) and
2330      (FTypeCastSourceValue.Size = FTypeCastTargetType.Size)
2331   then
2332     exit;
2334   Result := False;
2335 end;
2337 destructor TFpDwarfValueSet.Destroy;
2338 begin
2339   FTypedNumValue.ReleaseReference;
2340   inherited Destroy;
2341 end;
2343 { TFpDwarfValueStruct }
2345 procedure TFpDwarfValueStruct.Reset;
2346 begin
2347   inherited Reset;
2348   FDataAddressDone := False;
2349 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull2351 function TFpDwarfValueStruct.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2352 begin
2353   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2354   Result := Result + [svfMembers];
2356   //TODO: svfDataAddress should depend on (hidden) Pointer or Ref in the TypeInfo
2357   if Kind in [skClass] then begin
2358     Result := Result + [svfOrdinal, svfDataAddress, svfDataSize]; // svfDataSize
2359     if (FValueSymbol <> nil) and FValueSymbol.HasAddress then
2360       Result := Result + [svfSizeOfPointer];
2361   end
2362   else begin
2363     Result := Result + [svfSize];
2364   end;
2365 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2367 function TFpDwarfValueStruct.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2368 begin
2369   Result := QWord(LocToAddrOrNil(DataAddress));
2370 end;
GetDataAddressnull2372 function TFpDwarfValueStruct.GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2373 var
2374   t: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2375 begin
2376   if FValueSymbol <> nil then begin
2377     if not FDataAddressDone then begin
2378       FDataAddress := InvalidLoc;
2379       FValueSymbol.GetValueAddress(Self, t);
2380       assert(SizeOf(FDataAddress) >= AddressSize, 'TDbgDwarfStructSymbolValue.GetDataAddress');
2381       if (MemManager <> nil) then begin
2382         FDataAddress := MemManager.ReadAddress(t, AddressSize);
2383         if not IsValidLoc(FDataAddress) then
2384           FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2385       end;
2386       FDataAddressDone := True;
2387     end;
2388     Result := FDataAddress;
2389   end
2390   else
2391     Result := inherited GetDataAddress;
2392 end;
GetDataSizenull2394 function TFpDwarfValueStruct.GetDataSize: Integer;
2395 begin
2396   Assert((FValueSymbol = nil) or (FValueSymbol.TypeInfo is TFpDwarfSymbol));
2397   if (FValueSymbol <> nil) and (FValueSymbol.TypeInfo <> nil) then
2398     if FValueSymbol.TypeInfo.Kind = skClass then
2399       Result := TFpDwarfSymbol(FValueSymbol.TypeInfo).DataSize
2400     else
2401       Result := FValueSymbol.TypeInfo.Size
2402   else
2403     Result := -1;
2404 end;
GetSizenull2406 function TFpDwarfValueStruct.GetSize: Integer;
2407 begin
2408   if (Kind <> skClass) and (FValueSymbol <> nil) and (FValueSymbol.TypeInfo <> nil) then
2409     Result := FValueSymbol.TypeInfo.Size
2410   else
2411     Result := -1;
2412 end;
2414 { TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast }
2416 procedure TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.Reset;
2417 begin
2418   inherited Reset;
2419   FDataAddressDone := False;
2420 end;
GetFieldFlagsnull2422 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2423 begin
2424   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2425   Result := Result + [svfMembers];
2426   if kind = skClass then // todo detect hidden pointer
2427     Result := Result + [svfDataSize]
2428   else
2429     Result := Result + [svfSize];
2431   //TODO: svfDataAddress should depend on (hidden) Pointer or Ref in the TypeInfo
2432   if Kind in [skClass] then
2433     Result := Result + [svfOrdinal, svfDataAddress, svfSizeOfPointer]; // svfDataSize
2434 end;
GetKindnull2436 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind;
2437 begin
2438   if HasTypeCastInfo then
2439     Result := FTypeCastTargetType.Kind
2440   else
2441     Result := inherited GetKind;
2442 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2444 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2445 begin
2446   Result := QWord(LocToAddrOrNil(DataAddress));
2447 end;
GetSizenull2449 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetSize: Integer;
2450 begin
2451   if (Kind <> skClass) and (FTypeCastTargetType <> nil) then
2452     Result := FTypeCastTargetType.Size
2453   else
2454     Result := -1;
2455 end;
GetDataSizenull2457 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetDataSize: Integer;
2458 begin
2459   Assert((FTypeCastTargetType = nil) or (FTypeCastTargetType is TFpDwarfSymbol));
2460   if FTypeCastTargetType <> nil then
2461     if FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skClass then
2462       Result := TFpDwarfSymbol(FTypeCastTargetType).DataSize
2463     else
2464       Result := FTypeCastTargetType.Size
2465   else
2466     Result := -1;
2467 end;
GetDataAddressnull2469 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2470 var
2471   fields: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2472   t: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2473 begin
2474   if HasTypeCastInfo then begin
2475     if not FDataAddressDone then begin
2476 // TODO: wrong for records // use GetDwarfDataAddress
2477       fields := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
2478       if svfOrdinal in fields then
2479         FDataAddress := TargetLoc(TDbgPtr(FTypeCastSourceValue.AsCardinal))
2480       else
2481       if svfAddress in fields then begin
2482         FDataAddress := InvalidLoc;
2483         t := FTypeCastSourceValue.Address;
2484         assert(SizeOf(FDataAddress) >= AddressSize, 'TDbgDwarfStructSymbolValue.GetDataAddress');
2485         if (MemManager <> nil) then begin
2486           FDataAddress := MemManager.ReadAddress(t, AddressSize);
2487           if not IsValidLoc(FDataAddress) then
2488             FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2489         end;
2490       end;
2491       FDataAddressDone := True;
2492     end;
2493     Result := FDataAddress;
2494   end
2495   else
2496     Result := inherited GetDataAddress;
2497 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull2499 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
2500 var
2501   f: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2502 begin
2503   Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
2504   if not Result then
2505     exit;
2507   if FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skClass then begin
2508     f := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
2509     Result := (svfOrdinal in f); // ordinal is prefered in GetDataAddress
2510     if Result then
2511       exit;
2512     Result := (svfAddress in f) and
2513               ( ( not(svfSize in f) ) or // either svfSizeOfPointer or a void type, e.g. pointer(1)^
2514                 ( (svfSize in f) and (FTypeCastSourceValue.Size = AddressSize) )
2515               );
2516   end
2517   else begin
2518     f := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
2519     if (f * [{svfOrdinal, }svfAddress] = [svfAddress]) then begin
2520       if (f * [svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer]) = [svfSize] then
2521         Result := Result and (FTypeCastTargetType.Size = FTypeCastSourceValue.Size)
2522       else
2523       if (f * [svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer]) = [svfSizeOfPointer] then
2524         Result := Result and (FTypeCastTargetType.Size = AddressSize)
2525       else
2526         Result := (f * [svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer]) = []; // source is a void type, e.g. pointer(1)^
2527     end
2528     else
2529       Result := False;
2530   end;
2531 end;
2533 destructor TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.Destroy;
2534 begin
2535   FreeAndNil(FMembers);
2536   inherited Destroy;
2537 end;
GetMemberByNamenull2539 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgValue;
2540 var
2541   tmp: TFpDbgSymbol;
2542 begin
2543   Result := nil;
2544   if not HasTypeCastInfo then
2545     exit;
2547   tmp := FTypeCastTargetType.MemberByName[AIndex];
2548   if (tmp <> nil) then begin
2549     assert((tmp is TFpDwarfSymbolValue), 'TDbgDwarfStructTypeCastSymbolValue.GetMemberByName'+DbgSName(tmp));
2550     if FMembers = nil then
2551       FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
2552     FMembers.Add(tmp);
2554     Result := tmp.Value;
2555   end;
2556   SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(Result));
2557 end;
GetMembernull2559 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
2560 var
2561   tmp: TFpDbgSymbol;
2562 begin
2563   Result := nil;
2564   if not HasTypeCastInfo then
2565     exit;
2567   // TODO: Why store them all in list? They are hold by the type
2568   tmp := FTypeCastTargetType.Member[AIndex];
2569   if (tmp <> nil) then begin
2570     assert((tmp is TFpDwarfSymbolValue), 'TDbgDwarfStructTypeCastSymbolValue.GetMemberByName'+DbgSName(tmp));
2571     if FMembers = nil then
2572       FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
2573     FMembers.Add(tmp);
2575     Result := tmp.Value;
2576   end;
2577   SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(Result));
2578 end;
GetMemberCountnull2580 function TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.GetMemberCount: Integer;
2581 var
2582   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
2583 begin
2584   Result := 0;
2585   if not HasTypeCastInfo then
2586     exit;
2588   Result := FTypeCastTargetType.MemberCount;
2590   ti := FTypeCastTargetType;
2591   //TODO: cache result
2592   if ti.Kind in [skClass, skObject] then
2593     while ti.TypeInfo <> nil do begin
2594       ti := ti.TypeInfo;
2595       Result := Result + ti.MemberCount;
2596     end;
2597 end;
2599 { TFpDwarfValueConstAddress }
2601 procedure TFpDwarfValueConstAddress.Update(AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation);
2602 begin
2603   Address := AnAddress;
2604 end;
2606 { TFpDwarfValueArray }
GetFieldFlagsnull2608 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetFieldFlags: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2609 begin
2610   Result := inherited GetFieldFlags;
2611   Result := Result + [svfMembers];
2612   if (TypeInfo <> nil) and (sfDynArray in TypeInfo.Flags) then
2613     Result := Result + [svfOrdinal, svfDataAddress];
2614 end;
GetKindnull2616 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetKind: TDbgSymbolKind;
2617 begin
2618   Result := skArray;
2619 end;
GetAsCardinalnull2621 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetAsCardinal: QWord;
2622 begin
2623   // TODO cache
2624   if not MemManager.ReadUnsignedInt(OrdOrAddress, AddressSize, Result) then begin
2625     FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2626     Result := 0;
2627   end;
2628 end;
GetDataAddressnull2630 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetDataAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2631 begin
2632   Result := OrdOrDataAddr;
2633 end;
GetMembernull2635 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgValue;
2636 begin
2637   Result := GetMemberEx([AIndex]);
2638 end;
GetMemberExnull2640 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetMemberEx(const AIndex: array of Int64
2641   ): TFpDbgValue;
2642 var
2643   Addr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2644   i: Integer;
2645 begin
2646   Result := nil;
2647   assert((FOwner is TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray) and (FOwner.Kind = skArray));
2649   Addr := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray(FOwner).GetMemberAddress(Self, AIndex);
2650   if not IsReadableLoc(Addr) then exit;
2652   // FAddrObj.RefCount: hold by self
2653   i := 1;
2654   // FAddrObj.RefCount: hold by FLastMember (ignore only, if FLastMember is not hold by others)
2655   if (FLastMember <> nil) and (FLastMember.RefCount = 1) then
2656     i := 2;
2657   if (FAddrObj = nil) or (FAddrObj.RefCount > i) then begin
2658     FAddrObj.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FAddrObj, 'TDbgDwarfArraySymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
2659     FAddrObj := TFpDwarfValueConstAddress.Create(Addr);
2660     {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FAddrObj.DbgRenameReference(@FAddrObj, 'TDbgDwarfArraySymbolValue');{$ENDIF}
2661   end
2662   else begin
2663     FAddrObj.Update(Addr);
2664   end;
2666   if (FLastMember = nil) or (FLastMember.RefCount > 1) then begin
2667     SetLastMember(TFpDwarfValue(FOwner.TypeInfo.TypeCastValue(FAddrObj)));
2668     FLastMember.ReleaseReference;
2669   end
2670   else begin
2671     TFpDwarfValue(FLastMember).SetTypeCastInfo(TFpDwarfSymbolType(FOwner.TypeInfo), FAddrObj);
2672   end;
2674   Result := FLastMember;
2675 end;
GetMemberCountnull2677 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetMemberCount: Integer;
2678 var
2679   t, t2: TFpDbgSymbol;
2680   Addr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
2681   LowBound, HighBound: int64;
2682   i: Int64;
2683 begin
2684   Result := 0;
2685   t := TypeInfo;
2686   if t.MemberCount < 1 then // IndexTypeCount;
2687     exit;
2688   t2 := t.Member[0]; // IndexType[0];
2689   if not ((t2 is TFpDwarfSymbolType) and (TFpDwarfSymbolType(t2).GetValueBounds(self, LowBound, HighBound))) and
2690      not t2.HasBounds then begin
2691     if (sfDynArray in t.Flags) and (AsCardinal <> 0) and
2692        GetDwarfDataAddress(Addr, TFpDwarfSymbolType(FOwner))
2693     then begin
2694       if not (IsReadableMem(Addr) and (LocToAddr(Addr) > AddressSize)) then
2695         exit;
2696       Addr.Address := Addr.Address - AddressSize;
2697       if MemManager.ReadSignedInt(Addr, AddressSize, i) then begin
2698         Result := Integer(i)+1;
2699         exit;
2700       end
2701       else
2702         FLastError := MemManager.LastError;
2703     end;
2704     exit;
2705   end;
2706   if t2.HasBounds then begin
2707     LowBound  := t2.OrdLowBound;
2708     HighBound := t2.OrdHighBound;
2709     if HighBound < LowBound then
2710       exit(0); // empty array // TODO: error
2711     // TODO: XXXXX Dynamic max limit
2712     {$PUSH}{$Q-}
2713     if QWord(HighBound - LowBound) > 3000 then
2714       HighBound := LowBound + 3000;
2715     Result := Integer(HighBound - LowBound + 1);
2716     {$POP}
2717   end;
2718 end;
GetMemberCountExnull2720 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetMemberCountEx(const AIndex: array of Int64
2721   ): Integer;
2722 var
2723   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
2724 begin
2725   Result := 0;
2726   t := TypeInfo;
2727   if length(AIndex) >= t.MemberCount then
2728     exit;
2729   t := t.Member[length(AIndex)];
2730   if not t.HasBounds then
2731     exit;
2732   Result := t.OrdHighBound - t.OrdLowBound + 1;
2733 end;
GetIndexTypenull2735 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetIndexType(AIndex: Integer): TFpDbgSymbol;
2736 begin
2737   Result := TypeInfo.Member[AIndex];
2738 end;
GetIndexTypeCountnull2740 function TFpDwarfValueArray.GetIndexTypeCount: Integer;
2741 begin
2742   Result := TypeInfo.MemberCount;
2743 end;
IsValidTypeCastnull2745 function TFpDwarfValueArray.IsValidTypeCast: Boolean;
2746 var
2747   f: TFpDbgValueFieldFlags;
2748 begin
2749   Result := HasTypeCastInfo;
2750   If not Result then
2751     exit;
2753   assert(FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skArray, 'TFpDwarfValueArray.IsValidTypeCast: FTypeCastTargetType.Kind = skArray');
2754 //TODO: shortcut, if FTypeCastTargetType = FTypeCastSourceValue.TypeInfo ?
2756   f := FTypeCastSourceValue.FieldFlags;
2757   if (f * [svfAddress, svfSize, svfSizeOfPointer] = [svfAddress]) then
2758     exit;
2760   if sfDynArray in FTypeCastTargetType.Flags then begin
2761     // dyn array
2762     if (svfOrdinal in f)then
2763       exit;
2764     if (f * [svfAddress, svfSize] = [svfAddress, svfSize]) and
2765        (FTypeCastSourceValue.Size = FOwner.CompilationUnit.AddressSize)
2766     then
2767       exit;
2768     if (f * [svfAddress, svfSizeOfPointer] = [svfAddress, svfSizeOfPointer]) then
2769       exit;
2770   end
2771   else begin
2772     // stat array
2773     if (f * [svfAddress, svfSize] = [svfAddress, svfSize]) and
2774        (FTypeCastSourceValue.Size = FTypeCastTargetType.Size)
2775     then
2776       exit;
2777   end;
2778   Result := False;
2779 end;
2781 destructor TFpDwarfValueArray.Destroy;
2782 begin
2783   FAddrObj.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FAddrObj, 'TDbgDwarfArraySymbolValue'){$ENDIF};
2784   inherited Destroy;
2785 end;
2787 { TDbgDwarfIdentifier }
GetNestedTypeInfonull2789 function TFpDwarfSymbol.GetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
2790 begin
2791 // TODO DW_AT_start_scope;
2792   Result := FNestedTypeInfo;
2793   if (Result <> nil) or (didtTypeRead in FDwarfReadFlags) then
2794     exit;
2796   include(FDwarfReadFlags, didtTypeRead);
2797   FNestedTypeInfo := DoGetNestedTypeInfo;
2798   Result := FNestedTypeInfo;
2799 end;
2801 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.SetParentTypeInfo(AValue: TFpDwarfSymbol);
2802 begin
2803   if FParentTypeInfo = AValue then exit;
2805   if (FParentTypeInfo <> nil) and CircleBackRefsActive then
2806     FParentTypeInfo.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FParentTypeInfo, 'FParentTypeInfo'){$ENDIF};
2808   FParentTypeInfo := AValue;
2810   if (FParentTypeInfo <> nil) and CircleBackRefsActive then
2811     FParentTypeInfo.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FParentTypeInfo, 'FParentTypeInfo'){$ENDIF};
2812 end;
2814 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.DoReferenceAdded;
2815 begin
2816   inherited DoReferenceAdded;
2817   DoPlainReferenceAdded;
2818 end;
2820 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.DoReferenceReleased;
2821 begin
2822   inherited DoReferenceReleased;
2823   DoPlainReferenceReleased;
2824 end;
2826 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.CircleBackRefActiveChanged(ANewActive: Boolean);
2827 begin
2828   if (FParentTypeInfo = nil) then
2829     exit;
2830   if ANewActive then
2831     FParentTypeInfo.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FParentTypeInfo, 'FParentTypeInfo'){$ENDIF}
2832   else
2833     FParentTypeInfo.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FParentTypeInfo, 'FParentTypeInfo'){$ENDIF};
2834 end;
DoGetNestedTypeInfonull2836 function TFpDwarfSymbol.DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
2837 var
2838   FwdInfoPtr: Pointer;
2839   FwdCompUint: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
2840   InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry;
2841 begin // Do not access anything that may need forwardSymbol
2842   if InformationEntry.ReadReference(DW_AT_type, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint) then begin
2843     InfoEntry := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
2844     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolType.CreateTypeSubClass('', InfoEntry);
2845     ReleaseRefAndNil(InfoEntry);
2846   end
2847   else
2848     Result := nil;
2849 end;
ReadMemberVisibilitynull2851 function TFpDwarfSymbol.ReadMemberVisibility(out
2852   AMemberVisibility: TDbgSymbolMemberVisibility): Boolean;
2853 var
2854   Val: Integer;
2855 begin
2856   Result := InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_external, Val);
2857   if Result and (Val <> 0) then begin
2858     AMemberVisibility := svPublic;
2859     exit;
2860   end;
2862   Result := InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_accessibility, Val);
2863   if not Result then exit;
2864   case Val of
2865     DW_ACCESS_private:   AMemberVisibility := svPrivate;
2866     DW_ACCESS_protected: AMemberVisibility := svProtected;
2867     DW_ACCESS_public:    AMemberVisibility := svPublic;
2868     else                 AMemberVisibility := svPrivate;
2869   end;
2870 end;
IsArtificialnull2872 function TFpDwarfSymbol.IsArtificial: Boolean;
2873 begin
2874   if not(didtArtificialRead in FDwarfReadFlags) then begin
2875     if InformationEntry.IsArtificial then
2876       Include(FDwarfReadFlags, didtIsArtifical);
2877     Include(FDwarfReadFlags, didtArtificialRead);
2878   end;
2879   Result := didtIsArtifical in FDwarfReadFlags;
2880 end;
2882 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.NameNeeded;
2883 var
2884   AName: String;
2885 begin
2886   if InformationEntry.ReadName(AName) then
2887     SetName(AName)
2888   else
2889     inherited NameNeeded;
2890 end;
2892 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.TypeInfoNeeded;
2893 begin
2894   SetTypeInfo(NestedTypeInfo);
2895 end;
DataSizenull2897 function TFpDwarfSymbol.DataSize: Integer;
2898 var
2899   t: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
2900 begin
2901   t := NestedTypeInfo;
2902   if t <> nil then
2903     Result := t.DataSize
2904   else
2905     Result := 0;
2906 end;
InitLocationParsernull2908 function TFpDwarfSymbol.InitLocationParser(const ALocationParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
2909   AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData): Boolean;
2910 begin
2911   if (AnInitLocParserData <> nil) and IsValidLoc(AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddress)
2912   then begin
2913     if AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddrPush then begin
2914       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_VERBOSE, ['TFpDwarfSymbol.InitLocationParser Push=', dbgs(AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddress)]);
2915       ALocationParser.Push(AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddress, lseValue);
2916     end
2917     else begin
2918       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_VERBOSE, ['TFpDwarfSymbol.InitLocationParser CurrentObjectAddress=', dbgs(AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddress)]);
2919       ALocationParser.CurrentObjectAddress := AnInitLocParserData^.ObjectDataAddress;
2920     end;
2921   end;
2923   Result := True;
2924 end;
LocationFromTagnull2926 function TFpDwarfSymbol.LocationFromTag(ATag: Cardinal; AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
2927   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData;
2928   AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry; ASucessOnMissingTag: Boolean): Boolean;
2929 var
2930   Val: TByteDynArray;
2931   LocationParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
2932 begin
2933   //debugln(['TDbgDwarfIdentifier.LocationFromTag', ClassName, '  ',Name, '  ', DwarfAttributeToString(ATag)]);
2935   Result := False;
2936   if AnInformationEntry = nil then
2937     AnInformationEntry := InformationEntry;
2939   //TODO: avoid copying data
2940   // DW_AT_data_member_location in members [ block or const]
2941   // DW_AT_location [block or reference] todo: const
2942   if not AnInformationEntry.ReadValue(ATag, Val) then begin
2943     (* if ASucessOnMissingTag = true AND tag does not exist
2944        then AnAddress will NOT be modified
2945        this can be used for DW_AT_data_member_location, if it does not exist members are on input location
2946        TODO: review - better use temp var in caller
2947     *)
2948     Result := ASucessOnMissingTag;
2949     if not Result then
2950       AnAddress := InvalidLoc;
2951     if not Result then
2952     DebugLn(['LocationFromTag: failed to read DW_AT_location / ASucessOnMissingTag=', dbgs(ASucessOnMissingTag)]);
2953     exit;
2954   end;
2956   AnAddress := InvalidLoc;
2957   if Length(Val) = 0 then begin
2958     DebugLn('LocationFromTag: Warning DW_AT_location empty');
2959     //exit;
2960   end;
2962   LocationParser := TDwarfLocationExpression.Create(@Val[0], Length(Val), CompilationUnit,
2963     AValueObj.MemManager, AValueObj.Context);
2964   InitLocationParser(LocationParser, AnInitLocParserData);
2965   LocationParser.Evaluate;
2967   if IsError(LocationParser.LastError) then
2968     SetLastError(LocationParser.LastError);
2970   if LocationParser.ResultKind in [lseValue] then begin
2971     AnAddress := TargetLoc(LocationParser.ResultData);
2972     if ATag=DW_AT_location then
2973       AnAddress.Address :=CompilationUnit.MapAddressToNewValue(AnAddress.Address);
2974     Result := True;
2975   end
2976   else
2977   if LocationParser.ResultKind in [lseRegister] then begin
2978     AnAddress := ConstLoc(LocationParser.ResultData);
2979     Result := True;
2980   end
2981   else
2982     debugln(['TDbgDwarfIdentifier.LocationFromTag  FAILED']); // TODO
2984   LocationParser.Free;
2985 end;
GetDataAddressnull2987 function TFpDwarfSymbol.GetDataAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
2988   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
2989   ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
2990 var
2991   ti: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
2992   InitLocParserData: TInitLocParserData;
2993 begin
2994   InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddress := AnAddress;
2995   InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddrPush := False;
2996   Result := LocationFromTag(DW_AT_data_location, AValueObj, AnAddress, @InitLocParserData, nil, True);
2997   if not Result then
2998     exit;
3001   if ATargetType = Self then begin
3002     Result := True;
3003     exit;
3004   end;
3007   //TODO: Handle AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex];
3008   Result := GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, ATargetCacheIndex);
3009   if not Result then
3010     exit;
3012   ti := NestedTypeInfo;
3013   if ti <> nil then
3014     Result := ti.GetDataAddress(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, ATargetCacheIndex+1)
3015   else
3016     Result := ATargetType = nil; // end of type chain
3017 end;
GetDataAddressNextnull3019 function TFpDwarfSymbol.GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
3020   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3021   ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
3022 begin
3023   Result := True;
3024 end;
HasAddressnull3026 function TFpDwarfSymbol.HasAddress: Boolean;
3027 begin
3028   Result := False;
3029 end;
3031 procedure TFpDwarfSymbol.Init;
3032 begin
3033   //
3034 end;
3036 class function TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass(AName: String;
3037   AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbol;
3038 var
3039   c: TDbgDwarfSymbolBaseClass;
3040 begin
3041   c := AnInformationEntry.CompUnit.DwarfSymbolClassMap.GetDwarfSymbolClass(AnInformationEntry.AbbrevTag);
3042   Result := TFpDwarfSymbol(c.Create(AName, AnInformationEntry));
3043 end;
3045 destructor TFpDwarfSymbol.Destroy;
3046 begin
3047   inherited Destroy;
3048   ReleaseRefAndNil(FNestedTypeInfo);
3049   Assert(not CircleBackRefsActive, 'CircleBackRefsActive can not be is destructor');
3050   // FParentTypeInfo := nil
3051 end;
StartScopenull3053 function TFpDwarfSymbol.StartScope: TDbgPtr;
3054 begin
3055   if not InformationEntry.ReadStartScope(Result) then
3056     Result := 0;
3057 end;
3059 { TFpDwarfSymbolValue }
GetValueAddressnull3061 function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
3062   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean;
3063 begin
3064   Result := False;
3065 end;
GetValueDataAddressnull3067 function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetValueDataAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
3068   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType): Boolean;
3069 begin
3070   Result := TypeInfo <> nil;
3071   if not Result then
3072     exit;
3074   Assert((TypeInfo is TFpDwarfSymbol) and (TypeInfo.SymbolType = stType), 'TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetDataAddress');
3075   Result := GetValueAddress(AValueObj, AnAddress);
3076   Result := Result and IsReadableLoc(AnAddress);
3077   if Result then begin
3078     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolType(TypeInfo).GetDataAddress(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, 1);
3079     if not Result then SetLastError(TypeInfo.LastError);
3080   end;
3081 end;
3083 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValue.KindNeeded;
3084 var
3085   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
3086 begin
3087   t := TypeInfo;
3088   if t = nil then
3089     inherited KindNeeded
3090   else
3091     SetKind(t.Kind);
3092 end;
3094 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValue.MemberVisibilityNeeded;
3095 var
3096   Val: TDbgSymbolMemberVisibility;
3097 begin
3098   if ReadMemberVisibility(Val) then
3099     SetMemberVisibility(Val)
3100   else
3101   if TypeInfo <> nil then
3102     SetMemberVisibility(TypeInfo.MemberVisibility)
3103   else
3104     inherited MemberVisibilityNeeded;
3105 end;
GetMembernull3107 function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
3108 var
3109   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
3110   k: TDbgSymbolKind;
3111 begin
3112   ti := TypeInfo;
3113   if ti = nil then begin
3114     Result := inherited GetMember(AIndex);
3115     exit;
3116   end;
3118   k := ti.Kind;
3119   // while holding result, until refcount added, do not call any function
3120   Result := ti.Member[AIndex];
3121   assert((Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfSymbolValue), 'TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetMember is Value');
3123   if (k in [skClass, skObject, skRecord {, skArray}]) and
3124      (Result <> nil) and (Result is TFpDwarfSymbolValue)
3125   then begin
3126     if FMembers = nil then
3127       FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
3128     FMembers.Add(Result); //TODO: last member only?
3129   end;
3130 end;
GetMemberByNamenull3132 function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
3133 var
3134   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
3135   k: TDbgSymbolKind;
3136 begin
3137   ti := TypeInfo;
3138   if ti = nil then begin
3139     Result := inherited GetMemberByName(AIndex);
3140     exit;
3141   end;
3143   k := ti.Kind;
3145   // while holding result, until refcount added, do not call any function
3146   Result := ti.MemberByName[AIndex];
3147   assert((Result = nil) or (Result is TFpDwarfSymbolValue), 'TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetMember is Value');
3149   if (k in [skClass, skObject, skRecord {, skArray}]) and
3150      (Result <> nil) and (Result is TFpDwarfSymbolValue)
3151   then begin
3152     if FMembers = nil then
3153       FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
3154     FMembers.Add(Result);
3155   end;
3156 end;
GetMemberCountnull3158 function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.GetMemberCount: Integer;
3159 var
3160   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
3161 begin
3162   ti := TypeInfo;
3163   if ti <> nil then begin
3164     Result := ti.MemberCount;
3165     //TODO: cache result
3166     if ti.Kind in [skClass, skObject] then
3167       while ti.TypeInfo <> nil do begin
3168         ti := ti.TypeInfo;
3169         Result := Result + ti.MemberCount;
3170       end;
3171   end
3172   else
3173     Result := inherited GetMemberCount;
3174 end;
3176 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValue.Init;
3177 begin
3178   inherited Init;
3179   SetSymbolType(stValue);
3180 end;
3182 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolValue.Destroy;
3183 begin
3184   Assert(not CircleBackRefsActive, 'CircleBackRefsActive can not be is ddestructor');
3186   FreeAndNil(FMembers);
3187   if FValueObject <> nil then begin
3188     FValueObject.SetValueSymbol(nil);
3189     FValueObject.ReleaseCirclularReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FValueObject, ClassName+'.FValueObject'){$ENDIF};
3190     FValueObject := nil;
3191   end;
3192   ParentTypeInfo := nil;
3193   inherited Destroy;
3194 end;
3196 class function TFpDwarfSymbolValue.CreateValueSubClass(AName: String;
3197   AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbolValue;
3198 var
3199   c: TDbgDwarfSymbolBaseClass;
3200 begin
3201   c := AnInformationEntry.CompUnit.DwarfSymbolClassMap.GetDwarfSymbolClass(AnInformationEntry.AbbrevTag);
3203   if c.InheritsFrom(TFpDwarfSymbolValue) then
3204     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolValueClass(c).Create(AName, AnInformationEntry)
3205   else
3206     Result := nil;
3207 end;
3209 { TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation }
InitLocationParsernull3211 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation.InitLocationParser(const ALocationParser: TDwarfLocationExpression;
3212   AnInitLocParserData: PInitLocParserData): Boolean;
3213 begin
3214   Result := inherited InitLocationParser(ALocationParser, AnInitLocParserData);
3215   ALocationParser.OnFrameBaseNeeded := @FrameBaseNeeded;
3216 end;
3218 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation.FrameBaseNeeded(ASender: TObject);
3219 var
3220   p: TFpDwarfSymbol;
3221   fb: TDBGPtr;
3222 begin
3223   debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable.FrameBaseNeeded ']);
3224   p := ParentTypeInfo;
3225   // TODO: what if parent is declaration?
3226   if (p <> nil) and (p is TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc) then begin
3227     fb := TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc(p).GetFrameBase(ASender as TDwarfLocationExpression);
3228     (ASender as TDwarfLocationExpression).FrameBase := fb;
3229     if fb = 0 then begin
3230       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['DWARF ERROR in TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation.FrameBaseNeeded result is 0']);
3231     end;
3232     exit;
3233   end;
3235 {$warning TODO}
3236   //else
3237   //if OwnerTypeInfo <> nil then
3238   //  OwnerTypeInfo.fr;
3239   // TODO: check owner
3240   debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['DWARF ERROR in TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation.FrameBaseNeeded no parent type info']);
3241   (ASender as TDwarfLocationExpression).FrameBase := 0;
3242 end;
GetValueObjectnull3244 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueWithLocation.GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue;
3245 var
3246   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
3247 begin
3248   Result := FValueObject;
3249   if Result <> nil then exit;
3251   ti := TypeInfo;
3252   if (ti = nil) or not (ti.SymbolType = stType) then exit;
3254   FValueObject := TFpDwarfSymbolType(ti).GetTypedValueObject(False);
3255   if FValueObject <> nil then begin
3256     {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FValueObject.DbgRenameReference(@FValueObject, ClassName+'.FValueObject');{$ENDIF}
3257     FValueObject.MakePlainRefToCirclular;
3258     FValueObject.SetValueSymbol(self);
3259   end;
3261   Result := FValueObject;
3262 end;
3264 { TFpDwarfSymbolType }
3266 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolType.Init;
3267 begin
3268   inherited Init;
3269   SetSymbolType(stType);
3270 end;
3272 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolType.MemberVisibilityNeeded;
3273 var
3274   Val: TDbgSymbolMemberVisibility;
3275 begin
3276   if ReadMemberVisibility(Val) then
3277     SetMemberVisibility(Val)
3278   else
3279     inherited MemberVisibilityNeeded;
3280 end;
3282 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolType.SizeNeeded;
3283 var
3284   ByteSize: Integer;
3285 begin
3286   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_byte_size, ByteSize) then
3287     SetSize(ByteSize)
3288   else
3289     inherited SizeNeeded;
3290 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull3292 function TFpDwarfSymbolType.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
3293 begin
3294   Result := TFpDwarfValueUnknown.Create(Self);
3295 end;
GetValueBoundsnull3297 function TFpDwarfSymbolType.GetValueBounds(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out ALowBound,
3298   AHighBound: Int64): Boolean;
3299 begin
3300   Result := HasBounds;
3301   ALowBound := OrdLowBound;
3302   AHighBound := OrdHighBound;
3303 end;
3305 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolType.ResetValueBounds;
3306 var
3307   ti: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3308 begin
3309   ti := NestedTypeInfo;
3310   if (ti <> nil) then
3311     ti.ResetValueBounds;
3312 end;
3314 class function TFpDwarfSymbolType.CreateTypeSubClass(AName: String;
3315   AnInformationEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry): TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3316 var
3317   c: TDbgDwarfSymbolBaseClass;
3318 begin
3319   c := AnInformationEntry.CompUnit.DwarfSymbolClassMap.GetDwarfSymbolClass(AnInformationEntry.AbbrevTag);
3321   if c.InheritsFrom(TFpDwarfSymbolType) then
3322     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeClass(c).Create(AName, AnInformationEntry)
3323   else
3324     Result := nil;
3325 end;
TypeCastValuenull3327 function TFpDwarfSymbolType.TypeCastValue(AValue: TFpDbgValue): TFpDbgValue;
3328 begin
3329   Result := GetTypedValueObject(True);
3330   If Result = nil then
3331     exit;
3332   assert(Result is TFpDwarfValue);
3333   if not TFpDwarfValue(Result).SetTypeCastInfo(self, AValue) then
3334     ReleaseRefAndNil(Result);
3335 end;
3337 { TDbgDwarfBaseTypeIdentifier }
3339 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.KindNeeded;
3340 var
3341   Encoding, ByteSize: Integer;
3342 begin
3343   if not InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_encoding, Encoding) then begin
3344     DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_WARNINGS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.KindNeeded: Failed reading encoding for ', DwarfTagToString(InformationEntry.AbbrevTag)]);
3345     inherited KindNeeded;
3346     exit;
3347   end;
3349   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_byte_size, ByteSize) then
3350     SetSize(ByteSize);
3352   case Encoding of
3353     DW_ATE_address :      SetKind(skPointer);
3354     DW_ATE_boolean:       SetKind(skBoolean);
3355     //DW_ATE_complex_float:
3356     DW_ATE_float:         SetKind(skFloat);
3357     DW_ATE_signed:        SetKind(skInteger);
3358     DW_ATE_signed_char:   SetKind(skChar);
3359     DW_ATE_unsigned:      SetKind(skCardinal);
3360     DW_ATE_unsigned_char: SetKind(skChar);
3361     DW_ATE_numeric_string:SetKind(skChar); // temporary for widestring
3362     else
3363       begin
3364         DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_WARNINGS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.KindNeeded: Unknown encoding ', DwarfBaseTypeEncodingToString(Encoding), ' for ', DwarfTagToString(InformationEntry.AbbrevTag)]);
3365         inherited KindNeeded;
3366       end;
3367   end;
3368 end;
3370 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.TypeInfoNeeded;
3371 begin
3372   SetTypeInfo(nil);
3373 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull3375 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
3376 begin
3377   case Kind of
3378     skPointer:  Result := TFpDwarfValuePointer.Create(Self, Size);
3379     skInteger:  Result := TFpDwarfValueInteger.Create(Self, Size);
3380     skCardinal: Result := TFpDwarfValueCardinal.Create(Self, Size);
3381     skBoolean:  Result := TFpDwarfValueBoolean.Create(Self, Size);
3382     skChar:     Result := TFpDwarfValueChar.Create(Self, Size);
3383     skFloat:    Result := TFpDwarfValueFloat.Create(Self, Size);
3384   end;
3385 end;
GetHasBoundsnull3387 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.GetHasBounds: Boolean;
3388 begin
3389   Result := (kind = skInteger) or (kind = skCardinal);
3390 end;
GetOrdHighBoundnull3392 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.GetOrdHighBound: Int64;
3393 begin
3394   case Kind of
3395     skInteger:  Result := int64( high(int64) shr (64 - Min(Size, 8) * 8));
3396     skCardinal: Result := int64( high(qword) shr (64 - Min(Size, 8) * 8));
3397     else
3398       Result := inherited GetOrdHighBound;
3399   end;
3400 end;
GetOrdLowBoundnull3402 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeBasic.GetOrdLowBound: Int64;
3403 begin
3404   case Kind of
3405     skInteger:  Result := -(int64( high(int64) shr (64 - Min(Size, 8) * 8)))-1;
3406     skCardinal: Result := 0;
3407     else
3408       Result := inherited GetOrdHighBound;
3409   end;
3410 end;
3412 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier }
3414 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier.TypeInfoNeeded;
3415 var
3416   p: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3417 begin
3418   p := NestedTypeInfo;
3419   if p <> nil then
3420     SetTypeInfo(p.TypeInfo)
3421   else
3422     SetTypeInfo(nil);
3423 end;
3425 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier.ForwardToSymbolNeeded;
3426 begin
3427   SetForwardToSymbol(NestedTypeInfo)
3428 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull3430 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
3431 var
3432   ti: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3433 begin
3434   ti := NestedTypeInfo;
3435   if ti <> nil then
3436     Result := ti.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast)
3437   else
3438     Result := inherited;
3439 end;
3441 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef }
GetFlagsnull3443 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef.GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags;
3444 begin
3445   Result := (inherited GetFlags) + [sfInternalRef];
3446 end;
GetDataAddressNextnull3448 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeRef.GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
3449   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3450   ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
3451 var
3452   t: TFpDbgMemLocation;
3453 begin
3454   t := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex];
3455   if IsInitializedLoc(t) then begin
3456     AnAddress := t;
3457   end
3458   else begin
3459     Result := AValueObj.MemManager <> nil;
3460     if not Result then
3461       exit;
3462     AnAddress := AValueObj.MemManager.ReadAddress(AnAddress, CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3463     AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex] := AnAddress;
3464   end;
3465   Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
3467   if Result then
3468     Result := inherited GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, ATargetCacheIndex)
3469   else
3470   if IsError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError) then
3471     SetLastError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError);
3472   // Todo: other error
3473 end;
3475 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration }
DoGetNestedTypeInfonull3477 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeDeclaration.DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3478 var
3479   ti: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3480   ti2: TFpDbgSymbol;
3481 begin
3482   Result := inherited DoGetNestedTypeInfo;
3484   // Is internal class pointer?
3485   // Do not trigged any cached property of the pointer
3486   if (Result = nil) then
3487     exit;
3489   ti := Result;
3490   if (ti is TFpDwarfSymbolTypeModifier) then begin
3491     ti := TFpDwarfSymbolType(ti.TypeInfo);
3492     if (Result = nil) then
3493       exit;
3494   end;
3495   if not (ti is TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer) then
3496     exit;
3498   ti2 := ti.NestedTypeInfo;
3499   // only if it is NOT a declaration
3500   if (ti2 <> nil) and (ti2 is TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure) then begin
3501     TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer(ti).IsInternalPointer := True;
3502     // TODO: Flag the structure as class (save teme in KindNeeded)
3503   end;
3504 end;
3506 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange }
3508 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.InitEnumIdx;
3509 var
3510   t: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3511   i: Integer;
3512   h, l: Int64;
3513 begin
3514   if FEnumIdxValid then
3515     exit;
3516   FEnumIdxValid := True;
3518   t := NestedTypeInfo;
3519   i := t.MemberCount - 1;
3520   h := OrdHighBound;
3521   l := OrdLowBound;
3523   while (i >= 0) and (t.Member[i].OrdinalValue > h) do
3524     dec(i);
3525   FHighEnumIdx := i;
3527   while (i >= 0) and (t.Member[i].OrdinalValue >= l) do
3528     dec(i);
3529   FLowEnumIdx := i + 1;
3530 end;
3532 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.ReadBounds(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue);
3533 var
3534   FwdInfoPtr: Pointer;
3535   FwdCompUint: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
3536   NewInfo: TDwarfInformationEntry;
3537 var
3538   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation;
3539   InitLocParserData: TInitLocParserData;
3540 begin
3541   // TODO: assert(AValueObj <> nil, 'TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.ReadBounds: AValueObj <> nil');
3542   if FLowBoundState <> rfNotRead then exit;
3544   // Todo: search attrib-IDX only once
3545   // Todo: LocationFromTag()
3546   if InformationEntry.ReadReference(DW_AT_lower_bound, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint) then begin
3547     NewInfo := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
3548     FLowBoundValue := TFpDwarfSymbolValue.CreateValueSubClass('', NewInfo);
3549     NewInfo.ReleaseReference;
3550     if FLowBoundValue = nil then begin
3551       FLowBoundState := rfNotFound;
3552       exit;
3553     end
3554     else
3555       FLowBoundState := rfValue;
3556   end
3557   else
3558   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_lower_bound, FLowBoundConst) then begin
3559     FLowBoundState := rfConst;
3560   end
3561   else
3562   begin
3563     //FLowBoundConst := 0; // the default
3564     //FLowBoundState := rfConst;
3565     FLowBoundState := rfNotFound;
3566     exit; // incomplete type
3567   end;
3570   if InformationEntry.ReadReference(DW_AT_upper_bound, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint) then begin
3571     NewInfo := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
3572     FHighBoundValue := TFpDwarfSymbolValue.CreateValueSubClass('', NewInfo);
3573     NewInfo.ReleaseReference;
3574     if FHighBoundValue = nil then begin
3575       FHighBoundState := rfNotFound;
3576       exit;
3577     end
3578     else
3579       FHighBoundState := rfValue;
3580   end
3581   else
3582   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_upper_bound, FHighBoundConst) then begin
3583     FHighBoundState := rfConst;
3584   end
3585   else
3586   begin
3587     if assigned(AValueObj) then
3588       InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddress := AValueObj.Address;
3589     InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddrPush := False;
3590     if assigned(AValueObj) and LocationFromTag(DW_AT_upper_bound, AValueObj, AnAddress, @InitLocParserData, InformationEntry) then begin
3591       FHighBoundState := rfConst;
3592       FHighBoundConst := Int64(AnAddress.Address);
3593     end
3594     else
3595     begin
3596       FHighBoundState := rfNotFound;
3598       if InformationEntry.ReadReference(DW_AT_count, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint) then begin
3599         NewInfo := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
3600         FCountValue := TFpDwarfSymbolValue.CreateValueSubClass('', NewInfo);
3601         NewInfo.ReleaseReference;
3602         if FCountValue = nil then begin
3603           FCountState := rfNotFound;
3604           exit;
3605         end
3606         else
3607           FCountState := rfValue;
3608       end
3609       else
3610       if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_count, FCountConst) then begin
3611         FCountState := rfConst;
3612       end
3613       else
3614         FCountState := rfNotFound;
3615     end;
3616   end;
3617 end;
DoGetNestedTypeInfonull3619 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3620 begin
3621   Result := inherited DoGetNestedTypeInfo;
3622   if Result <> nil then
3623     exit;
3625   if FLowBoundState = rfValue then
3626     Result := FLowBoundValue.TypeInfo as TFpDwarfSymbolType
3627   else
3628   if FHighBoundState = rfValue then
3629     Result := FHighBoundValue.TypeInfo as TFpDwarfSymbolType
3630   else
3631   if FCountState = rfValue then
3632     Result := FCountValue.TypeInfo as TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3633 end;
GetHasBoundsnull3635 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetHasBounds: Boolean;
3636 begin
3637   ReadBounds(nil);
3638 // TODO: currently limited to const.
3639 // not standard, but upper may be missing?
3640   Result := (FLowBoundState in [rfConst]) and
3641             ( (FHighBoundState in [rfConst]) or
3642               (FCountState in [rfConst]) );
3644   (*
3645   Result := (FLowBoundState in [rfValue, rfConst]) and
3646             ( (FHighBoundState in [rfValue, rfConst]) or
3647               (FCountState in [rfValue, rfConst]) );
3648   *)
3649 end;
GetOrdHighBoundnull3651 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetOrdHighBound: Int64;
3652 begin
3653 // Todo range check off.
3654   //if FHighBoundState = rfValue then
3655   //  Result := FHighBoundValue.VALUE // TODO
3656   //else
3657   if FHighBoundState = rfConst then
3658     Result := FHighBoundConst
3659   else
3660   //if FCountState = rfValue then
3661   //  Result := GetOrdLowBound + FCountValue.VALUE - 1 // TODO
3662   //else
3663   if FHighBoundState = rfConst then
3664     Result := GetOrdLowBound + FCountConst - 1;
3665 end;
GetOrdLowBoundnull3667 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetOrdLowBound: Int64;
3668 begin
3669   //if FLowBoundState = rfValue then
3670   //  Result := FLowBoundValue.VALUE // TODO
3671   //else
3672     Result := FLowBoundConst;
3673 end;
3675 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.NameNeeded;
3676 var
3677   AName: String;
3678 begin
3679   if InformationEntry.ReadName(AName) then
3680     SetName(AName)
3681   else
3682     SetName('');
3683 end;
3685 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.KindNeeded;
3686 var
3687   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
3688 begin
3689 // TODO: limit to ordinal types
3690   if not HasBounds then begin // does ReadBounds;
3691     SetKind(skNone); // incomplete type
3692   end;
3694   t := NestedTypeInfo;
3695   if t = nil then begin
3696     SetKind(skInteger);
3697     SetSize(CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3698   end
3699   else
3700     SetKind(t.Kind);
3701 end;
3703 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.SizeNeeded;
3704 var
3705   t: TFpDbgSymbol;
3706 begin
3707   t := NestedTypeInfo;
3708   if t = nil then begin
3709     SetKind(skInteger);
3710     SetSize(CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3711   end
3712   else
3713     SetSize(t.Size);
3714 end;
GetMembernull3716 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
3717 begin
3718   if Kind = skEnum then begin
3719     if not FEnumIdxValid then
3720       InitEnumIdx;
3721     Result := NestedTypeInfo.Member[AIndex - FLowEnumIdx];
3722   end
3723   else
3724     Result := inherited GetMember(AIndex);
3725 end;
GetMemberCountnull3727 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetMemberCount: Integer;
3728 begin
3729   if Kind = skEnum then begin
3730     if not FEnumIdxValid then
3731       InitEnumIdx;
3732     Result := FHighEnumIdx - FLowEnumIdx + 1;
3733   end
3734   else
3735     Result := inherited GetMemberCount;
3736 end;
GetFlagsnull3738 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags;
3739 begin
3740   Result := (inherited GetFlags) + [sfSubRange];
3741 end;
GetValueBoundsnull3743 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.GetValueBounds(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
3744   ALowBound, AHighBound: Int64): Boolean;
3745 begin
3746   ReadBounds(AValueObj);
3747   Result := inherited GetValueBounds(AValueObj, ALowBound, AHighBound);
3748 end;
3750 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.ResetValueBounds;
3751 begin
3752   inherited ResetValueBounds;
3753   FLowBoundState := rfNotRead;
3754   FHighBoundState := rfNotRead;
3755   FCountState := rfNotRead;
3756 end;
3758 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange.Init;
3759 begin
3760   FLowBoundState := rfNotRead;
3761   FHighBoundState := rfNotRead;
3762   FCountState := rfNotRead;
3763   inherited Init;
3764 end;
3766 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer }
IsInternalDynArrayPointernull3768 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.IsInternalDynArrayPointer: Boolean;
3769 var
3770   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
3771 begin
3772   Result := False;
3773   ti := NestedTypeInfo;  // Same as TypeInfo, but does not try to be forwarded
3774   Result := (ti <> nil) and (ti is TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray);
3775   if Result then
3776     Result := (sfDynArray in ti.Flags);
3777 end;
3779 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.TypeInfoNeeded;
3780 var
3781   p: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3782 begin
3783   p := NestedTypeInfo;
3784   if IsInternalPointer and (p <> nil) then begin
3785     SetTypeInfo(p.TypeInfo);
3786     exit;
3787   end;
3788   SetTypeInfo(p);
3789 end;
GetIsInternalPointernull3791 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.GetIsInternalPointer: Boolean;
3792 begin
3793   Result := FIsInternalPointer or IsInternalDynArrayPointer;
3794 end;
3796 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.KindNeeded;
3797 var
3798   k: TDbgSymbolKind;
3799 begin
3800   if IsInternalPointer then begin
3801       k := NestedTypeInfo.Kind;
3802       if k = skObject then
3803         SetKind(skClass)
3804       else
3805         SetKind(k);
3806   end
3807   else
3808     SetKind(skPointer);
3809 end;
3811 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.SizeNeeded;
3812 begin
3813   SetSize(CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3814 end;
3816 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.ForwardToSymbolNeeded;
3817 begin
3818   if IsInternalPointer then
3819     SetForwardToSymbol(NestedTypeInfo) // Same as TypeInfo, but does not try to be forwarded
3820   else
3821     SetForwardToSymbol(nil); // inherited ForwardToSymbolNeeded;
3822 end;
GetDataAddressNextnull3824 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
3825   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
3826   ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
3827 var
3828   t: TFpDbgMemLocation;
3829 begin
3830   t := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex];
3831   if IsInitializedLoc(t) then begin
3832     AnAddress := t;
3833   end
3834   else begin
3835     Result := AValueObj.MemManager <> nil;
3836     if not Result then
3837       exit;
3838     AnAddress := AValueObj.MemManager.ReadAddress(AnAddress, CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3839     AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex] := AnAddress;
3840   end;
3841   Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
3843   if Result then
3844     Result := inherited GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, ATargetCacheIndex)
3845   else
3846   if IsError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError) then
3847     SetLastError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError);
3848   // Todo: other error
3849 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull3851 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
3852 begin
3853   if IsInternalPointer then
3854     Result := NestedTypeInfo.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast)
3855   else
3856     Result := TFpDwarfValuePointer.Create(Self, CompilationUnit.AddressSize);
3857 end;
DataSizenull3859 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypePointer.DataSize: Integer;
3860 begin
3861   if Kind = skClass then
3862     Result := NestedTypeInfo.Size
3863   else
3864     Result := inherited DataSize;
3865 end;
3867 { TDbgDwarfIdentifierEnumElement }
3869 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.ReadOrdinalValue;
3870 begin
3871   if FOrdinalValueRead then exit;
3872   FOrdinalValueRead := True;
3873   FHasOrdinalValue := InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_const_value, FOrdinalValue);
3874 end;
3876 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.KindNeeded;
3877 begin
3878   SetKind(skEnumValue);
3879 end;
GetHasOrdinalValuenull3881 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.GetHasOrdinalValue: Boolean;
3882 begin
3883   ReadOrdinalValue;
3884   Result := FHasOrdinalValue;
3885 end;
GetOrdinalValuenull3887 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.GetOrdinalValue: Int64;
3888 begin
3889   ReadOrdinalValue;
3890   Result := FOrdinalValue;
3891 end;
3893 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.Init;
3894 begin
3895   FOrdinalValueRead := False;
3896   inherited Init;
3897 end;
GetValueObjectnull3899 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueEnumMember.GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue;
3900 begin
3901   Result := FValueObject;
3902   if Result <> nil then exit;
3904   FValueObject := TFpDwarfValueEnumMember.Create(Self);
3905   {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FValueObject.DbgRenameReference(@FValueObject, ClassName+'.FValueObject');{$ENDIF}
3906   FValueObject.MakePlainRefToCirclular;
3907   FValueObject.SetValueSymbol(self);
3909   Result := FValueObject;
3910 end;
3912 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum }
3914 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.CreateMembers;
3915 var
3916   Info, Info2: TDwarfInformationEntry;
3917   sym: TFpDwarfSymbol;
3918 begin
3919   if FMembers <> nil then
3920     exit;
3921   FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
3922   Info := InformationEntry.FirstChild;
3923   if Info = nil then exit;
3925   while Info.HasValidScope do begin
3926     if (Info.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_enumerator) then begin
3927       Info2 := Info.Clone;
3928       sym := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Info2);
3929       FMembers.Add(sym);
3930       sym.ReleaseReference;
3931       sym.ParentTypeInfo := self;
3932       Info2.ReleaseReference;
3933     end;
3934     Info.GoNext;
3935   end;
3937   Info.ReleaseReference;
3938 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull3940 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
3941 begin
3942   Result := TFpDwarfValueEnum.Create(Self, Size);
3943 end;
3945 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.KindNeeded;
3946 begin
3947   SetKind(skEnum);
3948 end;
GetMembernull3950 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
3951 begin
3952   CreateMembers;
3953   Result := TFpDbgSymbol(FMembers[AIndex]);
3954 end;
GetMemberByNamenull3956 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
3957 var
3958   i: Integer;
3959   s, s1, s2: String;
3960 begin
3961   if AIndex = '' then
3962   s1 := UTF8UpperCase(AIndex);
3963   s2 := UTF8LowerCase(AIndex);
3964   CreateMembers;
3965   i := FMembers.Count - 1;
3966   while i >= 0 do begin
3967     Result := TFpDbgSymbol(FMembers[i]);
3968     s := Result.Name;
3969     if (s <> '') and CompareUtf8BothCase(@s1[1], @s2[1], @s[1]) then
3970       exit;
3971     dec(i);
3972   end;
3973   Result := nil;
3974 end;
GetMemberCountnull3976 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetMemberCount: Integer;
3977 begin
3978   CreateMembers;
3979   Result := FMembers.Count;
3980 end;
GetHasBoundsnull3982 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetHasBounds: Boolean;
3983 begin
3984   Result := True;
3985 end;
GetOrdHighBoundnull3987 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetOrdHighBound: Int64;
3988 var
3989   c: Integer;
3990 begin
3991   c := MemberCount;
3992   if c > 0 then
3993     Result := Member[c-1].OrdinalValue
3994   else
3995     Result := -1;
3996 end;
GetOrdLowBoundnull3998 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.GetOrdLowBound: Int64;
3999 var
4000   c: Integer;
4001 begin
4002   c := MemberCount;
4003   if c > 0 then
4004     Result := Member[0].OrdinalValue
4005   else
4006     Result := 0;
4007 end;
4009 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolTypeEnum.Destroy;
4010 var
4011   i: Integer;
4012 begin
4013   if FMembers <> nil then
4014     for i := 0 to FMembers.Count - 1 do
4015       TFpDwarfSymbol(FMembers[i]).ParentTypeInfo := nil;
4016   FreeAndNil(FMembers);
4017   inherited Destroy;
4018 end;
4020 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet }
4022 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet.KindNeeded;
4023 begin
4024   SetKind(skSet);
4025 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull4027 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
4028 begin
4029   Result := TFpDwarfValueSet.Create(Self, Size);
4030 end;
GetMemberCountnull4032 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet.GetMemberCount: Integer;
4033 begin
4034   if TypeInfo.Kind = skEnum then
4035     Result := TypeInfo.MemberCount
4036   else
4037     Result := inherited GetMemberCount;
4038 end;
GetMembernull4040 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSet.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
4041 begin
4042   if TypeInfo.Kind = skEnum then
4043     Result := TypeInfo.Member[AIndex]
4044   else
4045     Result := inherited GetMember(AIndex);
4046 end;
4048 { TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember }
GetValueAddressnull4050 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
4051   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean;
4052 var
4053   BaseAddr: TFpDbgMemLocation;
4054   InitLocParserData: TInitLocParserData;
4055 begin
4056   AnAddress := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0];
4057   Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
4058   if IsInitializedLoc(AnAddress) then
4059     exit;
4061   if AValueObj = nil then debugln(['TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.InitLocationParser: NO VAl Obj !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'])
4062   else if AValueObj.StructureValue = nil then debugln(['TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.InitLocationParser: NO STRUCT Obj !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!']);
4064   if (AValueObj = nil) or (AValueObj.StructureValue = nil) or (ParentTypeInfo = nil)
4065   then begin
4066     debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['DWARF ERROR in TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.InitLocationParser Error: ',ErrorCode(LastError),' ValueObject=', DbgSName(FValueObject)]);
4067     Result := False;
4068     if not IsError(LastError) then
4069       SetLastError(CreateError(fpErrLocationParserInit)); // TODO: error message?
4070     exit;
4071   end;
4072   Assert((ParentTypeInfo is TFpDwarfSymbol) and (ParentTypeInfo.SymbolType = stType), '');
4073   if not AValueObj.GetStructureDwarfDataAddress(BaseAddr, TFpDwarfSymbolType(ParentTypeInfo)) then begin
4074     debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['DWARF ERROR in TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.InitLocationParser Error: ',ErrorCode(LastError),' ValueObject=', DbgSName(FValueObject)]);
4075     Result := False;
4076     if not IsError(LastError) then
4077       SetLastError(CreateError(fpErrLocationParserInit)); // TODO: error message?
4078     exit;
4079   end;
4080   //TODO: AValueObj.StructureValue.LastError
4082   InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddress := BaseAddr;
4083   InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddrPush := True;
4084   Result := LocationFromTag(DW_AT_data_member_location, AValueObj, AnAddress, @InitLocParserData);
4086   AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0] := AnAddress;
4087 end;
HasAddressnull4089 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueMember.HasAddress: Boolean;
4090 begin
4091   Result := (InformationEntry.HasAttrib(DW_AT_data_member_location));
4092 end;
4094 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure }
GetMemberByNamenull4096 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
4097 var
4098   Ident: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4099   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
4100 begin
4101   // Todo, maybe create all children?
4102   if FLastChildByName <> nil then begin
4103     FLastChildByName.ReleaseCirclularReference;
4104     FLastChildByName := nil;
4105   end;
4106   Result := nil;
4108   Ident := InformationEntry.FindNamedChild(AIndex);
4109   if Ident <> nil then begin
4110     FLastChildByName := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Ident);
4111     FLastChildByName.MakePlainRefToCirclular;
4112     FLastChildByName.ParentTypeInfo := self;
4113     //assert is member ?
4114     ReleaseRefAndNil(Ident);
4115     Result := FLastChildByName;
4117     exit;
4118   end;
4120   ti := TypeInfo; // Parent
4121   if ti <> nil then
4122     Result := ti.MemberByName[AIndex];
4123 end;
GetMemberCountnull4125 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.GetMemberCount: Integer;
4126 begin
4127   CreateMembers;
4128   Result := FMembers.Count;
4129 end;
GetDataAddressNextnull4131 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue;
4132   var AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation; ATargetType: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
4133   ATargetCacheIndex: Integer): Boolean;
4134 var
4135   t: TFpDbgMemLocation;
4136   InitLocParserData: TInitLocParserData;
4137 begin
4138   t := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex];
4139   if IsInitializedLoc(t) then begin
4140     AnAddress := t;
4141     Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
4142   end
4143   else begin
4144     InitInheritanceInfo;
4145     //TODO: may be a constant // offset
4146     InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddress := AnAddress;
4147     InitLocParserData.ObjectDataAddrPush := True;
4148     Result := LocationFromTag(DW_AT_data_member_location, AValueObj, t, @InitLocParserData, FInheritanceInfo);
4149     if not Result then
4150       exit;
4151     AnAddress := t;
4152     AValueObj.DataAddressCache[ATargetCacheIndex] := AnAddress;
4154     if IsError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError) then
4155       SetLastError(AValueObj.MemManager.LastError);
4156   end;
4158   Result := inherited GetDataAddressNext(AValueObj, AnAddress, ATargetType, ATargetCacheIndex);
4159 end;
GetMembernull4161 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
4162 var
4163   ti: TFpDbgSymbol;
4164 begin
4165   CreateMembers;
4166   if AIndex >= FMembers.Count then begin
4167     ti := TypeInfo;
4168     if ti <> nil then
4169       Result := ti.Member[AIndex - FMembers.Count];
4170   end
4171   else
4172     Result := TFpDbgSymbol(FMembers[AIndex]);
4173 end;
4175 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.Destroy;
4176 var
4177   i: Integer;
4178 begin
4179   ReleaseRefAndNil(FInheritanceInfo);
4180   if FMembers <> nil then begin
4181     for i := 0 to FMembers.Count - 1 do
4182       TFpDwarfSymbol(FMembers[i]).ParentTypeInfo := nil;
4183     FreeAndNil(FMembers);
4184   end;
4185   if FLastChildByName <> nil then begin
4186     FLastChildByName.ParentTypeInfo := nil;
4187     FLastChildByName.ReleaseCirclularReference;
4188     FLastChildByName := nil;
4189   end;
4190   inherited Destroy;
4191 end;
4193 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.CreateMembers;
4194 var
4195   Info: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4196   Info2: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4197   sym: TFpDwarfSymbol;
4198 begin
4199   if FMembers <> nil then
4200     exit;
4201   FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
4202   Info := InformationEntry.Clone;
4203   Info.GoChild;
4205   while Info.HasValidScope do begin
4206     if (Info.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_member) or (Info.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_subprogram) then begin
4207       Info2 := Info.Clone;
4208       sym := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Info2);
4209       FMembers.Add(sym);
4210       sym.ReleaseReference;
4211       sym.ParentTypeInfo := self;
4212       Info2.ReleaseReference;
4213     end;
4214     Info.GoNext;
4215   end;
4217   Info.ReleaseReference;
4218 end;
4220 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.InitInheritanceInfo;
4221 begin
4222   if FInheritanceInfo = nil then
4223     FInheritanceInfo := InformationEntry.FindChildByTag(DW_TAG_inheritance);
4224 end;
DoGetNestedTypeInfonull4226 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.DoGetNestedTypeInfo: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
4227 var
4228   FwdInfoPtr: Pointer;
4229   FwdCompUint: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
4230   ParentInfo: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4231 begin
4232   Result:= nil;
4233   InitInheritanceInfo;
4234   if (FInheritanceInfo <> nil) and
4235      FInheritanceInfo.ReadReference(DW_AT_type, FwdInfoPtr, FwdCompUint)
4236   then begin
4237     ParentInfo := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(FwdCompUint, FwdInfoPtr);
4238     //DebugLn(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['Inherited from ', dbgs(ParentInfo.FInformationEntry, FwdCompUint) ]);
4239     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolType.CreateTypeSubClass('', ParentInfo);
4240     ParentInfo.ReleaseReference;
4241   end;
4242 end;
4244 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.KindNeeded;
4245 begin
4246   if (InformationEntry.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_class_type) then
4247     SetKind(skClass)
4248   else
4249   begin
4250     if TypeInfo <> nil then // inheritance
4251       SetKind(skObject) // skClass
4252     else
4253     if MemberByName['_vptr$TOBJECT'] <> nil then
4254       SetKind(skObject) // skClass
4255     else
4256     if MemberByName['_vptr$'+Name] <> nil then
4257       SetKind(skObject)
4258     else
4259       SetKind(skRecord);
4260   end;
4261 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull4263 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeStructure.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
4264 begin
4265   if ATypeCast then
4266     Result := TFpDwarfValueStructTypeCast.Create(Self)
4267   else
4268     Result := TFpDwarfValueStruct.Create(Self);
4269 end;
4271 { TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray }
4273 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.CreateMembers;
4274 var
4275   Info, Info2: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4276   t: Cardinal;
4277   sym: TFpDwarfSymbol;
4278 begin
4279   if FMembers <> nil then
4280     exit;
4281   FMembers := TFpDbgCircularRefCntObjList.Create;
4283   Info := InformationEntry.FirstChild;
4284   if Info = nil then exit;
4286   while Info.HasValidScope do begin
4287     t := Info.AbbrevTag;
4288     if (t = DW_TAG_enumeration_type) or (t = DW_TAG_subrange_type) then begin
4289       Info2 := Info.Clone;
4290       sym := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Info2);
4291       FMembers.Add(sym);
4292       sym.ReleaseReference;
4293       sym.ParentTypeInfo := self;
4294       Info2.ReleaseReference;
4295     end;
4296     Info.GoNext;
4297   end;
4299   Info.ReleaseReference;
4300 end;
4302 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.ReadStride;
4303 var
4304   t: TFpDwarfSymbolType;
4305 begin
4306   if didtStrideRead in FDwarfArrayReadFlags then
4307     exit;
4308   Include(FDwarfArrayReadFlags, didtStrideRead);
4309   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_bit_stride, FStrideInBits) then
4310     exit;
4312   CreateMembers;
4313   if (FMembers.Count > 0) and // TODO: stride for diff member
4314      (TDbgDwarfSymbolBase(FMembers[0]).InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_byte_stride, FStrideInBits))
4315   then begin
4316     FStrideInBits := FStrideInBits * 8;
4317     exit;
4318   end;
4320   t := NestedTypeInfo;
4321   if t = nil then
4322     FStrideInBits := 0 //  TODO error
4323   else
4324     FStrideInBits := t.Size * 8;
4325 end;
4327 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.ReadOrdering;
4328 var
4329   AVal: Integer;
4330 begin
4331   if didtOrdering in FDwarfArrayReadFlags then
4332     exit;
4333   Include(FDwarfArrayReadFlags, didtOrdering);
4334   if InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_ordering, AVal) then
4335     FRowMajor := AVal = DW_ORD_row_major
4336   else
4337     FRowMajor := True; // default (at least in pas)
4338 end;
4340 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.KindNeeded;
4341 begin
4342   SetKind(skArray); // Todo: static/dynamic?
4343 end;
GetTypedValueObjectnull4345 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetTypedValueObject(ATypeCast: Boolean): TFpDwarfValue;
4346 begin
4347   Result := TFpDwarfValueArray.Create(Self);
4348 end;
GetFlagsnull4350 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags;
4351   function IsDynSubRange(m: TFpDwarfSymbol): Boolean;
4352   begin
4353     Result := sfSubRange in m.Flags;
4354     if not Result then exit;
4355     while (m <> nil) and not(m is TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange) do
4356       m := m.NestedTypeInfo;
4357     Result := m <> nil;
4358     if not Result then exit; // TODO: should not happen, handle error
4359     Result := TFpDwarfSymbolTypeSubRange(m).FHighBoundState = rfValue; // dynamic high bound
4360   end;
4361 var
4362   m: TFpDbgSymbol;
4363 begin
4364   Result := inherited GetFlags;
4365   if (MemberCount = 1) then begin   // TODO: move to freepascal specific
4366     m := Member[0];
4367     if (not m.HasBounds) or                // e.g. Subrange with missing upper bound
4368        (m.OrdHighBound < m.OrdLowBound) or
4369        (IsDynSubRange(TFpDwarfSymbol(m)))
4370     then
4371       Result := Result + [sfDynArray]
4372     else
4373       Result := Result + [sfStatArray];
4374   end
4375   else
4376     Result := Result + [sfStatArray];
4377 end;
GetMembernull4379 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
4380 begin
4381   CreateMembers;
4382   Result := TFpDbgSymbol(FMembers[AIndex]);
4383 end;
GetMemberByNamenull4385 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
4386 begin
4387   Result := nil; // no named members
4388 end;
GetMemberCountnull4390 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetMemberCount: Integer;
4391 begin
4392   CreateMembers;
4393   Result := FMembers.Count;
4394 end;
GetMemberAddressnull4396 function TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetMemberAddress(AValObject: TFpDwarfValue;
4397   const AIndex: array of Int64): TFpDbgMemLocation;
4398 var
4399   Idx, Offs, Factor: Int64;
4400   LowBound, HighBound: int64;
4401   i: Integer;
4402   bsize: Integer;
4403   m: TFpDwarfSymbol;
4404 begin
4405   assert((AValObject is TFpDwarfValueArray), 'TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.GetMemberAddress AValObject');
4406   ReadOrdering;
4407   ReadStride; // TODO Stride per member (member = dimension/index)
4408   Result := InvalidLoc;
4409   if (FStrideInBits <= 0) or (FStrideInBits mod 8 <> 0) then
4410     exit;
4412   CreateMembers;
4413   if Length(AIndex) > FMembers.Count then
4414     exit;
4416   if AValObject is TFpDwarfValueArray then begin
4417     if not TFpDwarfValueArray(AValObject).GetDwarfDataAddress(Result, Self) then begin
4418       Result := InvalidLoc;
4419       Exit;
4420     end;
4421   end
4422   else
4423     exit; // TODO error
4425   Offs := 0;
4426   Factor := 1;
4428   {$PUSH}{$R-}{$Q-} // TODO: check range of index
4429   bsize := FStrideInBits div 8;
4430   if FRowMajor then begin
4431     for i := Length(AIndex) - 1 downto 0 do begin
4432       Idx := AIndex[i];
4433       m := TFpDwarfSymbol(FMembers[i]);
4434       if ((m is TFpDwarfSymbolType) and (TFpDwarfSymbolType(m).GetValueBounds(AValObject, LowBound, HighBound))) or
4435          m.HasBounds then begin
4436         Idx := Idx - m.OrdLowBound;
4437       end;
4438       Offs := Offs + Idx * bsize * Factor;
4439       if i > 0 then begin
4440         if not m.HasBounds then begin
4441           Result := InvalidLoc;
4442           exit;
4443         end;
4444 // TODO range check
4445         Factor := Factor * (m.OrdHighBound - m.OrdLowBound + 1);
4446       end;
4447     end;
4448   end
4449   else begin
4450     for i := 0 to Length(AIndex) - 1 do begin
4451       Idx := AIndex[i];
4452       m := TFpDwarfSymbol(FMembers[i]);
4453       if m.HasBounds then begin
4454         Idx := Idx - m.OrdLowBound;
4455       end;
4456       Offs := Offs + Idx * bsize * Factor;
4457       if i < Length(AIndex) - 1 then begin
4458         if not m.HasBounds then begin
4459           Result := InvalidLoc;
4460           exit;
4461         end;
4462         Factor := Factor * (m.OrdHighBound - m.OrdLowBound + 1);
4463       end;
4464     end;
4465   end;
4467   assert(IsTargetAddr(Result), 'DwarfArray MemberAddress');
4468   Result.Address := Result.Address + Offs;
4469   {$POP}
4470 end;
4472 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.Destroy;
4473 var
4474   i: Integer;
4475 begin
4476   if FMembers <> nil then begin
4477     for i := 0 to FMembers.Count - 1 do
4478       TFpDwarfSymbol(FMembers[i]).ParentTypeInfo := nil;
4479     FreeAndNil(FMembers);
4480   end;
4481   inherited Destroy;
4482 end;
4484 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.ResetValueBounds;
4485 var
4486   i: Integer;
4487 begin
4488   debuglnEnter(['TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.ResetValueBounds ' , Self.ClassName, dbgs(self)]); try
4489   inherited ResetValueBounds;
4490   FDwarfArrayReadFlags := [];
4491   if FMembers <> nil then
4492     for i := 0 to FMembers.Count - 1 do
4493       if TObject(FMembers[i]) is TFpDwarfSymbolType then
4494         TFpDwarfSymbolType(FMembers[i]).ResetValueBounds;
4495   finally debuglnExit(['TFpDwarfSymbolTypeArray.ResetValueBounds ' ]); end;
4496 end;
4498 { TDbgDwarfSymbol }
4500 constructor TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.Create(ACompilationUnit: TDwarfCompilationUnit;
4501   AInfo: PDwarfAddressInfo; AAddress: TDbgPtr);
4502 var
4503   InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4504 begin
4505   FAddress := AAddress;
4506   FAddressInfo := AInfo;
4508   InfoEntry := TDwarfInformationEntry.Create(ACompilationUnit, nil);
4509   InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := AInfo^.ScopeIndex;
4511   inherited Create(
4512     String(FAddressInfo^.Name),
4513     InfoEntry
4514   );
4516   SetAddress(TargetLoc(FAddressInfo^.StartPC));
4518   InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
4519 //BuildLineInfo(
4521 //   AFile: String = ''; ALine: Integer = -1; AFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags = []; const AReference: TDbgSymbol = nil);
4522 end;
4524 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.Destroy;
4525 begin
4526   FreeAndNil(FProcMembers);
4527   FLastMember.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FLastMember, 'TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.FLastMember'){$ENDIF};
4528   FreeAndNil(FStateMachine);
4529   if FSelfParameter <> nil then begin
4530     //TDbgDwarfIdentifier(FSelfParameter.DbgSymbol).ParentTypeInfo := nil;
4531     FSelfParameter.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSelfParameter, 'FSelfParameter'){$ENDIF};
4532   end;
4533   inherited Destroy;
4534 end;
GetColumnnull4536 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetColumn: Cardinal;
4537 begin
4538   if StateMachineValid
4539   then Result := FStateMachine.Column
4540   else Result := inherited GetColumn;
4541 end;
GetFilenull4543 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFile: String;
4544 begin
4545   if StateMachineValid
4546   then Result := FStateMachine.FileName
4547   else Result := inherited GetFile;
4548 end;
GetLinenull4550 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetLine: Cardinal;
4551 begin
4552   if StateMachineValid
4553   then Result := FStateMachine.Line
4554   else Result := inherited GetLine;
4555 end;
GetValueObjectnull4557 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetValueObject: TFpDbgValue;
4558 begin
4559   Result := FValueObject;
4560   if Result <> nil then exit;
4562   FValueObject := TFpDwarfValue.Create(nil);
4563   {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FValueObject.DbgRenameReference(@FValueObject, ClassName+'.FValueObject');{$ENDIF}
4564   FValueObject.MakePlainRefToCirclular;
4565   FValueObject.SetValueSymbol(self);
4567   Result := FValueObject;
4568 end;
StateMachineValidnull4570 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.StateMachineValid: Boolean;
4571 var
4572   SM1, SM2: TDwarfLineInfoStateMachine;
4573 begin
4574   Result := FStateMachine <> nil;
4575   if Result then Exit;
4577   if FAddressInfo^.StateMachine = nil
4578   then begin
4579     CompilationUnit.BuildLineInfo(FAddressInfo, False);
4580     if FAddressInfo^.StateMachine = nil then Exit;
4581   end;
4583   // we cannot restore a statemachine to its current state
4584   // so we shouldn't modify FAddressInfo^.StateMachine
4585   // so use clones to navigate
4586   SM1 := FAddressInfo^.StateMachine.Clone;
4587   if FAddress < SM1.Address
4588   then begin
4589     // The address we want to find is before the start of this symbol ??
4590     SM1.Free;
4591     Exit;
4592   end;
4593   SM2 := FAddressInfo^.StateMachine.Clone;
4595   repeat
4596     if (FAddress = SM1.Address)
4597     or not SM2.NextLine
4598     or (FAddress < SM2.Address)
4599     then begin
4600       // found
4601       FStateMachine := SM1;
4602       SM2.Free;
4603       Result := True;
4604       Exit;
4605     end;
4606   until not SM1.NextLine;
4608   //if all went well we shouldn't come here
4609   SM1.Free;
4610   SM2.Free;
4611 end;
ReadVirtualitynull4613 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.ReadVirtuality(out AFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags): Boolean;
4614 var
4615   Val: Integer;
4616 begin
4617   AFlags := [];
4618   Result := InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_virtuality, Val);
4619   if not Result then exit;
4620   case Val of
4621     DW_VIRTUALITY_none:   ;
4622     DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual:      AFlags := [sfVirtual];
4623     DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual: AFlags := [sfVirtual];
4624   end;
4625 end;
4627 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.CreateMembers;
4628 var
4629   Info: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4630   Info2: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4631 begin
4632   if FProcMembers <> nil then
4633     exit;
4634   FProcMembers := TRefCntObjList.Create;
4635   Info := InformationEntry.Clone;
4636   Info.GoChild;
4638   while Info.HasValidScope do begin
4639     if ((Info.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_formal_parameter) or (Info.AbbrevTag = DW_TAG_variable)) //and
4640        //not(Info.IsArtificial)
4641     then begin
4642       Info2 := Info.Clone;
4643       FProcMembers.Add(Info2);
4644       Info2.ReleaseReference;
4645     end;
4646     Info.GoNext;
4647   end;
4649   Info.ReleaseReference;
4650 end;
GetMembernull4652 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetMember(AIndex: Int64): TFpDbgSymbol;
4653 begin
4654   CreateMembers;
4655   FLastMember.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FLastMember, 'TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.FLastMember'){$ENDIF};
4656   FLastMember := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', TDwarfInformationEntry(FProcMembers[AIndex]));
4657   {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FLastMember.DbgRenameReference(@FLastMember, 'TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.FLastMember');{$ENDIF}
4658   Result := FLastMember;
4659 end;
GetMemberByNamenull4661 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
4662 var
4663   Info: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4664   s, s2: String;
4665   i: Integer;
4666 begin
4667   CreateMembers;
4668   s2 := LowerCase(AIndex);
4669   FLastMember.ReleaseReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FLastMember, 'TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.FLastMember'){$ENDIF};
4670   FLastMember := nil;;
4671   for i := 0 to FProcMembers.Count - 1 do begin
4672     Info := TDwarfInformationEntry(FProcMembers[i]);
4673     if Info.ReadName(s) and (LowerCase(s) = s2) then begin
4674       FLastMember := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Info);
4675       {$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}FLastMember.DbgRenameReference(@FLastMember, 'TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.FLastMember');{$ENDIF}
4676       break;
4677     end;
4678   end;
4679   Result := FLastMember;
4680 end;
GetMemberCountnull4682 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetMemberCount: Integer;
4683 begin
4684   CreateMembers;
4685   Result := FProcMembers.Count;
4686 end;
GetFrameBasenull4688 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFrameBase(ASender: TDwarfLocationExpression): TDbgPtr;
4689 var
4690   Val: TByteDynArray;
4691 begin
4692   Result := 0;
4693   if FFrameBaseParser = nil then begin
4694     //TODO: avoid copying data
4695     if not  InformationEntry.ReadValue(DW_AT_frame_base, Val) then begin
4696       // error
4697       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFrameBase failed to read DW_AT_frame_base']);
4698       exit;
4699     end;
4700     if Length(Val) = 0 then begin
4701       // error
4702       debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFrameBase failed to read DW_AT_location']);
4703       exit;
4704     end;
4706     FFrameBaseParser := TDwarfLocationExpression.Create(@Val[0], Length(Val), CompilationUnit,
4707       ASender.MemManager, ASender.Context);
4708     FFrameBaseParser.Evaluate;
4709   end;
4711   if FFrameBaseParser.ResultKind in [lseValue] then
4712     Result := FFrameBaseParser.ResultData;
4714   if IsError(FFrameBaseParser.LastError) then begin
4715     SetLastError(FFrameBaseParser.LastError);
4716     debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFrameBase location parser failed ', ErrorHandler.ErrorAsString(LastError)]);
4717   end
4718   else
4719   if Result = 0 then begin
4720     debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFrameBase location parser failed. result is 0']);
4721   end;
4723 end;
4725 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.KindNeeded;
4726 begin
4727   if TypeInfo <> nil then
4728     SetKind(skFunction)
4729   else
4730     SetKind(skProcedure);
4731 end;
4733 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.SizeNeeded;
4734 begin
4735   SetSize(FAddressInfo^.EndPC - FAddressInfo^.StartPC);
4736 end;
GetFlagsnull4738 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags;
4739 var
4740   flg: TDbgSymbolFlags;
4741 begin
4742   Result := inherited GetFlags;
4743   if ReadVirtuality(flg) then
4744     Result := Result + flg;
4745 end;
GetSelfParameternull4747 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetSelfParameter(AnAddress: TDbgPtr): TFpDwarfValue;
4748 const
4749   this1: string = 'THIS';
4750   this2: string = 'this';
4751   self1: string = '$SELF';
4752   self2: string = '$self';
4753 var
4754   InfoEntry: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4755   tg: Cardinal;
4756   found: Boolean;
4757 begin
4758   // special: search "self"
4759   // Todo nested procs
4760   Result := FSelfParameter;
4761   if Result <> nil then exit;
4763   InfoEntry := InformationEntry.Clone;
4764   //StartScopeIdx := InfoEntry.ScopeIndex;
4765   InfoEntry.GoParent;
4766   tg := InfoEntry.AbbrevTag;
4767   if (tg = DW_TAG_class_type) or (tg = DW_TAG_structure_type) then begin
4768     InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := InformationEntry.ScopeIndex;
4769     found := InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(@this1[1], @this2[1]);
4770     if not found then begin
4771       InfoEntry.ScopeIndex := InformationEntry.ScopeIndex;
4772       found := InfoEntry.GoNamedChildEx(@self1[1], @self2[1]);
4773     end;
4774     if found then begin
4775       if ((AnAddress = 0) or InfoEntry.IsAddressInStartScope(AnAddress)) and
4776          InfoEntry.IsArtificial
4777       then begin
4778         Result := TFpDwarfValue(TFpDwarfSymbolValue.CreateValueSubClass('self', InfoEntry).Value);
4779         FSelfParameter := Result;
4780         FSelfParameter.AddReference{$IFDEF WITH_REFCOUNT_DEBUG}(@FSelfParameter, 'FSelfParameter'){$ENDIF};
4781         FSelfParameter.DbgSymbol.ReleaseReference;
4782         //FSelfParameter.DbgSymbol.ParentTypeInfo := Self;
4783         debugln(FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH, ['TFpDwarfSymbolValueProc.GetSelfParameter ', InfoEntry.ScopeDebugText, DbgSName(Result)]);
4784       end;
4785     end;
4786   end;
4787   InfoEntry.ReleaseReference;
4788 end;
4790 { TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable }
GetValueAddressnull4792 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable.GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
4793   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean;
4794 begin
4795   AnAddress := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0];
4796   Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
4797   if IsInitializedLoc(AnAddress) then
4798     exit;
4799   Result := LocationFromTag(DW_AT_location, AValueObj, AnAddress);
4800   AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0] := AnAddress;
4801 end;
HasAddressnull4803 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueVariable.HasAddress: Boolean;
4804 begin
4805   Result := InformationEntry.HasAttrib(DW_AT_location);
4806 end;
4808 { TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter }
GetValueAddressnull4810 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter.GetValueAddress(AValueObj: TFpDwarfValue; out
4811   AnAddress: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean;
4812 begin
4813   AnAddress := AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0];
4814   Result := IsValidLoc(AnAddress);
4815   if IsInitializedLoc(AnAddress) then
4816     exit;
4817   Result := LocationFromTag(DW_AT_location, AValueObj, AnAddress);
4818   AValueObj.DataAddressCache[0] := AnAddress;
4819 end;
HasAddressnull4821 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter.HasAddress: Boolean;
4822 begin
4823   Result := InformationEntry.HasAttrib(DW_AT_location);
4824 end;
GetFlagsnull4826 function TFpDwarfSymbolValueParameter.GetFlags: TDbgSymbolFlags;
4827 begin
4828   Result := (inherited GetFlags) + [sfParameter];
4829 end;
4831 { TFpDwarfSymbolUnit }
4833 procedure TFpDwarfSymbolUnit.Init;
4834 begin
4835   inherited Init;
4836   SetSymbolType(stNone);
4837   SetKind(skUnit);
4838 end;
GetMemberByNamenull4840 function TFpDwarfSymbolUnit.GetMemberByName(AIndex: String): TFpDbgSymbol;
4841 var
4842   Ident: TDwarfInformationEntry;
4843 begin
4844   // Todo, param to only search external.
4845   ReleaseRefAndNil(FLastChildByName);
4846   Result := nil;
4848   Ident := InformationEntry.Clone;
4849   Ident.GoNamedChildEx(AIndex);
4850   if Ident <> nil then
4851     Result := TFpDwarfSymbol.CreateSubClass('', Ident);
4852   // No need to set ParentTypeInfo
4853   ReleaseRefAndNil(Ident);
4854   FLastChildByName := Result;
4855 end;
4857 destructor TFpDwarfSymbolUnit.Destroy;
4858 begin
4859   ReleaseRefAndNil(FLastChildByName);
4860   inherited Destroy;
4861 end;
4863 initialization
4864   DwarfSymbolClassMapList.SetDefaultMap(TFpDwarfDefaultSymbolClassMap);
4866   FPDBG_DWARF_VERBOSE       := DebugLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup('FPDBG_DWARF_VERBOSE' {$IFDEF FPDBG_DWARF_VERBOSE} , True {$ENDIF} );
4867   FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS        := DebugLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup('FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS' {$IFDEF FPDBG_DWARF_ERRORS} , True {$ENDIF} );
4869   FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH        := DebugLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup('FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH' {$IFDEF FPDBG_DWARF_SEARCH} , True {$ENDIF} );
4872 end.