1 {*****
3   Copyright (c) 2012 Michał Gawrycki (michal.gawrycki(a.t.)gmsystems.pl
4   License: modified LGPL (see 'COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt' in Lazarus directory)
6 *****}
8 unit LR_e_htmldiv;
10 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
12 interface
14 uses
15   Classes, SysUtils, LR_Class, Graphics;
17 type
18   TfrHtmlDivExport = class(TComponent)
20   end;
22   { TfrHtmlDivExportFilter }
24   TfrHtmlDivExportFilter = class(TfrExportFilter)
25   private
26     FCurPage: integer;
27     FImgCnt: Integer;
28     FPageStyle: String;
29     FExportImages: Boolean;
30     FEmbeddedImages: Boolean;
31     procedure WriteString(AValue: string);
32   public
33     constructor Create(AStream: TStream); override;
34     procedure OnBeginDoc; override;
35     procedure OnEndDoc; override;
36     procedure OnBeginPage; override;
37     procedure OnEndPage; override;
38     procedure OnData(x, y: integer; View: TfrView); override;
39     procedure OnText(x, y: integer; const Text: string; View: TfrView); override;
40     property PageStyle: String read FPageStyle write FPageStyle;
41     property ExportImages: Boolean read FExportImages write FExportImages;
42     property EmbeddedImages: Boolean read FEmbeddedImages write FEmbeddedImages;
43   end;
45 implementation
47 uses
48   base64, LR_BarC;
50 const
51   HTML_REPORT_HEADER = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">'
52     + LineEnding + '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">'
53     + LineEnding + '<head>' + LineEnding +
54     '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>' +
55     LineEnding + '<title>%s</title>' + LineEnding + '<style type="text/css">' +
56     LineEnding + '.page {position: relative;%s}' + LineEnding + '.fV {position: absolute;}'
57     + LineEnding + '</style>' + LineEnding + '</head>' + LineEnding + '<body>' + LineEnding;
58   HTML_REPORT_END = '</body></html>';
60     '<div class="page" style="width:%dpx;min-width:%0:dpx;height:%dpx;min-height:%1:dpx;">'
61     + LineEnding;
62   HTML_PAGE_END = '</div>' + LineEnding;
63   HTML_BOX = '<div class="fV" style="%s"></div>' + LineEnding;
64   HTML_IMG1 = '<img class="fV" style="%s" src="';
65   HTML_IMG2 = ' " />' + LineEnding;
66   HTML_TEXT = '<div class="fV" style="%s">%s</div>' + LineEnding;
68 type
70   { TChunkStream }
72   TChunkStream = class(TOwnerStream)
73   private
74     FPos: Integer;
75     FChunkSize: Integer;
76     FSeparator: String;
77   public
78     constructor Create(ASource: TStream);
Writenull79     function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
80     property ChunkSize: Integer read FChunkSize write FChunkSize;
81     property Separator: String read FSeparator write FSeparator;
82   end;
84 { TChunkStream }
86 constructor TChunkStream.Create(ASource: TStream);
87 begin
88   inherited Create(ASource);
89   FPos := 0;
90   FSeparator := LineEnding;
91   FChunkSize := 79;
92 end;
Writenull94 function TChunkStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
95 var
96   I: Integer;
97   J,K: Integer;
98 begin
99   Result := Count;
100   I := 0;
101   if FPos > 0 then
102   begin
103     I := FChunkSize - FPos;
104     if I > Count then
105     begin
106       Source.Write(Buffer, Count);
107       FPos := FPos + Count;
108       Exit;
109     end
110     else
111     begin
112       Source.Write(Buffer, I);
113       Source.Write(FSeparator[1], Length(FSeparator));
114       FPos := 0;
115     end;
116   end;
117   if ((Count - I) > FChunkSize) then
118     J := (Count - I) div FChunkSize
119   else
120   begin
121     Source.Write(PChar(@Buffer)[I], Count - I);
122     FPos := (Count - I);
123     Exit;
124   end;
125   for K := 0 to J - 1 do
126   begin
127     Source.Write(PChar(@Buffer)[(K * FChunkSize)], FChunkSize);
128     Source.WriteBuffer(FSeparator[1], Length(FSeparator));
129   end;
130   J := (Count - I) mod FChunkSize;
131   if J > 0 then
132   begin
133     Source.Write(PChar(@Buffer)[((K + 1) * FChunkSize)], J);
134     FPos := J;
135   end;
136 end;
138 { TfrHtmlDivExportFilter }
ColorToCSSnull140 function ColorToCSS(AColor: TColor): string;
141 begin
142   Result := Format('#%.2x%.2x%.2x', [Red(AColor), Green(AColor), Blue(AColor)]);
143 end;
SizeToCSSnull145 function SizeToCSS(X, Y, W, H: integer): string;
146 begin
147   Result := Format(
148     'width:%dpx;min-width:%0:dpx;height:%dpx;min-height:%1:dpx;left:%dpx;top:%dpx;',
149     [W, H, X, Y]);
150 end;
152 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.WriteString(AValue: string);
153 begin
154   Stream.Write(AValue[1], Length(AValue));
155 end;
157 constructor TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.Create(AStream: TStream);
158 begin
159   inherited Create(AStream);
160   FCurPage := 0;
161   FImgCnt := 0;
162   FPageStyle := '';
163   FExportImages := True;
164   FEmbeddedImages := True;
165 end;
167 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnBeginDoc;
168 begin
169   WriteString(Format(HTML_REPORT_HEADER, [CurReport.Title, FPageStyle]));
170 end;
172 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnEndDoc;
173 begin
174   WriteString(HTML_REPORT_END);
175 end;
177 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnBeginPage;
178 begin
179   Inc(FCurPage);
180   WriteString(Format(HTML_PAGE_START, [CurReport.EMFPages[FCurPage - 1]^.PrnInfo.Pgw,
181     CurReport.EMFPages[FCurPage - 1]^.PrnInfo.Pgh]));
182 end;
184 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnEndPage;
185 begin
186   WriteString(HTML_PAGE_END);
187 end;
189 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnData(x, y: integer; View: TfrView);
BorderStyleToCSSnull191   function BorderStyleToCSS: string;
192   begin
193     case View.FrameStyle of
194       frsSolid, frsDouble: Result := 'solid';
195       frsDash, frsDashDot, frsDashDotDot: Result := 'dashed';
196       frsDot: Result := 'dotted';
197     end;
198   end;
200 var
201   W, H: integer;
202   BrdW: integer;
203   BLeft, BTop, BRight, BBottom: integer;
204   St: string;
205   B64: TBase64EncodingStream;
206   Png: TPortableNetworkGraphic;
207   BCBmp: TBitmap;
208   CS: TChunkStream;
209 begin
210   W := View.dx;
211   H := View.dy;
213   BrdW := Round(View.FrameWidth);
215   if frbLeft in View.Frames then
216     BLeft := BrdW
217   else
218     BLeft := 0;
219   if frbTop in View.Frames then
220     BTop := BrdW
221   else
222     BTop := 0;
223   if frbRight in View.Frames then
224     BRight := BrdW
225   else
226     BRight := 0;
227   if frbBottom in View.Frames then
228     BBottom := BrdW
229   else
230     BBottom := 0;
232   if BLeft > 0 then
233     Dec(W, BrdW);
234   if BTop > 0 then
235     Dec(H, BrdW);
237   St := SizeToCSS(X, Y, W, H);
239   St := St + Format('border-left:%0:dpx %4:s %5:s;border-top:%1:dpx %4:s %5:s;' +
240     'border-right:%2:dpx %4:s %5:s;border-bottom:%3:dpx %4:s %5:s;',
241     [BLeft, BTop, BRight, BBottom, BorderStyleToCSS, ColorToCSS(View.FrameColor)]);
243   if View.FillColor <> clNone then
244     St := St + 'background-color:' + ColorToCSS(View.FillColor) + ';';
246   if ExportImages and ((View is TfrPictureView) or (View is TfrCustomBarCodeView)) then
247   begin
248     WriteString(Format(HTML_IMG1, [St]));
249     Inc(FImgCnt);
250     if EmbeddedImages then
251       WriteString('data:image/png;base64,')
252     else
253       WriteString(ExtractFileName(TFileStream(Stream).FileName) + '_image_' + IntToStr(FImgCnt) + '.png');
254     Png := TPortableNetworkGraphic.Create;
255     if EmbeddedImages then
256     begin
257       CS := TChunkStream.Create(Stream);
258       B64 := TBase64EncodingStream.Create(CS);
259     end;
260     if View is TfrCustomBarCodeView then
261     begin
262       BCBmp := TfrCustomBarCodeView(View).GenerateBitmap;
263       Png.Assign(BCBmp);
264       BCBmp.Free;
265     end
266     else
267       if View is TfrPictureView then
268       begin
269         Png.SetSize(View.dx, View.dy);
270         if TfrPictureView(View).Stretched then
271           Png.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, View.dx, View.dy), TfrPictureView(View).Picture.Graphic)
272         else
273           Png.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TfrPictureView(View).Picture.Graphic);
274       end;
275     if EmbeddedImages then
276     begin
277       Png.SaveToStream(B64);
278       B64.Flush;
279       B64.Free;
280       CS.Free;
281     end
282     else
283       Png.SaveToFile(TFileStream(Stream).FileName + '_image_' + IntToStr(FImgCnt) + '.png');
284     Png.Free;
285     WriteString(HTML_IMG2);
286   end
287   else
288     WriteString(Format(HTML_BOX, [St]));
289 end;
291 procedure TfrHtmlDivExportFilter.OnText(x, y: integer; const Text: string; View: TfrView);
292 var
293   St: string;
294 begin
295   if Trim(Text) = '' then
296     Exit;
297   St := SizeToCSS(X, Y, View.dx, View.dy);
298   if View is TfrMemoView then
299   begin
300     St := St + 'font-family:''' + TfrMemoView(View).Font.Name +
301       ''';font-size:' + IntToStr(TfrMemoView(View).Font.Size) +
302       'pt;color:' + ColorToCSS(TfrMemoView(View).Font.Color) + ';';
303     if fsBold in TfrMemoView(View).Font.Style then
304       St := St + 'font-weight:bold;';
305     if fsItalic in TfrMemoView(View).Font.Style then
306       St := St + 'font-style:italic;';
307     if fsUnderline in TfrMemoView(View).Font.Style then
308       St := St + 'text-decoration:underline;';
309     St := St + 'text-align:';
310     case TfrMemoView(View).Alignment of
311       taLeftJustify: St := St + 'left;';
312       taCenter: St := St + 'center;';
313       taRightJustify: St := St + 'right;';
314     end;
315   end;
316   WriteString(Format(HTML_TEXT, [St, Text]));
317 end;
319 initialization
320   frRegisterExportFilter(TfrHtmlDivExportFilter, 'HTML (div-based)  (*.html)', '*.html');
322 end.